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Page 1: 1 He served as the Soviet Unions first Commisar of war Trotsky The Bolsheviks controlled this part of Russia in the civil war The Heartland or center.


• He served as the Soviet Union’s first Commisar of war

• Trotsky• The Bolsheviks controlled this part of

Russia in the civil war• The Heartland or center around

Moscow• Which of the following countries did not

intervene in the Russian civil war 1918-1921? America,Germany,Japan

• Germany

Page 2: 1 He served as the Soviet Unions first Commisar of war Trotsky The Bolsheviks controlled this part of Russia in the civil war The Heartland or center.


• Finland, Latvia, Estonia and Lithuania gained their independence as a result of the Russian civil war. What act/event led to Russia regaining these territories?

• The Hitler/Stalin non-aggression pact August 23, 1939

• Which economic policy produced greater economic production in Russia, War Communism or the New Economic Policy?

• New Economic Policy• The New economic policy was said to be a

compromise with what?• Capitalism• Which of the following men would have most

supported the NEP? Stalin/Trotsky/Kirov• Trotsky

Page 3: 1 He served as the Soviet Unions first Commisar of war Trotsky The Bolsheviks controlled this part of Russia in the civil war The Heartland or center.


• A revolt by the sailors at this naval base led Lenin to believe that he needed to change from war communism to the NEP.

• Kronstadt Naval base in Petrograd• Name one area of the economy controlled by the

government under the NEP.• Large industries, foreign trade, transportation• The true political power in the Soviet System

was found in this group which consisted of the Communist party’s top leaders.

• Politburo• He argued for the doctrine of “permanent

revolution”.• Trotsky

Page 4: 1 He served as the Soviet Unions first Commisar of war Trotsky The Bolsheviks controlled this part of Russia in the civil war The Heartland or center.


• If Stalin did not believe in “permanent revolution” then what did he believe in?

• Socialism in one country• Who wrote Problems with Leninism in

1924?• Stalin• If I believed in the NEP, would that make

me a left or right Bolshevik?• Right• Ultimately, would Stalin have been a left or

right bolshevik?• Left

Page 5: 1 He served as the Soviet Unions first Commisar of war Trotsky The Bolsheviks controlled this part of Russia in the civil war The Heartland or center.


• What was Stalin’s economic policy called?• 5 year plan• What the two key areas of production focused

on in the 5 year plans?• Industrial output and Agricultural output• Which aspect of the economy improved the

most?• Industrial• The soviet economy was put under the direction

of this agency?• GOSPLAN• This group most resisted the collectivzation of

agriculture• Kulaks

Page 6: 1 He served as the Soviet Unions first Commisar of war Trotsky The Bolsheviks controlled this part of Russia in the civil war The Heartland or center.


• In the second 5 year plan, Stalin made concessions to the Peasants that were very similar to those of the ______.

• New Economic Policy• The assassination of this man led to the

great purge by Stalin.• Sergei Kirov• What group was targeted in the purge?• Old Bolsheviks• Stalins use of Kirov for emergency powers

was similar to what event for Hitler?• Burning of the Reichstag

Page 7: 1 He served as the Soviet Unions first Commisar of war Trotsky The Bolsheviks controlled this part of Russia in the civil war The Heartland or center.


• In 1922 the Soviets signed the Treaty of Rapallo, a treaty of friendship with which country?

• Germany

• He was the king of Italy that appointed Mussolini as the Premier.

• Victor Emmanuel

Page 8: 1 He served as the Soviet Unions first Commisar of war Trotsky The Bolsheviks controlled this part of Russia in the civil war The Heartland or center.


• What type of job did Benito Mussolini hold before he became a politician?

• Editor of newspapers Avanti, Il popolo d’Italia

• Who is Benito Mussolini named after?• Benito Juarez• Would a fascist be to the political left or

right?• Right• Name two things that characterized

fascism:• Nationalistic,militaristic,anti-marxist

Page 9: 1 He served as the Soviet Unions first Commisar of war Trotsky The Bolsheviks controlled this part of Russia in the civil war The Heartland or center.


• The fascists followed strong leaders. What was the Italian and German name for leader?

• Il Duce, Der Fuhrer• If you went to a party with a squadistri, what

would he be wearing?• Black shirt• Legend has it that Mussolini took power in Italy

when his black shirts did this:• Marched on Rome 1922• What happened first; Mussolini’s march on

Rome or the Enabling act?• Mussolini’s march on Rome

Page 10: 1 He served as the Soviet Unions first Commisar of war Trotsky The Bolsheviks controlled this part of Russia in the civil war The Heartland or center.


• What do Hitler and Mussolini have in common for how they came to be Prime Minister’s for their country?

• Both were appointed• This moderate socialist’s murder caused a

political crisis for Mussolini• Giacomo Matteotti• Mussolini developed these as means of

carrying out an economic policy that blended private ownership in and government control of the economy.

• Syndicates or corporations

Page 11: 1 He served as the Soviet Unions first Commisar of war Trotsky The Bolsheviks controlled this part of Russia in the civil war The Heartland or center.


• Who was the Lateran accord an agreement between?

• Mussolini and the Pope• Karl Liebknicht belonged to which German

political party?• Social Democrat• With what name did he sign some of his

letters?• Spartacus• Did the Sparticist revolt in 1919 Germany

succeed?• No

Page 12: 1 He served as the Soviet Unions first Commisar of war Trotsky The Bolsheviks controlled this part of Russia in the civil war The Heartland or center.


• Who were the only two Presidents of the Weimar Republic?

• Friederich Ebert and Paul Von Hindenburg• To stop this Putsch, the workers of Berlin shut

down the cities utilities and transportation• Kapp Putsch• What did France do to help cause German hyper

inflation?• Occupied the Ruhr Valley• Which two countries signed the Locarno pact• Germany and France

Page 13: 1 He served as the Soviet Unions first Commisar of war Trotsky The Bolsheviks controlled this part of Russia in the civil war The Heartland or center.


• In the Locarno pact Germany promised to permanently demilitarize the Rhineland. Who broke this promise?

• Hitler• Who was the leader of the SA or brown shirts?• Ernst Roehm• On what night will Ernst get killed by Hitler’

order?• Night of the long knives –June 30, 1034• What did Erich Ludendorf help Hitler try to do in

1923?• Munich Beer Hall Putsch

Page 14: 1 He served as the Soviet Unions first Commisar of war Trotsky The Bolsheviks controlled this part of Russia in the civil war The Heartland or center.


• Where did Hitler spend most of 1923/1924?

• In jail

• While in jail what did Hitler write?

• Mein Kampf

• What was Lebensraum to Hitler?

• Living Space

• Where did Hitler propose to get this Lebensraum?

• Soviet Union

Page 15: 1 He served as the Soviet Unions first Commisar of war Trotsky The Bolsheviks controlled this part of Russia in the civil war The Heartland or center.


• This event on February 27, 1933 caused President Von Hindenburg to suspend freedom of speech, the press and other civil liberties.

• The Reichstag fire• What did the Reichstag pass by 2/3 vote

on March 23, 1933• The enabling act• What did the enabling act give to Hitler?• Dictatorial powers for 4 years• What right did German Jews lose in 1933?• The right to hold government jobs.

Page 16: 1 He served as the Soviet Unions first Commisar of war Trotsky The Bolsheviks controlled this part of Russia in the civil war The Heartland or center.


• These laws defined a person as a jew if they had at least one Jewish grandparent?

• Nuremburg laws

• What did the Nuremburg laws deprive German Jews of?

• Citizenship and the right to marry non-Jews

• This event followed the assassination of a German official in Paris by a Polish Jew.

• Kristalnacht

Page 17: 1 He served as the Soviet Unions first Commisar of war Trotsky The Bolsheviks controlled this part of Russia in the civil war The Heartland or center.


• In 1924 France signed an alliance with Czechoslovakia-when would France fail to live up to this alliance?

• When Hitler took the Sudetenland in 1938.• We know that Hitler issued the Nuremburg laws

in 1935, what did he do in that year in violation of the Versailles treaty?

• He declared he would rearm Germany• Where was Italy aggressive in 1935?• Ethiopia• Who was the leader of Ethiopia?• Haile Selassi• To what organization did Haile Selassie protest

this?• League of nations.

Page 18: 1 He served as the Soviet Unions first Commisar of war Trotsky The Bolsheviks controlled this part of Russia in the civil war The Heartland or center.


• What did Hitler remilitarize in 1936?

• The Rhineland

• What two agreements did this violate?

• Versailles and Locarno

• What group won the Spanish parliamentary election in 1936?

• The left wing popular front party

• He led the conservatives in the Spanish Civil war against the liberal gov’t.

• Francisco Franco

Page 19: 1 He served as the Soviet Unions first Commisar of war Trotsky The Bolsheviks controlled this part of Russia in the civil war The Heartland or center.


• Who aided Franco in his war effort?• Mussolini and Hitler• In 1938 Hitler completed an anschluss

with this country.• Austria• What did Neville Chamberlain give to

Hitler in 1938 to appease him.• The Sudetenland• The meeting between Hitler, Chamberlain

and Daladier is known as the:• Munich Conference

Page 20: 1 He served as the Soviet Unions first Commisar of war Trotsky The Bolsheviks controlled this part of Russia in the civil war The Heartland or center.


• What two aspects of the newly created Poland did Germany seek to change?

• Germany wanted the free city of Danzig back and more routes over the Polish Corridor.

• What did Hitler get before he invaded Poland?

• Non-aggression pact with Russia.

• What did Russia get as a result of this agreement?

• A sphere of influence in Eastern Europe

Page 21: 1 He served as the Soviet Unions first Commisar of war Trotsky The Bolsheviks controlled this part of Russia in the civil war The Heartland or center.


• What happened on September 1, 1939?

• Hitler invaded Poland, starting WWII

• What happened on Sept. 3, 1939?

• Great Britain and France declared war on Germany

Page 22: 1 He served as the Soviet Unions first Commisar of war Trotsky The Bolsheviks controlled this part of Russia in the civil war The Heartland or center.


• He organized the SS

• Heinrich Himmler

• Who became the Prime Minister after Franz von Papen in 1932?

• Kurt Von Schleicher

• Who appointed Hitler to be Chancellor in 1933?

• Paul Von Hindenburg

• Who was Hitler’s Vice chancellor?

• Franz Von Papen

Page 23: 1 He served as the Soviet Unions first Commisar of war Trotsky The Bolsheviks controlled this part of Russia in the civil war The Heartland or center.


World War II


Page 24: 1 He served as the Soviet Unions first Commisar of war Trotsky The Bolsheviks controlled this part of Russia in the civil war The Heartland or center.


Was English Economist John Maynard Keynes for or against the harsh war reparations charged to

Germany in the treaty of Versailles?

• Against

Page 25: 1 He served as the Soviet Unions first Commisar of war Trotsky The Bolsheviks controlled this part of Russia in the civil war The Heartland or center.


German inflation shot up after the French occupied this German region in 1923.


Page 26: 1 He served as the Soviet Unions first Commisar of war Trotsky The Bolsheviks controlled this part of Russia in the civil war The Heartland or center.


Which came first: Mussolini seizing power or Hitler’s “beer

hall Putsch”Mussolini seizing power

Page 27: 1 He served as the Soviet Unions first Commisar of war Trotsky The Bolsheviks controlled this part of Russia in the civil war The Heartland or center.


According to this plan from 1924, German war reparations

were reduced and put on a sliding scale.

• Dawes Plan

Page 28: 1 He served as the Soviet Unions first Commisar of war Trotsky The Bolsheviks controlled this part of Russia in the civil war The Heartland or center.


Which came first: The Locarno treaty or the Kellogg-Briand

Pact?Treaty of Locarno

Page 29: 1 He served as the Soviet Unions first Commisar of war Trotsky The Bolsheviks controlled this part of Russia in the civil war The Heartland or center.


What agreement outlawed war as a national policy choice?

Kellogg-Briand Pact

Page 30: 1 He served as the Soviet Unions first Commisar of war Trotsky The Bolsheviks controlled this part of Russia in the civil war The Heartland or center.


In March of 1936, Hitler rearmed this territory in violation of the Treaty of



Page 31: 1 He served as the Soviet Unions first Commisar of war Trotsky The Bolsheviks controlled this part of Russia in the civil war The Heartland or center.


Which two countries withdrew from the league of nations in

1933?Germany and Japan

Page 32: 1 He served as the Soviet Unions first Commisar of war Trotsky The Bolsheviks controlled this part of Russia in the civil war The Heartland or center.


What countries made up the axis powers in 1942?

Japan, Italy, Germany

Page 33: 1 He served as the Soviet Unions first Commisar of war Trotsky The Bolsheviks controlled this part of Russia in the civil war The Heartland or center.


Which countries belonged to the Grand Alliance in 1944?

• France, England, America, Russia

Page 34: 1 He served as the Soviet Unions first Commisar of war Trotsky The Bolsheviks controlled this part of Russia in the civil war The Heartland or center.


In October 1935, Mussolini successfully invaded this


Page 35: 1 He served as the Soviet Unions first Commisar of war Trotsky The Bolsheviks controlled this part of Russia in the civil war The Heartland or center.


These laws deprived German Jew of all rights of citizenship

• Nuremburg Laws

Page 36: 1 He served as the Soviet Unions first Commisar of war Trotsky The Bolsheviks controlled this part of Russia in the civil war The Heartland or center.


Who appointed Hitler Chancellor of Germany?


Page 37: 1 He served as the Soviet Unions first Commisar of war Trotsky The Bolsheviks controlled this part of Russia in the civil war The Heartland or center.


After what event was the enabling act passed in

Germany?Reichstag fire

Page 38: 1 He served as the Soviet Unions first Commisar of war Trotsky The Bolsheviks controlled this part of Russia in the civil war The Heartland or center.


Who talked Hindenburg into appointing Hitler to


Franz Von Papen

Page 39: 1 He served as the Soviet Unions first Commisar of war Trotsky The Bolsheviks controlled this part of Russia in the civil war The Heartland or center.


Which came first: the beginning of the Spanish civil

war or the Anschluss?Spanish Civil war

Page 40: 1 He served as the Soviet Unions first Commisar of war Trotsky The Bolsheviks controlled this part of Russia in the civil war The Heartland or center.


Who said “we are 100 years behind the advanced

countries. We must make up this distance in 10 years.

Either we do it or we shall go under”

• Stalin

Page 41: 1 He served as the Soviet Unions first Commisar of war Trotsky The Bolsheviks controlled this part of Russia in the civil war The Heartland or center.


Hitler took this country in 1938 to complete the outlawed

Anschluss he desired.


Page 42: 1 He served as the Soviet Unions first Commisar of war Trotsky The Bolsheviks controlled this part of Russia in the civil war The Heartland or center.


Czechoslovakia had to lose this in order for England to

gain “Peace in our time”


Page 43: 1 He served as the Soviet Unions first Commisar of war Trotsky The Bolsheviks controlled this part of Russia in the civil war The Heartland or center.


Who said: “I bring you Peace in our time”?

Neville Chamberlain

British Prime Minister

Page 44: 1 He served as the Soviet Unions first Commisar of war Trotsky The Bolsheviks controlled this part of Russia in the civil war The Heartland or center.


After what meeting did Chamberlain get the paper

which brought “Peace in our time”

Munich Conference 1938

Page 45: 1 He served as the Soviet Unions first Commisar of war Trotsky The Bolsheviks controlled this part of Russia in the civil war The Heartland or center.


Arguably, the Munich agreement between

Chamberlain and Hitler was history’s best example of this:


Page 46: 1 He served as the Soviet Unions first Commisar of war Trotsky The Bolsheviks controlled this part of Russia in the civil war The Heartland or center.


The first “crisis” on the way to world war II occurred when Japan took this territory in



Page 47: 1 He served as the Soviet Unions first Commisar of war Trotsky The Bolsheviks controlled this part of Russia in the civil war The Heartland or center.


This was signed 8 days before Hitler invaded Poland

Non-Aggression Pact between Russia and


Page 48: 1 He served as the Soviet Unions first Commisar of war Trotsky The Bolsheviks controlled this part of Russia in the civil war The Heartland or center.


Who made the following statement: “Everything in the

state, nothing outside the state, nothing against the


• Mussolini

Page 49: 1 He served as the Soviet Unions first Commisar of war Trotsky The Bolsheviks controlled this part of Russia in the civil war The Heartland or center.


This country actually separated Germany from East


Polish Corridor

Page 50: 1 He served as the Soviet Unions first Commisar of war Trotsky The Bolsheviks controlled this part of Russia in the civil war The Heartland or center.


For which country was this true: It was bitterly

disappointed by its modest territorial gains by the treaty of


• Italy

Page 51: 1 He served as the Soviet Unions first Commisar of war Trotsky The Bolsheviks controlled this part of Russia in the civil war The Heartland or center.


What did Stalin receive as a result of the German invasion

of Poland? 1/2 of Poland

the right to reclaim the Baltic states of Estonia,

Latvia and Lithuania

Page 52: 1 He served as the Soviet Unions first Commisar of war Trotsky The Bolsheviks controlled this part of Russia in the civil war The Heartland or center.


What was the code name to Hitler’s invasion of Russia?

Operation Barbarosa

Page 53: 1 He served as the Soviet Unions first Commisar of war Trotsky The Bolsheviks controlled this part of Russia in the civil war The Heartland or center.


Which of the leaders was able to increase industrial output by

250% before 1933? Stalin

Page 54: 1 He served as the Soviet Unions first Commisar of war Trotsky The Bolsheviks controlled this part of Russia in the civil war The Heartland or center.


He abolished divorce and told women to stay at home and

produce children.• Mussolini

Page 55: 1 He served as the Soviet Unions first Commisar of war Trotsky The Bolsheviks controlled this part of Russia in the civil war The Heartland or center.


The better-off peasants that Stalin sought to liquidate were

known as:


Page 56: 1 He served as the Soviet Unions first Commisar of war Trotsky The Bolsheviks controlled this part of Russia in the civil war The Heartland or center.


According to one young Russian: there was no capital

in Soviet Russia except_____________.Education

Page 57: 1 He served as the Soviet Unions first Commisar of war Trotsky The Bolsheviks controlled this part of Russia in the civil war The Heartland or center.


You could identify Mussolini’s private army because they


Black shirts

Page 58: 1 He served as the Soviet Unions first Commisar of war Trotsky The Bolsheviks controlled this part of Russia in the civil war The Heartland or center.


In 1922 Mussolini did this to force King Victor Emmanuel III

to give him power.

March on Rome

Page 59: 1 He served as the Soviet Unions first Commisar of war Trotsky The Bolsheviks controlled this part of Russia in the civil war The Heartland or center.


Mussolini accelerated the pace of Italian fascism after

the death of this socialist leader.


Page 60: 1 He served as the Soviet Unions first Commisar of war Trotsky The Bolsheviks controlled this part of Russia in the civil war The Heartland or center.


Hitler sought power through democratic means after the

failure of this event.

• Beer Hall Putsch

Page 61: 1 He served as the Soviet Unions first Commisar of war Trotsky The Bolsheviks controlled this part of Russia in the civil war The Heartland or center.


According to Hitler, how did Germany lose world war I?

They were stabbed in the back by communists

and Jews

Page 62: 1 He served as the Soviet Unions first Commisar of war Trotsky The Bolsheviks controlled this part of Russia in the civil war The Heartland or center.


What was the name of the German government that

followed the German Empire?Weimar Republic

Page 63: 1 He served as the Soviet Unions first Commisar of war Trotsky The Bolsheviks controlled this part of Russia in the civil war The Heartland or center.


What event inspired Hitler to launch the “Beer Hall

Putsch”?.Mussolini’s march on Rome

Page 64: 1 He served as the Soviet Unions first Commisar of war Trotsky The Bolsheviks controlled this part of Russia in the civil war The Heartland or center.


In “Mein Kampf” Hitler outlined his basic themes:


living space

leader dictator

Page 65: 1 He served as the Soviet Unions first Commisar of war Trotsky The Bolsheviks controlled this part of Russia in the civil war The Heartland or center.


In a room full of dictators, who would answer if you called out

“il Duce”?


Page 66: 1 He served as the Soviet Unions first Commisar of war Trotsky The Bolsheviks controlled this part of Russia in the civil war The Heartland or center.


He was Hitler’s minister of Propaganda.

Joseph Goebbels

Page 67: 1 He served as the Soviet Unions first Commisar of war Trotsky The Bolsheviks controlled this part of Russia in the civil war The Heartland or center.


According to your text, no factor contributed more to Hitlers success than this.

The economic crisis of the Great Depression

Page 68: 1 He served as the Soviet Unions first Commisar of war Trotsky The Bolsheviks controlled this part of Russia in the civil war The Heartland or center.


This agreement saw the Pope accepting the government of

Benito Mussolini

Lateran treaty 1929

Page 69: 1 He served as the Soviet Unions first Commisar of war Trotsky The Bolsheviks controlled this part of Russia in the civil war The Heartland or center.


On the night of June 30, 1934 Hitler eliminated the storm

trooper leadership, this night was later called:

The night of the Long knives

Page 70: 1 He served as the Soviet Unions first Commisar of war Trotsky The Bolsheviks controlled this part of Russia in the civil war The Heartland or center.


He was the leader of Hitler’s secret police the SS


Page 71: 1 He served as the Soviet Unions first Commisar of war Trotsky The Bolsheviks controlled this part of Russia in the civil war The Heartland or center.


What painting describes one event of the Spanish Civil


Page 72: 1 He served as the Soviet Unions first Commisar of war Trotsky The Bolsheviks controlled this part of Russia in the civil war The Heartland or center.


This French government was a puppet to the Nazi’s after


Page 73: 1 He served as the Soviet Unions first Commisar of war Trotsky The Bolsheviks controlled this part of Russia in the civil war The Heartland or center.


What was the first battle to be lost by the army of the German third Reich?

Battle of Britain

Page 74: 1 He served as the Soviet Unions first Commisar of war Trotsky The Bolsheviks controlled this part of Russia in the civil war The Heartland or center.


Hitler’s plan to kill all of the Jews was referred to by this


Final Solution

Page 75: 1 He served as the Soviet Unions first Commisar of war Trotsky The Bolsheviks controlled this part of Russia in the civil war The Heartland or center.


Broad based Russian nationalism, as opposed to

narrow communist ideology, became the powerful unifying

force in what was appropriately called “Great…”

Great Patriotic war of the Fatherland

Page 76: 1 He served as the Soviet Unions first Commisar of war Trotsky The Bolsheviks controlled this part of Russia in the civil war The Heartland or center.


He was the leader of the “Free French” movement

Charles De Gaulle

Page 77: 1 He served as the Soviet Unions first Commisar of war Trotsky The Bolsheviks controlled this part of Russia in the civil war The Heartland or center.


The Germans were turned back at this battle in Southern



Page 78: 1 He served as the Soviet Unions first Commisar of war Trotsky The Bolsheviks controlled this part of Russia in the civil war The Heartland or center.


German General was defeated at this battle in North

Africa only 70 miles from Alexandria, Egypt

El Alemein

Page 79: 1 He served as the Soviet Unions first Commisar of war Trotsky The Bolsheviks controlled this part of Russia in the civil war The Heartland or center.


On June 6, 1944, american and British troops under ________ landed on the beaches of Normandy.

Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower

Page 80: 1 He served as the Soviet Unions first Commisar of war Trotsky The Bolsheviks controlled this part of Russia in the civil war The Heartland or center.


The Japanese lost this battle just off the coast of Australia.

Battle of Coral Sea

Page 81: 1 He served as the Soviet Unions first Commisar of war Trotsky The Bolsheviks controlled this part of Russia in the civil war The Heartland or center.


Victory in Europe came in this month in 1945.


Page 82: 1 He served as the Soviet Unions first Commisar of war Trotsky The Bolsheviks controlled this part of Russia in the civil war The Heartland or center.


Victory over Japan came in this month of 1945


Page 83: 1 He served as the Soviet Unions first Commisar of war Trotsky The Bolsheviks controlled this part of Russia in the civil war The Heartland or center.


What country created a greater co-prosperity sphere?


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