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Best Yoga Poses for Women Costa Rica Yoga and Wellness in the Rainforest Replenish Your Vitality with Costa Rica Yoga . http://

Best Yoga Poses for Women

May 07, 2015


Health & Medicine

Pranamar Villas shows you the Best Yoga Poses for Women during your Costa Rica Yoga Vacation or Retreat
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Page 1: Best Yoga Poses for Women

Best Yoga Poses for Women

Costa Rica Yoga and Wellness in the Rainforest

Replenish Your Vitality with Costa Rica Yoga.

Page 2: Best Yoga Poses for Women

Child’s pose | Balasana In this asana, the body faces the floor in a fetal position. The knees and hips are bent

with the shins on the floor. The chest can rest either on the knees or the knees can be spread to about the width of a yoga mat, allowing the chest to go between the knees. The head is stretched forward towards the ground - the forehead may touch the ground. The arms may be stretched forward in front of the head or backwards towards the feet. This go-to rest pose opens hips and relieves lower back tightness

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Downward-facing dog | Adho Mukha Svanasana The preparatory position is with the hands and knees on the floor, hands under the

shoulders, fingers spread wide, knees under the hips and typically about seven inches (17 cm) apart, with the spine straightened and relaxed. On a deep exhale, the hips are pushed toward the ceiling, the body forming an inverted V-shape. The back is straight with the front ribs tucked in. The legs are straight with the heels reaching to the floor. The hands are open like starfish, keeping the forefinger and thumb pressing down on the floor/mat. The arms are straight, with the inner elbows turning towards the ceiling. If one has the tendency to hyper extend elbows, keeping a microbend to the elbows prevents taking the weight in the joints. Turning the elbows up towards the ceiling will engage the triceps and build strength. Down-dog is a top-notch upper body-strengthener. And as an inversion (meaning your hips are higher than your heart), it increases circulation.

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Warrior II | Virabhadrasana II Stretches hips, inner thighs, chest; strengthens quadriceps, abdomen, shoulders

1. From standing, step your feet about one metre apart. Turn your right foot so the toes point toward the front of your mat. Turn your left foot in 30 degrees.

2. Raise your arms to shoulder height, parallel with the floor, palms facing down. Bend your right knee so your right shin and thigh form a 90-degree angle.

3. Gently tuck your tailbone down as you draw your abdomen in. Hold for five deep breaths in and out through the nose. Straighten the right leg and repeat on the opposite side.

Why it is good for you: This powerful pose will grant you long, lean, toned arms and legs, as well as a firmer core.

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Plank pose | Kumbhakasana is an arm balancing yoga pose that tones the abdominal muscles while strengthening the

arms and spine. Its name comes from the Sanskrit words "kumbhak," which means "breath retention," and "asana," which means "pose." In the traditional practice of this pose, you would hold your breath for a brief moment before lowering your body into the low push-up position . Why it is good for you: Plank is a simple but challenging way to build upper body strength – it works all of the major muscles in your arms, back and core and requires only your bodyweight.

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Fierce pose | Chair Pose| Utkatasana This asana increases strength, balance and stability. The hamstrings, quadriceps, gluteal

muscles, and the erector spinae muscles of the back are exercised and strengthened. The erector muscles contract isometrically to keep the normal curvature of the spine. The anterior lower leg muscles are also strengthened and developed. These include the tibialis anterior, extensor hallucis longus, extensor digitorum longus, and peroneus tertius. This group of muscles primarily extends the toes and dorsiflexes the ankle and are used for balance and stability. Why it is good for you :This pose is injury insurance, strengthening quadriceps, which provides stronger support around your knees, making them less prone to injury. Fierce pose also improves posture.

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Tree pose | Vriksasana

From Tadasana, weight is shifted to one leg, for example, starting with the left leg. The entire sole of the foot remains in contact with the floor. The right knee is bent and the right foot placed on the left inner thigh, or in half lotus position. With the toes of the right foot pointing directly down, the left foot, center of the pelvis, shoulders and head are all vertically aligned. Hands are typically held above the head either pointed directly upwards and unclasped, or clasped together in anjali mudra. Why it is good for you: On days when your mind feels scattered, practice this pose to get centered.

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Garland pose | MalasanaThe asana is a squat with heels flat on the floor and hip-width apart (or slightly wider if necessary), toes pointing out on a diagonal. The torso is brought forward between the thighs, elbows are braced against the inside of the knees, and the hands press together in front of the chest in Añjali Mudrā. Why it is good for you: Drop into this squat to relieve tummy troubles like constipation and cramps.

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Boat pose | Navasana The body comes into a V-shape, balancing entirely on the buttocks. In different variations

and traditions, the arms legs and torso may take different positions. In Paripurna Navasana, the legs and back are lifted high and arms extend forward and parallel to the ground. In Arda Navasana, hands interlace behind the neck and both back and shoulders are closer to the ground. Why it is good for you : Boast a bulletproof core without straining your neck like crunches do.

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Half lord of the fishes | Ardha Matsyendrasana

One foot is placed flat on the floor outside the opposite leg and torso twists toward the top leg. The bottom leg may be bent with the foot outside the opposite hip, or extended with toes vertical. The arms help leverage the torso into the twist and may be bound (Baddha Ardha Matsyendrasana) in a number of configurations by clutching either feet or opposite hands. Why it is good for you :This pose massages, improves digestion, and increases blood flow in the lower tummy.

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Sethubandasana | Bridge pose

Stretches front of body; strengthens hamstrings, glutes

1. Lying on your back, bend your knees and place the soles of your feet flat on the floor about hip-width apart. Toes point straight to the wall in front of you. Place arms straight along your sides, palms down.

2. Gently press into your feet as you raise hips to the sky. Allow the front of your body to slowly expand with each breath. Hold for five to 10 breaths. Repeat three times.

Why it is good for you: Bridge opens the chest and ribcage, deepening the breath, and with more oxygen you can re-energise the body.