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1- Describe the canine relationship

<Q> (dent463_final200620073_fig01)The canine relationship is: <C> Class I<C> Half unite Class II<C+> Full unite class II<C> Half unite Class III<C> Full unite class III

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2-Identify the problem in the upper arch.3- What is the treatment?

<Q> (dent463_final200620073_fig02)The Problem in the upper arch is: <C> Impaction<C> Delayed eruption<C+> Infraocclusion<C> traumatic intrusion <Q>(dent463_final200620073_fig02)The treatment for the problem in the upper arch is: <C> Nothing<C+> Observation<C> Extraction<C> Extrusion

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4- what is this functional appliance?5-what is it used for?

<Q>(dent463_final200620073_fig03)The appliance shown in the picture is<C+> Twin block<C> Andersen<C> Bionater<C> Franckle II  <Q>(dent463_final200620073_fig03)The main effect for the appliance shown in the picture is<C> restrict maxillary growth<C> enhance mandibular growth <C> procline lower incisors<C+> retrocline upper incisors

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6+7 List 2 occlusal features you are likely to find in this patient

<Q>(dent463_final200620073_fig04) The malocclusion most likely to be seen in this patient is <C+> open bite<C> anterior cross bite<C> posterior cross bite<C> increased over jet  <Q>(dent463_final200620073_fig04) The best time for treating this habit is:<C> 3 years<C> 5 years<C+> 7 years<C> 9 years  

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8- Beside esthetics give another reason to treat this malocclusion

2-Infraocclusion3- Observation

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9-what is the anomaly in the lateral incisor?

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10+11 give 2 types of active components in this removable appliance

<Q>(dent463_final200620073_fig05) how many types of active components could be seen in this removable appliance:<C> 1 <C+> 2<C> 3<C> 4 <Q>(dent463_final200620073_fig05) The type of anchorage that could be seen in this removable appliance is:<C> reciprocal <C+> stationary<C> extra-oral<C> Two answers are correct <Q>(dent463_final200620073_fig05) anchorage loss during the use of this removable appliance is manifested as:<C> increase in the overjet <C> change in the molar relationship<C> change in the canine relationship<C+> Two answers are correct<C> all the above

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12 Describe (orthodontically) the lips of this patient

<Q>(dent463_final200620073_fig06) The lips of this patient is:<C> competent <C+> potentially competent<C> incompetent<C> potentially incompetent

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13- What is the incisor relationship

<Q>(dent463_final200620073_fig07) The incisor relationship is:<C> Class I<C> Class II division 1<C+> Class II division 2<C> Class III

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14- Describe the profile of this patient15- what is the anteroposterior skeletal relationship

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16 what is the active component in this removable appliance?17 how it is activated?

<Q>(dent463_final200620073_fig08) this is:<C> rapid expansion screw <C> hyrax screw<C> upper part of twin block<C+> mid-palatal expansion screw <Q>(dent463_final200620073_fig08) one opening of this screw will give an expansion of:<C+> 0.25 mm <C> 0.5 mm<C> 1 mm<C+> 2 mm

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18 what is this?19 give one indication for its use20 give one disadvantage

<Q>(dent463_final200620073_fig09) this is:<C> first generation permanent retainer <C+> second generation permanent retainer<C> third generation permanent retainer<C> fourth generation permanent retainer <Q>(dent463_final200620073_fig09) this is indicated in cases of:<C> rotated lower incisors <C> spaced lower incisors<C> where lower incisors were orthodontically proclined<C> two answers are correct<C+> all the above

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21 what is the incisor relationship

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22+23 list 2 orthodontic problems in the upper arch

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24 what is the name of this appliance?25 what does it used for?

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26 what is the most likely cause for delayed eruption of the upper central incisor?

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27 what is indicated by the arrow?

<Q>(dent463_final200620073_fig10) the line indicated by the arrow is:<C> mandibular plane <C> maxillary plane<C+> Frankfort plane <C> S-N line

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28 what facial deformity could be seen in these radiographs

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29- what is the position of the impacted canine relative to the line of the arch?30- what is the name of this radiographic localization technique?31- give one possible etiological factor for this impaction

<Q>(dent463_final200620073_fig11) the position of this imacted canine is:<C> buccal <C+> palatal<C> in line of the arch

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32 what is this appliance?33 what does it used for?

<Q>(dent463_final200620073_fig12) this is:<C> bonded rapid expansion screw <C+> banded rapid expansion screw<C> mid-palatal expansion screw <Q>(dent463_final200620073_fig12) the expansion resulted from this appliance is:<C> dental <C+> skeletal <Q>(dent463_final200620073_fig12) This appliance is opened:<C> once a week <C> twice a week<C> once a day <C+> twice a day

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34 what is the dental anomaly?35 what is the name of the surgical exposure technique36 give on advantage of this technique37 give one disadvantage

<Q>(dent463_final200620073_fig13) this exposure method is:<C> open exposure <C+> closed exposure

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38 can we retract this canine with removable appliance39 why?40 what active component would you use if you can?

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41+42 what are the treatment options for missing lower second premolar?

<Q>(dent463_final200620073_fig14) the incisor relationship is:<C> Class I<C> Class II division 1<C+> Class II division 2<C> Class III <Q>(dent463_final200620073_fig14) the best treatment for the missing lower second premolars in this case is to:<C+> close the space<C> open the space  

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43 what do we call the condition affected the upper left central incisor?

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44-What is the treatment option for these missing lower incisors ( open or close space)?

<Q>(dent463_final200620073_fig15) the best treatment for the missing lower incisors in this case is to:<C> close the space<C+> open the space

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45+ 46 give two possible aetiological factors for mid line diastema

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47 What is the abnormality here?48 give one possible cause?