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This Module requires the Savage Worlds This Module requires the Explorers Edition to Play! t o P l ay !This game references the Savage Worlds game system, available from Pinnacle Entertainment Group at Savage Worlds and all associated logos and trademarks are copyrights of Pinnacle Entertainment Group. Used with permission. Pinnacle makes no representation or warranty as to the quality, viability, or suitability for purpose of this product. Module written by Rodger Phillips Marsh at Special Provisional Edition, October 2011 Cover art by 14-bis at Inner cover art by Elosande at Very special thanks to Lauren Faust for her creative spark and vision, as well as all the other people who had a hand in creating My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. Your efforts have inspired us all. Thanks to Richard D. for his invaluable help in editing and proofreading, and to the following people for their help in playtesting and moral support: Colgate, Killerjunglist, Warp, WhitemageofDOOM. Additional thanks to Concerned Reader, Godna, Indigo, Liska, Meridian, ToastGhost.

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The Savage World of My Little PonyThis module for the Savage Worlds system has been specifically written so that it stays as honest and true to the show that inspired it, My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. As such, several key rules presented below have been added to those normally found in the Savage Worlds Explorers Edition to facilitate this.

The Tenet Against Violence The Tenet Against ViolenceMany roleplaying games prominently feature violence as one of the most important tools, if not the most important, at the disposal of the player characters. While this is a perfectly valid path (and makes for some exciting action and adventure) to take in a game, The Savage World of My Little Pony is meant to stay true to the show that created it. As such, the rules emphasize creative problem solving, storytelling, roleplaying, and teamwork over physical violence. In the show My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic, the characters defeat terrifying monsters and villains all without the use of violence, even in the face of similar danger. Every instance of violence in response is quickly shown to be futile, and the characters eventually triumph through their own skills, force of will, and teamwork. It is this spirit that The Savage World of My Little Pony seeks to capture, and in order to do this, an important rule has been added to the ones presented in the Savage Worlds Explorers Edition, called the Tenet Against Violence : In any game session in which one or more of the players resorted to violence, whether it is physical violence or other actions intended to cause deliberate physical or mental harm to themselves or others, all players receive no experience points for that session. This is ultimately up to the Game Masters discretion, but it is intended to punish players who violate the spirit of the show and of the game. In place of the normal combat system featured in Savage Worlds, this module presents an alternate re-flavoring of the mechanics of combat in order to stay true to the show. These alternate rules allow for the same fast-paced action present in Savage Worlds, which can be found in Chapter 6: Combat and Situational Rules.

Fatigue versus Wounds Fatigue versus WoundsIn the normal Savage Worlds rules, characters who are successfully hit with physical or magical attacks suffer Wounds. Because of the often violent implications of suffering wounds (such as from claws, weapons, magical fireballs, etc), in The Savage World of My Little Pony, all characters (both Wildcards and Extras) suffer levels of Fatigue instead. Attacks are resolved normally, comparing the roll against their relevant statistic (such as Dodge) and then rolling damage and comparing against their Toughness. Raises that would normally incur extra wounds incur extra levels of Fatigue instead. Physical attacks are typically used by unintelligent animals and characters that make the unfortunate decision to violate the Tenet Against Violence. This has the effect of making pony characters more fragile against physical punishment (as they now only have two Fatigue levels instead of three Wounds) and thus encouraging them to avoid it, and allowing the Game Master to present physical combat in a way that merely tires and disheartens and slows down characters rather than harming them. See Chapter 6: Combat and Situational Rules for more details on how to deal with using Fatigue in place of Wounds.

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Chapter 1 Creating a Character

Making a character for The Savage World of My Little Pony is as easy as in any other Savage Worlds setting; the challenge comes in deciding exactly who your character will be. Character creation follows more or less the same steps presented in the Savage Worlds Explorers Edition section on creating characters. It is recommended that you go in the following order to create a character: Choose Character Theme, Choose Pony Breed, Create Cutie Mark, Choose Attributes, Choose Skills, Determine Derived Statistics, Choose Hindrances, Choose Edges, Determine Gear and Wealth, Finishing Touches.

1 1 Character Theme Character ThemePresented below are several common themes and archetypes for various characters appropriate to the My Little Pony universe, which may or may not be used directly or as inspiration for your own character. Choosing a Character Theme does not directly affect your character creation process, it is simply an optional guideline to aid you in the process. Be sure to discuss your ideas with your Game Maser to ensure that your character fits the setting and tone of your game.

discover, no matter the cost, Some adventurers travel to see new sights and meet new ponies; others seek knowledge or enlightenment for their own purposes. Adventurers usually fade into obscurity after a while, though the tales of some of the truly famous ponies of long ago resonate in pony culture and literature even now. Suggested Emphasized Attributes: Spirit, Vigor Suggested Skills: Courage, Intuition, Notice

ArtistThe creation of art and self-expression are your lifes goals, both to prove yourself to others and to satisfy your own artistic passions. Artists can be writers, painters, musicians, or any other one of many forms of creative expression. You take great pride in your work, and always strive to improve yourself and create greater and grander works. Many Artists may succeed modestly but never have their art achieve significant fame or fortune, while some create works that shape pony society in their own image.

AdventurerYou have an irresistible feeling (some might say curse) of wanderlust, and you are driven to explore and to learn more about the world around you. You will leave no stone unturned and will never abandon a potential mystery or

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Suggested Emphasized Attributes: Smarts, Spirit Suggested Skills: Craft, Knowledge, Vogue

AthleteYou are physically a pony par excellence, and you have spent much of your time honing your athletic prowess and inner strength. Whether you focus on a particular sport or discipline, or simply work to be as well rounded as possible, you work to constantly improve yourself and stretch your limits. The rewards of your hard work are strength, endurance, and balance. While many Athletes may achieve a modicum of fame before fading from memory, there are a few elite who stretch the previous boundaries of what was thought possible for ponies and earn their Olympian status in the record books. Suggested Emphasized Attributes: Strength, Agility Suggested Skills: Grace, Racing, Sport

spent maintaining your image in the eyes of other ponies. Most Nobles are relegated to footnotes in long and dusty family histories, but a determined Noble can also become one of the movers and shakers in pony society and lead the future of entire kingdoms. Suggested Emphasized Attributes: Smarts, Spirit Suggested Skills: Grace, Manners, Vogue

OutsiderOutsiders are ponies who come from a land outside of the games setting, and who must find their own way in their new home. Some may see you as a curiosity, while still others may treat you with suspicion or even outright hostility and distrust. Despite these obstacles, you have many insights into the world from your experiences in your homeland, and many will seek out your company for your perspective. While many Outsiders simply come and go as the rising sun, others have brought about revelations or changes that have shaped the course of history through their unwitting intervention. Suggested Emphasized Attributes: Smarts, Spirit Suggested Skills: Intuition, Manners, Notice

CitizenMost ponies are of the everyday sort; those who form the backbone of society as artisans, farmers, shopkeepers, teachers, and everything in between. While your normal life may seem mundane, it has taught you a number of useful skills and brought you many experiences that will serve you on your adventures. While most Citizens are content to live their lives as they please, there have been times when history has been determined by the humblest of ponies. Suggested Emphasized Attributes: Smarts, Spirit Suggested Skills: Craft, Knowledge, Leadership

RebelEven in pony society, there are those who buck convention and never quite fit in with the rest of their peers and neighbors. Rebels are ponies of any kind who are proud to be black sheep in their communities, and who are scorned by their more conservative elders for their foalish pursuits. A Rebel character could be a pony that never quite fit in, or who leads a life wildly out of character of their expected place in the world. While most Rebels are without cause and are content to be left alone in obscurity and solitude, there have also been Rebels who fought to change society for the better, and who have begun movements that forever mark their passing in history. Suggested Emphasized Attributes: Strength, Smarts Suggested Skills: Courage, Provoke, Swagger

DefenderWhile the life of the average pony is far removed from conflict, there are some who have made it their mission in life to protect others. Defenders are ponies that have made it one of their duties to either protect those that they feel need their guardianship. Protecting those weaker than them, the disadvantaged or simply serving peace and society at large, Defenders can come from any walk of life and fit this paradigm into many different paths. Some Defenders work only on a small scale, while others can lead entire movements that shape the consciousness of a generation. Suggested Emphasized Attributes: Strength, Spirit Suggested Skills: Courage, Leadership, Swagger

ScholarWhile some may categorize them as bookworms or stuffy academics, the Scholar is a pony who has devoted their time to one or more areas of academic or scientific study. A scholar could be a diligent scientist, a dedicated doctor, a talented researcher, or a follower of any one of many intellectual disciplines, and may also be outgoing and have a hooves-on approach to their work. While many Scholars are content to make their own modest contributions to their fields in relative obscurity, there are a few Scholars who have produced works of incredible value to the ages, or hit upon discoveries that changed the way pony society looks at the world. Suggested Emphasized Attributes: Smarts, Spirit

NobleThe noble pony families are fiercely proud of their lineages, and you have been born into a life of honor and status. While pony society remains egalitarian, you have been brought up in a higher social circle than most other ponies, and as a result you conduct yourself with manner and properness in your day to day life. Much of your time is

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Suggested Skills: Intuition, Knowledge, Speech

YouthSometimes, it is the most unassuming and underestimated ponies that end up saving the day, and as a young filly or colt you dream of showing all those grown-up ponies what you can do. While you are small and inexperienced, you more than make up for these weaknesses with heart and boundless hope. You may be on a journey to get your Cutie Mark, to find your place in the world, or simply on the kind of youthful adventure that is best recounted years later over a cup of hot cocoa and a warm fire. Most Youths are content to live their lives in the present and enjoy life, while some are destined to forge their own paths that may irrevocably change their lives and the lives of those around them forever. Suggested Emphasized Attributes: Spirit, Vigor Suggested Skills: Courage, Provoke, Swagger

life than their ground-bound cousins. Pegasus ponies start with the Wings edge, and when choosing their starting Attributes, it costs 2 points to increase their Vigor by each die type.

Unicorn PonyUnicorns have the unique ability to directly channel and control raw magical power, using their horn as a focus. With enough practice, Unicorns can take advantage of a wide variety of spells that allow them to perform various tasks, and many can readily adapt their powers to just about any situation. Unicorn ponies start with the Arcane Background edge, and when choosing their starting Attributes, it costs 2 points to increase their Strength by each die type.

2 2 Pony Breed Pony BreedIn the place of a character Race, you must choose one of three pony Breeds: Earth pony, Pegasus pony, or Unicorn pony. Each has their own advantages and disadvantages, though each have a wide range of possible characters. At this point, you should also decide whether or not you are going to play an adult pony or a young pony: adult ponies are created normally like any other character, while young ponies have certain restrictions and penalties during character creation. Young ponies also must take the Young Filly/Colt Hindrance, and any differences in character creation are noted in each individual section.

3 3 Cutie Mark Cutie MarkPonies have what is called a Cutie Mark, which is a symbolic representation of their true calling in life that appears on their flanks when they first discover their special, unique talent. Most get their Mark at a young age, and it is seen as a sort of rite of passage in pony society to discover their talent and receive their mark. Cutie Marks can be either abstract or literal representations of their unique talent, but each is totally unique to the pony. Choose a Cutie Mark for your character if you have one at character creation (unless you plan on taking the Blank Flank Hindrance).

4 4 Attributes AttributesAs in the Savage Worlds Explorers Edition, each character starts with a d4 in each attribute and 5 attribute points with which to distribute among them. Raising an attribute by one die type (also called a rank) costs one point, such as bringing an attribute from a d4 to a d6. You may distribute your attribute points as you wish, but no attribute can be brought above a d12 in character creation. Young ponies start with only 4 attribute points to distribute (young Earth ponies start with an additional point for a total of 5). The five attributes are listed below:

Earth PonyEarth ponies may lack the sleek wings of Pegasi or the flashy powers of Unicorns, but they each have their own subtle form of magic derived from their innate connection to the natural world around them. Earth ponies generally resemble normal ponies, though their outward mundanity belies their inner strength. Earth ponies start with 1 additional point to distribute when choosing starting Attributes, and start with a free Physical Edge of your choice.

Pegasus PonyPegasi are gifted with wings that allow them to fly, and they share a magical connection with the air and sky. They can use their powers to sculpt clouds into cities, as well as manipulate and control the weather. As a result, they tend to have different, more carefree perspectives on

AgilityAgility represents your quickness, reflexes, and manual dexterity, as well as your reaction time. It is one of the most important traits for Pegasus ponies.

SmartsSmarts represents your intelligence, ability to learn and interpret information, and collected knowledge. It is one of the most important Traits for Unicorn ponies.

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SpiritSpirit represents your intuition, willpower, and ability to maintain your focus and recover from being rattled physically or mentally. It is a useful Attribute for many different types of characters.

6 6 Derived Statistics Derived StatisticsYour character has a few additional statistics that need to be determined, as shown below:

StrengthStrength represents your physical fitness, brute strength, and constitution. It is one of the most important Traits for Earth ponies.

PacePace is how fast your pony moves in a standard round. Ponies walk 6 in a standard round, and can move an additional d6 when they gallop. This represents 6 inches on the table-top: each inch represents 2 yards of real distance. When filling out your character sheet, simply write 6 next to your Pace. Note that Pegasus ponies and other flying creatures have both a Pace for ground movement and a Flying Pace: when flying, characters with the Wings Edge use a Pace of twice their normal Pace, and can move an additional 2d6 when Flanking (the flying equivalent of galloping/running).

VigorVigor represents your general health, resilience against harm, and resolve. It is a useful Attribute for many different types of characters.

5 5 Skills SkillsAgain, as in the Savage Worlds Explorers Edition, each character starts with 15 points with which to distribute among your skills, all of which start at zero (no die type). Each die type costs one point as long as the skill is less than or equal to the attribute that the skill is linked to. If you exceed the attribute, the cost becomes two points per die type. Young ponies start with only 10 points to distribute. As with attributes, skills cannot be brought over a d12 during character creation. Young ponies cannot bring any skill over a d8 during character creation.

EvadeEvade is how hard your pony is to hit, both in a fight and with thrown or otherwise launched projectiles. Evade is equal to 2 plus half of your characters Dodge skill, plus any applicable modifiers. If you have no die type in Dodge, your Evade is 2.

CharismaCharisma represents the combined effect of your ponys appearance, manner, and general likability on others. Your

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Charisma is 0 unless modified by Hindrances or Edges: add only the highest positive single modifier from any source, as well as any negative modifiers to find your final Charisma modifier. For example, a character with two separate Edges that provide +1 and +2 to Charisma, respectively, would have a Charisma of +2: the two bonuses to do not add together and stack. At the same time, a character with an Edge providing a +1 to Charisma and two Hindrances each providing a -1 to Charisma would have a total Charisma of -1. Certain Charisma bonuses and penalties are only applied conditionally and in certain circumstances, so add them only when appropriate (this is determined by the situation and by the Game Master). Charisma is added to most Leadership, Manners, Provoke, Speech, and Vogue rolls, and is used by the Game Master to determine how certain non-player characters react to you. It is also typically added to most Contests of Will, depending on the situation and the Game Masters approval (see the section on Contests of Will for more information).

ponys Courage skill, plus any applicable modifiers. If you have no die type in Courage, your Willpower is 2.

7 7 Edges and Edges and Hindrances HindrancesAll characters get one free Background Edge of your choice when they are created. In addition to any Edges that your character starts with because of their Breed, your pony can get additional edges by taking Hindrances. Remember that young ponies must take the Young Filly/Colt Hindrance, which counts as their one Major Hindrance that they receive points for. As in the Savage Worlds Explorers Edition, you may take one Major Hindrance and up to two Minor Hindrances. You may take additional Hindrances, but you do not receive any points for them. A Major Hindrance provides 2 points, while a Minor Hindrance provides 1 point (giving you a normal theoretical maximum of 4 points at character creation). For 2 points, you can raise an attribute by one die type (you may raise your attributes before purchasing skills) or gain an Edge. For 1 point, you can gain an additional skill point, or start with an additional level of Wealth.

ToughnessToughness is your ponys threshold for physical punishment: anything over this causes him or her to be rattled or worse. Similar to Evade, Toughness is 2 plus half of your ponys Vigor, plus any other applicable modifiers.

WillpowerWillpower is your ponys drive and will to achieve victory in the face of disheartenment, fear, or imminent danger. Anything over this in a Contest of Will causes him or her to become mentally shaken. Willpower is 2 plus half of your

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8 8 Gear and Wealth Gear and WealthThe monetary system used in The Savage World of My Little Pony differs from the one used in the Savage World Explorers Edition. Instead of keeping track of exactly how much money you have, your pony has a new statistic called Wealth. A characters Wealth is represented as one of five levels that indicate how much money a character has to spend at a given time. These levels (from smallest to largest) are: Spending Money, Sizable Funds, Copious Cash, Fabulous Riches, and Filthy Lucre. Starting characters have Spending Money unless they increase it by spending Hindrance points or certain Edges. See the section on Gear for more information on how to use money in The Savage World of My Little Pony. In addition, characters may start with whatever equipment the Game Master decides is necessary, but you may generally take one item from the equipment list in the section about Gear.

10 10 Advancement AdvancementAt the end of each gaming session, the GM awards 1 to 3 Experience points to everyone in the group based on these guidelines below. See the Savage Worlds Explorers Edition for more information on Advancement.

Experience AwardsAward Situation 0 The group was defeated or failed utterly, or violated the Tenet Against Violence 1 The group accomplished very little or had a very short session. 2 The group had more successes than failures and generally accomplished their goals 3 The group succeeded tremendously, and their adventure had a significant impact on the story

9 9 Finishing Touches Finishing TouchesFinish your pony by filling out their character sheet with information such as their background, physical description, Cutie Mark, and double-check that everything is as you want it. You are now finished creating your pony, and you are ready to dive into your first savage tale!

Ranks RanksAs each character gains more experience points, they go up in rank. The system is the same as in the Savage Worlds Explorers Edition, except that ranks only go up to Heroic rank, meaning that each character reaches a maximum of 80 experience points. They receive a final Advance upon reaching 80 experience points, but remain at Heroic rank. At that point, it is time to start anew with another character. Otherwise, the process for Advances and Ranks follows the standard rules of the Savage Worlds Explorers Edition.

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Chapter 2 Skills

This chapter lists the skills available to your character; some are unique to The Savage World of My Little Pony, while others are the same as those found in the Savage Worlds Explorers Edition. Only skills listed below are available to your character, and next to each skill is its related attribute in parentheses.

Courage (Spirit)Courage reflects a ponys bravery, and they may be called on to make Courage checks when they witness frightening events or terrifying creatures. The Game Master should see the Fear table for the effects of failure. Courage replaces the Guts skill from the Savage Worlds Explorers Edition.

determines your Evade statistic and can come in handy in dangerous situations.

Fighting (Strength)Unfortunately, some ponies try to resolve their problems through force instead of talking and thinking it over, and thats just terrible. Fighting covers a ponys ability to kick, stomp, and thrash in a melee, as well as perform more complex maneuvers such as disarming or grappling an opponent.

Craft (Smarts)Crafting is a ponys ability to skillfully make something of a particular type, and must have an emphasis of some sort which should reflect their occupation and background. Examples of different emphases are Craft (Cooking), Craft (Sewing), and Craft (Drawing). This skill can be taken multiple times with different focuses to reflect different areas of expertise. Craft works similarly to Knowledge from the Savage Worlds Explorers Edition.

Grace (Agility)Grace reflects a ponys ability to move gracefully and elegantly with as little effort as is needed. Grace can be rolled in situations where a pony is trying to present themselves favorably, such as at a ball or gala, or to outmaneuver and confound an opponent in a Contest of Wills attack.

Dodge (Agility)Dodge is a ponys ability to move out of the way of danger quickly and defend themselves from physical harm. Dodge

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Intuition (Spirit)Intuition reflects a ponys ability to sense otherwise hidden elements in any situation when he or she must make an educated guess by their gut instinct. A successful Intuition roll may tell you if a particular path or option feels right and seems reasonable or not.

Provoke (Smarts)Your ponys Provoke skill represents their ability to use clever wordplay, one-upmanship, and cruel jokes in order to goad others into doing what you want them to do or lose their cool. Provoke replaces Taunt from the Savage Worlds Explorers Edition.

Knowledge (Smarts)Knowledge represents your background and experience in certain fields, and must have a focus of some sort that reflects the characters background and history, such as Knowledge (Science) or Knowledge (History). This skill can be taken multiple times with different focuses to reflect different areas of expertise.

Prowl (Agility)Prowl is your ability to both move silently and without being seen, including performing sleight-of-hoof tricks to hide or steal objects. It functions identically to Stealth, found in the Savage Worlds Explorers Edition, for all intents and purposes. Prowl replaces Stealth from the Savage Worlds Explorers Edition.

Leadership (Spirit)Leadership is your ability to inspire and direct others, in order to rally them in times of need or to better focus their abilities in more productive ways. With a successful Leadership check, the Game Master may allow players to add bonuses to their allys trait tests or rally others in times of crisis or danger.

Racing (Agility)Racing is the skill concerned with maintaining control and performing complicated maneuvers while galloping. It is also applicable to Pegasus ponies and other flying creatures when they are flying and attempting complicated aerial stunts. Racing replaces Riding from the Savage Worlds Explorers Edition.

Manners (Smarts)Manners represents your knowledge of how to act appropriately in all situations, whether it calls for you to be earthy and blunt for some country bumpkins or polite and respectful for royalty. A successful Manners roll could mean the difference between gaining another characters trust or offending them, and may be used to increase an NPCs attitude in the same way as the Persuasion skill in the Savage Worlds Explorers Edition. Manners and Speech jointly replace Persuasion from the Savage Worlds Explorers Edition.

Speech (Spirit)Speech concerns your ability to speak effectively and get an audience to listen to what you have to say. With a higher Speech skill, you are more likely to sway others opinions. Speech and Manners jointly replace Persuasion from the Savage Worlds Explorers Edition.

Sport (Strength)Sport reflects your ability to perform in various team sports and athletic exercises. Sport can be rolled as an opposed roll when determining success in an athletic event or game.

Nature (Spirit)Nature concerns ones experience in dealing with plants and animals, and a higher Nature skill allows you to interact more readily with animals and access knowledge about plants such as useful herbs and roots. You may roll Nature to find food, water, or shelter in the same way as with Survival in the Savage Worlds Explorers Edition. Nature replaces Survival from the Savage Worlds Explorers Edition.

Swagger (Strength)Some ponies are just more physically intimidating than others, and Swagger measures your ponys ability to influence, frighten, or psyche out others through sheer presence. Swagger replaces Intimidate from the Savage Worlds Explorers Edition.

Notice (Smarts)Notice is your general alertness and ability to spot items or clues that might otherwise go unnoticed. It may also be rolled to spot hidden dangers, hear a whispered conversation, or scrutinizing other characters to detect dishonesty.

Vogue (Smarts)Vogue is your knowledge of what is trendy and fashionable at any given time. Ponies with high Vogue skills are the ones who set the trends and receive the most attention in high society and the public eye.

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Chapter 3 Hindrances

Hindrances are character flaws and physical handicaps that often make your ponys life harder in some way. Most Hindrances presented here act in the same way as those presented in the Savage Worlds Explorers Edition, though several new ones have been added that are specific to the setting of The Savage World of My Little Pony. You may only choose Hindrances from this selection.

Allergy (Major or Minor)There is some common substance that your pony reacts poorly to, typically things such as pollen, insect venom, nuts, cat hair, etc. As a Minor Hindrance, being in physical contact with the substance causes a -2 to all trait rolls, while a Major Allergy incurs a -4 penalty. Depending on the substance, simply being near it may be enough to trigger your Allergy.

Big Mouth (Minor)Your pony cannot keep a secret very well, and you cannot resist gossip. You reveal plans and give away things best kept to yourself at the worst possible times.

Blank Flank (Minor)For some reason, you have not yet received a Cutie Mark, and its notable absence is a constant source of embarrassment in pony society when it is noticed. When dealing with other characters who care about such social stigmas, you receive a -1 to Charisma. Ponies with the Young Filly/Colt Hindrance are the ones who most commonly take this Hindrance, and it provides 2 points (instead of 1 as with other Minor Hindrances) for spending on Edges and the like. Upon reaching Seasoned rank, you may (with the Game Masters approval) lose this Hindrance and gain a Cutie Mark automatically.

Arrogant (Major)You dont think you are the best at what you do you know you are the best and most deserving. You take every opportunity to preen and flaunt your talents. It is not enough to win, but you must dominate and humiliate anypony that stands in your way, no matter how petty the issue.

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Branded (Major or Minor)You have been charged with a crime at some point in your past, and as a result others treat you with disdain and suspicion. As a Minor Hindrance, the crime was something noteworthy but not particularly serious, such as stealing or destruction of property. As a result of your crime, your Cutie Mark has lost its color temporarily, and though you have already paid your debt to society, you are recorded in the local Sheriffs records as a lawbreaker. You receive -1 Charisma when dealing with other ponies who have knowledge of your past and who would care about such details. As a Major Hindrance, your crime was serious enough to garner the attention of the local Sheriff, such as disobeying a Royal declaration or violence, and the Charisma penalty increases to -2. On top of these penalties, with a Brand you will likely be watched by the local law enforcement closely.

Four-Eyes (Minor)Your pony has poor eyesight and relies on glasses to see clearly. As long as you are wearing you glasses, you take no penalties from this Hindrance. If you lose your glasses (generally a 50% chance when rattled or hit with physical force or something similar), you suffer a -2 penalty to all rolls that require vision, such as Notice. If your glasses have a restraining strap, you only need to make a check to see if they fall off if you are hit in the head (either on a called shot or when you are hit with a physical attack that has at least one raise on the attack roll).

Geas (Major or Minor)You are obligated to perform a specific task or mission, and you will do whatever you can to fulfill it. A Minor Geas can be something relatively simple, such as delivering a letter to an important pony or keeping a treasure safe. A Major Geas necessitates a very dangerous and/or difficult task, such as recovering a stolen artifact from a dragon. At the end of any session in which you failed to advance your progress in completing your Geas when given opportunity to do so, you gain one less Experience Point and start with one fewer benny on the next session.

Cautious (Minor)You are meticulous in your planning and will never rush into any situation without carefully mulling over your options, even in situations where decisive action may be necessary.

Clipped Wings (Major)You must be a Pegasus pony to take this Hindrance, which is worth 3 Hindrance points instead of the normal 2. Either through some accident or since birth your Pegasus pony has been unable to fly. Their wings may be crippled or atrophied, and while they can move they are incapable of sustained flight. You cannot fly and cannot use Feats of Daring, but you may still use your wings to steady yourself when falling. Once per game session as a Move action, you may spend a benny to make a Racing check at -2 in order to glide a distance equal to your Pace.

Gilded Lilly (Major or Minor)You are quite fond of exaggerating or outright fabricating tales that make you sound more important or powerful than you actually are, and you do your best to make sure others believe your delusions of grandeur. As a Minor Hindrance, you will occasionally have to make opposed Speech rolls versus the Intuition of skeptics to keep from being revealed as a liar. As a Major Hindrance, your tales will be so fantastic that you will be required to make Speech rolls frequently, and receive -2 to the roll. You get -2 to your Charisma against characters that realize that you are a liar.

Clueless (Minor)Your character is not as aware of their world as most other ponies, and their common sense is rather lacking. You suffer a -2 penalty to Knowledge rolls and most basic Smarts rolls.

Hard of Hearing (Minor)For whatever reason, your ponys hearing is not what it used to be, and you suffer a -2 on all Notice rolls involving hearing, including waking upon hearing a loud noise.

Curious (Major)Your character is easily dragged into any adventure, and you cannot help but investigate anything mysterious, even if it may be unreasonable or dangerous to do so.

Heroic (Minor)Despite your better judgment sometimes, you can never say no to somepony in need. You always do your best to come to other ponys aid, and you are easily drawn into helping those you feel cannot help themselves.

Delusion (Major or Minor)Your pony believes something that is considered quite strange by most others. Minor Delusions are mostly harmless, such as superstitions about stepping on cracks or walking under ladders: they pose no more than an inconvenience in most situations. A Major Delusion affects your activities significantly, and can lead to significant danger and alienation from others if it gets out of hoof.

Homely (Minor)Your pony is not gifted with the most well-proportioned features, and many would call you down-right funny lookin. You receive -1 to your Charisma when making rolls in which your physical appearance comes into play (Game Masters discretion, but typically includes Speech and some

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Swagger checks). This penalty applies to most Contests of Will as well.

Outsider (Minor)Your pony is from a far away land and you are immediately recognizable as an outsider to most other ponies, who may treat you with suspicion and fear. You receive a -1 penalty to Charisma when interacting with ponies not from your land. This penalty applies in situations where your ability to relate to other ponies comes into play (Game Masters discretion, but typically includes some uses of Speech and Manners). This penalty applies to Contests of Will as well.

Lame (Major)You have a permanent injury that often interferes with your mobility. When you take this Hindrance, if you have the Wings Edge, you must specify whether you have a lame leg or wing (you must have the Wings edge to take the latter). With a lame leg, your ponys base Pace on the ground is reduced by 2, and their running/flanking dice are reduced to d4s. With a lame wing, your base flying and flanking Paces are reduced in the same fashion (but not your walking Pace).

Overconfident (Minor)Your character feels as if there is little she or he cannot do, and you will not retreat from a challenge. You will take on almost any challenge and refuse to back down even when common sense dictates otherwise.

Mean (Major or Minor)Your character is contentious and has a hard time getting along with others, even if they are trying to be friendly. As a result, you suffer a -1 to your Charisma for the Minor Hindrance and -2 for the Major Hindrance. This penalty applies in situations where your positive disposition comes into play (Game Masters discretion, but typically includes some uses of Speech and Manners). This penalty applies to certain Contests of Will as well.

Pacifist (Minor)Even by pony standards, you are gentle and non-violent to an extreme. You will do whatever you must do to avoid harming other living beings and you will avoid physical confrontation as much as possible.

Perfectionist (Minor) Nervous Nellie (Major)Some ponies just arent as brave as the others, and you make even these ponies seem heroic in comparison. You are rather squeamish and easily frightened. You receive a -1 penalty to all Courage checks and -1 to your Willpower. Everything must be absolutely perfect for your pony, and many consider you obsessive about meaningless details. You will go out of your way to make sure that everything you do, no matter how petty or unimportant, is done with exacting precision. As a result, you are sometimes quite tiring to deal with.

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Phobia (Major or Minor)Your pony has an overwhelming and irrational fear that has been with them their entire life. Example Phobias are spiders, public speaking, dark, etc. When in the presence of your phobia, you receive a -2 penalty to all trait rolls with a Minor Phobia or a -4 with a Major Phobia.

Sickly (Minor)Your pony easily falls sick, and you have a hard time resisting fatigue and exhaustion. You receive a -2 penalty to all rolls for resisting fatigue and effects such as poison and disease.

Prankster (Major or Minor)You love a good practical joke, and sometimes you have a hard time saying no to humiliating somepony else. As a Minor Hindrance, you are prone to playing more or less harmless practical jokes on your friends. As a Major Hindrance, you will attempt to prank other ponies at very inopportune times, and you are fond of particularly cruel or embarrassing pranks that can easily anger and alienate the victim.

Small (Minor)You are much shorter than other ponies of your age, and you never seem to be able to catch up. You receive -1 to your Toughness.

Stooge (Major or Minor)Your pony is obsessed with another pony and will follow them around, gushing over their greatness. Aside from viewing you as pathetic, the recipient of your attention will typically either ignore you or take advantage of your fawning obedience. As a Minor Hindrance, you always listen to and follow the advice of another particular character, and you will carry out their whim with little to no complaint. As a Major Hindrance, you will follow the other character around like a trained dog and will happily lay in the mud so that they can walk on you and not dirty their hooves.

Quirk (Major or Minor)While each pony is unique, you are more unique than most. You have a noticeable, strange habit or mannerism that typically results only in minor inconvenience, but it can quickly get on the nerves of those around you. As a Minor Hindrance, the quirk is noticeable but not particularly offputting (constant chewing, walking in place, boring smalltalk) that gives you a penalty of -1 Charisma to those who notice. As a Major Hindrance, the quirk is difficult to ignore and will make many ponies actively avoid talking to you, and the Charisma penalty increases to -2. This penalty applies in situations where your ability to relate to other ponies comes into play (Game Masters discretion, but typically includes some uses of Speech and Swagger). This penalty applies to Contests of Will as well.

Stubborn (Minor)Your pony refuses to second guess his or her decisions, and always demand their way. You refuse to back down, even when it is obvious that you have made a mistake or have misspoken.

Three Left Legs (Major)Gracefulness has never been one of your strong points, and you have to constantly worry about tripping and falling. You receive a -1 penalty to all Agility rolls as well as any skills associated with Agility.

Rival (Major or Minor)Somepony out there dislikes you and will actively try and undermine or embarrass you. Whether or not their dislike of you is justified, they will be a constant thorn in your side. As a Minor Hindrance, your rival will typically be another pony who will attempt to impede you and your work. As a Major Hindrance, your rival is a powerful foe (even an intelligent non-pony creature) who puts a good deal of time into making your life miserable.

Traumatic Response (Minor)You do not react to physical injury nearly as well as some, and the threat of physical injury can quickly demoralize you. Whenever you suffer a Wound or lose a Fatigue level, you also immediately suffer a Daunt.

Shattered Horn (Major)You must be a Unicorn pony to take this Hindrance, which is worth 3 Hindrance points instead of the normal 2. Either through some accident or since birth your Unicorn pony has been unable to use magic, as their horn is non-functioning, damaged, or missing. You cannot use or learn new spells, though you may still have Power Points and ranks in Knowledge (Magic). At the Game Masters option, once per game session you may spend a benny to use the spell Magic Trick at a -4 penalty on the Knowledge (Magic) roll to cast it.

Unlucky (Major)Fate does not shine on you or your endeavors, and you seem to never catch a break. You draw one less benny per game session than normal. You cannot take the Lucky Edge as long as you have Unlucky.

Weird Magnet (Major or Minor)No matter where you go or what you do, strange and unlikely things seem to gravitate towards you like moths to a fire. These things are not necessarily harmful, but they are typically unexpected and awkward for those around you. As a Minor Hindrance, the events are mostly harmless and

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inconvenient. As a Major Hindrance, you are plagued with potentially dangerous events that can easily cause harm to those around you.

Well, I Never! (Minor)You view cleanliness and proper manners as high virtues, and things such as vulgar speech or dirt offend your delicate sensibilities. Your rarified attitude can both cause inconvenience for you and to those around you.

Young Filly/Colt (Major)Quite simply, you are still a very young pony, and likely do not even have a Cutie Mark yet. While smaller and less experienced, you are generally luckier than the older ponies

around you and make up in gumption what you lack in size and mettle. This Hindrance is worth 3 Hindrance points instead of the normal 2. When creating your pony, you receive a pool of only 4 points to distribute among your Attributes and 10 skill points, but you start with one more Benny per game session than normal. You cannot bring your skills over a d8 during character creation. If you take this Hindrance with Unlucky, you do not receive the bonus Benny from this Hindrance. In addition, playing a Young Filly/Colt will affect how certain characters interact with you, as many are likely to disregard you for being childish. Consult with the Game Master before building a character with Young Filly/Colt.

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Chapter 4 Edges

Edges are qualities and special advantages that your character has, and are grouped here by type. Unless otherwise stated, Edges cannot be taken more than once. Edges, Ranks and Improved Edges function the same way as in the Savage Worlds Explorers Edition, except that Combat Edges have been replaced and renamed as Physical Edges. Edges marked with an asterisk require another Edge or a particular pony breed as a prerequisite.

Background Edges Background EdgesBackground Edges are hereditary and background advantages that can usually only be chosen when creating the character for the first time. If at some point the Game Master decides it would be appropriate for a character to have a new Background edge open to them, the player can choose the Edge when spending Advances as normal. A character that has spent a good deal of time living in and experiencing the ins and outs of Ponyville, for example, could gain the Hometown (Ponyville) Background.

CanterlotRequirements: Novice You have either grown up in or lived in Canterlot Castle, where you lived and worked either with or in close proximity to the Royal University or Royal Court. Because of your manner and privilege, you gain a +1 bonus to Charisma when dealing with subjects of Equestria, but not against outsiders or other creatures. This bonus applies to most rolls when your background or status comes into play (Game Masters discretion, but typically includes Manners, Speech and Vogue). This bonus also applies to most Contests of Will.

Arcane Background*Requirements: Novice, Unicorn Pony Unicorns start with this Edge for free, and it allows them to cast magical spells using their horn as a focus. You use Knowledge (Magic) as the primary skill for this Background and should put at least a few ranks in it. See the chapter on Arcane Background for more information.

Royal University*Requirements: Novice, Canterlot, Arcane Background, Knowledge (Magic) d8+ You attended the Royal University of Magic in Canterlot, which is directed by Princess Celestia herself. You start with an additional Cantrip and Novice-rank Spell.

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CharmingRequirements: Novice, Spirit d6+ You stand out in crowds because of your fair looks and your suave, enthralling demeanor. You gain a +1 bonus to your Charisma against other creatures that are already friendly or neutral in disposition to you, and you cannot gain this bonus when making a Contest of Wills attack.

LuckyRequirements: Novice Luck never seems to run out for you. You start with an additional benny at the beginning of each game session.

Extremely Lucky*Requirements: Novice, Lucky Your luck is unnervingly consistent, and it seems like almost nothing bad can happen to you. You draw an additional benny on top of the bonus one from Lucky at the beginning of each game session.

Elegant*Requirements: Novice, Charming, Spirit d8+ You can captivate entire crowds with a glance, and your grace and beauty are the talk of the town. The bonus provided by Charming is increased to +2.

New Feat*Requirements: Novice, Feats of Daring or Feats of Strength Ponies with the Feats of Daring or Feats of Strength Edges can gain additional Feats (of their specific type only) by taking this Edge (which can be taken multiple times). Gain a new Feat of your rank or lower. You may normally take this Edge at any time, not just at character creation.

Feats of Daring*Requirements: Novice, Pegasus Pony While you may not have the magical powers of the Unicorn, you have learned to exploit your Pegasus form and shape wind and sky to do your bidding. You can also learn to fly faster than a flying arrow or as silently as a night owl. See the chapter on Feats of Daring and Strength for more information.

NobleRequirements: Novice You are descended from a family that has connections to the Royal line. Though no pony in your family has a claim to the throne, your relatives are likely fixtures of the Royal Court. You gain a +1 bonus to your Charisma when dealing with other members of nobility or royalty, but not against other creatures that have no special regard for the legitimacy of the Throne. In addition, your starting Wealth level is Copious Cash (before spending Hindrance points).

Feats of Strength*Requirements: Novice, Earth Pony You have learned to exploit your stature as an Earth pony, giving you powers of incredible resilience and strength by drawing an intangible magic from the land itself. You can also use your ingenuity and connection with the earth to create useful devices and tools that are both practical and elegantly simple. See the chapter on Feats of Daring and Strength for more information.

Royal*Requirements: Novice, Noble You are not only of noble birth, but your family are only one or two steps removed from the royal line itself. You have likely appeared in the Royal Court on more than one occasion, and your family is part of high society in Equestria. Your Charisma bonus from Noble is increased by an additional +1. In addition, your starting Wealth level is Fabulous Riches (before spending Hindrance points).

HometownRequirements: Novice You have either grown up in or spent a significant amount of time living in a particular town or city, and you have gained a great deal from the experience. Choose a single town or city to be your Hometown, and choose one of the following Hometown bonuses: Streetwise: You gain a +1 bonus to Charisma when dealing with ponies that are also from your Hometown. Talent: You gain a +1 bonus to a skill relevant to your hometown (Game Masters discretion) that you have at least a d4 in and which is of a lower rank than its requisite Attribute.

OutlanderRequirements: Novice You grew up either in one of the many small towns dotting Equestrias borders or in a wilderness community far removed from the big cities. You receive a -1 penalty to Charisma when dealing with nobility and those of higher status, but you may also choose one of the following skills to gain an additional rank in (unless it is already a d12): Nature, Notice, Prowl, or any relevant Craft or Knowledge skill to your background. For example, you may choose Knowledge (Farming) if you grew up on a remote frontier farm. The Charisma penalty applies to certain rolls in which your background or standing would come into play (Game Masters discretion, but typically includes rolls such as

You may take this Edge multiple times, each time taking a different Hometown. You may also choose a Hometown that you already have selected and gain the other Hometown bonus that you did not choose previously.

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Speech and Manners). This penalty applies to Contests of Will as well.

Balance of the Earth*Requirements: Novice, Earth pony You feel an intimate connection with the earth, and the harmony brought about by this sense of balance can be called upon in times of need. You have a pool of 3 Balance points. Any unspent Balance points are lost at the end of each game session, and you gain 2 points anew at the beginning of each session. Before making any roll (and only once for each roll), you may declare that you are going to spend a Balance point, giving you a +1 bonus to that roll. Each time you spend a benny, you lose one Balance point automatically.

Wings*Requirements: Novice, Pegasus Pony Pegasus ponies start with this edge for free, and it allows them to fly at the incredible speeds that Pegasi are famous for. Your Pace while flying is equal to twice your Pace on land, and when flying you use the same rules as with Mounted Combat. See the chapter on Combat and Situational Rules for more information. In addition, you can walk on clouds as if they were solid ground, and you treat all objects specifically made of cloud as if they were solid matter.

Bend Bars, Lift GatesRequirements: Novice, Strength d6+ With a laugh and a quick flex, you could help pony Atlas himself keep up the earth if he was a good enough friend. You gain a +4 to all cooperative Strength rolls.

Physical Edges Physical EdgesPhysical Edges put your pony ahead of others in terms of stamina and athletic prowess. Earth ponies start with a free Physical Edge during character creation, representing their inherent sturdiness compared with other types of ponies. Edges listed below have been sorted by rank for clarity.

Fleet-Of-HoofRequirements: Novice, Agility d6+ You are exceptionally fast, and your Pace on the ground and while flying is increased by 2. In addition, you roll d8s when running or flanking instead of d6s.

Adrenaline SurgeRequirements: Novice, Vigor d6+ In stressful and potentially dangerous situations, you become more decisive and able to ignore fear. The first time you roll a Courage check in any game session, you may add a bonus to the roll equal to half of your Vigor. If you are successful, all subsequent Courage checks made during the game session receive a +1 bonus.

Indomitable PhysiqueRequirements: Novice, Vigor d6+ Even while suffering the slings and arrows of the winter of your discontent, you are able to call upon incredible reserves of sheer bodily willpower to keep on fighting. You

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gain a +1 bonus to your Spirit rolls to recover from being Shaken.

and when you spend a benny to re-roll any Strength or Agility check or any skill tied to those Attributes, you get a +1 to the new roll.

LighthoofRequirements: Novice, Agility d6+ You have a very soft hoofprint, and you are able to walk daintily without disturbing the terrain. You gain a +2 bonus to checks made to avoid dangerous terrain or other hazards, such as not causing an avalanche while walking along rocks or not sinking into thick mud when trying to walk across it. In addition, you gain a +1 bonus to your Evade.

Tuned InRequirements: Seasoned, Spirit d6+ Though you cannot explain it, you have an uncanny ability to read your internal clock and senses. At any given time, you are aware of the current time of day, temperature, and generally what direction is north. You gain a +1 bonus to all Notice rolls.

Quick ReflexesRequirements: Novice, Agility d6+ When dealt a card for initiative, if yours is a 5 or below you may discard it and be dealt a new card until you get one that is higher than a 5.

Unstoppable SelfRequirements: Seasoned, Strength d8+ When you roll a successful trait test for Strength or Agility, or any skill associated with those attributes, you may voluntarily suffer a level of fatigue to gain an additional raise on the roll.

Strong BackRequirements: Novice, Strength d6+ You are extremely sturdy, and you can ignore up to 1 point of penalties from carrying weight over your load limit, and you suffer no penalties from equipment. In addition, you gain a +1 bonus to your Toughness.

Wings of Glory*Requirements: Seasoned, Pegasus pony, Feats of Daring Flying in style is second nature to you, and you have become particularly adept in creating dazzling shows of light. You gain a +1 bonus to all Racing checks when flying, and you gain an additional use of the Dazzling Display, Amazing Display, and Awe-Inspiring Display Feats each game session (if you have them) without spending a benny.

Terra Firma*Requirements: Novice, Earth pony The magical energies of the land course through you like a lightning rod. When you stand on bare ground or other natural footing (natural stone, grass, dirt, sand, etc), you may re-roll one failed Spirit check to recover from being Shaken per turn unless you currently have 2 or more Daunts.

DiamondheartRequirements: Veteran, Vigor d10+ As long as you currently have no levels of Fatigue, you may ignore up to -2 in penalties from Daunts. Each level of Fatigue you sustain reduces the penalty from Daunts by 1 (with a single level of Fatigue, you may only ignore up to -1 in penalties from Daunts).

Cats BalanceRequirements: Seasoned, Agility d8+ You always seem to be able to keep your balance and move with fluid grace. You gain +1 to your Prowl rolls when trying to move quietly, and if you fall you get +2 to Agility rolls to land safe and upright and without taking damage.

Olympian Pony*Requirements: Veteran, Iron Pony, Strength d10+, Agility d10+, Vigor d10+ You have the capability of excelling at just about any physical discipline or sport, if you set your mind to it. You gain a +1 bonus to all Grace, Racing, Sport and Swagger rolls.

DynamoRequirements: Seasoned, Vigor d8+ Each night, you require only half as much sleep as any other pony. You gain a +2 bonus to all Vigor rolls made to avoid the effects of hazards such as heat, cold, hunger, thirst, and so on (Game Masters discretion).

Raise the SpiritRequirements: Veteran, Spirit d8+ The first time you are incapacitated each game session, you may immediately spend a benny to take your next turn as if you were not incapacitated, and you may only take a single action of any kind that turn. At the end of that turn, you automatically resume being Incapacitated.

Iron PonyRequirements: Seasoned, Strength and Agility d8+ You are a paragon athlete, able to run for miles and perform just about any feat of stamina or speed. Once per game session you may re-roll any one Strength or Agility check,

Scent of FlowersRequirements: Veteran, Earth pony

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Nature is eerily at home around you, and you exude an unnamable charm and aura of calm that rubs off on just about any other creature. You gain a +2 bonus to Charisma when dealing with any living, natural creature (Game Masters discretion).

to fight. All allies who can see and hear you receive a +1 bonus to their Spirit rolls to recover from being Shaken.

Elementary ThinkingRequirements: Novice, Smarts d6+, Notice d6+ While others may miss important details and facts, you are able to easily spot even minor details and quickly come up with solutions to almost any mystery at hand. When spotting hidden or obscure details, you get a +1 to your Notice rolls. In addition, you can make Smarts rolls for additional possible clues provided by the Game Master in certain situations.

Strength in Stone*Requirements: Veteran, Earth pony, Balance of the Earth You gain an additional two Balance points to your pool, bringing the new total to 4.

Wings of HeavenRequirements: Veteran, Pegasus pony You gain an additional use of the Fabricate Cloud, Sculpt Cloud, and Sculpt Living Cloud Feats each game session (if you have them) without spending a benny.

InspiringRequirements: Novice, Spirit d8+ Your presence reassures your allies and makes them more confident in their abilities. As long as they are within eyeshot and can hear you, they receive a +1 to their Willpower.

Leadership Edges Leadership EdgesLeadership Edges aid your pony in guiding your friends and working effectively as a team to overcome challenges. Leadership Edges affect all of your Wildcard allies and Extras that can see and hear you, though no one character can benefit from more than one instance of any one Leadership Edge at once.

Team LeaderRequirements: Novice, Spirit d6+, Leadership d6+ Each of your allies benefits from your reassurance and help, and you are an effective leader. You may share your bennies among your allies.

CommandRequirements: Novice, Smarts d6+, Leadership d6+ Whether or not you have had official training, you are a capable leader who is able to inspire your allies to continue

Commanding Order*Requirements: Seasoned, Command, Smarts d8+, Leadership d8+

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As an action, you may roll a Leadership and select a single ally that can see and hear you. On a success, that ally may take an extra free movement on their next turn or a full action on a raise.

New Power*Requirements: Novice, Arcane Background, Knowledge (Magic) d6+ A character with the Arcane Background may learn a new power by choosing this Edge (which may be taken multiple times). You may choose a single power of the same rank as your character or lower.

Coordinate EffortsRequirements: Seasoned, Leadership d8+, Special When you make a Contest of Wills attack and you have at least a d8 in both the skill and its associated attribute, for each raise you roll the target receives a -1 penalty to their opposed roll and Willpower against the same Contest of Wills attack until the beginning of your next turn.

Power Points*Requirements: Novice, Arcane Background This Edge grants your pony an additional 5 power points. You may take this Edge multiple times, but only once at each Rank.

Lead by ExampleRequirements: Seasoned, Smarts d6+ Your ponys success can influence your friends and aid them in their tasks. Once per game session, when you make a successful trait roll, each of your allies gains a +1 bonus to their roll of the same type on their next attempt.

Transfer Power*Requirements: Novice, Arcane Background, Smarts d6+ As an action, you can touch another unicorn with your horn and transfer power points to them. The target must be able to normally have and use power points. For every 5 points you wish to transfer (or fraction thereof), this action costs 1 power point. For example, transferring 3 power points would cost you a total of 4 points (3 being transferred + 1 in transfer costs).

ExceederRequirements: Veteran, Spirit d8+, Leadership d10+ As an action you may make a Leadership check. If you are successful, you may raise a single trait by one die type on the target, who may be yourself or any ally that can see and hear you, or by two die types on a raise (each step over d12 adds +1 to their trait total). No one character may be affected by more than one instance of this effect or the Aid spell at once at a time, and its effect lasts for a number of turns equal to 1 plus your Spirit attribute divided by 4 (rounded down).

Contingency*Requirements: Seasoned, Arcane Background, Knowledge (Magic) d8+ At the beginning of each game session, you may choose one Cantrip or power of Novice level, and you immediately spend power points as if you just used the power (if the spell has an option to spend additional points, you must spend them now as well). This is your Contingency power. Until the end of the game session, you may spend a benny in order to immediately use the power as a Free Action on your turn or as an immediate response to any action (resolve the spell before the action takes place). You can only use the Contingency power once per game session.

Song of the BardRequirements: Veteran, Smarts d10+, Knowledge (Music) d10+ Through a lifetime of musical knowledge and exacting practice, you have learned to use your songs to better lead your friends. Once per game session as a free action, you may make a Knowledge (Music) roll. On a success, all allies that can hear you receive a +1 bonus on all rolls they make until the end of your next turn, and all enemies also receive a -1 penalty to all rolls they make until the end of your next turn. On a raise, this effect lasts for an additional turn. You may spend a benny once per game session to use this ability again, but you receive a -2 to the Knowledge (Music) roll.

Rapid Recharge*Requirements: Seasoned, Arcane Background, Smarts d6+ With this Edge, your character recovers 1 power point every 30 minutes of game time.

Signature Spell*Requirements: Seasoned, Arcane Background, Knowledge (Magic) d8+ There is one spell in your repertoire that you have studied so much that you can cast it easily and without expending much energy. Choose one power you have: this power is your Signature spell. The base cost of that power is reduced by one power point (cannot bring the cost below 0). In addition, you receive a +2 to the Knowledge (Magic) roll to successfully cast your Signature Spell.

Power Edges Power EdgesPower Edges are only available to those with the Arcane Background Edge, and allow you to expand the horizons of your magical prowess.

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Spell Discipline*Requirements: Seasoned, Arcane Background, Knowledge (Magic) d8+ When you first choose this Edge, choose one of your nonCantrip powers. Replace this power permanently with another power one rank higher than it. You may take this Edge only once per Rank.

Improved Signature Spell*Requirements: Veteran, Arcane Background, Signature Spell, Knowledge (Magic) d10+ Choose an additional power, other than the one you chose for Signature Spell to be your alternate Signature Spell. The cost of that power is reduced by one power point (cannot bring the cost below 0). In addition, you receive a +2 to the Knowledge (Magic) roll to successfully cast your alternate Signature Spell.

Agile Spellcaster*Requirements: Veteran, Arcane Background, Knowledge (Magic) d10+ Intense training has allowed you cast multiple spells at once, allowing you to quickly channel arcane energy. The multiaction penalty for casting spells is reduced by 2 for each spell (for example, casting 2 spells at once would incur no penalty on each instead of -2).

Professional Edges Professional EdgesProfessional Edges represent years of practicing a particular trade or activity, and help create a character who is far more competent in their chosen field than others. You normally can only take Professional Edges at character creation, but a character can pick up a new one with practice and patience over the course of their adventures, at the Game Masters discretion. As in the Savage Worlds Explorers Edition, bonuses provided by multiple Professional Edges do not stack with one another.

Improved Contingency*Requirements: Veteran, Arcane Background, Contingency, Knowledge (Magic) d10+ You may choose a power of Seasoned or Novice level, and you may spend a benny to use the Contingency power a second time per game session if the power is of Novice level.

ArtistRequirements: Novice, Smarts d6+ You are devoted to a single craft or art form that you have practiced tirelessly for years, and your experience has paid off. Choose a single form of artistic expression (painting, dressmaking, etc) with which you have at least a d6 in its related Knowledge or Craft skills, and you get a +1 bonus to all Craft and Knowledge rolls concerning your art.

Improved Rapid Recharge*Requirements: Veteran, Arcane Background, Rapid Recharge, Smarts d8+ You now recover one power point every 15 minutes.

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ExplorerRequirements: Novice, Vigor d6+, Nature d6+ You do not have a permanent home, and you are constantly drawn to new places and new lands by your inherent wanderlust. You have a +1 bonus to rolls when resisting the effects of Fatigue from exposure and weather, and you get +1 bonus to all Nature rolls.

Sheriff*Requirements: Seasoned, Hometown (Any), Smarts d6+, Spirit d8+, Leadership d6+ You have been appointed as the Sheriff of a particular city or region of Equestria by Royal mandate and it is your duty to uphold peace and order. You settle local disputes and represent Royal interests in your assigned lands. You receive a +2 bonus to your Charisma when making a Contests of Wills attack in order to resolve disputes (legal, personal, etc).

Herald*Requirements: Seasoned, Noble, Smarts d8+, Manners d6+, Speech d6+ As a Royal Herald, you have been tasked with traveling to different parts of Equestria to deliver notices, letters, and proclamations to the more remote areas of the Kingdom. You gain a +1 bonus to your Manners and Speech rolls.

Socialite*Requirements: Novice, Spirit d8+, Manners d8+, Vogue d8+ Much of your attention is devoted to keeping up appearances, and you are at just about every happening party or event. Youve mingled with royalty and you set the trends and fashions that appear in the biggest boutiques in Equestria. You get a +1 bonus to your Vogue rolls, and you gain a +1 bonus to Charisma when dealing with nobles (but not necessarily royalty) and other members of high society (Game Masters discretion). In addition, your starting Wealth level is Copious Cash (before spending Hindrance points).

PeacemakerRequirements: Novice, Spirit d10+, Leadership d8+, Speech d8+ Among your friends you are the go-to pony when settling disputes, and you are able to fairly and impartially resolve almost every dispute. You gain a +2 bonus to Charisma when making a Contest of Wills attack in order to prevent or stop violence (Game Masters discretion).

Top Gun*Requirements: Novice, Wings, Fleet-Of-Hoof, Racing d8+, Agility d10+, You are one of the top flyers in Equestria, even if you are not on a major racing team like the Wonderbolts. Your flying speed is increased by an additional 2, and you roll d10s while flanking instead of the d8s stipulated by Fleet-OfHood. In addition, you gain a +1 bonus to your Racing skill rolls and +1 to your Evade.

PerformerRequirements: Novice, Smarts d6+, Grace d8+ You are devoted to a particular form of expression, whether it is dance or music or acting. Choose a single form of performance with which you have at least a d6 in its related Knowledge skill, and you get a +1 bonus to all Knowledge rolls concerning your chosen discipline. In addition, select one of the following skills related to your performance art: Knowledge (Music) (for music), Grace (for Dancing), Speech (for Acting). You get a +1 bonus to all rolls with this skill when practicing your discipline.

VocationRequirements: Novice, Craft (Any) d8+ Each and every pony has a special talent, and your pony has put their heart into their own special talent. Choose a Craft skill you have at a d8 or greater: you receive a +2 bonus to your rolls with this skill.

Pony-Of-All-Trades*Requirements: Novice, Smarts d10+ You cannot take this Edge if you have the Clueless Hindrance. You have studied almost every subject imaginable, and you have a talent for picking up skills on the fly. There is little you cannot do without a little bit of luck. Any time you make an unskilled roll for a Smarts-based skill, you may ignore the negative penalty for being untrained.

Social Edges Social EdgesSocial Edges represent your ponys ability to relate to others and get others to do what you want through force of personality.

ScholarRequirements: Novice, d8+ in affected skills You have spent many an hour studying various areas of scholarly knowledge. You have become an expert on several subjects, and rarely fail to answer questions in your particular areas of expertise. Pick any two Knowledge skills that you have a d8 or better in. You gain a +1 bonus to all rolls using these Knowledge skills.

Bon VivantRequirements: Novice, Spirit d8+ Few ponies are able to match your energy or zest for life, and you make a point to make sure both you and those around you are having a good time. You can spend a benny once per game session in order to give yourself and each ally that can see and hear you a +1 bonus to their Charisma until the beginning of your next turn.

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Code of Honor*Requirements: Novice, Noble, Spirit d6+ You are beholden to a strict code of honor, which you must follow to the letter at all times or risk losing this Edge. You will defend the honor of your own name and of other nobility, and when dealing with other nobility you gain +2 Charisma. When dealing with other ponies, you receive a +1 bonus to Charisma. If you are dishonored and lose face, you lose these bonuses and instead receive a -2 penalty to Charisma until you can sufficiently regain your honor (Game Masters discretion, but it should be a difficult task).

Well-Placed WitRequirements: Novice, Spirit d6+, Manners d6+ Even in the face of a truly terrible faux pas, you can use your skillful wordplay and charisma to diffuse tensions and awkwardness. When making a Manners, Speech, or Vogue roll, once per game session you may ignore a single critical failure (a roll of two 1s) and immediately re-roll it.

Friendship is MagicRequirements: Seasoned Your sense of friendship and friendliness rub off even on animals and others who might otherwise treat you with suspicion. You gain a +1 bonus to your Charisma when dealing with any creature that is not inherently evil and/or chaotic in nature.

EmpathyRequirements: Novice, Smarts d6+, Notice d6+ The feelings of others are easy to read and interpret, and as a result you gain a +1 bonus to Intuition, and you gain a +1 bonus to Notice rolls in order to spot deception or hidden motives when speaking with other characters.

Infectious LaughterRequirements: Seasoned, Spirit d10+, Vigor d6+ Once per game session as an action that costs a benny, you may remove a single Daunt from yourself or one ally who can see and hear you.

ObsequiousRequirements: Novice, Smarts d6+, Grace d6+ Blending into the background and avoiding drawing attention to yourself seems to be your specialty, whether or not you try to do so consciously. At the beginning of their first turn in any scene, non-Wildcard enemies must make a Smarts roll opposed by your Grace. On a failure, they cannot target you with attacks or Contest of Wills attacks if there are other valid targets (such as your allies) on that turn. Whether or not they are successful, they only need to make this roll once per scene.

Log Cabin CharmRequirements: Seasoned, Manners d8+, Speech d8+ Whether or not you deserve the reputation, you are seen as an ally of the common citizen and friends of the everypony. You gain a +1 bonus to Charisma when dealing with nonnobility, everyday citizens.

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Innocent*Requirements: Seasoned, Obsequious, Smarts d8+, Grace d8+ Not only can you avoid attention, but to even the most observant you do not appear to be a threat until it is too late. Your ability from Obsequious now affects Wildcard enemies as well as non-Wildcard enemies.

The Importance of being Earnest*Requirements: Veteran, Well-Placed Wit, Spirit d8+, Manners d8+ Your wit and charm are so pervasive that almost nopony can be offended by your words. When making a Manners, Speech, or Vogue roll, you may ignore all critical failures (a roll of two 1s) and immediately re-roll them.

Your character has an uncanny sense that tells him or her when something bad is about to happen. Any time your character is about to be the target of an unpleasant surprise or ambush, you get an immediate Notice roll at -2 just before the event occurs (the Game Master announces this). If successful, you know something terrible is about to happen (though you are not sure what exactly) and are able to act accordingly. This means you are on Hold for the first round of combat if combat occurs. On a raise, the Game Master must reveal the general nature of the threat (for example, hostile enemies or hidden traps might be possible clues).

One with NatureRequirements: Novice, Nature d8+ Animals seem to gravitate to you and respect you, and you are able to communicate with them on a basic level. You gain a +2 bonus to Charisma when attempting rolls to influence or communicate with animals, and you are able to communicate with them in a limited fashion (allowing you to use skills such as Speech and Leadership against them).

Paragon of Honor*Requirements: Veteran, Code of Honor, Smarts d8+, Spirit d10+ You cannot currently have a Charisma penalty from Code of Honor if you wish to take this Edge. Not only have you maintained your good name in the eyes of society, but you are considered to be one of the exemplars of honesty, honor, and good bearing in Equestria. The Charisma bonus provided by Code of Honor increases by +1 in both instances (see Code of Honor).

Patterns in ChaosRequirements: Novice, Intuition d6+ To others, your actions and predictions sometimes make very little sense, and you are considered to be a bit more random than perhaps what is healthy. Despite this, even some of your more unhinged predictions or ideas tend to either come true or work better than it seems that they should. It is up to the Game Master as to exactly how to use this Edge, but typically you can make Intuition rolls to find out random but useful facts about a situation, even ones that seem anachronistic (predicting the future either purposefully or accidentally).

Harmonious SynergyRequirements: Veteran, Spirit d10 At the beginning of each game session, you draw an additional benny. This benny may be spent by you or any of your allies, but no one ally may spend more than one benny provided by any instance of this Edge per game session.

Weird Edges Weird EdgesWeird Edges are mysterious, partially supernatural abilities that some ponies seem to manifest. Weird Edges are typically chosen only at character creation, though with a good story any of them can be gained during an adventure. No character may start with more than one Weird Edge during character creation.

Second SightRequirements: Novice, Smarts d6+, Notice d6+ You have a strange ability to perceive things that are not there and sense things that normally go unnoticed. The effect is eerie but useful once you understand how to interpret it. At any time, you can spend a benny to turn on your Second Sight, which lasts until the end of the current scene. While Second Sight is on, you may make Notice rolls at -2 to spot several different things: you can spot where spells have been used and with a raise what kind of spell; where powerful creatures have been (such as dragons or very powerful magical creatures) and with a raise what kind of creature, and hidden or invisible creatures hiding using magical means (including magical disguises). You see trails of these things as hazy, shimmering clouds that float in the air. If you fail the roll, you do not spot anything out of the ordinary.

Absorb MagicRequirements: Novice, Spirit d8+ Magic seems to be strangely ineffective against your pony, whether or not it is friendly or unfriendly. You gain a +2 bonus to all rolls made in order to resist magical effects, and you act as if you have 2 points of armor when considering damage from magical effects. These apply even if the magic is affecting you with your consent.

Danger SenseRequirements: Novice, Notice d6+

The VoiceRequirements: Novice, Intuition d6+, Speech d10+

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You have an unnerving ability to make others follow your words, and you can sometimes exert and almost hypnotic influence over others through subtle manipulations of your vocal frequencies. You may make a Speech check targeting another creature that can hear and understand you, with a penalty to the roll equal to the targets Willpower (minimum of -4). If you are successful, you may give the target a single direct, one-word command that they must follow, such as Stop! or Run!. The Game Master may decide that this ability does not work against certain characters important to the story: if this ability does not work against a character and you are still successful in your roll, you instead gain a +2 to all Contest of Wills attacks against the target for the remainder of the scene. No one character can be affected by more than one instance of The Voice at one time. If you fail your Speech check, you may not attempt to use this ability on them again for the remainder of the scene.

which cannot bring you over your maximum.

Doubletime*Requirements: Veteran, Wild Card, Agility d10+ When you are dealt a Joker, you may take an additional turn at the end of the current initiative order for the current round only.

Heroic Edges Heroic EdgesHeroic Edges are reserved for only the most powerful characters, and they are for ponies who have achieved significant fame and experience.

AscendanceRequirements: Heroic You have achieved a level of harmony and power that few ever reach, and you are both a hero and leader to every citizen of Equestria. Any Attributes currently below d8 are brought to a d8.

Wildcard Edges Wildcard EdgesWildcard Edges are effects that only come into play when you are dealt a Joker when determining Initiative. These are in addition to the normal effects of being dealt a Joker.

Jester's Luck*Requirements: Notice, Wild Card When you are dealt a Joker, you immediately gain a benny.

Expert*Requirements: Heroic, Professional in affected trait The affected trait becomes d12+2. You may choose this Edge multiple times, but you may not select the same trait twice.

Power Surge*Requirements: Notice, Arcane Background, Wild Card When you are dealt a Joker, you recover 2D6 power points,

Living Legend*Requirements: Heroic, Inspiring

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Your deeds are sung across Equestria, and your very presence is enough to rally even the most timid and frightened pony. Increase the bonus granted by Inspiring by an additional +2.

you may simply add this bonus at all times when you can normally add your Charisma bonus.

Shield of FateRequirements: Heroic You seem to be protected from harm by fate. You gain an additional level of Fatigue, which applies a -3 penalty when reached.

ProfessionalRequirements: Heroic, affected trait at d12 You have become exceptionally skilled in a particular area. The trait is increased to d12+1. You may choose this Edge multiple times, but you may not select the same trait twice.

SidekickRequirements: Heroic Your exploits are such that they have become an inspiration to others, and now a young crusader has joined you in your cause. You gain a Novice rank sidekick who is a Wild Card, gains experience as a character, and has abilities that complement or mimic your characters abilities. Create the sidekick as you would any new character, and you control both this character and your sidekick at once. The sidekick is controlled just like any other allied character, though they can occasionally cause you more problems than they are worth.

Master*Requirements: Heroic, Expert in affected trait The characters Wild Die becomes a d10 when rolling the affected trait. You may choose this Edge multiple times, but you may not select the same trait twice.

RenownRequirements: Heroic You gain a +1 bonus to Charisma which is not subject to any restrictions on context or highest positive Charisma bonus;

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Chapter 5 Gear and Wealth

Unlike most Savage Worlds settings, The Savage World of My Little Pony sees very little in the way of specialized equipment for the player characters to use, and uses a different system for dealing with money that other settings. As stated previously, instead of tracking how much money each character has specifically, characters have a new statistic called Wealth. This chapter deals with how Wealth functions in the game, and features a small list of common items and equipment available to player characters should they wish to purchase some.

Wealth WealthA characters Wealth is represented as one of five levels that indicate how much money a character has to spend at a given time. These levels (from smallest to largest) are: Spending Money, Sizable Funds, Copious Cash, Fabulous Riches, and Filthy Lucre. Starting characters have Spending Money unless they increase it by spending Hindrance points or certain Edges.

Sizable FundsYou are reasonably well-to-do, and typically have at least a decent amount of cash on you, as well as a fair amount in savings or property.

Copious CashCharacters with this level of Wealth are part of the upper classes of pony society, and are likely members of the landed gentry. They have a great deal of disposable income and a well-stocked treasury.

Spending MoneyThis player character is not necessarily poor, but they likely carry only a few coins at any time (if at all) and have little to nothing in savings.

Fabulous RichesWith this level of Wealth, your character is among the richest and most well-to-do ponies in Equestria. You likely have claim to an estate or small castle, and command a small fortune.

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Filthy LucreYou have more money than you could possibly ever spend or even properly handle, and youve probably hired other ponies to do just that. This level of Wealth entails several fortunes and the ability to buy and sell small kingdoms. Characters cannot attain this level of Wealth through Edges or Hindrance points, and only later with the Game Masters discretion.

than functionality. It provides an Armor bonus of +3, but is heavy and incurs a -1 penalty to Agility rolls as well as skills associated with Agility.

ClothingPonies occasionally wear different types of clothing, typically only on special occasions or when it is necessary for safety or comfort. Clothing can range from cloaks and wraps to keep warm in the cold or opulent costumes made to wear at fashion shows and parties. Proper clothing gives the wearer a +1 to rolls for resisting the effects of weather and temperature relevant to the clothing.

Using Wealth Using WealthAs money is more of an abstract concept in The Savage World of My Little Pony, it is largely up to the Game Master as to how to apply Wealth to their particular game. Characters with Spending Money will be able to afford things such as simple meals or common items, while characters with Copious Cash would likely be able to afford a small boat or some other expensive luxury item. Through the course of a game, characters may increase or decrease their Wealth level based on the Game Masters discretion, though it will have little mechanical impact on the game. Wealth is meant more to add flavor to a character and help define their place in pony society.

Foul Weather GearMore cumbersome and uncomfortable than most clothing, Foul Weather Gear is clothing made for extreme environments, such as heavy canvas mackintosh coats or fur-lined cloaks. Proper Foul Weather Gear provides a +2 to the wearer for resisting the effects of weather and temperature relevant to the clothing, but incurs a -1 penalty to all Agility rolls and rolls made with Agility-based skills, as it is usually bulky and uncomfortable.

Equipment and Gear Equipment and GearThe following common items are available for characters to obtain that they may find useful, though none of it is required. The Game Master may add additional items if they choose to do so, and they may also decide the Wealth level required to obtain any item.

HarnessA large harness made from wood, leather, and brass. A harness allows ponies to easily pull things such as carts and plows, provides +1 to Strength rolls when dragging or lifting something. A Harness also incurs a -1 penalty to all Agility rolls and rolls made with Agility-based skills, as it is usually bulky and uncomfortable.

Bit & RopeA comfortable bit attached to a loop of rope. This allows a pony to tie off and drag or lift objects easily. It provides +1 to Strength rolls when dragging or lifting something.

HorseshoesWhile many ponies wear horseshoes for practical or fashionable purposes, it is perfectly possible to go without them. Ponies with Horseshoes can more easily run over rough ground without stumbling or hurting themselves. A pony with horseshoes acts as if they are using a weapon with Strength + d6 damage, mostly for the purpose of breaking objects or barriers. In addition, you gain a +1 to all rolls against Bumps and Bruises.

CartA small wooden cart that can be towed using a harness. The cart reduces a ponys Pace by half, but it allows them to carry up to 1000 pounds of equipment or materials. Pegasi can fly and tow the cart behind them, which floats as if it were still on the ground.

Pack SaddlePonies typically need to carry a variety of goods, and a Pack Saddle is a saddle with two or more bags that let a pony carry various loose items.

Ceremonial ArmorUnknown of outside of the Royal Guards and the Royal Hussars, this armor is elegant and made for style rather

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Chapter 6 Combat and Situational Rules

The Savage World of My Little Pony makes several important changes to a few of the basic rules of the Savage Worlds system. Unless specifically noted here, all rules for Combat and other situational rules remain unchanged. This chapter details the additions and mod

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