Leveraging Social Networks For Job Search Fair 2010

Post on 18-Oct-2014






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Leveraging Social

Networks for

Global Job Opportuniti


Renate Donnovan, MA. CEC. CHt

LinkedIn address:http://ca.linkedin.com/in/renatedonnovan

Created for the Global Job Fair, 2010. Nigeria.

©2010 Donnovan

Agenda Introduction Video on the Social Media Revolution Digital Identity (Brief) Over of Networking Job Search Strategies Examples

Social Media Revolution 2 Youtube Video


For more videos on Social Media go to www.youtube.com and search. There are hundreds.

Important Points from the Video 80% of companies use social media

95% use LinkedIn to job search

83% of companies have a Facebook page

Some companies hire staff specifically to monitor the social media sites of their staff

60% of companies “Google” potential candidates

If they don’t like what they find—you DON’T get an interview (or the sale)!

Digital IdentityUniversity of Reading (UK) http://

thisisme.reading.ac.ukdefines ‘Digital Identity’ as:

“the persona an individual presents across all the digital communities in which he or she is represented.”

It’s who you are online.

DI has two parts: What you say/do online (you can control) What others say about you (no control)

Why is DI Important?Because social media has:

changed the way we think about privacy

Become an important part of job searching and building a business in North America

Employers and potential customers “Google” candidates and monitor social media sites

What you do online remains there forever

They are becoming a primary recruitment and job search tool

Social media and help or hurt your life, career, relationships, etc.

Changes in Law have not kept up with changes in technology

They are here to stay (in some form)! Within the next few years they will be an expectation

Networking What is it? Meeting and connecting with others for

mutual exchange and support

Building a web of referrals, suppliers and customers

Used to find a job or build a business

Networking – Why is it Important?

As a culture (in North America) we have moved from “selling” to “networking”.

People do business with (and hire) people they: Know Like Trust Who deliver on promises

Networking is one way to develop “know” and “like”.

Networking – How do You do it? Historically- in person (cold calls or


Today-combination of social media and in person

DI is now Part of Networking-in person and online Employers and customers are looking

for consistency between who you are in- person and what you do online

We are often guilty or successful by association—what YOU do reflects on the company.

Job Searching

Only approximately 10% of jobs are posted in the newspaper

Need to find the hidden job market

Companies and businesses tend to hire from their networks first

Job (Business) Search Strategies In Canada

Networking (in-person and online)

Create a positive Digital Identity

Create a power Personal Branding

Informational Interviews

Recruitment companies (most of them use social networks)

Submitting your Resume (usually electronically)

Social Media as a Job Search Tool

Join online forums and participate regularly

Identify people in your “group” that may be able to help you and network or request informational interviews with them

Ask if they can refer you to others

Use the job search functions in LinkedIn

Use your status bar, marketplace functions

Start a blog/webiste (link them to your social media account)

Put your URL on your resume/brochures/business cards

Personal Branding

Create a personal brand

Align all your social media sites and company info (resume) with that brand

Use social media to increase exposure to your brand

Include Your personal brand and DI in everything you do and when you are networking

Informational Interviews Meeting with people in your industry to ask for

ADVICE, not a job

Keep it short—20 mins

Go with the intention to “give” , not to get

Keep in touch with the person after the interview

Send thank you cards

Submit Resumes

Identify companies that recruit from over seas—network with someone in the company, monitor their website

Use the job search functions in LinkedIn and submit resumes (put your social media addresses on your resume)

Strategic submissions

Include a cover letter

Customize your resume for every company

Some Resources -LinkedIN http://





Some Resources - Networking Work the Pond- http://www.workthepond.com/



Some Resources-Personal Branding Kaplan Mobray, 10 Ks of personal Branding




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