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8/19/2019 WOF 1972 - 03 March, Present Your Bodies 1/4 The Word  of Faith PUBLISHED BY KENNETH E. TULSA, OKLA., 74150 HAGIN EVANGELISTIC ASSOCIATION, P.O. Box 50126, MARCH, 1972 Vol. V No. 3 PRESENT YOUR BODIES I Thessalonians 5:23, "And the very God of peace sanctify you wholly; and I pray God your whole spirit and soul and body be preserved blameless unto the coming of our  Lord Jesus Christ." Romans 12:1,2, "I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service. And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect,  will of  God." This will help us seethe differ ence between the inward man and the outward man. Paul said, "I beseech you therefore, brethren..." He wasn't writing to sinners. He wasn't writing to the world. He was writing to the sakito at  Rome. He address es this letter, in Romans 1:7, "To al l that be in Rome, beloved of  God, called to be saints." It  applies to all,  beloved of  God, called to be saints. So he said, "I beseech you therefore, breth ren, that ye present your bodies..." You do something with your body. If you don't do anything with it, nothing  will "'ever be done with it. I don't know whether you can see it or not, but in our church teachings we have just cluttered up some of  this teaching until our minds are all fu^zy and muddy, and it is difficult to get the real truth over to folks. I want you to notice something. He  didn't say to present your selves to God. As a usual thing, our consecration and dedication services are all out of line. We don't know what we are doing, so  that is the reason they aren't as  effective as they ought to be. He  did not say for you to present yourselves to God, be cause if you are a child of God you already belong to Him. You can't very well present to some one what already belongs to them. He  didn't say a word about dedicating yourselves, or giving yourselves in that sense. But yo u find that if you are born again, you are His. You are that inward man that has become a new man in Christ. II Corinth ians 5:17 says, "Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature." What man is he talking about? Th is outward man? No, it couldn't be the outward man because he said this man is a new creature. We have missed it in religious circles so many times.  People want folks to join the  church. They want them to do better. They want them to try to live right. You know, I never have tried to live right. I just got born again, and I've been living right ever since then. Living right is good, but it won't make you a Christian and it won't take you to heaven. Being born again will though. It be comes religion a nd it  isn' Christianity. Christianity i being born again. Christianity i receiving the gift of eternal life When eternal life (which is the nature and the life of God) i imparted to your spirit, i changes you. This life of God coming into you (the real you) makes this inward man a new man. You don't have to make yourself new. You couldn't make yourself a new man anyhow. Being born again makes you a new man with ne w nature. You have a new nature in you because he wen right on to say,  "...old thing are passed away; behold, al things are become new." You will have trouble with th flesh,  but you won't have trouble with you. Again, some thing that we have said are really misleading unless we teach the truth. People say, "You have to die out to old self." No you don't Old self  is dead and you have a new self  in the place of him What you need to do is die ou to flesh. The flesh is not the old self Your flesh i s the same body an the same flesh it was before you were saved, but that man on the inside (which was the old you and the old self) has become a ne w self  and a ne w man in Christ. This man on the insid has become a new man. When he becomes a new man then "old things are passed away; behold all things are

WOF 1972 - 03 March, Present Your Bodies

Jul 08, 2018



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The Word  of   FaithPUBLISHED  B Y K E N N E T H  E.

T U L S A ,  O K L A . ,  74150


M A R C H ,  1972 V o l . V No . 3

PRESENT YOUR BODIESI  Th ess alo nia ns 5:23, "And the

v e r y  God of pe ace san ctify you

wholly;  and I pr ay God you r

whole  sp ir it and soul and body

be pres erved blameless unto  the

coming  of our  Lord  Jesus

Christ ."

Roma ns 12:1,2, " I bes eec h you

therefore,  bret hren , by the

mercies of God,  that  ye present

your bodies a  l iv ing  sacrifice,

holy,  acceptable unto God, which

is your reasonabl e se rv ic e. And

be not conformed to  this  world:

but be ye tr ans fo rme d by the

renewing  of your mind,  that  ye

may  prove what is that good,  and

acceptable, and perfect,  will

of   God."

This  wi l l  help us seethe  d i f fer

ence betw een the inw ard manand the outward man. Paul said,

" I  bese ech you the ref ore ,

breth ren... " He wasn't writin g

to sinne rs. He wasn't writi ng

to the  wor ld .  He was writing to

the sakito at  R o m e .  He address

es  this  letter, in Romans 1:7,

" To  al l  that  be in R o m e ,  beloved

of   God, called to be  saints."

It  applies to all,  beloved o f  God,

ca l led  to be  saints.  So he sa id ,

"I  bes eech you the ref ore , breth ren,  that  ye prese nt your

bodies. . ."  You do som ethi ng

with  you r bod y. If you don't do

anything with it, nothing  will

" 'ever  be done with it. I don't

know  whether you can see it

or not, but in our  church

teachings we have just  cluttered

up some of   this  teaching until

our minds are all  fu^zy  and

muddy, and it is dif ficul t to get

the real  truth  ove r  to  folks.

I  want you to not ice somet hing.

He  didn't say to pres ent y ou r

se lves  to God. As a  usual  thing,

our cons ecra tio n and dedicat ion

se rv ic es a re all out of lin e. We

don't know what we are doing,

so  that  is the reason they  aren't

as  effect ive  as they ought to be .

He  did not say for you to

present yo urs elv es to God, be

cause  if you ar e a chi ld of God

you  alread y belo ng to Hi m. You

can't  ve ry we l l present to so me

one what al re ad y belo ngs

to them.

He  didn't say a  word  about

dedicating you rsel ves , or  giving

yourselves  in  that  sense. But

you  find  that  if you ar e bornagain, you are His. You are

that  inward man that has be com e

a new man in Ch ri st . II Cor int h

ians  5:17 say s, "T he re fo re if

any man be in Christ, he is a

new  c re at ur e. " What man is he

talking about? Th i s outwar d

man? No, it cou ldn 't be the

outward man because he said

this  man is a new creature.

We  have mis sed it in reli gio us

cir cle s so many t i mes .  Peoplewant folk s to join the  church.

They  want them to do bet te r.

They  want them to try to  live

rig ht. You know, I ne ver have

tried to  l ive  right . I  just  got

born again , and I 'v e been  l iving

right ever since  then.

Living  right is  good, but it won't

make you a Christian and it

won't  take you to heaven. Being

born again  wi l l  though. It be

comes  rel ig io n and it  isn'

Christi anity. Christianity i

being born again. Christianity i

rece iv ing  the  gift  of eterna l  life

When  eternal  life  (which  is the

nature  and the  l ife  of God) i

impa rted to your spi rit , i

changes you.

This  life  of God co mi ng into you

(the re al you) makes  this  inwardman a new man. You don 't have

to make yo ur sel f new. You

couldn't make yourself a new

man anyhow. Bei ng born again

makes you a new man with

ne w  nature.  You have a new

nature  in you because he wen

righ t on to say,  " . . .o ld  thing

are pas sed away; behold, al

things are become new."

You will  have trouble w ith th

flesh,  but you won 't have trou blewith  you.  Again,  some thing

that  we have said are rea ll y

misleading  unless  we teach the

truth.  People  say, "Y ou have to

die  out to old sel f."  No you don't

Old self   is dead and you have

a new  se l f    in the plac e of him

What  you need to do is die ou

to flesh.

The  flesh is not the old self

Your  fle sh i s the same body an

the same fle sh it was be for e youw e r e  saved, but  that  man on the

inside  (which  was the old you

and the old  se lf)  has become a

ne w  self   and a new man in

Chr is t. Th is man on the insid

has become a new man.

When  he becomes a new man

then  "ol d things are passed

away;  behold all things ar e

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become  new." He is a "new

creat ure" in Christ  Jesus.  The

body  is not new . At the comin g

of   the  Lord ,  thank  God, we  will

have a new body . But He exp ect s

the new man,  this  hidden man

of   the  heart, this  inward man

that  has be co me a new man in

Chr is t, to do someth ing with the

body.  He expects you not to let

the body dominate you to be a

carnal Christ ian, o r a body -

ruled Christian.

Do  li ke Paul s aid—I do so me

thing with my body, I keep it

under,  I bri ng it into subjec tion

to my sp ir it . I don't let my body

rule my spir it o r the inwa rd

man. I let the inward man rule

the outw ard man. He sai d thi s,

" I  b eseec h you the refo re, breth

ren , by the me rc ie s of God,that  ye present your bod ies ... "

That is the house you are  l iving

in. You are the car eta ke r of

that  house , not God. Yo u do

someth ing with your body,

" . . . ye  present your bodies a

l iving  sacr ific e, holy, accept

able  unto  God, which is your

reasonable se rv ic e." I l ike

another translation which

read s, "... which is your sp iri t

ual service."

In  the  church  wor ld  we have

those who say,  "Wel l ,  it doesn't

make any difference about the

body,  what the body does, or how

it  sins . Th is o ld body is never

going  to get to heaven anyhow."

But you se e my brot he r and

sister ,  it does make some dif

ference  to God what you do wit h

your body. He wants  t ransfigured  bodies.

Then,  notice in the 2nd ve rs e

that  he says something about

doing  somethi ng with your m ind.

He  sa id, "And be not conformed

to  this  wor ld :  but be ye  t ransformed  by the renewing of your

mind,  that  ye may prove what

is  that  good,  and acceptable, and

perfect,  wi l l  of God ." Th is is

what astounded me when I

r e a l i z e d  something her e. I ' m

so rr y to say  that  I had p re ach

ed  for  fifteen  yea rs bef ore I

saw this.

I  don't know much yet, but  thank

Go d  fo r what I have lea rned.

It  astounded me one day when it

dawned on me what he did say.

He  was wr iti ng here to people

who  we re born again and Spi rit -fi l led,  and yet the ir being born

again and Spi ri t- fi ll ed had not

affected  the ir b odies or their

min ds. How many peop le do

you  know  that  are like  that?

He  is te lli ng them  that  you are

going  to have to do something

with  your body and you're  going

to have t o do some thi ng wit h

your mind. God  isn't  goingtodo

anything with thos e. God con

tacted your spiri t. You contacted God with your spi rit ,

and your spiri t—the inwa rd

man, the hidden man of the

hear t—be came a new man in

Christ. Now then  it is up to you

to do something. He is telling

us  that  we need fir st to prese nt

our bodies a  l iving  sacrifice

and second we need to get our

minds ren ewe d with the  Word,

of   God.

One  of the g reat es t needs o f thechurch  t oday is to have ren ewe d

minds.  Just  bec ause you ar e a

Christian and even Spir it- fil led,

doesn't  g ive  you a renewed

mind.  Your  mind becomes

renewed  with the  Word  of God.

One  reason  that  God put

teac hers in the  church  (those

who  are re al ly called to teach)

is to ren ew our mind s.

We  know  this then,  that  man is

a spi rit . We know  that  he is in

the same cl as s with God, be

cause  God is a Sp iri t, and

because he was made to  fe l low

ship wit h God. God made man

for  His own ple asu re, and so

that  He would have someone to

fellowship  with. Man is not an


Man  has to be in the same class

with  God or he couldn 't  fe l low

ship with God. Did you ever try

to fello wsh ip with an old  cow?

Well ,  they are in a different

kingdom  than  you are in.  They

are in a different class  than you

are in. We  can't  fel lowship with

them, but we can fel lowship with

one another, and we can  fe llow

ship with God, because we are

in the same cl as s of bei ng as

God.  Praise the  Lord!

To  the woman at the  well  in

Samari a in the 4th chapte r of

John's  Gospel ,  Jesus  said, "God

is a Spirit..." She said, "Our

fathers wors hipp ed in  this

mountain; and ye say ,  that  in

Jerusalem  is the pl ace wher e

men ought to worship." He said

to her, "Th e  hour  cometh, when

ye  shall neither in  this  moun

tain, nor yet at  Jerusalem,worship the Father.  Ye  worship

ye  know not what: we know what

we  wors hip ; for salv ation is of

the Jews. But the  hour  cometh,

and now i s , when the  true  w o r

shippers shall wors hip the

Father in Spi ri t and in  truth:

for  the Father seeketh  such  to

worship him.

"God  is a Spir it ; and they  that

worship him  must  worship him

in spirit and in  truth."  So weknow  that  God is a Spirit; and

yet  God, who is a Spirit, took

upon  Himsel f    a  man's  body.

Jesus  was God manifested in

the fl esh . The fi rs t chapter of

John's  Gospel  s~aid,  "In the

beginning was the  Word,  and the

Word  wa s wit h God, and the

Word  was God, the same was in

the beginnin g with Go d. A l l

things were made by him; and

without him was not any thing

made  that  was made."

Then  in the 14th verse he says,

"And  the  Word  was made flesh,

and dwel t amo ng us." When God

took   upon H imse l f    a human body,

He  was no less God  than  He

was when He didn't have a body.

We  know  that  man at physical

death leaves his body, and  that

when he leaves his body he is

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no less man  than  he was when

he had his body. The story of

Abrah am, L az ar us , and the ri ch

man proves  that.

Paul said,  " W i l s t we are at home

in the body, we are  absent  from

the  L o r d . "  And he said , "We

are confident , I say, and  wil l ing

rather  to be  absent  from the

body,  and to be  present  with

the  L o r d . "  So  then, w e know that

God  is only re ve al ed to man

through the sp ir it . It is the sp ir it

of   man  that  contacts God.

Th e  re al man is sp ir it , he has

a soul, and he  l i ves  in a body.

Yo u  can let  that  body continue

to domi nat e you if you want to.

That body, if you'll let it,  will

want to go on doing the things

it  has alway s done. This inwar d

man has to dominat e it andpresent  the body to God a  l iving

s ac r i f i ce .  That helps us  then  in

Christian  l iv ing  and C hri st ian



day Afternoon,  A p r i l  2, 2:30

P . M .  The re  wi l l be two services

each day, Monday thru Saturday,

at 10:00 A . M . and 7:30 P . M .

MONTHLY  LESSON"F o r  she sa id , If I may touch

but his cl ot he s, I shal l be

whole" (Mark   5:28).

The  lesson  this  month is en

titled, Touching  Jesus.  If we

touch  Jesus,  by faith, we can

have what we say.  W r i t e  for

you r f re e copy today and lear n

more  about  touching  Jesus.


Beginning  Ma rc h 21, The Faith

Semin ar of the A i r , heard o ve rW H Y D - F M  in Columbus, Ge or

gia,  wi l l  move  from 11:00  A . M .

to 10:45 A . M . Make a note of

this  time change so  that  you

wil l  not mis s any of the teach ing

ser i es .

Your  Bible  Faith Study Course and yourBible  Prayer Study Course was loanedto me by a friend. I began to  study andpray as I had never done before. Thingsbegan to happen before my  very  eyes.On  September 13th, we had our firstFull  Gospel  Bible  Study. Three people

received  the Baptism of the  Holy  Spiritand one was healed of   arthritis.  Praisethe  Lord!  God is blessing and we have

seen many miracles being performed inour community. I.C.

Brotner Hagin, we  wrote  you  for prayer forthe healing of my feet and also my son'sfeet.  After  you prayer, our feet are  well.

We  thank  God for His healing power. D.G

Thank you for your prayers. I have beenable to sleep without  that  miserable itchon  my  arms  for the  past  eight nights.That's the first time in about three yearsThis  is something to be thankful for. H.C

I  want to express again, my appreciationto you for what your ministry has meant

to me.  Your  book, The Authority of theBeliever,  was used by God to set me freeand open up a new life  to me. I praise Godfor  your faithfulness. Mrs. H.D.

RADIO  LOGF T .  WORTH,  T E X A S ,  Christian

Center, 4301 North  East 28th,

(Highway  183). Sta rt ing Sunday

Evening,  February 20, at 7:00

P . M . ,  thru  Sunday Evenin g,

Febr uary 27, 7:00 P. M . Th er ewil l  be two services each day,

Monday  thru  Saturday  at 10:00

A . M .  and 7:30 P . M .

ARDMORE,  O K L A . ,  Northwest

A s s e m b l y  of God, 1501 7th

Street, N . W . , (1 block   north  of

Cook ' s  Department Store,  turn

l e f t ) .  Starting Sunday Evening,

March  5, 7:00 P . M . thru  Sunday

Evening,  Ma rc h 12, 7:00 P . M .

T h e r e  will  be two se rv ic es each

day, Monday  thru  Saturday  at

10:00  A . M .  and 7:30 P . M .

O K L A H O MA  C I T Y , O K L A . ,

Holiday  Inn Northwest, 3535

Northwest  39th  Exp res sway (US

66 and Portland  Avenue) .  Star t

ing  Sunday Aft ern oon , Ma rc h 26,

at 2:30 P . M . and  thru  Sun-


The  Faith Seminar of the A i r

ma y now be heard ov er four new

radio  stations.  Thank God forthose who are  wi l l ing  to s ac

r i f i ce  so  that  others  may also

hear this  faith message. Let

us know if you ar e li ste nin g.


1600 on the dial at 11:30 A . M .


910 on the dial at 10:30 A . M .

K C L O  -  L E A V E N W O R T H ,  K A N .


1410 on the dia l at 10:00 A . M .

W B K W - F M  -  B E C K L E Y ,  W . V A .

99.5 on the di al at 4:45 A . M .

99.5 on the dial at 10:45  A . M .

C I T Y - S T A T E S T A T I O N D IA 1 . TI ME

C o t t o n w o o d ,  Arizona KVIO 1  POO 11:30  AM

P h o e n i x ,  Arizona K A -  » 1.140 9:30  AM

Hot   Spr ings, Arkansas KS.OW l-!20 12:15 PM

Hot   Spr ings. Arkansas K X O W - FM 106.3 9:15 PM

Jacksonvi l le , Arkansas K G M R 1500 11:15  AM

D e n v e r ,  Colorado KCJXI 1550 11:45  AM

Columbus Georgia W H Y D - ; - M 107.3 11:00  A M

C a l d w e l l ,  j laho KB GK 910 10:30  AM

P e o r i a ,  I l l inois

W P E O 1020 12:45 PM

De s  Moines , Iowa K D M I - •'M 97.3 10:15  AM

L e a v e n w o r t h  ( K . C . ) ,  Kansas KCI.O 1 lid 10:00  AM

L o u i s v i l l e ,  Kentucky VVKl.O- I'M 99.7 1.0:00  A M

De t ro i t ,   Michigan VVBI-'G- I'M 98.7 9:15  AM

St. Paul  ( M i n n e a p o l i s ) ,  Minn. K N O F - l-'M 95.3 12:00  Noon

St .  L o u i s ,  Missouri KXF.N 1010 9:15  AM

W a r r e n l o n ,  Missouri KWRE 730 9:00  AM

Albuquerque. New  Me xic o K H N M - I'M 99.5 9:00  AM

Albany  ( C h e r r y  V a l l e y ) ,  N Y W J I V - F M 101.9 10:00  AM

B uffa lo (Wea the rs f ic ld ) ,  N Y W B I V - ' M 107.7 10:00  AM

Ithaca, New  Y or k W K I V - 'M 103.7 10:00  A M

Uwuhealel   (Hi-i(4«>1 >,  N Y W M I V - FM 9i>.4 ;c.oo  Ar.iSy r a c u s e  ( D e K u y t e r ) ,  NY W O I V - • 'M 105.1 10:00  A M

Cincinnat i -Dayton. Ohio W Q MS I ' M 96.5 8:45  A M

Oklahoma  C i t y .  Oklahoma K E L R 1460 9:45  A M

P r y o r ,  Oklahoma KKMA F M 104.5 5:45  P M

Tulsa. Oklahoma K F M J 1050 10:45  A M

Pit tsburg, Pennsylvania W A V L 910 10:00  AM

Union  C i ty ,  Pennsylvania W B V B I'M 106.3 8:45  AM

N a s h v i l l e ,  Tennessee WWGM 1560 9:00  AM

D a l l a s ,  Texas KSKY 660 12:00  Noon

Houston, Texas K F M K I'M 98 10:00  AM

Seattle, Washington K R L E - FM 93.3 6:15 I' M

R e e k l c y ,  West  Virg in ia WI1KW -K M 99.5 4:45  AM

Hock ley , Wes l Virg in ia VVHKW - FM 99.5 10:45  AM


Published monthly by the Kenneth E.  Hagin

Evangelistic  Association, P.O. Box 50126

Tulsa, Oklahoma 74150.

Rev.  Buddy Harrison, editorDoris  Moyer, assistant editor

Second Class Postage Pending Tulsa, Okla

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 forSpecial  Appreciation

to you

 J7l  Special gift   Jor   7/tose <Wh

Shan Dn this  ^Ministry

"Old  Favorites" by John  McDuff

This inspiring album  w i l l  be  sent  as a token of

spec ial appreciation to all who  share  a  gift  of

$5 or more for the Kenneth Hagin radio ministry.

John  McDuff   is a mi ni st er of the gosp el and

Br ot he r Hagin has known him for a  number  of

ye ar s. He feels  that  this  album  wi l l  be a blessing

to you and your  loved  on es . It is not ev er yo ne

that  a man can endorse in  this  day and age, but

John  McDuff   has  l ived  a cle an and con sec rat ed

l i f e .  The album includes old favo rite s  such  as"Just  A Closer  Walk   With Thee," "One Lost

Sheep,"  "Fo l lo w  Me".. .plus many more. This

ministry in music  w i l l  bl es s your soul.


P. O. Box 50126



S E C O N D - C L A S S P O S T A S E



Enclosed is my offering of $

Please send my  gift  copy of   John  Mc Du ff    s Album, Old Favorites

Q Pl ea se send my  gift  copy of   TOUCHING  JESUS