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  • 7/31/2019 Abhishek Pal -Project Report 2012





    L a x m i D e v i I n s t i t u t e o f

    E n g i n e e r i n g & T e c h n o l o g y

    C h i k a n i , A l w a r , R a j a s t h a n

    M o b i l e : - + 9 1 9 5 3 0 2 - 3 7 1 1 6

    9 J u l y 2 0 1 2

    Abhishek Pal

    [This Project Report described Internet Protocol Addressing,

    IP Classes, Subnet Mask, Private and Public IP and

    differences between IP v4 and IPv6.]

  • 7/31/2019 Abhishek Pal -Project Report 2012


    Submitted by: Abhishek Pal,

    Laxmi Devi Institute of Engineering &

    Technology, Chikani, Alwar.

    Submitted to: Mr.Mohit Sharma,

    MTS India, Jaipur

    ACKNOWLEDGEMENTI would like to take this opportunity to express my gratitude and thank Mr.

    Mohit Sharma for his guidance and invaluable help without which this

    project would not have been possible.

    I must also acknowledge the invaluable help provided by Mr.Dipesh Ji

    Teaching Assistant to Mr. Mohit Sharma during this project.

  • 7/31/2019 Abhishek Pal -Project Report 2012




    WITH IPv6

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    The internet as we see today is a network of networks, a virtual worldwhere any computer on internet appears to be connected to every other

    computer present on Internet.

    The glue that holds the internet together is the IP (Internet Protocol). It

    was designed from beginning with internetworking in mind. Its job is to

    provide is to provide best-efforts way to transport datagrams from source

    to destination, without regard to whether these machines are on the same

    network or whether there are other networks in between them.

    The Internet Protocol also has the task of routing data packets between

    networks, and IP Addresses specify the locations of the source and

    destination nodes in the topology of the routing system.
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    The above window is used to manually configure the IP Address of any PC

    running Microsoft Windows. In this the first half is used to configure IP

    Address and the second half is used to configure the DNS server.

    When the Obtain an IP address automatically is checked the computer

    itself finds a DHCP server in the network and obtains an IP address

    dynamically from it.

    When the Use the following IP address is checked we can manually

    assign an IP address to the current Network Interface. It has 3 entries:

    IP address: The IP address to be assigned to current Network

    Interface. Subnet Mask: This entry is done automatically by the

    computer seeing the IP address assigned. It can also be assigned

    manually. Default Gateway: This entry is the IP address of the Gateway

    through which the computer can connect to other networks.


    An Internet Protocol (IP) address is a numerical identification and

    logical address that is assigned to devices participating in a computer

    network utilizing the Internet Protocol for communication between its

    nodes. Although IP addresses are stored as binary numbers, they are

    usually displayed in human-readable notations, such as

    (for IPv4), and 2001:db8:0:1234:0:567:1:1 (for IPv6).

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    The designers of TCP/IP defined an IP address as a 32-bit number and this

    system, now named Internet Protocol Version 4 (IPv4), is still in use today.

    However, due to the enormous growth of the Internet and the resulting

    depletion of the address space, a new addressing system (IPv6), using 128

    bits for the address, was developed in 1995 and last standardized in 1998.

    Every host and router on the internet has an IP address, which encodes its

    network number and host number. The combination is unique: inprinciple, no two machines on the internet have the same IP address. An

    IP address does not actually refer to a host, it really refers to network

    interface, so if a host is on two network, it must have two IP addresses.

    IP versions

    The Internet Protocol (IP) has two versions currently in use, the IPv4

    and the IPv6. Because of its prevalence, the generic termIP address

    typically still refers to the addresses defined by IPv4.

    IP version 4 addresses

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    IPv4 uses 32-bit (4-byte) addresses, which limits the address space to32

    4,294,967,296 (2) possible unique addresses. IPv4 reserves some addresses

    for special purposes such as private networks (~18 million addresses) or

    multicast addresses (~270 million addresses). This reduces the number of

    addresses that can be allocated to end users and, as the number of

    addresses available is consumed, IPv4 address exhaustion is inevitable.

    This foreseeable shortage was the primary motivation for developing IPv6,

    which is in various deployment stages around the world and is the only

    strategy for IPv4 replacement and continued Internet expansion.

    IPv4 addresses are usually represented in dot-decimal notation (four

    numbers, each ranging from 0 to 255, separated by dots, e.g. Each part represents 8 bits of the address, and is

    therefore called an octet.

    IPv4 Header:
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    IPv4 networks

    In the early stages of development of the Internet protocol network

    administrators interpreted an IP address as a structure of network number

    and host number. The highest order octet (most significant eight bits) was

    designated the network numberand the rest of the bits were called the host

    identifierand were used for host numbering within a network. This method

    soon proved inadequate as additional networks developed that were

    independent from the existing networks already designated by a network

    number. The Internet addressing specification was revised with the

    introduction of Classful Network Architecture.

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    IP Address Classes

    Classful network design allowed for a larger number of individual networkassignments. The first four bits of the most significant octet of an IP

    address was defined as the class of the address. Three classes,A,B, and C

    were defined for universal unicast addressing and Class D was defined for

    multicast and Class Ewas reserved for future use. Depending on the class

    derived, the network identification was based on octet boundary segments

    of the entire address. Each class used successively additional octets in the

    network identifier, thus reducing the possible number of hosts in the higher

    order classes (B and C). The following table gives an overview of this


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    Class A: Class A addresses are specified to networks with large number of

    total hosts. Class A allows for 126 networks by using the first octet for thenetwork ID. The first bit in this octet, is always set and fixed to zero. And

    next seven bits in the octet is all set to one, which then complete network

    ID. The 24 bits in the remaining octets represent the hosts ID, allowing 126

    networks and approximately 17 million hosts per network. Class A

    network number values begin at 1 and end at 127.

    Class B: Class B addresses are specified to medium to large sized of

    networks. Class B allows for 16,384 networks by using the first two

    octets for the network ID. The two bits in the first octet are always set andfixed to 1 0. The remaining 6 bits, together with the next octet, complete

    network ID. The 16 bits in the third and fourth octet represent host ID,

    allowing for approximately 65,000 hosts per network. Class B network

    number values begin at 128 and end at 191.

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    Class C: Class C addresses are used in small local area networks (LANs).

    Class C allows for approximately 2 million networks by using the first

    three octets for the network ID. In class C address three bits are always set

    and fixed to 1 1 0. And in the first three octets 21 bits complete the total

    network ID. The 8 bits of the last octet represent the host ID allowing for254 hosts per one network. Class C network number values begin at 192

    and end at 223.

    Class D and E: Classes D and E are not allocated to hosts. Class D

    addresses are used for multicasting, and class E addresses are not available

    for general use: they are reserved for future purposes.

    Subnet Mask

    The subnet mask is used by the TCP/IP protocol to determine whether a

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    host is on the local subnet or on a remote network.

    In TCP/IP, the parts of the IP address that are used as the network and

    host addresses are not fixed, so the network and host addresses abovecannot be determined unless you have more information. This

    information is supplied in another 32-bit number called a subnet mask.

    Applying a subnet mask to an IP address allows you to identify the

    network and node parts of the address. The network bits are represented by

    the 1s in the mask, and the node bits are represented by the 0s. Performing

    a bitwise logical AND operation between the IP address and the subnet

    mask results in theNetwork Address or Number. The routeruses the Boolean AND operation with an incoming IP address to lose

    the host portion of the IP addresses i.e. the bits that are '0', and match the

    network portion with its routing table. From this, the router can determine

    out of which interface to send the datagram. This means that the 'Don't care

    bits' are represented by binary 0's whilst the 'Do care bits' are represented

    by binary 1's.

    For example, using our test IP address and the default Class B subnetmask, we get:

    10001100.10110011.11110000.11001000 Class B IP

    Address 11111111.11111111.00000000.00000000

    Default Class B Subnet Mask 10001100.10110011.00000000.00000000 Network Address

    Default subnet masks:

    Class A - -11111111.00000000.00000000.00000000 Class B

    - -11111111.11111111.00000000.00000000 Class C - -11111111.11111111.11111111.00000000

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    The same mask is applied throughout the physical networks that share

    the same subnet part of the IP address. All devices connected to the

    networks that compose the subnet must have the same mask.


    All hosts on a network must have the same network number. This

    property of IP addressing can cause problems as networks grow. The

    problem is the rule that a single class A, B or C address refers to one

    network not a collection of LANs. Thus when many computers are

    connected the broadcast requests and other network traffic lead tonetwork blockages. To avoid this situation we have two options:

    Acquire a new network address for each network

    Divide the current network into more sub-networks.

    Getting a new network address for each sub-network may not be

    economical and the IP addresses of the current network get wasted.

    The solution is to allow a network to be split into several parts for internal

    use but still act like a single network to the outside world. The parts of the

    networks are called Subnets.

    Sub-netting breaks a network into smaller realms that may use existing

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    address space more efficiently, and, when physically separated, may

    prevent excessive rates of Ethernet packet collision in a larger network.

    The technique of sub-netting can operate in both IPv4 and IPv6 networks.

    The IP address is divided into two parts: the network address and the hostidentifier.

    Variable Length Subnet Mask

    Variable Length Subnet Mask (VLSM) is used by the ISPs to reduce

    Wastage of IP Addresses.

    A Variable Length Subnet Mask (VLSM) is a means of allocating IP

    addressing resources to subnets according to their individual need rather

    than some general network-wide rule.

    For Example: We require 6 different sub-networks having different

    number of computers. Since we require maximum 30 computers in any

    network we can take 3 MSBs of Host ID into network ID.

    The following comparison shows the wastage of IP Addresses in

    Subnetting and VLSM technique:

    Requirement Subnetting Wastage Sub-netting Wastage

    (A) Before (B-A) After (C-A)

    VLSM (B) VLSM(C)

    30 30 00 30 00

    20 30 10 20 10

    10 30 20 14 04

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    74 180 106 86 22

    The VLSM was introduced as a technique to delay the IPv4 Exhaustion. It was based not on the

    number of sub-networks required but on the

    number of hosts in any particular network. This technique considerably reduced IP wastage but

    lead to another problem of routing. VLSM was not supported by many older routers and switches

    and hence implementing them required some hardware up-gradation which was not economical.

    The comparison between IP Network IDs for Subnetting and VLSM

    Simple Subnetting Variable Length Subnet Mask

    Network ID Subnet Mask Network ID Subnet Mask

    Private IP Addresses

    In the Internet addressing architecture, a P rivate Network is a network

    that uses private IP address space, following the standards set by RFC

    1918 and RFC 4193. These addresses are commonly used for home, office,

    and enterprise local area networks (LANs), when globally routable

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    addresses are not mandatory, or are not available for the intended network

    applications. Private IP address spaces were originally defined in an effort

    to delay IPv4 address exhaustion, but they are also a feature of the next

    generation Internet Protocol, IPv6.

    These addresses are characterized as private because they are not

    globally delegated, meaning they are not allocated to any specific

    organization, and IP packets addressed by them cannot be transmitted

    onto the public Internet. Anyone may use these addresses without

    approval from a regional Internet registry (RIR). If such a private

    network needs to connect to the Internet, it must use either a network

    address translator (NAT) gateway, or a proxy server.

    The most common use of these addresses is in residential networks, since

    most Internet service providers (ISPs) only allocate a single routable IP

    address to each residential customer, but many homes have more than one

    networked device, for example, several computers and a video game

    console. In this situation, a NAT gateway is usually used to enable Internet

    connectivity to multiple hosts. Private addresses are also commonly used

    in corporate networks, which for security reasons, are not connected

    directly to the Internet. In both cases, private addresses are often seen as

    enhancing security for the internal network, since it is difficult for an

    Internet host to connect directly to an internal system.

    The Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) has directed the Internet

    Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA) to reserve the following IPv4

    address ranges for private networks, as published in RFC 1918:

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    IP address








    largest CIDR

    bl ock (subnet



    t id








    single class A




    20-bit 1,048,57 16 contiguous 20block 55 6 class B's ( bits




    65,536 256 contiguous

    class C's




    Public IP Addresses

    The IP Addresses provided by the Internet Service Providers (ISPs) are

    called Public IP Addresses. These addresses are recognizable on the

    internet and any machine connecting to internet must have a Public IPAddress. These addresses are provided by the Regional Internet Registries

    to the ISPs.

    The machines which are assigned Private IP Address must go on the

    Internet via NAT server having Public IP Address.

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    The IP Address Ranges not included in the Private IP Address Ranges are

    Public IP Ranges.

    Broadcast Address

    Broadcast address refers to the ability to address a message that is

    broadcast to all stations or hosts on a network. Ethernet networks are

    shared-media networks in which computers transmit signals on a cable

    that all other computers attached to the cable can receive. Thus, all the

    computers are part of the same "broadcast domain."

    A broadcast address is an IP address that allows you to target all systems

    on a specific subnet instead of single hosts. The broadcast address of any

    IP address can be calculated by taking the bit compliment of the subnet

    mask, sometimes referred to as the reverse mask, and then applying it with

    a bitwise OR calculation to the IP address in question.

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    Normally, one computer transmits frames to only one other computer on

    the network by placing the MAC address of the destination computer in the

    frame. This frame is then transmitted on the shared media. Even though

    other computers see this frame on the network, only the target receives it.A broadcast message is addressed to all stations on the network. The

    destination address in a broadcast message consists of all 1s

    (0xFFFFFFFF). All stations automatically receive frames with this

    address. Normally, broadcast messages are sent for network management

    and diagnostic purposes.

    On IP networks, the IP address (in binary, all 1s) is the

    general broadcast address. You can't use this address to broadcast a

    message to every user on the Internet because routers block it, so all you

    end up doing is broadcasting it to all hosts on your own network. The

    broadcast address for a specific network includes all 1s in the host portion

    of the IP address. For example, on the class C network, the last

    byte indicates the host address (a 0 in this position doesn't refer to any

    host, but provides a way to refer to the entire network). The value 255 in

    this position fills it with all 1s, which indicates the network broadcastaddress, so packets sent to are sent to all hosts on the


    Drawbacks of IPv4

    On todays Internet, IPv4 has the following disadvantages:

    Limited address space. The most visible and urgent problem with

    using IPv4 on the modern Internet is the rapid depletion of public

    addresses. Due to the initial address class allocation practices of the

    early Internet, public IPv4 addresses are becoming scarce. Flat routing

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    infrastructure, i.e. the IP address ranges are not allocated according to

    any meaningful hierarchy. In the early Internet, address prefixes were

    not allocated to create a summarizable, hierarchical routing

    infrastructure. Instead, individual address prefixes were assigned andeach address prefix became a new route in the routing tables of the

    Internet backbone

    routers. Todays Internet is a mixture of flat and hierarchical

    routing, but there are still more than 85,000 routes in the routing

    tables of Internet backbone routers. Thus to reach a router from one

    country to another the packet might need to go to a backbone router

    in a third country thereby increasing cost and delay. Security for

    IPv4 is specified by the use of Internet Protocol security (IPSec).

    However, IPSec is optional for IPv4 implementations. Because an

    application cannot rely on IPSec being present to secure traffic, an

    application might resort to other security standards or a proprietary

    security scheme. The need for built-in security is even more

    important today, when we face an increasingly hostile environment

    on the Internet.

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    Another drawback was the 32 bit header which had much of the values

    which were generally never used and which only increased the bandwidth

    usage. A final challenge has been the real-time delivery of multimedia

    content and the necessary bandwidth allocation that goes along with it. A

    bandwidth allocation method called Quality of Service (QoS) has been

    used with IPv4. While QoS does work, there are a number of different

    interpretations of the IPv4 QoS standards. This means that not all QoS-

    compliant devices are compatible with one another.

    Internet Protocol Version 6

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    Internet Protocol version 6 (IPv6) is the next-generation Internet

    Protocol version designated as the successor to IPv4, the first

    implementation used in the Internet that is still in dominant use currently.

    It is an Internet Layer protocol for packet-switched internetworks. Themain driving force for the redesign of Internet Protocol is the foreseeable

    IPv4 address exhaustion.

    The rapid exhaustion of IPv4 address space, despite conservation

    techniques, prompted the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) to

    explore new technologies to expand the Internet's addressing capability.

    The permanent solution was deemed to be a redesign of the Internet

    Protocol itself. This next generation of the Internet Protocol, aimed to

    replace IPv4 on the Internet, was eventually namedInternet Protocol

    Version 6(IPv6) in 1995.IPv6 has a vastly larger address space than IPv4.

    This results from the use of a 128-bit address, whereas IPv4 uses128 38

    only 32 bits. The new address space thus supports 2(about 3.410)


    This expansion provides flexibility in allocating addresses and routing

    traffic and eliminates the primary need for network address translation

    (NAT), which gained widespread deployment as an effort to alleviate IPv4

    address exhaustion.

    The new design is not based on the goal to provide a sufficient quantity of

    addresses alone, but rather to allow efficient aggregation of subnet routing

    prefixes to occur at routing nodes. As a result, routing table sizes aresmaller, and the smallest possible individual allocation is a subnet


    for 2hosts, which is the size of the square of the size of the entire IPv4

    Internet. IPv6 has facilities that automatically change the routing prefix of

    entire networks should the global connectivity or the routing policy change
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    without requiring internal redesign or renumbering.

    Benefits of IPv6

    Hierarchical routing infrastructureThe Internet is hierarchical in nature, and the IPv6 protocol is designed

    with this in mind. Think about it. The computer you're using right now

    doesn't have a direct connection to an Internet backbone. Instead, you're

    probably behind a NAT firewall, which is connected to an ISP. That ISP

    may be connected to another ISP or to a backbone router. Either way, apacket must make quite a few hops to go from an Internet backbone router

    to you.

    The IPv6 protocol is designed so that Internet backbone routers will

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    have much smaller routing tables than they have now. Instead of

    knowing every possible route, the routing tables will include routes to

    only those routers connected directly to them. The IPv6 protocol will

    contain the rest of the information necessary for a packet to reach itsdestination.

    IPv6 addresses that are reachable on the IPv6 portion of the Internet,

    known as global addresses, have enough address space for the hierarchy of

    Internet service providers (ISPs) that typically exist between an

    organization or home and the backbone of the Internet. Global addresses

    are designed to be summarizable and hierarchical, resulting in relatively

    few routing entries in the routing tables of Internet backbone routers.

    Network securityNetwork security is integrated into the design of the IPv6 architecture.

    Internet Protocol Security (IPSec) was originally developed for IPv6, but

    found widespread optional deployment first in IPv4 (into which it was

    back-engineered). The IPv6 specifications mandate IPSec implementation

    as a fundamental interoperability requirement.

    The IPv6 protocol has a newly designed IP header. It's designed to make

    the protocol more efficient by keeping overhead to a minimum. An IP

    packet header is made up of required components and optional

    components; in IPv6, the required components are moved to the front of

    the header. Optional components are moved to an extension header. This

    means that if optional components aren't used, the extension headers aren't

    necessary, reducing the packet size.

    The downside to the new header is that it isn't compatible with IPv4. If a

    router is to handle both IPv4 and IPv6, it must be configured to recognize

    both protocols. You can't just set up a router to recognize IPv6 and expect

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    it to be backward-compatible with IPv4.

    New configuration optionsOne of the coolest things about IPv6 is the way it's configured. While you

    can still manually configure IPv6, or lease an address from a DHCP server,

    there is a new automatic configuration option available. If an un-

    configured PC tries to connect to a network that doesn't offer a DHCP

    server, the PC can look at either the network's router or the other PCs on

    the network and determine an address that would be appropriate for it to

    use. This technique is referred to as link local addressing.

    Standardized QoS supportIPv6 also includes standardized support for QoS. The QoS implementation

    is set up so that routers can identify packets belonging to an individual

    QoS flow. This allows those routers to allocate the necessary amount of

    bandwidth to those packets. Furthermore, QoS instructions are included in

    the IPv6 packet header. This means that the packet body can be encrypted,

    but QoS will still function because the header portion containing the QoS

    instructions is not encrypted. This will make it possible to send streaming

    audio and video over the Internet with IPSec encryption, but in a manner

    that guarantees adequate bandwidth for real-time playback.

    Comparison of IPv4 and IPv6

    Description IPv4 IPv6

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    Address 32 bits long (4

    bytes). Address is

    composed of a

    network and a host

    portion, whichdepend on address

    class. Various

    address classes are

    defined: A, B, C, D,

    or E depending on

    initial few bits. The

    total number of IPv4

    addresses is

    4,294,967,296. The

    text form of the IPv4

    address is




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    Classless Inter- be allocated a/48 subnet prefix

    Domain Routing length. This would leave 16 bits


    (CIDR) are made. the organization to do subnetting.Allocation has not The address space is large enough

    been balanced among to give every person in the world

    institutions and their own /48 subnet prefix length.


    Address Used to designate Not used.

    mask network from host


    Address Sometimes used to

    Used to designate the subnet


    prefix designate network

    from host portion.

    of an address. Written as /nnn (up

    to 3 decimal digits, 0

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    For unicast

    addresses, the

    concept does not

    In IPv6, address scope is part of

    the architecture. Unicast


    apply. There are

    designated privateaddress ranges and

    loopback. Outside of

    have two defined scopes,

    including link-local and global;and multicast addresses have 14

    scopes. Default address selection

    for both source

    that, addresses are

    assumed to be


    and destination takes scope into




    Unicast, multicast,

    and broadcast.

    Unicast, multicast, and anycast.


    n You must configure

    a newly installed

    Configuration is optional,

    depending on functions required.

    system before it can IPv6 can be used with any


    communicate with adapter and can be run over the

    other systems; that


    loopback interface. IPv6


    IP addresses and are self-configuring using IPv6

    routes must be stateless auto-configuration. You

    assigned. can also manually configure the

    IPv6 interface. So, the system


    be able to communicate with


    IPv6 systems that are local and

    remote, depending on the type ofnetwork and whether an IPv6

    router exists.

    Fragments When a packet is too

    big for the next link

    over which it is to

    For IPv6, fragmentation can only

    occur at the source node, and

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    travel, it can be

    reassembly is only done at the

    destination node. The

    fragmented by the

    sender (host orfragmentation extension header is

    Description IPv4 IPv6

    router). used.

    IP headerVariable length of

    20Fixed length of 40 bytes. There are

    60 bytes, depending

    on IP options


    no IP header options. Generally,

    the IPv6 header is simpler than the

    IPv4 header.IP header Various options that The IPv6 header has no options.

    options might accompany an

    IP header (before


    Instead, IPv6 adds additional

    (optional) extension headers. The

    transport header). extension headers are AH and ESP

    (unchanged from IPv4), hop-by-

    hop, routing, fragment, and

    destination. Currently, IPv6supports some extension headers.

    IP header Used by QoS and Designates the IPv6 traffic class,

    Type ofdifferentiated

    servicessimilarly to IPv4. Uses different

    Service to designate a traffic codes. Currently, IPv6 does not

    (TOS) byte class. support TOS.

    Loopback An interface with an The concept is the same as inIPv4.

    address address of


    The single loopback address

    is0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000 that can

    only be used by a

    :0000:0001or ::1 (shortened

    version). The virtual physical

  • 7/31/2019 Abhishek Pal -Project Report 2012


    node to send packets

    to itself. The


    interface is named LOOPBACK.

    interface (line

    description) isnamed


    Maximum Maximum IPv6 has an architected lower

    Transmissiotransmission unit of


    bound on MTU of 1280 bytes.


    n Unit link is the maximum is, IPv6 will not fragment packets

    (MTU)number of bytes that


    below this limit. To send IPv6


    Description IPv4 IPv6

    particular link type, a link with less than 1280 MTU,

    such as Ethernet or the link-layer must transparently

    modem, supports.

    Forfragment and defragment the IPv6

    IPv4, 576 is the packets.

    typical minimum.

    Network Basic firewall Currently, NAT does not support

    Address functions integrated IPv6. More generally, IPv6 does

    Translation into TCP/IP not require NAT. The expanded

    (NAT) configured using address space of IPv6 eliminates

    iSeries Navigator. the address shortage problem and

    enables easier renumbering.

    Node info Does not exist. A simple and convenient network

    query tool that should work like ping,

    except with content: an IPv6 nodemay query another IPv6 node for

    the target's DNS name, IPv6

    unicast address, or IPv4 address.

    Currently, not supported.

    PING Basic TCP/IP tool to Same for IPv6 and IPv6 is

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    test reach ability. supported.

    Private andAll IPv4 addresses


    IPv6 has an analogous concept,


    public public, except for with important differences.

    addresses three address rangesthat have been

    designated as private

    by IETF :10.*.*.*




    (172.16/12) ,


    (192.168/16). Private

    address domains are

    commonly used

    Addresses are public ortemporary, previously termed

    anonymous. Unlike IPv4 private

    addresses, temporary addresses

    can be globally routed. The

    motivation is also different; IPv6

    temporary addresses are meant to

    shield the identity of a client when

    it initiates communication (a

    privacy concern). Temporary


    Description IPv4 IPv6

    within organizations.

    Private addresses

    have a limited lifetime, and do

    not contain an interface identifier


    cannot be routedacross the Internet.

    is a link (MAC) address. They aregenerally indistinguishable from

    public addresses.

    IPv6 has the notion of limited

    address scope using its

    architected scope designations.

    Quality of


    Quality of service

    allows you to requestpacket priority and

    bandwidth for


    Currently, the i5/OSimplementation of QoS does not

    support IPv6.


    Renumberin Done by manual Is an important architectural

  • 7/31/2019 Abhishek Pal -Project Report 2012


    g reconfiguration, with element of IPv6, and is largely

    the possible

    exception of DHCP.


    automatic, especially within

    the/48 prefix.

    for a site ororganization, a

    difficult and

    troublesome process

    to avoid if possible.

    Route Logically, a mapping

    of a set of IP

    addresses (might

    contain only one) toa physical interface

    and a single next-hop

    IP address. IP

    packets whose

    destination address is

    defined as part of the

    set are

    Conceptually, similar to IPv4.

    One important difference: IPv6

    routes are associated (bound) to a

    physical interface (a link, such asETH03) rather than an interface.

    One reason that a route is

    associated with a physical

    interface is because source

    address selection functions

    differently for IPv6 than

  • 7/31/2019 Abhishek Pal -Project Report 2012


  • 7/31/2019 Abhishek Pal -Project Report 2012


    Thank You,


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