SATYUGIAN ETHICS AND CODE OF CONDUCT - s First School of Equanimity & Even-Sightedness ( Opening Shortly ) SATYUGIAN ETHICS AND CODE OF CONDUCT let us adopt satyugian ethics knowledgeable

Post on 30-Mar-2018






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World’s First School of Equanimity & Even-Sightedness ( Opening Shortly )

SATYUGIAN ETHICS AND CODE OF CONDUCTlet us adopt satyugian ethics

knowledgeable. This proficiency enables them to foster Satyugian ethic and code of conduct in future generations.

That is why primitive Indian culture and ethics have been considered in itself complete and most outstanding in the world.

In this context, Satyugian Scientists, research on nature as a whole, and frame the constitution of Equanimity and Even-sightedness, the foundation of which is equality of all beings. They never waste their energy in disputes, criticism or spreading dualism. They are benevolent in nature and utilize their full energy and talent for the benefit of the mankind to provide proper knowledge of Equanimity, Contentment, Endurance, Truthfulness to every human being right from birth.Nobleness i.e. 'Sajan Bhaav' is the law of the era. They are skilled on ways to maintain temperature of all affliction at the the required level so that the mental equilibrium remains undisturbed thus ensuring humane temperament.

Gentleness, perfection, selflessness and righteousness become the law of the land in that era. They are proficient in maintaining the right level of all three human afflictions in themselves namely Adhyatamik, Aadi devik and Aadi bhautik because of which they are able to maintain strong mental i.e they easily able to able to hold themselves firmly on natural human conduct.

Those pure minded people are proficient to understand the true nature of any object. That is why in Satyug, everything is produced with natural brilliance. In that era, through natural science and wisdom only Truth is disseminated. That is why this era, which progresses purely on basis of Truth is called as the Golden age and the scientists of the natural science have been considered superiormost till date.

In Satyug, Lord Vishnu holding “Shankh”, A conch shell “Chakra”, A wheel, “Gada” , A Club & “Padam”, A lotus, manifest in the hearts of every person 'Jeev' possesses the capability to recognize his Real Self. That is why all remain obedient to His command. Resultantly all Satyugians always remain united their mental equilibrium and as such they always remain free from any deformation.

We can conclude that Satyugian ethics and code of conduct is the basis of mental, social and spiritual advancement / progression which has a bearing on every deed of the being. This also leads to germination of humane values and deterance of lower instincts with evolution of higher level of thinking. Such a glorified person not only becomes self-restrained, polite, generous, endured, with good character, entrepreneur, dutiful and benevolent but also protect himself and others through his behaviour and conduct i.e. Satyugian code of conduct depicts harmony, cooperation and progression in human-beings.

Here, we would like to clarify to all that our efforts are not just limited in making every one aware of Satyugian code of conduct but for the benefit of humanity as a whole, we would like to solicit support from every capable and intelligent people from across the world so that every human being in the world becomes virtuous and benevolent. This would pave the way for establishment of satyugian code of conduct as way of life. Everyone would agree that as soon as the human race adopts equanimity and even-sigthedness and nobility in their behaviour, they would easily realize the truth which would eradicate false devotional methods in vogue today. This would help the beings to remain focused on their Real Eternal Self i.e. God instead of being distracted by materialistic world. Only then, the virtues generated through endurance and contentment would glorify their morality and way of living and it would become easier for human being to remain truthful and righteous at all times.

Here we would also like to inform you that according to natural science, this auspicious process has already started in the universe. It seems that with this process, 5 elements viz. earth, fire, water, air and sky will be purified again with which all the living beings will experience similar impact of incoming energy from the universe and the temperatures of all three afflictions will neither increase nor decrease.

In other words, each and every creation of God will remain in its natural state of health and beauty. Besides, human beings, the superiormost creation of nature would experience origination of Equanimity in their hearts.

To accomplish this task, as per the guidance of Satvastu Ka Kudarti Granth, world's First School of Equanimity and Even-sightedness will shortly be opening at Satyug Darshan Vasundhara, Faridabad so that the basic virtue of God may effectively be communicated to every human being.

Therefore, we request all the intellectuals of the world that in oder to shape this vision in reality, and take this effort forward, not only send us their valued suggestions, but also initiate opening such schools at their respective locations, which you would agree is imperative in the overall interest of mankind so as to uplift their character and make them well cultured once again according to the ethics and code of conduct of Satyug.

In this context, according to Satvastu Ka Kudarti Granth, the satyugian wave has already been initiated from all the directions which would gradually spread over the entire universe and will captivate all living, non-living, animate and inanimate world. In this process, those parts of universe which would be affected by satyugian wave, Kalyug would retreat from that place with the establishment of Satyug. After some time, the glory of satyug would completely eradicate the darkness of kalyug.


In this context, all may be aware that the task of change of era i.e eradication of the sufferings of Kalyuga and establishment of righteousness has been entrusted by the nature to Sajan Shri Shehanshah Hanuman Ji as only He is capable of firmly establishing righteouness in the entire universe and bring about the establishment of rule of piousness and good deeds i.e. Satyug. Only with His help and His glory that purity, peace happiness, prosperity shall prevail in the environment and even 'Visuchika' ( head of all diseases) would also transform into 'Suchika' .

In this way, His mercy would help eradicate the turbulence of Kalyug.

This article is in continuation of the article published in Speaking Tree, thNew Delhi Edition dated June 13 2010. Copy of the same is also

available on our website:

This article is based on a spectacular musical evening organized by Satyug Darshan Trust in Sept 2009 which was also broadcasted across various TV channels to make everyone aware of the firm and superior most constitution of Satyug and motivate to adopt Satyugian Virtues in life as the means to achieve all goals of life.

According to sacred scriptures, it is universally known that nature has divided eternal time into four eras. Current era is called as Kalyug. Satyug – the Golden Era is bound to follow Kalyug. Therefore it becomes imperative to awaken everyone to this supreme truth and mould ourselves according to the ethical laws of Satyug.

Satyug is the first progressive, significant and meaningful era.

Profound knowledge of insight, thoughtfulness, command on thoughts, feelings and mind, power of meditation & skillfulness to benefit from supernatural

power with brilliance are of great significance in this era.

Specif ical ly the power of meditation i.e. self-communication is

at its prime. Happiness & satisfaction of entire human race is rooted in its commitment & dedication to perfection, purity and virtuous deeds of highest order like benevolence. Since all human beings always remain at peak of their prime of life youth, there are no physical sufferings, dualism, discrimination of caste or creed, riches or poverty, ego or pride or happiness or sorrow, respect or disrespect. They are competent enough to acquire through supernatural the power to fulfill all their needs of life. Human beings religiously surrender and abide to His command and their every thought or action always remains selfless and pure.

In Satyug, contentment, endurance, truthfulness, righteousness, selflessness, benevolence and power of meditation or concentration of mind are pillars of their ethics and code of conduct. That is why the people of this era always remain fully contented, endured, truthful and righteous under all circumstances.

Satyugians are well cultured, civilized, courteous, refined and well mannered and are of pleasant nature. While addressing each other they use the word “Ji” as an honorific suffix which is a term of endearment or respect. They know that Ji is an honorable and respectful word the application of which strengthens mutual respect for each other. This way entire human race achieves supreme bliss and all men and women remain in their prime of life youth. What ever code of conduct Satyugians preach to others, they themselves follow the same and remain in a peaceful state at all times through friendly behaviour with every one. As a result, many of them remain in equanimous state and become even-sighted. Because of their expertise in the skillful application of Equanimity and Even-Sightedness their mind always remain in a peaceful state. That is why they are always friendly in their interaction and behaviour with others.

High level of ethics, virtuous conduct, good behaviour and chastity is their moral code of conduct. They also ensure that the same is also imbibed by their children right from their birth so that the nature and character of every being in this era remain strictly as per the basic constitution of Satyug i.e. Equanimity and Even-Sightedness. This task is effectively carried out by every individual as a duty towards humanity and as such all efforts are aimed at making each being meticulously perfect in faithfully holding and implementing satyugians ethics and code of conduct. We can say that equanimity pervades in their blood i.e. in all pores and parts the virtuous impact of which enables positive functioning of their senses of perception and such persons are known as even-sighted persons.

They know the truth that there is no evil company. The only evil company of the being is one's own intentions. Therefore, to train their children to always keep their intentions good, right from the childhood, they consider it as their duty to cultivate Sajan Bhaav in their hearts with a view to motivate them to adopt virtues like contentment, endurance, truthfulness and righteousness and make them honest individuals having good moral character or integrity and to keep them away from the evil company.

For this purpose they themselves are their role models. This is essential to ensure that every being progresses on the path of truthfulness & righteousness fearlessly for entire life. This way, when they adorn virtues like contentment & endurance and remain steadfast on the path of truthfulness & righteousness, resultantly, the temperature of 3 afflictions never increases or decreases but rather always remains in a balanced state. This job is effectively and easily carried out by them during their daily routine through interactions and personal behaviour while judiciously utilizing their time in making the current and future generations completely aware of the benefits rooted in firmly holding the virtues like contentment, endurance, truthfulness and righteousness. They consider it as their duty to make them perfect in this understanding as they know that this is beneficial for the society as a whole. This perfection elevates their mind to higher levels and broadens their vision which makes them capable to remain pious and potent which helps them to keep their thoughts, speech and actions transparent at all times and remain at peak of their prime of life youth.

of humanity.

Satyugians are wise enough to be able to distinguish between good and bad. Here it is important to understand the meaning of discretion. Discretion is the power of mind through which one can easily and correctly distinguish between true and false, good and bad, virtues and vices. Through effective use of this skill, one is able to acquire true knowledge of everything. That is why they are called intellectuals and judicious and can act like a judge to take correct decisions based on factual findings with proper reasoning and research in the overall interest of everyone. That is why in Satyug, there are no alteractions, fights or confrontation, hostility, enemity and there is a congenial atmosphere of unity, happiness and peace at all times.

To liberate people from these difficult circumstances in this Era, i.e. to ensure always keeping one's intentions good and pure, the practicing of Equanimity and Even-Sightedness does wonders as this process helps in the re establishment of Equanimity in the hearts of people, whereafter all the deformative intentions / thoughts / emotions i.e. 'bhaav' automatically becomes idle. With the result a person always remains vigorous with higher level of intellect, thoughts and intentions and becomes an even-sighted person. Then through skillful and intelligent application of that said power one once again restarts firmly holding the virtues like contentment and endurance and while wandering in this universe fearlessly, one progresses on the path of Truthfulness and Righteousness. In this way, while being thoughtful while speaking the truth, ensuring even-sightedness of insight and with a state of oneness, harmony and unity, ultimately he wins over all the evil. With the result, his habit of lamenting and weeping ends.

That is why it is said that lamenting and weeping increase in all era's and comes to an end in Satyug. This is the reason, that all Satyugians have tender heart and they always remain in a joyful state.

They are governed by one emotion with pure mind. They are unbiased and truly consider it as just and appropriate to treat others as same and behave in a friendly manner. This behaviour is devoid of constant craving, fascination, attachment and malevolence etc. That is why they are themselves capable of maintaining global unity and never have any feeling of enemity, hostility towards any one in their hearts. This fact denotes that they are supporters of non-violence.

They know that Supreme Being is the basis of equanimity i.e. without metaphysical knowledge, it is impossible to adopt equanimity. That is why for intellectual development of a person and for always keeping thoughts positive, they are well aware of the necessity of acquiring divine knowledge. They understand the importance of purity of thoughts at all times and know that the condition of thought has a huge bearing on thoughtfulness, words, actions / deeds, habit and temperament, character and conduct and destiny of an individual.

Keeping this in mind, they give importance to spiritual knowledge instead of physical and material science. The spiritual knowledge makes them competent to know about the Eternal Supreme Spirit, soul and God in the real sense. That is why true followers of spirituality do not differentiate between the Brahm and the Jeeva i.e between Supreme God and soul. They firmly hold themselves and establish this ideology in the minds of their children that God is omnipresent explaining to them that “nonetheless but me (i.e. Real/Eternal Self) is the Lord, i.e. me is the Self Enligtened Lord. That is why in Satyug thoughtfulness and language of truth prevails - the level of even-sightedness and oneness i.e. mental equilibrium of every one would always remain in the similar state in the entire Universe In Satyug there would be no need of Silent repetition of Mantras or adoration or devotion and singing of any hymn and doing prayer or worship as well.

As such, there is no need to build temples, mosques, churches, gurudwara or any other religious institution and nor there is any need for any devotional methods like bondage in a relationship of Servant and Master, devotee and God, Guru and Disciple. Like wise there is no need to worship any image or human body as in Satyug all beings would be even-sighted and believer of one faith i.e. Spirituality where every one is enlightened and equal.

They know that the superiority of the child is in accordance with the purity of thoughts at the time of mating. They also know that thought gradually moulds itself in the form of an emotion, habit, deed, character and ultimately becomes the destiny of the person. That is why their children always remain completely healthy, capable of adhering to the ideals of Satyug and thus become wise, meritorious, potent, intellectuals and

In Satyug, evil or bad intentions do not prevail. Only purity of thought prevails. In Tretayuga with the germination of evil or bad intentions in the hearts of people, and the process of lamenting and weeping starts. With the advent of Kalyuga, the habits and temperament of human beings drastically change and with the result eruption of evil and bad intentions multiply manifolds and the people are found extremely lamenting and weeping all over all the time .

Satyugians by way of practicing of Equanimity and Even-Sightedness are very well aware of all dimensions of these virtues and consider it as their duty to imbibe these virtues skillfully in the minds of their own children. Through this process generation after generation, every one's mind remains focused on equanimity and added even-sighted helps them to perform selfless acts. That is why equanimity is considered as the super-most ideal of Satyugians who always remain devoted towards equality.

Satyugians are self retrained people and in order to effectively contribute to the evolution and development of universe they skillfully use their reproductive system so as to bring forth children of good character and conduct.

Where there is equanimity, there is no question of negativity in thoughts. All these efforts are carried out in internal instinct which is reflected in the external actions and behaviour of the beings. That is why every being in Satyug through his good moral character and conduct remains always virtuous.

All their thoughts, speech and actions are for the welfare of others. While adopting equanimity and even-sightedness, they consider it beneficial to use their moral strength in a controlled manner to guard themselves, family and society as a whole from all evils. Satyugians believe in the Truth that me (Real / Eternal Self) is the God. They are always conscious of Real embodied spirit in their material body made up of 5 elements and yet has no form, colour or boundary. This is why their thought always remains detached from the material body even having its existence in the same. They also know that their Real / Eternal Self, that is the Eternal Supreme Spirit “Brahm” manifests in each creation, every where and in every nook / corner. They are also aware of the fact that the individual soul i.e. Jeeva and the Eternal Supreme Soul always remain united, undivided and is the main source of divine knowledge.

That is why to attain true wisdom from the same source, Satyugians always remain in a state of meditation to keep their mental sphere enlightened so as to always ensure purity of thoughts before they are converted into words, actions, habits and character so as to positively shape good destiny. That is why they always remain steadfast on Truth and righteousness in all aspects through process of acquiring complete knowledge of 'Jeeva' i.e souls and 'Brahm' – the embodied Spirit and the Universe.

In this context, according to “Satvastu Ka Kudarti Granth”, with the advent of Satyug, all the sacred scriptures of Dwapar yug, Treta yug and Kalyug disappear. As a result, the thought of the being remains in consciousness and connected with the embodied spirit at all times while committed to all worldly duties i.e. to ensure execution thereof with proficiency and skillfully. The skill of keeping their mind and insight focused at one point at a time constantly helps them to maintain transparency of their thoughts and purity of their insight.

Satyugians know that the Eternal Spirit which is present in its abode in their heart, in the form of light also manifests in every living, non living, animate and inanimate creation as reflection of his Creator. For those enlightened minds having high thinking based on true knowledge of nature of God, His manifested form 'sargun' endowed with qualities, 'nirgun' without attributes, passions or qualities which means the state of being free from all qualities and 'nirvaan'i.e. emanicipation from matter and reunion with the Supreme God, are all one and the same.We can also term this state of their mind as laying the foundation of Equanimity and Even-sightedness in their hearts.

Those having knowledge of the Eternal Supreme Spirit are fully aware that they can reap the benefit in the shape of gentle manliness by practicing of 'sajan bhaav' only according to their expertise in the practice of basic nature of God i.e. Equanimity and Even-Sightedness in their conduct.

They are aware that whereas the feeling of duality and enmity can only hurt and break the hearts of people, the state of equanimity & sajan bhaav i.e. gentle manliness can keep their hearts always united. That is why their mutual conduct and character, behaviour and thoughts / feeling are in conformity with each other and with the application of Sajan Bhaav continuously strive to improve and reform themselves for attaining salvation. That is why they are called gentlemen and a well wishers of all.

People of satyug are fully conversant with the positive and negative impact of satvik, rajsik and tamsik food on whole body. That is why, they always intake satvik food only because they know that, satvik food provides a primary substance like essence, blood, flesh, bone, lymph, marrow and semen for all round growth and to keep it hale and healthly. Pure intake of food leads to the purification of spiritual essence, purified spiritual essence leads to purification and sharpness of memory and sharpness of memory impacts the secretion of all glands which further purify the thought, character, instinct, memory, speech of a person and the flow of this purification maintains the overall healthiness in all the pores and parts of the body. Likewise, satvik intake through the organs of perception and intellect also works as healer for negative impact of past life, family traditions, education etc. and keeps the mind devoid of any impurity and positively enable each such person to exhibit good behavior and conduct and become a cultured person.

It is well known to every one that 'Satvik ahaar' and 'Satvik' mode of living keep our blood and blood vessels purified, helps to keep the evenness between various elements of human body, strengthens the mind, helps in purification of the intellect, leads to contentment and happiness and improves the power of contemplation. Besides every moment there is a process of fusion and fission for the germination of new cells, and the process of growth and development of body is a never ending process and provides proper nourishment to the body. That is why there is no question or scope for origination of poisonous germs in their genes or cells in the body and therefore Satyugians are always remain free from any disease and their physical and mental health also remains strong at all times. That is why they have a very long life and it is very easy for them to keep their mind, likings, manners and morals purified which helps them to become a person with good character and conduct. This is the reason Satyugian culture is known to be firm and superior most which is considered worth following for betterment

This state of concentration of the mind and insight is called drowning of thoughts in Real Self, which helps them to easily accomplish the task of acquiring the knowledge of truth to become a veracious person.

“'Discern nonetheless but me (Real/ Eternal Self) is the 'Lord'”“Only ignorant say that the Lord is someone along with”

---- Satvastu Ka Kudarti Granth(''Ê´ÉSÉÉ®ú <Ç·É®ú +É{É xÉÚÆ ¨ÉÉxÉ, +´É Ê´ÉSÉÉ®ú <Ç·É®ú <Eò VÉÉxÉ )''

Best wishes for AllWe pray to God to grant strength, intelligence and knowledge

to all.

Let us adopt Equanimity and Even-Sightedness and become 'Sajans' in true sense and march towards

Satyug - the Golden Era.

Only then everyone would be able to transform their thoughts, habits and temperament and be worthy to attain the eternal


Jai Sita Ram Ji

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