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Page 1: Collaboration Webinar #1 | 2 September 2014

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IT Manager Survey - results Romeo Baertsoen

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Conducted by:Censuswide during May – August 2014

Target market:IT decision makers

Sample size:229

Survey scope

Industry operationsOverview Employment status

62% Middle manager/professional26% Senior manager/proessional7% Director5% Business owner

18% Technology16% Manufacturing14% Professional Services8% Education6% Transport6% Retail5% Construction5% Public Sector5% Other5% Financial Services2% Hospitality2% Medical2% Telcom2% Consumer goods2% Utilites

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A mobile workforce and multi-device environment require new approaches to effective collaboration

Survey scope

Research hypothesis

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40% Management/Owner

7% Facility Management 6% AV Department

33% IT Department 7% End-user

7% Other

Management and IT department are responsible for buying decision and purchasing

Influence on selection of UC&C

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73% Allocated desks73% Closed meeting spaces70% Private offices53% Open meeting spaces49% Dedicated training rooms45% Assembly / Conference rooms44% Flexible meeting space43% Flexdesks, hotdesks35% Control room27% Professional home office27% Dedicated collaboration rooms14% Huddle rooms1% None of the above

Traditional Collaboration

IT managers challenged by a growing need for flexibility

Multitude of workspace setups

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Company Supplied Personal Devices Used at Work

96% Yes4% No

62% Yes38% No

78% Yes22% No

60% Yes40% No

87% Yes13% No

65% Yes35% No

38% Actively promoted and adopted31% Supported only for selected groups21% Not promoted,

but allowed for most employees7% Typically not allowed3% Generally discouraged

IT managers challenged by a growing need for flexibility

Trend towards multiple devices and BYOD Promotion of remote working

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40% Price39% User friendliness35% Security35% Ease of installation33% Integration32% Features22% Maintenance

IT manager challenges clearly reflected in UC&C decision-making process

Selection criteria for UC&C investments

% of people that selected the criterion

21% Interactivity19% Design19% Good resource management18% Low user support required15% Sustainability3% Other1% Reduce cabling0.4% Noise

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33% I am familiar67% I am not familiar



33% I am familiar67% I am not familiar

Opportunities to educate IT managers on wireless collaboration

Familiarity with wireless collaboration brands

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ClickShare Management Suite Lieven Bertier

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ClickShare – the one click wonder

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The challenge

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The challenge

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ClickShare management suite

Real-time status overview

Scheduled updates

Across locations

User management

Simple installation

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User roles

Administrator Support user Key user

Base units

Status R R R

Button overview R R R

Add/remove/edit RW RW

Firmware update RW RW

Scheduler RW RW

User management RW R

Locations RW

System settings RW

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ClickShare management suite

Real-time status overview

Scheduled updates

Across locations

User management

Simple installation

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Available 10 September

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