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  • 1. Everybodys Talking
    Social Media and Social Networking in HR

2. Agenda
3. Shift Happens
4. Going Social
5. The Social Web
6. Mapping the Social Web
7. Tampa Workplace Examiner
8. My social web
9. 10. 7 Types of HR Practitioner
Rock Star
11. Twitter
12. Tweetdeck
13. Networking
14. Networking
15. LinkedIn
16. 17. 18. 19. Be part of the conversation!
Conversation is occurring right now
Social media is Everywhere on the Web
Social Media is about Social
Social Media is supported by various tools
You are part of the conversation
Social Media is part of Human Resources
20. Frank Roche Know HR
I'd say that social media is here to stay in HR. The thing is, there's a lot of resistance by some HR types to social media -- they think it's scary. I say to them, "You already have had social media for 20 years -- that's email. You can send email right now to tons of people and get tons of responses. So, what's so scary?"
I think young (and progressive) HR people bring a freshness to HR that's needed. They live in a connected world, and I think that social media will allow them to be connected to both HR practitioners and people outside HR. That's going to be the benefit -- no more HR isolationism.
As far as the recruiting and employee relations side I can just imagine what the next 5 years will bring. I think it would be cool to be entering the profession right now. There will be challenges -- coming out of the worst economic situation in our lifetimes has scarred people and will make people management even harder. That will require more connections -- and more feeling about the people side of the business. They're not human capital anymore...Soylent Green is people.
21. Deborah Herman
The one thing that stuck out for me from ERE was "smart engagement".
Today in order for an organization to attract top talent, they must become more "transparent", but they need to be smart about it so they don't find themselves in hot water over what employees are saying or what sites they are using (or not using - diversity issues etc.).
Students just starting to enter the workforce are used to being VERY transparent (maybe too transparent) on the social networking sites.I'd throw out a word of caution to them to be careful what they say as they build their brand in the workplace!
22. Ron Katz Penguin HR
Dont depend solely on Social ntwrking. Its not a substitute 4 face time. SN is here 2 stay so learn it & use it. But make live contact too.(from Twitter)
23. April Dowling - Pseudo HR
Get involved and make it a habit. Its easy to stick your toe in the pond of social media, just to test the waters, and then never jump in. My best advice is jump in and make a habit of it. Develop relationships with other HR Pros by tweeting with them, commenting on their blogs (Hi Mike!), make an appearance on HR Happy Hour and then take those relationships offline to build them further. Social Media isnt scary, think of it as another professional development tool. Its an exciting time to be in HR and social media is where its happening. (that sounded way too much like a commercial)
24. Ben Eubanks - Upstart HR
Too late? Maybe? Its just a stepping stone to a relationship with people youd never otherwise meet. Krista Francis is an HR director for a nonprofit in Washington, DC. I work in a virtually identical company. I can ask her about things that I dont feel comfortable going to my own VP of HR about, and that relationship is an amazing one for both of us. Shes looking for a new entry level HR person, and I can give her some ideas.
Social media isnt the end, its the means. If its used as a stepping stone to building great relationships via phone/email/personal contact, then the value is amazing for the time invested.
Good luck, Mike! Let me know how it turns out!
25. Angela Rosario Jobing Foundation
I want to let the students know our previous offer of the Jobing Foundation Grant is still open.
Website, twitter, facebook. Talk about social media!
We love our community and we are always honored to help shape the leaders of tomorrow.
26. Social Media Starfish
Social Web
27. 2008 Social Recruiting Starfish
28. 2009 Social Recruiting Starfish
29. Contact information
Recruiting Blogs
HRM Today
HR Alltop
Phone: 1 813 417 8781

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