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Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements

for the Degree of Sarjana Sastra

in English Letters



Student Number: 154214023







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Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements

for the Degree of Sarjana Sastra

in English Letters



Student Number: 154214023







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First of all, I would like to state my gratefulness towards Jesus Christ for

the blessing and grace so that I can finish my thesis. I would also like to state my

gratitude to my father, my mother, and my sister who always be there to support

me. Next, I would like to thank all my friends for all the support.

To all my friends who always support me especially Valentina Kurnia

Palupi, Ambrosia Mitayani, Evin Anisa, Tirza Gracia, Luciana Saputro, Yosephin

Natalia, Natalia La Desta Cembes, Agricola Ajeng, and Denis Ruben Naftali

Eliezer. I appreciate your love, kindness, and support during the process of

finishing this thesis.

I express my gratitude to thank Dr. Hirmawan Wijanarka, M.Hum as my

thesis advisor. I thank him for the guidance, support, and patience so that I can

finish my thesis. I would also like to thank Ni Luh Putu Rosiandani, S.S., M.Hum.

as my co-advisor and Elisabeth Oseanita Pukan, S.S., M.A. as my examiner. I

thank them for the helpful advice.

Angela Tanjungsari Wijayati


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TITLE PAGE ............................................................................................................. ii

APPROVAL PAGE ................................................................................................... iii

ACCEPTANCE PAGE ........................................................................................ ..... iv

STATEMENT OF ORIGINALITY ......................................................................... v


MOTTO PAGE .......................................................................................................... vii

DEDICATION PAGE ................................................................................................ viii

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ....................................................................................... ix

TABLE OF CONTENTS ........................................................................................... x

ABSTRACT ................................................................................................................ xii

ABSTRAK .................................................................................................................... xiii

CHAPTER I: INTRODUCTION ............................................................................. 1 A. Background of the Study ............................................................................... 1

B. Problem Formulation ..................................................................................... 6

C. Objective of the Study ................................................................................... 7

D. Definition of Terms........................................................................................ 7

CHAPTER II: REVIEW OF LITERATURE ......................................................... 9

A. Review of Related Studies ............................................................................. 9

B. Review of Related Theories ........................................................................... 14

1. Theory of Characterization ...................................................................... 14

2. Theory of Feminism ................................................................................. 16

C. Theoretical Framework .................................................................................. 17

CHAPTER III: METHODOLOGY ......................................................................... 19

A. Object of the Study ........................................................................................ 19

B. Approach of the Study ................................................................................... 20

C. Method of the Study....................................................................................... 21

CHAPTER IV: ANALYSIS ...................................................................................... 22

A. Moana's Characteristics ................................................................................. 22

1. Optimistic ............................................................................................. .. 22

2. Open minded ........................................................................................ .. 24

3. Supportive ............................................................................................ .. 25

4. Stubborn ............................................................................................... .. 26

5. Brave .................................................................................................... .. 28

6. Curious ................................................................................................. .. 29

7. Independent .......................................................................................... .. 31

8. Responsive ........................................................................................... .. 33

B. Liberal Feminism Reflected through Moana's Actions ................................. 34


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1. Moana’s Struggle to Gain Freedom by Fulfill her Desire to Save

Motunui Island ..................................................... .................................. 35

2. Moana’s Bravery to Break the Rules by Cross the Ocean ............... ...... 37

3. Moana’s Capacity to Think and Deals with All the Situations ........ ...... 40

CHAPTER V: CONCLUSION ................................................................................. 43

REFERENCES ........................................................................................................... 45

APPENDICES ............................................................................................................ 48

1. The Summary of Moana ............................................................................ 49

2. About the Author ....................................................................................... 52


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WIJAYATI, ANGELA TANJUNGSARI. (2020). The Character of Moana in

The Disney Movie Script Moana seen from Liberal Feminism. Yogyakarta:

English Letters Department, Faculty of Letters, Universitas Sanata Dharma.

This undergraduate thesis focuses on the women main character named

Moana, the daughter of Chief on Motunui Island named Tui. This study is

focusing on Moana movie script that is distributed by The Walt Disney. Chief Tui

created several rules for Moana and the female villagers. They banned from

crossing the ocean, climb the trees, they should make the nets from the fibers,

build fires from the leaves, and also dancing to the ancient song. Since that

moment, their activities limited, while the male villagers are not entitled to rule.

There are two problems in this study. The first problem discusses Moana’s

characteristics in the movie script. Second, analyzes how liberal feminism

reflected through Moana’s actions.

In this study, the writer applies Murphy’s theory of characterization to

analyze Moana’s characteristics. Besides that, the writer also uses the feminism

approach, which focuses on liberal feminism to analyze how liberal feminism

reflected through Moana’s actions. There are two kinds of sources used in this

study, which are primary and secondary. The primary source is Moana’s movie

script. Then, the secondary sources are the internet, books, journal article, and

thesis. Furthermore, the library research method is needed to support this study.

The study shows that Moana has eight characteristics. Those

characterizations are optimistic, open-minded, supportive, stubborn, brave,

curious, independent, and responsive. Further, Moana’s actions reflected through

liberal feminism, the writer holds the three conditions of liberal feminism. The

first point is Moana’s struggle to gain freedom, which can be proved by fulfilling

her desire to save the Motunui Island. The second point is about Moana’s bravery

to break the rules by cross the ocean. Moana decides to break Chief Tui’s rules by

crossing the ocean to find Maui and deliver him to return the heart of Te Fiti

because of her biggest desire to save the island. The third point is Moana’s

capacity to think and deals with all the situations. It can see from the way Moana

responds to every problem when Motunui Island in danger.

Keywords: Moana, Disney, liberal feminism


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WIJAYATI, ANGELA TANJUNGSARI. (2020). The Character of Moana in

The Disney Movie Script Moana seen from Liberal Feminism. Yogyakarta:

Program Studi Sastra Inggris, Fakultas Sastra, Universitas Sanata Dharma.

Fokus pada skripsi adalah pemeran utama wanita yang bernama Moana,

anak dari Tui ketua suku Pulau Motunui. Skripsi ini berfokus pada naskah film

Moana yang diedarkan oleh The Walt Disney. Sang kepala suku membuat aturan-

aturan khusus untuk wanita. Para wanita Pulau Motunui dilarang untuk

menyeberangi lautan, memanjat pohon, wajib membuat jala, harus membuat api

dari dedaunan, dan harus mempelajari tarian ritual untuk nenek moyang mereka.

Sejak saat itu, aktivitas para perempuan menjadi terbatas sedangkan para lelaki

tidak dibatasi oleh aturan tertentu.

Terdapat dua rumusan masalah dalam skripsi ini. Yang pertama yakni

menganalisis karakteristik Moana dalam naskah film. Lalu yang kedua ialah

menganalisis feminis liberal yang tercermin pada tingkah laku Moana.

Dalam skripsi ini, penulis menerapkan teori karakterisasi milik Murphy

untuk menganalisis karakter Moana. Selain itu, penulis juga menggunakan

pendekatan feminis liberal untuk menganalisis tingkah laku Moana. Terdapat dua

macam sumber yang diterapkan pada skripsi ini yaitu primer dan sekunder.

Sumber primer yakni naskah film Moana. Lalu sumber primer adalah internet,

buku-buku, jurnal artikel, dan skripsi. Selain itu, metode penelitian perpustakaan

dibutuhkan untuk mendukung skripsi ini.

Penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa Moana memiliki delapan karakter.

Karakter tersebut adalah optimis, berpikiran terbuka, suportif, keras kepala,

pemberani, memiliki keingintahuan yang besar, independen, dan responsif. Lebih

jauh lagi, penulis berfokus pada tiga poin feminis liberal. Poin pertama yaitu

kegigihan Moana untuk memperjuangankan kebebasan dengan cara memenuhi

apa yang ia inginankan untuk menyelamatkan Pulau Motunui. Poin kedua yakni

keberanian Moana untuk mendobrak aturan-aturan yang dibuat oleh kepala suku

Tui. Hal tersebut dibuktikan dengan cara ia menyeberangi lautan, mencari Maui,

dan menghantarkan Maui mengembalikkan hati Te Fiti. Lalu poin ketiga adalah

kemampuan Moana untuk berpikir dan mengatasi segala situasi. Ketiga hal

tersebut dapat dilihat dari respon Moana terhadap setiap masalah ketika Pulau

Motunui dalam bahaya.

Kata kunci: Moana, Disney, liberal feminism


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A. Background of the Study

Literature has been popular since the 1890 era. The term of literature is

known as the entirety of written expression, but not every written document or

text can be defined as literature. Literature has a significant impact on several

aspects. The several aspects that are impacted by literature are education,

economy, law, art, and many more. On law, literature can lead the misconceptions

about the lawyer’s role (Thompson, 2012, p. 21). The example of the lawyer’s

role is what a lawyer should do if a client confesses to a crime, and examined in

the context of legal ethics, popular culture, and literature. The rules of legal ethics

provided a lawyer about what they should do and protect the client. Meanwhile,

literature contributes to distinguishing decent human beings from effective

lawyers and misrepresenting the facts (Thompson, 2012, p. 22).

Mansour (2016) a Saudi’s first female film director states that “art can touch

people and make them open up” (as cited in The World Economic Forum website,

p. 1). A film entitled A Girl in the River, which is directed by Obaid Chinoy, is

one of the examples. The main character is a teenage girl named Saba Qaisera,

who survives an attempted murder at the hands of her father. Her father is

justified in trying to kill his daughter because he thinks that he has to protect his

family from what the dishonor Saba brings on them by falling in love and getting

married. According to Stephanie Thompson (2016) states that there are several


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policies that change since this movie was released (as cited in World Economic

Forum website). The Pakistani Prime Minister stated that they would change the

law about honor killing. The director, Obaid Chinoy, also states that this is the

real power of movies that can change the world (Johnson, 2016).

According to Klarer, the genre of literary works primarily branch into three

classical forms of literary tradition, which are epic, drama, and poetry. The term

epic now is known as prose and fiction for the literary forms of novel and short

story (Klarer, 2004, p. 13). Furthermore, Klarer also introduces the term of text

type that is influenced by linguistics. This term refers to non-canonical written

texts which are traditionally not classified as literature. The examples of non-

canonical written texts are instruction manuals, sermons, obituaries, advertising

texts, catalogs, and scientific or scholarly writing.

Literary works are divided into four main genres. Those are poetry, prose,

media, drama, and non-fiction. The examples of written works are novel, poetry,

and short story. Meanwhile, the examples of visual works are movies and short


In creating a movie, intrinsic and extrinsic elements needed to support the

author’s ideas. The intrinsic elements of a movie consisting of characters, plots,

settings, scenes, and moral values. Meanwhile, extrinsic elements consist of the

author’s life, historical background, cultural, and social background. Furthermore,

the movie script is known as the crucial thing. It is because the movie script has a

significant contribution to the directors, producers, actors, and actresses.


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Miles (2017) states that “there are six steps to understanding someone’s

script” (as cited in Pen and the Pad, p. 2). The first step is assessing the suitability

of that work. The second step is reading and understanding the whole text from

the beginning until the end. The third step is analyzing the concept of the movie.

The fourth step is to analyze the structure of the movie. The fifth step is to analyze

the individual scenes of the screenplay. It means that every scene has its

contribution to the story. Each scene must have a beginning, middle, and end.

Moreover, from scene one to another must be connected. The last step is to

analyze the character, that are actors, and actresses.

In the movie industry, actors and actresses have an equal and important role.

On the other part, actresses rarely chosen as the main character. Women are still

seen as one level below men that triggers men to over-rule women. The feminist

movements started a long time ago. However, there are still many inequality cases

that are faced by women. According to Whelehan and Pilcher in their book

entitled Fifty Key Concepts in Gender Studies, they state that

It soon became understood to denote the political stance of someone

committed to changing the social position of women. Since the term has

taken on the sense of one who believes that women subjugated because of

their sex and that women deserve at least formal equality in the eyes of the

law (Whelehan and Pilcher, 2004, p. 48).

This quotation explains that the idea of feminist critics can be implied in

some aspects of the story, including men’s power to rule women. Based on

Humm’s A Reader’s Guide to Contemporary Feminist Literary Critics “feminist

criticism shares three basic assumptions which are the ideology of gender


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construction, sex-relation to writings, and tradition of social norms” (Humm,

2015, p.60).

According to Lauzen, in the movie industry, women are comprised less than

a third of speaking parts in the top-grossing domestic movies, and only 15 % of

protagonists (Lauzen, 2016, p. 2). It means that women are often chosen as

supporting characters. Carter (2017) states that “women are paid 20 percent less

than their men counterparts performing the same job” (as cited in Consumer News

and Business Channel website). Further, Gauntlett states that “the traditional

views of woman as a housewife or low-status worker have been kick-boxed”

(Gauntlett, 2008, p. 279). From those statements, we know that women are still

seen as one level lower than men.

Based on Humm’s A Reader’s Guide to Contemporary Feminist Literary

Critics, feminist criticism shares three basic assumptions. There are the ideology

of gender construction, sex-relation to writings, and tradition of social norms

(Humm, 2005, p.252). Humm also states below.

Inevitably, the ideologies of women are likely to encompass more

contradictions than the ideologies of men since women provided with

many more confusing images of themselves than are men (Humm, 2005,


From that statement, feminist critics concern about women who are valued

lower than men. Feminist critics deal with women who are being subordinated in

their social class and is limited to express and access in public or social utilities.

Rosemarie Tong is one of the American feminist philosophers who

distributed a book entitled Feminist Thought: A More Comprehensive

Introduction in 1998. Tong states eight types of feminism. There are liberal


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feminism, radical feminism, marxism and socialist feminism, psychoanalytic

feminism, care-focused feminism, multicultural global and postcolonial feminism,

ecofeminism, and postmodern and third-wave feminism (Tong, 2009, p.11). From

all of those feminist types, the most dominant feminism type that exists in our

society is called liberal feminism. Tong says that “liberal feminism is equality of

opportunity, which would undoubtedly require and lead to both” (Tong, 2009, pp.

12-13). It means that women have the same opportunity as men. Based on her

book, Tong defines many types of equality between men and women, such as

equal education, salary, and liberty.

Year after year, feminist studies become more common in every aspect. It

can be seen from literary works such as books and movies that focus on feminist

research. In the movie world, The Walt Disney Animation Company is the biggest

movie production. They produce more than 100 movies in the past ten years. In

November 2016, Walt Disney released a movie entitled Moana, directed by John

Musker and Ron Clements. Based on the Internet Movie Database, this incredible

movie won 20 awards and gained 84 nominations. It proves that the movie is

successfully published (retrieved on June 27, 2019).

Moana is a movie located in Polynesia and the Pacific Ocean. The story

begins with Grandma Tala’s story about the history of Motunui Island. When

Moana was a kid, she has been told to lead her people in Motunui Island. On the

other hand, Moana also experiences the patriarchy laws created by her father.

Chief Tui created several rules for the female villagers while the male villagers

are free without the rules. Grandma Tala always tells that the ocean chooses


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Moana. Grandma Tala also mentions Maui; a demigod who stole the heart of Te

Fiti and causing many difficulties on Motunui Island. The only way to save

Motunui Island is by finding Maui and delivering him to return the heart of Te


The writer analyzes the characteristic of Moana, a girl who has been told

to be the next chief of Motunui Island. Lang (2015) states that “a feminist activist,

“research is still revealing that women are overwhelming valued in the movie

based on their identification as a mother, wife, or lover” (as cited in Scholar

Works, p. 8).

According to Ron Clements and John Musker, the characterization of

Moana is inspired by the Polynesian girl; thick body, curly frizzy hair, brown-

colored skin. Barbely (2016) states that Moana has her own identity that

differentiates herself from other Disney princesses like Snow White and Princess

Jasmine (retrieved on November 2, 2019). The reason why the writer chooses this

topic is that Moana movie represents the writer’s opinion of being a girl. As a girl,

we are free to be whatever we want, explore ourselves, learn something

interesting rather than following the rules that make us do not enjoy our lives.

Furthermore, the writer wants to explore and challenge herself through this study.

B. Problem Formulation

Three questions are formulated based on the background of the study:

1. What are Moana’s characteristics in the movie script?

2. How are liberal feminism reflected through Moana’s actions?


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C. Objectives of the Study

There are two objectives of this study. The first objective is to analyze

Moana’s characteristics that are found in the movie script. The second objective is

to conclude how liberal feminism reflected through Moana’s actions.

D. Definition of Terms

In order to understand more about this topic, some terms should be defined.

According to Amy Baehr (2013) states five focus of liberal feminism. Those kinds

of liberal feminism such as personal autonomy, political autonomy, justification,

historical, and criticism (retrieved October 3, 2019). Based on all of those kinds,

there are only one kinds of them that is found in this study which is political

autunomy. The first term is the political autonomy. The proof of Baehr stated


Attempts to increase women’s participation in public deliberation and

electoral politics confort a vicious circle of women’s exclusion. The gender

system leads to women’s being underrepresented in influential forums of

public deliberation, including in elected law-making bodies. For example

women have less free time to engage in public deliberation because of the

double-burden they carry of paid and unpaid labor; sex stereotyping leads

many to think that women are less capable of leadership than men, the

behavior called for in agonistic public deliberation and electoral politics is

understood to be masculine; issues of particular interest to women are seen

as personal and not political issues; women lack power in the many

institutions (like churches, universities, and think tanks) that influence

political debate, etc. (Baehr, 2013).

The second term is Liberal Feminism. In her book, Tong states that

feminist theory is an attempt to describe women’s oppression, explain the causes

and consequences, and to prescribe strategies for women’s liberation (Tong, 2009,



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Further, Flax (1981) states that “feminist theory has three purposes; the first

is to understand the power differential between men and women, the second is to

understand women’s oppression, including how it evolves and changes, and the

last is how to overcome the oppression”.

On the other hand, Isaiah Berlin (2018) he introduces two types of freedom

in feminism such as positive freedom and negative freedom. Positive freedom is

known as the capacity to choose and act according to your own ends, you should

be your own master of yourself whereas negative freedom is a lack of external

constraints, it means that you become the slave of none (retrieved on November

13, 2019).

According to MacKenzie and Stoljar, they state that women entitled to a

broad range of freedom enabling conditions. There are several lists of

representative conditions. The first is being free of violence and threats. It means

that they make women do what others want safely. The second is being free of the

limits that are set by patriarchal paternalistic and moralistic laws. The last is

having access to options (Mackenzie and Stoljar, 2000, pp.8-10).


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There are three parts in this chapter. The first part is the review of related

studies which states that the writer conducted something new. The second part is

the review of related theories. The last part is the theoretical framework; which

explains the theories and reviews to answer the problem of the study.

A. Review of Related Studies

The first study is an undergraduate thesis that is written by Ika Puspitasari,

a student of English Letters Department, State Islamic University Syarif

Hidayatullah Jakarta entitled Liberal Feminism Values of the Main Character in

Suffragette Film (2015). Based on her thesis, she specifies three problem

formulations. The first one is how Maud, as the main character, is portrayed in

Suffragette film, and the second one is how the feminism values of the main

character depicted in the Suffragette film. Based on the problem formulation,

Puspitasari’s study focuses on the main female character named Mud Watts and

the liberal feminism values seen through the main character using the feminist

theory by Betty Friedan.

Suffragette film directed by Sarah Gavron and written by Abi Morgan.

This film tells the audience about British Historical Period Drama, a woman who

is struggling to get the right to vote in the United Kingdom. Puspitasari explains

that Suffragette's film describes the actions of Maud Watts, who is always ignored


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by the government and the press. Maud Watts is described as a housewife who is

working in the Glass House Laundry. When Maud is in her workplace, she always

gets sexual harassment from her supervisor. Because of that moment, Maud joins

suffragette and becomes a militant member. The women members who join

suffragette believe that women have a right to vote and women can change the

laws that take side only for men. In this thesis, the writer analyzes the

characteristic of Maud. She is described as a courageous, stubborn, hard worker,

independent, responsible, and ambitious. As a female worker, Maud gets a proper

salary in the workplace. At the end of this film, Maud becomes a successful

woman who gets the right to vote for women.

The second study is an undergraduate thesis entitled An Analysis of Liberal

Feminism through Main Character Roles of Aung San Suu Kyi in The Lady Film

written by Nuraisyah Fahmi (2017), a student from English Letters Department,

Faculty of Letters and Humanities, State Islamic University Syarif Hidayatullah

Jakarta. The Lady is a bibliography film that was made to tribute the Burmese

democracy campaigner Aung San Suu Kyi. Lec Besson directed this film in 2011.

Fahmi’s study focuses on how the women character is portrayed and reflected

through liberal feminism seen from the dialogue and the picture in the film. The

main character of The Lady film is a woman named Aung San Suu Kyi. She is the

daughter of General Aung San Independent Hero of Burma. Aung San lives with

gender inequality and discrimination. The writer tried to analyze the characteristic

of Aung San in various aspects such as family, government, and also a political

aspect. She is described as a woman who fights and against gender issues. In the


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end, Aung San can break gender inequality and leads the conservative party. The

important thing is Aung San also breaks the record to be the first women Prime

Minister in Asia.

The third study is a journal article entitled An Analysis of Perempuan

Berkalung Sorban Novel: Feminist Perspective by Septa Aryanika, a student of

IAIN Raden Intan Lampung. This journal was released in 2016, volume 9 (2).

Aryanika’s study focuses on a novel entitled Perempuan Berkalung Sorban by El

Khalieqy. She also formulated two problem formulation to be discussed further.

The first problem is to describe feminism found in a novel entitled Perempuan

Berkalung Sorban. The second is to know the types of feminism in the novel

Perempuan Berkalung Sorban. Anisa is the main character in the novel who lives

in Islamic and religious backgrounds. She is the daughter of a Kyai who is being

pressed by her father. Based on Aryanika’s analysis, two kinds of feminism are

found in the novel Perempuan Berkalung Sorban. Those are liberal feminism and

radical feminism. In the novel entitled Perempuan Berkalung Sorban, liberal

feminism was represented by the main character named Anisa who is treated

differently by her family. The proof of Aryanika’s analysis is stated below.

Ow..ow..ow. Oh, I see. Has mom not told you that riding a horse is only

worth studied by your brothers, Rizal or Wildan. You know why? Because

you are a girl, Nisa. Inappropriate, the girl riding a horse, a lot of behaviour!

(Impolite), surrounding fields and down to the pond. Embarrassing!

(Aryanika, 2009).

Based on the quotation above, it shows that liberal feminism perspective

afflicts Annisa. She got unfair treatment from her family. In the novel, Annisa has

two brothers, Rizal and Wildan. Further, Annisa is banned to ride the horse


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because she is a woman. In this novel, the idea of riding a horse for a woman is

inappropriate. In the previous fact, Annisa is banned to ride a horse because she is

a woman. Annisa’s family holds the rules of Islam which say that the degree of a

woman is lower than a man. A woman is judged to stay at home rather than riding

a horse.

Annisa is also represented as a woman who experienced radical feminism

because there are several facts that refer to radical feminism. In the novel entitled

Perempuan Berkalung Sorban, Annisa does not get any justice from her husband.

It is because her husband did polygamy. It can be seen from the quotation as

follow: “Look, Annisa, how to play in paradise. Look at us! How do you play in

paradise? And you can join us if you want” (Aryanika, 2009, p.12). The dialogue

happened when Annisa’s husband get sex with his first wife, then he said to

Annisa to look at them and then learn about it. People who practice polygamy

should get justice between one wife and another. Unfortunately, Annisa does not

get that point.

The last related study is a journal article entitled Reading the Values of

Liberal Feminism in Hillary Clinton’s Speech at the Democratic National

Convention 2016 by Andrea Farhrian and Dini Nur Islamiyati, students of Sultan

Agung Islamic University Semarang. This journal focuses on Hillary Clinton’s

speech through liberal feminism perspectives. The reoceanrchers analyzed the

figure of Hillary Clinton as a woman and used the theory of liberal feminism to

support the writers’ ideas. Hillary Clinton is known as a politician woman who

becomes one of the presidential candidates of the United States. The data of this


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study are taken from Hillary’s speech transcript at the Democratic National

Convention 2016. There are several proofs of Clinton’s speech that refer to liberal

feminism values. Those are written below.

If all women are worse than all men at something, this still does not justify

forbidding women from trying not to do that thing, for what women by

nature cannot do, it is quite superfluous to forbid them from doing. What

they can do, but not as well as the men who are their competitors,

competition suffices to exclude them. Because the ordinary way to

maximize aggregate utility (happiness/pleasure) is to permit individuals to

pursue their desires. Society must provide women with the same political

rights and economic opportunities as well as the same education that men

enjoy (New York Times Magazine, 2016).

Based on Clinton’s speech above, it is clear that women have the same

rights in every aspect such as education, politic, economic, and getting

opportunities. The example of politic aspect is that women have rights to vote. As

a woman, Clinton is being categorized as a powerful woman; she has taught

women all around the world that gender does not matter. It means that women and

men have the same opportunities in every aspect.

Based on the related studies above, this research has some similarities and

differences such as approach and the aim of the study. The similarity is the

feminism approach that is used in this study. According to Puspitasari on her

undergraduate thesis entitled Liberal Feminism Values of the Main Character in

Suffraggete Film, it states that liberal feminism offers the alternative for women to

be equal with men (Puspitasari, 2015, p. 28).

This quotation supports Puspitasari’s idea to analyze the character’s struggle

for equality due to oppression that Maud experiences from her background and


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also her surroundings. The main purpose of the approach is to reveal Maud’s

struggle to obtain equality to do whatever she wants.

The second difference is the aim of the study. The first study by Ika

Pustpitasari explains about liberal feminism values of the main character.

Meanwhile, the second study by Nuraisyah Fahmi mentions about the main

character who is portrayed and reflected through liberal feminism. The third study

by Aryanika is focused on feminist perspective which is liberal and radical

feminism. The last study which is conducted by Andrea Farhrian and Dini Nur

Islamiyati explains about the values of liberal feminism in Hillary Clinton’s

speech. Whereas this thesis is focused on analyzing the characterization of Moana

in the Disney Movie Script seen through liberal feminism. This reoceanrch’s

purpose is to see the struggle of woman character through liberal feminism which

will be proven through dialogues of characters.

B. Review of Related Theories

In this chapter of the study, two theories should be defined to support the

writer’s analysis.

1. Theory of Characterization

Character is an important part of intrinsic elements because it represents the

idea of the author through their actions and dialogues. According to Murphy on

his book entitled An Introduction to English Poetry and the English Novel for


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Overseas Students, there are several types to make the reader understand the

characters (Murphy, 1972, pp. 161-173).

a. Personal description

The author helps the reader or audience to understand a person’s

characteristics through their appearance and clothes.

b. Character as seen by another

The author gives us some clues to each character seen through the point of

views and opinions by another character.

c. Speech

The author gives us some clues to each character seen through what they say

and their conversation with others. Whenever a person talks to others, what they

say is a clue to that character.

d. Past life

The author tells the reader and audience about someone’s past life. It helps

to shape someone’s characteristics through their past life. It can be seen through

direct comment by the author, the person’s thoughts, or the description of another


e. Conversation of others

The author gives clues to a person’s character seen through the conversation

of other people and anything they say about him or her.

f. Reactions

The author helps us by giving a clue to a person’s character by letting the

readers and the audiences know how that person reacts to various situations.


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g. Direct comment

The author describes and comments on someone’s character directly in the


h. Thoughts

The author reveals what the character is thinking about.

i. Mannerisms

The author helps the reader or audience by describes a character’s

mannerisms and habits, which may tell about someone’s characteristics.

2. Theory of Feminism

The related theory of the study that the writer is going to use is liberal

feminism. Liberal feminism deals with freedom for individuals such as freedom to

be alive, freedom of speech, freedom of belief, freedom of religion, and many

more. From those explanations, it means that someone should live the life of their

choosing. According to the Standford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, there are

enabling conditions of personal autonomy that represent women’s lives. The first

condition is being free of violence and the threat of violence. It means that they

make women do what the others want or limiting women’s sphere of activity to

avoiding harm. The second condition is being free of the limits set by patriarchal

paternalistic and moralistic laws. It can be seen from the patriarchy laws limiting

women’s options and interests.

Further, the patriarchal paternalistic and moralistic laws forbid women into

socially preferred ways of life. It is an unfair treatment because women can not


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choose on their own. Whereas on liberal feminism, women entitled to follow their

desire based on their self-interest and by their personal values. The last condition

is having access to options. Women are entitled to access opportunities in every

aspect, including education, politic, economy, and social. The example in the

education aspect is that women have access to get the proper education as same as

the men. Automatically it breaks the perspective that women should stay at home

to be a housewife and taking care of their children (retrieved on October 3, 2019).

C. Theoretical Framework

This part explains the contribution of the theories and reviews to solve the

problems of this study. The first problem is analyzing Moana’s characteristics in

the movie script. Moana is a teenage girl who lives around the rules which are

created by her father. As the writer mentioned in the previous chapter, Moana is a

unique woman if she compared it with another Disney Princess like Snow White.

Snow White is the daughter of the royal family. She has a white-colored skin,

short ebony hair, and red lips. Meanwhile, Moana’s appearance is so stunning

with her curly hair, tanned skin, and thick body. In order to answer the first

problem formulation, Murphy’s theory of characterization is applied.

Based on the theory of characterization by Murphy, there are nine methods

to make the characters more easier to be understood by the readers or audiences

such as characterization through the personal description, speech, past life,

conversations of others reactions, characters as seen by another, reaction, direct

comment, thoughts, and mannerisms. In this study, the writer found four methods


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through Moana movie scripts such as characters as seen by anther, conversation

by others, reaction, and speech.

The second problem is analyzing how liberal feminism reflected through

Moana’s actions. The goals of liberal feminism theory are being free of violence

and the threat of violence, being free of the limits set by patriarchal paternalistic

and moralistic laws and having access to options. By applying the theory of liberal

feminism, the second problem formulation can be solved.


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A. Object of the Study

The object of this study is a Moana movie script, which was directed by

John Musker and Ron Clements and released on November 14, 2016. Moana

movie was inspired by the journey of Musker and Clements when they traveled

around South Pacific and visited several islands such as Fiji, Samoa, Tahiti,

Tetiaroa, Moores, Bora Bora, and New Zealand. Tetiaroa Island was spotted in

Moana movie and known as Motunui Island.

When Musker and Clements traveled around Polynesian Island, they found

an inspiration to put and visualize Polynesian women’s appearances through

characteristics of Moana. Their skin tone, curly hair, and thick body are identic

with Moana’s look. It is quite similar to the impressions of Moana in that movie.

There are supporting cast that gives support during the movie. The purpose

of supporting cast is to help the reader or audiences understand the main

character, but that does not mean the supporting character is less important


Maui was a demigod who highlights the story because he is the reason that

causes the Motunui Island indanger. He stole the heart of the mother of earth

named Te Fiti. Because of that, the world became dangerous. Further, there were

several moments when coconut trees became worst, and the voyagers got no fish.

Chief Tui was confused about that situation, and Moana gave her a solution for


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the voyagers to cross the reef and ocean because she believed that there were

more fish. Chief Tui always hold his argument, and he banned Moana’s ideas

because he thought that it was dangerous. Chief Tui also stated that Motunui

Island was the best island to save their life.

The other fact is that Moana movie is considered as the best movie

because the film won 20 awards and gained 86 nominations. There are several

popular awards, such as Alliance of Women Film Journalists, Austin Film Critics

Association, Grammy Awards, Women Film Critics Circle Awards, etc.

B. Approach of the Study

The approach of the study that the writer used was feminism, and its branch

study was liberal feminism. Liberal feminism deals and focuses on women’s

struggles in gaining equality in society for welfare purposes. This statement

highly connected with Tong’s 3rd

edition book entitled Feminist Thought: A More

Comprehensive Introduction below.

Although both classical-liberal and welfare-liberal streams of thought

appear in liberal feminism thought, most contemporary liberal feminists

seem to favor welfare liberalism (Tong, 2009, p.12).

This statement pointed out that women have the same right as men to work,

to have their welfare, and to fulfill the desire to save the world. Liberal feminism

assumed a woman’s life, which influenced them to gaining welfare or equality in

society. Moana described how a woman's character was limited by her gender’s

standard to do activities which she wanted the most.


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C. Method of the Study

This research is analyzing the character of Moana in the movie script.

Further, the writer also analyzes how liberal feminism values reflected through

Moana’s actions. The writer is using library research because of the data collected

from the sources, including books and movie script.

In this part, the writer did four steps in order to analyze the character of

Moana. The first step is collecting the data by reading the movie script and also

watching the movie. After that, the writer was interested in analyzing the

character of Moana. Further, the writer decided on the topic and problem


The second step is finding the related theory of the study. This step helps the

writer to analyze the problem formulation. In order to support the problem

formulation, the writer also finds the theories. The theories that are used in this

study such as the theory of characterization and theory of liberal feminism.

The third step is started to analyze the characteristics of Moana by applied

the theory of characterization. After that, the writer applied the theory of liberal

feminism to analyze liberal feminism that reflected through Moana’s action in the

movie script. In the last step, the writer was creating the whole conclusion of this



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In this chapter, the writer discusses the result of the study to answer the

problems. There are two parts to this chapter. First, the writer focused on Moana’s

characteristics. The second, the writer analyzed liberal feminism reflected through

Moana’s actions.

A. Moana’s Characteristics

Moana is the only daughter of Chief Tui. Since she was a kid, she has been

told to be the next chief of Motunui Island. Further, Chief Tui also created some

rules for the female villagers, including Moana, although she is the daughter of

Chief Tui. The female villagers are not allowed to leave the island, climb the tree,

cross the ocean, and they should make the nets from the fibers, and dancing to an

ancient song. While the male villagers are entitled to catch the fish on the ocean

and climb the tree. All of these facts consider as an example of patriarchy laws.

The theory of characterization by Murphy used to answer the first problem.

The writer found out eight characteristics of Moana in the movie script. The

characteristics will be described below.

1. Optimistic

One of Moana’s characteristics seen in the movie script is optimistic.

According to Oxford Dictionary, the word “optimistic” means hopeful and


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confident about the future. Murphy’s theory of speech is applied to identify the

dialogue below.

Moana : We're okay, Pua.

Moana : I can do this.

Moana : There's more fish beyond the reef.

Moana : There's more beyond the reef.

Moana : Not so bad.

(lines 272 – 276)

The dialogue happened when Moana and her family got a bad report from

the villagers of Motunui Island. They said that there were several diseased trees,

such as coconut trees. On the other moment, some voyagers reported that their

traps could not get any fish. After this moment, Moana thought that there were

fishes beyond the reef. However, Chief Tui banned the female villagers, including

Moana to cross the ocean. As the writer mentioned in the previous explanation,

Chief Tui created several rules only for the female villagers.

One day Moana’s mother told Moana the truth that her father had traumatic

memories from the past. A long-time ago, Chief Tui took a canoe and crossed the

ocean with his best friend. Unfortunately, a dangerous storm happened with

waves that looked like a mountain. Therefore his friend begged into the ocean, but

Chief Tui could not help him. Chief Tui became traumatic because of his

memories in the past. He wanted to protect his daughter and the female villagers

by creating some rules for them. As a man, Chief Tui cannot survive and save his

friend. Because of that he underestimated the female abilities to survive and solve

the problem. Since that moment Chief Tui always judged people based on their



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Moana decided to take a canoe and tried to cross the ocean because she

believed and was optimistic that there were more fish beyond the reef. According

to Oxford Dictionary the word “can” is used to say that somebody knows how to

do something. Based on the previous definition, the word “can” referred to the

action of Moana, someone who believed in herself. On the last line, Moana

thought that there were more fish. It was the reason why Moana crossed the

ocean. Since Moana took a canoe to cross the ocean and tried to prove her

statement, Moana considers as an optimistic person because she is believed that

she can handle this situation by crossing the ocean.

2. Open-minded

The other characteristic of Moana seen from the movie script is open-

minded. According to Oxford Dictionary, the word “open-minded” means the

willingness to listen and think about or accept different ideas. Murphy’s theory of

speech is applied to identify the dialogue below.

Moana : Teach me to sail.

Moana : I should...

Moana : I should be sailing.

(lines 701 – 704)

Based on the dialogue above, it happened when Moana and Maui had a long

journey to return the heart of Te Fiti. During the climb, Maui had a role as

wayfinder and sailor , whereas Moana had a role as a passenger. According to the

dialogue above, Moana was willing to learn something new that she never learned

before, which was sailing. The word “should be” means that someone will do an

action, and it is mandatory. The act referred to Moana’s thought that sailing is


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something new for her because, in the previous time, she did not know anything

about it.

Moana is not allowed to climb the tree and cross the ocean. Further, she

only knew how to make nets from the fibers, dance to an ancient song, use the

leaves to build fires, and stayed in the village. Since Moana and the female

villagers were ruled by Chief Tui, Moana’s activities were limited. Based on those

explanations, Moana is not familiar with sailing because of the limitation of

activities. Because of his trauma from the past, Chief Tui ruled Moana and the

female villagers to stay on Motunui Island all the time. At the moment when

Moana had a journey with Maui, she asked Maui to teach her how to sail. The

characteristic of an open-minded person is a will to learn something that she or he

never know before. Based on that fact, Moana is willing to learn sailing by asking

Maui to teach her.

3. Supportive

Moana is also categorized as a supportive friend. It could be seen from the

dialogue among her and Maui. According to Oxford Dictionary, the word

“supportive” means giving help, encouragement, or sympathy to somebody. It

was related to Moana and Maui's friendship that was represented in the movie

script. Murphy’s theory of speech is applied to identify the dialogue below.

Maui : Cheeeehoooo! Maui : I am still falling!

Moana : You can do this.

Moana : Go!

(lines 797 – 800)


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The dialogue happened when Moana and Maui arrived at a glittery cave

located in Tamatoa Island. Tamatoa was a sparkle snail who likes to collect his

treasure. They had a mission to get Maui’s fishhook because his fishhook became

Tamatoa’s collection. Moana had a job to disturb Tamatoa by covering herself

with the gold costume, whereas Maui stole the fish hook from Tamatoa’s back. In

the end, they successfully got Maui’s fishhook back and continued their journey.

From the dialogue above, the sentence “You can do this,” refers to Moana’s

action to support Maui when they tried to enter the cave to find his magic hook.

According to Oxford Dictionary, the word “can” means be able to. In the dialogue

above, Moana tried to make sure that Maui is able to enter the cave. Moana’s

dialogue above was considered as one example of supportive friendship among

Moana and Maui. Moana supported Maui with her emotional help through her


4. Stubborn

Moana was the only daughter of Chief Tui. Since she was a child, she had

been told that she would be the next chief of Motunui Island. Moana has chosen to

be the next chief because she is the only daughter of Chief Tui, and she got a

mandate from his father.

Chief Tui also said that someday Moana would add a new stone to the

sacred place which located around Motunui Island.

The story began with the explanation by Grandma Tala as Chief Tui’s

mother and Moana’s Grandma. Some of the villagers thought that Grandma Tala

was crazy because she liked to dance with the water around the ocean. Grandma


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Tala said to Moana that she had the same characteristic as Chief Tui which was


Based on Oxford Dictionary, the word “stubborn” often described as not to

change the opinion and attitude. All of the explanations above were related to the

dialogues in this movie script. It explained that Moana was a stubborn girl.

Murphy’s theory of character as seen by another is applied to identify the


Following the speech by Grandma Tala. She said “You are a father-

daughter. Stubbornness and pride” (line 118). The dialogue related to the moment

when Moana tried to break her father's rules. As the writer mentioned in the

previous chapter, Chief Tui ruled Moana and the female villagers to follow

several rules such as stay on the village, make nets from the fibers, build fires

from the leaves, banned to climb the tree, and cross the ocean. Accidently, there

was a moment when Motunui Island become dangerous. There were a lot of

disasters such as diseased coconut trees and the empty of fish traps.

At that moment, Grandma Tala told the truth related to Motunui Island,

Maui, and Te Fiti. She said that it was the effect of Maui’s action. He was known

as a demigod with his magic hook. Maui had stolen the heart of Te Fiti as a

mother of nature. Grandma Tala also explained the reason why Maui stole the

heart of Te Fiti. It was because he wanted to be the strongest demigod through his

magic hook. Because of that, the world became in danger, including Motunui

Island. The only way to save the world and Motunui Island was finding Maui and

deliver him to restore the heart of Te Fiti. After Grandma Tala explained all of the


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stories, Moana decided to cross the ocean and finding Maui. It meant that Moana

automatically breaks her father's rules as the Chief of Motunui Island. Moana has

the biggest desire to save the Motunui Island was considered as a stubborn action

although Chief Tui banned Moana to cross the ocean.

5. Brave

This part also has a connection with the previous Moana’s characteristics.

According to Oxford Dictionary, the definition of the word “brave” is having or

showing courage to face danger, fear, and difficulty.

Moana was considered as a brave girl because it was related to her actions

when she explained her thoughts to Chief Tui. She said that they could stop all of

the darkness by using a huge canoe to find Maui. After that, they could discover

Maui and deliver him to restore the heart of Te Fiti. Unfortunately, Chief Tui

disagreed with Moana’s opinion, and he ran into the hidden cave and tried to burn

all of those boats. Murphy’s theory of speech is applied to identify Moana’s

characteristics. It was proved by the dialogue below.

Moana : We can stop the darkness! Save our island!

Moana : There's a cavern of boats.

Moana : Huge canoes.

Moana : We can take them, find Maui, make him restore the heart.

Moana : We were voyagers. We can voyage again!

Moana : You told me to help our people.

Moana : This is how we help our people.

Moana : Dad?

Moana : What are you doing?

Chief Tui: I should've burned those boats a long time ago!

Moana : No!

Moana : We have to find Maui. We have to restore the heart!

Chief Tui: There is no heart! It is just a rock!


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Moana : No!

(lines 361 – 375)

Based on the dialogue above, Moana decided to cross the ocean to save the

Motunui Island. At that moment, Chief Tui disagreed with Moana’s opinion and

tried to burn all of the canoes. Although her father disagreed with her idea, Moana

was determined to cross the ocean because she wanted to save the world.

6. Curious

Moana is also known as a curious person. According to Oxford Dictionary,

the definition of the word “curious” is a strong desire to know about something. In

this case, Moana had a strong desire to know about something that she did not

realize from Grandma Tala.

One day there was a moment when Grandma Tala and Moana had quality

time together. Grandma Tala said that she was the crazy lady in the village

because it was her job. Moana asked her why she was always acting weird to all

the villagers, including Moana. She assumed that Grandma Tala kept a secret

from her. She tried to ask Grandma Tala again and again. Murphy’s theory on the

conversation of others is applied to identify Moana’s characteristics. It is proved

by the dialogue below.

Moana : Why are you acting weird?

Grandma Tala : I'm the village crazy lady. That's my job.

Moana : If there's something you want to tell me, just tell me!

Moana : Is there something you wanna tell me?

Grandma Tala : Is there something you want to hear?

Grandma Tala : You’ve been told all our people’s stories... But one.

Moana : What is this place?

Grandma Tala : Do you really think our ancestors stayed within the reef?

Moana : What’s in there?


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Grandma Tala : The answer to the question you keep asking yourself.

Grandma Tala : Who are you meant to be?

Grandma Tala : Go inside...

Grandma Tala : bang the drum...

Grandma Tala : and find out.

(lines 294 – 297)

Based on the dialogue above, Moana acted like she was curious about

something because she asked a repeated question to Grandma Tala. Moana

thought that Grandma Tala kept a secret from her. Further, Grandma Tala knew

the history of the ancient of Motunui Island was a voyager. It can be seen from the

sentence above. Grandma Tala tried to give some clues to Moana. Grandma Tala

took Moana into a hidden cave around Motunui Island, asked Moana to enter the

cave, and she would find out that fact by banging the drum. After she entered the

cave, Moana tried to bang the drum. She found out a huge canoe, and she heard

the ancient whispering through a song of Motunui Island. Based on that song, it

referred to the fact that they were voyagers. It can be seen from the song lyrics


We read the wind and the sky

When the sun is high

We sail the length of the oceans

On the ocean breeze

At night we name every star

We know where we are

We know who we are

We set a course to find

A brand new island. Everywhere we roam

We keep our island in our mind

And when it's time to find home

We know the way

We are explorers reading every sign

We tell the stories of our elders. In a never-ending chain

We know the way


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(lines 312 – 326)

According to the song lyrics above, it concluded that the song lyrics told

about the history of Motunui’s ancients. Moreover, Moana believed that their

ancients were voyagers. Besides that, she also found out a huge canoe and boats

inside the hidden cave. It proved that they were really voyagers.

7. Independent

One day Motunui Island was in danger because of Maui, who stole the heart

of Te Fiti. In the previous moment, Grandma Tala took Moana into a hidden cave

around Motunui Island. Grandma Tala said to Moana that she would found out a

fact when she entered the cave. After Moana entered the cave, she found out the

fact that her ancestor was a voyager. There were several huge canoes inside.

After that moment, Moana said to her father that they should be sailing

again to save the island, but he disagreed with Moana’s idea. At the same time,

Grandma Tala asked Moana to journey the ocean and find Maui. She stated that

Moana was chosen by the ocean to save the world. Murphy’s theory of speech is

applied to identify Moana’s characteristics. It was also proved by the dialogue


Moana : I'm on my own.

Moana : To worlds unknown.

Moana : Every turn I take. Every trail I track.

Moana : Is a choice I make.

Moana : Now I can't turn back from the great unknown.

Moana : Where I go alone. Where I long to be.

Moana : See her light up the night in the ocean.

Moana : She calls me.

Moana : And yes, I know.

Moana : That I can go.

(lines 401 – 410)


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After that moment, Moana tried to relate the connection between Maui, the

disaster that happened on Motunui Island, the heart of Te Fiti, and the rules to stay

on the island and banned everyone across the ocean. She tried to explain all of her

thought to Chief Tui. Moana stated that the only way to save the Motunui Island

was finding Maui across the ocean. Unluckily, Chief Tui argued Moana to do that

because the canoe was already hidden for several decades to save all of the


According to Oxford Dictionary, the definition of the word “independent” is

confident and free to do things without needing help from other people. Whereas

the word “I” is used as the subject of a verb when the speaker or writer is referring

to himself or herself. When it is compared to the dialogues above, there is a

connection between the word choice “I” and the meaning itself.

As the writer mentioned on the previous page, Moana was considered as a

stubborn girl. In this discussion, there was a connection between stubborn and

fearless. First, Moana broke Chief Tui’s rule and decided to cross the ocean.

Second, she crossed the ocean by herself. No one knew that she crossed the ocean.

During her journey whilst crossing the ocean, she did not realize that Heihei was

on the inside of the canoe. Moana had no fear of crossing the ocean although the

big storm happened. It was clear that Moana was characterized as a fearless girl. It

was proved by her action when she broke her father's rules and crossed the ocean

by herself.


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8. Responsive

The other characteristic of Moana was a responsive person. According to

Oxford Dictionary, the word “responsive” means reacting quickly and in a

positive way. Murphy’s theory of reaction is applied to identify Moana’s

characteristic. The dialogues prove it between Moana and the villagers below.

Villagers : This morning, I was husking the coconuts and...

Moana : Well...

Moana : We should clear the diseased trees and we will start a new


Moana : There.

Villagers : Thanks, Moana.

Villagers : She's doing great.

(lines 176 – 181)

Based on the dialogue above, it referred to Moana’s reaction toward the

problem when she got several bad news from the villagers of Motunui Island.

There were diseased coconut trees. Besides that, the fisherman reported that their

traps could not get any fish. Moana’s reaction to all of these problems was

relatively quick. She did not need a lot of time to think about how to solve that

problem. The sentence “We should clear the diseased trees, and we will start a

new grove,” was an answer to the villager’s report, and it was considered as a

responsive answer. While the villagers said that Moana was doing great to solve

their problem, it was proved that Moana was a responsive person.


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B. Liberal Feminism Reflected through Moana’s Action

In this analysis, the study focused on how liberal feminism reflected through

Moana’s actions. The goal of liberal feminism is freedom for individuals, and it

means that women entitled to follow their desire based on self-interest.

This part holds the three enabling conditions of personal autonomy of

women’s lives. First is being free of violence and the threat of violence. Second,

being free of the limits set by patriarchal paternalistic and moralistic laws. The

last is having access to options.

Since Moana and the female villagers should follow the rules created by

Chief Tui, their activities were limited. They should stay in the village, make nets

from the fibers, build fires from the leaves, dancing to an ancient song, banned to

climb the tree, and cross the ocean. From all of those rules, it considered a

patriarchy law. Napokoski (2020) she states the definition of patriarchy is a

system in which men have more power than women so that men have some level

of privilege to which women are not entitled (retrieved on January 25, 2020).

Based on the movie script, Chief Tui holds the position of power as chief so that

he created several rules for the female villagers, including Moana. While the male

villagers are free to be whatever they want.

Based on Moana’s characteristics, there were several enabling conditions of

personal autonomy that were reflected through Moana’s actions. It is written



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1. Moana’s Struggle to Gain Freedom by Fulfill her Desire to Save Motunui


Moana was represented as a girl who lived around patriarchy laws that

created by Chief Tui. Moana and the other female villagers entitled to stay on the

village, make nets from the fibers, dancing to the ancient song, build fires from

the leaves, banned to climb the tree and cross the ocean. All of those rules is an

example of patriarchy laws. Since her father ruled Moana, her activities were

limited. In this case, Moana struggle for positive freedom which means that

everyone holds on their own choosing. It can be proved by the dialogue below.

Chief Tui: The fishermen come back from the ocean

Moana : I wanna see

Chief Tui: Don't walk away

Chief Tui: Moana, stay on the ground now

Chief Tui: Our people will need a chief

Chief Tui: And there you are

(lines 88 – 93)

Based on the dialogue above, it happened when the fishermen came back

from the ocean, and Moana wanted to see them. As the writer mentioned in the

previous chapter, Moana banned to go to the ocean, although she was the daughter

of Motunui’s Chief. It is proved that Moana experiences patriarchy laws based on

the dialogue above. This fact is also related to another dialogue. It can be proved

by the dialogue below.

Grandma Tala : Someone will have to go.

Chief Tui : Mother, Motunui is paradise.

Chief Tui : Who would want to go anywhere else?

Moana : Shoo,shoo!

Chief Tui : Moana!

Chief Tui : There you are, Moana. What are you doing? You scared



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Moana : What? I wanna's go back.

Chief Tui : I know, I know. But you don't go out there.

Chief Tui : It's dangerous for you girl.

Chief Tui : Moana, come on.

(lines 61 – 70)

The dialogue above happened among Moana, Chief Tui, and Grandma Tala

near the ocean. Grandma Tala concluded her story; she said that one day someone

would cross the ocean, find Maui, and deliver him to turn back the heart of Te


In the last sentence, Chief Tui stated that it was dangerous for Moana as a

girl to go to the coast. Chief Tui believed that Moana could not handle herself

because of her gender. It was related to Chief Tui’s memories in the past when he

could not help his friend who begged into the water. Since that moment, Chief Tui

underestimates women because of his memories in the past.

At the beginning of the story, Moana had been told by her grandma that one

day there would be someone who crosses the ocean, found Maui, and delivered

him to return the heart of Te Fiti to keep the Motunui Island alive. It can be

proved by the dialogue below.

Moana : I'm on my own

Moana : To worlds unknown

Moana : Every turn I take. Every trail I track

Moana : Is a choice I make

Moana : Now I can't turn back from the great unknown

(lines 401 – 405)

According to the dialogue above, it explained that Moana had self-

fulfillment to save Motunui Island. It showed that Moana had the responsibility

for her action since she had been told to be the next chief. In this case, Moana has


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the biggest desire to save the Motunui Island, although Chief Tui ruled her to stay

on the island.

Moana had two options to save Motunui Island. The first option was staying

in the village and letting the disaster happened. The second option is to fulfill her

desire to save the Motunui Island. The kind of freedom that seen from this case is

that Moana fulfils her desire to save the Motunui Island. Based on liberal

feminism it was also related to the enabling condition of personal autonomy

which is being free of the limit sets of patriarchy laws.

2. Moana’s Bravery to Break the Rules by Cross the Ocean

There was another moment when Moana experienced several rules that were

created by her father. Chief Tui stated that no one was not allowed to cross the

ocean, including Moana and the female villagers. It can be seen from the dialogue

between Chief Tui and Moana below.

Chief Tui : We have one rule. An old rule that keeps us safe.

Moana : But Dad, I....

Chief Tui : Instead of endangering our people so you can back to the


(lines 205 – 208)

From the dialogue above, it concluded that Moana was banned from

crossing the ocean even though she was the daughter of Chief Tui. The last

sentence explained that if Moana crosses the ocean it might be dangerous and also

endangering the villagers of Motunui Island. Then, Chief Tui added a statement if

Moana crosses the ocean, it means that she was endangering the villagers of

Motunui Island. From that dialogue above, the writer concluded that Moana’s


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activities were limited since she was ruled by her father to stay in the village.

Based on the movie script, this statement was related to Chief Tui’s memories. It

can be seen from the dialogue below.

Moana’s mom : He’s hard on you because...

Moana : Because he doesn’t get me.

Moana’s mom : Because he was you.

Moana’s mom : Drawn to the ocean.

Moana’s mom : Down by the shore.

Moana’s mom : He took a canoe, Moana.

Moana’s mom : He crossed the ocean and found an unforgiving ocean.

Moana’s mom : Waves like mountains.

Moana’s mom : His best friend begged to be on that boat.

Moana’s mom : Your dad couldn’t save him.

Moana’s mom : He’s hoping he can save you.

(lines 215 – 225)

Long-time ago, Chief Tui took a canoe and had a journey with his friend.

Then, the dangerous storm broke their boat. Chief Tui tried to help his friend, but

unfortunately, he failed and his friend passed away.

Since then, Chief Tui believed that as a man, he could not survive to help his

friend. He could not save his friend’s life. That was why he thought that all

women were weak. Chief Tui reflected himself, who failed to save his friend.

Therefore, he believed that Moana would fail as well.

The other rule that limited Moana’s activities can be seen from the

differences between men and women's jobs. The male villagers worked as

voyagers and fishermen. Meanwhile, the female villagers were ruled to stay at the

village to made nets from the fibers, build fires from the leaves, dancing to the

ancient song. They were not allowed to climb the tree and cross the ocean. Those

examples were considered as patriarchy laws that happened on Motunui Island. It

is proved by the dialogue below.


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Chief Tui: This tradition is our mission.

Chief Tui: And Moana, there's so much to do.

Chief Tui: Don't climb on the tree.

Chief Tui: That's all you need.

(lines 82 – 85)

Based on the dialogue above, Chief Tui stated that they hold the tradition of

Motunui Island. Chief Tui said that Moana had so much to do, he also added a

statement that Moana was banned from climbing the tree, and she should stay on

the island. In the last sentence, Chief Tui concluded the point that Moana needed

to stay in the village.

Further, Moana tried to break all of these rules by taking a canoe, finding

Maui, and delivering him to restore the heart of Te Fiti. It was proved by the

dialogue below.

Grandma Tala : Go.

Moana : Not now. I can't.

Grandma Tala : You must!

Grandma Tala : The ocean chose you.

Grandma Tala : Follow the fish hook.

Moana : Gramma...

Grandma Tala : And when you find Maui...

Grandma Tala : you grab him by the ear. You say...

Grandma Tala : "I am Moana of Motunui.

Grandma Tala : "You will board my boat...

Grandma Tala : "sail across the ocean...

Grandma Tala : "and restore the heart of Te Fiti."

Moana : I can't leave you.

Grandma Tala : There is nowhere you could go that I won't be with you.

Grandma Tala : Go!

(line 381 – 395)

Based on the dialogue above, Grandma Tala asked Moana to cross the ocean

and follow the fish hook to find Maui. After that, Moana delivered Maui to restore

the heart of Te Fiti. It can be proved by the action of Moana, who took a boat and


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crossed the ocean. Besides that, Moana also had a self-desire to save the island so

that Moana got support from her grandma to cross the ocean.

According to those facts, the writer concluded that Moana’s bravery to

break the rules proved by crossing the ocean. On liberal feminism, it was related

to the enabling conditions of personal autonomy, which is having access to

options. Although her father ruled Moana, she has access to opportunities because

the goal of liberal feminism is freedom for individuals.

3. Moana’s Capacity to Think and Deals with All the Situations

One day, Motunui Island became in danger because of Maui, who stole the

heart of Te Fiti, and there were several disasters. The villagers reported that their

coconut trees were rot, and the voyagers got no fish. It can be seen from the

dialogue below.

Villagers : This morning, I was husking the coconuts and...

Moana : Well...

Moana : we should clear the diseased trees and we will start a new


Moana : There.

Moana : Thanks, Moana.

Villagers : She's doing great.

(lines 176 – 181)

According to that report, Moana solved the problem greatly. She answered

that problem by telling her idea to the villagers. Moana said that the villagers

should clear the diseased trees and start a new grove. Meanwhile, in the last

sentence, Moana got a compliment from the villagers. It explained that Moana


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successfully solved the problem as the next leader. Moana also represented as a

good leader for the future of Motunui Island because of her positive response.

Another moment that showed Moana was a good leader, it was proven when

she delivered her idea to Chief Tui. She said that they could voyage again, restore

the heart of Te Fiti, and stop the darkness. Further, Moana found out the fact that

their ancentors were voyagers. It was proven by the dialogue below.

Moana : We can stop the darkness! Save our island!

Moana : There's a cavern of boats.

Moana : Huge canoes.

Moana : We can take them, find Maui, make him restore the heart.

Moana : We were voyagers. We can voyage again!

Moana : You told me to help our people.

Moana : This is how we help our people.

Moana : Dad?

Moana : What are you doing?

Chief Tui : I should've burned those boats a long time ago!

Moana : No!

Moana : We have to find Maui. We have to restore the heart!

Chief Tui : There is no heart!

Chief Tui : is just a rock!

Moana : No!

(lines 361 – 375)

Unfortunately, Chief Tui disagreed with her ideas. He tried to burn all of

those boats and canoes. Chief Tui did not believe that the heart of Te Fiti could

save them. He also stated that the heart of Te Fiti was just a rock. Even though her

father disagreed with Moana’s idea, she had the capacity to think and deals with

all situations. By delivering her ideas to solve the problem, Moana thought that

become a voyager and deliver Maui to restore the heart of Te Fiti were the way to

save them from danger.


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From all of those explanations, Moana having access to deliver her idea,

although Chief Tui disagreed with her. It means freedom of speech, and everyone

is allowed to deliver their thought, ideas, critics, and opinions without fear.

Moana’s action of delivering her idea to Chief Tui is an example of freedom of



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This study focused on the women's main character named Moana, the

daughter of the Chief on Motunui Island. In this study, there were three problems.

The first problem analyzed the characteristics of Moana in the movie script. The

writer applied Murphy’s theory of characterization. Further, the writer used four

out of nine methods to find out Moana’s characteristics.

For the first problem, the writer found out eight characteristics of Moana.

Those characteristics were an optimistic, open-minded, supportive, stubborn,

brave, curious, independent, and responsive person.

The second problem analyzed how liberal feminism is reflected through

Moana’s actions. Liberal feminism deals with freedom for individuals and holds

three enabling conditions of personal autonomy. First is being free of violence and

the threat of violence. Second, being free of limit sets of patriarchy paternalistic

and moralistic laws. The last is having access to options.

The writer found out three-point in this part that were related to the enabling

condition of the personal autonomy of Moana. The first point is Moana’s struggle

to gain freedom by fulfilling her desire. Since Maui stole the heart of Te Fiti,

several disasters happened in Motunui Island. Further, Chief Tui created some

rules for Moana and the female villagers. Based on the limitation, Moana gainined

freedom by fulfilling her desire to save Motunui Island.


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The second point can be seen from Moana’s bravery to break the rules by

crossing the ocean. Moana’s activities were limited because of Chief Tui’s rules.

Since Motunui Island became endangered because of Maui, Moana tried to save

her village. It urged Moana to break her father’s rules so she could easily cross the

ocean. Based on the enabling condition, it refers to Moana being free of the

limitations so that she broke the rules by crossing the ocean.

The third point showed that Moana could think and deals with all the

situations. It can be proven by Moana’s reaction toward the disaster when all of

the villagers reported that there were a lot of diseased trees. Moana solved that

problem by giving her an idea and start planting a new grove. Because of that,

Moana got an appreciation from the villagers. Another fact that was related to this

point was when Moana delivered her idea since she knew that her ancientors were

voyagers. The way Moana delivers her idea refers to the freedom of speech.

Although her father ruled Moana, she has a chance to deliver her thoughts and



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Appendix 1


Moana is a daughter of Motunui Island’s Chief named Chief Tui. She has

been told that she would be the next leader of Motunui Island because she is the

only daughter of Chief Tui, and it is from generation to generation. As chief of

Motunui Island, Chief Tui created several rules for Moana and the female

villagers. They were not allowed to cross the ocean and climb the trees. Further,

they should stay at the village all the time to make nets from the fibers, dancing to

ancient songs, and build fires from the leaves, whereas the male villagers are not

entitled to the rules. These rules were made because of the traumatic of Chief Tui.

When Chief Tui was a kid, he took a canoe and crossed the ocean with his friend.

Unluckily, the dangerous storm snatched them and broke their boat. His friend

begged into the water, and Chief Tui could not help his friend and passed away.


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Since that moment, Chief Tui judged people based on gender. As a man, Chief

Tui can not help his friend and survive the accident, so that he created several

rules to protect his daughter and the female villagers. Further, all of the rules

considered as the patriarchy laws which differentiate between man and woman.

Instead of protecting Moana and the female villagers, Chief Tui also represents an

example of male domination because of his position.

One day, Motunui Island become endangered, and several disasters

happened. The villagers report the bad news that their coconut was rotting, and

they found diseased trees. On the other hand, the fisherman also reports the same

news that they could not get any fish in their traps, although they changed the

position of the traps. All of these disasters happened because of Maui, a demigod

who stole the heart of Te Fiti as the mother earth. Since Maui stole that heart, the

demon of earth awoke, and several disasters happened, including in Motunui


In the previous moment, Grandma Tala told Moana that their ancestor was a

voyager. Since Moana has been told to be the next leader, she tries to give her

ideas to save the island but her dad always disagreed with her thoughts. Moana

has a good leadership so that she is struggling to gain freedom by fulfilling her

desire to save Motunui Island. Moana has a mission to find Maui, deliver him, and

restore the heart of Te Fiti. Furthermore, Moana also has the bravery to break the

rules by cross the ocean. Because of those rules, Moana activities were limited.

On the other hand, Moana’s capacity to think and deals with all the situations also

consider that Moana has a good leadership for Motunui Island.


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Moana and Maui succeed their journey to the ocean; they arrived at Te Fiti’s

island and returned that heart. Moana walk in her direction and puts the heart of

Te Fiti. In minutes, the demon of the earth disappeared and changed into Te Fiti.

Since that moment, the Motunui Island become peaceful and joyful. Moana

replaced Chief Tui position, and she asked all of the villagers to be voyagers so

that they can leave Motunui Island and voyage around the world.


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Appendix 2


John Edward Musker or known as John Musker is American writer,

director, animator, producer of The Walt Disney. He was born on November 8,

1953, in Chicago, Illinois, USA. He went to college at Northwestern University,

California Institute of the Arts. He began his career in 1997 for Hercules movie,

1992 for Aladdin movie, and Moana movie in 2016. Musker has several

trademarks such as mustache and always co-directs with Ron Clements.

Ronald Francis Clements or popular as Ron Clements is American writer,

animator, animation director, screenwriter, and producer. He was born on April

25, 1953, in Sioux City, Iowa, USA. Clements is known as the partner and

collaborates with director John Musker. Ron Clements began his career as an

animator for Hanna-Barbera, and he was accepted to join Disney’s Talent

Development Program. There are several works that he has been successfully

released such as Hercules (1997), Aladdin (1992), and The Princess and the Frog

(2009). Further, Clements also has some trademarks such as beard and often co-

directs with John Musker.


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John Musker and Ron Clements known as the duo of the Disney’s

animation studio’s leading director team. Here are the top animated movies by

John Musker and Ron Clements; The Great Mouse Detective (1986), The Little

Mermaid (1989), Aladdin (1992), Hercules (1997), Treasure Planet (2002), The

Princess and the Frog (2009), and Moana (2016).

Adapted from: