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Page 1: Are Supreme Court Nominations a Move-the-Median Game? · Are Supreme Court Nominations a Move-the-Median Game? November 2016 overview of MTM theory and its empirical predic-tions.

American Political Science Review Vol. 110, No. 4 November 2016

doi:10.1017/S0003055416000496 c© American Political Science Association 2016

Are Supreme Court Nominations a Move-the-Median Game?CHARLES M. CAMERON Princeton UniversityJONATHAN P. KASTELLEC Princeton University

We conduct a theoretical and empirical re-evaluation of move-the-median (MTM) models ofSupreme Court nominations—the one theory of appointment politics that connects presidentialselection and senatorial confirmation decisions. We develop a theoretical framework that en-

compasses the major extant models, formalizing the tradeoff between concerns about the location of thenew median justice versus concerns about the ideology of the nominee herself. We then use advances inmeasurement and scaling to place presidents, senators, justices, and nominees on the same scale, allowingus to test predictions that hold across all model variants. We find very little support for MTM theory.Senators have been much more accommodating of the president’s nominees than MTM theory wouldsuggest—many have been confirmed when the theory predicted they should have been rejected. Theseerrors have been consequential: presidents have selected many nominees who are much more extremethan MTM theory would predict. These results raise serious questions about the adequacy of MTMtheory for explaining confirmation politics and have important implications for assessing the ideologicalcomposition of the Court.


While the judicialization of politics in recentdecades has seen the powers of courts in-crease significantly around the world, the

United States Supreme Court remains arguably themost powerful judicial body in the world. A varietyof constitutional protections, including life tenure, af-ford the justices considerable independence from theelected branches. As a result, the justices have widelatitude to craft legal policy as they best see fit. Ac-cordingly, a vacancy on the nation’s highest court nec-essarily creates a political event of great importancefor both the president who must choose the exiting jus-tice’s replacement, and for senators who must decidewhether to affirm or reject this choice. Understand-ing the selection process is critical for understandingany judicial institution. The stakes, however, are par-ticularly high when we consider powerful and policy-making courts at the top of a judicial hierarchy, such asthe U.S. Supreme Court.

What, then, actually drives the politics of SupremeCourt appointments? In particular, what determinesthe president’s choice of a nominee and what deter-mines senators’ subsequent voting, including the Sen-ate’s confirmation or rejection of the nominee? Schol-ars have produced a wealth of empirical studies ofthe Supreme Court’s appointment and confirmation

Charles M. Cameron is Professor of Politics and Public Affairs, De-partment of Politics & Woodrow Wilson School, Princeton Univer-sity ([email protected]).

Jonathan P. Kastellec is Assistant Professor, Department of Poli-tics, Princeton University ([email protected]).

We thank Michael Bailey, Deborah Beim, Brandice Canes-Wrone,Tom Clark, Alex Hirsch, Kosuke Imai, Joshua Fischman, KeithKrehbiel, Tom Romer, Chuck Shipan, and participants at the Po-litical Economy and Public Law Conference at New York Univer-sity and the American Politics Colloquium at Princeton’s Centerof the Study of Democratic Politics for helpful comments and sug-gestions. Replication data and code can be found on Dataverseat

process.1 But it seems fair to say that political scien-tists have produced only one integrated theory of ap-pointment politics that connects both the nominationand confirmation decisions: move-the-median (MTM)theory.

The core idea of MTM theory is extremely simple, in-deed elegant: if a multimember body uses a Condorcet-compatible procedure when making policy, the key at-tribute of the body is the ideological location of itsmedian member. Therefore, the politics of appoint-ments to the body should turn on altering (or pre-serving) the ideology of the median member—“movingthe median.” In the context of Supreme Court nomi-nations, MTM theory suggests that a senator shouldvote against a nominee who moves the Court’s newmedian justice farther from the ideal point of the sen-ator than the reversion “status quo.” And if this is truefor a majority of senators, the Senate should rejectthe nominee. Finally, the president should nominatea confirmable individual who moves the new medianjustice as close as possible to the president’s own idealpoint. This means that, when facing a distant Senate,the president should be constrained in his choice ofnominee—which, in turn, limits the ideological range ofnominees that will serve on the nation’s highest court.

To the best of our knowledge, MTM theory was firstformulated and applied to Supreme Court nominationsin the late 1980s in two unpublished papers by Lemieuxand Stewart (1990a; 1990b). Since then, several at-tempts have been made to evaluate whether this starkframework can actually account for Supreme Courtappointment politics. Most notable of these efforts was

1 For example, case studies of nomination politics abound (e.g.,Danelski 1964). So do quantitative studies of Senate voting on nomi-nees (Cameron, Kastellec, and Park 2013; Epstein et al. 2006; Kastel-lec, Lax, and Phillips 2010; Kastellec et al. 2015). A few studies usequantitative or systematic qualitative evidence to examine presiden-tial selection of Supreme Court nominees (Nemacheck 2008; Yalof2001). A handful of studies examine other aspects of nomination pol-itics, including interest group lobbying (Caldeira and Wright 1998)and presidential “going public” during nominations (Cameron andPark 2011; Johnson and Roberts 2004).


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American Political Science Review Vol. 110, No. 4

Moraski and Shipan (1999), who developed a MTMtheory of nominations and found support for its predic-tions regarding the type of the nominee the presidentshould appoint. More recently Krehbiel (2007) devel-oped a different variant of MTM theory and foundsupport for its predictions about how the Court shouldmove ideologically following different types of nomi-nations. Finally, Rohde and Shepsle (2007) presenteda formal model that focuses on the role of possiblefilibusters in a MTM game—they conclude that failednominations should be common (even though empiri-cally they are rare).2

Despite these valuable efforts, the extent to which weshould consider Supreme Court confirmations a move-the-median game remains unclear. First, existing mod-els have implicitly assumed different preferences forthe president and senators, resulting in distinct mod-els that make different predictions about selection andvoting. As it turns out, all of these models are specialcases in a more generalized framework that can en-compass a range of different versions of MTM theory.Second, it is not clear how broad-based the empiricalsupport for the move-the-median models really is. Forone, the theory’s predictions with respect to senators’voting choices have never been directly tested. In addi-tion, with respect to presidential choice, Moraski andShipan (1999) test only one version of the theory andemploy now-outdated measures of interinstitutionalpreferences.

In this article, we conduct a new and more completetheoretical and empirical re-evaluation of MTM mod-els of Supreme Court nominations, assessing how wellthey capture the dynamics of nomination and confir-mation politics during the last 80 years. We developa generalized framework that encompasses all of themodels in the literature. Although the key idea of MTMtheory is extraordinarily simple, its implementation in awell-specified game can be surprisingly complex. Ourkey theoretical contribution is that we formalize theextent to which presidents and senators care about theideology of the median of the Supreme Court versusthe ideology of the nominee. This distinction is critical,since the confirmation of many nominees would resultin no change in the median. We develop four variantsof the models, which produce substantively differentpredictions about the types of nominees that presidents

2 There is additional research that is somewhat outside the frame-work of these articles, but is nevertheless important. First, whereaswe focus on a one-period MTM game, Jo, Primo, and Sekiya (Forth-coming) present a two-period model, and find that presidents mayhave to compromise more than indicated in the one-shot gamebecause of the probability that a successor of the opposite partywill make a nomination in the second period, should a nominee berejected in the first period. Second, whereas we assume completeand perfect information, Bailey and Spitzer (2015) consider MTMgames in which the nominee is a random variable. In these models,presidents have an incentive to nominate very extreme nominees tominimize the chance of moving the median in the wrong direction.Finally, Snyder and Weingast (2000) apply ideas from MTM gamesto appointments to independent regulatory agencies (specifically theNational Labor Relations Board), though without fully deriving thepredictions in a game-theoretic model.

should select and the range of nominees that senators(and the overall Senate) should confirm or reject.

We then take advantage of advances in scaling andmeasurement, which now make it possible to placepresidents, senators, justices, and Supreme Court nom-inees in the same ideological space. Using these mea-sures, we conduct extensive tests of the theory’s pre-dictions regarding the selection of nominees by thepresident and the voting behavior of senators. We gobeyond the existing literature in several ways. First,we conduct extensive tests of the theory’s predictionsregarding both individual senatorial voting decisionsand confirmation decisions. Second, we conduct directtests of the theory, arraying its crisp point predictionsagainst the actual choices of senators and presidents.Such tests have never been undertaken, due presum-ably to the difficulty of placing presidents, senators,justices, and Supreme Court nominees in the sameideological space. Third, we conduct tests of “robust”predictions—those that hold up across all variants ofMTM theory. Thus we can test how well MTM theory asan overarching theory (and not just particular variants)explains confirmation politics. Finally, unlike almost allexisting work (Anderson, Cottrell, and Shipan (2015)is an exception), we incorporate uncertainty into ourempirical evaluations whenever feasible.

We evaluate all 46 Supreme Court nominations from1937 to 20103. We find very little support for MTM the-ory. First, senators often voted for nominees the theorypredicts they should have rejected, and concomitantlythe Senate as a whole confirmed many nominees thetheory predicts should have been rejected. We find twokinds of errors with respect to presidential selection.First, presidents have sometimes nominated individu-als who moved the median on the Court away from thepresident’s ideal point. Second, and more prevalently,presidents have nominated individuals who were muchmore extreme than predicted by the theory, given thelocation of the Senate median. Moreover, these nomi-nees have usually been confirmed by the Senate, contrathe theory’s predictions. Thus, the president has beenfar less constrained in his choice of nominees thanMTM theory would predict. Our findings thus dovetailwith those of Anderson, Cottrell, and Shipan (2015),who find that the location of the median justice (interms of the Court’s voting behavior) moves in thedirection of the president even following nominationswhere the president should be constrained. Taken to-gether, our results raise serious questions about theadequacy of MTM theory for explaining confirmationpolitics and have important implications for assessingthe ideological composition of the Supreme Court.


In this section we develop a generalized move-the-median framework, which allows us to present an

3 We finalized this article just before the death of Justice Scalia inFebruary 2016 and the subsequent nomination of Merrick Garland.


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Are Supreme Court Nominations a Move-the-Median Game? November 2016

overview of MTM theory and its empirical predic-tions. In the interest of clarity, we present a relativelynontechnical version of the theory here. In OnlineAppendix B, we provide a complete description of thegame; all proofs are gathered there.

The players in the game are the president and ksena-tors. It is convenient to index the players and membersof the Court by their ideal points, which are simplypoints on the real line. (For all actors, larger values indi-cate increasing conservatism.) Thus, the president hasan ideal point p ∈ R. Similarly senator i has ideal pointsi, i = 1, . . . k. Denote the ideal point of the mediansenator as sm (i.e., the “Senate median”).4 In additionto the president and the senators, there is an “original”(or “old”) Court comprising nine justices. Denote theideal points of the justices on the original court as j 0

i ,i = 1, 2, . . . , 9, with j 0

i ∈ R. Following a confirmation,a new nine-member natural Court forms; denote theideal points of the members of the new Court by j 1

i ,i = 1, 2, . . . , 9. That is, superscripts distinguish the oldand new courts. Order the justices by the value of theirideal points; for example j 0

1 < j 02 < . . . < j 0

9. The idealpoint of Justice 5 (j 0

5) is the ideal point of the me-dian justice on the original Court; the ideal point ofthe median justice on the new Court is thus j 1

5. Theappointment moves the median justice if and only ifj 0

5 �= j 15.

The sequence of play is simple, as we focus on aone-shot version of the model. First, Nature selects anexiting justice, meaning a vacancy or opening occurson the nine-member Court; let e denote the ideal pointof the exiting justice. Second, the president proposesa nominee with ideal point n. Third, the senators voteto accept or reject the nominee; let vi ∈ {0, 1} denotethe confirmation vote of the ith senator. If

∑vi ≥ k

2the Senate accepts the nominee; otherwise, it rejectsthe nominee. Denote the “reversion policy” for theCourt as q. Following Krehbiel (2007), we assume thereversion policy is the ideal point of the old medianjustice on the Court, j 0

5.5 Thus, the outcome of thegame is as follows. If the nominee is rejected, policy

4 An important question here is which senator is pivotal: the Senatemedian, or the filibuster pivot? Lemieux and Stewart (1990a; 1990b)and Moraski and Shipan (1999) assume the former, Rohde and Shep-sle (2007) and Krehbiel (2007) the latter. All of these theories (aswell as ours) can easily accommodate either assumption. Our readingof the historical record on Supreme Court nominations is that theSenate median has been pivotal in the vast majority of nominations,for reasons we articulate in Online Appendix Section A.5. However,as a robustness check, we replicated all our empirical analyses, as-suming the filibuster pivot was the pivotal senator rather than theSenate median. All of our results were substantively unchanged—seeOnline Appendix A.6 for further details.5 Krehbiel argues that all policies set by the old natural court pre-sumably were set to the median j 0

5, a point which now lies within agridlock interval on the eight-member Court and hence cannot bemoved. Consequently, rejection of the nominee effectively retains ex-isting policy at the old median justice. While this approach abstractsfrom new policy set by the eight-member Court, it has the virtue ofboth being simple and logical. One alternative would be to model thestatus quo as being located at the median of the eight-member court(as in Moraski and Shipan (1999) and Rohde and Shepsle (2007)),which significantly complicates the analysis. See Online AppendixSection B.1 for further discussion of this point.

remains at the location of the old median justice. If thenominee is confirmed but the nominee does not movethe median, policy also remains at the location of theold median justice; policy moves to the location of thenew median justice if a confirmed nominee does movethe median.

Median-equivalent nominees versus utility-equivalent nominees. Crucial to understandingthe outcomes of MTM games is the relationshipbetween three quantities: first, the ideal point ofthe exiting justice (e); second, the ideology of thenominee (n); and third, the resulting ideal point of thenew median justice (j 1

5), conditional on confirmation.Importantly, the location of the new median justicej 1

5 can only be j 04, j 0

5 (the old median justice), j 06, or n

itself, with n bounded within [j 04, j 0

6]. The nominee canbecome the median justice only when the opening andthe nominee lie on opposite sides of the old medianjustice and n lies between j 0

4 and j 06.

Because the new median justice is restricted to justa few values, many different appointees can have thesame impact on the Court’s median. For example, ifthe opening is between j 0

1 and j 04 then all nominees

n ≤ j 05 induce no change in the median. Thus, these

nominees are median equivalent. A critical questionthen is: should senators and the president view median-equivalent nominees as utility equivalent? Or, shouldthey distinguish among otherwise median-equivalentnominees? To put it another way, do senators and thepresident care at least somewhat about the nominee’sideology per se, irrespective of her immediate impacton the Court’s median?

The answer to this question is surely yes, for severalreasons. First, nominee ideology may have direct polit-ical import. For example, a conservative senator mayfind it distasteful or politically inexpedient to vote fora liberal nominee even if the nominee would not movethe Court’s median. Similarly, the president may gratifyideological allies by selecting the most proximate nom-inee from among a large group of median-equivalentones (Nemacheck 2008; Yalof 2001). Second, a nom-inee who may not be the median today may becomethe median in the future. Hence, future-oriented actorsmay see more-proximate nominees as more attractive.Finally, the Court may not be a fully median-orientedbody; rather, nonmedian justices may have some im-pact on policy (Carrubba et al. 2012; Lauderdale andClark 2012). If so, presidents and senators may pre-fer more proximate nominees even if they are medianequivalent. Indeed, with respect to the Senate, the lit-erature on Supreme Court nominations has demon-strated a strong and persistent relationship betweenthe likelihood of a vote for confirmation and the ide-ological distance between a senator and the nominee(Cameron, Cover, and Segal 1990; Epstein et al. 2006).

To capture the tradeoffs between the nominee’s ide-ology versus the median justice, we assume that thepresident and senators’ evaluation of the impact ofa nominee (if confirmed) reflects a weighted sum of


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American Political Science Review Vol. 110, No. 4

TABLE 1. Variants of Move-the-Median Games

Weight on Medianversus Nominee

Model variant President Senate Source

Court-outcome based λp = 1 λs = 1 Rohde and Shepsle (2007)Nearly court-outcome based 0 < λp < 1 λs = 1 Moraski and Shipan (1999)Position-taking senators 0 < λp < 1 λs = 0 Krehbiel (2007)Mixed motivations 0 < λp < 1 0 < λs < 1 Original

two quantities. The first is the ideological distance be-tween each actor’s ideal point and the location of thenew median justice. The second is the distance betweeneach actor’s ideal point and the confirmed nominee’sideal point. Formally, let λp and λs respectively de-note this weight for the president and senators, with0 ≤ λp ≤ 1 and 0 ≤ λs ≤ 1. For simplicity, we assumethat all senators share the same value of λ. While thisassumption is surely false, and relaxing it would be aworthy endeavor for future work, for our purposes itscosts are not great since we can observe neither λp orλs. (We do, however, conduct tests for senator votingthat are robust to any value of λs for a given senator.)

What are the substantive implications of differingvalues of λp and λs? If λp = 1, the president is purelymedian oriented (that is, oriented around the outcomeof the Court’s collective decision making). If λp = 0,the president is purely nominee oriented—note, how-ever, that he compares his utility with the appointmentagainst his utility without the appointment. The sameholds true for a senator; when λs < 1 she is also inter-ested in the nominee’s ideology per se, perhaps becauseof position taking or an orientation toward the future.Alternatively, one may see λs < 1 as reflecting a beliefthat, with some probability, the nominee will provepivotal on some issues.

Thus, if the nominee is confirmed, the president re-ceives −λp |p − j 1

5| − (1 − λp)|p − n| in utility. If thenominee is rejected, he receives −|p − q| − ε, whereε > 0 is a turn-down cost (this may reflect public eval-uation of the president). For senators, we adopt thestandard convention that voting over two one-shot al-ternatives is sincere, so each senator evaluates her voteas if she were pivotal. If a senator votes to confirm, shereceives −λs|si − j 1

5| − (1 − λs)|si − n|. If she votes no,she receives −|si − q|.Varieties of move-the-median models. The values ofthe parameters λp and λs create different variants ofMTM models. We display the four key model variantsin Table 1:

• Court-outcome based. In this variant, consideredin Rohde and Shepsle (2007), the president andsenators care only about the impact of the nom-inee on the ideological position of the new me-dian justice (both λp and λs = 1); i.e., presidentsand senators only care about the outcome of the

Court’s policy. Given the median equivalence ofmany nominees noted above, presidents are oftenindifferent over a wide range of possible nominees.

• Nearly court-outcome based. This variant, consid-ered in Moraski and Shipan (1999), is almost iden-tical to the court-outcome based model, but allowsthe president to put at least some weight on nom-inee ideology per se (λs = 1, but λp < 1). Even asmall such weight, however, has significant conse-quences on the president’s nominating strategy, asit prescribes a specific nominee for the presidentrather than a range of nominees.

• Position-taking senators. In this variant, consid-ered in Krehbiel (2007), senators (and possibly thepresident) care only about the nominee’s ideology,and not her impact on the median justice (λs = 0).Thus, we characterize the senators as being purelyinterested in position taking with respect to theconfirmation of the nominee himself, and not onthe outcome of the Court’s policy following a suc-cessful nomination. However, the players continueto use the reversion policy q in their evaluation ofthe nominee. The strategies in the game are iso-morphic to the standard one-shot take-it-or-leave-it Romer-Rosenthal (1978) game.

• Mixed-motivations model. In this variant, which isoriginal to this article, senators and the presidentput some weight on both nominee ideology andnominee impact on the median justice (0 < λp <1, 0 < λs < 1).6

While our focus is squarely on the context of theSupreme Court, the theoretical step of allowing λ to

6 One additional possibility would be to develop a model variantwhere senators consider the location of the nominee against thedeparting justice—in fact, Zigerell (2010) finds support for the hy-pothesis that a senator is more likely to supports who are closer tothe senator, relative to the exiting justice. However, to adopt thisapproach would be to completely abandon the move-the-medianframework, since even nominees who are distant from a departingjustice may not affect the location of the new median justice at all.(Notably, Zigerell (2010) advances a psychological mechanism forhis theory, rather than one grounded in the spatial theory of voting;moreover, he argues—and shows some evidence in support of theclaim—that the “departing justice” effect is an alternative story toMTM theory.) In addition, to implicitly assume that the departingjustice is the reversion point would abandon the use of a single rever-sion point to unify all the model variants, which is highly desirablefrom a theoretical standpoint.


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Are Supreme Court Nominations a Move-the-Median Game? November 2016

vary in [0, 1] is quite general—it can encompass awide variety of theories in several literatures that allowfor tradeoffs between purely policy-outcome-orientedbehavior (λ = 1) and purely position-taking behavior(λ = 0). Such theories include voter selection of can-didate in multiparty elections (see, e.g., Austen-Smith1992) and theories of representation and elections inwhich members benefit from both policy informationconveyed through party labels and position taking inindividual roll call votes (Snyder and Ting 2003).

Model Results and Predictions

We now turn to empirical predictions about the choiceof nominee made by presidents and the voting de-cisions of individual senators and the Senate as thewhole. In doing so, we focus on two types of tests. First,we present “direct test” predictions, which compare thechoices predicted by a model (i.e., point predictions)with the actual, observed choices made by the relevantactors. For example, was a senator’s actual vote on anominee predicted by a given model?

Second, our generalized framework allows us tomake “robust” predictions (see, e.g., Banks 1990):those that hold across all variants of the model, underany particular values of λp and λs. These predictionsare not specific to a particular family of models, butemerge from all extant versions of MTM theory. There-fore, lack of support for robust predictions would rejectall versions of the theory. We derive such predictionsfor both senators’ voting and the president’s choice ofnominees.7

Model Predictions: Senators’ Vote Choice

We begin with predictions about the voting behavior ofindividual senators and the Senate as a whole, beforeturning to the president. We separately describe thepredictions of each model variant, before turning tothe robust predictions.

Court-outcome based and nearly court-outcome basedmodels. In the court-outcome based and nearly court-outcome based models, senators compare the ideologyof the new median justice on the Court induced by theappointment of the nominee with the ideological posi-tion of the old median justice. Thus, under these modelsa senator should vote for the nominee if and only if|si − j 1

5| ≤ |si − j 05|—that is, if the new median justice’s

ideal point is as close or closer to the senator’s ideal

7 The location of the median justice following a nomination is alsoa prediction of MTM theory. Because both Krehbiel (2007) andAnderson, Cottrell, and Shipan (2015) test these predictions, and inthe interests of brevity, we focus exclusively on testing the selectingand voting portions of the game. It is worth noting, however, thatall variants of MTM theory lead to the same predictions in terms ofcourt outcomes—i.e., the location of the median justice—a result weprove in Online Appendix Section B.3. Accordingly, the theoreticalpredictions about the location of the median developed in Krehbiel(2007) (as opposed to the location of the nominee) are general,and thus Krehbiel (2007) and Anderson, Cottrell, and Shipan (2015)implicitly conduct robust tests of MTM theory with respect to courtoutcomes.

point than is the ideal point of the old median justice.To conduct a direct test of this prediction, we calculate

the cutpoint j 05+j 1

52 . All senators with ideal points at or

on the new median justice’s side of this cutpoint arepredicted to vote “yea;” all senators with ideal pointson the old median justice’s side of this cutpoint arepredicted to vote “nay.”

Position-taking senators model. In the position-taking senators model, senators compare the ideol-ogy of the nominee with the reversion policy (the oldmedian justice) and vote for nominee if and only if|si − n| ≤ |si − j 0

5|; that is, if the nominee’s ideal pointis closer to the senator’s ideal point than that of theold median justice. For conducting a direct test of theposition-taking senators model, the relevant cutpoint isthe midpoint between the old median justice and nom-

inee n+j 05

2 . Under the position-taking senators model,the Senate’s acceptance region will always be (weakly)smaller compared to the court-outcome based model,as the former model predicts rejection even in some in-stances where the median justice either does not moveor is in the Senate’s acceptance region. If, for example,j 0

5 < sm, under the position-taking senators mode theSenate should reject any nominee who is more conser-vative than 2sm − j 0

5, even if such a nominee does notmove the median.

Mixed-motivations model. In the mixed-motivationsmodel, senators compare a weighted average of thedistances to the nominee and the new median justice,with the distance to the old median justice. They votefor the nominee if and only if λs|si − j 1

5| + (1 − λs)|si −n| ≤ |si − j 0

5|. That is, if the weighted average of the twodistances (to the nominee and the new median justice)is less than the distance to the old median justice.

We cannot observe the weight (λs) in each senator’sevaluation of the new median justice and the nominee,which complicates the creation of direct tests. How-ever, because λs is bounded by 0 and 1, some votesare necessarily incorrect for some ranges of senators’ideal points. Consider Figure 1, which considers thecase when j 0

5 ≤ j 15 < n (there is a similar mirror case,

j 05 ≥ j 1

5 ≥ n). Senators with ideal points between the

cutpoints j 05+j 1

52 and n+j 0

52 could vote either yea or nay,

depending on their value of λs. But all senators with

ideal points less than j 05+j 1

52 must vote “nay” while all

those with ideal points greater than n+j 05

2 must vote“yea,” irrespective of the size of λs. These unambigu-ous predictions allow a direct evaluation of the mixed-motivations model, focusing on senators in those tworanges.

Robust predictions. There are two robust predictionsfor senators’ voting. First, recall that under the court-outcome based model, the senator should vote to rejectwhenever the new median justice is farther away fromthe senator than the old median justice. In fact, thisprediction is robust. Why? By construction, this condi-tion can only hold if the nominee is farther away from


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FIGURE 1. Predicted Votes in the Mixed-Motivations Model. See text for details

j50 j5

0 + j51


j51 j5

0 + n



s i

All votes predicted ‘nay'

regardless of λs

Vote could be‘yea' or ‘nay'

depending on λs

All votes predicted ‘yay'

regardless of λs

the senator than the old median, since the new medianis bounded by j 0

4 and j 06. Thus, the court-outcome based

model’s prediction about when to reject a nominee isrobust: any time a senator should vote no under thecourt-outcome based model, he should also do so underany model. We call this robust prediction the too muchmovement prediction—the median justice moves toomuch for the Senate.

Second, recall that the position-taking senatorsmodel predicts a yes vote by a senator whenever thenominee is closer to the senator than the old medianjustice. This prediction is also robust, because in allmodels senators are (weakly) better off when this con-dition holds, and should vote yes. We call this robustprediction the attractive nominee prediction.

Model Predictions: Presidential Selection ofNominee Ideology

We turn now to analyzing the president’s choice ofnominee. While the calculations differ across the modelvariants, in each the president makes his selection bychoosing a confirmable nominee who moves the me-dian justice as close as possible to the president. Thus,in all variants the relationship between the locationof the president and the Senate median is crucial fordetermining whether and to what extent the presi-dent is constrained in his choice of nominee. In allbut the position-taking senators model, the location ofthe opening on the Court and the location of the newmedian justice is also critical.

We present the president’s selection strategies inFigure 2. To illustrate these strategies, it proves conve-nient to group possible Senate medians into four types,moving from most liberal to most conservative, as de-picted in the bottom panel of Figure 2. For example,“Type A” medians are the most liberal, as they fall tothe left of the midpoint between j 0

4 and j 05. Throughout

the discussion of the top panels in the figure we assumethat p > j 0

5 (i.e., the president is more conservativethan the old median justice); the results are symmetric.In each panel, the horizontal axis corresponds to thetype of Senate median. Given the assumption of p > j 0

5,Senate medians in categories A and B are opposed tothe president (relative to the old median justice), whileSenate medians in categories C and D are aligned with

the president. In panels (A), (B), and (D), the verticalaxis denotes which justice departed from the Court,relative to the president. Given p > j 0

5, vacancies cre-ated by e ∈ {j 0

6, . . . , j 09} are what Krehbiel (2007) calls

“proximal” vacancies, as they are on the president’s“side” of the court. Conversely, vacancies created bye ∈ {j 0

1, . . . , j 05} are what Krehbiel (2007) calls “distal”

vacancies, as they are on the opposite side of the pres-ident. The horizontal dashed lines in panels (A), (B),and (D) thus divide proximal and distal vacancies. (Wediscuss below why distal versus proximal vacancies donot play a role in the predictions for presidential selec-tion under the position-taking senators model.)

For each model, each “box” in Figure 2 indicates thepresident’s equilibrium choice of nominee under var-ious combinations of the departing justice and/or thelocation of the Senate median. Importantly, the way tointerpret this figure is not as giving a predicted locationin a two-dimensional space; instead, this combinationcreates various nomination “regions” (or “regimes,”in the parlance of Moraski and Shipan 1999). In eachregion we both give the regime a substantive label anddenote either the point prediction for the nominee orrange of possible nominees.

Choice of nominee in the court-outcome based model.We begin with the president’s selection strategy inthe court-outcome based model, which is presentedin Figure 2(A). A proximal vacancy creates what wecall a “restoring” nomination. Because the presidentcares only about the median justice in this model, andall nominees n ≥ j 0

5 result in an unchanged median jus-tice, the president is indifferent among all such nomi-nees. Hence, the court-outcome based model producesa range of possible nominees given such a nominee, andnot a point prediction (see Rohde and Shepsle 2007).

Next, consider “distal” vacancies under the court-outcome based model. First, if the Senate median is onthe other side of the old median justice, relative to thepresident, the result is what we call a “gridlock” nom-ination. Here the best the president can do is choosen = j 0

5, since the Senate will reject any nominee thepresident prefers more. Since the president and theSenate lie on opposite sides of the old medians, move-ment in the median is gridlocked.


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FIGURE 2. The President’s Nomination Strategy in the Four Variants of the Model. Each panelassumes p > j 0

5. The bottom plot depicts the types of Senate median; the conservatism of themedian is increasing from left to right. In panels (A), (B), and (D), the vertical axis denotes whichjustice departed from the Court, relative to the president, and thus whether a proximal or distalvacancy occurred—see the text for discussion of the vertical axis in panel (C). For each panel, each“box” indicates the president’s equilibrium choice of nominee under various combinations of thedeparting justice and/or the location of the Senate median. For panel (D), x = 2sm−j 0

5−λsj 06


j 05+j 0

62 < sm < j 0

6; x = 2sm(1−λs)−j 50 +λsj 06

1−λsif sm > j 0


Whichjustice is


{ j60 , ... , j9



{ j10 , ... , j5



A B C DType of median senator

Restoring nomination

n ≥ j50

Gridlock nomination


Smaller shift


min{p, 2sm − j50}



p if p ≤ j60

n > j60 otherwise

A) Court−outcome based model Whichjustice is


{ j60 , ... , j9



{ j10 , ... , j5



A B C DType of median senator

Restoring nomination


Gridlock nomination




min{p, 2sm − j50}




B) Nearly court−outcome based model

A B C DType of median senator


Gridlock nomination


Smaller shiftnomination

min{p, 2sm − j50}

C) Position−taking senators model Whichjustice is


{ j60 , ... , j9



{ j10 , ... , j5



A B C DType of median senator

Gridlock nomination


Smaller shiftnomination

min {p, 2sm − j50}



min {p,x}

(See caption)

D) Mixed−motivations model

j 40 j4

0 + j50


0 j50 + j6




A B C DTypes ofMedian


On the other hand, if a distal vacancy occurs and theSenate median is on the same side of the old medianjustice as the president, he can move the median. Theextent of this movement, however, depends on the rel-ative locations of the Senate median and the president.If the Senate median is closer to the old median jus-tice (type C), then the president offers what we calla “smaller shift” nominee that is the minimum of thepresident’s ideal point (p) and the indifference point ofthe Senate median around the old median (2sm − j 0

5).If the Senate median is farther from the old medianjustice (type D), the president can make what we calla “maximum shift” nomination that moves the medianjustice as far as possible. Finally, if p > j 0

6, the court-outcome based model also predicts a range of possible

nominees—all of which move the median justice toj 0

6, and thus similarly induce a maximum shift in themedian justice.

Choice of nominee in the nearly court-outcome basedmodel. Figure 2(B) indicates the president’s equilib-rium choice of nominee in the nearly court-outcomebased model. As discussed above, in this model thevoting strategy of senators is exactly the same as inthe court-outcome based model. But because the pres-ident is no longer indifferent over nominees who yieldthe same median justice, the ranges in the restor-ing and maximum shift nomination collapse to pointpredictions—in each the president nominates someonewho mirrors his own ideology. Whether the president


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American Political Science Review Vol. 110, No. 4

has a choice among (median-equivalent) nominees or isconstrained to a single point has implications for workthat evaluates how the president chooses among the“short list” of potential nominees—nominees who maylook similar ideologically but differ on other importantcharacteristics that the president may value (see, e.g.,Nemacheck 2008).

Choice of nominee in the position-taking senatorsmodel. The nomination strategy for the position-taking senators model is shown in Figure 2(C). For easeof comparison with the rest of the panels, Figure 2(C)arrays nominating strategies for the same types of Sen-ate medians. However, because senators do not careabout the location of the new median justice and thepresident cares at least somewhat about the nominee’sideology, whether a nomination is distal or proximalis irrelevant for determining the location of the nom-inee.8 Rather, the president nominates a confirmableindividual as close to his own ideal point as possible.When the median senator is opposed to the president,we again see a gridlock nomination. When the Sen-ate median is on the same side as the president, thepresident can move the median justice. Again, he ac-complishes a “smaller shift” in the median justice byappointing a nominee n = p or by choosing a nomineeat 2sm − j 0

5, depending on the relative locations of theSenate median and the president.

Choice of nominee in the mixed-motivations model.Finally, Figure 2(D) depicts the nomination strategy inthe mixed-motivations model. The strategy here is sim-ilar to that seen in the position-taking senators model,except now there is a “maximum shift” region; here thepresident chooses a nominee either at his ideal pointor a location (x, defined in the caption of Figure 2) thatdepends on λs, but which leaves the median senatorindifferent between the nominee and the old medianjustice.

Robust predictions across models. Using Figure 2,we can discern four robust predictions for presidentialchoice that hold across all the models:

1. Own goals. Looking at all the variants of presiden-tial strategies in Figure 2, it is clear that regardlessof the regime, the president should never choose anominee on the opposite side of the old medianjustice from himself. The worst-case scenario forthe president is a gridlock nomination; across allmodel variants, in the gridlock scenario the pres-ident should choose a nominee exactly at the oldmedian justice. Thus, if a president chooses a nom-inee on the opposite side of the old median justice,

8 It is important to note the distinction between distal and proximalvacancies is critical for the position-taking senators model presentedin Krehbiel (2007), as it determines whether it is possible for thepresident to change the location of the new median justice (whichis the substantive focus of Krehbiel’s article). However, the type ofvacancy is irrelevant for the location of the nominee, because senatorsweigh the nominee against the old median justice, regardless of thenominee’s effect on the new median justice.

in soccer parlance he would be committing an “owngoal.”

2. Aggressive mistakes. Recall that a robust predic-tion for the Senate is that it should never confirma nominee who moves the median justice fartheraway from the Senate than the old median justice.Accordingly, the president should never choose suchan nominee, since she would be rejected. Such anominee would thus constitute an “aggressive mis-take.”

3. Median locked. From Figure 2, it is clear that the“lower left quadrant” of each panel predicts thatthe president should choose a nominee exactly atthe location of the old median justice. In this region,the president and Senate are on opposite sides ofthe old median justice, and hence the Senate wouldreject any nominee that would move the medianin the president’s direction. We thus say that thepresident is “median locked.”

4. Smaller shift. Finally, it can be seen that the“smaller shift” nomination regions of the court-outcome based and nearly court-outcome basedmodels also apply to the position-taking senatorsand mixed-motivations models. Whenever the Sen-ate is on the president’s side but is not too “ex-treme,” and the vacancy is opposite the president,each variant predicts a nominee at the minimum ofthe president’s ideal point and 2sm − j 0



We analyze the 46 nominees who were nominatedbetween 1937 and 2010, 39 of whom were ultimatelyconfirmed. Testing these predictions of MTM theoryrequires measures of the ideal points of Supreme Courtjustices, nominees, senators, and the president that ex-ist on the same scale. Fortunately, recent advances inmeasurement mean that this endeavor is much morefeasible than in years past.

We employ two sets of measures, one based onNOMINATE scores (Poole and Rosenthal 1997) andone based on the ideal points developed by MichaelBailey (2007). Before turning to specifics, we note therelative strengths and weaknesses of each measure.One difference is the manner in which the justices areplaced in the same ideological space as presidents andsenators. A strength of the Bailey scores is that theyare truly interinstitutional: Bailey uses actions takenby members of Congress and the president to “bridge”the gap between the elected branches and the SupremeCourt. The resulting ideal points are thus derived froman integrated model of decision making across all threebranches.9 Moreover, because the Bailey scores are

9 To place members of the elected branches on the same scale asthe justices, Bailey finds instances where presidents and members ofCongress made statements or took actions in support or oppositionto a particular decision by the Supreme Court (Bailey 2007, 442). Forexample, since Roe v. Wade was decided, many members have madefloor statements expressing a clear opinion on the case, allowing themembers to be scaled in the same space as the justices who took partin Roe.


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based on position taking by presidents and membersthat is specifically linked to Supreme Court decisions,the scores exist in a dimension that can be character-ized as fundamentally “judicial.” In contrast, no suchinterinstitutional scores exist for the justices in termsof NOMINATE scores (as described below, to accom-plish this transformation we use the president’s idealpoint as a bridge). Moreover, NOMINATE measuresare based on many types of roll call votes, and not justthose related to the judiciary.

The NOMINATE measures, however, carry severaladvantages. The Bailey scores begin in 1951, preventingus from using them to study nominations during theRoosevelt and Truman administrations. In contrast,the NOMINATE-based measures begin in 1937 andinclude the 13 nominations by these two presidents—a not insignificant proportion of the 46 nominees inour overall data. In addition, we go beyond nearlyall existing work by incorporating uncertainty into ouranalyses. Because the Bailey scores are based on a farsmaller number of observations compared to NOMI-NATE, which uses all scalable roll call votes, there isfar more uncertainty in the former (i.e., the confidenceinterval for a given actor is wider using her Baileyscore than her NOMINATE score). Thus, our abilityto make more confident conclusions about our em-pirical predictions is enhanced with the NOMINATEmeasures.

Ideal points of presidents, senators, and justices. Forthe NOMINATE-based measures, we place all relevantactors in the Senate DW-NOMINATE space (Pooleand Rosenthal 1997). For senators and presidents, weemploy their relevant DW-NOMINATE score at thetime of a nomination. To place the justices on the samescale, we follow the lead of Epstein et al. (2007) andbegin with the Martin-Quinn (2002) scores of the jus-tices, which are based on the justices’ voting records.We transform these scores into DW-NOMINATE byusing the DW scores of the appointing presidents as abridge. While the specifics of this procedure are given inOnline Appendix A.2, it worth noting that to conductthis bridging, Epstein et al. (2007) only use presidentswho were seemingly unconstrained in their choice ofnominees, based on the results in Moraski and Shipan(1999). Because this choice assumes that MTM pre-dicts presidential selection well, which is exactly whatwe evaluate, it does not make sense for us to use thesame set of presidents. Instead, we use all presidentsto estimate the transformation, which means that ourchoice of observations is not endogenous to MTM the-ory.10 Recall that the Bailey scores include estimatesof presidents, senators, and justices on the same scale.Thus, for both sets of measures, it is straightforward toidentify the median of the existing court (that is, thestatus quo), at the time of any given confirmation. Todo so, we simply take the median of the ideal points

10 In Online Appendix A.3 we demonstrate that the estimated trans-formation does not significantly differ depending on whether oneuses the constrained presidents from Moraski and Shipan (1999), asEpstein et al. (2007) do, or whether one uses all presidents, as we do.

of the nine justices (in the most recent Supreme Courtterm prior to a given nomination).

Estimated ideal points of nominee. Our next step isto place the location of the nominee into the same spaceas the other actors. Here we follow prior research anduse the Segal-Cover scores (1989) as a proxy for theideology of each nominee (Epstein et al. 2006; Moraskiand Shipan 1999). These scores are based on contem-poraneous assessments of nominees by newspaper ed-itorials. While not flawless, this measure is exogenousto the subsequent voting behavior of the confirmednominees and it is not based on the president’s mea-sured ideal point, which are both virtues. To place thesescores into the same space as NOMINATE or Bai-ley scores, we regress the respective first-year votingscore of each confirmed nominee on their Segal-Coverscore. We use the linear projection from this regres-sion to map the Segal-Cover scores into the relevantspace. Because every nominee has a Segal-Cover score,this procedure results in comparable scores even forunconfirmed nominees.11 With this measure in hand,we can calculate the location of the new median jus-tice (assuming the nominee would be confirmed), aswell as necessary distances between a senator andthe nominee, and the senator and the new medianjustice.

Incorporating uncertainty. As with any ideal pointmeasure, both the NOMINATE and Bailey scores aremeasured with error, and it is important to account forthis when testing MTM theory. To do so, we use therelevant ideal points and their corresponding standarderrors to generate 1,000 random draws of each actor’sideal point. With these distributions in hand, we cansimulate the location of the existing median justiceon the Court 1,000 times, as well as the location ofevery senator and the Senate median. Thus, for everynominee, we can run empirical tests of nominee loca-tion and senatorial voting decision 1,000 times, and usevariation within those simulations to make probabilis-tic estimates of “correct” decisions, depending on thetheory’s predictions. (The actual implementation de-pends on a given test and quantities of interest.12) Thisallows us to generate uncertainty in all the measuresand tests based on the location of the nominee. (FigureA-1 in Online Appendix A.2 depicts the estimates ofthe nominees’ ideal points, while Figure A-2 depicts

11 To be sure, confirmed nominees may differ from unconfirmednominees in systematic ways that complicate the assumption thatwe can use the mapping between Segal-Cover scores and first-yearvoting to project ideology for unconfirmed nominees. However, sinceonly seven of our nominees were unconfirmed, this assumption seemsboth reasonable and unlikely to dramatically affect our overall re-sults.12 One complication is that the Segal-Cover scores do not containany uncertainty. However, we can use the uncertainty in the first-year voting scores to generate uncertainty in the linear projectionmapping Segal-Cover into the respective spaces. Specifically, we run1,000 regressions of the distribution of first-year voting scores on theSegal-Cover scores, then generate a vector of 1,000 predictions foreach nominee, for each score. This procedure understates the trueuncertainty in nominee ideology, since the Segal-Cover scores arenoisy estimates of the true perceived nominee ideology.


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TABLE 2. Predicted versus Actual Votes by Individual Senators (top), and the Senate as a Whole(bottom), in Different Versions of the MTM Theory.


Predicted no Predicted yes Predicted no Predicted yes

Roll Call Votes

Vote no 0.08 0.06 0.10 0.08Court-outcome based [0.06, 0.08] [0.06, 0.08] [0.06, 0.11] [0.07, 0.11]

Vote yes 0.27 0.60 0.22 0.60[0.24, 0.31] [0.55, 0.63] [0.18, 0.23] [0.55, 0.64]

Vote no 0.12 0.02 0.15 0.03Position-taking senators [0.12, 0.13] [0.01, 0.02] [0.14, 0.16] [0.02, 0.03]

Vote yes 0.46 0.40 0.40 0.42[0.44, 0.58] [0.39, 0.42] [0.38, 0.42] [0.39, 0.44]

Vote no 0.13 0.01 0.17 0.02Mixed-motivations [0.12, 0.13] [0.01, 0.02] [0.15, 0.18] [0.01, 0.02]

Vote yes 0.43 0.43 0.39 0.43[0.42, 0.45] [0.41, 0.44] [0.36, 0.41] [0.41, 0.46]

Confirmation Decisions

Predicted reject Predicted confirm Predicted reject Predicted confirm

Reject 0.07 0.02 0.07 0.07Court-outcome based [0.04, 0.11] [0.02, 0.05] [0.00, 0.10] [0.03, 0.13]

Confirm 0.37 0.53 0.37 0.50[0.28, 0.44] [0.46, 0.62] [0.27, 0.47] [0.40, 0.60]

Reject 0.07 0.02 0.10 0.03Position-taking senators [0.07, 0.09] [0.00, 0.02] [0.10, 0.10] [0.03, 0.03]

Confirm 0.62 0.28 0.57 0.30[0.56, 0.72] [0.18, 0.35] [0.50, 0.67] [0.20, 0.37]

Note: For each two-by-two table, cell proportions are displayed, along with 95% confidence intervals in brackets. The shaded regionsindicate the tests of the robust predictions for senatorial voting.

the estimates of the extent to which each nomineemoves the median justice, assuming they are confirmed.Both figures include estimates of uncertainty for thesequantities.)

The Voting Choices of Senators

Voting by Individual Senators. We begin our em-pirical analysis with direct tests of the Senate’s rollcall voting on nominees, comparing the predictionsof each MTM variant with actual voting behavior.13

(We exclude from these analyses the three with-drawn nominees—Homer Thornberry, Douglas Gins-burg, and Harriet Miers—whose nominations thus cre-ated no Senate voting record.) Recall that under thecourt-outcome based and nearly court-outcome basedmodels, a senator should vote for the nominee if andonly if |si − j 1

5| ≤ |si − j 05|, while under the position-

13 Cameron, Kastellec, and Park (2013) conduct indirect tests ofwhether senators vote differently when a nominee would move themedian, and find some support for this prediction. Zigerell (2010)also conducts indirect tests; he finds only limited support for thetheory. However, no direct tests of the MTM theory’s predictions forsenators have ever been conducted.

taking senators model a senator should vote yes ifand only if |si − n| ≤ |si − j 0

5|. Finally, for the mixed-motivations model, as described in Figure 1, we iden-tify observations where the predictions are unambigu-ous, and then compare those predictions to actualvotes. For simplicity, we treat voice votes as votes toconfirm.14

The top part of Table 2 displays the results of thisanalysis, across both the NOMINATE and Bailey mea-sures. Each “model-measure” pair depicts a two-by-two table of cell proportions, with 95% confidenceintervals in brackets (based on the simulations). Theresults are very similar across the two different mea-sures. For reference, the shaded portions of a giventwo-by-two table depict where the robust tests can beevaluated. We return to these below.

Our direct tests are simple. Given the structureof the two-by-two tables, correct classifications occuron-the-main diagonal, while errors occur off-the-main

14 Cameron, Kastellec, and Park (2013) show that selection bias doesnot seem to affect analyses of roll call votes that treat voices votes as“ayes.” As a robustness check (see Online Appendix Section A.6),we reran all our analyses of Senate voting excluding nominees whoreceived voice votes, and the results were substantively the same.


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diagonal. The table reveals that voting errors were verynumerous in all three models, but particularly so in theposition-taking senators and mixed-motivations mod-els. For the position-taking senators model, in nearlyhalf of all senator observations the model predicteda “no” vote when the senator actually voted yes. Thecourt-outcome based model performs best, correctlypredicting about 68% of votes correctly. However, thismeans that a third of votes were incorrect, accordingto this variant.

Where do the model’s predictions go wrong? A strik-ing feature across Table 2 is the asymmetry in errorsacross predicted yes and no votes. Across all three mod-els, if a senator’s vote was predicted to be a “yea,” mostvotes were in fact “yeas.” Indeed, in the position-takingsenators and mixed-motivations models, the percent-age of instances in which a senator votes no when he ispredicted to vote yes is less than five percent. However,if a senator was predicted to vote no, for each modelerrors outnumber correct classification by a ratio ofat least 3:1. The conclusion is inescapable: historically,senators have been much more accommodating of thepresident’s nominee than MTM theory would suggest.

We now evaluate the robust predictions for Senatevoting. Recall that the court-outcome based model’sprediction of when to reject is robust (the “too muchmovement” prediction). Due to the asymmetry in er-rors, this prediction does not perform well. As seen inthe shaded area of the court-outcome based model testsin Table 2, when the model predicts a no vote, mean-ing that the new median justice is farther away fromthe senator than the old median justice, the senator isstill three times more likely to vote yes. Next, recallthat the position-taking senators model’s predictionof when to confirm is robust (the “attractive nomi-nee” prediction). As seen in the shaded regions of theposition-taking senators model tests, this prediction issupported: when the nominee is closer to a senator thanthe old median justice, senators almost always vote yes.

Confirmation Decisions. How consequential arethese errors for MTM theory in terms of which nom-inees actually make it to the Supreme Court? Onebenign possibility is that nonpivotal senators engagein position taking by voting to support nominees evenwhen they are inclined to oppose them for ideologicalreasons—especially high quality nominees, or nomi-nees with public support in their home states (Kastel-lec, Lax, and Phillips 2010; Overby et al. 1992). If thiswere true, MTM theory would fail across many individ-ual votes, but the Senate as a whole might still conformto the theory’s predictions.

This is not the case, however. The bottom part ofTable 2 examines predicted versus actual confirmationdecisions, using the predicted votes of the Senate me-dian and comparing it to whether the Senate actuallyconfirmed a nominee. (We omit the mixed-motivationsmodel from this analysis because for some nominationsthe predicted vote of the Senate median is ambigu-ous.) The results for confirmation decisions are gen-erally very similar to the individual voting analysis.For both measures, the court-outcome based model

classifies only about 60% of confirmations correctly.The performance of the position-taking senators modelis even more dismal. The former classifies only about40% of confirmation decisions correctly. Again, whenall model variants predict rejection, confirmation is themuch more likely outcome.

Because the court-outcome based model’s predic-tion of when to reject is robust, this means that in nearlyone of out every three nominations, the Senate is ap-proving nominees that all variants of MTM theory pre-dict should be rejected. If presidents are selecting nom-inees to further their own ideological interests on theCourt, the Senate’s behavior means the president hasmuch more leeway than MTM theory would suggest.

Presidential Selection of Nominees

In this section we test the first three robust predictionsfrom MTM theory with respect to presidential selec-tion. (Too few nominees fall into the “smaller shift”region to test the fourth robust prediction systemati-cally.)

Own goals. The first two robust predictions are inde-pendent of the model-specific regions seen in Figure 2and hence are straightforward to test. Recall thatthe president should never commit an “own goal” bychoosing a nominee on the “opposite” side of the oldmedian justice, since the worst the president can do isto select a nominee exactly at the location of the oldmedian justice. Figure 3 depicts the distance betweenthe old median justice and the nominee, scaled in the di-rection of the president, for both the NOMINATE andBailey measures. The points show the median estimateacross simulations for each nominee, along with 95%confidence intervals. Thus, positive values mean thatthe nominee is on the “correct” side of the president,while negative values (those in the shaded region) in-dicate an own goal. For nominees in the latter category,the numbers depict the probability that the estimate isstatistically less than zero.

Figure 3 reveals that, in general, presidents haveavoided scoring “own goals.” In fact, according to theBailey measures, zero nominees display a statisticallysignificant probability that the nominee was on thewrong side of the old median justice. For the NOMI-NATE measure, however, for eight nominees the prob-ability that the nominee was on the wrong side of theold median justice is highly statistically significant. Thismeans that in more than 15% of nominations from 1937to 2010, presidents did make self-induced errors. More-over, of these nominees, five potentially had the effectof moving-the-median justice in the opposite direction.Thus, in these instances presidents failed to clear theeasiest hurdle of MTM theory: do not move the medianaway from you.

Notably, all such nominations were made by Presi-dents Roosevelt, Truman, and Eisenhower—includingperhaps the most famous own goals, Eisenhower’snominations of Earl Warren and William Brennan. Thismeans that the last own goals occurred more than sixdecades ago. This fact accords with the conventional


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FIGURE 3. Evaluation of “Own Goals” by Presidents. See text for details

nominee nominee

wisdom that presidents have shifted over time towardsa policy-making focus in their Supreme Court appoint-ments (Yalof 2001), and means that the modern threatto MTM theory is presidents selecting nominees thatmove-the-median too far in the direction of the presi-dent, rather than away.

Aggressive mistakes. The second robust predictionis that the president should never make “aggressivemistakes”—selecting a nominee who moves the me-dian father away from the Senate median than the oldmedian justice. Before evaluating this prediction, wefirst examine the incidence of the necessary conditionfor such a mistake to occur: that the nominee himselfis farther from the Senate median than the old medianjustice. Recall that under the position-taking senatorsmodel, the president should not select such a nominee.Thus, for the robust prediction to fail, the position-taking senators prediction must first fail, such that thenominee has the potential to move the median justicetoo far (relative to the Senate median).

Figures 4(A) and 4(B) depict estimates of the abso-lute value of the distance between the nominee andthe Senate median, minus the absolute value of thedistance between the old median justice and the Sen-ate median, along with 95% confidence intervals. Pos-itive values thus indicate that the nominee is fatheraway from the Senate median than the old medianjustice, while negative values (the shaded regions) in-

dicate that the nominee is closer. Solid dots indicateconfirmed nominees, while open dots indicate failednominees. The plots show that, using the NOMINATEmeasure, 33 out of 46 (72%) of nominees were “tooextreme” relative to the Senate median (i.e., have pos-itive values). For the Bailey measure, some 23 out of33 (70%) of nominees were too extreme. Moreover,these conclusions generally hold even when accountingfor uncertainty. Using the NOMINATE measure, 22 of33 nominees with positive values have at least a 95%probability of being too extreme (i.e., their confidenceinterval does not include zero). Under the Bailey mea-sure, 17 of 23 nominees with positive values have atleast a 95% probability of being too extreme. Thus,the prediction of the position-taking senators modelfrequently fails, as the president nominated someonemore extreme than the model would predict.

Having established this result, we now evaluatethe robust prediction of no aggressive mistakes.Figures 4(C) and 4(D) depict the absolute value ofthe distance between the new median justice and theSenate median minus the absolute value of the distancebetween the old median justice and the Senate median,for both measures. Because many nominations do notprovide presidents with an opportunity to move themedian, the number of nominations in which nomi-nees actually move the median too far is smaller thanthe number of nominees who themselves are too ex-treme. But, using the NOMINATE measure, 20 of 46


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FIGURE 4. Evaluation of “Aggressive Mistakes” by Presidents. Top: In terms of the nominee.Bottom: In terms of the new median justice. See text for more details








−.8 −.6 −.4 −.2 0 .2 .4 .6 .8


R.B. GinsburgStewart


DouglasFortas (CJ)





ThornberryFortas (AJ)


Stone (CJ)MintonVinson



Rehnquist (CJ)Rutledge


ScaliaD. Ginsburg



BlackmunRehnquist (AJ)













A) Aggressivemistakes,

NOMINATE(in terms

of nominee)

| sm − n | − | sm − j50 |

−1 −.75 −.5 −.25 0 .25 .5 .75 1 1.25


R.B. Ginsburg


Fortas (CJ)




Fortas (AJ)














Rehnquist (CJ)


D. Ginsburg








Rehnquist (AJ)













B) Aggressivemistakes, Bailey

(in termsof nominee)

| sm − n | − | sm − j50 |







−.8 −.6 −.4 −.2 0 .2 .4 .6 .8






Fortas (AJ)Fortas (CJ)

R.B. GinsburgKaganMinton


Rehnquist (CJ)Roberts


SotomayorStone (CJ)Thornberry



BorkD. Ginsburg



Rehnquist (AJ)Jackson








C) Aggressivemistakes,

NOMINATE(in terms of

new median)

| sm − j51 | − | sm − j5

0 |

−1 −.75 −.5 −.25 0 .25 .5 .75 1 1.25


Fortas (AJ)


R.B. Ginsburg



Fortas (CJ)




Rehnquist (CJ)














Rehnquist (AJ)


D. Ginsburg














D) Aggressivemistakes, Bailey

(in terms ofnew median)

| sm − j51 | − | sm − j5

0 |

nominees (43%) moved the median too far, relative tothe Senate median. Notably, and consistent with theSenate voting results above, fully 16 of these nomineeswere confirmed by the Senate, rather than rejected. Outof these 20 nominees, for 11 there exists at least a 95%probability that they moved the median too far (i.e., thepoint estimate is significantly greater than zero). Theresults are similar under the Bailey measure: 17 out of

33 nominees moved the median too far; however, onlyfive of these nominees have statistically significant pos-itive values (due in large part to the greater uncertaintyin the Bailey measures).

Is the president ever median locked? The prevalenceof aggressive mistakes shows that presidents often se-lect nominees who are too extreme under all variants


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American Political Science Review Vol. 110, No. 4

of MTM theory. But it does necessarily mean that theSenate cannot act as as a greater constraint acrossdifferent types of nomination. Specifically, recall thethird robust prediction, which we denoted “medianlocked”: for all gridlocked nominations, meaning thevacancy falls on the opposite side of the presidency,the president must select a nominee at the location ofthe old median justice. Conversely, in other regions, heis free to move the nominee either to his ideal point,or least closer to it, depending on the model variant. Acomplication arises in evaluating regime-specific pre-dictions given the uncertainty in the data. For somenominations, the predicted location of a nominee (fora given model variant) will not vary significantly acrosssimulations. For other nominations, there exists muchgreater variance. For instance, in the vacancy that ledto Stephen Breyer’s nomination, 100% of simulationsresult in “restoring” nominations in the court-outcomebased and nearly court-outcome based models. Con-versely, for Hugo Black, 35% of his simulations placehim as a “smaller shift” nomination, 43% as a gridlocknomination, and 21% as a maximum shift nomination.For such nominees, the data are simply too noisy for usto make firm point predictions.

Accordingly, to test the median locked prediction,we select nominees where we are at least 50% confi-dent that the nomination falls into the median lockedcategory—that is, nominees where a majority of sim-ulations place them in this region. (Below we con-duct a more systematic regression analysis in whichwe both use all nominees and distinguish among thedifferent predicted locations across different nomina-tion regimes.) For each of these nominees, we thenestimate the difference between the nominee’s esti-mated ideal point and the old median justice, and wellas 95% confidence intervals around that distance. Therobust prediction is that the confidence intervals formedian locked nominees should include zero (mean-ing the nominee is located at the old median justice,accounting for uncertainty).

Figure 5(A) depicts the results of this analysis usingthe NOMINATE-based measures, Figure 5(B) usingthe Bailey-based measures. (Note that the set of nom-inees across the two measures differ based on whetherthe data place them in the gridlock region.) The pointestimates show the median difference between thenominee and the old median justice (the confirmedand unconfirmed nominees have, respectively, solidand open circles). Thus, positive (negative) values indi-cate that the nominee was more conservative (liberal)than the old median justice. We order the nominees byparty—Democratic appointees appear in the shadedregions—and then by decreasing differences.

Two strong patterns emerge from Figure 5. First, therobust median-locked prediction fails much more of-ten than not: only rarely do the confidence intervalsaround the difference between the nominee and theold median justice include zero. For the NOMINATEmeasures, this occurs in only four out of 21 nominees;for the Bailey measures it occurs in five out of 14.Second, the errors are not random: presidents tendto choose nominees on “their side” away from the old

median justice. This is particularly noticeable amongRepublican appointees, who across both measures arealmost always significantly more conservative than theold median justice (the exceptions are Eisenhower’sappointments of Warren, Harlan, and Brennan, usingthe Bailey scores). To be sure, many of the nomineeswere ultimately rejected by the Senate. But many ag-gressive mistakes by Republican presidents neverthe-less resulted in confirmation.

For Democratic appointees, the picture is less clearcut. The Bailey measures place only three nominees inthe median-locked region—the confidence interval foreach includes zero. Under NOMINATE, four Demo-cratic appointees are significantly more liberal than theold median justice, while three Roosevelt appointeesare more conservative (Burton, Stone, and Byrnes).Interestingly, the last time a Democratic presidentwas clearly median locked was in 1967, when LyndonJohnson nominated Thurgood Marshall. This meansthat the asymmetric polarization among nominees thatCameron, Kastellec, and Park (2013) document, whereRepublican nominees have become increasingly con-servative over time, has come even as Republican pres-idents have tended to face greater theoretical constraintfrom the Senate, in terms of MTM theory.

Regression analysis of presidential selection. De-spite the failure of these robust predictions, it could stillbe the case that presidents are more constrained whenthey do face gridlock nominations than when they donot. To evaluate this possibility, we conduct a more sys-tematic (but weaker) test of presidential location: doesthe ideology of the nominee move in accordance withthe predictions of MTM theory? Because the court-outcome based model predicts a range of possiblenominees under certain conditions, and because thepredicted location is sometimes unobservable in themixed-motivations model, we can only conduct testsof the nearly court-outcome based and the position-taking senators models. We follow the switching regres-sion approach of Moraski and Shipan (1999), in whichthe predicted location varies across a given region.From Figure 2, it can be seen that for both models, thereare three possible predicted locations: the ideal point ofthe president, the Senate’s indifference point (or “flip”point) around the old median (2sm − j 0

5), and the oldmedian justice. The key difference across the models,of course, is that they will often place the same nom-inee in a different region, and thus create a differentprediction under the same configuration of preferencesacross actors. Thus, let G denote a gridlock nomination,F a “flip” nomination (where the predicted location is2sm − j 0

5), and P denote a nomination where the pres-ident can appoint someone at his ideal point (which,recall, is denoted with a lowercase p). For each model,we can then estimate the following linear model, whichwe call the “main” regression:

n = α + β1 ∗ G ∗ j 05 + β2 ∗ P ∗ p

+β3 ∗ F ∗ (2sm − j 05). (1)


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FIGURE 5. Evaluation of the “Median Locked” Prediction. See text for details

−.4 −.2 0 .2 .4






D. Ginsburg




Rehnquist (AJ)










Stone (CJ)


Nominee−old median







−1.4 −1 −.6 −.2 .2 .6 1 1.4









D. Ginsburg


Rehnquist (AJ)




Nominee−old median

B) Bailey






Under MTM theory, the predicted coefficients for β1,β2, and β3 is 1, while the predicted coefficient for theconstant is 0. In addition, testing each model requiresevaluating whether each respective quantity (j 0

5, p, and(2sm − j 0

5)) does not predict nominee location in theregions where it is not supposed to. Let Not G, NotP, and Not F denote instances where a nominee is notin those respective regions. We then fit the following“placebo” regression:

n = α + β1 ∗ Not G ∗ j 05 + β2 ∗ Not P ∗ p

+β3 ∗ Not F ∗ (2sm − j 05). (2)

The predicted coefficients for β1, β2, and β3 is 0.Table 3 presents eight models—the dependent vari-

able in each is the nominee’s estimated location. Eachregression accounts for the uncertainty in the indepen-dent variables; the brackets under each estimate depict

95% confidence intervals.15 There are four regressionseach for the nearly court-outcome based and position-taking senators models: the models alternate betweenthe NOMINATE- and Bailey-based measures.

Beginning with the nearly court-outcome basedmodel, Models (1) and (2) present the main regres-sions. While the coefficients on the Gridlock × j 0

5 arein the predicted direction, the confidence interval foreach includes 0 (though they both also include 1). Incontrast, the coefficients on President predicted × pare both statistically larger than 0; however, they arestatistically less than 1, meaning nominee location does

15 We follow the procedures outlined in Treier and Jackman (2008).For each model presented, we first run 1,000 regressions, one foreach simulation. Each of these regressions has its own uncertainty—we simulate the intercept and slope coefficients one time in eachdraw, to incorporate standard errors and covariances from the re-gression models into the estimates. This produces a distribution of1,000 intercept and slope coefficients for each model, allowing us tocharacterize the uncertainty in the estimates via confidence intervals.


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TABLE 3. Linear Regression Models of Presidential Selection

Nearly Court-Outcome Based Position-Taking Senators

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8)(NOM.) (Bailey) (NOM.) (Bailey) (NOM.) (Bailey) (NOM.) (Bailey)

Intercept 0.04 0.18 0.04 0.12 0.06 0.27 0.01 .00[−0.03, 0.10] [−0.01, 0.35] [−0.02, 0.10] [−0.10, 0.35] [−0.01, 0.13] [0.05, 0.48] [−0.06, −0.01] [−0.10, 0.11]

Gridlock × j 05 1.01 0.38 0.95 0.68

[−0.21, 2.18] [−0.61, 1.22] [0.14, 1.79] [−0.03, 1.31]Pres. predicted × p 0.32 0.55 0.42 0.62

[0.12, 0.54] [0.27, 0.86] [−0.08, 1.07] [0.02, 1.26]Flip × 2s− j 0

5 0.55 −0.72 0.53 −0.26[−5.14, 3.45] [−3.66, 3.50] [−0.20, 1.29] [−2.46, 1.71]

Not gridlock × j 05 0.32 0.14 0.00 −.27

[−0.36, 0.99] [−0.44, 0.68] [−0.56, 0.36] [−0.89, 0.13]Not pres. predicted × p 0.49 0.36 0.39 0.45

[0.24, 0.73] [0.03, 0.78] [0.33, 0.46] [0.32, 0.63]Not flip × 2s− j 0

5 0.20 −0.12 0.05 −0.15[−0.09, 0.53] [−0.42, 0.22] [−0.10, 0.19] [−0.26, −0.06]

N 46 33 46 33 46 33 46 33R2 0.28 0.43 0.33 0.26 0.25 0.32 0.44 0.54

Notes: In each model the dependent variable is the estimated location of the nominee. 95% confidence intervals in brackets, which are estimated via simulation. The R2 values presentedare the mean R2 estimate across all simulations, for a given model.


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not vary as strongly with presidential ideology as MTMtheory would predict. Finally, the coefficients on Flip× 2s − j 0

5 are indistinguishable from both 1 and 0 (theconfidence intervals are much larger due to the smallnumber of observations that fall into the flip region).Thus, the main regressions show at best weak supportfor the nearly court-outcome based model.

The next key question is whether a given actor’s ide-ology does not predict nominee location in the regionswhere it is not supposed to. Models (3) and (4) testthe placebo regression for the nearly court-outcomebased model. The coefficients on Not gridlock × j 0

5 arestatistically indistinguishable from zero. However, thecoefficients on Not president predicted × p are posi-tive and significantly different from zero, meaning thatpresidents choose nominees based on their own ideol-ogy even when they should not be able to. Moreover,the magnitude of the effect of the president’s idealpoint is statistically indistinguishable when we comparethe coefficient on President predicted × p in the mainregressions to the coefficient on Not president predicted× p in their placebo counterparts.

Turning to the position-taking senators model, theresults tell mostly a similar story. The main regressionsin Models (5) and (6) show that Gridlock × j 0

5 is bothpositive and either statistically distinguishable from 0or very close to it (the confidence interval in Model(6) only barely includes 0). The coefficients on Presi-dent predicted × p are both positive, although underNOMINATE the confidence interval includes 0. (Re-call that the president is much more constrained inthe position-taking senators model, since the Senateevaluates the nominee against the old median justice;this means that there are many fewer observations inwhich the predicted location is at the ideal point of thenominee, thereby increasing the uncertainty of the esti-mate.) Both coefficients, however, are also statisticallyindistinguishable from 1, as the theory predicts. Finally,the coefficients on Flip × 2s − j 0

5 are indistinguishablefrom both 1 and 0.

As with the nearly court-outcome based model,these results provide weak support at best for theposition-taking senators model. Moreover, when weturn to the placebo models in Models (7) and (8), weagain see that the president’s ideal point predicts nom-inee location even under conditions when it shouldnot. Thus, combining these results with our robust testsabove, it is clear that the president has much more in-fluence over the location of Supreme Court nomineesthan MTM theory would predict.


We combined a generalized theoretical frameworkwith new empirical tests of move-the-median theorythat exploit recent advancements in interinstitutionalscaling. We found that MTM theory—while providingan elegant, concise, and integrated theoretical accountof presidential selection choices and Senate confirma-tion decisions—does a poor job of capturing the actualpolitics of Supreme Court nomination. First, individual

senators and the Senate as a whole have been far tooaccommodating of the president than all variants ofMTM theory would predict, leading to the confirma-tion of many nominees who should have been rejected.Second, while earlier presidents occasionally suffered“own goals,” the more persistent pattern is that pres-idents have been far more aggressive in their nomi-nations that MTM theory would predict. Thus, usingmore nominations and superior measures, we reacha different conclusion about presidential choices thanMoraski and Shipan (1999). In particular, where theyfind the president to be constrained by the locationof the Senate median at times, we generally do not.Our results thus accord with the findings of Anderson,Cottrell, and Shipan (2015), who show that the outputsof the Court (i.e., the location of the median justice,as inferred by the Court’s voting behavior) shifts muchmore substantially when the president makes a “con-strained” nomination than MTM theory would predict.

What explains these failures of MTM theory? Weconclude by discussing a variety of potential explana-tions. Our discussion is informed by the specific pat-terns in the data we documented above, by our readingof the broader literature on Supreme Court confirma-tions, and, in some cases, supplementary analyses thatwe present in Online Appendix A.

The multiple motivations of presidents and senators.MTM theory posits a bargaining environment in whichpresidents and senators care solely about ideology.While our mixed model allows for each to care bothabout the policy outputs of the Supreme Court and theideological characteristics of the nominee herself, theworld of MTM theory is a circumscribed one that rulesout other motivations for presidents and senators inthe confirmation process. In reality, presidents and sen-ators have multiple goals they seek to achieve throughthe nomination and confirmation process—goals thathave varied across contexts and time.

Consider the pattern of “own goals” we find by somepresidents. From the perspective of MTM theory, suchself-induced mistakes are incomprehensible—at thebare minimum, the president should be able to keepthe median justice from moving in the wrong direction.Yet, once we consider the fact that earlier presidentsemphasized a number of criteria in their selection ofnominees, such “mistakes” become more explicable.

First, historically presidents have frequently usedSupreme Court nominations to repay political favors.Such motivations were more often present in earliereras, before presidents focused more intensely on pol-icy considerations in nominations. President FranklinRoosevelt, for example, nominated James Byrnes—a conservative Southern Democrat—because he hadbeen a loyal New Dealer and a friend of the president(Abraham 2008, 181). More famously, it is often allegedthat Eisenhower selected Earl Warren as repaymentfor Warren’s support in the 1952 Republican conven-tion, which helped Eisenhower secure the nomination(Yalof 2001, 44). We suspect that if our data were ex-tended backwards to cover earlier nominees, we wouldfind more “own goals” of this type.


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Second, presidents have often considered the demo-graphic composition of the Court, and used nomina-tions to secure a justice with a particular characteristic.Perhaps most famously, President Johnson nominatedThurgood Marshall with the intent of selecting thefirst African-American justice, and President Reagannominated Sandra Day O’Connor with the intent ofselecting the first female justice. Neither of these nom-inees constituted own goals in our analysis because theywere sufficiently liberal and conservative, respectively.However, President Truman nominated Harold Burtonexplicitly because he was a Republican. Truman, alongwith some Democratic members of Congress, believedit would be inappropriate to have only one Republicanappointee on the Supreme Court; in addition, Trumanand Burton were good friends (Yalof 2001, 23). And,in perhaps the most famous “own goal” of all time,Eisenhower selected William Brennan in part becausehe wanted to reinstate the “Catholic seat” on the Court,as Catholics were an important part of Eisenhower’sreelection constituency. And, similar to the Burtonnomination, Eisenhower thought selecting a Demo-cratic appointee would enhance his bipartisan appeal(Yalof 2001, 55–61). Thus, in many nominations thatwere clearly ideological own goals, presidents satisfiedmultiple political goals.

The importance of nominee characteristics and Sen-ate deference. While the existence of own goals isproblematic for MTM theory, it is not (necessarily)problematic for senators, since a president’s own goalmay work to the advantage of the majority of the Sen-ate, should the two be in opposition. However, themore persistent pattern we document with respect topresidential selection is that the president has been farmore aggressive in his nominations than MTM theorywould predict. Under MTM theory, this is a significantproblem for senators, since (a) the president, in equilib-rium, should not be making such nominations, and (b)if he does so, the Senate should always reject. We haveshown that (b) is not the case. One way to summarizethis pattern of results is that senators appear to exhibit ageneral tendency of deference toward’s the president’snominees—senators vote to confirm them even whenthe stark ideological-based prediction of MTM theoryis rejection.

How might multiple motivations among senators ex-plain such deference? To answer this question, we canturn to the extensive literature on roll call voting onSupreme Court nominees, which shows that the legalqualifications of a nominee (i.e., their “quality”) is animportant predictor of Senate voting, with higher qual-ity nominees more likely to be favored by senators,ceteris paribus (see, e.g., Cameron, Cover, and Segal1990; Epstein et al. 2006). The story here is that qualityadds a valence characteristic that all senators value,regardless of their ideological assessment of a par-ticular nominee, because having high quality justicesis generally desirable. (This desire is also connectedto the idea that the Supreme Court is different fromother institutions, to which we turn shortly.) Thus, aconfirmed “aggressive mistake” such as Lewis Powell

becomes more understandable once we consider thefact that Powell was a highly accomplished attorneywho was universally believed to be qualified for theSupreme Court (Abraham 2008, 246).

Similarly, party loyalty appears to weigh on sena-tors’ confirmation votes, and induces senatorial defer-ence to the president: senators of the president’s partyare more likely to support a nominee, ceteris paribus.To the extent that ideology and partisanship overlap,this poses little problem for MTM theory. However, insome instances the theory will predict that a moderatesenator of the president’s party should reject a nomineewho is too extreme (in the direction of the president).Nevertheless, party loyalty may push such a senator toconfirm the nominee.

To confirm the role of quality and party in the sen-ator voting errors we found above, we conducted ananalysis of the “false yeas” in our data. For each ob-servation where senators were predicted to vote no,we regressed their actual vote choice on the senator’ssame-party status and on the nominee’s perceived legalquality, using the standard newspaper-based measureof quality (Cameron, Cover, and Segal 1990), whilealso controlling for the distance between the nomineeand the senator. The results, which are presented inTable A-2 in Online Appendix A, are clear: across allmodels, voting errors in the yes direction—i.e., votingyes when MTM theory predicts no—are more likelywhen the senator is of the president’s party, and when anominee’s legal quality is higher (see Section A.3.1 fordetails). These results confirm that Senate deference tothe president along at least two dimensions—favoringhigh quality nominees and loyalty to the president—contribute significantly to the pattern of senator votingerrors we have documented.

Is the Supreme Court different? While our empiricalanalysis focuses solely on a single institution, it is worthspeculating whether MTM theory might fare better in adifferent institutional context. For example, would thetheory better capture the politics of nominations andconfirmations on regulatory agencies (cf. Snyder andWeingast 2000)?

One place to start this inquiry is to consider the as-sumption that Supreme Court nominations are a one-shot game. This is obviously false, but the way in whichit is false matters for how we consider the implicationsof our findings. Certainly the game continues in theevent of a rejection of a Senate, but repetition willonly change the strategic consideration of the play-ers if something changes over time—for example, theideal points of the players. Thus, the two-period modelin Jo, Primo, and Sekiya (Forthcoming) analyzes howMTM theory changes if the presidency probabilisticallychanges parties following a rejection of a nominee bythe Senate. Under some conditions, presidents are in-centivized to make “compromise” appointments thatthe Senate will accept to preempt the possibility thatthe Senate rejects a more extreme nominee and a pres-ident of the opposite party is able to appoint the justice.

Another possibility, and one that might be moreconsistent with our results, is based not on changing


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preferences, but rather on differences between thepresident and the Senate in terms of the costs of re-jection. MTM theory envisions a tough Senate willingto reject nominees who are too extreme, relative to thestatus quo, leaving a vacancy on the Court. But wouldan extended vacancy, arising from (say) repeated rejec-tions of well-qualified but somewhat extreme presiden-tial nominees, or a flat refusal to even consider such anominee, be politically tenable? It is well documentedthat courts tend to have greater legitimacy and aremore respected than other political institutions (Gib-son 2012). The Supreme Court in particular is a salientand well-known institution—and during nominationbattles, even a nonattentive public is likely to cast itseyes on the proceedings (Kastellec, Lax, and Phillips2010). Because of the Court’s extraordinary legitimacyand high visibility, senators may pay an electoral pricefrom rejecting well-qualified albeit somewhat extremenominees. The president, on the other hand, may paylittle or no electoral cost from offering well-qualifiedbut somewhat extreme nominees. In other words, theinteraction between president and senators may im-plicitly have some elements of a war of attrition, onewith a presidential advantage. If this is true, then thepresident would enjoy a nominating advantage sub-stantially greater than that envisioned in MTM theory.

By contrast, nonjudicial institutions like indepen-dent regulatory agencies do not enjoy the same reser-voir of institutional legitimacy as courts, particularlythe Supreme Court. In addition, nominations to suchagencies are typically low salience affairs. Hence, thepresident may enjoy no war-of-attrition advantage. Ifso, the strategic situation may correspond more closelyto the assumptions of MTM theory. Certainly, whileextended vacancies on the Supreme Court are rare,vacancies in other multimember bodies can and dopersist for years. For example, the board of the Fed-eral Reserve—whose power surely rivals that of theSupreme Court—has had at least one vacancy for morethan 60% of the time over the past two decades. Togive another example, between January 2008 and July2013, the National Labor Relations Board never hadits full slate of five members. Thus, it is clear the Senateis capable of tolerating extended vacancies on theseagencies, implying presidential deference to the Senateif the chief executive really wants to fill the vacancy.

It is also striking that delays in confirmations aremuch more prevalent for lower federal court judgesthan for Supreme Court nominees, with some lowercourt nominees waiting years for a floor vote. MTMtheory does not translate immediately to the districtcourts and the Courts of Appeals, since cases are heardby either a single judge (in the former) or a panelof three (in the latter), chosen among the judges ina given jurisdiction. Still, considering that both presi-dents and senators care about the ideological makeupof the federal judiciary, similar MTM theory dynamicscould be at play in lower court confirmations. And,the relatively low salience of these courts may meanthat an extended vacancy on a federal district or circuitcourt may seem quite tenable to senators. Seemingly,senators pay little cost for obstructing lower court nom-

inees. A worthwhile endeavor would be to apply ourtheoretical and empirical framework to both indepen-dent agencies and other multimember courts in orderto determine whether MTM theory systematically faresbetter in these settings than it does for the SupremeCourt.

The evolution of Supreme Court confirmation poli-tics over time. Finally, recent scholarship on SupremeCourt confirmation politics suggests that we may bewitnessing a significant change in the underlying dy-namics of the nomination and confirmation process.Epstein et al. (2006) show that ideological considera-tions have played an increasingly larger role in sena-torial evaluations of Supreme Court nominees—with anotable shift following the Senate’s rejection of RobertBork in 1987. In addition to confirming this trend,Cameron, Kastellec, and Park (2013) note the growinginfluence of elite polarization on the confirmation pro-cess. As is well known, the Senate has grown increas-ingly polarized since the middle of the 20th century,to the point where there is almost no overlap betweenDemocrats and Republicans. Less well known is thatnominees themselves have become increasingly ideo-logically extreme—this is due primarily to Republicansappointing more conservative nominees. While nomi-nee quality and party loyalty still play an important rolein confirmation politics (Epstein et al. 2006; Shipan2008), nomination politics have become increasinglycontentious, as measured by the likelihood that sena-tors will vote to reject a nominee (Cameron, Kastellec,and Park 2013).

This growing contentiousness suggests that, even asMTM theory performs poorly across our sample ofnominees dating back to 1937, its performance mayhave improved over time. To evaluate whether this isthe case, in Online Appendix A we present an analysisin which we evaluate the accuracy of MTM predictionswith respect to Senate voting over time, in two ways.First, for each nominee we calculate the probability ofa mistake by the full Senate—that is, if the Senate con-firms when the theory predicts rejection and vice versa.Next, we examined errors at the level of individualroll call votes. As noted above, most errors are “falsenegatives”—instances where senators are predicted tovote no but actually vote yes. We thus focus on theseerrors, and calculate the proportion of false negativesfor each nominee. For both analyses, we evaluated boththe court-outcome based and position-taking senatorsmodels. (See Online Appendix Section A.4 for moredetails.)

These analyses reveal that the incidence of mistakesby the full Senate was high in early decades, particu-larly using the position-taking senators model. Indeed,the probability of mistaken confirmations was exactlyone for the majority of nominees through the 1960s.In addition, we find that even today, significant clas-sification errors still persist. For example, under theposition-taking senators model, both Roberts and Al-ito should have been rejected, while the court-outcomebased model predicts that neither Souter nor Thomasshould have been confirmed. However, we show that


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the likelihood of MTM mistakes under both models hasdeclined considerably in recent decades. MTM theoryenvisions bare-knuckle, bruising, intensely ideological,and highly strategic contests. We have shown that over-all this picture does not seem to capture the politics ofconfirmations and nominations very well. However, ifSupreme Court nominations shift more permanentlyin the direction of high stakes ideological fights, thensurely MTM theory will do a better job than it has doneto date.


To view supplementary material for this article, pleasevisit


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