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ÓÄÊ 811.111'36ÁÁÊ 81.2Àíãë-2 È 75

Èîíèíà À. À.È 75 Àíãëèéñêàÿ ãðàììàòèêà XXI âåêà: Óíèâåðñàëüíûé ýôôåêòèâíûé êóðñ /

À.À. Èîíèíà, À.Ñ. Ñààêÿí. — Ì. : Ýêñìî, 2012. — 416 ñ. — (Èíîñòðàííûé ÿçûê: øàã çà øàãîì).

ISBN 978-5-699-51321-5

Ïîñîáèå ïðåäíàçíà÷åíî äëÿ âñåõ æåëàþùèõ îñâîèòü êóðñ áàçîâîé àíãëèéñêîé ãðàììàòèêè è ðàçîáðàòüñÿ â åå ñëîæíîñòÿõ. Ñáàëàíñèðîâàííûé êóðñ îáó÷åíèÿ âêëþ÷àåò â ñåáÿ ýôôåêòèâíîå èçó÷åíèå è òðåíèðîâêó ãðàììàòè÷åñêîãî ìàòåðèàëà, à òàêæå îñâîåíèå ñîâðåìåííîé ëåêñèêè. Ïî-ñëåäîâàòåëüíàÿ ïðîãðàììà êóðñà, åìêèå îáúÿñíåíèÿ, íàãëÿäíûå ïðèìåðû, ñõåìû è òàáëèöû äëÿ ëó÷øåãî çàïîìèíàíèÿ ïðîéäåííîãî ïîìîãóò ëåãêî óñâîèòü è ñèñòåìàòèçèðîâàòü ìàòåðèàë. Ìíîæå-ñòâî óïðàæíåíèé — îò ðàçíîîáðàçíûõ òåñòîâûõ çàäàíèé äî ïåðåâîäîâ — íàïðàâëåíî íà òðåíèðîâ-êó è ïðèìåíåíèå ïîëó÷åííûõ çíàíèé íà ïðàêòèêå. Âñå çàäàíèÿ ïîñòðîåíû íà ñîâðåìåííîé ëåêñèêå.

Ïîñîáèå ñòàíåò ïîëåçíûì äîïîëíåíèåì ê ëþáîìó ó÷åáíèêó, ïîìîæåò áûñòðî è ýôôåêòèâíî ïîä-ãîòîâèòüñÿ ê ýêçàìåíó, ïîâòîðèòü ãðàììàòè÷åñêèé ìàòåðèàë ïåðåä çàðóáåæíîé êîìàíäèðîâêîé èëè ñòàæèðîâêîé. Îíî ïðåäíàçíà÷åíî äëÿ âñåõ, êòî èçó÷àåò ÿçûê ñàìîñòîÿòåëüíî, ñ ïðåïîäàâàòåëåì, íà ÿçûêîâûõ êóðñàõ èëè â ó÷åáíîì çàâåäåíèè.

ÓÄÊ 811.111'36ÁÁÊ 81.2Àíãë-2

© Èîíèíà À.À., Ñààêÿí À.Ñ., 2011© ÎÎÎ «Èçäàòåëüñòâî «Ýêñìî», 2012ISBN 978-5-699-51321-5

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Ïðåäèñëîâèå . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6Unit 1. Ìåñòîèìåíèÿ (Pronouns) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8Unit 2. Ãëàãîë tî be . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15Unit 3. It is — There is . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21Unit 4. Èìÿ ñóùåñòâèòåëüíîå (The Noun) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29Unit 5. ×èñëî èìåíè ñóùåñòâèòåëüíîãî (Number) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32Unit 6. Òèïû âîïðîñîâ ñ ãëàãîëîì to be . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36Unit 7. Íåîïðåäåë¸ííûé àðòèêëü (The Indefinite Article) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40Unit 8. Íåîïðåäåë¸ííûå ìåñòîèìåíèÿ (Indefinite Pronouns) some, any, no . . . . . . . . 49Unit 9. Íåîïðåäåë¸ííûå ìåñòîèìåíèÿ a lot of, many, much . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53Unit 10. Îïðåäåë¸ííûé àðòèêëü (The Definite Article) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59Unit 11. Have/Have got (èìåòü ÷òî-òî, îáëàäàòü ÷åì-òî) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65Unit 12. Ïàäåæ èìåíè ñóùåñòâèòåëüíîãî (Ñase) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68Unit 13. Ðîä èìåíè ñóùåñòâèòåëüíîãî (Gender) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72Unit 14. Ïðîñòîå íàñòîÿùåå âðåìÿ (Present Simple) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75Unit 15. Ïîâåëèòåëüíûå ïðåäëîæåíèÿ (Imperative Sentences) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82Unit 16. Íàñòîÿùåå ïðîäîëæåííîå âðåìÿ (Present Progressive/Continuous) . . . . . 85Unit 17. Ïîâòîðåíèå (Revision) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92Unit 18. Ïðîñòîå ïðîøåäøåå âðåìÿ (Past Simple) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99Unit 19. Ïðîøåäøåå ïðîäîëæåííîå âðåìÿ (Past Progressive/Continuous) . . . . . . . 106Unit 20. Ìîäàëüíûå ãëàãîëû can, may . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110Unit 21. Ìîäàëüíûå ãëàãîëû must, be to . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 116 Unit 22. Ìîäàëüíûå ãëàãîëû have to, should, ought to . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 120Unit 23. Ìîäàëüíûé ãëàãîë need (to) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 123Unit 24. good — well, bad — badly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 126Unit 25. Ïîâòîðåíèå (Revision) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 130Unit 26. Ïðîñòîå áóäóùåå âðåìÿ (Future Simple) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 137Unit 27. Áóäóùåå ïðîäîëæåííîå âðåìÿ (Future Progressive/Continuous) . . . . . . . 141Unit 28. Ïðèäàòî÷íûå âðåìåíè è óñëîâèÿ If — When . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 145Unit 29. tî be exciting — to be excited . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 151Unit 30. Íàñòîÿùåå ñîâåðøåííîå âðåìÿ 1 (Present Perfect 1) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 155Unit 31. Íàñòîÿùåå ñîâåðøåííîå âðåìÿ 2 (Present Perfect 2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 160Unit 32. Íàñòîÿùåå ñîâåðøåííîå âðåìÿ 3 (Present Perfect 3) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 163Unit 33. have done — did . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 166

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Unit 34. Íàñòîÿùåå ñîâåðøåííîå ïðîäîëæåííîå âðåìÿ (Present Perfect Progressive/Continuous) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 169

Unit 35. Èìÿ ïðèëàãàòåëüíîå (The Adjective) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 173Unit 36. Äâîéíûå ñòåïåíè ñðàâíåíèÿ ïðèëàãàòåëüíûõ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 180Unit 37. Àðòèêëè ñ ãåîãðàôè÷åñêèìè íàçâàíèÿìè. Ìèðîâàÿ ãåîãðàôèÿ . . . . . . . . . 185Unit 38. Àðòèêëè ñ ãåîãðàôè÷åñêèìè íàçâàíèÿìè. Ãîðîäñêàÿ ãåîãðàôèÿ . . . . . . . . 190Unit 39. Êîñâåííàÿ ðå÷ü (Reported Speech) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 198Unit 40. Ïîâòîðåíèå (Revision) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 205Unit 41. Àðòèêëè â íàçâàíèÿõ íåêîòîðûõ ñòðàí, íàöèîíàëüíîñòåé,

æèòåëåé ñòðàíû è ÿçûêîâ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 213Unit 42. Ïðîøåäøåå ñîâåðøåííîå âðåìÿ (Past Perfect) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 217Unit 43. Ïðîøåäøåå ñîâåðøåííîå ïðîäîëæåííîå âðåìÿ

(Past Perfect Progressive/Continuous) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 224Unit 44. Ñîãëàñîâàíèå âðåì¸í . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 227Unit 45. Íåñîãëàñîâàíèå âðåì¸í . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 232Unit 46. Ñòðàäàòåëüíûé çàëîã (The Passive Voice) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 236Unit 47. Ñâîäíàÿ òàáëèöà ôîðì ñòðàäàòåëüíîãî çàëîãà . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 241Unit 48. Ïîâòîðåíèå (Revision) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 245Unit 49. Ïðîáëåìíûå ãëàãîëû (Problem Verbs) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 252Unit 50. ×èñëèòåëüíîå (The Numeral) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 256Unit 51. (the) other, (the) others, another . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 261Unit 52. do — make . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 265Unit 53. Àðòèêëè ñ ñóùåñòâèòåëüíûìè, îáîçíà÷àþùèìè ÷àñòè ñóòîê

è âðåìåíà ãîäà . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 268Unit 54. Àðòèêëè ñ ñóùåñòâèòåëüíûìè, îáîçíà÷àþùèìè

ïðè¸ìû ïèùè (meals) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 272Unit 55. Àðòèêëè ñ ñóùåñòâèòåëüíûìè school, bed, town... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 276Unit 56. Àðòèêëè ñ ñóùåñòâèòåëüíûìè âî ôðàçàõ ñ ïðåäëîãàìè

in, with, like, as . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 279Unit 57. Àðòèêëè âî ôðàçàõ ñ ïðåäëîãîì of . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 282Unit 58. Àðòèêëè âî ôðàçàõ on foot, at home, by chance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 285Unit 59. 1. Àðòèêëè ñ óíèêàëüíûìè ñóùåñòâèòåëüíûìè . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 288

2. Îáîáùàþùåå (ðîäîâîå) çíà÷åíèå àðòèêëåé; èçîáðåòåíèÿ, æàíðû, òåðìèíû . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 289

Unit 60. Àðòèêëè ñ ëè÷íûìè èìåíàìè (èìåíà è ôàìèëèè ëþäåé) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 293Unit 61. Àðòèêëè ñ íàçâàíèÿìè áîëåçíåé . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 296Unit 62. Àðòèêëè ñ ñóùåñòâèòåëüíûìè â ôóíêöèè ïðèëîæåíèÿ

è ïðåäèêàòèâà (÷àñòè ñîñòàâíîãî èìåííîãî ñêàçóåìîãî) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 300Unit 63. Àðòèêëè ñ ñóùåñòâèòåëüíûì fruit / fish . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 303Unit 64. Ïîâòîðåíèå (Revision) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 307Unit 65. Âîçâðàòíûå ìåñòîèìåíèÿ (myself, yourself...) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 314Unit 66. Ñîñëàãàòåëüíîå íàêëîíåíèå (The Subjunctive Mood,

The Conditional Mood) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 318Unit 67. I wish... (Âûðàæåíèå íåðåàëüíûõ ïîæåëàíèé) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 324Unit 68. Ïîâòîðåíèå (Revision) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 330Unit 69. Èíôèíèòèâ (The Infinitive) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 338Unit 70. Ñëîæíîå äîïîëíåíèå ( The Complex Object) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 344Unit 71. Ãåðóíäèé (The Gerund) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 349

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Unit 72. Èíôèíèòèâ è ãåðóíäèé (The Infinitive and the Gerund) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 354Unit 73. Ïðè÷àñòèå I, II (Participle I, II) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 359Unit 74. Ïîâòîðåíèå (Revision) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 365Unit 75. Ïðåäëîãè (Prepositions). Ïðåäëîãè, âûðàæàþùèå ïðîñòðàíñòâåííûå

îòíîøåíèÿ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 371Unit 76. Ïðåäëîãè above/below, over/under; between/among . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 375Unit 77. Ïðåäëîãè, âûðàæàþùèå âðåìåííûå îòíîøåíèÿ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 378Unit 78. be on/in time, arrive in/at, at, in the end . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 382Unit 79. Ïîâòîðåíèå (Ïðåäëîãè). Revision Prepositions) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 385Unit 80. Ïðîâåðüòå ñåáÿ (Tests) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 392Ïðèëîæåíèå 1. Ïðàâèëüíûå ãëàãîëû, ïðåäñòàâëÿþùèå îðôîãðàôè÷åñêèå

òðóäíîñòè . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 400Ïðèëîæåíèå 2. Ïîëíûé ñïèñîê íåïðàâèëüíûõ ãëàãîëîâ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 402

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Ïðåäëàãàåìîå âàøåìó âíèìàíèþ ó÷åáíîå ïîñîáèå «Àíãëèé-ñêàÿ ãðàììàòèêà XXI âåêà» ïðåäñòàâëÿåò ñîáîé ñèñòåìàòè÷å-ñêèé êóðñ ãðàììàòèêè àíãëèéñêîãî ÿçûêà, ïðåäíàçíà÷åííûé äëÿ ñòàðøåêëàññíèêîâ, æåëàþùèõ ïîâòîðèòü, çàêðåïèòü è ðàñ-øèðèòü òå áàçîâûå çíàíèÿ â àíãëèéñêîé ãðàììàòèêå, êîòîðûå îíè ïîëó÷èëè â ñðåäíåé øêîëå. Îíî ìîæåò áûòü óñïåøíî èñ-ïîëüçîâàíî ñòóäåíòàìè, îáó÷àþùèìèñÿ ïî íàïðàâëåíèþ ïîäãî-òîâêè «Ëèíãâèñòèêà» (áàêàëàâðèàò), à òàêæå øèðîêèì êðóãîì ëèö, èçó÷àþùèõ àíãëèéñêèé ÿçûê ñàìîñòîÿòåëüíî. Áîëüøóþ ïîìîùü êíèãà ìîæåò îêàçàòü ó÷èòåëÿì ñðåäíèõ øêîë, ãèìíà-çèé, ðàçëè÷íûõ ïîäãîòîâèòåëüíûõ êóðñîâ. Ïðèíöèï ïîñòðîåíèÿ ó÷åáíèêà äåëàåò åãî ìàêñèìàëüíî óäîáíûì â ó÷åáíîì ïðîöåññå, òàê êàê íàëè÷èå òåîðåòè÷åñêîãî ìàòåðèàëà â äîñòóïíîé ôîð-ìå è îáøèðíîãî ëèíãâèñòè÷åñêîãî ìàòåðèàëà ïîçâîëÿåò ñäåëàòü ïðîöåññ îáó÷åíèÿ ÿçûêó îäíîâðåìåííî èíòåðåñíûì è ýôôåê-òèâíûì. Íå áóäó÷è óâÿçàííûì íè ñ îäíèì ó÷åáíèêîì, äàííîå ïîñîáèå ìîæåò ãèáêî ñî÷åòàòüñÿ ñ ëþáûì áàçèñíûì êóðñîì àí-ãëèéñêîãî ÿçûêà.

Ïîñîáèå ñîñòîèò èç 80 óðîêîâ, âêëþ÷àþùèõ òåîðåòè÷åñêèé ìàòåðèàë è óïðàæíåíèÿ ðàçíîîáðàçíîãî õàðàêòåðà. Áîëüøîå ÷èñëî êîììóíèêàòèâíî îðèåíòèðîâàííûõ çàäàíèé äà¸ò âîçìîæ-íîñòü âûâåñòè â ðå÷ü ïîëó÷åííûå çíàíèÿ è íàâûêè. Ïîñîáèåì ìîæíî ïîëüçîâàòüñÿ êàê ñèñòåìàòè÷åñêèì êóðñîì, òàê êàê ìå-òîäè÷åñêè îíî ïîñòðîåíî ïî ïðèíöèïó îò ïðîñòîãî ê ñëîæíîìó è îáåñïå÷èâàåò ïîâòîðÿåìîñòü ïðîéäåííîãî ìàòåðèàëà. Îäíàêî ïðè æåëàíèè èì ìîæíî ïîëüçîâàòüñÿ âûáîðî÷íî äëÿ ñíÿòèÿ òåõ èëè èíûõ òðóäíîñòåé. Ïîñëå ïðîõîæäåíèÿ îïðåäåë¸ííûõ ãðàììàòè-

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÷åñêèõ òåì äà¸òñÿ óðîê íà ïîâòîðåíèå, êîòîðûé ó÷èòåëü ìîæåò äàâàòü â âèäå òåñòîâ.  ïîñîáèè îòðàæåíû èçìåíåíèÿ è òåíäåí-öèè â àíãëèéñêîì ÿçûêå ïîñëåäíèõ äåñÿòèëåòèé. Ëåêñè÷åñêèé ìàòåðèàë óïðàæíåíèé è òåêñòîâ èìååò ñîâðåìåííîå çâó÷àíèå. Îí îñíîâàí íà ðåàëèÿõ íàøåé æèçíè, ôèëüìàõ, êíèãàõ, ïîïó-ëÿðíûõ ó ìîëîä¸æè.  ïîñîáèè (óìûøëåííî) íå äàíû êëþ÷è, òàê êàê ýòî ÷àñòî óìåíüøàåò ïðàêòè÷åñêóþ ïîëåçíîñòü ó÷åáíèêîâ. Íàëè÷èå òåîðèè è ïîÿñíåíèé ïîçâîëèò ó÷àùèìñÿ îñóùåñòâèòü ñàìîêîíòðîëü è ñàìîêîððåêöèþ ïîëó÷åííûõ çíàíèé.

Íàäååìñÿ, ÷òî ðàáîòà ïî äàííîìó ïîñîáèþ áóäåò äëÿ âàñ ïî-ëåçíîé è ïðèÿòíîé.


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Ëè÷íûå ìåñòîèìåíèÿPersonal Pronouns

Единственное число Множественное число

1-е лицо2-е лицо3-е лицо


he, she, it


Именительный падеж

The Nominative CaseОбъектный падеж

The Objective Case






Unit 1U it 1U iUnit Unit 1iUUnit 1Unit 11Unit 1U i 111tttiiinnnUUnitUni

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Именительный падежThe Nominative Case

Объектный падежThe Objective Case

I have a new disc.She sings well.He works every day.They have a lot of friends.

Give the disc to me.

Listen to her.

We know him.

They often meet them.

Ïðèòÿæàòåëüíûå ìåñòîèìåíèÿ

Possessive Pronouns



Притяжательные местоимения

Совмещенная форма

Местоимение + существительное

Абсолютная форма

Местоимение без существительного









I have a bike.They built a house.She has a friend.It is a big city.He wrote a text.

It’s my bike.It is their house.Tim is her friend.Its history is interesting.His mark was good.

The bike is mine.

This house isn’t theirs.

Tim is a friend of hers.

—The best test was his.

Продолжение табл.

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1.1. Употребите необходимые по смыслу личные местоимения.

A. 1. ................. do my work well. 2. ................. seldom water your flowers. 3. ...................... likes his job. 4. ...................... checks her e-mail regularly. 5. ...................... know our duties. 6. Do ...................... cook your own meals? 7. ................... often visit their relatives. 8. Do ...................... call your parents every day? 9. ...................... washes his car every week. 10. Is ................... sorry for her friends? 11. I like English, but I find ...................... difficult.

B. 1. I love ................... family. 2. You love .................. friends. 3. He loves ................. girl. 4. She cares for .................... boyfriend. 5. We must look after ...................... children. 6. They are worried about .................. future. 7. You can leave .................. things here. 8. It’s a very old theatre. .................. history is very interesting. 9. I read this book, but I don’t remember .................. author. 10. It’s a good dictionary, but .................. price is very high. 11. Mind ................... own business.

1.2. Употребите необходимые по смыслу личные местоимения.

1. Mrs. Grant is our teacher. ...................... is very competent. 2. Denis has a new bike. ...................... is cool. ...................... is happy. 3. Fred and I are cousins. ...................... are good friends. 4. The pupils are in class now. ...................... are taking a test. 5. My name is Victor. ...................... am your new manager. 6. I came to Moscow at five o’clock. My friends met ...................... at the station. 7. He loves you. Do you love ...................... ? 8. My Granny likes to come to our place. She spends ...................... weekends with ...................... . 9. Nobody knows these people. Do you know ...................... ? 10. Children should obey ...................... parents. Did you obey ...................... parents? 11. I am a good pupil. ...................... marks are excellent. 12. Martin hopes that ...................... life will be happy. 13. Nina spends ...................... holidays in the South. 14. Would you like ...................... to help you?...................... am ready to do ...................... . 15. — Where is ...................... travel card, Miss? — I’ve lost ...................... .

1.3. Употребите необходимые по смыслу личные местоимения.

1. Íå wanted her to go to a movie with ................................ . 2. Sveta loves ............................ dog. ...................... name is Rex. 3. The secret is

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between you and ...................... . 4. His boss considered ...................... the best worker. 5. They are nice people. I like ............................. . 6. He ate an apple. ............................ was tasty. 7. I wonder whose file ............................. is? 8. I would like you to give ...................... phone number. 9. ...................... is five o’clock now. 10. Whose fax is ...................... ? 11. When you see Susan, give ...................... my best regards. 12. The cat ate ...................... food happily. 13. That’s ............................ e-mail. I have to read .................................. . 14. Your bag is beautiful. Is ...................... new? 15. I must hurry. ............................... friend is waiting for ............................... . 16. They may be late. Don’t wait for ...................... . 17. Let ...................... go to the cinema, shall ...................... ? 18. She invited us to ...................... party. ...................... were happy about it. 19. They called ...................... yesterday. I talked to ...................... with pleasure. 20. I lost ........................... keys. I hope I left .......................... at the office.

Личные Притяжательные

Именительный падеж

Объектный падеж

Совмещенная форма

Абсолютная форма





They told them (their friends) that their house was not theirs. It was their grandfather’s.He asked him (Max) to take his car, because his was out of order.

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Óêàçàòåëüíûå ìåñòîèìåíèÿDemonstrative Pronouns



this (этот, эта, это)this week, this year, this fi le,this method, this child

that (тот, та, то)that week, that year, that fi le,that method, that child



these (эти)these weeks, these years, these fi les, these methods, these children

those (те)those weeks, those years, those fi les, those methods, those children

Обозначают то, что ближе к говорящему во времени и пространстве

Обозначают то, что дальше от говорящего во времени и пространстве

This is our new building. This way please.I’m sorry to trouble you. — That’s all right.Are you Mr. Grant? — Yes, that’s right.Hello, this is Olga. Is this Julia? (в телефонных разговорах)one of these days («на днях» в отношении будущего)

1.4. Употребите нужную форму притяжательных местоимений.

1. This computer belongs to me. It’s ...................... . 2. Is this umbrella _____, Helen? — Yes, it’s ...................... umbrella. 3. Excuse me. Is this my file or ...................... ? — It’s ...................... . 4. You check my test and I’ll check ...................... . 5. The cat washed itself with ...................... paws. 6. She is a cousin of ...................... . Our mothers are sisters. 7. He is a friend of ......................, Peter, isn’t he? 8. He asked ...................... a difficult question. I couldn’t answer ...................... .

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9. She invited us to ...................... party. ...................... thanked ...................... . 10. They called ...................... yesterday. He called ...................... back at once. 11. The teacher told Boris that the best paper was ...................... . 12. You scratch ...................... back, and I’ll scratch ...................... (ïîñëîâèöà). 13. Helen is clever. That bright idea was ...................... . 14. This coffee is very good. I like ...................... smell. 15. They showed ...................... credit cards, but we couldn’t find

1.5. Переведите следующие предложения.

1. Ìîé êîìïüþòåð íå â ïîðÿäêå. Ìîæíî ÿ ïîðàáîòàþ íà òâî-¸ì? 2. Ýòî èõ îøèáêà, íå íàøà. 3. Îí îäèí èç ìîèõ äðóçåé. 4. Ýòè äåíüãè âàøè. 5. Ìû äàëè èì íàø íîìåð òåëåôîíà, à îíè äàëè íàì ñâîé. 6. Åãî ìàøèíà íàïðîòèâ îôèñà, à ãäå æå ìîÿ? 7. Ó íåãî íå áûëî ñîòîâîãî òåëåôîíà, è îíà äàëà åìó ñâîé. 8. Ýòî òâîÿ ïðîáëåìà, íå íàøà. 9. — Èçâèíè, ÿ âçÿëà òâîþ ðó÷êó âìåñòî ñâîåé. — Âñ¸ â ïîðÿäêå. 10. Îíà ðàññêà-çàëà ìíå ñâîþ èñòîðèþ, à ÿ åé ñâîþ. 11. Ñåé÷àñ ìû îòêðîåì íàøè ïîäàðêè, à çàòåì âçãëÿíåì íà âàøè. 12. Ýòîò êñåðîêñ âàø èëè åãî? 13. Èõ äîì áîëüøå, ÷åì íàø. 14. Åãî ãîëîñ ñèëü-íåå, ÷åì å¸. 15. Ýòî òâîÿ ãîëîâíàÿ áîëü, íå ìîÿ. 16. Ðóêà ðóêó ìîåò.

1.6. Вставьте в пропуски указательные местоимения.

1. ...................... were happy days! 2. Who is ...................... over there? 3. ...................... shoes are too small for me. 4. ...................... is my neighbour, Tanya. 5. Do you like ...................... idea? 6. ...................... was so long ago. 7. Do you like ...................... photo? 8. You are so kind. ...................... why I like you. 9. Give me ...................... book from the shelf. 10. Who are ...................... people over there? 11. — Did you hear ...................... noise last night? — ...................... was the rain. 12. Who told you ...................... story? 13. I am so tired of ...................... life. 14. ...................... was a wonderful party, thanks. 15. Why did you choose ...................... magazines? 16. ...................... are my text-books. 17. ...................... events changed her life. 18. ...................... news is great. 19. ...................... is very serious. 20. ...................... was your mistake.

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1.7. Переведите следующие предложения.

1. Ýòî òâîé äèñê, à ãäå æå ìîé? 2. Òâîÿ èäåÿ õîðîøàÿ, íî åãî ëó÷øå. 3. Ýòî ìîè äðóçüÿ. 4. Ýòî áûëè åãî ïîñëåäíèå ñëîâà. 5. Ìíå íðàâÿòñÿ ýòè òóôëè. 6. Ýòè ëþäè èç Àíãëèè, à òå ëþäè èç Ôðàíöèè. 7. Ýòîò âîïðîñ òðóäíûé, íî äóìàþ, ÷òî îòâå÷ó íà íåãî. 8. Ýòî áûëè ñ÷àñòëèâûå âðåìåíà! 9. — Ýòî áûëà áîëüøàÿ îøèáêà. — Äà, ýòî âåðíî. 10. Ýòî íîâûå âèäåîôèëüìû. Ïîñìî-òðè èõ. 11. Ýòà ìàøèíà íå â ïîðÿäêå. 12. Ýòî ñëó÷èëîñü ìíîãî ëåò íàçàä. 13. — Ïðèâåò, ýòî Ñâåòà? (ïî òåëåôîíó) — Íåò, ýòî å¸ ñåñòðà Íàäÿ. 14. Íà ýòîé íåäåëå ÿ ïîéäó â òåàòð. 15. Ýòî áûëî óìíîå ðåøåíèå. 16. Ýòè ðàññêàçû î÷åíü èíòåðåñíûå. 17. ß íèêîãäà íå çàáóäó òîò äåíü! 18. Ýòîò ãîðîä òàêîé êðàñè-âûé! 19. Ïîñìîòðè íà âîí òå êàðòèíû. 20. Áûòü èëè íå áûòü — âîò â ÷¸ì âîïðîñ. 21. Äàâàé âñòðåòèìñÿ íà äíÿõ. 22. ß ïîçâîíþ òåáå íà äíÿõ. 23. ß ÷àñòî ïîñåùàþ Ëîíäîí. ß ëþáëþ ýòîò ãî-ðîä. 24. — Ãäå âûõîä? — Ñþäà, ïîæàëóéñòà. 25. Ýòî ëåòî áûëî äîæäëèâûì. 26. Òå íîìåðà áûëè çàáëîêèðîâàíû. 27. Ýòè öèô-ðû íåâåðíû. 28. Ýòî âàøè äåíüãè. 29. Ýòî áûë î÷åíü ðèñêîâàí-íûé áèçíåñ. 30. Ýòî áûëè íàøè ëó÷øèå äåíüêè. 31. Íèêòî íå ìîæåò ñîîáùèòü âàì ýòè ñâåäåíèÿ.

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Ãëàãîë tî be

áûòü, íàõîäèòüñÿ, ñóùåñòâîâàòü, èìåòüñÿ

My name is Denis. I’m 20.

My parents are teachers. I’m Russian.

My hobby is travelling. We are happy.

You are right. He is smart.

Число Утвердительная форма







I’m young. I am a student.He is rich. He’s a businessman.She’s my friend. She is very sweet.It’s summer. It’s warm and sunny.






We’re your neighbours.You’re our new programmers.They’re tourists from Australia.

Unit 2U 2U iUnit 2Unit 2iUUnit 2Unit 22Unit 2it 22U it 2U 222tttiiinnnUUnit 2Unit 2

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В русском языке глагол-связка быть, иметься, находиться опускается.

В английском языке глагол-связка be никогда не опускается!

Я (есть) учитель. I’m a teacher.Он (есть) занят. Не is busy.Мы (находимся) здесь. We are here.Это (есть) хорошо. It is good.

Вопросительная форма



I ... ?he ... ?she ... ?it ... ?

Am I right or am I wrong?Is he in London now?Is she your cousin?Is it really important?

Arewe ... ?you ... ?they... ?

Are we no longer friends?Are you good partners?Are they good lawyers?

Отрицательная форма


am not

is not

(I’m not)(he isn’t)(she isn’t)(it isn’t)

I’m not right.He isn’t in London now.She isn’t my cousin.It isn’t really important.


are not(we aren’t)(you aren’t)(they aren’t)

We aren’t friends any longer.You aren’t good partners.They aren’t good lawyers.

to be in (быть дома, в офисе и т.д.) to be out/away (отсутствовать, не быть дома, в офисе и т.д.)to be in order (быть исправным, to be out of order (сломаться, работать) не работать)

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Глагол tо be

to be eager (очень чего-то хотеть) to be fond of (увлекаться чем-то)to be over (закончиться) to be sure (быть уверенным)to be sorry (сожалеть о чём-то) to be hungry (thirsty, hot, cold, lucky, miserable, smart, cool, ...)to be on duty (дежурить) to be out of service (быть вне зоны обслуживания, о телефоне)

2.1. Употребите правильную форму глагола to be.

1. Who ...................... you? What ...................... your name? Where ...................... you from? How old ...................... you? 2. I ...................... Maria. I ...................... a Muscovite. I ...................... twenty. I ...................... a stu-dent. 3. — Where ...................... your parents? — They ...................... at work now. My father ................... a doctor, and my mother .................. a nurse. 4. This ...................... my friend, Nikita. He ...................... an ac-tor. All his friends .................. actors too. 5. — I ...................... happy. My life .................. great. .................. you happy? ................... everything all right? — Yes, thank you, I ................... fine. There .................... no prob-lems. 6. There ...................... two birds in the cage. 7. There ...................... a big bright star in the sky. 8. He ...................... a photographer. 9. ................... they your classmates? 10. There .................... many chan-nels on our television. 11. There ...................... two computers in the office, but there ...................... only one printer. 12. — It .................... Ol-ga’s file. — Yes, that .................... right. 13. Denis .................... my work-mate. 14. I ................... sorry, very sorry. 15. — .................. you from this office? — Yes, I ................... . 16. The facts ................... clear. 17. — You .................. always on my mind! — Oh, ................... I? 18. This tele-phone number ...................... out of service. Call back later.

2.2. Употребите вопросительную и отрицательную формы следующих


1. I am a teacher1. 2. My brother is an artist. 3. She is a programmer. 4. He is a reporter. 5. We are managers. 6. I am

1  âîïðîñèòåëüíûõ ïðåäëîæåíèÿõ ëîãè÷íî ìåíÿòü 1-å ëèöî (åä. è ìí. ÷èñ-ëà) íà 2-å ëèöî:

I am here. — Are you here? — I am not here.I am free. — Are you free? — I am not free.We are busy. — Are you busy? — We aren’t busy.We are cold. — Are you cold? — We aren’t cold.

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eager to see the world. 7. Life is hectic1. 8. The shops are closed today. 9. Kate is at home now. 10. I am a bus driver. 11. My keys are lost. 12. My children are I very well. 13. Our students are very good. 14. My job is well-paid. 15. The traffic is heavy today. 16. They are Japanese. 17. Boris is in Spain. 18. English is difficult. 19. Chinese is easy. 20. Computers are very useful. 21. Robert is a friendly boy. 22. My friends are always helpful.

2.3. Заполните пропуски правильной формой глагола to be.

1. My name ...................... Tanya. My family name ...................... Serova. It ...................... the fifth of May. I ...................... eighteen today. It ...................... a special day for me. My parents and my friends ...................... all in our house. They ...................... eager to congratulate me. We ...................... very happy. 2. Moscow ...................... a modern city. There ...................... many sights in it. I ...................... a Muscovite and I ...................... in love with my city. 3. It ...................... a good dictionary. Good dictionaries ...................... expensive, but as I ...................... a great book lover, my wish ...................... to buy it. 4. Mr. Hunt ...................... out, but his wife and children ...................... in. And I ...................... their babysitter. 5. My house ...................... comfortable. The rooms ...................... big and bright. I ...................... happy to live in it. 6. I ...................... sure that it ...................... a great show. Many fine actors and actresses ...................... in it. 7. It ...................... winter. It ...................... cold and snowy. The days ...................... short, and the nights ...................... long. There ...................... practically no sun. I ...................... always miserable in this season. 8. — I ...................... glad that you ...................... at home. Supper ...................... ready, I hope it ...................... tasty. — I ...................... sure that it ......................, you ...................... a wonderful cook. And we ...................... very hungry and thirsty.

2.4. Употребите правильную форму глагола to be.

1. — ...................... I late? — No, you ...................... just in time, but the boss ...................... not here yet. 2. — ...................... you cold? — Yes, it ...................... frosty today. 3. — ...................... I right? — I ...................... afraid that you ...................... not. 4. He ...................... a cool guy. He

1 hectic — áóðíàÿ, íàïðÿæ¸ííàÿ.

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Глагол tо be

...................... a computer genius. 5. My friends ...................... good fellows. 6. Everybody ...................... here. It ...................... time to start the class. 7. Whose books ...................... these? 8. ...................... I or ...................... you the manager here? 9. ...................... you a chocaholic? — No, I ...................... not. 10. ...................... he your brother? — Yes, that ...................... true. 11. ...................... your life interesting? How ...................... things? How ...................... business? 12. ...................... anybody at home? — No, they ...................... out. 13. What ...................... the matter? What ...................... wrong? 14. Who ...................... those people?...................... they your friends? 15. ...................... it warm or ...................... it cold today? — It ...................... hot outside. 16. Where ...................... my watch? 17. Where ...................... my jeans? 18. Who ...................... these people? 19. What ...................... the score? 20. — How ...................... your children? — Thank you, they ...................... very well.

2.5. Составьте пары прилагательных по образцу:

strong-weak, right-left, intelligent-stupid

Good, black, wonderful, high, right, short, cold, expensive, warm, heavy, rich, difficult, wet, poor, happy, upset, full, big, busy, old, early, free, young, late, small, empty, glad, sad, dry, easy, light, false, cheap, cool, long, bad, low, awful, white, hot, wrong, rich, new.

2.6. Переведите следующие предложения.

1. — Ýòî õîðîøî. — À ÿ äóìàþ, ÷òî ýòî ïëîõî. 2. Ïîãîäà ïðå-êðàñíàÿ, à â÷åðà îíà áûëà óæàñíàÿ. Áûëî ñûðî è õîëîäíî. 3. Ïðàâà ÿ èëè æå íå ïðàâà? 4. Îí áûë áåäåí, à ñåé÷àñ î÷åíü áîãàò. 5. — Øåô ñâîáîäåí? — Íåò, îí çàíÿò. 6. ß ðàäà, íåò, ÿ ñ÷àñòëèâà âñòðåòèòüñÿ ñ âàìè. 7. Ýòî ë¸ãêèé òåñò, à ÿ ëþáëþ òðóäíûå òåñòû. 8. Ýòà ìàøèíà ñòàðàÿ. ß õî÷ó êóïèòü íîâóþ. 9. — Îòâåò ïðàâèëüíûé? — Íåò, îí íåâåðíûé. 10. — Ýòî äî-ðîãîé ñëîâàðü? — Íåò, îí äåø¸âûé. 11. Îí íå ñòàðûé, îí âñ¸ åù¸ ìîëîä. 12. Ÿ ïàëüòî áåëîå, à øëÿïà ÷¸ðíàÿ. 13. Îí êðó-òîé ïàðåíü. 14. Ýòî äëèííàÿ è ãðóñòíàÿ èñòîðèÿ. 15. — ß îïî-çäàë? — Íåò, åù¸ î÷åíü ðàíî. 16. Ìû óâåðåíû, ÷òî îíè óæå çäåñü. 17. Ïîäðîñòêè óâëåêàþòñÿ (ëþáÿò) ýòó ïîïóëÿðíóþ

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ãðóïïó. 18. Íàì æàëü ïðîùàòüñÿ. 19. Ëåêöèÿ îêîí÷åíà. 20. Ìíå òàê õî÷åòñÿ ñêàçàòü âàì ÷òî-òî èíòåðåñíîå.

2.7. Употребите правильную форму глагола to be.

1. Apples ...................... useful. 2. My brother ...................... a pessimist, and I ...................... an optimist. 3. She ...................... a girl of my dreams. 4. The boss ...................... out at the moment. 5. It ...................... an impor-tant meeting. 6. These ...................... very good schools. 7. I ...................... rather shy, but my friends ...................... very brave. 8. It ...................... a fine day today. 9. They ...................... our relatives. 10. She ...................... a young woman. 11. These ...................... fast trains. 12. It ...................... an interesting fact. 13. They ...................... famous detectives. 14. Your English ...................... not bad. 15. It ...................... a modern building. 16. He ...................... not well today. 17. They ...................... not at home now. 18. It ...................... a clever step. 19. We ...................... from London. 20. ...................... I right? — Yes, you ...................... right as usual.

2.8. Переведите следующие предложения.

1. Ïðèâåò, êàê òû? Òû â ïîðÿäêå? Êàê æèçíü? ß ñ÷àñòëèâ (ðàä) âàñ âèäåòü. 2. Ñåãîäíÿ ïîíåäåëüíèê. Ýòî âñåãäà òðóäíûé äåíü. ß î÷åíü çàíÿòà. 3. — Èçâèíè, ÿ íåïðàâ, à òû ïðàâà. — ß ñ÷àñòëèâà ñëûøàòü ýòî. 4. Ýòî âåðíî. Ýòè ôàêòû ðåàëüíû. 5. — Îí äîìà? — Íåò, åãî íåò. 6. Ñåé÷àñ 10 ÷àñîâ. ß â îôè-ñå. ß ìåíåäæåð. 7. Ìîÿ ãðóïïà î÷åíü áîëüøàÿ. 8. Îíà òðóäî-ãîëèê. 9. Ìíå æàëü, íî ýòî î÷åíü òðóäíûé âîïðîñ. 10. Îíè ìè-ëûå ëþäè. 11. Îí ïðåêðàñíûé ó÷èòåëü. 12. Ìîé ñûí ëåíèâûé, íî õîðîøèé ìàëü÷èê. 13. Îíà õîðîøàÿ ñòóäåíòêà. 14. Îí ïðå-ñòóïíèê. 15. Òû àíãåë, òû ÷óäî. 16. Ýòî âîåííàÿ òàéíà. 17. ̸ä î÷åíü ïîëåçåí. 18. Ìû ãîòîâû, à Êàòÿ åù¸ íåò. 19. ×àé ãîðÿ÷èé. 20. Ìû çäåñü è ìû î÷åíü ðàäû âèäåòü âàñ. 21. — ß èç Ìîñêâû, à âû îòêóäà? — Ìû èç Ëîíäîíà. 22. — Ìîÿ ñîáàêà ìîé ëó÷-øèé äðóã. — Äà, ñîáàêè âåðíûå äðóçüÿ. 23. — Ìîé êîìïüþ-òåð íå â ïîðÿäêå. Ìîæíî ÿ ïîðàáîòàþ íà òâî¸ì? — Ìíå æàëü, íî îí òîæå íå ðàáîòàåò. 24. — Óðîê îêîí÷åí? — Íåò, åù¸ íå îêîí÷åí. 25. — Âû ïåññèìèñò èëè îïòèìèñò? — ß îïòèìèñò. 26. Ýòîò íîìåð òåëåôîíà íàõîäèòñÿ âíå çîíû îáñëóæèâàíèÿ. Ïîçâîíèòå ïîçæå.

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It is — There is

It It употребляется в безличных предложениях для обозначения:

1) времени What time is it?

It’s 12 o’clock. It’s late (early, noon, night).It’s lunchtime. It’s dinnertime.It’s time to start the class.

2) дней, месяцев,

времен года

What day is it? — It’s Monday.It’s November. It’s autumn.

3) расстояния It’s far from here to the park.It’s a long way.— How far is it to the metro station?— It isn’t far.

4) природных явлений It’s fi ne weather today.It’s a foggy day today.It snows in Russia in winter.It rains a lot in autumn.It looks like rain (snow).(Похоже, будет дождь/снег).

5) состояний (nice, easy, hard, good, necessary, diffi cult, interesting, cool, exciting, wonderful, thrilling, awful, terrible, important)

It’s nice to be young.It’s easy to be polite.It was good to visit you.It’s cool to be a bodyguard.It was awful to lose the game.It’s interesting to travel.

Unit 3U 3U i 33Unit 3Unit 3iUUUnitUnit 3Unit 3nit 33U it 3U 333tttiiinnnUUnit 3Unit 3

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What time is it? What day is it?How far is it to...? — It’s not far from here.It looks like rain (snow). — Похоже, будет дождь (снег).It’s a small world. — Мир тесен.It’s up to you to decide. — Тебе решать.

There There употребляется когда необходимо передать наличие кого-то или чего-то в определённом месте или же в определённый момент времени.

There is a fi le on the desk.

There were a lot of people in the streets.

There was a strong wind yesterday.

There is a good comedy on TV today.

There are clouds in the sky. It’s cloudy today.

There is a lot of snow in winter. It snows a lot in winter.

There are many rains in October. It’s rainy in October.

В начале сказок и историй часто употребляются:

Once there lived... Once upon a time there was...Once upon a time there lived a princess called Fiona.Once there was a king who was very cruel.

3.1. Прочитайте пословицы и поговорки и дайте их русские эквиваленты.

1. It’s never too late. 2. Where there’s much talk, there’s little work. 3. There is no rose without a thorn. 4. There’s nothing new under the moon. 5. It’s never late to learn. 6. There is no smoke without fire. 7. There is a black sheep in every flock.

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It is — There is

8. There is no fool like an old fool. 9. There is no medicine like hope. 10. There is no place like home. 11. This is a small world. 12. Where there is a will, there is a way. 13. There is no place like home when you’re not feeling well.

3.2. Вставьте в пропуски it или there.

1. ............................ is a bike parking near the metro station. ......................... is a safe place. 2. .............................. is a fax today. ............................ is for you. 3. ........................... is a Xerox ['zɪǝrɔks] in the laboratory. .............................. is very useful. 4. ............................ isn’t a printer to this computer. ...................... isn’t good. 5. ............................ is always a tiny ray of hope. ...................... is better to be optimistic. 6. ...................... is no ink in the cartridge. Is ...................... an old one? — Yes, ...................... is. 7. ...................... are some fish and an octopus on the screen saver. ...................... is a very pleasant picture. 8. ...................... was so much rain last summer. ...................... was really like ...................... is in England, but ...................... was very hot there. 9. ...................... is no money left on my account. ...................... is very, very sad. 10. ...................... is so much information in the Internet. .............................. is really a world of knowledge. 11. Once upon a time ................................ lived a very kind doctor. ................................ is a famous children’s story. 12. Once ...................... was a brave captain. ...................... is a story about Captain Cook. 13. ...................... is a fine day today! ...................... are many dog walkers in the park. 14. ...................... is up to you to decide this question.

3.3. Переведите следующие предложения.

1. Çèìà. Äåêàáðü. Î÷åíü õîëîäíî. Êðóãîì ìíîãî ñíåãà. 2. Âåñ-íà. Àïðåëü. Òåïëî è ñîëíå÷íî. Ýòî ÷óäåñíîå âðåìÿ ãîäà. 3. Ñå-ãîäíÿ ñóááîòà. Ýòî ìîé ñâîáîäíûé äåíü. 4. Ïàñìóðíî, ïîõîæå, áóäåò äîæäü. 5. — Êàêîé ñåãîäíÿ äåíü? — Ýòî ïÿòíèöà. Ìîé ëþáèìûé äåíü. 6. — Êîòîðûé ÷àñ? — 12 ÷àñîâ. Ïîðà ëàí÷å-âàòü. 7. — Áîþñü, ÷òî ÿ îïàçäûâàþ. — Òû íèêîãäà íå îïàç-äûâàåøü. 8. — Äàëåêî ëè îòñþäà äî ïàðêà? — Íå î÷åíü äà-ëåêî. 9. — Êàêîå ñåãîäíÿ ÷èñëî? Êòî îòñóòñòâóåò? — Ñåãîä-íÿ 5 Ìàðòà. Âñå çäåñü. 10. — Êòî ñåãîäíÿ äåæóðíûé? — ß äå-

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æóðíàÿ ñåãîäíÿ. Ìû ãîòîâû ê óðîêó. — Äà, ïîðà íà÷èíàòü óðîê. 11. — Âðåìÿ äëÿ âòîðîãî çàâòðàêà. — Äà, óæå 12 ÷àñîâ. Õî÷åòñÿ ïèòü. 12. Ýòî òðóäíûé âîïðîñ. Íåîáõîäèìî ðåøèòü åãî. 13. Ìèð òåñåí.  íåì òàê ìíîãî ëþäåé, êîòîðûå çíàþò äðóã äðóãà. 14.  Ëîíäîíå âñåãäà ìíîãî òóðèñòîâ.  àíãëèé-ñêîé ñòîëèöå ñòîëüêî äîñòîïðèìå÷àòåëüíîñòåé. 15. Òåáå ñîîá-ùåíèå íà äèñïëåå. Îíî ñðî÷íîå.

3.4. Вставьте в пропуски it или there.

1. ...................... is autumn. ...................... is getting cold. ...................... usually gets dark very early. 2. ...................... were many people on the bus. ...................... was a peak hour. 3. — ...................... is no wind today. — Yes, ...................... isn’t windy. 4. ...................... are twelve months in the year, ......................... is a fact. 5. ...................... is a long way from here to the airport. But ......................... is a taxi at the stop. 6. ........................... was a fine day. ...................................... were a lot of people in the park. 7. ............................. is something I’d like to tell you. ............................ is very important. 8. ............................... is a new book. ................................ are many interesting facts in it. 9. ...................... isn’t a difficult task. ...................... are many ways to do it. 10. We can’t take any pic-tures. ...................... isn’t a film in the camera. ............................. is such a pity! 11. ............................ is warm in the room. .................................... is a fireplace here. 12. ................................... was a lot of snow last winter. ................................. was a cold winter. 13. — Is ...................... snowing? — No, ...................... is raining hard. ...................... are dark clouds in the sky. 14. ...................... is a supermarket down the street. ...................... is a five minute walk from here. ...................... is close to the bus station. 15. — Who is that man? — ...................... is Mr. Smith, our director. 16. — ...................... is a question I’d like to ask you. — Is ...................... difficult? 17. ...................... is a good question, and I’ll try to answer it. Sometimes ............................. are questions that you can’t answer. 18. ...................... is about ten o’clock. ...................... is little time left be-fore the lecture starts. 19. ...................... is an island in the ocean. ...................... is a small island, but ...................... are many hotels there. 20. — What’s this? — ............................. is a secret file. ...................... is very important information in it.

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It is — There is

3.5. Переведите на английский язык следующие предложения.

1. — ×òî íàõîäèòñÿ â ýòîì êðàñèâîì çäàíèè? — Ýòî ïåäàãî-ãè÷åñêèé óíèâåðñèòåò. Ýòî íîâûé óíèâåðñèòåò. — À ÿ ðåøèë, ÷òî ýòî áàíê. — Íåò, åñòü íåñêîëüêî áàíêîâ íà ïðîòèâîïîëîæ-íîé ñòîðîíå óëèöû. — Ýòî òèõàÿ è êðàñèâàÿ óëî÷êà ñòàðîé Ìîñêâû. Ìíå çäåñü íðàâèòñÿ. 2. Ðÿäîì ñ ìåòðî åñòü áîëüøîé òîðãîâûé öåíòð «Àòðèóì». Ýòî íåäàëåêî îò íàøåãî óíèâåðñè-òåòà.  í¸ì ìíîãî ðàçëè÷íûõ ìàëåíüêèõ ìàãàçèíîâ. Íåêîòî-ðûå äîðîãèå, íåêîòîðûå íåò. Åñòü õîðîøèå ìàãàçèíû äëÿ ìî-ëîäûõ ëþäåé. Ïðèÿòíî çàéòè â íåãî è ïîõîäèòü ïî ìàãàçèíàì è âûïèòü ÷àøêó ÷àÿ â êàôå. 3. Íà ïðîòèâîïîëîæíîé ñòîðîíå ýòîé óëèöû åñòü êíèæíûé ìàãàçèí. Åãî ëåãêî íàéòè. Íà í¸ì âèñèò âûâåñêà. Ýòî íîâûé ìàãàçèí. Îí äîñòàòî÷íî áîëüøîé.  í¸ì ìíîãî ðàçëè÷íûõ êíèã è ó÷åáíèêîâ. Êîãäà âû èä¸òå òóäà, âàæíî çíàòü, ÷òî âû õîòèòå êóïèòü. Òàì åñòü ïðîäàâöû, êîòîðûå ïîìîãàþò íàéòè êíèãè. Ïðèÿòíî íàéòè òàì ÷òî-òî íî-âîå è èíòåðåñíîå. 4. ×òî íàõîäèòñÿ â âàøåì õîëîäèëüíèêå? — Î, ýòî áîëüøîé õîëîäèëüíèê.  í¸ì äâå êàìåðû è â í¸ì ìíî-ãî ðàçëè÷íûõ ïðîäóêòîâ. Åñòü ñûð, ìàñëî, ìîëîêî, äæåì, ñîê.  ìîðîçèëêå åñòü ìÿñî, ðûáà, ìîðîæåíîå.  í¸ì òàêæå åñòü ôðóêòû è îâîùè.

3.6. Вставьте в пропуски it или there.

1. ...................... is the middle of December now. ...................... are ten days left before Christmas. 2. ...................... is not any money in the safe, sir, ...................... is empty. ...................... was someone here. 3. ...................... is hot all the year round on Bali, that’s why ...................... are always a lot of tourists there. 4. ...................... is so much work to do. ...................... is necessary to start today. 5. ...................... is a very expensive hotel, but ...................... are not any vacant rooms in it. 6. ...................... was no news yesterday. ...................... was Sunday. ...................... is usually our day-off. 7. ...................... is nobody in, ...................... is still very early. But ...................... are two guards at the entrance. 8. ...................... is your duty to look after the children. ...................... are so many dangers around. 9. Look! ...................... is a star in the sky. ...................... is the North Star. ...................... is big and bright. 10. Once upon a time

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...................... lived an old man near the blue sea. 11. ...................... was a fish in the net. ...................... was not an ordinary fish, ...................... was a golden fish. 12. ...................... was a misprint in text five. ...................... was a bad mistake. 13. ...................... was night, ...................... was two o’clock in the morning, ...................... were no people around. 14. ...................... is a good magazine. ...................... is so much useful information in it. 15. ...................... is so pleasant to stay at home. ...................... are no classes today. 16. ...................... is a tray on the table for you. ...................... is lunchtime. 17. ...................... was such a boring film! ...................... weren’t many people in the cinema. 18. ...................... was a strange object in the sky. I was sure that ...................... was a flying saucer. 19. ...................... is common knowledge that ...................... is no place like home. 20. ...................... was just an accident. ...................... were too many cars on the road.

3.7. А. Употребите it или there.

1. — How many colours are ...................... in the rainbow? — ...................... is a fact that ...................... are seven colours in it. 2. ...................... is some juice in the bottle. ...................... is orange juice. 3. ...................... is a note for you on the desk. ...................... is from David. 4. ...................... is a karaoke club in this street. ...................... is very popular. 5. ...................... is such a pity that ...................... is only one birthday in the year. 6. ...................... is a garden behind the house but ...................... is very small. 7. ...................... is a new university. ...................... are fifteen faculties in it. 8. ...................... is a big bookshop. ...................... are many good books in it. 9. ...................... was a surprise in the box. ...................... was a beautiful watch. 10. ...................... was a flower in the vase. ...................... was a tulip. 11. ...................... is a cheese festival in Hungary every year. ...................... is a wonderful holiday. 12. ...................... is thirty miles to our country house. ...................... is to the South. 13. — How far is ...................... to the cafe? — Well, ...................... is one near the supermarket. ...................... is small but ...................... is a big choice of cakes there. — Thanks, ...................... is very kind of you to help me. 14. How many letters are ...................... in this word?...................... is a long word. 15. ...................... is no news from home. ...................... makes me unhappy.

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It is — There is

В. Опишите, что вы храните:

à) â ÿùèêå ïèñüìåííîãî ñòîëà;á) â ñåéôå;â) â êàðìàíàõ, ñóìêå, êîøåëüêå

3.8. A. Переведите следующие предложения.

1.  íàøåì âîêàáóëÿðå òàê ìíîãî âîëøåáíûõ ñëîâ — «ñïàñè-áî», «èçâèíèòå», «ìíå æàëü». Ïîëüçóéòåñü èìè! 2. Îêîëî ìåòðî åñòü áîëüøîé âîêçàë. Ýòî Êóðñêèé âîêçàë. 3. Æèëà-áûëà äå-âî÷êà. Ÿ çâàëè Àëèñà. 4. Ýòî ìàëåíüêîå êàôå, íî â í¸ì âñåã-äà åñòü âêóñíûå ïèðîæêè. 5. Æèë äà áûë îäèí êîðîëü. Çâàëñÿ îí Ëóè Âòîðîé. 6. Åñòü âîïðîñ, êîòîðûé ÿ õî÷ó çàäàòü âàì, íî îí ëè÷íûé. 7. Íà íåáå ðàäóãà. Îíà î÷åíü êðàñèâàÿ.  íåé ñåìü öâåòîâ. 8. — Ñêîëüêî äíåé â äåêàáðå? — Ýòî ïîñëåäíèé ìåñÿö ãîäà.  í¸ì òðèäöàòü îäèí äåíü. 9. Êàæäûé ãîä âî Ôðàíöèè è Èòàëèè ïðîõîäèò ôåñòèâàëü øîêîëàäà (a chocolate festival). Ýòî èíòåðåñíûé ïðàçäíèê. 10. Íà ìî¸ì ñòîëå íîâûé êîìïüþ-òåð. Ýòî íîóòáóê. 11. Âî Ôëîðèäå åñòü ìîðñêîé ëàãåðü. Ýòî ýêîëîãè÷åñêèé ëàãåðü. 12. Ñåãîäíÿ ïàñìóðíî. Ïîõîæå, áóäåò äîæäü. 13. Äëÿ âàñ åñòü ýëåêòðîííîå ïèñüìî. Îíî î÷åíü âàæ-íîå. 14. Àíãëèÿ — ýòî îñòðîâ. Íà í¸ì ìíîãî áîëüøèõ è ìà-ëåíüêèõ ãîðîäîâ. 15. Ìèð òåñåí.  í¸ì òàê ìíîãî ëþäåé, êîòî-ðûå çíàþò äðóã äðóãà.

В. Коммуникативное задание.

Ðàññêàæèòå î ñâî¸ì ðàéîíå, óëèöå, äîìå, êâàðòèðå. Èñïîëü-çóéòå êîíñòðóêöèè there is (are)/was (were)/will be, it is/was/will be.

3.9. Употребите it’s или its.

1. I like Moscow. I like ...................... streets and squares. 2. ...................... a new magazine. ...................... price isn’t high. 3. What a beautiful book! ...................... cover is so bright. 4. ...................... a big company. ...................... main office is in New York. 5. The baby elephant called ...................... mother. 6. ...................... a long way from here to there. 7. ...................... not too bad. 8. The cat was playing with ......................

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tail. 9. Well, I don’t know. ...................... up to you. 10. ...................... snowing out there. 11. ...................... Tuesday today. 12. — We like the place. ...................... so beautiful. What’s ...................... name? — ...................... Kuskovo. 13. ...................... me! Open the door! 14. ...................... a great painting. ...................... very expensive, ...................... price is a secret. 15. He liked London for ...................... style. 16. ...................... very important. 17. The baby lay in ...................... carrycot. 18. The group had ...................... last exam yesterday. 19. ...................... a complete waste of time. 20. Eat more fruit. ...................... good for you. 21. Well, ...................... so good to be here with you. 22. ...................... such a surprise for me! 23. ...................... a new word. I don’t know ...................... meaning. 24. Every city has own face. 25. I'm going to buy this sweater. I like .......................................... colour.

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Èìÿ ñóùåñòâèòåëüíîå

The Noun




относящиеся к какому-то классу...)






a booka diska computerchildrenfriendscities



policepeopleclothesglassesteamjeanscompanyMass Media

PeterNikitinMaryBrownKatethe Stones


Исчисляемые Неисчисляемые

ед. ч. — мн. ч. ед. ч.

an idea — ideasa fi sh — fi sha child — childrenan apple — applesa printer — printers

Material Abstract



Unit 4U it 4U iUnit 4Unit 4iUUnit 4Unit 44Unit 44Unit 4U i 444tttiiinnnUUnit 4Unit 4

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Исчисляемые Неисчисляемые

Употребляются с:


many, a lot of(a) few, several



much, a lot of(a) little


4.1. Распределите следующие слова в две колонки: исчисляемые и неисчис-

ляемые существительные.

An orange, a person, an album, butter, cakes, juice, children, chalk, a fish1, wood, a sheep, a ship, iron, love, a piece, a mouse, a deer, books, a toy, petrol, gold, silver, meat, a key, time, progress, cream, paper, a paper, yogurt, money, gas, chairs, a case, a star, water, fruit1.

4.2. Дайте множественное число следующих существительных.

a toy ............................................................ a fish ..........................................................a cry ............................................................ a sheep .....................................................a dictionary ........................................... a ship .........................................................a boy ........................................................... a deer ........................................................a story ....................................................... a man ........................................................a country ................................................. a child .......................................................a person .................................................... a woman .................................................a match .................................................... a tooth ......................................................a potato .................................................... a foot orange ................................................ a handkerchief .................................a shelf ........................................................ a cliff .........................................................a leaf ........................................................... a key ..........................................................a chief ........................................................ a half .........................................................a wife ......................................................... a city ..........................................................a roof .......................................................... a boss .........................................................

1 Ñì. Unit 63.

Продолжение табл.

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Имя существительное

4.3. Употребите is или are.

1. Big money ...................... hard to hide. 2. There ...................... big fish in this river. 3. Clothes ...................... very important to her. 4. It ...................... front-page news. 5. The traffic ...................... bumper to bumper today. 6. His hair ...................... getting thin, though he is only thirty. 7. There ...................... a hair on your plate. 8. Your ear-rings ...................... so beautiful! 9. This news ...................... hard to be-lieve. 10. The fish in this river ...................... dying. 11. The scis-sors ...................... on the table. 12. These sunglasses ...................... so cool! 13. The pyjamas ...................... made of cotton. 14. The luggage ...................... too heavy. 15. The advice ...................... timely. 16. The headphones ...................... in the laboratory. 17. Fruit ...................... very useful. 18. Your jeans ...................... fashionable. 19. ...................... the po-lice here? 20. Mass Media ...................... the Press, Radio and Tele-vision. 21. There ...................... a few hairs on your jacket. 22. My furniture ...................... made of wood. 23. ...................... there any fish in the Neva? 24. ...................... there any fish on the menu? 25. Her clothes ...................... very expensive.

4.4. Переведите следующие предложения.

1. Ïîëèöèÿ óæå â çäàíèè. 2. Äâà ïîëèöåéñêèõ îñìàòðèâàþò ãàðàæ. 3. Ìîè äðóçüÿ — õîðîøèå ëþäè. 4. Ìûøè ëþáÿò ñûð. 5.  äîìå åñòü ìûøè? 6. Âñå ìîè äåíüãè ïîòðà÷åíû. 7. Åñòü êàêèå-ëèáî äåíüãè íà ìî¸ì ñ÷¸òå? 8.  ýòîì áàíêîìàòå âîîá-ùå íåò äåíåã. 9. Äæèíñû âñåãäà â ìîäå. 10. Òàêàÿ îäåæäà ñåé-÷àñ íå â ìîäå. 11. òàêèå ñîâåòû íå äëÿ ìåíÿ. 12. Ýòî ñåêðåò-íûå ñâåäåíèÿ. Íèêòî íå äîëæåí çíàòü èõ. 13. Ñåãîäíÿ ïðå-êðàñíàÿ ïîãîäà. 14. Åãî çíàíèÿ — ýòî ðåçóëüòàò óïîðíîé ðà-áîòû. 15. Îáðàçîâàíèå — ñàìîå ëó÷øåå êàïèòàëîâëîæåíèå. 16. Ãäå ìîè ñîëíå÷íûå î÷êè? Ãäå ÿ èõ îñòàâèëà? 17. Íîæíè-öû îñòðûå? 18. Æèçíü åñòü æèçíü. 19. Ëþáîâü òâîðèò ÷óäåñà. 20. Îòñóòñòâèå íîâîñòåé — óæå õîðîøàÿ íîâîñòü.

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×èñëî èìåíè ñóùåñòâèòåëüíîãî


Способ образования

Примеры Примечания

1. -s


a book — booksa desk — desksa path — paths

a car — carsa computer — computers



a) -s -sh -ch -x


a bus — busesa bush — bushesa watch — watchesa box — boxes а также:a potato — potatoesa tomato — tomatoesa hero — heroes



photos, pianos, discos, radios, zoos, videos, cuckoos

b) -у -ies (после согласной)

a cry — criesa party — partiesa story — storiesa country — countriesa dictionary — dictionaries

Ho: -ay -ey -ys

-oyboys, toys, days, plays, monkeys, joys, keys

U 5U i 55Unit 5Unit 5iUUnit 5Unit 55Unit 5U it 5555tttiiinnnUUUUnit 5Unit 5

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Число имени существительного

Способ образования

Примеры Примечания

с) -f/-fe -ves a shelf — shelvesa half — halvesa life — livesa knife — knivesa wolf — wolvesa leaf — leavesan elf — elvesa calf — calves


roofs,chiefs,cuff s,cliff s,handkerchiefs,scarfs (scarves)

2. Чередование корневой гласной

a man — mena woman — womena child — childrena foot — feeta goose — geesea louse — licea mouse — micea tooth — teeth

an ox — oxen

3. Совпадающие формы единственного и множественного числа

a deer — two deera fi sh — three fi sha sheep — four sheepa swine — many swine

Названия национальностей

на -ese, -ss

a Swiss — ten Swissa Chinese — many Chinesea Japanese — fi ve Japanesea Portuguese — a lot of Portuguese

a fi sh — fi shes(различные виды рыб)употребляетсяочень редко

4. Составные существительные

a grown-up — grown-upsan offi ce-block — offi ce-blocksa merry-go-round — merry-go-roundsa forget-me-not — forget-me-nots

mothers-in-law passers-by women-drivers menservants

Продолжение табл.

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5.1. Образуйте множественное число существительных, сделав все необхо-

димые изменения по образцу:

This is a toy. — These are toys.That is a ship. — Those are ships.It is a child. — They are children.

1. It’s a long story. 2. This is a key. 3. That’s a new shop. 4. It’s a fly. 5. It’s a big country. 6. He is a chief. 7. It’s a black cat. 8. That is a clever dog. 9. It’s an orange. 10. He is a nice boy. 11. It’s a yellow leaf. 12. She is a good wife. 13. It’s a bad tooth. 14. It’s a strange fish. 15. It’s a beautiful deer. 16. That’s a new potato. 17. This is a red roof. 18. It’s my file. 19. She is a wonderful child. 20. It’s a white sheep.

5.2. Дайте множественное число следующих существительных:

a tomato .................................................... a book ......................................................a hero .................................................... a day .........................................................a photo .................................................... a play ........................................................a party .................................................... a lottery ..................................................a life .................................................... a euro .......................................................a wolf .................................................... a monkey ...............................................a goose .................................................... a passer-by ..........................................a mouse .................................................... an American .......................................a Swiss .................................................... a German ..............................................a Chinese .................................................... a battery ................................................a fireman .................................................... a fisherman .........................................a forget-me-not ..................................... a swine ....................................................a library .................................................... a Japanese ............................................a family .................................................... an ox .........................................................a mother-in law ........................................ a video ....................................................

5.3. Образуйте множественное число существительных, сделав все необхо-

димые изменения.

1. She is a lady. 2. Íå is a gentleman. 3. Íå is an honest part-ner. 4. She is a good translator. 5. He is an accountant. 6. It is a mouse. 7. It’s a butterfly. 8. He is a fisherman. 9. She is a Swiss. 10. It’s a swine. 11. It’s an ox. 12. That is a wild goose. 13. There is a sheep in the field. 14. There is a ship in the sea. 15. There is

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Число имени существительного

a mouse in the kitchen. 16. There is a Vietnamese in our group. 17. He is a passer-by. 18. It’s a forget-me-not. 19. It’s a good dictionary. 20. He is an Englishman. 21. I’m a teenager. 22. This is a good offer. 23. I am an expert on business. 24. That man is a German. 25. This woman is a Chinese.

5.4. Переведите следующие предложения.

1. Ìîèìè ó÷èòåëÿìè â øêîëå áûëè â îñíîâíîì æåíùèíû. 2.  íàøåì ãîðîäå åñòü ìíîãî õîðîøèõ ìàãàçèíîâ äëÿ ìóæ-÷èí. 3. Äåòè — öâåòû æèçíè. 4. Ðàáîòà — ëó÷øåå ëåêàðñòâî. 5. Ìíîãèå ëþäè ñåé÷àñ äåðæàò ìûøåé, êðûñ, çìåé, ïîðîñÿò â êà÷åñòâå äîìàøíèõ æèâîòíûõ. 6. Îëåíè î÷åíü êðàñèâûå æèâîòíûå. 7. Ãóñè ñïàñëè Äðåâíèé Ðèì ìíîãî âåêîâ íàçàä. 8.  ýòîé ðåêå åñòü ìíîãî ðûáû. 9. Ðûáà âêóñíàÿ? Îíà òåáå íðàâèòñÿ? 10. Òâîè ÷àñû ñïåøàò. 11. — Ãäå ìîè ÷àñû? — Îíè íà ñòîëå. 12. Îâöû äàþò íàì øåðñòü. 13. Çóáû ýòîé àêòðè-ñû î÷åíü áåëûå. 14. Ìîè íîãè óñòàëè. Äàâàé ñÿäåì. 15. Äàíòè-ñòû ëå÷àò íàøè çóáû. 16.  ïîäâàëå äîìà åñòü ìûøè. 17. Âû ìîæåòå óâèäåòü íåñêîëüêî áûêîâ â ïîëå. 18. Ìóæ÷èíû áîëåå ÷óâñòâèòåëüíû (sensitive), ÷åì æåíùèíû.

5.5. Переведите следующие предложения.

1. Ìíå íóæíî ïîìåíÿòü áàòàðåéêó â ÷àñàõ. Îíè íå ðàáîòàþò. 2. Ýòè íàñòåííûå ÷àñû âñåãäà îòñòàþò. 3. Äâà âîëêà çàáðà-ëèñü íî÷üþ â äåðåâíþ è óáèëè òð¸õ îâåö. 4. Íà ýòîì îçåðå åñòü äèêèå ãóñè. 5. Ñâèíüè — óìíûå æèâîòíûå. 6.  ýòîì ïàð-êå åñòü íåñêîëüêî êàðóñåëåé. 7. Ìíå î÷åíü íðàâÿòñÿ ôèàëêè. 8. Ìîæíî ìíå âçãëÿíóòü íà ýòè ôîòîãðàôèè? 9. Íóæíî êóïèòü êàðòîôåëü è ïîìèäîðû. 10. Íåêîòîðûå æåíùèíû òîæå èãðàþò â ôóòáîë. 11. Ðîäèòåëè äîëæíû íå òîëüêî êîðìèòü è îäåâàòü ñâîèõ äåòåé, îíè äîëæíû ðàçãîâàðèâàòü ñ íèìè. 12.  ìî¸ì êîìïüþòåðå åñòü âñÿ íåîáõîäèìàÿ èíôîðìàöèÿ ïî ýòîìó âî-ïðîñó. 13. Âàøè ñîâåòû ïðåêðàñíû, è ÿ èì ïîñëåäóþ. 14. Êè-òàéöû èçîáðåëè ïîðîõ (gunpowder), ÷åðíèëà, áóìàãó è ìíîãî äðóãèõ ïîëåçíûõ âåùåé. 15. ßïîíöû è âüåòíàìöû åäÿò ìíîãî ðèñà è ðûáû. 16. Øâåéöàðöû ãîâîðÿò íà íåìåöêîì, ôðàíöóç-ñêîì, èòàëüÿíñêîì ÿçûêàõ.

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Òèïû âîïðîñîâ ñ ãëàãîëîì tî be

1. Общий

(General)Yes/No questions

— Am I right? — Yes, you are. (No, you aren’t.)

— Is that your CD? — Yes, it is. (No, it isn’t.)

— Are they here? — Yes, they are. (No, they aren’t.)

2. Специальный

(Special)Who, Whose, What, When, How, Why, Where, Which, What kind of...

Who is it? Who are they? Whose book is it?What is that? What is there...?When is your birthday? How is life?How far is...? How old is your son?Why is it so? Where are the keys?Where is the car?Which is your fi le? What kind of fi lm is it?

3. Выборочный

(Alternative)«или... или»

Am I right or am I wrong?Is it your CD or is it mine?Are they in or are they out?

4. Разделительный

(Disjunctive, Tag-question)«не так ли?», «ведь...?», «не правда ли?»

It’s late, isn’t it?

They are busy, aren’t they?

There is a piano in the hall, isn’t there?

These are good books, aren’t they?

English is diffi cult, isn’t it? English isn’t diffi cult, is it?I am your boss, aren’t I? I am not your boss, am I?I am right, aren’t I? I am not right, am I?

Unit 6U 6U i 66Unit 6Unit 6iUUnitUnit 6Unit 6Unit 666666tttiiinnnUUnit 6Unit 6

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Типы вопросов с глаголом tо be

Everybody is here, aren’t they?

Nobody is angry, are they?

— Who is he? — He is Peter Brown. (личность человека)— What is he? — He is a doctor. (профессия человека)

6.1. Поставьте следующие предложения в вопросительную и отрицатель-

ную формы.

1. It’s five o’clock now. 2. They are bad boys. 3. This film is a thriller. 4. It’s a good job. 5. They are nice people. 6. I am a workaholic. 7. There are seven students in this group. 8. My mother is forty years old. 9. It is far from here to the metro station. 10. I am late. 11. She is a shopaholic. 12. We are fond of music. 13. They are eager to meet you. 14. They are friends. 15. Many people now are gameaholics.

6.2. Поставьте вопросы к выделенным словам.

1. There are two computers in the office. 2. This is a new printer. 3. It is three miles to the shop. 4. There is a mistake in the text. 5. They are famous detectives. 6. It’s Mary’s book. 7. It’s Sunday today. 8. He is in Paris now. 9. Mr. Parker is my teacher. 10. He is a lawyer. 11. This is an important question. 12. They are artists. 13. Marina is a secretary. 14. Henry is twenty years old. 15. This is a colour printer.

6.3. Поставьте выборочные (альтернативные) вопросы к следующим пред-


1. She is thirty. 2. It’s warm today. 3. It’s late. 4. I am cold. 5. They are free now. 6. He is a manager. 7. It’s a good idea. 8. There are three computers in the office. 9. It’s a nice day today. 10. They are football fans. 11. She is in London at the

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moment. 12. They are good children. 13. It’s eleven o’clock now. 14. There are two mistakes in the text. 15. They are usually at home on Sunday.

6.4. Поставьте разделительные вопросы к следующим предложениям.

1. That’s our university. 2. These are our students. 3. He isn’t happy. 4. We are not rich. 5. She is never late. 6. He is very poor. 7. Latin is a dead language. 8. Chinese isn’t an easy lan-guage. 9. His family isn’t big. 10. They are not friendly people. 11. There is much traffic on the road today. 12. We are free now. 13. I am your friend. 14. I am not your sponsor. 15. They are very busy at the moment. 16. There is useful information on this site. 17. The scissors aren’t on the table. 18. You are not a teenager any more.

6.5. Выберите из правой колонки правильный вариант разделительного


1. It’s a difficult question, a. are they?2. German isn’t a global language, b. aren’t I?3. Cats are wonderful pets, ñ. isn’t there?4. He isn’t aggressive, d. is it?5. Everybody is happy, e. are they?6. I am a lucky person, f. are there?7. There is a lot of light in the house, g. aren’t I?8. There aren’t any chances to win, h. is he?9. I am right, i. aren’t we?10. Pigs are not nice pets, j. am I?11. We are partners, k. isn’t it?12. I am not a dreamer, 1. aren’t they?13. Her clothes are new, m. aren’t they?14. I am not right, n. aren’t they?15. Nobody is late for my class, o. am I?

6.6. Поставьте разделительные вопросы к следующим предложениям.

1. There are many stars in the sky. 2. He is a star in show-biz. 3. Something is wrong. 4. She is never happy. 5. It’s fine

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Типы вопросов с глаголом tо be

weather today. 6. It isn’t my day today. 7. There is a fax for her. 8. There aren’t any messages for us. 9. Money is important. 10. Mice aren’t nice. 11. There is a lot of snow in the streets. 12. These are not your papers. 13. It’s late. 14. These are good examples. 15. These are not correct data. 16. She isn’t old. 17. He isn’t young. 18. I am on duty today. 19. They are not friends. 20. You are not a chocaholic.

6.7. Переведите следующие предложения.

1 . — Êòî ýòîò ïàðåíü? — Ýòî Äèìà. Îí ìîé äðóã. 2. — ×åì îí çàíèìàåòñÿ? (Êòî îí?) — Îí ñòóäåíò. 3. — Êòî ýòè ëþäè? — Îíè íàøè ñîñåäè. — ×åì îíè çàíèìàþòñÿ? (Êòî îíè?) — Îíè ñëóæàùèå. 4. — ×üÿ ýòî ïàïêà? — Îíà ìîÿ. 5. — Êàêîãî ðîäà ýòà ðàáîòà? — Îíà íåïëîõàÿ. 6. — Ñêîëüêî ëåò òâîåé æåíå? Ñêîëüêî ëåò òâîèì äåòÿì? — Âû âåäü íå èíñïåêòîð, íå ïðàâ-äà ëè? 7.  Àíãëèè ìíîãî õîðîøèõ òðàäèöèé, íå òàê ëè? 8. — ×òî ýòî çà ôèëüì? — Ýòî êîìåäèÿ. 9. — Êîòîðûé èç ýòèõ äèñêîâ òâîé? — Îíè âñå ìîè. 10. — Êàê âû? Êàê æèçíü? Êàê ðîäèòåëè? — Âñ¸ ïðåêðàñíî, ñïàñèáî. 11. — Ïî÷åìó òû òà-êàÿ ïå÷àëüíàÿ?  ÷¸ì äåëî? — ß ïðîñòî ãîëîäíà è õî÷ó ñïàòü. 12. — Êîãäà òâîé äåíü ðîæäåíèÿ? — Ýòî ñåêðåò. 13. — ß ïðàâ èëè íå ïðàâ? — Ýòî òðóäíî ñêàçàòü. 14. — Ãäå ó÷åíèêè? Ãäå ó÷èòåëü? — Îíè â çàëå. Òàì êîíöåðò. 15. Ýòî íå î÷åíü-òî õî-ðîøàÿ èäåÿ, íå ïðàâäà ëè? 16. — Ïî÷åìó âû çäåñü? — ß íî-âûé ñåêðåòàðü. Êàêèå ìîè îáÿçàííîñòè? 17. — ×òî îí çà ÷å-ëîâåê? — Îí ÷åñòíûé ÷åëîâåê è ïîìåøàí íà ðàáîòå. 18. Òû âåäü íå ñåðäèøüñÿ íà íàñ, íå òàê ëè? 19. — Îí âåäü íå ãàíã-ñòåð, íå ïðàâäà ëè? — Íó êîíå÷íî æå íåò. 20. — Òû — êíè-ãîëþá? — Äà, è ÿ âåëèêèé ïóòåøåñòâåííèê. 21. Íó ïî÷åìó ýòî âñåãäà òàê? Ìíå òàê íå âåç¸ò. 22. Êòî ãîâîðèò, ÷òî æèçíü ñêó÷íà? Òîëüêî íå ÿ! Åñòü èíòåðåñíûå ëþäè, ïðåêðàñíûå êíè-ãè, ÷óäåñíûå ñòðàíû è ãîðîäà â íàøåì ìèðå.

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Íåîïðåäåë¸ííûé àðòèêëü

The Indefinite Article

Îñíîâíûå ñëó÷àè óïîòðåáëåíèÿ íåîïðåäåë¸ííîãî àðòèêëÿ one > a (an)

Употребляется только с исчисляемыми существительными

в единственном числе для:

1) выражения значения единичности;

2) классификации лица или предмета (имеет значение «любой», «всякий»)

Употребляется с существительными


1. В роли:а) подлежащего; имеет значение «любой, каждый, всякий»б) подлежащего в предложениях с оборотом there is/was/will be, ...

A doctor should be competent.A student must be diligent.A computer is an electronic machine.A cat has a very independent nature.There is an e-mail for you.There was a star in the sky.There will be a party tomorrow.

2. В роли прямого дополнения I have a dog. She has a cat.

He bought a printer. We got a fax.

You made a mistake.

3. В роли именной части

составного именного сказуемого


I’m a student.

He is a programmer.

She is an accountant.

It’s a new show.

It’s a good idea.

Unit 7U 7U i 77Unit 7Unit 7iUUnit 7Unit 7777t 7ttiiinnnUUU 7Unit 7Uni

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Неопределённый артикль

Употребляется с существительными


4. В ряде устойчивых словосочетаний, выражающих однократные действия

То be a success, to be a hit, to have a rest, to have a good time, to have a toothache, to give a look, to make a mistake, to take a seat, to give smb. a lift, to go for a walk, to catch a cold.

The show was a success.He gave us a lift to the offi ce.We had a good time at the party.

Ho: We had fun.

5. При наличии у существительного описательного определения

Сравните:It was night. — It was a dark night.

It’s morning. — It’s a sunny morning.

We had dinner. — We had a big


6. В восклицательных предложениях после what, such

What a fi ne day!

What a good fi lm!

It’s such a big city!

She is such a good girl!

Запомните фразы:What a surprise!

(Какой сюрприз/неожиданность!)What a shame!

(Какая досада/обида/жалость!)What a shock! (Какой удар/шок!)What a waste! (Какая пустая трата денег, времени и т.д.)

Но:What good news! What fi ne weather!

Во всех перечисленных случаях во множественном числе употребление неопределённого артикля невозможно.

Doctors should be competent.There are e-mails for you.

Продолжение табл.

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We got faxes.

He makes mistakes.

What fi ne days!

They are such good girls!

Cats can stare for hours without blinking.

7.1. Употребите артикль a или an.

1. .............................................. album .......................................... new album2. .............................................. artist .......................................... poor artist3. .............................................. orange .......................................... big orange4. .............................................. hour .......................................... long hour5. .............................................. idea .......................................... bright idea6. .............................................. event .......................................... sad event7. .............................................. opera .......................................... famous opera8. .............................................. officer .......................................... brave officer9. .............................................. airport .......................................... new airport10. ........................................... angel .......................................... kind angel11. ........................................... actor .......................................... young actor12. ........................................... elephant .......................................... baby elephant13. ........................................... school .......................................... old school14. ........................................... e-mail .......................................... long e-mail15. ........................................... fax .......................................... urgent fax

7.2. Употребите артикль, если это необходимо.

1. ...................... fortnight consists of fourteen days. 2. ...................... student must have ...................... good memory. 3. ...................... children are fond of ...................... games. 4. ...................... friend in need is ...................... friend indeed. 5. ...................... secretary must be well-organized. 6. ...................... vegetarians don’t eat meat. 7. ...................... busker is ...................... street musician. 8. ...................... dictionary gives us ...................... reliable information. 9. ...................... friend is ...................... person who understands you. 10. ...................... teachers give us ...................... knowledge. 11. ...................... hour in the morning is worth two in the evening. 12. ...................... piano is ...................... musical instrument. 13. ...................... week passed, then ...................... month. No news came. 14. ...................... politician must be ...................... good speaker. 15. ...................... Xerox is ...................... photocopying machine.

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Неопределённый артикль

16. ...................... dentist is ...................... doctor who looks after our teeth. 17. ...................... chauffeur is ...................... person who drives ...................... car. 18. ...................... flowers need a lot of care. 19. ...................... chip is ...................... very small piece of silicon inside a computer. 20. ...................... million words is stored on these chips.

7.3. Переведите следующие предложения.

1. ×àøêà êîôå è áóòåðáðîä — ìîé îáû÷íûé çàâòðàê. 2. Ïîäî-æäèòå ìèíóòêó, ïîæàëóéñòà. 3. Íèêîãäà íå òåðÿéòå íè ñåêóí-äû. 4. Ãîä — äîëãèé ñðîê. 5. ß âåðíóñü ÷åðåç ÷àñ. 6. Ñúåäàéòå ÿáëîêî â äåíü, è ó âàñ íå áóäåò ïðîáëåì. 7. Ìíå íóæåí ñî-òîâûé òåëåôîí. 8. Ïðîø¸ë ìåñÿö, çàòåì ãîä. 9. Îí âûïèâàåò ñòàêàí àïåëüñèíîâîãî ñîêà êàæäîå óòðî. 10. Äàâàé âñòðåòèìñÿ ÷åðåç íåäåëþ. 11. — Òåáå êóïèòü ìîðîæåíîå? — Íåò, ÿ õî÷ó áàíàí. 12. Ýòà ðó÷êà ñòîèò äîëëàð. 13. Îí êóïèë áëîê ñèãàðåò. 14. Íå çàáóäü êóïèòü òþáèê çóáíîé ïàñòû, áàòîí õëåáà è áà-íî÷êó äæåìà. 15. Ó íåãî õîðîøåå ÷óâñòâî þìîðà. 16. — Õîòèòå êóñî÷åê ìîëî÷íîãî øîêîëàäà? — Íåò, â÷åðà ÿ êóïèëà ïëèòêó ÷¸ðíîãî øîêîëàäà. 17. Ïîëîæè ëîæêó ñîëè â ñóï. 18. Ìíå íóæ-íà ìûøêà äëÿ êîìïüþòåðà. 19. Ó íå¸ áîãàòûé ÿçûê (âîêàáó-ëÿð). 20. Ó íàøèõ ñòóäåíòîâ õîðîøèå, ñîâðåìåííûå ñëîâàðè.

7.4. Употребите артикль, если это необходимо.

1. There is ...................... fitness centre near my house. 2. There was ...................... mistake in the text. It was ...................... spelling mistake. 3. There are ...................... grammar rules on this page. 4. There is ...................... good news for you today. 5. There will be ...................... important information in the e-mail, I’m sure. 6. There was ...................... surprise in her eyes. 7. There will be ...................... surprise for you on your birthday. 8. There are ...................... beautiful flowers in her small garden. 9. Is there ...................... lift in the house? 10. There is ...................... money in the purse. 11. There was ...................... good advice in my parents’ letter. 12. There is ...................... reason for everything. 13. There was ...................... unknown object in the sky last night. 14. There was ...................... loud knock on the door. 15. Once upon a time there lived ...................... seven gnomes

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and ...................... princess. 16. He is ...................... figure skater. He is ...................... gold medalist. 17. ...................... dog is the only thing on earth that loves you more than you love yourself.

7.5. Переведите следующие предложения.

1.  ìóçûêå ñåìü íîò. 2.  ìîñêîâñêîì ìåòðî ìíîãî íîâûõ ëè-íèé è ñòàíöèé. 3. Íà ñëåäóþùåé íåäåëå áóäåò ÊÂÍ. 4.  áó-òûëêå åñòü îëèâêîâîå ìàñëî. 5.  âèòðèíå ìàãàçèíà åñòü ÷óäåñíîå ïàëüòî. 6. Íà íàøåì òåëåâèäåíèè ìíîãî ñåðèàëîâ. 7.  ìåòðî ìíîãî ðàçëè÷íûõ ïëàêàòîâ. 8. Èç ëþáîé ñèòóàöèè åñòü âûõîä. 9. Íà ýòîé óëèöå âñåãäà ìíîãî ïðîèñøåñòâèé, òàê êàê íà íåé îæèâë¸ííîå äâèæåíèå òðàíñïîðòà. 10. Íà ñòîëå åñòü ÷èñòàÿ áóìàãà. 11. Íà ýòîé ïëîùàäè åñòü êàðàîêå-êëóá. 12.  ýòîé ãðóïïå åñòü äâà ÿïîíöà, îäèí êèòàåö, òðè ðóññêèõ è äâà àìåðèêàíöà. 13. Íàä ñòîëîì íà÷àëüíèêà âèñÿò (åñòü) áîëü-øèå ÷àñû. 14.  õîëîäèëüíèêå åñòü àïåëüñèíîâûé ñîê. È ïè-ðîæíûå òîæå. 15. Íà ýòîì ñàéòå ìíîãî ïîëåçíîé èíôîðìàöèè. 16.  ìî¸ì êîìïüþòåðå åñòü çàùèòíàÿ çàñòàâêà (a screen sav-er). 17. Òåáå (åñòü) ïîñëàíèå íà ìîáèëüíîì òåëåôîíå. 18.  ýòîì áàíêå åñòü ñèãíàëèçàöèÿ. 19.  ìèðå ìíîãî íåðàçãàäàííûõ òàéí. 20.  ýòîì ñëîâàðå ìíîãî íîâûõ ñëîâ. 21.  ýòîì åñòü çåðíî èñòèíû. 22.  ìèíóòå øåñòüäåñÿò ñåêóíä. 23. Íà çåìëå ìíîãî ðåê, ìîðåé è îêåàíîâ.

7.6. Опишите помещение современного офиса. Используйте следующие

слова и выражения:

office equipment, desks, chairs, computers, a Xerox, a fax, printers, an e-mail, a clock, a cactus, files, a mouse, a mat, a calendar, a telephone, a coffee machine, a map of the world, a bin

7.7. Употребите артикль, если это необходимо.

1. Íå got ...................... e-mail an hour ago. 2. — Would you like ...................... cup of tea? — No, just ...................... glass of mineral wa-ter. 3. I got ...................... Christmas cards from England last week. 4. I need ...................... new washing machine, and I want ...................... good one. 5. Our students gave ...................... wonderful concert on

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Неопределённый артикль

Saturday. 6. He has ...................... big fast car. 7. She wants to be-come ...................... dancer. 8. We have ...................... new students in our group. 9. My cousin has ...................... private house. 10. We bought ...................... two computers and ...................... Xerox for our depart-ment. 11. He didn’t say ...................... word. 12. Marina is wearing ...................... new shoes and ...................... new cap today. 13. You should eat ...................... apple or ...................... grapefruit every day. 14. He is reading ...................... interesting book now. 15. Bob is looking for ...................... job. 16. Let’s meet in ...................... hour. 17. I’d like ...................... ice-cream, please. 18. She hasn’t got ...................... pet, but she would like to have ...................... cat or ...................... dog. 19. We booked ...................... tickets for the plane. 20. I need ...................... com-puter, and I want ...................... modern one.

7.8. Употребите артикль, если это необходимо.

1. My boss is ...................... good man. 2. She is ...................... famous stylist. 3. Richard is ...................... yogi. Yoga helps to relax. 4. This is ...................... new cartridge. 5. This man is ...................... imagemaker, ...................... promoter. 6. My father is ...................... excellent doctor. 7. My sister is ...................... speech therapist. 8. These children are ...................... my cousins. 9. Valentin is ...................... designer. 10. Tom is ...................... Hollywood superstar. 11. These are ...................... very pleasant moments. 12. It is ...................... heavy weather today. 13. It was ...................... sunny day yesterday. 14. Ann and Kate are ...................... nice girls. 15. — My workmates are ...................... hard-working people. — Are they ...................... workaholics? — I don’t think so. 16. These are ...................... new magazines. 17. Harry Potter was ...................... wizard. 18. It was ...................... boring job. 19. Monday morning is ...................... hectic time for me. 20. It is ...................... autumnal day. It looks like rain. You should wear ...................... sensible shoes. 21. It’s ....................................... tiring work.

7.9. Переведите следующие предложения.

1. Àíãëèéñêèé î÷åíü êðàñèâûé ÿçûê. È î÷åíü áîãàòûé ÿçûê. 2.  Èíòåðíåòå òàê ìíîãî ñàéòîâ è òàê ìíîãî èíôîðìàöèè. 3. «7 äíåé» — î÷åíü ïîïóëÿðíûé æóðíàë. 4. Âëàäèìèð î÷åíü óìíûé ïàðåíü. Îí ïðîãðàììèñò. 5. Ýòî áûëî áîëüøèì ñþð-

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ïðèçîì äëÿ âñåõ. 6. Ýòî íåâåðíàÿ èíôîðìàöèÿ. 7. «Øðåê» — ìóëüòèïëèêàöèîííûé ôèëüì. 8. Ìîè äâîþðîäíûå áðàòüÿ î÷åíü ìèëûå äåòêè. 9. — Âû òåàòðàë? — Äà. 10. Ó÷èòåëü äîë-æåí áûòü òâîð÷åñêîé ëè÷íîñòüþ. 11. — Âû ñ÷àñòëèâûé ÷åëî-âåê? — Íàäåþñü, ÷òî äà. 12. Ó ìåíÿ î÷åíü õîðîøèé ó÷èòåëü àíãëèéñêîãî ÿçûêà. 13. Ýòî õîðîøèé âîïðîñ. ß ëþáëþ îòâå-÷àòü íà óìíûå âîïðîñû. 14. Àíãëè÷àíå áîëüøèå ëþáèòåëè ÷àÿ (tea-lovers). Îíè îñîáåííî ëþáÿò ÷àé ñ ìîëîêîì. 15. Ýòî áûëà íå ïðîñòàÿ ðûáêà, ýòî áûëà çîëîòàÿ ðûáêà. 16. — Âû òðóäîãî-ëèê? — ß òàê íå äóìàþ. 17. Îí ïîïóëÿðíûé ïåâåö. Ó íåãî åñòü çîëîòîé äèñê. 18.  êàæäîé ñåìüå åñòü ñåêðåò. 19. Îí ÷ëåí íà-øåãî êëóáà. 20. Ýòà êíèãà — áåñòñåëëåð. 21. Åñòü ìíîãî ñïî-ñîáîâ, êàê ïðèãîòîâèòü ðûáó. 22. — Íà Ìàðñå åñòü æèçíü? — Íåò, íî ãîâîðÿò, ÷òî òàì åñòü âîäà. — Ýòî íå âîäà, à ë¸ä.

7.10. Употребите артикль, если это необходимо.

1. What ...................... original idea! 2. What ...................... timely advice! 3. What ...................... breaking news! 4. Is this ...................... reliable in-formation? 5. What ...................... sweet yogurt! 6. What ...................... smart dress! 7. What ...................... beautiful gloves! 8. What ...................... big surprise! 9. What ...................... fine shoes! 10. What ...................... cold wine! 11. What ...................... fine weather we are having to-day! 12. What ...................... wonderful day it is! 13. What ...................... big money! 14. What ...................... hectic life! 15. What ...................... beautiful white teeth she has! 16. What ...................... expensive fur-niture! 17. What ...................... challenging task! 18. What ...................... shame! My car is gone. 19. What ...................... tasteless things to do! 20. What ...................... smart man!

7.11. Переведите следующие предложения.

1. Êàêàÿ ïóñòàÿ òðàòà âðåìåíè è äåíåã! 2. ×òî çà ñóìàñøåä-øàÿ (hectic) æèçíü! 3. Êàêàÿ óæàñíàÿ ïîãîäà! Êàêîé óæàñ-íûé äåíü! 4. Êàêèå ëþáîïûòíûå ëþäè! 5. Êàêàÿ ïðåêðàñíàÿ ðàáîòà! 6. Êàêîå âàæíîå äåëî! 7. Êàêîé õîðîøèé ñëó÷àé (âîç-ìîæíîñòü)! 8. Êàêèå òðóäîëþáèâûå ñòóäåíòû. 9. Êàêèå êðó-òûå ïàðíè! 10. Êàêèå ÷óäåñíûå ñëîâà! 11. Êàêèå ó òåáÿ äëèí-íûå íîãè! 12. Êàêèå ó ýòîé àêòðèñû áåëûå çóáû! 13. Êàêèå íå-

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Неопределённый артикль

îæèäàííûå äåíüãè! 14. Êàêèå ó íå¸ êðàñèâûå äåòè! 15. Êàêàÿ ñëàâíàÿ êîøå÷êà! 16. Êàêîé çàõâàòûâàþùèé ôèëüì! 17. Êà-êèå êðàñèâûå âîëîñû! 18. Êàêîé ñîë¸íûé îãóðåö! 19. Êàêîé ñî-ë¸íûé ñóï! 20. Êàêîé âêóñíûé òîðò! 21. Àâòîáóñ îïàçäûâàåò. Êàêàÿ äîñàäà!

7.12. Измените предложения согласно образцу.

The fi lm is so long. — It‛s such a long fi lm.The advice is so good. — It‛s such good advice.

1. The book is so boring. 2. The tea is too hot. 3. The boy is so clever. 4. The children are so noisy. 5. The weather is so frosty! 6. The test is so long. 7. The furniture is so expensive. 8. The coffee is so sweet! 9. The answer was so good. 10. The day is so hot! 11. The cake is so tasty. 12. The dictionaries are so expen-sive. 13. The information is so important. 14. The day was so lucky for me.

7.13. Переведите следующие предложения.

1. Ýòî òàêàÿ áëåñòÿùàÿ ìûñëü. Òû òàêîé óìíûé. 2. Ýòî òàêîé áîëüøîé ãîðîä. 3. Ìû òàê ñ÷àñòëèâû. Ìû òàêèå ñ÷àñòëèâûå ëþäè. 4. Ýòî òàêîé õîðîøèé øàíñ. Òû òàêàÿ âåçó÷àÿ. 5. Ìóçû-êà òàêàÿ ãðîìêàÿ. ß íå ëþáëþ ãðîìêóþ ìóçûêó. 6. Ïëàòüå òà-êîå êðàñèâîå! Ìíå íðàâÿòñÿ òàêèå ïëàòüÿ. 7. — Ïîãîäà ñåãîä-íÿ òàêàÿ ò¸ïëàÿ. — Äà, ñåãîäíÿ òàêîé ïðåêðàñíûé äåíü. 8. Ýòî òàêîé ñþðïðèç! Ýòî òàê ïðèÿòíî! 9. Ýòî òàêèå ÷óäåñíûå íîâî-ñòè. ß òàê ðàäà. 10. Ýòî áûë òàêîé øîê! 11. Ýòî òàêèå âàæíûå ñâåäåíèÿ. È îíè òàêèå ñâîåâðåìåííûå!

7.14. Объясните разницу между следующими парами слов и составьте

предложения с ними.

1. glass — a glass; 2. paper — a paper; 3. wood — a wood; 4. iron — an iron; 5. coffee — a coffee; 6. cloth — a cloth; 7. rubber — a rubber; 8. fish — a fish; 9. language — a language; 10. tin — a tin; 11. study — a study; 12. light — a light; 13. duck — a duck; 14. gold — a gold; 15. play — a play; 16. thought — a thought.

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7.15. Переведите следующие предложения.

1. Êóïè áàòîí õëåáà, ïîæàëóéñòà. 2. Ïîëîæè â ÷àé êóñî÷åê ëèìîíà. 3. Ïîëèöèÿ àðåñòîâàëà áàíäó ãðàáèòåëåé. 4. Íà ñòî-ëå åñòü êóâøèí ñîêà. 5. Êóïè áàíî÷êó äæåìà. 6. ß âñåãäà êëà-äó êóáèê ëüäà â ñîê. 7. Ìíå íóæåí òþáèê çóáíîé ïàñòû. 8. Ýòî áûë õîðîøèé ñîâåò. 9. Îí âçÿë áîëüøóþ ñóììó äåíåã â áàí-êå. 10. Êàæäûé ìåñÿö îí ïîêóïàåò áëîê ñèãàðåò. 11. Ýòà ïëèò-êà øîêîëàäà ñòîèò ïÿòüäåñÿò ðóáëåé. 12. Ìîæíî ìíå êóñî-÷åê ñûðà? 13. Ðàçäàëñÿ êðèê óæàñà. 14. Ýòîò ïðåäìåò ìåáå-ëè î÷åíü äîðîãîé. 15. Ýòî èíòåðåñíàÿ íîâîñòü. 16.  ýòîì åñòü çåðíî ïðàâäû (äîëÿ èñòèíû).

7.16. Найдите средства выражения единичности неисчисляемых суще-

ствительных по образцу.

a loaf of bread, а piece of advice

1. a piece a. toothpaste2 a block b. furniture3. a bar ñ. advice4. a gang d. news5. a cry e. cigarettes6. a grain f. lemon7. a slice g. money8. an item of h. chocolate9. a word i. robbers10. an article j. ice11. a tube k. horror12. a tin 1. truth13. a jar m. juice14. a sum n. jam15. a cube o. cheese

7.17. Переведите следующие предложения.

1. ßçûê — ýòî ñðåäñòâî êîììóíèêàöèè. 2. Ëàòûíü — ì¸ðòâûé ÿçûê. 3. Ýòî íåáëàãîäàðíàÿ (thankless) ðàáîòà. 4. Åãî êàðìàí-íûå äåíüãè íå î÷åíü âåëèêè. 5. ß æèâó â ìíîãîêâàðòèðíîì äîìå. 6. Åñëè âû ïðîñòóæåíû, òî ïåéòå ãîðÿ÷èé ÷àé ñ ëîìòè-êîì ëèìîíà è ëîæêîé ì¸äà.

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Íåîïðåäåë¸ííûå ìåñòîèìåíèÿ

Indefinite Pronouns

Some, something, somebody (someone)

Any, anything, anybody (anyone)

No, nothing, nobody (no one)

Утвердительные предложения

Вопросительные предложения

Отрицательные предложения

There are some good dictionaries in our shops.

Are there any good dictionaries in our shops?

There aren’t any good dictionaries in our shops. = There are no good dictionaries in our shops, (более категорично)

He brought some news. Did he bring any news? He didn’t bring any

news. = He brought no


There is something new for me in this article.

Is there anything new for you in this article?

There isn’t anything

new for me in this article. = There is nothing new for me in this article.

Someone knows his address.

Does anyone know his address?

Nobody knows his address.

Unit 8U 8U i 88Unit 8Unit 8iUUnit 8Unit 8Unit 8t 88Unit 8Unit 8888tttiiinnnUUnit 8U 8nit 8it 8

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Some, something, somebody (someone)

Any, anything, anybody (anyone)

No, nothing, nobody (no one)

Утвердительные предложения

Вопросительные предложения

Отрицательные предложения

Some употребляется в вопросительных предложениях, когда вы предлагаете или просите что-то.Would you like some

juice? Will you have some more salad? Can I have some tea, please? Could you lend me some money?

Запомните:Any в утвердительных предложениях имеет значение «любой», «всякий», «всё, что угодно».Any child likes toys. We are interested in any

information. I can give you anything you need. If anyone calls, tell me about it.

— Is anything the matter?— Nothing is the matter.

No news is good news.

8.1. Заполните пропуски словами some, any, no.

1. We’ve got ...................... questions. Everything is clear. 2. It’s au-tumn. There aren’t ...................... flowers in my garden. 3. She works in her garden in ...................... weather. 4. Would you like ...................... mineral water? 5. I’ve just made ...................... coffee. Do you want ...................... ? 6. Are there ...................... problems in business? — No, there aren’t ...................... . 7. — Do you make ...................... spelling mis-takes? — Yes, I make ...................... . 8. Could you give us ...................... matches? We haven’t got ...................... . 9. There is ...................... mar-malade left. I have to buy a jar or two. 10. There is ...................... petrol in the tank, but not much. I’m going to buy ...................... more. 11. There are ...................... changes in my life. They are very important. 12. There are ...................... mistakes in the dictation. It’s excellent! 13. — Can you lend me ...................... money? — I’m sorry, but I haven’t got ...................... money with me today. 14. There are ...................... flowers in this shop, but there aren’t ...................... roses. 15. He left his children without ...................... money. 16. There isn’t ...................... progress in your study. 17. We need ...................... chalk. There isn’t on the desk.

Продолжение табл.

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Неопределённые местоимения

8.2. Поставьте следующие предложения в вопросительную и отрицатель-

ную формы.

1. There are some letters to answer. 2. There is nothing new under the moon. 3. Something is wrong with my computer. 4. There is some money in the safe. 5. There are some good things in our life. 6. There is somebody in the flat. 7. There are some biscuits in the tin. 8. There is some olive oil in the bottle. 9. There are some doubts about it. 10. There is something interesting on the display. 11. I would like to read something interesting.

8.3. Заполните пропуски словами somebody, something, anybody, anything,

nobody, nothing.

1. ............................ got into our dacha again! 2. .............................. worries him. 3. ............................ will stop me! .......................... must be done. 4. We saw ............................. at the door. 5. Does ............................ know his name? 6. Is ...................... in? 7. It’s dark here. I can’t see ...................... . 8. He was silent. He had ...................... to say. 9. There was ......................... in the box. It was empty. 10. — Did you say .......................... ? — No, I didn’t say .......................... . 11. My life is dull ...................... ever happens. 12. If you need ........................., just tell me. 13. I am hungry. I want ...................... to eat. 14. I’m not thirsty. I don’t want ...................... to drink. 15. — There is ........................ in my eye. — No, there is ...................... in it.

8.4. Прочитайте и переведите текст.


This is the story about four people named Everybody, Somebody, Anybody and Nobody. There was an important job to be done and Everybody was sure that Somebody would do it. Anybody could have done it, but Nobody did it. Somebody got angry about that because it was Everybody’s job. Everybody thought Anybody could do it, but Nobody realized that Everybody wouldn’t do it. It ended up that Everybody blamed Somebody when Nobody did what Anybody could have done.

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8.5. Измените предложения согласно образцу.

It‛s по problem at all. — It isn‛t any problem at all.I‛ve got no enemies. — I haven‛t got any enemies.We want no more tea. — We don‛t want any more tea.

1. I have no brother or sister. 2. He’s got no time for sport now. 3. There’s no bread left. 4. We have no apples. 5. There’s no news. 6. She has no reason to live. 7. We have no plans for tomorrow. 8. She’s no fool, I’m sure. 9. There’s no jam in the jar. 10. We need no food today. 11. Being very poor, he got no education. 12. I am no expert on electronics. 13. He’s got no faxes today. 14. There are no magazines on the coffee table. 15. It makes no sense.

8.6. Переведите следующие предложения.

1. Íè÷òî è íèêòî íå îñòàíîâèò ìåíÿ. 2. Ó òåáÿ ÷òî-òî íà óìå (on your mind). ×òî ýòî? 3. Íè÷òî íå íîâî ïîä ëóíîé. 4. Êòî-íèáóäü ìîæåò ìíå ïîìî÷ü? 5. —  õîëîäèëüíèêå åñòü êàêàÿ-íèáóäü åäà? — Êîå-÷òî åñòü. 6. —  âàøåé ãðóïïå åñòü èíîñòðàí-öû? — Íåò, èõ íåò. 7. — Õîòèòå àïåëüñèíîâîãî ñîêà? — Äà, íåìíîãî âûïüþ. 8. — Ìíå íðàâèòñÿ íåêîòîðàÿ ïîïóëÿðíàÿ ìó-çûêà. — À ìíå íðàâèòñÿ ëþáàÿ ïîïóëÿðíàÿ ìóçûêà. 9. — Åñòü êàêèå-íèáóäü âîïðîñû? — Íåò, âîïðîñîâ íåò, íî åñòü íåêîòî-ðûå ïðåäëîæåíèÿ. 10. Ìîæíî ìíå íåìíîãî ÷àÿ? Ïèòü õî÷åòñÿ. 11. Íåò íèêàêèõ øàíñîâ, ÷òî íàøà ôóòáîëüíàÿ êîìàíäà âû-èãðàåò. 12.  êîøåëüêå íåò äåíåã. Îí ïóñò. 13. Íà óëèöàõ íåò ëþäåé. Íî÷ü, è âñå äîìà. 14. ß ãóëÿþ ñî ñâîåé ñîáàêîé â ëþ-áóþ ïîãîäó. 15. ß õî÷ó êîå-÷òî ñêàçàòü òåáå, íå÷òî î÷åíü âàæ-íîå. 16. — Åñòü êàêèå-íèáóäü íîâîñòè? — Íåò, íîâîñòåé íåò. 17. Ëþáîé ÷åëîâåê õî÷åò áûòü ñ÷àñòëèâûì è çäîðîâûì. 18. Íà àâòîîòâåò÷èêå íåò íèêàêèõ ñîîáùåíèé äëÿ òåáÿ. 19.  íàøåì ñàäó åñòü íåñêîëüêî ôðóêòîâûõ äåðåâüåâ. 20.  ̸ðòâîì ìîðå íåò íèêàêîé ðûáû. 21. Ñ íèì ÷òî-òî íå òàê. Åãî íè÷åãî íå èí-òåðåñóåò. Îí íèêîãî íå õî÷åò âèäåòü. — Äà, ÷òî-òî åãî áåñ-ïîêîèò. 22. Åñëè ÿ òåáå ïîíàäîáëþñü, çâîíè â ëþáîå âðåìÿ. 23. ß âèæó, ÷òî ó òåáÿ ÷òî-òî íà óìå. ×òî ýòî? 24. Ëþáîé ïðî-õîæèé ñêàæåò âàì, êàê äîéòè òóäà. 25.  ïîãîäå íåò íèêàêèõ èçìåíåíèé.

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Íåîïðåäåë¸ííûå ìåñòîèìåíèÿ

Исчисляемые существительные

a lot of, many

Неисчисляемые существительные

a lot of, much

1. Утвердительные предложения a lot of

Но:so, too, very +

many, much

There are a lot of

interesting things in our life.Students have a lot of exams.There are so many books to read!You have too many

mistakes in your paper. We discussed very

many questions yesterday.

There is a lot of work to do.We have a lot of snow this year.There is so much work to do.This child has too much

energy!They got very much

information last week.

2. Вопросительные предложения many, much

Are there many

interesting things in your life?Do students have many

exams?Are there so many books to read?

Is there much work to do?Do you have much snow this year?Did they get very much

information last week?

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Исчисляемые существительные

a lot of, many

Неисчисляемые существительные

a lot of, much

3. Отрицательные предложения many, much

There aren’t many

interesting things in our life.Students don’t have many

exams. There aren’t so many

books to read.

There isn’t much work to do.We don’t have much snow this year.They didn’t get very much

information last week.

Исчисляемые существительные Неисчисляемые существительные

a few (= some, several)«несколько» (+)

a little (= some)«немного» (+)

Не made a few mistakes in his speech.Tell us a few words about your trip.

I’ve got a little free time now. I can speak to you.There is a little money left. We can go shopping.

few (not many)

«мало» ( — )little (not much)

«мало» ( — )

He made few mistakes in his paper.Few people know about it.

I’ve got little free time now. I can’t speak to you.There is little money left. We can’t go shopping.

(a) few, (a) little не употребляются в отрицательных предложениях; not many,

not much используются в этих типах предложений:

Не didn’t make many mistakes in his paper. I don’t have much free time now.Not many people know about it. There isn’t much snow in the forest.

Продолжение табл.

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Неопределённые местоимения

9.1. Употребите many или much.

1. There are always ...................... people in the metro. 2. There is ...................... work to do today. 3. How ...................... time is it now? 4. How ...................... years ago did you meet? 5. There are ...................... things which I don’t understand. 6. There is ...................... food in my fridge but there isn’t ...................... money in the purse. 7. How ...................... times have I told you not to use so ...................... make-up? 8. There aren’t ...................... students in this group. 9. She usually puts too ...................... sugar in her tea. 10. I think I put too ...................... butter and too ...................... raisins in the cake. It’s very rich. 11. He buys ...................... cigarettes and spends ...................... money on them. 12. We have ...................... cheese, but not ...................... bread. 13. How ...................... classes do we have today? 14. How ...................... petrol do you need? 15. Our teacher gives us ...................... homework. 16. You shouldn’t eat as ...................... potatoes, as ...................... butter, as ...................... snack foods as before because you’re getting fat. 17. There are too ...................... unfriendly people, too ...................... fast cars and too ...................... noise in this city. 18. He made ...................... mistakes in the test as he didn’t have ...................... time to prepare for it. 19. There is ...................... light and ...................... air in this hall as there are ...................... windows in it. 20. Mr. Parker doesn’t like his new secretary. He thinks she drinks too ...................... coffee, makes too ...................... telephone calls to her friends, and doesn’t pay ...................... attention to her duties.

9.2. Дайте вопросительную и отрицательную формы следующих предложе-

ний согласно образцу.

I have a lot of English books. — Do you have many English books? — I don‛t have many English books.

There is a lot of information at this website. — Is there much information at this website? — There isn‛t much information at this website.

1. Our people read a lot of detective novels. 2. He has a lot of great ideas. 3. Students usually buy a lot of textbooks. 4. Women always have a lot of things to do about the house. 5. There is a lot of money in this oil business. 6. There are a lot of supermarkets in Moscow. 7. We have a lot of duties in life.

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8. There is a lot of fruit on the table. 9. There are a lot of fish in the ocean. 10. She buys a lot of clothes. 11. They have a lot of chances to win the match. 12. Teenagers spend a lot of money on discs. 13. There is a lot of interesting news in today’s paper. 14. There are a lot of apples this year. 15. We have a lot of rain this summer. 16. Mr. Rich has got a lot of money. 17. This agent always brings a lot of important information. 18. There are a lot of secret data in this file. 19. There are a lot of viruses in the Internet. 20. The sun gives us a lot of energy.

9.3. Переведите следующие предложения.

1.  ìèðå åñòü ìíîãî ïðåêðàñíûõ ñòðàí è ãîðîäîâ. 2. — Ñêîëü-êî ðàç â ãîäó òû îòäûõàåøü? — Äâàæäû: çèìîé è ëåòîì. 3. —  âàøåé êâàðòèðå ìíîãî ìåáåëè? — Äà, â íåé ìíîãî ìåáå-ëè. 4. Ìîÿ ñåìüÿ òðàòèò ìíîãî äåíåã íà êíèãè è ôðóêòû. 5. Íà ìî¸ì äíå ðîæäåíèÿ áóäåò ìíîãî íàðîäó. 6. — Ñêîëüêî áóìàãè â ìåñÿö óõîäèò (go on...) íà êñåðîêñ? — Î÷åíü ìíîãî. 7. Íå òàê ìíîãî ëþäåé, êîòîðûì ÿ ìîãó äîâåðÿòü. 8. Ó íàñ íå òàê ìíîãî äåíåã, à íóæíî êóïèòü òàê ìíîãî âåùåé. 9.  áàíî÷êå íå î÷åíü-òî ìíîãî ì¸äà. 10. — Òû ïü¸øü ìíîãî êîôå? — Íåò, íåìíîãî, íî ÿ ïüþ ìíîãî çåë¸íîãî ÷àÿ. 11. Ó ìîåãî äðóãà ìíîãî âèäå-îêàññåò. 12. Íà ýòîé äîðîãå âñåãäà ìíîãî ïðîáîê. 13. Ó ìåíÿ íèêîãäà íå áûâàåò ìíîãî ñâîáîäíîãî âðåìåíè. 14. Ñêîëüêî ëó-êîâèö è ñêîëüêî ñîëè òû êëàä¸øü â ñóï? 15.  ñåãîäíÿøíåé ãàçåòå ìàëî èíòåðåñíûõ íîâîñòåé.

9.4. Употребите few, a few, little, a little.

1. There is ...................... information in this file, so let’s take the next one. 2. In faxes one should use as ...................... words as possible. 3. ...................... people called you when you were out. 4. I need ...................... soap and shampoo. 5. She packed ...................... things into her travelling bag. 6. He bought ...................... newspapers to read on the train. 7. We are going to send ...................... presents to our relatives. 8. There is ...................... sense in what he is saying. 9. There is ...................... of chocolate cake on the plate. 10. I had a cup of tea with ...................... crackers. 11. Let’s

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Неопределённые местоимения

buy ...................... Swiss cheese, I like it. 12. You’ve made ...................... mistakes in the test, I’m sorry to say. 13. There is ...................... petrol in the tank, we must stop and buy some. 14. The book cost me very ...................... money. It was cheap. 15. We know too ...................... about it. 16. Even now there is ...................... we can do to control the weather. 17. I’m going to have a rest for ...................... days. 18. — Do you speak French? — Just ...................... . 19. I eat very ...................... meat, I prefer fish. 20. I have been to England ...................... times. 21. — ...................... time is left, we must hurry. — Wait ......................, I’ll take my bag.

9.5. А. Употребите much, many, (a) little, (a) few.


Ann. Here’s how I make my favourite vegetable soup. You start with butter.Olga. How ...................... ?Ann. Just ......................Olga. And then?Ann. Then you slice ...................... onions and cook them in butter.Olga. How ...................... onions?Ann. As ....................... as you like.Olga. And how ...................... butter?Ann. As ...................... as you like.Olga. And then?Ann. Then you add ...................... water.Olga. How ...................... ?Ann. Not too ...................... Just ...................... cups.Olga. And after that?Ann. You add ...................... potatoes, ...................... tomato paste, ...................... carrots, ...................... cabbage and ...................... beans.Olga. How ...................... time do you cook the soup?Ann. Not too long. Just ...................... hours.Olga. Thanks for the recipe. I’ll try it soon.Ann. You are welcome.

В. Расскажите, как вы готовите чай.

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9.6. Переведите следующие предложения.

1.  õîëîäèëüíèêå ìàëî åäû. Íóæíî ïîéòè è êóïèòü íåìíîãî. Ìîæíî êóïèòü íåìíîãî êîëáàñû, ñûðà, íåñêîëüêî áóëî÷åê è ÿáëîê. 2. Òû ìàëî ðàáîòàåøü. Åñëè òû ÷óòü-÷óòü ïîðàáîòàåøü, òî âñ¸ áóäåò õîðîøî. 3. Ìàëûøêà ìàëî ñïèò. Ñïîé åé íåñêîëü-êî ïåñåíîê, è òîãäà îíà ïîñïèò íåìíîãî. 4. Îí îáåùàåò äàòü íàì íåìíîãî äåíåã, íî ìû çíàåì, ÷òî ó íåãî ìàëî äåíåã. Òàê ÷òî ìû âåðí¸ì èõ åìó ÷åðåç íåñêîëüêî äíåé. 5.  ýòîì ãîäó ìàëî ñíåãà, íî â ëåñó åñòü íåìíîãî ñíåãà. 6. ß âñåãäà äîáàâëÿþ íåìíîãî ìîëîêà â êîôå è î÷åíü ìàëî ñàõàðà. 7.  ýòîì ôàéëå ìàëî èíôîðìàöèè, à âîò â ýòîì åñòü íåìíîãî. 8. — Õî÷åøü íåìíîãî ïèâà? — Íåò, ñïàñèáî. ß îáû÷íî íå ïüþ ïèâà, íî ñ òîáîé ìîãó âûïèòü íåìíîãî. 9. — Ýòî ë¸ãêèé âîïðîñ. Ïîäóìàé íåìíîãî. — Äà, íî ó ìåíÿ òàê ìàëî âðåìåíè, ïðîñòî íåñêîëüêî ìèíóò. 10. —  äîìå åñòü ìàñëî? — Ñîâñåì íåìíîãî, íà íå-ñêîëüêî áóòåðáðîäîâ. 11. Ìû óåçæàåì ÷åðåç íåñêîëüêî äíåé. Ó íàñ ìàëî âðåìåíè. 12. Ìàëî êòî çíàåò ýòîò ðåäêèé ÿçûê. 13. Äàâàé ïîãîâîðèì íåìíîãî ïîñëå òîãî, êàê ÿ ïðîñìîòðþ íå-ñêîëüêî áóìàã. 14.  ýòîé ñåìüå ìàëî ñ÷àñòüÿ. 15. Êàæäûé ÷å-ëîâåê õî÷åò íåìíîãî ñ÷àñòüÿ. 16. Åñòü íåñêîëüêî êàíàëîâ íà òåëåâèäåíèè, êîòîðûå ÿ èíîãäà ñìîòðþ.

9.7. Прочитайте пословицы и поговорки и найдите их русские эквиваленты.

1. Many hands make light work. 2. The more you have, the more you want. 3. Too many cooks spoil the broth. 4. Every little helps. 5. Few clients, less money. 6. Little by little and bit by bit. 7. You win a few, you lose a few. 8. More haste, less speed. 9. The more I know people, the more they puzzle me. 10. The more I study, the more I know. The more I know, the more I forget. The more I forget, the less I know. So why study?

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Îïðåäåë¸ííûé àðòèêëü

The Definite Article

Употребляется со всеми типами существительных (исчисляемыми и неис-числяемыми) как в единственном, так и во множественном числе.

Употребляется, если: Примеры

1) ситуация или контекст

показывает, что речь идёт об определённом лице или предмете

The day is fi ne.The fi lm was exciting. (ситуация)We have a new secretary.

The girl is smart. (контекст)Запомните:Определённый артикль во

множественном числе сохраняется.

The days are fi ne.The fi lms were exciting.

2) слово упоминалось ранее He has a new car, the car is red.They bought a dog, the dog is white.

3) у существительного есть ограничивающее


определение, выраженное:

а) словами: only, main, central, same, right/wrong, left/right, next, last, fi nal;But: next week (year, ...)

It’s the only way out.Who can give me the right answer?

Keep to the right side of the road.The next stop is ours.The best things in life are never free.

U 10U i 00010Unit Unit 1iUUnit 10Unit 100U it 10U it 10000111tttiiinnnUUnit 10Unit 10

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Употребляется, если: Примеры

b) порядковыми


fi rst, second, third, etc;

c) прилагательными

в превосходной степени:

best, worst, longest, latest,most important...

Не was the fi rst man who helped us.Read the second text.

He lives on the third fl oor.

This is the best book I’ve ever read.It’s the most important thing for me.It was the worst moment in my life.

4) существительное употребляется в роли обстоятельства места: in (on) the street, at the theatre, at the offi ce, at the library, on the balcony, in the garden, on the train, in the sky, in the picture...

Неопределённый артикль возможен также в своём классифицирующем значении «один из», «какой-то»

We like to walk in the garden.

There are some people at the door.

Let’s meet at the library.

I read a book on the train.

There are dark clouds in the sky.

Matilda lived in a small English town.

He was born in a small village.

“We all live in a yellow submarine.”

10.1. Прочитайте, переведите и выучите следующие употребительные


1. — What’s the matter? — Nothing is the matter.2. — What’s wrong? What’s up? — Everything is fine.3. — What’s the weather like today? — It’s fine.4. — What’s the date today? — It’s the third of June.5. — What day is it today? — It’s Friday.6. — What’s the problem? — There is no problem.7. — Where is the remote control? — It’s on the desk.8. — Where are the keys? — The keys are in your hand.9. — Look at the picture! What can you see in it?10. — Look at the sky. It looks like rain.11. — What is the latest news? — It’s good news.

Продолжение табл.

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Определённый артикль

10.2. Измените предложения согласно образцу.

A student works hard. — Students work hard.The man is an aviator. — The men are aviators.

1. The car is out of order. 2. The woman is our teacher. 3. A cat is a cute animal. 4. The house is big. 5. The dictionary is mine. 6. The film is a hit. 7. The kid is a wizard. 8. A child needs love and care. 9. The market is open today. 10. The clock is slow. 11. The mouse is hungry. 12. The dog is in the yard. 13. There is a provision market on this street. 14. The watch is fast. 15. A computer is an electronic machine.

10.3. Употребите необходимый артикль.

1. — What’s ...................... weather like today? — ...................... weather is dry and sunny. 2. ...................... day is rainy. ...................... sky is grey. 3. ...................... test was easy and ...................... result was good. 4. — Did you enjoy ...................... film? — No, it was ...................... boring film. 5. — Where are ...................... sweets? — On ...................... coffee table. 6. — What do you think of ...................... new manager? — Well, I don’t like ...................... fellow. 7. ...................... shoes are hand-made, that’s why ...................... price is so high. 8. Who is ...................... man in ...................... photo? 9. How much did you pay for ...................... discs? 10. ...................... question surprised me. 11. Look through ...................... magazine. It’s interesting. 12. I’m going to water ...................... flowers and wash ...................... dishes. 13. Hurry up! ...................... lecture starts in ...................... few minutes. 14. — When are ...................... guests coming? — They are already here. 15. — What’s wrong with ...................... printer? — We must change ...................... cartridge. 16. ...................... answerphone is switched off. 17. What’s ...................... latest fashion? 18. Look at ...................... screen. ...................... information on it is new. 19. — Where are ...................... files? Did ...................... secretary take them? — No, it was ...................... manager. 20. — What’s ...................... matter? — There is ...................... problem, sir.

10.4. Переведите следующие предложения.

1. Çàêðîéòå, ïîæàëóéñòà, äâåðü. Õîëîäíî. 2. — Ãäå ñòóäåí-òû? — Îíè â ñòîëîâîé. Ñåé÷àñ âðåìÿ ëàí÷à. 3. Õîëîäèëüíèê

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íå ðàáîòàåò. ×òî íàì äåëàòü ñ ïðîäóêòàìè? 4. Ïîñòàâü öâåòû â âîäó. 5. Òåáå íðàâèòñÿ êîìíàòà? Îíà òâîÿ. 6. Ñîáàêà âî äâîðå. 7.  ÷¸ì äåëî? Ïî÷åìó ñåêðåòàðøà òàê ðàññòðîåíà? 8. — Êà-êàÿ ñåãîäíÿ ïîãîäà? — Ïîãîäà ñåãîäíÿ õîëîäíàÿ. 9. — ×àé ñëèøêîì ãîðÿ÷èé. — Äîáàâü íåìíîãî ìîëîêà. — À ãäå ìî-ëîêî? — Ìîëîêî â õîëîäèëüíèêå. 10. ×àñû íà õîëîäèëüíè-êå. Êîòîðûé ñåé÷àñ ÷àñ? 11. Ïóëüò óïðàâëåíèÿ íà òåëåâèçîðå. 12. Äæèíñû íåïëîõèå. Îíè ìíå íðàâÿòñÿ. 13. Êñåðîêñ íàõîäèò-ñÿ â ñîñåäíåé êîìíàòå. 14. Ñòîëîâàÿ îòêðûâàåòñÿ â 10 ÷àñîâ óòðà. 15. —  ÷¸ì äåëî?  ÷¸ì ïðîáëåìà? — Ïðîáëåìà â òîì, ÷òî ìû ãîëîäíû. 16. — Äåíüãè â ñåéôå, à ãäå æå êëþ÷è îò ñåé-ôà? — Ýòî áîëüøîé ñåêðåò.

10.5. Употребите необходимый артикль.

1. Here is ...................... magazine. You can keep it for ...................... week. 2. — What is ...................... name of ...................... girl who is over there? — Yes, she is ...................... nice girl but I don’t know her. 3. — How was ...................... show? — Well, ...................... audience liked it. 4. I like ...................... song. It will be ...................... hit. 5. Turn on ...................... radio, please. Let’s listen to ...................... latest news. 6. Pass me ...................... sugar. I like ...................... sweet tea. 7. Look at ...................... screen. ...................... man on it is my schoolmate. 8. How much is ...................... new cassette? Is it ...................... expensive film? 9. May I have ...................... look at ...................... test? 10. — When will ...................... lecture be over? — In ...................... hour. 11. ...................... soup is tasty. You are ...................... wonderful cook! 12. ...................... teacher will tell us ...................... results of ...................... test ...................... next week. 13. We are ...................... friends. We are of ...................... same age. 14. They all got ...................... good marks at ......................... final exam. 15. ...................... whole story is ...................... myth.

10.6. Употребите необходимый артикль.

1. We have ...................... dacha. ...................... house is small, but ...................... garden is rather big. 2. These are ...................... beautiful flowers. Let us put them in ...................... vase which you gave me on Christmas. 3. What ...................... beautiful hat! Is ...................... hat yours? 4. — There are ...................... pancakes on the plate. Would you like

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Определённый артикль

...................... pancake? — Thank you. I like ...................... pancakes. 5. — How are you going to spend ...................... holiday? — I’ll go to ...................... country for ...................... week. 6. ...................... situation is serious. We must make ...................... decision. 7. ...................... best things in life are never free. 8. She has ...................... strong accent. 9. It was ...................... remarkable friendship. They were ...................... great men. 10. This writer is ...................... wonderful storyteller. He writes ...................... historical novels. 11. I live in ...................... new region. ...................... new regions are usually far from ...................... centre of ...................... city.

10.7. Переведите следующие предложения.

1. — Âàì íðàâèòñÿ íîâîå çäàíèå íàøåãî óíèâåðñèòåòà? — Äà, ýòî î÷åíü êðàñèâîå çäàíèå, íî êîìíàòû ñëèøêîì ìàëû. 2. Ïî-êàæè ìíå íîâûé êîñòþì. Êàêîãî îí öâåòà? 3. Ìàëü÷èê ïî-õîæ íà îòöà. 4. Âèêòîð è Êîñòÿ ðîâåñíèêè. 5. — Ó ìåíÿ íî-âûé äðóã. — Êàê çîâóò òâîåãî ïàðíÿ? 6. Ó íàñ íîâûé ó÷è-òåëü. Ó÷èòåëü çíàþùèé è ñòðîãèé. 7. Ñúåøü áëèí÷èê, êîòîðûé íà áëþäå÷êå. 8. Ñâåäåíèÿ, êîòîðûå ìû ïîëó÷èëè â÷åðà, î÷åíü âàæíûå. 9. Äîì î÷åíü ñòàðûé. Åìó ñòî ëåò. 10. Æèëè-áûëè îä-íàæäû êîðîëü è êîðîëåâà. Ó íèõ áûëà äî÷ü. Èìÿ äî÷åðè áûëî Ôèîíà. 11. Ñàëàò âêóñíûé, íî ÿ äîáàâèëà áû â íåãî íåìíîãî ÿáëîêà. 12. ß íå ëþáëþ ðûáó, íî ðûáà, êîòîðóþ îíà ïðèãîòî-âèëà, ïðîñòî îáúåäåíüå. 13. Âîäà â ýòîì îçåðå ÷èñòàÿ, è â í¸ì åñòü ðûáà. 14. — Êòî àâòîð ýòîãî ðîìàíà? — Ýòî Àãàòà Êðè-ñòè. 15. Äåòè óæå â ïîñòåëè. Äîìà òèõî.

10.8. Употребите необходимый артикль.

1. This morning I bought ...................... newspaper and ...................... magazine. ...................... newspaper is in my bag but I don’t know where I put ...................... magazine. 2. I saw ...................... accident this morning. ...................... car crashed into ...................... tree. ...................... driver of ...................... car wasn’t hurt but ...................... car was badly damaged. 3. There are two cars parked outside:...................... blue and ...................... red one. ...................... blue one belongs to my neighbours; I don’t know who ...................... owner of ...................... red one is. 4. My friends live in ...................... old house in ...................... small

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village. There is ...................... beautiful garden behind ...................... house. I would like to have such ...................... garden. 5. a) This house is very nice. Has it got ...................... garden? b) It’s ...................... beautiful day. Let’s sit in ...................... garden. c) I like living in this house but it’s a pity that ...................... garden is too small. 6. a) Can you recommend ...................... good restaurant? b) We had dinner in ...................... very nice restaurant. c) We had dinner in ...................... most expensive restaurant in town. 7. a) She has ...................... French name but in fact she’s English, not French. b) What’s ...................... name of ...................... man we met yesterday? c) We stayed at ...................... very nice hotel. I can’t remember ...................... name now. 8. a) There isn’t ...................... airport near where I live. ...................... nearest airport is 70 miles away. b) Our plane was delayed. We had to wait at ...................... airport for ...................... hour. c) Excuse me, please. Can you tell me how to get to ...................... airport? 9. a) — Are you going away ...................... next week? — No, ...................... week after next. b) I’m going away for ...................... week in September. c) George has ...................... part-time job. He works three mornings ...................... week. 10. a) It is ...................... very good news. You always bring ...................... good news. b)...................... news is fantastic. I can’t believe ...................... word of it.

10.9. Употребите необходимый артикль.

1. What was ...................... first word, which you said? 2. This is ...................... fax that I got this morning. 3. Do you often go to ...................... centre of ...................... city? 4. Here is ...................... code to ...................... computer. 5. My parents are ...................... main people in my life. 6. We live in ...................... same street. 7. He took ...................... second place in that game. 8. We’ll get off at ...................... next stop, which is also ...................... last stop. 9. He is ...................... man I told you about. 10. What’s ...................... name of ...................... man who discovered America? 11. ...................... concert was ...................... great success. 12. You’ll find the index on ...................... last page. 13. This is ...................... best hotel in ...................... town. 14. My flat is on ...................... third floor. And my brother’s is on ...................... fifth floor. 15. ...................... exercise is on ...................... next page. Do it for ...................... next week. ...................... next class will be on Monday.

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Have / Have got

(èìåòü ÷òî-òî, îáëàäàòü ÷åì-òî)

Утвердительная форма Вопросительная форма Отрицательная форма

I, you, we, they he, she, it


Do you have...?

Does she have?

I don’t have...

She doesn’t have...

I have a lot of discs. — Do you have many discs? — I don’t have many discs.He has a lot of work to do. — Does he have much work to do? — He doesn’t

have much work to do.

Утвердительная форма Вопросительная форма Отрицательная форма

I, you, we, theyhe, she, it

have got...has got...

Have you got...?

Has she got...?

I haven’t got...

She hasn’t got...

I have got a big family.  — Have you got a big family?  — I  haven’t got a big family.

She has got a new offi ce. — Has she got a new offi ce? — She hasn’t got a new offi ce.

Unit 11U it 11U i 11Unit Unit 1iUUnit 11Unit 111Unit 11Uni 111111tttiiinnnUUniUni

1 Br = British English; Am = American English.

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Have употребляется в ряде устойчивых сочетаний, выражающих деятель-

ность или однократное действие:

to have breakfast (lunch, brunch, dinner, tea, supper),to have a snack (a talk, a bath, a seat, a walk),to have a good time (a rest, a journey, a holiday),to have a look (a smoke, a date, an appointment).

Утвердительная форма

Вопросительная форма

Отрицательная форма

I have dinner at four o’clock.We always have a good time in summer.

Do you have dinner at four o’clock?Do you always have a good time in summer?

I don’t have dinner at four o’clock.We don’t always have a good time in summer.

11.1. Поставьте следующие предложения в вопросительную и отрицатель-

ную формы.

1. I have a good job. 2. They have a daughter. 3. He has a business of his own. 4. This family has a small hotel. 5. She has two brothers. 6. I have some doubts about it. 7. She has a good reputation. 8. I have much work to do. 9. We have a good office. 10. He has a big library. 11. She has an excellent memory. 12. She has a good sense of humour. 13. Ben has a dog. 14. Many children have pets. 15. She has many duties. 16. He has an understanding heart.

11.2. Поставьте следующие предложения в вопросительную и отрицатель-

ную формы.

1. They have got a country house. 2. I have got a big family. 3. He has got a fast car. 4. We usually have dinner at home. 5. She always has a rest after dinner. 6. We usually have cold weather in winter. 7. He has a cold shower in the morning. 8. They’ve got important information. 9. She has breakfast with her children. 10. People often have a snack at McDonald’s. 11. He has a date every Saturday. 12. I have a toothache today.

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Have / Have got

13. We have lunch at the office. 14. She’s got interesting ideas. 15. He’s got many relatives in Moscow.

11.3. Употребите have или have got. В некоторых случаях возможны оба ва-


1. I usually ...................... breakfast at home, but I ...................... dinner at the office. 2. I ...................... a problem with my car. 3. We ...................... some time right now. Let’s ...................... a talk. 4. He ...................... two small children. 5. She ...................... a high temperature. She ...................... a cold. 6. I ...................... a new swimming pool. So I ...................... a swim every day. 7. I’d like to ...................... a look at that picture. 8. He ...................... long hair. 9. I’m going to ...................... a shower. 10. Every Sunday he ...................... a walk in the park. 11. They ...................... big families. 12. We usually ...................... a good time at our parties. 13. He’d like to ...................... a look at the e-mail. 14. He ...................... a huge house. It ...................... ten bedrooms. 15. My family ...................... a small flat.

11.4. Переведите следующие предложения.

1. Ó íå¸ ãîëóáûå ãëàçà è ÷¸ðíûå âîëîñû. Ó íå¸ î÷åíü êðàñèâîå ëèöî. 2. Ó íåãî åñòü ÷óâñòâî þìîðà? 3. Ó íåãî ìíîãî äåë (ðà-áîòû). Ó íåãî òðóäíàÿ ðàáîòà. 4. ß îòäûõàþ äâà ðàçà â ãîäó. À êàê ÷àñòî âû îòäûõàåòå? 5. — Ó âàñ åñòü ìàøèíà? — Äà, ó ìåíÿ íîâàÿ ìàøèíà. 6. — Ïîðà ñäåëàòü ïåðåðûâ è ïåðå-êóñèòü. — Õîðîøàÿ ìûñëü. 7. Âîäà ñåãîäíÿ ò¸ïëàÿ. Äàâàé èñ-êóïàåìñÿ. 8. Õîëîäíî. Äàâàé âûïüåì ãîðÿ÷åãî ÷àÿ. 9. — Ó âàñ åñòü âîïðîñû? — Ó íàñ íåò âîïðîñîâ. Âñ¸ ÿñíî. 10. Ó íåãî ìíîãî äðóçåé. 11. — Ó âàñ ìíîãî ðîäñòâåííèêîâ? — Íåò, ó ìåíÿ íåìíîãî ðîäñòâåííèêîâ. 12. — Ãäå âû îáû÷íî îáåäàå-òå? — ß îáåäàþ äîìà. 13. — Ó íåãî åñòü àëèáè. — Ó íåãî äåéñòâèòåëüíî åñòü àëèáè? — Äà. 14. Ó íàñ âñåãäà åñòü ôðóê-òû íà ñòîëå. 15. Ó íå¸ õîðîøàÿ ðåïóòàöèÿ. 16. — Ó âàñ åñòü ýëåêòðîííàÿ ïî÷òà? — Äà, åñòü.

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Ïàäåæ èìåíè ñóùåñòâèòåëüíîãî


Общий падежCommon Case

Притяжательный падежPossessive Case

-’s, -’

Mary, Peter, a doctor, a teacher, a fi le, novels, a child, engineers, people, students, the Belovs

Mary’s life, Peter’s car, a doctor’s offi ce, a teacher’s pen, Boris’s fi le, Dickens’s novels*, children’s toys, engineers’ plans, people’s lives, students’ hostel, the Belovs’ house

* Åñëè ñëîâî çàêàí÷èâàåòñÿ íà [s], òî â áîëüøèíñòâå ñëó÷àåâ óïîòðåáëÿåò-ñÿ ’s: St. James’s park, Dickens’s novels, Columbus’s ship, Mr. Fox’s car.

Ïðèòÿæàòåëüíûé ïàäåæThe Possessive Case

Основные значения: принадлежность, обладание чем-то, описание

(с одушевлёнными именами существительными)

Единственное число Множественное число

’s -’ -’s

a boy’s toy, a girl’s dress, an actress’s life, a woman’s magazine, Burns’s poems

boys’ toys, girls’ dresses, actresses’ lives, lawyers’ duties, the Romanovs’ family tree

children’s shop, men’s hobbies, women’s magazines, sheep’s wool, deer’s horns

Unit 12U 12U i 212Unit Unit 1iUUnit 12Unit 122Unit 12it 122U it 12U 222111tttiiinnnUUnit 12Unit 12

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Падеж имени существительного

Неодушевлённые существительные, как правило, передают значение принадлежности при помощи сочетания of + существительное

the roof of the housethe end of the story

the cover of the bookthe back of the chair

the cap of a penthe leg of a table

1. Слова moon, sun, Earth, world, country, river, ocean, city, town, company

the moon’s surface, the sun’s rays, the Earth’s population, the world’s history, the river’s bank, the city’s museums, the company’s future

2. Названия стран, городов, месяцев, дней недели

England’s traditions, Moscow’s streets, July’s heat, Tuesday’s meeting, London’s double-deckers

3. Меры времени и расстояния

a moment’s silence, two miles’ drive, an hour’s sleep, a fortnight’s holiday, a day’s wait

4. Указание места (магазина, офиса, дома, клиники, салона и т.д.)

The chemist’s (shop), the dentist’s (offi ce), the baker’s (shop), my mother’s (house), the doctor’s (clinic), the hairdresser’s (salon), the dressmaker’s (shop), McDonald’s (restaurant)

We went for a two-mile walk. — It was two miles’ drive.


В посвящениях притяжательный падеж не употребляется:

the Pushkin Monument, the Kennedy Center, the State Tretyakov Gallery

12.1. Замените фразы с предлогом of на существительные в притяжатель-

ном падеже.

1. The advice of my parents. 2. The games of her sons. 3. The marks of her children. 4. A fax from Felix. 5. A novel by Akunin. 6. The life of students. 7. A school for boys. 8. A magazine for

Продолжение табл.

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women. 9. A club for men. 10. The climate of England. 11. The surface of the moon. 12. The history of the world. 13. A holiday for two weeks. 14. The news of today. 15. The problems of the country.

12.2. Ответьте на следующие вопросы, используя слова из правой колонки.

Where do you go if you want to1. get fast food? a. the florist’s2. buy some vegetables? b. the greengrocer’s3. have your eyes examined? ñ. the travelling agent’s4. get your hair cut? d. the chemist’s (drugstore)5. have some clothes cleaned? e. the watchmaker’s6. buy cakes and chocolate? f. the doctor’s7. buy a lot of small g. the confectioner’s different things?8. have your teeth examined? h. the hairdresser’s (the barber’s)9. buy some medicine? i. the butcher’s10. buy some meat? j. the supermarket11. buy some flowers? k. McDonald’s12. get some information l. the vet’s about travelling?13. have your watch repaired? m. the optician’s14. have your pet examined? n. the dentist’s15. have advice about your o. the (dry) cleaner’s health?

12.3. Дайте форму притяжательного падежа, используя -’s, -s’, -’

1. We met at Mr. Harris house. 2. I need Bess phone number. 3. My sister husband is a broker. 4. We’ll have a children party next week. 5. I’ll spend the weekend at my friends house. 6. They need a month time to finish the project. 7. This is a women shop. 8. She works in a girls school. 9. Columbus discovery of America was a historic event. 10. Do you remember Pythagoras Theorem? 11. “Alice Adventures in Wonderland” was written

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Падеж имени существительного

by Lewis Carroll. 12. From the radio came Elvis voice. 13. My brother is now reading “Gulliver Travels”. 14. It’s teenagers style. 15. I work at Mr. Phillips office. 16. My grandparents house is very old.

12.4. В следующих предложениях замените предложные фразы существи-

тельными в притяжательном падеже там, где это возможно.

1. The cover of this dictionary is glossy. 2. This video cassette belongs to Liz. 3. We heard the sound of the plane. 4. Our students study the History of the English language. 5. The roof of the house was red. 6. The dresses of the girls were very pretty. 7. The future of a girl depends on her character and good luck. 8. The prices of the houses go up and up. 9. I borrowed a mobile phone from Denis. 10. My seat was at the end of the hall. 11. This theatre is in the centre of the city. 12. He knows much about the history of Russia. 13. We need some bread. Let’s go to the shop of a baker. 14. A rest for an hour will do you good. 15. The news we got yesterday was unbelievable.

12.5. Переведите следующие предложения.

1. Îíà ïîëîæèëà ïàïêó íà ñòîë íà÷àëüíèêà (áîññà). 2.  ñåãîä-íÿøíèõ ãàçåòàõ íåò íè÷åãî èíòåðåñíîãî. 3. Ñåãîäíÿ äåíü ðîæ-äåíèÿ Áîðèñà. 4. Âñå óñòàëè, äàâàéòå ñäåëàåì äåñÿòèìèíóò-íûé ïåðåðûâ. 5. Ñîâåòû ìîèõ äðóçåé íå âñåãäà ïîëåçíû. 6. Ãäå êëþ÷è îò ìàøèíû? 7. Çàâòðà ÿ ïîéäó â ïàðèêìàõåðñêóþ è â õèì÷èñòêó. 8. Ìíå ïîíðàâèëàñü èäåÿ Òîìàñà. 9.  êîíöå óðîêà ó÷èòåëü îòâå÷àåò íà âîïðîñû ó÷åíèêîâ. 10. Áóäóùåå ìîèõ äå-òåé áåñïîêîèò ìåíÿ. 11. Ìíå íðàâÿòñÿ ðîìàíû ×àðëüçà Äèê-êåíñà. 12. Èìÿ ìîåé ìëàäøåé ñåñòðû Âåðà. 13. Äîêëàäû òåõ ñòóäåíòîâ îòëè÷íûå. 14.  ýòîì ìàãàçèíå åñòü ìóæñêèå ðó-áàøêè. 15. Ìíîãèå äåòñêèå èãðóøêè ñäåëàíû â Êèòàå. 16. Êàê çâàëè òîãî ïàðíÿ? 17. Öåíà áåíçèíà âàæíà äëÿ âîäèòåëåé. 18. — Ìíå íðàâÿòñÿ ïåñíè Ðîááè Óèëüÿìñà. — À ìíå ïåñíè Ýíðèêå Èãëåñèàñà. 19. Óâëå÷åíèå Ïðèíöà ×àðëüçà — ëîøà-äè. 20. Ôåðìà Ìèñòåðà Õàððèñà âåëèêîëåïíà. 21. Êëèìàò çåì-ëè ïîñòîÿííî ìåíÿåòñÿ. 22. Ñîëíå÷íûå ëó÷è äàþò íàì æèçíü.

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Ðîä èìåíè ñóùåñòâèòåëüíîãî


Средства выражения рода

Мужской родMasculine

Женский родFeminine

1. Лексическим значением слова





2. Личными местоимениями he she

3. Суффиксами -ess,

-ine (-ina), -er, -ette





4. Составными существительными

a he-cousina he-goata man-drivera man-servanta boyfrienda policemana businessman

a she-cousina she-goata woman-drivera maid-servanta girlfrienda policewomana businesswoman

5. Обусловленные традицией: страны, средства передвижения

England is proud of her poets.What a fi ne yacht!She is very fast.

Unit 13U 13U i 33313Unit Unit 1iUUnit 13Unit 133it 13it 133U it 13U 333111tttiiinnnUUnit 13Unit 13

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Род имени существительного

Средства выражения рода

Мужской родMasculine

Женский родFeminine

(самолёты, суда, автомобили) - she

This jet is supersonic.She will beat all the records.She is a great car!

1. Слова типа a chairman, a postman, a policeman, a fi reman, a congressman счита-ются в настоящее время «политически некорректными», так как игнорируют вторую половину человечества — женщин.

Говорите: a chairperson, a mail-carrier, a police offi cer, a fi refi ghter, a member of Congress и т.д.

2. В английском языке к среднему роду it относятся названия неодушевлённых предметов.

a book, a house, a star, life, a river, snow, metal

13.1. Прочитайте и переведите следующие предложения. Объясните упо-

требление выделенных слов.

1. Britain is not a great country now and she knows it. 2. She was a good ship. 3. England is proud of her poets. 4. Look at the moon! She is so beautiful! 5. I like my new speed-boat. She moves so fast through the water. 6. “I’ll get her car fixed up for her,” he said. “I’ll come and collect it — her — later”. 7. Japan has problems of her own. 8. She is a fine car, she is fast and beautiful.

13.2. Объясните, какой род выражают следующие существительные:

A tourist, a doll, a client, a cousin, a doctor, a mermaid, a friend, a parent, a neighbour, a student, a stranger, a witch, a teacher, a wizard, a clown, a fairy, an amazon, a sailor, an angel, a passer-by, a ballerina, a ballet-dancer, a widow, a pirate.

Продолжение табл.

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13.3. Назовите существительные, обозначающие противоположный пол.

1. a man 6. a son 11. a bride2. a brother 7. a king 12. Mrs.3. a husband 8. a girl 13. a lass4. a father 9. a nun 14. a widow5. a nephew 10. a lady 15. an uncle

13.4. Определите, насколько вы политкорректны и какие из приведённых

ниже слов вы употребили бы.

Mrs. — Ms.Asian — Orientala chairman — a chairpersona fireman — a firefightera Negro — an Afro-Americana stewardess — a flight attendanta mailman — a mail carriermankind — humanitya policeman — a police officera Red Indian — a Native Americana congressman — a member of Congressa pensioner — a senior citizen

13.5. Переведите следующие предложения, обращая внимание на полит-


1. (Ëþäè) ãîâîðÿò, ÷òî æåíùèíû ñ Âåíåðû, à ìóæ÷èíû ñ Ìàð-ñà. 2. Îíà íàñòîÿùàÿ ãåðîèíÿ. 3. Ïðèíöåññà Ôèîíà æäàëà ñâî-åãî ïðèíöà. 4. Ãàððè Ïîòòåð áûë âîëøåáíèêîì. 5. Âîëøåáíè-öà ïîìîãëà Çîëóøêå ïîåõàòü íà áàë. 6. Ëüâèöà ãíàëàñü çà ëî-øàäüþ. 7. Ïîæàðíûå ÷àñòî ðèñêóþò ñâîåé æèçíüþ. 8. Áîðò-ïðîâîäíèöà ïðåäëîæèëà âñåì íàïèòêè. 9. Îí êîðåííîé æè-òåëü Àìåðèêè. 10. Ïðåäñåäàòåëü ñîáðàíèÿ îáúÿâèë ïåðåðûâ. 11. Ìóæ ìîåé ñåñòðû — àôðî-àìåðèêàíåö. 12. Íàø ïî÷òàëüîí âñåãäà ïðèõîäèò â 7 ÷àñîâ óòðà. 13.  Ìîñêâå ñåé÷àñ ìíîãî æåíùèí-âîäèòåëåé. 14. Æåíà Áèëëà — ÷ëåí Êîíãðåññà. 15. Îí áûë êîðîëü, à îíà — êîðîëåâà. 16. Æåíèõ ïîöåëîâàë íåâåñòó.

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Ïðîñòîå íàñòîÿùåå âðåìÿ

Present Simple

Образуется при помощи инфинитива глагола без частицы to1.

Утвердительная форма Вопросительная форма Отрицательная форма

I, weyou they






I, weyou they


speak ...?

speak ...?

I, weyouthey

he sheit

do not (don’t)

does not


You speak three languages.He drives his car well.It rains a lot in summer.

Do you speak three languages?Does he drive his car well?Does it rain much in summer?

I do not (don’t) speak three languages.He does not (doesn’t)

drive his car well.It does not (doesn’t)

rain much in summer.

Случаи употребления Примеры

1. Регулярно повторяющиеся действия в настоящем времени, факты, пословицы, общеизвестные истины.

I go to school every day.Moscow is the capital of Russia.Tastes diff er. Time fl ies.

Teachers educate people.All is well that ends well.

1 Ïîëíûé ñïèñîê ãëàãîëîâ ñìîòðè íà ñ. 402.

U it 14U i 414Unit Unit 1iUUnit 14Unit 144Unit 144Unit 14U i 444111tttiiinnnUUnit 14Uni

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Случаи употребления Примеры

2. С глаголами умственной и чувственной деятельности, а также с глаголами обладания: see, hear, believe, know, understand, like, realize, own, possess, belong, prefer, mean.

I see and hear you well.We understand everything and we believe you.She realizes that she knows very little.He owns this house, it belongs to him.I like your off er.It means a lot to me.

3. Будущее действие в соответствии с расписанием.

My bus starts in fi ve minutes.The plane arrives at 7 o’clock.The show begins at half past seven.

4. С глаголами to forget, to hear, to be told (в значении «знать», «не помнить»)

I hear he is in Paris now. (Я знаю, что он в Париже.)I forget her telephone number. (Я не помню её номер телефона.)

Наиболее часто употребляемые обстоятельства времени:always, ever, never, as a rule, every day (week, month, year), now and then, generally, seldom, occasionally, usually, regularly, rarely, sometimes, from time to time.

What do you (does he) do (for a living)? = What’s your job (profession)?

When, Where, How (often), How much/many, What kind of ...?

Не lives here. — Who lives here?

They know it. — Who knows it?

Продолжение табл.

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Простое настоящее время

14.1. Объясните употребление простого настоящего времени в следующих


1. I watch TV every day. 2. After rain comes fair weather. 3. We all make mistakes. 4. The earth moves around the sun. 5. Our children start school at the age of four. 6. I understand you. 7. She sees and hears well. 8. Many people use metro in Moscow. 9. My bus leaves at six o’clock in the morning. 10. We usually have lunch at 12 o’clock. 11. He is in London now. 12. There are many holidays in the year. 13. This train arrives at midnight. 14. This linguist speaks fifteen languages. 15. I often forget peo-ple’s names. 16. It takes 25 minutes to get to the airport from here. 17. Travelling broadens your mind.

14.2. Поставьте следующие предложения в вопросительную и отрицатель-

ную формы.

1. Good weather makes me happy. 2. Irene helps her mother. 3. I take my dog out for a run every morning. 4. She prefers tea to coffee. 5. Students spend a lot of money on books. 6. It takes a long time to become clever. 7. The Chinese like spaghetti. 8. Old people like to wear T-shirts and jeans. 9. He goes on business trips every month. 10. It rains a lot in autumn. 11. It seldom snows in the south of England. 12. It takes me half an hour to get to my work. 13. She waters the flowers in her garden twice a week. 14. Children enjoy playing computer games. 15. I meet my classmates every year. 16. We agree with you. 17. I love Paris in the spring. 18. I am angry with you.

14.3. Употребите необходимый вспомогательный глагол в следующих во-

просах и ответах.

1. — ...................... you want to join us? — No, we ...................... busy. 2. — ...................... your clock show the right time? — No, it ...................... . It ...................... fast. 3. How long ...................... it usually take you to get home? — It ...................... take me long. 4. What ...................... this word mean? ...................... anyone know it? 5. ...................... your parents know about it? — My mother _____, but my father ...................... . 6. — ...................... you like living in Moscow? — No, I ......................, life ...................... hectic here. 7. — ...................... it ever snow

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in California? — No, it ......................, it ...................... always hot there. 8. — ...................... pupils make many spelling mistakes? — Yes, they ......................, English spelling ...................... killing. 9. — ...................... anyone help you with housework? — Yes, my daughter ...................... it when she ...................... at home. 10. — ...................... your son like animals? — Yes, he ...................... . He ...................... a vet (veterinarian). 11. — ...................... your children go to school? — My son ......................, but my daughter ...................... only four years old. 12. — ...................... it usually take you long to look through the e-mail? — No, it ......................, it ...................... the secretary’s duty. 13. — ...................... it ever snow in the Sahara? — No, it _____, it ...................... a desert. 14. — How well ...................... he run his firm? — He ...................... a good businessman. 15. — ...................... you agree with me? — No, I ...................... . I ...................... still cross with you.

14.4. Дополните следующие предложения глаголами в отрицательной

форме согласно образцу:

I like apples, but I don‛t like oranges.She speaks French, but she doesn‛t speak it well.

1. He does business, but he ...................... it successfully. 2. Tom’s parents give him pocket money, but they ...................... him much. 3. That shop sells office equipment, but it ...................... computers. 4. We know Sharon, but we ...................... her parents. 5. I feel sad, but I ...................... unhappy. 6. He makes grammar mistakes, but he ...................... spelling mistakes. 7. He earns a lot of money, but he ...................... millions. 8. She speaks English, but she ...................... any other foreign language. 9. He works hard, but he ...................... on weekends. 10. This hotel attracts a lot of tourists, but it ...................... them in winter. 11. It takes me two hours to get to my country house, but it ...................... me so long to get to my work. 12. He knows all about computers, but he ...................... anything about real life. 13. She likes the book, but she ...................... the film. 14. I like dogs, but I ...................... cats. 15. She loves him, but she ...................... his friends. 16. He has a car, but he ...................... a garage. 17. She’s got a dishwasher, but she ...................... a breadmaker. 18. Teenagers like mostly pop music, but they ...................... classical music. 19. He wears caps, but he ...................... hats. 20. Most people like summer, but they ...................... winter.

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Простое настоящее время

14.5. Дополните слова фразами из правой колонки.

1. An artist a. are used to make computers.2. Doctors b. explain the meanings of words.3. A tailor ñ makes photocopies.4. Microchips d. rules the world.5. Dictionaries e. write computer programmes.6. A businessman f. makes and sells bread.7. A Xerox g. writes stories and novels.8. Information h. give customers money from their banks.9. Programmers i. looks after little children.10. A baker j. arranges shows.11. A writer k. contact us with many people.12. Cash dispensers l. does business.13. A babysitter m. paints pictures.14. A showman n. makes men’s clothes.15. Mobile phones o. treat people.

14.6. А. Употребите правильную форму глаголов в скобках.

Robert is a very ordinary boy. He (live) with his mother and father in a perfectly ordinary house in an ordinary street which (be) opposite the park. Every morning his father (put) on his hat, (pick) up his umbrella from the hall, and (go) off to work. His mother (put) on an apron, (get) out the vacuum cleaner and (do) the housework. And Robert (put) on his suit, (pick) up his lunchbox and (go) off to school.In the afternoon when he (get) home, his mother (open) the door and (say): “Hullo, dear. Did you have a nice day?” Then they (have) tea and sometimes (go) shopping together and later, when his father (come) back from work, they all (have) supper and (talk) a bit, and then Robert (go) to bed. Robert (like) his life exactly the way it (be).But one day when he returns home from school, his father (open) the door and (say): “You (be) home early today, Robert.”“I (be) always on time, Dad,” (say) Robert. “You (be) the one that (be) early.”

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“Today (be) a very important day,” (explain) his father. “It’s day one. Our life (be) very boring. From today things (be) going to be different. I have an idea. It (be) an absolutely original idea. We (be) going to move out of our house and (live) in a treehouse in the park close to nature.” “But there (be) not a treehouse in the park,” (cry) Robert. “So we shall build one,” (answer) George. Robert (feel) very, very unhappy, as he not (want) to leave his comfortable house, his Lego, his model planes, some books and his Action Man. But his parents (be) happy with the new prospect and (not want) to listen to their son who (think) that his Dad and Mom (be) just two crazy people.

В. Опишите обычный день своей мамы (папы, друга, подруги).

14.7. Переведите следующие предложения.

1. Òàðàñ — ïðîãðàììèñò. Îí ïèøåò êîìïüþòåðíûå ïðîãðàì-ìû. 2. — Òâîé áðàò ìíîãî ðàáîòàåò? — Äà, ó íåãî áîëüøàÿ ñåìüÿ. 3. — ß íå îïîçäàë, íå òàê ëè? — Íåò, âû âñåãäà ïðèõî-äèòå âîâðåìÿ. 4. Íà ñåâåðå Àíãëèè ÷àñòî èä¸ò ñíåã. 5. Ìîé àâ-òîáóñ îáû÷íî îòïðàâëÿåòñÿ â 9 ÷àñîâ óòðà. 6. Îí äåëàåò ìíîãî îøèáîê, ïîòîìó ÷òî íå ëþáèò äóìàòü. 7. Ñòóäåíòû ñäàþò ýê-çàìåíû äâà ðàçà â ãîäó. 8. Ìîÿ ìàìà ëþáèò ôðóêòû è îâîùè, íî îíà íå âåãåòàðèàíêà. 9. ß ñîñòàâëÿþ ýëåêòðîííûå ïèñüìà, à Àëåêñàíäð îòïðàâëÿåò èõ. 10. — Êàêîãî ðîäà ôèëüìû âû ëþ-áèòå ñìîòðåòü? — Ìíå íðàâÿòñÿ õîðîøèå ôèëüìû. 11. — Òû ëãóí! — Íåò, ÿ ÷åñòíûé ÷åëîâåê, ÿ âñåãäà ãîâîðþ ïðàâäó. 12. Ïîñìîòðè íà íåáî. Ïîõîæå, áóäåò äîæäü. 13. Òû âåäü âñåã-äà îáåäàåøü äîìà, íå ïðàâäà ëè? 14. Ìàìà Ìàêñèìà ìíîãî ðàáîòàåò, ïîýòîìó îí ñàì óáèðàåò ñâîþ êîìíàòó. 15. Åãî áèç-íåñ ïðèíîñèò åìó áîëüøèå äåíüãè è ìàññó ïðîáëåì. 16. Ñîëí-öå âñòà¸ò íà âîñòîêå, à ñàäèòñÿ íà çàïàäå. 17. Ìîé îïòèìèçì ïîìîãàåò ìíå â æèçíè. 18. — Ñêîëüêî âàì îáû÷íî òðåáóåòñÿ âðåìåíè, ÷òîáû ïðèãîòîâèòü êîôå? — Ýòî çàíèìàåò ó ìåíÿ 5 ìèíóò. 19. Íàøà ó÷èòåëüíèöà çàäà¸ò íàì ñëèøêîì ìíîãî äîìàøíèõ çàäàíèé. 20. — ×åì âû çàíèìàåòåñü? — ß ó÷èòåëü, ó÷ó äåòåé.

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Простое настоящее время

14.8. Поставьте вопросы к выделенным словам.

1. Íå knows everything about computers. 2. I usually get up at seven o’clock. 3. She lives in the centre of Moscow. 4. Chil-dren like fast food. 5. Igor wants to become a showman. 6. Many people play tennis. 7. He drives an expensive car. 8. I have a cold shower every morning. 9. Most people get to their work by metro. 10. They work in a bank. 11. They work hard. 12. I often have fish for dinner. 13. My father drives a car. 14. She sings well. 15. I do it to help her. 16. It takes us an hour to write a test. 17. He wants a good job. 18. She speaks English fluently.

14.9. Переведите следующие предложения.

1. Íèêòî íå çíàåò, ÷åì îí çàíèìàåòñÿ. 2. Îí ëþáèò å¸, íî îíà åìó íå âåðèò. 3. Äåâî÷êè îáû÷íî íå ëþáÿò ìàòåìàòèêó. 4. Ìîé äðóã ìíîãî êóðèò è íå õî÷åò áðîñèòü êóðåíèå (give up smo-king). 5. Îíà îáû÷íî ïàðêóåò ìàøèíó âî äâîðå. 6. — Ñêîëüêî ñòîèò ýòîò öâåòîê? — Îí ñòîèò ñòî ðóáëåé. 7. Ýòè äåòè äåëà-þò çàìå÷àòåëüíûå èãðóøêè. 8. — Âû îòêóäà? — Ìû èç Èñ-ïàíèè. 9. — ×åì òû çàðàáàòûâàåøü íà æèçíü? — Ðàáîòàþ â êíèæíîì ìàãàçèíå. 10. —  êàêîå âðåìÿ îáû÷íî ïðèõîäèò ïî-÷òà? — Îíà ïðèõîäèò â 7 ÷àñîâ óòðà. 11. — Ïî÷åìó îíà âñåã-äà ïîçäíî ïðèõîäèò äîìîé? — Îíà ïîñåùàåò êëóáû è çàòåì ñïèò äî îáåäà. — À ÷òî îá ýòîì äóìàþò å¸ ðîäèòåëè? 12. Îí íèêîãäà íå æàëóåòñÿ. Îí ãîâîðèò, ÷òî êîãäà îí æàëóåòñÿ, òî íèêòî åãî íå ñëóøàåò. 13. — ×òî òû äóìàåøü î íàøåì íîâîì äèðåêòîðå? Îí òåáå íðàâèòñÿ? — Íå çíàþ, òðóäíî ñêàçàòü. 14. — Íàñêîëüêî õîðîøî âû çíàåòå ýòè ìåñòà? — Ìû çíàåì èõ íå î÷åíü õîðîøî. 15. Ìóæ÷èíû îáû÷íî ëþáÿò ÷èòàòü ãàçå-òû, íî ìîé îòåö íå ëþáèò. 16. Íàø ïîåçä óõîäèò â ïÿòü ÷àñîâ äíÿ. 17. Ñåðèàë íà÷èíàåòñÿ â 5 ÷àñîâ. Ìîÿ áàáóøêà ñìîòðèò åãî ñ áîëüøèì èíòåðåñîì. 18. Êàê òîëüêî îíà âõîäèò â êâàðòè-ðó, îíà âêëþ÷àåò òåëåâèçîð. Îíà ãîâîðèò, ÷òî íå ìîæåò æèòü áåç íåãî, òàê êàê îí äåëàåò å¸ ñ÷àñòëèâîé. 19. Êîíå÷íî, ó ìåíÿ åñòü ñåêðåòû. Ó êàæäîãî åñòü íåñêîëüêî ñåêðåòîâ. 20. Äåíèñ âñåãäà ðàññêàçûâàåò ìíå íîâîñòè, è ÿ ëþáëþ ñëóøàòü èõ.

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Ïîâåëèòåëüíûå ïðåäëîæåíèÿ

Imperative sentences

Повелительные предложения выражают приказания, пре дупреждения,

просьбы и пожелания. Они образуются при помощи инфинитива (неопре-делённой формы глагола) без ча стицы to. Подлежащее you подразумевает-ся, но не употребляется.

Be happy! Take it easy! Smile!Say “cheese”! Relax! Stay cool!Freeze! Dismiss! Look at the slides!Enter the PIN code.

Вспомогательный глагол do используется в отрицательных повелительных предложениях для выражения запрещения.

Утвердительные предложения Отрицательные предложения

Sit down! Stand up! Don’t sit down! Don’t stand up!Open your mouth! Don’t open your mouth!Close your eyes! Don’t close your eyes!Buy expensive things! Don’t buy expensive things!Do it again! Never ever do it again! Never say “never”!

Unit 15U 15U i 55515Unit Unit 1iUUnit 15Unit 155Unit 15Unit 15555111tttiiinnnUUUUnit 15nit 15

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Повелительные предложения

let + инфинитив (без to) используется для 1-го и 3-го лица.

Утвердительные предложения Отрицательные предложения

Let me do it. Don’t let me do it.Let him buy it. Don’t let him buy it.Let’s stay here. Let’s not stay here.Let them go to the park. Don’t let them go to the park.

Разделительные вопросы:

Stay here, will (would) you? Don’t be late, will you?Help me to do it, will (would) you? Don’t answer back, will you?

Глагол do используется для выражения более вежливой просьбы.Do sit down! Do believe me! Do trust me! Do help me!

Cheer up! — Выше нос!Let me see; let me think. — Дайте мне подумать.Mind your own business! — Занимайся своими делами! (Не вмешивайся!)

15.1. Отреагируйте на следующие ситуации.

1. Your child told you a lie.2. Your boyfriend is always late.3. Your boss is shouting at you.4. They are angry with you.5. Your brother is always using your mobile.6. Your friend borrows money and never gives it back.7. Your pupils don’t answer your questions.8. Your child opened the door to strangers.9. You invite somebody to have tea with you.10. Your children are too noisy today.

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11. Your friend has decided to leave her husband.12. You and your friends want to see a new show.

15.2. Прочитайте, переведите и определите, где вы можете увидеть и услы-

шать следующие объявления.

1. Push. Pull. 2. Please Don’t Feed The Animals. 3. Fasten Seat Belts. 4. Do Not Lean Out Of The Window. 5. Please stand on the right. 6. Beware of the dog. 7. No Smoking. 8. Queue This Side. 9. Slow down. 10. No Parking. 11. Do Not Walk On The Grass. 12. Passengers Must Not Cross The Line. 13. Mind the doors! 14. Keep Britain Tidy! 15. Choose the language. Enter the PIN code. 16. Wait, your transaction is processed. 17. The num-ber you have dialed is blocked. Call back later. 18. Don’t mobile when mobile!

15.3. Переведите следующие предложения.

1. He âîëíóéòåñü! Áóäüòå ñ÷àñòëèâû! 2. Îòíîñèòåñü ê ýòîìó ëåã÷å. 3. Íàñëàæäàéòåñü æèçíüþ. 4. Íèêîãäà íå ãîâîðè «íè-êîãäà»! 5. Íå îáðàùàé âíèìàíèÿ íà òàêèå âåùè. 6. Íå ãîðÿ-÷èñü! (ñîõðàíÿé ñïîêîéñòâèå). 7. Ïðîâàëèâàé! Íèêîãäà áîëü-øå çäåñü íå ïîÿâëÿéñÿ. 8. Íå êëàäèòå äåíüãè â áàíê! Òðàòü-òå èõ! Íî íå òðàòüòå ñëèøêîì ìíîãî! 9. Äàâàéòå áóäåì äðó-çüÿìè. Äàâàéòå áóäåì (îñòàíåìñÿ) âìåñòå äî êîíöà. 10. Ïóñòü èãðàåò ìóçûêà, äàâàéòå õîðîøî ïîâåñåëèìñÿ. 11. Ïîñåòèòå íàø ñàéò â Èíòåðíåòå. 12. Çàíèìàéñÿ ñîáñòâåííûìè äåëàìè! 13. Íèêîãäà íå ñïîðü ñî ìíîé. Íèêîãäà íå ïðåðåêàéñÿ ñî ìíîé (to answer back). 14. Íèêîãäà íå îòêëàäûâàé (put off till...) íà çàâòðà òî, ÷òî ìîæíî ñäåëàòü ïîñëåçàâòðà. 15. Ïîòèøå, ïîòè-øå, ñáàâü ñêîðîñòü. 16. Çàìðè! Âîëüíî! 17. Ïîçâîëüòå åìó ñäå-ëàòü òàê, êàê îí õî÷åò. 18. Ðàññëàáüòåñü, õîðîøî? 19. Íå îò-êðûâàé äâåðü íåçíàêîìûì ëþäÿì, ëàäíî? 20. — Íå ïîëüçóé-òåñü ìîáèëüíûìè òåëåôîíàìè, êîãäà âû çà ðóë¸ì. Ýòî îïàñ-íî. — Äà çíàþ ÿ ýòî. 21. Âûáåðèòå ÿçûê è ââåäèòå PIN-êîä. 22. Äîáðî ïîæàëîâàòü â Âåëèêîáðèòàíèþ!

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Íàñòîÿùåå ïðîäîëæåííîå âðåìÿ

Present Progressive (Continuous)

Утвердительная форма

Вопросительная форма

Отрицательная форма

I am (I’m) reading Am I reading? I am not (I’m not) reading



(he’s)(she’s) (it’s)

reading Is




is not (isn’t) reading




reading Are




are not (aren’t) reading

I’m reading a book.He is sleeping.

They are talking.

Are you reading

a book?Is he sleeping?

Are they talking?

I’m not reading

a book.He isn’t sleeping.

They aren’t talking.

Unit 16U 16U i 66616Unit Unit 1iUUnitUnit 6Unit 16Unit 166it 16i 666111tttiiinnnUUnit 16Unit 16

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Случаи употребления Примеры

1. Действие, происходящее сейчас, в данный момент.

We are watching a new fi lm now.It is still raining outside.They are still working.

I’m coming, wait for me.

2. Действие, происходящее в течение определённого периода времени в настоящем.

This team is playing very well this year.I am studying at college now.He is writing a new book at present.

3. Эмоционально окрашенные действия, выражающие раздражение, неудовольствие.

He is always losing his keys!They are constantly talking about their problems!Why are you chewing all the time?

4. Заранее запланированное действие в ближайшем будущем (с глаголами движения: move, come, go, leave, arrive, return, start), to be going to («собираться что-то сделать»).

We are leaving tomorrow.They are coming back next Sunday.My granny is arriving next week.We are moving to a new fl at soon.I'm going to open a website.

Обстоятельства времени:now, right now, at present, at the moment, always, constantly, still, soon, next.

1. Следующие глаголы не употребляются в продолженных временах, так как выражают факты: believe, understand, realize, matter, know, contain, intend, cost, re-member, own, possess, belong, prefer, deserve, depend, resemble, look like.

I believe you and you know it. He owns this wonderful house.She possesses a good sense of humour. Now we realize how risky it was.

2. Глаголы to go on, to keep, to remain, to continue, to last не употребляются в про-долженных временах, так как лексически выражают процесс.

The fi lm lasts two hours. They kept talking.The children continued to play. He remained silent.

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Настоящее продолженное время

3. Глаголы stand, lie, run, fl ow, lead, hang не употребляются в продолженных вре-менах с неодушевлёнными предметами, так как выражают факт, а не про-цесс и равняются глаголу to be.

The house stands (is) on the hill. A thick fog hung (was) in the air.The path led to the lake. The whole city lay before us.

16.1. Прочитайте и переведите следующие предложения. Объясните упо-

требление настоящего продолженного времени.

A. 1. — Where are the boys? — They are playing football in the yard. 2. Be quiet! The child is sleeping. 3. At the moment he is making a report. 4. She is writing a new novel at present. 5. They are living in Florida now. 6. We are discussing our plans right now. 7. I am learning to drive a car now. 8. Our football team is playing badly this season. 9. What perfume are you wearing today? 10. — Is it still raining? — No, it’s snowing. A cold wind is blowing.

B. 1. We are going home in half an hour. 2. My parents are returning from Sochi next Saturday. I’m going to meet them. 3. — When is the concert starting? — Very soon. 4. My family is moving to the country tomorrow. 5. They are giving a party next weekend.

C. 1. — Why are you always smiling? Are you very happy? — Yes, I am. 2. Some kids are watching too many cartoons. 3. Brian is playing computer games all round the clock. 4. This cat is constantly miawing and scratching me! 5. You are spending too much money! You should be careful with it. 6. Some people are chewing gum nonstop. 7. He is driving his car so carelessly! 8. Why am I always forgetting people’s names? Am I getting old? 9. You are driving me crazy (nuts)! 10. She is talking on her mobile for hours!

16.2. Употребите правильную форму глагола в скобках.

1. Switch on the light. It (get) dark. 2. Put on a warm coat. It (snow) outside. 3. Look out of the window. Some students (hurry) to their first lecture. 4. It’s a fine day today. The sun (shine), the wind not (blow). 5. We (have) dinner right now. I’ll

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call you back later. 6. I (wear) my best suit and shoes today. I (go) to an interview. 7. He (look for) this file but he can’t find it. 8. — What you (look) at? — I (look) at my old photographs. 9. It’s 10 o’clock but the child still (sleep). 10. I (learn) Arabic, and I find it very interesting. 11. They are at a karaoke club now. They (sing) there. 12. Look how many people (walk) in the park. They (enjoy) the fresh air and exercise. 13. What group you (teach) this year? 14. — How you (feel) today? — Thank you, doctor. I (feel) much better. 15. — You still (look) for a job? — Yes, I am. 16. — What you (think) about? — I (think) about you. 17. — Why you (sit) here and (do) nothing? — I (relax). 18. — You (kid)? — No, I’m absolutely serious. 19. — How you (get on)? — Thank you, I (do) fine.

16.3. Поставьте вопросы к выделенным словам.

1. She is talking about her new job. 2. He is sending a message to his boss. 3. The students are preparing for the session. 4. My parents are visiting their friends today. 5. She is complaining about her children. 6. I’m calling my boyfriend. 7. He is shouting at his secretary. 8. We are waiting for the bus. 9. They are talking about their plans. 10. She is quarrelling with her friend. 11. We are discussing the latest show. 12. He is singing about love. 13. My friend is learning to drive a car. 14. He is serving in the Army now. 15. My children are resting in the Crimea at present.

16.4. Переведите следующие предложения.

1. Êîðîëåâñêèé äâîðåö ñòîÿë â ïàðêå. 2. Ïîëèöåéñêèé ñòîÿë íà ïåðåêð¸ñòêå è ðåãóëèðîâàë äâèæåíèå. 3. Ðó÷åé ïðîòåêà-åò ÷åðåç äåðåâíþ. 4. Ïî÷åìó ýòî íà êóõíå òå÷¸ò âîäà? Çàêðîé êðàí, ïîæàëóéñòà. 5. Ïåðåä íàìè ëåæàëà ïðåêðàñíàÿ äîëè-íà. 6. Äåòè ëåæàëè íà ïîëó è ñìîòðåëè ìóëüòèêè. 7. Äîðîãà âåëà ê øêîëå. 8. Ñóñàíèí â¸ë ïîëÿêîâ ÷åðåç ëåñ, âñ¸ äàëüøå è äàëüøå îò Ìîñêâû. 9. Ÿ áóäóùåå íàõîäèòñÿ â òâîèõ ðóêàõ. 10. Äâåðü ñòîÿëà îòêðûòîé. 11. Îí ñòîÿë ó îêíà, êîãäà ÿ âîøëà â êîìíàòó. 12. Íàä Òåìçîé âèñåë ãóñòîé òóìàí. 13. Ìû âåøàëè êàðòèíó, êîãäà îí ïðèø¸ë. 14. Ýòîò êîëîäåö ïåðåñûõàåò ëåòîì (run dry). 15. Êóäà ýòî âû áåæèòå?

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Настоящее продолженное время

16.5. А. Употребите правильную форму глагола в скобках.

It’s Friday evening. Denis (walk) in the centre of Moscow to the metro station. He (meet) his friend Igor, who (go) in the same direction.

Denis — Hallo, Igor. Where you (hurry) to?Igor — I (go) to my uncle’s place. I (go) there once a month to take the money which my father (send) me.D. — Why your father not (send) it to you?I. — He not (want) to send it by post, as my father and my uncle’s son (work) together in the country, so my father always (give) him some money for me.D. — Shall we take a bus? I (see) that you (limp)1.I. — I usually (go) by bus. But today I not (have) any money left.D. — Oh, usually I not (use) public transport very much. My mother (say) that I (get) too fat, so I (try) to take more exercise. And by the way, why you (wear) shoes that not (fit)?I. — They (be) new. And the left one (rub) a lot, that’s why I (limp).D. — You can’t walk like that. Let’s take the bus. It usually (come) at about this time.I. — It (come) now, look. But I not (have) any money.D. — Well, not (worry)! I can lend you some. Come on, not (argue). The driver (wait) for us.

В. Подойдите к окну и опишите то, что происходит на улице.

16.6. Переведите следующие предложения.

1. — ×òî çäåñü ïðîèñõîäèò? Ïî÷åìó âû âñå ñìå¸òåñü? — Àíä ðåé ðàññêàçûâàåò íàì ðàçíûå èñòîðèè. 2. Ïîãîäà ñòàíî-âèòñÿ âñ¸ òåïëåå, äíè ñòàíîâÿòñÿ äëèííåå, íî÷è êîðî÷å. Ïðè-áëèæàåòñÿ âåñíà. 3. Âåñíîé ìû îáû÷íî ïåðåâîäèì íàøè ÷àñû íà ÷àñ íàçàä, à îñåíüþ ìû ñòàâèì èõ íà ÷àñ âïåð¸ä. 4. Áà-áóøêà âÿæåò ìíå ò¸ïëûé ñâèòåð. Îíà î÷åíü õîðîøî âÿæåò

1 to limp — õðîìàòü.

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è ïîëó÷àåò îò ýòîãî óäîâîëüñòâèå. 5. — ×òî âû, äåòè, äåëà-åòå íà óëèöå? Âåäü óæå íî÷ü. — Ìû èùåì ñâîþ ñîáà÷êó. 6. Ìàìà ñìîòðèò íîâûé áðàçèëüñêèé ñåðèàë, à ÿ ÷èòàþ ñâîé ó÷åáíèê, ÿ íå ëþáëþ ñåðèàëû. 7.  äàííîå âðåìÿ ÿ ïèøó äè-ïëîìíóþ ðàáîòó. ß ìíîãî ðàáîòàþ íàä íåé. 8. Ìû âñòðå÷à-åìñÿ çàâòðà âå÷åðîì è èä¸ì â êàôå. 9. — Õî÷åøü ïèðîæ-íîå? — Íåò, ñïàñèáî, ÿ ïîïðàâëÿþñü, òàê ÷òî ñòàðàþñü õó-äåòü. 10. — Âçãëÿíè! Èä¸ò ñíåã. — Ðàäèî ãîâîðèò, ÷òî â Àí-ãëèè ñåãîäíÿ èä¸ò äîæäü. 11. — Ïîðà èäòè ñïàòü, à òû âñ¸ åù¸ ñèäèøü çà êîìïüþòåðîì! — Íå âîëíóéñÿ, ÿ çàêàí÷è-âàþ ýòîò ôàéë. 12. — Ãäå Ìàøà? — Îíà â ñàäó. Îíà ïîëè-âàåò öâåòû. 13. — ×òî òû èùåøü çäåñü? — ß èùó ñâîþ ïåð-÷àòêó. — Âå÷íî òû èõ òåðÿåøü! Íóæíî ñðàçó ïîêóïàòü äâå ïàðû. 14. Ìîÿ æèçíü ñòàíîâèòñÿ âñ¸ áîëåå èíòåðåñíîé. Ïðî-èñõîäèò òàê ìíîãî âñåãî. 15. — Îïÿòü òû åøü ÷èïñû! Òû ÷òî, òàê èõ ëþáèøü? — Äà, î÷åíü. 16. — ß âèæó, ÷òî âû ïîíèìà-åòå ìåíÿ. — Äà, ÿ âàì âåðþ.

16.7. Прочитайте текст и расскажите, чем вы, ваши родители, друзья зани-

маетесь в данный момент.


I’m sitting here in the boring roomIt’s just another rainy afternoonI’m wasting my timeI got nothing to doI’m hanging aroundI’m waiting for youBut nothing ever happens and I wonder

I’m driving around in my carI’m driving too fastI’m driving too farI’d like to change my point of viewI feel so lonelyI’m waiting for youBut nothing ever happens and I wonder

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Настоящее продолженное время

I wonder howI wonder whyYesterday you told me ‘bout blue blue skyAnd all that I can see is just a yellow lemon treeI’m turning my head up and downI’m turning turning turning turning turning aroundAnd all that I can see is just another lemon tree.

16.8. Переведите следующие предложения.

1. Îí âåëèêèé ïóòåøåñòâåííèê. Êàê ðàç ñåé÷àñ îí ïóòåøåñòâó-åò ïî Âîñòîêó. 2. ß íå ïîíèìàþ, ÷òî òû ãîâîðèøü. Ãîâîðè ìåä-ëåííî, ïîæàëóéñòà. 3. Îí ñ÷èòàåò, ÷òî îíà ÷óäåñíàÿ äåâóøêà. Îí ïîñòîÿííî äóìàåò î íåé. 4. Ìîÿ ìàìà ÷àñòî ïå÷¸ò ïèðîãè. Ñåãîäíÿ îíà äåëàåò òîðò, ïîòîìó ÷òî âå÷åðîì ïðèåçæàþò íàøè äðóçüÿ. 5. ß âíèìàòåëüíî âàñ ñëóøàþ. ×òî âû ïëàíèðóåòå äå-ëàòü? 6. — Ãäå äåòè? — Îíè â ãîñòèíîé. — Îïÿòü ñìîòðÿò ìóëüòèêè? — Íåò, îíè èãðàþò â êàêóþ-òî èãðó. 7. Èä¸ò ñèëü-íûé äîæäü, õîòÿ â äåêàáðå äîæäü íèêîãäà íå èä¸ò. 8. — Êòî ýòè ëþäè è ÷òî îíè çäåñü äåëàþò? — Íèêòî íå çíàåò ýòîãî. 9. — Êàêàÿ ñåãîäíÿ ïîãîäà? — Ìîðîçíî, è ÿðêî ñâåòèò ñîëíöå. 10. Ïðèáëèæàåòñÿ Íîâûé ãîä. Ëþäè ãîòîâÿòñÿ ê íåìó è ïî-êóïàþò ïîäàðêè. 11. Ýòîé çèìîé ÷àñòî èä¸ò ñíåã. Âîò è ñåé÷àñ èä¸ò ñíåã. 12. — Êîãî òû æäåøü? — Æäó ïîäðóãó. Óæå 7 ÷à-ñîâ. Áîþñü, ÷òî îíà îïàçäûâàåò. 13. Ñåé÷àñ ÿ ñèæó çà ñòîëîì â ñâî¸ì îôèñå. Ìîé ìåíåäæåð ðàáîòàåò íà êîìïüþòåðå. Ñå-êðåòàðøà ïðîñìàòðèâàåò ýëåêòðîííóþ ïî÷òó. 14. Ìû ñëóøà-åì êîíöåðò ñåé÷àñ. Ìíîãèå èçâåñòíûå ïåâöû ïðèíèìàþò â í¸ì ó÷àñòèå. 15.  íàñòîÿùåå âðåìÿ îí ðàáîòàåò â êíèæíîì ìàãà-çèíå. 16. Îí óëè÷íûé ìóçûêàíò1. Îí ïî¸ò â Ëîíäîíñêîì ìåòðî. 17. — Êàêóþ êíèãó òû ÷èòàåøü? — Íîâûé äåòåêòèâ. Îí î÷åíü èíòåðåñíûé. À òû ëþáèøü äåòåêòèâíûå ðîìàíû? – Èíîãäà äà. 18. Ïî÷åìó òû âñåãäà êðèòèêóåøü ëþäåé? Ýòî ïëîõî. 19. Íå ìîãó ïîâåðèòü, ÷òî â äàííûé ìîìåíò ìû èäåì ïî óëèöàì Ëîí-äîíà è íàñëàæäàåìñÿ âñåìè çíàìåíèòûìè ìåñòàìè. 20. Îí ïî-äóìûâàåò î òîì, ÷òîáû êóïèòü íîâóþ ìàøèíó, è ïîýòîìó ðàáî-òàåò ñ óòðà äî íî÷è, ÷òîáû çàðàáîòàòü äåíüãè.

1 à busker ['bʌskǝ] — óëè÷íûé ìóçûêàíò.

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17.1. Ответьте на следующие вопросы.

1. Does the sun rise in the east or in the west? 2. Do many people know English? 3. Is our climate getting warmer or colder? 4. Do dogs or cats help people to find drugs and bombs? 5. Who writes articles for newspapers and magazines? 6. Do bees make honey or jam? 7. Who sells bread? 8. Who treats animals? 9. Do engineers or programmers write computer programs? 10. Who serves food in a restaurant? 11. Is life getting easier or more difficult? 12. Who directs the traffic? 13. Does water boil at 100° or 150° Centigrade? 14. Are we getting younger or older? 15. Are the prices going up or down?

17.2. Дополните следующие предложения фразами из правой колонки.

1. An alcoholic is a person who a. lies on the sofa, watches TV and does nothing else.2. Workaholics are people who b. guards rich and important people.3. A chocaholic is a person ñ. is mad about new clothes. who4. A shopaholic is a person d. likes to keep everything who clean.5. A clothesaholic is a person e. have a very poor memory. who6. Milkaholics are people who f. keeps financial books.

Unit 17U 17U i 77717Unit Unit 1iUUnit 17Unit 17777111tttiiinnnUUnit 17Unit 17

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7. A cleanaholic is a person g. are afraid of foreigners. who8. Forgetaholics are people h. hates reading books. who9. A bookaphobic i. like milk products very is a person who much.10. Xenophobes are j. drinks heavily. people who11. An accountant k. loves chocolate very much is a person who (has a sweet tooth).12. A bodyguard is a person l. work all round the clock. who13. A couch [kautʃ] potato is m. is fond of shopping. a person who

17.3. Употребите необходимый артикль.

1. Barbara is ...................... teacher. She has ...................... stressful job. 2. ...................... box is made of ...................... silver. 3. It’s ...................... very important news. Where did you get ...................... news? 4. I’d like ...................... sandwich or ...................... toast with ...................... cup of ...................... black coffee. 5. There was ...................... accident in ...................... centre of ...................... city ...................... week ago. 6. ...................... butter is made from ...................... milk. 7. If ...................... figures are correct, you’ll have ...................... chance to win ...................... car in ...................... lottery. 8. They have two children, ...................... boy and ...................... girl. ...................... boy is seven years old and ...................... girl is three. 9. Close ...................... door, please. I may catch ...................... cold. 10. ...................... new cars are very expensive. I bought ...................... old one. 11. There are ...................... apples and ...................... oranges on ...................... kitchen table. There is also ...................... vase with ...................... flowers on it. 12. — Have you bought ...................... present for ...................... coming holiday? — Yes, I did it ...................... week ago. And I’ve got ...................... surprise for you too. 13. ...................... vegetarian is ...................... person who doesn’t eat ...................... meat. 14. What ...................... miserable weather it is today! I hate ...................... such ......................... weather. 15. — Where are ...................... keys to the car? — I saw them ...................... minute ago on ...................... desk. 16. — ...................... computer is out of order and I’ve lost ...................... mouse again! — It was on ...................... mat, wasn’t it?

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17. — What’s ...................... matter with you? — I’ve got ...................... headache. — You should go for ...................... walk in ...................... park. And take ...................... dog out for ...................... run, will you?

17.4. Употребите правильную форму глагола в скобках.

1. — My brother (build) a house in the country. — He (be) a builder? — No, he just (like) to do something with his hands. And then he not (do) it alone. Two or three people (help) him. 2. — What you (do) this Saturday? You (be) free? — Unfortunately, I (work) this Saturday, though I usually not (work) on this day. And you? What you (do) this weekend? — Fortunately, I not (work), I (rest). 3. — You (be) serious or you (kid)? — I (try) to tell you that you (behave) like a fool. 4. — Exams (come) soon and we (work) like maniacs. — But usually you not (work) so hard, as far as I know. 5. — What you (look) for in . this site? — Our teacher (say) that there (be) everything you need in the Internet. And I (write) my graduation project at present. I (be going) to use as much material as possible in it. 6. — Your English (get) better or worse? — I (think) that it (improve). And I even (think) of studying it with a native speaker. — Yes, I (see) that you seriously (think) about your future career.

17.5. Употребите правильную форму глагола в скобках.

1. It’s Monday morning and my students (drive) me nuts1. I (stand) in the room in the International Language School in London. The motto of this school (be) “English in Two Years Without Any Tears”. My students are mostly from East Asia — Japan, China, Hong Kong. Now I (watch) them closely. Zeng (sleep) at the back of the class. Imran (stare) at the text message on his mobile phone. Astrid and Vanessa (chatter). Witold (cry) and Yumi (try) to comfort him. Only Gen (look) at me. He (wait) for something to happen. Suddenly Zeng (start) snoring. I clear my throat. “Right, who’s got that homework for me?” I ask them. But I can see that they (be) not ready with it. Usually I

1 to drive somebody nuts — ñâîäèòü êîãî-òî ñ óìà.

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not (be) angry with them, but today it all (make) me wonder what I (do) here. And also what they (do) here. “Witold, why you (cry)? What (be) wrong with you?” Yumi (explain), “He (miss) his family.” I look at them all seriously. “I (be) your teacher and you (be) my students. You should respect me. That (mean) no talks in class. It (mean) you come here to study English, but not to waste your time. You (understand) me?”

17.6. Выберите правильный вариант.

1. His teeth ...................... Colgate white a. is b. are ñ. looks2. The police ...................... now hunting the driver of the car. a. are b. is ñ. was3. It was ...................... joyful news. a. — b. the ñ. à4. You never have lunch at home, ...................... you? a. don’t b. do ñ. have5. ...................... is little information in this file. a. there b. it ñ. this6. Let’s talk about it, ...................... we? a. will b. do ñ. shall7. They are such ...................... nice people. a. a b. — ñ. the8. What ...................... nasty weather! a. — b. the ñ. à9. Where ...................... your clothes usually made? a. is b. was c. are10. This money isn’t ...................... . a. mine b. my ñ. her11. What’s ...................... score? a. a b. — ñ. the12. I am late, ...................... I? a. am b. aren’t ñ. don’t13. Who ...................... that man? — We do. a. knows b. know ñ. is knowing14. The child is hungry. It ...................... loudly. a. cries b. cry ñ. is crying

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15. There wasn’t ...................... on the street. a. anybody b. some people ñ. nobody16. No news ...................... good news. a. is b. are ñ. were17. Your advice ...................... me a lot, thank you. a. help b. helps ñ. are helping

17.7. Употребите правильную форму глагола в скобках.

My mum is a dinner lady at a local school. It’s not the Princess Diana Comprehensive School where I (teach) now. Her school is very tough. “The girls are as bad as the boys these days,” my mum often (complain). “Worse.” But she (refuse) to give up what she (call) “my little job” even when my father began to get serious money for his book. My mum (love) her school. She really (do). She (like) to have a laugh with the women she (work) with in the kitchen. She (like) getting out of the house and driving to the school. But what my mum (like) best about her job are the children. I say children, although of course many of them are big bad boys and girls. That’s how I (see) them. My mum (think) that there’s no such thing as a bad child. “My kids,” she (call) the children whom she (feed), even though she has seen the worst of them. She not (let) her kids shout when they (queue) for their burgers and chips. She not (allow) bad language in the school canteen. She not even (let) them (fight) with each other. People say that once my mother even put down her laddle with which she gave them porridge, went to the playground and stopped a fight. I (tell) her over and over again that she may get seriously hurt. She not (listen) to me. Tough, and very stubborn my mum is!

17.8. Переведите следующие предложения.

1. — Êàêîé ñþðïðèç! Êàêàÿ ïðèÿòíàÿ íîâîñòü. — Äà, íîâîñòü ÷óäåñíàÿ. 2. Ïîëèöèÿ çäåñü. Ïîëèöåéñêèå îñìàòðèâàþò äîì. 3.  ýòîé êíèãå ìíîãî ïîëåçíûõ ñîâåòîâ. Îíè ìîãóò ïîìî÷ü âàì. 4. Ýòî òàêàÿ òðóäíàÿ ðàáîòà! Íèêòî íå çíàåò, êàê å¸ âû-ïîëíèòü. 5. Ó ñòàðîãî Ìàêäîíàëäà åñòü ìàëåíüêàÿ ôåðìà. Íà íåé îí äåðæèò äåñÿòü îâåö, âîñåìü ãóñåé, êîðîâó, êîçó è äâóõ

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ñâèíåé. 6. Ðûáêè ãîëîäíûå. Äàâàé ïîêîðìèì èõ. 7. Êàêàÿ ñîë-íå÷íàÿ ñåãîäíÿ ïîãîäà! Óæå âåñíà. 8. — Ó òåáÿ åñòü ñ ñî-áîé äåíüãè? — Íåò, ÿ ïîëîæèë èõ â áàíê. 9.  ìî¸ì àêâàðèó-ìå1 âñåãî ÷åòûðå ðûáêè. ß ñîáèðàþñü êóïèòü åù¸ òðè ðûáêè. 10. — Ôðóêòû î÷åíü ïîëåçíû.  íèõ ìíîãî âèòàìèíîâ. — Äà, íî îíè î÷åíü äîðîãèå. 11. — Êàêèå ïîñëåäíèå íîâîñòè? — Ñå-ãîäíÿ âîñêðåñåíüå, òàê ÷òî íîâîñòåé íåò. — Íó ÷òî æå, îò-ñóòñòâèå íîâîñòåé ýòî óæå õîðîøàÿ íîâîñòü. 12. — Ãäå òâîÿ îäåæäà? — Îíà â øêàôó. 13. Ñâåäåíèÿ î÷åíü âàæíûå. Ìû êàê ðàç ïðîñìàòðèâàåì èõ ñåé÷àñ. 14. Ìîÿ êîøêà î÷åíü ëþ-áèò ðûáó. Êàæäûé äåíü îíà ñúåäàåò ïî òðè ðûáêè, íî î÷åíü ìàëåíüêèå. 15. Ýòè íîâîñòè ìåíÿ íå èíòåðåñóþò. ß óæå çíàþ èõ. 16. — Ãäå äåíüãè? Íèãäå íå ìîãó íàéòè èõ. — ß èõ ïî-òðàòèë, íî ÿ èõ òåáå ñêîðî âåðíó. 17. Ýòî áîëüøîå îçåðî.  í¸ì ìíîãî ðûáû. 18. Íà íàøèõ ðûíêàõ ñåé÷àñ ìíîãî ðàçíîé ðûáû. 19. — Ïî÷åìó òâîè âîëîñû ìîêðûå? — Îíè íå ìîêðûå. Îíè áëåñòÿò, ïîòîìó ÷òî ìîé øàìïóíü î÷åíü õîðîøèé. 20. Èç-âèíè, íî ó òåáÿ âîëîñ íà ïèäæàêå. Ïîçâîëü ìíå ñìàõíóòü åãî (to brush off).

17.9. Употребите правильную форму глагола в скобках.

It’s six o’clock in the morning. Everybody still (sleep). Alice (yawn2) as she (go) down the stairs. The two dogs (jump) all over her and (run) to the front door, wagging their tails furiously. She (pull) her coat over her pyjamas, (slip) her feet into her boots and (put) on her hat. She then (clip) the leads on the dogs and (go) outside. It (be) a beautiful morning. The frost (glitter) on the grass. Alice (push) open the gate and (lead) the dogs into the field. She (bend) down and (unclip) their leads. They (race) round in circles. Their tongues (hang) out of their mouths with joy. She (love) being in the open air. She (cross) her arms to keep the cold, and (follow) the dogs. Twenty minutes later she (be) about to die of the cold weather. She (call) the dogs, (clip) the leads back on and (lead) them back into the house. She (want) to warm up and have some hot coffee.

1 a fish-tank — àêâàðèóì.2 to yawn — çåâàòü.

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17.10. Переведите следующие предложения.

1. Ïî÷åìó òû íå ñëóøàåøü ìåíÿ? Î ÷¸ì òû äóìàåøü? 2. — ×òî òû äóìàåøü î í¸ì? — Îí âñåì íðàâèòñÿ, õîòÿ ìû íå î÷åíü-òî õîðîøî çíàåì åãî. 3. — ×òî òû ñåé÷àñ ÷èòàåøü? — Íè-÷åãî íå ÷èòàþ, ãîòîâëþñü ê êîíòðîëüíûì ðàáîòàì. Âïåðåäè ñåññèÿ. 4. — Î ÷¸ì âû ãîâîðèòå? — Ìû îáñóæäàåì ïîñëåäíèå íîâîñòè. — È êàêîâû æå ïîñëåäíèå íîâîñòè? — Îíè ïðîñòî ôàíòàñòè÷íû. Çàâòðà ìû ëåòèì â Ëîíäîí è äà¸ì òàì òðè êîí-öåðòà. 5. Ýòî î÷åíü õîðîøàÿ êóêëà. Îíà õîäèò, ïëà÷åò, ñìå¸ò-ñÿ, îòêðûâàåò è çàêðûâàåò ãëàçà. Êàê ðàç ñåé÷àñ îíà ãîâîðèò «Ìà-ìà». 6. ×àéíèê êèïèò, òîñò ãîðèò, äåòè ïëà÷óò, à òû âñ¸ åù¸ ñïèøü! 7. — Òû âñ¸ åù¸ ñåðäèøüñÿ íà ìåíÿ? — Íåò, íå ñåðæóñü. ß ïûòàþñü íàó÷èòü òåáÿ õîðîøèì ìàíåðàì. 8. — ×òî ýòî òû ãîòîâèøü? Òû ðûáó æàðèøü? — Òàê, ìîé ðóêè è ñà-äèñü çà ñòîë. Ïîðà óæèíàòü. 9. Òàíÿ íå èä¸ò ñåãîäíÿ ñ íàìè â êèíî. Îíà ñèäèò ñ ðåá¸íêîì (to babysit). Îíà çàðàáàòûâàåò íå-ìíîãî äåíåã òàêèì îáðàçîì. Ñîñåäè ÷àñòî ïðîñÿò å¸ ïîñèäåòü ñ èõ äåòüìè. 10. Àíãëèéñêèé ÿçûê ïîñòîÿííî ìåíÿåòñÿ. Ïîÿâëÿ-þòñÿ íîâûå ñëîâà, ñòàðûå ñëîâà óõîäÿò èç ÿçûêà.

17.11. Употребите правильную форму глагола в скобках.

At 5.30 in the morning the radio screams and Monica (open) her eyes and (throw) the covers off. She (put) on a T-shirt, trackpants and sneakers, (pick) up her gym bag and (hurry) to her club. Her daily routine seldom (change). She (go) to her locker, (hang) her clothes, and (do) her stretches. She (know) some people in the club, but she not (like) to chat with them. She (take) her exercise very seriously. She (have) breakfast on the way to work. It (be) always the same thing every day: a cup of coffee and a dry roll. She not (have) time to sit and enjoy it. She (try) to visit her gym five times a week and when she (be) home early and (have) nothing to do, she (go) to the gym a second time in the evening. And of course there is work. The more she (work), the better she (feel), the less she (think) about her personal life.

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Ïðîñòîå ïðîøåäøåå âðåìÿ

Past Simple

Утвердительная форма

Вопросительная форма

Отрицательная форма

Ед. ч.


was Was

I ...?he ...?she ...?it ...?


was not


Мн. ч.


were Were

we ...?you ...?they ...?


were not


Примеры употребления

He was right.You were on time.

Was he right?Were you on time?

He was not (wasn’t)

right.You were not

(weren’t) on time.

Утвердительная форма

Вопросительная форма

Отрицательная форма











did not



U 18U i 88818Unit Unit 1iUUnit 18Unit 18Unit 1888Unit 18Unit 18888111tttiiinnnUUnit 18Unit 188nit 18nit 18

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Случаи употребления

1. Действия, события, факты в прошлом, не связанные с настоящим моментом.

He left yesterday.We met last year.I saw the fi lm long ago.It snowed last night.

2. Последовательность действий при описании событий в прошлом; обычные, повторяющиеся действия в прошлом.

I came home, opened the door and switched on the TV-set.He called us every week.

3. Действие, которое длилось некоторое время и было закончено в прошлом. Важен факт, но не процесс.

Yesterday I walked in the park for two hours.He studied hard for six years to become a doctor.How long did you live in London?

Сравните:I was walking in the park at two o’clock yesterday.He was studying from six till ten (all day long) yesterday.

Обстоятельства времени:ago, last week (month, year), the other day (на днях), yesterday, the day before yesterday, in those times.

used to/would употребляются для выражения регулярных действий и состоя-ний в прошлом, которые больше не существуют.

Сравните в русском языке «бывало, имел обыкновение что-то делать».

We used to walk to school, but now we go by metro.(Did you use to...?)

When I was little, my mother would tell me a bedtime story.(Would your mother tell...?)

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Простое прошедшее время

18.1. Поставьте следующие предложения в вопросительную и отрицатель-

ную формы.

1. I was born in April. 2. We were at the theatre on Sunday. 3. He was a Hollywood star. 4. I was late for the bus. 5. You were angry at my words. 6. She was a great actress. 7. I was happy. 8. He was very busy last week. 9. I was very poor at that time. 10. They were good students. 11. I was on duty on that day. 12. We were on holiday in August. 13. I was eager to make a career. 14. She was in great shock. 15. I was in love with that girl. 16. He used to be my best friend at school. 17. This building used to be a factory.

18.2. Поставьте следующие предложения в вопросительную и отрицатель-

ную формы.

1. Miss Honey taught me to read and to write. 2. We went to a karaoke club on Saturday. 3. We sang a lot of songs. 4. They had great fun at the party. 5. He did his work very well. 6. She heard some noise behind the door. 7. I read this book in my childhood. 8. It started raining in the morning. 9. We had dinner at Maxim’s. 10. It snowed a lot last winter. 11. The children ran to the river. 12. Martin wrote a program for the computer. 13. Susan said goodbye and left the room. 14. That dictionary cost me a fortune. 15. I saw it with my own eyes. 16. My mother used to end her story on a happy note. 17. He used to work very long hours. 18. The old man would come to us every Sunday and we would talk and talk and talk. 19. When I was a kid, I used to love table tennis. 20. She used to love going to parties.

18.3. Поставьте вопросы к выделенным словам.

1. The incident happened the other day. 2. They were at the disco last night. 3. Columbus discovered America in 1492. 4. He sent us a fax two hours ago. 5. Yesterday I prepared for the test for three hours. 6. She made a lot of mistakes in the dictation. 7. Last week she flew to Japan. 8. My Granny told me a lot of interesting stories from her life. 9. Mike bought a new com-

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puter. 10. He did his job professionally. 11. They came five days ago. 12. It took us a lot of time to find them. 13. I was born in Moscow. 14. She said that she was sorry. 15. The weather was windy last week.

18.4. Употребите правильную форму глагола в скобках и перескажите



A man came into the bar, (sit) down, (call) the barman and (say) to him, “Give me a drink before the trouble (start).” The barman (be) busy with other people, so he not (say) anything, but (give) the man a whisky, and the man (drink) it quickly. Then he (put) his glass down, and (cry) to the barman again, “Give me another one before you (have) problems.” The barman (have) no time to say anything, so he (bring) the man his drink and (go) away. The man (smile) happily, and some time later he (tell) the barman that he (want) another drink. This time the owner of the bar (think) that it was too much and (ask) the man, “What trouble you (talk) about?” The man (reply) that the trouble was that he not (have) any money.

18.5. Употребите правильную форму глагола в скобках и перескажите



It was evening. A man (cross) a narrow bridge when he (see) a fisherman on the bank of the deep river under him, so he (stop) and (watch) him quietly. After a few minutes, the fisherman (pull) his line out. There (be) a big, fat fish at the end of it.The fisherman (take) it off the hook and (throw) it back into the water. Then he (put) his hook and line into the water again. After a few more minutes he (catch) another big fish. Again he (let) it (go) into the river. Then the third time he (manage) to catch another fish. It was very small. He (take) it and (begin) to collect his things to go home. The man on the bridge (can)

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Простое прошедшее время

not (hide) his surprise, so he (speak) to the fisherman. He (say) “Why you (throw) those beautiful big fish back into the water, and keep only that small one?”The fisherman (look) up and (reply), “I (have) a small frying-pan.”

18.6. Дополните следующие предложения.

1. She was invited to the party, ...................... ? 2. Your daughter went to this school, ...................... ? 3. You didn’t forget to call your mother, ...................... ? 4. Mr. Grant sent us an e-mail, ...................... ? 5. You didn’t pass the interview, ...................... ? 6. They lost the match, ...................... ? 7. He didn’t do it, ...................... ? 8. They weren’t happy, ...................... ? 9. She had to do it, ...................... ? 10. She didn’t tell you about it, ...................... ? 11. Your boss didn’t like your proj-ect, ...................... ? 12. The lecture began half an hour ago, ...................... ? 13. They weren’t friends, ...................... ? 14. He was a good teacher, ...................... ? 15. That wasn’t your fault, ...................... ? 16. He used to smoke a lot, ...................... ? 17. It used to be a club, .............................. ?

18.7. Употребите правильную форму глагола в скобках и перескажите



It was summer. Two friends (camp) together on the bank of a river. Their names (be) Jim and Tim. Tim (be) a very lazy boy. On the first evening of their holiday, Jim (say) to Tim, “Here (be) some money. Go and buy some meat.” “I (be) too tired,” (answer) Tim. “You go.” So Jim (go) and (buy) the meat.When he (come) back, he (tell) Tim that he (must) (cook) it. But Tim (explain), “No, I (be) not good at cooking. You must (do) it.” So Jim (fry) the meat. Then Jim (cut) the bread as Tom not (want) to do it. After that he (offer) his friend (bring) some water. This time Tim (reply), “My clothes (be) clean, I not (be going) to do it.” So Jim (bring) the water. At last the meat (be) ready and Jim (invite) Tim to eat it. “Well, I can (do) that,” (agree) Tim. “I not (like) to say “no” all the time.”

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18.8. Употребите правильную форму глагола в скобках.


Last weekend we (travel) to St. Petersburg. We (get) on a fast train at 3 o’clock. On the train my friend and I (talk) a lit-tle, (read) some magazines and then (sleep) for about an hour. The train (stop) only twice. It (take) us five hours to get to the North capital. At about nine o’clock we (come) to our hotel. The next day we (go) on a bus excursion about the city. Fortunately, the weather (be) fine. We (start) from the Nevsky Prospect and (drive) along it to the Neva. Our guide (know) a lot of interest-ing facts, stories and jokes which she (tell) us with great plea-sure. The driver (stop) the bus from time to time, and we (go) out to admire the wonderful churches, palaces, museums and the famous bridges. We (learn) a lot of interesting things about the city and its people. The bus (bring) us back to the Nevsky Prospect at about four o’clock in the afternoon. It (be) time for dinner. We (be) hungry and thirsty. We (enter) one of the many cafes, (find) a table and (sit) down. We (choose) from the menu what we (want). The dinner not (cost) us much. It was in fact twice as cheap as in Moscow. There (be) a lot of people around us. They (talk), (laugh), (drink) coffee. They (speak) different languages: English, Italian, German, Finnish. After dinner we (do) some shopping. We (buy) a few souvenirs and (go) to the hotel. We (be) tired but very happy.

18.9. Переведите следующие предложения.

1. — Ãäå è êîãäà âû ðîäèëèñü? — ß ðîäèëñÿ äâàäöàòü ëåò íà-çàä â Ìîñêâå. 2. — Ãäå è êîãäà ýòî ñëó÷èëîñü? — Ýòî ïðîè-çîøëî ãîä íàçàä â Àëüïàõ. 3. — Ó íåãî íîâàÿ ìàøèíà. Êîãäà îí å¸ êóïèë è ñêîëüêî îíà ñòîèò? — ß íå ñïðàøèâàë åãî îá ýòîì. 4. Ìû ïëûëè âíèç ïî Âîëãå. Áûëà ÷óäåñíàÿ ïîãîäà. 5. — Êîãäà òû áûëà â òåàòðå â ïîñëåäíèé ðàç? — ß áûëà òàì ìå-ñÿö íàçàä. 6. — ×òî ïðîèçîøëî â÷åðà? Ïî÷åìó âû íå ïðèø-ëè? — Èçâèíèòå, ìû áûëè î÷åíü çàíÿòû. Ìû âàì çâîíèëè, íî ëèíèÿ áûëà çàíÿòà. 7. — Ãäå òû áûë â÷åðà âå÷åðîì? ß çâî-íèë òåáå. — ß ãóëÿë ñ ñîáàêîé. 8. Ìîé êîìïüþòåð áûë íå â ïî-

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Простое прошедшее время

ðÿäêå, è ÿ íå ñìîã íàáðàòü òåêñò. 9. Ïîåçä ïðèáûë âîâðåìÿ, è ìû íå îïîçäàëè íà êîíöåðò. 10. — ×òî çàñòàâèëî òåáÿ ñêà-çàòü ýòî? — ß ïðîñòî íå ìîã ñêàçàòü íåïðàâäó. 11. Îí ïðîæèë â Ìîñêâå äåñÿòü ëåò, à çàòåì ïåðååõàë çà ãîðîä. 12. Ìîÿ ñå-ñòðà äåñÿòü ëåò ó÷èëàñü â øêîëå, çàòåì ïÿòü ëåò â óíèâåð-ñèòåòå. Ñåé÷àñ îíà ðàáîòàåò þðèñòîì. 13. — Ñêîëüêî âðåìå-íè òåáå ïîòðåáîâàëîñü, ÷òîáû íàéòè ýòè ñâåäåíèÿ? — Ìíå ïî-íàäîáèëîñü íåñêîëüêî ÷àñîâ. 14. — Ñêîëüêî ðàç îíà ïûòàëàñü ïîñòóïèòü â òåàòðàëüíûé èíñòèòóò? — Òðè ðàçà, ñåé÷àñ îíà èçâåñòíàÿ àêòðèñà. 15. — ×òî òåáå ïîìîãëî âûáðàòüñÿ èç ýòîé ñèòóàöèè? — Ìíå ïðîñòî ïîâåçëî. 16. — ×òî òû ñäåëàëà, ÷òî-áû ïîìî÷ü èì? — ß ñäåëàëà âñ¸, ÷òî ìîãëà. 17. — Êòî ñêàçàë ýòî? — ß ñêàçàë. 18. — Ïðîñòèòå, ÷òî âû ñêàçàëè? ß âàñ íå ðàññëûøàë.

18.10. Переведите следующие предложения.

1. — Êòî áûëè ýòè ëþäè? ×òî îíè õîòåëè? — Îíè õîòåëè óâè-äåòü òåáÿ, íî òåáÿ íå áûëî. 2. — Êòî íàïèñàë ýòîò ðîìàí? — Ìíå æàëü, íî ÿ íå ïîìíþ. 3. Íà äíÿõ ÿ ïîïàë â äîðîæíîå ïðî-èñøåñòâèå, íî âñ¸ îáîøëîñü, íèêòî íå ïîñòðàäàë. 4. Îí äîë-ãî ãîòîâèëñÿ ê èíòåðâüþ è ïðåêðàñíî ïðîø¸ë åãî. 5. ß èìåëà îáûêíîâåíèå áåãàòü ïî óòðàì â ïàðêå, íî â ïðîøëîì ãîäó áðî-ñèëà ýòî. 6. — Êàê òåáå óäàëîñü (manage) ïîëó÷èòü òàêóþ õî-ðîøóþ ðàáîòó? Êòî ïðåäëîæèë å¸ òåáå? — Èì ïîíðàâèëèñü ìîè ðåêîìåíäàöèè. 7. ß, áûâàëî, ðàññêàçûâàëà åé âñå ñâîè ñå-êðåòû, à îíà òàê ìåíÿ ïîäâåëà (let somebody down). 8. Êòî ïî-ñîâåòîâàë òåáå ýòó íÿíþ? Ãäå òû å¸ íàøëà? — Ìîè ðîäñòâåí-íèêè ïîðåêîìåíäîâàëè å¸ ìíå, è îíè áûëè ïðàâû, ïîòîìó ÷òî îíà èìåííî (exactly) òî, ÷òî ìíå íóæíî. 9. ×òî ïðîèçîøëî ñ ïðèíòåðîì â÷åðà? ß íå ìîã ñäåëàòü êîïèè. 10. —  êàêîé ðå-ñòîðàí âû õîäèëè íà äíÿõ? — Ýòî áûë êèòàéñêèé ðåñòîðàí â öåíòðå ãîðîäà. — Òåáå ïîíðàâèëîñü? — Íå î÷åíü. 11. — Êà-êîé îí áûë â äåòñòâå? — Î÷åíü àêòèâíûé ìàëü÷èê, è âñåã-äà çàäàâàë ìàññó âîïðîñîâ. Ìû íå âñåãäà ìîãëè îòâåòèòü íà íèõ. 12. — Ó òåáÿ áûëà ïðèâû÷êà íîñèòü âåùè ñòàðøåé ñå-ñòðû? — Äà, èíîãäà îíà ìíå ðàçðåøàëà äåëàòü ýòî, íî èíîãäà ÿ å¸ ïðîñòî íå ñïðàøèâàëà îá ýòîì.

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Ïðîøåäøåå ïðîäîëæåííîå âðåìÿ

Past Progressive (Continuous)

Утвердительная форма

Вопросительная форма

Отрицательная форма







was not




reading Were




were not



I was reading a  new magazine.He was working in a bank.They were talking

about sport.

Were you reading a new magazine?Was he working in a bank?Were they talking aboutsport?

I wasn’t reading a new magazine.He wasn’t working in a bank.They weren’t talking

about sport.

Unit 19U 19U i 99919Unit Unit 1iUUUnit 1Unit 19Unit 19Unit 19999111tttiiinnnUUnit 19Unit 19

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Прошедшее продолженное время

Случаи употребления

1. Действие, происходившее в определённый момент

в прошлом.

You were still sleeping when I left.She was having tea at fi ve o’clock yesterday.

2. Действие, происходившее в определённый период

времени в прошлом.

This time last year I was resting

in the South.She said she was writing a new novel.

3. Эмоционально окрашенные действия (обычно негативного характера).

He was constantly talking about football!They were always telling me about their problems!The boys were fi ghting all the time!

4. Два одновременных действия в прошлом.

While I was cooking supper, Kate was having a shower.My father never talked while he was driving.

Обстоятельства времени:at the moment, at 5 o’clock, at the particular time, while..., still, constantly, all the time.

Past Simple употребляется для выражения действий, происходивших в про-шлом в течение какого-то периода времени. Past Progressive выражает действия, происходившие в определённый момент (или период времени)

в прошлом.

I studied German for three years.I was studying German at that period.

She lived in Paris for a long time.She was living in Paris when they met.

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19.1. А. Употребите правильную форму глагола в скобках.

1. His mobile rang when he (drive) to the office. 2. It was the 31st of December. Everybody (prepare) for the New Year. 3. I met Nelly last weekend while I (shop) at Ikea. 4. When she entered the flat, her children (watch) 101 Dalmatians on video. 5. When we went out, it (snow) heavily. 6. At this time yesterday I (celebrate) my birthday. 7. It was already noon but the children still (sleep). 8. It was a fine spring day. The sun (shine), a light wind (blow), happy people (walk) in the streets. 9. We had a very pleasant evening at home. The clock (tick), the fire (burn), we (talk) and (have) tea. 10. They (rest) in Mi-ami when a storm started. 11. When I entered, the doctor (key) the name of the next patient into his computer. 12. At seven o’clock she (wait) for him where they usually met. 13. Now he (look) forward to seeing Sharon again. 14. I (read) the maga-zine while you (sleep). 15. At that period of time he (work) for a big international company. 16. On the way to the bathroom I noticed that the answerphone light (flash): Denis. He (wait) for me at the club. 17. I looked at the guests. Everyone (shout) and no one (listen).

В. Расскажите, как вы и ваша семья (друзья) провели последние вы-


19.2. Употребите правильную форму глагола в скобках.


On the 31st of December at 11.30 p.m. Bianca and I went to Trafalgar Square to see the New Year in. There (be) crowds of people around us. Merry Santa Clauses (give) small presents to everybody. When Big Ben (strike) twelve, I (find) that I (kiss) some people and some strangers (kiss) me. I (try) to get to Bianca, but she (stand) in a group of foreigners and I (can) not (get) to her at once. But finally, at 12.03 a.m. on the first of January, we (meet) and (kiss). In the morning we (go) to Tower Bridge. I not (like) it very much, but Bianca (think) that the design (be) wonderful and I practically (have to) drag her

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Прошедшее продолженное время

away. In the evening we (take) our umbrellas as a fine rain (fall) and (leave) the house. We (be going) for a walk in Soho. Soho is a district in London that never (sleep). The restaurants (be full). Happy people (eat), (drink), (laugh). They (celebrate) the New Year. We (choose) a Japanese restaurant famous for its food. The owner (stand) near the entrance. He (smile) non-stop to his regular customers. We (sit) at a table ready to have a great time.

19.3. Переведите следующие предложения.

1. Êîãäà ìû áûëè ñòóäåíòàìè, ìû âñåãäà ïîìîãàëè äðóã äðóãó. 2. Êîãäà ÿ çàãëÿíóë íà êóõíþ, ìîÿ ñåñòðà ïîìîãàëà ìàìå ãî-òîâèòü îáåä. 3. Îí ñëóøàë ïîñëåäíèå íîâîñòè. Îíè áûëè èíòå-ðåñíûìè. 4. Ìû âûøëè èç ìåòðî. ظë ñèëüíûé äîæäü. 5. Áûë ÿíâàðü.  óíèâåðñèòåòå áûëî ìíîãî ñòóäåíòîâ. Îíè ñäàâàëè ýêçàìåíû. 6. Ìû íå ìîãëè ïîíÿòü, ÷òî îíà ãîâîðèëà, òàê êàê îíà ãîâîðèëà î÷åíü áûñòðî. 7. Îí âå÷íî ÷òî-òî æåâàë. Ýòî ìåíÿ î÷åíü ðàçäðàæàëî. 8. — Òû õîäèë ê âðà÷ó? ×òî îí ñêàçàë? — Êàê îáû÷íî, îí äàë ìíå ìíîãî ñîâåòîâ, è ìíå ïðèä¸òñÿ òåïåðü èì ñëåäîâàòü. 9. Îíè ïðîæèëè â Ðèãå äâàäöàòü ëåò, à çàòåì ïåðååõàëè â Ìîñêâó. 10.  âîñêðåñåíüå ìû äâà ÷àñà ãóëÿëè â ïàðêå. Êîãäà ìû ãóëÿëè, ìû óâèäåëè íåñêîëüêèõ áåëîê. 11. — Ñêîëüêî âðåìåíè òû ãîòîâèëñÿ ê êîíòðîëüíîé ðàáîòå â÷å-ðà? — ß çàíèìàëñÿ òðè ÷àñà. Òû ïîçâîíèë ìíå êàê ðàç òîãäà, êîãäà ÿ ó÷èë ôîðìû ãëàãîëîâ. 12. — ß ïîäîæäàë òåáÿ è óø¸ë. Ïî÷åìó òû íå ïðèåõàëà? — ß ñòîÿëà â àâòîìîáèëüíîé ïðîá-êå. 13. Ìû âîøëè â êàðàîêå-êëóá. Âñå ïåëè è òàíöåâàëè. Ìû ïðîáûëè òàì íåñêîëüêî ÷àñîâ. 14. Ôèëüì äëèëñÿ äâà ÷àñà. Âî âðåìÿ ôèëüìà íåêîòîðûå ëþäè âõîäèëè è âûõîäèëè; êòî-òî åë ïîïêîðí, êòî-òî ñïàë. 15. ß äåñÿòü ëåò ó÷èëñÿ â øêîëå, ïÿòü ëåò ó÷èëñÿ â óíèâåðñèòåòå, à ñåé÷àñ ÿ ïîëó÷àþ âòîðîå âûñ-øåå îáðàçîâàíèå. Íàäåþñü, ÷òî ÿ ñóìåþ ýòî ñäåëàòü. 16. Ìû ïîëó÷èëè ýòó ýñýìýñêó íà äíÿõ è ñðàçó æå îòïðàâèëè ôàêñ. Ó Âàñ â ýòî âðåìÿ áûëè ïåðåãîâîðû. 17. Îí ïÿòü ëåò ó÷èëñÿ â Ëîíäîíå è ïðåêðàñíî çíàåò ýòîò ãîðîä. 18. Ìîé áðàò è ÿ èìåëè îáûêíîâåíèå ìíîãî äðàòüñÿ, íî çàòåì ìû âûðîñëè, è ñåé÷àñ ìû áîëüøèå äðóçüÿ.

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Ìîäàëüíûå ãëàãîëû

Can, May


Canнастоящее время

Couldпрошедшее время

Couldсослагательное наклонение

Значения Примеры

1) способность

(физическая, умственная), навыки, умения

I can run fast.She can drive well.He could read when he was four.These children can use computers well.

2) просьба, разрешение — Can I use your telephone? — Of course you can. (No, you can’t.)

— Could you help me? — Of course I can.

(I’m afraid I can’t.)

3) объективная


We’ll be able to do it next month.You can always have a quick snack at McDonald’s.You can cross the street here.

4) сомнение,

неуверенность, недоверие

(сравн. в русском: неужели, не может быть)

Can it be true? (Неужели это правда?)It can’t be true. (He может быть, что это правда.)

5) упрёк (ты мог бы...) You could be more polite. (Ты мог бы быть повежливее.)She could have called us. (Она могла бы и позвонить нам, но не сделала этого.)

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Модальные глаголы

1. Модальный глагол + инфинитив без to (за исключением be to, have to,

ought to).

Модальные глаголы не являются полнозначными глаголами и не могут упо-требляться в роли сказуемого в предложении. Модальные глаголы выражают различные оттенки значений и являются в предложении частью составного модального сказуемого.

2. To be able to употребляется в прошедшем, настоящем и будущем вре мени в значении «быть в состоянии сделать что-либо».Не is (was, will be) able to solve all his problems.

3. В прошедшем времени вместо глагола could часто употребляется глагол manage (удалось...).It was diffi cult but we managed to do it.


Mayнастоящее время

Mightпрошедшее время



Значения Примеры

1) объективная возможность

One day all your dreams may come true.

We may go to China next year.

2) формальная просьба, разрешение, пожелание

— May I leave early today? — Yes, you may.— May I use your printer? — No, you may not (mustn’t).— May you be happy!

3) предположение It may be true, but we are not sure. (Это может быть и правда, но мы не уверены.)

4) упрёк, совет

(употребляется только с might)

You might wait for me! There is a lot of time. (Ты мог бы и подождать меня. Ещё много времени.) Не might have warned us about it. Now it’s too late. (Он мог бы и предупредить нас об этом. Сейчас уже слишком поздно.)

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20.1. Ответьте на следующие вопросы.

1. What languages can you speak? 2. Can you read English books in the original? 3. Can you do some housework, what exactly? 4. When will you be able to visit your relatives? 5. What dishes can you cook? 6. Could you read and count when you were four years old? 7. Can any of your friends ride a horse? 8. Can all your friends use the Internet? 9. Can we cross the street when the light is red? 10. Could you swim when you were a child? 11. Were you able to pass all your exams successfully? 12. Did your parents manage to become your best friends? 13. Could you play any musical instrument when you were younger? 14. Will you be able to give up smoking one day? 15. What can you never do in this life? Now say what things you can do!

20.2. Поставьте следующие предложения в вопросительную и отрицатель-

ную формы.

1. A lot of kids can work on computers now. 2. They can always ask us for help. 3. She can sing professionally. 4. You can believe me. 5. He can trust his partners. 6. She will be able to leave the hospital soon. 7. We could always get tickets to the Bolshoi Theatre when we were students. 8. My Granny is able to look after herself. 9. I can give you a lift to the supermarket. 10. My family will be able to move to the country in a few years. 11. My parents can always give me good advice. 12. He was able to explain everything to the police. 13. The detective will be able to find the criminal. 14. He could play football very well when he was a teenager. 15. She can be here at exactly eight o’clock. 16. The manager couldn’t pay the workers.

20.3. Выразите удивление и недоверие согласно образцу.

It‛s Тоm Cruise. — Can it be Тоm Cruise?— It can‛t be Tom Cruise. He is in Hollywood now.

1. It’s very late. 2. This TV-set is so expensive! 3. This meeting is very important. 4. She is a model. 5. He knows five languages. 6. Mr. Grant is our chief. 7. He is a bodyguard. 8. Tom is Bess’s boyfriend. 9. This is my new car. 10. The Queen is in Scotland

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Модальные глаголы

now. 11. It’s our last lecture this term. 12. This is my pres-ent to you. 13. Hugh Grant is a filmstar. 14. It’s frosty outside. 15. There is an e-mail for you today. 16. He is a great liar.

20.4. Переведите следующие предложения.

1. He ìîãëè áû âû çàêðûòü äâåðü è îòêðûòü îêíî? Ñïàñèáî. 2. Îíà óìååò âîäèòü ìàøèíó è åé ýòî î÷åíü íðàâèòñÿ. 3. Ìû íå ìîæåì èçìåíèòü ñèòóàöèþ, íî ìû ìîæåì ïîñòàðàòüñÿ íàéòè èç íå¸ âûõîä. 4. Êòî ìîæåò îòâåòèòü íà ýòîò âîïðîñ? ß âèæó, ÷òî Ïåòðîâ ìîæåò. 5. — ß íå ìîãó îòêðûòü ýòîò ôàéë. ×òî-òî íå â ïîðÿäêå ñ êîìïüþòåðîì. — Íåóæåëè ýòî òàê? Ýòîãî íå ìîæåò áûòü! Ïîë÷àñà íàçàä îí áûë â ïîðÿäêå. 6. Íåëüçÿ êó-ïèòü çäîðîâüå è ñ÷àñòüå. 7. ß íå ïåðåíîøó òàêèå âåùè. 8. Íå ìîãëè áû âû îáúÿñíèòü, ÷òî âû çäåñü äåëàåòå è ÷òî âàì íóæ-íî? 9. — Òû ñîáèðàåøüñÿ ïîìåíÿòü ìàøèíó? — Íåò, ÿ ñìî-ãó ñäåëàòü ýòî ÷åðåç ãîä èëè äâà. 10. — Ìû íå ìîæåì ïîìå-íÿòü âàì ýòè äåíüãè. Îíè ôàëüøèâûå. — Íåóæåëè ýòî òàê? Äà ýòîãî ïðîñòî íå ìîæåò áûòü! ß ïîëó÷èë èõ â áàíêå. 11. Íåëü-çÿ òàê ðàçãîâàðèâàòü ñ ðîäèòåëÿìè. Òû ìîã áû áûòü âåæëèâåå! 12. Îíà àêòðèñà. Îíà óìååò ïåòü, òàíöåâàòü, èñïîëíÿòü ëþáûå ðîëè. 13. Ìîé áðàò ðàíüøå õîðîøî èãðàë â øàõìàòû, à ñåé÷àñ îí íå ìîæåò äàæå âñïîìíèòü õîäû (moves). 14. Îí îáåùàåò, ÷òî ñóìååò íàéòè àëèáè. È òîãäà àäâîêàò ñóìååò îñâîáîäèòü åãî. 15. — Íå ìîãó ïîâåðèòü âî âñþ ýòó ÷åïóõó! À òû ìîæåøü? — ß ìîã áû ïîâåðèòü â ýòî, íî ÿ íå íàñòîëüêî ãëóï. 16. Íå ìîã áû òû âûêëþ÷èòü (turn off) ñâîé ìîáèëüíûé òåëåôîí?

20.5. Измените следующие предложения, используя may или might соглас-

но образцу.

Perhaps my wish will come true. — My wish may come true.

1. Perhaps it will rain today. 2. Maybe, she is at work now. 3. It’s possible that I’ll invite them to my party. 4. Perhaps she’s unwell this morning. 5. Maybe it’s true. 6. It looks like snow today. 7. It’s possible I’ll play tennis on Sunday. 8. It’s probable that they will get married. 9. Evidently she knows the truth. 10. Maybe she doesn’t like me. 11. It’s possible that I’ll go to Italy in the sum-

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mer. 12. Perhaps you are right. 13. It’s possible he will not call us. 14. It’s probable he’ll find a job for you. 15. Maybe the train will be late. 16. It’s possible that he is still asleep.

20.6. Прочитайте и выучите новогоднее поздравление.


May the New Year bring your wayNice, unexpected things each day –New joys, new dreams, new plans to make.Worthwhile things to undertake...

And may it bring you piece of mind.Success — the real and lasting kind.The gift of health, the joy of friendsAnd happiness that never ends!

20.7. Заполните пропуски глаголами can или may в нужной форме.

1. You ...................... not stop time. 2. This job ...................... become very difficult for you. 3. ...................... you bring me a glass of water? 4. Who ...................... tell me what the matter is? 5. The radio said it ...................... snow today. 6. Don’t throw away these notes. We ...................... need them later. 7. I ...................... not believe it! 8. This team ...................... win the match but I’m not sure. 9. He ...................... do it when he comes. But he ...................... not arrive on time. 10. We ...................... go to the restaurant when the babysitter comes. But she ...................... not come on time. 11. You ...................... read this letter, it’s not personal. 12. What ...................... I do for you? 13. You ...................... trust us, and who knows, you ...................... need us one day. 14. You ...................... never say what ...................... happen next. 15. A fool ...................... ask more questions than a wise man ...................... answer.

20.8. Переведите следующие предложения.

1. — Ìîæíî ìíå âîéòè? — Êîíå÷íî, ìîæíî. 2. Âîçüìè çîíòèê. Ìîæåò ïîéòè äîæäü. 3. Îíà ìîæåò óçíàòü ïðàâäó, à ÿ ýòîãî íå

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Модальные глаголы

õî÷ó. 4. Çäåñü íåëüçÿ êóðèòü. 5. Ïîçâîíèòå åìó. Îí, âîçìîæíî, âñòðåòèòñÿ ñ âàìè. 6. Ìîæíî íàì èäòè äîìîé? 7. Ïîçâîíèòå Áîðèñó. Îí ìîã áû ïîìî÷ü. 8. Îíà, âîçìîæíî, íå ïðèåäåò âî-âðåìÿ. 9. Íå äåëàé ýòîãî. Ýòî ìîæåò áûòü îïàñíî. 10. — Ìîæ-íî çäåñü êóðèòü? — Íåò, íåëüçÿ. 11. — ×òî òû äåëàåøü ñåãîä-íÿ âå÷åðîì? — Íå çíàþ, ìîæåò, ïîéäó â êèíî. 12. — Ìîæíî ìíå ïîãîâîðèòü ñ äèðåêòîðîì? — Áîþñü, ÷òî íåò. Îí î÷åíü çà-íÿò. 13. Äà ñîïóòñòâóåò âàì óñïåõ. 14. Ïóñòü Íîâûé ãîä ïðè-íåñ¸ò âàì ìíîãî ñ÷àñòüÿ! 15. Ïîéìàé ìåíÿ, åñëè ñìîæåøü.

20.9. Заполните пропуски глаголами can, may, be able to в нужной форме.

1. ...................... you tell me the time, please? 2. I’m sorry, there’s nothing I ...................... do about it. 3. I’m sure he ...................... do it in future. 4. You ...................... get back to your childhood. 5. Next summer we ...................... visit you. 6. When I was young, I ...................... run very fast. 7. Meeting new people ...................... be very exciting. 8. That ...................... be true! It’s absolutely impossible. 9. I am not sure, but you ...................... be right. 10. It was so noisy that we ...................... hear anything. 11. He said it ...................... be wise to call the police. 12. The patient is recovering. Soon he ...................... go home. 13. ...................... smell the gas? 14. It ...................... rain soon, but who knows? If it rains, we ...................... do some housework. 15. He knew he ...................... always turn to his father for help. 16. The child was sure that nobody ...................... help him. 17. The weatherman said it ...................... snow by the end of the week. 18. ...................... I trouble you for a minute? 19. He hoped that he ...................... run away from prison. 20 Nobody ...................... tell me what to do. I ...................... seem silly, but I am not!

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Ìîäàëüíûå ãëàãîëû

Must, Be to


mustPresent Simple

had toPast Simple

We must send the fax


Must we do it now?

We had to send the fax yesterday.We had to do it then.

Значения Примеры

1) необходимость,

обязанность, долг

I must come to the offi ce at 10 o’clock.Must Ben stay at home today? — Yes, he must.

2) запрещение

(в отрицательных предложениях)

You mustn’t talk that way. (Нельзя такразговаривать.)You mustn’t speak Russian in class. (Вы не должны говорить по-русски на занятии.)Must we work on Saturday? — No, you needn’t.

(Должны мы работать в субботу? — Нет, не надо.)

3) уверенное


It must be true. (Это, должно быть, правда.)It must be a mistake. (Это, должно быть, ошибка.)

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Модальные глаголы


am/is/are toPresent Simple

was/were toPast Simple

shall/ will have toFuture Simple

I am to meet the delegation.He is to make a report.

They are to arrive tomorrow.

I was to meet the delegation.He was to make a report.

They were to arrive yesterday.

I’ll have to meet the delegation.He will have to make a report.They will have to arrive next week.

Значения Примеры

1) долг,


(по предварительной договорённости)

The driver is to meet us at 5 o’clock. (Водитель должен

(обязан) встретить нас в 5 часов.)The director was to sign the contract. (Директор должен

был подписать контракт.)The director was to have signed the contract. (Директор должен был подписать контракт *.)

2) приказ,


вопрос о том,

что делать


You are to report to the teacher. (Вы должны отчитаться перед учителем.)You are not to come here! (Вы не должны сюда приходить.)What am I to do? Am I to leave? (Что я должен делать? Мне уйти?)

3) нечто




It was to happen. (Этому суждено было случиться.)They were to part soon. (Им суждено было скоро расстаться.)

* Перфектный инфинитив показывает, что действие было запланировано, но не было выполнено.

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Не was to do it.(Он должен был сделать это по договорённости, и неизвестно, сделал он это или нет.)

Не was to have done it.(Он должен был сделать это по договорённости, но определённо не сделал этого.)

21.1. Прочитайте и переведите следующие предложения.

1. Your family and your children must always come first. 2. You must learn to forgive people. 3. Now I must call and thank them for their Christmas cards. 4. You mustn’t worry about us. 5. It mustn’t be forgotten that we all make mistakes. 6. Schools must teach children what is right and what is wrong. 7. You must come and see our new kitchen. 8. He must be Patrick, our new manager. 9. — Must I work on Saturday? — No, you needn’t. 10. She must be very, very tired. 11. Come here at five o’clock. It’s a must! 12. I must always keep my back straight, my head high. 13. — What am I to do? Must I start working right now? — No, you needn’t. 14. We were to meet at the cafe. 15. He was to have spokenatthe meeting but he suddenly fell ill. 16. She was to become his wife. 17. — Who is to do the shopping today? — I am. 18. You are to report to the Dean. It’s a must. 19. You must never give up your home — it’s all that we have.

21.2. А. Переведите следующие предложения.

1. ß äîëæåí ìíîãî ðàáîòàòü. Ó ìåíÿ ñåìüÿ. 2. Ìû äîëæíû ñîáëþäàòü ïðàâèëà. 3. — Äîëæíû ëè ìû îòïðàâèòü ôàêñ ñå-ãîäíÿ? — Íåò, íåîáÿçàòåëüíî. 4. Îíè äîãîâîðèëèñü âñòðåòèòü-ñÿ ïåðåä ñîáðàíèåì. 5. Ýòî, äîëæíî áûòü, î÷åíü âàæíûé âî-ïðîñ. 6. ×òî ìíå äåëàòü? ×òî ÿ äîëæíà ñêàçàòü èì? 7. Ýòîìó ñóæäåíî áûëî ñëó÷èòüñÿ. 8. Òû äîëæåí ïîíÿòü, ÷òî ýòî î÷åíü îïàñíî. 9. Îí, äîëæíî áûòü, î÷åíü ñèëüíûé. Îí æå òåëîõðà-íèòåëü. 10. Ìû ïàðòí¸ðû, è ìû äîëæíû ïîìîãàòü è äîâåðÿòü äðóã äðóãó. 11. Òû âûãëÿäèøü áîëüíûì. Òû ïðîñòî äîëæåí

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Модальные глаголы

ïîéòè ê âðà÷ó. 12. — Ìû äîëæíû ñåé÷àñ îïëàòèòü áèëåòû? — Íåò, íåîáÿçàòåëüíî. Ìîæíî ñäåëàòü ýòî çàâòðà. 13. Âû ïðî-ñòî äîëæíû óâèäåòü Èòàëèþ! 14. Òû íèêîìó íå äîëæåí ãîâî-ðèòü îá ýòîì. 15. Îí î÷åíü áîãàò. Îí, äîëæíî áûòü, áèçíåñìåí. 16. Ó íàñ ìàëî âðåìåíè. Íàì íóæíî ïîòîðîïèòüñÿ. 17. Òû íå äîëæåí òðàòèòü òàê ìíîãî äåíåã! 18. — Äîëæåí ëè ÿ ñëåäî-âàòü âàøèì óêàçàíèÿì, èíñïåêòîð? — Äà, äîëæíû. 19. Âû, äîëæíî áûòü, çàáûëè î ñâî¸ì îáåùàíèè. 20. Øîó äîëæíî ïðî-äîëæàòüñÿ! 21. Âû íå äîëæíû ñèäåòü çà êîìïüþòåðîì áîëåå ñîðîêà ìèíóò.

В. Расскажите о десяти вещах, которые Вы должны делать, и о десяти ве-

щах, которые Вы не должны делать.

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Ìîäàëüíûå ãëàãîëû

Have to, Should, Ought to


have (has) toPresent Simple

had toPast Simple

shall (will) have toFuture Simple

I have to go shopping every weekend.She has to walk to her school every morning.

I had to spend a lot of money on shopping last weekend. She had to walk

to her school yesterday.

I shall have to do some shopping on Friday.She will have to walk to her school tomorrow.

Значения Примеры



обязанность, в силу



Now I have to go home. (Мне нужно идти домой.)In England you have to drive on the left. (B Англии нужно ездить по левой стороне.)We don’t have to go to work on Saturdays and Sundays. (Нам не приходится ходить на работу по субботам и воскресеньям.)Did you have to get up early today? (Вам сегодня рано пришлось встать?)

Вопросительная и отрицательная формы модального глагола have to образу-ются с помощью вспомогательных глаголов: do /does, did, shall/will.

Do you have to go shopping every weekend?  — I don’t have to do it every weekend.

Unit 22U 22U i 2222Unit Unit 2iUUnit 22Unit 222Unit 22it 222U it 22U 222222tttiiinnnUUnit 22Unit 22

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Модальные глаголы

Did she have to go to her school yesterday? — She didn’t have to go to school.Will they have to do it? — They won’t have to do it.


Should + инфинитив (без to) ought + инфинитив (с to)

You should help him.He shouldn’t be so shy.

You ought to do your best.He oughtn’t to smoke so much.

Значения Примеры

1) совет, моральная обязанность

перед собой или другими людьми

(should в этом значении сильнее, чем ought to)

You should be friendly to people.They ought to take up some sport.

2) упрёк, совет, рекомендация He ought to help his parents. They should consult a doctor.

Mary should have bought that book. It’s very good.Мэри следовало купить эту книгу (но она этого не сделала).

Mary shouldn’t have bought that book. It’s too expensive.Мэри не следовало покупать эту книгу (но она её купила).

22.1. Поставьте следующие предложения в вопросительную и отрицатель-

ную формы.

1. Íå sometimes has to go away on business. 2. We all have to do some things which aren’t very pleasant. 3. The soldier had to obey the officer’s order. 4. He should be kind. 5. She ought to pay more attention to her appearance. 6. Students have to read a lot. 7. The agent had to leave the country immediately. 8. I have to get up very early on Sunday to catch the plane. 9. You should have told her about your problems. 10. He ought to marry this girl. 11. She really ought to keep to a diet. 12. He

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has to work day and night to make a good career. 13. I had to pay the taxes. 14. He will have to agree to our plans. 15. We had to queue for hours. 16. We all have to compromise in life.

22.2. Заполните пропуски правильной формой глаголов have to, should,

ought to.

1. The bus was late so we ...................... wait for half and hour. 2. The doctor says that you ...................... give up smoking as soon as possible. 3. The car was out of order so we ..................... take a taxi. 4. He ..................... tell a lie to save the situation. 5. You ..................... think twice about it. 6. I’m afraid you ..................... take the exam again. 7. You .................... use such rude words! 8. She ..................... be more friendly. 9. He ..................... have two jobs to keep his family. 10. You ...................... consult your doctor about it. 11. You ...................... be more careful with your money. 12. You ...................... write two tests next week. 13. This lawyer usually ...................... study a lot of cases. 14. My brother ...................... work hard before he entered the University. 15. — Why ...................... I believe you? — You ...................... to do it.

22.3. A. Переведите следующие предложения.

1. Âàì ïðèõîäèòñÿ ìíîãî çàíèìàòüñÿ, ÷òîáû õîðîøî ñäàâàòü ýêçàìåíû? 2. — Òåáå ïðèøëîñü âûñòóïèòü íà ñîáðàíèè? — Íåò. 3. Âàì íå ñëåäóåò îïàçäûâàòü íà ëåêöèè. 4. Åé ñëåäóåò ïðèñëóøàòüñÿ ê ñîâåòàì ñâîèõ ðîäèòåëåé. 5. Åìó íå ñëåäîâà-ëî ñëóøàòü èõ ñîâåòîâ. 6. Òåáå ñëåäóåò ÷àùå óëûáàòüñÿ. 7. Åé ïðèøëîñü ñîëãàòü. Åé íå ñëåäîâàëî ýòîãî äåëàòü. 8. Èçâèíè-òå, ìíå íåîáõîäèìî ïîçâîíèòü äðóãó. 9. — Ïî÷åìó òåáå ïðè-øëîñü òàê ðàíî ïîêèíóòü âå÷åð? — Ìíå ïðèøëîñü âåðíóòüñÿ â îôèñ. 10. ×òî-òî áûëî íå â ïîðÿäêå ñ ìàøèíîé, è íàì ïðè-øëîñü âûçâàòü òàêñè. 11. Ñêîëüêî ðàç â íåäåëþ òåáå ïðèõî-äèòñÿ äåëàòü ïîêóïêè (to shop)? 12. Âàì ñëåäóåò èçâèíèòü-ñÿ. 13. — ß ñåáÿ íåâàæíî ÷óâñòâóþ. — Òåáå íå ñëåäîâàëî òàê ìíîãî åñòü. 14. Îíà âûãëÿäèò óñòàëîé. Åé ñëåäóåò îòäîõíóòü íåñêîëüêî äíåé. 15. Óæå ïîçäíî. Äåòÿì ñëåäóåò èäòè ñïàòü.

В. Расскажите о десяти вещах, которые вам приходится делать, и о десяти

вещах, которые вам не приходится делать.

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Ìîäàëüíûé ãëàãîë

Need to

Need to Needed toShall/will need to

Утв. формаI need to go there I needed to go

thereI’ll need to go


Вопросит. формаDo you need to

go there?Did you need to

go there?Will you need to

go there?

Отриц. формаI don’t need to

go there.I didn’t need to

go there.I won’t need to

go there.

Только в настоящем времени в вопросительных и отрицательных предложе-ниях возможны следующие формы (Br. E.):

— Need I go there? — You needn’t go there.— Need we help you? — You needn’t help us.

Значения Примеры

1) Необходимость сделать что-то,

отсутствие необходимости что-то сделать.

(Сходно по значению с must и have to.)

Не needs to do it now.Does he need to do it now?He doesn’t need to do it now.

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Значения Примеры

Сравните формы прошедшего времени:

did not need to go needn’t have gone

She didn’t need to go shopping.(Она не ходила за покупками, так как в этом нет необходимости.)

She needn’t have gone


(Она ходила за покупками, но ни к чему было это делать.)

Глагол need может употребляться как полнозначный глагол (= want).

I need a new bag. — Do you need a new bag? — I don’t need a new bag.

23.1. Поставьте следующие предложения в вопросительную и отрицатель-

ную формы.

1. I need a new umbrella. 2. We need to hurry. 3. They need our help. 4. He needed this information badly. 5. She needs to get up early tomorrow. 6. We needed to see you. 7. He needs a laptop. 8. Your children need to live in the country. 9. They need fresh air. 10. We need to see you. 11. I need to finish the work tonight. 12. The boy needs attention and care. 13. She needs to tell you something important. 14. Everybody needs an ideal.

23.2. Употребите глаголы must, need, have to в необходимой форме.

1. You ...................... take a taxi. I can give you a lift. 2. We’ve got a lot of time. We ...................... hurry. 3. Yesterday I ...................... to go to work. It was Sunday. 4. We are friends. You ...................... be so official with me. 5. You ...................... worry. All is going to be fine. 6. The chief is in the meeting now, so you ...................... disturb him. 7. You ...................... know all the traffic rules. 8. There ...................... be a misunderstanding. You ...................... explain everything. 9. If you go to Britain, you ...................... have a visa. If you go to Turkey,

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Модальный глагол

you ...................... have a visa. 10. You ...................... open the door to strangers. 11. She was unwell but still she ...................... go to work. 12. ...................... I say more? 13. We ...................... a short rest. 14. You ...................... stroke the dog. It may bite you. 15. She is on pension so she ...................... work any more.

23.3. Переведите следующие предложения.

1. — Ìíå íóæíû âåðíûå äðóçüÿ. — À êîìó îíè íå íóæíû? 2. Îí íóæäàëñÿ â áîëüøîé ñóììå äåíåã, è íàì ïðèøëîñü ïî-ìî÷ü åìó. 3. Âàì íè ê ÷åìó ðàññêàçûâàòü âñå äåòàëè. Ìû ñó-ìååì âñ¸ ïîíÿòü. 4. Íè ê ÷åìó íàì áûëî áðàòü òàêñè. Âîê-çàë íåäàëåêî îòñþäà. 5. Òåáå â ñàìîì äåëå íóæíà ýòà êàññå-òà? Òåáå íå íóæíî ïîêóïàòü å¸. ß ìîãó äàòü òåáå ñâîþ. 6. Íå íóæíî áûëî òåáå õîäèòü ê âðà÷ó. Òåáå ïðîñòî íóæåí îòäûõ. 7. Îïÿòü èä¸ò äîæäü. Íè ê ÷åìó áûëî ìûòü îêíà. 8. Ó íàñ íå áûëî íåîáõîäèìîñòè çâîíèòü èì. Îíè ñàìè ïðèøëè ïîâèäàòü íàñ. 9. — Íàì íóæíî îñòàòüñÿ çäåñü? — Íåò, âû ìîæåòå èäòè. 10. Íè ê ÷åìó âîëíîâàòüñÿ. Âñ¸ áóäåò õîðîøî, òû äîëæåí âå-ðèòü ìíå. 11. Õîëîäèëüíèê áûë ïîëîí. Òàê ÷òî íàì íå íóæíî áûëî ïîêóïàòü ïðîäóêòû. 12. Çðÿ òû îáìàíóë íàñ. Ìû çíàåì ïðàâäó. 13. — Ìíå íåîáõîäèìî çíàòü àíãëèéñêèé ÿçûê. — Îí òåáå â ñàìîì äåëå íóæåí? — Äà, î÷åíü. 14. Òåáå íåîáõîäèìî íîñèòü î÷êè. — Äà, äàâíî ñëåäîâàëî êóïèòü èõ. 15. — Íóæ-íî ëè ïðèãëàñèòü âñåõ äðóçåé íà ìîé äåíü ðîæäåíèÿ? — Íåò, íåîáÿçàòåëüíî. Ìîæåøü ïðèãëàñèòü ñàìûõ áëèçêèõ. 16. Òåáå íóæíî ïåðåçàðÿäèòü (to recharge) áàòàðåéêó. 17. Ìíå íåîáõî-äèìî íà ýòîé íåäåëå îïëàòèòü òåëåôîííûé ñ÷¸ò (bill).

23.4. Прочитайте, переведите и запомните следующее.

I CanI Did is a word of achievement,I Won’t is a word of retreat,I Can’t is a word of defeat,Ought is a word of duty,Try is a word of each hour,Will is a word of beauty,Can is a word of power.

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good — well, bad — badly

Глагольное (Verbal)Выражает действия

Именное (Nominal)Выражает факты, состояния, качества,


Many people study English now.They are resting at the seaside now.I’ve been working for this fi rm for ten years.

We are students. We are happy.

He feels sad. It’s getting cold.

They seemed upset.

She looks great today.


Глагольное сказуемое определяется наречием:

We study well.

He runs quickly.

She thinks slowly.

Именное сказуемое определяется прилагательным:

We are good students.He is a quick runner.She is a slow thinker.

Именное сказуемое состоит из глагола-связки и именной части.

Основные глаголы-связкиLink verbs

1) бытия: be, look, feel, taste, smell, sound

She is (looks, feels) upset.The cake tastes and smells wonderful.

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good — well, bad — badly

Основные глаголы-связкиLink verbs

2) изменения, перемены: get, grow, become, turn, prove3) сохранения качества: remain, keep4) кажимости: seem, appear

Our climate is getting (becoming,

growing) warmer.My life remains very interesting.He seems (appears) tired.

Именная часть составного именного сказуемого может быть выраже-на: существительным, прилагательным, числительным, герундием,

причастием II.

He is an architect.

He is very creative.

She is forty.

My hobby is travelling.

He was very much surprised.

1. Слова hard и fast могут употребляться как наречие и как прилагательное.

She is a hard worker. — She works hard.

He is a fast driver. — He drives fast.

2. hardly = едва, очень мало

We hardly know each other. (Мы едва знакомы.)There is hardly any money in my purse. (В моём кошельке практически нет денег.)

24.1. Употребите good или well.

1. Your knowledge is very ...................... . You study ...................... 2. What are your friends like? Are they ...................... ? 3. How are your parents? Are they ...................... ? 4. Your exam results are really ...................... . You did ...................... . 5. I slept ...................... last night. I had a ...................... dream. 6. They are ...................... people, but they are not very ...................... . 7. Our business brings ...................... money. It is going very ...................... at the moment. 8. Did you have a

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...................... holiday? Was the weather ...................... ? 9. My husband has a ...................... job and he tries to do it ...................... . 10. She is a ...................... actress. She acts very ...................... . 11. He is a ...................... footballer. He plays ...................... . 12. They earn ...................... money. They manage their firm ...................... . 13. This is a ...................... car. She runs ...................... on gas. 14. The pie tastes ...................... . You cooked it ...................... . 15. — Are you getting on ...................... with your partners? — Yes, they are quite ...................... people.

24.2. Перефразируйте предложения согласно образцу.

My boss is a hard worker. — My boss works hard.It was a fast decision. — They decided it fast.That was a clever answer. — They answered cleverly.

1. Your French is good. 2. He is a quick thinker. 3. Brian is a slow eater. 4. I am a careful listener. 5. She is a good driver. 6. Ali is a fast runner. 7. The match was very good. 8. She is a wonderful dancer. 9. He has a wonderful voice. 10. My answer at the exam was good. 11. The children were quiet. 12. The agent gave a positive answer. 13. They are bad boys. 14. His smile was pleasant. 15. There was a heavy snowfall outside. 16. Computers brought great changes to our life. 17. It’s an easy task for me.

24.3. Переведите следующие предложения.

1. Îí ñåðü¸çíûé ÷åëîâåê. Îí âñ¸ äåëàåò ñåðü¸çíî. 2. Ðåá¸íîê ïëîõî ñåáÿ ÷óâñòâóåò è ïëîõî ñåáÿ âåä¸ò. 3. Îíà ìíîãî ðàáîòà-åò. Îíà åäâà ëè (ïðàêòè÷åñêè íå) îòäûõàåò. 4. Ýòî ñêîðûé ïî-åçä. Îí áûñòðî äîñòàâèò íàñ â Ìîñêâó. 5. Ýòî ÿñíî. Òåïåðü ÿ ÿñíî (÷¸òêî) âñ¸ ïîíèìàþ. 6. Ýòî îáùåèçâåñòíàÿ èñòèíà. 7. Îí âñåìèðíî èçâåñòåí. 8. ß ÷óâñòâóþ ñåáÿ áåñïîìîùíîé â òà-êèõ ñèòóàöèÿõ. 9. Îíà áåñïîìîùíî óëûáàëàñü. 10. Ìû ïðèìåì ñðî÷íûå ìåðû. Ìû îòâåòèì âàì áåçîòëàãàòåëüíî. 11. — Êàê òû ñåáÿ ÷óâñòâóåøü? — Ñïàñèáî, î÷åíü õîðîøî. Íî ìîÿ áà-áóøêà ïëîõî ÷óâñòâóåò ñåáÿ. 12. — ×àñòî áûâàþò íåîæèäàí-íûå ïåðåìåíû â ïîãîäå. — Äà, îíà ÷àñòî íåîæèäàííî ìåíÿåò-ñÿ. 13. — Öâåòû ïàõíóò ÷óäåñíî. — Äà, è âûãëÿäÿò ÷óäåñíî. 14. Òâîè ñëîâà çâó÷àò çäîðîâî! 15. Îí êðóòîé ïàðåíü! Îí êà-

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good — well, bad — badly

æåòñÿ ñ÷àñòëèâûì. 16. Ïî÷åìó òû òàê õîëîäíî ðàçãîâàðèâà-åøü ñ íàìè? 17. — Ìû çàì¸ðçëè. — À íàì æàðêî. 18. Ìû àá-ñîëþòíî ðàçíûå ëþäè. 19. Ñåé÷àñ îí âåä¸ò ñåáÿ ñîâåðøåííî ïî-äðóãîìó. 20. — Íå ãîâîðè ïëîõî î äðóãèõ ëþäÿõ. Òû âåäü íåïëîõîé ÷åëîâåê. — Ñïàñèáî.

24.4. Переведите следующие предложения.

1. Ñîê êèñëûé íà âêóñ. 2. Ýòî çâó÷èò çäîðîâî. 3. Ïîñòàðàé-ñÿ îñòàâàòüñÿ õëàäíîêðîâíûì. 4. Åãî ñëîâà çâó÷àëè ñòðàííî. 5. Ñàëàò îñòðûé (spicy) íà âêóñ. 6. Ýòî áûëè òÿæ¸ëûå âðå-ìåíà. 7. Ýòè ÿãîäû òàê õîðîøî ïàõíóò. 8. Íå âîëíóéòåñü, ðå-á¸íîê õîðîøî ÷óâñòâóåò ñåáÿ. 9. Îíè ñîõðàíÿëè ìîë÷àíèå. 10. Îíè ìîë÷à ïîêèíóëè äîì. 11. Ïîãîäà îñòà¸òñÿ õîëîäíîé. 12. Òû çäîðîâî âûãëÿäèøü ñåãîäíÿ. 13. Ÿ àíãëèéñêèé î÷åíü ïëîõîé. 14. Òû ïëîõî ñäåëàë ýòó ðàáîòó. 15. Îíà âûãëÿäèò óæàñíî. 16. ß óæàñíî áëàãîäàðíà âàì. 17. Îáåä õîðîøî ïàõíåò. 18. Ðîçû òàê õîðîøî ïàõíóò! 19. Ïèâî ãîðüêîå íà âêóñ. 20. Ðå-á¸íîê ãîðüêî ïëàêàë.

24.5. Дополните предложения словами из правой колонки.

1. This question remains a. entertaining.2. The music sounded too b. good about it.3. The detective stood ñ. easily.4. His words sounded d. hardly walk.5. The strawberries smelled e. easy.6. The show was f. well today?7. He helps people and feels g. sweet.8. No problem, I can do it h. delicious.9. He was so weak, he could i. sweetly at us.10. This matter isn’t so j. motionless.11. To succeed you have to k. open.12. Are you feeling l. loud.13. This perfume smells too m. true.14. The apple-pie tasted n. wonderful.15. The girl smiled o. work hard.

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25.1. Употребите необходимый артикль.

1. Mr. Fox is ................................. mobile-phone magnate. 2. He is ............................ professor of linguistics at Oxford. 3. Simon Hope has .............................. biggest vocabulary in London, if not in .............................. country. 4. Will you take ......................... dog out for ........................... run? 5. There appeared ............................. helicopter in ............................. sky. 6. Let’s have ......................... cappuccino at this cafe. 7. There are ...................... big bright stars in ............................ sky. 8. She quickly hit .............................. stop button on ............................. video remote. 9. I’ve got ............................. job as .......................... TV presenter. 10. If you don’t run into ...................... kitchen and have .......................... look at ............................. dinner, it will get burnt. 11. There is ............................. pay phone in ............................ coffee shop. 12. ............................. young man is ...................... rock musician. 13. lam .............................. journalist from ...................... financial magazine. 14. There is ............................ airbag in my new car. 15. I bought you ............................. new cell phone. 16. There is ................................ peephole in ............................. front door. 17. She was ............................ right person at ............................... right time. 18. ...................... news isn’t just good. It is ............................. fantastic news! 19. He pushed ............................... tape into ............................. VCR. 20. She has ............................. full-time job. 21. He is ............................. computer programmer for .............................. big international company. 22. Paul is .............................. fitness instructor at ............................. local club.

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25.2. Употребите правильную форму глагола в скобках.

1. Íå (e-mail) us every week. 2. Chocolate always (make) me feel better. It (give) me energy. 3. Now she (work) as a travelling agent and she (like) what she (do). 4. I often go to McDonald’s. I (love) it. 5. He (do) everything she (ask) him for. 6. Who (know) what (lie) around the corner? 7. New York is a city that not (sleep). — Yes, it never (sleep). 8. My mo-bile (ring). The display (say): number withheld1. 9. I remem-ber that he (can) (read) like a computer when he (be) six. 10. The weather forecast (say) that it (be) going to rain. And what (be) the weather for next week? 11. — Why you (be) so sad? — Life not (make) us happy. 12. This tape (last) ninety minutes. 13. Money (slip) through his fingers. 14. I (phone) you to ask how you (be). 15. — Anyone (sit) here? — No, it (be) vacant. 16. — Why you always (wear) such high-heeled shoes? — I (try) to look taller.

25.3. Выберите правильный вариант.

1. I ...................... ride a bicycle. I always fall off. a. may not b. can’t ñ. don’t have to2. You look sick, you ...................... see a doctor. a. should b. can ñ. may3. ...................... you pass me the ketchup? a. may b. must ñ. could4. Students ...................... take exams twice a year. a. can b. must ñ. may5. Sorry, I ...................... come yesterday. a. didn’t have to b. couldn’t ñ. might not6. You ...................... move with the times. a. must b. may ñ. could7. I ...................... get you out of my mind. a. may not b. am not to ñ. can’t8. He was very busy but still he ...................... visit us. a. managed b. had to ñ. was to

1 number withheld — íîìåð íå îïðåäåë¸í.

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9. ...................... you give me your mobile phone number? a. might b. may ñ. could10. In future you ...................... be more punctual. a. may b. can ñ. ought to11. You ...................... face the truth immediately and leave. a. can b. are to ñ. must12. If he saves enough money, he ...................... buy a car next year. a. will be able to b. can ñ. should13. We ...................... test the printer before buying it. a. might b. have to ñ. must14. I ...................... smoke in the house. My parents are against it. a. needn’t b. ought not to ñ. can’t15. The cake was so rich that we ...................... eat it. a. couldn’t b. shouldn’t ñ. might not

25.4. Употребите правильную форму глагола в скобках.

1. Last Christmas I (give) you my heart. 2. Where (be) you when it (happen)? 3. You (have) nice teachers when you (be) at school? 4. When you actually (arrive)? 5. Who (tell) you that? 6. Where I (leave) my umbrella? 7. You (see) him at the theatre? 8. We (swap1) our mobile numbers and (drive) off. 9. I (buy) an electronic organizer yesterday and (spend) all night typing my personal data into it. 10. There (be) a time when I (love) to cook. 11. When he (come) back home late in the evening, there (be) eight messages on the answering ma-chine from Steve. 12. They (be) brainy children. They (know) so many things! And now they (be) famous people. 13. It not (matter) now. It (be) all right with me. 14. Inflation (go up) at the moment.

25.5. Переведите следующие предложения.

1. Âìåñòå ìû ìîæåì ýòî ñäåëàòü. Íî ìû äîëæíû êàê ñëåäóåò ïîðàáîòàòü. 2. ß íå ìîãó æäàòü. ß äîëæåí òîðîïèòüñÿ. Ìíå ïðèõîäèòñÿ áûòü ïóíêòóàëüíûì. 3. Âàøè äåòè äîëæíû åñòü

1 to swap — îáìåíÿòüñÿ ÷åì-òî.

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ìíîãî ôðóêòîâ. Âàì ñëåäóåò îáðàòèòü âíèìàíèå íà èõ äèåòó. 4. — Âàì ïðèõîäèòñÿ ðàíî âñòàâàòü ïî óòðàì? — Äà. Çà-íÿòèÿ íà÷èíàþòñÿ â 9 ÷àñîâ, è ÿ íå ìîãó îïàçäûâàòü. 5. Âû äîëæíû áûòü áîëåå âåæëèâû. Âàì íåëüçÿ òàê ðàçãîâàðèâàòü! 6. — Ìû äîëæíû íà÷àòü ñîáðàíèå â 12 ÷àñîâ. Òû ñìîæåøü ñêàçàòü ïàðó ñëîâ? — Ñìîãó. 7. — Ìîæíî íàì ïîñìîòðåòü åù¸ îäèí ôèëüì? — Íåò, íåëüçÿ! Óæå 10 ÷àñîâ âå÷åðà. — Íåóæåëè óæå òàê ïîçäíî? Ïîâåðèòü ýòîìó íå ìîãó. 8. — Òåáå ñëåäóåò ïîäóìàòü î ñâî¸ì áóäóùåì. — Òåáå íå íóæíî âîëíî-âàòüñÿ îáî ìíå. 9. Íå ñåðäèñü. Íî òû áû ìîã ñäåëàòü ýòî äëÿ ìåíÿ ñåé÷àñ. 10. — Ãäå äåòè? — Îíè, äîëæíî áûòü, åù¸ â øêîëå. — Äà, íî òû âñåãäà äîëæåí çíàòü, ãäå îíè. 11. Áîþñü, ÷òî ÿ íè÷åãî íå ìîãó ñäåëàòü äëÿ âàñ. Âàì ïðèä¸òñÿ ïîïðî-ñèòü êîãî-òî åù¸. 12. Òû äîëæíà áûòü áîëåå ýêîíîìíîé! Òû íå ìîæåøü ïîçâîëèòü ñåáå òàêèå äîðîãèå âåùè! 13. Ñïðîñè Íèêèòó. Îí ìîæåò çíàòü òåëåôîí Äåíèñà. 14. Òàê, äîãîâà-ðèâàåìñÿ âñòðåòèòüñÿ ïîñëå ëåêöèè. Òàê íóæíî è âñ¸ òóò! 15. — Òåáå íóæåí ñîòîâûé òåëåôîí, íå òàê ëè? — Íåò, íå íóæåí.

25.6. Объясните разницу (иногда стилистическую) в значениях следующих

модальных глаголов. Опишите ситуации, в которых они могут употре-


1. — Can you do this for me?— Could you do something for me?2. — You mustn’t go out.— You don’t have to go out.3. — I may come round to see you later.— I might come round to see you later.4. — The train should be here by now.— The train should be here any minute now.5. — You must wait here until you are called.— You are to wait here until you are called.6. — I can’t leave the house at the moment.— I am not allowed to leave the house at the moment.7. — You can do it now (it is all right with me).— You can do it now (you don’t need any more lessons).

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8. — You must let the boss see the fax.— You will have to let the boss see the fax.9. — You needn’t write out all the new words.— You don’t need to write out all the new words.

25.7. Дополните следующие предложения.

1. She can cook well, ............................. ? 2. You can’t buy happiness, .............................. ? 3. We need to be friends, ............................... ? 4. They need new information, ...................................... ? 5. You needn’t think about it, ............................. ? 6. She needed a lot of time to write this book, ..................................... ? 7. He had to get the second job, ................................ ? 8. You must keep it secret, .............................. ? 9. Let’s do it, ........................ ? 10. Let’s not discuss it now, ............................... ? 11. We should do something about it, ............................... ? 12. John must speak to the boss, ...................... ? 13. You ought to call your parents more often, ......................... ? 14. He may come soon, ...................... ? 15. You could be more friendly, .............................. ? 16. We need to think about it, ...................... ? 17. You will be able to help us, ................................ ? 18. We need to pass the test, ................................. ? 19. She never had to work, ............................... ? 20. They won’t have to wait long, ............................ ?

25.8. Употребите правильную форму глагола в скобках. Перескажите



Howard Hughes (be) born in Houston, Texas. He (go) to school in 1912 and (leave) it in 1924. At that time his father (die) and Howard (become) director of his father’s oil company. He (be) very rich as his father had left him about a million dollars which in those times was a great fortune. He (be) very interested in film industry so he (decide) (go) to Hollywood. A year later he (make) his first film. In 1933 he (begin) to work as an airline pilot. In 1935 he (build) a plane and (break) the world air-speed record as he (fly) at 352 kilometres per hour. President Roosevelt (give) him a special aviation award. Three years later

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he (set) a new world record. During the war he (design) and (manufacture) war planes. After the war he (found) a new company T.W.A. (Trans World Airlines). In 1947 he (crash) a new war plane but fortunately he not (die). After he (get) out of hospital, he again (fly) a new passenger plane. In 1966 he (go) to Las Vegas. He (buy) a lot of casinos, clubs and hotels. He (lead) a puritan life. He not (smoke), (drink) or (gamble). Hughes (die) in 1976. He (leave) two billion dollars.

25.9. Переведите следующие предложения.

1.  æóðíàëå íå áûëî íè÷åãî èíòåðåñíîãî. ß ïðîñòî ñìîòðåëà íà êàðòèíêè. 2. — Ýòîò òåêñò íóæíî íàáðàòü ñåé÷àñ? — Íåò, â ýòîì íåò íåîáõîäèìîñòè, ìîæåòå ñäåëàòü ýòî çàâòðà. 3. Âñå çíàþò, ÷òî íà Ëóíå åñòü ïÿòíà (spots). Âû ìîæåòå óâèäåòü èõ â õîðîøóþ ïîãîäó. 4. Îí íå ìîã çàáûòü ýòó äåâóøêó. Îí ïîñòî-ÿííî äóìàë î íåé. 5. — Âû õîòèòå ñòàòü ìèëëèîíåðîì? Òîãäà âàì ñëåäóåò ïðèíÿòü ó÷àñòèå â ýòîé ïåðåäà÷å. — Áîþñü, ÷òî ÿ íå ñóìåþ îòâåòèòü íà âñå âîïðîñû. 6. Îí íèêîãäà íå ÷èòàë íè-êàêèõ êíèã. Îí ïîñòîÿííî èãðàë â êîìïüþòåðíûå èãðû. 7. Âû íå äîëæíû ïåðåõîäèòü óëèöó, êîãäà ñâåò êðàñíûé. 8. — Êòî çíàåò, ÷òî ìîæåò ñëó÷èòüñÿ çàâòðà? — Òåáå ñëåäóåò áûòü áî-ëåå óâåðåííûì â ñâî¸ì áóäóùåì. Òîëüêî òîãäà òû ñóìååøü ñäåëàòü õîðîøóþ êàðüåðó. 9.  ïðîøëîì ãîäó îí ïîòåðÿë ðà-áîòó. Îí íå ñìîã íàéòè äðóãóþ â ñâî¸ì ìàëåíüêîì ãîðîäêå è îòïðàâèëñÿ â Ëîíäîí. 10. Âû ìîæåòå âçÿòü ýòîò ñëîâàðü. Îí ìíå áîëüøå íå íóæåí. 11. Ëåðå íå íóæíî ðàíî âñòàâàòü, òàê êàê îíà æèâ¸ò íàïðîòèâ óíèâåðñèòåòà. 12. Êîãäà íà÷àëüíèê âîø¸ë â îôèñ, ñåêðåòàðøà áîëòàëà ïî òåëåôîíó, ìåíåäæåð ïèë êîôå, äåâóøêè ïðîñìàòðèâàëè ãëÿíöåâûå (glossy) æóðíà-ëû. 13. — Äîëæåí ëè ÿ îòïðàâèòü ôàêñ ïðÿìî ñåé÷àñ? — Íåò, íåîáÿçàòåëüíî. Âû ìîæåòå ñäåëàòü ýòî ÷åðåç ÷àñ. 14. — Âû-íóæäåí ïðèçíàòüñÿ, ÷òî íå ñìîãó ïðèíÿòü ó÷àñòèÿ â êîíôå-ðåíöèè, õîòÿ è áûëà òàêàÿ äîãîâîð¸ííîñòü. — Íå ñòîèò âîëíî-âàòüñÿ ïî ýòîìó ïîâîäó. ß ìîãó ñäåëàòü ýòî. 15. — Ýòî, äîëæ-íî áûòü, ïðàâäà. — Íåóæåëè ýòî ïðàâäà? Íå ìîæåò áûòü, ÷òî ýòî ïðàâäà.

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25.10. Прочитайте следующие пословицы и поговорки и найдите их рус-

ские эквиваленты.

1. Appearances can be deceptive. 2. Show must go on. 3. You must sleep on it. 4. You can’t see the wood for the trees. 5. One can’t have too much of a good thing. 6. One Englishman can beat three Frenchmen. 7. You never know what you can do until you try. 8. He who falls today may rise tomorrow. 9. Who says A must say B. 10. What everybody says must be true. 11. You can’t put new wine in old bottles. 12. What can’t be cured must be endured. 13. Children should be seen and not heard. 14. A liar ought to have a good memory. 15. Life is like a box of chocolates. You never know what you may get.

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Ïðîñòîå áóäóùåå âðåìÿ

Future Simple

+ ? –





be here

phone you


be here?

phone you?





will not


be here

phone you

YouHe She ItThey








youhe she itthey





YouHe She ItThey

will not (won’t)





I’ll visit you soon.She will help us.They will discuss it soon.

Shall I visit you soon?Will she help us?Will they discuss it soon?

I shan’t (won’t) visit you soon.She won’t help us.They won’t discuss it soon.

Unit 26U 62U i 662626Unit Unit 2iUUnitUnit 6Unit 26Unit 2666666222tttiiinnnUUnit 26Unit 26

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Случаи употребления Примеры

1. Единичные и повторяющиеся

действия в будущем.

2. Предложение помощи

(в вопросительных предложениях).

We shall meet at fi ve o’clock tomorrow.My students will have tests every month.It will be cold tomorrow.Shall I help you?What shall we do next?

Обстоятельства времени:tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, one of these days («на днях»), next week (month, year), in the near future, soon, as soon as possible, some day, in an hour (a week, ...)

Let’s talk about your problems, shall we?

Don’t be late, will you?

Be on time, will you?

26.1. Дополните следующие вопросы, используя Shall we...? и данные ниже

вопросительные слова согласно образцу.

where, when, what, how, how much, how long, whom

What shall we tell them?

1. ...................... do tomorrow?2. ...................... go tomorrow evening?3. ...................... buy Susan for her birthday?4. ...................... go on holiday? To Paris?5. ...................... go? In August or in May?6. ...................... travel? By car or by train?7. ...................... do at the weekend?8. ...................... go on Sunday? To a museum?9. ...................... invite to dinner on Saturday? All our friends?10. ...................... stay in Paris? For a week?11. ...................... have to pay for the trip?

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Простое будущее время

26.2. Заполните пропуски глаголами shall (not) (shan’t) или will (not) (won’t).

1. ...................... Jack pass the test? — I’m afraid he ...................... He doesn’t work hard enough. 2. ...................... there be many people at the party? — No, there ...................... . 3. ...................... it snow tomorrow? — I hope it ...................... 4. — Let’s stay at home today, ...................... we? — And what ...................... we do? 5. — Who ...................... meet you at the airport? — Nobody ...................... 6. It’s raining. Take your umbrella or you ...................... catch a cold. 7. ...................... I do the washing up, Mum? — No, I ...................... do it. 8. ...................... you be at home tomorrow? — No, we ...................... . We are having a party. 9. ...................... I sign all these papers? — No, the manager ...................... do it. 10. I have eaten two big round pizzas. I hope I ...................... fall ill. 11. Next year at this time I ...................... be in Florida. 12. I’m afraid you ...................... catch your train. It’s too late. — So, what ...................... I do? 13. I expect the traffic ...................... be heavy on Monday morning. 14. Stay cool, ...................... you? 15. Don’t ask me too many questions, ...................... you? 16. — I help you with cooking?...................... it be all right with you? 17. What ...................... the weather be like next week? 18. We haven’t got any money. So we ...................... go on holiday this summer. We ...................... stay in our dacha. — ...................... you visit us? — Thank you, I ...................... .

26.3. Переведите следующие предложения.

1. — Ìíå ïîçâîíèòü òåáå çàâòðà? — Çàâòðà âîñêðåñåíüå. ß áóäó ñïàòü äî 12 ÷àñîâ äíÿ. Ïîçâîíè ìíå ïîñëå 12 ÷àñîâ, õî-ðîøî? 2. — Ãäå ñîñòîèòñÿ ôåñòèâàëü? — Îí áóäåò, êàê îáû÷-íî, â Âåíåöèè. Ïîåäåì òóäà? 3. — ×òî ó íàñ ñåãîäíÿ áóäåò íà óæèí? — Äàâàé çàêàæåì ïèööó, õîðîøî? 4. — Íà ýòîì êîíöåðòå áóäåò ìíîãî íàðîäó? — Íó ÷òî æå, ïîïûòàåìñÿ äî-ñòàòü áèëåòû? 5. — Ñêîëüêî ëåò áóäåò âàøåìó ñûíó â ýòîì ãîäó? — Åìó áóäåò øåñòü ëåò. — Îí ïîéäåò â øêîëó îñå-íüþ? — Äà, ïîéäåò. 6. — Âîçìîæíî ëè áóäåò ïîëó÷èòü ýòè ñâåäåíèÿ? — Ìû ñäåëàåì âñå âîçìîæíîå. 7. — Ãäå òû áóäåøü âñòðå÷àòü Íîâûé ãîä? — Êàê âñåãäà, ÿ áóäó äîìà ñî ñâîåé ñå-ìüåé. 8. Ïðîñòè ìåíÿ, õîðîøî? 9. Íèêòî íå çíàåò, ÷òî ñëó÷èò-ñÿ â áóäóùåì. 10. Îí íàäååòñÿ, ÷òî îíà ñîãëàñèòñÿ ñòàòü åãî

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æåíîé. 11. Íå ãîâîðè èì íè÷åãî. Ýòî áóäåò ñþðïðèç. 12. ×åðåç ãîä ìîé ñûí çàêîí÷èò óíèâåðñèòåò, à äî÷ü çàêîí÷èò øêîëó. 13. — ß íèêîãäà íå îáìàíó òåáÿ. — À ÿ íèêîãäà òåáå áîëüøå íå ïîâåðþ. 14. Áóäü îñòîðîæåí. Íå ãîíè ìàøèíó. — Íå âîë-íóéñÿ, ÿ áóäó îñòîðîæåí. 15. Ìíå ïðèãîòîâèòü òåáå ÷àøå÷êó ÷àÿ? Òû áóäåøü çåëåíûé èëè ÷åðíûé ÷àé? 16. — Íó è ÷òî òû íà ýòî ñêàæåøü? — Íè÷åãî íå ñêàæó. ß ïðîìîë÷ó. 17. — Äà-âàé âñòðåòèìñÿ íà äíÿõ â öåíòðå. — Õîðîøî, ÿ ïðèäó. Ãäå ìíå æäàòü òåáÿ? 18.  áëèæàéøåì áóäóùåì íèêàêèõ ïåðå-ìåí íå îæèäàåòñÿ. 19. Ìíå ïîäîæäàòü òåáÿ? — Äà, ÿ áóäó ãî-òîâ ÷åðåç ìèíóòó. 20. — Êîãäà ìû âíîâü óâèäèì âàñ? — Ìû äàäèì âàì çíàòü.

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Áóäóùåå ïðîäîëæåííîå âðåìÿ

Future Progressive (Continuous)

+ ? –



will (‘ll)



Shall Iwe

be doing?


shall not


will not













will not



Случаи употребления Примеры

1. Действие в процессе в

определенный момент в


At this time next week I’ll be fl ying to London.In a week we’ll be celebrating Mike’s birthday.

Unit 27U 72U i 772727Unit Unit 2iUUnit 27Unit 27777222tttiiinnnUUnit 2Unit 2

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2. Действие, которое

говорящий предвидит

в будущем.

I must go now or my mother will be


She is sure he will be telling her about his love again.

Способ Случаи употребления Примеры

1. to be going to + инфинитив

Запланированное действие в ближайшем будущем.

She is going to tell him the truth.They are going to buy a computer.

2. Настоящее продолженное время (Present Progressive)

Запланированное действие в ближайшем будущем (с глаголами движения to come, to leave, to start, to arrive, to fl y)

I am leaving for Sochi today.He is coming to dinner on Saturday.They are arriving at fi ve o’clock.

3. Простое настоящее время (Present Simple)

Запланированное действие в соответствии с расписанием, графиком, программой.

The bus starts at 6.30. The lecture begins in fi ve minutes.

4. Модальный глагол to be to + инфинитив глагола

Действие, которое должно быть выполнено в ближайшее время по договоренности.

We are to meet after lunch.What am I to do now?Who is to do the talking today?

Продолжение табл.

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Будущее продолженное время

27.1. Прочитайте и переведите следующий текст. Найдите в нем средства

выражения будущности.

During our dinner at the restaurant Fiona told us: “I’m sorry it’s such a short trip for us. But David has to get back to England. We’ll be leaving on Tuesday, so it’ll be less than a week. We’re staying here until Monday night and we’re flying out in the morning. You see, I’ve bought a house in Yorkshire and I’m in the process of furnishing it.” “Are you moving from London?” Jake asked. “You’re not selling your beautiful house, are you?” “Oh, no, not at all. It’s too special for me. But I will be living in Yorkshire in the summer, when the weather is always better. I am buying a business there too.” “Oh, Fiona, you are full of surprises. What kind of business?” Tony asked. “A restaurant and a bar,” she said. “When David retires, he’ll be running it with me. Until then, his son Noel will be working with me. He’s a great cook. So, you must all come and enjoy his food one day.” “Thank you, Fiona, we are sure you’re going to have a great success.”

27.2. Ответьте на следующие вопросы.

1. What will you be doing at exactly this time tomorrow? 2. Will you be working this Saturday? 3. Will your friend be watching the football match tonight? 4. Will you be meeting your friends in the evening? 5. Will your mother be shopping on Saturday morning? 6. Will you be waiting for him while he is in the Army? Will you be thinking about him? 7. What will you be wearing for the party? 8. Will you be still working at 7 o’clock? 9. What will you be discussing at tomorrow’s seminar? 10. Will your mother be as usual watching her favourite serial from seven till eight o’clock?

27.3. Переведите следующие предложения.

1. He óõîäèòå, ñêîðî áóäåì ïèòü ÷àé. 2. Íå ìîãó ïîâåðèòü, ÷òî çàâòðà ìû áóäåì õîäèòü ïî óëèöàì Ëîíäîíà. 3. Çàâòðà

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ìû ïîñåòèì Ïàðëàìåíò. ×ëåíû Ïàðëàìåíòà áóäóò îáñóæ-äàòü ïîñëåäíèå ñîáûòèÿ â ìèðå. 4. Ïîëîæè ó÷åáíèêè â ïîðò-ôåëü ñåãîäíÿ âå÷åðîì, à òî çàâòðà óòðîì òû îïÿòü áóäåøü íî-ñèòüñÿ ïî äîìó. 5. — Ñîíÿ óñòðàèâàåò çàâòðà âå÷åðèíêó, òû èäåøü? — Ê ñîæàëåíèþ, íåò. Çàâòðà ÿ áóäó ñäàâàòü ýêçà-ìåí. 6. — Çà÷åì òû âçÿëà çîíòèê Ëèçû? Îíà æå áóäåò èñêàòü åãî çàâòðà. 7. ß ìîãó ëåãêî îïèñàòü òåáå, ÷òî ìîÿ ñåìüÿ áóäåò äåëàòü â êàíóí Íîâîãî ãîäà: ìàìà áóäåò íàêðûâàòü íà ñòîë, ïàïà áóäåò ãîòîâèòü èíäåéêó ñ ÿáëîêàìè, à äåòè áóäóò óêðà-øàòü åëêó. 8. Íå çâîíè ìíå îò 8 äî 10 ÷àñîâ. ß áóäó ðàáîòàòü â Èíòåðíåòå. 9. Çàâòðà ìû áóäåì î÷åíü çàíÿòû. Ìû áóäåì ãî-òîâèòüñÿ ê êîíöåðòó. 10. — ×òî òû áóäåøü äåëàòü â ýòî âðåìÿ çàâòðà? — Áóäó ðàññëàáëÿòüñÿ, òî åñòü îòäûõàòü. 11. — ×òî òû ñîáèðàåøüñÿ íàäåòü íà âå÷åð? — Íà ìíå áóäåò (to wear) êðàñíîå ïëàòüå. 12. Äàâàé ïîéäåì íà ëåêöèþ ïðîôåññîðà Õèã-ãèíñà. Îí áóäåò ðàññêàçûâàòü î ïîñëåäíèõ òåíäåíöèÿõ â àí-ãëèéñêîì ÿçûêå. 13. Íå âîëíóéñÿ, ÿ òåáÿ íå çàáóäó. ß áóäó äóìàòü î òåáå äí¸ì è íî÷üþ. ß âñåãäà áóäó âñïîìèíàòü òâîþ óëûáêó. 14. Çàâòðà â ýòî âðåìÿ, ìîëîäîé ÷åëîâåê, âû áóäå-òå îòâå÷àòü íà íàøè âîïðîñû. 15. Âñþ ñëåäóþùóþ íåäåëþ ÿ áóäó ãîòîâèòüñÿ ê ýêçàìåíàì.

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Ïðèäàòî÷íûå âðåìåíè è óñëîâèÿ

If — WhenВ английском языке в придаточных предложениях условия и времени по-

сле союзов if, unless, in case, on condition that, when, till, until, as soon as, be-

fore, after вместо будущего времени употребляется простое настоящее вре-

мя (Present Simple).

Тип предложения

Придаточное предложение

Главное предложение


1. Реального условия

If I get this job, I’ll be happy Если я получу эту работу, я буду счастлив(а).

If he calls, we’ll discuss the plan.

Если он позвонит, мы обсудим этот план.

If they come, we’ll have a party. Если они придут, то мы устроим вечеринку.

2. Времени When I see her, I’ll ask her about it. Когда я увижу её, то спрошу её об этом.

As soon as the lecture is over,

we’ll go home. Как только лекция закончится, мы пойдём домой.

After the rain stops,

the children will go for a walk

После того как дождь закончится, дети пойдут гулять.

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В дополнительных придаточных предложениях после союзов if, whether, when употребляется будущее время (Future Simple).

I’d like to know if it will rain or snow tomorrow.We don’t know when the chief will come.

28.1. Составьте предложения, используя приведённые ниже фразы.

Образец: If you sit at the computer too long, you will get very tired.

1. don’t switch off the TV-set, a. get hurt2. get up very early, b. have bad teeth3. eat too many sweets, c. not pass your exam4. don’t take this medicine, d. not go for a walk5. doesn’t save his money, e. work in the City6. forgets his promise, f. turn sour7. don’t put the milk in g. not understand the fridge, homework8. don’t work hard, h. see the sunrise9. drinks some more beer, i. do it myself10. don’t invite Mary, j. definitely fall ill11. moves to London, k be able to rent a house12. rains today, l. remind him about it13. don’t listen in class, m. have problems with the police14. take an umbrella, n. not work in the garden

28.2. Дополните следующие предложения.

1. Unless you hurry, ...................... . 2. I’ll tell him something interesting when ...................... . 3. We are going to visit them after ...................... . 4. As soon as it stops raining, ...................... . 5. If he is not punctual, ...................... . 6. We’ll visit the Russian Museum when ...................... . 7. My life will be easier after ...................... . 8. Dinner will be ready before ...................... . 9. As soon as he gets to the airport, ...................... . 10. The director will e-mail you after ...................... . 11. Let’s wait till ...................... . 12. We’ll stay here until ...................... .

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Придаточные времени и условия

13. Give them our address if ...................... . 14. He’ll have to work in the Internet if ................... . 15. We’ll listen to you after ................. . 16. I’ll give you my phone number in case ...................... . 17. If Tom comes, ...................... . 18. She’ll stay at home in case ...................... . 19. You’ll get tired unless ...................... .

28.3. Употребите правильную форму глагола в скобках.

1. If everything (go) well, we (meet) soon. 2. I don’t know where I (have) a rest next summer. 3. If she (want) it, she (get) it. 4. We (try) to get the money before the bank (close). 5. If she (keep) to a diet, she (feel) very well. 6. I not (speak) to him unless he (apologize). 7. If it not (rain) on the weekend, we (paint) the bench in the garden. 8. We (have) to leave the place before the sun (rise). 9. We (know) his new address as soon as he (e-mail) us. 10. I (stay) with you till the doctor (come). 11. If the film (finish) late, the child not (able) to fall asleep. 12. In case the plan not (work), we (think) of something else. 13. If the price (go) down, I (buy) a new computer. 14. We (try) to run away before the police (come). 15. If she (learn) the truth, she (be) very unhappy. 16. If the ecological situation (improve), people (feel) much better. 17. I (have) to tell my parents the truth before my teacher (call) them. 18. If there (be) a lot of snow in the forest, we (go) skiing. 19. As soon as he (get) the contracts, he (fax) them to you. 20. She (start) a new life after she (graduate) from University.

28.4. Перефразируйте и дополните предложения согласно образцу.

It looks like rain. — If it rains, I won‛t have to water the fl owers in the garden.

1. People will have a ten-day holiday after the New Year. 2. I hope my friend will have some free time on Sunday. 3. Maybe Marina won’t come to class tomorrow. 4. I’m sure you’ll be hungry after the excursion. 5. Maybe she’ll marry this fellow. 6. Perhaps she will call a good doctor. 7. Kostya Dzu will win the match. 8. It looks like snow. 9. Everybody is going to leave the city in the summertime. 10. Maybe one day he’ll become a serious person. 11. He hopes that one day he’ll have

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enough money. 12. Maybe we’ll be lucky with this new business. 13. Perhaps, the police will find his car. 14. Maybe she’ll come to the concert. 15. Probably Mr. Parker will join the club.

28.5. Употребите правильную форму глагола в скобках.

1. If Sam (give) up smoking and drinking, he (feel) a different man. 2. Let us (buy) some more food in case guests (arrive). 3. If this detective (work) for us, he (help) us a lot, I’m sure. 4. If television (show) more cultural programmes, it (be) very useful for all of us. 5. She (send) us an SMS in case she (be) late. 6. If there (be) some messages for you, I (call) you. 7. If there (be) a concert on Red Square, we (go) there. 8. If he (be) out, we (have to) wait for him. 9. As soon as the metro (open), there (be) crowds of people in it. 10. When my English friend (arrive) in Moscow, we first (go) to the Red Square. 11. If my money not (come) tomorrow, I not (able) to go shopping with you. 12. As soon as summer (come), he (go) on an expedition to the Urals. 13. I (take) a dictionary from the library in case there (be) unknown words in the text. 14. You (have) to stay here until your lawyer (come). 15. After the agent (get) the secret data, he (leave) the country immediately.

28.6. Дополните следующие предложения

1. It’s interesting if ... . 2. I have no idea whether ... . 3. We greatly doubt if ... . 4. He wonders whether ... . 5. We would like to know when ... . 6. Tell me if ... . 7. Can anyone tell me when ...? 8. Do you know if ...? 9. He can’t remember when ... . 10. He has no idea if ... . 11. Tell us if ... . 12. Does anyone know when ... ? 13. He wants to find out if ... . 14. Ask her if ... . 15. I am not sure when ... . 16. We don’t know whether ... . 17. I can’t say whether ... . 18. She wonders if ... .

28.7. Переведите следующие предложения.

1. ß óâåðåíà, ÷òî âû ïîéì¸òå ïðîáëåìó, êàê òîëüêî îíà âàì âñ¸ ðàññêàæåò. 2. Åñëè ïîõîëîäàåò, ÿ ïîñòàâëþ ìàøèíó â ãà-ðàæ. 3. Åñëè ïîåçä ïðèä¸ò âîâðåìÿ, ìû áóäåì äîìà â 7 ÷à-

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Придаточные времени и условия

ñîâ âå÷åðà. 4. Åñëè îí ïîëó÷èò ôàêñ ñåãîäíÿ, òî óæå çàâòðà ñìîæåò ïðèëåòåòü ñþäà. 5. Åñëè ïîéä¸ò ñíåã, òî ñòàíåò òå-ïëåå. 6. Çàñòàâü åãî ðàññêàçàòü òåáå ïðàâäó. Åñëè îí íå ñäåëà-åò ýòîãî ñåé÷àñ, òî áóäåò âñåãäà ëãàòü. 7. Èíòåðåñíî, êîãäà æå ìû âñòðåòèìñÿ? — Ìû âñòðåòèìñÿ, êàê òîëüêî îí ñäàñò âñå ýêçàìåíû. 8. ß åù¸ íå çíàþ, êîãäà îñâîáîæóñü. Íî åñëè áóäåò íå î÷åíü ïîçäíî, òî ÿ íàâåùó âàñ. 9. Åñëè îí âûèãðàåò ïðèç, òî ñóìååò êóïèòü ìíîãî âåùåé, â êîòîðûõ îí î÷åíü íóæäà-åòñÿ. 10. Äàâàé ïîáåæèì äîìîé ïðåæäå, ÷åì ïîéä¸ò äîæäü. 11. Åñëè îíà íàïèøåò íîâûé ðîìàí, òî îí òî÷íî ñòàíåò áåñò-ñåëëåðîì. 12. Íèêòî íå çíàåò, êîãäà ýòî ïðîèçîéä¸ò. 13. Îí íà-äååòñÿ, ÷òî êîãäà îíè óçíàþò ïðàâäó, òî ïðîñòÿò åãî. 14. Åñëè îíà ïîñòàðàåòñÿ, òî ñóìååò ïðîéòè èíòåðâüþ. 15. Îí ïðèä¸ò íà âå÷åð, â ñëó÷àå åñëè òû ëè÷íî åãî ïðèãëàñèøü. 16. Îíà íå ïðèä¸ò íà âå÷åð, â ñëó÷àå åñëè òû ëè÷íî íå ïðèãëàñèøü å¸. 17. Åñëè êòî-íèáóäü ïîçâîíèò, ÿ îñòàâëþ òåáå çàïèñêó. 18. Íè-êòî íå çíàåò, áóäåò ëè ëåòî æàðêèì èëè õîëîäíûì. 19. Ìû îá-ñóäèì ýòîò âîïðîñ, êàê òîëüêî âñå ïðèäóò. 20. Åñëè îí íå áó-äåò òîðîïèòüñÿ, òî íå áóäåò äåëàòü òàê ìíîãî îøèáîê. 21. Åñëè íîâîñòè áóäóò âàæíûìè, òî ÿ îòïðàâëþ òåáå ôàêñ. 22. Åñëè òâîé äðóã ïðèìåò ó÷àñòèå â ïåðåäà÷å «Êòî õî÷åò ñòàòü ìèë-ëèîíåðîì?», òî îí òî÷íî (definitely) âûèãðàåò áîëüøóþ ñóììó äåíåã. Îí òàêîé óìíûé ïàðåíü.

28.8. Употребите правильную форму глагола в скобках и перескажите рас-



A young village girl who lives in the East is going one day to the nearest town. She (carry) a jug of milk on her head. She (walk) and (think) “When I (come) to town, I (find) a market and (sell) the milk there. I not (think) that I (get) much money for it but if it (be) enough, I (buy) a dozen eggs. I (have) twelve chickens out of those eggs. When the chickens (grow up), I (take) them to the market. After I (sell) them, I (go) to a shop and (buy) a beautiful new dress for myself. I (look) wonderful in it. After I (put on) this beautiful dress, I (walk) along the main street of

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the village. When people (see) me, they (stop) and (say): “What a beautiful girl she (be) and what a wonderful dress she (wear)!” But when I (hear) it, I not (say) anything, I just (give a shake) of my head.” And here she (give) a shake of her head and down (come) the milk, the eggs, the chickens and the wonderful new dress!

28.9. Переведите следующие предложения.

1. Êàê òîëüêî âñå ïðèäóò, ìû áóäåì îáåäàòü. Íî ìû íå çíà-åì òî÷íî, êîãäà âåðíóòñÿ ðîäèòåëè. 2. Ñïðîñè å¸, ïðèä¸ò ëè îíà íà âå÷åð. Åñëè îíà ñîãëàñèòñÿ, âñå áóäóò ðàäû. 3. Îí ïðè-øë¸ò ôàêñ, êàê òîëüêî ïðèáóäåò â Ðèì. Îí íå çíàåò, ïðîáóäåò ëè îí òàì äåíü èëè íåäåëþ. 4. Åñëè ïðîäþñåð ïîëó÷èò äåíü-ãè, òî îí ñäåëàåò ïðåêðàñíûé ôèëüì. Íî íèêòî íå çíàåò, êîãäà îí èõ ïîëó÷èò. 5. Èíòåðåñíî, áóäåò ëè çàâòðà äîæäü. Åñëè åãî íå áóäåò, òî ìû ïîåäåì çà ãîðîä. 6. Ðîäèòåëè Ìàêñà íå áóäóò äàâàòü åìó êàðìàííûõ äåíåã äî òåõ ïîð, ïîêà îí íå èñïðà-âèò ñâîè äâîéêè. Îí ñîìíåâàåòñÿ, ñóìååò ëè îí ýòî ñäåëàòü. 7. Ñïðîñè å¸, ñîãëàñèòñÿ ëè îíà ïîìî÷ü íàì. Åñëè îíà ñäåëà-åò ýòî, òî ó íàñ íå áóäåò ïðîáëåì. 8. Åñëè êîðàáëü äîñòèãíåò ýòîé ïëàíåòû, òî ó÷¸íûå ïîëó÷àò ìíîãî èíòåðåñíûõ ñâåäåíèé. Èíòåðåñíî, ñêîðî ëè ýòî ïðîèçîéä¸ò? 9. — Åñëè ÿ âûïüþ ýòîò êîôå, òî íå ñìîãó çàñíóòü ñåãîäíÿ. — Õîòåëîñü áû óçíàòü, êîãäà æå òû ïåðåñòàíåøü ïèòü êîôå ïî âå÷åðàì? 10. ß ñäå-ëàþ ýòî ïîçæå, åñëè ó ìåíÿ áóäåò âðåìÿ. Íî ÿ íå çíàþ, êîã-äà îíî ó ìåíÿ ïîÿâèòñÿ. 11. Íèêòî íå äîëæåí óõîäèòü, ïîêà íå âåðí¸òñÿ óïðàâëÿþùèé, îäíàêî íèêòî íå çíàåò, êîãäà îí ïðè-ä¸ò. 12. Åñëè ìû íå ïîëó÷èì ôàêñ ñåãîäíÿ, òî çàâòðà ïðèä¸òñÿ ëåòåòü â Ëîíäîí. — Èíòåðåñíî, ñóìååì ëè ìû êóïèòü áèëåòû?

28.10. Употребите правильную форму глагола в скобках.

1. Hurry up! Your father mot (wait) for you if you not (be) ready in five minutes. 2. If he (get) the car in time from the service station, he (collect) the children from school. 3. If the battery (run) low, I not (be able) to call you. 4. If Andrew (switch) on his answering machine, he (read) our message. 5. We not (know) if she (get) the job. When the interview (be) over, she (email) us.

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tî be exciting — to be excited

Употребительные выражения с глаголом be и причастием II (3-я форма гла-гола):

1. be amused 16. be hurt

2. be bored (with) 17. be interested in

3. be broken 18. be mistaken

4. be closed 19. be made of (from)

5. be challenged 20. be married (to)

6. be crowded (with) 21. be gone

7. be devoted (to) 22. be pleased (with)

8. be disappointed (in, with) 23. be prepared (for)

9. be divorced (from) 24. be satisfi ed (with)

10. be drowned 25. be scared (of )

11. be engaged (to) 26. be surprised

12. be excited (about) 27. be spoiled

13. be exhausted (from) 28. be terrifi ed (of )

14. be fi nished (with) 29. be tired (of )

15. be frightened (of ) 30. be worried (about)

Все эти выражения передают факты или состояния человека. Прилага-тельное даёт характеристику чего-то или кого-то. Причастие II выражает со-

стояние кого-то или чего-то.

Unit 29U 92U i 992929Unit Unit 2iUUnit 2Unit 29Unit 29Unit 29999222tttiiinnnUUUUnit 29Unit 29

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My job is interesting. — I’m really interested.

This moment is so exciting. — We’re so excited.

The party is boring. — Many people are bored.

It was a challenging1 match. — He was challenged to beat the boxer.

Сравните также:

be made of

to consist of (состоять из чего-то, материал присутствует в предмете)The carpet is made of wool.

The dress is made of silk.

be made from (out of)

(сделано из ..., но конечный продукт другой)Butter is made from (out of) milk.

Glass is made from (out of) sand.

29.1. Выберите правильное слово.

1. The clowns were very ...................... . The children were ...................... by the show. (amusing/amused).2. The people in front of me were ...................... and fell asleep. The film was ...................... . (boring/bored).3. Everyone was ...................... as the situation was ...................... . (shock-ing/shocked).4. It was a ...................... task. The agent was ...................... to do it. (chal-lenging/challenged).5. Helen is ...................... in many things. She is an ...................... person. (interesting/interested).6. It was a very ................... match. All the fans were very ................... . (exciting/excited).7. Housework can be very ...................... I am often very ...................... . (tiring/tired).8. It was quite ...................... that they got married. But I wasn’t ...................... . (surprising/surprised).

1 a challenging task — çàäàíèå, òðåáóþùåå îò âàñ ìàêñèìóìà óñèëèé, ñèëû âîëè; ïðîâåðÿþùåå, ñïîñîáíû âû âûïîëíèòü åãî èëè íåò.

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tо be exciting — to be excited

9. I was .................. with the concert. — Yes, it was rather ................... . (disappointing/disappointed).10. He is very ...................... He’s going to have an ...................... day. (ex-citing/excited).11. At the end of the day we were ...................... . It was a long and ...................... day. (tiring/tired).12. Many people are ...................... in the Internet today. Working in the Net is ...................... for me. (interesting/interested).13. This weather is so .................. , many people are really .................... . (depressing/depressed).14. The man gave us a ...................... look. We were ...................... to fight. (challenging/challenged).15. Many people were ...................... in the storm. A ...................... man catches at a straw. (drowning/drowned).

29.2. Переведите следующие предложения.

1. ß íå ëþáëþ ôèëüìû óæàñîâ. Ìíå âñåãäà ñòðàøíî. 2. Ýòî áûë èçíóðÿþùèé äåíü. Ìû î÷åíü óñòàëè. 3. Îíà âñåãäà âû-ãëÿäèò îáåñïîêîåííîé. 4. — Òû óäîâëåòâîð¸í ñâîåé ðàáî-òîé? — È äà è íåò. 5. Ìîé ñûí èíòåðåñóåòñÿ êîìïüþòåðà-ìè. 6. — Îíè æåíàòû? — Íåò, îíè ïðîñòî ïîìîëâëåíû. 7. Íî-âîñòü áûëà øîêèðóþùåé. 8. Ìîÿ ìàøèíà ïðîïàëà. ß â øîêå. 9. Ìíå òàê ïðèÿòíî âèäåòü âàñ. 10. Ðåá¸íîê íàïóãàí ýòîé ñîáà-êîé. 11. Îí íå áûë ïîäãîòîâëåí ê ýòîìó ýêçàìåíó. 12. Ìíå íà-ñêó÷èëà ýòà æèçíü.  íåé íåò íè÷åãî âîëíóþùåãî. 13. Ìû çà-áëóäèëèñü â ëåñó â÷åðà. 14. Îíà ïîêèíóëà ìåíÿ, è ìî¸ ñåðäöå ðàçáèòî. 15. Âû îøèáàåòåñü, ýòî íå òàê. 16. Îíà áûëà ïðåäàíà ñâîåé ñåìüå. 17. Ýòîò ÷åëîâåê óòîíóë äâà ãîäà íàçàä. 18. Óòî-ïàþùèé çà ñîëîìèíêó õâàòàåòñÿ.

29.3. Употребите of или from (out of).

1. My sweater is made ...................... wool. 2. These shoes are made ...................... leather. 3. Olive oil is made ...................... olives. 4. Sugar is made .................... beet. 5. This furniture is made .................... wood. 6. You can get petroleum .................... coal. 7. Chocolate is made ................... coffee, milk, butter and sugar. 8. — What is your jacket

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made .................... ? — It’s made .................... leather. 9. This cottage is made .................... brick. 10. — Is your scarf made .................... pure wool? — No, it’s acrylic. 11. My spoons are made ...................... silver. 12. This medicine is made ...................... snake poison. 13. Yogurt is made .................... sour cream and different fruits. 14. Oil is made ................... sunflowers. 15. Coffee is made .................... coffee beans. 16. Orange juice is made ...................... oranges. 17. Marmalade is made ...................... oranges. 18. — What are your earrings made ................... ? — They are made ...................... silver. 19. These blankets are made ...................... wool. 20. Our office equipment is made ...................... plastic. 21. Sugar on Cuba is made ...................... sugar cane. 22. These plates and glasses are made ...................... paper. 23. Cornflakes are made ...................... corn or oats and different fruits and nuts.

29.4. Переведите следующие предложения.

1. Ñòåêëî äåëàþò èç ïåñêà. 2. Áåíçèí ïîëó÷àþò èç íåôòè. 3. Êîâ¸ð ñäåëàí èç øåðñòè. 4. — Èç ÷åãî ñäåëàíî ýòî êîëü-öî? — Èç áåëîãî çîëîòà. 5. Ïîÿñ ñäåëàí èç òêàíè è áóñ (beads). Îí î÷åíü êðàñèâûé. 6. Ñûð, ìàñëî, ñìåòàíó äåëàþò èç ìîëîêà. 7. Áëóçêà î÷åíü äîðîãàÿ, îíà ñäåëàíà èç ÷èñòîãî ø¸ëêà. 8. Áó-ìàãó äåëàþò èç äåðåâà. 9. Ìóêó äåëàþò èç çåðíà. 10. Õëîïüÿ äåëàþò èç ïøåíèöû èëè êóêóðóçû. 11. Ëó÷øèå âèíà äåëàþò èç âèíîãðàäà. 12. Ýòîò êðåì ñäåëàí (ñîñòîèò) èç ðàçëè÷íûõ ôðóêòîâ. 13. Çèìíèå âåùè ñëåäóåò äåëàòü èç øåðñòè. 14. Âè-ñêè — ýòî ñèëüíûé àëêîãîëüíûé íàïèòîê, êîòîðûé äåëàþò èç çåðíà (corn). 15. Øêàòóëêà ñäåëàíà èç äåðåâà. 16. Øëÿï-êà ñäåëàíà èç ñîëîìêè. 17. Ôóòëÿð ñäåëàí èç ïëàñòìàññû. 18. Ñêîâîðîäà ñäåëàíà èç ÷óãóíà (cast iron). 19. Áðþêè ñøèòû èç õëîïêà. 20. Ïàëüòî ñäåëàíî èç êàøåìèðà (cashmere). 21. Êî-ðàáëè äåëàþò èç æåëåçà. 22. Îôèñíîå îáîðóäîâàíèå îáû÷íî äåëàþò èç ïëàñòèêà. 23. Ýòî ïëàòüå ñäåëàíî èç ðûáüåé êîæè. 24. Ïî óòðàì ìåòðî îáû÷íî ïåðåïîëíåíî. 25. ß áåñïîêîþñü î áóäóùåì ìîèõ äåòåé. 26. Ýòà øóáà ñäåëàíà èç ëèñû. 27. Ìû áûëè óäèâëåíû òåì, ÷òî áàíê çàêðûò. 28. ß óñòàëà, ÿ èçìó-÷åíà, ÿ îáèæåíà. 29. Ñ ìîåé ïðåæíåé æèçíüþ ïîêîí÷åíî. Ìîÿ íîâàÿ æèçíü íà÷èíàåòñÿ ñ ïîíåäåëüíèêà. 30. Îíà ðàçî÷àðîâà-ëàñü â í¸ì, è èõ ðàçâåëè â ïðîøëîì ãîäó.

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Íàñòîÿùåå ñîâåðøåííîå âðåìÿ 1

Present Perfect 1

Утвердительная форма

Вопросительная форма

Отрицательная форма













have not

















has not





We’ve just arrived at the station.They’ve been here for a month.He’s done the task.

Have you just arrived

at the station?Have you been here for a month?Has he already done

the task?

We haven’t arrived at the station yet.They haven’t been here for a month.He hasn’t done the task yet.

Unit 30U 03U i 003030Unit 3Unit 3iUUUnit 30Unit 300U it 30U it 30000333tttiiinnnUUnit 30Unit 30

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Случаи употребления Примеры

1. Законченное действие, связанное с настоящим моментом.

I’ve bought a new dictionary.We’ve just done the work.

2. Действие, выражающее предшествующий опыт, результат (положительный или отрицательный).

I have always liked music.Have you ever been to England?He has never heard about it.

3. Действие, которое началось в прошлом, длилось в течение какого-то времени и всё ещё продолжается. С глаголами, не имеющими формы Continuous: be, have, see, hear, know, understand, realize, like, hate, love, believe, own, possess. Употребляется с предлогами for (для обозначения периода времени) и since (для обозначения момента, с которого началось действие).

I have had this dog for two years.They have been friends all their lives.We have known each other since we met in 2004.

He has been here for three hours.They have owned this cottage since they built it.

Обстоятельства времени:ever, never, just, already, before, always, not... yet, lately, recently, so far, up till now, for (in) a long time.

already — употребляется в утвердительных и вопросительных предложениях.

I have already done it. I have done it already.

Has he already come? Has he come already?

yet — употребляется в вопросительных и отрицательных предложениях, как правило, в конце предложения.

Have you done it yet (already)?He hasn’t done it yet. She hasn’t come yet.

30.1. Поставьте следующие предложения в вопросительную и отрицатель-

ную формы.

1. Íå has bought a new bike. 2. I’ve sent a letter to my friend. 3. She has made a very bad mistake. 4. The children have gone to bed. 5. I have seen a mouse in the kitchen. 6. We’ve met our

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Настоящее совершенное время 1

business partners. 7. I’ve lost my student identity card. 8. They have cleaned their rooms. 9. The tourists have visited the Na-tional Gallery. 10. The teacher has checked our tests. 11. Har-ry has broken his car. 12. I’ve forgotten his phone number. 13. They have left for Rome. 14. Mary has seen this film. 15. We have read this detective story. 16. He has taken my credit card.

30.2. Употребите already или yet. В некоторых случаях возможны оба вари-


1. Has your new office furniture arrived ...................... ? 2. I haven’t met our new secretary ...................... . 3. Have you ...................... finished breakfast? 4. They haven’t got married ......................, but they have ...................... signed the contract. 5. The film festival hasn’t begun ...................... , but we have bought the tickets ...................... . 6. It has ...................... stopped raining. 7. Has it stopped snowing ...................... ? 8. — I have ...................... paid all my bills. — And I haven’t done it ...................... . 9. — Have you seen the new movie ...................... ? __ Yes, we have ...................... seen it. 10. Has Michael left for work ...................... ? 11. — I’m half an hour late ...................... — Don’t worry. The meeting hasn’t started ...................... . 12. — I’ve ...................... had coffee, thank you. — But you haven’t tasted my apple pie ...................... . 13. So, have you ...................... got those faxes? — Yes, but we haven’t answered them ...................... 14. — Have you heard the latest news ...................... ? — Yes, Dick has ...................... told me about it. 15. — Has she spoken to you ...................... ? — Yes, we’ve ...................... discussed everything.

30.3. A. These are the things which Jessica and Robert have to do before they

leave for their holiday. Write what they have already done and what they

haven’t done yet.

Jessica1. Pack suitcase. + .................................................................................................................. 2. Make bed. + ...........................................................................................................................3. Switch off lights. + .........................................................................................................4. Water plants. — .................................................................................................................5. Have a shower. — ...........................................................................................................6. Take the cat to the neighbour. + .......................................................................

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Robert1. Pack suitcase. — ...............................................................................................................2. Cancel visits. + ...................................................................................................................3. Turn off computer. — ..................................................................................................4. Close windows. — ............................................................................................................5. Tidy the room. — .............................................................................................................6. Wash hair. + .........................................................................................................................

В. Расскажите о делах, которые Вы должны сделать и которые:

à) Âû óæå ñäåëàëè;á) åù¸ íå ñäåëàëè, íî ñîáèðàåòåñü ñäåëàòü (óòî÷íèòå, êîãäà èìåííî).

30.4. Употребите правильную форму глагола в скобках.

1. Jack (pass) the interview and he’s very happy. 2. I’m afraid the manager not (come) yet. 3. Thank you for everything that you (do) for us. 4. I already (study) the telexes from Paris and I (write) the answers. 5. I’m afraid he (forget) that you are waiting for him. 6. You (have) dinner yet? 7. I not (see) my boss this week. He (fall ill). 8. They just (call) and (invite) us to lunch. 9. — Where is Mr. Green? — He (go) to the bank. 10. My little cousin already (learn) to read. 11. No news (come) yet from our office in London. 12. Someone (eat) all the cakes and I not even (taste) one! 13. Remember that your children already (grow up). 14. This Hollywood star (live) a long and interesting life. 15. I not (look through) my favourite magazine yet. 16. My mother (throw away) the yogurt. It’s too old. 17. I (cut) my finger badly. It hurts. 18. She already (make) different sandwiches for lunch. They are on the plates. 19. She (be) very lonely lately. 20. We not (meet) recently. We (be) very busy lately.

30.5. Переведите следующие предложения.

1. — Âû óæå êóïèëè ïîäàðêè ê Ðîæäåñòâó? — Äà, ÿ êóïèëà âñ¸, ÷òî íóæíî. 2. Ëåòîì ÿ ñîáèðàþñü ïðî÷èòàòü âñå êíèãè, êî-òîðûå ïîêà åù¸ íå ïðî÷èòàëà. 3. Ìîÿ ëþáèìàÿ êîøêà òîëü-êî ÷òî ðàçáèëà ìîþ ëþáèìóþ ÷àøêó. 4. — Òû ïîëèëà öâå-

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Настоящее совершенное время 1

òû? — Íåò åù¸. 5. — Îí ñòàë äðóãèì ÷åëîâåêîì! — Äà, îí î÷åíü èçìåíèëñÿ! Îí îòðàñòèë áîðîäó. 6. Îíà ïðîæèëà òðóä-íóþ, íî èíòåðåñíóþ æèçíü. 7. — Òû ïîìåíÿëà íîìåð òåëåôî-íà? — Íåò, ÿ òîëüêî ÷òî ïåðååõàëà íà íîâóþ êâàðòèðó. 8. Ñå-ãîäíÿ ìû âûó÷èëè äåñÿòü ôðàíöóçñêèõ ñëîâ. 9. — Îíà âû-êëþ÷èëà óòþã? — Îíà îïÿòü çàáûëà ýòî ñäåëàòü! 10. Âîò ìîÿ òåòðàäü. ß èñïðàâèë âñå ñâîè îøèáêè. 11. Îí òîëüêî ÷òî çà-êîí÷èë ðàáîòó, âûêëþ÷èë êîìïüþòåð è ñîáèðàåòñÿ èäòè äî-ìîé. 12. — Îí óæå âûìûë ìàøèíó? — Äà, îí î÷åíü ëþáèò ñâîþ ìàøèíó è äåëàåò ýòî êàæäûé äåíü. 13. — Âîçüìè çîí-òèê, èä¸ò äîæäü. — ß óæå ïîëîæèëà åãî â ñóìêó. 14. — Ïî-ñìîòðè, ñíåã ïîêðûë âñ¸ âîêðóã. — Äà, íàêîíåö-òî íàñòóïè-ëà çèìà. 15. — Âû ñäàëè ýêçàìåí? — Âñå ñòóäåíòû ñäàëè, à Íèíà — íåò. Ìû âîîáùå íå âèäåëè å¸ â ïîñëåäíåå âðåìÿ.

30.6. Употребите правильную форму глагола в скобках.

1. — You (see) the latest video game? — No. I not (see) it yet. I am not a gameaholic. 2. Sorry, I think I (lose) the file. You (see) it? — No, I not (see) it. 3. My computer (crash). May I use yours? 4. You’re late. The plane already (take off). 5. Hurrah! We (win) the match! We’re the champions now. 6. Your taxi just (arrive). 7. I’m afraid Fiona isn’t here. She (leave) the office. 8. — Hi, John. I not (see) you for ages! — Hi, Ted. I’m sorry that I not (be) in touch with you recently. I really (be) very busy all this time. 9. — You (finish) the report yet? — No, I (write) only half of it. 10. — You (speak) to your parents today? — I just (call) them. 11. — They (reply) to your email? — Yes, we just (get) a fax from them. 12. You (see) my mobile? I’m sure I (leave) it here. 13. They say that this bank (collapse) and many people (lose) their savings. 14. At last I (do) what I always (want) to do. 15. Look! It (stop) raining and the sun (come out). 16. Since October the dollar (fall) by 10 percent against the other main currencies.

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Íàñòîÿùåå ñîâåðøåííîå âðåìÿ 2

Present Perfect 2

31.1. Составьте вопросы, используя следующие слова, согласно образцу и

дайте на них полный ответ.

You, play, football? — Have you ever played football? — I have never played football.

1. Your friend, invite, his/her house? 2. You, be, the North Pole? 3. She, use, the Internet? 4. You, lose, keys? 5. You, be late, for the plane? 6. Your son, have, pets? 7. You, write, poems? 8. You, play, music group? 9. You, eat, snakes (frogs, snails, ...)? 10. Your parents, give, good pocket money? 11. You, meet, a famous person? 12. You, have, a dog or a cat? 13. You, travel, without a ticket, on public transport? 14. You, win, money, in a lottery? 15. You, find, some money, on the street? 16. You, see, a flying saucer? 17. You, ride, a camel or an elephant? 18. Your father, take you, to a football match? 19. Your mother, grow, roses? 20. You, be, in the jungle?

31.2. Составьте предложения, используя always и never, согласно образцу.

I, like, him. — I have always liked him. (Он мне всегда нравился).She has never liked him. (Он ей никогда не нравился).

1. Íå, want, be, an astronaut. 2. She, like, English. 3. Women, be interested in fashion. 4. You, want to live in your own flat.

Unit 31U it 313U i 3313Unit 3Unit 3iUUUnit 31Unit 311Unit 31Unit 3111333tttiiinnnUUnit 3Unit 3

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Настоящее совершенное время 2

5. My brother, try, to become famous. 6. This actor, be popular. 7. I, never, love, chocolate. 8. That doctor, have, a lot of patients. 9. Winters, be cold, in Russia. 10. The climate, be changeable, in England. 11. I, want, to teach people. 12. My mother, like, to cook pizza. 13. My friends and I, dream of Africa. 14. My sister, like, bright colours. 15. My cat, not catch, mice. 16. I, be inter-ested, in computers. 17. My brother, be, a football fan. 18. I, not like, noisy parties.

31.3. Употребите gone или been, согласно образцу:

You can‛t see her now. She‛s gone out. (Её здесь нет. Она ушла).She is here. She‛s just been to the café. (Она здесь. Она только что

была в кафе).

1. My parents have just come back. They have ...................... to Italy. 2. The chief is here now. He has ...................... at a conference. 3. — Isn’t Kate here? — No, she has ...................... home already. 4. — Where have you ...................... ? — I have ...................... to the library. 5. You won’t be able to speak to the Minister. He has ...................... to the Parliament. 6. — Have you ever ...................... to Brazil? — No, never, but my friends have just ...................... there. 7. I know London well. I have ...................... there many times. 8. There is a new shop on our street, but I haven’t ...................... there yet. 9. Where has the manager ...................... ? I’m waiting for him. 10. — How long has this client ...................... here? — But he has already ...................... away. 11. My friends aren’t in Moscow at the moment. They have ...................... to the country. 12. I’m happy to see you. I know that you have ...................... away. 13. This detective doesn’t live here any longer. He has ...................... away. 14. Sorry that I kept you waiting. I have ...................... to the bank. 15. Susan has ...................... to a party, call her tomorrow.

31.4. Переведите следующие предложения.

1. — ß áûë â Àíãëèè äâà ðàçà. À âû òàì áûëè êîãäà-íèáóäü? — ß òîëüêî ÷òî áûë íà Áðèòàíñêèõ îñòðîâàõ. 2. — Òû âñåãäà áûë òàêîé ðàññåÿííûé? — Ê ñîæàëåíèþ, äà. 3. — Äåòè, âû ñíÿëè îáóâü? — ß ñíÿë, à Ìàøà — íåò. Îíà îïÿòü çàáûëà ïðî ýòî. 4. Îí íèêîãäà â æèçíè íå ìûë ïîñóäó. Îí âîîáùå

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âñþ æèçíü áûë ëåíèâûé. 5. — Ïî÷åìó îí íå ïîçâîíèë ìíå? — Îí òîëüêî ÷òî óëåòåë â Øòàòû. 6. — Âû êîãäà-íèáóäü âèäå-ëè îëåíåé â ëåñó? — ß íå âèäåë, à ìîé îòåö âèäåë ïðîøëûì ëåòîì. 7. — Âû ñëûøàëè ïîñëåäíèå íîâîñòè? Îíè èíòåðåñ-íûå? — Íåò, ÿ èõ åù¸ íå ñëûøàë. 8. Ïðèøëà îñåíü. Ìíå íè-êîãäà íå íðàâèëîñü ýòî âðåìÿ ãîäà. 9. Îí åù¸ íå ïðèáûë. Áî-þñü, ÷òî ÷òî-òî ñëó÷èëîñü. Îí íèêîãäà â ñâîåé æèçíè íå îïàç-äûâàë. 10. Òåïåðü ÿ ïîíèìàþ, êàê ñèëüíî ÿ ïî âàì ñîñêó÷èë-ñÿ. Ãäå âû áûëè âñ¸ ýòî âðåìÿ? 11. — Âû êîãäà-íèáóäü îòäû-õàëè çà ãðàíèöåé? — Íåò, âåäü ÿ ñòóäåíò, íî ÿ âñåãäà õîòåë óâèäåòü ìèð. 12. Åìó íèêîãäà íå íðàâèëàñü ÿïîíñêàÿ åäà. Îí å¸ òåðïåòü íå ìîæåò. 13. — Êòî çíàåò àäðåñ Áîðèñà? — Íè-êòî íå çíàåò, îí òîëüêî ÷òî ïåðååõàë íà íîâóþ êâàðòèðó, è ÿ íå âèäåë åãî â ïîñëåäíåå âðåìÿ. Äàâàéòå ïîçâîíèì åãî ìàìå. 14. — Ýòî ìîé ñûí. — ß òàê äàâíî åãî íå âèäåë. Ãäå îí áûë âñ¸ ýòî âðåìÿ? — Îí áûë â Àìåðèêå. 15. Æèçíü òàê ñèëüíî èçìåíèëàñü! Êîìïüþòåðû, ñîòîâûå òåëåôîíû, Èíòåðíåò ñòàëè ÷àñòüþ íàøåé æèçíè.

31.5. Употребите правильную форму глагола в скобках.

1. You ever (speak) in front of a large audience? 2. I never (be) in Africa, but my friend just (come) back from there. 3. They (be) partners for many years but they never (trust) each other. 4. You ever (ride) s motorbike? 5. Let’s talk, we never (discuss) such matters seriously. 6. We never (meet) better people than you are! You are the best! 7. You ever (travel) in the mountains? 8. I never (grow) roses in my garden. 9. — You (try) this pie? I (cook) it myself! — I never (taste) anything more delicious. 10. We are a team. We never (let down) one another. 11. I (learn) a lot in the last months. 12. — Just listen! She (fall in love)! — Who with?

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Íàñòîÿùåå ñîâåðøåííîå âðåìÿ 3

Present Perfect 3

32.1. Распределите следующие слова и фразы в соответствующие две ко-


last Sunday; yesterday; a fortnight; September; Saturday night; a few days; I was 20; ages; a few hours; three years; 2003; last month; ever; a week; lunchtime; a long time; Christmas; 10 years; 12:30; a few minutes

We have been here for sinceExample a few days 2003 .................................................... .................................................... .................................................... ....................................................

32.2. Употребите for или since.

1. Mrs. Honey has been a teacher ...................... thirteen years. 2. My father has had this car ...................... half a year. 3. We have known each other ...................... . 2004. 4. I haven’t heard from her ...................... a long time. 5. They haven’t had news from home ...................... May. 6. The astronauts have been in space ...................... a year already. 7. She has had a toothache ...................... morning. 8. Mr. and Mrs. Parker have been married ...................... ten years. 9. The tourists have been in Russia ...................... a week. 10. He has

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loved her ...................... he first saw her. 11. She has been interested in Art ...................... she visited Paris. 12. Dick has been able to count and read ...................... he was three years old. 13. He hasn’t been anywhere ...................... he got into hospital. 14. I have known her ...................... my babyhood. 15. He has been in this business ...................... he came back from the Army. 16. He has owned this firm ...................... ten years.

32.3. Составьте вопросы, используя How long...? Ответьте на них, используя

for или since.

1. know your best friend? (two years). 2. have a computer? (last year). 3. play the guitar? (a few years). 4. live in this city? (childhood). 5. be interested in girls/boys? (fourteen years) 6. be a reporter? (graduate from University). 7. be in love? (first meet). 8. have problems with your children? (become teenagers). 9. own this dacha? (1970). 10. there be mice in the shop? (autumn). 11. want to be a doctor? (a long time). 12. be interested in computer technology? (last year). 13. wear glasses? (six years). 14. be angry with each other? (a week). 15. be in this country? (last Monday). 16. have a boyfriend? (several months). 17. there be a karaoke club here? (last winter).

32.4. Употребите правильную форму глагола в скобках.

1. Íå (be) unwell since he (catch) a bad cold. 2. We not (meet) since she (emigrate) 3. Mr. Stone (be) with the company since 1995. 4. I not (have) a rest since I (begin) working on this proj-ect. 5. We (know) each other since we (be) kids. 6. I not (be) in London for a long time. 7. My friends (own) this house since they (move) to the country. 8. She (make) good progress since she (begin) to work. 9. We (be) in the library since ten o’clock but we not (find) the necessary books yet. 10. Life (change) greatly for her since she (get) married. 11. We not (hear) from them since they (fly) to New York. 12. — You (be) friends since you (enter) the University? — No, we (be) friends since we (be) at school. 13. I (have) a room of my own since we (get) a bigger flat two years ago. 14. Life (become) more difficult since this

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Настоящее совершенное время 3

war (start). 15. The little girl (be) very happy since she (get) that doll. 16. You (be) kind and helpful to us ever since you (come) to live in our little town.

32.5. Переведите следующие предложения.

1. ß â óíèâåðñèòåòå ñ óòðà, ó íàñ áûëî äâà çàíÿòèÿ, îäèí ñå-ìèíàð, íî ëåêöèè ïîêà íå áûëî. 2. Îíè ÿâëÿþòñÿ ïàðòí¸ðà-ìè ñ òåõ ïîð, êàê (îíè) îñíîâàëè ýòó ôèðìó. 3. Ïðîøëî ìíî-ãî ëåò ñ òåõ ïîð, êàê ìû âñòðåòèëèñü. 4. ß óæå íåñêîëüêî ëåò íå áûë íà ׸ðíîì ìîðå. 5. Êàíèêóëû òîëüêî ÷òî çàêîí÷èëèñü, è ÿ ïîíèìàþ, êàê ñèëüíî ñîñêó÷èëàñü ïî ñòóäåí÷åñêîé æèç-íè. 6. Ìàøèíà íå â ïîðÿäêå ñ òåõ ïîð, êàê òû áðàë å¸ íà ïðî-øëîé íåäåëå. ×òî òû ñäåëàë ñ íåé? 7. Ëþäè â ïîëå ñ òåõ ïîð, êàê âñòàëî ñîëíöå. 8. Ó ìåíÿ ýòè ÷àñû óæå äåñÿòü ëåò, è îíè íè ðàçó íå îñòàíîâèëèñü. 9. ß ìíîãî ðàç ÷èòàëà ýòó êíèãó è ñîáèðàþñü ïðî÷èòàòü å¸ åù¸ ðàç. Îíà ìíå î÷åíü íðàâèòñÿ. 10. Îí ñòàë î÷åíü àãðåññèâíûì ñ òåõ ïîð, êàê ïîòåðÿë ðàáî-òó. 11. ß íè÷åãî ñ óòðà íå åë, îäíàêî âûïèë äâå ÷àøêè êîôå. 12. — Òû ñúåë ÿáëîêè, êîòîðûå áðàë ñ ñîáîé â øêîëó? — Äà, ÿ èõ ñúåë âî âðåìÿ ïåðåðûâà. 13. Åñëè âû âûìûëè ðóêè, äåòè, ñàäèòåñü çà ñòîë. Áóäåì ïèòü ÷àé. 14. Íèêòî íå âèäåë ìîé ìî-áèëüíûé òåëåôîí? Âåäü îí áûë íà ñòîëå ìèíóòó íàçàä. 15. — ß íàøëà ïàïêó, êîòîðàÿ òåáå íóæíà. — Ãäå òû íàøëà å¸? — Îíà áûëà â ÿùèêå ñòîëà. 16. Âàø àíãëèéñêèé çàìåòíî óëó÷-øèëñÿ (to improve) ñ òåõ ïîð, êàê ÿ ñëûøàë âàñ â ÿíâàðå. 17. Îíè íèãäå íå áûëè ñ òåõ ïîð, êàê ó íèõ ïîÿâèëñÿ ðåá¸íîê. 18. Öåíû î÷åíü âûðîñëè çà ïîñëåäíåå âðåìÿ. 19. Ïîêà ÷òî ÿ íå î÷åíü-òî ìíîãî ñäåëàë, ÷òîáû ïîìî÷ü òåáå. 20. Ýòî êíèãè, êî-òîðûå ó ìåíÿ óæå ëåò äâàäöàòü. 21. Íè÷åãî ïîäîáíîãî ñî ìíîé ðàíüøå íå ñëó÷àëîñü. 22. Çäåñü î÷åíü äàâíî íå áûëî äîæäÿ. 23. Ñ òåõ ïîð êàê ÿ ñëîìàë ðóêó, ÿ óæå íå â ñîñòîÿíèè èãðàòü â òåííèñ. 24. Ó ìåíÿ íèêîãäà íå áûëî ïðîáëåì ñ ìîèìè äåòüìè è íàäåþñü, ÷òî èõ íå áóäåò. 25. Âû ïîêà íå îáúÿñíèëè íàì, çà-÷åì ïðèøëè ñþäà è ÷òî âàì íóæíî.

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Present Perfect Past Simple

Выражает законченное действие, связанное с настоящим моментом.Употребляется со следующими словами: just, already, recently,

lately, still, yet, never, ever, so far,

until, up till now.

Выражает законченные действия или события в прошлом.Употребляется со следующими словами: ago, just now, yesterday,

last..., the day before yesterday, the

other day (на днях).


She has just called me.I have already done it.We have met a few times.It has just happened.

She called me just now.I did it yesterday.We met last year.It happened long ago.

1. В вопросах, начинающихся с when, употребляется только Past Simple.

When did you do it? When did it happen?

2. В специальных вопросах, начинающихся с Where, How, Who, What, Why,

What ... for, возможны оба времени:Why have you done it? — Why did you do it?

3. Co словами today, this week (month, year, ...) возможны оба времени. Сравните:Did you read the paper this morning?(Сейчас уже не утро, важен факт.)Have you read the paper this morning?(Сейчас ещё утро, важен результат.)

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Настоящее совершенное время 3

33.1. Употребите глаголы в скобках в Present Perfect или Past Simple.

1. — When you (be) at the theatre last? — I (go) there two weeks ago. 2. — You ever (be) at the Bolshoi Theatre? — No, I not (be) there yet. 3. The Chinese (invent) many useful things. 4. Just listen to him! He again (invent) another story. 5. My boss just (offer) me another job. 6. I can’t find my new disc. I’m afraid I (lose) it. 7. I was very much upset when I (lose) my new mobile phone. 8. They (get married) in Las Vegas. 9. They are very happy. They just (get married). 10. She (go) out an hour ago and not (come) back yet. 11. He not (be) at work yesterday. He (be) unwell. 12. He not (come) to work today. He (be) unwell lately. 13. I (speak) to him the other day. 14. I not (speak) to him today. 15. It (happen) many years ago. 16. Nothing (change) in my life recently. 17. My secretary (call) me just now. 18. You not (make) any progress so far. 19. Life (be) kind to me up till now. 20. Life (be) hard for him when he was a child.

33.2. Ответьте на следующие вопросы.

1. When and where were you born? 2. When did you move to Moscow (or to the area where you live now)? 3. When did you begin to walk and to speak? 4. When did you go to school? Who was your first teacher? 5. When did you first fall in love? 6. When did you first see the sea? Where was it? 7. When did you start learning English? 8. When did you enter the University? 9. When was the last time you went to the circus? 10. When was your last visit to the theatre? 11. When did you last go shopping? 12. When was the last time you went to a party? 13. When did you last talk frankly to your parents? 14. When did you last have a holiday?

33.3. Употребите правильную форму глагола в скобках.

1. She is an intelligent girl, but she not (read) a book since she (leave) school. 2. I (buy) an electronic organizer today, and I just (type) my personal data into it. 3. Her solo album already (sell) a million copies. She is happy. 4. This doctor’s methods (show) good results recently. 5. So much (happen) since I last (see) you.

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6. — You ever (be) in Norway? — Yes, I (go) there on business last year. 7. — You (miss) a lecture recently? — I (miss) one a week ago. 8. Success not (spoil) her. She simply (become) more sure of herself. 9. I (have) a video for some years but I not (manage) to learn the instructions. 10. We not (have fun) for a long time. We (have) our last party a month ago. 11. — How long Lucy (have) problems with her back? — It first (start) last year. 12. We (be engaged) since we (leave) high school. 13. — You always (have) a dog? — I (have) it for the last six years. 14. — Guess what I (decide) to do! — I can’t guess. What? — I (decide) to start my own business. — When you-(decide) to do it? — I (think) about it just now. 15. It not (rain) here for a very long time. 16. Yesterday all your troubles (seem) so far away. Today the thieves (take) your car away!

33.4. Переведите следующие предложения.

1. — ×òî âû ñêàçàëè? — ß íè÷åãî íå ãîâîðèë. 2. — Ïî÷åìó òû ñäåëàë ýòî? — ß íå ìîãó ñêàçàòü òåáå. 3. — Êàê ýòî ñëó-÷èëîñü? — ß íè÷åãî íå ïîìíþ. 4. — Êòî ïðèãëàñèë òåáÿ íà âå÷åð? — Îäèí èç ìîèõ äðóçåé. 5. Ãäå âû âïåðâûå âñòðåòè-ëèñü? 6. — Êòî ïîäàðèë òåáå ýòè ÷óäåñíûå öâåòû? — Ìîé äðóã. 7. ×òî ïðîèçîøëî â÷åðà âå÷åðîì? 8. Ïî÷åìó âû íå áûëè íà ðàáîòå â ïðîøëóþ ïÿòíèöó? 9. Êàêóþ èç ýòèõ äâóõ òåì òû âûáðàë, íàêîíåö? 10. Äëÿ ÷åãî òû íà÷àë ýòîò ðàçãîâîð? 11. Ïî-÷åìó òû íå ïîçâîíèëà ìíå â÷åðà? ß äîëãî æäàë. 12. Êòî ðàç-áèë îêíî? Êòî ýòî ñäåëàë? 13. Íà ýòîé íåäåëå ÿ íå âñòðå÷àëñÿ ñî ñâîèìè äðóçüÿìè. 14.  ýòîì ìåñÿöå ÿ íå êóïèëà ñåáå íè÷å-ãî íîâîãî. 15.  ýòîì ãîäó ïðîèçîøëî ìíîãî ñîáûòèé. 16. ß òàê äàâíî íå ÷èòàë íè÷åãî èíòåðåñíîãî. 17. ß äàâíî ÷èòàëà ýòîò ðîìàí, ÿ äàæå íå ïîìíþ àâòîðà. 18. Ìû çäåñü óæå î÷åíü äàâ-íî. Ïîðà åõàòü äîìîé. 19. Ìû áûëè â Ñî÷è ìíîãî ëåò íàçàä. Ñ òåõ ïîð ãîðîä î÷åíü èçìåíèëñÿ. 20. Ìû âñòðåòèëèñü äàâíî è ñ òåõ ïîð äðóæèì. Íî ìû óæå äàâíî íå âèäåëèñü, ïðàêòè-÷åñêè ïîëãîäà. Âñå òàê çàíÿòû. 21. — Êóäà òû ïîëîæèëà ìîé ïàñïîðò? — ß åãî íå âèäåë. 22. — Êóäà òû õîäèë? — ß áûë â ñòîëîâîé. 23. Êóäà îíà óøëà? Îíà ìíå î÷åíü íóæíà.

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Íàñòîÿùåå ñîâåðøåííîå ïðîäîëæåííîå âðåìÿ

Present Perfect Progressive (Continuous)

Утвердительная форма

Вопросительная форма

Отрицательная форма


have (’ve)been




living ...?


have not





has (’s)been




living ...?


has not




I’ve been living in Moscow for twenty years.He has been working

since nine o’clock.

Have you been living

in Moscow for twenty years?Has he been working

since nine o’clock?

I haven’t been living

in Moscow for twenty years.He hasn’t been working

since nine o’clock.

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Случаи употребления Примеры

1. Действие, которое началось в прошлом, длилось в течение какого-то времени и всё ещё продолжается. (Переводится на русский язык глаголами несовершенного вида в настоящем


I’ve been learning to drive a car for a month. (учусь)How long has he been studying Chinese? (изучает)Have you been waiting for me for a long time? (ждешь)

2. Действие, которое началось в прошлом, продолжалось какой-то период времени, только что закончилось и результат этого действия очевиден. (Переводится на русский язык глаголами несовершенного вида в прошедшем времени.)

— Why are your boots so dirty?— I’ve been playing football. (играл)He looks tired, he has been running fast. (бежал)

34.1. Поставьте следующие предложения в вопросительную и отрицатель-

ную формы.

1. It has been raining for a week already. 2. Clients have been waiting for the manager since morning. 3. The baby has been crying for an hour already. 4. I’ve been living next door to Alice for five years. 5. She has been waiting for this moment all her life. 6. He has been drinking again! 7. They’ve been discussing the plan for hours. 8. Students have been smoking in this room. 9. The detective has been watching the house for the last few days. 10. The young people have been dating for half a year already. 11. The secretary has been checking the e-mail since she came to the office. 12. She has been speaking on the phone all the morning. 13. The boys have been fighting again! 14. The sun has been shining all day long today.

34.2. Ответьте на следующие вопросы. Используйте слова-подсказки со-

гласно образцу.

— How long have you been waiting? (two hours)— I have been waiting for two hours.

1. How long has the phone been ringing? (ten minutes) 2. How long have we been driving? (six hours) 3. How long has she been

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Настоящее совершенное продолженное время

looking forward to this chance? (all her life) 4. How long have your parents been living on Baker Street? (1980) 5. How long have they been building the ring-road? (several years) 6. How long has it been snowing? (last night) 7. How long have you been having problems with your teeth? (school) 8. How long has your friend been resting in the South? (...) 9. How long have people been queuing outside the theatre? (six o’clock) 10. How long have you been feeling bad? (yesterday morning) 11. How long has your friend been listening to this loud music? (all day long) 12. How long has Vladimir been working at this office? (two years)

34.3. Ответьте на следующие вопросы.

1. How long have you been living in this city? 2. How long have you been a student and how long have you been studying in this group? 3. Have you been studying English for a long time? 4. How long have you been writing this test? 5. How many days have you been staying in this hotel? 6. How long have you been sorting out the mail today? 7. How long have you been babysitting? 8. Have you been doing this work for a long time? 9. How long have you been smoking? 10. How long have you been wearing these boots? 11. How long have you been working on the computer? 12. What has your mother just been cooking?

34.4. Употребите правильную форму глагола в скобках.

1. — You (be) partners? — Yes, we (found) this company ten years ago and since then we (work) together. 2. I (think) about it all day long today and I just (make) a decision. 3. — You ever (do) such work? — Yes, I (do) it since I left the college. 4. I’m afraid you not (be able) to drive the car. You (drink)! 5. — Where I (leave) my mobile phone?! — But you just (speak) on it. 6. — How long he (have) this computer? — He (buy) it two years ago. 7. — Where is Olga? — She (fall ill). She (catch a cold) two days ago and now she (feel) really bad. 8. — The information (come) just now. It (be) very important. We (wait) for it since yesterday. 9. — You (hungry)? — No, I just (have)

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lunch. 10. He (be) very busy lately. In fact, he (work) all round the clock in the last two months. 11. At last I (find) the site I (look) for since morning! 12. You (work) in the garden too long today. Let’s go into the house and have a nice cup of tea. And I (bring) some tasty cakes for you. 13. — You (live) a happy life? — I think so, as all my life I (do) only what I wanted. 14. He (try) to start his bike for half an hour already but so far he not (manage) to do it. 15. — Why you (open) the window while I was out? — I (want) to air the room. 16. — Why you (open) the window? I’m cold. Will you close it?

34.5. Переведите следующие предложения.

1. Îíè îáñóæäàþò ýòîò âîïðîñ î÷åíü äàâíî, íî ïîêà íè÷åãî íå ðåøèëè. 2. Ìû íå âñòðå÷àëèñü ñ òåõ ïîð, êàê îí óåõàë â Ëîíäîí. Íî âñ¸ ýòî âðåìÿ ìû ïåðåïèñûâàåìñÿ. 3. — Ïî÷åìó òâîè âîëîñû ìîêðûå? — ß ïëàâàëà. 4. Ãäå ìîè î÷êè? Ãäå ÿ èõ îïÿòü îñòàâèëà? Íó ïî÷åìó ÿ èõ âñ¸ âðåìÿ òåðÿþ? 5. Ïî-ëèöèÿ ñëåäèò çà íèì âîò óæå íåñêîëüêî äíåé è ñîáèðàåòñÿ àðåñòîâàòü åãî. 6. — ß çäåñü óæå ïîë÷àñà. À òû ãäå áûë? — ß áûë â ëàáîðàòîðèè. 7. Ó íåãî ìàëåíüêèé áèçíåñ. Îí ó íåãî óæå íåñêîëüêî ëåò. 8. — Òû ïðî÷èòàë èíñòðóêöèþ ê òåëå-ôîíó? — Äà, ÿ ñäåëàë ýòî ìèíóòó íàçàä. 9. Ìû òîëüêî ÷òî áûëè â çîîìàãàçèíå (petshop) è íàêóïèëè ìíîãî åäû íàøåé ñîáàêå. 10. — Ïîñìîòðè! Êîðîáêà ïóñòàÿ. Êòî-òî ñúåë âñå êîí-ôåòû! — Ýòî òî÷íî Ëèçà. Îíà âñåãäà áûëà ëþáèòåëüíèöåé øîêîëàäà. — À ÿ íè îäíîé êîíôåòêè íå ïîïðîáîâàëà. 11. Îíà ðàññòðîåíà. Îíà òîëüêî ÷òî áûëà â áàíêå, íî å¸ äåíüãè åù¸ íå ïðèøëè. 12. — Ïðîñòè ìåíÿ! — Óæå ïðîñòèëà è âñ¸ çàáûëà. 13. — Òû æó¸øü âñ¸ òî âðåìÿ, ÷òî ìû ñ òîáîé ðàçãîâàðèâà-åì. Òû íå ñëûøàë, ÷òî ýòî âðåäíî (ïëîõî)? — Äà, ýòî ïëîõàÿ ïðèâû÷êà. 14. — Âû ñëûøàëè ïîñëåäíèå íîâîñòè? — Íó à êòî æå èõ íå ñëûøàë? Âñå óæå çíàþò èõ. 15. — Òû êîãäà-íèáóäü ïûòàëàñü áðîñèòü (give up) êóðèòü? — ß ìíîãî ðàç ïûòàëàñü ñäåëàòü ýòî, íî ïîêà ìíå íå óäàëîñü ñäåëàòü ýòî. 16. — È êàê äàâíî âñ¸ ýòî ïðîäîëæàåòñÿ? — Ýòî âñ¸ íà÷àëîñü â ïðîøëîì ãîäó.

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Èìÿ ïðèëàãàòåëüíîå

The Adjective

Степень сравненияФорма





(одно- и двусложные прилагательные) -er, -est





(многосложные прилагательные) more, most


more interestingmore beautifulmore comfortablemore serious

most interestingmost beautifulmost comfortablemost serious

Примечание. Прилагательные angry, clever, common, cruel, friendly,

gentle, handsome, narrow, pleasant, polite, quiet, simple могут иметь как син-тетические, так и аналитические формы степеней сравнения.

simpler simplestsimple more simple most simple

handsomer handsomesthandsome more handsome most handsome

Unit 35U 53U i 553535Unit 3Unit 3iUUUnit 35Unit 355Unit 35Unit 35555333tttiiinnnUUUUnit 35Unit 3

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1. Перед существительным, определяемым прилагательным в превосходной

степени, как правило, употребляется определённый артикль.

She is the tallest girl in our class.He is the most serious boy in my group.

2. Следующие прилагательные не имеют степеней сравнения, так как выража-ют абсолютную степень качества:

woollen, golden, wooden, American, Russian, Italian, weekly, daily, mid-

dle, dead, pregnant, left, right, empty, perfect, square, round, medical, full,


3. При сравнении двух лиц или предметов употребляется сравнительная

степень. Сравните:

Of the two books this one is more interesting.

Dick is the taller of the two brothers.

Положительная степень

Сравнительная степень

Превосходная степень






It’s a good day today.

He makes little progress in his study.

Children have much free time in summer.

The weather is better today.He makes less progress in his study than his friend.They have more time in summer than in winter.

It’s the best day in the whole summer.He has made the least progress in the group.

Most of his time is spent on working.

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Имя прилагательное

Употребительные выражения:— to change for the worse (for the better) — меняться к худшему (к лучшему);— to do one’s best — сделать всё возможное;— to be of the same age — быть одного возраста.

35.1. Дайте степени сравнения следующих прилагательных.

Able, bright, cool, cold, dark, careful, clever, big, early, bad, high, hot, funny, famous, important, serious, pretty, busy, wise, comfortable, interesting, difficult, small, happy, polite, delicious, tasty, cheap, expensive, weird.

35.2. Напишите слова с противоположным значением.

1. old ...................................................... 18. beautiful ............................................2. full ..................................................... 19. many ....................................................3. sour ................................................... 20. hard .......................................................4. short ................................................. 21. much ....................................................5. right ................................................. 22. little .......................................................6. left ..................................................... 23. bad .........................................................7. poor ................................................... 24. cheap ....................................................8. noisy ................................................. 25. simple ..................................................9. narrow ........................................... 26. early ......................................................10. long ................................................... 27. sad ..........................................................11. low ..................................................... 28. stupid ...................................................12. heavy ............................................... 29. modern ...............................................13. first ................................................... 30. private ................................................14. fat ....................................................... 31. weak .....................................................15. fast .................................................... 32. sick .........................................................16. dry ..................................................... 33. kind .......................................................17. dangerous .................................... 34. easy .......................................................

35.3. Употребите правильную форму слов в скобках.

1. Today people seldom write letters. It’s (easy) to phone. 2. — Do you feel (good) now than yesterday? — No, I am feeling much (bad). 3. France is (big) than England. 4. She’s (beautiful) girl he

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has ever met. 5. My flat isn’t big. I’d like to have a (big) one. 6. It was (cold) yesterday than it is today. 7. Our climate is getting (warm) and (warm). 8. It was (bad) mistake I’ve ever made in my life. 9. Who is (important) person in your life? 10. She is (clever) than her sister. 11. This actor looks much (young) in life than on TV. 12. Let’s move to the sittingroom. It’s (light) there. 13. He is (smart) man in the world and she is (kind) woman of all. 14. What is (good) film you’ve ever seen? 15. You’ll live (long) if you eat (little). 16. This computer is (expensive) than that one. 17. The English language is (easy) than the German language. 18. My life now is (interesting) than it used to be. 19. Cats are (easy) to keep than dogs. 20. It was (difficult) exam I had ever taken. 21. People live much (long) nowadays than they used to.

35.4. Дайте степени сравнения следующих прилагательных.

Angry, fast, shy, simple, accurate, neat, sweet, aggressive, resilient, exciting, charming, tough, tidy, sour, common, thrilling, boring, loyal, lazy, tolerant, talkative, careless, attractive, competent, cute.

35.5. Дополните следующие предложения.

1. The sooner ... . 2. The more you work, ... . 3. The harder you study, ... . 4. The longer I stay here, ... . 5. The more serious you are, ... . 6. The faster the car, ... . 7. The warmer the weather, ... . 8. The longer the night, ... . 9. The busier he is, ... . 10. The younger you are, ... . 11. The older you are, ... . 12. The bigger the house, ... . 13. The more money you earn, ... . 14. The heavier the traffic, ... . 15. The more you learn, ... .

35.6. Дополните следующие предложения необходимыми по смыслу сло-

вами из правой колонки.

1. It’s as easy as a. a bee2. I am as free today as b. a rest3. She was as happy as ñ. snow4. He was as busy as d. the world

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Имя прилагательное

5. A change is as good as e. a calendar picture6. It was as black as f. a lord7. She was as white as g. the wind8. He is as slow as h. a soldier (a lion)9. It’s as old as i. the Bank of England10. She is as pretty as j. ABC; 1, 2, 311. He is as drunk as k. a donkey12. This man is as brave as l. a child13. It’s as safe as m. night14. He is as obstinate as n. a tortoise

35.7. Употребите as или than.

1. The test isn’t ...................... difficult ...................... it seems. 2. He doesn’t earn ...................... much money ...................... she does. 3. She earns more ...................... he does. 4. He is more lucky ...................... I am. 5. I’ve known them longer ...................... you. 6. Moscow is bigger ...................... St. Petersburg. 7. She doesn’t know English ...................... well ...................... he does. 8. This site is more interesting ...................... that one. 9. Better late ...................... never. 10. I don’t know business ...................... well ...................... they do. 11. You eat more ...................... is necessary for you. 12. The weather is worse today ...................... it was yesterday. 13. The film isn’t ...................... good ...................... the book. 14. We don’t travel ...................... often ...................... our friends. 15. My life is more interesting now ...................... it was some years ago. 16. People in Italy live longer ...................... anywhere else in the world.

35.8. Переведите следующие предложения.

1. Íîâûé ãîä — ñàìûé çàìå÷àòåëüíûé ïðàçäíèê â ãîäó. 2. Êíèãà — ñàìûé õîðîøèé ïîäàðîê. 3. ×åì ñêîðåå òû ïîêè-íåøü ñòðàíó, òåì ëó÷øå. 4. Ýòî ñàìûé âîñõèòèòåëüíûé ïè-ðîã, êîòîðûé ÿ êîãäà-ëèáî åë. 5. ×åì áîëüøå ÿ äóìàþ îá ýòîì, òåì ìåíüøå ïîíèìàþ ýòî. 6. Íåò íè÷åãî ëó÷øå, ÷åì ÷àøå÷-êà ãîðÿ÷åãî øîêîëàäà. 7. Ïîñòàðàéòåñü ñäåëàòü ñâîé äîêëàä êàê ìîæíî êîðî÷å. 8. Äëÿ íåãî íåò íè÷åãî âàæíåå, ÷åì åãî êà-ðüåðà. 9. Èç äâóõ áðàòüåâ Ãåíðè áîëåå óìíûé. 10. Ì¸ä — ñà-

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ìûé ñëàäêèé ïðîäóêò. 11. Êàêîå èç ýòèõ äâóõ ëåêàðñòâ áî-ëåå ýôôåêòèâíî? 12. ×åì áîëüøå ëþäåé ïðèä¸ò íà âå÷åð, òåì ëó÷øå. 13. ×åì ìåíüøå òû áóäåøü çíàòü, òåì ëó÷øå. 14. Îí íå òàêîé óìíûé, êàê òû äóìàåøü. 15. Ðóññêèé ÿçûê ãîðàç-äî òðóäíåå, ÷åì àíãëèéñêèé. 16. Íàøà íîâàÿ ìàøèíà ãîðàç-äî áîëüøå è äîðîæå, ÷åì ñòàðàÿ. 17. Ýòî ñàìîå ìåíüøåå, ÷òî ÿ ìîãó ñäåëàòü äëÿ âàñ. 18. Ýòî áûë ñàìûé ïëîõîé äåíü â ìîåé æèçíè. 19. Ìîÿ ïîäðóãà ÷àñòî îáúÿñíÿåò ìíå ãðàììàòè÷åñêèå ïðàâèëà, òàê êàê ÿ çíàþ ãðàììàòèêó ãîðàçäî õóæå, ÷åì îíà. Ýòî ìî¸ ñàìîå ñëàáîå ìåñòî.

35.9. Прочитайте и переведите следующие предложения. Объясните упо-

требление степеней сравнения прилагательных.

1. Universities try to select the most able pupils. 2. Matilda was the brightest pupil in her class. 3. You know that everything looks better in the morning. So you must sleep on it. 4. The weatherman says that the weather is again changing for the worse. 5. She is talking into the smallest mobile phone. 6. He looked like the handsomest man she’d ever seen in her life. 7. It’s the weirdest thing I’ve ever heard. 8. I think that the less they know the less they have to worry about. 9. The sooner you forget it the better. 10. This is the oldest untruth in the book of Lies. 11. They had a late lunch with cheese, delicate blinis with the finest caviar. 12. The child behaved in the most impossible way. 13. I’m happier now than I’ve ever been in my life. 14. It’s more difficult to find a good job now than it was twenty years ago. 15. You are the cleverest man in Oxford and the laziest. If you’re not careful, you’ll end up in Parliament. 16. The grass is always greener on the other side of the road. («Ó äðóãèõ âñåãäà âñ¸ ëó÷øå».) 17. The more I know people, the more I like dogs, (àíãëèéñêàÿ ïîñëîâèöà).

35.10. Обсудите следующие темы.

1. Your best friend. 2. Your proudest achievement. 3. Your greatest regret and disappointment. 4. Your strongest belief. 5. Your most important decision. 6. Your biggest inspiration. 7. Your most memorable dream. 8. The most important lesson

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Имя прилагательное

life has taught you. 9. The best year of your life. 10. The per-son you admire most. 11. The thing that interests you most in people. 12. The last time you fell in love. 13. The three most im-portant people in your life. 14. The most courageous act you’ve ever made. 15. The three most important principles which you follow.

35.11. Переведите следующие предложения.

1. Ôàêñ — ñàìîå ýôôåêòèâíîå ñðåäñòâî îáùåíèÿ. 2. Íàø ãîðîä ñòàíîâèòñÿ âñ¸ áîëåå êðàñèâûì. 3. Ñèòóàöèÿ ñåé÷àñ ãîðàçäî õóæå, ÷åì ÿ äóìàë. 4. Âàòèêàí — ñàìîå ìàëåíüêîå ãîñóäàð-ñòâî â Åâðîïå. 5. — Êîãäà ìû âñòðåòèìñÿ? — ×åì ñêîðåå, òåì ëó÷øå. 6. Ýâåðåñò — ñàìàÿ âûñîêàÿ âåðøèíà ìèðà. 7. Îí óñè-ëåííî òðåíèðóåòñÿ. Îí õî÷åò áûòü ñàìûì ñèëüíûì ìàëü÷èêîì â ñâîåé êîìàíäå. 8. Òû îøèáàåøüñÿ. È ÷åì ñêîðåå òû ïîéì¸øü ýòî, òåì ëó÷øå äëÿ òåáÿ. 9. Îí ñàìûé ëåíèâûé ïàðåíü, êîòî-ðîãî ÿ êîãäà-ëèáî âñòðå÷àëà. 10. Âòîðàÿ êíèãà ãîðàçäî èíòå-ðåñíåå, ÷åì ïåðâàÿ. 11. Ìîé äåíü ðîæäåíèÿ — ñàìûé ëó÷øèé äëÿ ìåíÿ äåíü â ãîäó. 12. — Ïîãîäà ìåíÿåòñÿ ê ëó÷øåìó èëè ê õóäøåìó? — ß íå ñëûøàëà ïðîãíîçà ïîãîäû íà ñåãîäíÿ. 13. Ðàçëè÷íûå øîó ñòàíîâÿòñÿ âñ¸ áîëåå ïîïóëÿðíûìè íà òå-ëåâèäåíèè. 14. Ðîáåðò òàêîé æå óìíûé, êàê è åãî îòåö. 15. Ýòî ñàìûé î÷àðîâàòåëüíûé (cute) ìàëûø, êîòîðîãî ÿ êîãäà-ëèáî âèäåëà. 16. Ìåòðî — ñàìûé óäîáíûé òðàíñïîðò â áîëüøèõ ãîðîäàõ. 17. Èç äâóõ áðàòüåâ Ñåðãåé áîëåå ñåðü¸çíûé. 18. Îí ñàìûé ñïîñîáíûé èç ìîèõ ñòóäåíòîâ. 19. Àâñòðàëèÿ — ñàìûé ìàëåíüêèé êîíòèíåíò, íî ýòî ñàìûé áîëüøîé îñòðîâ â ìèðå. 20. Õîòÿ Âåðîíèêå ñòîëüêî æå ëåò, ñêîëüêî è âñåì íàì, îíà ñàìàÿ òàëàíòëèâàÿ èç íàñ.

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Äâîéíûå ñòåïåíè ñðàâíåíèÿ ïðèëàãàòåëüíûõ

later the latest

(более поздний) (самый новый, свежий, последний по времени появления)

the latter last

(последний (прошлый из двух во времени) перечисленных) the last the former (последний (первый из двух по порядку) перечисленных)

Let’s go by a later train.I usually watch the latest news.I met Max and Henry in the street, the former (первый) said “Hello”, but the

latter (последний) didn’t recognize me.I am the last, but not the least.

Last year we went to the Crimea.Read the last sentence, please.She will always have the last word.

Unit 36U 63U i 663636Unit 3Unit 3iUUUnit 3Unit 36Unit 36Unit 366it 36i 666333tttiiinnnUUnit 36Unit 36

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Двойные степени сравнения прилагательных


(ближайший в значении расстояния в прямом и переносном смысле)

nearer (более близкий) next (следующий по времени) the next (следующий по порядку)

Let’s sit nearer to the stage.What are your nearest plans?He lives nearest to the school.I’ll see Ann next week.The next stop is ours.

older oldest

(старше (самый старший no возрасту) по возрасту)

elder eldest

(старший — (самый старший родственные по положению) отношения)

Mary is much older than Peter.He is the oldest of the fi ve children.Boris is my elder brother.He is the eldest at our offi ce.

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farther farthest

(более дальний) (самый дальний)

further furthest

(дальнейший, (самый дальний) последующий)

Обе формы могут обозначать расстояние:

Не went farther (further) into the wood.They sat at the farthest (furthest) table.

Ho:We are waiting for further instructions.There was no further comment.

36.1. Заполните пропуски соответствующей формой прилагательных.

I. Late.1. What is ...................... news? 2. On Saturdays I get up ...................... than on week-days. 3. Wear pink. It’s ...................... fashion. 4. She is dying to tell me ...................... gossip. 5. Let’s talk about it a bit ......................, shall we? 6. I have two nieces: Kate and Rose ......................_ is a student, ...................... is a schoolgirl. 7. Scientists use ...................... technologies to clone people. 8. He is always ...................... to learn ...................... news. 9. We use ...................... methods in language learning. 10. She got married ...................... month. 11. When was ...................... time you bought something new for yourself? — It was ...................... week.

II. Near.1. My house is ...................... to the metro station than my mother’s. 2. There is no one ...................... to me than you, my dear. 3. The ...................... to the equator, the hotter it is. 4. What are your ...................... plans? 5. ...................... stop is ours. 6. ...................... week you’ll get your money. 7. You’ll find the exercise on ...................... page.

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Двойные степени сравнения прилагательных

8. They are going to the Alps ...................... month. 9. ...................... bistro is just round the corner. 10. Come ...................... to me, I can’t hear you well. 11. ...................... lecture will be on the History of the English language.

III. Old.1. — Is your husband as ...................... as you are? — No, he is five years ...................... than me. 2. Of the four children Masha is ...................... . 3. John’s ...................... brother is a chemist. 4. Brian is ...................... at our office, though he is the youngest man here. 5. The ...................... she gets, the more difficult she is. 6. My ...................... sister is very close to me. 7. What are ...................... books in the world?

IV. Far.1. How ...................... is the Earth from the Sun? 2. He lives ...................... from the metro station than all his classmates. 3. We found the boy in ...................... corner of the garden. 4. You’ll see, she’ll go very ...................... in life. 5. The private detective went ...................... into the case. 6. It’s not enough. We need ...................... calculations. 7. At concerts I prefer to sit ...................... from the stage, as the music is usually too loud. 8. ...................... instructions will be given tomorrow. 9. ...................... we went into the forest, the more lost we got. 10. ...................... and ...................... went the scouts trying to find the way. 11. This time, my dear, you’ve gone too ...................... You should apologize to avoid ...................... trouble.

36.2. Переведите следующие предложения.

1. Òû îáìàíóëà ìåíÿ íà ïðîøëîé íåäåëå. È ýòî ïîñëåäíèé ðàç, êîãäà ÿ âåðþ òåáå. Òàê ÷òî â ñëåäóþùèé ðàç äóìàé, ÷òî òû ãîâîðèøü. 2. Ýòî ïîñëåäíÿÿ îñòàíîâêà. Àâòîáóñ äàëüøå íå ïîéä¸ò. 3. Íà ñëåäóþùåé íåäåëå ó íàñ áóäåò íîâîå ðàñïèñà-íèå. 4. Ëó÷øå ïîçäíî, ÷åì íèêîãäà. 5. Ïî÷åìó ó òåáÿ êîëüöà â íîñó? Ýòî ÷òî, ïîñëåäíÿÿ ìîäà? 6. — Ñåãîäíÿ ïîñëåäíèé äåíü ñåññèè. Ïðîøëàÿ íåäåëÿ áûëà î÷åíü òÿæ¸ëîé. — Íó íè-÷åãî, çàòî áóäåì îòäûõàòü íà ñëåäóþùåé íåäåëå. 7. — Êòî èç âàñ ñòàðøå — òû èëè Êðèñòèíà? — Êðèñòèíà íà äâà ãîäà ñòàðøå ìåíÿ. 8. Íå óõîäè äàëåêî îò äîìà, ýòî íåáåçîïàñíî.

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È íå ïðèõîäè ïîçæå 10 ÷àñîâ. 9. — ×åì çàíèìàåòñÿ òâîé ñòàðøèé áðàò? — Îí þðèñò, îí ðàáîòàåò â êîìïàíèè. 10. Ýòî áûëî ïîñëåäíåå ïèñüìî, êîòîðîå îíè ïîëó÷èëè îò íåãî. 11. Ïî-ñëåäíèå ñîáûòèÿ íàñ íå ðàäóþò. 12. Ýòî ïîñëåäíèé ðàç, ÷òî ÿ ïðåäóïðåæäàþ âàñ. 13. ß íå äóìàþ, ÷òî îí çàéä¸ò òàê äàëåêî. 14. — Âû ñõîäèòå íà ñëåäóþùåé îñòàíîâêå? — Íåò, ÿ ñõîæó íà ïîñëåäíåé îñòàíîâêå. 15. ×åì äàëüøå âû æèâ¸òå îò öåí-òðà ãîðîäà, òåì ëó÷øå âîçäóõ. 16. ×åì áîëüøå ìû ó÷èìñÿ, òåì áîëüøå ìû çíàåì. ×åì áîëüøå ìû çíàåì, òåì áîëüøå çà-áûâàåì. ×åì áîëüøå ìû çàáûâàåì, òåì ìåíüøå çíàåì. Çà÷åì æå òîãäà ó÷èòüñÿ? 17.  ýòîì àëüáîìå ñîáðàíû âñå ïîñëåäíèå õèòû. 18.  ïðîøëîå Ðîæäåñòâî òû ïîäàðèëà ìíå ñâîþ ëþ-áîâü.  ñëåäóþùåå Ðîæäåñòâî ìû ïîæåíèìñÿ. 19. — Êòî îòâå-÷àåò ñëåäóþùèì? — ß ïîñëåäíèé (ïî ïîðÿäêó), íî íå ñàìûé ïîñëåäíèé ÷åëîâåê. 20. Îíè èãðàþò â øàõìàòû óæå íåñêîëüêî ÷àñîâ. Ñëåäóþùèé õîä äåëàåò Ãàððè. 21. Òåáå ëó÷øå ïîñëó-øàòü å¸. Âñ¸ ðàâíî ïîñëåäíåå ñëîâî áóäåò çà íåé.

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Àðòèêëè ñ ãåîãðàôè÷åñêèìè íàçâàíèÿìè

Ìèðîâàÿ ãåîãðàôèÿWorld Geography

Названия the —

1. Части света,




города, деревни

Если в названии государства есть нарицательное существительное:the Russian Federation, theUnited Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, the United States of America, the Irish Republic;

Europe, Asia, Australia, North (South) America, Africa

а также названия стран во мн. ч.:

the Netherlands, the Philippines,

the United Arab Emirates;

Russia, Ukraine, Italy, England, Latin America, South-East Asia, Northern Africa, Southern France

названия следующих регионов,

областей, городов:

the Antarctic, the Arctic (Circle), the Crimea, the Caucasus, the Far East, the Riviera, the Midlands, the Lake District, the Middle East, the Ruhr, the Tyrol, the Hague [heɪg] (Гаага)

Moscow, St. Petersburg, Rome, London, Dubrovo, Peredelkino

Unit 37U 73U i 773737Unit 3Unit 3iUUUnit 37Unit 37777333tttiiinnnUUnit 37Unit 37

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Названия the —

2. Океаны,

моря, проливы,

каналы, реки,

озёра, заливы,



the Atlantic Ocean, the Pacifi c Ocean, the Indian Ocean, the White Sea, the Black Sea, the Mediterranean Sea, the English Channel, the Gulf Stream, the Panama Canal, the Volga, the Mississippi, the Thames (the River Thames), the Baikal, the Seliger, the Swallow Falls, (the) Niagara Falls

Ho: Lake Baikal, Lake SeligerНо: названия

заливов и



без артикля:

Hudson Bay, Kamchatka,Сравните: Kola — the Kola Peninsula

Scandinavia — the Scandinavian Peninsula

3. Горные

цепи, группы


the Urals, the Alps, the Rocky Mountains (the Rockies), the Himalayas, the Andes, the Canaries, the British Isles, the Kurilas, the West Indies

Но: названия

горных вершин

и отдельных


Elbrus, Everest, Vesuvius, Poklonnaya Gora, Cuba, Cyprus, Haiti, Easter IslandЗапомните:Bermuda orthe Bermuda


4. Пустыни the Gobi, the Sahara Desert, the Kara-Kum, the Kalahari

37.1. Употребите артикль, если это необходимо.

1. ...................... Europe extends from ...................... British Isles in the west towards ...................... Urals in the east, 2. ...................... Australia is the smallest continent but it is the largest island in the

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Артикли с географическими названиями

world. 3. ...................... Russian Federation is the official name of ...................... Russia. 4. ...................... USA is the official name of ...................... America. 5. ...................... Canada is in ...................... North America. 6. ...................... Kenya is in ...................... Africa. 7. ...................... Atakama is a desert in ...................... South America. 8. ...................... Mississippi is a famous river. 9. ...................... Luxemburg is a small country in ...................... Europe between ...................... France, ...................... Belgium and ...................... Germany. 10. ...................... Turkey is situated on two continents:_____ Asia and ...................... Europe. 11. ...................... Monaco is a small country on ...................... Mediterranean Sea. 12. ...................... Bermuda Triangle is a mysterious place. 13. ...................... Gulf Stream is a warm current. 14. The highest peak in ...................... North America is ...................... Mount McKinley. 15. ...................... Cuba is an island. 16. There are many wild animals in ...................... Rocky Mountains. 17. ...................... Mexico, ...................... New York, ...................... Tokyo and ...................... Moscow are the biggest and the most populated cities in the world. 18. ...................... Crimea and ...................... Caucasus are popular resorts. 19. Many centuries ago ...................... Vesuvius destroyed ...................... Pompeii.

37.2. Какие из данных ниже географических имён употребляются с опреде-

лённым артиклем? (См. также Unit 38.)

A. 1. Everest 2. Jenisei 3. Bermuda 4. Elbrus 5. Hudson Bay 6. Laptev Sea 7. Urals 8. Kalahari 9. Volga 10. Carpathians 11. Indian Ocean 12. Madeira 13. Etna 14. English Channel 15. Palm Beach 16. Arctic Circle 17. Olympus 18. New Forest 19. South Pole 20. Bridge of Sighs 21. Jutland Peninsula 22. Suez Canal 23. Swallow Falls 24. Sicily 25. London Bridge 26. Kara-Kum 27. Lake Chad 28. Amur 29. Malay Archipelago 30. Aleutian Islands

B. 1. United Arab Emirates 2. Ukraine 3. Far East 4. Brussels 5. Netherlands 6. Booker Prize 7. Hague 8. Philippines 9. Art Theatre 10. Northern Europe 11. St. James’s Park 12. Peacock Inn 13. Baker Street 14. Russian Museum 15. Salisbury Cathedral 16. Wailing Wall 17. Middle East 18. Southern Africa 19. Roman Empire 20. Miami Airport 21. Nobel Prize 22. Republic of

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Ireland 23. Athens 24. Winter Palace 25. Republican Party 26. Eiffel Tower 27. National Association of Teachers 28. Alaska 29. Village of Sosnovka 30. Central Asia.

37.3. Ответьте на следующие вопросы.

1. How many continents are there in the world? 2. What continent do you live in? 3. What is the smallest continent? And what is the biggest one? 4. What is the highest point on the Earth and where is it? 5. Name the biggest ocean and the biggest sea on our planet. 6. What is the longest river on the globe? 7. There is a famous city, which is in danger of going under the water. What is it and where is it situated? 8. What river does Paris stand on? 9. What is the most popular place in Moscow? 10. What is the longest street in St. Petersburg? 11. Do you know the name of the town where Shakespeare was born? What river does it stand on? 12. What is the difference between a channel and a canal? Name the most famous ones. 13. Name the smallest country in the world with the population of just about 800 people. 14. What are the oldest books in the history of mankind? 15. What are your favourite places in your city, country or in the world?

37.4. Переведите следующие предложения.

1. Åñëè âû ïîåäåòå â Åãèïåò, òî óâèäèòå Íèë è çíàìåíèòûå ïèðàìèäû. 2. Êðàñíîå ìîðå äåéñòâèòåëüíî êðàñíîå? 3. Êðûì, Êàâêàç, Äàëüíèé Âîñòîê óïîòðåáëÿþòñÿ â àíãëèéñêîì ÿçûêå ñ îïðåäåë¸ííûì àðòèêëåì. 4. Ñèöèëèÿ, Ìàëüòà, Êèïð, Êàïðè — çíàìåíèòûå îñòðîâà. 5. Ïàíàìñêèé êàíàë ñîåäèíÿåò äâà îêå-àíà: Òèõèé è Àòëàíòè÷åñêèé. 6. Àìåðèêà ñîñòîèò èç òð¸õ ÷à-ñòåé: Ñåâåðíîé Àìåðèêè, Öåíòðàëüíîé Àìåðèêè è Þæíîé Àìåðèêè. 7.  ìèðå åñòü íåñêîëüêî ìîðåé, íàçâàíèÿ êîòîðûõ îáîçíà÷àþò öâåòà: Ƹëòîå ìîðå, Êðàñíîå ìîðå, Áåëîå ìîðå è ׸ðíîå ìîðå. 8. Êèòàé — äðåâíÿÿ ñòðàíà íà Âîñòîêå. 9. Ãàà-ãà íàõîäèòñÿ â Íèäåðëàíäàõ. 10. Íàïîëåîí ðîäèëñÿ íà Êîð-ñèêå, îñòðîâå â Ñðåäèçåìíîì ìîðå. 11. Ìîé îòåö ðîäèëñÿ â Ñèáèðè, çàòåì ñåìüÿ ïåðååõàëà â Êðûì. 12.  Ëîíäîíå åñòü

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Артикли с географическими названиями

ìíîãî êðàñèâûõ ìîñòîâ ÷åðåç Òåìçó. 13. Áàéêàë î÷åíü êðà-ñèâîå îçåðî. 14. Îçåðî Âèêòîðèÿ è ãîðà Êèëèìàíäæàðî íàõî-äÿòñÿ â Àôðèêå. 15. Âëàäèâîñòîê íàõîäèòñÿ íà Äàëüíåì Âîñ-òîêå. 16. Ñêàíäèíàâèÿ âêëþ÷àåò â ñåáÿ Íîðâåãèþ, Øâåöèþ, Ôèíëÿíäèþ, Äàíèþ è Èñëàíäèþ. 17. — Àìàçîíêà íàõîäèò-ñÿ â Þæíîé Àìåðèêå, íå òàê ëè? — Íå ìîãó ñêàçàòü òî÷íî. Ãåîãðàôèÿ âñåãäà áûëà ìîèì ñàìûì ñëàáûì ìåñòîì (a weak point). 18. Íàø øåô íå çíàåò, êóäà ïîåõàòü íà êàíèêóëû: íà Áàãàìû èëè æå â Àëüïû. 19. Ýëüáðóñ — ñàìàÿ âûñîêàÿ ãîðíàÿ âåðøèíà â Åâðîïå. 20. Ïîäâîäíûé òîííåëü ñîåäèíÿåò Áðèòàí-ñêèå îñòðîâà ñ Ôðàíöèåé.

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Àðòèêëè ñ ãåîãðàôè÷åñêèìè íàçâàíèÿìè

Ãîðîäñêàÿ ãåîãðàôèÿCity Geography

Названия the —

1. Улицы,


переулки, парки,


(the) High Street, the Mall, the Strand (улицы в Лондоне), the Speaker’s Corner, the Nevsky Prospect, the Latin Quarter

Tverskaya Street, Regent Street, Fifth Avenue, Charing Cross Road, Park Lane, Red Square, Manezh Square, Trafalgar Square, Gorky Park, Hyde Park, Jurassic Park

2. Театры,

концертные залы,

музеи, галереи

кинотеатры, отели


рестораны, кафе,


the Bolshoi Theatre, the Art Theatre, the Chaikovsky Hall, the Opera House, the Hermitage, the National Gallery, the Russian Museum, the Louvre

the Pushkinsky, the Kodak, the Odeon, the Ritz, the Con-tinental, (the) President Hotel

the Winter Palace, the Taj Mahal, the Savoy, the Three Oaks, the Big Bite, the Talk of the Town

Covent Garden, Grand OperaHo: Buckingham Palace, Maxim’s, Vadim’s

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Артикли с географическими названиями

Названия the —

3. Известные




книги, здания

the Great Pyramid, the Mona Liza, the Sistine Chapel, the Moonlight Sonata, the Bible, the Koran, the Acropolis, the Colosseum, the Roman Wall, the Kremlin, the White House

4. Аэропорты,

станции, мосты,



the Brooklyn Bridge, the Golden Gate Bridge, the Bridge of Sighs (in Venice), the Pushkin Monument, the Nelson Column

Heathrow (Airport), Vnukovo (Airport), Victoria Station, Taganskaya Station, Tower Bridge, Waterloo Bridge, Krymsky Bridge, London Zoo, Moscow Zoo

5. Школы,



Запомните:the Sorbonne

Richmond Grammar School, Carnegie College, Oxford University, Moscow University

Сравните:London University — the University of London (офиц. название), Chicago University — the University of Chicago

6. Церкви,

приходы, соборы

Trinity Church, St. Paul’s Cathedral, St. Basil’s Cathedral, Westminster Abbey

7. Корабли,

паромы, яхты,

известные поезда

the Magnolia, the Victoria, (the) Titanic, the Beautiful Dreamer, the Orient Express

8. Политические и


учреждения, орга-

низации, партии,



the Senate, the State Duma, the Cabinet, the Supreme Court, the Government, the British Council, the Pentagon, the Democratic Party, the Second World War, the Gulf War

Ho: Parliament, Congress, Whitehall

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Названия the —

9. Газеты


и американские),




the Times, the Observer, the Financial Times, the Sun, the Star, the Spectator, the New Yorker, the American Scientist

С названиями российских газет артикль не употребляется: Moscow News, Arguments and Facts, Economist, Computer Weekly, Newsweek, Playboy

10. Спортивные


the Olympic Games, the World Cup, the World Championship

Ho: Wimbledon (теннис)

11. Музыкальные


the Beatles, the Rolling Stones, the Spice Girls (если сущ. во мн. ч.)

Ho: Queen, Abba, Gorky Park, A-Ha

38.1. Употребите артикль, если это необходимо.

1. ...................... Bolshoi and ...................... Malyi theatres are the oldest in ...................... Moscow. 2. It’s impossible to see ...................... Hermitage in one day. 3. ...................... Tate Gallery in ...................... London was founded by Sir Henry Tate. 4. When he comes to ...................... London, he always stays at ...................... Ritz. 5. The usual sights of ...................... British capital are: ...................... Houses of Parliament, ...................... Big Ben, ...................... Tower Bridge, ...................... Tower, ...................... Madam Tussaud’s, ...................... Trafalgar Square. 6. There are always a lot of people on ...................... Manezh Square. 7. Sometimes we dine at the bar “...................... Big Bite”. 8. ...................... Winter Palace faces ...................... Neva. 9. We saw ...................... Mona Liza when we went to ...................... Louvre in ...................... Paris. 10. ...................... Democratic Party won the elections in ...................... USA. 11. She went to ...................... Richmond Grammar School. 12. ...................... Oxford University is the oldest in ...................... UK. 13. All doctors give ...................... Hippocratic Oath. 14. ...................... Buckingham Palace is the official residence of ...................... Queen

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Артикли с географическими названиями

of ...................... England. 15. ...................... Olympic Games first started in ...................... Greece. 16. She works for ...................... Cosmopolitan 17. He used to read ...................... Observer, but now he prefers ...................... Times.

38.2. Переведите следующие предложения.

1. Ó Áðèòàíñêèõ îñòðîâîâ äîëãàÿ è èíòåðåñíàÿ èñòîðèÿ. 2. Ìû âñåãäà ñìîòðèì ïîñëåäíèå ôèëüìû â «Êîäàêå». 3. Îí íà êàíèêóëû åçäèë â Èòàëèþ, è åìó î÷åíü ïîíðàâèëàñü òàì åäà. Íî êàê òîëüêî îí âåðíóëñÿ â Àíãëèþ, îí ñðàçó æå îò-ïðàâèëñÿ â ÌàêÄîíàëäñ. 4. — Êîãäà òû â ïîñëåäíèé ðàç áûëà â Òðåòüÿêîâñêîé ãàëåðåå? — Íå ìîãó âñïîìíèòü, íî íà ïðîøëîé íåäåëå ÿ áûëà â Ìóçåå èçîáðàçèòåëüíûõ èñêóññòâ. 5.  Ñåðåáðÿíîì áîðó ìíîãî ñòàðèííûõ äà÷. 6. Íà áåðåãó Ìîñêâà-ðåêè ñòðîèòñÿ ìíîãî ýëèòíûõ äîìîâ. 7. Ìíå î÷åíü íðàâèòñÿ «Ëóííàÿ ñîíàòà» Áåòõîâåíà. 8. Èíîãäà ÿ âñòðå÷à-þñü ñ äðóçüÿìè â «¨ëêàõ-Ïàëêàõ» íà Ëåíèíñêîì ïðîñïåê-òå. 9. Ëåòîì ìû ïîåäåì îòäûõàòü â Êðûì èëè æå íà Êàâ-êàç. 10. Ìíîãèå çíàìåíèòûå ëþäè áåãàþò ïî óòðàì â Öåí-òðàëüíîì ïàðêå â Íüþ-Éîðêå. 11. Ýéôåëåâà áàøíÿ — ñèì-âîë Ïàðèæà. 12. Áèã-Áåí — ýòî íå áàøíÿ, ýòî ÷àñû. 13. À ÷òî èä¸ò íà ýòîé íåäåëå â «Ïóøêèíñêîì»? 14. Íà Òâåðñêîé óëè-öå ìíîãî êðàñèâûõ ìàãàçèíîâ. 15. Ó ýòîãî ðåæèññ¸ðà åñòü âèëëà íà Ôðàíöóçñêîé Ðèâüåðå. 16. Îí ñëîìàë íîãó, êîãäà êàòàëñÿ íà ëûæàõ â Àëüïàõ.

38.3. Употребите артикль, если это необходимо.

1. I like to have a cappuccino in a Coffee House on ...................... Nevsky Prospect. 2. — Have you ever been to ...................... Russian Museum? — Yes, many times. 3. ...................... Danube flows through ...................... Germany, ...................... Austria, ...................... Hungary, ...................... Romania and ...................... Bulgaria. 4. When we were in ...................... Vatican, we admired ...................... Sistine Chapel. 5. We are flying tomorrow from ...................... Heathrow airport to ...................... London. 6. ...................... Speaker’s Corner is in ...................... Hyde Park in ...................... London. 7. The concert was

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given in ...................... Royal Festival Hall. 8. There are three royal parks in the centre of ...................... London — ...................... St. James’s Park, ...................... Green Park, ...................... Hyde Park. And there is a lake in ...................... Hyde Park — ...................... Serpentine. 9. The usual sights of Moscow are: ...................... Red Square, ...................... Kremlin, ...................... Bolshoi Theatre, ...................... Poklonnaya Gora, ...................... Tretyakov Picture Gallery. 10. ...................... Beatles came from ...................... Liverpool. 11. ...................... 7 Days is a very popular magazine in this country. 12. ...................... Volga flows from ...................... Valdai Hills to ____ Caspian Sea. 13. — Are there any crocodiles in ...................... Nile? — I hope not. 14. ...................... Pacific is between ...................... America and ...................... Asia.

38.4. Употребите артикль, если это необходимо.


The Earth is not a static planet, it is in constant slow motion. These movements cause earthquakes, which can strike anywhere in the world. But the largest zone is ...................... Pacific Ocean. The seismic belt extends from ...................... Chile to the coast of ...................... South America, ...................... Central America, ...................... Mexico, and ...................... United States. Earthquakes frequently happen in ...................... Alaska, and then through ...................... Aleutian Islands to ...................... Japan, ...................... Philippine Islands, ...................... New Guinea and to ...................... New Zealand. Another seismic belt extends from ...................... Java to ...................... Sumatra in ...................... Indonesia, through ...................... Himalayas, on to ...................... Mediterranean, and out into ...................... Atlantic. Unfortunately, there isn’t a reliable way of predicting an earthquake in order to evacuate people in time. Some people believe that animals are very sensitive to earthquakes. Just a few examples from the previous earthquakes:

• Flocks of birds flew in circles for hours, then suddenly flew away, just before the start of an earthquake.

• A few hours before an earthquake cats run out of every house.

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Артикли с географическими названиями

• Thousands of fish jumped into the air, landing on beaches and dying. It’s also said that dogs howl, pandas moan, and rats and mice leave their holes long before the earthquake.

Scientists are studying all the factors to predict earthquakes in ...................... Japan, ...................... United States and ...................... Russia — where the risk is very high.

38.5. Употребите артикль, если это необходимо.

1. After a tour in ...................... Austrian Alps they stayed for a day or two on ...................... Lake of ...................... Geneva. 2. ...................... Ca-petown is in ...................... South Africa. 3. The ancient Egyptians built ...................... Pyramids. 4. ...................... Museum of Fine Arts is on ...................... Volkhonka. 5. ...................... New York City is situated at the mouth of ...................... Hudson River on ...................... East coast of ...................... USA. 6. ...................... Eton College is a famous public school for boys in ...................... UK. It is in Eton, a small town which stands on ...................... River Thames. 7. ...................... White Tower in ...................... London was built between 1078 and 1098. 8. When we were in Vienna, we went to visit ...................... Sigmund Freud Mu-seum. 9. Who built ...................... St. Basil’s Cathedral? 10. ...................... Lowlands are in the south of ...................... Scotland. ...................... High-lands are in the North. 11. ...................... Big Ben in fact is the name of the largest bell in this clock, but most people call the clock ...................... Big Ben. 12. ...................... Victoria and Albert Museum in London is worth visiting. 13. ...................... Antarctic is the region around ...................... South Pole. 14. ...................... Arctic is the area of the world around ...................... North Pole, where it is extremely cold. 15. My students at the International Language School are mostly from ...................... East Asia, ...................... Japan, ...................... Chi-na, ...................... Hong Kong. 16. Once, when I was in ...................... Den-mark, I was lucky to watch ...................... Northern Lights. It was an amazing sight!

38.6. Переведите следующие предложения.

1. Èñòîðèÿ íàøåé öèâèëèçàöèè — ýòî èñòîðèÿ âåëèêèõ ìî-ðåé è îêåàíîâ: Ñðåäèçåìíîãî è ׸ðíîãî ìîðåé, Àòëàíòè-

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÷åñêîãî è Òèõîãî îêåàíîâ. 2. Óðàëüñêèå ãîðû äåëÿò íàøó ñòðàíó íà äâå ÷àñòè. 3. Ëåíà, Îáü, Åíèñåé, Àìóð — âåëè-êèå ñèáèðñêèå ðåêè. 4.  ïðîøëîì ãîäó â ßïîíèè ïðîèçî-øëî çåìëåòðÿñåíèå. 5. Ó ìîåãî äðóãà áèçíåñ â Ñèíãàïóðå, Ãîíêîíãå, íà Ôèëèïïèíàõ. 6. Ìîñêîâñêèé çîîïàðê íàõî-äèòñÿ íà Áàððèêàäíîé óëèöå. 7.  ̸ðòâîì ìîðå íåò æèç-íè, òàê êàê âîäà â í¸ì ñëèøêîì ñîë¸íàÿ. 8. Áåðèíãîâ ïðî-ëèâ ðàçäåëÿåò Àìåðèêó è Àçèþ. 9. Ãîðîä Íüþêàñë ñòîèò íà ðåêå Òàéí. 10. Îí æóðíàëèñò è ðàáîòàåò â «Àðãóìåíòàõ è ôàêòàõ». 11. Ðîìàíñêàÿ ñòåíà — îäíà èç äîñòîïðèìå÷à-òåëüíîñòåé Ñåâåðíîé Àíãëèè. 12. Îôèöèàëüíàÿ ñòîëèöà Íè-äåðëàíäîâ — Àìñòåðäàì. 13. Âàòèêàí ÿâëÿåòñÿ ðåçèäåíöè-åé Ðèìñêîé êàòîëè÷åñêîé öåðêâè. 14. Ïàìÿòíèê Ïóøêèíó íàõîäèòñÿ â öåíòðå Ìîñêâû. Îí ñòîèò ïåðåä êèíîòåàòðîì «Ïóøêèíñêèé». 15. Íà Ïóøêèíñêîé ïëîùàäè åñòü äâà ôîí-òàíà. 16. Íèàãàðñêèé âîäîïàä — îäèí èç ñàìûõ áîëüøèõ è êðàñèâûõ â ìèðå. 17. Îí çàêîí÷èë Ìîñêîâñêèé óíèâåðñè-òåò â ïðîøëîì ãîäó. 18. Ýòîò ïîëèòèê ïîëó÷èë Íîáåëåâñêóþ ïðåìèþ â ïðîøëîì ãîäó. 19. Ïðàãà — ñòîëèöà ×åøñêîé Ðå-ñïóáëèêè. 20. Î÷åíü ìíîãî öâåòîâ ïðèâîçÿò â Ìîñêâó èç Ýê-âàäîðà è Ãîëëàíäèè.

38.7. Употребите артикль, если это необходимо. Перескажите текст.


When you come to ...................... British capital, you’ve just got to know what to see! For the start there are the parks. From the top of ...................... Primrose Hill you’ll have a wonderful view of ...................... London. In ...................... Richmond Park you’ll see the royal deer. ...................... Holland Park is full of beautiful sculptures and statues. In ...................... Hyde Park people ride horses and you can walk by ...................... Serpentine, a lake next door to ...................... Kensington Gardens. Then there’s ...................... St. James’s Park by ...................... Buckingham Palace, very beautiful. You certainly shouldn’t miss all the treasures of ...................... British Library. You should also see Prime Minister’s

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Артикли с географическими названиями

question time at ...................... Houses of ...................... Parliament, the markets at ...................... Brick Lane and ...................... Portobello Road. The Picassos and Van Goghs at ...................... National Gallery. You can see how ...................... city looks at night and get a great view across ...................... Thames to ...................... Tate and ...................... Big Ben.

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Êîñâåííàÿ ðå÷ü

Reported Speech

Тип предложенияType of Sentences

Прямая речьDirect Speech

Косвенная речьIndirect (Reported) Speech


DeclarativeLiz says, “I’m busy.”He says to us, “I like London.”

He says, “I don’t know this man.”

Liz says (that) she is busy.He tells us (that) he likes London.He says (that) he doesn’t know this man.


ImperativeThey say, “Close the door, please.”She says to Bob, “Don’t close the window.”The teacher orders the pupils, “Don’t talk!”

They ask me to close the door.She tells Bob not to close

the window.The teacher orders the pupils not to talk.

Общий вопрос

General QuestionThe tourist asks me, “Do you live in Moscow?”He asks, “Is it raining now?”

The chief asks, “Is everybody here?”

The tourist asks me if I live in Moscow.He asks if (whether) it is raining now.The chief asks if (whether)

everybody is here.



Special Question

I ask them, “Where does Sue live?”They ask, “What’s the matter?”We ask them, “When shall we meet?”My friend asks, “Who told you this?”

I ask them where Sue lives.

They ask what the matter is.

We ask them when we

shall meet.

My friend asks who told

me this.

Unit 39U 93U i 993939Unit 3Unit 3iUUUnit 3Unit 39Unit 39Unit 39999333tttiiinnnUUnit 39Unit 39

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Косвенная речь

Ãëàãîëû, ââîäÿùèå êîñâåííóþ ðå÷üadd inform promise sayadvise comment remark tellallow observe reply thinkask order recommend warnexplain off er refuse wonder

39.1. Измените следующие предложения по образцу.

The teacher says, “I have good news for you.” —The teacher says (that) he/she has good news for us.

1. My sister says, “I don’t want to do this work.” 2. The young man explains, “I’m not enjoying my life in this small town.” 3. Mother says, “I’m already late.” 4. My friends say, “We can help you.” 5. Linda complains, “I’ve never been to Paris.” 6. The manager promises, “You’ll get your money on time.” 7. The secretary remarks, “I sent the fax two days ago.” 8. These girls say, “We seldom go to McDonald’s as we don’t like junk food.” 9. The agent warns the man, “You’ll have to leave the country immediately.” 10. The weatherman says, “The weather is changing for the better.” 11. The police officer says, “There is no parking here.” 12. She says, “I want a job that pays well.” 13. He adds, “I haven’t found a good job yet.” 14. She tells us, “I’ll call you one of these days.” 15. My father always says, “It’s never late to learn.” 16. He says, “My friend’s mobile phone has been out of service for two days already.”

39.2. Измените следующие вопросительные предложения по образцу.

Не asks, “Are you happy?” — He asks if (whether) I am happy.

1. The tourists ask, “Shall we visit the Bolshoi Theatre?” 2. A passer-by asks me, “Do you live in Moscow?” 3. The manager asks the secretary, “Have you already phoned our clients?” 4. The gardener asks, “Should I cut the grass?” 5. When I come home in the evening my parents say, “Did you have a good day?” 6. He asks, “Am I right or wrong?” 7. My boyfriend asks, “Were you born on the eighth of March?” 8. Everybody asks, “Can we trust those people?” 9. My Granny asks, “Will

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you visit me on Sunday?” 10. The students ask the Dean, “Shall we have a lecture today?” 11. The soldier asks the officer, “Must I report to the sergeant?” 12. People ask, “Is this a good film?” 13. We ask him, “Will you come to our party?” 14. These English tourists ask me, “Are you a Muscovite?” 15. He asks her, “Are you still working at the supermarket?”

39.3. Измените следующие предложения согласно образцу.

Не asks, “What‛s the matter?” — He asks what the matter is.She asks, “Where do you live?” — She asks where I live.

1. She asks the students, “Who is (the) Dean of your Faculty?” 2. She asks, “How much money is there on my account?” 3. I ask the old woman, “Who helps you with housework?” 4. The cli-ent asks, “Who is the director of the firm?” 5. My father asks me, “Why did you do that?” 6. The mother asks her daughter, “Where have you been?” 7. My friends ask me, “Where did you buy this disc?” 8. The teacher asks Peter, “Why did you break the window?” 9. The guide asks me, “What languages do you speak?” 10. My son asks me, “Who invented the telephone?” 11. This pupil asks, “What’s the longest river in the world?” 12. My Mother asks, “Who am I talking to?” 13. Our guests ask, “How shall we get to the station?” 14. The patient asks, “When shall I go home?” 15. My workmate asks me, “How long does it take you to get to the office?” 16. The doctor asks the patient, “How are you feeling today?” 17. The teacher asks, “Why do people study languages?”

39.4. Измените следующие повелительные предложения согласно образ-

цу. Используйте данные в скобках слова.

She says, “Come on time, please.” (ask) — She asks us to cometo come on time.She says, “Don‛t be late!” (warn) — She warns us not to benot to be late.

1. The teacher says, “Read this book.” (advise) 2. He says, “Help me with my homework.” (beg) 3. The girl says, “You may kiss me.” (allow) 4. The stewardess says to Jim, “Don’t smoke, please.” (tell) 5. They say, “Come and sit down.” (invite) 6. The agent says, “Stay at this hotel.” (recommend) 7. The doctor says, “Don’t smoke and have a long rest.” (advise) 8. The police of-

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Косвенная речь

ficer says, “Don’t park your car here.” (order) 9. My friends say, “Join our party but don’t drink much.” (offer, warn) 10. My Mum says, “Don’t spend so much money on cosmetics.” (beg) 11. My Dad says, “Switch off the computer.” (order) 12. The judge says, “You must pay a fine.” (order) 13. The boss says, “Don’t forget to send the e-mail.” (remind) 14. The teacher says, “Don’t chew in class.” (warn) 15. Parents often say to their chil-dren, “Don’t open the door to strangers.” (instruct)

39.5. Прочитайте следующие шутки и перескажите их в косвенной речи.


A teenager goes from door to door as he is trying to earn money by doing different jobs. After being turned away nine times, he is more lucky on the tenth try.“Yes,” the man says. “I need someone to paint my porch1. You’ll find two gallons of green paint in the garage, together with everything else you need.”“Fine,” the boy says.“I’ll be working in the attic,” the man says. “Ring the bell when you finish painting the porch”.About an hour passes and the man comes to the back door to answer the bell.“Have you finished so soon?” he says surprised.“Yes,” the boy says. “But it looked more like a Ferrari than a Porshe.”


“Sir,” the actor says, “I would like permission to marry your daughter.”“Forget it,” the father answers. “Never in my wildest dreams would I let my daughter marry an actor.”“Before you make a final decision, sir, would you be willing to come and see me perform?”“Sure.”

1 porch [pɔ:tʃ] — êðûëå÷êî.

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So the father and his daughter go to the theatre in which the young man was appearing. When the play is over, they go backstage to the young man’s dressing-room.“Okay,” the father says, “You can marry her. You’re no actor.”

39.6. Переведите следующие предложения.

1. Îí ãîâîðèò, ÷òî îíà âñåãäà ñîãëàøàåòñÿ ñ íèì. 2. Íî îí æà-ëóåòñÿ, ÷òî íà ñåé ðàç îíà íå ñîãëàñíà ñ íèì. 3. Ìàìà ãîâî-ðèò, ÷òî îíà ñåðäèòñÿ íà ìåíÿ (to be cross with somebody). 4. Îíà ãîâîðèò, ÷òî íèêîãäà íå ñåðäèòñÿ íà ñâîèõ äåòåé. 5. Îí ãîâîðèò, ÷òî åìó î÷åíü íóæíû äåíüãè. 6. Ìíîãèå ëþäè ãî-âîðÿò, ÷òî èõ óâëå÷åíèå — ýòî ïóòåøåñòâèÿ. 7. Âðà÷ ñïðà-øèâàåò ïàöèåíòà, êàê îí ñåáÿ ÷óâñòâóåò ñåãîäíÿ. 8. Ñèíîï-òèê ñîîáùàåò, ÷òî çàâòðà áóäåò äîæäü. 9. Ïîëèöåéñêèå ÷àñòî ïðåäóïðåæäàþò ìåíÿ íå ïåðåõîäèòü óëèöó íà êðàñíûé ñâåò. 10. Ìîé äðóã ïðåäëàãàåò ìíå ñúåçäèòü çà ãîðîä â âîñêðå-ñåíüå. 11. Ëåêòîð ïîïðîñèë ñòóäåíòîâ íå ðàçãîâàðèâàòü âî âðåìÿ ëåêöèè. 12. Âðà÷ ñîâåòóåò ìíå íå ëîæèòüñÿ ñïàòü òàê ïîçäíî. 13. Îí ñïðàøèâàåò, êàê äàâíî ìû â Ëîíäîíå è áûëè ëè ìû çäåñü ðàíüøå. 14. Íà÷àëüíèê ïðîñèò ñåêðåòàðøó íå áåñïîêîèòü åãî. 15. Äåòè ñïðàøèâàþò, êîãäà îíè ïîéäóò ãó-ëÿòü. 16. Ìîëîäîé ÷åëîâåê èíòåðåñóåòñÿ, ïîëó÷èò ëè îí ýòó ðàáîòó. 17. Èíñïåêòîð õîòåë áû çíàòü, íå çàìåòèëè ëè ñîñåäè ÷òî-òî ñòðàííîå. 18. Îíà ñîîáùàåò íàì, ÷òî â÷åðà ïîòåðÿëà êëþ÷ îò ñåéôà. Îíà ñïðàøèâàåò, íå âèäåë ëè èõ êòî-íèáóäü. 19. Îí ãîâîðèò, ÷òî ìîáèëüíûé òåëåôîí åãî ïàðòí¸ðà óæå äâà äíÿ íàõîäèòñÿ âíå çîíû îáñëóæèâàíèÿ.

39.7. Прочитайте и перескажите в косвенной речи следующие истории.


Mrs. Williams loves flowers and has a small but a beautiful garden. In the summer her roses are always the best on the street. One summer afternoon the bell rings and when she goes to the front door, she sees a small boy outside. He is about seven years old, and is holding a big bunch of beautiful roses

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Косвенная речь

in his hand. “I’m selling roses,” he says. “Do you want any? They are quite cheap. Five pence for a big bunch. They are fresh. I picked them this afternoon.” “My boy,” Mrs. Williams answers. “I pick roses whenever I want, and don’t pay anything for them, because I have lots of them in my garden.” “Oh, no, you haven’t,” says the small boy. “There aren’t any roses in your garden — because they are here in my hand!”


Peter is ten years old. One day his friend Paul says to him, “I’m going to have a birthday party on Saturday. Can you come?” Peter asks his mother, and she says, “Yes, you can go.” She phones Paul’s mother to tell her about it. Before Peter goes to the party on Saturday, his mother instructs him, “Now, Peter, don’t forget to be polite. Don’t ask for food. Wait until someone gives it to you.” “All right, Mom,” Peter answers, and he goes to Paul’s house on his bicycle. There are a lot of children at the party. They play together for an hour, and then Paul’s mother gives them some food; but she forgets to give Peter any. He waits politely for a few minutes, and then he holds his plate up in the air and says loudly, “Does anyone want a nice clean plate?”

39.8. Употребите следующие предложения в косвенной речи, используя

данные фразы.

1. — What’s your name? — I’d like to know ... . 2. — How old are you? — Could you tell me ... . 3. — Where is he from? — Nobody knows ... . 4. — What does your mother do? — The neighbour wants to know ... . 5. — Where do you live? — Would you mind telling me ... . 6. — What do you enjoy doing? — Could you tell us ... . 7. — What’s the problem? — I don’t see ... . 8. — How is she? — We’d like to know ... . 9. — Where is she living now? — Her friends don’t know ... . 10. — When is she going to New York? — The chief asks Grace ... . 11. — When will your vacation start? — My parents want to know ... . 12. — Why hasn’t she written to us? — I have no idea ... . 13. — What’s her telephone number? — I don’t know ... . 14. — When did you

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first meet? — I can’t remember ... . 15. — How much does this mobile phone cost? — I’ve forgotten ... . 16. — Whose watch is this? — I’ve no idea ... .

39.9. Исправьте ошибки в следующих предложениях.

1. Can anyone tell me what is the matter? 2. Could you tell me where is the remote control? 3. Nobody understands what is he speaking about. 4. I don’t remember what is the date of the meeting. 5. She can never remember when is my birthday. 6. Tell us please who are you? 7. We can’t understand why has she done it? 8. I have no idea what is the price of such a house. 9. I wonder what does she do for a living. 10. It’s difficult to understand what is the reason for your refusal. 11. You should learn how is it done. 12. I can’t tell you how old is she. 13. Do you know why was she late? 14. Could you tell me where is the museum here? 15. Do you know what time does she come home?

39.10. Переведите следующие предложения.

1. Ïîíÿòèÿ íå èìåþ, êîòîðûé ñåé÷àñ ÷àñ. 2. Íèêòî íå çíàåò, êàêîå ñåãîäíÿ ÷èñëî. 3. Íå ìîãëè áû âû îáúÿñíèòü ìíå, â ÷¸ì äåëî? 4. ß íå âèæó, â ÷¸ì ïðîáëåìà. 5. Íå ìîãëè áû âû ñêà-çàòü ìíå, êàê äîáðàòüñÿ äî âîêçàëà? 6. Íèêòî íå çíàåò, êòî ýòîò ÷åëîâåê è ÷åì îí çàíèìàåòñÿ. 7. Èíòåðåñíî, êîãäà ó íàñ áóäåò ñëåäóþùàÿ ëåêöèÿ? 8. Íå ìîãëè áû âû îáúÿñíèòü íàì, ïî÷åìó âû ñåãîäíÿ îïîçäàëè? 9. Ìíå õîòåëîñü áû çíàòü, êîã-äà áóäåò ãîòîâ ìîé ïàñïîðò. 10. Âû çíàåòå, ãäå áëèæàéøàÿ çà-ïðàâî÷íàÿ ñòàíöèÿ? 11. Íå ìîãëè áû âû îáúÿñíèòü íàì, ïî-÷åìó âû ðåøèëè ñòàòü ó÷èòåëåì? 12. Ìàñòåð íå çíàåò, áóäåò ëè âàøà ìàøèíà ãîòîâà çàâòðà. 13. Ìû ïîíÿòèÿ íå èìååì, ãäå òâîè ïàïêè. 14. Íå ìîãó ñêàçàòü òåáå, êîãäà îíà îáû÷íî íà÷è-íàåò ðàáîòàòü. 15. ß íå ìîãó îáúÿñíèòü òåáå, ïî÷åìó îí òàê ðàíî óø¸ë ñ âå÷åðà. 16. Íèêòî íå ìîæåò ïîíÿòü, ÷åãî õî÷åò ýòîò ðåáåíîê. 17. Äîêòîð ñîâåòóåò åé íå åñòü òàê ìíîãî ïèðîæ-íûõ. 18. Îíà æàëóåòñÿ, ÷òî íèêòî å¸ íå ïîíèìàåò.

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40.1. Употребите it или there.

1. .................... was a really long queue at the cinema. 2. .................... was such a shocking programme! 3. .................... is a wonderful, wonderful life! 4. .................... is only one person I can turn to in my hour of need. .................... is you. 5. .................... is very nice to be seen with someone so beautiful! 6. .................... is a fact that education is the best investment. 7. .................... is a vacant seat in this carriage. .................... is good luck for me. 8. .................... is a problem to find a good job because .................... aren’t many. 9. .................... was a nice museum on this street. .................... is not here any longer. 10. .................... is twenty miles from here to the airport. 11. .................... is out of the question, .................... is no one to do this work. 12. .................... is a car race near our town every spring. .................... are usually hundreds of people there. ...................... are always different cars in the race. ...................... is such an exciting sight! 13. Ecologists say that ...................... won’t be any snow in Moscow in a hundred years. ...................... is unbelievable, but we won’t see it. 14. ...................... is true that ...................... is no way back for us now. 15. ...................... was a computer error in the text. ...................... was a wrong number.

40.2. Употребите артикль, если это необходимо.


There was once ...................... bright pink pig with ...................... green spots all over his body. He belonged to Old Mrs. Loveday.

Unit 40U 40U i 00040Unit 4Unit 4iUUnit 4Unit 40Unit 40Unit 40000444tttiiinnnUUnit 40Unit 40

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...................... pig stood on ...................... mantelpiece next to ...................... clock. He was made of ...................... china, and underneath him was ...................... little place to lock and unlock him, because he was ...................... money-box.One day Lucy went to see old Mrs. Loveday. She knocked at ...................... door, but nobody said “Come in”. She turned ...................... handle and ...................... door opened. Mrs. Loveday was out. She was in ...................... her garden. Lucy looked around ...................... room with ...................... red geraniums on ...................... windowsill, ...................... little rocking-chair by ...................... fireplace, ...................... small yellow stool — and, of course, ...................... pig with green spots was on ...................... mantelpiece, as usual. She sat down on ...................... little yellow stool and looked at ...................... clock. It had stopped. Lucy thought it would be ...................... good idea to wind it up. She stood up and took down ...................... clock. She wound it up carefully. She reached up to ___ mantelpiece to put it back — and then ...................... dreadful thing happened. ...................... pig fell on ...................... floor and smashed into ...................... hundred pieces. ...................... money fell out of ...................... pig too. ...................... silver and copper coins rolled here and there, under ...................... sofa, over ...................... rug — all over ...................... room. Lucy stood and stared in horror. What will Mrs. Loveday say? She had had him for such ...................... long time on her mantelpiece!...................... girl wanted to run away, but then she felt ashamed of herself. Mummy always said you must never run away from problems. At that moment Old Mrs. Loveday came into ...................... room. She looked down at ...................... broken pieces and all ...................... money on ...................... floor. Lucy waited to be scolded. But ...................... old woman laughed happily. “So that ugly pig is broken at last, and I can get ...................... money out of him. You know, I lost ...................... key ages ago. But I’m glad to see such ...................... ugly creature go, and to get my money. You have done me ...................... good turn.”1 “Oh, I was so afraid to tell you ...................... truth, Mrs. Loveday!”“You see, I’m glad of ...................... accident because I badly wanted some money today. ...................... friend is coming to see

1 to do somebody a good turn — îêàçàòü êîìó-òî õîðîøóþ óñëóãó.

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me, and I want to buy ...................... flour and ...................... currants and ...................... chocolate to bake ...................... big cake for her. And you must certainly have ...................... nice big slice to take home to tea, because you are not ...................... coward, but ...................... brave good girl!”

40.3. Употребите of или from (out of).

1. This knife is made ...................... steel, you know. 2. Today I’m making soup ...................... wild mushrooms which we gathered in the forest. 3. This saucepan’s made ...................... copper. Copper saucepans last a long time. 4. That night in the forest we made a shelter ...................... branches and leaves. 5. The sink’s made ...................... steel. 6. The child made a figure of an elephant ...................... clay. 7. This tray is made ...................... silver. 8. Our bodies are made up ...................... millions of cells. 9. This mattress is made ...................... rubber. 10. These children are making a shelf ...................... cardboard boxes. 11. These curtains are made ...................... nylon. 12. Those chairs are made ...................... leather. 13. This soap is made ...................... coconut oil and wood ash. 14. This pillowcase is made ...................... cotton. 15. These sheets are made ...................... linen. 16. Ropes were made ...................... local flax. 17. The boy made a model car ...................... old boxes and yogurt pots. 18. These cupboards are made ...................... metal. 19. What’s this carpet made ...................... ? 20. She mixed the batter made ...................... flour, eggs and water. 21. The jury was mostly made up ...................... women.

40.4. Употребите правильную форму глагола в скобках.

1. Everyone who (visit) London, (go) to Harrods, which (be) a famous department store. 2. I (try) to concentrate, so please not (interrupt) me. 3. — You (know) this man? — I never (see) him. — But the police (say) that they (see) you together last Sunday. 4. I (be) at University from 1993 to 1998. 5. They already (work) here for about five years. 6. When you (leave) the office? And where you (be) all this time? 7. We last (see) our relatives on Christmas. 8. We not (see) our friends since Christmas. 9. She not (see) him since he (get) arrested. 10. They (meet) many years

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ago when they (rest) in the South and they not (see) each other since that time. 11. My friend has a computer, but he not (have) a printer. He (plan) to buy it as soon as he (earn) enough money. But he not (know) when he (earn) it. 12. The police (be) here. They (come) two hours ago and all this time they (examine) the house. 13. I wonder what she (cook) for dinner. If she (try), it (be) something special. 14. He (work) at this project for a year already and (do) half of it. 15. He says he (do) it when he (have) a good chance. But he (be) not sure if he ever (have) this chance. 16. Santa Claus is not a person who (come) through the chimney. He (come) through a large hole in your pocketbook.

40.5. Выберите правильный вариант.

1. My boss is on holiday. He Italy. a. is gone b. has gone ñ. has been2. Andrew says that he’s very new technologies. a. interested b. interesting ñ. interest3. — Have you typed the letter yet? — Yes, I long ago. a. has typed b. have typed ñ. typed4. She will stay there till she message. a. gets b. get ñ. will get5. My knowledge of English is rather ......................, I’m afraid. a. poorly b. poor ñ. short6. I only bought this magazine because it seemed me. a. interested b. interest ñ. interesting7. All the people ......................the hall. You may switch off the light. a. have left b. has left ñ. had left8. You look so sad, ...................... ? a. did you cry b. were you ñ. have you been crying crying9. This is a wonderful car. Who a. does it belong b. belongs it ñ. has it belonged10. Wait here till the secretary a. call b. calls ñ. will call11. Where is my mobile? Where a. had I left b. did I leave ñ. I have left

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12. I’ll let you know about it if the situation ...................... a. changes b. will change ñ. change13. The last bus left ...................... a. for a few b. since January ñ. several minutes minutes ago

40.6. Перескажите следующие шутки в косвенной речи.

1. ArmyOfficer: Are you happy now that you are in the Army?Soldier: Yes, sir.Officer: What were you before you got into the Army?Soldier: Much happier.

2. BabysitterWhen the father calls home, the six-year-old son answers and says, “Don’t talk too loudly, Dad, the babysitter is asleep.”

3. SynonymTeacher: Scotty, what is a synonym?Scotty: A synonym is a word you use when you can’t spell the other one.

4. Gray HairMother: Every time you are naughty, I get another gray hair.Son: Gee, Mom, you must have been a terror when you were young... just look at Grandma.

5. ScoutsYounger Scout: How can I tell the difference between a mush-room and a toadstool (ìóõîìîð)?Older Scout: Just eat one before you go to bed. If you wake up the next morning, it was a mushroom.

40.7. Переведите следующий текст.

Êàêàÿ ïðåêðàñíàÿ ñåãîäíÿ ïîãîäà! Êàêîé ÷óäåñíûé äåíü! Ñåé-÷àñ àïðåëü, è íàêîíåö-òî íàñòóïèëà âåñíà. ßðêî ñâåòèò ñîëí-öå, ñíåã ðàñòàÿë åù¸ â ìàðòå. Ïòèöû âåðíóëèñü èç ò¸ïëûõ ñòðàí. Îíè âåñåëî ïîþò è ñòðîÿò ñâîè ãí¸çäà. Ëþäè âûãëÿäÿò áîëåå ñ÷àñòëèâûìè. Îíè ÷óâñòâóþò ñåáÿ óñòàëûìè ïîñëå äîë-

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ãîé ñíåæíîé çèìû.  ìàðòå ìû ïåðåâîäèì (to set forward or back) ñâîè ÷àñû íà îäèí ÷àñ âïåð¸ä. Ëåòíåå âðåìÿ áûëî âïåð-âûå ââåäåíî â Àíãëèè â 1908 ãîäó. Äíè ñòàíîâÿòñÿ äëèííåå, à íî÷è êîðî÷å è ñâåòëåå.  îêòÿáðå ìû îáû÷íî ïåðåâîäèì ñâîè ÷àñû íà îäèí ÷àñ íàçàä. Ýòî ðàäóåò ìíîãèõ ëþäåé, òàê êàê îíè ñóìåþò ïîñïàòü íà îäèí ÷àñ áîëüøå.ß ëþáëþ âåñíó è âñåãäà ñ íåòåðïåíèåì æäó å¸ è ëåòíèõ êàíè-êóë. Ëåòî — ýòî äåéñòâèòåëüíî ìàëåíüêàÿ æèçíü. Êàê òîëü-êî ÿ ñäàì âñå ýêçàìåíû, òî îòïðàâëþñü ïóòåøåñòâîâàòü. Êàê ãîâîðèòñÿ â àíãëèéñêîé ïîãîâîðêå, «ïóòåøåñòâèÿ ðàñøèðÿþò íàø êðóãîçîð». Ëåòîì òû ìîæåøü îòêëþ÷èòüñÿ (switch off) îò ïîâñåäíåâíîé æèçíè, ðàññëàáèòüñÿ, ïîîáùàòüñÿ ñ äðóçüÿ-ìè. ß ïîêà åù¸ íå ðåøèë, ãäå ïðîâåäó ëåòî. Ñåé÷àñ ýòî ñòà-ëî áîëüøîé ïðîáëåìîé. Ìíå âñåãäà î÷åíü õîòåëîñü ïîâèäàòü ìèð, èñêóïàòüñÿ â îêåàíå. Îäíàêî ïîñëåäíèå òðàãè÷åñêèå ñî-áûòèÿ â çàðóáåæíûõ ñòðàíàõ îñòàíàâëèâàþò ìåíÿ. ß ñ÷èòàþ, ÷òî ëó÷øå è áåçîïàñíåå ñúåçäèòü íà ׸ðíîå ìîðå, â Êðûì èëè íà Êàâêàç. Ìîè äðóçüÿ óæå êóïèëè áèëåòû â Ñî÷è — ñà-ìûé ëó÷øèé, êðàñèâûé è êîìôîðòàáåëüíûé êóðîðò íà þãå. Âîçìîæíî, ÿ ïðèñîåäèíþñü ê íèì, ïîòîìó ÷òî ÿ íèêîãäà íå áûë â Ñî÷è, à êàæäûé ÷åëîâåê õîòÿ áû îäèí ðàç â æèçíè (at least once...) äîëæåí ïîñåòèòü ýòîò ÷óäåñíûé ãîðîä.

40.8. Прочитайте следующие шутки и перескажите их в косвенной речи.


Three people are on train in England. As they approach what appears to be Wemberly Station, one of the travellers says, “Is this Wemberly?”“No”, replies a second passenger, “it’s Tuesday.”And the third person remarks, “Oh, I am too, let’s have a drink!”


Pushing a cart in a supermarket, a man passes a woman whose cart carries a four-year-old girl. As he walks by, he hears the mother saying, “Take it easy, Natasha. It won’t be long. We have only three more items to buy.”

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A few minutes later, he passes the same woman in another section. As the little girl looks at the items on the shelves, the woman says in a soothing voice, “It’s okay, Natasha. We’ve almost finished. There is nothing to get upset about, Tasha dear. We’ll be outside in no time at all.”When the man reaches the checkout counter, the woman is paying for her groceries. “Excuse me,” he says. “I’d like to compliment you on the way you kept your daughter calm while you did your shopping. I overhead some of the soothing things you were saying to Natasha here to keep her from getting upset.”The woman looks puzzled for a few seconds, then she laughs. “You’ve got it all wrong,” she says. “My daughter’s name is Kate. I am Natasha.”


Henry lived in a small town, but then he got a job in a big city and moved there with his wife and children. It’s Saturday today in their new home. Henry takes his new red car out of the garage and is going to wash it. A neighbour comes by. He stops and looks at Henry’s car and then says, “That’s a nice car. Is it yours?” “Sometimes,” Henry answers. The neighbour is surprised. “Sometimes? What do you mean?” “Well,” answers Henry slowly, “When there is a party in town, it belongs to my daughter, Jane. When there is a football game somewhere, it belongs to my son, Joe. When I’ve washed it, and it looks really nice and clean, it belongs to my wife. And when it needs gas, it’s mine. But next time when I buy a new car, it will certainly be only mine.”

40.9. Переведите следующие предложения.

1. «Êîøêè» — ñàìûé ïîïóëÿðíûé ìþçèêë â ìèðå. ß âèäåë åãî î÷åíü äàâíî íà Áðîäâåå, êîãäà áûë â Íüþ-Éîðêå. 2. Îíà æàëóåòñÿ, ÷òî î÷åíü äàâíî íå áûëà â Âåëèêîáðèòàíèè. Îíà ÷óâñòâóåò, ÷òî å¸ àíãëèéñêèé ñòàíîâèòñÿ âñ¸ õóæå è õóæå. 3. Íàø íà÷àëüíèê îòäûõàåò íà Ñðåäèçåìíîì ìîðå. Ìû çâîíèì åìó ñ óòðà, íî åãî òåëåôîí âñ¸ ýòî âðåìÿ íàõîäèòñÿ âíå çîíû

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îáñëóæèâàíèÿ. 4. Ìîé äðóã î÷åíü ìíîãî ïóòåøåñòâîâàë â ñâî-åé æèçíè, íî îí ãîâîðèò, ÷òî íèêîãäà íå îñòàíàâëèâàëñÿ â îò-åëÿõ òèïà «Ðèö» èëè «Êîíòèíåíòàëü», òàê êàê ýòî ñàìûå äî-ðîãèå ãîñòèíèöû. 5. — Ìîÿ ëó÷øàÿ ïîäðóãà ïðèçíàåòñÿ, ÷òî å¸ ñàìîå áîëüøîå óäîâîëüñòâèå — ýòî äåëàòü ïîêóïêè. — Äà, îíà âñåãäà áûëà ïîìåøàíà íà ïîêóïêàõ. 6. ×åì êîðî÷å ïàìÿòü, òåì ëåã÷å æèòü. 7. — Ìíå âñåãäà õîòåëîñü óâèäåòü Ëàòèí-ñêóþ Àìåðèêó, â îñîáåííîñòè ïîáûâàòü â Áðàçèëèè. — ß äó-ìàþ, ÷òî òû ïðîñòî íàñìîòðåëàñü áðàçèëüñêèõ ñåðèàëîâ, õîòÿ ýòî òîæå âñåãäà áûëî ìîåé ìå÷òîé. 8. Ðûáà èùåò ãäå ãëóá-æå, à ÷åëîâåê ãäå ëó÷øå. 9. — Òû îïÿòü åøü øîêîëàä? Ñêîëü-êî ïëèòîê òû óæå ñúåëà íà ýòîé íåäåëå? — Òû æå çíàåøü, ÿ âñåãäà ëþáèëà øîêîëàä. 10. — Ñïåöèàëèñòû ãîâîðÿò, ÷òî ëó÷-øèé øîêîëàä ïðîèçâîäèòñÿ â Øâåéöàðèè. — À ÿ ëþáëþ ðóñ-ñêèé øîêîëàä. 11. Òèøå åäåøü, äàëüøå áóäåøü. 12. Îíà ãîâî-ðèò, ÷òî æèâ¸ò â ÑØÀ óæå äâàäöàòü ëåò, íî òàê íèêîãäà è íå áûëà â Êàëèôîðíèè. 13. Ó÷èòåëü ðåêîìåíäóåò íàì ïðî÷èòàòü ýòó êíèãó êàê ìîæíî áûñòðåå. 14. Âû çàìå÷àëè, ÷òî ãîðàçäî ëåã÷å ïèñàòü êîðîòêèå ïðåäëîæåíèÿ, ÷åì äëèííûå? Î÷åíü ÷à-ñòî êîðîòêèå ïðåäëîæåíèÿ ëåã÷å ÷èòàòü è ïîíèìàòü. 15. Ïëà-òèíà òÿæåëåå, ÷åì çîëîòî. Ýòî ñàìûé òÿæ¸ëûé ìåòàëë.

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Àðòèêëè â íàçâàíèÿõ íåêîòîðûõ ñòðàí, íàöèîíàëüíîñòåé,

æèòåëåé ñòðàíû è ÿçûêîâ

Название страны

Прилагательное НациональностьЖители страны

Название языка

Russia Russian a Russian (the) Russians Russian(the Russian language)

Britain British a Briton an Englishman (Englishwoman)

the British (English people)

English(the English language)

China Chinese a Chinese the Chinese Chinese

America American an American (the) Americans


Hungary Hungarian a Hungarian the Hungarians Hungarian

Finland Finnish a Finn the Finns Finnish

Spain Spanish a Spaniard the Spanish Spanish

Turkey Turkish a Turk the Turks Turkish

Scotland Scottish a Scot,a Scotsman(a Scotswoman)

the Scots Scottish

Unit 41U it 41U i 41Unit 4Unit 4iUUnit 41Unit 411Unit 41U i 111444tttiiinnnUUnit 4Unit 4

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Название страны

Прилагательное НациональностьЖители страны

Название языка

Holland Dutch a Dutchman(a Dutchwoman)

the Dutch Dutch

Denmark Danish a Dane the Danes Danish

Egypt Egyptian an Egyptian the Egyptians Arabic

Iraq Iraqi an Iraqi Iraqis Arabic

Sweden Swedish a Swede the Swedes Swedish

Switzerland Swiss a Swiss the Swiss GermanFrenchItalian

Israel Israeli an Israeli the Israelis Hebrew

Belgium Belgian a Belgian the Belgians DutchFrenchGerman

Portugal Portuguese a Portuguese the Portuguese Portuguese

Australia Australian an Australian the Australians English

the Czech Republic

Czech a Czech the Czechs Czech

Poland Polish a Pole the Poles Polish

41.1. Назовите страны, национальности и языки. Хороший словарь может

оказать вам большую помощь в этом.

I. Countries.1. Olga is Russian. She comes from ... . 2. Fritz is German. He comes from ... . 3. Olaf is Norwegian. He comes from ... . 4. Ist-vam is Hungarian. He comes from... . 5. Antigone is Greek. She

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Артикли в названиях некоторых стран, национальностей, жителей страны и языков

comes from ... . 6. Gareth is Swiss. He comes from ... . 7. Erica is Swedish. She comes from... .

II. Nationalities.1. Johan is from Holland. He is ... (or He is a ...). 2. Teng is from China. He is ... (or He is a ...). 3. AH is from Iraq. He is ... (or He is an ...). 4. Beatrice is from Switzerland. She is ... (or She is a ...). 5. Abdul is from Sudan. He is ... (or He is a ...). 6. Jean is from Belgium. He is ... (or He is a ...). 7. Kemal is from Turkey. He is ... (or He is a ...). 8. Carmen is from Spain. She is ... (or She is a ...). 9. Nils is from Denmark. He is ... (or He is a...).

III. Languages.1. What language is spoken 1. Greek and Turkish. in Argentina?2. What language is spoken 2. Spanish. in Brazil?3. What language is spoken 3. Portuguese. in Libya?4. What language is spoken 4. Arabic. in Switzerland?5. What language is spoken 5. French, Italian and German. on Cyprus?

41.2. Переведите следующие предложения.

1. ßïîíöû î÷åíü òðóäîëþáèâûå ëþäè. 2. Øâåéöàðöû æàëó-þòñÿ, ÷òî æèçíü â Øâåéöàðèè î÷åíü ñêó÷íà. 3. Àìåðèêàí-öû ìåíåå ôîðìàëüíû, ÷åì åâðîïåéöû. 4. Øîòëàíäöû ëþ-áÿò ñâîþ ãîðíóþ ñòðàíó. 5. Ãîëëàíäöû æèâóò â Ãîëëàíäèè è ãîâîðÿò ïî-ãîëëàíäñêè. 6. Òåòðà-Ïàê — øâåäñêàÿ ôèðìà. Îíà ïðîèçâîäèò óïàêîâêó. 7. Ôðàíöóçû óïîòðåáëÿþò â ïèùó ìíîãî ìîðåïðîäóêòîâ. 8. Àíãëè÷àíå áîëüøèå ëþáèòåëè ÷àÿ. 9.  ýòîé ãðóïïå ó÷àòñÿ êèòàéöû, âüåòíàìöû, êîðåéöû, þãîñ-ëàâû è ïîëÿêè. 10. Íà êîíôåðåíöèè ïðèñóòñòâîâàëè íåìöû, øâåäû, äàò÷àíå, èòàëüÿíöû. 11. Èñïàíöû î÷åíü ëþáÿò êîð-ðèäó. 12. Îíà èñïàíêà. Îíà ïðåêðàñíî òàíöóåò. 13. Äàò÷à-íå — ýòî ëþäè, æèâóùèå â Äàíèè. 14.  Äàíèè ëþäè ãîâî-ðÿò íà äàòñêîì, â Ãîëëàíäèè, íà ãîëëàíäñêîì, â Íîðâåãèè, íà

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íîðâåæñêîì. 15. — Êàê âû íàçûâàåòå ëþäåé, êîòîðûå æèâóò â Íèäåðëàíäàõ? — Ýòî ãîëëàíäöû. 16. Ãàíñ Õðèñòèàí Àí-äåðñåí áûë äàò÷àíèíîì. 17. Àíãëèéñêèé ÿçûê ñòàë ÿçûêîì ìåæíàöèîíàëüíîãî îáùåíèÿ â XX âåêå. 18. Êèòàéñêèé ÿçûê î÷åíü òðóäíûé ÿçûê. 19. Ëåãî — ýòî èçâåñòíàÿ äàòñêàÿ êîì-ïàíèÿ, êîòîðàÿ ïðîèçâîäèò äåòñêèå èãðóøêè. 20. Ïî÷åìó â àíãëèéñêîì ÿçûêå âñå ïóòàþò øâåäîâ ñî øâåéöàðöàìè, äàò-÷àí ñ ãîëëàíäöàìè? 21. Íåìöû — î÷åíü ïóíêòóàëüíûå ëþäè. 22. Îíà øâåäêà, å¸ ìóæ øâåéöàðåö. 23. Åãèïòÿíå ãîâîðÿò íà àðàáñêîì ÿçûêå. 24. Áðèòàíöû ÷òóò ñâîè òðàäèöèè.

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Ïðîøåäøåå ñîâåðøåííîå âðåìÿ

Past Perfect

Утвердительная форма Вопросительная форма Отрицательная форма


















had not (hadn’t)







The police had

arrived before the robbers escaped.I had done the work by nine o’clock.

Had the police arrived

before the robbers escaped?Had you done the work by nine o’clock?

The police hadn’t arrived

before the robbers escaped.I hadn’t done the work by nine o’clock.

Случаи употребления

1. Действие, которое произошло раньше другого действия или момента в прошлом.

I remembered that I had met him before.She had cleaned the fl at by fi ve o’clock.

Unit 42U 42U i 242Unit 4Unit 4iUUnit 42Unit 422Unit 42nit 422U it 42U 222444tttiiinnnUUnit 42Unit 42

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Случаи употребления

2. Действие, которое началось до какого-то момента в прошлом и всё ещё продолжалось в тот момент. (С глаголами не имеющими формы Continuous: see, hear, know, understand, realize, like, hate, love, believe, own, possess.)

I knew they hadn’t seen each other for many years.They had owned the house for twenty years already when they decided to sell it.He said he had loved her since he fi rst saw her.

3. Действие, которое уже завершилось в прошлом, а второе действие всё ещё находилось в процессе.

She had done the work and was

speaking on the phone. The rain had stopped and the sun was shining brightly.

4. В сложноподчинённых предложениях с придаточными времени, вводимыми союзами: scarcely... when, hardly... when, no sooner... than, («не успел... как», «едва... как»)

Scarcely had I entered the fl at, when the telephone rang.No sooner had we left the house, than it began raining.Hardly had the show ended when all the mobiles started ringing.

42.1. Прочитайте и переведите следующие предложения.

1. It was the best book I had ever read. 2. We called him last night but he hadn’t come home yet. 3. I couldn’t understand what had happened. 4. She was sure she had met him before. 5. The secretary was reading the fax which she had just got. 6. The programmer had done the work by five o’clock. 7. The police officer asked why they had parked the car on the square. 8. When we came to the supermarket, it had already closed. 9. The rain had stopped and the sun was shining in the blue sky. 10. She was late for the lecture as she had overslept. 11. Hardly had I turned on the radio, when I heard breaking news. 12. The students hadn’t finished writing the test yet when the class was over. 13. He realized that he had lost his passport. 14. She couldn’t go to England as she hadn’t received a visa. 15. We had packed our suitcases and were waiting for the taxi.

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Прошедшее совершенное время

42.2. Употребите правильную форму глагола в скобках.

1. She was sorry for the things that she (do). 2. He was afraid that she already (learn) the truth. 3. Mary looked at the clock and realized that it (stop). 4. That night she was very beautiful. She never (be) so lovely before. 5. My friend complained that she (spend) all her money. 6. Nobody could explain what really (happen). 7. When he went out of the office, he saw that his car (disappear). 8. No sooner she (open) the door than the children ran to meet her. 9. Jack and Amelia were the only family she ever (have). 10. The agent realized that he (make) a fatal mistake. 11. The children went for a walk only after they (do) their homework. 12. Margaret was a wonderful cook. Her mother (teach) her to do it. 13. He had a big library but he not (read) most of the books. 14. He explained that he not (decide) yet what University to enter. 15. There was nobody at the office. Everybody (go) out for lunch 16. I looked out of the window and saw that the rain (stop) already.

42.3. Дополните следующие предложения согласно образцу. Используйте

данные в скобках слова.

— Did your parents gо to the country with you last weekend? (the weekend before)

— No, they didn‛t. They had gone there the weekend before.

1. Did your mother take a day off last week? (the week before). 2. Did the children go skiing on Sunday? (the Sunday before) 3. Did Martin eat at a restaurant yesterday evening? (the eve-ning before) 4. Did your pupils see a movie last Saturday night? (the night before) 5. Did you and your friends have a picnic last Sunday? (the Sunday before) 6. Did Helen have a birthday party last night? (the night before) 7. Did they have their last exam yesterday? (the day before) 8. Did he fly to the Bahamas last weekend? (the weekend before) 9. Did you go shopping last Saturday? (the day before) 10. Did your relatives visit you on Sunday? (the Sunday before) 11. Did your workmates discuss politics at the office on Friday? (the day before) 12. Did he put his car in the garage last night? (the night before).

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42.4. Переведите следующие предложения.

1. Îí áûë ñ÷àñòëèâ, òàê êàê ïðîø¸ë èíòåðâüþ. 2. Îíà íå ïîëó-÷èëà ðàáîòó, ïîòîìó ÷òî íèêîãäà ðàíüøå íå âûïîëíÿëà òàêóþ ðàáîòó. 3. Îíè îáñóæäàëè ñâåäåíèÿ, êîòîðûå íàøëè â Èíòåð-íåòå. 4. Íÿíÿ âîøëà â êîìíàòó è óâèäåëà, ÷òî ðåá¸íîê óæå çàñíóë. 5. Ñåêðåòàðøà ñîîáùèëà, ÷òî óæå îòïðàâèëà ôàêñ â Ãààãó. 6. Îí ïîæàëåë, ÷òî êóïèë ýòó ìàøèíó. 7. Êîãäà ìû ïðè-åõàëè íà ñòàíöèþ, ïîåçä óæå óø¸ë. 8. ß âûøëà èç äîìà è âñïîìíèëà, ÷òî íå âûêëþ÷èëà êîìïüþòåð. 9. Ìîÿ ïîäðóãà ïî-äàðèëà ìíå ÷óäåñíûå ðîçû è ñîîáùèëà, ÷òî ñàìà âûðàñòèëà èõ. 10. Êîãäà ìû âîøëè â çàë, êîíöåðò óæå íà÷àëñÿ. 11. Çàäà-íèå îêàçàëîñü ëåã÷å, ÷åì ìû äóìàëè. 12. Îíà æàëåëà, ÷òî îò-êàçàëàñü îò ïðèãëàøåíèÿ â òåàòð. 13. Æóðíàëèñò ñîîáùèë, ÷òî òîëüêî ÷òî âåðíóëñÿ èç Êèòàÿ. 14. Ìû î÷åíü óäèâèëèñü, êîãäà óçíàëè, ÷òî ýòîò ðîìàí ñòàë áåñòñåëëåðîì. 15. Îí áûë ðàññòðî-åí. Îí ïîòåðÿë áóìàæíèê. 16. Âñå õîòåëè óçíàòü, êàê äàâíî îí â ýòîì áèçíåñå. 17. Êâàðòèðà áûëà â ïîðÿäêå. Ìàìà óáðàëà å¸. 18. Êîãäà ïðèåõàëà ïîëèöèÿ, ãðàáèòåëè óæå ñêðûëèñü. 19. Ÿ âîëîñû áëåñòåëè. Îíà òîëüêî ÷òî èõ âûìûëà. 20. Îíà íå ñóìå-ëà âûñòóïèòü íà êîíôåðåíöèè, òàê êàê çàáîëåëà.

42.5. Употребите правильную форму глагола в скобках.


It was a hot summer day in Ancient Rome. A philosopher (cross) the Tiber ['taɪbǝ] in a small boat. During the passage he asked the boatman if he ever (hear) about Philosophy. The boatman (reply) that he never (hear) about it. The philosopher (answer) that the boatman (lose) a quarter of his life because it (be) a very interesting science. A few minutes later the philosopher again asked the man if he ever (hear) about Astronomy. The latter answered that he (have) no idea what it was as he never (study) it. The philosopher (say) that the boatman (lose) a second quarter of his life. Some time passed and the philosopher asked the man if he ever (hear) about Algebra. And the boatman (have) to say that he never (hear) about it. The philosopher (explain) to the man that he (lose) a third quarter of his life,

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Прошедшее совершенное время

as it was the most interesting subject he ever (study). Hardly he (say) that when the boat (run) on a big stone. The boatman jumped up and asked the philosopher if he ever (learn) to swim. The philosopher answered sadly that he never (study) swimming. The boatman explained to his passenger that soon he (lose) all his life because the boat (sink1).

42.6. Употребите правильную форму глагола в скобках.


The clock said half-past ten. I (close) my books, (go) to bed and soon (fall) asleep. In the middle of the night I (wake) up and (see) that my father’s bed (be) empty. I (remember) that he (promise) (be) at home by eleven at the latest. As he never (break) his promises before, I (feel) sure that something serious (happen) to him. It (take) me a few seconds to decide what to do. I (run) down the steps of the cabin into the night. It was light as a full moon (shine). To my right (lie) the lonely road that (lead) to the dangerous wood. A wild and dangerous idea (come) to my mind. Not long before that my father (teach) me to drive the car. So I (think) that the quickest way to find my father was to drive as fast as I (can). Half an hour later I (find) my father in the forest with a broken leg.

42.7. Употребите правильную форму глагола в скобках.


When I came into the room, I (see) Doctor Spencer. He (examine) my father who still (lie) on the floor with a broken leg. The doctor (say) he never (see) such a serious case and that he (have to) call an ambulance. When it (arrive), the ambulance men (take) my father to hospital. Doc Spencer (tell) me that I (can) (stay) with his family till my father (come) back home. But I (prefer) to stay at home and wait for my father. In the morning the ambulance men (bring) my father back. They (carry) him

1 to sink [sɪŋk] — òîíóòü, ïîãðóæàòüñÿ.

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in and (lay) him on the bed. Soon Doc Spencer (arrive) to take a look at the patient. “(Not wake) him till evening. He (need) a good sleep. And when (be) the last time you (have) something to eat, my dear boy?” he (ask) me. I not (eat) anything since the night before. The doc (take) out a parcel from his car and (give) it to me. “My wife (say) that you (enjoy) it. She (be) a terrific cook! Just try it!” Then he (get) into his car and (drive) off. In the room I (open) the doctor’s present and (see) the most delicious cake I ever (taste) in all my life.

42.8. Употребите правильную форму глагола в скобках.

1. It was warm and sunny. Spring (come) at last! 2. It snowed yesterday just as the weatherman (promise). 3. Nobody lived in the village. Tsunami (destroy) it. 4. He bought a video camera yesterday. He (dream) of it for so long. 5. The child felt much better now. The doctor (give) it some medicine. 6. Her name was Apple. Her parents (call) her so. 7. They realized that times (changed). 8. He couldn’t believe that he (achieve) everything, that he (make) a good career. 9. He (live) in Samara before he came to St. Petersburg. 10. By the time the children returned home from school, Mother (cook) dinner. 11. He was upset. He (lost) his mobile phone again. 12. She couldn’t believe that he (forget) to congratulate her on her birthday. 13. The composer sang the song which he (write) many years before. 14. He was going to tell the detective some facts which he never (tell) anyone. 15. They were discussing the information they (manage) to get.

42.9. Переведите следующие предложения.

1. Ìû ïîíÿëè, ÷òî åãî æèçíü ñèëüíî èçìåíèëàñü. 2. Êîãäà ÿ âåðíóëàñü äîìîé, ìîè ðîäèòåëè óæå óøëè â òåàòð. 3. Àäâîêàò áûë äîâîëåí — îí âûèãðàë äåëî. 4. Îí ïîáëàãîäàðèë ñâîèõ äðóçåé çà âñ¸, ÷òî îíè ñäåëàëè äëÿ íåãî. 5. Íå óñïåëè ìû âûé-òè èç äîìà, êàê ïîø¸ë ñèëüíûé äîæäü. 6. Îí áûë óìíûì ïîëè-òèêîì. Æèçíü íàó÷èëà åãî ìíîãîìó. 7. Êîãäà îíè âñòðåòèëèñü ìíîãî ëåò ñïóñòÿ, òî íå ñìîãëè óçíàòü äðóã äðóãà. Îíè î÷åíü

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Прошедшее совершенное время

èçìåíèëèñü. 8. Íå óñïåëà îíà ïðîèçíåñòè íåñêîëüêî ñëîâ, êàê ìû âñ¸ ïîíÿëè. 9. ß ïîçâîíèëà åìó è óçíàëà, ÷òî îí óæå íå-ñêîëüêî äíåé áûë áîëåí. 10. Ìû ïðèãîòîâèëè âñ¸ ê òîìó âðå-ìåíè, êàê ïðèåõàëè ãîñòè. 11. Ëîíäîí îêàçàëñÿ íàìíîãî êðà-ñèâåå, ÷åì ìû äóìàëè. 12. Êîãäà ìû âåðíóëèñü, òî âñå õîòåëè çíàòü, ãäå ìû áûëè. 13. Íå óñïåë ÿ âñêî÷èòü â ïîåçä, êàê îí òðîíóëñÿ. 14. Ñíåã ïåðåñòàë èäòè, è ñèÿëî ñîëíöå. 15. Äåòè ïî-òåðÿëè ñîáà÷êó è èñêàëè å¸ â ñàäó. 16. Îí âêëþ÷èë êîìïüþ-òåð è ïðîñìàòðèâàë ôàéëû. 17. Îí âûãëÿäåë ñ÷àñòëèâûì. Îí âñòðåòèë äåâóøêó ñâîåé ìå÷òû. 18. Ìàìà ïðèãîòîâèëà îáåä è ÷èòàëà æóðíàë. 19. Îíà ïîêèíóëà ìàãàçèí òîëüêî ëèøü ïîñëå òîãî, êàê ïîòðàòèëà âñå äåíüãè. 20. Åäâà òîëüêî ñïåêòàêëü çà-êîí÷èëñÿ, êàê çàçâîíèëè âñå ìîáèëüíûå òåëåôîíû.

42.10. Употребите правильную форму глагола в скобках. Перескажите



Many many years ago there (live) a boy in America whose name (be) John Chapman. The boy (be) very fond of flowers, trees and woods, and he (know) all about the animals who lived in them. Once, as he happily (eat) an apple, he (think) how wonderful it (be), if he (fill) the countryside with apple-trees, which (be) his favourite ones. So, when the boy (grow) up, he (begin) (plant) apple-trees wherever he (go). But once, on a bitter winter day, he (catch) a cold and (fall) ill. Fortunately, some Indians who (know) John for a long time (save) him.Then, one day, John Chapman (open) his eyes and (see) the people who (save) him. After he completely (recover), he (go) out into the fields where the snow already (melt). For many years after that he (go) on planting wonderful trees wherever he (can). He always (sleep) in the open-air, (cook) simple food and (make) friends with animals, as he (learn) their language when he (be) a boy. He (be) sure that if man and nature (live) in harmony, it (make) the world better, much better. The natives (love) and (respect) John Chapman as the man who all his life (try) (make) their countryside rich with beautiful trees and plants.

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Ïðîøåäøåå ñîâåðøåííîå ïðîäîëæåííîå âðåìÿ

Past Perfect Progressive (Continuous)

Утвердительная форма

Вопросительная форма

Отрицательная форма


had been






had not (hadn’t)

been doing

I had been doing this work for a long time when I decided to have a break.At last he found the keys he had been

looking for since morning.

Had you been doing

this work for a long time when you decided to have a break?Had he been looking

for his keys for a long time before he found them?

I hadn’t been doing this work for a long time when I decided to have a break.He hadn’t been looking

for his keys for a very long time before he found them.

Unit 43U 43U i 33343Unit 4Unit 4iUUnitUnit 3Unit 43nit 433U it 43U 333444tttiiinnnUUnit 43Unit 43

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Прошедшее совершенное продолженное время

Случаи употребления

1. Действие, которое началось до определённого момента (или действия) в прошлом и всё ещё продолжается.

They had been driving all night when they saw the lights of the city.

2. Действие, которое началось до определённого момента (или действия) в прошлом, только что закончилось и результат этого действия очевиден.

It smelt delicious in the kitchen.My mother had been making jam.The boys were dirty from head to foot. They had been playing


43.1. Употребите правильную форму глагола в скобках.

1. Sam couldn’t get up at 9 o’clock this morning. He (work) in the Internet all night. 2. Denny was very proud of his collection of coins which he (collect) since his childhood. 3. Fred (wait) for his girlfriend for an hour already when he got an SMS: she (get) into a traffic jam. 4. They (discuss) the problem for hours but still could come to any decision. 5. They didn’t want to sell the house which their family (own) for fifty years. 6. We (drive) for a few hours before we saw a service station. 7. When my aunt switched on the TV, her favourite serial (be) on for half an hour already. She was sorry she (miss) half of it. 8. He was coughing all the time. He (drink) cold beer the day before. 9. We decided to make a break. We (work) too long. 10. When I entered the flat, I saw that everything was in a mess. Somebody (search) the rooms. 11. The boys had black eyes and torn trousers. They (fight). 12. At last he found the job which he (look for) for so long. 13. She put aside the book she (read). 14. Mrs. Honey was a very good teacher. She (work) at our school for twenty years. 15. The old woman rose from the chair on which she (sit). 16. John was a computer manager. He (work) for that firm since it was founded. 17. He (be) ill for a week already when I called him.

43.2. Переведите следующие предложения.

1. Â÷åðà ÿ çàêîí÷èë ÷èòàòü «Âîéíó è ìèð» Ëüâà Òîëñòîãî. ß ÷èòàë å¸ äâà ìåñÿöà. 2. Íà óëèöàõ áûëî ìíîãî ñíåãà. Âñþ

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íî÷ü ø¸ë ñíåã. 3. Îíè âñòðå÷àëèñü äâà ãîäà, ïðåæäå ÷åì ïî-æåíèëèñü. 4. Áðàóíû íå çíàëè, ÷òî â èõ äîìå äàâíî æèëè ïðè-âèäåíèÿ. 5. Ìîÿ áàáóøêà ñêàçàëà, ÷òî âñåãäà õîòåëà ñòàòü ïè-ñàòåëüíèöåé. 6. Ìû çíàëè äðóã äðóãà ìíîãî ëåò, ïðåæäå ÷åì ðåøèëè íà÷àòü ñâî¸ äåëî. 7. Æóðíàëèñò ñîîáùèë, ÷òî óæå ìå-ñÿö ðàáîòàåò íàä íîâîé ñòàòü¸é. 8. Êîãäà îòåö ïðèø¸ë äîìîé, ìû ñ ìàìîé óæå ÷àñ ãîòîâèëè îáåä. 9. ß äîëãî èñêàëà ñâîé ïàñïîðò, êîãäà ìàìà ñêàçàëà, ÷òî âçÿëà åãî. 10. Ê òîìó ìîìåí-òó, êàê ïðåñòóïíèêà ïîéìàëè, ïîëèöèÿ èñêàëà åãî ìíîãî ëåò. 11. Ïèñàòåëü ðàññêàçàë ñâîèì ÷èòàòåëÿì, ÷òî âñþ æèçíü ñî-áèðàë ìàòåðèàë äëÿ ýòîé êíèãè. 12. Ìû áûëè â Ëîíäîíå óæå íåäåëþ, êîãäà ñëó÷àéíî âñòðåòèëèñü íà Òðàôàëüãàðñêîé ïëî-ùàäè. 13. Îíè ìíîãî ëåò ïåðåïèñûâàëèñü, ïðåæäå ÷åì âñòðå-òèëèñü. 14. Êîãäà ÿ âîø¸ë â êîìíàòó, âñå çàìîë÷àëè. ß ïî-íÿë, ÷òî îíè ãîâîðèëè îáî ìíå. 15. Îí ïðåäóïðåäèë, ÷òîáû ìû íå ñàäèëèñü íà ëàâî÷êó â ñàäó. Îí òîëüêî ÷òî êðàñèë å¸. 16.  äîìå ÷óäåñíî ïàõëî. Ìàìà ñ óòðà ïåêëà ïèðîãè. 17. Îí ìûë ìàøèíó îêîëî ÷àñà, êîãäà ïîíÿë, ÷òî ýòî íå åãî ìàøèíà. Îíà áûëà òîãî æå öâåòà.

43.3. Употребите правильную форму глагола в скобках.

1. When we arrived, Kate already (serve) the dinner. 2. The garden was white, it (snow) heavily during the night. 3. The boy said that he (smoke) for some years, but he just (decide) to give it up. 4. They (sail) for a week when they (run) into a terrible storm. 5. We decided that we (need) a rest as we (drive) since early morning. 6. Bob was walking a bit unsteadily. It was evident that hi (drink). 7. They (save) money for the whole year before they decided to go to Sicily, as they never (be) there before. 8. She was very young. The reporter wondered how long she (work) as a model. 9. I decided to call my relatives as we not (speak) to each other for quite a long time. 10. The agent informed us that nobody (live) in that house for the last five years. 11. We (live) in Novgorod for a long time when the war (break out). 12. In the evening we went to visit Barbara as we not (see) her new baby yet. 13. The boxer was happy — he (win) the last round! After all, he (train) hard before the match.

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Ñîãëàñîâàíèå âðåì¸í

Sequence of Tenses

Характер действия Прямая речь Косвенная речь

1. Одновременность

а) действие главного предложения происходит одновременно с действием придаточного предложения (Past Simple, Past Continuous)

Не said, “I work

hard.”Не said, “I am

working hard.”

He said (that) he worked hard.He said (that) he was

working hard.

б) действия, выраженные с помощью модальных


He said, “I can

work hard.”He said, “I may

work hard.”He said, “I have to

work hard.”

He said (that) he could work hard.He said (that) he might work hard.He said (that) he had

to work hard.

2. Предшествование

(два действия в прошлом, одно из которых произошло раньше другого) (Past Simple, Past


He said, “I have

worked hard.”She said, “I worked

hard.”They said, “We saw

that fi lm.”

He said (that) he had

worked hard.She said (that) she had worked hard.They said (that) they had seen that fi lm.

Unit 44U it 44U i 444Unit 4Unit 4iUUnit 44Unit 444Unit 444Unit 44U i 444444tttiiinnnUUnit 44Unit 44

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Характер действия Прямая речь Косвенная речь

3. Будущее действие (Future

in the Past)

(два действия, одно из которых в прошлом, а второе направлено на будущее)

He said, “I will

work hard.”She promised, “I will come.”

He said (that) he would work hard.

She promised (that) she would come.

Изменения в наречиях времени и места

при переводе из прямой речи в косвенную

yesterday the day before, the previous day

today that day, the same day

tomorrow the next day, the following day

the day before yesterday two days before

last week the week before, the previous week

now then, immediately

next week the next week, the following week

this that these those

ago before here there

44.1. Переведите следующие предложения в косвенную речь.

1. Alexander said, “I’m looking for a new job.” 2. She said, “I need help badly.” 3. Rosie said, “I like roses.” 4. The children said, “We’re watching a new cartoon film.” 5. The old woman complained, “I haven’t seen my friends for a long time.” 6. The secretary promised, “I will make a photocopy of it for you.” 7. My friends said, “We can help you.” 8. The chief said to Susan, “You may take a day-off tomorrow.” 9. The programmer said, “I’ll do it on my word-processor.” 10. The accountant said, “I have been doing this work for twenty years already.” 11. My neighbours said, “Our dog has run away.” 12. My Granny complained, “I’ve been feeling really bad lately.” 13. My brother explained to me, “I’ve videotaped this film, so I’ll show it to you tonight.” 14. Harry said, “I’ve been

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Согласование времён

sitting at my computer for quite a long time, but I haven’t done much.” 15. The waitress said, “There is a pay-phone in the coffee shop.”

44.2. Прочитайте и перескажите следующую шутку в косвенной речи в про-

шедшем времени.


The manager of a supermarket overheard a man who was boasting about how much he had been stealing from the store. When the man came in the next day, the manager followed him around. The man bought a lot of things, and stood in a queue under the sign “Shoplifters shall be prosecuted.” Then he paid for everything and loaded his cart. After that he rolled the cart to his car and put the packets into it.In the weeks that followed the man often came to the shop, loaded his cart with packets and tins and boxes. Each time he paid for every single item. Finally, the manager came up to him and said, “Mister, I’ve been watching you like a hawk2. I’ve never seen you pocket one thing. You’ve never hidden anything under your coat. And you’ve paid for every item you’ve bought. Look, I won’t say a word to anyone. In fact, I’ll give you a hundred dollars if you tell me what you’re stealing.”The man smiled and said, “Shopping carts.”

44.3. А. Переведите следующие предложения в косвенную речь.

1. The manager asked, “Have you done such work before?” 2. My mother asked me, “Are you happy?” 3. My grandparents asked, “Will you visit us on Saturday?” 4. I asked Kate, “Have you had many interviews before?” 5. She asked me, “Is this your first interview?” 6. When I saw Christopher, I asked him, “Did you get that job?” 7. The teenager said, “I have to get up early in the morning.” 8. The teacher said, “Are you working hard at your report?” 9. He asked me, “Do you believe in mir-

1 shoplifting — âîðîâñòâî â ìàãàçèíàõ, a shoplifter — âîð â ñóïåðìàðêåòàõ.2 a hawk [hɔ:k] — êîðøóí.

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acles?” 10. Liz’s boyfriend said, “I love you and I always will.” 11. People asked, “Is it a good film?” 12. When I came home from the party, my parents asked me, “Did you have a nice time?” 13. The passer-by asked, “Is this Tverskaya Street?” 14. He asked, “Will you always support me?” 15. The detective said, “Must I be there too?”

В. Переведите упражнение 39.3 в косвенную речь в прошедшем времени.

44.4. Прочитайте и перескажите следующие шутки в косвенной речи в про-

шедшем времени.


1. Dim and Dimmer are at a shopping centre. They have just parked their car not far from it. Suddenly Dim cries out, “I locked the keys in the car! What shall we do now?” “I’m afraid we’ll have to break one of the windows to get at them,” Dimmer says. “Don’t even say that,” Dim answers. “Well,” says Dimmer, “maybe we can get a wire hanger and use that to unlock the dock.” “That never works, you’d better think of something else!” Dim explains. To this Dimmer says, “It’s starting to rain, and the top is down.”2. A few days later, Dim and Dimmer were going to meet at one of the department stores. Dimmer waited for Dim for a long time but he never showed up. Dimmer went home a bit worried. When they met in the evening, Dimmer asked his friend, “What happened? Why didn’t you come?” “It was terrible,” Dim said. “I was on the escalator, coming to meet you, and suddenly, the escalator stopped running. I stood there for over an hour while they were fixing it.” “Did you really stand on the escalator for an hour?” Dimmer asked very much surprised. “Yes,” Dim said. “What else could I do?” “Dummy!” Dimmer said. “Why didn’t you sit down?” — “It never crossed my mind”, was the answer.

44.5. Переведите следующие предложения.

1. Îí âîøåë â êîìíàòó è ñïðîñèë, â ÷¸ì äåëî. 2. Îíà ïîîáå-ùàëà, ÷òî âûÿñíèò, ÷òî ïðîèçîøëî â òîò äåíü. 3. Íà èíòåðâüþ

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Согласование времён

åãî ñïðîñèëè, êàêèìè ÿçûêàìè îí âëàäååò. 4. Íèêòî íå ñìîã ñêàçàòü, êàêàÿ æå ñàìàÿ äëèííàÿ ðåêà â ìèðå. 5. Îíà ïîäíÿëà òåëåôîííóþ òðóáêó è ñïðîñèëà, ñ êåì îíà ãîâîðèò. 6. Ïðî-äàâåö ñêàçàë, ÷òî îí íå ïîìíèò, ñêîëüêî ñòîèò ýòîò ñëîâàðü. 7. Âñåì õîòåëîñü óçíàòü, êòî æå áûëè ýòè ëþäè. 8. Ïðåñòóï-íèê íå õîòåë ãîâîðèòü, êàê åãî çîâóò. 9. Ó÷èòåëü ïðåäóïðåäèë íàñ, ÷òî òåñò áóäåò òðóäíûé. 10. Ãèä ñïðîñèë íàñ, áûëè ëè ìû â Àíãëèè ðàíüøå. 11. Øåô ïîèíòåðåñîâàëñÿ, êóäà ýòî âñå óøëè. 12. Îí îáúÿñíèë, ÷òî êîãäà ìû ïîçâîíèëè åìó, îí âñ¸ åù¸ ñïàë, òàê êàê íàêàíóíå î÷åíü ïîçäíî ë¸ã. 13. ß ïîèíòåðå-ñîâàëàñü, ãäå îíà êóïèëà ýòó øëÿïêó. Íèêîãäà ðàíüøå ÿ íå âèäåëà òàêîé øëÿïêè ñ ðàçëè÷íûìè ôðóêòàìè. Îíà îòâåòèëà, ÷òî ýòî ïîñëåäíÿÿ ìîäà è ÷òî îíà ïðèîáðåëà å¸ íà äíÿõ â ìà-ãàçèíå íà Êóçíåöêîì Ìîñòó. 14. Íà÷àëüíèê ïîïðîñèë ñåêðå-òàðøó íå îïàçäûâàòü è âîîáùå áûòü áîëåå îðãàíèçîâàííîé. 15. Ìàìà ïîïðîñèëà ìåíÿ íå òðàòèòü òàê ìíîãî äåíåã íà êîñ-ìåòèêó. 16. Îòåö ïîïðîñèë ìåíÿ âûêëþ÷èòü êîìïüþòåð è èäòè ñïàòü.

44.6. Употребите правильную форму глагола в скобках и перескажите текст

в косвенной речи.


It was late in the afternoon. Inspector Mayhew (have) an hour left before the end of the working day. He (sit) in his police car and (watch) the traffic go by. He (do) it for some time already when he suddenly (sit) up, as he (notice) something strange. A woman in a red car (drive) slowly along the road and the inspector clearly (see) a pair of man’s legs sticking out of the boot of the car! The inspector immediately (start) (chase) the red car. The woman (ride) round the town. The blue lamp on the top of the police car (flash), but the driver not (pay) any attention to it. The inspector finally (get) in front of her and (make) her (stop). “What’s the matter?” the woman (cry). “You’ve got a body in the boot!” the inspector (say). There (come) a loud laugh from the boot. “But I (be) alive,” the voice said. “I (be) a car mechanic and I (try) to find the cause of a strange noise in the back of this car.”

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Íåñîãëàñîâàíèå âðåì¸í

Правила согласования времён не соблюдаются:


1) если речь идёт об общеизвестной истине или фактах, остающихся верными на сегодняшний день

The teacher told us (that) there are four seasons in the year.I learnt at school (that) the sun rises in the East and sets in the West.The train was cold as they always are in winter.

2) если указана точная дата He said (that) he was born in 1980.She said they fi rst met in 2005.

3) в придаточных времени, вводимых союзами when

и since (хотя время Past Perfect возможно)

She said that when she left school, her brother was already studying at University.Marina said that she hadn’t met him since they (had) parted.

4) Past Progressive

(Continuous) не меняетсяHe said, “When I came to the offi ce, everybody was working.” — He said that when he came to the offi ce, everybody was working.

5) модальные глаголы must, should, ought to не меняются

He said, “I must work hard.” — He said he must work hard.She said, “I should do it.” — She said she should do it.We said, “You ought to have a rest.” — We said she ought to have a rest.

6) used to — не меняется He said, “I used to love football.” — He said he used to love football.

Unit 45U 45U i 55545Unit 4Unit 4iUUnit 45Unit 455Unit 45U it 45555444tttiiinnnUUUUnit 45it 4

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Несогласование времён

Правила согласования времён не соблюдаются:


7) если слова говорящего тут же передаются кому-то и относятся к настоящему или будущему времени. Это так называемое immediate


He said, “I don’t ever want to see her.” — He said he doesn’t ever want to see you. So don’t call him.The weatherman said, “It’ll rain in the evening.” — The weatherman said this morning that it’ll rain in the evening. So don’t forget to take an umbrella.

45.1. Прочитайте и переведите следующие предложения. Объясните слу-

чаи несогласования времён.

1. The guide told the tourists that Moscow was founded in 1147. 2. My mother used to tell me that old habits never die. 3. Our Geography teacher told us at the last lesson that there aren’t any unknown islands left on the Earth. 4. I wrote that I must see him. 5. He said she should be less bossy. 6. She promised yesterday that she will decide the question today. 7. My workmate said that he left college in 2004. 8. The chief said that when he came into the room, the manager was still working. 9. We went to see my brother’s baby. It was cute as all babies usually are. 10. My uncle said that he used to smoke like a chimney. 11. My Grandma used to tell me that there are three things you just can’t do in life. You can’t beat the phone company, you can’t make a waiter see you until he is ready to see you and you can’t go back to your childhood. 12. He always told his children that actions speak louder than words. 13. He said that the streets have been too dangerous for young girls to walk around these nights.

45.2. Переведите следующие предложения.

1.  äåòñòâå ÿ âûó÷èë, ÷òî äâàæäû äâà — ÷åòûðå. 2. Êîãäà ìû ïîäúåõàëè ê îòåëþ â öåíòðå Ëîíäîíà, ÿ ïîñòó÷àë â ñòåêëî, êîòîðîå òðàäèöèîííî îòäåëÿåò âîäèòåëÿ òàêñè îò ïàññàæè-ðîâ. 3. Ìîé îòåö, áûâàëî, ãîâîðèë ìíå, ÷òî äåíüãè ýòî åù¸ íå âñ¸ â æèçíè, õîòÿ îíè è âàæíû. 4. Îí ñêàçàë, ÷òî êîãäà

Продолжение табл.

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îí ïðèø¸ë â óíèâåðñèòåò, ñòóäåíòû âñ¸ åù¸ ñäàâàëè ýêçà-ìåí. À îí ñäàë åãî åù¸ íåäåëåé ðàíüøå. 5. Îí ïîæàëîâàëñÿ, ÷òî äîëæåí ðàáîòàòü è â ñóááîòó, è â âîñêðåñåíüå. 6. Ïèñà-òåëü ñêàçàë, ÷òî îí íàïèñàë ñâîþ ïåðâóþ êíèãó, êîãäà åìó áûëî òðèäöàòü ëåò. 7. Ó÷èòåëü ñêàçàë, ÷òî ìíå ñëåäóåò ÷èòàòü áîëüøå êíèã. 8. Íå óõîäèòå, Ìàøà ñêàçàëà, ÷òî ñêîðî áóäåì ïèòü ÷àé. 9. Ìèñòåð Ðè÷ ñêàçàë, ÷òî åãî ôèðìà áûëà îñíîâà-íà â 1980 ãîäó. 10. Ó÷èòåëüíèöà îáúÿñíèëà äåòÿì, ÷òî çåìëÿ êðóãëàÿ è ÷òî îíà âðàùàåòñÿ. 11. Ìîÿ ïîäðóãà îòâåòèëà ìíå, ÷òî íà âêóñ è öâåò òîâàðèùåé íåò è ÷òî ìíå íå ñëåäóåò êðè-òèêîâàòü å¸. 12. Ìàòü òåðïåëèâî îáúÿñíèëà äî÷êå, ÷òî â íå-äåëå ñåìü äíåé, à â ãîäó äâåíàäöàòü ìåñÿöåâ. 13. Îíà ñêàçàëà, ÷òî êîãäà âåðíóëàñü äîìîé, áàáóøêà âñ¸ åù¸ ñìîòðåëà ñâîè ëþáèìûå ñåðèàëû. 14. Ðåêëàìà ñîîáùèëà, ÷òî ïåðâàÿ ëèíèÿ ìåòðî îòêðûëàñü â Ëîíäîíå â 1860 ãîäó. À ÿ íèêîãäà ðàíüøå íå çíàë ýòîãî. 15. Íàø ó÷èòåëü ìàòåìàòèêè îáúÿñíÿë íàì â øêîëå, ÷òî 2 + 2 × 21 ðàâíî íå 8, à 6, òàê êàê â ìàòåìàòèêå ìû ñíà÷àëà óìíîæàåì è äåëèì, à çàòåì ñêëàäûâàåì è âû÷èòàåì.

45.3. Расскажите следующие истории в косвенной речи в прошедшем вре-


1. Dentist: Stop screaming! I haven’t touched your tooth yet. Are you afraid of dentists as people usually are?Brian: Oh no, doctor, but you’re standing on my foot.2. Bill: Why are you looking so unhappy today? Has anything happened?Steve: Nothing special has happened so far. It’s just that I don’t understand today’s world. My son wears earrings. My daughter has a tattoo. My wife earns twice as much as I do. I think life has changed dramatically in the 21-st century.Bill: So, what are you going to do?Steve: I’m going home to my parents. Back to the old life.Bill: Well, Steve, you can never go back to your childhood and you can’t stop time.

1 to multiply ['mʌltiplaı] — óìíîæàòü.to divide — äåëèòü.to add — ïðèáàâëÿòü.to subtract [səb'trækt] — âû÷èòàòü.

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Несогласование времён

3. Mother: What kind of person is your new boyfriend? Is he respectable?Daughter: Of course he is, Mom. He is a cool businessman, he doesn’t drink or smoke, has a very nice wife and three well-behaved children.

45.4. Перескажите следующие шутки в косвенной речи.


Many years ago when the rivers were clean and our Earth was not polluted, Old Joe was sitting on the river bank fishing. The catch was good, there was nobody around and Old Joe was very happy. “Nobody will see me fishing here,” he said to himself. He was about to go home already when suddenly he heard a man’s voice over his shoulder asking “Have you caught many fish?” “Only forty trout,” answered Joe. “I guess you don’t know who I am,” continued the voice. “I am the fishing inspector here, and you are breaking exactly six laws.” But Joe was not at a loss. “I guess you don’t know who I am either,” he said. “I am the biggest liar in this country. I hope you know that all fishermen are great liars.”


Harry came to his mother one morning while she was having her breakfast, and said to her, “No one at my school likes me, Mother. The teachers don’t, and the children don’t. Even the cleaners and the bus drivers hate me.”“Well, Harry,” his mother answered, “perhaps you aren’t very nice to them. If a few people don’t like a person, he or she may not be responsible for that; but if a lot of people don’t, there’s usually something wrong, and that person really needs to change.”“I’m too old to change,” Harry said. “I don’t want to go to school.”“Don’t be silly, Harry,” his mother said, going towards the garage to get the car out. “You have to go. You’re quite well, and you still have a lot of things to learn. And besides that, don’t forget that you’re headmaster of the school.”

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Ñòðàäàòåëüíûé çàëîã

The Passive Voice

Действительный залог Страдательный залог

The news surprises me.The news surprises Nick.The news surprises us.

I am surprised by the news.Nick is surprised by the news.We are surprised by the news.

The news surprised me.The news surprised us.

I was surprised by the news.We were surprised by the news.

Tanya has posted the letter.

Tanya has posted the letters.

The letter has been posted by Tanya.The letters have been posted by Tanya.

Olga will post the letter. The letter will be posted by Olga.

The doctor is examining him now. He is being examined now (by the doctor).

When we moved to Moscow, they were building a new metro line in the city.

When we moved to Moscow, a new metro line was being built in the city.

Unit 46U 46U i 66646Unit 4Unit 4iUUnitUnit 6Unit 46Unit 4666666444tttiiinnnUUnit 46Unit 46

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Страдательный залог

1. В предложениях с глаголами ask, tell, teach, off er, pay, sell, give, lend, show

возможны два варианта пассивной конструкции.Our fi rm off ered Tim a good job.Tom was off ered a good job by our fi rm.A good job was off ered to Tom by our fi rm.

2. Лишь одна пассивная конструкция возможна в предложениях с глаголами explain, read, dictate, describe, point out, announce, mention, repeat.

The rule was explained to us.The book was read to me.The text was dictated to us.

3. Глаголы sell, wash, wear, bake, read употребляются в действительном залоге, хотя и имеют пассивное значение.Detective stories sell well. (Детективные рассказы хорошо продаются.)

This cloth washes and wears well. (Эта ткань хорошо стирается и носится.)

46.1. Поставьте следующие предложения в вопросительную и отрицатель-

ную формы.

1. English is spoken all over the world. 2. This novel was written by Charles Dickens. 3. The question is still being discussed. 4. This contract has just been signed. 5. These shoes were made in Italy. 6. When I came into the room, the last student was being tested. 7. They were sure that some way out would be found. 8. The school will have been built by the 1-st of September. 9. My car had been serviced by the weekend. 10. This jacket is made of velvet. 11. America was discovered many centuries ago. 12. Our flat is still being redecorated. 13. This house was built by Jack. 14. I was offered a new job. 15. The fax will be sent today. 16. I was given a high mark for the test.

46.2. Употребите пассивный залог в следующих предложениях.

1. They often do it. 2. They are doing it now. 3. They did it yesterday. 4. They were doing it last week. 5. They have already done it. 6. They will soon do it. 7. They had done it earlier. 8. They planted a lot of flowers in the park. 9. He sends us messages every day. 10. We’ve just discussed your offer.

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11. People are using computers in all kinds of work. 12. She’ll change her furniture soon. 13. The committee will announce the names of the Nobel Prize winners in May. 14. I’m sure that they are taping our conversation. 15. This news shocked me.

46.3. Переведите следующие предложения.

1. Åãî êîìïüþòåð ïîêà íå ïîäêëþ÷¸í ê Èíòåðíåòó. 2. Äåòÿì îáû÷íî íå ðàçðåøàþò èãðàòü ñî ñïè÷êàìè. 3. Ìîé ñâèòåð ñäå-ëàí â Øîòëàíäèè. Îí ñäåëàí èç øåðñòè. 4. Ÿ çàñòàâèëè ñêà-çàòü ïðàâäó. 5. Íà èíòåðâüþ åìó çàäàâàëè îáû÷íûå âîïðîñû. 6. Ýòîò ôèëüì ïîêàçûâàëè íà ïðîøëîé íåäåëå. 7. Òâîè ñ÷åòà âñ¸ åù¸ íå îïëà÷åíû, à èõ íóæíî îïëà÷èâàòü âîâðåìÿ. 8. Âñå òâîè þáêè ñëåäóåò ïîäêîðîòèòü, è òîãäà òâîé îáëèê èçìåíèò-ñÿ. 9. — Èç ÷åãî ñäåëàíà ýòà ìåáåëü? — ß äóìàþ, ÷òî îíà ñäåëàíà èç ñîñíû. 10. Ýòè òóôëè î÷åíü óäîáíûå. Îíè ñäåëàíû èç êîæè. 11. Åé ïîñîâåòîâàëè ñåñòü íà äèåòó. 12. Êåì áûë ïîä-ïèñàí ýòîò äîêóìåíò? 13. Âñå ïðèãîòîâëåíèÿ ê ñâàäüáå áûëè çàêîí÷åíû ê ïÿòíèöå. 14. Êîãäà ìû ïðèåõàëè â Ëîíäîí, Ïîð-òðåòíàÿ ãàëåðåÿ êàê ðàç ðåìîíòèðîâàëàñü. 15. Ñòåêëî ëåãêî áü¸òñÿ. 16. Òàêèå ïðîáëåìû ëåãêî ðåøàþòñÿ. 17. Äåòåêòèâíûå ðîìàíû õîðîøî ïðîäàþòñÿ. 18. Ñóõèå ëèñòüÿ áûñòðî ãîðÿò. 19. Äåðåâíÿ áûëà ðàçðóøåíà çåìëåòðÿñåíèåì. 20. Ýòà áëóçêà ïëîõî ñòèðàåòñÿ. ß îáû÷íî êëàäó å¸ â ñòèðàëüíóþ ìàøèíó.

46.4. Употребите пассивный залог в следующих предложениях.

1. A passer-by showed me the way to the metro station. 2. Don’t worry! This babysitter will look after the kids very well. 3. Everybody listened to the lecture attentively. 4. They sent us wedding invitations last week. 5. My boss offered me a day-off. 6. The manager gave the secretary a lot of instructions. 7. My friends recommended me a good decorator. 8. Some children taught my little son a few bad words. 9. The chief asked everybody not to be late. 10. The father promised the boy a new bike. 11. People speak a lot about that event. 12. Somebody wants you on the phone. 13. He will show some slides during the lecture. 14. Our garden is in perfect order. We have cleaned the

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Страдательный залог

paths, cut the grass and watered the flowers. 15. They didn’t mention the event in the news. 16. The teacher pointed out the mistake to me. 17. People described the robber to the police so well that they found him very quickly. 18. Now I’ll dictate some new words to you. 19. The manager explained the office rules to the staff. 20. My Granny read wonderful tales to me in my childhood.

46.5. А. Прочитайте текст и выучите его наизусть.

When Packages Don’t Arrive On Time

things can’t get done,people wait, clients leave,orders get backed up, jobs get lost,bosses get angry, people are disappointed,stores can’t open, factories shut down,money gets lost, meetings are missed,conferences are cancelled, businesses can’t open,blood pressure goes up, people can’t work,promises are broken, trust is lost,opportunities are missed, deals aren’t made,transactions never happen, ideas aren’t shared,products don’t get made, information is missedand the person who used the shipping companythat missed it up looks really really really bad.

When packages do arrive on time, the world works just fine.

В. Расскажите, что происходит с вами, если вы непунктуальны.

46.6. Переведите следующие предложения.

1. Ìîñêâà áûëà îñíîâàíà Þðèåì Äîëãîðóêèì â 1147 ãîäó. 2. Íîâîñòè áûëè îáúÿâëåíû ïî âñåì êàíàëàì. 3. Ýòè ìàøèíû ïðîèçâîäÿòñÿ â ßïîíèè. 4. Êñåðîêñ óñòàíîâèëè â óãëó êîìíà-òû. 5. Ìàëü÷èêà âîñïèòûâàëè î÷åíü ñòðîãî. 6. Ýòî ñëîâî ñëå-äóåò ïèñàòü ñ äâóìÿ «s». 7. Ìíå ïîäàðèëè êðàñèâóþ ïèæàìó. Îíà ñäåëàíà èç õëîïêà è ñîâåðøåííî íå ìí¸òñÿ. 8.  àíãëèé-ñêîì ÿçûêå îäíî è òî æå ñëîâî ÷àñòî ïèøåòñÿ è ïðîèçíîñèòñÿ

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ïî-ðàçíîìó. 9. Íå ïðèêàñàéñÿ ê ñòåíå, å¸ òîëüêî ÷òî ïîêðà-ñèëè. 10. Ðåçóëüòàòû òåñòèðîâàíèÿ áóäóò îáúÿâëåíû çàâòðà. 11. Âñå öâåòû íà íàøåé äà÷å ïîñàæåíû ìàìîé. 12. Îøèá-êà áûëà ñäåëàíà î÷åíü äàâíî, à èñïðàâëåíà òîëüêî ñåé÷àñ. 13. Âàì ïðèä¸òñÿ ïîäîæäàòü. Âàøåãî äðóãà ñåé÷àñ îñìàòðè-âàåò âðà÷. 14. Ñîáàêè èñïîëüçóþòñÿ äëÿ íàõîæäåíèÿ íàðêî-òèêîâ è âçðûâ÷àòêè. 15. Î íîâîì ôèëüìå î÷åíü ìíîãî ãîâîðÿò. 16. Íà ýòîò ñëîâàðü ÷àñòî ññûëàþòñÿ. 17. Çà âðà÷îì ïîñëàëè äâàäöàòü ìèíóò íàçàä. 18. Ýòîò ðîìàí åù¸ íå ïåðåâåëè íà ðóññêèé ÿçûê. 19. Âàñ êîãäà-íèáóäü îáìàíûâàëè? 20. Êîãäà òåñò áóäåò íàïèñàí, òî ó÷èòåëü ïðîâåðèò åãî. 21. Íàä íèì ÷à-ñòî ñìåþòñÿ.

46.7. Переведите следующие предложения.

1. — Äîì ïîñòðîåí. Ìû ìîæåì âúåçæàòü (move in). — Êîã-äà îí áûë çàêîí÷åí? — Íà ïðîøëîé íåäåëå. 2. — Òåëåâè-çîð âêëþ÷¸í èëè âûêëþ÷åí? — Åãî òîëüêî ÷òî âûêëþ÷èëè. 3. Ýòà ïåñíÿ áûëà íàïèñàíà ìíîãî ëåò íàçàä, íî îíà âñ¸ åù¸ ïîïóëÿðíà. 4.  ñëåäóþùåì ìåñÿöå âñåì ñîòðóäíèêàì äàäóò ïðèáàâêó (a raise) ê çàðïëàòå. 5. Ïðåçèäåíòà òîëüêî ÷òî ïðî-èíôîðìèðîâàëè îá ýòèõ ñîáûòèÿõ. 6. Ãäå áûë ñäåëàí ýòîò ôèëüì? Êåì îí áûë ïîñòàâëåí? 7. Äåòåé íóæíî âñåãäà ïîä-áàäðèâàòü (to encourage). 8. Âñå ýòè êíèãè ñëåäóåò ïðî÷åñòü, à çàòåì îáñóäèòü. 9. Ïàðíÿ çàñòàâèëè äàòü ëîæíûå ïîêàçà-íèÿ. Îí íàäåÿëñÿ, ÷òî åãî îñâîáîäÿò, íî ýòîãî íå ïðîèçîøëî. 10. Êîãäà àíàëèç áóäåò ñäåëàí, âàñ ïðîèíôîðìèðóþò î åãî ðå-çóëüòàòàõ. 11. Ìàëü÷èêà íàçâàëè Ìàðòèíîì, êàê åãî äåäóøêó. 12. Ìíîãèå äåòàëè â ýòîé ìàøèíå ñäåëàíû èç æåëåçà. 13. Ðå-á¸íêà îêðåñòèëè â ïðîøëîå âîñêðåñåíüå. 14. Ýòîò áåñòñåëëåð ïåðåâåä¸í íà òðèäöàòü ÿçûêîâ. 15. — Âàñ ïðîñÿò ê òåëåôîíó, äîêòîð. — Ñêàæèòå èì, ÷òî ìåíÿ âûçâàëè ê øåôó. 16. — ×òî çäåñü ñòðîèòñÿ? — Ýòî äåòñêèé ñàä.

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Ñâîäíàÿ òàáëèöà ôîðì ñòðàäàòåëüíîãî çàëîãà

Время Simple Progressive Perfect
































had been























Future in the Past


would be








• Формы Perfect Progressive отсутствуют.

Unit 47U 47U i 77747Unit 4Unit 4iUUnit 47Unit 477774744tttiiinnnUUU 7Unit 47Unit 47

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Действительный залог Страдательный залог

I can do can be done by me.

Не should do should be done by him.

You ought to do ought to be done by you.

She must doit. It

must be done by her.

Не has to do has to be done by him.

Tom is to do is to be done by Tom.

They may do may be done by them.

You might do might be done by you.

47.1. Поставьте вопросы к выделенным словам.

1. My flat will be repaired next month. 2. This Hollywood star is being interviewed now. 3. The first laser was produced in 1960. 4. The fax has just been sent. 5. I was taught to play chess at the age of four. 6. This novel will be televised next year. 7. The Olympic torch is usually passed from one runner to the next one. 8. A new Xerox is being installed at the office now. 9. The message has just been received. 10. I was invited to a party yesterday. 11. This class will be taught by Mr. Lee. 12. The tourist group will be met at the airport. 13. I was shocked by the news. 14. These files will be returned tomorrow. 15. This report must be signed by the director.

47.2. Ответьте на следующие вопросы согласно образцу.

— Did you type the report? (no, the secretary)— No, it was typed by the secretary.

1. Is my car ready? (No, service). 2. Did you direct the play? (No, Mr. Miller). 3. Do they close the shops at 7 o’clock?

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Сводная таблица форм страдательного залога

(No, 9 o’clock). 4. Did you collect the tests? (No, the headstudent). 5. Are my letters ready? (No, type). 6. Did you plant the roses? (No, my mother). 7. Is my steak ready? (No, cook). 8. Do they deliver laundry on Mondays? (No, Tuesdays). 9. Did you dust the furniture? (No, my Granny). 10. Do they turn off the central heating in April? (No, May). 11. Did you discover the truth? (No, my lawyer). 12. Do they collect rubbish on Sundays? (No, Mondays). 13. Are my shoes ready? (No, still repair). 14. Do you pay the telephone bills every quarter? (No, every month). 15. Did you decorate the flat? (No, Mr. Huxley).

47.3. Употребите пассивный залог в следующих предложениях.

1. Someone must call the police. 2. We can easily correct this mistake. 3. They may easily fool you, so be careful. 4. One can’t learn a foreign language in a few weeks. 5. They have to do it right now. 6. You can see these pictures in the Russian Museum. 7. We should warn them about the danger. 8. You can hear this hit everywhere. 9. People must keep dangerous chemicals in a safe place. 10. You shouldn’t leave the doors unlocked. 11. They may raise the price of electricity again. 12. You ought to air the room from time to time. 13. People must protect wildlife. 14. Aluminium [ælʊ'mɪniəm] is a valuable metal. You can use it again and again. As you can recycle this metal, nobody should throw away aluminium cans. 15. He is a rude boy. His mother must teach him good manners.

47.4. Найдите правильный ответ, используя необходимый глагол в пассив-

ном залоге.

1. “Alice in Wonderland” a. Jonathan Swift.2. The telephone b. Jeffrey Chaucer.3. The first car ñ. in London.4. The summer time d. Leonardo da Vinci.5. Penicillin e. in Paris in 1889.6. “Gulliver’s Travels” f. all over the world.7. The Tower of London g. Tolkien.8. This dictionary h. Murphy.

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9. The first metro line i. Macmillan.10. “The Canterbury Tales” j. in the 11th century.11. The Eiffel Tower k. Lewis Carroll.12. The English language l. Alexander Bell.13. The Mona Lisa m. in Germany, Porsche.14. “The Lord Of The Rings” n. in England.15. This grammar book o. Alexander Fleming.

47.5. Переведите следующие предложения.

1. Çàìîê â ñåéôå áûë ñëîìàí. Ìû ïîíÿëè, ÷òî êòî-òî ïûòàëñÿ îòêðûòü åãî, íî íå ñìîã. 2. Ýòî áûëî ñäåëàíî çà ìîåé ñïèíîé, è ïðîñòèòü ýòî íåëüçÿ. 3. Íàñ ïðåäóïðåäèëè, ÷òî íàø ðàç-ãîâîð çàïèñûâàåòñÿ. 4. Ñïèñîê íåïðàâèëüíûõ ãëàãîëîâ äàí íà ïîñëåäíåé ñòðàíèöå. 5. Ñàìîå ïîñëåäíåå èçäàíèå ýòîãî ñëîâà-ðÿ ïðåêðàñíî ïðîäà¸òñÿ. 6. Ãîñòåé ïðèãëàñèëè ñåñòü çà ñòîë, êîòîðûé áûë ïðåêðàñíî ñåðâèðîâàí. 7. Êåì áûë ïðèãîòîâëåí ýòîò îáåä? Îí î÷åíü âêóñíûé. 8. Íåêîòîðûå èñòîðè÷åñêèå äàòû ñëåäóåò ó÷èòü íàèçóñòü. 9. Áîþñü, ÷òî ýòî íå ìîæåò áûòü ñäåëàíî ñåãîäíÿ. 10. Âñÿ âàæíàÿ èíôîðìàöèÿ îáû÷íî ïîñûëà-åòñÿ ýëåêòðîííîé ïî÷òîé. 11. Ñëîâî «ãðàììàòèêà» ïèøåòñÿ â àíãëèéñêîì ÿçûêå ñ äâóìÿ «ì». 12. Òî÷íûå öèôðû ïîêà ÷òî íå áûëè îïóáëèêîâàíû. 13. Ãðàáèòåëè ïîíÿëè, ÷òî êîä íà äâåðè áûë èçìåí¸í. 14. Îíè íàäåÿëèñü, ÷òî áóäóò ïðèãëàøåíû íà ôåñòèâàëü. 15. Æäèòå. Âàøà îïåðàöèÿ âûïîëíÿåòñÿ. 16. Ýòîò íîìåð çàáëîêèðîâàí. 17. Ïðàâèëà åñòü ïðàâèëà, è èõ íóæíî ñîáëþäàòü. 18. Èõ ñëåäóåò ïðåäóïðåäèòü îá ýòîì êàê ìîæíî ñêîðåå. 19. Êîãäà ýòî ìîæåò áûòü ñäåëàíî? 20. ×òî ñäåëàíî, òîãî íå âåðí¸øü.

47.6. Употребите правильную форму глагола в скобках.

1. All the bills (pay) on time, fortunately. 2. Everybody (impress) greatly by his speech. 3. A lot of money (make) in this business. 4. This job can easily (do) within a few days. 5. She (dress) in black. 6. Don’t worry! Everything (forget) and you (forgive). 7. English (practise) intensively in these courses. 8. All the details (email) the other day but no faxes (receive) yet.

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48.1. Употребите артикль, если это необходимо.

1. ...................... Mediterranean is the most popular holiday area in ...................... Europe. 2. ...................... Cairo is the capital of ...................... Egypt. 3. Last summer Astrid was in ...................... West Indies visiting her friends. 4. My friend won a cruise to ...................... Hawaii. 5. — Where is your office? — On ...................... . 42-nd Street. 6. Mr. Dunhill hopes to sell the product in ...................... United Arab Emirates. 7. ...................... Pacific is between ...................... America and ...................... Asia. 8. ...................... Malta is an island in ...................... Mediterranean Sea. 9. While we were sailing down ...................... Thames, we took pictures of ...................... Tower, ...................... Houses of Parliament and of the wonderful bridges. 10. This businessman thinks that the most promising market will be in ...................... Asia and ...................... North Africa. 11. Do you know where ...................... Andes are? 12. It takes hours to get somewhere in ...................... America. Its states are the size of countries in ...................... Europe. ...................... Illinois, for example, is nearly twice as big as ...................... Austria and four times the size of ...................... Switzerland. 13. George Bernard Shaw said that ...................... England and ...................... United States are two countries separated by the same language. 14. ...................... Ecuador1 has a very good geographical location. Fronting ...................... Pacific Ocean, it is

1 Ecuador ['ekwǝdɔ:] — Ýêâàäîð.

U 48U i 88848Unit 4Unit 4iUUnit 48Unit 48Unit 4888Unit 48Unit 48888444tttiiinnnUUnit 48Unit 48

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close to the commercial centres of the world: ...................... United States, ...................... Canada, ...................... Japan. As it is near ...................... Panama Canal, it’s easy to reach ...................... Atlantic Ocean and ...................... Europe from here.

48.2. Употребите правильную форму глагола в скобках. Перескажите



An Englishman decided to go to Canada on Christmas holiday as he (hear) many good things about this country. He not (like) to stay at expensive hotels and (choose) a very cheap one which (be) near a forest. He (get) a big room which was terribly cold. In the morning he (feel) awful as he (can) not (sleep) the whole night. He was sure he (catch) a bad cold and (have to) stay in bed. He (know) then that he (make) a mistake. But he (think) that if he (have) a good breakfast, he (feel) much better. So he (go) downstairs to the restaurant. At that moment a man who (work) in the forest that night (come) into the room. He was blue with cold and there (be) icicles1 on his moustache. When the Englishman (see) him, he (cry) out, “My God! And in what room you (sleep) last night?”

48.3. Переведите следующие предложения.

1. — Îí øâåä èëè øâåéöàðåö? — Êòî-òî ñêàçàë, ÷òî îí äàò-÷àíèí. 2. Àíãëè÷àíå î÷åíü ëþáÿò ôóòáîë. 3. Ïåäðî — èñ-ïàíåö è ãîâîðèò îí íà èñïàíñêîì ÿçûêå. 4. Ðóññêèé ÿçûê — ñèíòåòè÷åñêèé ÿçûê; àíãëèéñêèé ÿçûê — àíàëèòè÷åñêèé ÿçûê. 5. ßçûê — ýòî ñðåäñòâî îáùåíèÿ. 6. Êèòàéñêèé ÿçûê ÿâëÿåòñÿ ñàìûì ðàñïðîñòðàí¸ííûì2 â ìèðå ÿçûêîì. Âòîðûì ÿâëÿåòñÿ àíãëèéñêèé ÿçûê. 7. ßïîíöû î÷åíü òðóäîëþáèâûå ëþäè. 8. Áîëüøèíñòâî äàò÷àí õîðîøî ãîâîðèò ïî-àíãëèéñêè, ÷åãî íå ñêàæåøü î ôðàíöóçàõ. 9. Èòàëüÿíöû è ÿïîíöû æè-

1 icicles [‘aısıkəlz] — ñîñóëüêè.2 the most widely used language.

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âóò äîëüøå, ÷åì äðóãèå íàðîäû. 10. Ãîëëàíäöû âûðàùèâà-þò âåëèêîëåïíûå òþëüïàíû. 11. Øîòëàíäöû ëþáÿò õîðîøî îäåâàòüñÿ. 12. Çíàìåíèòûé ñûùèê áûë áåëüãèéöåì. 13. Áðè-òàíöû ãîðäÿòñÿ ñâîåé ïîëèöèåé. 14. Ôðàíöóçû ëþáÿò åñòü ìîðåïðîäóêòû. 15. Îí èòàëüÿíåö è, êàê âñå èòàëüÿíöû, î÷åíü õîðîøèé ïîâàð.

48.4. Употребите правильную форму глагола в скобках и затем перескажи-

те текст.


Joanne Rowling ['rəʊlɪŋ] is a famous English writer who (be) born in England in 1965. When she (be) five or six years old, she (use) (tell) stories to her younger sister. Her stories (be) about heroic deeds which people usually not (do) in real life. Her favourite subject at school (be) English and later she (get) interested in languages. After school she (go) to University and (study) French as she (find) it very interesting. After graduating from University, she (work) for a few years as a secretary but she not (like) her job. At the age of twenty-six she (move) to Portugal to teach English. She (teach) in the afternoons and evenings and in the mornings she (write) her books. Nobody (want) to publish her first two books, as publishers (say) that they (be) good for nothing. Her books (be) about a boy who was a wizard1 and (study) at the School of Witchcraft2.Then she (decide) to move to Edinburgh, Scotland, as she wanted to be nearer to her sister. Finally, her first book “Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone” (publish) in the UK in 1997. A year later her second book (publish). In 1999 J. Rowling (become) an international literary sensation as her books (take) the three slots in the bestseller list for Children’s Literature. Since then J. Rowling (write) some more books about Harry Potter and she (say) that she not (be going to) stop.

1 a wizard ['wızəd] — âîëøåáíèê.2 witchcraft ['wıtʃkrɑ:ft] — âîëøåáñòâî.

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48.5. Переведите следующий текст.


Åãî èìÿ — Ãàððè Äæåéìñ Ïîòòåð. Îí ðîäèëñÿ â Àíãëèè 31 èþëÿ 1980 ãîäà. Ó íåãî íå áûëî ðîäèòåëåé. Åìó ñêàçàëè, ÷òî åãî îòåö è ìàòü ïîãèáëè â àâòîìîáèëüíîé êàòàñòðîôå (carcrash), õîòÿ â äåéñòâèòåëüíîñòè îíè áûëè óáèòû Ò¸ìíûì Ëîðäîì. Ãîäðèê Õàãðèä ñïàñ ìàëü÷èêà. Îí îòâ¸ç ðåá¸íêà â äîì åãî ðîäñòâåííèêîâ íà ëåòàþùåì ìîòîöèêëå è îñòàâèë åãî íà ïîðîãå äîìà.Ãàððè æèë â äîìå ò¸òè Ïåòóíüè è äÿäè Âåðíîíà Äåñëè. Îí áûë íåâûñîêèé è î÷åíü õóäîé. Ó íåãî áûëè ÿðêî-çåë¸íûå ãëà-çà è äëèííûå ÷¸ðíûå âîëîñû. Íà ëáó ó íåãî áûë øðàì. Îí íîñèë êðóãëûå î÷êè. Ó Äåñëè áûë ñûí, êîòîðîãî çâàëè Äàäëè è êîòîðîãî ðîäèòåëè îáîæàëè è ñ÷èòàëè ñàìûì ëó÷øèì ìàëü-÷èêîì íà ñâåòå. Äàäëè íåíàâèäåë Ãàððè è äåëàë åãî æèçíü â øêîëå è äîìà íåâûíîñèìîé. Ìíîãèå ãîäû Ãàððè ñïàë ïîä ëåñòíèöåé è íîñèë ñòàðóþ îäåæäó Äàäëè, êîòîðàÿ áûëà åìó î÷åíü âåëèêà. Ãàððè íèêîìó íå áûë íóæåí, è ÷àñòî âñå çàáû-âàëè ïðî íåãî.Íî Ãàððè áûë íåîáû÷íûì ìàëü÷èêîì. Îí îáëàäàë ìàãè÷åñêè-ìè ñïîñîáíîñòÿìè. Îí óìåë ìåíÿòü öâåò ïðåäìåòîâ, äåëàòü èõ áîëüøå èëè ìåíüøå, è îí ÷àñòî âèäåë âîëøåáíûå ñíû. Ëåòîì 1991 ãîäà æèçíü Ãàððè íåîæèäàííî èçìåíèëàñü. Îäèí èç åãî ðîäñòâåííèêîâ íàø¸ë åãî è ðàññêàçàë åìó, ÷òî åãî ðîäèòå-ëè áûëè âîëøåáíèêàìè. Îí îòâ¸ç Ãàððè â øêîëó Âîëøåáñòâà. Òàì îí íàó÷èëñÿ äåëàòü ìíîãî óäèâèòåëüíûõ âåùåé. È òàì æå îí íàø¸ë äðóçåé è îáð¸ë âðàãîâ. Âåðíûå äðóçüÿ ïîìîãàëè Ãàððè âî âñåõ åãî óäèâèòåëüíûõ ïðèêëþ÷åíèÿõ â áîðüáå ñ ò¸ìíûìè ñèëàìè. Òåïåðü Ãàððè Ïîòòåð — ñàìûé èçâåñòíûé ìàëü÷èê â ìèðå.

48.6. Переведите следующие предложения.

1. Òåëåôîí áûë èçîáðåò¸í àíãëè÷àíèíîì — Àëåêñàíäðîì Áåë-ëîì. 2. Ïåðâàÿ ïîñàäêà (landing) íà Ëóíó áûëà ñäåëàíà â 1969 ãîäó àìåðèêàíöàìè. 3. Ýòè ïðîáëåìû áóäóò î÷åíü ñêîðî ðå-øåíû. 4. Ìíå íà äåíü ðîæäåíèÿ ïîäàðèëè øâåéöàðñêèå ÷àñû.

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5. Íàñ ïîïðîñèëè ïðèåõàòü â âîñåìü ÷àñîâ. 6. Ýòî ñî÷èíåíèå äîëæíî áûòü ñäàíî â ñëåäóþùèé ïîíåäåëüíèê. 7. Íàì ïðèä¸ò-ñÿ çàíèìàòüñÿ â äðóãîé àóäèòîðèè, òàê êàê çàë ñåé÷àñ êðà-ñÿò. Åãî íå ðåìîíòèðîâàëè äåñÿòü ëåò. 8. Ñòóäåíòàì îáúÿâèëè, ÷òî ëåêöèÿ ñîñòîèòñÿ ÷åðåç ïîëòîðà ÷àñà. Èì ðàçðåøèëè ñïó-ñòèòüñÿ â áóôåò è ïåðåêóñèòü. 9. Âå÷åðîì îí âñïîìíèë, ÷òî çàáûë ïîçâîíèòü ðîäèòåëÿì. Êîãäà îí ïîçâîíèë èì, òî óñëû-øàë, ÷òî èõ íîìåð çàáëîêèðîâàí. Îíè íå îïëàòèëè òåëåôîí-íûå ñ÷åòà. 10. Íå óñïåëà ÿ âêëþ÷èòü òåëåâèçîð, êàê óâèäåëà íà ýêðàíå ìýðà ãîðîäà, íàø óíèâåðñèòåò è íåêîòîðûõ íàøèõ ñòóäåíòîâ. Íîâîå çäàíèå óíèâåðñèòåòà áûëî ïîñòðîåíî ê ïåð-âîìó ñåíòÿáðÿ. 11. Îíà áûëà ïîïóëÿðíîé ïåâèöåé. Îíà áûëà â øîó-áèçíåñå óæå äâàäöàòü ëåò. 12. Ýòîò èíöèäåíò áûë óïî-ìÿíóò â ïîñëåäíèõ íîâîñòÿõ. Ïëîõèå íîâîñòè áûñòðî ðàñïðî-ñòðàíÿþòñÿ. 13. Ïðåçèäåíò ñêàçàë, ÷òî äàâíî ãîòîâèëñÿ ê ýòîé âñòðå÷å íà Êàâêàçå. 14. Àãåíò áûë ãîòîâ äåéñòâîâàòü. Òàéíàÿ îïåðàöèÿ ãîòîâèëàñü åãî ëþäüìè óæå íåñêîëüêî ìåñÿöåâ.

48.7. Употребите правильную форму глагола в скобках. Перескажите текст

в косвенной речи.


It was a terribly hot day in the jungle and all the animals (be) very thirsty. They (can) not (find) any water and (feel) miserable. They soon (go) to sleep. The only creature who not (fall asleep) was a little monkey. The monkey (look) for a drop of water for a long, long time, but all his efforts (be) useless. And now he (get) very tired. Suddenly he (see) a tall pot under a tree, but he not (know) if there (be) any water in it. He (understand) that he (die) if he not (have) some water. The monkey (begin) to rock the pot very gently and (hear) that some water (splash) in it. “I must (make) the water (rise)”, (think) the clever animal. So he (find) some big stones and (drop) them into the pot one by one, very gently. The water (rise) high, and the monkey (drink) it happily. And then he (decide): “When the water (get) too low, I (drop) some more stones into the pot again, and I (be able) to drink some water. And now I definitely (survive)”!Wasn’t that a “clever” monkey?

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48.8. Переведите следующий текст.


Äàâíûì-äàâíî íà áîëüøîì-áîëüøîì áîëîòå1 æèë âåëèêàí2. Îí áûë îãðîìíûé è çåë¸íûé, êàê òàíê. Åãî èìÿ áûëî Øðåê. Îä-íàæäû ó åãî äîìà ïîÿâèëñÿ îñëèê, êîòîðûé ñáåæàë îò ñâîåé õîçÿéêè, ïîòîìó ÷òî òà ñîáèðàëàñü ïðîäàòü åãî. Îñëèê ÷óâ-ñòâîâàë ñåáÿ î÷åíü îäèíîêèì, íèêîãäà â æèçíè ó íåãî íå áûëî äðóçåé. Âåëèêî æå áûëî óäèâëåíèå âåëèêàíà, êîãäà îí óñëû-øàë, ÷òî îñëèê ðàçãîâàðèâàåò ñàì ñ ñîáîé. «Íèêîãäà â æèç-íè íå âñòðå÷àë ãîâîðÿùåãî îñëà», — ïîäóìàë Øðåê. Ãîðàçäî ïîçæå îí ïîíÿë, êàê åìó ïîâåçëî, ÷òî îí âñòðåòèë èìåííî ýòîãî îñëà.Îäíàæäû óòðîì âåëèêàí óâèäåë íà ñâî¸ì áîëîòå ìíîæåñòâî ðàçëè÷íûõ ñêàçî÷íûõ ïåðñîíàæåé. Îíè ñêàçàëè, ÷òî Ëîðä Ôàðêóàä ñîãíàë èõ âñåõ ñþäà. Øðåê ñ îñëèêîì îòïðàâèëèñü â ãîðîä Äþîê, ãäå êàê ðàç ïðîâîäèëñÿ òóðíèð. Ïîáåäèòåëþ ñóæäåíî áûëî îñâîáîäèòü ïðèíöåññó Ôèîíó, íà êîòîðîé Ëîðä Ôàðêóàðä ñîáèðàëñÿ æåíèòüñÿ. Ïðèíöåññà ñïàëà â ñàìîé âåðõíåé áàøíå çàìêà, êîòîðûé îõðàíÿëñÿ äðàêîíîì. Ìíîãî ëþäåé ïðèíèìàëè ó÷àñòèå â ñîðåâíîâàíèè, îäíàêî îñëèê çàÿ-âèë, ÷òî Øðåê îáÿçàòåëüíî âñåõ ïîáåäèò. È îí äåéñòâèòåëüíî âñåõ ïîáåäèë. Ëîðä ñêàçàë, ÷òî îí âåðí¸ò Øðåêó åãî áîëî-òî âïëîòü äî ïîñëåäíåãî ìóõîìîðà3, åñëè âåëèêàí îñâîáîäèò ïðèíöåññó.Îíè îòïðàâèëèñü â ïóòü è øëè, ïîêà íå äîñòèãëè çàìêà. Íå óñïåëè îíè âîéòè â çàìîê, êàê èç ãëóáîêîé ïåùåðû âûëåòåë äðàêîí. Ïîêà äðàêîí ãíàëñÿ çà îñëèêîì, âåëèêàí íàø¸ë ïðèí-öåññó. Íèêîãäà ïðåæäå îí íå âèäåë òàêîé êðàñàâèöû. Èìåííî â ýòîò ìîìåíò ïðèíöåññà ïðîñíóëàñü è î÷åíü îáðàäîâàëàñü. Îíà ñêàçàëà, ÷òî óæå äàâíî æäàëà ðûöàðÿ, êîòîðûé îñâîáî-äèò å¸. Îíè ïóñòèëèñü áåæàòü. Äðàêîí ïðåñëåäîâàë èõ. «Ïî÷å-ìó òû íå óíè÷òîæèë äðàêîíà?» — ñïðîñèëà ïðèíöåññà Ôèîíà. «ß îñòàâèë åãî íà äåñåðò», — áûë îòâåò. Ïðèíöåññå ïîíðàâè-

1 a swamp [swɔmp] — áîëîòî.2 an ogre ['ǝugǝ] — âåëèêàí.3 a toadstool ['təudstu:l] — ìóõîìîð.

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ëîñü åãî ÷óâñòâî þìîðà.  êîíöå êîíöîâ èì óäàëîñü óáåæàòü îò äðàêîíà. «Êàêîé êðóòîé ïàðåíü ýòîò Øðåê, è òàê õîðîøî âñ¸ ïðîâåðíóë», — ïîäóìàë îñëèê. Âåëèêà áûëà èõ ðàäîñòü, êîãäà îíè íàêîíåö óáåæàëè îò äðàêîíà. «Òû ñïàñ ìåíÿ, ìîé ãåðîé, õîòÿ òâîè ìàíåðû ïðîñòî óæàñíû! Ñíèìè øëåì è ïî-öåëóé ìåíÿ», — ñêàçàëà ïðèíöåññà. Øðåê íå õîòåë ïîêàçû-âàòü ñâîåãî ëèöà, íî äåâóøêà çàñòàâèëà åãî ñäåëàòü ýòî. Ïðè âèäå ëèöà Øðåêà ïðèíöåññà Ôèîíà î÷åíü îïå÷àëèëàñü. È âå-ëèêàí òîæå. Îí, êîíå÷íî æå, ïîíèìàë, ÷òî îíà ïðèíöåññà, à îí òðîëëü è ÷òî îíà íèêîãäà åãî íå ïîëþáèò.Ïî äîðîãå â ãîðîä îíè ñäåëàëè îñòàíîâêó â ëåñó, òàê êàê ñèëü-íî ïðîãîëîäàëèñü. Øðåê ïîäæàðèë íåñêîëüêèõ êðûñ. Íå çíàÿ, ÷òî ýòî òàêîå, ïðèíöåññà ñêàçàëà, ÷òî ìÿñî âîñõèòèòåëüíî íà âêóñ. Íåêîòîðîå âðåìÿ ñïóñòÿ îíà, îäíàêî, ïî÷óâñòâîâàëà ñåáÿ ïëîõî, è âåëèêàíó ïðèøëîñü íåñòè å¸ íà ñåáå. Îñëèê ôè-ëîñîôñêè çàìåòèë, ÷òî åé íå ñëåäîâàëî åñòü êðûñ, ïîòîìó ÷òî ìû òî, ÷òî ìû åäèì.  ýòîò ìîìåíò, ñëîâíî íèîòêóäà, ïîÿâèë-ñÿ ðàçáîéíèê, êîòîðûé ñêàçàë, ÷òî îí ÷åëîâåê, êîòîðûé çà-áèðàåò âñ¸ ó áîãàòûõ è îòäà¸ò áåäíûì. Îí è ïðèíöåññó õîòåë çàáðàòü, íî Øðåê íå ïîçâîëèë åìó ñäåëàòü ýòî.Ê óòðó îíè äîáðàëèñü äî Äþîêà è ïðîñòèëèñü ñ ïðèíöåññîé, êîòîðîé ñóæäåíî áûëî ñòàòü æåíîé Ëîðäà Ôàðêóàäà. Ñòîëü íåñ÷àñòíûì áûë Øðåê, ÷òî îí ïðèçíàëñÿ îñëèêó â ñâîåé ëþá-âè ê ïðèíöåññå Ôèîíå. Íî òîò îòâåòèë, ÷òî ïðèíöåññà ñêàçàëà åìó, ÷òî è îíà òîæå ëþáèò Øðåêà. «Íî âåäü îíè óæå â öåðê-âè è î÷åíü ñêîðî èõ îáúÿâÿò ìóæåì è æåíîé», — âîñêëèê-íóë Øðåê. È îïÿòü îñëèê íàø¸ë âûõîä. «Áûëî áû æåëàíèå, ñïîñîá íàéä¸òñÿ»1, — ñêàçàë îí. Îí ñâèñòíóë, è èç ãîëóáîãî íåáà ñïóñòèëñÿ äðàêîí, êîòîðûé ê òîìó âðåìåíè óæå ñòàë èõ äðóãîì. ×åðåç ìãíîâåíèå îíè îêàçàëèñü â öåðêâè. È êàê ðàç âîâðåìÿ. Îñëèê çàÿâèë, ÷òî îí âñåãäà áûë óâåðåí, ÷òî ó ýòîé èñòîðèè áóäåò ñ÷àñòëèâûé êîíåö. È îíà äåéñòâèòåëüíî ñ÷àñò-ëèâî çàêîí÷èëàñü.

1 “Where there is a will, there is a way.” Ñðàâíèòå ñ ðóññêèì: «Áûëî áû æå-ëàíèå...», «Îõîòà ïóùå íåâîëè» è ò.ä.

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Ïðîáëåìíûå ãëàãîëû

Problem Verbs

Глагол непереходныйГлагол + дополнение(переходный глагол)

1. * lie — lay — lain — lying

лежать, находитьсяYou must lie down and rest a little.She lay for an hour after dinner.

1. lay — laid — laid — laying

положить что-то куда-тоHe laid the fax on the desk.She laid the baby gently down on its bed.

2. rise — rose — risen — rising

подняться, встать, взойтиThe sun rises in the East and sets in the West.We rose from the table half hungry.

2. raise — raised — raised — raising

поднять что-тоHe raised his hand in greeting.I won’t raise a fi nger to help them.

3. sit — sat — sat — sitting

сидетьPlease sit down and relax.We sat in the last row at the cinema.

3. set — set — set — setting

поставить, установить что-то где-тоShe set the vase on the table. Finally good weather set in.

4. hang — hung — hung — hanging

повесить что-то

Where shall we hang the clock?We hung the picture over the table.

4. hang — hanged — hanged —

hanging (повесить кого-то за что-то)What was he hanged for?They hanged him for murder.

Unit 49U 49U i 99949Unit 4Unit 4iUUUnit 4Unit 49Unit 49Unit 49999444tttiiinnnUUUUnit 49nit 49

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Проблемные глаголы

Не путайте следующие глаголы:

1. * to lie — lied — lied — lying to lie — lay — lain — lying

(лгать) (лежать)We all lie sometimes. You should lie on your side for an injection.I saw that she was lying. The cat was lying on the TV-set.

2. to fi nd — found — found — fi nding (найти что-то)She found a good found — founded — founded — founding (основать что-то)He founded a new company.

49.1. Выберите правильное слово, употребив его в необходимой форме.

1. lie — lay1. The officer ordered his soldiers to ...................... on the ground. 2. The boxer ...................... for a few seconds and jumped up again. 3. My Granny likes to ...................... a bit after dinner. 4. The hen has ...................... a golden egg. 5. She ...................... the basic rules in the family. 6. He wanted to ...................... the world at her feet. 7. I ...................... the package on the counter and now it’s gone. 8. He ...................... the gun under the tree.

2. rise — raise1. She ...................... at 6 o’clock every morning and goes jogging. 2. If you want to ask a question, ...................... your hand. 3. The tem-perature is ...................... It will be hot tomorrow. 4. Don’t ...................... your voice at children. 5. She ...................... the lid and looked at the soup. 6. He ...................... from the chair and ...................... the heavy suitcases easily. 7. These are the people who ...................... me and took care of me. 8. The smoke ...................... to the ceiling. 9. The number of shops in Moscow is ...................... all the time. 10. I am a lawyer and I help firms to ...................... money.

3. sit — set1. She ...................... back, closed her eyes, and tried to relax. 2. If you ...................... in the sun too long, you may have serious burns. 3. Wise people advise to ...................... aside some money for a rainy

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day. 4. After I ...................... the tray down, I returned to the kitch-en. 5. The boat will ...................... five people. 6. She ...................... the coffee-pot on the coffee table. 7. I like to watch how the sun ...................... .

49.2. Выберите правильное слово, употребив его в необходимой форме.

I. find — found1. I can’t ...................... my watch anywhere. 2. Cortes ...................... Mex-ico City. 3. When she got home, she ...................... an e-mail from the office. 4. We easily ...................... our way in the forest. 5. They ...................... this business ten years ago. 6. This Party ...................... by a well-known politician. 7. The theatre ...................... in 1720. 8. We ...................... a nice little cafe near the theatre. 9. I always try to ...................... time for my friends. 10. Sir Henry Tate ...................... the Tate Gallery. 11. Who ...................... America? 12. Lomonosov ...................... Moscow University.

II. hung — hanged1. The jacket ...................... on a rack by the door. 2. The criminal ...................... . 3. He usually ...................... his coat on the hook behind the door. 4. He tried to ...................... himself. 5. Witches ...................... in those times. 6. Her long hair ...................... over her face. 7. White clouds ...................... in the sky. 8. People ...................... for stealing in medieval times. 9. The map of the world ...................... in this class-room by our Geography teacher. 10. My brother ...................... a lot of posters in his room when he was a teenager. 11. I promised that if he didn’t do it, I would ...................... him. Of course I was joking.

49.3. Переведите следующие предложения.

1. Êíèãà ëåæàëà íà ñòîëå ïÿòü ìèíóò íàçàä. 2. Èíîãäà îí ïðîñòî ëåæèò íà äèâàíå è ñìîòðèò â ïîòîëîê. 3. Îí ïîäíÿë-ñÿ èç-çà ñòîëà è âûøåë. 4. Öåíà áåíçèíà ïîñòîÿííî ðàñò¸ò. 5. Öåíû íà æèëü¸ î÷åíü âûðîñëè â ïðîøëîì ãîäó. 6. Îíà çà-áûëà, êóäà ïîëîæèëà êëþ÷è. 7. Äèñíåé îñíîâàë ñâîþ êèíî-êîìïàíèþ. 8. Ìàìà ïîâåñèëà îäåæäó â øêàô. 9. Ðóæü¸ ëåæà-ëî íà ïîëêå ïîä áàðîì. 10. Ðàêåòà ïîäíÿëàñü â êîñìîñ. 11. Îí

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Проблемные глаголы

çàêàçàë ñòàêàí âèíà, ïðîñòî ÷òîáû ïîäíÿòü ñâî¸ íàñòðîåíèå (spirits). 12. ß ëþáëþ íàáëþäàòü, êàê âñòà¸ò è ñàäèòñÿ ñîëíöå. 13. Îíà âèäåëà, ÷òî îí îïÿòü âð¸ò åé. 14. Êîøêà ëåæàëà íà ìîåé êðîâàòè è ñïàëà. 15. Êîìíàòà âìåùàåò äâàäöàòü ÷åëîâåê. 16. Âîçäóøíûå øàðèêè ïîäíÿëèñü âûñîêî â íåáî. 17. Ãäå íàì ïîâåñèòü ÷àñû? 18. Îí áûë ñåðèéíûé óáèéöà, è çà ýòî åãî ïî-âåñèëè ìíîãî ëåò íàçàä. 19. Çíàìåíèòàÿ ïåâèöà îñíîâàëà ýòó ìóçûêàëüíóþ øêîëó. 20. Åñëè òû çíàåøü îòâåò, òî ïîäíèìè ðóêó. 21. Íàëåâî îò ìåíÿ ëåæàëà äîðîãà â ãîðîä. 22. Íàñåëåíèå ãîðîäà ïîäíÿëîñü äî äâóõ ìèëëèîíîâ ÷åëîâåê. 23. Ñíåã ëåæàë òîëñòûì ñëîåì (deep) ïîä äåðåâüÿìè. 24. ß ïîâåñèë òðóáêó.  îôèñå íèêîãî íå áûëî. 25. Íèêòî íå çàìåòèë, ÷òî êàðòèíà áûëà ïîâåøåíà ââåðõ íîãàìè.

49.4. Заполните пропуски необходимыми по смыслу словами.

1. A strong wind ...................... and it became colder. 2. He told us a few jokes just to ...................... our spirits. 3. They found a horseshoe and ...................... it over the door. 4. Tretyakov ...................... a picture gallery. 5. Finally, he ...................... the necessary words. 6. He knocked on the door and ...................... his hand in greeting. 7. She had two small children ....................... 8. Mum is going to ...................... the table for tea. 9. I’m going to ...................... down for a while before dinner. 10. The sun ...................... in the East and ...................... in the West. 11. ...................... to table, please. 12. A thick fog ...................... over the Thames. 13. The Scout Association ...................... in 1908 by Lord Baden-Powell. 14. Cold weather ...................... in at the end of September. 15. — Who ...................... rules in your family? — My father does. 16. The mirror ...................... over the chest of drawers. 17. Never ever ...................... your voice at me! 18. The tourists ...................... to the top of the hill. 19. The director ...................... very important problems. 20. He didn’t tell us the truth, he ...................... again. 21. As soon as the sun ......................, John Smith ...................... a flag over his house.

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The Numeral

Количественные (Cardinal)сколько? (how many?)

Порядковые (Ordinal)какой? который? (which?)

0 zero 0 zero

1 one 1st fi rst

2 two 2nd second

3 three 3rd third

4 four 4th fourth

5 fi ve 5th fi fth

6 six 6th sixth

7 seven 7th seventh

8 eight 8th eighth

9 nine 9th ninth

10 ten 10th tenth

11 eleven 11th eleventh

12 twelve 12th twelfth

13 thirteen 13th thirteenth

14 fourteen 14th fourteenth

15 fi fteen 15th fi fteenth

Unit 50U 05U i 005050Unit 5Unit 5iUUnit 50Unit 500U it 50U it 50000555tttiiinnnUUUUnit 50it 50

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Количественные (Cardinal)сколько? (how many?)

Порядковые (Ordinal)какой? который? (which?)

16 sixteen 16th sixteenth

17 seventeen 17th seventeenth

18 eighteen 18th eighteenth

19 nineteen 19th nineteenth

20 twenty 20th twentieth

21 twenty-one 21st twenty-fi rst

22 twenty-two 22nd twenty-second

23 twenty-three 23rd twenty-third

30 thirty 30th thirtieth

40 forty 40th fortieth

50 fi fty 50th fi ftieth

60 sixty 60th sixtieth

70 seventy 70th seventieth

80 eighty 80th eightieth

90 ninety 90th ninetieth

100 one hundred 100th hundredth

101 one hundred and one 101st hundred and fi rst

102 one hundred and two, etc 102nd hundred and second

200 two hundred 200th two hundredth

1. Room one (1), но: the fi rst roomPage two (2), но: the second pageTask three (3), но: the third taskFile four (4), но: the fourth fi le

Продолжение табл.

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Text fi ve (5), но: the fi fth textNumber six (6), но: the sixth number

a second, a third (в значении «ещё один»)

Would you like a second cup of tea?

Ho: First Avenue, 42-nd Street, Fifth Avenue

2. two hundred students, fi ve million people

3. to be on cloud nine (in seventh cloud) with joy...(быть на седьмом небе от счастья).

1. nought [nɔ:t]0.7 = nought point seven (в математике)

2. zero ['zıǝrǝu]–15°C = minus fi fteen degrees или fi fteen degrees below zero (в науке, напри-

мер для обозначения температуры)

3. о [ǝυ]705 21 80 = seven о fi ve two one eight о (в телефонных номерах)

4. nil или nothing

2:0 = the score was two nothing или two nil (в спорте для обозначения сче-та игры)

50.1. Употребите правильную форму числительного в скобках.

1. It’s ... of ... today. 2. It’s (8) o’clock already. 3. There are (7) students in this group. 4. Read text (4). 5. You have a mistake in (3) sentence. 6. Do (22) task. 7. You must do (1) exercise orally, and (2) one in written form. 8. (2) is company, and (3) is a crowd. 9. The information is in file (11). 10. They got a new flat on (68) Street. 11. It is their (11) anniversary today. 12. (5) years later he became the manager of the firm. 13. The temperature today is (20) degrees below (0). 14. She was like (2) mother to me. 15. — Would you like (2) cup of tea? — No more, thank you. 16. The score of the match was 4:0. 17. My birthday is on ... of ... .

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50.2. Употребите артикль, если необходимо.

1. His office is on ...................... Fifth Avenue, on ...................... fortieth floor of a skyscraper. 2. The conference will take place on ...................... second floor in ...................... room 204. 3. My boyfriend’s birthday is on ...................... 8th of March. 4. ...................... exercise sixty is in ...................... Unit 24. 5. You must give it ...................... second thought. 6. ...................... year passed, then ...................... second, then ...................... . third one, but there was still no news of them. 7. Three years later they had ...................... second son. 8. The child has a high temperature, it’s nearly ...................... 40 degrees. 9. You must certainly have ...................... second try. 10. ...................... 21 century is the century of new technologies. 11. I was ...................... fourth to answer at the exam, and accordingly, I got ...................... four. 12. Catherine ...................... Second put a monument to Peter ...................... Great in St. Petersburg. 13. Take ...................... first turning to the right. 14. I am on ...................... cloud nine with happiness. 15. Will you give me ...................... second chance? 16. Today, in court they are listening to ...................... case 123. 17. ...................... participle I (one) is used for building up progressive tenses, ...................... participle II (two) is used to build up passive forms. 18. They met at ...................... first night at the Maly Theatre. 19. She was ...................... third-year medical student. 20. Your lawyer is on ...................... line two. He wants to talk to you. 21. She did it without ...................... second thought.

50.3. Ответьте на следующие вопросы.

1. What’s the date today? And what day is it today? 2. What’s the temperature outside? 3. What’s the temperature in your flat (house)? 4. What’s your official address? 5. What’s your telephone number? 6. Where is your office (school) situated? 7. When did you leave school? 8. When did you become a student? 9. When did you start to earn your living? 10. What’s the normal temperature of a healthy person? 11. How many kilometers are there in the mile? 12. How many years are there in a millennium? 13. How many planets are there in our Solar System? 14. What is your lucky number?

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50.4. Переведите следующие предложения.

1. Ìû íà÷àëè ïèñàòü êîíòðîëüíóþ ðàáîòó â 2 ÷àñà, è íàì ïî-íàäîáèëîñü äâà ÷àñà, ÷òîáû íàïèñàòü å¸. 2.  ñòîëåòèè — ñòî ëåò, à â òûñÿ÷åëåòèè — òûñÿ÷à. 3. — Òâîåìó øåôó ñîðîê ëåò? — Íåò, åìó ïÿòüäåñÿò. 4. Íàì íóæíà âòîðàÿ ìàøèíà. Ñåìüÿ óâåëè÷èâàåòñÿ, è îäíîé ìàøèíû íåäîñòàòî÷íî. 5. Íà-ñåëåíèå Ðîññèéñêîé Ôåäåðàöèè îêîëî 150 ìèëëèîíîâ ÷åëî-âåê. 6. — Êàê íàñ÷¸ò âòîðîé ÷àøå÷êè êîôå? — Íå îòêàæóñü. 7. Ïîñëå ðàáîòû ìû äåëàåì ïîêóïêè â «Ñåäüìîì êîíòèíåí-òå». 8. Áîëüíîé íàõîäèòñÿ â ïàëàòå ¹ 6. 9. Øêîëà 1239 íàõî-äèòñÿ íà 15-é Ïàðêîâîé óëèöå. 10. Òîì Áðàóí — ïîáåäèòåëü «Ôîðìóëû-2». 11. Ñåãîäíÿ ýòà êíèãà ÿâëÿåòñÿ áåñòñåëëåðîì ¹ 1 â Àíãëèè. 12. ß íà ñåäüìîì íåáå îò ñ÷àñòüÿ. 13. Ðåéñ 452 îòïðàâëÿåòñÿ â 14:40. 14. — ×òî èä¸ò ïî ñåäüìîìó êàíà-ëó? — Íå çíàþ, ÿ ñìîòðþ «Ïÿòûé óãîë» ïî ÷åòâ¸ðòîìó êà-íàëó. 15. Äàâàé âñòðåòèìñÿ íà ïëàòôîðìå ¹ 8. 16. Ïåðâàÿ ëþáîâü íå çàáûâàåòñÿ. 17. Îíà îäåâàåòñÿ êàê ïåðâàÿ ëåäè. 18. Ðîáåðò ïîëó÷èë ïåðâîêëàññíîå îáðàçîâàíèå â Îêñôîðäå. 19. Îíè ñòàëè äëÿ ìåíÿ âòîðîé ñåìü¸é. 20. Äâåñòè ñòóäåíòîâ ïðèíÿëè ó÷àñòèå â êîíôåðåíöèè. 21. Ïÿòüñîò äåòåé ó÷àòñÿ â ýòîé øêîëå. 22. Ýòîò ôèëüì îáîø¸ëñÿ â ñåìüäåñÿò ìèëëèîíîâ äîëëàðîâ.

50.5. Переведите следующие предложения.

1. Ïÿòüñîò ñòóäåíòîâ ó÷àòñÿ íà ýòîì ôàêóëüòåòå. Ñòî äâàä-öàòü ñòóäåíòîâ ó÷àòñÿ íà ïåðâîì êóðñå. Ýòî ñàìûé áîëüøîé êóðñ. 2. Çàäà÷à íîìåð îäèí äëÿ ìåíÿ — ýòî ó÷èòüñÿ. 3. Ìîÿ ñåñòð¸íêà èäåò â ïåðâûé ðàç â ïåðâûé êëàññ. 4. Ýòà êàðòè-íà ñòîèò äâà ìèëëèîíà äîëëàðîâ. 5. Ýòî ïðàâèëî ìîæíî ïðî-÷èòàòü íà 36 ñòðàíèöå. 6. Ìàøèíà åõàëà ïî ÷åòâ¸ðòîé ïî-ëîñå. 7.  òðåòüåé ñòðîêå ñâåðõó åñòü îïå÷àòêà (a misprint). 8. Ôóòáîëüíûé ìàò÷ çàêîí÷èëñÿ ñî ñ÷¸òîì 2:0. 9. Ýòî ïåðâî-êëàññíûé îòåëü. Îí òåáå ïîíðàâèòñÿ. 10. Ïåðâûé ìîáèëüíûé òåëåôîí ïîÿâèëñÿ â Øòàòàõ â øåñòèäåñÿòûå ãîäû. 11. Îíà ïîëó÷èëà âèäåîêàìåðó íà ñâîé ÷åòûðíàäöàòûé äåíü ðîæäå-íèÿ. 12. 31 äåêàáðÿ âñå ëþäè âñòðå÷àþò Íîâûé Ãîä. 13. Ïåðå-âåðíèòå ñòðàíèöó è ÷èòàéòå òåêñò.

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(лишь как определение существительного)

Other people (any other man, woman).Other plans, other books, other countries, in other words, some other time.Moscow is bigger than any other city in this country.What other countries have you visited?

The other

(выбор лишь из двух лиц или предметов)

One glove is here, but where is the other?

We have two rooms. One is a bedroom, the other is a sitting-room.I have two friends. One is an actor, the other is an artist.


(употребляется как существительное, имеет очень общее значение)

Some people like coff ee, others prefer tea.I don’t care what others (or other people) say.Some books are worth reading, others are just a waste of time.

The others

(«другие», «остальные» из определённой группы людей или предметов)

Two of the seven students are here. Where are the


Let’s wait till the others come back.We got some faxes yesterday. Two are for the chief, the others are for the manager.


(«любой другой», «ещё один», как определение только с исчисляемым существительным в ед. числе)

I don’t like this scarf, show me another one.

Would you like another cup of tea?I have another dog now, the old one ran away.It happened in another country.

Unit 51U it 515U i 551Unit 5Unit 5iUUUnit 51Unit 511Unit 51Unit 5111555tttiiinnnUUnit 5Uni

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1. the other day (на днях) — в отношении прошлого (Past Simple).We met the other day on the street.She called me the other day.

one of these days (на днях) — в отношении будущего.We’ll discuss it one of these days.

I’ll call you one of these days.

2. another + two groups (three years и т.д.) — как мера чего-то.

I’ve got another three books to read.We’ve got another two weeks to study.

3. устоявшиеся выражения:on the one hand..., on the other hand... .(С одной стороны..., с другой стороны... .)The grass is always greener on the other side of the street (поговорка).«У других всегда всё лучше». «В чужом кармане калач велик».One hand washes the other. «Рука руку моет».

51.1. Употребите одно из следующих слов: (any) other, the other, others, the

others, (one) another.

1. There was silence at ............................. end of the phone. 2. What ............................. English books did you read last year? 3. We need ............................. computer. This one is out of date. 4. And now let’s go and join ............................. 5. I’ve got many ............................. things to think about. 6. Bees carry pollen from one plant to ............................. . 7. He had a case in one hand, a mobile in ............................. . 8. He began opening bottles, ............................. after ............................. . 9. Only two of the class passed the test, ............................. will have to take it again. 10. Do you know what happened ............................. day? 11. Don’t tire ............................. people with your problems. 12. Let’s wait until ............................. come back. 13. Some people are optimists, ............................. are pessimists. 14. The boxers went on hitting each ............................. . 15. One man’s meat is ............................. man’s poison. 16. I’ve got ............................. five faxes to send. 17. Alice lay in bed, the television remote control in one hand, thickly buttered toast in ............................. . 18. “Money troubles?” said my Dad, coming into the kitchen. “You know, there are two solutions to money troubles: Spend less or Make more Money. One or .............................

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You must decide which.” 19. Remember the golden rule: “Do to ............................. what you would like them to do to you!” 20. The grass is always greener on ............................. side of the street.

51.2. Переведите следующие предложения.

1. Äàâàéòå îáñóäèì ýòî êàê-íèáóäü â äðóãîé ðàç. 2. Ëþäè äîëæíû ïîìîãàòü äðóã äðóãó. 3. Çàêðîé îäèí ãëàç, ïîòîì äðó-ãîé. 4. Ìíå íóæíà äðóãàÿ ñóìêà. Ýòà ñëèøêîì ìàëà. 5. Ó íàñ äâà áàëêîíà. Îäèí âûõîäèò (to face) íà þã, äðóãîé íà âîñ-òîê. 6. Íåêîòîðûå ëþäè ëþáÿò ÿðêèå öâåòà, äðóãèì íðàâÿòñÿ ò¸ìíûå öâåòà. 7. Ìíå âñ¸ ðàâíî (to care), ÷òî ãîâîðÿò äðóãèå. 8. Çäåñü âñåãî ëèøü ïÿòü ÷ëåíîâ êîìàíäû. Ãäå æå îñòàëüíûå? 9. Îí ó÷èòñÿ ëó÷øå, ÷åì ëþáîé äðóãîé ó÷åíèê â íàøåé øêîëå. 10. Ñ îäíîé ñòîðîíû, îí íåïëîõîé ïàðåíü, à ñ äðóãîé ñòîðî-íû, îí î÷åíü íåâçðîñëûé, õîòÿ åìó óæå äâàäöàòü ëåò. 11. Îíè ñåëè ïîäàëüøå îò äðóãèõ. 12. Ðóêà ðóêó ìîåò. 13. Ìíå íå íðà-âèòñÿ ýòà ïàðà òóôåëü. Ïîêàæèòå ìíå äðóãóþ, ïîæàëóéñòà. 14. Íå ñëåäóåò ðàññêàçûâàòü òàêèå âåùè äðóãèì (ëþäÿì). Ýòî æå ñëèøêîì ëè÷íîå. 15. Êàêèõ åù¸ ñîâðåìåííûõ ïèñàòåëåé âû ìîæåòå íàçâàòü?

51.3. Прочитайте следующий диалог по ролям и затем перескажите его в

косвенной речи в прошедшем времени.


— Mary, is it true, have you got two houses?— Oh, yes, Alice. I’ve got one in London and the other in the country.— Oh, me got a very small flat. It’s got two rooms, and a kitchen, and a bathroom.— Poor you! And I’ve got two television-sets. One upstairs, the other downstairs.— Marvellous! Our TV is very small. It’s black and white.— And I’ve got two cars. They both have stereo systems.— Oh, my husband’s car is very old. He’s got a Mini.— And I’ve got two villas. One in Spain, and the other in France.

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— Gosh, that’s wonderful! You are very lucky.— Well, yes, but I’ve also got a little problem.— Pardon, you’ve got a problem?!— Yes, it’s very embarrassing.— What is it?— Well, I’ve also got two husbands.

51.4. Переведите следующие предложения.

1. Ìàãàçèí íàõîäèòñÿ íà äðóãîé ñòîðîíå óëèöû. 2. ß íåðâ-íè÷àë, ïðîôåññîð. Äàéòå ìíå äðóãîé øàíñ. 3. — Íà äíÿõ ìû ïðèíèìàëè ó÷àñòèå â ôîíåòè÷åñêîì êîíêóðñå. Ïîëîâèíà ñòó-äåíòîâ ÷èòàëà ñòèõè, äðóãàÿ ïîëîâèíà ðàññêàçûâàëà ñêàç-êè. — À ÷òî òû äåëàëà? — À ÿ ñïåëà ïåñíþ î ôåðìå ñòà-ðîãî Ìàê Äîíàëüäà. 4. Êàêèå åù¸ íîâîñòè èíòåðåñóþò òåáÿ? 5. Áëèçíåöû òàê ïîõîæè, ÷òî èõ íåâîçìîæíî îòëè÷èòü äðóã îò äðóãà. 6. Êàêîé æå òû ðàññåÿííûé! Ó òåáÿ â îäíî óõî âõîäèò, à â äðóãîå âûõîäèò. 7. Íå ãîâîðè íè÷åãî îñòàëüíûì, êîãäà îíè âåðíóòñÿ. 8. Ëó÷øèé ñïîñîá ïîìî÷ü ñåáå — ýòî ïîìî÷ü äðóãèì. 9. Åñëè òû íå óìååøü ñëóøàòü äðóãèõ ëþäåé, òî òû íèêîãäà íè÷åìó íå íàó÷èøüñÿ. 10. Ó äðóãèõ âñåãäà âñ¸ ëó÷øå. 11. Ýòî, òàê ñêàçàòü, îáîðîòíàÿ ñòîðîíà ìåäàëè. 12. Ñ îäíîé ñòîðîíû, ýòî õîðîøèé øàíñ, à ñ äðóãîé ñòîðîíû, êòî çíàåò... 13. Áàáóø-êà ïîöåëîâàëà ìåíÿ ñíà÷àëà â îäíó ù¸÷êó, ïîòîì â äðóãóþ. 14. Îí äàë ñûíó (ñëåäóþùèå) ïÿòü äîëëàðîâ, åãî åæåíåäåëü-íûå êàðìàííûå äåíüãè. 15. Ïðèä¸òñÿ âûëîæèòü åù¸ 200 äîë-ëàðîâ çà ðåíòó äîìà. 16. ß äîáðûé ÷åëîâåê, íî åñëè ìåíÿ îáè-äÿò, òî ÿ íå ñòàíó ïîäñòàâëÿòü äðóãóþ ù¸êó. 17. — ß óñòàë ðàáîòàòü íà äðóãèõ! — Åñëè ó òåáÿ åñòü êàêîé-òî äðóãîé âû-áîð, òî ïåðåñòàíü äåëàòü ýòî. — Äà, ëåãêî äàâàòü ñîâåòû äðó-ãèì! 18. Êîãäà åù¸ ìû âñòðåòèìñÿ? 19. ×òî åù¸ ÿ ìîãó ñêà-çàòü? 20. Êàêèå åù¸ áëþäà òû óìååøü ãîòîâèòü? 21. Êòî åù¸ ïðèä¸ò íà òâîþ âå÷åðèíêó? 22. Êàêèå åù¸ âîïðîñû âû õîòèòå çàäàòü? 23. Îí ïåðåìèíàëñÿ (to shift) ñ íîãè íà íîãó.

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Do Make

I. Выполнение того или иного вида

деятельности вообще.

— What do you do? (What’s your job?) — I work in a bookshop.— What does your friend do? — She is an economist.— What does your neighbour do?— He trains dogs for a living.

I. Создавать, производить что-то (часто своими руками).

This designer makes wonderful clothes.I’m making coff ee. Have a cup with me.

Устоявшиеся выражения

1. do some work, homework, housework, exercises, translation, tests, an exam, a course

I did the translation without a dictionary.Do you do morning exercises?

1. make a speech, a report, a mistake, an appointment, progress, a call

We all make mistakes.You’ve made good progress lately.Let’s make an appointment.The president made a short speech.

2. do one’s duty, one’s best, business with..., something for a living

Everyone must do their duty.He does business with many fi rms.What does she do for a living?

2. make money, a choice, friends, an excuse, a will, a promise, a wish, an experiment, up one’s mind

Money makes money.He makes friends easily.Close your eyes and make a wish.I made up my mind to start a new life.

Unit 52U 25U i 5252Unit 5Unit 5iUUnit 52Unit 522Unit 52it 522U it 52U it 5222555tttiiinnnUUUUnit 52nit 52

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Устоявшиеся выражения

3. do somebody a favour, one’s hair, to do shopping (washing, cleaning, cooking)

Will you do me a favour?Who does your hair?I usually do my shopping on Friday evening.

3. make a noise (a mess), a shopping list, a dress, a tour (journey), bed

Who made all that mess?He never makes his bed.If I don’t make a shopping list, I’ll forget to buy a lot of things.

52.1. Заполните пропуски глаголом do или make в необходимой форме.

1. Íå ...................... money on oil. 2. Paris ...................... an unforget-table impression on me. 3. — Could you ...................... me a fa-vour? — I’ll ...................... my best to help you. 4. Mr. Robinson! You ...................... an appointment for two o’clock, and now it’s nearly two. 5. My boss ...................... business with a Swedish firm. 6. When did the scientists ...................... these experiments? 7. Let’s ...................... an arrangement: you ...................... your business and I’ll ...................... mine. 8. She ...................... her hair once a month. 9. The agent ...................... an attempt to save the situation. 10. — What does he ...................... for a living? — He ...................... violins and guitars. 11. Japan ...................... good cars. 12. I’ll ...................... the beds after breakfast. 13. Excuse me, I must ...................... a call. 14. Many women in Britain ...................... their washing on Mon-days. 15. My Grandfather ...................... a lot of jobs during his life. 16. — Have you ...................... your homework? — Yes, I ...................... it an hour ago. 17. Let’s ...................... a list of things which we must ...................... today. 18. You should ...................... a decision what to ...................... next. 19. Why do you ...................... so many mistakes when you ...................... tests? 20. They ...................... a lot of work to-gether and very soon ...................... good friends. 21. Microchips are used to ...................... computers. 22. I can ...................... many things: I can ...................... my own clothes, I can also ...................... delicious cakes and pies, and I can ...................... you laugh .

Продолжение табл.

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52.2. Переведите следующие предложения.

1. — Ïîçâîíè ìàìå. — ß óæå ñäåëàë ýòî. 2. Ìû âñå äåëàåì îøèáêè, â îñîáåííîñòè êîãäà ìû ìîëîäû. 3. Êàæäîå óòðî ìàìà ñîñòàâëÿåò ñïèñîê äåë, êîòîðûå ìû äîëæíû ñäåëàòü. 4. — Òàê âêóñíî ïàõíåò â äîìå! ×òî ýòî òû äåëàåøü? — Ïåêó ÿáëî÷-íóþ øàðëîòêó. 5. Êîãäà äåòè ïðèõîäÿò äîìîé èç øêîëû, îíè íåâåðîÿòíî øóìÿò è óñòðàèâàþò áåñïîðÿäîê. 6. Çàâòðà ñóá-áîòà. ß íè÷åãî íå äåëàþ ïî ñóááîòàì. ß îòäûõàþ. 7. Â÷åðà ÿ ïåðåäåëàëà ìíîãî äåë. 8. Íå ëþáëþ äåëàòü äîìàøíþþ ðàáîòó. Ýòî òàê óòîìèòåëüíî. 9. Ìíîãèå ëþäè ñåé÷àñ äåëàþò ñâîé õëåá äîìà. 10. — ×åì çàíèìàåòñÿ òâîé ìóæ? — Îí äåëàåò ìåáåëü. 11. — ß ïðîñèëà òåáÿ âûìûòü ïîñóäó. Òû ñäåëàë ýòî? Ñåé÷àñ ïðèãîòîâëþ ÷àé, ìû ïîïü¸ì åãî, à çàòåì ñäåëàåì ýòî âìåñòå. Èä¸ò? 12. Çàêðîé ãëàçà è çàãàäàé æåëàíèå. 13. Åñëè äà¸øü îáåùàíèå, òî äåðæè åãî. 14. Îí ñäåëàë ïîïûòêó âñòðåòèòüñÿ ñ íàìè, íî ìû ðåøèëè íå äåëàòü ýòîãî. 15. Îíè ñîâåðøèëè êðóãîñâåòíîå òóðíå. 16. ß íå ïîìíþ, êòî ñäåëàë ôèëüì «Òè-òàíèê». 17. Îíà ñäåëàëà áîëüøèå óñïåõè â àíãëèéñêîì ÿçû-êå, íî âñ¸-òàêè èíîãäà îíà äåëàåò îðôîãðàôè÷åñêèå îøèáêè. 18. Îí ãîâîðèò, ÷òî ñäåëàåò âñ¸ âîçìîæíîå, ÷òîáû ñäåëàòü å¸ ñ÷àñòëèâîé. 19. Îíà óìååò äåëàòü î÷åíü êðàñèâûå èãðóøêè. 20. — ß çàñûïàþ. Ïîéäó ñâàðþ êîôå. — Äàâàé ëó÷øå ÿ ñäå-ëàþ ýòî. 21. — ß ðåøèë ñòàòü âðà÷îì, ïàïà, êàê ìîé äåäóø-êà. — ß ðàä, ÷òî òû ñäåëàë ýòî, ñûí. 22. — Òû ðåøèë, â êà-êîé èíñòèòóò ïîñòóïàòü? — Íåò, ÿ åù¸ íå ñäåëàë ýòîãî.

52.3. Заполните пропуски глаголами do или make в необходимой форме.

1. Here are your tests, will you please ...................... corrections. 2. ...................... a wish and I’ll ...................... my best to realize it. 3. He ...................... so much money that he doesn’t know what to ...................... with it. 4. Who is to ...................... the cooking today? 5. Don’t ...................... remarks while I am speaking, please. 6. He likes to ...................... fun of his friends. 7. I have to ...................... a lot of housework: to ...................... the ironing, to ...................... the beds. 8. Sooner or later everybody has to ...................... choices. 9. This actress ...................... many face-lifts. 10. Let’s make up. Let’s ...................... peace.

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Àðòèêëè ñ ñóùåñòâèòåëüíûìè, îáîçíà÷àþùèìè ÷àñòè ñóòîê

è âðåìåíà ãîäà

—абстрактное значение,

обозначает время суток или время года

aописательное определение

theситуация, контекст,

лимитирующее определение

It’s morning.

Night fell. Day broke.It was sunrise.

It was autumn.

It is spring.

It’s a sunny morning.

It was a dark night.

It was a beautiful


It was a golden


We had a warm spring.

The morning is sunny.The night was dark.The sunrise was beautiful.We met in the autumn of 1998.The spring is warm.

1. Если у этих существительных в роли предикатива (именной части составно-го именного сказуемого) есть описательные определения early, late, broad,

high, то артикль не употребляется.I run in early morning. It’s broad day. It was high noon.

Unit 53U 35U i 335353Unit 5Unit 5iUUnit 53Unit 533it 53it 533U it 53U it 5333555tttiiinnnUUUUnit 53Unit 53

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Артикли с существительными, обозначающими части суток и времена года

It was late autumn. It’s early spring.

В остальных случаях при наличии этих определений артикль употребляется.We are going to have an early spring (a late autumn).


В следующих предложных фразах артикль не употребляется:

at night, at dawn, by noon, by midnight, after sunset, before nightfall, all day (long), all night through, day after day, from morning till night, day and night

В следующих фразах употребляется the:

in the morning, in the daytime, in the afternoon, in the evening, in the night, in (the) autumn, in (the) winter, in the summertime

53.1. Употребите артикль, если необходимо.

1. It was ...................... lovely August evening. 2. ...................... morning was clear and cold. 3. They met in ...................... early May. 4. It was ...................... dark starry night. 5. It’s too cold for ...................... October. 6. What ...................... glorious day it is! 7. It was ...................... golden November day. 8. It was ...................... fine, clear day in ...................... middle of ...................... April. 9. ...................... night fell. ...................... bright stars appeared in the sky. 10. ...................... day broke and we started on our way. 11. ...................... twilight was gathering. 12. Look at ...................... sunset! It promises ...................... cold weather tomorrow. 13. The peasants used to start working at ...................... dawn. 14. It was nearly ...................... dusk. 15. My birthday is in ...................... late autumn. 16. I’ll never forget ...................... day when we first met.

53.2. Переведите следующие предложения.

1. Êàêàÿ ÷óäåñíàÿ íî÷ü! Áóäåì ãóëÿòü äî óòðà. 2. Ýòî ïðîèçî-øëî ëåòîì ïðîøëîãî ãîäà. 3. Îíè òðóäÿòñÿ äåíü çà äí¸ì êàê ìóðàâüè. 4. Íî÷ü ïåðåä Ðîæäåñòâîì — ñàìîå ÷óäåñíîå âðå-ìÿ ãîäà. 5. ß ñëóøàþ íîâîñòè ðàíî óòðîì è â 9 ÷àñîâ âå÷åðà. 6. À.Ñ. Ïóøêèí î÷åíü ëþáèë îñåíü è òåðïåòü íå ìîã ëåòî, ïî-òîìó ÷òî ëåòîì æàðêî è ìíîãî ìóõ è êîìàðîâ. 7. ß áóäó äîìà ê âå÷åðó. 8. ×òîáû óâèäåòü ðàññâåò, íóæíî âñòàòü ðàíî óòðîì. 9. Îí ðàáîòàåò â Èíòåðíåòå ïî íî÷àì, à ïîòîì ñïèò äî îáåäà. 10. Êîãäà â Ðîññèè çèìà, òî â Áðàçèëèè — ëåòî. 11. Æàðêèé èþëüñêèé äåíü ïîäîø¸ë ê êîíöó. 12. Ïîñëå çàêàòà îáû÷íî ñòà-íîâèòñÿ õîëîäíåå. 13. Ìíîãèå ëþäè ïðåäïî÷èòàþò îòäûõàòü â

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ëåòíåå âðåìÿ. 14. Áûëà ïîçäíÿÿ îñåíü. Ïòèöû óëåòåëè â ò¸-ïëûå ñòðàíû. 15. ×àñû ïîêàçûâàëè ïîëíî÷ü. 16. Ýòî ñëó÷èëîñü îäíèì âîñêðåñíûì óòðîì. 17. Äàâàé âñòðåòèìñÿ â âîñêðåñåíüå óòðîì.

53.3. Употребите артикль, если необходимо.

1. You must sleep on it. Everything looks better in ...................... morning. 2. In ...................... autumn many people feel depressed. 3. The weather usually gets much worse in ...................... late au-tumn. 4. We finished the work by ...................... late afternoon. 5. She worked from ...................... morning till ...................... night. 6. ...................... evening was windy and chilly. It was ...................... typical Novem-ber weather. 7. I awoke to ...................... gloomy day. 8. Tender is ...................... night. 9. He called us in ...................... middle of ...................... night. 10. ...................... day of my wedding has come at last! 11. ...................... dawn will break soon. 12. In ...................... late autumn we lock our cottage till ...................... spring. 13. Early in ...................... morning my dog licks me awake. 14. We had ...................... slushy winter last year. 15. They arrived at ...................... noon and left in ...................... afternoon. 16. We expect some news by ...................... eve-ning. 17. It was ...................... typical autumnal day.

53.4. Переведите следующие предложения.

1. Áûëî óòðî. Áûëî ðàííåå óòðî. Áûëî ò¸ïëîå ëåòíåå óòðî. Îí ðîäèëñÿ ðàííèì óòðîì. Ìíå òðóäíî âñòàâàòü ðàíî ïî óòðàì. Óòðî áûëî ïðîõëàäíîå, íî ñîëíå÷íîå. Êàêîå õîðîøåå óòðî! Ìû äîáåð¸ìñÿ äî ñòàíöèè ê óòðó.2. Íàñòóïèë äåíü. Ýòî áûë òóìàííûé äåíü, äåíü íàøåãî îòúåç-äà. Äåíü áûë äîæäëèâûì. ×òî òû îáû÷íî äåëàåøü â òå÷åíèå äíÿ? Èíöèäåíò ïðîèçîø¸ë ïàñìóðíûì ñåíòÿáðüñêèì äí¸ì.3. Áûë ïîëäåíü. Ïîëäåíü — ýòî 12 ÷àñîâ. Äîìîõîçÿéêè ñòàðà-þòñÿ ñäåëàòü âñå ïîêóïêè äî ïîëóäíÿ. Ïîñåòèòåëü ïîÿâèëñÿ ëèøü â ïîëäåíü.4. Áûëî ïîñëåïîëóäåííîå âðåìÿ. Ìû ëþáèì ïèòü ÷àé ïîñëå ïîëóäíÿ. Ìàëåíüêèå äåòè îáû÷íî ñïÿò â ïîñëåïîëóäåííîå âðåìÿ. Ìû ïîñâÿòèëè ïîñëåïîëóäåííîå âðåìÿ ÷òåíèþ.

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Артикли с существительными, обозначающими части суток и времена года

5. Áûë âå÷åð. Áûë ìîðîçíûé êðåùåíñêèé âå÷åð. Âå÷åð áûë ò¸ïëûé. Áûë ïîçäíèé âå÷åð. Ìíå âñåãäà õî÷åòñÿ ñïàòü ïî âå-÷åðàì. Òû ïîéä¸øü íà ïðîãóëêó âå÷åðîì? Ìû çàêîí÷èì âñ¸ ê âå÷åðó.6. Íàñòóïèëà íî÷ü. Áûëà íî÷ü. Áûëà òèõàÿ çâ¸çäíàÿ íî÷ü. ß ëþáëþ ñìîòðåòü íà çâ¸çäû íî÷üþ. Íî÷ü áûëà òèõà. Áóðÿ ïðîäîëæàëàñü âñþ íî÷ü. Ìû îòïðàâèëèñü òóäà â ñóááîòó âå-÷åðîì (ñóááîòíèì âå÷åðîì). Ó ìåíÿ íî÷íîå äåæóðñòâî ñåãîäíÿ. Åãî îõðàíÿþò äåíü è íî÷ü. ß öåëûé ìåñÿö íå ëîæèëñÿ ñïàòü ðàíî.7. Âîñõîä — ýòî âðåìÿ, êîãäà âîñõîäèò ñîëíöå. Ìû ïèëè, ñìå-ÿëèñü, áîëòàëè äî ðàññâåòà. Ýòî îçíà÷àåò çàðþ (íà÷àëî) íîâîé ýðû.8. Âåñíà — ýòî âðåìÿ ãîäà ìåæäó çèìîé è ëåòîì. Âåñíîé ñòà-íîâèòñÿ òåïëåå. Îí óåõàë âåñíîé 1996 ãîäà. Ïàðèæ ïðåêðàñåí âåñíîé. Îñåíü — ýòî ïîðà ñâàäåá. Áûëà ðàííÿÿ âåñíà. Áûëà ïîçäíÿÿ îñåíü.

53.5. Употребите артикль, если необходимо.

1. I clung to my hopes, ...................... day after ...................... day, ...................... night after ...................... night, ...................... year after ...................... year. 2. I stand and stretch. “I’d better go up there. What I really want is ...................... long hot bath and ...................... early night.” 3. — Come for a coffee. — Okay. You can buy me ...................... late lunch. 4. It was ...................... late September and ...................... weather was turning ugly. 5. ...................... bitter weather set in on November 14, ...................... heavy wet snow was driven by ...................... strong wind. 6. In ...................... morning there was ...................... hard frost sugaring ...................... trees outside and making them look magical. 7. She’s ...................... top businesswoman. She works since ...................... early morning till ...................... late night. 8. At ...................... noon, ...................... limousine stopped in front of ...................... glass doors. ...................... moment later out gets ...................... man with ...................... blond hair in ...................... ...................... blue overcoat. He’s wearing ...................... dark glasses and is holding ...................... very expensive-looking briefcase. Wow. He looks like ...................... million dollars. 9. My sister is going to get married ...................... second time.

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Àðòèêëè ñ ñóùåñòâèòåëüíûìè, îáîçíà÷àþùèìè ïðè¸ìû ïèùè


—абстрактное значение,

время приема пищи

aописательное определение, званый прием, вечеринка,


theситуация, контекст,

лимитирующее определение

It was lunchtime.

We had tea on the terrace.What shall I cook for supper?

Dinner is served.

Артикль отсутствует в предложных фразах: at dinner,

after supper, before

lunch, at tea.

There is no such thing as a

free lunch.

I usually have a light


Let’s have an early supper

tonight.We organized a tea for the children.It was an offi cial dinner.

You can get a set-dinner

at this restaurant, (комплексный обед) I haven’t got enough money to pay for a


The lunch was tasty.The tea is too hot.The supper which you cooked was delicious.Don’t burn the dinner

again!Rush to the kitchen and have a look at the

supper. (имеется в виду сама еда)The brunch was porridge, sandwiches, fruit, juice.

Unit 54U it 545U i 5454Unit 5Unit 5iUUnit 54Unit 544Unit 544Unit 54U it 5444555tttiiinnnUUUUnit 5Unit 5

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Артикли с существительными, обозначающими приёмы пищи (meals)

1. to have breakfast (lunch, dinner, ...)В вопросительной и отрицательной форме употребляется глагол do!

When do you usually have supper? — At 7 o’clock.Do you always have dinner at home? — No, I don’t.

You have dinner at home, don’t you?

2.  — Do you have a sweet tooth? (Ты сладкоежка?)  — Yes, I am a chocaholic.

(Я обожаю шоколад.)

54.1. Употребите артикль, если необходимо.

1. ...................... dinner is ready, sit to table, please. 2. If you don’t hurry, you’ll be late for ...................... supper. 3. I always eat ...................... big breakfast. 4. He treated us to ...................... expensive supper at the Ritz. 5. Today we are going to have ...................... early supper. 6. He usually has whisky and soda before ...................... dinner. 7. ...................... lunch really tastes better out-of-doors. 8. If you put some more salt in ...................... dinner, it’ll be just fine. 9. He throws ...................... dinner party every week for all his friends. 10. I won’t eat ...................... dinner. It’s uneatable. 11. The University gave ...................... farewell dinner to the graduates. 12. ...................... brunch is a late morning meal. It is eaten as the first meal of the day at about eleven o’clock. 13. Two teas and ...................... coffee, please. 14. She was too busy to make ...................... lunch. 15. Who made such ...................... good tea? 16. They met at ...................... official lunch.

54.2. Переведите следующие предложения.

1. Ïîñëå óæèíà ìû îáñóæäàåì ïîñëåäíèå íîâîñòè. 2. À ÷òî ó íàñ ñåãîäíÿ íà îáåä? 3. Ïîñòàâü çàâòðàê íà ïîäíîñ è îòíåñè åãî â ñïàëüíþ. 4. Íå åøü êîíôåòû ïåðåä îáåäîì! 5. — Òû ñëàäêî-åæêà? — Äà, ÿ îáîæàþ øîêîëàä. 6. Óæèí ñîñòîÿë èç ñàëàòà, æàðåíîé ðûáû è êàðòîôåëÿ. 7. — Ñêîëüêî ìû äîëæíû çà-ïëàòèòü çà îáåä? — Íå áåñïîêîéñÿ, ÿ çàïëà÷ó. 8. Áèçíåñ-ëàí÷ â ýòîì ðåñòîðàíå ñòîèò äâåñòè ïÿòüäåñÿò ðóáëåé. 9. Âðåìÿ ëàí÷à. Äàâàé çàãëÿíåì â «¨ëêè-Ïàëêè» íà Òâåðñêîé. 10. Îíè âñòðåòèëèñü íà îôèöèàëüíîì îáåäå. 11. Ýòî áûë ãðàíäèîçíûé îáåä. Ìíîãèå çíàìåíèòîñòè áûëè ïðèãëàøåíû íà îáåä. 12. Íå

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çàáûâàéòå ìûòü ðóêè ïåðåä åäîé. 13. Ñêîëüêî ðàç â äåíü âû åäèòå? 14. Ïîçäíèé çàâòðàê — ýòî íå÷òî ñðåäíåå ìåæäó çà-âòðàêîì è ëàí÷åì. 15. Êàêîé ïðåêðàñíûé óæèí! Òû ïðîñòî çàìå÷àòåëüíûé ïîâàð! 16. ß åù¸ íè÷åãî íå êóïèëà íà îáåä. Áîþñü, ÷òî ó íàñ ñåãîäíÿ áóäåò ïîçäíèé îáåä. 17. Îí íå çà-âòðàêàåò ïî óòðàì, çàòî óñòðàèâàåò ñåáå îñíîâàòåëüíûé âòî-ðîé çàâòðàê. 18. Ñåãîäíÿ ó íàñ áóäåò ðàííèé óæèí, òàê êàê íàì íóæíî î÷åíü ðàíî âñòàòü çàâòðà óòðîì.

54.3. Прочитайте следующие пословицы и поговорки и найдите их русские

эквиваленты. Объясните употребление артиклей в них.

1. A foul morning may turn to a fair day. 2. A clean fast (ïîñò) is better than a dirty breakfast. 3. A nod from a lord is a break-fast for a fool. 4. After dinner sit a while, after supper walk a mile. 5. Early to bed and early to rise makes a man wealthy, healthy and wise. 6. An hour in the morning is worth two in the evening. 7. A misty morning doesn’t mean a cloudy day. 8. Go to bed with the lamb and rise with the lark. 9. If you laugh before breakfast, you’ll cry before supper. 10. Hope is a good breakfast, but a bad supper. 11. He that goes to bed thirsty and hungry rises healthy. 12. It’s better to go to bed supperless, than rise in debt. 13. An apple a day keeps a doctor away. 14. An apple a day keeps wrinkles away. 15. You must sleep on it. Everything looks better in the morning.

54.4. Употребите артикль, если необходимо.

In ...................... evening Mr. Dursley came back to ...................... house. He was still determined not to tell anything to his wife. Mrs. Dursley told him at ...................... dinner that she had had ...................... nice normal day and that their little son Dudley had learned ...................... new word “Won’t!” Mr. Dursley tried to act normally. After ...................... dinner he went into ...................... living-room just in time to catch ...................... last report on ...................... latest news: “And finally, bird-watchers have reported that the owls all over the country have been behaving unusually today. Although owls normally hunt at ...................... night and are hardly ever seen in ...................... daylight, there have been hundreds of them flying

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Артикли с существительными, обозначающими приёмы пищи (meals)

in every direction since ...................... sunrise. Experts are unable to explain why the owls have suddenly changed their sleeping habit.” The newscaster grinned. “Most mysterious. And now, over to Jim McGuffin with the weather. Are there going to be any more showers of owls tonight, Jim?” “Well, Ted,” said the weatherman, “it’s not only the owls that have been acting oddly today. People from all the corners of ...................... country have been phoning to tell me that instead of ...................... rain which I promised yesterday, they’ve had a downpour of shooting stars! Perhaps people have been celebrating Bonfire night earlier, but it’s not until ...................... next week, folks! But I can promise ...................... wet night tonight.” ...................... night fell, but Mr. Dursley was still sitting frozen in his armchair. Shooting stars all over Britain? Owls flying by ...................... daylight? He was sure it was all connected with the Potters, his wife’s relatives.

(after “Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone” by J. Rowling).

54.5. Употребите артикль, если необходимо.

I. It was ...................... clear and ...................... very starry night. He took ...................... tram from ...................... centre of ...................... town, then walked. In this country ...................... land and ...................... world disappeared as ...................... night fell, as if ...................... day had been ...................... illusion and ...................... sky came down. There was ...................... Milky Way to ...................... right of him, and ...................... sharp stars flashed like ...................... lighthouses. Suddenly he saw, on ...................... sea’s black horizon, ...................... lights of ...................... ship. II. ...................... evening came, ...................... lamps were lit, and ...................... curtains were drawn. ...................... three of them set before ...................... fire in ...................... long music room, and tried to be cosy and jolly. But something was wrong with ...................... mood. After dinner it was even worse. Harriet curled herself up on ...................... sofa with ...................... cigarette. Simon sat near ...................... window. And in ...................... silence of ...................... whole house came ...................... loud bang on ...................... front door.

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Àðòèêëè ñ ñóùåñòâèòåëüíûìè

—абстрактное значение

a/theконкретное значение (здание, помещение)

to go to school (college, work, university) = учиться, работать, ...Does your son go to school?

— He is at college already.

It’s a new school.

The school is a good one.There is a university in this town.The university was founded in 1725.

to be in hospital = болетьMy aunt is still in hospital.

There is a hospital in the area.We have a good laboratory in the hospital.

to go to bed = идти спатьWhen do you usually go to bed?

I prefer to sleep on a bed, not on a sofa.Where shall we put the bed?

to go to church = верить в БогаEvery Sunday my Granny goes to


This a historic church.

The church stood on a hill.

to be in prison, to be sent to prison = отбывать наказаниеHe is in prison for robbery.

It’s a prison for women.He went to the prison to visit his friend.

to be in (out of) town (город, в котором вы находитесь)Will you be in town next week?Let’s meet in town, not in the

country (противопоставление города деревне)

It’s a small town, everybody knows everybody.She went to the town where she was born.He was born in a provincial town on the Don.

Unit 55U 55U i 555555Unit 5Unit 5iUUUnit 55Unit 555Unit 55U it 55555555tttiiinnnUUUUnit 55Uni

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Артикли с существительными

55.1. Прочитайте и переведите следующие предложения. Объясните упо-

требление или отсутствие артиклей с выделенными словами.

1. School starts again in just two weeks. Summer has passed so quickly! 2. We have so many things to buy for school at the end of August. 3. This is a specialized school. 4. Now the school has a computer class. 5. The headmaster lived right next to the school. 6. There is a stone church in the village. 7. Not all are saints that go to church. 8. Don’t go to bed right after supper. 9. If you have a high temperature, you must stay in bed, or even go to hospital. 10. Prison is not the answer to many social problems. 11. Every Sunday my Granny goes to church. 12. He went to jail for dangerous driving. 13. There is no place like home. 14. He is in town now to promote the film. 15. — Is your brother still at school? — No, he is studying at University. 16. — Well, where shall we put the bed? 17. The hospital has a good reputation for performing transplant operations.

55.2. Употребите артикль, если необходимо.

1. When children go to ...................... school for the first time, they always feel happy and a bit nervous. 2. The priest goes to ...................... prison regularly to encourage the prisoners. 3. I don’t like to live in ...................... town. Life in ...................... country suits me best. 4. East or West, ...................... Home is best. 5. Why are ...................... beds still unmade? 6. If the test is positive, you’ll have to go to ...................... hospital. 7. This is ...................... prison for women. 8. He first went to ...................... college and then entered ...................... Moscow University. 9. My friend likes to have breakfast in ...................... bed. 10. — Is he still at ...................... work? — No, he went home ten minutes ago. 11. They caught a bus that was going to ...................... town. 12. There is a coffee shop opposite ...................... church. 13. This is ...................... small town, everybody knows everybody. 14. I left ...................... school five years ago. 15. We met every day after ...................... school. 16. Doctors advise me to sleep on ...................... hard bed. 17. His parents go to ...................... church from time to time. 18. There is ...................... military hospital in ...................... town. 19. I don’t like to shop after ...................... work. 20. ...................... school was a very happy time.

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55.3. Переведите следующие предложения.

1. ß çàêîí÷èë øêîëó è äâà ãîäà íàçàä ïîñòóïèë â óíèâåðñè-òåò. 2. Òàê òðóäíî âûáðàòü øêîëó äëÿ ñâîåãî ðåá¸íêà! 3. Øêî-ëà, â êîòîðóþ õîäÿò å¸ äåòè, íàõîäèòñÿ íåäàëåêî îò èõ äîìà. 4. — Êàêàÿ êðàñèâàÿ öåðêîâü! — Äà, öåðêîâü áûëà ïîñòðîåíà â 17 âåêå! 5. Åñëè òû íå ïîòîðîïèøüñÿ, òî îïîçäàåøü â øêî-ëó (íà çàíÿòèÿ). 6. Ïîçâîíè â áîëüíèöó è óçíàé ðåçóëüòàòû àíàëèçîâ. 7.  ãîñòÿõ õîðîøî, à äîìà ëó÷øå. 8. Óòðî âå÷åðà ìóäðåíåå. 9. Ãîðîäîê ñòàíîâèòñÿ áîëüøå, è ëþäÿì íóæíà íî-âàÿ öåðêîâü. 10. Öåðêîâü ñòîÿëà íà õîëìå. 11. Îí áûë â òþðü-ìå â òå÷åíèå äåñÿòè ëåò. 12. Îíà ïîäîøëà ê êðîâàòè è ïî-ñìîòðåëà íà ñïÿùèõ äåòåé. 13. Êàêàÿ æ¸ñòêàÿ êðîâàòü! ß íå ìîãó çàñíóòü íà íåé. 14. Îí ó÷èëñÿ â ïåðâîêëàññíîì êîëëåä-æå. 15. Îíà ðàáîòàåò â îáùåîáðàçîâàòåëüíîé øêîëå. 16. Äà-âàé ïîâåñèì êàðòèíó íàä êðîâàòüþ. 17. Ðåá¸íîê âûðîñ, íóæíî êóïèòü åìó íîâóþ êðîâàòü. 18. Ïðåñòóïíèêè äîëæíû ñèäåòü â òþðüìå. 19. Ãðàô Ìîíòå-Êðèñòî ïðîâ¸ë â òþðüìå ìíîãî ëåò. 20. Îí ïðîðûë ïîäçåìíûé õîä ïîä òþðüìîé è ñáåæàë.

55.4. Употребите артикль, если необходимо.

1. They had ...................... early start ...................... next days as ...................... school started at 8 o’clock. 2. ...................... car came to ...................... standstill outside ...................... church. 3. You shouldn’t go to ...................... bed so late! 4. — Is he in ...................... town? — No, he went to ...................... country yesterday. 5. The man has been in ...................... prison for a long time already. 6. ...................... sounds of organ music came from ...................... church. 7. Very often, after ...................... work I meet with my friends. 8. — Do you sleep on ...................... bed or on ...................... sofa? — I sleep on ...................... floor. 9. There is ...................... small church not far from ...................... hospital. 10. — Is your aunt still ill? — Yes, she is still in ...................... hospital. 11. After he leaves ...................... school, he plans to go to ...................... University. 12. ...................... home, ...................... sweet home! 13. ...................... home is where ...................... heart is. 14. So much changes when ...................... children start ...................... school.

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Àðòèêëè ñ ñóùåñòâèòåëüíûìè âî ôðàçàõ ñ ïðåäëîãàìè

aс исчисляемыми существительными

в единственном числе

—с неисчисляемыми существительными или

существительными во множественном числе

in in a hurry,m a mess,in a loud (low) voice,in a whisper,in a good (bad) mood

in surprise,in anger,in silencein loud (low) voices,in wild manners

with with a smile,with a look,with a sigh,with a cry

with joy,with anger,with smiles,with cries

like like a child,like a slave,like a horse,like a lion,like a good girl,like a fool

like water,like stormy weather,like children,like lions,like good girls,like fools

as as busy as a bee,as happy as a kid (Punch),as simple as ABC/1,2,3as poor as a church mouse,as good as a rest

as hard as iron,as soft as butter,as black as night,as busy as bees,as happy as kids

Unit 56U 65U i 665656Unit 5Unit 5iUUnitUnit 6Unit 56Unit 566565666555tttiiinnnUUUUnit 56Unit 56

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56.1. Употребите артикль, если необходимо.

1. They are studying like ............................ maniacs for the coming exams. 2. She said it with ............................... heavy heart. 3. The doctor spoke in ................................ understanding tone. 4. The child is as happy as ............................. Punch. 5. This girl looks like ...................... Hollywood superstar. 6. There’s no fool like ................................. old fool. 7. The water was like ...................... black oil. 8. The twins were like .............................. two peas. 9. They danced in ...................... silence. 10. Life is like .............................. circle. 11. The moon shone like ...................... silver coin in the dark sky. 12. Why are you speaking in .......................... miserable voice? 13. They look like ...................... hippies. 14. Her eyes were bright like ............................. diamonds. 15. Life is like ...................... box of chocolates. You never know what you are going to get. 16. David grinned like ............................ Cheshire cat.

56.2. Прочитайте стихотворение, обращая внимание на употребление ар-

тиклей в сравнительных фразах.

Well, he eats like a pigHe can’t get enough,He works like a dog,He looks real tough!He smokes like a chimneyFour packs a day.He sleeps like a log,What more can I say?

He drinks like a fishScotch on the rocks.When he gets really mad,He hardly talks.He cries like a babyWhen he’s feeling sad.He’s the dearest friendI’ve ever had!

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Артикли с существительными во фразах с предлогами

56.3. Переведите следующие предложения.

1. Ó íå¸ áîëüøàÿ ñåìüÿ. Îíà êðóòèòñÿ ñ óòðà äî íî÷è êàê áåë-êà â êîëåñå. 2. Îí âåä¸ò ñåáÿ êàê èñòèííûé äæåíòëüìåí. 3. Îíà âñåãäà ãîâîðèò î÷åíü òèõî. 4. Îíà ìíå êàê âòîðàÿ ìàòü. 5. Îíà õîðîøà êàê êàðòèíêà. 6. — Ïîõîæå, áóäåò äîæäü. — À ÿ äó-ìàþ, ÷òî ïîéä¸ò ñíåã. 7. Ïî÷åìó âû âåä¸òå ñåáÿ êàê ïîäðîñò-êè? 8. «ß î÷åíü òîðîïëþñü», — ñêàçàëà îíà ñî âçäîõîì. 9. ß íå óäèâë¸í. Ýòà èñòîðèÿ ñòàðà êàê ìèð. 10. Åâãåíèé îäåâàëñÿ êàê ëîíäîíñêèé äåíäè. 11. Íå âîëíóéñÿ! Ýòî æå ïðîùå ïðîñòîãî. 12. Ýòè äåâî÷êè ïëàâàþò êàê ðûáêè. 13. Äåòè ñèäåëè òèõî, êàê ìûøêè. Îíè ðàçáèëè ìàìèíó âàçó. 14. Ïðàçäíèê áûë ãðóñò-íûé, ïîäîáíî Ðîæäåñòâó áåç ¸ëêè è ïîäàðêîâ. 15. Äåòè áûëè ïîõîæè íà ìàëåíüêèõ äèêàðåé. 16. Êîìíàòà áûëà â óæàñíîì áåñïîðÿäêå. 17. Ëó÷øèé îòäûõ — ýòî ïåðåìåíà âèäà äåÿòåëü-íîñòè. 18. Îíà ìîãëà ÷èòàòü ñâîåãî ìóæà êàê îòêðûòóþ êíèãó. 19. Îíè ñðàæàëèñü êàê ìîëîäûå ëüâû. 20. ×åñòíî ãîâîðÿ, äëÿ ìåíÿ ìèð ïîäîáåí ìûëüíîé îïåðå. 21. Ìîé äåäóøêà êóðèò êàê ïàðîâîç. 22. Ñåãîäíÿ ÿ â î÷åíü õîðîøåì íàñòðîåíèè.

56.4. Употребите артикль, если необходимо.

1. She paid her rent on time like ...................... good tenant. 2. He beams like ...................... flower blossoming in ...................... sun. 3. He is ...................... boy in ...................... million. 4. Why are you behaving like ...................... child? 5. Leave him alone. He is in ...................... bad mood today. 6. He was as poor as ...................... church mouse, but she married ...................... guy. 7. Money slips through his fingers like ...................... water. 8. My mother used to end the story on ...................... happy note. 9. Like ...................... barometer, I can sense his emotional temperature. I can also read his thoughts. 10. ...................... day stretched out in front of him like ...................... empty road in the desert. 11. I feel as light as ...................... helium balloon. 12. She was flirting with him and was speaking in ...................... girly voice. 13. You say you have ...................... problem? But it’s as simple as ...................... ABC. 14. You were as right as ...................... rain. 15. Well, Betty, say “thank you” like ...................... good girl. 16. She spoke in ...................... calm, friendly voice.

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Àðòèêëè âî ôðàçàõ ñ ïðåäëîãîì of

Первое существительное + of + Второе существительное

1. a/the

(единичность, ситуация, контекст)

(вещественное, абстрактное или же во множественном числе)

a/the cupa/the bara/the pack

an/the itema/the piecea/the sense

a/the seta/the partya/the group




coff eechocolatecigarettes



I’d like a cup of coff ee. The cup of coff ee you gave me was good.It’s a set of stories. The set of stories is very interesting.

2. the +(неотъемлемая часть того целого, которое выражено вторым существительным)

+ a / the

(«любой», ситуация, контекст)

Unit 57U 75U i 775757Unit 5Unit 5iUUnit 57Unit 57777555tttiiinnnUUUUnit 57Unit 57

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Артикли во фразах с предлогом of

Первое существительное + of + Второе существительное

the end (beginning)the top (foot)the fi gurethe facethe middle


a/the storya/the hilla/the modela/the persona/the river

Сравните:The face of a person shows his character. The face of the man was familiar to me.The roof of a private house needs regular care. The roof of the house

is red.

57.1. Употребите артикль, если необходимо.

1. ...................... end of ...................... novel should be happy. 2. ...................... end of ...................... novel was very sad. 3. ...................... end of ...................... fable is always instructive. 4. Can you explain ...................... moral of ...................... fable? 5. ...................... flock of ...................... birds settled on roof of cathedral. 6. You can admire ...................... panorama of ...................... Florence from ...................... top of ...................... hill. 7. The keys are at ...................... bottom of ...................... desk. 8. There was ...................... expression of ...................... surprise on her face. 9. I used to live in ...................... block of ...................... flats. 10. She was always at ...................... top of ...................... class. 11. Does anyone want ...................... quick cup of ...................... coffee? 12. Put ...................... cube of ...................... ice in the coctail. 13. The question was on ...................... tip of my tongue. 14. They promise good weather at ...................... end of ...................... month. 15. She had ...................... great sense of ...................... style. 16. ...................... bar of ...................... chocolate is a good snack. 17. ...................... bar of chocolate costs fifty roubles. 18. We need ...................... piece of ...................... sensible advice. 19. The detective was trying to get to ...................... heart of ...................... matter. 20. ...................... back of ...................... chair should be hard to help a child not to stoop.

Продолжение табл.

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57.2. Переведите следующие предложения.

1. Ó íåãî õîðîøåå ÷óâñòâî þìîðà. 2. Îí ïðåïîäí¸ñ åé áó-êåò öâåòîâ. 3. Áóêåò öâåòîâ, êîòîðûé âû ìíå ïîäàðèëè, ïðî-ñòî ÷óäåñíûé. 4. Ãðóïïà øêîëüíèêîâ ïðèøëà íà ýêñêóðñèþ â Ðóññêèé ìóçåé. 5. Ãðóïïà øêîëüíèêîâ áûëà äîñòàòî÷íî áîëüøîé. 6. Äàâàé âûïüåì ïî ÷àøå÷êå êîôå ñ êóñêîì ïèðî-ãà. 7. Íàì íóæíà êðóãëåíüêàÿ ñóììà äåíåã, ÷òîáû îòðåìîí-òèðîâàòü êðûøó ãàðàæà. 8. Äåðåâíÿ ðàñïîëîæåíà ó ïîäíî-æèÿ ãîðû. 9. Ó íå¸ ôèãóðà òîï-ìîäåëè. 10. Íà ñåðåäèíå ðåêè åñòü ìàëåíüêèé îñòðîâîê. 11. Ëèöî æåíùèíû ïîêàçàëîñü ìíå çíàêîìûì. 12. Ñåðäöå æåíùèíû íåïðåäñêàçóåìî. 13. Ïðèáëè-æàåòñÿ êîíåö ñåìåñòðà. 14. ß îïëà÷èâàþ âñå ñ÷åòà â êîíöå ãîäà. 15. Ìíå íóæíî êóïèòü ïà÷êó ñèãàðåò. 16. Ñûùèê ïûòàåò-ñÿ äîáðàòüñÿ äî ñóòè äåëà. 17. ß æèâó â ìíîãîýòàæíîì äîìå. 18. Ó íåãî íà ëèöå áûëî âûðàæåíèå óäèâëåíèÿ. 19. Âàñ æä¸ò ãðóïïà òóðèñòîâ. 20. Îí æèâ¸ò â öåíòðå ãîðîäà. 21. Óñïîêîéñÿ! Ýòî æå íå êîíåö ñâåòà!

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Àðòèêëè âî ôðàçàõ

from head to foottime to timestart to fi nish

beginning to endhand to mouthocean to ocean

by accidentcar, train, airchancehand, cashhalfthe way

heartfax, post, e-mailall meansmistakenametelephone

on businessdutya dietholidayfi refootone’s mind

decksalegood (bad) termstime*the telephonethe radiotelevision

in advancebedcourtfactfuture

halflovemindtime*the end (= fi nally)

Unit 58U 85U i 885858Unit 5Unit 5iUUUnit 58Unit 58Unit 58588Unit 58Unit 58888555tttiiinnnUUnit 58Unit 588nit 58nit 58

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at homeschoolworkhandfi rst sightlast

a lossoncepresentseawar/peacethe end (of )

* Различия в употреблении см. Unit 78.

58.1. Прочитайте и переведите следующие предложения, обращая внима-

ние на выделенные фразы.

1. Day by day the weather is getting better. 2. Day after day things are improving. 3. We call each other from time to time. 4. Time after time I’ve tried to walk away from you. 5. We’ve been working side by side for many years. 6. Step by step we are getting nearer to our goal. 7. He read the fax slowly, line by line. 8. They walked in the park hand in hand. 9. We enjoyed the performance from start to finish. 10. She read the journal from cover to cover. 11. He is a gentleman from head to toe. 12. During the war the family lived from hand to mouth. 13. The prisoner was tattooed from elbow to wrist. 14. She knew the rules of business back to front. 15. Traffic stood nose to tail (bumper to bumper) all the way to the centre. 16. They danced in silence, cheek to cheek.

58.2. Переведите следующие предложения.

1. Âðåìÿ îò âðåìåíè ÿ âñòðå÷àþñü ñî ñâîèìè îäíîêëàññíèêàìè. 2. Äàìà â êðàñíîì òàíöóåò ñî ìíîé ùåêà ê ùåêå. 3.  òå÷åíèå ìíîãèõ ëåò ìû ðàáîòàëè áîê î áîê. 4. Ñåìüÿ î÷åíü áåäíà. Îíè ïåðåáèâàþòñÿ ñ õëåáà íà âîäó (æèâóò âïðîãîëîäü). 5. Äåíü çà äí¸ì åãî ñîñòîÿíèå óëó÷øàåòñÿ. 6. Ïàðåíü áûë â òàòóèðîâêå ñ ãîëîâû äî íîã. 7. Îíà ïðî÷èòàëà êíèãó îò êîðêè äî êîðêè çà äâà äíÿ. 8. Îí ïåðåñêàçàë òåêñò ñëîâî â ñëîâî. 9. Îíà — ëåäè äî êîí÷èêîâ íîãòåé. 10. Îí âëþáèëñÿ â íå¸ ñ ïåðâîãî âçãëÿäà. 11. Îíà íèêîãäà íå ïðèõîäèò âîâðåìÿ. 12. Íå âîëíóéñÿ. Ìû

Продолжение табл.

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Артикли во фразах

ïðèä¸ì âîâðåìÿ íà êîíöåðò. 13. Ñåé÷àñ îíà íà îâîùíîé äèåòå. 14. Íàì íóæíî çàêàçàòü áèëåòû çàðàíåå. 15. Âîò è òû íàêî-íåö!  áóäóùåì ïîñòàðàéñÿ ïðèõîäèòü âîâðåìÿ. 16. — Êòî ñå-ãîäíÿ äåæóðèò? — ß. 17. ß óñëûøàë ýòî ïî ðàäèî. 18. Íå òàê ìíîãî èíòåðåñíûõ ïðîãðàìì íà òåëåâèäåíèè. 19. Ñåé÷àñ ýòà êíèãà (åñòü) â ïðîäàæå. 20. Îí ñäåëàë ýòî ïî îøèáêå, ÿ óâå-ðåíà. 21. Ìû íå äðóçüÿ, íî ìû â õîðîøèõ îòíîøåíèÿõ. 22. Òû âñåãäà ó ìåíÿ â ìûñëÿõ. 23. Äåðæè ýòî â óìå, õîðîøî?

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1. Àðòèêëè ñ ñóùåñòâèòåëüíûìè, îáîçíà÷àþùèìè óíèêàëüíûå


Употребление the a

Существительное обозначает уникальный


в своём роде) предмет

или явление: the sun, the moon, the earth, the wind, the sky, the world, the south, the north, the west, the east, the horizon, the globe, the Cosmos, the Universe, the equator, the hemisphere, the atmosphere, the Milky Way, the Northern Lights (cеверное сияние)

The wind was strong.The Sun is a star.The moon moves round the Earth.

This is the way of the


The sky was blue.

Ho:East or West home is best.

При наличии описательного определения употребляется неопределённый артикль

This is a small world

(мир тесен).We live in a big, big


A full moon was shining.A strong wind was blowing.

Названия планет употребляются без артикля: Venus, Mars, Saturn, Jupiter,


Возможные варианты слова «земля»: Earth (планета), the Earth, the earth.

Unit 59U 95U i 995959Unit 5Unit 5iUUUnit 5Unit 59Unit 59Unit 59999555tttiiinnnUUUUnit 59Unit 59

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2. Обобщающее (родовое) значение артиклей; изобретения, жанры, термины

2. Îáîáùàþùåå (ðîäîâîå) çíà÷åíèå àðòèêëåé; èçîáðåòåíèÿ, æàíðû,


Употребление the a

Существительное употребляется в обобщающем


значении и представляет весь

класс людей,



термины, жанры.

The rich, the poor, the old,

the young, the unemployed.

The elephant is a strong animal.The rose is a symbol of love.The computer wasconstructed in America.The drama fi rst appeared in Ancient Greece.The article is used only with nouns.The radio was invented long before television.Mass Media — the Media

(средства массовой информации)

Неопределённый артикль также возможен (классификация):A rose is a wonderful fl ower. (любая, всякая роза)An elephant is a funny animal. (любой, всякий слон)A parrot is a clever bird — it can learn 150 words.

1. Существительные man, woman в родовом значении употребляются без ар-тикля.Man can do everything. God created man before woman.

Man proposes, God disposes. It was nature tamed by man.

2. Mass Media (the Media) are: the Press, (the) Radio, Television (TV).

59.1. Употребите артикль, если необходимо.

1. ...................... world has changed so much since I was a young man. 2. I’m ...................... big, big girl in ...................... big, big world.

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3. This is ...................... small world. 4. This is the way of ...................... world. 5. We are from ...................... absolutely different worlds. 6. ...................... moon showed us the way. 7. ...................... young silver moon appeared in ...................... sky. 8. ...................... Mercury is the small planet closest to the sun. 9. People in ...................... East live longer than in ...................... West. 10. ...................... strong wind began blowing. 11. He was on an expedition to ...................... North Pole. 12. There is ...................... good wind for boating today. 13. ...................... sun’s rays pass through ...................... atmosphere to warm ...................... surface of ...................... Earth. 14. ...................... Galaxy which we live in is called ...................... Milky Way. 15. Through the Internet you can enter ...................... world of information. 16. ...................... equator is ...................... imaginary line round ...................... Earth. 17. ...................... horizon is the line at which ...................... earth (or sea) and ...................... sky seem to meet. 18. ...................... Saturn, ...................... Uranus and ...................... Jupiter have ring systems. 19. ...................... ground was still wet after the rain. 20. There are wonders from all over ...................... globe in this museum. 21. ...................... North Star is a guiding star. 22. — Have you ever seen ...................... Northern Lights? — I have, in Murmansk. It was ...................... fantastic sight! 23. Will you take me to ...................... Milky Way on my holiday? 24. The house has got ...................... friendly atmosphere. 25. We all hope to live in ...................... better world.

59.2. Переведите следующие предложения.

1. Âñåëåííàÿ áåñêîíå÷íà. 2. Çåìëÿ êðóãëàÿ, è îíà âðàùàåòñÿ. 3. Ñîëíöå íå ïëàíåòà. Ýòî çâåçäà. 4. Ñîëíöå äà¸ò íàì ñâåò, òåïëî, ýíåðãèþ. Îäíèì ñëîâîì, îíî äà¸ò íàì æèçíü. 5. Êíèãè ïåðåíîñèëè (transport) Ìàòèëüäó â ÷óäåñíûé ìèð. 6. Âû ìî-æåòå óâèäåòü ñåâåðíîå ñèÿíèå ëèøü íà ñåâåðå. 7. Íà çåìëå åñòü äâà ïîëþñà — Ñåâåðíûé ïîëþñ è Þæíûé ïîëþñ. 8. Êîã-äà ìîðÿêè äîñòèãàþò ýêâàòîðà, òî îíè îáÿçàòåëüíî êóïàþòñÿ â îêåàíå. Ýòî òðàäèöèÿ. 9. Êàêîé õîëîäíûé âåòåð äóåò ñåãîä-íÿ! 10. Þðèé Ãàãàðèí áûë ïåðâûì ÷åëîâåêîì, êîòîðûé ïîëå-òåë â êîñìîñ. 11.  ãîñòÿõ õîðîøî, à äîìà ëó÷øå. 12.  àòìîñ-ôåðå çåìëè åñòü îçîíîâûå äûðû. 13. Ïîëíàÿ ëóíà ñâåòèëà íà

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2. Обобщающее (родовое) значение артиклей; изобретения, жанры, термины

íåáå. 14. Íà òîì ñòîèò ìèð. 15. Ìèð òåñåí. Ìíîãèå ëþäè çíàþò äðóã äðóãà. 16. Îí èçâåñòíàÿ ëè÷íîñòü â êîìïüþòåðíîì ìèðå. 17. Ïîñìîòðè íà ãëîáóñ è íàéäè ãîðîä Êåéïòàóí. Îí â Þæ-íîì ïîëóøàðèè. 18. Íà Þæíîì ïîëþñå òîæå æèâóò ïèíãâèíû, íî îíè î÷åíü ìàëåíüêèå è ìèëûå. 19. Ëóíà âðàùàåòñÿ âîêðóã Çåìëè. 20. Áîæå ìîé, ÷òî çà ìèð!

59.3. Употребите артикль, если необходимо.

1. ...................... cat was domesticated in Ancient Egypt. 2. ...................... rose is considered to be one of the most beautiful flowers. 3. ...................... apple tree and ...................... grape are the oldest fruit-trees. 4. ...................... tiger is steadily dying out. 5. I am very fond of ...................... ballet, but I fall asleep in ...................... opera. 6. ...................... dollar went down against ...................... euro last week. 7. “...................... Periodic Table” belongs to the Russian chemist Dmitri Mendeleyev. 8. ...................... Media are ...................... Press, ...................... Radio, and ...................... Television. 9. That’s ...................... teacher speaking in you. Don’t be so categoric. 10. The great destination of ...................... woman is to awaken love. 11. ...................... atom was known to the ancient Greeks. 12. ...................... diamond is the hardest substance known to ...................... man. 13. ...................... cockroach is considered to be the oldest insect on ...................... Earth. 14. In the eyes of ...................... law it’s illegal. 15. ...................... potato was brought to Russia from America. 16. ...................... circus makes people remember their childhood. 17. ...................... violet is a lovely flower. 18. ...................... sea cow is not a cow at all. 19. ...................... dinosaur ['daɪnəsɔ:] was a large reptile which lived in prehistoric times and which is now extinct. 20. Anthropology shows the development of ...................... man on ...................... Earth. 21. ...................... man makes ...................... house, ...................... woman makes ...................... home. 22. What’s on ...................... telly today? 23. Many people think that the Internet and e-mail have brought about ...................... end of ...................... book. But practice shows that ...................... book has survived. 24. ...................... book is always a good gift (present). 25. ...................... cat has always been considered by ...................... man as an intelligent creature.

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59.4. Переведите следующие предложения.

1. Ëåâ — íàöèîíàëüíàÿ ýìáëåìà Âåëèêîáðèòàíèè. 2. Ìåòðî âïåðâûå ïîÿâèëîñü â Ëîíäîíå â êîíöå XIX âåêà. 3. Âåëîñèïåä ÿâëÿåòñÿ ïîïóëÿðíûì âèäîì òðàíñïîðòà âî ìíîãèõ ñòðàíàõ. 4. Íèêòî íå çíàåò, ÷òî ïîÿâèëîñü ðàíüøå — êóðèöà èëè ÿéöî. 5. Ïî÷òîâàÿ ìàðêà âïåðâûå ïîÿâèëàñü â Àíãëèè â 1840 ãîäó. 6. Ïàâëèí — îäíà èç ñàìûõ êðàñèâûõ ïòèö. 7. Ó âñåõ íàñå-êîìûõ øåñòü íîã, à ó ïàóêà — âîñåìü. 8. Êðóã íå èìååò íè íà÷àëà, íè êîíöà. 9. Êàëåíäàðü — î÷åíü ïîëåçíîå èçîáðåòå-íèå. 10. Ìíå íóæåí êàëåíäàðü íà ñëåäóþùèé ãîä. 11. Êîðîòêà æèçíü ÷åëîâåêà! 12. Êåíãóðó æèâóò â Àâñòðàëèè. 13. Ãèòà-ðà ïîÿâèëàñü â Èñïàíèè â XIII âåêå. 14. Àïåëüñèí — ñèìâîë øòàòà Ôëîðèäà. 15. Ïåðâûé êîìïüþòåð áûë ñîçäàí (construct) â Ïåíñèëüâàíèè â 1946 ãîäó. 16. Íåçàáóäêà — ìèëûé öâåòîê. 17. Ãîëóáîé êèò — ñàìîå áîëüøîå æèâîòíîå íà çåìëå. 18. Ëåò-íåå âðåìÿ áûëî âïåðâûå ââåäåíî â Àíãëèè â 1908 ãîäó. Àí-ãëè÷àíå ðåøèëè ñýêîíîìèòü íà ñâå÷àõ. 19. ×òî ñåãîäíÿ ïî òå-ëåâèçîðó? 20. Ñðåäñòâà ìàññîâîé èíôîðìàöèè ñîîáùàþò íàì äåíü çà äí¸ì òî, ÷òî ïðîèñõîäèò â ìèðå. 21. Áàîáàá — ýòî îãðîìíîå àôðèêàíñêîå äåðåâî. 22. Àèñò ñòðîèò ñâî¸ ãíåçäî íà êðûøàõ äîìîâ. 23. Ñîáàêà — äðóã ÷åëîâåêà. 24. Äîëëàð îïÿòü óïàë ïî îòíîøåíèþ ê åâðî. 25. — ×òî òû ëþáèøü áîëüøå: áà-ëåò èëè îïåðó? — Áàëåò. — À ÿ áîëüøå ëþáëþ îïåðó, åñëè, êîíå÷íî, ýòî õîðîøàÿ îïåðà. 26. Îëèâêîâîå äåðåâî æèâåò îêî-ëî 900 ëåò.

59.5. Употребите артикль, если необходимо.

1. ...................... last years of ...................... XX century were ...................... years of ...................... Internet. 2. ...................... heart is ...................... small miracle. 3. ...................... East is where things begin, my mother once told me, ...................... direction from which ...................... sun rises, where ...................... wind comes from. 4. There are four sides of ...................... world, four seasons in year. 5. ...................... children grow up in ...................... flash, and parents say they struggle to make every moment last. That’s why I bought my daughter another doll, ...................... last doll before she enters ...................... world of make-up and boys.

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Àðòèêëè ñ ëè÷íûìè èìåíàìè

(èìåíà è ôàìèëèè ëþäåé)

theвсе члены семьи, лимитирующее


—личное имя, обращение

aодин из членов семьи,

описательное определение

The Sviridovs are my friends.The Peacocks live in Newcastle.

This isn’t the Pamela I used to know.The Alice you met today is the real Alice, loving and natural.

Mr. Snow is my boss.Little Monica is a nice child.Dear Charles, how are you?Poor Billy lost his toy.Old Tom was a sailor.

Не is a Sviridov and very talented.You are a true Peacock.

A Safonov called you an hour ago.A Forrester wants to see you. (какой-то)

It’s a completely new


This singer is a new Elvis.

1. Личное имя может становиться нарицательным и обозначать произведе-

ния, премии или же типичные черты носителя имени (но не самого чело-века)I bought a Webster. (словарь)Не drives a Ford. (машина)This museum has a Goya. (картина)This fi lm won an Oscar. (приз)

Unit 60U 06U i 0060606Unit 6Unit 6iUUnit 60Unit 600U it 60U it 60000666tttiiinnnUUnit 60Unit 60

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He is a typical Casanova. } характерные черты человекаWhat a Don Juan you are!My friend is a Jack-of-all-trades! (мастер на все руки)

2. Имена членов семьи, употребляемые членами этой же семьи, артикля не имеют и пишутся с большой буквы.Hello, Papa! Hello, Mama!

Is Baby still asleep? Is Nanny at home?

60.1. Употребите артикль, если необходимо.

1. ...................... Harry Potter was a wizard. 2. ...................... dear Old Marion! No words can tell how much I miss you! 3. “...................... Betty, is ...................... Father in?” Jimmy shouted from the door. — “Not yet, but ...................... Mother and ...................... Auntie have just come.” 4. — This fellow is really ...................... Jack-of-all trades. — Yes, and master of none. 5. Can I introduce ...................... Peter Simons? 6. Can I introduce ...................... Peter Simons I told you about the other day? 7. There is ...................... Peter Simons waiting for you, sir. 8. — What a smart costume! — Yes, it’s ...................... Chanel. 9. — Is that ...................... Sharon Stone over there? — You mean ...................... Sharon Stone? — Exactly. 10. We spent the weekend with ...................... Lovedays. 11. — What a bright pullover! — Yes, it’s ........................... Benetton. 12. ....................... Mozart is my favourite composer. 13. ...................... Danny, you are a great composer, God knows, you may become ....................... modern Mozart. 14. .......................... Dulton got into a dangerous situation. He didn’t know what to do. “Collect yourself, you are an Englishman, and what’s more you are ...................... Dulton. ............................ Dultons never give in!” he was saying to himself. 15. He is driving ...................... new Lincoln. 16. ...................... Sergeant, can I ask you to help me? 17. This actor got ...................... Nika for that film. 18. The concert hall bought ...................... new Petroff. 19. We are shocked. That’s not ...................... Emma we used to know. 20. She had been born ...................... Romanov and was a cousin of Czar Nicholas. 21. There is ...................... Shagal in this museum.

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Артикли с личными именами

60.2. Переведите следующие предложения.

1. — ß âèäåë Ïîëà Ìàêêàðòíè íà êîíöåðòå â Ñàíêò-Ïåòåðáóðãå. — Òîãî ñàìîãî Ïîëà Ìàêêàðòíè? Çäîðîâî! 2. Ëîðä Ñýíäâè÷ èçîáð¸ë áóòåðáðîä. 3. Äåâî÷êà õî÷åò, ÷òîáû Äåä Ìî-ðîç ïðèí¸ñ åé Áàðáè íà Íîâûé ãîä. 4. — Íÿíÿ äîìà? — Îíà ãóëÿåò â ñàäó ñ ìàëåíüêèì Ìèøåé. 5. — Êàêîé êðàñèâûé ìà-ãàçèí! — Äà, ýòî Âàëåíòèíî. 6. ß ñîáèðàþñü êóïèòü íîâûé ñëîâàðü — Êîëëèíç èëè æå Ìàêìèëëàí. 7. Íå òàê äàâíî îò-êðûëñÿ íîâûé ÌàêÄîíàëäñ ðÿäîì ñî ñòàíöèåé ìåòðî. 8. Äà òû ïðîñòî Äæåéìñ Áîíä! 9. Ôèëüì «Òèòàíèê» ïîëó÷èë íåñêîëü-êî Îñêàðîâ. 10. Ó Ïàðêåðîâ âåëèêîëåïíàÿ áèáëèîòåêà. 11. Ïî-ëèöèÿ çíàåò, ÷òî ó íåãî äîìà åñòü Êàëàøíèêîâ. 12. — Âàñ ñïðàøèâàåò êàêàÿ-òî Ìàðèíà. — Äà, ýòî Ìàðèíà, êîòîðóþ ìíå ðåêîìåíäîâàëè êàê áóõãàëòåðà. 13. Òåáå ñëåäóåò óçíàòü ïðàâäó îá èñòèííîì Òîíè. 14. Íàöèîíàëüíàÿ ãàëåðåÿ êóïèëà Ãîãåíà íà àóêöèîíå. 15. Îíà èñòèííàÿ Ðè÷àðäñîí è, êàê âñå Ðè÷àðäñîíû, î÷åíü òàëàíòëèâà. 16. Ìîæíî ïîãîâîðèòü ñ Âàìè, äîêòîð? 17. — Òû íàñòîÿùèé Êàçàíîâà. — À òû äîíæóàí! 18. Èñïóãàííàÿ Èðèíà îòêðûëà äâåðü. 19. Ýòîò ïàðåíü íàñòîÿ-ùèé Òàðçàí. 20. Ìû íå ìîãëè óçíàòü ïðàêòè÷íóþ, ðàçóìíóþ Äæåéí. Ýòî áûëà ñîâåðøåííî äðóãàÿ Äæåéí.

60.3. Употребите артикль, если это необходимо.

1. We found ourselves in ...................... London of Sherlock Holmes and Watson. 2. But today we had ...................... different Tony Hampton, Tony much less noble, ...................... man without honour. 3. Today, he was not a bit like ...................... Jack whom I’d come to know in London. 4. Alice is on ...................... cloud nine with joy, as this is ...................... Joe she fell in love with, this is ...................... Joe she doesn’t often see any more. 5. ...................... Julia you met today is ...................... real Julia, loving and natural. 6. I know how you feel about ...................... Parkers, and I know, you wouldn’t accept ...................... Parker in the family, Grandmother. 7. What ...................... brave man! He is ...................... true Jackie Chan. 8. ...................... Old Mc Donald had ...................... farm and on ...................... farm he had a lot of animals. 9. This book got ...................... Booker.

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Àðòèêëè ñ íàçâàíèÿìè áîëåçíåé

AIDS, diabetes [ˌdaɪǝ'bi:ti:z], hepatitis [ˌhepǝ'taɪtɪs], influenza, (the) measles, appendicitis, (the) mumps, flu, herpes, malaria, pneumonia, cholera, smallpox

— a (an) The

Названия болезней вообще.

The child has the fi rst symptoms of measles.She had a mild attack of fl u.

AIDS is a very dangerous illness.Mumps is a disease usually caught by children.

catch a cold, have a fever, to come down with a cold, have an earache (a toothache, a headache, ...)

She had a splitting

headache and went to bed early.Starve a fever and feed a cold.

I’m coming down with a


Ситуация, контекст, лимитирующее определение

The toothache was awful.She couldn’t stand the


The heartache

he caused her was unbearable.

1. to have heartache — моральные страданияShe is in love with Steve and is having heartache.

to have a heart attack (problem) — физическая болезнь сердцаHe had a heart attack last night and was taken to hospital.

2. Множественное число возможно с существительными headache, cold.

She is often suff ering from headaches.

There is usually a splash of colds in autumn.

Unit 61U it 616U i 6616Unit 6Unit 6iUUnit 61Unit 611Unit 61U it 6111666tttiiinnnUUnit 6Unit 6

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Артикли с названиями болезней

61.1. Выберите правильный вариант в следующих предложениях.

1. Measles/the measles is an infectious illness that gives you a high temperature and red spots on your skin. 2. What is the best treatment for malaria/a malaria? 3. Do you often suffer from a herpes/herpes? 4. If you have an appendicitis/appendicitis, you must call a doctor immediately. 5. Being unpopular at school can cause a real heartache/ real heartache to children of any ages. 6. Whenever I catch a cold/ cold, it always lasts two weeks. 7. Don’t sit near the window, you may catch cold/a cold. 8. He realized that his behaviour had caused his parents heartache/a heartache. 9. Flu/a flu is an illness which is similar to a bad cold but more serious. 10. Heartache/a heartache is deep sorrow and emotional suffering. 11. I was too weak from flu/the flu to work. 12. Pneumonia/the pneumonia is a serious disease which affects your lungs. 13. Diabetes/the diabetes is an illness in which someone has too much sugar in their blood.

61.2. Прочитайте следующие советы и постарайтесь следовать им.


You come back from work and you’re feeling awful. You’re weak, you have a headache and your temperature is over 38°C. You’ve lost your appetite and you feel sick. You’ve got all the symptoms of flu. But there’s no quick cure. Flu — influenza — is caused by a virus ['vaɪrəs]. And viruses can’t be killed with antibiotics. Only your own defence system can get rid of them. So for most of us there’s no point in seeing the doctor when we’ve got flu. But you should know what to do:

1. Stay indoors, keep warm, and keep away from other people so as not to pass on the infection.2. Have a lot of cool drinks — water, cranberry juice, fruit drinks — about 2-3 litres a day.3. If you have a high temperature, take aspirin every 4 hours during the day. And stay in bed not to get complications.4. Try to have 3 light meals a day. But don’t force yourself to eat if you’ve lost your appetite.5. You’ve got your own defence system — try to make it work.

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61.3. A. Прочитайте диалог и перескажите его в косвенной речи.


— Hello, how are you, Doris?— I feel terrible, Nancy.— Oh, dear! What’s the matter?— Well, I went to the doctor’s on Wednesday.— Was it serious?— Well, I felt fine on Tuesday, but now I feel dreadful.— Poor you. What happened?— Yes, poor me. He looked into my eyes, then he shone a light down my throat.— Oh, dear!— And he felt my chest, and hit me on the knee with a little hammer.— Was it painful?— It was murder! And he poked my stomach with his fingers, and gave me an X-ray.— He gave you a thorough exam then.— Oh, yes. Then he gave me two bottles of pills and a bottle of medicine. And now I feel terrible.— Oh, dear! What a shame!— Yes, it was! After all I only went to make an appointment for my sister!

B. Speak about your last visit to the doctor.

61.4. А. Прочитайте текст и постарайтесь следовать данному совету.

I’m fine.I’m fine, I’m fine.There’s nothing the matter with me.I’m just as healthy as I can be.My pulse is weak and my blood is thin,But I’m awfully well for the shape I’m in.I’m overweight and I can’t get thin,But I’m awfully well for the shape I’m in.

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Артикли с названиями болезней

Sleep doesn’t come to me every night,And every morning, I’m really a sight.My memory is bad and my head’s a spin,And I practically live on aspirin.But I’m awfully well for the shape I’m in.The moral is, as this tale unfolds,That for you and me who are getting old,It’s better to say «I’m fine», with a grinThan to let people know the shape we’re in!

В. Расскажите, как Вы себя чувствуете вообще и сегодня в частности.

61.5. Переведите следующие предложения.

1. ÑÏÈÄ — îïàñíàÿ áîëåçíü. 2. Ñâèíêîé îáû÷íî áîëåþò äåòè. 3. Ïîíÿòèÿ íå èìåþ, ãäå ÿ ïðîñòóäèëñÿ. 4. — Ó ìåíÿ ðàñ-êàëûâàåòñÿ ãîëîâà. — Ïðèìè àñïèðèí. 5. Åñëè ó òåáÿ áîëèò çóá, òåáå íóæíî íåìåäëåííî èäòè ê ñòîìàòîëîãó. 6. — Ïî÷åìó ðåá¸íîê òàê ãðîìêî ïëà÷åò? — Ó íåãî áîëèò óøêî. 7. Îíè ðàñ-ñòàëèñü, è Åëåíà òåïåðü î÷åíü ñòðàäàåò. 8. Ïîñëå ýòîé òðà-ãåäèè ó íåãî áûë ñåðäå÷íûé ïðèñòóï. 9. — Ïðèâåò, Ìàðèíà! Êàê òû ñåáÿ ÷óâñòâóåøü? — Ñïàñèáî, î÷åíü õîðîøî. À êàê òû? — Ñïàñèáî, íåïëîõî. 10. Ó íåãî äèàáåò, è ïîýòîìó îí íà î÷åíü ñòðîãîé äèåòå. 11. — Ïî÷åìó áîëüíîé òàê òÿæåëî äû-øèò? — Ó íåãî âîñïàëåíèå ë¸ãêèõ. 12. Åñëè ó Âàñ áîëèò ãîð-ëî, ïðèìèòå âîò ýòè òàáëåòêè. Îíè Âàì ïîìîãóò. 13. Îïåðàöèÿ áûëà áîëåçíåííîé, íî îíà ñïàñëà áîëüíîãî. 14. Íå óâëåêàéòåñü àíòèáèîòèêàìè. Çàñòàâüòå ðàáîòàòü çàùèòíûå ñèëû ñâîåãî îðãàíèçìà.

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Àðòèêëè ñ ñóùåñòâèòåëüíûìè â ôóíêöèè ïðèëîæåíèÿ

è ïðåäèêàòèâà

(÷àñòè ñîñòàâíîãî èìåííîãî ñêàçóåìîãî)

ас исчисляемыми

существительными в единственном числе

theс именем известного

человека; ситуация, контекст, лимитирующее определение

—официальный пост, чин,

должность, которые могут заниматься лишь одним


My friend, a student,

studies hard.

Но:My friends, students,

study hard.

The painting, a Dali,

costs a lot.The article, a small

word, causes a lot of problems.

Pushkin, the great

Russian poet, described autumn beautifully.Mozart, the music genius,

is the best medicine for me.Mr. Hooks, the newspaper

editor, wants to see you.Marina, the headstudent,

keeps our register.

Также, если


предшествует имени

собственному: the

painter Turner, the

composer Verdi, the

student Tarasova, the

scientist Malov, the boy

Tom, the girl Tracey.



слова: president, prime minister, king, queen, czar, secretary, author, dean, chairperson, goalkeeper, centre forward, leader, head, headmaster, headmistress, principal, chief.Mr. Wilson, Prime

Minister of England,

made a historic speech. He is President of a small republic.She is Head (Dean)

of the Linguistic Department.

Unit 62U 26U i 62626Unit 6Unit 6iUUnit 62Unit 622Unit 62it 622U it 62U 222666tttiiinnnUUnit 62Unit 62

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Артикли с существительными в функции приложения и предикатива

ас исчисляемыми

существительными в единственном числе

theс именем известного

человека; ситуация, контекст, лимитирующее определение

—официальный пост, чин,

должность, которые могут заниматься лишь одним


Сравните:The President had a meeting with the Prime

Minister.The Dean is in her offi ce now.The director has just left.(имеется в виду сам человек, но не занимаемый им пост)

Mr. Marshall, director of the fi rm, is from Wales.She was a cousin of Czar


1. The Tzar Peter the Great, Catherine the Second, Ivan the Terrible, William the

Conqueror, Alfred the Great, the Baron Munchausen, the Emperor Napoleon, Vas-ilissa the Fair, Jack the Ripper.

2. В следующих званиях, титулах артикль не употребляется:

Czar Nicholas, Queen Victoria, Admiral Nelson, King Solomon, Lord Byron, Cap-

tain Cook, Doctor Watson, Professor Vishnevski, Detective Willson.

62.1. Употребите артикль, если необходимо.

1. Their child, ...................... girl, was born in May. 2. Roy, ...................... undisciplined boy, drove many teachers to despair. 3. Susan, ...................... colleague of mine, is giving a party next Saturday night. 4. Walt Disney, ...................... famous film animator and producer, created Disneyland, ...................... large pleasure park, which was opened in California in 1955. 5. ...................... boy Mike and ...................... girl Caroline dressed as ghosts for the Halloween party. 6. Today I’m going to watch the film about ...................... Admiral Nelson and ...................... Lady Hamilton. 7. Mr. Robinson is ...................... Head of ...................... Department of Computing. 8. Matilda, ......................

Продолжение табл.

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brilliant girl, was very quick to learn. 9. The next day, ...................... Wednesday, a fax came. 10. ...................... Queen acts on the advice of ...................... Prime Minister. 11. ...................... King Arthur is often compared with ...................... Czar Peter the Great. 12. Will ...................... Prime Minister Blair discuss it with ...................... Queen Elizabeth? 13. There lived once two brothers, ...................... good and honest men. 14. You see, Bruce is still ...................... chairman. 15. The English expedition was led by ...................... Captain Cook. 16. Many people spoke at the meeting:...................... teacher Borodin, ...................... worker Ognev, ...................... professor Nikolayev, ...................... general Vetrov. 17. ...................... Princess Margaret is known for her charity work. 18. Mrs. Lively, ...................... professor of linguistics, is studying the slang of teenagers. 19. He was appointed ...................... governor of the state. 20. ...................... Doctor Sandford is out at the moment.

62.2. Переведите следующие предложения.

1. Äæåê Âîòñ, êîììåíòàòîð, ðàáîòàåò íà ÂÂÑ. 2. Êàðòèíà, íå-áîëüøîå ïîëîòíî, ñòîèëà öåëîå ñîñòîÿíèå. 3.  Íàöèîíàëüíîé ãàëåðåå â Ëîíäîíå âû ìîæåòå óâèäåòü êàðòèíû õóäîæíèêà Òåðíåðà. 4. Ñîáàêà, îãðîìíàÿ îâ÷àðêà, îõðàíÿëà äîì ïî íî-÷àì. 5. Íàì î÷åíü ïîíðàâèëñÿ èõ äîì, äâóõýòàæíîå çäàíèå íà áåðåãó ðåêè. 6. Îí ÿâëÿåòñÿ êîðîë¸ì Èñïàíèè. 7. Ó ïðåçèäåí-òà áûëè ïåðåãîâîðû ñ ïðåìüåð-ìèíèñòðîì. 8. Äà çäðàâñòâóåò Êîðîëåâà! 9. Ìîé äÿäÿ — ïðåçèäåíò áîëüøîãî áàíêà. 10. Çèì-íèé äâîðåö áûë ïîñòðîåí àðõèòåêòîðîì Ðàñòðåëëè. 11. Áàé-ðîí, âåëèêèé àíãëèéñêèé ïîýò, ñðàæàëñÿ çà ñâîáîäó Ãðåöèè. 12. Äåòè, îçîðíûå ïîäðîñòêè, ÷àñòî ïðèåçæàëè ê íàì íà âû-õîäíûå. 13. Êèâè, òðîïè÷åñêèé ôðóêò, áîãàò âèòàìèíîì Ñ. 14. Âñå äåòè ëþáÿò Ìèêêè Ìàóñà, çíàìåíèòîãî ìóëüòèïëè-êàöèîííîãî ïåðñîíàæà. 15. Äæåôôðè ×îñåð, îñíîâîïîëîæíèê àíãëèéñêîãî ÿçûêà, ïðîæèë î÷åíü èíòåðåñíóþ æèçíü. 16. Ìîé äðóã, ïèñàòåëü, âñåãäà î÷åíü çàíÿò. 17. Âëàäèìèð Íàáîêîâ, âñåìèðíî èçâåñòíûé ðóññêèé ïèñàòåëü, áûë ìàñòåðîì ñòè-ëÿ. 18. Ìîÿ äî÷ü, âòîðîêóðñíèöà, óâëåêàåòñÿ éîãîé. 19. Íàø ñîñåä, íàëîãîâûé îôèöåð, ÷àñòî æàëóåòñÿ íà òî, ÷òî ó íåãî î÷åíü òðóäíàÿ ðàáîòà.

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Àðòèêëè ñ ñóùåñòâèòåëüíûì

FruitЕдинственное число


FruitsМножественное число

The fruit(ситуация, контекст,

лимитирующее определение)

Вид питания, продукт

(нет формы множественного числа)

Fruit is good for health.It is rich in vitamins. There is fruit on the table.Do you like fruit?

Is fruit expensive this year?

Различные виды


Many diff erent fruits

are brought from Italy, Greece and Spain.I like citrus fruits best.What are the local fruits?

The fruit is on the table.Where is the fruit?

The fruit which you bought was very good.How much did you pay for the fruit?

Слово fruit может употребляться в переносном значении — плоды, результа-

ты чего-либо: the fruits of nature, the fruits of industry.

Unit 63U 36U i 3363636Unit 6Unit 6iUUnit 63Unit 633it 63it 633U it 63U 333666tttiiinnnUUnit 63Unit 63

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Àðòèêëè ñ ñóùåñòâèòåëüíûì

Исчисляемое существительное Неисчисляемое существительное(продукт питания)Ед. число Мн. число

a fi sha carpa trouta pike

two fi shthree carpfour troutmany pike

Fish is useful.Do you like fi sh?

There is fi sh on the menu.I like fi sh and chips.

What a beautiful fi sh!

I gave a fi sh to the cat.There are many (a lot of)

fi sh in this lake.How many fi sh did you catch?

1. Форма fi shes (различные виды рыб) употребляется редко!

The fi shes of the Atlantic.There are diff erent fi shes in the fi sh-tank.

2. Существительное fi sh имеет также собирательное значение.

Fish travel long distances in the sea.Ecologically, fi sh are at risk now.Сравните в русском языке:Рыба проплывает большие расстояния.

3. There are many other fi sh in the sea. — Свет клином на нём не сошёлся.Не is an odd fi sh. — Он странный тип.

63.1. Переведите следующие предложения.

1. Ôðóêòû ïîëåçíû, îñîáåííî äåòÿì. Â íèõ ìíîãî âèòàìèíîâ è ìèíåðàëüíûõ ñîëåé. 2. ß ëþáëþ öèòðóñîâûå ôðóêòû: àïåëü-

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Артикли с существительным

ñèíû, ìàíäàðèíû, ëèìîíû, ãðåéïôðóòû. 3. Ðàçëè÷íûå ôðóê-òû èñïîëüçóþòñÿ â êîñìåòèêå. 4. ß î÷åíü ëþáëþ ôðóêòû ñ îðåõàìè. 5. Ýòîò ñîê ñäåëàí èç ðàçëè÷íûõ ôðóêòîâ. 6. Ôðóê-òû äîðîãèå, îñîáåííî çèìîé. 7. Äåòè ëþáÿò ìîðîæåíîå ñ ôðóê-òàìè. 8. Îòíåñè ôðóêòû íà êóõíþ è ïîìîé èõ. 9. Ó íàñ ñåãîäíÿ ôðóêòû íà äåñåðò. 10. Ðàíüøå ôðóêòû ïðèâîçèëè èç Êðû-ìà è Êàâêàçà. Ñåé÷àñ èõ ïðèâîçÿò â îñíîâíîì èç Ëàòèíñêîé Àìåðèêè, Àôðèêè, Èòàëèè, Ãðåöèè, Èñïàíèè. 11. Óãîùàéòåñü ôðóêòàìè, ïîæàëóéñòà. 12. Ôðóêòîâûé ñàëàò ñîñòîèò èç ðàç-ëè÷íûõ ôðóêòîâ. 13.  ýòîì ãîäó ìàëî ôðóêòîâ. 14. Òåïåðü âû ìîæåòå ïîëíîñòüþ íàñëàäèòüñÿ ïëîäàìè ñâîåãî òðóäà. 15. Íà íàøèõ ðûíêàõ ïðîäà¸òñÿ ìíîãî ðàçëè÷íûõ ôðóêòîâ.

63.2. А. Вставьте в пропуски артикль, если это необходимо.


Once upon ...................... time, on ...................... island of Buyan, there stood ...................... small cottage, and in that cottage lived ...................... old man and ...................... old woman. They were ...................... very poor people. ...................... old man caught ...................... fish with a net, and ...................... old woman sat in ...................... old sarafan, spinning wool. One day ...................... man caught ...................... small fish, but it was not ...................... ordinary fish, it was ...................... golden one. And it spoke in ...................... human voice. “Let me go back to ...................... deep blue sea, ...................... old man! I’ll do everything that you wish.”...................... old man felt sorry for ...................... fish and threw it back into ...................... water. When he came home, he told his wife that ...................... great miracle had happened to him and that he had caught ...................... golden fish on that day. ...................... woman got very angry and cursed ...................... old man from ...................... morning till ...................... night. “Why didn’t you ask for ...................... loaf of bread, you, ...................... old fool”, she yelled at him.In despair ...................... unhappy fisherman went down to ...................... sea and shouted in ...................... loud voice, “Fish, oh fish! Stand with your tail on ...................... sea and your head facing me.”...................... fish came swimming to ...................... shore, listened to ...................... old man’s wish and promised him plenty of ...................... food. When he returned to ...................... cottage, there was a lot of ......................

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bread in it. But ...................... old woman was angrier than ever and said that she needed ...................... new tub, as ...................... old one was leaking and she couldn’t do ...................... washing. Back went ...................... man to ...................... sea. “Fish, oh fish!” he shouted. Up swam ...................... golden fish. “What do you need, ...................... my friend?” it asked.

В. Расскажите сказку до конца.

63.3. Переведите следующие предложения.

1. — Åñòü ëè ðûáà â Ìîñêâà-ðåêå? — Äà, åñòü. 2. — Åñòü ëè ðûáà â ìåíþ? — Êîíå÷íî, åñòü. 3.  âîñêðåñåíüå ÿ ïîéìàë òð¸õ êàðïîâ. 4.  ýòîì îçåðå íåò ðûáû. 5. Ðûáàêè áûëè ñ÷àñò-ëèâû, îíè ïîéìàëè ìíîãî ðûáû. 6. Ðûáà î÷åíü âêóñíàÿ, êòî å¸ ãîòîâèë? 7. Îíà äûøèò êàê ðûáà, êîòîðóþ âûòàùèëè èç âîäû. 8. Ëþáèìàÿ åäà àíãëè÷àí — ðûáà ñ æàðåíûì êàðòîôåëåì. 9. Ó ìîåãî äðóãà áîëüøàÿ êîëëåêöèÿ ïòèö è ðûá. 10. Ìàëü÷è-êó ïîäàðèëè êðàñî÷íûé àëüáîì î ðûáàõ Àòëàíòèêè. 11. Ðûáà áîëåå ïîëåçíà, ÷åì ìÿñî. 12. — Êàêàÿ êðàñèâàÿ ðûáêà! — Äà, ýòî ðûáà-çâåçäà. 13. Îí ñòðàííûé òèï. 14. Çàáóäü åãî! Ñâåò êëèíîì íà í¸ì íå ñîø¸ëñÿ. 15. — Êàêàÿ ñòðàííàÿ ðûáà! Ó íå¸ îäèí ãëàç. Âåðîÿòíî, ýòî ðåçóëüòàò ïëîõîé ýêîëîãèè. — Äà, ðûáà â ýòîì îçåðå óìèðàåò. 16. Ýòà äåâî÷êà ïëàâàåò êàê ðûáà. 17. — Ñêîëüêî ó òåáÿ ðûáîê â àêâàðèóìå? (a fish-tank) — Áûëî äåâÿòü, íî êîøêà ñúåëà äâóõ, òàê ÷òî îñòàëîñü ñåìü. 18. Àêóëà — ýòî ðûáà, îïàñíàÿ äëÿ äðóãèõ ðûá.

63.4. Употребите артикль, если это необходимо.

Marlin was ...................... clownfish, but his life was not funny. He had ...................... little son, Nemo, and he worried about him all the time. Marlin had lost ...................... rest of his family ...................... big bad barracuda when Nemo was just ...................... egg. Now Nemo was ...................... fish full of ...................... fun who was looking forward to starting ...................... school and making friends. On ...................... first day of ...................... school, all ...................... kids went to ...................... edge of ...................... reef and there they swam out into ...................... open sea.

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64.1. Употребите необходимые артикли и перескажите текст.


Alexander Bell never planned to be ...................... inventor. He wanted to be ...................... musician or ...................... teacher of ...................... deaf people. Alexander’s mother was ...................... painter and ...................... musician. His father was ...................... wellknown teacher, who developed ...................... system called “Visible Speech”, which he used to teach ...................... deaf people to speak.In 1863, when Alexander was only sixteen, he became ...................... teacher in ...................... boys’ school in ...................... Scotland. He liked teaching there; but he still wanted to become ...................... teacher of ...................... deaf people.In 1868 ...................... terrible thing happened to ...................... Bell family. Alexander’s two brothers died of ...................... tuberculosis. Then Alexander became ill with ...................... same disease. ...................... doctor suggested ...................... better climate, and ...................... whole family moved to ...................... Canada. Alexander could not work for ...................... year, but he continued his experiments with ...................... sound. He became interested in ...................... telegraph, and he tried to find ...................... way to send ...................... musical sounds through ...................... electric wires.After ...................... year of rest, Alexander was offered ...................... job at ...................... School for the Deaf in Boston. He was so successful

Unit 64U it 646U i 64646Unit 6Unit 6iUUnit 64Unit 644Unit 644Unit 64Unit 6444666tttiiinnnUUnit 64Unit 64

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that he was able to open ...................... school of his own when he was only twenty-five.Alexander became interested in finding ...................... way to send ...................... human voice through ...................... electric wire. He found ...................... assistant, Tom Watson, who worked in ...................... electrical shop and knew a lot about building ...................... electric machines. They worked together to build ...................... machine that ...................... people could use to talk to one another over long distances.One day, when Tom was alone in ...................... room, he heard ...................... voice. ...................... voice was coming through ...................... wire to ...................... receiver on ...................... table! ...................... voice was Alexander Bell’s! It was saying, “Come here, ...................... Mr. Watson! I want you!”...................... first permanent telephone line was built in ...................... Germany in 1877. And in 1878 ...................... first telephone exchange was established in ...................... New Jersey. By 1915 ...................... coast-to-coast telephone line was opened in ...................... United States.

64.2. Выберите правильный вариант.

1. The sun was just ...................... as we reached home. a. sitting b. setting ñ. seating2. Tom and Ben are great friends and always support ...................... a. other b. the other ñ. each other3. I ...................... this horseshoe above my door for good luck last year. a. hang b. hung ñ. hanged4. Tomorrow I’ll ask my boss for a ...................... a. rise b. raise ñ. bill5. What shall we ......................with all these papers? a. make b. do. c. discuss6. Yeast is used to make bread ...................... a. raise b. rise ñ. rose7. Where did you ...................... all my parcels? a. lie b. lay ñ. laid8. Will you ...................... the book from the floor? a. pick b. lift ñ. pick up

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9. What did they ...................... him for? a. hang b. hung ñ. hanged10. The sun ...................... over the horizon. a. raised b. rise ñ. rose11. Baking powder (sodium) can make dough [dəʊ] ...................... a. raise b. rise ñ. go down12. The moon ...................... low in the sky. a. hung b. hang ñ. hanged13. He ...................... a very good solution to the problem. a. found b. founded ñ. is finding14. Who ...................... that company? a. found b. founded ñ. finds15. We ...................... new curtains in the kitchen yesterday. a. hanged b. hang ñ. hung

64.3. Прочитайте следующие шутки и перескажите их в косвенной речи.


A young man came for an interview with a bank president.“Tell me, sir, how did you become so successful?”“Two words.”“And what are they, sir?”“Right decisions.”“How do you make right decisions?”“One word ... experience.”“And how do you get experience?”“Two words.”“And what are they?”“Wrong decisions.”


The town’s richest man was being interviewed by a reporter for the local paper.“I owe all my success to a strong will,” said the rich man.“Your strong will?” asked the reporter.“Not mine, my father’s. He died and left me everything in his will.”

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A man walked into the tax collector’s office, sat down and smiled at everyone.“May I help you?” said the clerk.“No”, said the man. “I just wanted to meet the people I have been working for during all these years.”

64.4. Употребите артикль, если необходимо.

1. It was ...................... dinnertime and we decided to make ...................... break. 2. It wasn’t ...................... perfect end to ...................... day, Harry thought, as he lay awake on ...................... hard bed. 3. This was ...................... big chance to beat Malfoy ...................... face to ...................... face. He couldn’t miss ...................... chance. 4. She followed him through ...................... hall, hissing at ...................... boy like ...................... angry goose. 5. Al, ...................... native New Yorker, has been living in ...................... British capital for eight years. 6. Well, ...................... Joneses are to make ...................... final decision. 7. Sandy picked up ...................... phone and made ...................... call, and ...................... moment later they were sitting in ...................... back of ...................... new car. 8. If you don’t tell me ...................... real reason of your refusal, I’ll have ...................... heart attack. 9. In ...................... Manhattan Joe is definitely ...................... king of his world. He is ...................... Wall Street banker, and like so many other men who work on ...................... Wall Street, Joe finds it impossible to relax. 10. It was ...................... old song about ...................... boat from ...................... Liverpool that went on ...................... long voyage across ...................... Atlantic. ...................... song was almost as long as ...................... voyage, but Disco sang it to ...................... end. 11. ...................... Red Sea is ...................... saltiest sea in ...................... world, and its water is used for ...................... medical purposes.

64.5. Дополните предложения фразами из правой колонки.

1. My little sister started a. have you been waiting for school a long time?2. The last bus left b. since last Monday.3. We haven’t been c. all day long. to the theatre

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4. How long is it d. when she went out in the rain.5. Patrick has been e. for twenty years. in Ireland6. I’ve been photocopying f. ever since he was a child. the tests7. This is the first time g. you’ve cooked pasta?8. I’m sorry I’m late, h. two weeks ago.9. The President has been i. since early morning. abroad10. The baby has been j. when she was six. asleep11. She caught a cold k. several minutes ago.12. Ivanov painted his most l. famous picture for over a year.13. Fred has been m. since you last fell in love? interested in medicine14. Is this the first time n. for a week already.15. We posted the parcel o. we have been in Paris.

64.6. Употребите артикль, если необходимо.

I. Alice wakes up early in ...................... morning from ...................... ache in her neck. ...................... bed was awful, but she had slept fantastically for three hours, then spent ...................... rest of ...................... night tossing and turning. At six o’clock she comes downstairs to take ...................... dogs out for ...................... run. It’s ...................... beautiful morning. ...................... air is cold, as it is in ...................... early spring, ...................... sky is bright and clear. Alice opens ...................... gate and leads ...................... dogs into ...................... field. ...................... view is wonderful, she loves being in ...................... country so much. Twenty minutes later in ...................... excellent mood she calls ...................... dogs and goes back into ...................... house, as she’s afraid she may catch ...................... cold.

II. “Morning!” Harry is sitting at ...................... kitchen table with ...................... mug of ...................... steaming coffee. “Join me! ...................... breakfast is on ...................... table.” “God, this is ...................... delicious

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breakfast! I don’t even remember the last time I had ...................... fried eggs and ...................... bacon for ...................... breakfast.” “What do you normally have for ...................... breakfast?” “...................... fruit.” “And?” Alice shrugs. “Just ...................... fruit.” “That’s not ...................... breakfast!” Harry is horrified. “You need something much heartier to start ...................... day.” “What do you have for breakfast then? Surely not this every day or you’ll have ...................... heart attack.” “No, such ...................... breakfasts are only for ...................... weekend. My usual breakfast is ...................... bowl of ...................... porridge, ...................... toast, and ...................... fruit. Oh, and sometimes ...................... pancakes.” Alice takes ...................... big bite. “I m going to be ...................... size of ...................... house after such huge breakfast. I’m completely stuffed. I’ll have to do ...................... cabbage diet ...................... next week.” “ That. Sounds. Disgusting,” Harry says in horror.

64.7. Переведите следующие предложения.

1. Êîãäà îí âûðîñ, òî ïîíÿë, êàê ìíîãî îøèáîê ñîâåðøèë â æèçíè. 2. Îíà áûëà íà ñåäüìîì íåáå îò ñ÷àñòüÿ. Îíà ñäàëà ïîñëåäíèé, ïÿòûé ýêçàìåí. 3. Îí ïðîñìîòðåë ãàçåòó «Òàé-ìå» è òåïåðü ëåæàë íà ñîôå è ñìîòðåë ïîñëåäíèå íîâîñòè, êîòîðûå áûëè î÷åíü èíòåðåñíûìè. 4. Êîøêà Ñîíÿ áîëüøàÿ ñîíÿ. Îíà ñïèò â îñíîâíîì äí¸ì, à ïî íî÷àì ëîâèò ìûøåé. 5. Îíà âûêëþ÷èëà êîìïüþòåð è óêëàäûâàëà ïàïêè â ÿùèê. Îíà ñäåëàëà âñ¸, ÷òî ïëàíèðîâàëà íà äåíü. 6. Îí ïîèíòåðå-ñîâàëñÿ, î ÷¸ì îíè ãîâîðèëè, ïîêà åãî íå áûëî â êîìíàòå. 7. Íà äíÿõ ÿ âèäåë íîâûé ôèëüì. Íèêîãäà ïðåæäå íå âè-äåë íè÷åãî ëó÷øå. 8. Áûë ïîëäåíü, êîãäà ìû ïðèëåòåëè íà Ñðåäèçåìíîå ìîðå. Íàêîíåö-òî íàøà ìå÷òà îñóùåñòâèëàñü! 9. Ðåïîðò¸ð ñêàçàë, ÷òî ïðåçèäåíò ïðîèçí¸ñ âåëèêîëåïíóþ ðå÷ü. 10. Ïàâëîâ, âåëèêèé ðóññêèé ó÷¸íûé, ïðîâîäèë îïû-òû íà ñîáàêå. 11. Ó ñëîíà î÷åíü õîðîøàÿ ïàìÿòü. Îí ìîæåò ïîìíèòü íåêîòîðûå âåùè òðèäöàòü ëåò. 12. Ó íå¸ ïàìÿòü, êàê ó ñëîíà. 13. Ðàíüøå êíèãà áûëà îñíîâíûì èñòî÷íèêîì çíà-íèé. Òåïåðü ìû èìååì Èíòåðíåò è ñðåäñòâà ìàññîâîé èíôîð-ìàöèè. 14. Ïðåçèäåíò Àìåðèêè ïîñåòèë ìíîãèå åâðîïåéñêèå ñòðàíû â ïðîøëîì ãîäó.

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64.8. Употребите артикль, если это необходимо.


I was born in ...................... States, in ...................... Chicago. My great uncle came here at ...................... end of ...................... 18th century and started ...................... business that my father runs today. I was at ...................... Yale University and then I fought in ...................... Great War. After ...................... war I decided to go to ...................... East, to ...................... financial capital of ...................... America, and learn ...................... bond business.I arrived in ...................... New York in ...................... spring of 1922. It would have been sensible to find ...................... room in ...................... city, but it was ...................... warm season and I had ...................... wish to be in ...................... place of ...................... wide lawns and friendly trees. So I went out to ...................... country, and for ...................... hundred dollars ...................... month I rented ...................... little house with ...................... dog, ...................... old motor-car and ...................... Finnish woman who did all ...................... housework. I was lonely for ...................... day or two. Then, one morning, ...................... man stopped me on ...................... road.“How do I get to ...................... village?” he asked with ...................... excuse-me face. I told him, and as I walked on, I was no longer lonely. I was ...................... guide. I belonged to ...................... neighbourhood.And so, with ...................... sunshine and ...................... leaves bursting on ...................... trees, I had that familiar feeling that ...................... life was beginning again with ...................... summer. I bought ...................... dozen volumes on ...................... banking and I intended to read ...................... lot of other books besides. At ...................... college I had written ...................... articles for ...................... Yale News, and now I could become ...................... man of ...................... culture again. ...................... house I had rented was twenty miles east of ...................... New York, on ...................... Long Island. My little house was at ____ tip of ...................... island, almost on ...................... water. ...................... house on my right was ...................... copy of some grand house in ...................... France, with ...................... white marble swimming pool and ...................... big garden. It was ...................... mansion inhabited by ...................... gentleman named Gatsby.

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Âîçâðàòíûå ìåñòîèìåíèÿ

Личные местоименияВозвратные местоимения(-ся(сь), сам, сама, сами, себя)





Thank you, I can do it myself.

You shouldn’t blame yourself.

He thinks too much of himself.

She sometimes talks to herself.

History repeats itself.

He is honesty itself.

We enjoyed ourselves at the party.You ought to introduce yourselves.They paid for themselves at the restaurant.

Unit 65U 56U i 5565656Unit 6Unit 6iUUnit 65Unit 655Unit 65U it 65555666tttiiinnnUUUUnit 65it 6

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Возвратные местоимения

1. He употребляйте myself ... после глаголов wash, shave, dress, feel, meet, re-

lax, concentrate:

He got up, washed, shaved and dressed.

Но: I dried myself on the towel.

I feel miserable in such weather.They met and soon parted.

2. Сравните each other (one another) и themselves.

They love each other (друг друга). —They love only themselves (каждый себя).

The boxers went on hitting one another (друг друга). —The boys went on training themselves (сами себя).

3. by myself/by yourself ...= самостоятельно, без посторонней помощи.

I did it by myself. Nobody helped me.He went on an expedition all by himself.

4. Употребительные выражения:

Be yourself (будь самим собой), be beside oneself with... (быть вне себя от...), help yourself to... (угощайтесь...), make yourself comfortable (устраивайтесь поудобнее), control yourself, pull yourself together (подтянись, соберись), take care of yourself (береги себя), to fi nd oneself in... (оказаться в...).

65.1. Употребите необходимые возвратные местоимения.

1. I had a good proper look at ...................... in the mirror today. I didn’t like what I saw. 2. You can easily injure ...................... while skiing. 3. Be careful! You may burn ...................... with matches. 4. They have only ...................... to blame. 5. I am sorry that I didn’t make ...................... quite clear. 6. The hunter acci-dentally shot ...................... in the foot. 7. Very often people like to unburden ...................... to complete strangers. 8. Bach dedicated ...................... to music. 9. You cannot expect a baby to take care of ...................... . 10. My dear son, always be ......................, always be true to ...................... . 11. He considered ...................... to be in com-mand of the situation. 12. The cat warmed ...................... in the sunshine. 13. We prefer living by ...................... . 14. The Mayor ...................... opened the new hospital. 15. She excused ......................

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and went out. 16. He is loyalty ...................... . 17. And now, kids, put ...................... to bed. 18. She caught ...................... thinking about the incident again. 19. I ...................... never read such books. On principle.

65.2. Прочитайте и переведите следующий текст, обращая внимание на

возвратные глаголы.

Nick was admiring his reflection in the mirror. “I feel good,” he sang to himself. “I feel fine, like a glass of good wine.” He adjusted his tie and winked cheerily at himself. He could have nearly bought himself a new camera for what his new suit had cost. When he had finished admiring himself, Neil tried Ed’s mobile phone again, but it was turned off. He helped himself to a second glass of beer and then settled himself on the nearest stool and caught a glimpse of himself in the opposite mirror. God, he was looking good!

65.3. Заполните пропуски словами each other (one another), myself, yourself

..., us, you, them.

1. They have known ...................... for years and years. 2. They don’t care for other people. They think only of ...................... . 3. Who are those people? Do you know ...................... ? 4. Please help ...................... to the fruit and ice-cream, my dears. 5. Help ......................, will you? I got ...................... into a difficult situation. 6. She ate ...................... sweet after ...................... till the box was empty. 7. They hate being apart. They call ...................... every day. 8. Many old people speak to ...................... when they are alone. 9. We’ll have to talk to ...................... about it. 10. The business failed because the partners did not trust ...................... . 11. I’m not angry with ......................, I’m angry with ...................... . 12. I’ll try to make ...................... clear, gentlemen. 13. Take some money with ...................... in case you need it. 14. You ...................... told me this and now you say that you don’t know anything! 15. I feel ...................... much better today. 16. You shouldn’t keep silent. Defend ...................... ! 17. Don’t worry about Helen and me. We can look after ...................... . 18. The children are grown up now and they can look after ...................... I used to look after ...................... when they were kids. 19. They found ......................

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Возвратные местоимения

in an unknown place. 20. We found ...................... only late in the evening. 21. Enjoy ...................... , life is so short! 22. Life is very short, so enjoy ...................... .

65.4. Переведите следующие предложения.

1. Åñëè âû õîòèòå âñå èçìåíèòü, òî íà÷íèòå ñ ñåáÿ. 2. Ïîé-ìè, òû æå ëæ¸øü ñàìîìó ñåáå! 3. ×àé î÷åíü ãîðÿ÷èé, íå îáî-æãèñü! 4. Îñòîðîæíåå, íå óøèáèñü! 5. Ïîçàáîòüòåñü î ñåáå! È ïîñòàðàéòåñü ïî÷àùå ðàññëàáëÿòüñÿ. 6. Îíà ïîñâÿòèëà ñåáÿ ñâîèì äåòÿì è íèêîãäà íå äóìàëà î ñåáå. 7. Îí ÷óâñòâîâàë, ÷òî îí íå ïðàâ, íî íå ìîã çàñòàâèòü ñåáÿ ïðèçíàòüñÿ â ýòîì. 8. Ðàññêàæèòå íàì î ñåáå. Êòî âû? Îòêóäà? ×åì çàíèìàåòåñü? 9. Íèêòî íå ñäåëàåò ýòî çà òåáÿ, òåáå ïðèä¸òñÿ ñäåëàòü ýòî ñàìîìó. 10. Îíà ñàìà âåæëèâîñòü. 11. — Òû íàçâàë áû ñåáÿ êðóòûì ïàðíåì? — Êîíå÷íî, íåò. 12. Ñîáåðèñü, òû æå ìóæ÷è-íà. 13. Îíà ñ÷èòàåò ñåáÿ öåíòðîì Çåìëè (Âñåëåííîé). 14. Ñàì ðåøàé ñâîè ïðîáëåìû, à ÿ ïîñòàðàþñü ñêîíöåíòðèðîâàòüñÿ íà ìîèõ. 15. Äà ÿ ñàì ÷óâñòâóþ, ÷òî áûë íå ïðàâ. 16. Îíà âíå ñåáÿ îò ñ÷àñòüÿ. 17. Âàø äîêëàä ãîâîðèò ñàì çà ñåáÿ. Îí âåëèêî-ëåïåí. 18. ß êîøêà, êîòîðàÿ ãóëÿåò ñàìà ïî ñåáå. 19. Î÷åíü ÷àñòî äåòè áûëè ïðåäîñòàâëåíû ñàìè ñåáå. 20. Ìîè äðóçüÿ è ÿ æèâ¸ì íåäàëåêî äðóã îò äðóãà. 21. Ñåãîäíÿ ìû èä¸ì â òåàòð è íàäååìñÿ õîðîøî ïðîâåñòè âðåìÿ. 22. Îí ïîéìàë ñåáÿ íà òîì, ÷òî îïÿòü äóìàë îá ýòîé äåâóøêå. È åìó ïðèøëîñü íàïîìíèòü ñåáå, ÷òî îí äàæå íå âçÿë å¸ íîìåð òåëåôîíà. 23.  ëþáîé ñè-òóàöèè îñòàâàéñÿ ñàìèì ñîáîé.

65.5. Составьте предложения со следующими фразами.

1. enjoy yourself 2. blame myself 3. cut himself 4. help yourselves 5. defend yourself 6. collect yourself 7. each other 8. one another 9. hide yourself 10. come to oneself 11. find oneself 12. the boss himself 13. pull yourself together 14. let herself into… 15. honesty itself 16. make yourself comfortable

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Ñîñëàãàòåëüíîå íàêëîíåíèå

The Subjunctive MoodThe Conditional Mood

Нереальное условие

в настоящем времени

Present Subjunctive(Придаточное предложение)

Нереальное следствие

в настоящем времени

Present Conditional(Главное предложение)

Совпадает по форме с Past Simple

(2-я форма глагола)would + do it

(инфинитив глагола без to)

If I were in your place,If she knew the answer,If he had a car,If we went to London,If they saw that fi lm,

I would do the same.she would give it.

he would drive us to the airport.we could speak English.they might like it.

Нереальное условие

в прошедшем времени

Past Subjunctive(Придаточное предложение)

Нереальное следствие

в прошедшем времени

Past Conditional(Главное предложение)

Совпадает по форме с Past Perfect


could + might

have done it(перфектный инфинитив глагола)

Unit 66U 66U i 6666666Unit 6Unit 6iUUnitUnit 6Unit 66Unit 6666666666tttiiinnnUUnit 66Unit 66

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Сослагательное наклонение

If I had been in your place,If you had known the answer,If he had had a car,

If we had gone to London,If they had seen that fi lm,

I would have done the would have given it.

he would have driven us to the airport.we could have spoken English.they would have liked it.

Нереальное условие может также выражаться фразой “But for...” (Если бы не...)

But for you, we wouldn’t know what to do.But for his help, they would have never done the work.

66.1. Выразите нереальное пожелание согласно образцу.

It is cold today. — If it weren‛t cold (were warmer) today!I didn‛t know about it. — If I had known about it!

1. Nobody knows his phone number. 2. This dress is too expensive. 3. English spelling is so difficult! 4. He is such a lazy boy! 5. She isn’t happy. 6. My mobile is out of order again. 7. The secretary is out. 8. This car isn’t mine. 9. My brother smokes too much. 10. The agent didn’t get the secret information. 11. They have no chance to get this job. 12. I don’t speak English fluently. 13. My sister goes to too many parties. 14. We went there too late. 15. The children were scared. 16. He didn’t have any free time last week. 17. Unfortunately she didn’t get our message. 18. They didn’t invite us to their party. 19. The manager is always very busy. 20. You didn’t think about it then.

66.2. Дополните следующие предложения согласно образцу.

But for bad weather, we would go (would have gone) to the country.

1. But for his good knowledge, ... . 2. But for her talent and beauty, ... . 3. But for this misunderstanding, ... . 4. But for his parents, ... . 5. But for the late hour, ... . 6. But for the alarm

Продолжение табл.

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system, ... . 7. But for the doctor, ... . 8. But for his wife, ... . 9. But for the lawyer, ... . 10. But for the ecological situation in Moscow, ... . 11. But for my stressful job, ... . 12. But for the climate, ... . 13. But for the private detective, ... . 14. But for our teacher’s competence, ... . 15. But for you, ... .

66.3. Дополните предложения правильной формой глагола в скобках.

1. I’m very busy this week or we (meet). 2. If I lived in England, I (not have) any problems with my English. 3. Why didn’t you speak to your parents? They (advise) you what to do. 4. If the babysitter had come on time, we (meet). 5. Why didn’t you buy the coat? In your place I (buy) it. 6. They didn’t know about the conference, or they (come). 7. If there were no Internet, we (not get) so much information. 8. The serial was too aggressive or I (watch) it to the end. 9. If the pizza weren’t so spicy, I (enjoy) it. 10. If you were always more attentive, you (not make) so many mistakes. 11. Why do you never tell me about your problems? I (try) to understand and help you. 12. If your mobile hadn’t been out of service, you (get) our message. 13. If he weren’t spending so much money, he (be) quite a rich man. 14. My holidays weren’t long enough or I (read) a long list of books. 15. If you had some interesting hobbies, you (not watch) television all days long. 16. If I were in your place (in your shoes), I not (act) so.

66.4. Переведите следующие предложения.

1. — He õîòåëà áû òû ïîåõàòü çà ãîðîä â ñóááîòó? — Õîòåëà áû, íî ÿ ðàáîòàþ â ýòó ñóááîòó. 2. — À ÷òî áû âû ñäåëàëè íà ìî¸ì ìåñòå ñåé÷àñ? — ß áû ñîãëàñèëñÿ âûïîëíèòü ýòó ðàáîòó. 3. Åñëè áû íå íåâåçåíèå (bad luck), òî îí ñäàë áû ýòîò ýêçà-ìåí. 4. Åñëè áû íå óäà÷à (good luck), òî îíè íå âûèãðàëè áû ýòîò ìàò÷. 5. — Ó ìåíÿ óæàñíî áîëèò çóá. — Åñëè áû ó ìåíÿ áîëåë çóá, ÿ áû íåìåäëåííî ïîøëà ê âðà÷ó. 6. Åñëè áû íå Èí-òåðíåò, òî ìû íå çíàëè áû ìíîãèõ âåùåé. 7. Íà òâî¸ì ìåñòå ÿ áû íå óïîòðåáëÿëà òàê ìíîãî êîñìåòèêè. 8. Ìîè äðóçüÿ åäóò îòäûõàòü â Òóðöèþ. À ÿ áû ïîåõàëà â Ñî÷è. 9. Åñëè áû òû çíàëà àíãëèéñêèé ÿçûê, òî ìîãëà áû ÷èòàòü õîðîøèå êíèãè â

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Сослагательное наклонение

îðèãèíàëå. 10. Êàêîé ñëàäêèé äæåì! Íà òâî¸ì ìåñòå ÿ íå ïî-ëîæèëà áû òàê ìíîãî ñàõàðà. 11. — À ÷òî áû òû ñêàçàëà, åñëè áû ÿ ïðèãëàñèë òåáÿ â òåàòð? — ß áû ñêàçàëà «äà». 12. Ìîÿ äî÷ü íå õî÷åò ÷èòàòü ðîìàíû Äèêêåíñà. À ÿ áû èõ ïåðå÷èòà-ëà. 13. Åñëè áû ÿ ïîïàëà â Åãèïåò, òî íåïðåìåííî óâèäåëà áû Íèë, Êàèð, ïèðàìèäû. 14. Åñëè áû ÿ áûë âàøèì ó÷èòåëåì, òî çàñòàâèë áû âàñ ïîëþáèòü àíãëèéñêèé ÿçûê. 15. Åñëè áû ïîãî-äà íå áûëà òàêîé äîæäëèâîé â âîñêðåñåíüå, òî ìû ïðåêðàñíî ïðîâåëè áû âðåìÿ íà äà÷å. 16. ß áûëà áû î÷åíü áëàãîäàðíà âàì, åñëè áû âû îñòàâèëè ìåíÿ â ïîêîå. 17. Ìíå íå íðàâÿòñÿ ïîðòüåðû â ñòîëîâîé. ß áû èõ ñìåíèëà. 18. Îíà âñ¸ åù¸ ëþáèò åãî, à òî áû îíè äàâíî ðàññòàëèñü. 19. ß íå êóïèëà áû ýòî ïëà-òüå, åñëè áû ýòî íå áûëî ïîñëåäíåé ìîäîé. 20. Åñëè áû íàø êëèìàò áûë áîëåå ñòàáèëüíûì, ìíîãèå ëþäè íå ñòðàäàëè áû îò ðåçêèõ ïåðåìåí ïîãîäû. 21. Áûëî áû çàìå÷àòåëüíî, åñëè áû íà òåëåâèäåíèè áûëî áîëüøå õîðîøèõ ïåðåäà÷ äëÿ äåòåé.

66.5. Измените следующие предложения с модальными глаголами в нере-

альные согласно образцу:

— You can‛t see the manager now, he is out.— If the manager were not out, you could see him.

— They couldn‛t do the work. They were ill.— If they hadn‛t been ill, they could have done the work.

1. We can’t help you, we’re leaving the city. 2. Nobody in the office knows Italian. We can’t read the letter. 3. My grandparents can’t live in the country all the year round. There are no conveniences in the cottage. 4. They couldn’t join us, they were busy. 5. The boy can’t tell us the truth. He is too frightened. 6. I can’t sit and watch the telly with you! I have to cook supper. 7. The detective can’t find the robbers. They didn’t leave any traces. 8. She couldn’t get the job. She isn’t intelligent enough. 9. Helen can’t afford this watch. She isn’t well-paid. 10. There aren’t enough hours in the day. We are not able to do so many things. 11. We couldn’t get in touch with each other and had a lot of trouble. 12. There were no computers in those times so my father couldn’t learn to use them. 13. Why didn’t you turn to us? Now you have problems.

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66.6. Употребите правильную форму глагола в скобках.

1. If the traffic not (be) so heavy in the mornings, it (be) much easier to get to the office on time. 2. If the traffic not (be) so heavy that morning, I not (be) late for the interview. 3. If you (go) to school yesterday, you (may) (give) your cold to the other children. 4. If he not (like) his job, he not (work) so hard. 5. What you (do) if somebody (come up) to you in the street and (try) to rob you? 6. If they not (be) in love, they not (hold) hands all the time. 7. If no one (break) the rules, language not (develop). 8. If I (can) (read) people’s thoughts, it sometimes (be) interesting to know what’s on their minds. 9. If you (give) us a hint then, we (guess) your secret. 10. If Ted (not be) so tired, he (may) (under-stand) everything. 11. If I (be) ill, I (not eat) anything. I (starve) for a day or two. 12. If people (trust) and (respect) one another, it (make) life much easier. 13. If Mila (try) harder at college, she (be) more successful now. 14. If he (know) it was going to rain, he (take) his umbrella today. 15. If I (feel) well, I (be) in class yesterday.

66.7. Прочитайте следующие шутки и перескажите их в косвенной речи.

1. Òîì: What would you do if you were in my shoes?Tim: I would polish them.

2. Teacher: What’s wrong in the sentence «Ann didn’t go to the library yesterday as she had had a birthday»?Student: If the sentence which had «had had» had had «had», it would have been correct.

3. A nervous passenger approached the captain timidly. “What would happen,” she asked, “if we struck a large iceberg?” “The iceberg would pass on as if nothing had happened,” replied the captain. The old lady was very much relieved to hear it.

4. Wife: Darling, where would you go for a holiday if you could afford it?Husband: I would go somewhere I’ve never been to.Wife: Well, how about the kitchen?

5. Roger: Why do you think your marriage has lasted so well?

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Сослагательное наклонение

Jeff: My wife and I always have dinner out on Saturdays.Roger: How very romantic! I wish Laura and I had done so too, maybe we wouldn’t have parted. Where do you usually go?Jeff: Well, I go to a Chinese restaurant. I haven’t the slightest idea where she goes.Roger: Well, well, sometimes two is a crowd1, too.

66.8. Измените следующие предложения в нереальные согласно образцу.

The book is boring. I can‛t read it to the end. — If the book weren‛t boring, I could read it to the end.

She went to the market too late. She couldn‛t buy any fresh strawberries. — If she hadn‛t gone to the market too late, she could have bought some fresh strawberries.

1. You always forget to water your houseplants. That’s why they have died. 2. This boutique is too expensive. It doesn’t attract many customers. 3. My T-shirt shrank. I think I didn’t dry it properly. 4. Students usually go to bed very late. Naturally, they feel tired in the morning. 5. This actress has made a few face-lifts. Now she is looking ten years younger. 6. You didn’t clean the room properly. It’s still dirty. 7. I couldn’t stop the car. There was an accident. 8. Jessica ate too much birthday cake. She was sick. 9. He isn’t a strong child. He doesn’t go in for sport. 10. This man smokes like a chimney. And he is constantly coughing. 11. The tourists didn’t take the map of the city and soon got lost in it. 12. We must protect wildlife now or there will be nothing left for future generations. 13. I didn’t have any free time last week. That’s why we couldn’t meet. 14. We didn’t know that you were in hospital, that’s why we didn’t visit you. 15. My friends lent me the money and I was able to buy a car. 16. You haven’t read this book, that’s why you don’t know what it is about. 17. He didn’t warn us about the danger and we got into a difficult situation. 18. You’re too lazy, you haven’t done much in this life. 19. The summer was rainy. We had to stay indoors most of the time. 20. There are always traffic jams in big cities, as there are too many cars.

1 Two is company and three is a crowd. — Òðåòèé ëèøíèé.

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I wish...

Âûðàæåíèå íåðåàëüíûõ ïîæåëàíèé

Одновременные действия Предшествующие действия

1. I wish I were free now.

(Жаль, что я не свободен сейчас.)

She wishes she could do it.

I wish I had been free last week.

(Жаль, что я не был свободен на прошлой неделе.)She wishes she could have done it.

I wished I knew it.(Мне было жаль, что я не знал этого.)

I wished I had known it before.

(Мне было жаль, что не я знал этого раньше.)


insist, suggestpropose, orderdemand, advise

that youshould stay here. (Br.)

stay here. (Am.)

3.It is


necessary, desirableadvisable, recommendedsurprising, important

that youshould be present.


be present. (Am.)

4.It is/was time

for us to go.

we went.

we should go.

5. He looks (looked) as if he were (had fallen) ill.

6. had better (I’d better) — Мне (вам) лучше...would rather (I’d rather) — Я бы предпочёл...We’d rather you did it now. — Мы бы предпочли, чтобы вы сделали это сейчас.

U 76U i 7767676Unit 6Unit 6iUUnit 67Unit 677776766tttiiinnnUUU 7Unit 67Unit 67

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I wish...

67.1. Употребите правильную форму глагола в скобках.

1. We wish you (be) with us now. (be) with us last night. (be) with us next summer.2. Rita wishes she (have) more time for her children. (have) more time when her children were kids. (have) more time in future for her kids.3. She wished she (be) with us at the moment. (be) with us the night before. (be) with us the next holiday.4. I wish (wished) I (can) do it myself. (can) do it long ago. (be able to) do it one day.5. He will wish she always (tell) him the truth. (tell) him the truth then. (tell) him the truth soon.

67.2. Ответьте на вопросы согласно образцу.

— Do you enjoy living in a big city? (in the country). — Not really. I wish I lived in the country. If I lived in the country, I would be more healthy.

— Can he fi x his car by himself? — No, he can‛t, but he wishes he could. If he could fi x his car by himself, he would never take it to the service station.

1. Does your friend enjoy teaching Physics? (an actor). 2. Does your cousin enjoy being single? (be married). 3. Do your pupils enjoy learning English? (play games). 4. Does Julia enjoy having two jobs? (one good full-time job). 5. Do you enjoy driving a taxi? (a private car). 6. Does Mr. Hugh enjoy being the vice-president? (the president). 7. Do these fellows enjoy selling used cars? (new cars). 8. Can Marina type fast? (a better job). 9. Does Frederick know his neighbours? (better). 10. Can your boyfriend give up smoking? (be healthier). 11. Does your Granny have a good memory? (forget people’s names). 12. Is Alex an optimist?

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(happy) 13. Did Ivan do his homework last night? (have to do his homework early this morning). 14. Can he find his glasses? (watch TV tonight).

67.3. Выразите сожаление, используя глагол wish.

It‛s very cold today. — I wish it weren‛t so cold today!It rained hard yesterday. — I wish it hadn‛t rained yesterday!She can‛t (couldn‛t) do it. — She wishes she could do (could have

done) it.

1. My children watch television too much. 2. The child didn’t tell the truth. 3. My boss is in a bad mood today. 4. I don’t know French and Spanish. 5. This young girl always wears black. 6. My brother bought a used car. 7. My students aren’t always in time for class. 8. I don’t have a computer. 9. What a pity that I didn’t go to the party! 10. My father couldn’t fix my bike. 11. We still don’t know who they are. 12. My cousin can’t find a good job. 13. The new manager is so bossy! 14. We didn’t have a chance to get to the concert. 15. It’s a pity we’ve ever met. 16. The weather was miserable last month. 17. Unfortunately, we can’t change the situation. 18. You didn’t warn me about it and now it’s too late. 19. I’m so unhappy. She doesn’t love me. 20. You are chewing all the time! 21. I’m sorry, but I have to go.

67.4. Употребите правильную форму глагола в скобках.

1. How I wish I (can play) the guitar! 2. The policemen wish they not (have) so much work. 3. We wish you (can wait) for us. 4. I wish my neighbours (be) friendly people. 5. He wishes he (study) better when he went to school. 6. Now she wishes she (follow) her parents’ advice. 7. I wish it not (be) Monday again! 8. My relatives wished they (buy) a country house many years ago. 9. My friends wish their daughter (not marry) that fellow. 10. We wish we (not go) to that restaurant on Sunday. 11. We wish the teacher (check) our tests. 12. People wish our climate (be) not so changeable. 13. I wish you (see) my message on the display. 14. Now she wishes she (agree) to marry him. 15. We wish it (rain). It’s too hot. 16. Many people wish life not (be) so hectic. 17. How I wish I (can) do whatever I like. 18. We

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I wish...

wish you (listen) to us and (give up) that silly idea. 19. — What is love? — I wish I (know) the answer. 20. They wish you (let) them help you. 21. I’d rather you not (argue) with me. 22. We’d better (leave) now. 23. I wish the morning star (can) fall forever and sparkle through the clouds and stormy weather!

67.5. Переведите следующие предложения.

1. Æàëü, ÷òî ýòî òàê. 2. Äîñàäíî, ÷òî ýòî íå òàê. 3. Çðÿ òû íå ó÷èøü àíãëèéñêèé ÿçûê. 4. Íàïðàñíî òû íå âûó÷èë àíãëèé-ñêèé ÿçûê ðàíüøå. 5. Æàëü, ÷òî òû ìàëî ÷èòàåøü. 6. Çðÿ òû ÷èòàåøü òàê ìíîãî ãëÿíöåâûõ (glossy) æóðíàëîâ. 7. Íàïðàñíî òû òðàòèøü òàê ìíîãî äåíåã íà êîñìåòèêó. 8. Æàëü, ÷òî òû íå òðàòèøü äåíüãè íà êíèãè è òåàòðû. 9. Æàëü, ÷òî æèçíü òàêàÿ êîðîòêàÿ è æåñòîêàÿ! 10. Õîòåëîñü áû, ÷òîáû æèçíü áûëà áî-ëåå ñ÷àñòëèâîé! 11. Æàëü, ÷òî ìíîãèå èç íàñ æèâóò òàê äà-ëåêî îò èíñòèòóòà. 12. Æàëü, ÷òî ìîÿ ñåìüÿ íå ïåðååõàëà çà ãîðîä. 13. Æàëü, ÷òî ìû æèâ¸ì â ðàçíûõ ãîðîäàõ. Ìû ìîãëè áû ñòàòü äðóçüÿìè. 14. Äîñàäíî, ÷òî ó ìåíÿ â÷åðà óæàñíî áî-ëåëà ãîëîâà, à òî áû ÿ ïîøëà ñ âàìè â êèíî. 15. Æàëü, ÷òî ìîé ñûí íå âëþáèëñÿ â ýòó ïðåêðàñíóþ äåâóøêó. Îíà ìîãëà áû ñäåëàòü åãî ñ÷àñòëèâûì. 16. Äîñàäíî, ÷òî ìîé äðóã âëþáèë-ñÿ â ýòó äåâèöó. Îíà òî÷íî ñäåëàåò åãî æèçíü íåâûíîñèìîé. 17. Çðÿ òû åøü òàê ìíîãî ñëàäêîãî! 18. Íàïðàñíî òû íå ïîïðî-áîâàëà òîðò. Îí î÷åíü âêóñíûé. 19. Æàëü, ÷òî îíà ïîñòîÿííî ðàññêàçûâàåò åìó î ñâîèõ ïðîáëåìàõ. 20. Íàïðàñíî òû íå ñî-îáùèëà íàì î ñâîèõ òðóäíîñòÿõ. Ìû ìîãëè áû òåáå ïîìî÷ü. 21. Õîòåëîñü áû, ÷òîáû âû, íàêîíåö, ïîòðóäèëèñü ïåðåñòàòü ñïîðèòü. 22. Õîòåëîñü áû, ÷òîáû âû íå ðàçãîâàðèâàëè ñ äåòü-ìè òàê ãðóáî. 23. Âàì ëó÷øå èçâèíèòüñÿ. 24. ß, ïîæàëóé, ïîñî-âåòóþñü ñî ñâîèì àäâîêàòîì. 25. Ìû áû ïðåäïî÷ëè, ÷òîáû òû íå âîçâðàùàëñÿ äîìîé òàê ïîçäíî.

67.6. Дополните следующие предложения.

1. It’s necessary... . 2. It’s time... . 3. It was recommended... . 4. It was unbelievable... . 5. Isn’t it high time... ? 6. It’s ironic... . 7. We insist... . 8. Is it important... ? 9. They suggest... . 10. It’s about

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time... . 11. It’s amazing... . 12. We advise... . 13. It’s surprising... . 14. Isn’t it shocking... ? 15. It was imperative... .

67.7. Перефразируйте следующие предложения, используя фразу it’s time.

1. Your room is in an absolute mess. You must clean it. 2. You should think of your future, my dear. 3. You need to call a doctor. 4. Will you stop asking me silly questions? 5. I’m sorry I have to go. 6. Your car is dirty. You should wash it. 7. Aren’t you going to change the water in the fish-tank? 8. Will you stop switching one program to another? 9. Why don’t you help your parents? 10. You ought to feel responsible for your children! 11. You are a grown-up man. You must earn your own living. 12. I’m hungry. Shall we sit down to table? 13. It’s ten o’clock. The children must switch off the TV and go to bed. 14. You must stop wasting your time and money. 15. You are a modern woman. Don’t you want to learn to drive a car?

67.8. Дополните следующие предложения.

1. She looks nervous as if... . 2. He knows London as if... . 3. They met again as if... . 4. The detective behaved as though... . 5. Don’t act as if... . 6. Why are you speaking to me as if... ? 7. We began looking through the files as if... . 8. She hesitated as if... . 9. The weather looked as though... . 10. The kids were frightened as if... . 11. She looked after the children as if... . 12. He is looking at her as if... . 13. Now it seems as if... . 14. The agent felt as if... . 15. While reading this novel, I felt as if ... .

67.9. Переведите следующие предложения.

1. Áóäü ÿ íà òâî¸ì ìåñòå, ÿ áû â¸ë ñåáÿ òàê, ñëîâíî íè÷åãî íå ñëó÷èëîñü. 2. Êàê æàëü, ÷òî òû íå óìååøü ïåòü! ß áû ïè-ñàë ïåñíè, à òû áû èõ èñïîëíÿëà. 3. Ýòî ïëîõàÿ èäåÿ! Òåáå ïîðà ïîíÿòü, ÷òî ÿ íå ïðèìó å¸. 4.  êîìíàòå áûë òàêîé àðî-ìàò, ñëîâíî â íåé áûë ìèëëèîí ðîç. 5. Ñòðàííî, ÷òî îíà îò-êàçûâàåòñÿ îò ýòîé ðàáîòû. 6. Øàõò¸ðû íàñòàèâàëè, ÷òîáû èõ òðåáîâàíèÿ áûëè âûïîëíåíû. 7. Äàâíî ïîðà åé âåðíóòüñÿ. Æàëü, ÷òî îíà íå âçÿëà ñ ñîáîé ìîáèëüíûé òåëåôîí. 8. ß óæå

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I wish...

âçðîñëûé ÷åëîâåê. Ïî÷åìó æå âû îáðàùàåòåñü ñî ìíîé êàê ñ ðåá¸íêîì? 9. Îíà íàäåëà ñîëíå÷íûå î÷êè, ñëîâíî ïûòàëàñü ñêðûòü âûðàæåíèå ñâîèõ ãëàç. 10.  ýòîì ìèðå àáñîëþòíî íå-îáõîäèìî, ÷òîáû ëþäè ïîìîãàëè äðóã äðóãó. 11. ß ïðåäëàãàþ, ÷òîáû ìû óñòðîèëè ïèêíèê â âîñêðåñåíüå. 12. À íå ïîðà ëè òåáå ðàññêàçàòü íàì âñå òâîè ñåêðåòû, äîðîãàÿ? 13. Î÷åíü âàæíî, ÷òîáû ýòè ñâåäåíèÿ äåðæàëèñü â ñåêðåòå. 14. Ïðèêàç áûë òàêîâ, ÷òîáû ñîëäàòû ïåðåïðàâèëèñü ÷åðåç Âîëãó. 15. Îí óëûáíóëñÿ òàê, ñëîâíî ïðî÷èòàë å¸ ìûñëè è òåïåðü çíàë âñ¸. 16. Î÷åíü ñòðàííî, ÷òî îíà âûáðàëà ýòó ïðîôåññèþ. 17. Ïèðîã áûë òàêèì íåîáû÷íûì íà âêóñ, ñëîâíî â íåãî ïîëîæèëè âñå ïðÿíîñòè Âîñòîêà. 18. — ß ÷óâñòâóþ ñåáÿ òàê, ñëîâíî ÿ àáñî-ëþòíî ñ÷àñòëèâ. — Ñëîâíî ýòî âîçìîæíî! 19. Îí ÷óâñòâîâàë ñåáÿ ñâåæèì, ñëîâíî îí íå îòðàáîòàë äâåíàäöàòü ÷àñîâ áåç ïåðåðûâà. 20. Îí íåæíî ñìîòðåë íà äåâóøêó, ñëîâíî îí ïðî-ñòèë å¸ è ñíîâà áûë âëþáë¸í â íå¸. 21. Òåáå ëó÷øå ïîçàáî-òèòüñÿ î ñâî¸ì çäîðîâüå. 22. — ×àé èëè êîôå? — ß, ïîæàëóé, âûïüþ ÷àþ. 23. Ìû ïðåäïî÷ëè áû, ÷òîáû âû íå âìåøèâàëèñü â íàøè äåëà.

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Тип предложенияПридаточное предложение

Главное предложение


1. Реальное условие

If I have money, I’ll buy a computer.

Если у меня будут деньги, я куплю компьютер.

2. Нереальное условие, относящееся к настоящему или будущему времени

If I had money, I would buy a computer.

Если бы у меня были деньги, я бы купил компьютер.

3. Нереальное условие, относящееся к прошлому

If I had had

money last year,

I would have

bought a computer.

Если бы у меня были деньги в прошлом году, я бы купил компьютер.

4. Смешанный тип предложений

If you worked


If you had


hard last term,

you wouldn’t

have made so many mistakes in the last test.

you would know

the answer now.

настоящее — прошлое

прошлое — настоящее

Unit 68U 86U i 8868686Unit 6Unit 6iUUnit 68Unit 68Unit 6888Unit 68Unit 68888666tttiiinnnUUnit 68Unit 68

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68.1. Прочитайте и переведите следующий текст, обращая внимание на не-

реальные условные предложения.

Martha was feeling very bad after she had run away from her own wedding with Glenn, her first love. Though he assured her that she would never regret it, she knew she would. At nights she would wake up and wonder how she could have done this to such a kind and caring man as John, whose only mistake was that he had fallen in love with her. What would her mother have said about all this if she were alive, she wondered. She would have said the same as her sister Josie — make the decision when your head isn’t full of champagne and emotions. If her mother had been there, maybe she wouldn’t have had the chance to slip away at all. Or perhaps her mother wouldn’t have let the wedding happen.What would her father say? She hadn’t told him anything. Maybe because she knew that he wouldn’t let her do it either. After all he was a Sicilian, and Sicilians were big on family duty. And he would have made sure that she stayed and did hers. She decided she’d ring him from the hotel and tell him that she was okay — but first she would make sure that he couldn’t trace her. Otherwise he would come with Uncle Mario and some cousins and drag her back.

68.2. Ответьте на следующие вопросы.

1. How would you act if you found yourself on an uninhabited island? Would you become a new Robinson Crusoe? 2. If you met a space invader, what questions would you ask him/her? 3. What if signs of intelligent life were discovered on another planet? 4. What if science discovered a way to prolong life to 150 years? 5. What if man could control weather all the time? 6. What if a new ice age began within the next decades? 7. What if the wheel hadn’t been invented? 8. What if everybody in the world spoke the same language? 9. What do you wish were different about the world which we live in? 10. How would things change if there were no advertising? 11. What would you advise a person who wants to learn English as quickly as possible? 12. What would you think of

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if you wanted to give your mother something special on her birthday? 13. What animal or plant would you like to be and why? 14. If you could make three wishes, what would you ask for?

68.3. Переведите следующий текст.


Ó ïèñàòåëÿ áûë ìàëü÷èê-ñëóãà, êîòîðûé áûë î÷åíü ãëóïûì. Ïèñàòåëþ î÷åíü õîòåëîñü, ÷òîáû ìàëü÷èê áûë áîëåå ñîîáðà-çèòåëüíûì, íî âñå åãî óñèëèÿ áûëè áåñïîëåçíû. Îäíàæäû, êîãäà ïèñàòåëü ñèäåë è ïèñàë íîâóþ êíèãó, â êîìíàòó âîðâàë-ñÿ ñëóãà. Îí âûãëÿäåë òàê, ñëîâíî áûë íàïóãàí äî ñìåðòè, ñëîâíî íàñòóïèë êîíåö ñâåòà. «Ïîæàð! Ïîæàð! Êóõíÿ ãîðèò!» Ïèñàòåëü êèíóëñÿ âñëåä çà ñëóãîé íà êóõíþ. Îãîíü ïîëûõàë ðÿäîì ñ ïå÷üþ, òàê êàê ñëóãà îñòàâèë òàì ïîëåíî, êîòîðîå òåïåðü ãîðåëî. À íà ïå÷è ñòîÿë áîëüøîé êîò¸ë ñ âîäîé. «Òû, ãëóïûé ìàëü÷èøêà!» — çàêðè÷àë ïèñàòåëü. — «Ðàçâå òû íå ìîã âûëèòü âîäó íà ãîðÿùåå äåðåâî?» Ìàëü÷èê ñèëüíî óäè-âèëñÿ, ñëîâíî óñëûøàë ÷òî-òî î÷åíü ñòðàííîå, è çàòåì îáúÿñ-íèë õîçÿèíó, ÷òî ýòî áûëî áû àáñîëþòíî áåñïîëåçíî, òàê êàê ýòî áûëà ãîðÿ÷àÿ âîäà!

68.4. Заполните пропуски правильной (реальной или нереальной) формой

необходимого по смыслу глагола.

1. If I go to Paris, I ............................ a postcard to you. 2. If you ............................ the cat more often, it wouldn’t be so hungry. 3. My parents ............................ upset if I fail the exam. 4. If you had studied harder, you ............................ the test. 5. If you stay up too late tonight, you ............................... get up at 7 o’clock. 6. If Maxim didn’t like music, he ............................... to concerts so often. 7. If we can afford it, we ............................... on holiday next week. 8. If Mrs. Patience ............................... more patient, she would be an excellent teacher. 9. Igor doesn’t speak English very well. He wishes he ............................... it more fluently. 10. If I not ............................... a raise soon, I’ll complain to my boss. 11. If Nina were more careful, she

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............................... a better driver. 12. Jeff doesn’t like being single. He wishes he ............................... married. 13. You ate all the chocolates in the box! I wish you ............................... them all. 14. If she asks me, I ............................... teach her about computers. 15. If he gives me a lift, I not ............................... to walk to work. 16. We’ll finish the story which we’ve been writing if the teacher ............................... us a few more minutes.

68.5. Переведите следующий текст.


Àìåðèêàíåö ïðèåõàë â ßïîíèþ. Îí ñîâñåì íå óìåë ãîâîðèòü ïî-ÿïîíñêè. Îí îïàñàëñÿ, ÷òî ó íåãî ìîãóò áûòü íåäîðàçóìå-íèÿ èç-çà òîãî, ÷òî îí íå çíàë ÿçûêà, è ïîýòîìó íàíÿë ñëóãó-ÿïîíöà. ßïîíåö áûë î÷åíü âåæëèâ. Îí îáñëóæèâàë àìåðèêàí-öà òàê, ñëîâíî òîò áûë èìïåðàòîðîì. Îäíàæäû àìåðèêàíåö ïîïðîñèë ñëóãó ðàçáóäèòü åãî ïîðàíüøå íà ñëåäóþùåå óòðî. Îí îáúÿñíèë, ÷òî áûëî íåîáõîäèìî, ÷òîáû îí âñòðåòèë ñàìî-ë¸ò ðàíî óòðîì.  øåñòü ÷àñîâ óòðà ñëóãà òèõîíüêî âîøåë â êîìíàòó àìåðèêàíöà. Îí óâèäåë, ÷òî åãî ãîñïîäèí êðåïêî ñïèò, âçÿë ëèñò áóìàãè, ÷òî-òî íàïèñàë íà í¸ì è òàê æå òèõî óäàëèëñÿ. Àìåðèêàíåö ïðîñíóëñÿ â îäèííàäöàòü ÷àñîâ óòðà, âçãëÿíóë íà ÷àñû è ïðèø¸ë â óæàñ. È òóò îí óâèäåë ðÿäîì ñ ñîáîé çàïèñêó è ïðî÷èòàë ñëåäóþùåå: «Äîðîãîé ñýð, øåñòü ÷àñîâ. Ïîðà âñòàâàòü».

68.6. Ответьте на следующие вопросы.

What will you do if...1. someone wants to meet you through the Internet? 2. you oversleep your interview? 3. your best friend forgets your birthday?

What would you do if you...4. saw a fight in the street? 5. heard a strange noise outside your door in the middle of the night? 6. left your keys some-where? 7. didn’t understand English? 8. lost your way in Lon-don? 9. smelt something burning in the neighbour’s flat?

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What would you have done if you...10. had been late for your first class as a teacher? 11. had been given a pig as a pet? 12. had arrived on the wrong day to your friend’s party?

68.7. Употребите правильную форму глагола в скобках.


There was once a rich farmer in England who had a friend called Andy Appleton. Andy Appleton was a great gardener and he (grow) very good apples. One day he (give) his friend George a fine apple tree. George liked the present, but when he (come) back home, he not (know) where to plant the tree. He (think) “If I (plant) it in the park, strangers (steal) the apples. If I (plant) it in my field, the neighbours’ children (come) at night and steal my apples. If I (plant) it in my garden, my own children (take) the apples.”Finally, he planted the tree in a dark forest where the tree (can) not (grow) and soon (die). When Andy heard about it, he (get) very angry and asked George why he (do) so. “But what (can) I do?” said the farmer. “If I (plant) the tree in the park, strangers (steal) the apples. If I (plant) it in my field, the neighbours’ children (come) at night and (take) them,” he explained. Andy Appleton answered him “If I (know) how greedy and stupid you are, I never (give) you the apple tree.”

68.8. Переведите следующие предложения.

1. — Åñëè áû ÿ çíàë êîä, òî ìîã áû ïîïàñòü â ýòîò ñàéò è ïîëó-÷èòü èíôîðìàöèþ, êîòîðàÿ èíòåðåñóåò ìåíÿ. — Ïîçâîëü ìíå ïîìî÷ü òåáå. 2. — ß ñîâåðøåííî çàáûë áû î äåëîâîé âñòðå-÷å, åñëè áû ñåêðåòàðøà íå íàïîìíèëà ìíå î íåé. — Æàëü, ÷òî òû òàêîé ðàññåÿííûé! 3. — Åñëè áû íå âðàòàðü, êîìàíäà ïðîèãðàëà áû èãðó è íå áûëà áû ñåé÷àñ ÷åìïèîíîì ñòðàíû. — Æàëü, íî ÿ íå âèäåë ýòîãî ìàò÷à. 4. — ×òî áû òû ñêàçàëà, åñëè áû ÿ ïîïðîñèë òåáÿ âûéòè çà ìåíÿ çàìóæ? — Äàæå åñëè áû òû ïðåäëîæèë ìíå âåñü ìèð, ÿ áû íå ñäåëàëà ýòîãî. ß ëþ-

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áëþ äðóãîãî ÷åëîâåêà. — Äîñàäíî, ÷òî òû íå ñêàçàëà ìíå ýòî-ãî ðàíüøå! 5. Îáèäíî, ÷òî ó ìåíÿ íåò ìîòîöèêëà, ýòî áûëî áû çäîðîâî! Îòåö ãîâîðèò, ÷òî åñëè ÿ óñïåøíî çàêîí÷ó øêîëó, òî îí ïîäàðèò ìíå ìîòîöèêë ïîñëåäíåé ìîäåëè. 6. Åñëè áû íå âñåîáùåå ïîòåïëåíèå, òî ìû èçáåæàëè áû óæå ìíîãèõ ïðî-áëåì. Äàâíî ïîðà ïðèíèìàòü ñåðü¸çíûå ìåðû, ÷òîáû ñïàñòè Çåìëþ. 7. — Åñëè áû Âèêòîð íå ïåðåäóìàë è ïðèíÿë ó÷àñòèå â èãðå «Êòî õî÷åò ñòàòü ìèëëèîíåðîì?», òî îí òî÷íî âûèãðàë áû ìèëëèîí ðóáëåé. Îí òàêîé ýðóäèò! — Äà, áóäü ÿ íà åãî ìå-ñòå, ÿ áû ðèñêíóë. 8. Äåòÿì ïîðà èäòè ñïàòü, à òî óòðîì îíè áóäóò íå â ñîñòîÿíèè ïîäíÿòüñÿ è îïîçäàþò â øêîëó. 9. Ïî-õîæå, ÷òî ïîãîäà ìåíÿåòñÿ ê õóäøåìó. Ïîðà îäåâàòüñÿ òåïëåå. Æàëü, ÷òî ëåòî òàê áûñòðî ïðîëåòåëî. 10. ß äåéñòâèòåëüíî çíàþ, êàê ïîìî÷ü òåáå. Æàëü òîëüêî, ÷òî òû ìíå íå äîâåðÿ-åøü è íå îáðàòèëñÿ êî ìíå çà ïîìîùüþ ðàíüøå.

68.9. Употребите правильную форму глагола в скобках. Перескажите



One evening, a woman whose phone was out of order, strolled a few blocks from her home (use) a public phone as she long (want) to chat with her twin sister. Just as she (pick up) the re-ceiver, an excited young man (tap) on the window. His face was flushed as if he (run) for a long time and (need) the phone ur-gently. But the woman ignored him completely, she (feel) that as she (get) there first, now she (can) talk as long as she want-ed. She lined up all her 50p, 20p and 10p pieces on top of the box and turned her back to the young man.Ignoring her frosty attitude, the bloke opened the door and (beg) for the use of the phone as if it really (be) a question of life and death. The huffy woman (carry) on discussing the weather with her sister. Finally, after she (talk) for ten minutes, the furious bloke (can) (stand) it no more! “Isn’t it high time you (stop) chattering?” he shouted. He opened the door, pulled the woman out, tossed her change on to the pavement, and picked up the receiver, swearing furiously as if he (go) mad.

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The woman (give) the rude man a piece of her mind, then (go) back home. As she turned round the corner of her road, the world (fall) before her eyes: her house (burn) to the ground! And the young man (try) to call the emergency fire brigade all that time! But it was too late. Life (teach) her a good lesson. How she wished now she not (be) so unfriendly and (let) the young man (use) the telephone!

68.10. Переведите следующие предложения.

1. Åñëè çàâòðà áóäåò õîðîøèé äåíü, òî ìû ïîéä¸ì íà ïëÿæ. 2. — Åñëè áû ïîãîäà íå áûëà òàêîé ïàñìóðíîé ïîñëåäíèå òðè ìåñÿöà! Ìû áû ÷óâñòâîâàëè ñåáÿ ëó÷øå. — Äà, æàëü, ÷òî êëèìàò ìåíÿåòñÿ ê õóäøåìó. Åñëè áû ìû ìîãëè óïðàâëÿòü ïîãîäîé! 3. — ß áû ïðåäïî÷ëà, ÷òîáû âû çäåñü íå ÷èõàëè è íå êàøëÿëè. ß ìîãó çàðàçèòüñÿ îò âàñ ãðèïïîì. — Æåëà-òåëüíî, ÷òîáû âû íîñèëè ìàñêó, êàê ýòî, íàïðèìåð, äåëà-þò â ßïîíèè. 4. Íå âîëíóéòåñü! Åñëè îí ÷òî-íèáóäü óçíàåò, òî îáÿçàòåëüíî íàì ïîçâîíèò. 5. — Ïîñìîòðèòå, ÷òî ÿ ñäå-ëàë! — Ëó÷øå áû òû ýòîãî íå äåëàë. 6. Æàëü, ÷òî ó ìåíÿ íåò ÷åìîäàíà ïîëíîãî äåíåã! ß ìîã áû ñäåëàòü ñòîëüêî âñåãî õîðîøåãî. 7. Åñëè ìû êîãäà-íèáóäü ïîïàä¸ì â Àíãëèþ, òî íå-ïðåìåííî óâèäèì âñå òå äîñòîïðèìå÷àòåëüíîñòè, î êîòîðûõ òàê ìíîãî ÷èòàëè è ñëûøàëè. 8. Æàëü, ÷òî Àíàñòàñèÿ íå çà-êîí÷èëà ìåäèöèíñêèé èíñòèòóò. Åñëè áû îíà çàêîí÷èëà åãî, òî ñòàëà áû õîðîøèì âðà÷îì. 9. Åñëè ìíå íå ïðèä¸òñÿ èäòè íà ðàáîòó çàâòðà, òî ÿ çàéìóñü ðàáîòîé ïî äîìó. 10. Ëåêöèÿ íà÷èíàåòñÿ â 10 ÷àñîâ. Òåáå ëó÷øå ïîòîðîïèòüñÿ. Íåîáõîäè-ìî, ÷òîáû âñå ïðèõîäèëè âîâðåìÿ. 11. — ß, ïîæàëóé, îñòà-íóñü ñåãîäíÿ äîìà. ß íå î÷åíü õîðîøî ñåáÿ ÷óâñòâóþ. — À ÿ íà òâî¸ì ìåñòå âûçâàë áû âðà÷à. 12. ß ïðåäïî÷ëà áû, ÷òî-áû òû íå êðèòèêîâàë ìåíÿ. 13. — Ìîæíî âêëþ÷èòü òåëå-âèçîð? — ß áû ïðåäïî÷ëà, ÷òîáû òû íå äåëàë ýòîãî. Óæå ïîçäíî. Òåáå ëó÷øå èäòè ñïàòü. 14. Åñëè áû îí íå ó÷èëñÿ â êîìïüþòåðíîé øêîëå, òî íå íàó÷èëñÿ áû ïèñàòü ïðîãðàììû äëÿ êîìïüþòåðà. 15. ß íå ñìîã áû ñäåëàòü ýòîò ôèëüì, åñëè áû ìíå íå ïîìîãàëè ìíîãèå ëþäè, â ïåðâóþ î÷åðåäü ìîÿ ñå-ìüÿ. Ñåãîäíÿ ÿ õî÷ó ïîáëàãîäàðèòü èõ.

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68.11. Сделайте следующие предложения нереальными, используя I

wish..., if..., as if... .

1. Dick is in prison because a detective recognized him. 2. He regrets drinking so much last night. 3. It’s a pity your parents can’t be here too. 4. Unfortunately I have to work late tonight. 5. You had an accident because you were driving too fast. 6. You look awful. Have you received bad news? 7. He is sorry that he upset her. 8. She feels great. She thinks that she is flying. 9. Jim missed the plane, that’s why he isn’t here now. 10. Luckily, she didn’t find out the truth and wasn’t angry. 11. She looks pale. Maybe she has caught a cold. 12. Why are you so scared? Have you see a ghost? 13. He is always interrupting people! He thinks he knows everything. 14. Time flies fast. It’s so sad. 15. You didn’t try and didn’t find the wqy out of this mess. 16. He makes a lot of mistakes as he is very absent-minded. 17. Australia is a wonderful country, but it is too far away.

68.12. Переведите следующие предложения.

1. — Ïðèñàæèâàéòåñü, ïîæàëóéñòà. — Ñïàñèáî, íî ÿ, ïîæà-ëóé, ïîñòîþ. 2. Ïîõîæå, áóäåò äîæäü. Òåáå ëó÷øå âçÿòü çîíò. 3. ß áû, ïîæàëóé, ïðåäïî÷¸ë, ÷òîáû âû çäåñü íå êîìàíäîâà-ëè. 4. Åñëè îí ïðèãëàñèò íàñ íà ñâîé äåíü ðîæäåíèÿ, òî ìû áóäåì î÷åíü ðàäû. 5. Åñëè áû â âîçäóõå íå áûëî êèñëîðîäà, òî ìû íå ìîãëè áû æèòü. 6. Íåîáõîäèìî, ÷òîáû âû ïðîèíôîð-ìèðîâàëè îá ýòîì Ïðåçèäåíòà. 7. Òåáå ëó÷øå ïðîìîë÷àòü, à òî îïÿòü ñêàæåøü ÷òî-íèáóäü íå òî. 8. Ìû áóäåì ðàäû, åñëè îí âëþáèòñÿ â íå¸. 9. Åñëè áû òû ëþáèë ìåíÿ, òî âûïîëíÿë áû âñå ìîè æåëàíèÿ. 10. — Îíè ðàññòðîÿòñÿ, åñëè Âû íå íà-âåñòèòå èõ. — Æàëü, íî ÿ íå ìîãó ýòîãî ñäåëàòü. 11. Åñëè òû ïåðåäóìàåøü, äàé íàì çíàòü. Íåîáõîäèìî, ÷òîáû ìû íàøëè äðóãîãî ÷åëîâåêà íà ýòó äîëæíîñòü. 12. — Òåáå äàâíî ïîðà ïåðåñòàòü ìå÷òàòü è íà÷àòü ðàáîòàòü! — Äà, ìíå ëó÷øå ïî-ñëåäîâàòü òâîåìó ñîâåòó. 13. — Âàì ïîâåç¸ò, åñëè Âû íàéä¸òå ïîäêîâó. — Äà, åñëè áû ÿ íàøëà ïîäêîâó, òî ïîâåñèëà áû å¸ íà ñ÷àñòüå. 14. Ìû íå ïîïàëè áû â òàêóþ ñëîæíóþ ñèòóàöèþ, åñëè áû ïðîâåðèëè âñå äîêóìåíòû. 15. — À íå ïîðà ëè íàì âñåì îòïðàâèòüñÿ äîìîé? — À ÿ, ïîæàëóé, îñòàíóñü.

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The Infinitive

Инфинитив — неопределённая форма глагола, формальным показателем которой является частица toto.

Инфинитив служит исходной базой для образования всех глагольных форм.

Время Действительный залог Страдательный залог

Indefi nite to write to be written

Perfect to have written to have been written

Indefi nite Progressive to be writing —

Perfect Progressive to have been writing —

1. После вспомогательных глаголов do, does, shall, will, should, would

— Do you speak French? — I don’t know it.Shall I help you?Will they come?

What should I do?

We would like to dance.

Unit 69U 96U i 9969696Unit 6Unit 6iUUUnitUnit 9Unit 69Unit 69999666tttiiinnnUUUUnit 6Unit 6

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2. После модальных глаголов (кроме ought to, be to, have to) и модальных фраз You’d better..., I’d rather...

My sister can play football.What must I do?

You’d better leave now.I’d rather keep silent.

3. После глаголов чувственного восприятия to hear, to see, to feel, to notice, to watch

Somebody heard him say that.Nobody saw them leave.

We noticed her turn pale.

She watched the plane land.

4. После глаголов принуждения let, make

Let us discuss the problem.I’ll make you understand it.Ho: He was made to do it.

5. В вопросах, начинающихся с Why? (Почему бы не ...?)

Why do it?Why risk it?Why not go to a pub?Why not tell us the whole story?

69.1. Употребите частицу to, если необходимо.

1. ... be or not ... be — that is the question. 2. Why ... worry? ... be happy! 3. My aim is ... study English. 4. Don’t make your child ... eat too much. 5. Tom was made ... play the piano. 6. His dream is ... learn driving. 7. I have ... go home. 8. Should I ... write it down? 9. They let a stranger ... come in. 10. The stranger was allowed ... stay for the night. 11. I noticed my children... fall asleep. 12. Let him... stay with us. 13. She made me ... laugh. 14. Why not ... have a snack? 15. She wants all her friends ... come to her birthday. They are easy ... deal with. 16. I must ... go right now. The work must... be done. I am ... be at work at 9 sharp. 17. We are happy ... see you here. 18. What I need is ... relax. 19. Shall we ... start the conference? 20. It’s so difficult ... take everything easy!

69.2. Продолжите следующие предложения, используя инфинитивы.

1. My aim is ... . 2. What I need now is ... . 3. To be happy is (means) ... . 4. My workmates are easy ... . 5. It’s stupid ... . 6. It’s important ... . 7. I am clever enough ... . 8. We have something ... .

Продолжение табл.

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9. I’m too tired ... . 10. He is lucky ... . 11. I’m sorry ... . 12. You must ... . 13. I have ... . 14. Try ... . 15. I didn’t want ... . 16. We plan ... . 17. I promise ... . 18. My Mom forgot ... . 19. We offered him ... . 20. The children seem ... . 21. We cannot afford ... . 22. Very slowly she began ... . 23. I am so happy... . 24. It’s unusual ... . 25. Everybody’s wish is ... .

69.3. Употребите необходимую форму глагола в скобках.

1. I’m going (translate) this book from Russian into English. 2. The publisher wants this novel (translate) next year. 3. They want (organize) a conference in August. 4. We expect a film festi-val (organize) in Yalta next summer. 5. They are planning (build) a tunnel here. 6. The project must (finish) within a year. 7. This dictionary seems (publish) ages ago. 8. He pretended (sleep). 9. Well, sir, I want (take) my words back. 10. Everybody is go-ing (give) a raise. 11. You cannot (break) rules. Rules are rules and they must (keep). 12. English people don’t like (tell) what to do. 13. She wants (wash) her windows tomorrow. 14. One more window remained (wash). 15. You need (think) it over. It’s a se-rious matter. 16. You ought to (tell) me this before. 17. Students can’t afford (waste) time. 18. The patient has (operate on). 19. All these tests must (check) by Monday. 20. She is so lucky (raise) in such a good family. 21. I like (give) presents to friends, but even more I like (give) gifts. Which do you prefer?

69.4. Дополните следующие предложения фразами из правой колонки.

1. Òî travel is (means) a. very difficult to write.2. Òî go out at night b. to be hard-working.3. You can’t afford ñ. to become a personality.4. She had a big family d. to marry him.5. A witty limerick is e. to meet his partners.6. To make a good career f. to fulfil all your wishes. means7. It takes a long time g. to let them down.8. She didn’t love him h. to extend the family enough business.

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9. Maxim flew to Boston i. is impossible to get.10. All I want is j. to broaden your mind (if you have the mind).11. It would never do k. is rather risky.12. She is very pleasant l. to be so rude to the chief.13. Gold and love affairs are m. to support.14. Paula started n. to look at.15. Such information o. hard to hide.

69.5. Переведите следующие предложения.

1. ß ñ÷àñòëèâ âèäåòü âàñ. 2. ß î÷åíü ðàä âñòðåòèòüñÿ ñ âàìè. 3. ß ñ÷àñòëèâ, ÷òî ìíå äàëè ýòó ðàáîòó. 4. Õî÷ó ðàññêàçàòü âàì ïîñëåäíèå íîâîñòè. 5. Õî÷ó, ÷òîáû ìåíÿ îñòàâèëè â ïîêîå. 6. Îíà, êàæåòñÿ, çíàåò âñåõ â ãîðîäå. 7. Òû, êàæåòñÿ, ñèäèøü çà êîìïüþòåðîì ñ ñàìîãî óòðà. Íå ïîðà ëè åãî âûêëþ÷èòü? 8. ×èòàòü êíèãè — ýòî çíà÷èò ðàñøèðÿòü ñâîé êðóãîçîð. 9. Îíà íå ìîãëà ïîçâîëèòü ñåáå áðîñèòü ðàáîòó. Ó íå¸ áûëè äåòè, êîòîðûõ íóæíî áûëî ðàñòèòü (ïîäíèìàòü). 10. Îíà íà÷èíàëà ïîíèìàòü, ÷òî ïðîèçîøëî. 11. Ìíå íå÷åãî äåëàòü. 12. Ó ìåíÿ òàê ìíîãî äåë, êîòîðûå íóæíî ïåðåäåëàòü. 13. ×òîáû îâëàäåòü ÿçûêîì, íóæíî óñèëåííî ðàáîòàòü. 14. Íóæíî ìíîãî âðåìåíè, ÷òîáû ñòàòü ïðîôåññèîíàëîì. 15. Îíà äîñòàòî÷íî óìíà, ÷òîáû âûïîëíèòü ñâîþ ðàáîòó. 16. Ñëèøêîì îïàñíî ñàäèòüñÿ â ïî-ïóòíûå ìàøèíû. 17. Åé òðóäíî óãîäèòü. 18. Ñ íèì ëåãêî èìåòü äåëî. 19. Ýòî íå÷òî, ÷òî òðóäíî îïèñàòü. 20. Áîëüøèå äåíüãè òðóäíî ñïðÿòàòü. 21. Áûòü èëè íå áûòü? — âîò â ÷¸ì âîïðîñ. 22. Îíà íóæäàëàñü â òîì, ÷òîáû åé ïîìîãëè.

69.6. Заполните пропуски необходимыми словосочетаниями в форме ин-


1. I’d like you ............................... with my English Grammar. 2. He tried ............................... her a message, but the number was blocked. 3. We managed ............................... a table by the window. 4. I learned ............................... at the age of five. 5. We’ve decided ............................... this University. 6. My boyfriend promised not ............................... for the party. 7. You seem ............................... in a good

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mood. 8. I can’t afford ............................... expensive clothes. I have three kids ............................... . 9. He didn’t mean ............................... you. So stop crying. 10. We decided ............................... a drink in the pub. 11. They decided ............................... for a business lunch. 12. We chose ............................... in the country the whole summer. 13. How did you manage ............................... all this information? Isn’t it top secret? 14. My friend offered ............................... me a little money. I had ..............................., as I needed it ............................... my parents. 15. What time do you expect them ............................... ? 16. I forgot ............................... some bread and cheese on the way home. 17. We’ve just decided ............................... a new computer for the office 18. The children began ............................... as fast as they could. 19. We hope ............................... you soon. 20. — Will you teach me ............................... these words correctly? — I will.

69.7. Прочитайте и переведите на русский язык следующие вводные фра-

зы и составьте с ними предложения.

Òî tell you the truth, to be absolutely frank, to crown (cap) it all, to start with, to put it mildly, not to say more, needless to say, to be more exact, to make a long story short, to cut it short, strange though it may sound, to be honest... .

69.8. Переведите следующие предложения.

1. Îòêðîâåííî ãîâîðÿ, òû ñëèøêîì ìîëîä, ÷òîáû ãîâîðèòü ìíå, ÷òî äåëàòü. 2. Íàì ïðèøëîñü ïîäíÿòüñÿ î÷åíü ðàíî, ÷òî-áû óñïåòü íà ïåðâûé àâòîáóñ. 3. Áàáóøêà èìåëà îáûêíîâå-íèå ïðèõîäèòü êî ìíå â êîìíàòó, ÷òîáû ðàññêàçàòü ñêàçêó ïåðåä ñíîì (a bedtime story). 4. Ìàòèëüäà áûëà äîñòàòî÷íî óìíà, ÷òîáû áûòü ëó÷øåé ó÷åíèöåé â êëàññå. 5. Àïåëüñèíû ñëèøêîì âÿëûå (tired), ÷òîáû ïîêóïàòü èõ. 6. ×åñòíî ãîâî-ðÿ, ìíå ïðèøëîñü ñîëãàòü, ÷òîáû ñïàñòè ñèòóàöèþ. 7. Îí õî-òåë óñëûøàòü ïðàâäó, îí íå õîòåë, ÷òîáû åìó îïÿòü ñêàçà-ëè ëîæü. 8. Æèçíü ñëèøêîì êîðîòêà, ÷òîáû ïîïóñòó òðàòèòü âðåìÿ. 9. Ïî ïðàâäå ãîâîðÿ, ìíå ïðèøëîñü ñîîáùèòü îá ýòîì ïîëèöèè. 10. ß, ïîæàëóé, ïîéäó ïîãóëÿþ. Íå õî÷åøü ïðèñî-åäèíèòüñÿ? 11. Ïîâåðüòå, âàì íå÷åãî áîÿòüñÿ. 12. Åñòü íå-ñêîëüêî ôàêñîâ, íà êîòîðûå íóæíî îòâåòèòü ñåãîäíÿ. 13. Êî-

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ðî÷å ãîâîðÿ, åìó óäàëîñü ñáåæàòü èç òþðüìû è äîëãîå âðå-ìÿ åìó ïðèøëîñü ñêðûâàòüñÿ â ëåñó. 14. Îí ïðèø¸ë ïåð-âûì è óø¸ë ïîñëåäíèì. 15. Ó ìåíÿ íåò æåëàíèÿ ñïîðèòü ñ òîáîé. Ó ìåíÿ òàê ìíîãî òåòðàäåé, êîòîðûå íóæíî ïðîâå-ðèòü. 16. Ñëîâà ýòîé ïåñíè ëåãêî çàïîìíèòü. 17. Ìîè ðîäè-òåëè ó÷èëè ìåíÿ âèäåòü ëó÷øåå â ëþäÿõ. 18. Åé íåîáõîäè-ìî áûëî íàéòè åãî. 19. Ñòóäåíòàì õîòåëîñü áû èìåòü áîëüøå ñâîáîäíîãî âðåìåíè, ÷òîáû íàñëàæäàòüñÿ æèçíüþ. 20. Ëþ-áèòü — çíà÷èò æåðòâîâàòü.

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Ñëîæíîå äîïîëíåíèå

The Complex Object

Сложное дополнение состоит из имени существительного или местоиме-ния (в объектном падеже) и инфинитива глагола с частицей to или без неё.

We want Nick (him) to visit us.They expect the train (it) to come on time.

Мы хотим, чтобы Ник навестил нас.

(Переводится придаточным предложением.)


1) после глаголов want, wish, would like, desire, like, hate, expect, know, believe, consider, get с частицей to!

We want Helen to help us.

Do you wish me to join you?I expect them to arrive soon.We know him to be a cool guy.

They consider the matter to be serious.

We’ll get you to do it.

2) после глаголов чувственного восприятия see, hear, feel, notice, watch без частицы to!

I’ve never seen her look so beautiful.

The inspector noticed the man enter the bank.Everybody heard him say that.

3) после глаголов принуждения let, make, have без частицы to!

They let us go home.Nobody will make me do it!I won’t have you say such things!

Unit 70U 07U i 007070Unit 7Unit 7iUUnit 7Unit 70Unit 70Unit 70000777t 7ttiiinnnUUU 7Unit 70Unit 70

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Сложное дополнение

1. Если глаголы hear, see, notice, make употребляются в пассивном залоге, то инфинитив после них используется с частицей to.

We heard her say it. — She was heard to say it.Somebody made him do it. — He was made to do it.

2. Глагол let не употребляется в пассивном залоге; употребляйте глагол to allow.

We let them do it. — They were allowed to do it.

3. Причастие I выражает действие в его развитии, в процессе.


We saw him cross the street. We saw him crossing the street.(...как он перешёл улицу) (...как он переходил улицу)

70.1. Употребите частицу to, если необходимо.

1. Íå sat down and made me ... sit beside him. 2. She is always heard ... sing while working. 3. I never saw anyone ... enjoy food so much. 4. The producer is known ... have staged a new play. 5. He would sooner ... let himself ... be cut in a thousand pieces than ... betray his friends. 6. I don’t expect you ... understand, but I want you ... take some measures. 7. Would you like me ... help you? 8. What made you ... decide ... do so? 9. Sunglasses make you ... look mysterious. 10. They consider him ... be a real professional. 11. She considers him ... be a superman. 12. Let me ... take you to the Milky Way on your holiday! 13. I wanted this ... be the surprise of your life. 14. The detective watched the strangers ... go out of the house, ... get into the car and ... drive off. 15. He noticed her ... turn pale. 16. It takes two ... make a dream ... come true. 17. I felt somebody ... pull my bag in the crowded bus. 18. As I don’t want this ... happen, I try ... be as careful as possible. 19. Every morning I make myself... do sit-ups for ten minutes. 20. The big breakfast made me ... feel sleepy and I let the book ... fall to the ground.

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70.2. Измените предложения согласно образцу.

My teacher made me learn spelling rules by heart.— I was made to learn spelling rules by heart.

1. They heard her leave the flat. 2. I saw the children run quickly to the river. 3. A policeman noticed a burglar get into the house. 4. She let the kids watch the cartoon. 5. This teacher never makes students do homework. 6. We heard the tourists start singing. 7. Ben’s mother made him apologize. 8. They made the customer accept their terms. 9. Don’t worry! We’ll let you go to the football match. 10. The public made the pop singer sing her latest hit. 11. From the helicopter they saw the car disappear in the tunnel. 12. The neighbours noticed Marina leave her dacha. 13. I’ll let you have a dog if you study better. 14. They let their son choose his future profession himself. 15. He made her sign the documents.

70.3. Употребите инфинитив или причастие I вместо глаголов в скобках.

1. I heard somebody (call) my name. 2. He felt something (hit) him on the leg. 3. His remark made everybody (feel) awkward. 4. How could you let them (fool) you? 5. We watched the sun (set) slowly into the sea. 6. He glanced back and saw a man (follow) him. 7. Far away they I heard a dog (bark). 8. Have you ever seen anything of the kind (happen)? 9. I could smell the coffee (boil). 10. She failed to see the guests (leave). 11. After an hour’s rest he felt strength slowly (come) back to him. 12. When I entered the house, I saw my children (decorate) the Christmas tree. 13. He walked happily through the streets (watch) the city come to life. 14. When I went to visit my friends, I found them (have) a party. 15. The policeman saw the man (stop), (look around) and (enter) the bar. 16. When we entered the office, we saw our boss (speak) to the sales manager.

70.4. Употребите правильную форму глагола в скобках.


The other day I (finish) work earlier than usual. The weather (be) fine, so I (decide) (take) a walk. While I (pass) one of the

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Сложное дополнение

numerous pubs, I (realize) that I not (have) anything to drink since morning and that I certainly (like) a pint of beer. “There (be) nothing better than cold beer on a hot day like this!” I (think) and (enter) the Golden Bar. I (see) men and women (sit) at their tables over a glass of beer. The beer (bring) soon, but as I not (be) in the bar before, I (take) a look around. Almost every seat (occupy). I watched people (talk) and (laugh). Finally I (finish) my beer and (be) about (leave) the bar when it (begin) (rain). I (wait) for ten minutes but the rain not (stop). The strange part of it was that there (be) no clouds in the sky and yet it (rain) hard. I (can) not possibly (go out) as I not (take) an umbrella with me. I (expect) the rain (stop) soon, so I (change) my mind and (order) a substantial lunch. I (notice) many people (do) the same, so the waiter (have) a lot of work to do. “It (rain) for an hour already, but the rain (show) no sign of stopping. It’s time I (leave),” I (think) and (go out). I (walk) a few steps in a hurry and then (stop) in surprise. There (be) no rain. All the time I (sit) in the bar, there (be) no rain at all!But just a few yards away from the front door of the bar an elderly woman (sit) comfortably on a chair. She (hold) a hose1 linked to a tap. She (water) the pavement in front of the bar.A clever man, that barman was! He (want) people (stay) in his bar as long as possible. And his trick (work) with me as well.

70.5. Переведите следующие предложения.

1. Ìû îæèäàåì, ÷òî íàøå ïóòåøåñòâèå áóäåò èíòåðåñíûì. 2. Ìû íàáëþäàëè, êàê ðûáêè ïëàâàëè â àêâàðèóìå. 3. Êíè-ãè çàñòàâèëè ìåíÿ ñîâåðøåííî ïî-íîâîìó âçãëÿíóòü íà ìèð. 4. Åãî çàñòàâèëè âûñòóïèòü â ñóäå, è âñå îæèäàëè, ÷òî îí ñêàæåò, ÷òî îí âèäåë. 5. ß íå ïîçâîëþ âàì ãîâîðèòü òàêèå âåùè çà ìîåé ñïèíîé! 6. Òóðèñòû íå çàìåòèëè, êàê áîëüøîé ìåäâåäü ïîäîø¸ë ê êîñòðó. 7. ß íèêîãäà íå âèäåë, ÷òîáû êòî-òî ïîëó÷àë òàêîå îãðîìíîå óäîâîëüñòâèå îò åäû. 8. Ìû õîòèì, ÷òîáû òû îñòàëñÿ ñ íàìè. 9. Ëþäè îæèäàþò, ÷òî ýòîò ïîëèòèê ðåàëüíî ïîìîæåò èì. 10. Ñëûøàëè, êàê îí ñêàçàë, ÷òî îí óåç-

1 hose [həuz] — øëàíã.

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æàåò. 11. Âû êîãäà-íèáóäü ñëûøàëè, êàê ïî¸ò ñîëîâåé? 12. Âû êîãäà-íèáóäü âèäåëè, êàê êîøêà îõîòèòñÿ çà ìûøàìè? 13. Îí çàìåòèë, ÷òî ê íåìó èä¸ò èíñïåêòîð, è îñòàíîâèë ìàøèíó. 14. Ýòà êíèãà ñ÷èòàåòñÿ áåñòñåëëåðîì. 15. ß ñ÷èòàþ ýòîãî àê-ò¸ðà ãåíèåì. 16. Îõðàíà ïîçâîëèëà åìó âîéòè â äîì, íî âûéòè îòòóäà åìó íå ðàçðåøèëè. 17. Àäìèðàë Íåëüñîí ñêàçàë: «Àí-ãëèÿ îæèäàåò, ÷òî êàæäûé ÷åëîâåê âûïîëíèò ñâîé äîëã».

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The Gerund

Время Действительный залог Страдательный залог

Indefi nite doingwriting

being donebeing written

Perfect having donehaving written

having been donehaving been written

Сравните:Excuse me for giving you so much trouble. (действие в настоящем)Excuse me for having given you so much trouble. (действие в прошлом)He was proud of winning so often. (Он гордился тем, что часто выигрывал.)

Не was proud of having won the game. (Он был горд тем, что выиграл.)

1. После глаголов forget, remember, thank, deny, excuse, regret для выражения прошлого действия употребляется Indefi nite Gerund вместо Perfect Gerund.

She forgot telling me about it. They regret going there.I don’t remember ever seeing him. Excuse me for coming without calling fi rst.

2. После глаголов must, require, need, deserve и прилагательного worth упо-требляется Active Gerund, хотя значение пассивное.The grass needs cutting. (Травку нужно подстричь.)The camera wanted adjusting. (Камеру нужно было отрегулировать.)The child deserves praising. (Ребёнок заслуживает, чтобы его похвалили.)The fi lm is worth seeing. (Фильм стоит посмотреть.)It is worth while reading this book. (Стоит почитать эту книгу.)

Unit 71U it 717U i 771Unit 7Unit 7iUUnit 71Unit 711Unit 71U it 7111777t 7ttiiinnnUUU 7Unit 71Uni

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71.1. Прочитайте и переведите следующие предложения, обращая внима-

ние на герундий.

1. Travelling broadens your mind. 2. Shopping is my basic instinct. 3. Seeing is believing. 4. No progressing is regressing. 5. This exhibition is worth visiting. 6. It’s worth while discussing this problem. 7. They started working like maniacs. 8. My hobby is collecting bells. 9. I am not used to being told what to do. 10. We have been looking forward to visiting France for a year already. 11. Everybody liked the idea of going to the Coffee House. 12. Will I ever have a chance of seeing you again? 13. Instead of telling the truth, the boy went on lying. 14. He took the file without anyone noticing. 15. Think twice before answering. 16. Of course, there is nothing wrong in your seeing him. 17. The journalist insisted on being sent to that troublespot. 18. Few women left the store without buying something. 19. He enjoyed talking to her because she was so well informed. 20. Arguing with you is just wasting time. 21. There is no stopping time. 22. There is no denying nowadays that wearing a lot of make-up makes a woman look ten years older. 23. Stop talking, will you?

71.2. Дополните следующие предложения.

1. You should avoid ... . 2. Do you mind ... ? 3. We must go on ... . 4. The guide began ... . 5. Has it stopped ... ? 6. The agent kept on ... . 7. I don’t regret ... . 8. When will you finish ... ? 9. Just imagine ... ! 10. Young people enjoy ... . 11. The car needs ... . 12. His hobby was ... . 13. The man denied ... . 14. Fancy ... ! 15. He hates ... . 16. When are you going to give up ... ? 17. We don’t feel like ... . 18. When she heard the good news, she couldn’t help ... . 19. The child fell off his bicycle and burst out ... . 20. They went on ... as if nothing had happened. 21. Well done. You deserve ... . 22. I really regret ... . 23. Excuse me for ... . 24. Are you going to apologize for ... ? 25. My Mum is very fond of ... .

71.3. Употребите правильную форму герундия вместо глаголов в скобках.

1. It’s no use (cry) over spilt milk. 2. The cottage is very old and it badly needs (paint). 3. It started (rain) hard, so it

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wasn’t worth (go) for a picnic. 4. The baby began (cry) when it woke up, and it went on (cry) all the morning. 5. I enjoy (watch) television when the programme is worth (see). 6. The manager received the e-mail a week ago, but he put off (answer) it till Monday. 7. These jeans are so old, they aren’t worth (keep). 8. Will you stop (talk) about it, the incident isn’t worth (mention). 9. This T-shirt is quite clean, it doesn’t need (wash) yet. 10. Nick admitted (tell) a lie. And he didn’t mind (reprimand) for it. 11. Bruce couldn’t imagine (abuse) by anyone. 12. Tony likes (read), but his wife prefers (listen) to classical music. 13. The lecturer got angry and asked the students to stop (talk) and (ask) silly questions. He warned them that if they kept on (interrupt) him, he would ask them to leave the lecture hall. 14. He is very secretive. He avoids (ask) any personal questions or (ask) any even by his closest friends. 15. He wasn’t used to (ignore). 16. James denied (be) a secret agent during the war. 17. The sick man agreed to (take) to hospital. 18. Take your time before (answer). 19. I am sick and tired of (work) here for years. 20. Don’t try to stop me from (tattoo). 21. Let me congratulate you on (get married) to such a nice man.

71.4. Переведите следующие предложения.

1. Ïðåïîäàâàíèå — íåë¸ãêàÿ (stressful) ðàáîòà. 2. Èçó÷åíèå èíîñòðàííîãî ÿçûêà — ýòî äîëãèé ïðîöåññ. 3. Ñìîòðåòü òåëå-âèçîð — ýòî ìîé ñïîñîá ðàññëàáèòüñÿ. 4. Ìîè óâëå÷åíèÿ — ýòî ÷òåíèå, ïóòåøåñòâèÿ è âñòðå÷è ñ äðóçüÿìè. 5. Ïåðå-ñòàíüòå áîëòàòü è íà÷èíàéòå ðàáîòàòü. 6. Îíà î÷åíü ëþáèò ÷èòàòü ðóññêèõ êëàññèêîâ. 7. Âûáîð ïðîôåññèè — âàæíåéøèé øàã â æèçíè êàæäîãî ÷åëîâåêà. 8. Ðåêòîð ïîçäðàâèë âñåõ ñ îêîí÷àíèåì óíèâåðñèòåòà. 9. Êàæäûé äåíü ìîé áðàò îáåùà-åò áðîñèòü êóðèòü, íî âñ¸-òàêè ïðîäîëæàåò ýòî äåëàòü. 10. Ÿ ìàíåðà ðàçãîâàðèâàòü ðàçäðàæàåò âñåõ. 11. ×òî-òî ìíå íå õî-÷åòñÿ ñåãîäíÿ çàíèìàòüñÿ. Êàê íàñ÷¸ò òîãî, ÷òîáû ïðîãóëÿòü-ñÿ? 12. Îí íå ìîã óäåðæàòüñÿ, ÷òîáû íå ñêàçàòü åé, êàê îíà õîðîøà. 13. Ïîæàëóéñòà, âûòèðàéòå íîãè, ïðåæäå ÷åì âîéòè. 14. Ÿ âåëè÷àéøåå óäîâîëüñòâèå — ñïëåòíè÷àòü. 15. Òåðïåòü

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íå ìîãó, êîãäà ìåíÿ îñòàâëÿþò îäíó ïî âûõîäíûì. 16. Ýòîò ìþçèêë ñòîèò ïîñìîòðåòü. 17. À ñòîèò ëè âîîáùå òðàòèòü âðåìÿ íà ýòî äåëî? 18. Îíà ïîäóìûâàåò î òîì, ÷òîáû êóïèòü äîì çà ãîðîäîì. 19. ß íå ïðîòèâ òîãî, ÷òîáû ôèíàíñîâî ïî-ìîãàòü ðîäñòâåííèêàì. 20. Èçâèíèòå, ÷òî çâîíþ òàê ïîçäíî. 21. Âîéäÿ â äîì, îíà ñðàçó æå ïî÷óâñòâîâàëà ÷òî-òî íåëàäíîå. 22. ß íå âîçðàæàþ, ÷òîáû âû ïîëüçîâàëèñü ìîèì ïðèíòåðîì. 23. Òû ìîæåøü óëó÷øèòü ñâî¸ ïðîèçíîøåíèå òåì, ÷òî áóäåøü ÷èòàòü âñëóõ. 24. Ïåðåñòàíü æàëîâàòüñÿ. ß ñåãîäíÿ íå â íà-ñòðîåíèè ñëóøàòü òåáÿ. 25. ß î÷åíü ëþáëþ íàáëþäàòü, êàê âîñõîäèò ñîëíöå. 26. Ëó÷øå ðàç óâèäåòü, ÷åì ñòî ðàç óñëû-øàòü. 27. Íàçàä äîðîãè íåò. 28. Ðåá¸íîê çàñëóæèâàåò, ÷òîáû åãî ïîõâàëèëè. 29. Ìû ñîæàëååì, ÷òî ñäåëàëè ýòî. 30. Ñíÿâøè ãîëîâó, ïî âîëîñàì íå ïëà÷óò.

71.5. Дополните следующие предложения.

1. Nobody objects to ... . 2. Íå accused his boss of ... . 3. I am not used to ... . 4. Do you insist on ... ? 5. Why do you persist in ... ? 6. We were tired of ... . 7. You are wrong. He isn’t capable of ... . 8. Did they succeed in ... ? 9. I never liked your idea of ... . 10. When shall we have the pleasure of ... ? 11. We are grateful to you for ... . 12. What is the most effective method of ... ? 13. The police accused him of ... ? 14. I found them engaged in ... . 15. We were surprised at ... . 16. This businessman is proud of ... . 17. The agent wasn’t used to ... . 18. Is it really worth while ... ? 19. I’m tired. I don’t feel like ... . 20. This programmer is an expert in ... . 21. I am fond of ..., but I dislike ... . 22. She is feeling bad today. She is not in the mood for ... . 23. Is there any sense in ... ? 24. The hiker didn’t even take the trouble of ... . 25. What’s the use of ... ? 26. Did she really confess to ... ? 27. He very quickly got into the habit of ... . 28. He gave up his job without ... . 29. Their relative became worse after ... . 30. I don’t want to upset you by ... .

71.6. Переведите следующие предложения.

1. Îí îòïðàâèë íàì òåëåãðàììó âìåñòî òîãî, ÷òîáû íàïèñàòü ïèñüìî. 2. Òðóäíî ñäåëàòü õîðîøóþ êàðüåðó áåç òîãî, ÷òîáû

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ìíîãî è óïîðíî ðàáîòàòü. 3. Íàø ó÷èòåëü èñïîëüçóåò ïîñëåä-íèå ìåòîäû îáó÷åíèÿ èíîñòðàííûì ÿçûêàì. 4. Îáåçüÿíû áûëè òàêèå çàáàâíûå, ÷òî ìû íå ìîãëè íå óëûáàòüñÿ. 5. ß íå äóìàþ, ÷òî îí ñïîñîáåí ñîëãàòü. 6. Ïåðåñòàíü ïåðåêëþ÷àòü òåëåâèçîð ñ îäíîãî êàíàëà íà äðóãîé. 7. Îí èçâèíèëñÿ çà òî, ÷òî áûë ãðóá ñ íàìè. 8. Âñåãäà íåïðèÿòíî, êîãäà ÷åëîâåê ðàçãîâàðè-âàåò, íå ãëÿäÿ âàì â ãëàçà. 9. Äåâî÷êà ïëîõî ïî÷óâñòâîâàëà ñåáÿ ïîñëå òîãî, êàê ñúåëà öåëóþ êîðîáêó êîíôåò. 10. ß íå ïðèâûê ê òîìó, ÷òîáû ñî ìíîé òàê ðàçãîâàðèâàëè. 11. Ãèòà-ðó íóæíî íàñòðîèòü. 12. Âîðû çàáðàëèñü â ìàãàçèí, ðàçáèâ îêíî. 13. Òóðèñò ïîæàëîâàëñÿ íà òî, ÷òî åìó ïðåäîñòàâèëè î÷åíü ìàëåíüêóþ êîìíàòó â ãîñòèíèöå. 14. Ìàëü÷èê íå ïîäî-ø¸ë áëèçêî ê ñîáàêå. Îí áîÿëñÿ áûòü óêóøåííûì. 15. ×àñû ïðîäîëæàëè èäòè, íåñìîòðÿ íà òî ÷òî ïåðåä ýòèì èõ óðîíèëè. 16. Òâîè âîëîñû î÷åíü äëèííûå, Àíäðåé, èõ íóæíî ïîñòðè÷ü. 17. ß íå ëþáëþ, êîãäà ëþäè êóðÿò ðÿäîì ñî ìíîé. 18. Ýòîò ìàëü÷èê î÷åíü ñïîñîáåí ê ðèñîâàíèþ. 19. Ïîëèöåéñêèé îáâè-íèë Ñýìà â òîì, ÷òî îí íåçàêîííî íîñèë îðóæèå. 20. ×òî ïî-ìåøàëî òåáå ïîéòè òóäà îäíîìó? 21. Òû äîëæåí îòêàçàòüñÿ îò ìûñëè î òîì, ÷òîáû ñòàòü ðîê-ìóçûêàíòîì. 22. Ïîñëå òîãî êàê ÿ ïðîæèë íåñêîëüêî ëåò â Àíãëèè, ÿ íàó÷èëñÿ öåíèòü äåíüãè. 23. Ñàìî ñîáîé ðàçóìååòñÿ, ÷òî âàì ïðåäîñòàâÿò âîçìîæíîñòü ïîãîâîðèòü ñ àäâîêàòîì. 24. Îí áûë ïîëüù¸í òåì, ÷òî åãî ïðè-ãëàñèëè íà ýòó íîìèíàöèþ. 25. Ïîñëå òîãî êàê îí âåðíóëñÿ äîìîé èç áîëüíèöû, îí ïîæàëîâàëñÿ, ÷òî åãî ïëîõî ëå÷èëè (treat).

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Èíôèíèòèâ è ãåðóíäèé

The Infinitive and the Gerund


+ Герундий + Инфинитив

Прошлое действие или событие

Настоящее или будущее действие или событие

1) remember forget

We don’t remember ever seeing you.I’ll never forget fl ying for the fi rst time.

Please remember to post the letter.Don’t forget to feed the cat, will you?

2) regret

He regrets saying it.I’ll always regret not going

to university.

I regret to say that you are not right.We regret to inform you that you are not accepted.

3) stop

They stopped talking. (Они перестали разговаривать.)

They stopped to talk. (Они остановились, чтобы поговорить.)

Пассивное значение Активное значение

4) need want require

The windows need cleaning.

(need to be cleaned)Your car wants washing.

This water requires fi ltering.

I need to call them.She wants to redecorate the kitchen.You need to fi lter this water.

Unit 72U 27U i 7272Unit 7Unit 7iUUnit 72Unit 722Unit 72it 722U it 72U i 222777t 7ttiiinnnUUU 7Unit 72Unit 72

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Инфинитив и герундий

72.1. Закончите предложения, используя инфинитив или герундий. Упо-

требите предлог, если необходимо.

1. There is no ... . 2. There is not much ... . 3. ... is out of the ques-tion. 4. ... would have been a mistake. 5. It’s no good ... . 6. It is very good... . 7. There is no reason... . 8. There is no need ... . 9. Your TV-set does not need ... . 10. You needn’t ... . 11. They were in a hurry, they couldn’t stop ... . 12. He was struck by her beauty; he couldn’t stop ... . 13. I am used ... . 14. When a stu-dent, I used ... . 15. I can’t bear ... . 16. They couldn’t afford ... . 17. We never intended ... . 18. The weather looks like ... . 19. The climate seems ... . 20. He began ... only when the noise subsided.

72.2. Употребите герундий или инфинитив вместо инфинитива в скобках.

Употребите предлог, если это необходимо.

1. I regret (to miss) the show. 2. We regret (to say) we are not coming. 3. He is quite able (to take care) of himself. 4. He is capable (to do) things you would least expect of him. 5. I don’t like your way (to talk). 6. This is not the way (to talk). 7. It was very useful (to hear) the different opinions. 8. It’s no use (to argue). The matter is settled. 9. You can hardly count (to find) everything as you would like it to be. 10. He felt that they were hiding something from him, and he demanded (to tell) the truth. 11. I’ll give you a chance (to try) your hand at it. 12. Shall we have a chance (to see) you here again? 13. His time was up, but he still went on (to talk). 14. After saying a few words about the author himself, the lecturer went on (to speak) of his works. 15. I need spectacles (to read). 16. The print is too small; I need glasses (to read) it with.

72.3. Ответьте на следующие вопросы.

1. What do you enjoy doing in your spare time? 2. What would you like to do tonight? 3. What must you remember to do each day? 4. What can you remember doing when you were a child? 5. If you want to lose weight, what should you stop doing? 6. What do you regret doing in the past? 7. What did you try to do regularly during your academic year? 8. What can you try

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to do if you want to improve your English? 9. What must you never try to do? l0. What does your car (flat, dacha) need to do every year? 11. What do your parents always try to make you do? 12. What can’t you give up doing? 13. What do you need to do to make a good career? 14. What will you have to get used to doing after you leave school (graduate from University)? 15. Where do you feel like going for your holiday?

72.4. Употребите инфинитив или герундий вместо глаголов в скобках. В не-

которых случаях возможны два варианта.

1. My friend enjoys (paint). Now he wants (paint) a landscape. 2. He likes (drive), but he doesn’t like (drive). 3. She doesn’t like (deceive) people. 4. I can’t stand (deceive) by my friends. 5. Sud-denly it started (rain) hard and we stopped (look) for a shelter. 6. Bob’s parents promise (take) him to Disneyland. 7. I can’t remember ever (promise) to marry you. 8. Little children hate (leave) alone at home. 9. My car needs (service). 10. (Choose) is better than (choose). 11. Please, stop (crack) nuts so loudly! 12. We stopped (buy) a packet of nuts. 13. — Did you remem-ber (feed) the fish in the morning? — I did and stop (remind) me about it every day. 14. Would you mind (shut) the window? 15. After the accident, the injured man came to himself in hos-pital. He remembered (cross) the road, but he didn’t remember (knock down). 16. This boxer isn’t used to (beat); he is used to (win) all the games. 17. No one enjoys (work) like a slave and (underpay). 18. I always try (treat) people politely and I insist on (treat) in the same manner. 19. Some workmen dislike (pay) by cheque; they prefer (get) cash. 20. The fisherman went home after sunset without (catch) a single fish. 21. This little girl isn’t afraid of dogs in spite of (bite) twice. 22. We read this book in class last year. Do you remember (read) it?

72.5. Перескажите следующие шутки в косвенной речи.


Teacher: Now I want somebody to tell me who built the Pyramids?

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Инфинитив и герундий

Student: I remember reading about it somewhere, but I forgot it...Teacher: That’s a shame! You’re the only person alive who knows it and you forgot it! And now it will remain a mystery forever.


Ken: There’s nothing like getting up at five in the morning and taking an ice-cold shower and a five-mile jog before having breakfast.Bob: How did you manage to get used to doing all this, I wonder? And how long have you been doing this?Ken: I start tomorrow.

72.6. Дополните следующие предложения необходимыми по смыслу сло-


1. It’s difficult to succeed in life without ... . 2. We all congratulated Martin on ... . 3. I got tired of ..., so I left the office. 4. Jeremy apologized to the journalist for ... . 5. My Grandpa still walks five miles a day in spite of ... . 6. I don’t think he’s capable of ... . 7. People should try to save some of their money instead of ... . 8. I turned off the TV-set after ... . 9. She didn’t want to go home, but her friend insisted on ... . 10. He is very shy. He isn’t used to ... . 11. We listened to the talk show without ... . 12. The waitress complained of ... . 13. The prisoner who escaped was free for only a few hours before ... . 14. The careless driver had to choose between ... . 15. She caught a cold by ... . 16. The child got sick after ... . 17. I’m sorry if I passed you in the street without ... . 18. He is always in debt in spite of ... . 19. He failed the test by ... . 20. I’m afraid I’m not very good at... . 21. There is no sense in ... .

72.7. Переведите следующие предложения.

1. Îáó÷åíèå ðóññêîìó ÿçûêó — ìîÿ ðàáîòà. 2. Îí î÷åíü ñòàðà-åòñÿ, íî íå ìîæåò áðîñèòü êóðèòü. 3. — Íå âîçðàæàåòå, åñëè ÿ çàäàì âàì ïàðó âîïðîñîâ? — ß ñåãîäíÿ íå â íàñòðîåíèè îòâå÷àòü íà âîïðîñû æóðíàëèñòîâ. 4. Áåã — õîðîøèé ñïî-

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ñîá ïîõóäåòü. 5. Êîøêà ïðîäîëæàëà êàðàáêàòüñÿ ïî äåðåâó. 6. Ïîðà íà÷àòü ðàáîòàòü. 7. Íå çàñòàâëÿéòå êëèåíòîâ æäàòü. 8. Åãî óâëå÷åíèå — êîëëåêöèîíèðîâàíèå áàáî÷åê. 9. Ìåáåëü íóæíî ïðîïûëåñîñèòü, öâåòû ïîëèòü, ñòàðûå âåùè âûáðîñèòü. 10. Âñå âèäåëè, êàê îí îòêðûâàë ñåéô, íî íèêòî íå âèäåë, ÷òîáû îí åãî çàêðûë. 11. Òåðïåòü íå ìîãó äåëàòü ïîêóïêè. 12. ß âñ¸ åù¸ õî÷ó ïèòü, íåñìîòðÿ íà òî ÷òî ÿ âûïèëà ÷åòûðå ÷àøêè ÷àÿ. 13. Îí î÷åíü äîëãî äóìàë, ïðåæäå ÷åì îòâåòèòü. 14. Ãäå ìîé ñëîâàðü? Òû çàáûë, ÷òî áðàë ó ìåíÿ åãî íåäåëþ íàçàä? 15. Ìû ñäåëàåì ïåðåðûâ, íî ïðåæäå òû äîëæåí çàêîí-÷èòü ïèñàòü äîêëàä. 16. Îíà òåðïåòü íå ìîæåò õîäèòü ïåøêîì, íî íå ìîæåò ïîçâîëèòü ñåáå âçÿòü òàêñè. 17. Âðà÷è è ñåñòðû ïðèâûêëè ðàáîòàòü ïî íî÷àì. 18. Ìàëåíüêèå äåâî÷êè î÷åíü ëþáÿò èãðàòü â êóêëû. 19. Áîëüøèíñòâî äåòåé ëþáÿò, êîãäà èõ âîäÿò â çîîïàðê. 20. Ýòîò ìàëü÷èê î÷åíü ïðîêàçëèâ, íåñìîòðÿ íà òî, ÷òî åãî ÷àñòî íàêàçûâàþò.

72.8. Прочитайте и переведите следующие предложения. Прокомменти-

руйте неличные формы глагола.

1. It’s one of those bright sunny mornings that make you feel that London really is the best city in the world. 2. When we were students, we thought that the world was waiting for us. We believed that there were planes to catch, lovers to meet, music to be heard, adventures to be had, beaches to be danced on at down! 3. Our friends all thought that we were too young to get married. 4. His mobile phone began to vibrate. 5. He won her heart without any trying. 6. — I just want you to be happy, Cyd. — Then leave me alone, Harry. Let me run my business. Let me try to do something for myself. Stop trying to make me give it all up. 7. Spaghetti is a quick dish to prepare. 8. Stop thinking about TV for five minutes, will you? 9. A good nanny is hard to find. 10. People need time to adapt to change. 11. He wanted this to be the surprise of her life. 12. Ted knew he had no chance of making progress. 13. I want to watch something mindless on television. 14. Half the time she forgets to even take her mobile with her, let alone switch it on. 15. Stop worrying about the things that are not important and start living.

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Ïðè÷àñòèå I (4-ÿ ôîðìà ãëàãîëà)

Participle I

Время Действительный залог Страдательный залог

Переходные глаголы

Indefi nite Perfect

doinghaving done

being donehaving been done

Непереходные глаголы

Indefi nite Perfect

cominghaving come


We watched the setting sun. They stood looking around.I saw him playing golf in the afternoon.

Ïðè÷àñòèå II (3-ÿ ôîðìà ãëàãîëà)

Participle II

Причастие прошедшего времени имеет всего одну форму — done, written, translated и т.д. Оно передаёт значение страдательного залога: сделанный, на-

писанный, переведённый и употребляется для образования всех перфектных времён и страдательного залога.

a grown-up man — a man grown-up in povertyI am shocked. We are bored. They are scared. You are mistaken1.

1 Ïîëíûé ñïèñîê ôðàç ñì. Unit 29.

U 37U i 337373Unit 7Unit 7iUUnit 73Unit 733nit 73it 733U it 73U 333777t 7ttiiinnnUUU 7Unit 73Unit 73

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1. to have something done (кто-то другой будет выполнять действие).I want to have my hair cut.

We had the fi lm videotaped.

He had his computer connected to the Internet.She had her wedding televized.

2. to get + Participle II

get married, get dressed, get lost, get changed и т.д.

73.1. Прочитайте и переведите следующие предложения, обращая внима-

ние на причастие I.

1. I saw you dancing, and I’ll never be the same again! 2. Not knowing Chinese, I had to ask the interpreter to help me. 3. There was a freezing cold wind on that day. 4. I spent the evening chatting to my guests. 5. As I got into the bar, I felt my spirits rising. 6. Meg was busy microwaving pizza slices. 7. She lay awake all night, trembling with fear, imagining ghosts in every corner. 8. Sue spends all her time enjoying herself at different parties. 9. Madagascar is a living zoo. 10. The cat lay sleeping on the floor. 11. Picking up his suitcase, he went out. 12. Being a designer, he visited all the fashion shows. 13. Not wanting to upset her, he went on cracking jokes. 14. She noticed a handsome grandfather clock standing in the corner. 15. They watched the sun setting. 16. On the doorstep, Harry Potter slept on, not knowing that he was special, not knowing he was famous, not knowing he would soon become the most famous boy in the world.

73.2. Употребите инфинитив или причастие I вместо глаголов в скобках.

1. In the morning I looked out of the window and saw the rain (pour) down on the garden. 2. Speaking on the phone, I failed to see the guests (leave). 3. I saw the plate (slip) from her hand and (fall) to the floor. 4. He was silent, staring at her, and she could almost hear his mind (work). 5. When they saw me (come), they sprang apart. 6. He sat for a long time

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Причастие II (3-я форма глагола)

(wander) in a world of dreams. 7. Linda followed her sister (talk) non-stop. 8. She glanced back and saw a stranger (follow) her slowly. 9. When I returned to the hostel from the University, I found my roommates (have) a surprise party. 10. The parents watched their children (laugh, talk and enjoy) themselves in the swimming-pool. 11. We noticed him (stand up) and quickly (leave) the room. 12. I walk happily along the streets of Moscow in early morning (watch) the city come to life. 13. Some time later he noticed a police car (follow) him. 14. I smelled the coffee (boil) and hurried to the kitchen. 15. She caught herself (think) about him again. 16. Suddenly they heard the night alarm (go off) and saw two guards (run) to the entrance of the bank.

73.3. Прочитайте следующие шутки и перескажите их.


A man walking along the road saw a tracker lying with his ear to the ground. He got interested and also lay down on the earth and listened, but couldn’t hear anything. The tracker said, “It was a Ford pickup truck, with large wheels, of green colour. It was driven by a man with a large police dog sitting next to him and with a Colorado license plate, and travelling about 75 miles per hour.”The man was greatly surprised. “You mean you can tell all that just by listening with your ear to the ground? Without seeing the car at all?” he asked.“Oh, ear to the ground is nothing,” said the tracker. “That truck has just run over me.”


After having been unemployed for some time, two truck drivers applied for a job. One said, “I’m Pete, and this is my partner Mike; when I drive at night, he sleeps.” Wanting to see how good they were at their job, the agent said, “All right, all the drivers are used to having a test before getting a job. Now I’ll

1 a tracker — ñëåäîïûò.

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give you an oral test. It’s three o’clock in the morning. You’re on a little bridge and your truck is loaded with nitroglycerin. All of a sudden you see a truck coming toward you at a high speed. What’s the first thing you do?”Without even thinking for a moment, Peter answered, “I wake up my partner Mike. He has never seen a wreck like this before.”

73.4. Переведите следующие предложения.

1. Ñòóäåíòû, ñòîÿùèå ó îêíà, âòîðîêóðñíèêè. 2. Îí ïî÷óâñòâî-âàë, êàê ó íåãî çàêîëîòèëîñü ñåðäöå. 3. Òû êîãäà-íèáóäü ñëû-øàëà, êàê îí ãîâîðèò ïî-àíãëèéñêè? 4. Ïðîñìàòðèâàÿ îò÷¸òû, îíà îáíàðóæèëà íåñêîëüêî îøèáîê. 5. Íå æåëàÿ ññîðèòüñÿ ñ íåé, îí ïðîìîë÷àë. 6. Íå çíàÿ íè èìåíè, íè àäðåñà äåâóø-êè, îí áîÿëñÿ, ÷òî íèêîãäà íå íàéä¸ò å¸. 7. Îïàäàâøèå ëèñòüÿ ïîêðûâàëè çåìëþ ñëîâíî êîâðîì. 8. Ìàøèíà, ñòîÿâøàÿ íà-ïðîòèâ äîìà, èñ÷åçëà. 9. Ëþäè, ñòîÿùèå íàïðîòèâ îôèñà, êà-æóòñÿ ìíå ïîäîçðèòåëüíûìè. 10. Åãî âíèìàíèå ïðèâëåêëà äå-âóøêà, ñèäåâøàÿ çà ñîñåäíèì ñòîëèêîì â êàôå. 11. Äåâóøêà, ñèäåâøàÿ íàïðîòèâ íåãî â âàãîíå, âñòàëà è âûøëà íà ñëåäóþ-ùåé îñòàíîâêå. 12. Âåðòîë¸ò, ëåòÿùèé íàä øîññå, ïðåñëåäóåò ÷¸ðíûé äæèï. 13. Ñàìîë¸ò, ëåòåâøèé â Àðàáñêèå Ýìèðàòû, èñ÷åç ÷àñ íàçàä. 14. ×åðåç îòêðûòóþ äâåðü ìû ìîãëè âèäåòü ñòóäåíòîâ, ðåïåòèðîâàâøèõ ñëåäóþùèé ÊÂÍ. 15. ß âèäåë, êàê òû òàíöóåøü, è ÿ íèêîãäà ýòîãî íå çàáóäó. 16. Íå æåëàÿ ïðè-âëåêàòü ÷üåãî-ëèáî âíèìàíèÿ, àãåíò çàòåðÿëñÿ â òîëïå.

73.5. Измените предложения, используя причастие II.

1. The tourist was arrested for shoplifting. She had to pay a fine. 2. Napoleon was born in 1769. He was Emperor of France. 3. Nancy went to the party. Her boyfriend accompanied her. 4. The events which are described in this book are purely fic-tional. 5. The castle, which was built five hundred years ago, stood on a hill. 6. He applied for a job. It was advertised in the paper. 7. The American bought a picture. It was painted by Dali. 8. His words had the effect which he desired. 9. The

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Причастие II (3-я форма глагола)

church was built in the fifteenth century. It’s in need of repair. 10. They sent us an e-mail. But I can’t find it. 11. She found an old letter. It changed her life. 12. They were disappointed with the meal. They complained to the manager. 13. You borrowed the books from the library. They are now overdue. 14. A dress was displayed in the window. It was fantastic.

73.6. Переведите следующие предложения.

1. Ìåòðî îáû÷íî ïåðåïîëíåíî ïî óòðàì è âå÷åðàì. 2. Îí âû-ãëÿäèò îçàáî÷åííûì. Ó íåãî óãíàëè ìàøèíó. 3. — Îíà çàìó-æåì? — Íåò, îíà ðàçâåäåíà. 4. Îí î÷åíü ïðåäàí ñâîåé ñåìüå. 5. Ÿ î÷åíü îáèäåëè. Ÿ ñåðäöå ðàçáèòî. 6. Âû îøèáàåòåñü. Îíà äåéñòâèòåëüíî èíòåðåñóåòñÿ ÿçûêàìè. 7. Ýòà ïîäñòàâêà ñäå-ëàíà èç ïðîáêè. 8. Ó÷èòåëü î÷åíü äîâîëåí ðåçóëüòàòàìè ýêçà-ìåíà. 9. Îìëåò äåëàåòñÿ èç ÿèö, ìîëîêà, ñîëè, íåìíîãî ìóêè. 10. ß óñòàëà îò ýòîé æèçíè. Ìíå ñêó÷íî. ß ðàçî÷àðîâàíà â ëþäÿõ. 11. Áîêñ¸ðó áðîñèëè âûçîâ ñûãðàòü åù¸ îäèí ðàóíä. 12. Äåòè áûëè âçâîëíîâàíû ïðåäñòîÿùèì ïîñåùåíèåì öèð-êà. 13. Ñìåòàíó äåëàþò èç ìîëîêà. 14. Äåòè áûëè ïåðåïóãàíû, ñëîâíî îíè óâèäåëè ïðèâèäåíèå. 15. Ïàöèåíò áûë ïîäãîòîâëåí ê îïåðàöèè. 16. Òðèäöàòü ÷åëîâåê óòîíóëè â Ìîñêâà-ðåêå â ïðîøëîì ãîäó. 17. ß áûë î÷åíü óäèâë¸í òåì, ÷òî áàíê áûë çà-êðûò â 12 ÷àñîâ äíÿ. 18. Ìîþ ìàøèíó ýâàêóèðîâàëè èç öåíòðà ãîðîäà (to tow away). Ïðèøëîñü ïëàòèòü øòðàô. 19. ß ðàç-áèò. ß èçìó÷åí. Åäèíñòâåííîå, ÷åãî ÿ õî÷ó, — ýòî îòäîõíóòü. 20. Ðàìà êàðòèíû ñäåëàíà èç îðåõà.

73.7. Дополните следующие предложения, используя get (have) something


1. I must get to the optician’s to ... . 2. She went to the dentist to ... . 3. This coat is too long. I will ... . 4. The piano is out of tune. You must ... . 5. Teresa will have to run to the chemist’s to ... . 6. Hard work is the best way to ... . 7. As Bill couldn’t find a suit to fit him, he had to ... . 8. This article is too long, I shall never ... . 9. If someone touched a hot iron, they ... . 10. The work of a lazy man never ... . 11. Let us ... this business ... as soon as possible. 12. You will ruin your reputation if ... . 13. I must take

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my dog Patrick to the vet’s to ... . 14. Peter’s wife can’t stand his beard. So he is going to the barber’s to ... . 15. We need a special cake for the wedding. We must go to the confectioner’s to ... .

73.8. Переведите следующие предложения.

1. Äåðåâüÿ, ïîñàæåííûå ðÿäîì ñ ìîèì äîìîì äåñÿòü ëåò íà-çàä, ñòàëè ñåé÷àñ î÷åíü áîëüøèìè. 2. ×åëîâåê, ïîäñòðèãàþ-ùèé òðàâêó â ñàäó, íàø ñàäîâíèê. 3. Ðåá¸íîê, îñòàâëåííûé íà ïîðîãå äîìà, îêàçàëñÿ ÷óäåñíîé äåâî÷êîé. 4. Ðåêëàìèðóåìûå òîâàðû íå âñåãäà áûâàþò õîðîøåãî êà÷åñòâà. 5. Ïðèøëà âåñ-íà. Íóæíî ìûòü îêíà. 6. Îíè ïåðååõàëè â íîâûé ðàéîí, è èì ïîêà íå óñòàíîâèëè òåëåôîí. 7. Ìíå ïîäàðèëè ñåðüãè. Íóæíî ïðîêîëîòü óøè. 8. Óïàâøåå äåðåâî ïðåãðàäèëî (block) äîðîãó. 9. Ìîè äðóçüÿ ñîáèðàþòñÿ îêðåñòèòü ñâîåãî ðåá¸íêà â ñëå-äóþùåå âîñêðåñåíüå. 10. Ðîçû, ñðåçàííûå óòðîì, óæå óâÿëè. 11. Íàì äîñòàâèëè ïèööó ïðÿìî â îôèñ ÷åðåç äâàäöàòü ìè-íóò. 12. Íà äíÿõ ìíå ïîäñîåäèíèëè êîìïüþòåð ê Èíòåðíåòó. 13.  ñòðàíå äîëæíî áûòü áîëüøå ðàáî÷èõ ìåñò (âàêàíñèé) äëÿ áåçðàáîòíûõ ëþäåé. 14. Ãäå òû ñòðèãëàñü? Ó òåáÿ ÷óäåñ-íàÿ ïðè÷¸ñêà. 15. Ýòîò ïîëèòèê îáåùàåò, ÷òî áóäåò âñåãäà ïî-ìîãàòü óíèæåííûì è îñêîðáë¸ííûì. 16. Ìíîãèå ëþäè ïðîòèâ ãåíåòè÷åñêè ìîäèôèöèðîâàííûõ ïðîäóêòîâ.

73.9. Прокомментируйте причастия в следующих предложениях.

1. It was nature tamed by man. 2. The reporter said he needed updated information. 3. The money spent by advertisers is enormous. 4. Forgotten memories rushed back to her clearly. 5. Sitting down at the table, she waited for him to pour the tea. 6. Tom looked wounded. 7. “My stupid shoe,” says Katie. “I only had it mended the other day, and the heel has just come off. I paid six quid for that heel.” 8. Once bitten, twice very wary. 9. Jessi is a super-talented ballet dancer. 10. We arrived at the airport an hour before recommended check-in time. 11. There are some unwritten rules at this office. 12. The books had dog-eared corners. 13. Once a computer was set the task of translating “traffic jam” into French and then back into English. The machine buzzed, clicked, blinked its lights and finally came up with “car-flavoured marmalade”.

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74.1. Употребите инфинитив или герундий вместо глаголов в скобках.

1. Íå forgot (bring) the cassette, he left it in the car. 2. You are late again! Have you forgotten (promise) that you would always come on time? 3. The tank is empty. It needs (fill). 4. I remember (meet) him for the first time ten years ago. 5. You must remem-ber (meet) them at the airport tonight. 6. I’m ashamed. I com-pletely forgot (answer) her letter. 7. The secretary completely forgot (answer) the fax and sent it a second time. 8. She used to teach her children, “You must never forget (say) the magic words: Please, Thank you and I’m sorry.” 9. I’m not going to pay this telephone bill again. I clearly remember (pay) it a month ago 10. This carpet on the floor looks dusty again. I must re-member (vacuum) it on Saturday. 11. He was so surprised that he even stopped (chew). 12. The driver stopped in the middle of the road (check) the tyres. 13. The child stopped (cry) after his father stopped (buy) him an ice-cream. 14. Now he regrets (say) those words to her. 15. We regret (inform) you that the result of the test is negative. 16. You must remember (call) at the baker’s on your way home. 17. Could you stop (talk) for a moment? 18. On the way to work we sometimes stop (have a chat).

74.2. Прочитайте и перескажите следующие шутки.


A well-known American journalist travelling in China was asked one day to speak before a Chinese audience. He agreed without

Unit 74U it 747U i 7474Unit 7Unit 7iUUnit 74Unit 744Unit 744Unit 74Unit 7444777t 7ttiiinnnUUU 7Unit 74Unit 74

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even asking to be paid for it. He started speaking about the latest events in the world. He went on speaking for some time enjoying the friendly atmosphere. At one moment he noticed a Chinese man in a corner, writing something on a blackboard. He became interested and while speaking, watched the man writing in Chinese. The man wrote less and less, and finally stopped writing completely. When the journalist had finished speaking, he asked the chairman what the man had been doing. “Why,” said the chairman, “he was interpreting your speech to let the audience understand what you were speaking about because not all of them understand English.” “But,” said the speaker, “for the last twenty minutes he did not put anything down.” “Oh,” said the chairman, “he was writing only the ideas on the blackboard.”


While delivering a speech on the night of his arrival in a large city, a visiting politician told several anecdotes which he was going to repeat at some meetings the next day. As he had an intention of using the jokes again, he asked the reporters not to mention them in any of the articles published in their newspapers. A witty reporter, not wanting to spoil his relations with the promising public figure found a way out. In commenting on the speech, he ended his article by saying: “The politician told the Mass Media a number of stories that cannot be published.”

74.3. Употребите правильную форму глаголов в скобках.


This George Keller, an immigrant from Hungary, is driving me mad. In all the years of my study at Harvard, I not (have) such a strange roommate. He not (be) here for two months, but he already (study) like a maniac for all his courses. When I wake up at 8:00 a.m., he already (work) hard, having long before eaten breakfast. George borrowed fifty bucks from me and (buy) a portable recorder which he now (take) to every class. Now in the afternoons he (play) back the lectures — and sometimes not

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just once — till he practically (know) them by heart. Lots are in Russian. Which may be great for him, but it (make) me (feel) as if I suddenly (live) in Russia.I have no idea what time he (go) to bed. I not (see) him (do) it a single time in these two months. In fact, I have a great suspicion that I the guy not (sleep) at all! And I (have) this really weird experience late the other night. After a hard session of drinking at the club nature obliged me to get up at around 2:00 a.m. As I (stand) in the bathroom (take) care of my needs, I suddenly (hear) his ghostly voice (come) from the shower, (say) things like “begin — began — begun, bite — bit — bitten, sing — sang — sung”.I (call) out to George, but, instead of (answer) me directly, he simply (go on) (rehearse) his verbs. My surprise (be) so great that I (pull) back the shower curtain. There, naked except for his new a la mode jockey shorts, George (stand). He (hold) an English Grammar. I (expect) him (stop) (learn) English, but he barely (notice) me (look) at him and (continue) (hammer) new words into his head. I warned him that he (drive) himself to death. To which he (reply), “Drive — drove — driven.” In vain I (try) to persuade him to stop it. Though I (be) very sleepy, I (go) to the sink, (pick) up a glass of cold I water, and (pour) it over his head. He (shiver), (look) at me with comatose astonishment, then (rip) the curtain from my hand and (continue) his verbal gymnastics. “Show — showed — shown, speak — spoke — spoken.”I (shut) the bathroom door tight behind me so that at least I (can) (have) some peace, (stagger) back to my bed and (fall) asleep, Or, as George, perhaps, (put) it, sleep — slept — slept.

(From “The Class” by Erich Segal)

74.4. Употребите правильную форму глаголов в скобках. Употребите пред-

лог, если необходимо.

1. Do you remember (say) it a few months ago? 2. We are tired (push around). 3. Who is responsible (clean) the rooms? 4. The whole house needs (redecorate). 5. She loved (sing) at the top of her voice. 6. Congratulations on (pass) your driving test! 7. I am not afraid (misunderstand). 8. Have you finished (talk)

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yet? 9. Nobody wants Laura (hurt). 10. “Money should (make) to work,” she announced. 11. As a financial man you should know that money is a tool (use) to make more money. 12. The candi-dates waited for the questions (distribute). 13. Are you afraid (punish)? 14. We all enjoyed (swim) in the lake. 15. She knew what (do) to preserve it all. 16. Justice should (do). It must (do) in the name of those millions who died. 17. What can’t (cure), must (endure).

74.5. Прочитайте следующие шутки и перескажите их в косвенной речи.


A jeweller watched a huge truck pull up in front of his store. The back came down and he saw an elephant walk out. It broke one of the windows with its tusk1 and then, using the trunk2 like a vacuum-cleaner, sucked up all the jewellery. The elephant then got back into the truck and it disappeared out of sight. When the jeweller finally realized what had happened, he called the police.The detectives came, and he told them his story. “Could you describe the elephant?” one of the detectives said. “An elephant is an elephant. If you’ve seen one, you’ve seen them all. What do you mean by saying ‘describe him’?” asked the jeweller. “Well,” said the policeman, “there are two kinds of elephants, African and Indian. The Indian elephant has smaller ears and is not as large as the African elephant.”The jeweller said, “I can’t help you. He had a stocking pulled over his head.”


A burglar, who needed money badly to pay his income taxes, decided to burgle the safe in a store. On the safe door he was very pleased to find a note saying, “Please don’t use dynamite. The safe is not locked. Just turn the knob.” He did so.

1 a tusk [tʌsk] — êëûê, áèâåíü.2 a trunk [trʌŋk] — õîáîò.

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Instantly a heavy sandbag fell on him, the lights flashed and the alarms started ringing. As the police carried him out on a stretcher, he was heard moaning, “My confidence in human nature has been rudely shaken today!”

74.6. Переведите следующие предложения.

1. Ïåíèå ìîæåò ïðèíåñòè âàì ìíîãî õîðîøåãî. Ïåíèå ìîæåò èçáàâèòü (take away) âàñ îò ñòðåññà, îíî ìîæåò çàñòàâèòü âàñ ïî÷óâñòâîâàòü ñåáÿ ñ÷àñòëèâûì, äàòü âàì ýíåðãèþ. 2. ß ñåãîä-íÿ íå â íàñòðîåíèè êóäà-òî âûõîäèòü. 3. ß ïîáëàãîäàðèë äðó-çåé çà òî, ÷òî îíè äàëè ìíå òàêîé õîðîøèé ñîâåò. 4. Îí óø¸ë, íè ñ êåì íå ïîïðîùàâøèñü. 5. Ñòóäåíòû îáû÷íî ñ íåòåðïåíè-åì æäóò ëåòíèõ êàíèêóë. 6. Ÿ ìàíåðà îäåâàòüñÿ ðàçäðàæà-åò ìíîãèõ ëþäåé. 7. Îí ïîëó÷àåò óäîâîëüñòâèå îò òîãî, ÷òî ïî âå÷åðàì ãóëÿåò ñ ñîáàêîé â ïàðêå. 8. Âû íå âîçðàæàåòå ïðî-òèâ òîãî, ÷òîáû îòêðûòü îêíî? 9. Îíà ïîêèíóëà åãî, íè÷åãî íå îáúÿñíèâ. 10. Ìû ðàññ÷èòûâàëè íà òî, ÷òî ïðèëåòèì â Ïàðèæ äî íî÷è. 11. Îñóæä¸ííîìó äàëè ïîñëåäíåå ñëîâî. 12. Îáëàêà, ïëûâóùèå ïî íåáó, îáåùàëè äîæäü. 13. Îí èñïîëüçîâàë ëþ-áîé øàíñ ïðåóñïåòü â æèçíè. 14. Êàêîé ñàìûé ïðîñòîé è áû-ñòðûé ñïîñîá âûó÷èòü èíîñòðàííûé ÿçûê? 15. Ëåêàðñòâî, âû-ïèñàííîå âðà÷îì, ïîìîãëî ìíå áûñòðî ïîïðàâèòüñÿ. 16. Óâÿä-øàÿ ðîçà — ñèìâîë äàâíî çàáûòîé ëþáâè. 17. Ìû íå ìîã-ëè íå âîñõèùàòüñÿ ìàøèíîé, ñêîíñòðóèðîâàííîé ïî ïîñëåä-íåé ìîäåëè. 18. Îí íå ïðèâûê ê òîìó, ÷òîáû ïîëüçîâàòüñÿ ïî-äåðæàííûìè ìàøèíàìè. 19. Ñàìî ñîáîé ðàçóìååòñÿ, ÷òî ÿ íå îòêàæóñü îò èäåè ðàññëåäîâàòü ýòî çàïóòàííîå äåëî. 20. Ðå-á¸íîê ïëàêàë íàä ðàçáèòîé èãðóøêîé. 21. Ïåðåñòàíü æå èñ-êàòü óòðà÷åííóþ ëþáîâü! 22. Äàâàé ñ÷èòàòü âîïðîñ çàêðûòûì. 23. Â÷åðà ìíå ïðîÿâèëè ïë¸íêó, äàâàé ïîñìîòðèì ôîòîãðà-ôèè. 24. Ìû öåíèì âñå óñèëèÿ, ñäåëàííûå âàìè.

74.7. Употребите правильную форму глаголов в скобках и перескажите



It was a warm summer evening. A young composer (rest) in a small village in Austria. One evening he (walk) along the street

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(enjoy) the fine weather. Suddenly he (hear) somebody (start) (play) the piano. He (go) in the direction of the sounds and soon (find) himself in front of a small house. He (stop) (listen) to the music (come) from the open windows. The music (sound) sad and beautiful. He never (hear) it before. Through the open window he (can) (see) a girl (sit) at the piano. It (get) dark and he (can) not (see) the girl’s face well. Not (want) to disturb her, the composer (enter) without (knock). He (see) a young man (stand) near the fireplace and (listen) to the music. The girl heard somebody (come) into the house and stopped (play). The composer apologized for (come) without (invite). He explained that he (can) not (help) (do) it as he (charm) by the music. The girl turned round and he saw that she (be) blind. “We are happy to see you,” (say) the young man (smile). “You are a famous composer, we (hear) so much about you. And we (look forward) to (meet) you. I am Walter and this is my sister Angelica”. The composer (amaze): he never (expect) anyone blind (be able to) play the piano so well. “We (be) happy if you (play) for us, maestro,” said the happy girl (rise) from the stool on which she (sit). Ludwig (sit) down to the piano and (begin) (play) for Walter and Angelica. He (go on) (play) till it (get) dark and a young silver moon (appear) in the sky. For a moment the composer (stop) (play) (blow off) the candle as the Moon (shine) brightly now. Ludwig (begin) (compose) new music. The young people heard wonderful sounds (come) from under the pianist’s fingers. The music was unbelievably beautiful, sad and romantic. That night they saw how a masterpiece (be born). That was how “The Moonlight Sonata” (create).

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about below except off tillabove beneath for on toacross beside from opposite toward(s)after besides in out (of ) underagainst between in front of outside untilalong beyond inside over upamong but into past uponaround by like round withat despite near since withinbefore down next to through withoutbehind during of throughout

above, across, against, along, among, around, at, behind, below, beneath, beside, between, beyond, by, down, from, in, in front of, inside, into, near, next to, off , on, opposite, out (of ), outside, over, past, round, through, to, toward(s), under, up, upon

Unit 75U 57U i 557575Unit 7Unit 7iUUnit 75Unit 755Unit 75Unit 75555777t 7ttiiinnnUUU 75Unit 75Uni

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75.1. Заполните пропуски предлогами in, info, inside, outside, out (of), behind,

in front of.

1. All my Christmas presents are ...................... a big bright box. 2. She sat ...................... an armchair with her legs crossed. 3. The keys must be ...................... the bag. 4. If you pour hot water ...................... a glass, it may crack. 5. He put the money ...................... his pocket. 6. A man was selling roses ...................... cellophane. 7. The sick woman was still ...................... bed ...................... hospital. 8. Will you call later? Ted is ...................... the bathroom at the moment. 9. He had a mobile ...................... his hand. 10. She put a cigarette ...................... her mouth. 11. The patient went on breathing ...................... and ...................... . 12. She invited the guests ...................... her house. 13. Be careful! There is a stone ...................... this fruit. 14. She’s just got ...................... bed and is having a cold shower. 15. They were ...................... each other’s arms. 16. Two minutes later we were safely ...................... the taxi. 17. One of the pistons ...................... the engine had jammed. 18. The dog fell ...................... a ditch. 19. At eleven o’clock the children finally got ...................... bed. 20. It dropped ...................... the sky. 21. — Shall we have dinner ...................... or ...................... today? 22. There aren’t any sport centres ...................... the area. 23. The kids are ...................... They are playing ...................... the garden. 24. Fires started ...................... and ...................... the theatre. 25. The helicopter rose high ...................... the air. 26. Why didn’t you lock the door from the ...................... ? 27. There was a carpet ...................... the middle of the room. 28. They started ...................... the direction of the river. 29. It happened ...................... America ...................... the 19th century. 30. They have all the information ...................... their heads. 31. There is a lawn ...................... the house and a kitchen garden ...................... it. 32. There was a parking ...................... the supermarket. 33. We were sitting just ...................... the stage. 34. The sun was ...................... a cloud. 35. Mrs. Oliver shut the door firmly ...................... her.

75.2. Заполните пропуски предлогами in, into, inside, outside, out (of), in front

of, behind.

1. “Come ......................,” he shouted. 2. And now get ......................, all of you! 3. She locked herself ...................... the bathroom. 4. There was a message for him ...................... the hall. 5. He’s never ......................

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when I phone. 6. The children ran ...................... and ...................... all the time. 7. I was tired of standing ...................... the door and begged them to let me ...................... . 8. The maid brought ...................... the lunch. 9. She tossed the bottle ...................... the river. 10. How much is the hat ...................... the window? 11. He doesn’t want to live ...................... England. 12. Martin was ...................... his pyjamas. 13. They met ...................... the last act of the play. 14. We all took part ...................... the festival. 15. He followed Brian ...................... the room. 16. She inhaled deeply and held the smoke ...................... her lungs for a few seconds. 17. All the American tourists were ...................... T-shirts and shorts. 18. There are many fish ...................... the Atlantic. 19. They dived ......................, the water. 20. I was born ...................... April. 21. ...................... recent years this program has been strongly criticized. 22. I love Paris ...................... the spring. 23. It all happened ...................... my absence. 24. “Get ...................... the water, children,” the mother cried. 25. It’s raining hard ...................... , it’s so pleasant to be ...................... 26. He learnt to drive ...................... six months. 27. ...................... another five minutes it’ll be pitch dark. 28. I haven’t seen him ...................... years. 29. Don’t stand ...................... the door, come ...................... the house, please. 30. You can’t go home ...................... all this rain. 31. A sound ...................... him made him turn back. 32. The cops marched ...................... the demonstrators. 33. I couldn’t see the stage well. There was a tall man sitting ...................... me. 34. I can’t forgive him. He did it ...................... my back. 35. They parked the motorcycle ...................... some bushes.

75.3. Переведите следующие предложения.

1. ×òî âû âèäèòå íà ýòîé êàðòèíå? 2. Ñåãîäíÿ íà íåáå íåò íè åäèíîãî îáëà÷êà. 3. Ëîøàäè ïàñóòñÿ â ïîëå. 4. Ìîÿ ñåìüÿ æèâ¸ò íà Ëåñíîé óëèöå. 5. Íà ýòîé êàðòèíå ìû âèäèì äå-òåé, áåãóùèõ îò ãðîçû. 6. ß â ýòîì áèçíåñå óæå äâàäöàòü ëåò. 7. Ïèñüìî áûëî íàïèñàíî ïî-ôðàíöóçñêè. 8. Ïåðåä íàìè áûë äîì ìèñòåðà Ãàðäíåðà. 9. Ìû ÷óâñòâîâàëè, ÷òî áûëî ÷òî-òî ñòðàííîå çà å¸ ñëîâàìè. 10. Âû âåðèòå â ïðèâèäåíèÿ? 11. Ïðå-çèäåíò Áóø äåëàåò ìíîãî îøèáîê â ñâîèõ ðå÷àõ. 12. Ìû çà-ñòàëè åãî â î÷åíü ïëîõîì íàñòðîåíèè. 13. Íîâàÿ èíôîðìàöèÿ ìîæåò áûòü âïå÷àòàíà. 14. — ßðêèå öâåòà âñ¸ åù¸ â ìîäå? —

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Îíè âñåãäà â ìîäå. 15. Çàãîâîðùèêàì ïðèøëîñü îòñèæèâàòüñÿ âíóòðè äîìà, îíè íå ìîãëè âûéòè íàðóæó. 16. ß ñåãîäíÿ ðàñ-ñëàáëÿþñü. Ñèæó ïåðåä òåëåâèçîðîì ñ ÷àøêîé ÷àÿ â îäíîé ðóêå è ñ ïóëüòîì óïðàâëåíèÿ â äðóãîé. 17. Ìû âñå âåðèì â ëó÷øèé ìèð. 18. ß â òðóäíîì ïîëîæåíèè, íî óâåðåí, ÷òî âû-áåðóñü èç íåãî. 19. Êóñòû â ñàäó áûëè â öâåòó. 20. Äàâàé ïîäå-ëèì áàíàí ïîïîëàì. 21. Ïî-ìîåìó, ýòî õîðîøàÿ ìûñëü. 22. Âàì ñëåäóåò äåðæàòü ñâîè êîíñïåêòû ïåðåä ñîáîé. 23. — ×òî ýòî òû ñêðûâàåøü çà ñïèíîé? 24. Íî êàê ÿ ìîã ðàññêàçàòü îá ýòîì â ïðèñóòñòâèè (ïåðåä...) âñåõ ýòèõ ëþäåé? 25. Îí äîñòàë äåíü-ãè èç êàðìàíà è ïîëîæèë èõ â ñåéô.

75.4. Заполните пропуски необходимыми предлогами.

1. She got ...................... the car and drove off. 2. The boy had lost his key but he managed to climb ...................... the house through the kitchen window. 3. A plane was flying ...................... the blue sky. 4. I love walking ...................... the rain. 5. — Why didn’t you take part ...................... the conference? — I was ...................... town 6. My friend is interested ...................... management. 7. Let’s divide the pie ...................... three pieces. 8. Why is she always dressed ...................... black? 9. We usually meet ...................... this cafe’. 10. I went to see my cousin who lives ...................... Prague. 11. I can’t see the TV if you stand ...................... it. 12. Could you translate this letter from German ...................... Russian. 13. The children spent the whole day ...................... Disneyland. 14. The lifts are ...................... the reception desk. 15. It was cool and quiet ...................... the church. 16. Somebody parked a car ...................... my garage door, and now I can’t get my car ....................... 17. He took a mobile phone ...................... his pocket and started speaking ...................... it ...................... a low voice. 18. She was standing ...................... a crowd of fans.

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Ïðåäëîãè above/below, over/underabove/below, over/under(âûðàæàþò îòíîøåíèÿ ïî âåðòèêàëè)

above zero over a city

below zero under the table

Ïðåäëîãè between/amongbetween/among

Between + 2 лица, предмета

Между двумя предметами, лицами и т.д.

It’s between you and me.The town is between Moscow and St. Petersburg.What’s the diff erence between these two words?

Among + сущ. во мн. числе

Среди более чем двух предметов, лиц и т.д.

It’s good to be among friends.It often happens among such people.

76.1. Заполните пропуски предлогами above, below, over, under.

1. The children walked, carrying bright baloons ...................... their heads. 2. The title of the book was written ...................... the names of the authors. 3. Now we are flying ...................... the Indian Ocean.

U 67U i 667676Unit 7Unit 7iUUnit 7Unit 76Unit 76Unit 7666666777t 7ttiiinnnUUU 7Unit 76Unit 76

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4. We found a mobile phone ...................... the bench in the park. 5. There was a big mirror ...................... the sink. 6. He lived on the second floor ...................... a restaurant. 7. The room ...................... my bedroom is a kitchen. 8. The lamp hung ...................... the table. 9. It’s a hot day. The temperature is twenty degrees ...................... zero today. 10. Many people are living ...................... the povetry line. 11. It was fifteen ...................... zero. It was quite frosty. 12. She is ...................... any criticizm. 13. His name was on the door immediately ...................... the bell. 14. This information is summarized ...................... the text. 15. He lived ...................... a bakery. 16. She was well ...................... fifty. 17. The ship sank a mile ...................... the surface of the Pacific. 18. The bathroom is ...................... the kitchen. 19. She put a hand ...................... her mouth. 20. The cat hid ...................... the table. 21. Tourists come to London from all ...................... the world. 22. He has bags ...................... his eyes. 23. He never wrote ...................... his real name. 24. The agent took out a gun from ...................... his coat. 25. The workmen are laying a cable ...................... the earth.

76.2. Заполните пропуски предлогами on, off , across, (a)round, up, down.

1. Flora is sitting ...................... the sofa. 2. She’s ...................... in Florida. 3. Are you getting ...................... at the next stop? 4. He dropped it ...................... the floor. 5. A few people got ...................... the train and went to the bus stop. 6. We got ...................... the bus and paid the fare. 7. We walked ...................... Hyde Park to the metro station. 8. They walked ...................... the steps to the river bank. 9. What’s ...................... at the Pushkinsky? 10. He got ...................... his bicycle and walked. 11. There was a beautiful bridge ...................... the river. 12. The children ran ...................... the hill to the village. 13. The soldiers marched ...................... and ...................... . 14. We were sitting ...................... a big table eating. 15. She threw cold water ...................... her face. 16. He took ...................... his jacket. 17. He switched ...................... the computer and left the office. 18. A shadow fell ...................... the wall. 19. There are a few shops just ...................... the corner. 20. The teacher showed some pictures ...................... the screen. 21. Don’t forget to turn ...................... the gas before leaving. 22. I was so happy that I jumped ...................... and ...................... and shouted. 23. The boys disappeared ...................... the corner. 24. We saw a ship ......................

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the horizon. 25. A broad smile spread ...................... his face. 26. He ran ...................... to the third floor. 27. London stands ...................... the Thames. 28. She was leaning ...................... my desk. 29. The detective was looking ...................... and ...................... the street. 30. The earth moves ...................... the sun. 31. They met ...................... the first day of their holiday. 32. She was wearing a scarf ...................... her head. 33. We wandered ...................... the garden.

76.3. Заполните пропуски предлогами between или among.

1. There is no friendship ...................... Steve and me. 2. The money was divided equally ...................... the two children. 3. We stood on the square ...................... happy smiling people. 4. He was sitting in the airport ...................... his suitcases and boxes. 5. There aren’t any relations ...................... these two countries. 6. Silence fell ...................... them. 7. He was caught on the boarder ...................... France and Switzerland. 8. He walked back home ...................... his parents. 9. The choice is ...................... you and me. 10. There is trade ...................... China and Japan. 11. I know that I am ...................... friends. 12. We divided the chicken ...................... the four of us. 13. Mind, it’s top secret. Let it be ...................... you and me. 14. The estate was divided ...................... his brothers and sisters. 15. There is a great difference ...................... the two brothers. 16. There were fights ...................... the police and the demonstrators. 17. I feel that something is wrong ...................... Paul and Linda. 18. There were no women ...................... her many friends. 19. Something got ...................... the wheels of the car. 20. Unfortunately, there’s no understanding ...................... father and son. 21. There were rumours ...................... the people of the village. 22. At the theatre I was sitting ...................... Mike and Nelly. 23. My house is ...................... two shops. 24. If I have to choose ...................... a sweet or an apple, I’ll choose the apple. 25. The secretary found the file ...................... the other files and papers. 26. We couldn’t see Linda ...................... the guests. 27. They put the printer ...................... the two computers. 28. His cottage was hidden ...................... the trees. 29. The ball hit the boy directly ...................... the eyes. 30. Don’t be nervous, you’re ...................... friends.

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Ïðåäëîãè, âûðàæàþùèå âðåìåííûå îòíîøåíèÿ

before (до...) after (после...)

before the gamebefore the concertbefore Thursday

after the gameafter the concertafter Thursday

Have a cup of tea before you go.We met before the game.

We’ll discuss it after we’ve had a cup of tea.We talked after the game.

Предлог и его значение Примеры употребления

since* (с тех пор как...) + указание момента, с которого началось действие

I have been here since last month.

I have lived in this city since I was a child.We have met a lot of people since we

came here.

Unit 77U 77U i 777777Unit 7Unit 7iUUnit 77Unit 777777777t 7ttiiinnnUUU 77Unit 77Unit 77

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Предлоги, выражающие временные отношения

Предлог и его значение Примеры употребления

for* + указание периода

времени, в течение которого происходит или происходило действие

I have lived here for two years.

I lived in London for two years.

during + существительное

(во время..., в течение)I fell asleep during the lecture.

It happened during the war.

by (к..., не позднее чем...) by morning, by noon, by ten o’clock, by the beginning of the fi lm, by the fi rst of September

till, until (до какого-то момента,дня и т.д.)

till tomorrow, until Friday, till the end of the year, until someone comes

* since, for см. Units 30, 32.

77.1. Заполните пропуски предлогами before или after.

1. She arrived just ...................... breakfast on her bicycle and sat down to table. 2. Can I see you ...................... you go, Marina? 3. Let’s meet ...................... seven in the evening. 4. ..................... everything that’s happened, we can’t trust you any more. 5. It was just ...................... Christmas. 6. — ...................... you, my dear girl. — No, ...................... you. 7. Let me tell you the latest news ...................... we start working. 8. I shut the door ...................... her and sat down. 9. A bright future lay ...................... her. 10. Those youngsters are ...................... my job. 11. I was named ...................... my aunt Mary. 12. Some jokes go round school year ...................... year. 13. She found one excuse ...................... another not to meet with him. 14. It was twenty minutes ...................... eight on July 12, 1998. 15. What are you going to do ...................... work today? 16. The matter finally came ...................... the Council. 17. I’ve been thinking about you day ...................... day. 18. They have two alternatives ...................... them. 19. Stop looking for the file! It’s ...................... your very eyes! 20. We’ll discuss the question ...................... you think it over. 21. They parted ...................... the war and were fortunate to meet

Продолжение табл.

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...................... the war. 22. The pop singer said it from the television screen ...................... seven hundred million viewers. 23. My Granny works in her little garden ...................... lunch and has a nap ...................... dinner. 24. You should think twice ...................... you say something otherwise you may be very sorry ...................... you’ve said it.

77.2. Заполните пропуски предлогами since, for, ago, during, by, till (until).

1. I’ve been here ...................... a long time. I’m going to leave. 2. He left Rome two weeks ...................... and has been living in Paris ...................... then. 3. Let’s wait ...................... the others come. 4. Where were you ...................... the lecture? 5. Let’s decide it ...................... evening. 6. ..................... how long do you expect to stay here? 7. I haven’t met some of my classmates ...................... we left school. 8. The museum has been closed ...................... a month already. 9. — ...................... when have you known him? — I have known him ...................... many years. Actually we met fifteen years ...................... . 10. They lived in Siberia ...................... the war. 11. The tower was struck by a lightning a month ...................... . It has been closed for repairs ...................... then. So you can’t visit it ...................... the repairs are over. 12. Man is thought to have dwelt on the Earth ...................... many thousands of years. 13. Many historical events have happened ...................... the beginning of the world. 14. The storm had died ...................... midnight. It was quiet ...................... the night. 15. People came in and out of the cinema ...................... the film. 16. — ...................... how long has glass been known to people? — It has been known ...................... thousands of years. 17. We met a fortnight ...................... , but I haven’t seen him ...................... . 18. Hello, I haven’t seen you ...................... ages! How are you? 19. Let’s wait ...................... the light changes to green. 20. I usually read a long list of books ...................... my summer holiday. I try to finish it ...................... the first of September before school starts. 21. It has been raining ...................... yesterday. 22. I learnt Latin ...................... two years.

77.3. Заполните пропуски предлогами at, on, in, within, past, to, from ... till,


1. We usually go to our dacha ...................... the weekend. 2. I’m sorry, but I’m very busy ...................... the moment. 3. The editor

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Предлоги, выражающие временные отношения

will see you ...................... a moment. 4. My boss is ...................... holiday ...................... Cyprus now. 5. I heard it ...................... the radio ...................... the morning. 6. She is hanging ...................... the phone all days long! 7. Life has changed greatly ...................... the past twenty years. 8. Where and when are you going ...................... holiday? 9. Everybody is so happy ...................... Christmas day. 10. Do you paint eggs ...................... Easter? 11. Will you be in town ...................... the weekend? 12. They arrived ...................... . 7 o’clock ...................... Wednesday. 13. It’s risky to go out alone ...................... night. 14. It’s ten minutes ...................... two, the lecture starts ...................... exactly two o’clock, so we have ten minutes for a chat. 15. Don’t call me ...................... six ...................... ten o’clock. I’ll be in the Internet. 16. He can see you somewhere ...................... ten and twelve in the morning. 17. We hope you’ll finish the work ...................... the given time. 18. Do you send cards to your friends ...................... Christmas or ...................... New Year? 19. — Let’s meet ...................... Saturday. — We’d better meet ...................... next Saturday. 20. — Do you work ...................... Mondays? — Usually I don’t, but I’m working ...................... this Monday. 21. My secretary has to come to the office ...................... Saturday, but not ...................... every Saturday. 22. They got married ...................... 2004. 23. Caroline is getting married ...................... this year. 24. She is graduating from University ...................... two years’ time. 25. My birthday is ...................... the 8th of March. When is yours?

77.4. Заполните пропуски предлогами in или on.

1. Let’s change the curtains ...................... the windows. 2. A young pretty girl appeared ...................... the window. 3. The footballers are practising ...................... the field. 4. Some sheep are grazing ...................... the field. 5. Two boxers are fighting ...................... the ring. 6. There are some cows ...................... the pasture. 7. Ben and Alice are playing ...................... the court. 8. Out house is ...................... Third Street. 9. The frost made patterns ...................... the window. 10. My Granny is sitting ...................... the armchair resting. 11. The remote control is ...................... the chair. 12. There is a fly ...................... the glass. 13. You are always ...................... my mind. 14. We find useful information ...................... this dictionary.

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Предлог и его значение Примеры употребления

I. on time = punctual, not late (быть точным, пунктуальным)

(just) in time for ... (to do) smth

= soon enough for ... (быть вовремя, конкретный случай)

The police are almost always on time.

Trains are never on time in the summertime.

If we hurry, we’ll be in time to catch the bus.If they don’t lose time, they’ll be just in time

for the plane.

II. arrive in — прибыть в страну, в город

arrive at — прибыть в аэропорт, на станцию, в офис; прийти к решению

We arrived in France on Monday.The bus arrived in London at noon.

The plane arrived at Heathrow airport on time.I arrived back at my desk after lunch.He managed to arrive at a reasonable decision.

III. at the end of ... — в конце чего-тоin the end = (fi nally) в конце концов, наконец

We wrote a quiz at the end of the class.

In the end they decided to call the police.

78.1. Употребите on или in.

1. Trains are never ...................... time in the summertime. 2. He returned to his hotel just ...................... time for a late supper. 3. Did your plane leave ...................... time? 4. I dream that one day trains will run ...................... time. 5. I had to get back home ......................

Unit 78U 87U i 887878Unit 7Unit 7iUUnit 78Unit 78Unit 7888Unit 78Unit 78888777t 7ttiiinnnUUU 7Unit 78Unit 78

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time to walk the dog. 6. She always paid her rent ...................... time. 7. My Dad promised to be home ...................... time to go to a parents’ meeting. 8. My brother came just ...................... time to help me with calculations. 9. Mum will go mad if I am not back ...................... time. 10. He was late as usual. In the long history of their friendship, he had never been ...................... time.

78.2. Переведите следующие предложения.

1. Ïîæàëóéñòà, íå îïàçäûâàé. Ïðèõîäè âîâðåìÿ. 2. ß ïðèø¸ë äîìîé êàê ðàç âîâðåìÿ, ÷òîáû ïîñìîòðåòü ôóòáîëüíûé ìàò÷. 3. Íàø ïîåçä îòïðàâèëñÿ âîâðåìÿ. 4. Âñòðå÷àåìñÿ â 7 ÷àñîâ âå÷åðà. Ïðèõîäè âîâðåìÿ. 5. Ìû ïðèåõàëè â àýðîïîðò âîâðåìÿ íà íàø ðåéñ. 6. Íàø ëåêòîð îïîçäàë ñåãîäíÿ óòðîì, íî îáû÷-íî îí ïðèõîäèò âîâðåìÿ. 7. ß ëþáëþ ïðèõîäèòü â óíèâåðñè-òåò âîâðåìÿ, ÷òîáû ïîáîëòàòü ñ äðóçüÿìè ïåðåä çàíÿòèÿìè. 8. — Òâîÿ ñåêðåòàðøà âñåãäà ïðèõîäèò âîâðåìÿ? — Äà, îíà íèêîãäà íå îïàçäûâàåò. 9. Âåæëèâûå ëþäè âñåãäà ïðèõîäÿò âîâðåìÿ. 10. Ìû äîáðàëèñü äî ñòàíöèè âîâðåìÿ, ÷òîáû óñïåòü íà ïîåçä.

78.3. Употребите in или at.

1. ...................... the end the lift arrives ...................... the forty-second floor. 2. We arrived ...................... the cinema ...................... the end of the film to see the happy end. 3. It’s eight o’clock and the musicians have just arrived ...................... the restaurant. 4. It was raining when we arrived ...................... London. 5. ...................... the end we arrived safely ...................... the camping. 6. I first arrived ...................... England in 1987. 7. It took us a long time to arrive ...................... a decision. 8. Students are very busy ...................... the end of each term. 9. At that moment the waitress arrived ...................... our table. 10. When does this plane arrive ...................... Paris? 11. After work we never arrived back ...................... our house before five a.m. 12. Students have to buy a lot of textbooks ...................... the beginning of the academic year. 13. We had a lot of problems with our car. ...................... the end we sold it. 14. Christmas is celebrated ...................... the end of December. 15. He didn’t want

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to do that job, but ...................... the end he had to agree. 16. We got lost in the British capital, but ...................... the end we arrived ...................... Victoria Station. 17. I arrived ...................... a conclusion that I couldn’t trust them.

78.4. Переведите следующие предложения.

1.  êîíöå ñâîåé ðå÷è îí ïîáëàãîäàðèë âñåõ çà ïîìîùü. 2.  êîíöå êîíöîâ îíà ñîãëàñèëàñü âñòðåòèòüñÿ ñ íàìè. 3. Ñà-ìîë¸ò îïîçäàë, íî â êîíöå êîíöîâ ìû ïðèáûëè â Êèòàé. 4. Âñå ìåæäóíàðîäíûå ðåéñû ïðèáûâàþò â Øåðåìåòüåâî. 5. Îíà äî-áðàëàñü äî ïðàâäû ìíîãî ëåò íàçàä. 6. Îíè âñòðåòèëèñü ëèøü â êîíöå âîéíû. 7. Áóõãàëòåðàì ïðèõîäèòñÿ ïèñàòü îò÷¸òû â êîíöå ãîäà. 8. Ìû íàøëè ìàëåíüêîå óþòíîå êàôå â êîíöå óëèöû. 9. Êàê òîëüêî òû ïðèáóäåøü â Èòàëèþ, ñîîáùè íàì. 10. Ìû ïðèáûëè âî Âíóêîâî íî÷üþ.  êîíöå êîíöîâ ìû íà-íÿëè ÷àñòíóþ ìàøèíó. 11. Ïîñëå îòïóñêà îí ïðèáûë â ñâîþ âîèíñêóþ ÷àñòü. 12.  êîíöå êîíöîâ ìû ïðèøëè ê ðàçóìíîìó ðåøåíèþ. 13.  êîíöå ðîìàíîâ Äîñòîåâñêîãî ÿ ïðîñòî íå ìîãó íå ïëàêàòü. 14. Îí ïðèáûë â ñâîþ ðîäíóþ äåðåâíþ ñ òðåìÿ òå-ëîõðàíèòåëÿìè. 15. Ýòà ìåæäóíàðîäíàÿ äåëåãàöèÿ òîëüêî ÷òî ïðèáûëà â çàë äëÿ î÷åíü âàæíûõ ëþäåé. 16.  êîíöå êîíöîâ â êîíöå ìåñÿöà îí ïîëó÷èë ñâîè äåíüãè.

78.5. Заполните пропуски необходимыми предлогами.

1. We arrived ...................... the conference hall five minutes before the beginning. 2. Do you speak ...................... any foreign languages? 3. Now listen ...................... me, and then answer ...................... my questions. 4. He plays ...................... the piano professionally. 5. My mood mostly depends ...................... the weather. 6. We’d like to congratulate you ...................... your success. 7. The children entered ...................... the room and sat ...................... their desks. 8. My sister is married ...................... a lawer. 9. He isn’t very nice ...................... her. Sometimes he shouts ...................... her. 10. You remind me ...................... your mother. 11. Please, remind me ...................... that business lunch ...................... the Ritz. 12. That’s just very typical ...................... teenagers. 13. The key ...................... the exercise is ...................... page. 14. I’ll see you ...................... next Saturday.

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Ïîâòîðåíèå (Ïðåäëîãè)

Revision (Prepositions)

79.1. Употребите необходимый предлог.

1. Please listen ...................... what I say. 2. I prefer fruit ...................... chocolate. 3. Everything depends ...................... you. 4. He is different ...................... his brother. 5. We congratulate you ...................... your birthday. 6. The room was full ...................... flowers. 7. Her eyes were filled ...................... tears. 8. He was punished ...................... his dishonesty. 9. He boasts ...................... his skill ...................... tennis. 10. I live ...................... two pounds a day. 11. The house is ...................... fire! Call ...................... help. 12. It’s kind ...................... you to invite me ...................... lunch. 13. ...................... the 14th and 15th centuries England was ...................... war ...................... France ...................... a hundred years. 14. I’ve never yet known her to be ...................... time ...................... appointments. 15. He isn’t good ...................... languages. 16. The fans were surprised ...................... the result of the match. 17. I apologize ...................... arriving late. 18. ...................... the end he recovered ...................... his illness. 19. She suffers ...................... asthma. 20. I am fond ...................... classical music, but I do not care ...................... jazz. 21. I introduced the girl ...................... my cousin, who was delighted ...................... her unexpected arrival. 22. Who is responsible ...................... the mess ...................... the floor, children? 23. It’s easy to distinguish an American ...................... an Englishman ...................... the way he dresses. 24. The plane took off ...................... London at six o’clock and arrived ...................... Rome ...................... eight. 25. I didn’t complain ...................... the noise but I objected strongly ...................... the smell. 26. Look ...................... me and tell me what’s ...................... your mind!

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79.2. Употребите необходимый предлог.

1. He arrived just ...................... time to preside ...................... the meeting. 2. He is not ...................... work today, I’m afraid he is ...................... bed ...................... influenza. 3. The drunken man jumped ...................... the table and began to shout ...................... the top ...................... his voice. 4. Last year she published a book ...................... English Grammar. 5. “Do you believe ...................... ghosts?” I asked. She burst ...................... laughter. 6. Please turn the radio ...................... I can’t concentrate ...................... my work. 7. We mistook her ...................... her twin sister. 8. I forgive you ...................... falling ...................... love with her, but I will never agree ...................... the marriage, son. 9. This room isn’t suitable ...................... study because ...................... the bad light. 10. He is unfit ...................... this job owing ...................... his eyesight. 11. He went ...................... the second house ...................... the corner and knocked ...................... the door. 12. David went to London ...................... car ...................... business. 13. I’ll see you ...................... a moment. 14. I can’t speak to you ...................... the moment. 15. These two men are ...................... business. 16. Our partners are now ...................... Austria ...................... business. 17. I took his file ...................... mistake. 18. The miners are ...................... strike. 19. The children are ...................... holiday. 20. He broke the mug ...................... accident. 21. I am sure that she did it ...................... purpose. 22. She read it ...................... a magazine and then she saw it ...................... TV. 23. I spoke to her ...................... the phone last night. 24. These shoes are made ...................... hand. 25. The first lecture starts ...................... . 9 o’clock and I always arrive ...................... time.

79.3. Заполните пропуски необходимыми предлогами.


Once upon a time there lived a little brown mouse. He lived ...................... a small cottage ...................... the country. His cottage was very warm and comfortable ...................... a lot of flowers ...................... it and a few apple trees ...................... it. He even had a bathroom and a toilet ...................... the cottage and there was a fireplace ...................... the sitting-room ...................... the first floor. One day his cousin ...................... town came to visit him, as they hadn’t met ...................... a

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Повторение (Предлоги)

long time, actually, ...................... Christmas. The country mouse was very glad to see him ........................ supper the town mouse said, “Your life is not interesting at all. Come and stay ...................... me ...................... a week or a month.”So ...................... the morning the mice went ...................... town ...................... car. The house ...................... the town mouse was big and beautiful. But he didn’t use the key to open the front door. They got ...................... the house ...................... carefully going ...................... the back door. They were very hungry as they hadn’t eaten anything ...................... early morning. So they went ...................... the dining room where there was a lot of food and began to eat. Suddenly the door opened and a man walked ...................... He came up ...................... the table, took an apple ...................... the vase and went ...................... the room. The town mouse began to eat again, but the country mouse was scared ...................... death. Suddenly he saw a big cat lying ...................... the sofa, which was ...................... the corner ...................... the room. The cat jumped ...................... the table, but the mice ran ...................... the hole ...................... the floor. The cat was too big and couldn’t get ..................... . “Oh, dear,” said the country mouse ...................... a trembling voice. “Your food is good, but your life is not. I am sorry, but I’m going back ...................... the country. Life may be boring there, but it’s safer.”

79.4. Употребите необходимый предлог.

1. We went ...................... a walk ...................... the park. 2. I agreed ...................... his plan, but we didn’t arrive ...................... any decision as to when to start working. 3. I don’t agree ...................... you on principle. 4. He agreed ...................... our offer ...................... condition that we pay him ...................... advance. 5. Mother reproached her son ...................... laziness. 6. He is in need ...................... instruction. 7. Be content ...................... what you have. 8. She has no confidence ...................... him. 9. They hoped ...................... fine weather. 10. Compare yourself ...................... those who worked hard. 11. Many people now have little faith ...................... doctors. 12. He had lived in his house ...................... five years, ever ...................... he came to Boston. 13. If you wish to succeed, you must depend ...................... yourself. 14. Their cottage stood ...................... the edge of a forest ...................... a river.

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15. The moon sometimes passes ...................... the sun. 16. Allow me to congratulate you ...................... your success. 17. I insist ...................... your showing me the contract today. 18. The greatest of all victories is the victory ...................... oneself. 19. You should always keep yourself ...................... control. 20. He left Europe ...................... Africa many years ago. 21. She worked hard ...................... History. 22. I have no money to spend ...................... restaurants. 23. We cannot forgive you ...................... what you have done ...................... us. 24. Thank you ...................... everything you have done ...................... me. 25. This book isn’t suitable ...................... young children.

79.5. Заполните пропуски необходимыми предлогами.

1. The juice is ...................... the fridge ...................... the lower shelf. 2. We meet ...................... time ...................... time ...................... the bus stop. 3. I don’t know anyone ...................... this picture. 4. The boys climbed ...................... the fence and got ...................... the garden. 5. She got ...................... the car and drove off. 6. We couldn’t see the city ...................... the plane. It was flying ...................... the clouds. 7. The river ran ...................... two mountains. 8. He is in New York ...................... business now. 9. She has been ...................... this business ...................... two years ever ...................... the firm was founded. 10. I saw the show ...................... TV ...................... Tuesday. 11. He’s ...................... holiday this week. 12. They went there ...................... the afternoon. 13. My house lies ...................... yours and Sharon’s. 14. There are certain rules and laws ...................... thieves. 15. I told him ...................... my plans. 16. The boat is ...................... the bridge. 17. This house is ____ sale. 18. He spends a lot of time ...................... video films. 19. The English Channel lies ...................... France and England. 20. This boy is ...................... twenty, I think. 21. Keep your dog ...................... control. 22. The train runs ...................... rails. 23. He is standing ...................... the roof ...................... a high building threatening to jump ...................... . 24. ...................... the way ...................... home I stopped to buy a packet of Royal Canin ...................... my cat. 25. She is a vegetarian and lives mostly ...................... fruit and vegetables. 26. — And what shall I do ...................... all this money? — Spend it ...................... your education. Remember, education is the best investment ...................... young people.

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Повторение (Предлоги)

79.6. Заполните пропуски предлогами for, to, with, by, ... .

1. This present is ...................... you. 2. Thank you ...................... all you have done ...................... me. 3. — What is that ...................... you? — It’s nothing ...................... me. 4. I bought this hat ...................... ten dollars ...................... the sale. 5. It is bad ...................... you to stay up too late. 6. He left the country ...................... the East. 7. I did not finish my work ...................... time to show it ...................... the examiner. 8. He cannot afford to buy it ...................... that price. 9. It was a sad thing ...................... him to lose his friends. 10. I have a great love ...................... animals. 11. He gave the keys ...................... his nanny. 12. The businessman started ...................... Rome. 13. They decided to move ...................... the south. 14. ...................... how much did you sell your house? 15. He spoke ...................... me ...................... the matter last week. 16. Children ...................... ten ...................... fifteen years of age filled the hall. 17. It doesn’t matter ...................... me. I don’t care ...................... such things. 18. Look ...................... this poem. I wonder who it was written ...................... ? 19. Some old buildings are ...................... danger ...................... falling. 20. A true patriot works hard ...................... his country. 21. The doctor says she will soon recover ...................... her illness. 22. What prevented you ...................... telling the truth? 23. He says he has no money ...................... beggars. 24. The fire was extinguished ...................... the firefighters ...................... water. 25. The man was killed ...................... the thief ...................... a knife. 26. The house is surrounded ...................... a garden ...................... a lot of apple trees. 27. He rode ...................... the church. 28. He swore ...................... his life that he would pay his debts. 29. This writer is very popular ...................... his readers. 30. Bernard Shaw was famous ...................... his jokes.

79.7. Заполните пропуски необходимыми предлогами.

1. His head is always full ...................... great ideas. 2. The swimming-pool is filled ...................... sea water. 3. And now, children, listen ...................... me attentively. I have pleasant news ...................... you. 4. She means everything ...................... me. 5. Look ...................... the slides, please. I shall comment ...................... them, one ...................... I one. 6. The teacher reproached the boy ...................... cheating. 7. He is ...................... I need ...................... instruction. 8. Be content ...................... what you have. 9. We have no confidence ...................... him. 10. They hoped

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...................... rain. 11. There is no hope ...................... the snow melting

...................... spring. 12. Compare yourself ...................... others, it helps sometimes a lot. 13. I differ ...................... those who believe ...................... hypnotism. 14. People now have little faith ...................... doctors. 15. He still depends ...................... his parents financially. 16. Do not be terrified ...................... the thunder. 17. My physical health very much depends ...................... the weather. I am often ...................... it. 18. Children are usually afraid ...................... lightning when they do not understand the cause ...................... it. 19. He always confused lose ...................... loose, its ...................... it’s, seas ...................... sees. 20. If you wish to succeed, you must rely ...................... yourself not ...................... other people. 21. An animal cannot live ...................... water. 22. His cleverness ...................... mathematics was equal ...................... his ability ...................... languages. 23. She wrote a new book ...................... English Grammar. 24. What was your mark ...................... History last year? 25. I’ll lend you the money you ask me ......................___ condition that you give it back ...................... me ...................... next month. 26. The child broke the toy ...................... curiosity. 27. The train went ...................... the tunnel ...................... a very high speed. 28. He said it ...................... the botton ...................... his heart.

79.8. Заполните пропуски необходимыми предлогами.

1. I did the test ...................... my own. 2. My little sister has a room ...................... her own. 3. We went ...................... a walk ...................... the streets ...................... London. 4. She read it ...................... a glossy magazine. 5. She took a file ...................... mistake. 6. He goes ...................... work ...................... foot. 7. She broke my favourite plate ...................... mistake. 8. The boy didn’t do it ...................... purpose, I’m sure ...................... it. 9. We met ...................... chance ...................... the centre ...................... the city. 10. She’s ...................... least forty years old. 11. He was dressed ...................... a long black coat. 12. He was very upset ...................... his loss. 13. Glass is very useful ...................... us, but it breaks easily ...................... many pieces. 14. I have learnt this book ...................... heart, but still I reread it ...................... time ...................... time. 15. If you feel angry ...................... anyone, remember that you may also make mistakes. 16. Don’t worry, I’m not angry ...................... what you’ve done. 17. Divers breathe ......................

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Повторение (Предлоги)

the water ...................... means ...................... tubes. 18. The monument has lasted ...................... the foundation ...................... the town ...................... now. 19. There are no business people ...................... my friends. 20. I did it ...................... my will. It’s not ...................... my nature. 21. That is ...................... my wishes. 22. This house is ...................... the most handsome in the town. 23. I do not worry ...................... the future. I live ...................... day ...................... day. 24. We are looking forward ...................... seeing you. 25. He would have been killed ...................... the presence of his mind. 26. We left Europe ...................... Africa many years ago. 27. ...................... what terms will you do it? 28. Fish live ...................... water, but some sea-animals come ...................... the surface to breathe. 29. This book is not suitable ...................... young children. 30. I spent the morning working ...................... grammar.

79.9. Переведите следующие предложения.

1. Ïîñìîòðè íà íåáî. Íà íåáå ìíîãî îáëàêîâ. 2. Ïîñëóøàé ìåíÿ! ß ïðåäëàãàþ âñòðåòèòüñÿ íà Ïóøêèíñêîé óëèöå ïîñëå ðàáîòû. 3. Ïðî÷èòàé ìíå ýòîò ôàêñ. 4. Îáúÿñíè ìíå ýòî ïðà-âèëî. 5. Íå ññûëàéòåñü íà ýòîãî àâòîðà. 6. ×òî òû äóìàåøü î íàøåì íîâîì íà÷àëüíèêå? 7. Î ÷¸ì òû äóìàåøü? 8. Íå ñåðäè-òåñü íà íå¸. 9. Îí ðàññåðäèëñÿ íà å¸ ñëîâà. 10. Îí íèêîãäà íå ïðèõîäèò íà ðàáîòó âîâðåìÿ. 11. Ìû ïîòîðîïèëèñü è ïðèøëè âîâðåìÿ íà ëåêöèþ. 12. — Âû èíòåðåñóåòåñü ïîëèòèêîé? — Íåò, ÿ óâëåêàþñü èñêóññòâîì. 13. ß õîòåëà áû ïðåäñòàâèòü âàì ñâîåãî äðóãà. 14. Îíà íàñòîÿëà íà òîì, ÷òîáû ïîìî÷ü íàì. 15. Ó íåãî áîëüøàÿ ëþáîâü ê ìóçûêå. 16. ß èùó êàêóþ-íèáóäü êíèãó î æèâîòíûõ. 17. Òû ñîãëàñåí ñî ìíîé? 18. Îí èçâèíèëñÿ çà ñâî¸ ïîâåäåíèå. 19. Íàì õîòåëîñü áû ïîçäðàâèòü òåáÿ ñ òâî-èì óñïåõîì. 20. Âîäà ñîñòîèò èç êèñëîðîäà è âîäîðîäà. 21. Íè-êîãäà íåëüçÿ áûòü óâåðåííûì â òàêèõ âåùàõ. 22. ß ïðî÷¸ë ýòè êíèãè âî âðåìÿ êàíèêóë. 23. Ìû óñòàëè æäàòü. 24. Îí ñíàá-æàåò ïîëèöèþ èíôîðìàöèåé. 25. Íàøè ïëàíû çàâèñÿò îò ýòèõ ëþäåé. 26. ×òî ïðîèçîøëî ìåæäó íèìè? 27. Îêñôîðä ñëàâèòñÿ ñâîèì óíèâåðñèòåòîì. 28. Çàâòðà ó íàñ ëåêöèÿ ïî ýêîíîìèêå. 29. — Èç ÷åãî ñäåëàíû ýòè îêíà? — Îíè èç ïëàñòèêà. 30. Êà-êîé ïîäàðîê òû õîòåëà áû ïîëó÷èòü íà Ðîæäåñòâî? 31. ß çäåñü ïî äåëó. 32. Îí â ýòîì áèçíåñå óæå ìíîãî ëåò.

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Ïðîâåðüòå ñåáÿ

Òåñòû — Tests

80.1. Заполните пропуски артиклями, если необходимо.


Once upon ...................... time there lived ...................... little brown mouse. He lived in ...................... small cottage in ...................... country. His cottage was very warm and comfortable, with ...................... lot of flowers in front of it and ...................... few apple trees behind it. He even had ...................... bathroom and ...................... toilet in ...................... cottage and there was ...................... fireplace downstairs.One day his cousin from ...................... town came to visit him. ...................... country mouse was very glad to see him. After ...................... supper ...................... town mouse said, “Your life is not interesting at all. Come and stay with me for ...................... week or ...................... month.”So ...................... next morning ...................... mice went to ...................... town by ...................... car. ...................... town mouse’s house was beautiful. But he didn’t use ...................... key to open ...................... front door. They got into ...................... house by carefully going under ...................... back door. They were very hungry. They went to ...................... dining room where there was ...................... lot of food and began to eat.Suddenly ...................... door opened and ...................... man walked in. He came up to ...................... table, took ...................... apple and went out of ...................... room. ...................... town mouse began to eat again, but ...................... country mouse could not eat. Suddenly he

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Проверьте себя

saw ...................... big cat near ...................... sofa in ...................... corner of ...................... room. ...................... cat was sleeping, but then it heard something. It opened its eyes and saw ...................... mice. ...................... cat jumped onto ...................... table. ...................... mice ran into ...................... hole in ...................... floor but ...................... cat couldn’t get into it.“Oh, dear,” said ...................... country mouse. “Your food is good here, but your life is not.” He didn’t like ...................... town at all and ...................... next morning said to his cousin: “Goodbye. I’m going back to ...................... country. Life is dull there, but it’s safe.”

80.2. Заполните пропуски артиклями, если необходимо.


I. Thornfield Hall was ...................... large house in ...................... country, near ...................... town called Millcote. There, after ...................... sixteen-hour journey, I was welcomed by Mrs. Fairfax. She was ...................... little old lady who looked to be ...................... very kind person. I was surprised to discover on ...................... first day at Thornfield that Mrs. Fairfax was not in fact ...................... owner, as I assumed, but ...................... housekeeper. My new master was ...................... Mr. Rochester, who was often away from home. My pupil was ...................... girl called Adele, seven years old, who was born in ...................... France and didn’t know ...................... word of ...................... English. Adele, ...................... pretty cheerful child, was easy to teach, though it was not easy to make her concentrate on anything for ...................... long time, as she was not used to ...................... discipline of ...................... lessons.One day I took ...................... opportunity of asking Mrs. Fairfax ...................... few questions about Mr. Rochester, as I was curious about him. “I have always liked him,” she said. “He is ...................... fair man and ...................... very good master to his servants. He’s ...................... little peculiar, perhaps.” Then ...................... housekeeper offered to show me round ...................... whole house. We went through many large, impressive rooms and finally reached ...................... top floor, where there was ...................... narrow corridor with ...................... doors, hiding ...................... evil secrets. And then I

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heard ...................... strange, ghostly laugh. In ...................... minute I heard ...................... laugh again. It did not sound human to me.

II. In ...................... morning I explained to Diana and Mary that I had to go on ...................... journey and would be away for ...................... few days. Although they did not know ...................... reason for my journey, they were far too sensitive to bother me with ...................... questions. And so I walked to ...................... lonely crossroads on ...................... moor, where I had arrived ...................... year ago with no ...................... money or ...................... luggage. I took ...................... coach and ...................... following day I reached ...................... place....................... house stood in ...................... middle of ...................... wood. As I approached, ...................... front door opened, and out came ...................... figure I could not fail to recognize, Edward Rochester. He walked slowly along ...................... path, looking up eagerly at ...................... sky, and it was obvious that he could see nothing. After ...................... while he stopped, and stood there, ...................... rain falling fast on his head. Finally he went back to ...................... house, and closed ...................... door.

80.3. Заполните пропуски необходимыми предлогами.

I. When I am ...................... home, I work ...................... the garden ...................... the morning, read or write ...................... the afternoon, and visit my friends ...................... the evening. I usually rise ...................... sunrise, which keeps me ...................... good health, and ...................... general I go ...................... bed ...................... ten o’clock. I keep no gardener, for a paid gardener seldom does things ...................... the way I prefer;_____ least such has been my experience. When the trees are ...................... blossom, nothing is more pleasant than long walks ...................... the country ...................... the sunshine, and especially ...................... early morning when the dew-drops glisten ...................... the leaves, and the birds sing ...................... all their power, filling the air ...................... melodies. ...................... noon the heat becomes too strong ...................... these places, and one hides ...................... it ...................... the house. ...................... the evening a fresh breeze starts blowing, and the rays ...................... the setting sun fill the countryside ...................... soft light, and the soul ...................... a sense ...................... peace.

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II. I was all ...................... myself ...................... my house, when the news ...................... the failure ...................... the bank reached me. ...................... good luck I had drawn out most ...................... my money beforehand as I had been warned ...................... a friend ...................... the danger. A declaration had been made ...................... the directors that the creditors ...................... the bank would not lose everything, but would be probably paid ...................... full ...................... the end ...................... the financial year. However, I went ...................... the next train ...................... the intention ...................... seeing the manager, but found that ...................... the laws ...................... bankruptcy nothing could be given back ...................... the creditors ...................... the question had been settled ...................... the law courts. I discussed the matter ...................... a number ...................... people who were ...................... the same situation. ...................... the end I came ...................... the conclusion that I would get my money ...................... the end ...................... the year. I returned home ...................... a light heart, hoping ...................... the better.

80.4. Употребите правильную форму глагола в скобках.


As a Wall Street banker Joe has to travel a lot. And he is an expert traveller. He (like) planes, trains and long car journeys. In a first-class carriage, on a plane, he immediately (put) on the eyes mask, and (instruct) the stewardess to wake him for the final meal before the plane (land). In the car he (make) sure that he (have) his favourite CDs and a lot of snacks, and on trains he (try) to arrive early enough to buy a sandwich and every newspaper he (see) in the bookstands.When Joe (be) at home, he (not like) cooking, although he (love) eating. He (not like) gardening and he (not have) any hobbies. He (not like) animals and he (be) too lazy to take the dogs out for a run. His wife Emma always (do) it. What Joe (do) best is to meet people and to shop. The more things he (buy), the more he can (show off) to the world, the better he (feel) about himself.Today he (not think) about meeting people or shopping. Today he (spend) the whole day in the country. When the train (arrive)

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at the place, Joe (be) in an excellent mood. It (be) a clear, sunny day, a light breeze (blow), his beautiful wife (wait) for him at the station in the Range Rover. His wife Emma (be) different from him. She (not care) about the things that Joe (love). She just (want) to be happy, and today, when she (see) Joe, she (forget) his regular absences and (forgive) him immediately. She (kiss) him, (open) the door of the car for him and (start) for their cottage which she (love) so much. She (feel) happy to have such a wonderful, caring husband.

80.5. Выберите правильный вариант.

1. When ............................................ this e-mail? a. have you got b. do you get ñ. did you get2. Where ............................................ your clothes made? a. were b. was ñ. is3. Everybody knows such things, ............................................ ? a. do they b. don’t they ñ. doesn’t he4. Yesterday we ............................................ the test for three hours. a. wrote b. were writing ñ. had been writing5. When I came to the office, the plan of the work ............................... . a. was discussing b. was still being ñ. has been discussed discussed6. Nobody heard him ............................................ the room. a. leave b. to leave ñ. left7. Last week Marat ............................................ a new record in tennis. a. sat b. has set ñ. set8. This strawberry jam tastes and smells ............................................. a. well b. good ñ. wonderfully9. She ............................................ anything interesting for a long time. a. hasn’t read b. haven’t read ñ. didn’t read10. When he came home, everybody ............................................ already. a. slept b. were sleeping ñ. was asleep11. He ............................................ in the Internet since ten o’clock in the morning today. a. works b. is working ñ. has been working12. The witness was made ............................................ in court. a. appear b. to appear ñ. appearing

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13. We can’t find the secretary. Do you know where ......................... ? a. is she b. she is ñ. she has been14. You agree with us, ............................................ you? a. don’t b. do ñ. aren’t15. When he .................................. the work, we’ll have lunch together. a. finish b. will finish ñ. finishes

80.6. Употребите правильную форму глагола в скобках. Перескажите текст.


A Hon called Alex lived in the Zoo in the centre of New York. He I (have) very good friends: a zebra called Martie, a giraffe Melman by name and a hippopotamus with a beautiful name Gloria. They (live) in the Zoo all their lives quite happily as their food (give) to them regularly, they (be) together, and people always (admire) them. One day, Martie, the zebra, (see) a few penguins who (say) that they (dig) a tunnel under Manhattan to Brighton Beach. They (know) that from there they (be able to) get to Antarctica, where they (live) before they (bring) to the Zoo. But the penguins (warn) Martie that he (must) (keep) it secret otherwise their plan (fail). Martie was very curious by nature and always (want) to see the world. He often (complain) that he still not (know) many things though he (live) ten years. For example, he still (can) not (say) if he (be) white with black stripes or black with white stripes. So a brilliant idea (occur) to him. He (make up) his mind to run away from the Zoo. And so he (do). Soon his friends (run) away too. But on the way to Brighton Beach they (catch), (put) into boxes fand (send) to Africa by ship. Some ecologists (decide) to set them free. The penguins who also (run) away from the Zoo, (sail) the ship, be; cause penguins, as you (may) (know), (be) great navigators. The pen guins (be going to) Antarctica, their native land. But the ship (get) wrecked on the way there, and the animals (throw) on an exotic island I by the waves. It was very beautiful but they (have) no idea what it (be). They (find) themselves among very strange creatures, that (look) I very funny and (call) themselves lemours. The animals (get) their freedom, but now

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they faced new problems. They (have to) get their daily food. They (begin) (look) for some people to help them, but there not (be) any. After some time, the lion (begin) (complain) that he not (eat) a good piece of meat for a long, long time and (miss) it greatly. He (get) so hungry that he even (try) to eat Martie, but, fortunately, remembered in time that they (be) friends since their babyhood. So they (think) that they (go) back to New York and their comfortable life in the Zoo. But Alex (say) that first he (like) to go to Paris. Gloria (confess) she always (want) to rest in Spain, and Martie (remark) philosophically that since his childhood he (want) to visit China. They (go) on board the ship where the penguins (wait) for them and suddenly one of them (say): “Shall we (tell) them that we (run out of) fuel1?”

80.7. Переведите следующий текст.


Îäíàæäû Øðåê è Ôèîíà, ó êîòîðûõ áûë ìåäîâûé ìåñÿö, ïî-ëó÷èëè ïîñëàíèå îò Êîðîëÿ è Êîðîëåâû äàë¸êîãî, äàë¸êîãî êîðîëåâñòâà. Ðîäèòåëè Ôèîíû ïðèãëàøàëè íàâåñòèòü èõ. Îíè íå âèäåëè ñâîþ äî÷ü ñ òåõ ïîð, êàê îíà óñíóëà â âûñîêîé áàøíå çàìêà è ìíîãî ëåò æäàëà, êîãäà ïîÿâèòñÿ ïðåêðàñíûé ïðèíö è ðàçáóäèò å¸. Øðåê íå õîòåë åõàòü. Îí ïîíèìàë, ÷òî îí, òàêîé áîëüøîé è çåë¸íûé, íå ïîíðàâèòñÿ Êîðîëþ è Êî-ðîëåâå. Íî Ôèîíà ñêàçàëà, ÷òî ðîäèòåëè ëþáÿò å¸ è, êîíå÷íî æå, ïîëþáÿò è å¸ ìóæà. Èòàê, îíè îòïðàâèëèñü â ïóòü âìåñòå ñî ñâîèì äðóãîì îñëîì. Ïîñëå äîëãîãî ïóòåøåñòâèÿ îíè ïðè-áûëè â äàë¸êóþ, äàë¸êóþ ñòðàíó. Êîðîëü, Êîðîëåâà è òûñÿ÷è ëþäåé âñòðå÷àëè èõ. Êîãäà îíè óâèäåëè Øðåêà è Ôèîíó, òî áûëè òàê ïîòðÿñåíû, ÷òî äàæå íå ñìîãëè ñêðûòü ýòîãî. Íî Êî-ðîëåâà áûëà î÷åíü óìíà. Îíà òåïëî ïðèâåòñòâîâàëà ñâîþ äî÷ü è Øðåêà è çàñòàâèëà ñâîåãî ìóæà ñäåëàòü òî æå ñàìîå. Íî Êîðîëü âñåãäà õîòåë, ÷òîáû Ôèîíà âûøëà çàìóæ çà Ïðèíöà, êðàñèâîãî, íî çëîãî ÷åëîâåêà. Ìàòü Ïðèíöà, çëàÿ ôåÿ, äåëàëà âñ¸ âîçìîæíîå, ÷òîáû îñóùåñòâèòü ýòîò ïëàí.

1 fuel — òîïëèâî.

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 òî æå ñàìîå âðåìÿ Øðåê áûë î÷åíü íåñ÷àñòëèâ. Îí ïî-íèìàë, ÷òî îí ãîáëèí, à Ôèîíà — ïðèíöåññà è ÷òî íèêòî íå ìîæåò èçìåíèòü ýòîãî. Îí ðåøèë íàéòè ó ôåè ÷óäåñíóþ æèä-êîñòü, ÷òîáû ñòàòü êðàñèâûì. Åãî äðóçüÿ ïîìîãëè åìó â ýòîì. Øðåê âûïèë ýòîò ýëèêñèð, íî íè÷åãî íå ñëó÷èëîñü. Îñòàò-êè ýëèêñèðà âûïèë îñ¸ë. ظë ñèëüíûé äîæäü, è îíè ðåøè-ëè ïåðåíî÷åâàòü â ëåñó.  ýòî âðåìÿ Ôèîíà ïîíÿëà, ÷òî îíà ñîâåðøèëà îøèáêó è ÷òî åé íå ñëåäîâàëî ïðèâîçèòü Øðå-êà âî äâîðåö. Îíà îáúÿâèëà ñâîèì ðîäèòåëÿì, ÷òî îíè îòïðà-âÿòñÿ îáðàòíî íà áîëîòî. Âçîøëî ñîëíöå. Øðåê è åãî äðóçüÿ ïðîñíóëèñü. Ïðîèçîøëî ÷óäî: Øðåê ïðåâðàòèëñÿ â ñèëüíîãî êðàñèâîãî ìîëîäîãî ÷åëîâåêà, à îñ¸ë ñòàë âåëèêîëåïíûì áå-ëûì êîí¸ì, êîòîðûì îí âñåãäà ìå÷òàë ñòàòü. Øðåê âñêî÷èë íà êîíÿ, è îíè ïîñêàêàëè âî äâîðåö. Ôèîíà â ýòî âðåìÿ òîæå ïðåâðàòèëàñü â ïðåêðàñíóþ äåâóøêó, êàêîé îíà è áûëà äî âñòðå÷è ñî Øðåêîì. Çëàÿ ôåÿ äåëàëà âñ¸, ÷òî ìîãëà, ÷òîáû ïîæåíèòü ñâîåãî ñûíà, ïðåêðàñíîãî Ïðèíöà, è Ôèîíó. Ïðèíö ïðåäñòàâèëñÿ Ôèîíå êàê Øðåê, íî îíà ïîíÿëà, ÷òî îí ëæ¸ò, òàê êàê åãî ãîëîñ íå áûë ãîëîñîì å¸ ìóæà. Ïîñëå ìíîãèõ ïðè-êëþ÷åíèé Øðåê äîáðàëñÿ äî äâîðöà è êàê ðàç âîâðåìÿ, ÷òîáû îñòàíîâèòü ñâàäåáíóþ öåðåìîíèþ. Îí ñêàçàë, ÷òî íå ïîçâîëèò Ïðèíöó è åãî ìàòåðè ðàçðóøèòü ñâî¸ ñ÷àñòüå. Çëàÿ ôåÿ ðå-øèëà óíè÷òîæèòü Øðåêà, íî Êîðîëü çàùèòèë åãî, è âîëøåá-íàÿ ïàëî÷êà (a wand) ôåè ïðåâðàòèëà åãî â ëÿãóøêó. Êîðîëü è Êîðîëåâà áëàãîñëîâèëè ìîëîäûõ. Ôèîíà ñêàçàëà, ÷òî îíà õî÷åò, ÷òîáû Øðåê îñòàëñÿ òåì ãîáëèíîì, êîòîðîãî îíà ïî-ëþáèëà.Òàêîé âîò íåîæèäàííûé è ñ÷àñòëèâûé êîíåö ó ýòîé èñòîðèè.

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Ïðèëîæåíèå 1

Infi nitivePast




agree agreed agreed agreeing соглашаться

bury buried buried burying хоронить

carry carried carried carrying нести

die died died dying умирать

dry dried dried drying сушить

enjoy enjoyed enjoyed enjoying наслаждаться

fl ow fl owed fl owed fl owing течь

found founded founded founding основать

hang hanged hanged hanging казнить через повешение

happen happened happened happening случаться

hurry hurried hurried hurrying спешить

knit knitted knitted knitting вязать

marry married married marrying жениться

nod nodded nodded nodding кивать

occur occurred occurred occurring происходить, случаться

off er off ered off ered off ering предлагать

omit omitted omitted omitting пропустить (слово)

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Infi nitivePast




permit permitted permitted permitting позволять

plan planned planned planning планировать

prefer preferred preferred preferring предпочитать

queue queued queued queuing стоять в очереди

refer referred referred referring ссылаться

regret regretted regretted regretting сожалеть

remember remembered remembered remembering помнить

rob robbed robbed robbing грабить

scan scanned scanned scanning сканировать

ski skied, skid skied, skid skiing кататься на лыжах

stay stayed stayed staying оставаться

study studied studied studying учиться

swap swapped swapped swapping обменяться чем-либо

tie tied tied tying завязывать

travel travelled travelled travelling путешествовать

worry worried worried worrying беспокоиться

wrap wrapped wrapped wrapping заворачивать

Продолжение табл.

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Infi nitivePast




abide abode, abided

abode, abided abiding выносить

arise arose arisen arising возникать

awake awoke, awaked

awoke, awaked

awaking будить

be was/were been being быть, существовать

bear bore born bearing носить, выносить

beat beat beaten, beat beating бить

become became become becoming становиться

befall befell befallen befalling случаться

beget begot begotten begetting порождать

begin began begun beginning начинать

behold beheld beheld beholding смотреть, созерцать

bend bent, bended

bent, bended bending гнуть, сгибать

bereave bereft, bereaved

bereft, bereaved

bereaving лишать

beseech besought besought beseeching умолять, просить

beset beset beset besetting осаждать; окружать

bet bet, betted bet, betted betting держать пари

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betake betook betaken betaking заставлять; прибегать

bethink bethought bethought bethinking размышлять; поразмыслить

bid bade, bid bidden, bid bidding предлагать цену (на аукционе)

bind bound bound binding связывать

bite bit bitten, bit biting кусаться

bleed bled bled bleeding кровоточить

blend blended, blent

blended, blent blending смешивать

bless blessed, blest

blessed, blest blessing благословлять

blow blew blown blowing дуть

break broke broken breaking ломать

breed bred bred breeding размножаться, плодиться

bring brought brought bringing приносить

broadcast broadcast, broadcasted

broadcast, broadcasted

broadcasting транслировать

build built built building строить

burn burnt, burned

burnt, burned burning жечь; гореть

burst burst burst bursting взрываться

buy bought bought buying покупать

cast cast cast casting бросать; разбрасывать

catch caught caught catching поймать

chide chid chidden, chid chiding бранить, упрекать

choose chose chosen choosing выбирать

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cleave cleaved, clove

cleaved, cloven, cleft

cleaving раскалывать(ся), расщеплять

cling clung clung clinging цепляться

clothe clothed, clad clothed, clad clothing одевать

come came come coming приходить, приезжать

cost cost cost costing стоить

creep crept crept creeping ползать

crow crowed, crew

crowed crowing издавать радостные звуки

cut cut cut cutting резать

deal dealt dealt dealing иметь дело

dig dug dug digging копать, рыть

do did done doing делать

draw drew drawn drawing рисовать; тащить

dream dreamt, dreamed

dreamed dreaming мечтать; видеть во сне

drink drank drunk drinking пить

drive drove driven driving водить машину

dwell dwelt(ed) dwelt(ed) dwelling проживать

eat ate eaten eating есть

fall fell fallen falling падать

feed fed fed feeding кормить(ся)

feel felt felt feeling чувствовать

fi ght fought fought fi ghting бороться, драться

fi nd found found fi nding находить

fi t fi t fi t fi tting приспосабливать

fl ee fl ed fl ed fl eeing бежать, спасаться бегством

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fl ing fl ung fl ung fl inging швырять, кидаться

fl y fl ew fl own fl ying летать

forbear forbore forborne forbearing воздерживаться

forbid forbade forbidden forbidding запрещать

forecast forecast, forecasted

forecast, forecasted

forecasting предсказывать (погоду...)

foreknow foreknew foreknown foreknowing знать заранее, предвидеть

foresee foresaw foreseen foreseeing знать заранее, предвидеть

foretell foretold foretold foretelling предсказывать, предвещать

forget forgot forgotten forgetting забывать

forgive forgave forgiven forgiving прощать

forsake forsook forsaken forsaking оставлять, покидать

forswear forswore forsworn forswearing отказываться, отрекаться

freeze froze frozen freezing замерзать; замораживать

gainsay gainsaid gainsaid gainsaying противоречить; возражать

get got got,gotten (am)

getting получать, доставать

gild gilded, gilt gilded, gilt gilding золотить, покрывать позолотой

give gave given giving давать

go went gone going идти, ходить

grind ground ground grinding молоть, размалывать

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Infi nitivePast




grow grew grown growing расти, становиться

hamstring hamstrung, hamstringed

hamstrung, hamstringed

hamstringing калечить; портить

hang hung hung hanging вешать; висеть

have had had having иметь

hear heard heard hearing слышать

heave heaved, hove

heaved, hove heaving поднимать(ся)

hew hewed hewn, hewed hewing рубить; разрубать

hide hid hidden, hid hiding прятать

hit hit hit hitting ударять

hold held held holding держать; содержать

hurt hurt hurt hurting обидеть, причинять боль

inlay inlaid inlaid inlaying делать мозаичную работу

keep kept kept keeping держать, хранить

kneel knelt, kneeled

knelt, kneeled kneeling стоять на коленях

knit knitted, knit knitted, knit knitting вязать

know knew known knowing знать

lade laded laden, laded lading грузить

lay laid laid laying класть, положить

lead led led leading вести, руководить

lean leant, leaned leant, leaned leaning наклоняться; опираться

leap leapt, leaped leapt, leaped leaping прыгать, подскакивать

Продолжение табл.

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Infi nitivePast




learn learnt, learned

learnt, learned learning изучать, учить

leave left left leaving покидать; оставлять

lend lent lent lending давать взаймы

let let let letting позволять, разрешать

he lay lain lying лежать

lie lied lied lying лгать

light lit lit lighting зажигать; светить

lose lost lost losing терять

make made made making делать, изготавливать

mean meant meant meaning иметь в виду

meet met met meeting встречать

miscast miscast miscast miscasting неправильно распределять роли

misdeal misdealt misdealt misdealing поступать неправильно

misgive misgave misgiven misgiving внушать опасение, недоверие

mislay mislaid mislaid mislaying положить не на место

mislead misled misled misleading вводить в заблуждение

misspell misspell misspell misspelling делать орфографические ошибки

misspend misspent misspent misspending неразумно, зря тратить

Продолжение табл.

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Infi nitivePast




mistake mistook mistaken mistaking ошибаться





неправильно понять

mow mowed mown mowing косить, жать

outbid outbid outbid outbidding превзойти, перещеголять

outdo outdid outdone outdoing превзойти, преодолеть

outgrow outgrew outgrown outgrowing перерастать

outride outrode outridden outriding перегнать

outrun outran outrun outrunning опередить, обогнать

outshine outshone outshone outshining затмить

overbear overbore overborne overbearing пересиливать, одолевать

overcome overcame overcome overcoming превозмочь, преодолеть

overdo overdid overdone overdoing преодолеть, побороть

overhang overhung overhung overhanging выдаваться; свешиваться

overhear overheard overheard overhearing подслушивать

overlay overlaid overlaid overlaying перекрывать; покрывать

overleap overleap, overleap, overleaping перепрыгивать,

overleaped overleaped перескакивать

override overrode overridden overriding отвергать; переезжать

overrun overran overrun overrunning наводнять; расползаться

Продолжение табл.

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Infi nitivePast




oversee oversaw overseen overseeing надзирать, наблюдать

overshoot overshot overshot overshooting промахнуться

oversleep overslept overslept oversleeping проспать

overtake overtook overtaken overtaking догонять, наверстывать

overthrow overthrew overthrown overthrowing опрокидывать(ся), свергать

partake partook partaken partaking принимать участие

pay paid paid paying платить

put put put putting класть, положить

quit quitted, quit quitted, quit quitting сдаваться, увольняться

read [rJd] read [red] read [red] reading читать

rebind rebound rebound rebinding снабжать новым переплетом

rebuild rebuilt rebuilt rebuilding снова построить, восстанавливать

recast recast recast recasting переделывать, перерабатывать

redo redid redone redoing делать вновь или заново

relay relaid relaid relaying снова класть, перекладывать

remake remade remade remaking переделывать

rend rent rent rending отдирать, отрывать

repay repaid repaid repaying возвращать долг; возмещать ущерб

rerun reran rerun rerunning повторно показывать

Продолжение табл.

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reset reset reset resetting набирать заново

retell retold retold retelling пересказывать

rewrite rewrote rewritten rewriting переписывать

rid rid, ridded rid, ridded ridding освобождать, избавлять

ride rode ridden riding кататься, ездить верхом

ring rang rung ringing звонить

rise rose risen rising вставать, подниматься

rive rived riven, rived riving разрывать(ся), раскалывать(ся)

run ran run running бегать

saw sawed sawn, sawed sawing пилить

say said said saying сказать

see saw seen seeing видеть

seek sought sought seeking искать

sell sold sold selling продавать

send sent sent sending посылать

set set set setting ставить,

sew sewed sewn, sewed sewing помещать шить, зашивать

shake shook shaken shaking трясти, качать

shave shaved shaved, shaven

shaving брить, сбривать

shear sheared, shore

shorn, sheared shearing стричь; срезать

shed shine shed shone shed shone shedding shining

проливать, лить светить, блестеть

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shoe shod shod shoeing обувать, подковывать

shoot shot shot shooting стрелять

show showed shown, showed

showing показывать

shrink shrank shrunk, shrunken

shrinking сжиматься, давать усадку

shrive shrove shriven shriving исповедовать, отпускать грехи

shut shut shut shutting затворить, закрывать

sing sang sung singing петь

sink sank sunk, sunken sinking тонуть, погружаться

sit sat sat sitting сидеть

slay slew slain slaying убивать, умерщвлять

sleep slept slept sleeping спать

slide slid slid, slidden sliding скользить

sling slung slung slinging бросать, швырять

slink slunk slunk slinking красться; ускользать

slit slit slit slitting разрезать вдоль; рваться

smell smelt, smelled

smelt, smelled smelling пахнуть

smite smote smitten smiting ударять, бить

sow sowed sown, sowed sowing сеять

speak spoke spoken speaking говорить

speed sped sped speeding превышать скорость

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spell spelt, spelled spelt, spelled spelling произносить по буквам

spend spent spent spending тратить; проводить время

spill spilt, spilled spilt, spilled spilling проливать(ся); рассыпаться

spin spun, span spun spinning прясть, крутить, вращать

spit spat, spit spat, spit spitting плевать(ся)

split split split splitting раскалывать, делить на части

spoil spoilt, spoiled

spoilt, spoiled spoiling портить; баловать

spread spread spread spreading распространять

spring sprang sprung springing прыгать; давать течь

stand stood stood standing стоять

stave staved, stove staved, stove staving пробить, разбить

steal stole stolen stealing красть, воровать

stick stuck stuck sticking наклеивать, застревать

sting stung stung stinging жалить; жечь

stink stank stunk stinking вонять, смердеть

strew strewed strewn, strewed

strewing разбрасывать; разбрызгивать

stride strode, strided

stridden striding шагать большими шагами

strike struck struck, stricken

striking ударять; поражать; бастовать

string strung strung stringing снабжать струной, тетивой

strive strove striven striving стремиться

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sunburn sunburnt, sunburned

sunburnt, sunburned

sunburning загорать; обжигаться на солнце

swear swore sworn swearing клясться

sweep swept swept sweeping подметать

swell swelled swollen, swelled

swelling опухать, увеличиваться

swim swam swum swimming плавать

swing swung swung swinging качаться, колебаться

take took taken taking брать

teach taught taught teaching учить, преподавать

tear tore torn tearing рвать, разрывать

tell told told telling рассказывать

think thought thought thinking думать

thrive throve, thrived

thriven, thrived

thriving процветать, преуспевать

throw threw thrown throwing бросать

thrust thrust thrust thrusting толкать(ся), тыкать

tread trod trodden treading ступать, шагать

unbend unbent unbent unbending выпрямлять(ся), разгибать(ся)

unbind unbound unbound unbinding развязывать; ослаблять

underbid underbid underbid, underbidding

underbidding сбить цену

undergo underwent undergone undergoing испытывать, переносить

understand understood understood understanding понимать

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Infi nitivePast




undertake undertook undertaken undertaking предпринимать; брать на себя

undo undid undone undoing развязывать, расстегивать

unwind unwound unwound unwinding разматываться), раскручиваться)

upset upset upset upsetting опрокидывать; расстраивать

wake woke woken waking просыпаться; будить

waylay waylaid waylaid waylaying подстерегать, устраивать засаду

wear wore worn wearing носить

weave wove woven weaving ткать; плести, сплетать

wed wedded, wed

wedded, wed wedding жениться, выйти замуж

weep wept wept weeping плакать

wet wet, wetted wet, wetted wetting намочить

win won won winning выиграть, победить

wind wound wound winding виться; мотать, заводить

withdraw withdrew withdrawn withdrawing одергивать; забирать

withhold withheld withheld withholding отказывать, воздерживаться

withstand withstood withstood withstanding выстоять, выдержать

wring wrung wrung wringing скручивать; выжимать

write wrote written writing писать

Окончание табл.

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Учебное издание


Ионина Анна Альбертовна

Саакян Аида Суреновна


Универсальный эффективный курс

Ответственный редактор Н. УвароваРедактор Е. Вьюницкая

Художественный редактор Г. ФедотовТехнический редактор Л. Зотова

Компьютерная верстка Л. Кузьминова

Подписано в печать 02.09.2011. Формат 70x100 1/16

.Гарнитура «JournalCTT». Печать офсетная. Усл. печ. л. 33,7.

Тираж экз. Заказ

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