of the yeast MEK homologue STE7 by STEll

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Proc. Nati. Acad. Sci. USAVol. 91, pp. 3398-3402, April 1994Cell Biology

Reconstitution of a yeast protein kinase cascade in vitro: Activationof the yeast MEK homologue STE7 by STEll

(mating response/mto -tivatd protein kine/MEK knase/Saccharomyces cerevisiae)

AARON M. NEIMAN AND IRA HERSKOWITZ*Department of Biochemistry and Biophysics, Program in Genetics, University of California, San Francisco, CA 94143-0448

Contributed by Ira Herskowitz, December 23, 1993

ABSTRACT The mating-factor response pathway of Sac-charomyces cerevswiae employs a set of protein kinases similarto kinases that function in signal transduction pathways ofmetazoans. We have purified the yeast protein kinases encodedby STEII, STE7, and FUS3 as fusions to glutathione S-trans-ferase (GST) and reconstituted a kinase ccde in whichSTEll phosphorylates and activates STE7, which in turnphosphorylates the mitogen-activated protein kinase FUS3.GST-STE11 is active even when purified from cells that havenot been treated with a-factor. This observation raises thepossibility that STEll activity is governed by an inhibitorwhich is regulated by pheromone. We also identify a STEll-dependent phosphorylation site in STE7 which is required foractivity of STE7. Conservation of this site in the mammalianSTE7 homoiogue MEK and other STE7 relatives suggests thatthis may be a regulatory phosphorylation site in all MAP kinasekham.

Haploid MATa and MATa cells of the budding yeast Sac-charomyces cerevisiae each secrete small peptide phero-mones, a- and a-factor, respectively, to which the oppositecell type responds (1, 2). The signal transduction pathwaymediating response to pheromone is initiated by a membrane-bound receptor that is coupled to a heterotrimeric guaninenucleotide-binding regulatory protein (G protein). Dissocia-tion of the G-protein a subunit from the fry subunit complexin response to ligand binding allows free fry to triggerdownstream events (3, 4). The STE5 and STE20 gene prod-ucts are thought to link f3y to three protein kinases, encodedby STE]], STE7, and FUS3 (4-9). These kinases are struc-turally related to mammalian protein kinases: FUS3 is amitogen-activated protein kinase (MAP kinase) (10); STE7 isa kinase for FUS3 and is a MEK homologue (11, 12); STEllis a MEK kinase (MEKK) homologue (13).

Functional studies indicate that these kinases act in theorder STEll -* STE7 -- FUS3. In particular, phosphoryla-tion ofFUS3 in response to a-factor requires both STEJIJ andSTE7 (8). Furthermore, constitutively active alleles ofSTE]Irequire STE7 and FUS3 for function (6, 7). This putativeyeast kinase cascade is analogous to two kinase cascadesproposed to function downstream of various growth factorreceptors in mammalian cells: Raf -- MEK -* MAP kinaseand MEKK -- MEK -- MAP kinase (14).Our studies focus on STEll, which has been demonstrated

to have protein kinase activity in immunoprecipitates (15).Physiologically relevant substrates of STEll have not yetbeen defined. Here we show that this yeast kinase cascadecan be reconstituted in vitro with purified glutathione S-trans-ferase (GST)-STE11, -STE7, and-FUS3 fusion proteins andthat STE7 is a substrate of STE11.


Media, Strains, and Plasmids. Standard media and geneticmethods were used (16,17). Strains AN1012 (ste7A), AN1016(stellA), and mating tester IH1793 have been described (18).The plasmids used were constructed as follows. pRD-STE7-RI was made by cloning an EcoRP fragment coding forthe carboxyl-terminal 381 amino acids of STE7 into pGEX3(Pharmacia) and then moved as an Xma 1-HindIH fragmentinto pRD56 (19). A 1.4-kb BgI II-HindUl fragment of pRD-STE7-RI was replaced with the same fragment of pYGD7-A220 (7) to create pRD-STE7-RI-A220. pRD-STE7-RI-V363was made by site-directed mutagenesis (20) ofpRD-STE7-RIwith the oligonucleotide 5'-CTATCGCTGACGTCTTTGT-TGGAACG-3'. pRDSTE11-RI was made by replacing theSTE7 sequences of pRD-STE7-RI with an EcoRI-Xho Ifragment coding for the carboxyl-terminal 606 amino acids ofSTEll. A 2.2-kb HindIII-Cla I fragment of pRD-STE11-RIwas replaced with the same fragment ofpNC245-R444 (15) tocreate pRD-STEll-RI-R444. A HindIII-Xho I fiagment car-rying the carboxyl-terminal 354 amino acids of STEll wascloned into pRD56 to create pRD-STE11-H3. pRD-STE11-ATG was made by first cloning a 1.2-kb Nhe 1-HindIllfragment of pAIS-STEll (from S. Marcus, Cold SpringHarbor Laboratory, Cold Spring Harbor, NY) into XbaI/HindIll-cut pUC18 to create pUC-STE11-NH2 and thenmoving a 1.2-kb BamHI-HindIII fragment of pUC-STE11-NH2 into pRD-STE11-H3. GST-FUS3 was expressed frompGEX-FUS3, which contains the entire FUS3 coding regionin plasmid pGEX3 (Pharmacia).Mating Tests and (-Galactosidase Assays. Transformants

were patched onto an SD plate selective for the plasmid, thenreplica plated to a plate containing galactose as the solecarbon source. After overnight incubation at 30TC, thepatches were replica plated to a minimal-medium plate spreadwith a lawn of the mating tester strain IH1793 (MATa lysl).(3-Galactosidase assays were performed essentially as de-scribed (18).

Protein Purification and Kinase Assays. STEll and STE7fusion proteins were purified as follows. Cells carrying theappropriate plasmid were grown to OD6ro of 1.0 in galactosemedium, pelleted, suspended in lysis buffer [20 mM Hepes,pH 7.6/200 mM KCI/2 mM EGTA/2 mM EDTA/0.1%Nonidet P-40, 10% (vol/vol) glycerol/i mM phenylmethane-sulfonyl fluoride/l mM benzamidine hydrochloride/i mMleupeptin], and ground with glass beads. The extract wasspun at 12,000 x g for 1 hr. The supernatant was mixed with1 ml of glutathione-agarose for 30 min, and then the agarosewas pelleted and poured into a column. The column waswashed with 40 ml of wash buffer 1 (20 mM Hepes, pH7.6/500mM KCI/0.1% Nonidet P-40/10% glycerol) and 10 mlof wash buffer 2 (20 mM Hepes, pH 7.6/200 mM KCl/10%o

Abbreviations: GST, glutathione S-transferase; MAP kinase, mito-gen-activated protein kinase; MEKK, MEK kinase.*To whom reprint requests should be addressed.


The publication costs of this article were defrayed in part by page chargepayment. This article must therefore be hereby marked "advertisement"in accordance with 18 U.S.C. §1734 solely to indicate this fact.

Cell Biology: Neiman and Herskowitz

glycerol). The fusion protein was eluted in 3 ml of elutionbuffer (20 mM Hepes, pH 7.6/200 mM KCl/10% glycerol/10mM glutathione). The eluate was concentrated and ex-changed into storage buffer (20 mM Hepes, pH 7.6/50 mMKCl/10% glycerol) in a Centricon-30 concentrator (Amicon).For purification, all STE11 and STE7 fusions were expressedin strain IH2361 (steSA) without pheromone treatment. TheFUS3 fusion protein was purified from Escherichia coli by asimilar protocol except that cells were lysed by addition oflysozyme to 1 mg/ml. For kinase assays, the appropriateproteins were mixed and brought to a final volume of 20 A inkinase buffer (10 mM Tris-HCl, pH 7.5/10 mM MgC12).Reactions were started by addition of ATP to a final con-centration of 100 uM plus 10 ,uCi of [y-32P]ATP. Reactionswere stopped after 20 min by addition of SDS sample buffer.For quantitation of kinase activity, samples were electropho-resed in an SDS/polyacrylamide gel and electrophoreticallytransferred to a nitrocellulose membrane. Intensity of thebands was quantified on a PhosphorImager (Molecular Dy-namics), and the blot was probed with anti-GST antibodies(from D. Kellogg, University of California, San Francisco) toensure that equal amounts of protein were loaded.Phospho Amino Acid Analysis and Tryptic Digsts. For both

analyses, GST-STE7134-515 was phosphorylated by GST-STE11111-717 in vitro and separated from the reaction mix asdescribed above. For phospho amino acid analysis, theprotein was then blotted to an Immobilon membrane (Milli-pore). The region of the membrane containing STE7 wasexcised, and two-dimensional phospho amino acid analysiswas performed (21). Two-dimensional tryptic phosphopep-tide mapping was performed as described (21) except that theelectrophoresis buffer was acetic acid/formic acid/water,3:1:16 (vol/vol), and that a Kodak 13255 thin-layer chroma-tography sheet was used.

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stel 1 A


GST-STE1 1 -R444


FIG. 1. Complementation by GST fusion proteins in mating testsof ste7 and stell mutant strains carrying various GST plasmids.AN1012 (ste7A) and AN1016 (stellA) were transformed with plas-mids pRD56 (aCENARS vector expressingGST under control oftheGAL] promoter), pRD-STE7-RI (expressing a fusion ofthe GSTgeneto the wild-type STE7 gene), pRD-STE7-RI-A220 (GST-STE7 car-rying a mutation of lysine-220 to arginine), pRD-STE7-RI-V363(GST-STE7 carrying a mutation of threonine-363 to valine), pRD-STEll-RI (expressing a fusion of GST to the wild-type STEHJ), orpRD-STEll-RI-R444 (GST-STEll carrying a mutation of lysine-444to arginine).

If this in vitro system is faithfully recapitulating whatoccurs in vivo, then the phosphorylated GST-FUS31-353protein should now be an active kinase. Activation of FUS3,as with all MAP kinases, is associated with phosphorylationon a threonine and a tyrosine residue (8, 23). Phospho aminoacid analysis of GST-FUS31-353 phosphorylated in vitrodemonstrated that it contained equal amounts of phospho-threonine and phosphotyrosine but no phosphoserine (datanot shown). Although we have not shown that the phosphor-

ASTEI I + + + - +

RESULTSReconstitution of a Yeast Kinase Cascade. In order to

simplify the purification ofthe kinases, the STE] I, STE7, andFUS3 genes were fused to a sequence which encodes a GST(22). Neither the short amino-terminal deletions nor theaddition of the GST moiety appeared to interfere with thefunction of STE11 or STE7 in vivo, as judged by their abilityto complement the mating defect of stell or ste7 deletionstrains, respectively (Fig. 1). The GST-STE11 and GST-STE7 fusion proteins expressed in E. coli had little or noprotein kinase activity. Therefore, both fusion proteins werepurified from S. cerevisiae.To test for kinase activity, the purified fusion proteins were

mixed with [y-32P]ATP and assayed by PAGE for the pres-ence of radioactively labeled protein. GST-STE11111-717 wasan active kinase as judged by the observed autophosphory-lation (Fig. 2B), which produced multiple, slower migratingforms of GST-STE111"1-717 (Fig. 2A, lane 1). In contrast, theGST-STE7134515 fusion exhibited little autophosphorylationactivity (Fig. 2A, lane 2). When GST-STE11111-717 andGST-STE7134-515 were mixed, however, GST-STE7134-515was phosphorylated (Fig. 2A, lane 3). Mixture of GST-STE11111-717 or GST-STE7134-515 with the GST-FUS31-353fusion protein (purified from E. coli) produced no significantphosphorylation of GST-FUS31-353, but when all three ki-nases were mixed, GST-FUS31-353 was phosphorylated (Fig.2A, lanes 4-6). The simplest interpretation of these results isthat GST-STE11111-717 phosphorylates GST-STE7134-515,which is then competent to phosphorylate GST-FUS31-353.This interpretation is consistent with the genetic epistasisanalyses (6, 7, 9) and with the observation that STE7 immu-noprecipitated from yeast can phosphorylate and activateFUS3 produced in E. coli (11).

STIE7 t - -+ +

FUS3 - - - + - +




_bok _.* KsrElT I

_ STIF7-..* FIS3

R444 -

- A220 A220 V363

H3 - --S1

p ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~I-- Usili-~~~~~~~~-1*FIG. 2. Reconstitution of the kinase cascade in vitro. (A) Kinase

assay with purified GST fusion proteins. (B) Kinase assay withmutant GST fusion proteins. Asterisk indicates GST-STE7134515degradation products present in the wild-type preparation.

3400 Cell Biology: Neiman and Herskowitz



-8 <- partialhydrolysis

* -.*-- origin

+ electrophoresis pH3.5







FiG. 3. Identification of threonine-363 as a potential STE11phosphorylation site on STE7. (A) Phospho amino acid analysis ofGST--STE7134-515 phosphorylated by GST-STE11111-717 in vitro in-dicates that the activated GST-STE7134-515 contains exclusivelyphosphothreonine. Positions of phosphoserine (S), phosphothreo-nine (T), and phosphotyrosine (Y) are indicated. (B) Threonineresidues in STE7 conserved as potential phosphorylation sites inother STE7 family members. The alignment shows the kinasesubdomain VIII (26) region of STE7 aligned with various STE7-family kinases (for sequences see ref. 27 and references therein). Thethreonine at position 363 of STE7 (marked by the star) is conservedin all family members except MEK1, where it is a serine.

ylated GST-FUS31-353 is active on a downstream substratesuch as FAR1 (11, 24, 25), the presence ofphosphothreonineand phosphotyrosine strongly suggests that FUS3 is beingactivated in the in vitro system.STEll Phosphorylates and Activates STE7. To test which

kinase activity is required for each ofthe observed phosphor-ylations, point mutations which block catalytic activity wereintroduced into the fusion genes. GST-STEII-R444 containsa mutation which changes a conserved lysine residue toarginine, resulting in loss of kinase activity and a nullphenotype in vivo (ref. 15; Fig. 1). Similarly, GST-STE7-A220 carries a mutation which converts the correspondinglysine of STE7 to arginine, also producing a null phenotype(ref. 7; Fig. 1). These mutant kinases were purified from yeast

as GST fusions and used in the kinase assay (Fig. 2B). Thecatalytic activity of GST-STE11111-717 was required to phos-phorylate itself as well as GST-STE71m-515 (Fig. 2B, lane 2).In contrast, the catalytic activity ofGST-STE71M-515 was notrequired for either of these phosphorylations (Fig. 2B, lane3). Though both GST-STE11111-717 and GST-STE7"34-515were phosphorylated when GST-STE7134-515-A220 was

used, no phosphorylation was observed on GST-FUS3'-353,indicating that the catalytic activity of STE7 is required forphosphorylation of GST-FUS31-353 (Fig. 2B, lane 5). Theseresults are again consistent with a hypothesis of a simple,linear kinase cascade: STEll -+ STE7 -- FUS3.

STE7 Is Phosphorylated on a Conserved Site. We next usedthis in vitro system to identify a phosphorylation site requiredfor GST-STE7134-515 activation. Phospho amino acid analysisindicated that the activated GST-STE7134-515 contained ex-




B2 3** /













origin -I- *



FIG. 4. Threonine-363 of STE7 is a phosphorylation site forSTE11. (A) Tryptic phosphopeptide map of wild-type GST-STE7134-515 phosphorylated by STE11"11-717 in vitro. (B) Tryptic phos-phopeptide map of GST-STE7134-515-V363 phosphorylated bySTE111-717 in vitro. (C) Mixture of the two samples used in A and B.

clusively phosphothreonine (Fig. 3A). An alignment of STE7with a number of other STE7 family kinases was used to




A1 2~~~~~3





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identify likely target threonine residues. There is only onethreonine in STE7 which is conserved as serine or threoninein all members of the STE7 family (Fig. 3B); it is located atposition 363 in the STE7 primary sequence (28). A 14-aminoacid peptide spanning this region of STE7 (residues 360-373)was an efficient substrate for GST-STE11111-717 in the kinaseassay and was phosphorylated by GST-STE11111-717 on thethreonine residue corresponding to position 363 (data notshown).To determine whether phosphorylation of threonine-363

was important for STE7 function, valine was substituted atthis position in the STE7 fusion protein. In vivo, the GST-STE7-V363 allele behaved as a null mutation ofSTE7 (Fig. 1).In vitro, the purified mutant protein was still phosphorylatedby GST-STE11111-717, though at a reduced level. The GST-STE7134-55-V363 protein was, however, unable to phosphor-ylate GST-FUS3 (Fig. 2B, lane 6). Tryptic digests of GST-STE7134-515 and GST-STE7134-515-V363 phosphorylated invitro revealed that there was one major phosphorylation onthe wild-type protein which was absent on the V363 mutant(Fig. 4). Tryptic digests of GST-STE71'-515 and GST-STE7134-515-V363 labeled in vivo also showed an a-factor-dependent phosphorylation on the wild-type protein whichwas missing or reduced in the V363 mutant (data not shown).Taken together, these data indicate that phosphorylation ofthreonine-363 of STE7 by STEll is necessary to activateSTE7.STEll Activity Is Not Regulated in Vitr. To investigate the

regulation of STEll activity, two further GST-STE11 fu-sions were constructed: onejoined the entire coding region ofSTEll to GST (GST-STE111-717); the second removed theamino-terminal 363 amino acid residues (GST-STE11364-717)and was expected to create a constitutively active kinase (7).These kinases behaved as expected when expressed in vivo:the GST-STE111-717 conferred a-factor-inducible expressionon a FUSI::lacZ reporter, whereas GST-STE11364-7l7caused constitutive, high-level expression (Table 1). A strik-ingly different result was observed in vitro: the proteinsexhibited equivalent kinase activities (Table 1), suggestingthat the GST-STE111-717 had induced levels of activity invitro. No significant differences between kinase activities ofthe full-length and truncated STEll were detected in time-course or titration experiments (data not shown). In addition,there was no detectable difference in the activity of GST-STE111-717 whether it was purified from a-factor-treated oruntreated cells (data not shown), as has been reportedpreviously for a Myc-tagged version of STEll assayed inimmunoprecipitates (15).

DISCUSSIONGiven the structural similarity of STEll and mammalianMEKK and the physiological observations made in yeast (6,7, 9), we anticipated that STE7 would be a substrate forSTEll. Our results demonstrate that this is the case and thusargue against more complex scenarios such as STEll work-ing in conjunction with another kinase to phosphorylateSTE7. We show that the phosphorylated form ofSTE7 is nowfunctional for phosphorylation of FUS3. We have thus de-scribed the reconstitution of two steps of the yeast matingfactor response pathway in vitro.We have shown that phosphorylation of the threonine

residue at position 363 is required for STE7 activity both invivo and in vitro. It is not clear whether phosphorylation ofthis site is sufficient to activate STE7. A mutant fusionprotein with a substitution of aspartate for threonine at thisposition did not exhibit constitutive kinase activity but ratherwas inactive (data not shown). The conservation of threo-nine-363 (Fig. 3B) suggests that phosphorylation of this sitemay be necessary for activation of other members of the

Table 1. Activities of full-length and truncated STE11In vivo f-galactosidase

activity* In vitro kinaseProtein expressed - a-factor + a-factor activityt

GST-STE111-717 0.9 29 199GST-STE113"-717 91 85 193GST <0.1 <0.1

Plasmids producing the indicated protein were expressed in ste lAstrain AN1016. Plasmids used were pRD-STE11-ATG, pRD-STE11-H3, and pRD56.*Calculated as described in ref. 18.tValues represent the amount ofphosphorylation ofGST-STE7134-515(arbitrary units) per nanogram ofGST-STE11 protein, determined asdescribed in Materials and Methods.

STE7 family. If so, then we predict that activation of MEKIwill require phosphorylation of serine-222 (Fig. 3B).GST-STE11 appears to be constitutively active when

purified from yeast. There are a number of possible expla-nations for this observation; for instance, the amino-terminaldomain of STEll may be unable to fold properly in vitro. Amore interesting possibility is that an inhibitory factor is lostduring the purification of the protein. If so, then this suggestsa role for STE5 and STE20, which function upstream ofSTEll: they might regulate the activity of an inhibitor ofSTEll. It should be possible to use our in vitro system tosearch for this inhibitor.The findings reported here are consistent with previous

work demonstrating that partially purified MEKK (the mam-malian STEll homologue) can phosphorylate and activateMEK (13), reinforcing the parallels between the metazoanand yeast cascades. Given the similarity of the yeast andmammalian kinase cascades, the mating-factor responsepathway should continue to be instructive for understandingsignaling systems in metazoans, perhaps including upstreamregulators of STE11/MEKK.

Note. Gotoh et al. (Y. Gotoh and E. Nishida, personal communica-tion) have shown that phosphorylation of serine at position 222 ofXenopus MAP kinase kinase (MEK) by STEll or Xenopus MAPkinase kinase kinase (MEKK) is required to stimulate activity of theMAP kinase kinase. These results are consistent with our observa-tions on STE11 and STE7.

We thank Ray Deshaies, Brad Cairns, Stevan Marcus, and BeverlyErrede for plasmids; Doug Kellogg for antibodies; Matthias Peter andJoe Gray for helpful advice; Nancy Hollingsworth, Beverly Errede,and Ken Blumer for comments on the manuscript; and Bruce Albertsfor encouragement. A.M.N. was supported as a Howard HughesMedical Institute predoctoral scholar and by a research grant fromthe National Institutes of Health. This work was supported by a grantfrom the American Cancer Society to I.H.

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