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Granted to the

Apothecaries of London, The 30th of May, 13 fac. 1.

Tranflated and Printed for the better Informa¬ tion of the faid Apothecaries in their Duty


City of L O N D O N> THE

CoHeDg of ^ftctens, AND

Their Own SOCIETY.

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Printed by F. Leach, in the Tear 1695- 1

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CHARTER Granted to the

Apothecaries of London, The 30th of May, 13 fac. 1,

THe King3 To all to whom this prefent Charter., &c. fendeth Greeting. Whereas heretofore by our Letters Patents., pad under the Great Seal of

England, bearing date at tVeftminfier y the ninth day of Aprily in the year of our Reign over England, France, and Apothecaries

Ireland, the fourth ; and over Scotland the 3 ofand Grocers our Special Grace, We have Willed, Ordained and Grant- ed, that all and fingular the Free-men of the Myftery 4 jM. 1. of Grocers and Apothecaries of the City of London, and their Succeffors from thenceforth for ever, for the better order, government, and regiment of the men of the My¬ ftery of Grocers and Apothecaries of the City of London,

and for the profit, commodity, and relief of the good and honeft, and for the terror and correction of the evil, de¬ ceitful and dilhoneft, Ihould and might be, by virtue of the fame Letters Patents, one Body Corporate and Poli- tique, in deed, fa<5t, and name, by the name of Warden and Commonalty of the Myftery of Grocers of the City of London, and the fame men (by the Name of Warden and Commonalty of the Myftery of Grocers of the City of

A 2 London) %

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The grounds for this new Charter.

This Charter granted by means of Phy ficians of the Colledg.

O J London) to b<p one Body Corporate and Politique,, in deed, fad: and name,, really and fully: for Us, our Heirs, and Succeffors, by the laid Letters Patents, aid then eredf, make, ordain, conftitute and declare,, and that by the faid name they iliould have perpetual fucceffion, as by the fame our Letters Patents (amongft other things) it doth mani- feftly appear. But now feeing it hath been demonftrated to us in the behalf of our beloved Subjects, the Apotheca¬ ries of our City of London, and like wife it hath been* af¬ firmed to us, and approved by our well beloved Theodore de May erne, and Henry Atkins, D odors in Phylick, our dis¬ creet and faithful Phyficians, that of thefe laft years many

' Lmpericks, and ignorant and unlearned men, inhabit and dwell in our City of linden, and Suburbs thereof, who, n6t being brought up in* the art and myftery of an Apothe¬ cary, but being unskilful and ignorant in the fame, do make and compound very many unwholfome, hurtful, falfe, corrupt, and pernicious Medicines;,• and do fell and daily tranfmit the fame into molt parts of this our Kingdom of England, to the reproach and fcorn not only of that ho¬ nourable Science of Phyfick, and the learned Phyficians of this our Kingdom of England, profelling the fame ,• and likewife of the Apothecaries of the City of London, edu¬ cated and expert in the faid Art and Adyftery • but alfb to the danger and daily peril of the lives of our Subje&s. And feeing it belongs to our Kingly Prerogative and Su^ preme Government (by which we order and comprize all our Subjects, and all the parts, members and focieties of our Kingdom) that for the publick good, and with regard to times, at our will and pleafure we may create, eredt, inftitute and Superinduce new Societies and Bodies Politique and Corporate, as well out of perfons, which before were dearly feparated,and brought and colle&ed into no body,as out of ancient Bodies Corporate, where it feems ruoft expe¬ dient to us for the better government of our People We therefore confideringit to be the duty of our Kingly office by all ways and1 means to confult and provide for the Pub- lick Good and Safety of our Subjeds, and^ throughly weighing within ourfelves. how we might feafonably pre¬ vent the endeavours of thofe ill men,have (from the advice


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• (3}

oFour Councellearned in the Laws) judged it very necef- fary to dif-unite, dif-joyn, feparate and diffociate the Apo¬ thecaries of our City or London, from the Free-men of the faid Myftery of Grocers, to Eretft, Create, and Conftitute The Apothe-

thofame Apothecaries by themfelves folely and feparately canes feparate

(and from the Free-men of the Myftery of Grocers afore- laid, disunited and fevered to all intents and purpofes) in- £crs. to one Body Politique and Corporate : To whom in all time to come the care and correction of all the mifchiefs madc. an

and inconveniencies aforefaid fhould be committed and ncorP®ratlon* given in charge, yet fo as they be lubjed to the luperiour Sub*)eft t0 the and general Government of our City of London, and Magi- Magiftracy of ftrates of the fame, after the manner of other Societies, the city as

Know ye therefore, that We, being moved by the entrea- well as others,

ties of our beloved and faithful Phylicians, Theodore de Str rbe^QZ Mayerne and Henry Atkins, and alfo ot the Apothecaries Mayerne, and

aforefaid, but more efpecially out of our Princely care... Atkins,the

and folicitude to promote the ftate of the Commonwealth, chiefProcurers

and to procure the publick good, that the ignorance and charter* raftmefs of Empericks, and the unlearned, and unexpert men, aforefaid, may be reftrain’d, from whence very ma¬ ny inconveniencies and dangers accrue to the poor and credulous common people. And that the Apothecaries therein after named, as well from the aforefaid Body Po¬ litique, of the Free-men of the Myftery of Grocers of the City of London, as from whatsoever other Bodies Politique, Societies or Communities, of whatfoever other Arts, Fa¬ culties, or Myfteries, in our faid City of London, may be dif-united, fevered, and dif-joyned, and being by Us, un¬ to a Body Politique and Corporate, by themfelves made, conftituted and created, may, and for ever hereafter to all intents and purpofes, fo be and remain, as for other ur¬ gent caufes Us efpecially moving, Of our fpecial Grace, and of our certain knowledge, and meer motion. Will, and by thefe prefents, for Us, our Heirs and Succeffors, Grant to William BeJJe, Edmund Fhillips, Lawrence Mansfeild, Thomas Colthurfi, Richard Bacon^ Stephen Higgins, William Compton, Richatd Trowt, George Sheeres, William Hutton, Willi¬ am Chaplin, William Quick, Thomas Whitly, John Farkinfon,

Ralph Clayton, William Gwyn, Humphrey Grcvcnory Lawrence Lind,

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.&nd3 John Huctty Nicholas Gibfony John Slater3 Peter WatJon, William Checkly3 Thomas Tomlinjcn, Daniel Damelly3 William

Clark Sen. Adrian Barton, William Wells, Richard Edwards, Richard Palmer3 William Pecky JoJiah Harris3 Thomas Bullardy Jfrael Wolfe, James Colwell3 Thomas Gifthy Thomas Hicksy'•Ro¬

bert Hudjcny John Sheppard, Thomas Fonts3 Gabriel Shereifey John Warkehcvfey John Walter James FathergiU3 Samuel Jonesy

Thomas Bate3 George Weljham Sen. Timothy Ready Lewis Mor¬ ton, Thomas Bell Sen. Edward Cooke, Robert Boremany Toby Wincksy John Lefiedy William Shambrookey Edward Tasboroughy John DaJon3 Leonard Stone, John Hinfony IJaac Tonge3 William Hockey Richard Saltery John Evans, William Spencer3 Simon

JDrtWy Joliffe Lownes9 Samuel Lenny Richard Toungy Robert Vawdryy James Everett, Nicholas Goff'ey Peter Howelly Francis Baldwiny Edward Clarke Jun. John Wheeler Jun. Gilbert John- jony Robert Elkyn3 John Browne, Thomas Broome9 Richard Glo¬ ver y William Bell Jun. Robert Horey Stephen Chafe3 Samuel Mojfey Philip Griffith^ Samuel Harrifony John Mcrecrofty James Randy John Hidey James WaljhaWy Abraham Webby John Tay¬ lory Ralph Yardjy Thomas Rajhtony John Sores} George Hough-

tony Roger Harrisy George Stewardy Richard SwetJon3 Robert Macey John Kellety Richard Bragge3 Miles Sparksy James Tom¬ kinsy Richard AJhbjy Zachary Warren, Richard Blackwell, Willi- vm Cleytony William Roberts, Francis Unrayney Richard Moore3

Charles Muncky Samud Tubman, and Michael Eafcn • and to

.. - . all other perlons whatsoever, being our natural Subjebbs, aeds!U U "uv^Art, Faculty or Myftery of Apothecaries, educated

and learned., and the fame Art, Faculty or Myftery at this time exerciling • or being Free-men of the Myftery of Grocers of the City of Londony and with the fame con- ,jun<ftly and promifeuoufly into one Body Corporate, and Community (as aforefaid) Made and Conftituted • or be¬ ing Free-men of any other Arts, Faculties or Myfteries in the City of Londony and with the fame into one Body Cor¬ porate, Society or Community, before this time by us or by any of our Progenitors made, incorporated and confti¬ tuted : 1l hat they, and every of them, together with all

And their Ap-and every their Apprentices, who before the date of thefe pi entices prefents, before the Warden of the Myftery of Grocers

aforefaid, or before the Wardens or Mafiers of any other * Arts,

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O ) Arts, Faculties or Myfteries, in this City of London, have put themfelves Apprentices to any Apothecary or Apothecaries, As well from the aforefaid Body Politique, and Community of Free-men of the Myftery of Grocers aforefaid, asf ora all other Bodies Politicly Communities or Societies, of any o- ther Arts,Faculties,or Myfteries in the City of London what¬ foever, be dif-united, fevered, put afunder, dif-joyned and diffociated : And the fame Apothecaries,and every of them before-named or mentioned, together with all and every of their Apprentices,By our Regal Prerogative and Royal Pow¬ er, We do dif unite,fever, put afunder,dif joyn and dif-affo- Separated

date: And we Will by thefe prefents, that the fame Apo- twm the Gro thecaries together with all and lingular their aforefaid Ap- ccrs.

prentices, by virtue of thefe our Letters Patents, be and re¬ main from henceforth for ever free, difcharged, acquitted, exonerated,and wholly exempt (to all intents and purpofes) as well, of and from all Oaths, Jurifdidions, Powers, Autho¬ rities, Statutes, Ordinances, Conftitutions,;Superviflons,Scru- tinies. Summons, Convocations, Conventions, Govern¬ ment, Rule, Corre&ions, Impofitions, Taxations, Col- Ao, ledions of Money, Payments, Charges, Fines, Amerce-from an FinJs,

ments, Imprifonments, Diftrefles, Peins and Penalties Amercements'

whatfoever, of the Warden and Community of the My- from the ftery of Grocers aforefaid, for the time being, or their Succeflors, As of any other Bodies Politique and Corpo¬ rate, Communities or Societies whatfoever, in our City of London, and their Succeflors, Any Statutes, Ads of Parlia¬ ment, Ordinances, Provifions, Cuftoms, Grants, Gonfirma- tions,Priviledges,Charters or Letters Patents of us or of any of our Progenitors, to the Warden and Commonalty of the Myftery of Grocers of London aforefaid, made to the con¬ trary thereof notwithftanding. And further, out of our more abundant and fpecial grace, and certain knowledge,, and meer motion (t© the end the Art, Myftery or Faculty. °\Apothecaries (now of a long time fain and' defpifed) may the better advance to its befeeming greatnefs and ho¬ nour) We do for our fblves, our Heirs and Succeflors, by thefe prefents, Grant to the aforefaid William Bejfe, Edmund Phillips, Lawrence Mansfeild, Thomas Colthurfi, Richard Bacon,

Stephen Higgins> William Compton, John Wolfgangfimbler, Lewis ■ Mjreo>}

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( 6 ) Myroe, Gideon de Laune, George Sheeres, Edward de Vltwris, Ri¬ chard Trowt, William Hutton, William Clappham, Thomas Whit-

Ijy John Parkin]on, Ralph Clayton, William Gwyn, Humphry Gravtnor, Lawrence Lundy John Huett, Nicholas Gibfon, John Slater 3 Peter Wat Jon, William Checkly, Thomas TomlinJon, Da¬

niel Darnelljy William Clarke Sen. Adrian Barton, William Wellsy Richard Edwardsy Richard Palmer, William Peck, Jojiah

Harrisy Thomas Bullard, Ifrael Wolfe3 James ColwellThomas Crijlie, Thomas Hicks, Robert Hudfon, John Sheppard, Richard Wefion, Thomas Fones, Gabriel Sherife, JohnLVarkhcwfe, John Walter, James Fothergill, Samuel Jones, Thomas Bate, George Waljham Sen. Timothy Read, Lewis Moreton, Thomas Bell Sen. Edward Cook, Robert Boreman, Toby Wincks, Jo. Lefied, John Eafcn, William Shambrooke, Edward Tasb,rough, Leonard Stone $

John Hinfcn, Ifutc Toung, William Nock, Richard Sadlter, Jo.

Evans, Will. SpenJ'er, Simon Drew. Jollijfe Lownes, Samuel Lenne, Richard Young, Robert Vawdry, James Everett, Peter Howell, Edward Clarke jun. Nicholas Gojfe, Francis Baldwyn, JohnJVhechr ]xm. Gilbert John]on, Richard Zjhbye, Robert El-

kyn, John Browne, Thomas Broome, Richard Glover, William Bell Jun. Robert Hew, Stephen Chaje, Samuel Mojfe, Philip Griffith, Samuel Harrijon, Jo. ARorecroft, James Rand, John

Hide, James Muljam, Abraham Webb, John Taylor, Ralph Hardly, Thomas Rujhton, John Saves, George Houghton, Roger Hair is, Robert ARace, George Steward, Richard Swetfon, John Kcllct, Richard Bragg, Troman Parkins, Miles Sparkes, James lomkins, Richard Bejje, Zachary Waring, Richard Blackwell, Willia?n Cl ay ten, William Roberts, Francis Unrayne, Richard

Adocre, Charles Munck, Paul Lovet, and Samuel Tubman ,• and to all and Angular other perfons whatfoever, brought up and skilled in the Art, Myftery or Faculty of an Apothe¬ cary ^ and exercifmg the lame Art,, Myftery or Faculty, now being Free-men of the Myftery of Grocers aforefaid, or being Free-men of any other Arts, Myfteries or Facul¬ ties in the City of Lcrfdcn (-provided they have been educa¬ ted and are expert in the Art and Faculty of an Apothe¬ cary) that they, and all fuch Free-men of the faid Art, Myftery or Faculty of an Apothecary, of and in the afore- laid City, and Suburbs of the lame, and within feven miles of the aforefaid City, be and (hall be one Body Cor¬


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porate and Politick, in deed, fad: and name, by tlie name of Mafter, Wardens, and Society of the Art and Myftery of Apothecaries of the City of London: And Them, by the name of Mafter, Wardens and Society of the Art and By the name Myftery of Apothecaries of the City of London, into one®*' the Mafter, Eody Corporate and Politique, in deed, fad and name, Wardens, <&c.

really and fully,for our Selves, our Heirs and Succeffors,We do ered, make, ordain, conftitute, create and declare, by Thefe prefents. And that by the fame name they ihaii have perpetual fucceffion. And that they and their Suc¬ ceffors (by the name of Mafter, Wardens and Society of the Art and Myftery of Apothecaries of the City of Lon¬ don) be, and ihall be at all times to come hereafter perfons ftt, and in Law capable, and a body corporate and poli¬ tique, and in Law capable to have, purchafe, poffefs, en- ta joy and receive Mannors, Meffuages, Lands, Tenements, ^rc ^ atj^s> liberties, Priviledges, Franchises, Jurifdidions and Here- feme name, ditaments whatfoever, of whatfoever kind, name, nature, quality or fort they fhall be, to them and their Succeffors in Fee limple, and for ever, or for the term of a year or years, or otherwife, in what manner foever ,• And alfo rn Fee Simple. Goods and Chattels, and other things whatfoever, of For term of what name, nature, kind, quality, or fort foever they y^rs,or other,

may be ,• And alfo to grant, devife, alien, affign and dii- pole of Mannors, Lands, Tenements and Hereditaments; and to do and execute all and fmgular other ads and things by the name aforefaid ,• And that by the famename of Mafter, Wardens, and Society of the Art and Myftery of Apothecaries of the City of London, they may be able and may implead and be impleaded, anfwer and be an- fwered, defend and be defended in all Courts, Pleas, and T° fue, and Places whatfoever, and before any of our Judges and Ju- be fued# ft ices, and other perfons or officers whatfoever, and of our Heirs and Succeffors, in all and fmgular Adions, Pleas, Suits, Plaints, Caufes, Matters and Demands whatfoever^ of whatfoever kind, quality, or fort they be, or may be, in the fame manner and form,as any other ourLeigePeople of England, being perfons fit and capable in Law, or any other Body Corporate or Politique, within our Kingdom of England, may or are able to have, purchafe, receive,

B - poffefs

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. c 8 > ' r ' poffefs and enjoy, relieve, give, grant, demife, alien, af- lign and difpofe of, implead and be impleaded, anfwer and be anfwered, defend and be defended, do, permit, or execute. And that the fame Matter, Wardens, and So-

* To hare a c^etY ^ie Art an^ Myftery of Apothecaries of the City Common Seal, of London afarefaid, may have for ever a Common Seal to-

ferve them in Caufes and Bullneffes of themfelves -and their Succeffors. And that it may, and ftiall be Lawful for the fame Matter, Wardens, and Society of the Art and Myftery of Apothecaries of London aforefaid, and

*. . _ .their Succeliors, that Seal at their own Will and Pleafure/ be broken' or*10111 time to timej> to break, change, and to make anew altered. 5 one, as it fhall feem to them belt to be done • And fur¬

ther We Will and Ordain, and by thefe Prefents for our Pelves, our Heirs, and Succeffors, Grant to the aforefaid Mafter, Wardens, and Society of the Art and Myftery of Apothecaries aforefaid, and fo to their Succeliors, that from henceforth, for ever, and for all times to come, there be, and fhall be, one of the Society of the Art and Myftery of Apothecaries aforefaid, in form, in thefe Prefents mentioned to be chofen and nominated, who

Power to chafe fhall be named and called Mafter of the Art and Society a Mafter. aforefaid ; And that, in like manner, there be, and fhall

, be, two of the Society of the Art and Myftery aforefaid, in form in thefe Prefents expreffed, to be chofen and

Two Wardens, named, who fhall be, and be named. Wardens of the Art, Myftery, and Society aforefaid : And alfo,, that in like

• manner, there be, and ftiall be, one and twenty of the Society aforefaid, in form in thefe Prefents hereafter

One and twen-likewife mentioned, to be Chofen, who fhall be, and :y Aftiftants. j]iap named, Afliftants of the Art and Society of Apo¬

thecaries of the City of London ; and from time to time jhall be aftifting and aiding the Mafter, and Wardens of the Myftery and Society aforefaid, for the time being, in all caufes, matters, and things, touching or concerning the faid Mafter and Society. And we further Will, and by thefe Prefents, for Us, our Heirs, and Succeffors, Grant to the aforefaid Mafter, Wardens, and Society, and to their Succeffors, that it may, and Jliall be lawful to the

\ fame Mafter, Wardens, and Society, and their Succef¬ fors,

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CO • fefs, ef the Att and My fiery ef ‘Apetheearjes ©f Lmim fibre! aid, t© have, purehafe, retain; and appelnt a eer*'- tain Hall, er Ceuneii Heufe, within ©up city ©f £**■« ,iiiB dmt\ And that the fame Mailer, and Wardens ©f the Myftery Merefald, ©r any twe ef them, (ef whleh the Mutter for the time being we Will to be one) g§ ofrcn it ihall leem to them to be fit and nccellary, at their will and pleafurCj at all times hereafter, lawfully may, and /hall have a power to call together and hold, within the fame Hall, or Houfe, a certain Court or Convocation of To keep Court

the fame Mafter, _ Wardens, and Afliftajits aforefaid, to°.ra the number of thirteen perfons or more., (of which thetIon' Matter, and one Warden, of the Myftery and Society aforefaid, for the time beings as aforefaid, we Will to bV two.) And that in the fame Court , or Convocation, they may, and may be able to handle, report, confult, advife, and determin, of Statutes, Laws, Articles, Or-to confulc a- dinances, and Conftitutions, touching and concerning bout Statutes, the Myftery and Society aforefaid, the good Govern- Laws,Articles, ment. State, and Rule of the fame, according to their found Difcretions, or according to the found Difcre- tion of the Major part of them, fo as aforefaid affem- bled, (of which the Matter, and one Warden, of the Myftery and Society aforefaid, for the time being, we W ill to be two, ) And further, we Will by thefe pre- fents, for our Selves, our Heirs and Succeflors, grant to the Mafter, Wardens and Society of the Art or Myftery of Apothecaries of the City of London, and to their Succef- fors. That the Mafter, Wardens and Affiftants of the My-The ftery aforefaid, for the time being, to the number of thir- ™*rdcnsK&c' teen perfons or more (of which the aforefaid Mafter for numbed the time being we Will to be one ) upon.publique Sum¬ mons thereof, being aflembled together to that purpofe, in the Hall or Houfe of the Society aforefaid. May have, and /hall have full Power, Licence and Authority, to com- pofe, conftitute, ordain, and make, from time to time, any Laws, Statutes, Conftitutions, Decrees and Ordi-T<? niakelaw*. nances whatfoever reafonably, in writing, which to them or the major part of them (of which the Mafter of the Myftery and Society aforefaid, for the time being we Will

% z - to


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to be one) fhall feem to be good, wholfome, profitable, ho- . r neft and neceffary, according to their found difcretions, for

r°rnmentof the Good Rule and Government of them, the Matter, the Society. Wardens, Attiftants and Society and Myftery of Apothe¬

caries aforefaid, and of all and fingular other perfons, exercifing and occupying the Art or Myftery of Apothe¬ caries aforefaid, within the City of London aforefaid, the Liberties and Suburbs of the fame, and within feven miles of the fame City ,• and for declaring in what manner and order the fame Matter, Wardens and Society, and all and every the Apprentices, Officers and Minifters of the My¬ ftery and Society aforefaid, in their Offices, Functions, Minifteries, Apprentifhips, Artifices and Bufineffes, with¬ in the City aforefaid, and Liberties and Suburbs of the fame, and within feven miles of the fajne City, fhall be¬ have, carry and ufe themfelves, for the more advantage* ous publick good, common profit, and good rule of the

In their Orders Myftery and Society aforefaid, and government of the concerning fame ; and in all other matters and caufes whatfoever. Medicines to touching,or in any manner or wife concerning the Myftery advife wtlithe or Society aforefaid ; Provided always. That for fo many /cenfors of and fuch"Ordinances as fhall concern Medicines or Com- the Colledg of pofitions, and the ufe of them, they fhall from time to time Phyficians. ca]j upon the Prefident and four Cenfors and Governors of

the Colledg and Community of Phyficians of London, or other Phyficians by the Preiident aforefaid to be named, . for advice in that behalf. And That the fame Mafter, Wardens and Affiftants of the Myftery aforefaid, for the time being, to the number of thirteen perfons or more, (of which the Mafter of the Myftery aforefaid, for the time being, we Will to be one) as often as they fhall make, ordain and eftablifh fuch Laws, Orders, Statutes, Inftitu- tions. Ordinances and Conftitutions, They may make, ordain, limit, and provide fuch manner ot punilhments.

To pwnifh by peins and penalties, by fines and amercements, or by ei- Fiaes and A- ther of them, for and upon all offenders, - againft fuch tnerccracnts. Laws, Inftitutions, Statutes, Ordinances and Conftituti- *

ons, or either or any of them, as to the faid Matter, War- dens and Affiftants of the Myftery aforefaid for the time being , or the major part of them ( of which

• ' - die

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(II) the Matter of the Myftery and Society aforefaid for the time being we Will to be one) fhall belt feem to bi neceffary, requifite and fin, for the obfervation of thole Laws, Ordinances and Conftitutions: And that the fame Matter, Wardens and -Society of the Myftery aforefaid, and their Succeffors, the fame fines and amerce¬ ments, by the proper Minifters and Officers of them the faid Matter, Wardens and Society for the time being, by their difcretion, or otherwife according to the Laws and Cuftoms of our Kingdom of England, may and fhall be enabled to Levy, have, and take to the ufe of the Ma- To ^ uft 0f fter. Wardens and Society aforefaid, and of their Succel- theMafter,$V. fors, without the hindrance of Us, our Heirs and Succef- fors, or of any of the Minifters or Officers of Us, our Heirs and Succeffors, and without any account to Us, our without • Heirs and Succeffors, thereof to be rendered and made. jng account# All and fingular which Ordinances, Laws and Conftituti¬ ons, fo (as aforefaid) to be made, we Will to be obferved, under the peins in the fame contained; yet fo as fuch Laws, Conftitutions, Fines and Amercements, be reafo- But t0 be mo_ nable, and be not repugnant to the Laws, Statutes, Cu- derate, and n©t ftoms'or Rights of our Kingdom of England. And for the contrary to better execution of our Will and Grant on this behalf, aw* We have afligned, named, created and conftituted our well-beloved, the aforefaid Edmund Fhillips to be the firft p^m

and prefent Matter of the Art or Myftery and Society ups firftMafier. aforefaid : and alfo the aforefaid Stephen Higgins and Tho- .

mas Fones to be the firft and prefent Wardens of the My- an^ ^ fiery and Society aforefaid, to be continued in the laid Wardens# offices, from the date of thefe prefents, until the twentieth day of Auguft next following • and afterwards until three others to thofe offices of Matter and Wardens of the Art or Myftery and Society aforefaid, in due manner fhall be ele&ed and preferred, according to the ordinances and provifions in thefe prefents expreffed and declared, if the faid Jf.dmund Fhillips, Stephen Higgins and 'Thomas Fones fhall fo long live (unlefs in the mean time, for ill government or ill behaving of themfelves in that behalf, or for any o- ther reafonable caufe they fhall be removed, or either of them fhall be removed from thofe offices) And



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To take an Oath before the Attorney General and the Phyficians.

The Matter and Wardens to be fworn before the Af- ttttants.

(; 13 ) wt atfo have aflsgned and named, created, cenftieu. ted and made, and by thefe prefens, for Us, our Hein and Sueceffers, We do afflgn, create^ name, eonftitute and make our beloved the aforefaid John Wdfgmgfamlw Gideon da Lawm, Lews Mymm, Richard Baeon, TbormsWhih b> JohnVfkmfm, John Huett, William Checkly, Daniel Dor* nelly, Wdliam Wells, Adrian'Barton, Jofiah Hants, Thomas Criflie, John Sheppard, Gabriel Sheriffs, Thomas Bullard, Richard

Edwards, James Collwell, Thomas Hicks, Edward Cooke, and John Warkehvwfe, well learned, educated, and expert in the Art and Myftery of Apothecaries, to be the firft and immediate Affiftants of the fame Myftery and Society of Apothecaries, to be continued in the lame offices and places during their natural lives, unlefs in the mean time for ill government or ill behaving of themfelves, in that behalf, or for any other reafonable caufe, they /hall be removed, or any or either of them /hall be removed • Which Affiftants of the Myftery and Society aforefaid ' /hall take their Corporal oaths well and faithfully to exe¬ cute their offices aforefaid, before Francis Bacon, Knight our Attorney General; Henry Tiverton, Knight/ our Sol¬ icitor General ■, Theodore Mayerne and Henry Atkins, Dodrors in Phyfick ; and JohnTownlye, Efq- (or before two of them) to which live, or two of them, we give and grant by thefe prefents, full power and authority to give and ad- minifter the Oaths offered to the Affiftants of :he Myftery aforefaid, within forty days after the date of thefe pre¬ fents. And alfo the aforefaid Mafter of the Myftery afore¬ faid, and Wardens of the Myftery and Society aforefaid ffiall take their corporal Oaths well and faithfully to execute the laid office of Mafter and Wardens of the Myftery afore¬ faid in all things touching and concerning the lame offices before the Affiftants of the Myftery aforefaid, or the great eft prrt of them, within fifty days after the date of thefe preients; And fo from time to time, toties quoties, the Ma¬ ilers and Wardens of the Myftery and Society Aforefaid, ffiall be deified and preferrd, before they be admitted, or any one of them be admitted to the execution of the Of¬ fice aforefaid.


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C 13 ) And ferther, We Will, and by the'fe prefents, for Our

Selves^ our Heirs and Succeffors, We Grant to the afore- faid Matter, Wardens and Society of the Myftery in the Art of Apothecaries aforefaid, and to their Succeffors, that the Matter, Wardens, and Afliftants of the Myftery and Society aforefaid, for the time being, and their Suc- ceftors, to the number of thirteen perfons or more ( if fo many can conveniently be affembled together) from time v to time, and at all times .to come, hereafter have andihall have power and authority, yearly, and every year for ever, in and upon the twentieth day of Aitguft, or within, eight days next after the faid twentieth day of Auguftgio eleett and name, and that they may ele<ft and name three of the Power to the moft honeftand difereet men of the Society aforefaid, of Affifhnts to which one fhall be the Matter, and the other two /hall be chllfe a Mailer Wardens of the Myftery and Society aforefaid, for oneandWardens- whole year then next following, and thenceforth until three other honeft and difereet men of the Myftery afore¬ faid, /hall be elected and preferred, according to the Or¬ dinances and provifions in thefe prefen ts exprefled and de¬ clared. ^ '

And We farther Will, and by thefe prefents, for Us, our Heirs and Succeftors. do Grant to the aforefaid Ma- fter. Wardens, and Society of the Myftery of Apothecaries of the City of .London aforefaid,^ and to their Succeftors, that if it /half happen the Mafter and Wardens of the My¬ ftery and Society aforefaid, or any of them, at any time within one year after they fhall, fo as aforefaid, be eleded and preferred to the offices of Mafter and Wardens of the Myftery and Society aforefaid, or any one or more of them, after they are ele&ed and appointed, to dye or to be removed from thofe offices (which Mafter and War¬ dens, and every of them, for ill government, or for any other reafonable caufe. We Will fhall. be from time to time removable by the reft, the Mafter and Wardens not offending or failing in their duty, and by the Afliftants of the Myftery andSociety aforefaid,for the time being,to the num¬ ber of thirteen perions or more) That then, and fo often it - mall and may be lawful for fo many of them the Mafter, Power toermfc- Wardens and A/fiftants,w^ich/hall then furvive and remain, death 0^^^

to moval.

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( 14 ) '' j E II to the number of thirteen perfons or more, at their plea- fure to chufe and prefer one or more other or others to be Mailer and Warden or Wardens of the Myftery and Society aforefaid (according to the Ordinance and provi- lion in thefe prefents declared) to execute and exercife the aforefaid offices of Mailer and Wardens of the Myftery and Society aforefaid, until the twentieth day of Augufi then next following, or within eight days before the twen¬ tieth day of Aagtifiy and from thence until three other ho¬ ned and difcreet men of the Myftery and Society afore¬ faid, (hall be named and chofen into the offices of Mailer and Wardens of the Myftery and Society aforefaid, accord¬ ing to the Ordinances and provisions in thefe prefents de¬ clared and expreifed, and fo toti&s quoties as the cafe ihall fall out to be.

And We further Will, and by thefe prefents, for Us, our Heirs and Succeflors, We do ordain and Grant to the

' aforefaid Mailer, Wardens and Society of the Myftery aforefaid, and td their SucceiTors, that whenfoever it Ihall happen that any one or more of the aforefaid one and twenty Afliftants for the time being, of the Myftery^ and Society aforefaid do dye, or for any reafonable Cauie be removed from their offices of Afliftants of the Myftery and Society aforefaid (which Afliftants, and everyone of them, not well behaving him or themfelves in thole offices, or for any other reaionable caufe, we Will to be removable, from time to time, by the Mailer, Wardens and Afliftants, to the number of thirteen perfons or more, which at that time Ihall remain and furvive ) At their pleaiure, from time to time, to ele£l, nominate and appoint one or more.

To chufe new other or others> of the moft hon^ft and worthy perfons, Afliftants. ' being of the Myftery and Society aforeiaid, into the place

on places of that Afliftant, or thofe Afliftants, of the My¬ ftery and Society aforefaid, fo happening to dye, or to be removed, to fupply the aforefaid number of one and twen¬ ty Afliftants aforeiaid: And that he or they, after that they ihall befo ele<5ted or nominated, and before they, or any of them, be admitted to the execution of the aforefaid office of Afliftant or Afliftants of the Myftery and Society aforefaid, ihall take their corporal Oaths, upon the holy

' Evan- And fvvear them.

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C 15 ) Evangelifts, before the Mailer and Wardens of the My fie¬ ry and Society aforefaid for the time being, well, truly, faithfully and honeftly, to execute thofe offices, and to keep all thole Secrets, which, in the Court of Affiftants, in his or their prefence fhall be communicated or difcoiufed of, and fo toties quoties as the cafe fhall happen.

Moreover, we give, and by thefe prefents, for Us, our Heirs and Succeliors, We grant to the aforefaid Mailer, Wardens and Society of the Art and Myftery of Apothe¬ caries aforefaid, and to their Succeftors/ That the Mailer and Wardens of the Myftery and Society aforefaid, for the time being, may and fhall have full power and autho¬ rity, from time to time, to give and adminifter a corporal Oath upon the holy Evangelifts, as well to all the Mailers, Power to ad-

s Wardens, and Affiftants of the Myftery and Society afore-minifter ^ faid, for the time to come, to be defied and admitted in- t0 th,e to the faid offices or places (as aforefaid) and to all officers wardens of the Myftery and Society aforefaid, for the due executi- - on of their offices, rightly well and faithfully, in all things touching or concerning thefe offices feveraliy, as to all Apprentices, and to all other the Free-men of the Myftery aforefaid whatfoever.

And further, that as much as in us lies, we may pro¬ vide for the fafety of our Subjects and the publick good, and that thofe mifehiefs and inconveniencies, daily hap¬ pening by the unlearned and inexpert, deceitful and dif- lionetl men, exercifmg the Art of Apothecaries, may the better be^ avoided. We Will, and of our fpecial Grace, certain Knowledge and meer motion, by thefe prelents^ for our Selves^ our Fleirs and SuccefTors, grant to the afore¬ faid Mailer, Wardens and Society of the Myftery of Apothecaries aforefaid,and to their SuccefTors, that it may not, or fhall not be lawful henceforth for the future, for any perfon or perfons whatfoever,now being, or hereafter to be Free-men of the Myftery of Grocers aforefaid, or No Grocer

ot any other Arts, Faculties or A4yfteries in the City of keep an Apo-

London, and in the fame Art, Faculty or Myftery educated, drearies Shop,

or to be educated, to furniih, hold, or have any Apothe¬ caries Shop or Warehoufe, or to make, mix, put toge¬ ther, compound, prepare, offer, apply or adminifter any



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• C r 6 )

Medicines whatfoever: Or any Compound Medicines, or Medicinal Compofitions, viz* Compounded Diftilled Waters, or Chymical Oyls, Apozems, Syrups, Conferves, Lohocks, Elecftuaries,Candites, Pills, Powders, Trochifcks, Oyls, Oyntments, Plaifters, in any manner to fell, openly publifh, utter, exercife, or expofe to fale to any perfon or perfons whatfoever, or other wife to ufe or exercife in any manner foever, the Art, Faculty or Myftery of an Apo¬ thecary, or any part of it, within the City of Lcndo?i, or Liberties thereof, or within feven miles of the faid City, and under the penalty of five pounds for every month in

nakyof tl per which fuch perfon or perfons doth or do exercife the Arp menjem. 5 and Myftery of an Apothecary (as aforefaid) againft the

true intent of thefe Letters Patents. Which Forfeitures and Penalties may, from time to time, be levy d and re¬ cover’d by diftrefs, or by account of debt to be profecuted in the name of the Junior Warden for the time being, or otherwife, in any of our Courts at IVeJlminfier • one half thereof to be taken and applied to the ufe of the afore¬ faid Mafter, Wardens, and Society of the Myftery of Apothecaries.

' We Will alfo and by thefe Prefents for our felves, our Heirs, and Succeftors, grant to the aforefaid Mafter, Wardens, and Society of the Myftery of Apothecaries of the City of London aforefaid, and to their Succeftors, that no perfon or perfons whatfoever may have, keep, or fur-

No penbn to11^ an Apothecary's Shop or Ware-houle, or may exer- keep a Shop, cife the Ait or Myftery of an Apothecary, or may make,

mingle, put together, compound, prepare, offer, apply, or adminifter any Medicines whatfoever; or in any man¬ ner fell, openly publiih, utter, ufe, or expofe to fale, any compound Medicines or Compolitions, to any perfon or perfons whatfoever, within the City of London and Liber¬ ties of the fame, or within feven miles of the faid City,, unlels fuch perfon or perfons, by the fpace of feven years at leaft, hath or have been educated, inftruefted and taught, as an Apprentice or Apprentices with fome Apothecary or Apothecaries, exercifing the fame Art, and being free of

Till he have the fame Myftery. And after fuch leven years of lervice or &rved 7 years Apprentifhip (as aforelaid)lhall be elapied and run out,that .Apprentilhip. then

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C *7) then every fuch Apprentice fhall appear and be presented fro Apprentice before the Mafter and Wardens for the time being ; and fr°ec by the fame Mafter and Wardens (the Prefident of the iowe’d by the College or Community of the Faculty of Phyfickin Lon- Prefident of don for the time beings being called to their affiftance, or the College of fome Phyfitian or Phyfitians by the faid Prefident to be hhyficians, or named, and tor that purpole from time to time to be afiign- aeputed" by ed. If upon notice thereof given, fuch aforefaid Phyfitl- him, who is to an, or Phyfitians, will be prefent, and advifement with be prefent at the fame had) fhall be examined, proved, and tried, con-his cerning his knowledge, and choice of Simples, and con- and W»r- cerning the preparation, difpenfati'on. ufing, commixtion, dens> and compofition of Medicines; and Hi ail be by the fame Ancl be ex*u Phyfitians, Mafter and Wardens well try'd and approved mined, before he prefumes to have, keep, or furnifh an Apothe- arote, Cy the carys Shop, or prepare, make, mingle, compofe, com- late Aft 6 Will*

pound, offer, adminifter openly, pubiifh, utter, ufe, iell,3-madct0^x“ or expofe,to Sale, any Medicines whatfoever, or other-c^-fisftomth^ wife exercife in any manner whatever the Art of an Apo- odices therein thecary, or any part of the fame within the City of Lon- mentioned , don, and Liberties thereof, or within feven miles of the that no Apo- fameCity. > . thecary

J , have any be¬ nefit of Exemption by vertue of the fame Aft, unlefs he hath been firft duly examined and approv’d by the Prefident, or other Phyfitians of theColJedg, purfuant to this Claufe of the Charter, andean produce a Tdtimonial thereof, as appears by the faid Aft.

And further, out of our more abundant fjpecial Grace, and certain Knowledge, and meer Motion, for the better Government and Rule of all Perfons which now do, or 'hereafter fhall, exercife the Art or Myftery of an Apo¬ thecary aforefaid, within the City of London, or Suburbs thereof, or within feven miles of the fame City, we have given and granted, and by thefe Prefents for our felves, our Heirs and Succeflors, '.we do give and grant to the aforefaid Mafter, Wardens,, and Society of the Myftery of Apothecaries of the City of London aforefaid, and their Succeffors, That the Mafter and Wardens of the Myftery aforefaid, for the time being, and their Succeffors, from henceforth, for ever, may, and fhall have full power and authority, from time to time, to take, and have the over-

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( i8 ) light, fcrutiny, examination, government and correction, of all, and ail manner of perfons whatfoever, as well Freemen as others, uling, or exeroiling the Art, Myfrery, or Faculty of an Apothecary, or any part thereof as afore- laid, within our City of London, the Liberties and Sub¬ urbs of the fame City, as well within the Liberties as. without ,* where any perfon uling, or exerciiing the Art, Myftery, or Faculty of an Apothecary, or any part there¬ of Ihall inhabit, or abide, or ihall happen to inhabit, or x abide: And that the laid Mailer and Wardens, and their Succelfors, or any one, or more of them, or any of the Afliftants by the Mailer and Wardens to be nominated, and afligned, at feafonable and convenient times, and in man¬ ner and form convenient and lawful, from time to time, as often as to the faid Mailer and Wardens it ihall feem ex-

Power to enter pedient, may go, and enter into any Shop, or Shops, Shops and Houfe, or Houles, of any perfon, or perfons whatfoever, Houfes. uling, or exercifing the Art or Myftery of an Apothecary.,

or any part thereof, within the City of London, Suburbs, and Liberties of the lame aforefaid, or within leven Miles of the laid City, as well within Liberties, as without, where any Medicines either iimple or compound. Wares,. Drugs, Receipts, Dilliiled Waters, Chymical Oils/ Sy¬ rups, Conferves, Eleduary Pills , Powders, Lohocks, Oils, Ointments, Plaiflers, or any other things whatfo¬ ever, which appertain, or belong, to the faid Art or My¬ ftery of an Apothecary as aforelaid, probably, or likely

To fearch andTnaybe found / and inipecl, learch, and try, if the fame try Medicines. Medicines iimple or compound. Wares, Drugs, Receipts,

Dilliiled Waters, Chymical Oils, Syrups, Conferves Lohoch■ Eleduary Pills, Powders, Trochifcks, Oils, Oint¬ ments, Plaillers, or any other things whatfoever to the faid Art or Myftery of an Apothecaiy aforefaid belonging,, be, or Ihall be, good, w.hollbme, medicable, apt, and lit, for the Cure, Health,, and Relief of our Subjeds. And alfo that the aforefaid Mailer and Wardens of the Myftery aforefaid, and the Afliftants aforefaid, for the time being, for this purpofe by the faid Mailer and Wardens to be named and alligned, and their Succelfors, from time to time, may have, and by thefe Prefents ihall have, full

y ; - . - power

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I *?) power and authority, to examine and try,, all and every the perfons profefttng, ufing, or exercifing, or who ftall hereafter, profefs, uie, or exercife, the Art or Myftery of an Apothecary, or any part of the fame, within the afore- faid City of London, Suburbs, or Liberties of the fame, or within {even Miles of the laid City, (as well within Li¬ berties as without) of, and* concerning their, and every of their Judgment, Skill, and Knowledge, in the afore- laid Art or Myftery of an Apothecary-,* and all thofe whom they frail find hereafter either unskilled, ignorant, and infufticient, or obftinate, and refuting to be examined by virtue of thefe Prefents, in the Art or Myftery afore- faid, to be removed, and forbid, from the exercife, ufe, and practice, of the Myftery or Art aforefaid ,* and alfo all and every fuch Medicines, Wares^ Drugs, Receipts, Di- ftilled Waters, Chymical Oils, Syrups, Conferves, Lohocks^ Electuaries, Pills, Powders, Trochifchs, Oils, Ointments, and Plaifters, and all other things, belonging to the Art aforefaid, which they find to be falfe, unlawful, adulte¬ rated, ftale, decayed, unwholfome, corrupt, not medi- " cinable, pernicious, or hurtful, to burn before the doors of the Delinquents; and alfo may appoint, impofe, and wholfomfanh exact a mulct, and other perns and penalties, by fines and hurtful medi-

amercements, upon fuch Delinquents, according to their cincs;

Difcretions, and the Ordinances by them and their Suc- ceffors, fo (as aforefaid) to be made and conftituted. We Willing, Charging, and Commanding, (and by thefe Prefents for ourfelves, our Heirs, and Succeffors, firmly enjoyning) all and lingular the. Mayors, Juftices, Baylifts, Conftables, and all other our Officers, Miniiters, and Subjects whatfoever, that they be affifting to, aiding, and 0fficcrs to be comforting the aforefaid Matter, Wardens, and AftiitantV affiftant to the of the Myftery and Society of Apothecaries aforefaid, and Mailer, War- every of them, and their Succelfors, for the doing, en- derD **Ci in joying, having, and executing, all, and lingular thofetheir fcirch* things, by us, to the aforefaid Matter, Wardens, and Society, and their Succdfors, by thefe our Letters Patents, granted, and every, or any part, and parcel thereof.

And further we Will, and by thefe Prefents, of our more ample fpecial Grace, certain Knowledge, and meer

^ . .. Motion,

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. ' . C SO ) Motion, for us, our Heirs, and Succeffors, grant to the aforefaid Matter, Wardens, and Society, of the Myftery of Apothecaries of the City of London aforefaid, and their Succeffors, that they, the aforefaid Matter,. Wardens, and Society of the Myftery of Apothecaries aforefaid, have, hold, retain, and enjoy, and may, and may be able to have, retain, and enjoy, fo many, fo great, and fuch the fame manner of, and like Franchifes, Privileges, Cuftoms, Immunities, Acquittans, Profits, Commodities, Incre¬ ments, Advantages, and Emoluments whatfoever, in buy-

PoJ^r t0 ing, merchandizing, or gaining Aromatiques ,x Medi- iC Dru§s> cines. Drugs, and other things, and matters whatfoever,

to the Art or Myftery of an Apothecary belonging, and appertaining, how many, and how great, and of what quality foever they be, and in as ample -manner, and form, as heretofore they ever have had, poffeffed, or enjoyed, or in any manner, or wife, ought to have had, poffeffed, and enjoyed, when they remained with the aforefaid Free-men of the Myftery of Grocers, and made, and were one body corporate and politique, promifcm oufly and undividedly with them.

And further we Will, and by thefe Prefents, for us, our Heirs, and Succeffors, grant, and give fpecial, and free Licence, and lawful Ability, Power, and Authority, to the aforefaid Matter, Wardens, and Society of the Myftery or Art of Apothecaries aforefaid, and their Suc-

Power to pur- celfors, to have, take, and purchafe to them, and their chafe Lands, Succeffors for ever, Mannors, Meffuages, Lands, Tene* **Cm ments. Meadows, feeding Grounds, Paftures, Woods,

Underwoods, Redlories, Tythes, Rents, Reverfions, and other Hereditaments whatfoever, within our Kingdom of England, or elfewhere within our Dominions, as well of us, our Heirs, and Succeffors, as of any other perfon or perfons whatfoever (which are not holden immediately of us, our Heirs, and Succeffors, in Capite, or by Knights Service) fo that the faid Mannors, Meffuages, Lands, Tenements, Meadows, Feeding Grounds, Paftures, Woods, Underwoods, Redlories, Tythes, Rents, Rever¬ fions, Services, and Hereditaments, lo by them to be had, taken, and purchafed, do not exceed in the whole, the

. i clear

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C il ) \ * '

clear yearfy value of forty Pounds per annum, beyond all Charges and Reprizes (the Statute of Mortmaine, or any other Statute, Ad, Ordinance, or Provifion, heretofore made, ordained, or provided, or any other caufe, matter, or thing whatfoever, to the contrary thereof, in any wife notwkhftanaing.)

We give alfo, and by thefe Prefents, for us, our Heirs, and Succeffors, grant to each, or any of the Subjeds of us, or of our Heirs, and Succeffors, our fpecial and free Licence, and our lawful Power, Leave, and Authority, that they, or any one, or more of them, may give, grant, fell, devife, or alien to the aforefaid Mafter, Wardens,Power to fcX

and Society of the Myftery aforefaid, and their Succef¬ fors, Mannors, Meffuages, Lands, Tenements, Mea¬ dows, Feeding Grounds, Paftures, Woods, Under¬ woods, Redories, Tythcs, Rents, Reverfions, Services, • and other Hereditaments whatfoever, which are not holden of us, our Heirs, and Succeffors, immediately in caplteK or orherwife by Knights Service • fo that alf the aforefaid Mannors, Meffuages, Lands, Tenements, Mea¬ dows, Feeding Grounds, Paftures, Woods, Underwoods, Redories, Tythes, Rents, Reverfions, Services, and other Hereditaments: fo to the faid Mafter, Wardens and Society of the Myftery and Art aforefaid, and their Succeffors, by virtue of thefe Prefents^ to be given, grant¬ ed, devifed, or aliened, do not exceed in the whole, the clear yearly value of forty pounds per annum, beyond all Charges and Reprizes, (the Statute of Mortmaine, or any other caufe, matter, or thing whatfoever, heretofore had, made, publifhed, ordained, or provided to the contrary thereof, in any manner, or wife, notwithftanding.J

We Will alfo, and by thefe Prefents, for us, our Heirs, and Succeffors, grant to the aforefaid Mafter, Wardens, and Society of the Myftery or Art of Apothecaries of the City of London aforefaid, and to their Succeffors That the aforefaid Mafter, Wardens, and Affiftants, for the time being, or their Succeffors, or the greater part of them, from henceforth, for ever, may nominate, and \ chooie, one honeft and fit man, who ihall be, and ihaliTo ,choofe * be named Common Clerk of the Society aforefaid ,• and ^rk’t0wl£ '*

that fworn.

4 i

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iPower to choofe a die.

And give an Oath.

(.22) . that fuch Clerks before he be admitted to execute the faid Office, ihall take a Corporal Oath before the Mafter, and Wardens of the Society aforefaid, for the time being; duly and faithfully to execute the fame Office, according to his knowledge in all things touching the fame • and that after the Oath aforefaid, fo given, he may exercife,- and ufe 'the faid Office, during the pleafure of the Ma¬ fter, Wardens, and Affiftants of the Society aforefaid, for the time being, or the greater part of them, whereof the Matter of the Art and Myftery aforelaid, for the time being we Will to be one.

And we Will further, and by thefe Prefents for us, our Heirs, and Succeffors, grant to the aforelaid Mafter, Wardens, and Society of the Myftery of Apothecaries aforelaid, and their Succeffors, That the aforelaid Ma¬ fter, Wardens, and Affiftants for the time being, and their Succeffors, or the major part oF them, from time to time, from henceforth may, name, and eleCt, one apt and ftt man, who ihall be, and ihall be named. Beadle of

Era‘ the Society aforelaid. And that fuch Beadle fo (as afore- faid) chofen and nominated, before he is admitted to ex¬ ecute the laid Office, ihall take a Corporal Oath before

him the Mafter and Wardens of the Society aforefaid, for the time being, to execute the Office aforefaid, well, and faithfully in all things, touching the laid Officd. And that after fuch Oath lb nfken, he may exercife, and hold the laid Office, during the pleafure of the faid Mafter, Wardens, and Affiftants aforefaid, and their Succeilors, for the time being (of which the Mafter of the Art and Myftery aforefaid, for the time being, wTe Will to be one.)

And laftly we Will, and by thefe Prefents declare, our Royal Intention to be, I hat thefe our Letters Patents, or any thing herein contained, ihall not go to the preju¬ dice of the Prefident, and College, or Community of Phylitians of the City of Lwdon, nor to the taking away, infringing, or diminiihing, of the JurifdiCfion, Autho¬ rity, buperviiing, or Correction of the lame Prelident, and Coiledge, or Community, and their Succeilors, in the Medicines of the City of London v But that they the

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C 23 ) ' . , (aid Prefident and Community of Phyfitians, and all, and t fingular the Phyfitians of the fame Colledg, or Commu¬ nity, and their Succeffors; as alfo the Phyfitians of the i

Queen^ and Prince hereafter ought, and as they A Hiving of the pleafe may, exercife thePhyfical Art in all its parts • and power of the

moreover they (hall enjoy and ufe, and may enjoy and Prefldctf and ufe, die fame, and the like Jurifdielions, Authorities, Su- Sllc§cot1|i15" pervifings, and Corredions, and all other Powers, Privi- theirAuthority. leges, and Liberties, as the Apothecaries have any time, heretofore, ufed and enjoyed, and moreover generally all other Authorities, Privileges and Powers, to them, at what time foever, or for what caufe foever heretofore jpanted, by reafon, or pretence, of any Letters Patents, by us, or by any one, or more of our Progenitors, or by reafon, or pretence, of any Ad, or Ads of Parliament, ©r in any other Royal manner whatfoever, to the fame Prefident, and College or Community of Phyfitians, and their Succeffors, given,, granted, or confirmed. We Will neverthelefs, and ordain, by thefe Prefents, that in any cafe whatfoever, vvherein the Prefident and Colledg of Phyficians of the City of London aforefaid, might have had the Scrutiny of Medicines^ by calling to them any one of the Society of Grocers, by vertue of an Ad of Parliament, that in the fame and like cafe the faid Prefident of the Colledg ftall have, enjoy and execute the like power and authority, by calling to them the Mafter and Wardens of „ fr J the Apothecaries aforefaid, without that that it /hall be at all ,The , ;g to lawful for the time to come for the fame Phyficians to Call power in to any ofthe Myftery of Grocers aforefaid, to fuch fearch. Searches to call any thing in anyluch Statutes to the contrary in any wife ^ie waller and notwithstanding : Provided alfo, that thefe our LettersWarcIeriS cf the Patents or any thing in them granted or contained, ihali comD^vTof flot tend to the prejudice of our City of London, or Liber- the Grocers.

. lame • nor in any manner take from the Fran- A Saving to the chiles Liberties, Government, Jurifdidions, or CuftomsLihert,es> >- or the fame City. rifdHVk ns, ere.

And laftly. We Will and declare our Intention to be,%±aty °P that the expert and approved Surgeons may exercife their Art and Faculty, and all and every of them may ufe and enjoy their own proper Practice, as to what only belongs

O and

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v *4; what Modi- and tends to Compofition and application of external Me* cines Surgeons £|ic;nes on]y; fo as neverthelefs they do not fell or expofe, TL ° the lame Medicines to fale to others, according to the com¬

mon manner of Apothecaries-bf our City of London, (not- withftanding that in thefe prefents exprefs mention is not made of die true yearly value, or of the certainty of the Premiffes, or any of them, or of other Gifts or Grants by us, or by any of our Progenitors or Anceftors to the afore- faid Mailer, Wardens, and Society of the Myllery of Apothecaries of the Gity of London aforefuid before this time made, or any Statute, A&, Ordinance, Provifion, Proclamation, or Reftriction to the contrary thereof, be- fore this time had made, publilhed, ordained, orprovided, - or any other thing, caufe, or matter whatfpever. In Te- ftimony whereof we have cauied thefe our Letters to be made Patents, Witnefs our (elf at fVefiminfier the thirty th day of May, in the Year of our Reign over England, France, and Ireland, the thirteenth, and over Scotland the eight

and fortyth.

By Writ under the Privy Seal,


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TheClaufe in the A£t 6 Gulielmi 3 for ex¬ empting Apothecaries from ferving the Offices of Conftable, i&c. ' ,

Be it therefore enacted hp tie icings 90 oft excellent 9$a- jeftp, bp and to th tbe S^LObtce and Content cf the Lords rttuaX and SCemporal, and Commons in this patent Parlia* mem ACfembled, atiD bp the &uthc?itp of the fame, 2LI;at all and eberpperfon and^erfons,<E(ing and ercrctfing*, c? that hereafter fyall ©fe and ejerafe the art cf an Aporh carp toithin the ft id Citp of London, and Hebert epii&s thereof, being iTtree of tlje fata ©octets ana toljo alceaap fjaae Seen, o? hereafter lijaU beautyCramtnea of bus ©lull tn the fata suffer j>3 ana filial! he 9pp?ahea of fo? the fame? and Cberp of them, for fulong as he or thep (b -11 We and Cpetcife the fatd Art, and no louger,(ball and map at all times hereafter, he JFrced and exempted from the feberal Offices of Ccnftable, ^cabenger, Oberfeer of the cor, and all other J^irtfih, Ward and ILeet Offices, and of and from the being put into, or ferbitig uponanp Juries o?Cnqueftss 9nd if at anp time hereafter anp fuch J®erron or ^erfons till* fing the faid Art, and being Ottalifted, as aforefaid, (ball he Chofenor elected into anp of the laid Offices, or Returned, Required or appointed to ferbe in anp 35urp, Heet or Cnqueft, 01 he SDifquieted orSOifturbed hp Reafon thereof, Hbat then fuch ^erfon or perfonar, producing a SCeOimonfal under the Common deal of the fatd Corporation, Cf fuch f)l£ nation, Approbation ano j^reeoom, to the p erfon or tenons, hp tchomhe (hall be fo defied or Appointed, or bp or before tohom he (hall he Summoned, Returned or Required to derbe or l^old anp of the faid Offices dr SDuties, (hall he abfolttelp SDifcharged from the fame, and fuch $om(natioib election, Return and Appointment (hall he utterly tEcid, and cf none effect’ am Order, Cuftom, Hats, or statute to the contrarp in anp toife nothoithfianding*

Probtded alfoaps that this Act (hall continue fdr the fpace of feben Pears, and from thence to the end of the nept £>eflton of parliament, and no longer.

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