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Page 1: Nine frame structure analysis on opening sequence of a film

Elise Hurst

Analysis of film opening of film in your genre.

Include analysis of cinematography.

Page 2: Nine frame structure analysis on opening sequence of a film

LORD OF WAR.During the opening sequence, the audience trace the path of a bullet from production to its entry into a human body. This incredible opening for Lord of War. In this you see its in a factor which hits to the mystery, you cant tell this is a thriller movie by the first few seconds, but leads you to wonder what is happening and where this is.

Page 3: Nine frame structure analysis on opening sequence of a film

The low angle shot shows the whole picture of where the camera is, in the bullet production factory. The use of a low angle shot could show that the bullet has power over people, as its kind of at a higher status as it has the most power. The affect this has is that it relates more to a thriller film as a common theme in a thriller film is violence and violence is hinted when a bullet or gun is shown.

Page 4: Nine frame structure analysis on opening sequence of a film

The first view of the title is simple but has full capitals shows that it is giving more hints to the audience. The factory in the back ground is sill relating to the fact that we are following a bullet through the stages of the production. This also creates a sense of mystery as there is quite dark background colours.

Page 5: Nine frame structure analysis on opening sequence of a film

The people in this shot are in uniform which means they are working for the company which the bullets are being produced by, the dark background behind the names make them stand out. The different rooms and sections of the factory make it interesting for the audience as they wonder what is going to happen next.

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The shot this is using makes it more intresting and shows that the camera is following the one bullet completely, the fact that you can see the man examining the bullet through his fingers is really clever. The dirt on his fingers hints that the job he is doing is very time consuming and hard work.

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This is showing the audience that the bullets have travelled and now on a ship, the use of the man wearing uniform shows the importance this bullet might have. Violence is also key and that is a key theme of a thriller.

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The effect of the bullet falling, shows the audience where about it is, the palm trees hint to the audience that it is in a hot country. The use of the bullet rolling along the floor and then someone picking it up shows the importance of every bullet during war. War is also a key theme of a thriller film.

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The close up shot of the fingers loading the gun highlights the importance of every last bullet and shows how much use it would be. The gun highlights the thriller genre, and makes us (the audience) wonder who the man loading the gun is going to shoot and why. This makes the audience want to carry on watching.

Page 10: Nine frame structure analysis on opening sequence of a film

This shows the final part of the bullets travel, going into this boys head. This is a thriller genre as it has violence. The background shows a poor background in a hot country because of the sunlight. This makes the audience want to carry on watching as they don’t know why this is happening to this young man that looks more like a boy than a man.

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