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THE DAILY SUN GAINESVILLE FLORIDA 25 1900 FECPt ART R k U CONFERENCE ENJOYED BY MANY Iv Jahn J Tigert Delivers Gnat Lecture on PROF BROWNS SlSLE TALKS IvanfaMst Chapman Has a Large Au dunce Hear His Interesting Top it Singing f Gtergs B by CamstHmentsA Yesterday Prof Brows con dttfed lie MM Bible etrty asd bd- MtBtanvtsri sires to listen to ni tears word Tb nettla was of Meet totemt- Aftamaen Meting That slat Bible ttudeat Rev Jata J Tiftrt eaa of most tettftatiag Imam af ta Coaf reac- a aha iettoe la tan Taber- M wfctas lie talk o T- Bto Dr THttrt BM itudle the Wkto aeiat aid believes it- MI iasairad swa sad also ia the Di tialtf af Chris fer he Mys wttkoa- tk MM Chrtotiaa tea wsald ataoaat- t Mtkiag was a greet AtlafaatiM t aU arefat 4 4 H a asMterly aasdliag of his MtotGvs NiftM Meeting There a alarf aadiene arcscat- MtlMTaNnwcleSataiday night sad UM ast i K quite eathesiastic- TlwaiafiBff aadvr the direction of GMfft Bftfby WM very lie After MHBMatiax ea all tac speakers of the C f rtw t we feel that there is one esker a hearty word of drake sad that is Mr Bag by who with lilt teaor velee aid pleasaat- aaaacr has wee away hearts He aveef the sweetest aid best culii vested vetoes it has ever been our fvrtaae to hear this city sad wish aiacerely that ea the dawn of the sett CMftresee OaiaesviUe will have the xtrene pleasare ef voice aftalit filliag eur inaease tsbraa 3le- Evaagelist Chapwaa begaa his even iagc dicasarse with a short Scripture lateaa after which he gave one of bis laspnssive talks to the urge au dleaw He is pulpit orator of great death ef thought cad he seems to grew mere eoaviaciag at each meet Tadaya Program There will be BO aoraian service at TaseraMle has ia the afternoon at- 2JO I ekRev Joke J Tigers will preaeh axe ef hit log teal serwons He kevM have a large audience AtT Oealoek the evening meet lag will be held sad Dr J Wilbur CfcajMMB will deliver lees dis The Tabernacle should be fill- ed to its BtaaoK AT THE CHURCHES TODAY VarJeot Places Worship Where These Who Desire May Attend The fel lowiag services will be ob- served aa the various churches today Tint Baptist Church Ittv 8 H Refers Susday school at 930 a m Preaching at 1030 a m by the pastor sabjeflt The Grace of Jesus Christ Mcetiag of Suabeams at 2 oclock Jaator B Y P U at 3 oclock and Beuior B Y P U at 4 oclock this af teraeea No evening lervice- Kavaaaagh Methodist Church Kev The Bible i Highl- y enl 1 nl Hit Chris I barf hi hi aIM f ILE 1 flat the x a slag he gate Toe even address Brae was t who deserves lie has t saws a iag 1 N > ¬ ¬ + ° SCOTTS EMULSION- S than a fat i1 nj- Thrc is no animal fat c rpares with it in j i and buileiing1 j Ic wasted emaciated vy That is why chi ri and anemic girls hrive and grow fat upon That is why persons ih consumptive tendon Jvs gain flesh and trength enough to check the progress of the dis- ease t New Vcfk T J Nisoa Sunday school at 930 a m Preaching at 1030 by Rev Joha J Tigert D D Junior League at 2p n No evening service account Bible Confereace First Presbyterian Church Rev Tho P Hay Preaching at 1090 a BB by Rev J Wilbur Chapman of New York Sabbath school at 2 oclock Meeting of Westmiester League at 830 p Patrick Catholic Church Rev P J Lynch Mass at 10 oclock a m Sunday chool at 330 p m and of the Holy Rotary at 4 p m No evening service The usual services will be held at Holy Trinity Episcopal and Chriitian Adventist churches A Healing Gospel The Rev J C Warren pastor of Sharon Rsptist Church Belair Ga Electric Bitten Its a rod send to mankind It cured me of lame back stiff joint and complete physical collapse I was so weak it took me half an hour to walk a mile Two bottle of Electric Bitters have made me so strong I have just walked three mile in GO minutes and feel like walking three more Its made a new mae of me Greatest remedy for weakness and all stomach liver and kidney complaint Sold under gait aatee by all druggist Price 50 Show Folks Have Gone Feeling discouraged over the pro peel of business the William Com- edy Company who opened an engage supposedly for one week in elty Thursday night only made one ap- pearance and Friday night refused to appear for the reason that there was not sufficient tickets sold The Williams Company left on the Seaboard Saturday morning for Waldo where they will fill the remainder of the engagement intended for Gaines- ville It is to be regretted that the company could not have remained here as they present good plays which are well rendered Afraid of Strong Medicines Many people suffer for years from rheumatic pains and prefer to rather than take the strong medicine usually given for rheumatism not knowing that quick relief from pain may be hail by simply applying Chamberlain Pain Balm and without taking any medicine internally For sale by all druggist I COTT k tnwE of this ors g f m- St De- votion says meet > ¬ ¬ ¬ PHIFER MORRIS Are CLOSING OUT HIM bchloss Bros Fine Clothing John B Stet- son and Howard the celebrated Clu ett Monarch Lion Imperial and Silver Brand Shirts Edwin Clapp Stacy Adams Heywood and Crossett Fine Shoes- All of these well known brands of Clothing and Gents Furnishings being SACRIFICED in order to close out is time to in a of these goods at prices not often made on goods T We cordially invite to call see if we are not doing as we advertise PHIFER MORRIS Northwest Corner Square Gainesville Fla STOCK and f i- l I standard a ¬ ¬ = EARLY PRIMARY i WILL BE ORDERED State Democratic Committee on Early Campaign CANDIDATES MUST HUSTLE- If They Desire to Make Ary Time in The State Campaign They Must Get to Work Quick Fine Meeting of Committee Largely Attended JaeksonTille February 24 The State Democratic Exejutire Commit- tee in in this city this decreed that there should be an early primary The date selected for the first it Tuesday Miy 15th while the date selected for the secocd primary- is Tuesday June 10th The fight for early dates wee a Tieto- ry for W J Bryan of this city who contended for an early settlement of the various contest The State Committee met in the of- fice of Duncan U Fletcher the at 10 oclock and much to the surprise of Mr Fletcher led others there was a large attendance Mr Fletchers office wee inadequate to ac- commodate the member and the poli- ticians who gathered Many of the local candidates were present and also several prominent politicians from outside the city The most important matter was the dates for the two primaries and those desiring a short campaign were in a decisive majority There were elo quent and emphatic protests however from tome of the member who urged that May and June would be unfair to the farmers and the discussion at time was humorous Farmers who were members of the committee told their tale of woe and some of the incidents related were highly enjoyed by those present When the tots however was taken the early birds won and the candidate will have but a short time to work on the dear people The action of the committee today activity at once in the cam- paign and the out of the new candidates that have heretofore born willine but who have hesitated in announcing them lvts Pirating Foleys Honey and Tar Foley A Co Chicago originated Honey and Tsr a a throat and lung remedy and on account of the great merit aid popularity of Foley Honey end Tar many imitations are offered for the genuine These worthless im- itations have similar sounding names Beware of them The genuine Honey and Tar is in a yellow pack- age Ask for it and refuse any sub ti tote It is the bet remedy for coughs and colds J W MoCollom Co The Sparks Shows- It i evident from the way the now piper throughout the State speck of John H sparks Shot that it is a rlrt cUM exhibition aid M conducted- in s manner that commends to the people yearly everyone know Sparks and ha seen him rise from a wry small beginning and no one i sorry at hi success tit i well liked for hi personality and square bui nee dealings His show travels with it own train of cars and i a welcome visitor to the towns of the state The Spark Show will give two ei- hihitiuns at Gainesville next Wednes- day Feb 26th The Yellow Fever Germ Ha recently hero discovered It bear a close reiemblance to the ma- laria germ To free Jh from disease germ the rnot effective rem- edy i Dr King New Life till Gunranleed to curl nil dieA duo to malnria poi on and constipation at all drug An Informal Hop The young peopl of the ity etijuy ed an informal at the East Florida Seminary barrack Friday evening There were present about tifteen couples and the evening was passed in a mot enjoyable manner A Guaranteed Cure For Piles Itching blind bleeding protruding piles Druggists are authorized to re- fund money if PAZO OINTMENT fails to cure in to 14 days fiOe The Industrial Edition of The Son Is oa sale at Ann and newt taads Get a copy and send it to your friends De- cide session coming th lI it progressive 5c ho Vidal morn- ing pri- mary chair- man m ana Foley in- teresting tent atoms a ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > ¬ ¬ ¬ + + + THE PLAGUE OF WINTER Every Ca rrh sufferer dreads the return f coM trtather for at UK first breath f the season this j of Winter is fuitd into life with ping of mucus back into the patient has dull headaches rinsing nnisis in the ears and a laf sick impressed fens all the time Kvrry inner lining and tissue e f the buds Iccusic and secrete an nnhalthy matter winch is absorb into the told and distributed to all parts of the hotly and the disease comes consttmtonal The catarrhal poison brings on stomach tnubles l M t head and if not checked leads to Consumption A disease so and dangerous cannot be washed out neither can it Iwj smoked away Sprays washes inhalations etc are useless because they only reach the membranes and tissues while the real cause of the disease is in the Mood- S S S cures Catarrh because it attacks it through the blood it ROCS into the circulation and drives out all unhealthy accumulations and catarrhal matter and when this is done every part of the system receives a supply of rich pure blood Then the inflamed heal all discharge ceases the depressed feeling of the body is relieved and every symptom away S S S goes to the root the trouble and by purifying and enriching the blood and up the PURELY VEGETABLE cures Catarrh permanently U you have Catarrh do not waste time with local remedies but begin S S 3 sad write our book and any medical advice without charge THE REST MACHINE ON THE MARKET Has Tabulator os Every Machine Lightest Shift Lighten Running The Champion Speed Writers of he World Use the FaySholes More FayShole in ue in Gainesville than any other machine For Sale by THE SUN Gainesville Fla Three to the East and Two to the West Via ATLANTIC York and Florida Special leave Jacksonville 1250 p m dilly Sunday Florid and West In lies Limited leaves Jackennville 855 a m da Sew York Express laves Jacksonville 505 a m daily Chicago snd Floridi Limited leave Jacksonville 930 a m daily Dixie Flyer leaves Jacksonville 900 p m daily Through sleeping cart to New York Chicago and St L riis also new sleep log car service to Augusta Ga leaving Jacksonville at 855 a m For Pullman reservations and full information write FKtNK C TOYL District Agent Jacksonville Fla HFDUTTONCO DEALERS Oottom Sea Island Cotton Seed Bagging and Twine Walrus Leather or Sides Manufacturers of the James Doig Improved English Sea Island Cotton Gin for GAINESVILLE FLORIDA US A G S MERCHANT A CO Retailers and Jobbers la Staple ind Fancy Groceries Grain Garden Sari and Fertilizers SOUTH SIDE S Hl r GAINESVILLE FLOKIDJL Highest market jr nid for Chickens Eggs and other Prudoce A Complete stock of Corn Oats Flour Bran Meal Cotton Seed Meat guarantee satisfaction alwars On Drinking Any But the BEST SODA WATER SWEAR OFF We claim oar Bottled Soda Water Ginger Ale Etc are purest so drink those made by the GAINESVILLE BOTTLING WORKS I coM 11 miserable The are up anI conto1nt the throat up a nI ua HUll o tn J affects the Kidneys Bladder attacks soft of the throat and tit t1M pa5 I cry entire for oe ATLANTA Typewriter iCK OWLED ED UnlYfMAl KEYBOARD I 4 RYE SUPERB TRAINS DAILY COAST LINE- S II STO Passenger EST ABLJBEIED 1860 Sea Islaid t I and only the BEST good the LOW EST PRICE and that CATARRH tic its noatfia stppd t 1rp keeps c htwking it I bee and deep seated mem- branes sss 1AIr TtCWlr tL- AFaySholos Ex- cept y t Hay Re We VERY as w A < > > ¬ > + +

Gainesville Daily Sun. (Gainesville, Florida) 1906-02 … DAILY SUN GAINESVILLE FLORIDA FECPt ART 25 1900 R k U CONFERENCE

Jan 18, 2020



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Page 1: Gainesville Daily Sun. (Gainesville, Florida) 1906-02 … DAILY SUN GAINESVILLE FLORIDA FECPt ART 25 1900 R k U CONFERENCE


R k U



Iv Jahn J Tigert Delivers

Gnat Lecture on


IvanfaMst Chapman Has a Large Au

dunce Hear His Interesting Top

it Singing f Gtergs B by


Yesterday Prof Brows con

dttfed lie MM Bible etrty asd bd-MtBtanvtsri sires to listen to nitears word Tb nettla was ofMeet totemt-

Aftamaen MetingThat slat Bible ttudeat Rev

Jata J Tiftrt eaa of mosttettftatiag Imam af ta Coaf reac-

a aha iettoe la tan Taber-

M wfctas lie talk o T-

Bto Dr THttrt BM itudle theWkto aeiat aid believes it-

MI iasairad swa sad also ia the Di

tialtf af Chris fer he Mys wttkoa-tk MM Chrtotiaa tea wsald ataoaat-t Mtkiag was a greetAtlafaatiM t aU arefat 44 H a asMterly aasdliag of his

MtotGvsNiftM Meeting

There a alarf aadiene arcscat-MtlMTaNnwcleSataiday night sadUM ast i K quite eathesiastic-

TlwaiafiBff aadvr the direction ofGMfft Bftfby WM very lie AfterMHBMatiax ea all tac speakers of theC f rtw t we feel that there is oneesker a hearty word ofdrake sad that is Mr Bag by whowith lilt teaor velee aid pleasaat-aaaacr has wee away hearts He

aveef the sweetest aid best culiivested vetoes it has ever been ourfvrtaae to hear this city sad wishaiacerely that ea the dawn of the settCMftresee OaiaesviUe will have thextrene pleasare ef voiceaftalit filliag eur inaease tsbraa 3le-

Evaagelist Chapwaa begaa his eveniagc dicasarse with a short Scripturelateaa after which he gave one of bis

laspnssive talks to the urge audleaw He is pulpit orator of greatdeath ef thought cad he seems togrew mere eoaviaciag at each meet

Tadaya ProgramThere will be BO aoraian service at

TaseraMle has ia the afternoon at-2JO I ekRev Joke J Tigers willpreaeh axe ef hit log teal serwons HekevM have a large audience

AtT Oealoek the evening meetlag will be held sad Dr J WilburCfcajMMB will deliver lees dis

The Tabernacle should be fill-

ed to its BtaaoK


VarJeot Places Worship WhereThese Who Desire May Attend

The fel lowiag services will be ob-

served aa the various churches todayTint Baptist Church Ittv 8 H

Refers Susday school at 930 a mPreaching at 1030 a m by the pastorsabjeflt The Grace of Jesus ChristMcetiag of Suabeams at 2 oclockJaator B Y P U at 3 oclock andBeuior B Y P U at 4 oclock this afteraeea No evening lervice-

Kavaaaagh Methodist Church Kev

The Biblei








barf hi





flat the

x a slaghe gate

Toe even




twho deserves












SCOTTS EMULSION-S than a fat i1 nj-

Thrc is no animal fatc rpares with it inj i and buileiing1

j Ic wasted emaciatedvy That is why chi

ri and anemic girlshrive and grow fat upon

That is why personsih consumptive tendon

Jvs gain flesh andtrength enough to check

the progress of the dis-

easet New Vcfk

T J Nisoa Sunday school at 930 am Preaching at 1030 by Rev JohaJ Tigert D D Junior League at 2 p

n No evening service account BibleConfereace

First Presbyterian Church RevTho P Hay Preaching at 1090 aBB by Rev J Wilbur Chapman of NewYork Sabbath school at 2 oclockMeeting of Westmiester League at830 p

Patrick Catholic Church RevP J Lynch Mass at 10 oclock a mSunday chool at 330 p m and

of the Holy Rotary at 4 p

m No evening serviceThe usual services will be held at

Holy Trinity Episcopal and ChriitianAdventist churches

A Healing GospelThe Rev J C Warren pastor of

Sharon Rsptist Church Belair GaElectric Bitten Its a rod

send to mankind It cured me oflame back stiff joint and completephysical collapse I was so weak ittook me half an hour to walk a mileTwo bottle of Electric Bitters havemade me so strong I have just walkedthree mile in GO minutes and feel likewalking three more Its made a newmae of me Greatest remedy forweakness and all stomach liver andkidney complaint Sold under gaitaatee by all druggist Price 50

Show Folks Have GoneFeeling discouraged over the pro

peel of business the William Com-

edy Company who opened an engagesupposedly for one week in

elty Thursday night only made one ap-

pearance and Friday night refused toappear for the reason that there wasnot sufficient tickets sold

The Williams Company left on theSeaboard Saturday morning for Waldowhere they will fill the remainder ofthe engagement intended for Gaines-ville It is to be regretted that thecompany could not have remainedhere as they present good playswhich are well rendered

Afraid of Strong MedicinesMany people suffer for years from

rheumatic pains and prefer to ratherthan take the strong medicine usuallygiven for rheumatism not knowingthat quick relief from pain may be hailby simply applying ChamberlainPain Balm and without taking anymedicine internally For sale by alldruggist


COTT k tnwE

















HIMbchloss Bros Fine Clothing John B Stet-son and Howard the celebrated Cluett Monarch Lion Imperial and SilverBrand Shirts Edwin Clapp StacyAdams Heywood and Crossett Fine Shoes-

All of these well known brands of Clothing andGents Furnishings being SACRIFICED in order toclose out is time to in aof these goods at prices not often made ongoods T We cordially invite to call see if weare not doing as we advertise

PHIFER MORRISNorthwest Corner Square Gainesville Fla













State Democratic Committee

on Early Campaign


If They Desire to Make Ary Time in

The State Campaign They Must Getto Work Quick Fine Meeting ofCommittee Largely Attended

JaeksonTille February 24 TheState Democratic Exejutire Commit-tee in in this city this

decreed that there should be anearly primary

The date selected for the firstit Tuesday Miy 15th while the

date selected for the secocd primary-is Tuesday June 10th

The fight for early dates wee a Tieto-

ry for W J Bryan of this city whocontended for an early settlement ofthe various contest

The State Committee met in the of-

fice of Duncan U Fletcher theat 10 oclock and much to the

surprise of Mr Fletcher led othersthere was a large attendance MrFletchers office wee inadequate to ac-

commodate the member and the poli-

ticians who gathered Many of thelocal candidates were present and alsoseveral prominent politicians fromoutside the city

The most important matter was thedates for the two primaries and thosedesiring a short campaign were in adecisive majority There were eloquent and emphatic protests howeverfrom tome of the member who urgedthat May and June would be unfair tothe farmers and the discussion at timewas humorous Farmers who weremembers of the committee told theirtale of woe and some of the incidentsrelated were highly enjoyed by thosepresent When the tots however wastaken the early birds won and thecandidate will have but a short timeto work on the dear people

The action of the committee todayactivity at once in the cam-

paign and the out of the newcandidates that have heretofore bornwilline but who have hesitated inannouncing them lvts

Pirating Foleys Honey and TarFoley A Co Chicago originated

Honey and Tsr a a throat and lungremedy and on account of the greatmerit aid popularity of Foley Honeyend Tar many imitations are offeredfor the genuine These worthless im-

itations have similar sounding namesBeware of them The genuineHoney and Tar is in a yellow pack-age Ask for it and refuse any sub titote It is the bet remedy for coughsand colds J W MoCollom Co

The Sparks Shows-

It i evident from the way the nowpiper throughout the State speck of

John H sparks Shot that it is arlrt cUM exhibition aid M conducted-in s manner that commends to thepeople

yearly everyone know Sparks andha seen him rise from a wry smallbeginning and no one i sorry at hisuccess tit i well liked for hi

personality and square buinee dealings

His show travels with it own trainof cars and i a welcome visitor to the

towns of the stateThe Spark Show will give two ei-

hihitiuns at Gainesville next Wednes-day Feb 26th

The Yellow Fever Germ

Ha recently hero discovered Itbear a close reiemblance to the ma-

laria germ To free Jh fromdisease germ the rnot effective rem-edy i Dr King New Life tillGunranleed to curl nil dieA duo tomalnria poi on and constipationat all drug

An Informal HopThe young peopl of the ity etijuy

ed an informal at the East FloridaSeminary barrack Friday eveningThere were present about tifteencouples and the evening was passedin a mot enjoyable manner

A Guaranteed Cure For PilesItching blind bleeding protruding

piles Druggists are authorized to re-

fund money if PAZO OINTMENTfails to cure in to 14 days fiOe

The Industrial Edition of The SonIs oa sale at Ann and newttaads Get a copy and send it toyour friends





th lI











m ana

























Every Ca rrh sufferer dreads the return f coM trtather for at UK firstbreath f the season this j of Winter is fuitd into life with

ping of mucus back intothe patient has dull headaches rinsing nnisis in the ears and a laf

sick impressed fens all the time Kvrry inner lining and tissue e f thebuds Iccusic and secrete an nnhalthy matter winch is absorbinto the told and distributed to all parts of the hotly and the diseasecomes consttmtonal The catarrhal poison brings on stomach tnubles

l M t

head and if not checked leads to Consumption A disease soand dangerous cannot be washed out neither can it Iwj smoked awaySprays washes inhalations etc are useless because they only reach themembranes and tissues while the real cause of the disease is in the Mood-

S S S cures Catarrh because it attacks it through the blood it ROCS intothe circulation and drives out all unhealthy accumulations and catarrhalmatter and when this is done every part of the system receives a supply of

rich pure blood Then the inflamedheal all discharge ceases

the depressed feeling of the body is relieved andevery symptom away S S S goes tothe root the trouble and by purifyingand enriching the blood and up thePURELY VEGETABLE cures Catarrh permanently U

you have Catarrh do not waste time with local remedies but begin S S 3sad write our book and any medical advice without charge



Has Tabulatoros

Every Machine

Lightest Shift Lighten Running TheChampion Speed Writers of he WorldUse the FaySholes More FayShole in

ue in Gainesville than any other machine

For Sale by

THE SUN Gainesville Fla

Three to the East and Two to the West Via

ATLANTICYork and Florida Special leave Jacksonville 1250 p m dilly

SundayFlorid and West In lies Limited leaves Jackennville 855 a m daSew York Express laves Jacksonville 505 a m dailyChicago snd Floridi Limited leave Jacksonville 930 a m dailyDixie Flyer leaves Jacksonville 900 p m dailyThrough sleeping cart to New York Chicago and St L riis also new sleep

log car service to Augusta Ga leaving Jacksonville at 855 a mFor Pullman reservations and full information write FKtNK C TOYL

District Agent Jacksonville Fla


OottomSea Island Cotton Seed Bagging and Twine Walrus

Leather or Sides

Manufacturers of the James Doig Improved EnglishSea Island Cotton Gin for


G S MERCHANT A CORetailers and Jobbers la

Staple ind Fancy GroceriesGrain Garden Sari and Fertilizers

SOUTH SIDE S Hl r GAINESVILLE FLOKIDJLHighest market j r nid for Chickens Eggs and other Prudoce

A Complete stock of Corn Oats Flour Bran Meal Cotton Seed Meat

guarantee satisfaction alwars


We claim oar Bottled Soda Water Ginger Ale Etcare purest so drink those made by the



coM 11

miserable The are up anI conto1ntthe throat up a nI ua HUll o


affects the Kidneys Bladder attacks soft of the throat and

tit t1M





TypewriteriCK OWLED ED






STO Passenger


Sea Islaid

t I

and only the BEST good the LOWEST PRICE and



its noatfia stppd t 1rpkeeps c htwking it


anddeep seated


branessss1AIr TtCWlr tL-





HayRe We VERY as




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