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olas R



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Contact Nicholas Ruiz-O’Donnal175 W. 5th S, Rexburg, ID 83440

Cell#: (805)748-5807Email: [email protected]


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Table Of Contents

1. Brochure

2. Logo

3. Business Card

4. Stationary

5. Flier

6. Montage

7. Web Page

8. Photodesign

9. Event Ad

10. New Poster Project

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BrochureInsructor: Bro. Pingel Course: Comm 130 (visual media)Date: December 6, 2015

Programs Used: Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Indesign, & Adobe Photoshop

Descritption: Two sided (duplex) brochure for a jean company

Objectives: To inform the audience about the new jean brand called “Dirt”

Process: 1.) I was looking to create a jean company brochure, therefore I made it up 2.) I then thought of the idea “dirt”, and created the logo in Adobe illustrator. 3.) I wanted something simple and easy, so I then created a duplex as my brochure layout. 4.) I then uploaded the logo from Adobe Illustrator and started having fun with it. 5) For my theme, I created like a vintage and black/white theme. so I found a perfect font that fitted that theme. 6.) For the photos I uploaded them to the brochure and fitted them the way I wanted to, but for one of them (James Dean) I uploaded it to Photo-shop, clipped it and then in Indesign did a text wrap around it.

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Instructor: Bro. PingelCourse: Comm 130 (Visual Media)Date: October 31, 2015

Programs Used: Adobe Illustrator

Descritpion: The Logo is my name where I incorporated the microphone as the “I” and combined hosting with a loose chord. Can you see it?

Objectives: The message that I am announcing is that anyone who is looking for a host for their dance party, battle of the bands, etc. I am their man.

Process: 1.) I started using different designs and with different usage of the color. Originally I was using a black color but it wasn’t as popular 2.) This design was more popular, it was modern, therefore with the shape tool I created the microphone and the bowtie and the shape between my name and the word. 3.) I then created a chord that attached both of them. 4.) Then with the ruler tool made sure that everything is aligned.


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Instructor: Bro. PingelCourse: Comm 130 (Visual Media)Date: Novembwr 7, 2015

Programs Used: Adobe Illustrator & Adobe Indesign

Descritpion: I created a new logo and I incorporated it into a business card with my personal information

Objectives: The message that I am trying to portray is to let people new that we are a formal classy, professional fashion company that sell only suits.

Process: The programs that we used were Adobe illustrator and Adobe indesign to cre-ate the logo, letterhead and the business cards. 1.) I created the logo in illustrator with shapes and the color creating the logo. 2) I then copy and pasted that logo into inde-sign where I started creating the business card.

Business Card

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Instructor: Bro. PingelCourse: Comm 130 (Visual Media)Date: November 7, 2015

Programs Used: Adobe Illustrator & Adobe Indesign

Descritpion: This stationary project, was to create a new logo, and incorporate that into a letter head.

Objectives: To create a cohisive letterhead for the business.

Process: The programs that we used were Adobe illustrator and Adobe indesign to create the logo, letterhead 1.) I created the logo in illustrator with shapes and the color creating the logo. 2) I then copied and pasted that logo into indesign where I started creating the letter head. 3.) I then incorporated a picture from pinterest and did a water color. Also added the personal information for the client.


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Instructor: Bro. PingelCourse: Comm 130 (Visual Media)Date: October 2, 2015

Programs Used: Adobe Indesign

Descritpion: The Flier was created with the purpose to invite people to the the social activity that the school is holding on campus to learn how to self-defend.

Objectives: An enthusiastic invitation for students to come and learn a Brazilian self-defense art, called “Capoeira.”

Process: For this flier I used “Adobe InDesign”. When performing this design I had to use varies tools that really got the job done, such as: Rectangle Tool (M), Selection Tool (V, Escape), Type Tool (T). Specifically these tools helped formulate a plan and orga-nizing the layout of the flier. For example, the “rectangle tool” helped me create the boxes that are colored in white and to align them the way they are now.


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Instructor: Bro. PingelCourse: Comm 130 (Visual Media)Date: October 24, 2015

Programs Used: Adobe Photoshop

Descritpion: This project was a spiritual, inspirational activity that allowed us to use two pictures . Also a uplifting quote or scripture.

Objectives: The message of this image is to invite people to have a vision of the future so they could have dream to become great.

Process: 1.) I found 3 pictures that went well together. 2.) I uploaded them to Photoshop and used the quick selection tool to cut them out. 3.) I then used theopacity tool to make them fade. 4.) I then added the scripture to better understand the message of the montage.


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Instructor: Bro. PingelCourse: Comm 130 (Visual Media)Date: November 21, 2015

Programs Used: HTML & CSS

Descritpion: For this project we had the opportunity to use the HTML and CSS cod-ing to design our one-page website.

Objectives: My webpage is ODonnal Suits Project is a way that people can know about the new brand of fine suits and that they could by them.

Process: First we practiced on HTML and CSS so that we could get familiarThen we went ahead and used the CSS information that we were given by our teacher.Then we used that information to create the things we wanted for our webpage. For example, adding different font families and text numbers for the colors that we wanted.Also, I then added an image for my background to give my webpage more excitement.Then by clicking shift+CMD+4 and clicking I created a screenshot, and I then upload-ed it to photoshop to crop it out.

Web page

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Instructor: Bro. PingelCourse: Comm 130 (Visual Media)Date: October 17, 2015

Programs Used: Adobe Photoshop

Descritpion: This project was all about us learning how to use a camera and using an image that we took with our camera then editing using photoshop software.

Objectives: Considering the color of the background and the history of this stone I made this into a Scotland History background. Just advertising the museum to people.

Process: First I went around the library of BYU-Idaho and took pictures, I then up-loaded them on Photoshop to edit them. After I brought all the pictures together and made sure that everything was aligned.


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Instructor: Bro. PingelCourse: Comm 130 (Visual Media)Date: October 10, 2015

Programs Used: Microsoft Word

Descritpion: This ad is to advertise an event which in this case, support the Alaskan Bear Society to save the Brown Bears.

Objectives: The message is to come and to save the bears in Alaska.

Process: For this project I used Microsoft Word to design the ad. the main principle that I mainly felt with was the Contrast elements, focusing on the color, and making sure that colors and the image of the bear really compliment each other.

Event Ad

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Instructor: Bro. PingelCourse: Comm 130 (Visual Media)Date: December 12, 2015

Programs Used: Adobe Photoshop

Descritpion: Made a poster with my favorite artists combined.

Objectives: Just to let people know with this simple poster that their is going to be a concert in the “Romantic Theatre” in Rexburg

Process: I chose 4 favorite artists of mine and found nice headshots of them and a background. I then saved them and uploaded them to photoshop. I used the quick selection tool and made sure that they fitted together. I then used the negative space to write down the information about the concert.


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