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Page 1: Conventions analyisis of pop rock music video

Analysis of Pop Rock Music Video(Conventions)

McFly - That Girl

Page 2: Conventions analyisis of pop rock music video


• The music video of Mcfly’s 2004 single "That Girl" is shown to be conventional by the use of the technical areas of mise-en-scene, camerawork, editing and sound techniques that maws the video conventional to the Pop Rock genre.

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SoundThe use of sound within the music video of "That Girl" is conventional as the video tends to just consist the sound of the song the video is made for. This is conventional as music videos, even the most basic one consist the the song that the video has been made for. There is also a couple of unconventional prices of sound techniques such as a sound effect and a bit of dialogue.These are slightly unconventional but they are used within the narrative of the video as the sound effect is used to suggest that the car has broken down. While the dialogue on the over head microphone is used to show who the song is aimed at within the narrative.

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EditingThe use of editing within the music video of "That Girl" is conventional by the use of techniques such as the use of cutting and the use of fading. The use of the cutting is conventional as in some parts of the video cut to another shot when the music or lyrics change or when another band member begins to sing. The fade used at the end of the video to establish that the video has ended, however in one part of the video there is a fade where the music of the video stop for a bit to establish that time has passed and that there as been a change in the narrative. This is both conventional and nonconventional as there tends to be a fade at the end of a music video however it is uncommon to have a face in the middle of a music video as they tend to be continuous until the end of the song.

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Mies-en-sceneThe use of mies-en-scene within the music video of "The Girl" is conventional by the used of the setting, props and costumes. The setting of a garage is very conventional within Pop Rock videos as many different artists use this type of location for their music videos. The use of the props of the guitar, drum kit and microphones is conventional for the genre of Pop Rock as these are the instruments that are associated with the genre. The props are used within a performance scene within the video which is conventional to a music video as it shows the band in their element as they are showed to be playing the music to the song. The costumes of casual work clothes which consist of jeans and t-shirts for the band members as it shows them to being of a working class where as in contrast later in the video there is a smartly dressed man comes out of an expensive car which suggest that he is of an upper class. Having these different classes of people within a music video is very conventional as it makes the artist the underdog compared to the other smartly man who looks dominant and able to get what the artists character is trying for much more easier.

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CameraworkThe use of camerawork within the music video of "That Girl" consists of different angles, movements and shots that are conventionally used throw out the video. The used of long shots within the music video is conventional as it is used to show all of the band members playing their instruments to the song and within the narrative of the video. This is conventional as long shots are used to show the audience who's who in the band and what their role is within the narrative and the band itself. The use of a tilt within the video is used conventionally as it introduces a new character to the narrative of the video who is showed to be looked up to as he is showed to be from an upper class background and is shown to be better then the band members as the tilt is also used to show him coming out of an expensive car. The use of a low and high angle within the music video is used to show the dominance and the difference of class between each male character. The high angle is used on the band members who are show to be the underdog who is looked down upon as he is of a working class background. Whereas the smart looking man is shown by the used of a low angle as he is shown to be more dominant to the band members as he is shown to be from an upper class background which makes him seem to have more authority over the working class band members.

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The use of the props of the microphones and guitars show that the band are playing the music that is in the video.

The clothes that the band members are wearing are casual in comparison to a working class person which works with the location of a garage.

The use of the low angle long shot shows some of the band members and the use of the low angle shows that the audience looks up to them as they influence them with their music.

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The location of a garage show that the bands characters are from a working class background, which is very conventional as it make the seem like the underdog with in the narrative.

The clothes that the band members are wearing are casual in comparison to a working class person as wearing a suit would seem out of place.

The use of the long shot shows three of the band members two of which are main characters to the narrative and are the lead singers.

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Low angle mid shot to show that the man has dominance.

The clothes of a smart shirt and blazer to suggest that he is from an upper class background.

A tilt has been used to introduce this character to the narrative as it makes him seem that he could cause a problem to the band members.

The location of the garage shows that the man is out of place by the condition of the place.

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The use of a close up of the woman is used to establish the character to the narrative.

The use of high key lighting shows that the woman is dominant within the narrative.

The location of the garage shows that the woman is looking for some help with her car.

The make up and the style of the woman's hair shows that she is from a middle or upper class background as she is able to afford suitable make up.

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The location of the garage shows that the man is from a working class background.

The clothes that the band member is wearing are serotyped to someone from a working class background by the use of the t-shirt and the baseball hat.

The use of the close up shows the band member’s emotions and to see if he’s presentable by checking to see if he has bad breath.

The high key lighting shows that there is an overhead light on over the band member which could suggest that he is the center of attention in this part of the video.

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The use of the clothing worn by the male band member is dressed in jeans and t-shirt with quite messy hair that is conventional as the band member is shown to be from a working class background.

The use of the clothing worn by the female character is dressed in in a jean type skirt, a vest type t-shirt and expensive looking high hills suggests that she is from a middle or upper class background.

The prop of the car and the location of the garage shows that the man is from a working class background as he is shown to work there and knows what to do where as the woman is stereotyped as needing the help of someone with issues about her car.

The use of the long shot shows the difference between the the two characters of the narrative of their reactions about each other and the difference of the classes they come from.

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The clothing of the two band members is t-shirts and jeans as they are shown to be from a working class background, where as the man on the far left is shown wearing a smart blazer suggesting that he is from an upper class background.

The location of the garage suggest that the band members are from a working class background as they are shown to work there which is conventional within music videos as it makes them look like the underdog.

The use of a long shot shows the thoughts and expression of band member in the middle of the shot, the feeling of the band member in the background which suggest that he's not see the smart man because he’s to involved in his magazine or that he's doesn't’t seem bovid to what's happening, and the shot also shows the smartly looking man walking towards the inside of the garage to pay while living his car to the members of the band.

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