NO. NDH-I Return of Statuto · In the said rules, in place of Form NDH-I, NDH-2 & NDH,3 the following forms shall be substituted namely:-FORM NO. NDH-I [Pursuant to section 406 of

Post on 23-Oct-2020






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    Government of IndiaMinistry of Corporate Affairs


    New Delhi, O3igb,2020

    G.S.R.'.......(E).- In exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (1) of section 406 readwith_ sub-sections (1) and (2) of section 469 of the Companies Ac! 2013, the ieneal Governmenthereby makes the following rules, to amend the Nidhi Rules, 2014, namelv:_

    1. (1) These rules rnay be called the Nidhi (Amendment) Rules,2020.

    (2) They shall come into force on 10rt' February, 2020.

    2. In the said rules, in place of Form NDH-I, NDH-2 & NDH,3 the following forms shall besubstituted namely:-


    [Pursuant to section 406 of theCompanies Act, 2073 and pursuant tosub rule (2) of rule 5 of the NidhiRutes, 2ot4l

    Return of StatutoCompliances


    Form language o Eng sh o Hindl

    Refer the instruction kit for filing the form

    1. (a) xcorporate ldentification Number (CIN) of Nidhi(b) Global location number (GLN) of Nidhi

    2. (a) Name of the Nidhi

    (b) Address of the registered



  • (c) *email id I

    (u., rr rur rc

    3. (a) *Number of subscribers to the Memorandum

    (b) *Number of members admitted since date of incorDoration

    up to the end of the first financial year or second financial year,

    where applicable, as per rule 5(1)

    (c) xNumber of persons who have ceased to be members uD

    to the end of the first financial year or second financial year,

    where applicable, as per rule 5(1)

    (d) Number of members as at the end of the first financial year or

    second financial year, where applicable, as per rule 5(1)

    4. whether the number of members as at the end of the flrst financiar year or second financiar year,where applicable. as per rule 5(1) is 200 or more

    oYes o No

    If 'No', whether application for extension of time has been made to Regional Director o yes o NoIf'Yes', mention the SRN of applica0on

    (i) *Paid up equity share capital

    (ii) *Free reserves

    (iii) * Less: Accumulated Losses

    Other intangible assets

    Net Owned Funds

  • 6. Unencumbered Term Deposits (See rule 14)

    (a) x(i) Deposit(s) in scheduled commercial Banksx(ii) Deposits in post Office

    Total unencumbered term deposits

    (b) *Deposits outstanding at the close of business on the last working day of the second precedingmonth f--------l

    (c) Percentage of (a)/(b)

    7. Ratio of Net Owned Funds to oeposits l-----_l

    whether the ratio of Net owned Funds to deposits as at the end of the first financial year or seconofinancial year, where applicable, as per rule 5(1) is more than 1:20 o yes o NoIf 'yes, whether application for extension of time has been made to Regionat Director o yes o NoIf'Yes', mention the SRN of application

    8. *Financial year end date

    Attachments1. *List of all members with pAN and

    complete residential address2. *Amount of deposit accepted from each

    member3. Break-up of deposits in Sr. No.6(axi) with

    bank name, branch and account number4. Break-up of deposits in Sr. No.5(a)(ii) with

    name and location of P.O branch5. Optional attachment(s), if any



    Dated * to sign this form and declare that all the requlrements of Companies Act,2013 and the rules made thereunder in respect of the subject matter of this form and marersincidental thereto have been comDlied with.I also declare that all the information given herein above is true, correct and complete including theattachments to this form and nothing material has been suppressed. It is hereby further certified-thatthe professional (Name and rype i.e. c.A,/cs/cwA/ to Given) certifying this form has been duly

  • +ro be dieitatly sisned by llf+Designation

    *DIN of the director; or DIN or pAN of the manager

    or CEO or CFO; or Membership number of the company


    Certificate by practicing professional

    I declare that I have been duly engaged for the purpose of certification of this form. tt is hereby certifiedthat I have gone through the provisions of the companies Act, 2013 and rules thereunder for thesubject matter of this form and matters incidental thereto and I have verified the above particulars(including attachment(s)) from the original records maintained by the Company

    The said records have been properly prepared, signed by the required officers of the company andmaintained as perthe relevant provisions ofthe companies Act,2013 and were found to b; in ;rderAll the required attachments have been completely and legibly attached to this form.It is understood that I shall be liable for action under section 448 of the comoanies Act. 2013 forwrong certification, if any found at any stage.


    ' aj Chartered accountant (in whole-tirne praclice) or',) Company secretary (in wfiole-time praclice)

    a) Cost accouniant (in

    ' Vl/helher associate or fellow

    ' Membership numberCertificate of practice number

    ,) Associale () Fellow

    Note: Attention is also drawn to provisions of Section 448 of the Act which provide for punishment forfalse statement and certification,

    This eform has been taken on file maintained by the Registrar of Companies throughelectronic mode and on the basis of statement of correctness given by the filing company.

    whole-time practice)n

    which is subject matter ofthis form and found them to be true, correct and complete and noinformation material to this form has been suppressed. I further certify that;

  • Form language O EnStish oHindi

    Refer the Instruction kit for flling the form

    1. (a) x Corporate ldentification Number (CIN) of Nidhi

    (b) clobaitocation number (cLN) of Nidhi

    2. (a) Name of the Nidhi

    (b) Address of the registered office

    (c) E-mail id

    (e) Date of incorporation

    3. *Financial year end date

    4. *Application filed for: extension of time for complying with rule o 5 (1)(a) o s (1)(d) o Both 5 (1)(a)& s (1xd)

    5' Position as at the end of the previous financial year (based on audited financial statement)

    (a) *Number of members -

    (b) *Ratio of Net Owned Funds to Deposits

    FORM NO. NDH-2

    [Pursuant ao sub-rule (3) of rute.S ofNidhi Rule6., 20t4l

    Application forextension of time

  • 6. *Reasons for not comptying with the requirements of Rute 5(1)(a) andlor Rule 5(1)(d)

    7. x Details of application (in brief)


    1. xBoard resolution2. xDetailed application3. Audited financial statements( last available)4. xlist of all members with pAN and comDlet;

    residential address5. *Amount of deposit accepted from each

    memDer6. *Reasons and justification for the appticatio"


    ll;;nalrorizeo ov ttre eo".d_:f^o,]:"..1,"j..111h-" golp,unv vide resotution number *l-------lr\^r^! * f------_-------- r rur I luc| I

    i1J"i"',!_r_r-_r____J __t9_sigl this form.and dectare-that ail the requirementsiiEffiIiiesAct, 2013 and-iEeEG; made.ihereunder in respect ;r-il" ;;j;JH;'#1id;r;'#"";:;H:,,-*:li",1ril.ll"11,g_l:": been comptied wrth. r atso a".rii"'ir.''"t "iitri"

    r"r".riti"ir'gii"i';.'*;;'";i'' .l",il,; ;;il

    ";:l"il;;Urn:iArial h.. ha^^ -,.^^-^^^^rmaterial has been suppressed.

    xro be digitaly sisned .|F

    List of attachments


  • *DIN of the director; or DIN or pAN of the managerorcEoorcFo;orMembershipnumberofthecompanysuc,kE4

    Certificate by practicing professionalI declare that I have been duly enga.9-91-f:r-jh::"jp:"-u ofcertification of_thrs,form.

    ,It is hereby certified that I have gone:l?r;:,R[i.r:""ll,"lnj.?,.""Tf0""J"1_A*, 2013 (18 * zorlj ""J.]"" rn-ereunder ror the subject matter or this rormrecords mantaneJ,;;;;;il;1":T:"ii,.,,ifi:!i!1",:",Fj:tr'i:,,:Xiii;,:,j;lT,"?Ai,tr*,["#ff"1correct and comprete and no information materiar to this form rr"" r-JJn ,rppr"a""d, I further certify that;

    ^ i+:i{,iff"J.ii,iil!"":?i?i'."ii',j{5!'S]i-i;l'*l.y"r;xxiTjffi"f..""lthe companv and maintained as perD. Alt the required attachments hav" 1.:"-.ylg",;".,ir.''iJii#ii#;:ff?:..:L?f:"lflgj:'#fo["!f :9 to_ tr,," roi-,if any found at any stage. cllrvrl urrucr 5ecrlon 44u of the companies Act, 2013 for wrong certification,

    i i_:r't'--'r+rrr I*To be dlgitatty signea Oy 1.1ffS.9.)i ,

    o Chartered accountant (in whole_time practice) oro Cost accountant (in whole-time practice) or

    o Company secretary (in whole-time practice)*Whether associate or fellow o Associate o Fellow*Membership number Certificate of practice number

    Note: Attention is also drawn to prori,and certification.

    I Confirm Subhisrbtl| | (oD/MmrYYY)

    Confirm Sub;islio.t

    For oftice use only :

    eFom service.equesr number (sRN) l---------l "r"- r,m@.-=- .^--.--,-oigilar sisnat're ; iel iil","" *L--This e-Form is hereby approved

    This e-Form is hereby rejected

    Date of signing

  • Form language o engiish-; lfiai

    Refer the instruction kit for filing the form

    All information shat be furnished for the harf year ended 3oth september and 31st March of every year;wnerever space is not sufficient, separate sheet containing the required details shall be attached

    1. (a) *corporate Identification Number (crN) ot the companyl-------------lfEFhf,

    (b) Global location number (GLN) of Nidhi

    2. (a) Nam€ of the company

    (b) Address of the registered office of the company

    (cJ emal to lI

    3. Eranch Details

    (i) xTotal Number of branches

    (ii) xNumber of branches opened during the half year

    (iii) xNumber of branches ctosed during the half year

    FORM NO. NDH-3

    tPursuant rute 27 of the Nidht Rutes, 2|t4l

    Return of Nidhi Company fo-the half year ended

  • 4. Membership

    i. +Total number of members at the beginning of the half_yearii' +Number of persons admitted as members luring the natt vear l-1iii. xNumber of persons who have ceased to o" ."r0"., ;;; ;n';;"ta-it, ,"* -_______l|V'Tota|nUmberofmembersattheendofthe;;;;;-

    5. xDeposits (Amount in Rs.)

    6. xloans (Amount in Rs.)

    Nature of deposits Balance of depositsat the beginning ofthe half year

    Received duringthe half year

    RepaiO durtngthe half year

    Balance of deposit-at the end of thehalf year

    Fix€d Deposit

    Recurring Deposit

    Savings Deposi[

    Cumulative Oeposit

    urners, tl anv


    *Name of the Branch

    Address xline I

    Line II

    Nature of Loans Balance of Loan

    at the beginningof the half year

    Realized duringthe half year at the end of the

    half year

  • 7. *Details relating to litigation, if any

    8. Financial summary

    (i) *Ratio of Net Owned Funds to Deposits

    (ii) *Total amount of unencumbered Term Deposits (Rs.)



    (v) *Paid up share capital

    (vi) xAmount of paid up Preference Share capital

    (a) Outstanding at the beginning of the half year

    At the beginning of

    the half year

    Flled during thehalf year

    Disposed of duringthe half year

    Outstanding at theend of the half year

    No. ofcases



    No. of




    No. of




    No. of Amount

    ( Rs)

    Suit filed


    No.Name of the scheduledCommercial Bank /Postoffice

    Address Amount of deposits(in Rupees)

    (b) Redeemed during the period

    Other loans, if Any(specify security)

  • (c) outstanding at tht;nd of t6l;tf vear

    9. *Half year end date


    I am autlqrized by the Bo

    1. Copy of advertisement alongwith copy ofintimation given to Registrar;

    2. *List of all members with pAN and comoleteresidentialaddress:

    3. *Amount of deposit accepted from each member:4. List of all members who joined during the periodwith PAN and complete residential address:

    5. List of all members who ceased during the periodwith PAN and complete residential address:

    6. Optional attachment(s), if any



    I j[o.i,ieItzgS-Ay$e_9"..*t-o,::",.j::r.-o_llhe qolnepny vide resotution number * l--------lnii. ,.,!_;" *" ";J _".:^r,p1^1l::-1"]rn and dectare-that ail the requirementsiFtom[EiGsl.^i,"r.:t,t"",-.j:1_,ju.,^.^1^?T:.9-u jl"l"y"d". rn .".p-J iitt: #j:.r-HJ";1iilL"i#;.:;";ffi:H.:[*1?,?:,13":."..".S,:^1"::_.:1t],:!_yiri i";; iu-"ru,-"",t"r,*t".H: ,;,JJ.'J:,ft,i:;LTfll"i?:."^:."l.ii;,^.."jj.* and comprete incrudins ,n"-",#f,,-i"',ii!',1",il,F;i:il:il"1"?if;material has been suppressed,It is hereby further certified that the. professionar ( Name and rype i.e. c.A/cs/cwA/ toGiven) certifying this form has been duly engaged ioi thi. prrpor".

    *DIN of the director; or DIN or pAN of the manager

    or CEO or CFO; or Membership number of the company


    Certif icate by practicing professionalI declare that I have been duly engaged for the purpose of certification of this form. It is hereby certifiedthat I have gone through the provisions of The companies Act, 2013 and Rules thereunder tor tne suoiectmatter of this form and matters incidental thereto and I have vertfied the above particulirs (includingattachment(s)) from the original/certified records maintained by the company/applicant which rs subjectmatter of this form and found be true, correct and complete and no information material to this formhas been suppressed. I further certifv that:


    xTo be digitaily signed by @xDesignationF

  • 1. The said re.o.d

    , XlillF'fiff:"nir:H"#:?lp'ovoionsoirn"'co'ipinr"JAct,20,13ano*e.erounaio-oe-ino.oe,;3. It is unrterstno.t rh.r r -h.''

    "lux-".b, -":l .:Tpletely and legibly attached to this form;.

    li;,o,l"1,:;ni;1jitffj:l o" riJi"i". *ii6;;;H;';;#;;'.1[1ffiJ"c:H,i",gAct, 2013 ror wrons

    O Chartered accountiant (in whole-time pradtce) orI Company secretary (in whole_lime pract,ce)

    C Cost accountant (in whole-time practicen lo(' Whether associate or fellow () Associate (-) Fellow' Membership number

    Ceditic€te of praciice number

    Note; Attention is also drawn to provisions of Sectionfalse statement and certificadon. 448 of the Act which provide for punishment for

    This eform has been taken ol_f-ile.maintained by the Registrar of companies through erectronicmode and on the basis of statement of co.r""tn"J" giu.i-iv the fiting company.


    Joint Secretary to the Government of India

    Note: The principar rures were pubrished in the Gazette of India, Extraordinary, part [, section 3,sub-section (i) vide number c.s.R.2s8 (e), oateo tne ll-st-ruarcn, zor+ ;.; ";6.;q;;;iiy amendedvide G.S.R No. 467 (E), dated 1"tJuty, 201'9.

  • [erra sT TI;FFT, 3rsrqRur, awr 2, Eig 3, 5c€is (i) d'c-firErfiretl

    ET[{'T :sFfi'R

    6r{tc m.r{ d'arfiq


    d$ frFfr, artrq: o S )oz! zozo

    sr.or.ft..............(s) - *trrq sr+rr, *n-fi nfuFqq, 2013 *r emr 469 *r Eqqqr (1) 3it{JceIRr (2) b qrar qfud irRT 406 fi sqqm (1) q3Rr c-{cd srffi 6'r rqlJr ori qv Ffufi-{n, 2014 C-ffifua:dRnird o-'Gft t s{rd rr. (1) E-a M'+r dRw aET frfr (d?ilrrd) F-{ff, 2020 tl

    (2) * F-{fr 10 s-Gtr, 2020 s} c-{d 6t-ir

    2. :+a M 4 c-sc !-{Sq-q -1, !-d$(rq-2 $k qa-$r'o-O *.+rna qr ffifuagrsq 3id:Rfifrf, fu('ff{-i 3{ertf,:-

    Y{,ilT (rfrSqq-l

    fin-fi:rfuB-ce, 2013 6r qm 4063it{ Ffu ft{n, 2014 + A"{q s +

    icF-{n (2) t :r{€-iur dt

    siFfun gTqdil 4I lM

    ysq 4t nm sirH o ft* oF6q Er{R ori srq r{affrqr fue +r dqai d

    (o) 'Ffu fr orudttc q6-+m €c+r GF{€\rd):(s) B'tu fi dft'dr :rdRtrfr dwr lilvauay:

    2. (6) Rfu EFr d|Ir ............

    tol @1ia *rqtflr :nT eirr:..............................

    (T6 ${-d)

    (4) 'f-fd 3nt-$(E qarc:

  • 3 (s) 'alc;r rR ERTqtr 6{i Eliit *I dcqr(q) 'A-{4- s1t) i rrgsr*, F-rrrd 6l artrs t cerq ffiq a{ rro a.trdr+fr-.drq d'*, d-6r st dTr1 dI, h 3id irfi 6FtTq eK' s{sl Sr iEqT(rt) 'A-{q s1t1 h aEuru, eqrr ffiq Et 3rrsr fd-fiq fffirq ad, roi et an1d, t 3id a-a tt qF+qt 6t ssqr ffi-i s+sar sls fr tr(q) 'F-qlr 5(1) + 3qFR, strq Fcifiq a+ 3rrdr fd-fiq ffiq qd a-O efr ar"l.d, t 3i.T a-+'sCsl fi:d@I

    4. wr frqq 5(1) + 3q€R, l-fi ffir+ qq 3{erar qrtrq frdq ad aai et ar1il, * 3id ao s+ei fi :dsqr 200 3rzlrrT :rfr.'o tt 61 0 d€i 0

    qfr'Tfr', at +'qr crafr'rfi frhr+ +l wrq il6ri *- fr('sri{d Fqr aqr tr

    o6r odfrqfr Tr', gili{d rFT (r{B{R(rfl {drr ............ .

    5. (i) T{cT qrflr e}q{ Tdl(ii) trftr mFA(iii) 'E|eI(r: :dft-f, 6rft

    .- .,..-+ .,.+-,-,,+J.|a

  • 7. "|qrJt 6I A-q-d FrR-m hfu q.r r+crfr:

    Tr A-qq s(1) * $grr*, a-qr:rl fr F-{fr FrB-d frfu q-fr} ffiq Eq.3rTEr Efufi-qfrFfiq E{, ro $ ort d, + Jid ifn 1:20 $ :r&-+. 61 Fro d€ioqfr'6i', d rqr craRrs frhr+ *l srq qar* t fr('3rt{d Eqrcrqr tt 6i0 afioqA FI', d ari{fi 6r (r{BrR(,;r 6titT(r

    8. 'ft-dtq Eq *' 3id *r drfts


    1. 'td 3it{ \ot 3rrdrdrq ri strd oafi ur-st fi q-fi (Sd"-d 6t)z. 'q-ctfi s+e t €f6R Sr af war €r ffir (dara q13. to +r ilrq, ?rTtrr:lk srar d@r strdF-JI TI@r 6(6.Xi) * qqBtt 6r d|tl (dilrd 6,t)4. 3Fs'tR ?lr€il .FI drq 3jk 3rdRrfr €trd*-q *iwr 6(mxii) it qqn* +'1 6-qt{ Gid-;-d st)s. A$fufr:da-rd-r, qfd d$.il (:id-l-d *'t)


    {€ srsrr rrt g$ *qfi * Bhr+ dI6 E-dRr drtt€-.....................* :d6sq:d@r..................(dnr trf,rsfi *,'ri 3fr u6 dvun o.{i t fr(r crfutia ffrqr ?r-qr t ft.{s er6q 6I Gcq-dFE 3itr rst ddfua arrat h frrr f d;q-fi 3{fuR..{ff, 2013 3it{,s*.simla q-an' qq frTqt 6I €efi 3rftTnit +'r sgcrffi fuqr rrqr tr d +5 cfi dqun 6TitT Rfu trr Fsq f fr 4* wrt gu-ar {€ c-sq b €Frdfi qFd s&, s;q, :itr qrt t.r,t

    "tSq+ar ffi aff "rS tt T6 sft l-qrF-d fuqr lTrdr t fu gs c-sc 6) rqrE-d r-{a- dTae++nrR-+ (drff 3itr c-mR 3Tefrd mvtsuerfrswqg fuqr ilET il +f gs 5rqtmd t fr('Afuo-d trT+il B-qr rrqr tt

    t*r's$ +r d'+sl


    *friQro ot $sT6a-d'; qr c3it]-m.qr S$n qr Sqq3fr 6,r ft{r€('d qr tfr; qr +qfi Hft-q

  • Sr ucsar:isqr

    aFrgr{r{a 1fur cerc $firurqil

    d qc tilqun *'rar { fu {€ q-sq *-sqruFr i. rd-md h fru TS srq{-Fc t ftgrdl+-qr arqr Br qe sff earFrd l6ql orar t fu di +s c-Fc fr frERr sq 3itr rss €Eifudarqd fi'frT d';cfr 3|frB'crT, 2013 t 3Tdirit 3itr rs* 3rr.frd q;rK' rKr F-rrq.t st q.6r tderT ?iErfi c-qRT rd ar G {d $fr"}s d Ts ysq fr frsq-{q t, t sq-{ffi Fe{rsr(:ddxdo sft-a) +r rsrqa fi ft-qr tt

    3ilr F+ s&, ss sit{ q"t o* t arn gs rdc fr st* q-d-.dTt q*ar ffi;rfi "rS trd qe at rqTfi-d 6-rar t fu,t. s+a gffio d;qfr sfrffqfr 2013 t:itifud rqdrti fi rEsn JFfd a_rr t d-qR ftrimI t, :-a cR +q-ff * 3TSf,Fd 9ilffi d--dnr F€rqT{ fu'(r rrr'H a:n d et('t 3iri {ds8r ctrfi qqr b

    2. lrefi 3rqft-d {iilra-6 Tot sc t 3lt{ rtrq srr t ge u-w t qrq ridrd il3. +5 sqq 6 6 ffi Frt .r{ elerr c-qrurd, qfr +Tt d, }' 61';i;s-fi Jfrftqq, 2013Er efir ++e + 3nlrf, et frs-c +rW fr oK'rfrr

    " qrls 3r+.rilc (fffifiEzlt|€r{rff,) qT

    odrqff €ft-d (Tffitrfr Eqq€rtrrd)

    o ilrril tg|s-R (TffifiaqqTrqTo qr

    . v$fr(rd snrsr qidl

    . t|qF{cll $tg{{la-+grq Fqrurr{ +icqr

  • futqofi:

    sfufr{ff Sr qm n+e, ffi frizT f{rur 3itr yqrufrqr{ur + fr(r q-s fir erfird t,sciirf fi s+{ efi qa rnCIfr-a g* *, *,


    cfitsffd 6t trsc dit T6 dftsrT st rqa +t

    nqa w ritr16 f-ysq TiegrFf,t, rr}s # rTnq{ g rfr* {F*Ert a.anr rcft qr rfivqfi*rr +Fr* qcrrr trv w FFrir + fir{Er *.grqr w fr+r aq1 jg

  • FSrr Fdsaq-2tEfu fr{q, 2014 +.F-qq s *

    acfrqc (3) * 3rgs{qr dl

    src frrnq tg sr}a?

    rrc *I qrcr 3iz!* o ltct orslT Er{R qri Ffq qdftror fua m dof d

    1. (fr) hfu *r 6ndtc r5un dwr 1ftgfi(rd):(tl) Bfr fi iFE6 rrdRrfr d.wr 1"flvaur1:

    rT4 @

    2. (O fttu sr d|-c

    (s) {trr€Ea firqtilq *,r vdr:

    ('r) $-+d srt$,

    (E Et$re

    1s1 ftirra 6r arfrs:

    3. ftrfq E{ + 3id €r drtrs4. '3tri{d fr-qr erqr fr fr*rfrfua F-+q 6 gl-{cmd tg r_rq fu€Rq FE 0 5(1) (6)0 5(1Xq) 0 Elal s(1) (a) :it* s1r16

    5. T6 ffiq E{ h 3id f Rxfr1ilurvtfra Fffiq fuetur t :mm qO(a)'scg fi:i@r

    lulwanit * f{d Frfra Ffu +r srrqra6. 'ft{4 5(1XO fr{q s(1xq fi srtsmi} m a ari *'mnur

  • 7. 'ari{d fir ld-{ur (dq}c fr)

    Til-f,ft {il6d *I {*1. 'ilC €ryd Fda-d nf')2 'tuqd $r+{d Fila-d d0g. MrFd ffiq Frfiq (3iftq rc-d-".q Giila-d st)4. 'q-d 3ik Wt 3Trdr$-q ri €Bd

    ett c-fi{i fi {fr (daa-a 51 (:id'rdn Fcr{t)5. trSfr g-

  • ;;fri'r +qdi

    Hinly l" GT * aro E-dRr .* * o q'e rmeu ;i ss rw *rTTJ_I5c{+il Fd-{rur (iilrd-6 *rcoi* u**'#''t *"; d:##TUT crqr t aen fs ysc d +t$ a-fd$ qd-dr fuq6 r6i ?T.5 tr d qc efi carft_d 6,Tdrqtu:

    o' v+a gfr*q:+;q-fi 3rfuf*{ 2013 * diifud 5qiftn t $-{sR stu6 6 t tqm r+a?rs t, rfi w *qtr * 3rsfl*f, ffi s-dRr dFdr'fi fu(, q. d dqr rd eK, t 3fr gdg& crqr rrqr *s. safi gifa:dilrd-*- cDt sq t sfu Fq€ sq t {s ysq fi snx dilrd *a. T5 pqq F ffr fu:fr €iR vt ,tdir c-ffturf,, qfr sif 6t, h fr(, eirfi sDB_qq, 2r.tafr qnr 448 t sefl-d lt f,r$-d mrtE6 ff dr(.rftl

    ffi#r€'Eha rc t FFrsfi fus ilA t

    ' qrls 3rfidtd qot srfufi E4d€rq1d) qr{ atr4ir Asr+.R qot +rft-o qaercrd qr. d;qfr {fud qot orft-o aqcer+*a)

    *(rdR(€ 3nrdr qfr*lT{€-{rilr Ti{Fn

    q$frqe.....q{grq c-qrsrq{ i-€qr


    M' snftqr *I tnn +l8, BF* fuTr fu+tur aqr sf,rsrf, # frs rs T,r cr{trrd t,t sqriqt fr 3tr{ sfi rzFr gnfiffd fuq q61 6,

    cffid 6t ysc did+rfr q,rqi-dq rqql4 id. wrgft'+ +.r k+*ur *

    Td.TitrelT st rga mt

    f-c-sc €-dr grf,ftr +isqr Gr{rs|R\rd) esq qr$R.a fr drftq ....... trd./HF/?q,Tfr-td sfusrt t EF-ce cwnrrq6 f-ysq (,l€d-drur 3Elifrd/3r$td fr-qr ildr t1.................. rqft_*lq 6r gR *t6-€Ier{ 6I drts ......... frotar6,"{.


  • n$rr qfrsw_3

    fFfu fr{ff, 2014 t frqq zt tsrgrtw *.1

    Afr +T* *t rdsrfto cqrm

    rsq *I ficr siffi o fi+ ovsrr qFrr ori sm 3qdftrt,r fra or Sat d

    (e-+n Ed 30 frd.. 3ltr 31 ard +l v** 3ftTF-6 + fr(, qefi q+ar *nr anfi; qEeqra gqdrq d, ii 3rSm-d ddt{t + R(r Terfi ?hc:dilrd SI snr)1. (O rfiq-ff 4r nR*ts ri@r (ftil$a-d) T6$d

    (s) Ffu fr eFFfi :rcRrft Ti@r (Std\t; .......2. (O +qfi sr ara.

    (s) ifiTfr + rtr*efr1-d 6rqt6rq o,r qdr

    (tr) 9-+d 3n€'S -

    3. arsf fr{{ur(i) 'sTrsBtT €r Td twr(ii) Srrl dq fi d'{rd dfr 16 snsBfi *r:dwr(iii) $6 Eq + d{ra,iq fI,€ srrcBtt 6I d@r

    '?rGIr 6I drq

    qar tifu r.iFa rr

    'srfit-fir'v6ir'Rd stg

  • 4. €iitriil

    (i) 's* Eq + ei{sT f s{d.Sr g-a dwr(ii) 3If Eq + drra r+e ildrn dr+ drd qfuf Er s€qr(iii) '3t* Eq * St{rd F{sil t AerS ar* Erd qfuqt €r,icqr(iv) 3{et d{ h rio - go s{{d *I ,i@r5. vfi ({rfit F *)

    qrEfu 6r Fsrr 3rQt E{ fi clis{f aqr sr rlc

    $t s{ fi dhatt\(l

    3rtt sd b Et{r4eifud

    3Ff sq t 3idf ;rqr 6r alcgrsfu dqr

    3{r+ff ilqrililil Gr4IITifuf,

    "raT$-a, qfd 6I d_P

    6. 'qq (rrftr scq S){utr 6I r6R 3fti s{ + clteT

    S4u61 1us{ t dtrradFd-dtrd

    Eq + dknE{d rKr

    3ft1 dq *- 3idfr4q6*rlc

    srqfr dcfr *'ctr AUIsrapur + vtr4tul

    qqt * cF {ur3roEI {or, qAqrt$ d FfrsffrfrAE€ st)o'ffi mltulF

    7.'tf,{dt, qfr s}S 6r, $ ddtud dtt,10

  • e. 'mq sR:(i) wqRil * F-{d RrA-d Ffu irr rt;Fn r ............(ii) r{rr+a srdfu ilqT 6r y-a nftt 1wr1(iii)$dt fr dwr fti +5 aar rd "6 t ............... .

    (iv) *$Fr diFr.Ir -reil * errg-m grcfu rqT +r ca?rfl(v) *nfrr rI{{ TS

    (Vi) *tr{ftT glfufr|-fi S}{r{ TS *I TIFT

    (o3rt Ed * ciTs{ f Tsrqr(g)sr-cfu + Et{|d rnfud

    (rr) 3rf Eq * :ia f a-*rqr9. *stf qq + 3ir *t drfrs


    1. rGER si {t "6 q+ar €r sfr qfd-d ff,rqd fir qfr

    2. rld 3it{ {oi 3il-drdfq TA €ffd €gt €qd +r q613. TFffi ufis t 6sR *r ar$ war fr ntrr

    ({iilJ-d st)(TiilJ-d 6t)(Tiilr{ d0

    :r{qtud3li5' r|it inr

    dfirf, dml

    ltti s{ t eds{ *

  • 4. 3refu * dT|a erE-d il} sr$ €rfr €a€} €rq-d 3il-{ qli' 3rrdfsq c-dt €trd q-fi

    5. :rdfu * d"rra c-csqar ffi ar& €€fi €EEi6I q-d 3ift tot 3rr4fiq c-d €trd q-fi

    6. astrqfi,id-l-d-*., qfd Efg d

    ({idrd 6t)

    (€d-J-4 6t)(:aara 51


    Fd +c-fi * frism' di.6 i dlts".....................* q-s.cq riEqr......... .....FRr S{ c-scw d*Trerr a'.ri 3llr q5 tiwn o.{A tfrs erfua f4rq t fu gs l-sq 6I frqq_{q 3lf{5s$:dEifud ar'rdt * ddq c'd;qfi sfrF-{ff, zors 3it{ rss.3{rtrd 6FfT(,4(r fut firs'efr 3lqaruf ql sEcrfrafu-qr rrqr tr f, +5 efi dcuTr orar i f+ Ss c-sc d.A ar* €sfiTf.rdr il€ c-sc + dd?-tr stra s"A, e-iq., 3fr q"t F ilqr +tflq+ar Ecr6 dfi.T-* tr T6gff c-a.rft-d fu-qr orar R fu gs r5q d tr4TF-fl s-{i Er} e++srfu-o (fu} ilA ildr drIrgit{ r+.R raia Svrsrsrn-s-oqq *t ry retra * fr(, EfudE h-q+a f+qr erqr dr

    *err$ qftr*EBae s.r * rsrsil lfiq sri t*qdEIIfi.............

    *friqro ar A3r$t'd; qr qdt1-6' qr fi*n qr S('s.3i +r *nr$ua qr tl-a; qi d; €E-q6r scsar €€-qr ............ .. .

    aregFnir 1fur rcrt nrrroFrrS qA. dqrrn arar 1fu {€ c-Fq t c-qrura + c+lrrd t frn 5s Afu..{d F-{ffi fu-qrrrql tr {6 sfr

    'rqfi-d fu-qr drdr t fu trfr {s c-Fq fi trcq- Tq 3il-{ *i *t*a--

    a*-dt t fr\' +Ffr sftfr{q, 2013 *.icdet 3it{ rs* 3rrfid d;rT(r,Kr M +} qar t3it{ fi *qfi/:n}c+ a,qrr rd ar G d {s rsq fr Gqq-i-q t, t Jc{Fdft+tq (:dcr++, qtrO nr s;qrqd ft-ql t 3il-{ Sd sfi, s--q:it-t Toi o* i.* * i*f sE a6rq$ qs-dr gc6 +€i "rf tr fi qe cfr wrora orar q a.t. r+-a sft-*o tiffi sp6ut*, 2013 + drrd jqiirii h :ra-sn jFfd 6"t t d-qn fuw t rik r+ w *qfr t 3TSfFd:nffirit E-"RT F€drarr l+.o * F aqT {d,rc t 3rkF+ T€I crqr erqr H

    2. €?fi 3{qfard €d-rf,fi Toi sc * 3fr *qsc Fq t tre rsv t €Tq €ilrd.g;


  • 3. +5 wE t fu Grfr Rrt $r 4?Fr Fffrurfr, qE 6fg 6i, * fr(, +n_fi 3rfrh_q, ,0l,fiI qrr 448 * srfi-d it fus-d ffi fr anratr

    e qrts 3ffiBfd qui 6rR-6 aqqqrq{O qrFtr4tr *utt'R qot +rft-o eq-+srqr4 qr

    r d;cff €fud (cot o.rft-+' -qtrgFrfiT)*(r{iR(rc :rerqr i;d ("dfr(rc ..... iril .......*€{F{iIr d@f .............. c-ftRlrq 5l-qrurq{ d@r ................


    gfrfrcq ft qm ++a, frst nlzr n-fiur dqT nfioFT *. Rq

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