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Page 1: Le - 3 OCT. 2018Majed Mustafa Ibrahim, Mohammed Hassan Abdel Hafez, Mahmoud Khalaf AbdulRahman Ali, Manar AbdulRazzaq Mohammed and Heba Ali Badri. AIBawiti 14-10-2009, AISwuais 26-3-2009,

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Le - 3 OCT. 2018


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Date Palm Tree Elément Inventory Form

Inventory ESFT 30/2016Code forElémentName of thé Date Patmélément (asused by thélocalcommunity)Other name

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Commitment Ail governorates of Egypts ofcommunities

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Page 2: Le - 3 OCT. 2018Majed Mustafa Ibrahim, Mohammed Hassan Abdel Hafez, Mahmoud Khalaf AbdulRahman Ali, Manar AbdulRazzaq Mohammed and Heba Ali Badri. AIBawiti 14-10-2009, AISwuais 26-3-2009,

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Géographielocation ofthé élémentName ofCollector

Place andDate ofCollection

Free, priorand informedconsent to


of théélément



Ashraf Nasrat Mohammed Rushdi, HassanRamadan Ali AbdelAal, Rehab Kamal AhmedKeshk, Salem Mohammed Salem Abu Zaid,Sharif Al Jawhari, Abdelwahab HanafiAbdulkader, Alyaa Mohammed AbdullahSaleh, Fatima Ramadan Abdulfattah Hamed,Majed Mustafa Ibrahim, Mohammed HassanAbdel Hafez, Mahmoud Khalaf AbdulRahmanAli, Manar AbdulRazzaq Mohammed andHeba Ali Badri.

AIBawiti 14-10-2009, AISwuais 26-3-2009, AlSheikh Makram 21-9-2009, Al Sheikh Makram21-9-2010, Al Arish Awal 22-8-2010, AIQasr16-2-2009, AIQasr 20-4-2009, AIQasr 28-4-2013, AIQalah 08-1-2009, Alqaliuobia 13-11-2010, AIHindaw 22-12-2010, Al Wahat AlBahriya 17-7-2009, Al Wahat Al Bahriya 27-4-2013, Amiyai 21-10-2010, Awlad Ali 10-10-2009, Awlad Ali 21 -9-201 0, Bir Al Abed 22-1 2-2010, Bagdad 06-2-2013, Damaris 28-7-2008,Denshawi 09-11-2008, Sahel Salim 25-5-2005, Sewa 26-3-2010, Sewa 27-3-2010,Sewa 14-9-2012, Shbein Al Kanater 04-9-2008, Ain Ghaseen 08-3-2009, Fisha Bena 23-11-2009 andQuos 10-1-2009.Thé informants and practitioners (Khalid TahaAhmed, Husni Hamed Omar, JumaMohammed Al Hawari, Jalal Abdel hafiz Saleh,Ahmed Fahmi Suleiman, Ahmed KhalafOthman and Ihsan Abdelhamid) hâve agreedthat thé Egyptian Society For FolkTraditions (ESFT) would speak on their behalfin thé élément of date palm nomination and betheir deputy as part of thé inventory list of théintangible cultural héritage of thé ArabRepublic of Egy t.Egyptian Society For Folk Traditions (ESFT)Date of establishment: 12-4-2000 under No.1434, and UNESCO accréditation No. is 90182atthemeetin (GE-4-2012Name: Dr. Ahmed Ali Mursi

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Page 3: Le - 3 OCT. 2018Majed Mustafa Ibrahim, Mohammed Hassan Abdel Hafez, Mahmoud Khalaf AbdulRahman Ali, Manar AbdulRazzaq Mohammed and Heba Ali Badri. AIBawiti 14-10-2009, AISwuais 26-3-2009,



Address: 47 Sulaiman Jawaher St. - Al Duqi-AIJeeza, EgyptPhone:0237624409 - 0237626702


Description Thé date palm tree is thé environment friendof thé because ail of its products are for thé benefit ofélément (not humankind. hlence, thé date palm tree hasto exceed many benefits in addition to its fruits. Ropes,300 words, stuffing materials for furniture can be madewhat, who, from of its fiber and traditional baskets andwhere, how caps can be also made from its leaves. Inand when) addition, containers of transporting fruits,

vegetables and light furniture, such as chairs,and beds are made from thé date palm fronds.And oils are extracted from thé date palmseeds or kernels and other products aslivestock feed. Furthermore, thé date palm treetrunks or stems are used to make rural homescolumns and roofs.

Thé date palm tree is characterized by itscapability of growth and productivity in thébarren and désert environments as it can adaptto such kind of environments. For example, itsroots can extend vertically and horizontally insoil until they reach to thé wet areas from whichthey can get their water needs. And their frondsand tiny leaves are covered with wax layer thatfold from their middle part and thé bottom ofwhich reaches to thé sky, which is calledinduplicate to reduce losing water throughirrigation and their stomata are of small sizeand cavernous and distributed ail aver thé

leave to avoid losing humidity.

Historical Background: This plant or thé datepalm tree started its natural journey as statedby scientists. According to thé fossilsthemselves, they say since 80 million years(Cretaceous period) during which dinosaursbecame extinct and witnessed thé émergenceof primitive mammals, budding plants and oaktrees. Since thé beginnings and it has becomeseparated from thé budding plants in théancient times, this plant seems to be capableof ada tin to harsh natural chan es and


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coexistence and thus be able to spread sixthmillion years ago. However, using thé "date"palm tree or plant for eating began in théMiddle East, in Arabian Gulf région in particularaver 5000 years ago. Thus, many middlecivilizations; thé most important of which werethat of Egyptian Pharos and Babylonians InIraq (a symbol for Ishtar God ) utilized it. Inaddition to thé industrial uses, thé Pharos usedthis date palm for their food and production ofwine. In this respect, thé encyclopedia statethat Pharos and people of Ancient Egypt grewand used another kind of date palm, which was"Doum Palm". Egypt and Nile basin areconsidered to be thé home for such an ancient

kind of date. And antiquities scientists in Egyptfound a number of raw dates in TutTutankhamen's tomb in 2007. As thé Pharos

considered date patm as a symbol for long lifeand some of them used to carry it in theirhands, thé historian (Owen Barfield) arguesabout thé historical importance of date palmcultivation, "If thé date palm did not exist, thémankind extension and expansion towardsbarren and tropical areas of thé world wasmore difficult. Thus, thé raw date palm did notprovide food and energy in a manner thatmade it not only easy to be stored, carried andtransported during long désert journeys only,but also created a home for people to livethrough providing shade and protection fromdésert winds. In addition, thé date palmprovides a wide variety of products foragricultural use and domestic utensils, whereail parts of thé date palm tree hâve a certainbenefit.

Furthermore, thé date palm tree is alsomentioned in ancient Egyptians book referredto as "Thé Book of thé Dead". To this effect, AlZafer N00 "chief of thé palace and carrier of théking's ring, "Can l sit in a clean place under théshade of thé God "Hathor" date palm tree, andhe says in another part of thé book, "May Godenable me to eat from such cakes under théshade of thé God "Hathor" date palm tree: my


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sacred female God". And thé ancient

Egyptians considered thé date palm tree as thétree of paradise due to its many uses andbenefits. During thé Persian Reign, théBabylon Poem counted thé benefits of thé datepalm tree and noted them down in threehundred and sixty five benefits.

Date Palm Tree Description:Thé date palm tree consists of 1-Thé total root2-Trunk 3-Crown

Date Pal m Tree in Sacred Books

"Tamar and tamer" altogether term means datepalm. So, when thé Jews left Egypt andentered thé désert of loss in Sinai Peninsula,they settled in an oasis called "Elim" wheregeographers think that it is Grandal Valleywhere they found 21 springs and 70 date palmtrees (Book of Exodus 15-27). Apparently,Palestine in thèse times was full of date palmtrees, especially in thé Jordan Valley. hfence,Jéricho that was located near thé Dead Seaused referred to as "City of Date Palm" (Bookof Deuteronomy). According to Torah (JewishHoy book), thé date along with juice(molasses) is considered to be from théexcellent seven fruits (Book of Deuteronomy08-8). It is also said that thé ancientPhoenicians used to worship Astarte in form ofa date palm tree that is called in Torah"Ashmira", i. e., thé flagpole (Bookof Deuteronomy 034-3). From Talmud - Rabiwho is thé Talmud Jewish scholars leader gaveFatwa (religious) opinion that thé date palmtree whose production is aver 4 kg of datesshould not be eut down (Bava Batra 26A). Oneof Talmud seniors (Rabie bin Hannah) gaveadvice to thé custodians of funds owned byminors to invest them in date palm orchardsdue to thé fact that their profits are guaranteed(Bava Batra 52A).

Talmud counts thé health and nutritional

benefits of dates. For example, one of thoseconcerned with this said that dates hâve


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benefits, such as: -It satisfies of fills stomach,relaxes thé intestines and feeds body withoutmaking it floppy (KutubutlO). In thé HolyQuran, thé date palm is a blessed tree that ischaracterized by many traits, where it ismentioned in thé glorious Book by Allah, théAlmighty in over 20 verses, including 1-"AndWe brought forth for you thereby gardens ofpalm trees and grapevines in which for you areabundant and from which you eat", Surah al-Muminoon, Verse No. 19, 2-"Therein is fruitand palm trees having sheaths of [dates],Surah ar-Rahman, Verse No. 11, 3-"And fromthé fruits of thé palm tree and grapevines youtake intoxicant and good provision. Indeed inthat is a sign for a people who reason", Surahan-Nahl, Verse No. 67, 4-"And We placedtherein gardens of palm trees and grapevinesand caused to burst forth there from some

springs", Surah Ya Seen, Verse 34, 5-"0r[until] you hâve a garden of palm trees andgrapes and make rivers gush forth within themin force [and abundance], Surah al-lsra', VerseNo. 91, 6-"Would one of you like to hâve agarden of palm trees and grapevinesunderneath which rivers flow... ", Surah al-Baqarah, Verse No. 266, 7-"And within thé landare neighboring plots and gardens ofgrapevines and crops and palm trees,[growing] several from a root or otherwise,watered with one water; but We make some ofthem exceed others in [quality of] fruit. Indeedin that are signs of a people who reason, Surahar-Ra'ad, Verse No. 4.

On thé other hand, there are Ahadith"prophétie sayings or traditions talking aboutdate palm tree, where our prophet Mohammed(Peace and Blessings of Allah be upon him"recommended us to protect this tree and urgedus to care for it and eat its fruits and evensometimes use it as medicine. As thé number

of thèse sayings that mentioned thé date palmtrees and their products total aver 300, wedeemed it is appropriate tomention 7 of thèseprophétie sayings. 1-lt has been narrated that


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it is confirmed in thé correct version of Hadiths

that thé prophet Mohammed said, ""IfSomebody takes seven 'Aj'wa dates in thémorning, neither magie nor poison will hurt himthat day. " (Zaad Al Ma'ad), which clearlyspécifies thé exact number of dates to be takenin thé morning 2-"lt was narrated from AbuSa^eed and Jabir that thé Messenger of Allah(^&) said:"Truffles are a type of manna, and their wateris a healing for eye (diseases). And thé 'Ajwah*are from Paradise, and they are healing forpossession."** Another chain from Abu Sa'eedfrom thé Prophet (^s&) with similar wording"as in Zaad Al Ma'ad by Ibn Al Jawazieh, 3-"While we were sitting with thé Prophet, freshdates were brought to him. Thé Prophet (A&)said, "There is a tree among thé trees which isas blessed as a Muslim" l thought that it wasthé date palm tree and intended to say, "It isthé date-palm tree, 0 Allah's Messenger(/fs&)!" but l looked behind to see that l wasthé tenth and youngest of ten men présentthere, so l kept quiet' Then thé Prophet (^s&)said, "It is thé date palm tree. ", 4-"He whoplanted a date palm tree for thé saké of Allah,he or she shall enter Jannah "heaven",5-"Hewho waters date palm tree shall hâve 70Hasana", 6-"Be kind to your aunt, thé datepalm tree, as it is created from clay from whichAdam has been created; so enjoy having sucha kind of a tree, which is grown in a soft pièceof land and is watered from abundant spring",7-"The best kind of trees is thé date palm tree".

Thus, thé date palm tree is a gift bestowedupon mankind to be a source of people'ssustenance; hence, Allah thé Almighty said inthé glorious Quran, "And lofty palm treeshaving fruits arrangea in layers. As provisionfor thé servants, and We hâve given lifethereby to a dead land. Thus is thé émergence[i.e. thé résurrection]", Surah Qaf, Verse No.10-11. It has always been productive andmankind has benefited from it in his food,where he ate its fresh dates, dates and even


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its palm pith and used it as médication as well.Moreover, he made from its stalks broomsticksand from its fronds baskets, fans and hats andfrom its fiber ropes and broomsticks and turnedits ashes into good fertilizers. Furthermore, thédate palm tree along with various products andparts hâve always been used in modemindustries. Thus, it appears on daily basis asseveral commercial products whether asfoodstuffs, papers or médications. Bad datesand their kernels can also be used in livestockfeed.

Date Pal ms in EgyptIn Egypt, there are nearly thirteen million datepalm trees as per Ministry of Agriculturestatistics of 2007 that are planted in a total areaof 71653 acres, including 6. 3% of thé total areathat is grown by fruits in Egypt. Thé Egyptianoases include around 20%, which is équivalentto five million date palm trees that aredistributed in sea oases, inward oases andoutward oases respectively and Siwa Oasis,where Farafra Oasis cornes at thé bottom ofthé list. This date palm tree can be commonlyfound in ail arable lands in Egypt; however, itsspread in non-arable lands is limited. It growswhere températures are relatively law ifcompared to Southern areas that located nearAswan. It also thrives in thé oases located inWestern Désert, such as Siwa Oasis, SeaOasis, Farafra Oasis, inward and outwardoases and Faiyum.

Moreover, this date palm tree can be alsofound along thé Mediterranean coasts in denseforests surrounding thé city of Alexandria,Rashid, Paltim, Dumyat, AIArish and Rafah. Asfor Red Sea beaches, we find date palms inSuwais and Bêla valley that is adjacent toAsyut. And date palm orchards in Egypt areabundant in thé eastern part of thé marine sideand along thé road connecting AIArish and AlSalhiya from one hand and Palbis from théother. Moreover, thèse orchards are also


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spreading in Cairo suburbs, especially in AlGiza in thé ancient Manfis.

Date Pal m Methods of Cultivation in EgyptThere are two methods of cultivating datepalms in Egypt. Thé first method is to cultivatedate palm by using dates kernels or seeds,which usually result in producing a weak datepalm tree and its fruits are not good, and muchof such date palms become mâle, i. e., theyproduce pollinates only and do not producefresh dates fruits. This method is uncommon

and is used rarely when it is necessary to plantmâle date palms. As for thé second method, itis thé most général and common one in Egypt,which occurs by using seedlings. There arecertain seedlings that grow at thé bottom partof thé mother and always carry thé same of itscharacteristics. It grows when thé date palmkernel falls down beside thé date palm treeroot. Once it is provided and covered with acrust of soil and some water, it starts growinggradually beside thé date palm tree. Thénumber of seedlings that grow next to thé datepalm trunk differs from one date palm toanother, according to thé kind of such a datepalm tree. And thèse seedlings are then takenaway in February and August only. Whentaken away, they are immersed in water for twoconsécutive months before they are grown.That is because they are not grown directly andthey should be taken care of in water for twomonths due to their bad need of water at this

stage. And some farmers plant them directly,but they should be watered regularly,depending upon thé kind of soil and availabilityof water therein. After that, a pit or a ditch with40 cm deep and 40 cm wide, where it can be70 cm deep, depending on type of soil or lengthof thé root shall be dug in thé agricultural land.Then, thé farmer shall care for this seedlingvery well by watering and fertilizing it andcleaning it from insects or pests. After fiveyears from planting it, thé date palm tree startsbearing fruits.

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And after growing thé seedlings, a frame of soilshall be made around such planted seedlingsso that they can maintain lots of water that isrequired for cultivation. Thèse seedlings maybe sold by thé mother date palm tree owner toany other farmer for nearly EGP (EgyptianPound) 30 or more, depending on thé kind andâge of thé mother date palm tree. However,there are farmers who refuse to sell seedlingsas he eithertakes them for himself, reproducesthé date palm trees that he has or grabs suchseedlings and dumps them away so that theywon't feed on thé mother date palm tree's foodand weakenthe crop produced by such motherdate palm. By so doing, he believes that hetakes care of this kind of date palm in his ownarea to become spécial dates that are différentfrom those of other farmers. This is rare, but itexists. And there are farmers who give suchseedlings for free to anyone who asks for them,and consider that as part of charity (Zakat) andto bring blessing to thé date palm tree.

Varieties of Dates in EgyptEgypt is characterized by having three groupsof varieties of dates as thé common ones are

aver seventeen types in addition to numerouskinds that are not that much common as well

as large items of seed date palms. Thèsevarieties or kinds are divided into thé following:First, Thé group of varieties that hâve fresh orsoft fruits. Thé commonly spread varietiesinclude thé ones whose color of fruits are

différent, ranging from red, yellow and yellowwith rather reddish color. They are usuallyeaten soft (fresh) after they are gatheredimmediately. Thé most important varieties ofthis group include 1-al-hlayani 2-al-Zahgloul 3-al-Samani 4-al-Omahat 5-Bin Eisha 6-al-Berhi.

And they are some other varieties that are notcommon, such as 7-umm elferakh 8-al-Arabi(al-Oraibi) 9-al-Halwai 10-al-Sarji.Second, Croup of varieties that are semi-dry.This group is characterized by thé fact that itsfruits become with médium humidity when theyare fully grown or ri e and they contain high


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quantity of glucose. Their varieties include 1-al-Siwi (al-Saeedi), which is one of thé mostimportant semi-dry and most commonvarieties, where its cultivation is spread in théNew Valley, Oases, AI-Giza and Faiyum. Théproduction of each date palm tree amounts to90kg or more 150 kg if thé date palm tree iswell-taken care of. 2-al-Omari 3-al-Ajlani 4-White Hijazi.Third, Group of thé dry varietiesAs a result of thé tropical climate conditions,thé governorate of Aswan is almost thé onlyone that has thé fancy variety of dry dates witha commercial réputation in addition to someother varieties that are less known that grewdue to see reproduction. Thèse are called"alBaladi" even if some of them are of goodvarieties, such as al-Shamiyya and al-Kolmathat can be identified through sélection andreproduced through seedlings. Fruit bearingstarts in September and dates are left on thédate palm tree until they get dry and then fruitbunches are chopped off and spread out underthé sunlight for 2-3 days. After that, fruits areseparated and spread out on thé floor andmixed with ashes for 5-6 weeks, and they areturned over every 4 days. Then, they arepacked and mixed with ashes. Hence, theyshould be ready for sale. If they are ready orripe, this group of fruit variety is characterizedby thé fact that it has low humidity and highlevel of sucrose because such fruits are keptfor a long time, using natural means. Thé mostimportant dry varieties include: 1-al-Sakouti(al-Braimi and al-Barkwai) 2-al-Bartamoda(Bentamoda) 3-al-Malkabi 4-al-Jandila 5-al-Garajoda 6-al-Dujna 7-al-Shamiya.

Date Palm and Folk Traditions in EgyptMan expresses his surroundings in life avertime in many ways and manifestations. As théEgyptian citizen has lived date palm trees andcrafts for many décades of his life, we find thatdate palm has a deep impact upon his culture,especially in Aswan, New Valley andcountryside. Thus, we find thé manifestations



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of that in date palm related traditions andcustoms as well as numerous beliefs

associated with date palm. We also find datepalms in several folk or traditional songs andpainted on walls of Nubian homes, especiallybefore forced migration or displacement.

Date Pal m Tree and Traditional Literature

There are some songs that are associated withdate palm, such as "Oh date palm climber, getme with you... !", "Oh two date palm trees uphigh in thé sky.. !" and other songs. There arealso aphorisms about date palm trees.Moreover, thé sentiment of thé Egyptian citizenusually likens thé date palm tree to thé humanbeing as there are lots in common between thétwo in terms of shape and benefits.

Folk Knowledge about Date PalmIt is knowledge that is associated with thé waydate palm trees can be grown, care for,reproduced, pollinated and their fruits arereaped, pests are treated as well as their âgeand varieties. As a result of such knowledge, aspécial profession (craft) called "date palmclimber" emerged. It refers to thé person whois specialized with caring for, pollinating,reaping its fruits and following it up around théyear.

Date Palm & MuralIn Aswan, we find that many paintings on théwalls of houses in Nubia, where thé folk artist

paints it on his house as a sign of blessing andgrowth and that it is part of his life. WhenNubians emigrated from their old houseswhere thé Nile and date palms are and lived inother homes in thé désert. However, they hâvenot forgotten date palm; rather they kept suchmemories on thé walls at houses to remind

them of their original environment beside théNile before thé Aswan High Dam was built, andthat date palm was an inséparable part of theirdaily life.



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Date Palm & Traditional Games

There are traditional games that mainlydépend on fronds, such as "al-Hoshka", whichmore similar to thé current hockey in whichchildren use fronds as a stick to hit thé small

bail. This game has its own rules that aresimilar to those of thé well-known hockey.There are also ("al-Khadra" and "al-Wazir")game that is based on having fronds as well,where children peel off any side of thé fronds,whereby there will be a white part and anothergreen one. Thé player tosses thé frond upwardand another player hits it again. If it falls on itswhite part, thé player becomes a minister andif it falls on its green part, he becomes a king!.Thus, this king issues thé rules to thé otherplayers to be implemented by thé minister.

Date Palm & Traditional Crafts

Some traditional crafts are based on every partof thé date palm tree as thé Egyptians createdproducts to serve their purposes in their dailylife from date palm parts as follows:1-Made cages, beds, books, chairs and sofasfrom fronds.2-Baskets, hats and Aswani posh plates aremade from date palm stalks or leaves. Suchstalks or leaves are also used on thé occasion

of celebrating "al-Qiyamah Day" wherecrosses, bracelets and many other shapes aremade on this occasion.3-Brooms are made from dates' bunch sticks.

4-Chairs and foreign sofas or couches arestuffed by date palm fronds, which are referredto as "al-Karina".

5-Date palm fibers can be used to makedoormats, sweepers, ropes, "al-Mazabel" and"al-Zuafa".6-Food industries that dépend on date fruits,such as "Ajwa" and dried dates.7-Date palm tree trunk is used in rural houseroofing after it is eut into two halves vertically.8-Dates kernels can be used to make oils andwaste can be used as livestock feed.


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Présentfunction ofthé élément

Writtensources (books andréférences)

Audio-visualsourcesconcerningthé élémentarchives,muséums or

oral traditions


representedby théélément asmentioned inthé article ( )of théagreement

Spécifications of théElément

Many industries and crafts dépend on thé various parts of théélément as more than one craft dépends on every part of thédate palm. Thus, it is a source of raw material for many crafts.


Thé relevant archive material that is available at thé EgyptianArchives of Folk Life and Folk Traditions:-Number of vidéos: 40

-Number of images: 238-Number of sound: 0

Knowledge and practices pertaining to thé nature and universe- Skills related to traditional arts and crafts

Tools: Each traditional craft dependingon parts of thé date palm has so manytools.Machines: Each traditional craft

depending on parts of thé date palm hasso many machines.Raw Material: Each part of thé date palm

Material tree is considered a raw material for manyaspects of traditional crafts, such as thé fronds thatthé are used as a raw materiat for makingélément cages, beds, sofas and couches, etc.

Uniform: There is no spécial uniform forthose working in date palm related craftsto wear.

Products: Each traditional craft that is

related to date palm tree, such as cages,beds, sofas, couches, baskets, AswanPosh plates, hats, sweepers, doormats,ropes, Ajwa, Mazabel and al-Zuakat.

Anything else: N/A



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IntangibleAspects ofthé Elément

Situationswhere théélément is


Means ofTransmission

There are many traditional sayings or aphorisms and folksongs that are associated with date palm tree, such as théfollowing:-Traditions and Customs: There are traditions and customs

followed by thé date palm tree climber. Examples of suchtraditions and customs are as follows:-Traditions and Customs: There are traditions and customs

followed by date palm tree climber. For example, he callsloudly using his high pitched voice before he climbs thé treebecause he will be able to see through ail houses around.There were also traditions related to generosity in oases bychopping off thé date palm tree and serving thé pith of palm tothé guest as a sign of welcoming him or her warmly.Beliefs: There are some beliefs of thé date palm tree climberprior to ctimbing it by reciting Surat al-Fateha, prays two"Rakas" and reads thé two Quranic verses: "Surat Al-

Falaq /Thé Daybreak) and an-Nas (Thé People) to avoid eviland so that no snakes living at thé top of thé date palm treecan hurt him. In fact, he will not kill them; rather he drives them

away only because killing such snakes would be ominous forthé date palm tree owner.Performance Arts: There are many murais that areassociated with thé date palm tree, especially in Aswan.


Passing it from génération to another and apprenticeship


PrésentConditionof théElémentCurrent andrécent

efforts andmeasurestosafeguardthé élément

on thé partof thé

It is safeguarded (Continuous and circulated inthé society)

Many national societies market thé date palmrelated products as more than one officiaiexhibition was opened to offer and sell suchproducts. Moreover, both adults and youth atpalaces of culture learn some date palm treerelated crafts as well.


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Coopérationof Local



Endangeringfactors ofsafeguardingthé élémentlikeextinction or

lack oftransmission

Suggestionsfor protectingthé élément


-Laws endangering thé élément: None-Effects of lack of transmitting thé élément:

Names ofinformantsand


Descriptionof groups,institutions,


organizations ofpractitionersorparticipantsof théélément

Organizations and

agenciesthat takecare of théélément

-Support thé cultivation of date palm in Egyptwhether in thé oases, rural areas (Saeed) orsea front.

-Support date palm tree related crafts andindustries by establishing markets andproviding financial and moral support tocraftsmen-Strive to collect and safeguard folk traditionsassociated with date palm trees in ail variousfields of specializations.-Make every effort to create cultural awarenessabout thé importance of date palm and relatedcrafts.Khalid Taha Ahmed, Husni Hamed Omar,Juma Mohammed Al Hawari, Jalal Abdul HafizSaleh, Ahmed Fahmi Suleiman, Ahmed KhalafOthman, Ihsan Abdelhamid

In général, thé groups include date palmfarmers, date palm craftsmen and climberswho dépend on parts of this tree as a rawmaterial for their craft, such as cage, broom,ropes, doormats, hats, and baskets makers.And they are most often thé simple peasantswho work on wage and production basis andtheir social condition are less than thé average.That excludes Ajwa and dried dates factoryowners as they are of a higher social andéconomie class.

-Egyptian Society For Folk Traditions (ESFT)-Egyptian Archives for Folk Life and FolkTraditions-Arts Academ



Page 17: Le - 3 OCT. 2018Majed Mustafa Ibrahim, Mohammed Hassan Abdel Hafez, Mahmoud Khalaf AbdulRahman Ali, Manar AbdulRazzaq Mohammed and Heba Ali Badri. AIBawiti 14-10-2009, AISwuais 26-3-2009,

17 l P âge

(practitionerssuch asNGOs orsyndicales ifavailableContribution

to ensuringvisibility andawareness

andtoencouragingdialo ueRestrictions

(if available)for using théélémentinformation

Respect forcustomarypracticesgovernlngaccess

There is a good response

There are no restrictions imposed on using théélément information

Customary practices governing access to thématerial collected about thé élément are


Source: Egyptian Archives for Folk Life and Folk Traditions - Ail Rights Reserved

Location Map - Property Rights

Developed by Hossam El Boshty

Nael Essa Design Studio 2010


htt ://nfa-e .or /Inventor Dé x?ID=278



Page 18: Le - 3 OCT. 2018Majed Mustafa Ibrahim, Mohammed Hassan Abdel Hafez, Mahmoud Khalaf AbdulRahman Ali, Manar AbdulRazzaq Mohammed and Heba Ali Badri. AIBawiti 14-10-2009, AISwuais 26-3-2009,

7/26/2018 --ai ̂ ij^ij ;i_ji ̂ j-=u]i ̂ JL^JÏI

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Inventoty Code forElément

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Name) :(^"'-~. ^l »^-ijjof thé élément (as

used by thécoiïaiiumty

:(i-j-^j ù,l)^^l »L^IOther Name(s) of)thé élément (if any

^jp^-iLt. U ^ûl:

Coinmitments of

comniunities, groupsor individuals


^\ ^Iji^l ̂ ^1^-1 ^k. 1 du

(^Géographie location

of thé élément


Name of collector

:;-a-:JI ej -)l-i -. ù^

Place and date ofcollection

i. 5i. iLjlj o_^-ll <âàl_ull-C-ilr-LuJI) Sj-ilu-^ljJ-^^^^l

(j^U.StJIFree, prior and

infomied consent tothé nomination

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specialized party


Responsible Persan

j-^'r\\ Jj^a-i

Specifyiag théélément

JLAS^l ûL<^uContact

Information aspx?ID=278 ^ 0°1 1,

Page 19: Le - 3 OCT. 2018Majed Mustafa Ibrahim, Mohammed Hassan Abdel Hafez, Mahmoud Khalaf AbdulRahman Ali, Manar AbdulRazzaq Mohammed and Heba Ali Badri. AIBawiti 14-10-2009, AISwuais 26-3-2009,


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Page 20: Le - 3 OCT. 2018Majed Mustafa Ibrahim, Mohammed Hassan Abdel Hafez, Mahmoud Khalaf AbdulRahman Ali, Manar AbdulRazzaq Mohammed and Heba Ali Badri. AIBawiti 14-10-2009, AISwuais 26-3-2009,

^usmap aq^jo



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Page 21: Le - 3 OCT. 2018Majed Mustafa Ibrahim, Mohammed Hassan Abdel Hafez, Mahmoud Khalaf AbdulRahman Ali, Manar AbdulRazzaq Mohammed and Heba Ali Badri. AIBawiti 14-10-2009, AISwuais 26-3-2009,

7/26/2018 ull -jljjiUlj -»l_Jl ̂ -^^ull .-i-ujïl

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-Lijti ^' ^-Ui. ^JÏ^JLAÎI Jj^j ù-^J l . -;j <^jliil Ofrijâ ,Jlû Jï^l -:_c^-a J^S i_^jl) ^JlLi j^Jll Cjl^ULAll tj-aa- ^UA^l^y-o

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^tuïbj ^^\ j=. S'4 ù_^°" »i-^" ^^1 ^-1^1 ^s ^ ^L1UIJ ^l-^ilj JX-llj ... ^Ul^lj J_^l_; ùL:^]_, ^JsSfl5-iC. Lola. l Sjl^aj <â-ia ^l&i ^ii Jj-û^l L-S^-ij oj. ï^tjl ^jL-ïa-Jl ^^u^ai ^U;i ^a i_g-iïlL j^ .. -l=Lu;jl&ll ^^'^'î A-.C.Lûla.^ 1 ç^-lll^j


Jj.sill S.uj^l 4-aJill ̂ -lljjSUlj ;l_-U ̂ j. -ill - tj'. j'ïl 4,j_o^il Î;;T., ÏII ̂ IjjSLll ̂ -Ij. ^nll S J^^-, II

Material Aspects ofthé elemen

<J-lLtJI JjÏ- J, ^ll_TjlSLi Ua^j ^1

Intangible Aspects

^ ^.UjLu ^^il ijl-ujl

Situations where

élément is practiced

Jull ij^l^isMeans of


J^Lu-U ̂ SLJI ̂ Ja^lPrésent Condition of

thé Elément

Û_a>.LûJi (ju-All ^-jl-Û

j^-. r^l ̂ Sr- ̂ Ls^U'«'.'". -Il 4jLuJI >_il(;]^^l)

-iljsl ̂ ^4^jl ^

Current and récent

efforts and measuresto safeguard thé


Ù^J ̂11 ̂ lal-L^IIp.c. - J'''''^l)j. -'-'l

Endangering ( Js^lfactors of thé

safeguarding of théélément

iJ-ilç. t^. 1 i-Jj-:k- '^-s^jlia-âù^-u t^^ ù^^^j î. iLuJI(ù-;' J^^) ̂ '-^^-ilSuggestions for)

protecting théeleinent (procédures

for protection

(JJ^^ .''^^ fr

j^sjl^JI j-^jLi^lljNames ofinfomiants

and professionalpractitioners

OLc.Lu;Jlj -IjS^'l l i, ̂a ai^}LuLA]1j A-Ul^L<LAll


Descriptioii ofgroups - institutions

- individuals -

organizations ofpractitioners or

participants of théélément

il L-lLu^u:_o-oJlj L"^\;g^l^jJ-LdjLa^l jjk^sUJtJl ^-^

. ia.j tjl (tliblu - i-^L-t-u.)Organizations that

take care of thé


^^al\ j^\^Protection


\\ ^L£ iLuLA

c^lCoopération of


community aspx?ID=278 ' n 4,

Page 22: Le - 3 OCT. 2018Majed Mustafa Ibrahim, Mohammed Hassan Abdel Hafez, Mahmoud Khalaf AbdulRahman Ali, Manar AbdulRazzaq Mohammed and Heba Ali Badri. AIBawiti 14-10-2009, AISwuais 26-3-2009,

7/26/2018 <j;., yi ^ijjSUlj ;l_Ji ^^^«11 ^ïj-x'l

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^^uajl J^c^ kcj^.;^ll S-lUL ̂LsliYI ̂ -. '^ ̂ \ î-Sj«JI i-lLujLuJI ^-

i. e. NGOs, syndicates((ifavailable

t-llcLa-îJI 5^-^. -l j-^e,

j^u»JI tj-ij; yi ̂ jL;.^!Contribution to -<-i_"^j

ensuring visibilityand awareness and to



J) <^,^^]1 ^1i-iljL-j ^1-Lluil ^Jc. ^C.j^j


Restrictions (if

available) for usingthé data of thé


4-àjaJI i_jL>:jL<Ljl f\J^\.^UL ̂ lili^l ̂ Li ̂ 1

il J e^. 'ik£- '<^,-^, ^jl

Respect forcustomai-y practices

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