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Jff THE DAILY SUN GAINESVILLE FLORIDA MARCH 1906 1 w AN ENJOYABLE WHIST PARTY Given by Dr and Mrs J H Alderman in Honor of Johnson Unto of Uit m t enjoyable ml of the i party ten Viv Miy Alderma- avrniif Tu Mil TV UK In their Th KiifJt w hallway by littl Mll vF I he ii t- I r til t It- o vin h r of it Atiuila oho t tuJmiiied in the Mi s J i Cheuiit whets thy were received by Mrs H H McCivary and presented in the re ceivmg pnrty of Dr and Mr Alderman Dr Seigler Miss John- son V L Seigler of Waldo and Mm W M Johnson After indulging in social conversa- tion the guest engaged in a name of progressive An exciting con- test ensued and the ladies prize which was a handsome bowl was cut for by by Mesdames Duncan and J M Dell Jr the former the prize and in a gracious man- ner prevented it to the gut t of honor The ladies consolation prize a beauti- ful huixl painted china nut bowl was cut for by Mr W K Steckert and Mrs Gi o Morris the latter being the contestant The gentle- man prize a handsome leather cigar rate tilled with purr Hnvanas had to be cut for by Mesm John Chesnut Ilvnmont Tench and Ben Richards the latter carrying off the honor Dr J II Colson having failed to score a point during the evening was award ed the booby an elegant of cards Miss Ida Burkhim kept the score during the game Mrs Geo W Brumley presided at the punch bowl and Mr W R Steckert presented the prizes in that felicitioas manner for which he noted The house was profusely decorated- the yellow scheme being carried out in the hall pink In the parlor and red in the diningroom Delicious refreshments consisting of salad coffee strawberries and cream were served during the evening The hostess was handsomely gowned in black lace over silk and carried a toques of pink carnations while the guest of honor looked very dainty in all white and white carnations THE Adding New Men to the Company Have a New Gallery Target For some time past the Guards have been doing considerable work without Making much noise about it and in the past three weeks have added up- wards of a dozen men to the roll and art striving to make the company as good as any in the State Captain has teen doing much work to encourage the boys and he is entitled to credit for his efforts The company has recently received from the Government a gallery target j so that the men will not have to go out to the regular range when they lire a short target practice charges of pnwdtr are used purpose and the range or target can be placed in the armory and an electric light attached for night practice GOT HIS DIPLOMA- C C Pedrick Awarded First Premium- on Carriages- C C Pfd rick has at last received I nil diploma from the Florida Mid Winter Fair for the fluent buggici and carriages made in Florida and exhibit- ed al the State Fair This is a com- pliment to Pedrick and Gaines- ville and it onlj shows whet could bo done in the way of a large factory if the people could b1 aroused There i no need of sending away for I vehicles when W can make as good at home Attention W C T U On account of tin hntitauqua l c turn next Mondny the rtRii Inr monthly biiiiiiitf nifetint of Union will be held nt the KeH and Keadinc Uiom Thiirilay after- noon nt 3 oVIock A full attendance i desired n h iiiif of importance court b trHtl SCteil Teller Salt Rneum Itch Ring Worm Herpes Barbers Itch j All f thee deuej attended Ly itchint which i iu jtnntly reliniJ by npplyin Salve Ml Sy it iontitititl a pertntuieiit cun may be fleeted It hal in facicijr i mnnycae that had rfiiileil all other treatment Price cents per box Kir sale by all Seaboard Parlor Cars The Seaboard fir Line operates buf- fet parlor cars between Waldo and Tampa on train leaving Waldo that sonaeets with the morning train from Gainesville J Miss j events I I t whist t I P successful J 1 11 i 1 GAINESVillE GUARDS l I Layton I d i I t I j j Ir C fI i I t it alt rnuou I Eczema are iltfII IlrnlJ t use I I 4 h 11 y composed Mrs cut gkas win- ning dee 11 Reduced i they this Chamber- lain l drug- gist > ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > > < > ¬ + + + + + 35 Nr Ginf Avinei t R SHOES IN TVS I i im Uf pi MM ttu- iu itiin aiil t l i pair f lltriii nl iil prheI- tfllllMlllNT Ill IlirUCit llllC Stun in Mind f Florida HYDE TENON A YOUTHFUL MARRIAGE Bride at Orange Notes of Interest Orange height February 27 The weather U tine and everybody semi to be on the hustle Saturday was pay diiy at the Year mill and also on the railroad which place a little money in circula- tion Prof Fielding spent Sabbath with hit siMer at Citrn and attended church at that place Sermon by op Ir nnii Curtis attended a par ty at M rom Wednesday night Chnrle ielfriih painter aid build er on the culnnrd Air Line spent Sunday at l t home In this place Mrs 1AuUen and Mr Eddy were visiting in Jlelrose Thursday of last week R Deiliiel spent a few days in Jacksonville week Rev Sif trunk of Melrose will preach here in the M E church nest Sunday- at 3p m The H E choir met for practice Sunday afternoon at A Jolly Prof Wiley Tillman leader The present term of school will ei pire OB Friday of this week Miss Bauknight visited her home in AreHer over Sunday Mrs Pattersoa will entertain in hon or of Prof Fielding all the school chil- dren and young people of Orange Heights and vicinity Thursday after- noon 330 to 530 Rufus Tillia and a little daughter of Sherman Dickinson were married Tues- day The bride only fourteen years old O B BurHans Testifies After 4 Years G 11 Burhans of Carlisle Center N Y writes About four years ago I wrote you stating that I had been entirely cured of a severe kidney trouble by taking than two bot- tled of Foley Kidney Cure It en- tirely stopped the brick dust sediment and pain and symptoms of kidney dis rate disappeared I am glad to say that I have never had n return of any of those symptoms during the four years that have elapsed and I am evidently cured and heartily recom- mend Foley Kidney Cure to anyone suffering from kidney or bladder trouble J W McCollum A Co Man Hanged with Throat Cut Santa Fo X Feb Ls John Con IIM a niluiT who on Ian I P 4 killed Jamrh lti iiiiK and Charlns Iur y ut the iiailai upt plarora was hnnKii Monday at laos a f w hours after IteiiiK found In cell with his throat cut Tin wound which had neon Inflicted with n pockit knlfi did not sever the artery and was cjtilckly bandaged Hinj and alnu st uncon feClous H1 draffcwl to the gal lows and through the trap death resulting from strangulation Dangers of Pneumonia- A cold at thi time if neglected U liable to cause pneumonia which i so often fatal and even when the patient hat recovered the lungs are weakened making them peculiarly susceptible to the development of consumption Fo- ley honey and Tar will stop the cough heal and strengthen the lung and prevent pneumonia Lairiipec- otiKhti yield quickly to the wonderful ti litu4 if Foleoii Money arid Tur There in l e as KIM J V McCollum v Co Snecziiig C usid Octh- ClnrinnnM K JS Death carnr to- n fiaiuMiT or Stephen C j HliM i Fayillc oiintv Ohio Monday after a spoil of w v Inc whlrh Wf i ton hours A phy- fl Ian wi hut his rfforri i n wrro of no avai i 1 L K d Vf i l was ri i i IIISP of her d ah Ill t I I I 11- 4I h 1 ill I HeightsOther I huh E lat Iron less I d C lids Colt slipped ruraL hill I I H1 t fit Th t ualr Ills tttl 1 1 a1 I I I uu tarn FourteenYear Old wood Hoes Mrs was I art n- or tII tar ned I r t < ¬ ¬ > ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > ¬ > + + FIVE PEOPLE MEET DEATH Family Ate Meat of Hog which Had Ben Sck- Savitinah a I Ut- m Uully i uia- i MI caittif ci a 1 I or t tjn- i i i ini lfti tiii i Mi t Kivi iiwnti n r irs i f Mr W u Mtv nf- tlftr l Tt nelI- ul liKii of tilt fit uatriiiuj thy developments in tia iaso with great Interest Two days before Christ mas Co wart killed a sow that hall been sick It had however been fattened up somewhat when the hug was slaught- ered the refuse was thrown to too chickens Shortly afterwards the dif- ferent members of the family began to bo taken III after eating i ortlon of the hog and the chickens Mlsa Susie Cowart developed the most strlouK attack She Jlid on Ian 26 Following her Mrs Cowart died on Feb 4 Mr lout was next He on Feb 11 Miss llssie Cowarl died on Feb K Miss Vela Cowart died on Feb IN Mr and MM Woods were serloiisly III Mrs Woods condi- tion lielng worse It was decided that he hud better come to Savannah hospital There the payslcians dlagnosel tin rase as trichinosis and began to Inquire Into the things that had been eaten by the patient Their Inquiries developed the of facts set forth above and confirm ed the diagnosis to the satisfaction of the physicians The treatment has been successful as has that of Mrs Woods and both are now considered out of danger Always Keeps Chamberlains Cough Remedy in His House We would not be without Cham- berlain Cough Remedy It is kept on hand continually in our home says W W Kearney editor of The In- dependent City Mo That is what family should do When kept at hand ready for instant ue a cold may b checked at the and cured in much lets time thaa after it ha become settled in the sys- tem This remedy it als i without a peer for croup in children sad will prevent the attack when given as soon a th child becomes or even after the uronpy cough appears which can only b don when the is kept at hand Fur sale by all Labor Scarcity Working Change Harnesvllle Ca Feb Ls The farm- ers are putting In full time making preparations for the years crops and Ore taking advantage nf every minute- of time They are considerably be- hind with their work because of so much bad last month and tho first part of February The Idea seems to be growing among the farmers to Increase yield per acre Instead of planting many acres This U ne- cessitated by the scarcity of farm la- bor the negro H having grown very In- dependent about working for wages and when they do work their labor la very unsatisfactory and n great prob lean confronts the planter Afflicted With Rheumatism I was and am yet with rheuinatiMii tay Mr J C editor of Tne Herald Addingtoo Indi- an Territory but thank to Cham berlain Pain Balm MIU able one more to attend to business It is the be t of liniments If troubled with rheumatism give Pain Halm a trial and you are certain to be more than pleated with the Irompt relief which it One application relieves the pain For sale by all druggists Railroad Man Promoted Knoxvllle Feb Announcement Is outdo here of mho appointment of A II HaylrM to be assistant superin- tendent dlvllon of the LouIsville and Nashvlllf railroad with headquarters- at Hlue Fudge Ca The appointment Is freelive March 1 Mr Max less Is now trainmaster of the Itlrnilngbaru rulroad at Hlrmlngbam Invaluable I have been uTerinp for the past fen y i ri with n severe attack of rheu- mati m niiii found that Hnllardn now Liniment WH the only ihtui tint gave me niifaction sod lenilii tciaMevIatc- my pair March Jl irj C- liigiiHii Kinsman III JV nd fl old t y W M i r I 1 I i il- J l Ia I 1 t tr- I j ft ill 1 l r tilt Lowr just horne rm lit afflicted BIn rda S Jill II rte vertte tt wtto- t buM rat 1 j 1 Irn are l read- ily state every out- set drug- gists weather 4Iri ray Rheu- matism tar John nn > > > ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ + + 1 a f r tat vtl our h I i i u Tiui uhaf lifti- p 4 2 j hi ffiJ r iiif Vat fhu luir stops o i JCo r s ft trJ smooth art ad tl Jc rtii color of youth coirs ak to 13 IJ r vnr Afr D I O I R corn our J 01 f f t lYC11ikWI tfr JMS2P111P rilO d17SYWSrOiAtJ a l3lecise t j nk e t > ssriu r Yi + = NEW GOODS ARK nOLLINlS IX EVERY DAY AT THE NEW STORE OF THE G W HYDE COMPANY The Latest CroOns in SILK lid WOOL Beautiful White Fabrics a marvelous variety The assortment of styles is won- derful hoyoiul the power of description Come and see Our Domestic Department is full of the very goods and prices are guaranteed LOWEST on quality in the We rHIne a few of the Specials we will have f- orm MI m mm of THIS WEEK Fruit of the Loom Bleaching 8io Yard Lonsdale Green 8 Yard Hills Idun full 6jc A good Bleaching 5o Yard including Indigo Blues American Claret Reds Be Yard- A Plaid Gingham SioYati Nice diYavi 5000 Alacada Cords new styles 60 Yatti 5000 yards Organdie Florette 8c Tori- V are aaaking prices IB every departneet law hat lftw Gash trade of the city sad eoantf BM guana te t THE CEO W HYDE COMPANY CHARLES BUM ft COM- JJLKI8 IS- RIvMIWf V- NM 514W BAY STREET FUMID- AIgMts ff Patat Export per bbl lOdoa 11 per doi 138 Ribbon per bbl 10 dot 12 per dos 18- 0GlMiiMH 8M tw ittr Per bbl We pay freight or express charges the following liquors LEWIS 1118 Awe vtfjtfti ta- tlM Whisky Lin 4 full quarts 5 00 12 full quarts BLUMS 10 Yura 4 full quarts 4 20 12 full quarts EARLY TINES Purl Sivr Nash Whisky Battled IB BMd Ua4er Uereranrat BrrrhlM 4 full quarts del 4 uo full quarts 5 50 12 full 10 75 efift7 BLUMS SYLVAN GLEN 7 Years Old 4 full quarts 3 20 L J full quarts 4 50 full quarts J 00 SHERIDAN CLUB 4 full quarts 75 full quarts 4 00 V full quarts Ve are dealers in everything in the Liquor line Whiskies Gins and Vines from 150 to per gal THE last mp r Bleac Ding 1 Ylf 11 i AND MAns J I WHISKeY JACKSONVILLE SON GO list r 10 des per Aw 12 75 12 00 i I quarts I r t 1 I f G 00 j t e f s C ari- A wide Yam d t extre sly stem J MNRIIle I rMer t r n t aid I- w v mIuskN Jugs 9 dosl h- on t ww Old rat t- it r I j > k sob f t ¬ > ° +

Gainesville Daily Sun. (Gainesville, Florida) 1906-03 … DAILY SUN GAINESVILLE FLORIDA MARCH 1 1906 w ... hat recovered the

Mar 10, 2018



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Page 1: Gainesville Daily Sun. (Gainesville, Florida) 1906-03 … DAILY SUN GAINESVILLE FLORIDA MARCH 1 1906 w ... hat recovered the





Given by Dr and Mrs J H Aldermanin Honor of Johnson

Unto of Uit m t enjoyable mlof the i

party ten Viv MiyAlderma-avrniif TuMil TV UK Intheir

Th KiifJt w

hallway by littl

Mll vF I he ii t-

I r til t It-

ovin h r of

it Atiuila oho t

tuJmiiied in theMi s J i Cheuiit

whets thy were received by Mrs H

H McCivary and presented in the receivmg pnrty of Dr andMr Alderman Dr Seigler Miss John-son V L Seigler of Waldo andMm W M Johnson

After indulging in social conversa-tion the guest engaged in a name ofprogressive An exciting con-

test ensued and the ladies prizewhich was a handsome bowlwas cut for by by Mesdames Duncanand J M Dell Jr the former

the prize and in a gracious man-ner prevented it to the gut t of honorThe ladies consolation prize a beauti-ful huixl painted china nut bowl wascut for by Mr W K Steckert andMrs Gi o Morris the latter beingthe contestant The gentle-man prize a handsome leather cigarrate tilled with purr Hnvanas had tobe cut for by Mesm John ChesnutIlvnmont Tench and Ben Richards thelatter carrying off the honor Dr JII Colson having failed to score apoint during the evening was awarded the booby an elegant ofcards Miss Ida Burkhim kept thescore during the game Mrs Geo WBrumley presided at the punch bowland Mr W R Steckert presented theprizes in that felicitioas manner forwhich he noted

The house was profusely decorated-the yellow scheme being carried outin the hall pink In the parlor and redin the diningroom

Delicious refreshments consisting ofsalad coffee strawberries and creamwere served during the evening

The hostess was handsomely gownedin black lace over silk and carried atoques of pink carnations while theguest of honor looked very dainty inall white and white carnations


Adding New Men to the CompanyHave a New Gallery Target

For some time past the Guards havebeen doing considerable work withoutMaking much noise about it and inthe past three weeks have added up-

wards of a dozen men to the roll andart striving to make the company asgood as any in the State Captain

has teen doing much work toencourage the boys and he is entitledto credit for his efforts

The company has recently receivedfrom the Government a gallery target j

so that the men will not have to goout to the regular range when theylire a short target practicecharges of pnwdtr are usedpurpose and the range or target can beplaced in the armory and an electriclight attached for night practice


C C Pedrick Awarded First Premium-on Carriages-

C C Pfd rick has at last received I

nil diploma from the Florida MidWinter Fair for the fluent buggici andcarriages made in Florida and exhibit-ed al the State Fair This is a com-

pliment to Pedrick and Gaines-

ville and it onlj shows whet could bodone in the way of a large factory ifthe people could b1 aroused

There i no need of sending away for I

vehicles when W can make as good athome

Attention W C T U

On account of tin hntitauqua l c

turn next Mondny the rtRiiInr monthly biiiiiiitf nifetint ofUnion will be held nt the KeH andKeadinc Uiom Thiirilay after-noon nt 3 oVIock A full attendancei desired n h iiiif of importancecourt b trHtl SCteil

Teller Salt Rneum Itch RingWorm Herpes Barbers Itch j

All f thee deuej attended Ly

itchint which i iujtnntly reliniJ by npplyin

Salve Ml Sy it iontitititla pertntuieiit cun may be fleeted Ithal in facicijr i mnnycae that hadrfiiileil all other treatment Pricecents per box Kir sale by all

Seaboard Parlor CarsThe Seaboard fir Line operates buf-

fet parlor cars between Waldo andTampa on train leaving Waldo thatsonaeets with the morning train fromGainesville
















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+ +

35 Nr Ginf Avinei tR


i im Uf pi MM ttu-iu itiin aiil t l ipair f lltriii nl iil prheI-tfllllMlllNT Ill IlirUCit llllCStun in Mind f Florida



Bride at OrangeNotes of Interest

Orange height February 27 Theweather U tine and everybody semi tobe on the hustle

Saturday was pay diiy at the Yearmill and also on the railroad

which place a little money in circula-tion

Prof Fielding spent Sabbath withhit siMer at Citrn and attendedchurch at that place Sermon byop

Ir nnii Curtis attended a party at M rom Wednesday night

Chnrle ielfriih painter aid builder on the culnnrd Air Line spentSunday at l t home In this place

Mrs 1AuUen and Mr Eddy werevisiting in Jlelrose Thursday of lastweek

R Deiliiel spent a few days inJacksonville week

Rev Sif trunk of Melrose will preachhere in the M E church nest Sunday-at 3 p m

The H E choir met for practiceSunday afternoon at A Jolly ProfWiley Tillman leader

The present term of school will eipire OB Friday of this week

Miss Bauknight visited her home inAreHer over Sunday

Mrs Pattersoa will entertain in honor of Prof Fielding all the school chil-dren and young people of OrangeHeights and vicinity Thursday after-noon 330 to 530

Rufus Tillia and a little daughter ofSherman Dickinson were married Tues-day The bride only fourteenyears old

O B BurHans Testifies After 4 YearsG 11 Burhans of Carlisle Center

N Y writes About four years agoI wrote you stating that I had beenentirely cured of a severe kidneytrouble by taking than two bot-

tled of Foley Kidney Cure It en-

tirely stopped the brick dust sedimentand pain and symptoms of kidney disrate disappeared I am glad to saythat I have never had n return of anyof those symptoms during the fouryears that have elapsed and I amevidently cured and heartily recom-mend Foley Kidney Cure to anyonesuffering from kidney or bladdertrouble J W McCollum A Co

Man Hanged with Throat CutSanta Fo X Feb Ls John Con

IIM a niluiT who on Ian I P 4

killed Jamrh lti iiiiK and Charlns Iury ut the iiailai upt plarora was

hnnKii Monday at laos a f w hoursafter IteiiiK found In cell with histhroat cut Tin wound which hadneon Inflicted with n pockit knlfi didnot sever the artery and was cjtilcklybandaged Hinj and alnu st unconfeClous H1 draffcwl to the gallows and through the trapdeath resulting from strangulation

Dangers of Pneumonia-A cold at thi time if neglected U

liable to cause pneumonia which i sooften fatal and even when the patienthat recovered the lungs are weakenedmaking them peculiarly susceptible tothe development of consumption Fo-

ley honey and Tar will stop thecough heal and strengthen the lungand prevent pneumonia Lairiipec-otiKhti yield quickly to the wonderful

ti litu4 if Foleoii Money aridTur There in l e asKIM J V McCollum v Co

Snecziiig C usid Octh-ClnrinnnM K JS Death carnr to-

n fiaiuMiT or Stephen C j

HliM i Fayillc oiintvOhio Monday after a spoil of w vInc whlrh Wf i ton hours A phy-

fl Ian wi hut his rfforrii n wrro of no avai i

1 L K d Vf i l was

ri i i IIISP of her d ah

Ill tI I I



h 1ill









d C







t fitTh



Ills tttl1

1 a1 I I I


FourteenYear Old







or tII tar

ned I



















Family Ate Meat of Hog which HadBen Sck-

Savitinah a I Ut-

m Uully i uia-i MI caittif ci a 1 I or t tjn-

i i i ini lfti tiii i Mi t

Kivi iiwnti n r

irs i f Mr W u Mtv nf-

tlftr l Tt nelI-ul liKii of tilt fit uatriiiuj thydevelopments in tia iaso with greatInterest

Two days before Christ mas Cowart killed a sow that hall been sickIt had however been fattened upsomewhat when the hug was slaught-ered the refuse was thrown to toochickens Shortly afterwards the dif-

ferent members of the family beganto bo taken III after eating i ortlonof the hog and the chickens

Mlsa Susie Cowart developed themost strlouK attack She Jlid on Ian26 Following her Mrs Cowart diedon Feb 4 Mr lout was next He

on Feb 11 Miss llssie Cowarldied on Feb K Miss Vela Cowartdied on Feb IN Mr and MM Woodswere serloiisly III Mrs Woods condi-tion lielng worse It was decidedthat he hud better come to Savannahhospital There the payslcians

dlagnosel tin rase as trichinosisand began to Inquire Into the thingsthat had been eaten by the patient

Their Inquiries developed theof facts set forth above and confirmed the diagnosis to the satisfaction ofthe physicians The treatment hasbeen successful as has that of MrsWoods and both are now consideredout of danger

Always Keeps Chamberlains CoughRemedy in His House

We would not be without Cham-berlain Cough Remedy It is kepton hand continually in our homesays W W Kearney editor of The In-

dependent City Mo That iswhat family should do

When kept at hand ready for instantue a cold may b checked at the

and cured in much lets time thaaafter it ha become settled in the sys-

tem This remedy it als i without apeer for croup in children sad willprevent the attack when given as soona th child becomes or evenafter the uronpy cough appears whichcan only b don when the iskept at hand Fur sale by all

Labor Scarcity Working ChangeHarnesvllle Ca Feb Ls The farm-

ers are putting In full time makingpreparations for the years crops andOre taking advantage nf every minute-of time They are considerably be-

hind with their work because of somuch bad last month and thofirst part of February The Idea seemsto be growing among the farmers toIncrease yield per acre Instead ofplanting many acres This U ne-

cessitated by the scarcity of farm la-

bor the negro H having grown very In-

dependent about working for wagesand when they do work their labor lavery unsatisfactory and n great problean confronts the planter

Afflicted With RheumatismI was and am yet with

rheuinatiMii tay Mr J Ceditor of Tne Herald Addingtoo Indi-an Territory but thank to Chamberlain Pain Balm MIU able onemore to attend to business It is thebe t of liniments If troubled withrheumatism give Pain Halm a trialand you are certain to be more thanpleated with the Irompt relief whichit One application relievesthe pain For sale by all druggists

Railroad Man PromotedKnoxvllle Feb Announcement

Is outdo here of mho appointment of AII HaylrM to be assistant superin-tendent dlvllon of the LouIsville andNashvlllf railroad with headquarters-at Hlue Fudge Ca The appointmentIs freelive March 1 Mr Max less Isnow trainmaster of the Itlrnilngbaru

rulroad at Hlrmlngbam

InvaluableI have been uTerinp for the past

fen y i ri with n severe attack of rheu-

mati m niiii found that Hnllardn nowLiniment WH the only ihtui tint gaveme niifaction sod lenilii tciaMevIatc-my pair March Jl irj C-

liigiiHii Kinsman III JV ndfl old t y W M


r I 1 I i il-

J l Ia

I 1

t tr-I j

ft ill


l r









Jill II

rte verttett wtto-

t buM



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4Iri ray


tarJohn nn















1 a f r tat vtl our hI i i u Tiui uhaf lifti-p 4 2 j hi ffiJ

r iiif Vat fhu luir stopso i JCo r s ft trJ smooth art adtl Jc rtii color of youth coirs akto 13 IJ r vnr Afr



R corn

our J01 f f t

lYC11ikWI tfr JMS2P111P rilO d17SYWSrOiAtJa

l3lecise t j


et >

ssriu r Yi






The Latest CroOnsin SILK lid WOOL

Beautiful White Fabrics a marvelousvariety The assortment of styles is won-derful hoyoiul the power of descriptionCome and see

Our Domestic Department is full of thevery goods and prices are guaranteedLOWEST on quality in the

We rHIne a few of the Specials we will have f-orm MI m mm

of THIS WEEKFruit of the Loom Bleaching 8io YardLonsdale Green 8 YardHills Idun

full 6jcA good Bleaching 5o Yard

including Indigo BluesAmerican Claret Reds Be Yard-

A Plaid Gingham SioYatiNice diYavi5000 Alacada Cords new styles 60 Yatti5000 yards Organdie Florette 8c Tori-

V are aaaking prices IB every departneet law hat lftwGash trade of the city sad eoantf BM guana te t







AIgMts ff PatatExport per bbl lOdoa 11 per doi 138

Ribbon per bbl 10 dot 12 per dos 18-

0GlMiiMH 8M tw ittrPer bbl

We pay freight or express chargesthe following liquors

LEWIS 1118 Awe vtfjtfti ta-

tlM Whisky Lin4 full quarts 5 00

12 full quartsBLUMS 10 Yura

4 full quarts 4 2012 full quarts

EARLY TINES Purl Sivr Nash WhiskyBattled IB BMd Ua4er Uereranrat BrrrhlM

4 full quarts del 4 uofull quarts 5 50

12 full 10 75

efift7 BLUMS SYLVAN GLEN 7Years Old

4 full quarts 3 20L J full quarts 4 50

full quarts J 00


4 full quarts 75full quarts 4 00

V full quarts

Ve are dealers in everything in theLiquor line Whiskies Gins

and Vines from150 to per gal



mp rBleac Ding

1Ylf 11

i AND MAns





10 des per


12 75

12 00


I quartsI

r t1


G 00







ari-A wide Yam d


extre sly stem

J MNRIIle I rMert


t aid I-




Jugs9 dosl


on t






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sob f



