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Page 1: Pitta Yoga Poses

Pitta Yoga Poses: Child’s Pose

Child's Pose / Balasana Begin on your hands and knees. Bring the big toes together and separate the knees a little wider than hip distance.

On an exhalation glide your hips back to sit on the heels. Place the forehead on the floor and rest the arms along

side your body. If this is uncomfortable for the knees place blankets, a bolster or pillows under your torso.

Pitta Focus:

Breathe into the back body. Notice your breath in the low back, the mid back and the upper back. Feel the low back

inflate, the rib cage open and the shoulder blades broaden.


Stretches the spine and back muscles. Calms the nervous system. Gently massages the digestive and pelvic organs.

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Child's Pose Flow From childs pose, inhale to return to hands and knees. On your next inhalation, lift the upper body to come to a

kneeling position. Extend the arms out in front of you and then over head. Keep the gaze at or below the horizon.

On the exhalation reach the upper body to the right as you lower the hips to the heels. Your arms extend on the

floor away from your hips. Breathe into the opening along the left side body. Inhale to return back to a kneeling

stance with arms overhead and then exhale taking the pose to the left side. Repeat several times coordinating the

breath with your movement.

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Pitta Focus:

Surrender your body to the exhalation. Enjoy the simplicity of the pose and gentle opening of the side body.


Stretches the intercostal muscles, gently ignites agni and brings awareness to the back body thus relieving held


Free The Cat and Cow Return to the hands and knees position. Spread the fingers wide as you plant them on the floor with your wrists

under your shoulders. Inhale to round the spine as you playfully imitate a Halloween cat. Exhale to rhythmically

transition into an arched spine as you let your belly spill out toward the floor, roll the shoulders back and together

and reach your tailbone up in the air. Maneuver back and forth several times with the breath. As you find a fun and

light hearted rhythm, let your body explore the pose with great freedom and fluidity while moving in all directions.

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Pitta Focus:

Contract the abdominal muscles on the inhalation by drawing your navel towards your spine and release the

muscles as you exhale. This action provides a deep massage for the digestive organs and balances agni.


Increases spinal flexibility, relieves tension in the back (especially the shoulders and neck) and tones the abdomen.

Mountain Pose / Tadasana

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Stand with your feet hip distance apart. Arms rest along side your body as you extend the fingers towards the floor.

Drop the shoulders and lift the heart. Make sure that the floating ribs are not sticking out. Let the chin tilt slightly

towards the chest to lengthen the neck. Reach the crown of the head up and ground down through the feet. Press

through the big toe and outer legs. Internally rotate the femurs to give the sacrum space. Lengthen your tailbone.

Pitta Focus:

Avoid sticking the ribs out, bring them back into your body. Lengthen the back of the neck by lowering the chin

and slightly drawing it in. Focus on the internal gaze rather than the external.


Increases focus, concentration and balance.

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Pitta Yoga Poses: Moon Salutation Begin in mountain pose with your palms together at the heart (Anjali mudra). Extend the arms out in front of you

and then overhead on your inhalation. Palms face one another. Exhale to float into a forward bend. Feel free to

bend the knees. Inhale to bend the knees deeply as you lift the heels off the ground and lower into a squat. The

hands meet at the heart. Bring the hands and heels to the floor as you exhale and step your left foot back into a

lunge. Keep the right knee directly above or behind the right foot. Lower the left knee to the floor and keep the toes

tucked as you press through the heel of the left foot. Inhale to bring the arms in front of you and then extend them

overhead. Exhale to shift your body into childs pose keeping the toes tucked (feet flexed). In childs pose, extend

the arms out in front of you. Inhale to glide the chest through the arms shining your heart out in front of you.

Exhale back to childs pose. With toes tucked under, inhale to roll up through your spine as you lift the torso off the

thighs coming into a kneeling position. Sweep the arms out in front and overhead. Exhale to connect the hands to

the earth and come into a lunge with the right leg extended behind you. Gently lower the right knee to the ground.

Inhale to open the torso and extend the arms out in front and overhead. Exhale to lower the hands, step the right

foot hip distance away from the left. Inhale to slowly rise up bringing the arms out in front and over head. Bring

the palms together, lower the hands to your heart and return to center.

Palms Together

Arms Overhead

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Exhale Bending at Waist

Forward Fold

Squat with Hands Together


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Arms Overhead

Childs Pose

Glide to Upward Facing Dog

Childs Pose

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Inhale and Roll Spine

Inhale and Roll Spine

Kneeling Position


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Tuck Toes Under

Forward Fold

Arms Overhead

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Return to Hands at Heart

Pitta Focus:

Gaze should remain at or below the horizon throughout the salutation and emphasis is on the internal gaze rather

than external. Back of the neck stays long and ribs draw back into the body. Practice the moon salutation slowly

and rhythmically.


Warms up the joints and stretches the entire body while creating a cooling effect. Increases the functioning and

balance of the circulatory, respiratory, immune, endocrine, digestive, musculo-skeletal and nervous systems.

Chair / Utkatasana Begin in mountain pose with your feet hip distance apart, toes turned slightly in. Internally rotate your femurs and

on an exhalation bend the knees and come to sit in an imaginary chair. On an inhalation, reach the arms out in front

of you and hold them at a level that does not aggravate or build too much heat for you. Breathe fully and lengthen

your exhalation.

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Pitta Focus:

Breathe into the back of your body. Release the posture before you feel a lot of heat building up. You can always

come back into it. Remind yourself to have a relaxed effort in the pose. Rather than holding the posture for a period

of time, remain fluid and come in and out of the pose with your breath for several repetitions.


Builds strength in the thighs and abdomen as well as building lung capacity and stamina.

Revolved Chair / Parivrtta Utkatasana Begin in mountain pose with your feet hip distance apart, toes turned slightly in. Internally rotate your femurs and

on an exhalation bend the knees and come to sit in an imaginary chair. On an inhalation, bring the palms together

at the heart and lengthen your spine. On the exhalation, twist from the lower abdomen to the right as you place the

left elbow across the right thigh pressing the thigh into the left arm and the left arm into the right thigh. Take a few

breaths before inhaling to rise back up to center and then take the twist to the left side.

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Pitta Focus:

Contract and release the abdominal muscles as you breathe into the twist. Imagine the twist wringing your insides

out of any excess heat or toxins.


Releases stagnation, increases flexibility in the spine, improves digestion and strengthens the thighs and abdomen.

Standing Forward Fold / Uttanasana Standing Forward Fold/UttanasanaFrom mountain pose, inhale to lengthen the spine and exhale to reach the torso

out of the hips as you begin to lower the upper body over the lower body. As your upper body releases further

down bring the left hand to the right elbow and the right hand to the left elbow. Feel free to bend the knees if there

is discomfort behind the knees or if the hamstrings feel too much of a stretch.

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Pitta Focus:

Surrender to the pose. Allow your exhalation to guide you comfortably in the pose and imagine your thoughts are

pouring out of the crown of your head. Be patient with your bodys limitations.


Increases flexibility in the hamstrings and spine, calms and cools the mind, improves digestion, slows the heart and

nourishes the brain cells.

Side Angle / Parsvakonasana Begin by standing at the top of your mat and on an exhalation, step the left foot back. Turn the upper body to the

left. The stance is wide and when you extend your arms out straight from the shoulders, your right ankle should be

below your right wrist and the left ankle should be below the left wrist. Rotate the left foot in about 45 degrees.

With the arms extended laterally, inhale fully to expand the side body and exhale as you lunge into the right leg.

Inhale to lengthen the right rib cage over the right thigh. Exhale to bring the right forearm to the top of the right

thigh and bring the left hand to the left hip. Use the inhalation to open and rotate the rib cage and heart up towards

the ceiling and exhale to lunge a little deeper. Enjoy a few breaths here before taking the pose to the other side.

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Pitta Focus:

Breathe into the side body. Find a balance of relaxation and effort.


Builds strength, stamina and focus. Aids digestion and increases lung capacity.

Revolved Side Angle / Parivrtta Parshvakonasana Begin by standing at the top of your mat and on an exhalation, step the left foot back. The stance is wide and when

you extend your arms laterally, your right ankle should be below your right wrist and the left ankle should be

below the left wrist. Turn the left foot in about 45 degrees. With the arms extended, inhale fully to expand the side

body and exhale as you lunge into the right leg. Bring the right hand to the right hip and raise the left arm

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overhead. Inhale to find length in the torso and as you exhale begin to twist over to the right. Bring the left elbow

across the right thigh. Place the right palm atop the left and press the hands together. Feel free to lift the left heel

off the floor. This will encourage a deeper twist and help with balance. Breathe here before alternating sides.

Pitta Focus:

Wringing out your insides. Use the breath to massage the internal organs. Keep the gaze at or below the horizon

and focus on how the pose feels internally rather than what it looks like externally.


Detoxifying, aids digestion, builds strength in the legs and rejuvenates the abdomen with a fresh supply of blood.

Cobra / Bhujangasana

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Lie on your stomach and place the hands underneath the shoulders. Inhale to roll the shoulders back, lift the chest,

lengthen the tailbone and find your gaze at the horizon or below. Lower down on an exhalation. Repeat several

times with inhalation and exhalation.

Pitta Focus:

Opening the solar plexus. Avoid griping the buttocks and reach out of the lower back. Keep the chin slightly drawn

in towards the chest.


Strengthens the muscles of the back, stretches the spine, opens the chest and shoulders and massages the abdominal

and pelvic area.

Locust Prep / Salabhasana Lie on your belly, forehead to the floor and arms resting on the ground over head. Separate the legs about hip

distance and then internally rotate the legs to that the big toes come to touch. Take a deep breath in and on the

exhalation lift out of the lower body as the torso rises off the ground and the arms sweep out to the sides, palms

facing the floor. Take a few breathes and then return to the ground. Rest for a breath or two and when you are

ready, bring the arms out to the sides, making a T with the body. On an exhalation lift the legs off the floor. Take a

few breaths and lower on an exhalation. Repeat the pattern several times.

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Pitta Focus:

Gaze is at or below the horizon and the chin is slightly tilted downwards to avoid shortening the back of the neck.

Work at 80% effort.


Strengthens the abdominal muscles, spine, buttocks and thighs. Stimulates digestion.

Boat Prep / Navasana Sitting upright with a long spine and open heart, bend the knees and bring the hands behind the thighs. Roll the

shoulders back, tuck the chin in towards the chest and keep the spine erect. With a deep breath in, lift the feet off

the ground. As you breathe here, keep the spine long and draw the shoulder blades together.

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Pitta Focus:

Keep the chin slightly tucked towards the chest. Release the pose when your body is ready.

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Leg Lifts Lie down on your back and extend the arms out to the sides like a T. Press the palms into the ground. Flex the feet

and engage the legs. Inhale to lift the left leg off the ground towards a 90 degree angle. Exhale to slowly lower.

Inhale to reach the right leg up and exhale to lower it. If the low back is straining, then bring your hands

underneath your sacrum and/or bend the knee. Take several repetitions on each side.

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Pitta Focus:

Secure the lower back to the floor. Let your breath guide the movement.


Strengthens the core muscles and builds agni.

Bicycle Lie on your back and place your hands behind your head. Bend your knees bringing the feet off the floor so that

your calves are parallel to the earth. Keep the elbows wide as you inhale to lift the upper back off the ground and

reach your left elbow to the right knee. Exhale to return to center. Inhale to reach the right elbow to the left knee.

Alternate sides for several rounds.

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Pitta Focus:

Practice with ease rather than intensity. Keep the chin slightly tucked and the chest open.


Builds and balances agni.

Bridge / Setubandha

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Lie on your back, bend the knees and bring your feet to the floor a little wider than hip distance. Turn the feet in

slightly and internally rotate the thighs. Reach the arms along side the body pressing the palms into the floor.

Elongate your neck by slightly tucking the chin towards the chest and press through the crown of your head. On an

inhalation, begin to lift the hips. Use your breath, let the front of the body open and breathe along the solar plexus.

Exhale to slowly lower down. Repeat as a flow; inhaling the hips off the floor and exhaling to lower.

Pitta Focus:

Lengthen the back of the neck and draw your gaze inward. Let the breath open the solar plexus.


Increases flexibility of the spine, improves functioning of the endocrine and nervous system and helps to balance

disorders in the digestive, reproductive and gastrointestinal tract.

Half Shoulder Stand / Ardha Sarvangasana It is a good idea to practice this pose with the assistance of a folded blanket. The pose begins by lying on your back

with the legs extended on the ground and the arms along side your body palms facing down. Place the folded

blanket under your back so that you have the folded edge at the base of the neck. Your neck should have space

between it and the floor. This protects the cervical spine and allows the neck to be long and the throat open. Press

the arms into the earth and with a deep breath in, reach the legs up to 90 degrees. Lift the hips off the floor as you

place your hands onto the space next to your sacrum (the sacrum is the wide flat bone at the base of your spine).

Extend the legs straight at 45 degrees. Flex the feet and work to bring the elbows close into the body in order to

further roll the shoulders underneath you. Hold for as many breaths as is comfortable for you. To release the pose,

bring the arms back along side your body and engage the abdomen as you gently roll each vertebrae to the floor

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until the hips rest on the ground. Slowly lower the legs as you keep the abdomen engaged. If you feel any

compression on the neck, do not practice this pose.

Pitta Focus:

Breathe fully and be gentle. Encourage the opening at the solar plexus by bringing the elbows into the body so you

can roll the shoulder blades closer together.


Tones the abdominal organs, soothes headaches, stimulates the thyroid, activates the parasympathetic nervous

system, creates space in the chest and uplifts to the spirit.

Supine Twist Lie flat on your back, bend the knees and lift the feet off the floor. The calves should be parallel to the ground. Flex

your feet and extend the arms out to the sides like a "T. Press the palms into the ground. Take a deep breath feeling

your back body expand into the earth. On the exhalation, guide the knees/legs to the left side coming into a twist.

Use the breath to create more space between the right shoulder and right hip. The right shoulder should connect to

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the ground. If it has a tendency to rise up then place blankets under the legs. Enjoy several breaths before inhaling

back up to center and exhaling the legs to the right side.

Pitta Focus:

Breathing fully into the belly. Make sure the back of the neck is extended. Enjoy the sensation of letting go into the

pose on your exhalation.


Increases spinal flexibility, invigorates the internal organs and relieves backache.

Intense Westward Stretch / Pashimottanasana Sit up with an elongated spine and stretch the legs out in front of your body. Engage the legs by hugging the

muscles to the bones and flex the feet. On an inhalation, reach the arms overhead and exhale to hinge at the hips

extending the torso over the legs. Pay careful attention to your spine. The spine should be elongated in this pose as

opposed to round. Place your hands on the thighs, calves or feet. It is more important to have a long extended spine

in this pose rather than trying to touch your toes.

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Pitta Focus:

Surrender to the pose and have compassion for your bodys limitations. Breathe into the back of the body and

extend your exhalation. Enjoy the internal sensations that arise.


Stretches the hamstrings, calms the mind, tones the spine and compresses the abdominal organs.

Corpse Pose / Savasana Relax into the floor as you lie on your back with legs extended and slightly parted. Arms will rest along side the

body with some space between the arm pits and the torso and palms face up. If you desire, place a blanket under

the head. Relax your body, close your eyes and observe your breath. Notice your breath becoming slower and

softer. Let your thoughts and worries exit on every exhalation and begin to enjoy the silence and stillness of your

mind. Allow yourself to go into a state of pure relaxation while maintaining consciousness.

Pitta Focus:

Remember that there is nothing to do in savasana. Simply enjoy the act of doing nothing at all. Maintain a

comfortable body temperature. Rest the eyes by using an eye pillow. As the body relaxes it cools quickly and even

as a hot pitta it is important to avoid getting cold in savasana.


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Complete relaxation. Releases physical and mental tension, improves immunity and allows your body to integrate

your yoga practice.

Full Yogic Breath or Three Part Breath Find a comfortable seated position. Take a slow deep breath into the belly. Feel the breath expand the skin of the

belly laterally, outward and downward. After your belly becomes full, guide the breath into the rib cage. Feel the

rib cage expand laterally like an accordion. Moving from the ribs, draw the breath into the chest. The heart and

collarbones will rise. To release the breath, expel the breath from the chest then the rib cage and lastly the belly.

Take several rounds of the three part breath.

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Pitta Focus:

Lengthening your exhalation and feeling the breath in your back body.


Calms the nervous system, slows the mind, cultivates awareness, and increases lung capacity.

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