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Page 1: Multiple intelligence
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QUIZ This quiz will help you identify your strongest areas.

Remember, you have many strengths and abilities encompassing all the Multiple Intelligences

1 -- Not at all like me  2 -- A little like me  3 -- Somewhat like me4 -- A lot like me   5 -- Definitely me

Add the total for each category and then identify your top four intelligences.

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1. I work best in an organized work area.

2. I enjoy math and/or science.

3. I keep a "things to do" list.

4. I enjoy playing brainteasers and games that involve logical thinking, such as JeopardyTM and ClueTM.

5. I like to ask "why" questions and seek clarification of issues and concerns.

6. I work best when I have a day planner or timetable.

7. I quickly grasp cause and effect relationships.

8. I am good at estimating.

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• I understand colour combinations and what colours work well together.

• I enjoy solving jigsaw, maze and/or other visual puzzles.

• I read charts and maps easily.

• I have a good sense of direction.

• I like to watch the scenes and activities in movies.

• I have vivid dreams when sleeping.

• I can anticipate the moves and consequences in a game plan (i.e., hockey sense, chess sense).

• I remember things best by seeing them.

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1. I like puns and other wordplay

2. I feel comfortable and get positive reinforcement

when dealing with language and words. 3. I enjoy completing crosswords and other word games

like ScrabbleTM.

4. I remember things exactly as they are said to me.

5. I like to take part in debates and/or discussions.

6. I prefer writing long- and short-answer responses rather than multiple-choice responses.

7. I enjoy keeping a written journal, and/or writing stories and articles.

8. I like to read a lot.

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• I like to move, tap or fidget when sitting.

• I participate in extreme sports (i.e., sea kayaking, snowboarding, mountain biking).

• I am curious as to how things feel and I tend to touch objects to examine the texture.

• I am well coordinated.

• I like working with my hands.

• I prefer to be physically involved rather than sitting and watching.

• I understand best by doing (touching, moving and interacting).

• I enjoy creating things with my hands.

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1. I am a private person and I like my private inner world.

2. I have a few close friends.

3. I have strong opinions about controversial issues.

4. I work best when the activity is self-paced.

5. I am not easily influenced by other people.

6. I have a good understanding of my feelings and how I will react to situations.

7. I often raise questions concerning values and beliefs.

8. I understand that I am responsible for my own behavior.

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• I work best through interaction with people.

• I enjoy team sports rather than individual sports.

• Being around people energizes me.

• I prefer group activities rather than ones I do alone.

• I enjoy learning about different cultures.

• I usually talk over my personal problems with a friend.

• I enjoy sharing my ideas and feelings with others.

• I work best in a co-operative group where I can

discuss issues with others.

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• I play music in my head.

• I make up a rhyme to remember something.

• It is easy for me to follow the beat of music.

• I like setting songs and poems to music.

• I keep time when music is playing.

• I can hear an off-key note.

• I find it easy to engage in musical activities.

• I feel proud of my musical accomplishments.

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• I have a collection (i.e., shells, mugs, rocks, hockey cards).

• I notice similarities and differences in trees, flowers and other things in nature.

• I am actively involved in protecting the environment.

• I enjoy digging for and discovering artifacts and unusual items.

• I prefer to be outdoors rather than indoors.

• I like planting and caring for a garden.

• I enjoy fishing and tracking.

• I learn best when I can go on field trips to explore and observe nature exhibits, museums, or the outdoors.

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• - the ability to use numbers to compute and describe, to use mathematical concepts to make conjectures, to apply mathematics in personal daily life, to apply mathematics to data and construct arguments, to be sensitive to the patterns, symmetry, logic, and aesthetics of mathematics, and to solve problems in design and modeling. Possible vocations that use the logical-mathematics intelligence include accountant, bookkeeper, statistician, tradesperson, homemaker, computer programmer, scientist, composer, engineer, inventor, or designer.

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- the ability to perceive and represent the visual-spatial world accurately, to arrange color, line, shape, form and space to meet the needs of others, to interpret and graphically represent visual or spatial ideas, to transform visual or spatial ideas into imaginative and expressive creations. Possible vocations that use spatial intelligence include illustrator, artist, guide, photographer, interior decorator, painter, clothing designer, weaver, builder, architect, art critic, inventor, or cinematographer.

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• the ability to use language to describe events, to build trust and rapport, to develop logical arguments and use rhetoric, or to be expressive and metaphoric. Possible vocations that use linguistic intelligence include journalism, administrator, contractor, salesperson, clergy, counselors, lawyers, professor, philosopher, playwright, poet, advertising copywriter and novelist.

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• - the ability to use the body and tools to take effective action or to construct or repair, to build rapport to console and persuade, and to support others, to plan strategically or to critique the actions of the body, to appreciate the aesthetics of the body and to use those values to create new forms of expression. Possible vocations that use the bodily-kinesthetic intelligence include mechanic, trainer, contractor, craftsperson, tool and dye maker, coach, counselor, salesperson, sports analyst, professional athlete, dance critic, sculptor, choreographer, actor, dancer or puppeteer.

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• - the ability to assess one's own strengths, weaknesses, talents, and interests and use them to set goals, to understand oneself to be of service to others, to form and develop concepts and theories based on an examination of oneself, and to reflect on one's inner moods, intuitions, and temperament and to use them to create or express a personal view. Possible vocations that use the intrapersonal intelligence include planner, small business owner, psychologist, artist, religious leader, and writer.

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• - the ability to organize people and to communicate clearly what needs to be done, to use empathy to help others and to solve problems, to discriminate and interpret among different kinds of interpersonal clues, and to influence and inspire others to work toward a common goal. Possible vocations that use the interpersonal intelligence include administrator, manager, politician, social worker, doctor, nurse, therapist, teacher, sociologist, psychologist, psychotherapist, consultant, charismatic leader, politician, and evangelist.

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• - the ability to understand and develop musical technique, to respond emotionally to music and to work together to use music to meet the needs of others, to interpret musical forms and ideas, and to create imaginative and expressive performances and compositions. Possible vocations that use the musical intelligence include technician, music teacher, instrument maker, choral, band, and orchestral performer or conductor, music critic, aficionado, music collector, composer, conductor, and individual or small group performer.

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• designates the human ability to discriminate among living things (plants, animals) as well as sensitivity to other features of the natural world (clouds, rock configurations).  This ability was clearly of value in our evolutionary past as hunters, gatherers, and farmers; it continues to be central in such roles as botanist, vet, sailor or chef.  I also speculate that much of our consumer society exploits the natural intelligences, which can be mobilized in the discrimination among cars, sneakers, kinds of makeup, and the like.  The kind of pattern recognition valued in certain sciences may also draw upon the naturalist intelligence.

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