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My first Water Rebirth Cacey Kusham Blackburn – Dip. Couns

Water Rebirthing was something I put off for 13 years so I knew it was something I had quite a lot of fear about doing. My first session was absolutely amazing. It was a very clear picture of how I felt being born, Pauline said I was able to go very deep because I had done hundreds of dry Rebirthing sessions and this was good preparation for being able to have great experiences in my water sessions because I had developed a deep level of ‘safety’ with breathing. A huge amount of fear surfaced and I had a very clear recollection of how scared my mother was in the Birth. Also there was the real possibility I was going to die due to my long, complicated labour. I felt she unconsciously didn’t want me and that I was coming into a very dangerous and hostile world where someone might ‘kill me’ or ‘get me.’ I had absolutely no trust! This was a major theme in my life. ‘I’m not supposed to be here, I’m not safe, etc.’ It was deeply profound to feel the extent of these feelings and to safely ‘birth’ myself with with Pauline Win over the 10 sessions in the water. There were so many amazing experiences and releases.- I have been inspired to write a write a book about it called ’10 Water Rebirths’. I feel deeply grateful to myself for being courageous enough to allow all of this to allow all of this to surface and integrate. I feel like a completely safe, trusting, calmer and more grounded person. I am receiving more of life and love and my breathing mechanism has changed in an indescribable way. I feel free. I am deeply grateful to Pauline for supporting me through my ‘long, hard labour!’ At times it was very funny and I love my mother a lot more now that I have released a lot of that suppressed material. I’m looking forward to breathing in the bath every day and Rebirthing my private clients in the water when they are ready. Look out for my book. I’m so excited to share my experience and inspire others to commit to the Rebirthing sessions they need in order to feel safe enough in their body and their breathing to go into the water Rebirthing sessions and have these profound, peaceful and liberating experiences. Bhole Baba Ki Jai!

Lots of love.

Cacey Kushum Blackburn

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Profile: Anne Marie Denney Boyd

1. Where do you live and who do you live with? I live in spring and summer in Australia in Northern New South Wales at Huonbrook near Mullumbimby. I have friends from the US come stay with me for summer and also family members. I have my own private dhuni and everyone who stays has their own dhuni. I travel overseas in autumn and winter. 2. Who or what inspired you to become a Rebirther/Breathworker. Leonard Orr, Pauline Win and Heike Strombach inspired me to become a professional Rebirther. 3. Who have you done Rebirther/Breathwork training with? Babaji, Agastar, Leonard Orr, Pauline Win, Heike Strombach, Sondra Ray, Yashoda Descharnes, Peace Arnold, Fanny de Leur, Bob Frissell. 4. What benefits have you and your family received from Rebirthing/Breathwork? Every wondrous benefit possible. Health, many solid ongoing friendships, many travelling opportunities. A great variety of exciting adventurous opportunities. 5. Does Rebirthing/Breathwork present any challenges for you and/or your family In daily life? No. It’s the ordinary people in the towns and cities, who have their ‘death urge’ hanging out all over the place and they don’t want to do anything about it, that I have a challenge with. 6. How do you use Rebirthing/Breathwork to add value to your life and the lives of your clients? It is my whole life and my clients get that from me. Improvements in all aspects of their lives.

7. Your 60 second plug for Rebirthing/Breathwork is … Rebirthing/Breathwork has 2 aspects;the 1st is Learning to consciously breathe energy as well as air,which is everyones BIRTH RIGHT. The 2nd.aspect is to unravel our birth/death cycle. So I’ve made it my job to try and let everyone in my life know this in anyway I can. To breathe energy as well as air in a Cycle of 1 to 1½ hours is the fastest most profound and efficient method to heal a persons’ emotional energy pollution. It takes the ‘charge’ out of the ‘contracted cells’ full of this EEP, which accumulates in the physical body, the energy body and the breathing mechanism. Other modalities of healing these repressed painful memories, which also have a physical, emotional and a mental component, do not address all these aspects at the same time. That is why God/Creator gave us this ability in the first place. This ability has been damaged by hospital Birthing practices, unless the baby has a LOTUS birth and then by everyone the child comes in contact with afterwards, because anyone who has emotional energypollution contaminates the baby. This is very essential information;”the cleanest energy body always absorbs the polluted energy by a cosmic osmosis. This is how little babies and children get contaminated......This continues until the soul re-learns this ‘ability’ at some stage of his/her life, usually after much suffering. The other Purifying Practices are also taught to any client who comes for their first 10 Rebirthing Sessions. They then have the beginnings of their TOOLS for Life....their body’s Own Owners Manual.………………… 8. Your dreams and vision for your future and the future of Rebirthing/ Breathwork are…………. That all souls get the opportunity to re-learn their birth right to breathe energy as well as air and all new babies are given the normal/natural LOTUS BIRTH so they get the best start possible, which is the first level of Rebirthing. Then they can learn the techniques for unravelling their birth death cycle, and work on that. Babaji said “The only way to heal the death urge is to out-live it.” 9. What is the element you are most comfortable with and how does this manifest in your life? I am most comfortable with ...dont really get the question but I love and need the three elements of air, fire and water and I manifest them in my life wherever I go anywhere in the world. The earth element provides me with my food or Shiva Kalpha and Yoga and the job I love, Rebirthing.

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2 November 1978

Two days ago a group of us climbed Mount Kailash with Babaji. We didn’t set out until the afternoon and stopped at a house in a village in the evening to sleep there. We sat with Babaji around a big fire and He asked me to massage Him at length on His back, in front of everybody. I knew that this was a sacred ritual and that it could also be for the others present as well, because I thought He wanted people to see that He can be touched with a certain purity and sincerity. For me Babaji resembles a murti, a sacred but living statue, and every gesture towards Him is an expression of worship for me, a puja, an act of adoration.

After a while we all sat in silence with Him around the leaping flames of the fire. Suddenly Babaji took my hand, holding it under His blanket and my heart skipped a beat; I was intensely moved, this simple gesture touched something very deep inside me and it felt as if my heart began to melt, filled with a blissful feeling, a deeply profound sensation. Babaji went to rest in His room and for the rest of the night I remained awake sitting by the fire, not even lying down but filled with ecstasy, my mind completely silent. From time to time, I could hear the sound of Om within me, the vibration of which was also evident in the room as well.

In the very early morning, at about three o’clock, before everybody else woke up, I took a cold shower outside in the dark. Again I felt the sound of Om inside me, and it also pervaded the valley and mountains round about, everything vibrating: it was as if an electrical current was passing through me, the sound of it almost deafening in my ears and yet at the same time there existed the presence of a great silence.

From Fire of Transformation

by Gaura Devi

10. What is your understanding & opinion of Leonard’s hypothesis of Physical Immortality and its antithesis - the death urge and EEP? My understanding is that Babaji said to Leonard after Leonard asked the question to him “If one cleans and balances the energy body with earth, air, fire, water and mind purifying techniques, can they obtain Physical Immortality? and Babaji said “One can obtain Mahamritenjaya." which means one can obtain SUPREME VICTORY OVER DEATH!!! So death is the accumulation of EEP, in the physical body, energy body and the breathing mechanism, until there is so much that a person cannot breathe any more and they die. So when one cleans and balances daily there is more life urge than death urge so one can keep living. 11. What is your favourite quote from a book/person/poem/etc you admire? “Rebirthing/Breathwork is both a psycho-analytical process in its psychological components and a physiological process in its breathing component. The breathing component is the key to unlocking the primal repressions of conception, gestation, birth and early childhood. Without the revolutionary breathing component, the philosophy and psychology would be another fanciful theory to explain away man’s eternal existential angst.” By Pauline Win

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Anger and Rage By Leonard Orr ( an excerpt of an article taken from Creative ideas for a Better Life 2000-2010) Everybody has tons and tons of anger and rage and fear and urgency stored somewhere in our emotional body- our soul. We can heal it only when we feel safe in our own mind and feelings. We have to feel safe to look at, think about, and feel our own rage, anger, fear, and urgency.

Sometimes we need to be the object of injustice, of abuse, of mistreatment, etc. to get in touch with it and to feel it, to have our feelings hurt. At other times, it seems to come up to consciousness out of the unconscious in layers or waves of rage and anger without any provocation. We can be angry with no reason, just like sometimes we can be happy for no reason.

The Mind is complicated and the Truth is simple.

The mind is the most complicated thing on earth. The mind- that portion of our soul which collects feelings, beliefs, doctrines, habits and thoughts can be an infinite pile of garbage. In this same pile can be virtues, beautiful memories, beautiful thoughts and healthy emotions. This confusing collection is what can make our minds so complicated.

We can be totally overcome by peace, love, joy, productive energy, wisdom and bliss on one day and the next day ruled by anger, fear, stupidity, depression and irrational projections. Unfortunately, this is also true for the people around us.

We can bounce back and forth from darkness to light in the same day.

But the Truth remains the same and simple and clear: Energy, Spirit, Thought, Mind, Form, body.

With nothing added – pure and simple.

The goal of spiritual liberation is to clear all these complexities and to see beauty, clarity, love, and the wisdom of Life in people always and everywhere. We can see Truth – pure and simple.

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News from Pauline and Pete Hi! We’ve had quite a year with 2 one month trips to the Urine Therapy Hospital in India, Rebirthing people in Nazik, India, an amazing Spiritual Quest to the 4 Dharms high in the Himalayas and best of all, Dharshan with Babaji. Last month I facilitated a 5 week Rebirth Practitioner Training in Mullumbimby. I really enjoyed it, renewed my faith in the power of Rebirthing Community. Some feedback from the Training:- It has been 5 weekends working the ‘insides’ now, with Pauline Win. And in a few words my life has been in Transformation. My breathing is different, my outlook is different, my relating to others is different and some of my health issues have evaporated! What more can I say? If this is what it feels like to be at the foot of my mountain then let’s begin my journey. Thanking you Pauline for opening the door. Glen de Souza It has been a great experience and learning process doing Rebirthing Training with Pauline Win. I feel more confident and have learned so much over the past five weekends. I highly recommend this training for anybody who is interested in becoming a Rebirther or even if you are a Rebirther, there is a lot to learn from Pauline’s training. I feel very privileged to have had this opportunity to learn from a true Master of Rebirthing and Immortality. Richard L. Paaulger A truly life changing experience birthing me into a fuller expression of myself. Pauline’s presence is safe, nurturing but also a volcano of life changing – ego destroying information. Highly recommended to anyone who wants to meet their true self. Cacey Blackburn, Qualified Counsellor, Rebirther. We are off to a big Win family celebration in Nelson, New Zealand on December 25th and leave in January again for India to go back to Nasik and Pune to continue the Rebirthing Centre Project. We’ll be there until 6th May 2016. I have reservations about living away from our own fires and bath tubs in someone else’s house for so long, but India is full of surprises and shocks so it won’t be dull. We’re going to Navaratri with Paul & Matoula in April, 2016 and would be happy if anyone wanted to join us. Peter and I are on the right track to finish the Aussy Physical Immortality Centre but we’ll just get run over if we just sit here. We will get the extra finance needed to finish the place by sticking to the plan. The brick floor is almost complete and looks fantastic. Next is framing, insulation and walls. We bought all the beautiful big sliding doors years and will soon have walls to put them into. We are very close to the finish line. We are always looking forward to finishing The Physical Immortality Centre and will never look back because we don’t intend going that way. It’s 45 degrees here today, the 1st December, and it’s Pete’s birthday. I imagine how cute he would have looked on his first Xmas day at 25 days old. Merry Xmas & Happy New Year. Love Pauline & Pete

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Learning from our super parents An excerpt from a seminar given by Leonard Orr at Raw Earth retreat Nov 2014 Leonard: We just have to take these concepts from our super parents and exchange them for the self concepts we get from our parents, so self refinement and higher self discipline, we just have to keep refining ourselves for a hundred and ten years like Tai Chuan Nu (chinese immortal) until we begin to experience our freedom and power. Pauline: I’ve always wondered when I’ve read books about great Yogis like Sri Tapis Jai Maharaj (Book is Maharaja by Diwan Jarmani Dass ) a contempory of Ghandi – he was a king and he went to Masters and got liberated - my question is, did these people have to get over their parental disapproval and the abuse, sexual abuse and school trauma and all the things that we’ve had to get over – did they have to do that or did they have a Master who gave them meditations and they got over it? Leonard: that is a very fascinating question Babaji said one day in Herakhan, I could easily heal you all in one day but then what would you learn? We all have this problem of how much suffering we have to endure in order to learn patience, maybe after we learn patience with ourselves then we can accelerate. Pauline: Oh God I’ve haven’t got any patience with myself, I was born in one hour I want everything yesterday. Leonard: ah hah so the question is how many centuries do we have to live with ourselves like Adam before we have patience, maybe when we no longer have the desire to accelerate the process, then it accelerates. Leonard: there are over 300 million psychic genius children more than the entire population of the United States. I’m in relationship with some of them, protecting them and encouraging them but you can put it in another context – God established a wholistic depository of himself in every jyotirlinga I did one of my trainings in India, near one of these jyotirlinga and we visited the jyotirlinga every day. When you are in the presence of the jyotirlinga you experience accelerated spiritual development – its so accelerated that just spending an hour or so with the jyotirlinga might take you several days to figure out who you are. when you leave the jyotirlinga you have to remember who you were, and integrate it with who you are. An experience of Shiva. That’s another way of answering the question, it’s a question of how much of the jyotirlinga we can tolerate. I was meditating on this question the whole time I was there and was examining the priest that spent the whole day with the jyotirlinga and basically what I noticed was the lines to see the jyotirlinga – you can wait for hours and by then you have another whole life time of emotional energy pollution.

Pauline: like waiting to get a hug from Amma – the lines can go on for two days!

Leonard: so I was meditating on all this but in addition to all the stuff that was happening that jyotirlinga did something to me that I can’t explain, so that’s the gift, the gift is not earned.

Pauline: no its grace

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Leonard: The enlightenment or spiritual growth that you get from sitting with the jyotirlinga is not earned except your intention to be there. Pauline: Pete and I and my sister we walked up to the Pindi’s (Vaishno Devi Temple) – the divine mother Pindi’s in northern India you might have heard of them they are very famous. They are three stones that were part of Shakti’s body which Shiva flew across India and part of her body fell there in the mountains. You are walking with thousands of people 24/7, it was an amazing event, the priest, the pujari was dealing with these thousands of people coming around endlessly and he shone like a light, he was so beautiful, his skin was luminescent and his clothes were perfectly clean and he’d been there probably for hours and hours. He had an attendant there, a male who yelled out to him that we were coming up, my sister has never done a spiritual thing in her life, and she’s up there in the Pindis having walked all night, it took us hours and hours, old ladies are walking up there in bare feet, for penance. It took us hours, my sister’s leaning on the wall and she sees the line ahead and she’s crying her eyes out ‘ I cant go any further, I don’t care what I do, I’ll just stay here and look after the shoes (cause someone told her our shoes would get stolen but I knew that wasn’t true) so we go in the mob and the attendant yells out – ‘no hindi’ and so this Pujari gave us a full explanation, Indians can only spend a couple of seconds, he spent five minutes with us explaining what the Pindis were and then he grabbed my sister’s head and slapped her so loud on the back that it resounded all through the cave it was huge, she must have felt entirely different afterwards cause she totally looked like you said, she didn’t know who she was and my sister knows who she is, and she was wandering, then he grabbed me and slapped me and then Pete. All the people visiting were trying to grab her so they could touch her because he had touched her. I had to pull her back. She wasn’t the same afterwards, it took her a day to come right to get to herself. Leonard: so there are higher disciplines that accelerate the process. We could possibly spend a year alone with the fire and accomplish 10 years of spiritual evolution in that one year. It’s a question of whether we want to do it that way and how much common sense and reason we have to maintain together with the spiritual evolution because its possible to evolve too fast and lose your mind. Igor Tchaikovsky – the inventor of underwater birth, he put a premature baby that was destined to die and convinced the parents to spend 24 hours in the bathtub with the baby for 3 months and so one of the parents was always with the baby and the child turned out to be superior physiologically, mentally, socially and every way. So then he wondered if it would work on the other end, so he took a senior citizen with all kinds of diseases and convinced him to stay in his bathtub for 24 hours a day for 3 months and all of his diseases disappeared That’s another example of a higher discipline and we have to decide how fast we want to move. So we have a certain package of disciplines in this training that are pretty gentle pretty easy and they work and if we just live an ordinary life and continue these disciplines then we will see in 110 years whether we turn out as fit as Tai Chuan. Maintaining our communication with each other is important so we can see each others progress and be encouraged by each others progress but we are not dealing with a superficial thing, we are dealing with reality, we are dedicated to becoming the masters of reality instead of the victims of reality. Pauline: yes and some people if they start too late are cramming for their finals and they don’t really have that kind of time that I’ve had. I started when I was 26, although I didn’t know all these things cause when I was 26 they weren’t all there. I did go to India and see Sai Baba and I saw miracles there, but I didn’t tie them up in a logical way with me, now I know that those miracles will one day be able to be done by me. I feel as though I am cramming for my finals a bit now because I’m 68 I don’t have time to muck around and I’ve been mucking around – (speaking to Leonard) – you used to call it ‘goofing off’ you used to look at me and say ‘are you goofing off?’ and I often think about it cause I do ‘goof off’ I don’t do the right thing sometimes and I eat jam and stuff like that. Leonard: I sent you all a copy of my rebirthing experience, I use the phrase ‘young immortals’ that’s a great phrase because a young immortal can make mistakes and have a good time. We are young immortals watching each other play to see if we win the game.

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Axi Fire Worship Festival of Yi ethnic group in Mile County

In the first days of the second lunar month, the Axi people (a Branch of the Yi Nationality) living in the Xishan area of Mile County, China, celebrate the Fire Worship Festival. According to their legends, long, long time ago, the people did not know how to get fire. In these times, their lives were full of hardships; without fire they can not get warm in winter, nor cook their foods. In the darkness of the night wild animals were a continuous threat. One day the hero Madeng, picked up some dry wood, started rubbing two sticks together and started a fire. From then on the lives of the Axi change completely; they did not fear cold, nor wild animals anymore; cooking their food brought great improvements to their health; they avoided sicknesses and enjoyed longer lives. To commemorate Mudeng, deifined as God of Fire, every year the Axi people carry on the Fire Worship Festival. Though this festival was forbidden during the Cultural Revolution, in recent years has become more and more important for the people of these mountains; and every year several thousand people travel to Hongwan village, where the tradition is supposed to have been more thoroughly preserved. In the Axi Fire Festival some fertility elements are also present. The action of rubbing the pole with the holed wood is a symbol of the holes that will be dug in the earth in the next days, and also of the sexual intercourse; the grotesque penis that some of the dancers show with pride, points out also to the relationship of this festival with old fertility cults. The Yi, Yunnan's largest ethnic group also worship fire. Every year, on the 24th of the sixth lunar month, the Yi celebrate the Torch Festival. It is one of Yunnan's grandest occasions, celebrated in elaborate style from the Stone Forest to the shores of Lugu Lake. Yet the Axi, a small branch of the Yi, living in Mile County, in the provinces southeast, celebrate an even wilder festival. Every year in spring, on the second day of the third month to be precise, they worship fire with a grand carnival of body-paint and nudity. Legend has it that once when the Axi were hunting heavy rains came down, sending them looking for shelter. Yet all they could find was an old tree. Freezing because they had nothing to wear they huddled under it. The rains would not stop. Then, an old man, Mu Deng, a local wizard, appeared. He picked up some dry wood, started rubbing the sticks together and started a fire. Now the Axi were not cold anymore and they could cook food. The day was the third day of the second month. Now, every year on the day, the Axi worship Mu Deng, the man who brought them fire.

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The next edition of IT’S ELEMENTAL will be EARTH, please share your stories, ideas, events and pictures by emailing them to [email protected] by February 28th 2016 Many Thanks to all those who contributed to this FIRE edition View previous issues of It’s Elemental

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