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Page 1: GRIP Leadership Conference - · SCHOOL NEWS Coreen St Oaklands 2646 Ph: 02 6035 4290 Fax: 02 6035 4382 Mobile: 0472 832 195 Email:

Oaklands Central School & Oaklands Community Newsletter

Monday 10th June

Queens Birthday Holiday

Tuesday 11th to Friday 14th June

Yrs 7-10 Exams

Thursday 13th June

Primary Riverina X Country

Friday 14th June

Secondary Riverina X Country

Tuesday 18 th June

CWA International Day

GRIP Leadership Conference

GENEROSITY Willingness to use what you have been given (time and resources) on behalf of

those you seek to influence. RESPONSIBILITY

We all have a responsibility to develop what we have and help others to live well. INTEGRITY

A commitment to truth and honesty in dealings. PEOPLE

Every human being is of great significance, and has a purpose to fulfill.

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Coreen St Oaklands 2646

Ph: 02 6035 4290 Fax: 02 6035 4382 Mobile: 0472 832 195

Email: [email protected]


Principal: Peter Craft

Oaklands Central School & Oaklands Community Newsletter

Volume 35 No.8

Wednesday 6th June, 2019


to be the very best person that they can be.

We value community, at Oaklands. There are

very few places where older students and

younger students come together as we do at

Oaklands, developing a community of care,

empathy, support and trust. Our students also

learn how to shape their world into a better

place. That is why we have such a magnificently

strong student voice through the SRC. It is a

body that brings so much good to this school

and our community.

Primarily Oaklands is an educational institution

and we value education. Education that is

co-educational, comprehensive and inclusive. We

are proud of our students and we are proud of

their achievements. In the last three years

every HSC student has aspired to going to

university and every HSC student has achieved

that goal. We have a lot to celebrate at

Oaklands Central School.

This week saw Ms Carly Murphy started as our

Yr 4, 5 and 6 classroom teacher. I would like to

welcome Carly and say how happy we are to have

her as part of our Oaklands Team. Also, I would

like to wish Mrs Felicity Clifton all the best as

she takes maternity leave


Dear Parents and Caregivers,

As you all know, Oaklands Central School is a

really great school. After taking some leave, it

was exciting to come back to see all the great

things that are going on in all areas of the

school. There is such a caring and accepting

culture at Oaklands. It was this idea of our cul-

ture and the things we value that I spoke about

at our whole school assembly.

At Oaklands, we engage in a Positive Behaviour

Program, that teaches students how to be good

citizens. Our four core values of Respect,

Responsibility, Resilience and Safety. We teach

the school’s expectations and the behaviours

that show our values in practice. It is inspiring

to see how students take on those messages

and work hard to live them out.

At Oaklands, we also value the whole person. As

a school we celebrate academic, sporting, extra

curricula and personal growth success. We

care about what students know, what they can

do, their personal growth, the challenges they

meet and who they are. We want each student

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In a recent discussion with parents, it was

suggested that I list key points at the end of

this section of the newsletter. The idea is to

make the key ideas more accessible to readers.

Below is the first of this Highlights section

from the Principal.

Peter Craft


We have made it through another busy and

successful fortnight. Last week students

completed their assessments to assist teachers

in writing their reports and I thank them all for

their focus and efforts to do their best. All

staff are now busy writing reports ready to go

out at the end of the term.

Last week, Jarvis, Chelsea and Phillip headed to

Albury with Mrs Nixon to attend the GRIP

Leadership Conference. The students made the

most of this opportunity and came back to

school with some great ideas. Please take the

time to read their article about their

experience and a huge thank you to Mrs Nixon

for taking our students to Albury and

attending the conference with them.

On Friday last week, a number of OCS

students attended the Finley PSSA Cross

Country Carnival in Urana. From all reports it

was a great day and all students who attended

represented OCS with pride and put in their

best effort in on the day. Congratulations to

Nicholas who came 4th in his race and has

qualified to compete at Riverina level in

Gundagai next Thursday, we wish you the best

of luck. I would like to say thank you to Mr

Knight for supervising and organising our OCS

competitors and all parents who attended on

the day for their support and assistance.


Key Points:

The core values we teach students at OCS

are Respect, Responsibility, Resilience,


Teaching core values and positive

behaviour reduces bullying and increases

cohesion in schools

It is important that the whole school

community model and support our core


We nurture “the whole person” at

Oaklands Central School

Welcome to Carly Murphy and best

wishes to Felicity Clifton

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Youth Forum

On Tuesday 4th May, a range of students in

Years 10 and 11 attended a Mental Health Forum

in Wagga Wagga. The day provided an

opportunity for students to participate in

workshops build the capacity of a team to bring

back an initiative in our school. We look forward

to seeing them spread the message about the

importance of good mental health for learning.

Whole School Assembly

Congratulations to all secondary students who

received the gold merit awards and school

awards at our assembly last week. The merit

system reflects our PBL goals of respect,

responsibility, safety and resilience. Students

will need to continue to work towards 70 merits

before the end of term to earn their passage for

the rewards day on the last day of term.


Today three students represented OCS as

members of the JeriBerriO’s netball team. Elise,

Talara and Halle headed to Thurgoona to

compete in Round Three of the PSSA Knock out

competition. Well done girls for your

commitment to the team and making the most of

this opportunity, we look forward to hearing how

you went.

As the cooler weather is upon us, I would just

like to take the time again to remind parents to

ensure all scarfs, beanies, jumpers, jackets and

gloves are clearly labelled with your child’s name

to ensure if lost we are able to find their owner.

I hope everyone makes the most of their long

weekend, and we will see you all next week!

Warm Regards,

Sally McRorie

Assistant Principal

Student Leadership Day - Sydney

On Thursday 30th May, Liam Curran represented

the school in the capacity of School Captain at

the Schools Leadership Day in Sydney. Liam

spent the day learning more about Parliament

House and meeting a range of government

leaders, including our local leader Patrick Bourke.

He also had a tour of Government House before

being addressed by the current NSW Governor,

Her Excellency the Honourable Margaret

Beazley, AO QC.

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Something to reflect on…

No talent required… but will earn you 100%


Melinda Elith

Head Teacher Secondary Studies

Two weeks ago we attended the SRC

conference in Murrumbateman for one week. We

did Flexies, which are small talk groups where

you talk about a topic like speech improvement

etc. We also went in our regional groups

(Riverina) and discussed what we are doing for


Education Week and what we can do to improve

our school. Every afternoon we did night

activities which were orienteering, stargazing

and some relaxation poems before bed.

On Thursday night, to celebrate the last day of

the conference, we had a throwback Thursday

disco. There was a photo booth where you could

take photos with your new friends and there

were cups of tea too.

Written by Holly, Amber, Bailey, Yvonne and


On Tuesday the 28th of May, Jarvis, Chelsea,

and Phillip all went to the Albury Commercial

Club to attend the Grip Leadership conference.

We learnt about the people pathway. The

people pathway has 4 sections. Making a

difference to my team, developing myself to

lead, making a difference to my school and

making a difference to my society. During the

day the Loud Noise Boys came to entertain us,

their names were Sam and Cam. There were

lots of other students from other schools

around the area that we could talk to. We had

lots of fun and at the end of the day Mrs Nixon

got us all McDonalds for the trip home.

Jarvis, Chelsea and Phillip

GRIP Leadership Conference

Being on time Passion

Work Ethic Attitude

Effort Being coachable

Body language Doing extra

Energy Being prepared

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Name: ____________________________________________________

Class: _____ Teacher: _____________________________________

This student was absent from ___/___/___ to ___/___/___

Due to the following:



Medical/Dental Appointment

Family Commitments (please specify below)

Other ________________________________________


Additional comments _____________________________________


Signed: ___________________________________________________




Remember these contributions benefit YOUR children and

YOUR community.


Paper copy $13.00 (incl. GST) (email free)


$5.00 (This covers parents when working for the P & C - e.g. working bees, catering etc.).

School Contributions for 2019:

Primary Student: $35.00

Secondary Student: $35.00

Maximum per Family:


Now payable to the School Office


Whole Year: $49.50 (inc GST)

Single Ad: Half Column $3.30 (inc GST)

Full Column $6.60 (inc GST)

Sporting Bodies and Committees:

$33.00 (inc GST)

SRC Fundraiser

Beautiful handmade bags

Plenty of gorgeous prints to select from

Generously donated by a local Oaklands Family

$5 per bag

See the front office for the full range.

Page 7: GRIP Leadership Conference - · SCHOOL NEWS Coreen St Oaklands 2646 Ph: 02 6035 4290 Fax: 02 6035 4382 Mobile: 0472 832 195 Email:


Thursday 6th June, 2019

Meals $20.00 / Half Serve $15.00

Roast Beef

Salt and Pepper Squid

Flathead Fillets

Crumbed Lamb Cutlets

Thai Chicken Curry with Rice

Cottage Pie

Above meals served with salad or vegetables & chips or potato

Kids Meals $7.00

Fish Fillets

Chicken Nuggets and Chips


This Week $19,600

Normal Weekly Raffles



Claimed : Feleese Beale

Member No. 312

Next Week $500

Meat Tray

- Winner : Marg Humphry

Bar Staff Wanted

Must hold current


If you are interested please call Leeanne Dalitz 0428 960 368 or

Jim Beale 0428 570 325

Club Memberships are now overdue!

Please pay by the end of May to remain in

the Riverina Super Draw and the Oaklands RSL Club Draw

Full Membership - $20

Aged/Invalid Pensioner - $10

EFT Details BSB 082 591

A/c 549 253 611 Reference: Name

Page 8: GRIP Leadership Conference - · SCHOOL NEWS Coreen St Oaklands 2646 Ph: 02 6035 4290 Fax: 02 6035 4382 Mobile: 0472 832 195 Email:

Leader Board Update

Results after Round 11

Tipping Footy

1st Brett Hodder 68

2nd Andrew Day 66

3rd John Danaher and John Doyle 65

Last Jesika Grice 49


Oaklands RSL Bowling Club is proud to be hosting the

1989 Grand Final Reunion Night @ the Oaklands RSL Bowling Club

Catering by Hendo and Pa

Saturday 6th July

1989 Grand Final Team Player Jumper Auction will take place on the night.

Meals Available More details to Follow


Biggest Afternoon Tea

Sunday 30th June, 2019

@ 2pm

Join us at the Oaklands RSL Bowling Club for

Afternoon Tea and

movie screening ‘Instant Family’

All donations to the

Save the


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Riverina Dance Festival Friday 21 June, 2019

Celebrating and showcasing the talents of

Riverina Public Schools

Tickets on sale Monday 13 May, 2019

Griffith Regional Theatre

Booking Office 6962 8444 or

7.00 PM Evening Performance

Adults $20, Students (under 15) and Concessions $15

12.30PM Matinee Performance

All tickets $15

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CWA Oaklands May News

Members were pleased to be involved in the recent CWA of NSW State Conference &

Annual General Meeting held in Albury. Approx 500 delegates + 250 observers


Members attended the business sessions, worked on the organising committee,

volunteered where needed, attended the Gala Dinner of 350 guests. Miss Jo Ellis, BA

of music, Albury entertained with the violin. Mr Noel Brown, formerly of Oaklands,

with his dance partner Ms Meagan Sutherland performed an Argentine Tango & the

Jitterbug. Rock ’n’ Country Express played music til late. A great evening.

Oaklands were contributors to Murray Group equal 2nd PLACE OVERALL in the State

Handicraft competition. Thanks to Mrs Lorraine Marcus.

Oaklands Central School children Ashley & Nate were the FIRST PLACE winners of

the State International PowerPoint Presentation representing Murray Group

competing against 29 other entries. Congratulations – well done. $100 to the school &

$20 each for their work.

The Conference also welcomed our Prime Minister, Mr Scott Morrison to address the

audience. A huge surprise to all present.

Meetings: Always 3rd Tuesday, 1.30pm at the CWA rooms. Oaklands.

June meeting will include Country of Study, Papua New Guinea afternoon. Start

1.00pm. Gold coin donation. Oaklands Central School pupils will present their

PowerPoint studies.


Contact: Heather Kerr 0447 335 201

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CWA Oaklands

International Day

Papua New Guinea

Oaklands Central School

children will be presenting their study research


A guest speaker will be attending with artefacts

from Papua New Guinea.

1.00pm Start Tuesday 18th June

CWA Rooms

Gold Coin donation goes to “Pennies For

Friendship” for International Projects through the

Associated Country Women of the World.

Followed by

afternoon tea.


CWA Oaklands

Early Childhood


As people are aware Oaklands has no availability

of Early Childhood Services.

In an effort to restore such services it is vital to

gauge the number of children who may be needing

this care.

If you are a parent of a child/children needing such

services would you please contact the CWA with

details of your needs, now and into the future for

any child under age 3.

The current Pre-school service takes children from

3 years to school age. Some of these children

come from Urana or Daysdale. If you know any

parent/s in the surrounding areas with younger

children please ask them to be in contact also.

There is also the possibility of Family Day Care

which would be held in the CWA rooms, however,

we need someone who would be willing to take on

this role. Training is available through the


[email protected]

or text to mob

Mob: 0447 335 201 or Ph: 0260 33 1300

Please reply no later than Tues 18th June.



Driver Licence testing for:

Aged driving


Return from disqualification

Monthly - Wednesday 5th June, 2019 and Wednesday 3rd July, 2019

Please phone 13 77 88 and ask for the Albury Service Centre when booking for Driver

Licence Testing

and for ALL OTHER Roads & Maritime enquiries

**Further dates will be notified in the Oaklands Central School Newsletter &

the Urana District Newsletter

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Matthew & Shandelle Collins

welcome you


Shop Hours

8am - 5.30pm Monday - Friday 8am - 12noon Weekends

Post Office Hours

9am - 5pm Monday - Friday CLOSED Saturday & Sunday

All your electronic billpay. CBA, NAB, RaboBank Business Banking and

Phone Recharge

Takeaway Food & Cappuccinos’ available Don’t forget to grab a copy of the new menu

Phone: 02 6035 4264

Fax: 02 6035 4164

Page 17: GRIP Leadership Conference - · SCHOOL NEWS Coreen St Oaklands 2646 Ph: 02 6035 4290 Fax: 02 6035 4382 Mobile: 0472 832 195 Email:

J & A.

Transport 42 Buller Street, OAKLANDS

For all your

Local and Interstate Transport

Specialising in -

General Freight

Grain Contracts

All Bulk Grains

Gypsum Fertilizers





Competitive Freight Rates

45’ Dropdeck Available

Contact Jim or Amie

Mobile: 0428 570325

A/H: 02 60354315 Fax: 02 60354146

email : [email protected]

Fuel & Fertilizers

Phone: 0260 354 354 Fax: 0260 354 455

For all your Fuel, Fertilizer and

Transport needs

Shell Fuel, Fertilizers, Lime, Gypsum, BP/

Caltex Oils, Century Batteries, Grain

Storage & Cartage

We also provide:

Shallow & Deep Soil Tests

Nitrate Testing

Meetings with trained


Fertilizer Spreading

Hiring of Tow Spreader

Mechanical & Insurance Advice

Grain Contracts

Our friendly staff are always willing to help


Page 18: GRIP Leadership Conference - · SCHOOL NEWS Coreen St Oaklands 2646 Ph: 02 6035 4290 Fax: 02 6035 4382 Mobile: 0472 832 195 Email:

Ph: 02 6035 4270

Andrew Ph: 0427354270—Janelle Ph: 0427354374


14 Webster St, Oaklands 2646


You Sell it or Buy it and we can Cart it






*General Freight

Your “Local Independent” Store

Now open at two convenient locations

URANA Osborne Street OAKLANDS Milthorpe Street


and much more…


Case International

Urana Office: 02 6920 8267 Oaklands Office: 02 6035 4351 Pat: 0429 208 267 Email: [email protected] Licence Number AU 33367

Animal Health Ag Chemicals

Pet Food Plumbing

Washing Powders Pool Salt

NLIS Identification Fencing

PR & LE WILLIS Earthmoving & Excavation


Excavator (x2)

6x6 articulated Dump truck (x2)

40 Tonne Longreach Excavator (22m


Dams constructed


Dams desilted or filled in

Pipes Layed

Channels & Drains cleaned

Trees cleared Levi banks constructed or built up

Deep ripping

All General & Agricultural Earthworks

Jamey Willis Mobile: 0429047904 Home: 0260354144

Peter Willis

Mobile: 0427572860 Home: 0260354347

Email: [email protected]

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