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THE DAILY SUN GAINESVILLE FLORIM AUGUST 7 1909 4 ax I IM Port OOtan at OklnttvlUe Vim tsteeoadelau mall natter- FMFREWITT Sept Cwealng ito a- Ollce U HayEaani Block W Mats Street lsumroire m fan BART 8v pUsbc4 rvery awtmiat- lerjta the cMy er- JB ratfer wtck tfficUy ia- vatlw Hl eohma IOCCBU UM- TM Twtee ir k 8ra a ikt page every Moa aad sad eaatataa all tin f tile mask lest Stetc sad caenl and will tw- Hri pMtaye free toaay yatt Patted fltate or Caaada far a year is adraaee- AM JiiiHiiiat ailU lawm sissy Cm- aajpimimui 9 adrertJieanat aaltai etaenrtoe- W B required tapfor adrartktec ia aa- Htee Addrear TH8 SUN GAIXBCVXLU Ft A thins may bo cheaper OB the day of purchase and very dear every day thereafter The best place to buy your goods- is at the store which Invites you to come through an ad In The Sun It is to be hoped reduction In duty on print paper will not Increase the size of tho yellow journals but the public may well feel nervous A forceful example of the policy of setting aside for a rainy day is that of the Pennsylvania railroad planting a million young trees to be used a ties later on The foremost advertising virtue is persistent repetition One can no more make a single effort however largo serve for a years publicity than be could get physical nourish- ment for a like time from a single dinner Claude LEngle has announced Ills candidacy for the United States Sen- ate to succeed Mr Tuliaferro and is now making a canvass of the State October let ho will start out in an automobile and travel over the State three times covering about nine thousand miles Rather early itmt It Honks Honk Jasper News- A peat of a book agent was lu to us tko other day says The Orlando Sentinel He Instated on selling u something ibe diction- ary we have Is a very humble one and wo notice It was printed In 1890 bat the agent laughed at It We man- aged to get rid of him at last A lit tie later we were diking with an a person who Is thoroughly posted on books and he told us the dictionary that man was selling was at least twentyfive years older than the one we already have Beware of agents A father may turn his back on fela child brothers and sisters may be como inveterate enemies husbands may desert their wives and wives their husbands but a mothers love endures through all In good repute In bad repute in the face of the worlds condemnation a mother still loves on and still hopes that her child may turn from his evil ways and repept still she remembers the Infant smiles that once filled her bosom with rapture the merry laugh the Joyful shout of his childhood the opening promise of his youth and she can never be brought to think him all unworthy Washington Ir- ving Good Intentions are seldom nego tiable for cash Ask the lazy school boy why he doesnt study and ad vance with his class He will tell you that Jie Intends to sometime but he never does Ask any Improvi- dent man or woman why they dont save and lay up something for a rainy lay They will tell you that they In tend to sometime but they never do Ask any slow unprogressive business man why he doesnt discard his old antiquated ways of doing bul ness and adopt new ujKodate iro gresslvo methods of sales and adver- tising All such will tell you that they intend to week or next month or next var hut they do Cover Cbat the nn rat lCCfAlly EAItettutd Publbber I r St ra5tJaft- eI fJ fir s for eectaacl41tJoe- atwr atertWq L paper seta lie L eeMnet DAn Y a I f f t t I I iliE next r DALT A w elg Mt tM4y Mllvetre ya tlaaMaM Say part 1 the Uikd- taetar ayeaa eaia t snee Mat Lsetta4 f7 eraM IMaa tie taaeksows amt m forty lass pat day pee des 1 mlprf fed is Fatties uet tam to- tt w I oak see upto date edu- cator r net a > < + ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ < ° OLLIE JAMES ON INCOME TAX This battle Mr Speaker for the Income tax has Just begun We In tend to carry It to the last ditch 1 sincerely trust that In every State In the Union when n man becomes a candidate for the Legislature or for the Senate whether he be Republican or Democrat the people will force him to say how be stands upon the ques- tion of the Income tax Make him speak either for or against the peo- ple In a much applauded speech on the floor of the House Representative Ollie M James of Kentucky thus emphasized the determination of the Democrats to continue the 12year fight for an Income tax until It is finally written on the statutes ¬ ¬ ¬ the income tax is the most equitable- of all systems of taxation It Is the Ideal way to support the Government Let those who prosper little pay lit- tle for they are least Indebted to the Government let those who pros- per more pay more let those who prosper most pay stoat for certainly they have been most blessed and are therefore most indebted to the Who Is prepared to defend as Just- a system of taxation that requires a hod arrlcr to pay as much to support this great Government au John D Rockefeller whose fortune Is so great that It staggers the imagination to contemplate It and whose property la- In every city and State In the repub- lic and every sea protected by our flag Who believes It is Just to say that 23 farmers In my district who by a life of selfdenial and unceasing toll hare been enabled to accumu late 200 acres of land and a modest home who In sunshine and storm la- bor on who by such n life only own in this worlds goods 5000 each should as much taxes to keep up this Government as the niuii who compose the directorate of the Xew York City Rank which has a financial power of 11000000000 or of the wealth of the United States Should these men I submit who control as much wealth an all the people In the States south of Mason and Dixons line pay no more tuxes to support this Government than the 23 farmers in my district whose total wealth only amount to fllooO How men can defend a system of taxation in n republic which requires- of Its poor nil of the taxes and ex- empts the rich absolutely I am unable to see No man can be found Mr Speaker with rarest exception who will deny the equity of an income tax They argue no opposition to it that Is worthy Their only refuge that I have been able to observe IB that It IK unconstitutional anti when they say this they are nil afraid to glue tho Supreme Court another chance to pass upon It to see whether that body was wrong In sustaining an Income tax for 100 years or right In holding against It for 15 years- I have heard It urged by some Re- publican members that the passage of an Income tax law would undermine and at last destroy the protective tariff system This Mr Speaker Is equivalent to saying that in order to give a few monopolists and manufac- turers the right to reach Into the pockets of all the people you have kept the taxstitherer from reaching tote the pockets of the few the for- tunate few the intrenched few but you have driven the to Deafness Cannot Be Cured R1y upon pay 3 controll- Ing dame Go- vernment only enc tcnth Iax gatherer s ¬ ¬ ¬ < ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ by local applications as they cannot reach the diseased portion of the car There Is only one way to cure deafness and that la by constitutional remedies Deafness Is caused by an Inflamed condition of the mucous lining of the Eustachian Tube When this tube Is inflamed you have a rumbling sound or imperfect hearing and when it Is entirely closed Deaf- ness Is the result and unless the In- flammation can be taken out and this tube restored to Its normal condition hearing will be destroyed forever nine cases out of ten are caused by catarrh which Is nothing but on condition of the mucous sur- faces We will give One Hundred Dollars for any onso of Donfness caused by catarrh that cannot be cured by Halls Catarrh Curs Send for circu- lars tree F J CHENEY CO Toledo O Sold by druggists 75c- T k Halls Family Pills for const 11n Inf- lamed ¬ ¬ ¬ the same pockets which moiiojHJlk pillaged under protective tariff for taxes to sustain the Government- Mr Speaker no tax was ever more unjust In my opinion than a tax upon consumption for all must eat to live all must wear clothes and when you place a tax upon what it takes to sustain one you announce the that all men share alike In the blessings of Government that all men prosper equally But we have only to look about us to see how false this doctrine of taxation 1 A tax upon what some people eat and what they wear would deny them the of life while others rolling In opulence and accumulating their wealth into the millions would not feel such a tax The working people of this country are paying a certain portion of taxes that the rich should be paying and this tight for an Income tax will go on until the rich are forced to offer- a little relief to the workingman There are two lines of battle drawn for this great contest Under whih flag will you stand the flag of Democ racy or the flag of As advertising finds the beat marks for everything else why not for your personal services Act Quickly and you will save yourself a lot of suffering and trouble It you have a sudden chill or take you hove colic cramp or diarrhoea dont walt a minute Take at once a tea- spoonful of Perry Davis Painkiller In a halt a glass of hot water or milk Youll be safe and on the right road to quick recovery Then youll escape serious Illness Hut you ought to have this tried and proven remedy on hand for Immediate use Iklug prepared Is half the battle when theres pain to subdue New size bottles 35c also in sizes NOTICE OP APPLICATION FOR TAX DEED CNDER SE TION f OF CHAPTKB LAWS OF FLORIDA Notice Is berehr itiven thin It V Kontnre purchaser of Tax locate No 3I dated the Cth day of August A D Iftfl- ba tiled ccrtlflcntc In ray office aril hiss toads ntniJIeatlon for tux dear 10 v u In ne- cordnnur with law Said certificate rmTiicos tbe following described proiHjrty situate i in AUchua county Florida towlt Lot 19 Smith Addition to The sal1 land belntr JUMJSMH at the date of the lixiiancc of such certificate In the name of Lewitill crt Lnlesa uld certificate shall be redeemed ac- cording to tea tax deed the JIlt day of August A D ISM WltneM mr iUnnture and the th day of A U lh S II WIENGES Clerk Circuit Court lachuu Co FJa I ne- cessities coldIf UtoI ue thereon on a doc- trine plutocracy fill cent said will ts aft clal peal this July Grandfather knows good whiskey and since he was- a boy Harper has been his choice Buy Harper from all leading shipping houses HARPER WHISKY CHICH PILL a snaUk hi sut IJ J It AI HRtNIs PILL at Jat5Ifat AI RtIt1e SOl IY DRUGGISTS Is- S S THE BLI exe 11 ttet AskrBrg4 p la41s ins la lid sad UId Mlk Slim L Loa Tale Nlrr r- raaht w eves cias r E tRt1iIERf MEN AND WOMEN CBL fe A ti IISSdr dlabrpslnauaoatlonl n1 or urvterr of ntntons rmea Palnless and not sstno- a ntlyta3CMIM tatCO pot or p fonoas- pl IWTID sold yD DrFgtstt- r a S or eat In plsln by re prepaid to 1100 or 3I I7T5 a frraap wt on hoot I SROCURrDANDDEitNOEDS4m4el Free alrwr hw to uttaut tent Erne r at apynlLtsrw Ifs ALL COUNTRIES RsrrrsIp t t a t l I n d0 a trsr SeLyasJ itNrt JlratP- ltent ad lafris ertnt Prtet ce Eca airelr orroms u- au MIttW etrwt cp rnfd hates rtnt Cc WASHINGTON D C > > KING OF THEM ALL BALLARDS SNOW LINIMENT Ha Cr w l with Fhwwnliwl ce s Mnce 1688- IA today the H M LlHlmwit on thj mark t W CURES RHEUMATISM AND ALL PAIN Price ZSc SOc pad 100 Refuse All Stibatitvfefc BALLARD SNOW LINIMENT CO i- SOO502 Nerth Second Street ST LOUIS Mo and w TYPEWRITERS FaySholea Visible AlL Machines for fad Write for Prices Terms Etc R C DAVIS S CI 204 Bay St JACKSONVILLE FU W L DKNFIAM Ageat EFFECTIVE DEO 19 1908 Gainesville for Fairfield and lo- cal points South lOlOan arrive Gainesville 425 pa Gainesville for Sampson City Palatka Lake City Valdosta and all points North 600 pa arrive Gainesville 930 pi A L Glass Gen Supt L E Barker Traffic lr NEW YORK CITY and RETURN COAST LI RAM Tickets on sale from Jacksonville every Mon day and Thursday beginning with June 17th up to Aug with return limit Sept 30th Stopovers allowed on these tickets at Rich- mond Washington Baltimore and Philadelphia Reduced rates to other summer resorts For information rates reservations etc call on or write to A W FRITOT Division Passen- ger Agent 138 Vest Bay St Jacksonville Fla SEABOARDA- ir Line Railway AVAXNAH COLUMBIA CAMDEN SOUTHERN PINES RALEIGH RICHMOND WASHINGTON BALTIMORE PHILADELPHIA NEW YORK Two Elegant Trains Daily SEABOARD EXPRESS SEABOARD MAIL MODERN PULLMAN EQUIPMENT LINE nvnt Daily Through Sleepers lark nnvilH to New Orleans For full Information and steeping car reservations Agent Seaboard or write S C BOYL8TON Jr General Issenger Agent Jackionvllle Florida ben NEUfUUIA SPMINS CUTS tUiCKACHE LUMeso nnr NTRAcTrs MUSCLrs clllllKAlHS ALL HWLAa III rr rALlAI old Recommended b M Ialal11 KINDS OF SlPftII The Tampa Jacksonville ailJ IItIOO cooo o 3500 I 1- ATlAnll vooa r I XLV b lest r dti1 URI asters s cD HUStlERs tlvtt1STS FROSTED FtFy M4lftot s JoBrTsN- I I West t call any V ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ < = =

Gainesville Daily Sun. (Gainesville, Florida) 1909-08-07 [p 4] · 2009-08-03 · 4 THE DAILY SUN GAINESVILLE FLORIM AUGUST

Aug 03, 2020



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Page 1: Gainesville Daily Sun. (Gainesville, Florida) 1909-08-07 [p 4] · 2009-08-03 · 4 THE DAILY SUN GAINESVILLE FLORIM AUGUST


ax I IM Port OOtan at OklnttvlUe Vim

tsteeoadelau mall natter-

FMFREWITT Sept Cwealng ito a-

Ollce U HayEaani BlockW Mats Street lsumroire m

fan BART 8v pUsbc4 rvery awtmiat-lerjta the cMy er-

JB ratfer wtck tfficUy ia-

vatlw Hl eohma IOCCBU UM-

TM Twtee ir k 8ra a ikt pageevery Moa aad

sad eaatataa all tin f tilemask lest Stetc sad caenl and will tw-

Hri pMtaye free toaay yatt Pattedfltate or Caaada far a year is adraaee-

AM JiiiHiiiat ailU lawm sissy Cm-aajpimimui 9 adrertJieanat aaltai etaenrtoe-

W B required tapfor adrartktec ia aa-Htee Addrear TH8 SUN


A thins may bo cheaper OB the dayof purchase and very dear every daythereafter

The best place to buy your goods-is at the store which Invites you tocome through an ad In The Sun

It is to be hoped reduction In dutyon print paper will not Increase thesize of tho yellow journals but thepublic may well feel nervous

A forceful example of the policy ofsetting aside for a rainy day is thatof the Pennsylvania railroad plantinga million young trees to be used

a ties later on

The foremost advertising virtue ispersistent repetition One can nomore make a single effort howeverlargo serve for a years publicitythan be could get physical nourish-ment for a like time from a singledinner

Claude LEngle has announced Illscandidacy for the United States Sen-ate to succeed Mr Tuliaferro and isnow making a canvass of the StateOctober let ho will start out in anautomobile and travel over the Statethree times covering about ninethousand miles Rather early itmtIt Honks Honk Jasper News-

A peat of a book agent was lu tous tko other day says The Orlando

Sentinel He Instated on selling usomething ibe diction-ary we have Is a very humble oneand wo notice It was printed In 1890bat the agent laughed at It We man-aged to get rid of him at last A littie later we were diking with an

a person who Is thoroughlyposted on books and he told us thedictionary that man was selling wasat least twentyfive years older thanthe one we already have Beware ofagents

A father may turn his back onfela child brothers and sisters may becomo inveterate enemies husbandsmay desert their wives and wivestheir husbands but a mothers loveendures through all In good reputeIn bad repute in the face of theworlds condemnation a mother stillloves on and still hopes that herchild may turn from his evil waysand repept still she remembers theInfant smiles that once filled herbosom with rapture the merry laughthe Joyful shout of his childhood theopening promise of his youth andshe can never be brought to thinkhim all unworthy Washington Ir-


Good Intentions are seldom negotiable for cash Ask the lazy schoolboy why he doesnt study and advance with his class He will tellyou that Jie Intends to sometimebut he never does Ask any Improvi-dent man or woman why they dontsave and lay up something for a rainylay They will tell you that they In

tend to sometime but they neverdo Ask any slow unprogressivebusiness man why he doesnt discardhis old antiquated ways of doing bulness and adopt new ujKodate irogresslvo methods of sales and adver-tising All such will tell you thatthey intend to week or nextmonth or next var hut theydo Cover Cbat

the nnrat

lCCfAlly EAItettutd Publbber



St ra5tJaft-eI

fJfir s for eectaacl41tJoe-atwr

















MttM4y Mllvetre yatlaaMaM Say part 1 the Uikd-taetar ayeaa eaia

tsneeMat Lsetta4 f7 eraM

IMaa tie taaeksowsamt m

fortylass pat




mlprf fed is Fatties uet tam to-tt





upto date



















This battle Mr Speaker for theIncome tax has Just begun We In

tend to carry It to the last ditch 1

sincerely trust that In every State In

the Union when n man becomes acandidate for the Legislature or forthe Senate whether he be Republicanor Democrat the people will force himto say how be stands upon the ques-

tion of the Income tax Make himspeak either for or against the peo-

pleIn a much applauded speech on the

floor of the House RepresentativeOllie M James of Kentucky thusemphasized the determination of theDemocrats to continue the 12yearfight for an Income tax until It isfinally written on the statutes




the income tax is the most equitable-of all systems of taxation It Is theIdeal way to support the GovernmentLet those who prosper little pay lit-

tle for they are least Indebted tothe Government let those who pros-

per more pay more let those whoprosper most pay stoat for certainlythey have been most blessed and aretherefore most indebted to the

Who Is prepared to defend as Just-a system of taxation that requires ahod arrlcr to pay as much to supportthis great Government au John D

Rockefeller whose fortune Is so greatthat It staggers the imagination tocontemplate It and whose property la-

In every city and State In the repub-lic and every sea protected byour flag

Who believes It is Just to say that23 farmers In my district who by alife of selfdenial and unceasing tollhare been enabled to accumulate 200 acres of land and a modesthome who In sunshine and storm la-

bor on who by such n life only ownin this worlds goods 5000 eachshould as much taxes to keep upthis Government as the niuii whocompose the directorate of the XewYork City Rank which has a

financial power of 11000000000or of the wealth of theUnited States

Should these men I submit whocontrol as much wealth an all thepeople In the States south of Masonand Dixons line pay no more tuxesto support this Government than the23 farmers in my district whose totalwealth only amount to fllooO

How men can defend a system oftaxation in n republic which requires-of Its poor nil of the taxes and ex-

empts the rich absolutely I am unableto see

No man can be found Mr Speakerwith rarest exception who will denythe equity of an income tax Theyargue no opposition to it that Isworthy Their only refuge that I havebeen able to observe IB that It IK

unconstitutional anti when they saythis they are nil afraid to glue thoSupreme Court another chance to passupon It to see whether that body waswrong In sustaining an Income taxfor 100 years or right In holdingagainst It for 15 years-

I have heard It urged by some Re-

publican members that the passage ofan Income tax law would undermineand at last destroy the protectivetariff system This Mr Speaker Isequivalent to saying that in order togive a few monopolists and manufac-turers the right to reach Into thepockets of all the people you havekept the taxstitherer from reachingtote the pockets of the few the for-

tunate few the intrenched few butyou have driven the to

Deafness Cannot Be Cured








enc tcnth

Iax gatherer













by local applications as they cannotreach the diseased portion of thecar There Is only one way to curedeafness and that la by constitutionalremedies Deafness Is caused by anInflamed condition of the mucouslining of the Eustachian Tube Whenthis tube Is inflamed you have arumbling sound or imperfect hearingand when it Is entirely closed Deaf-

ness Is the result and unless the In-

flammation can be taken out and thistube restored to Its normal conditionhearing will be destroyed forevernine cases out of ten are caused by

catarrh which Is nothing but oncondition of the mucous sur-

facesWe will give One Hundred Dollars

for any onso of Donfness caused bycatarrh that cannot be cured byHalls Catarrh Curs Send for circu-

lars tree F J CHENEY COToledo O

Sold by druggists 75c-

T k Halls Family Pills for const11n






the same pockets which moiiojHJlkpillaged under protective tariff fortaxes to sustain the Government-

Mr Speaker no tax was ever moreunjust In my opinion than a tax uponconsumption for all must eat to liveall must wear clothes and when youplace a tax upon what it takes tosustain one you announce the

that all men share alike In theblessings of Government that all menprosper equally But we have onlyto look about us to see how falsethis doctrine of taxation 1 A taxupon what some people eat and whatthey wear would deny them the

of life while others rollingIn opulence and accumulating theirwealth into the millions would notfeel such a tax

The working people of this countryare paying a certain portion of taxesthat the rich should be paying andthis tight for an Income tax will goon until the rich are forced to offer-

a little relief to the workingmanThere are two lines of battle drawnfor this great contest Under whihflag will you stand the flag of Democracy or the flag of

As advertising finds the beat marksfor everything else why not for yourpersonal services

Act Quicklyand you will save yourself a lot ofsuffering and trouble It you have asudden chill or take youhove colic cramp or diarrhoea dontwalt a minute Take at once a tea-spoonful of Perry Davis Painkiller Ina halt a glass of hot water or milkYoull be safe and on the right roadto quick recovery Then youll escapeserious Illness Hut you ought to havethis tried and proven remedy on handfor Immediate use Iklug preparedIs half the battle when theres pain tosubdue New size bottles 35c also in



LAWS OF FLORIDANotice Is berehr itiven thin It V Kontnre

purchaser of Tax locate No 3Idated the Cth day of August A D Iftfl-ba tiled ccrtlflcntc In ray office aril hisstoads ntniJIeatlon for tux dear 10 v u In ne-cordnnur with law Said certificate rmTiicostbe following described proiHjrty situate i inAUchua county Florida towlt

Lot 19 Smith Addition toThe sal1 land belntr JUMJSMH at the date of

the lixiiancc of such certificate In the name ofLewitill crt

Lnlesa uld certificate shall be redeemed ac-cording to tea tax deedthe JIlt day of August A D ISM

WltneM mr iUnnture andthe th day of A U lh

S II WIENGESClerk Circuit Court lachuu Co FJa






ue thereon on





fill cent


will ts

aft clal peal thisJuly

Grandfather knows goodwhiskey and since he was-a boy Harper has been hischoice Buy Harper fromall leading shipping houses



snaUkhi sutIJ JIt AI

HRtNIs PILLat Jat5Ifat AI RtIt1e





11 ttet AskrBrg4 p

la41sins la lid sad UIdMlk Slim L LoaTale Nlrr r-

raahtw eves ciasrE tRt1iIERf


IISSdr dlabrpslnauaoatlonln1 orurvterr of ntntonsrmea Palnless and not sstno-

a ntlyta3CMIM tatCO pot or p fonoas-pl IWTID sold yD DrFgtstt-

r a S or eat In plslnby re prepaid to1100 or 3I I7T5a frraap wt on hoot

ISROCURrDANDDEitNOEDS4m4elFree alrwr hw to uttaut tent Erne r atapynlLtsrw Ifs ALL COUNTRIESRsrrrsIp t t a t l I n d0 a trsrSeLyasJ itNrt JlratP-

ltent ad lafris ertnt Prtet ce Eca airelrorroms u-au MIttW etrwt cp rnfd hates rtnt CcWASHINGTON D C




SNOW LINIMENTHa Cr w l with Fhwwnliwl ce s Mnce 1688-

IA today the H M LlHlmwit on thj mark t W


Price ZSc SOc pad 100 Refuse All Stibatitvfefc


SOO502 Nerth Second Street ST LOUIS Moandw


FaySholea Visible


Machines for fadWrite for Prices Terms Etc

R C DAVIS S CI204 Bay St



Gainesville for Fairfield and lo-

cal points South lOlOanarrive Gainesville 425 pa

Gainesville for Sampson City PalatkaLake City Valdosta and all points North 600 pa

arrive Gainesville 930 piA L Glass Gen Supt L E Barker Traffic lr


COAST LI RAMTickets on sale from Jacksonville every Mon

day and Thursday beginning with June 17th up toAug with return limit Sept 30th

Stopovers allowed on these tickets at Rich-

mond Washington Baltimore and PhiladelphiaReduced rates to other summer resortsFor information rates reservations etc call

on or write to A W FRITOT Division Passen-ger Agent 138 Vest Bay St Jacksonville Fla

SEABOARDA-ir Line Railway




Two Elegant Trains Daily



LINE nvnt Daily Through Sleepers

lark nnvilH to New Orleans

For full Information and steeping car reservationsAgent Seaboard or write S C BOYL8TON Jr

General Issenger Agent Jackionvllle Florida




rr rALlAI

old Recommended bM



Tampa Jacksonville ailJ

IItIOO cooo o

3500 I



vooa r




r dti1URI asters scD

HUStlERs tlvtt1STS FROSTED FtFyM4lftot s












= =