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City of Litchfield - City Council

AGENDA PACKET Monday, August 2, 2021 - 5:30 P.M.

City of Litchfield - City Council

AGENDA Monday, August 2, 2021 - 5:30 P.M.


A. ROLL CALL/DETERMINATION OF QUORUM II. CONSENT AGENDA A. MINUTES: (Packet) 1. City Council Meeting – July 19, 2021 2. Work Session – July 19, 2021 B. FINANCIAL REPORTS: None C. CLAIMS: (Packet)

1. Computer List of Bills



F. LICENSES: (Packet) 1. Liquor/3.2 Percent Malt Liquor On-Sale License Application – Litchfield Firemen’s Relief

Association 2. Lawful Gambling Permit – Meeker County Ducks Unlimited - Resolution No. 21-8-161

G. OTHER ROUTINE MATTERS: (Packet) 1. Employment Offer – Resolution No. 21-8-160


1. Minutes and Reports: a. Litchfield Library Board – July 27, 2021 b. Heritage Preservation Commission – July 26, 2021



City Council Agenda – Cont’d. August 2, 2021 Page 2


1. RFP for Bench Review

2. RFP for FAQs





B. OPTIMIST PARK (Memo)(Packet)

C. DOG PARK (Memo)

D. CIP (Memo)(Packet)

E. WELLNESS/REC (Memo)(Packet)


1. Housing and Redevelopment Authority – One Vacant Term until 5/1/2025

Incumbents: Karen Gorr Applicants: Karen Gorr, Marion Sechler

2. Litchfield Library Board – Two Vacant Terms through 12/31/2021; One Vacant Term through 12/31/2023 Applicants: Loriee Barnes


City Council Agenda – Cont’d. August 2, 2021 Page 3






July 19, 2021


A regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Litchfield was held in the City

Council Chambers at the City Hall Monday, July 19, 2021, commencing at 5:30 p.m. Mayor

Johnson called the meeting to order.


Mayor Keith Johnson Present

Council Member-at-Large Ron Dingmann Present

Council Member Ward I Eric Mathwig Present

Council Member Ward II Darlene Kotelnicki Present

Council Member Ward III Betty Allen Present

Council Member Ward IV John Carlson Present

Council Member Ward V Sara Miller Present

City Administrator Dave Cziok Present

Assistant City Administrator Joyce Spreiter Present

Operations Coordinator Mario Provencher Present

Operations Engineer Mike Geers Present

City Planner Hannah Rybak Present

City Attorney Mark Wood Present

City Engineer Chuck DeWolf Present

Independent Review Brent Schacherer Present

KLFD Tim Bergstrom Present


Mayor Johnson presented a proclamation that Tuesday, August 3, 2021 be

designated as National Night Out in Litchfield, and encouraged surrounding communities to do

the same. The event will be held in Central Park. No formal action was taken.


Each item on the Consent Agenda was considered. No items were added or deleted.


1. City Council Meeting – July 6, 2021



1. Computer List of Bills for $102,898.46

July 19, 2021




1. Sales on Public Property – Litchfield Downtown Council, Inc.


1. 2021-2022 Liquor Liability Insurance Renewal –




WHEREAS, the City has had satisfactory insurance coverage with the League of

Minnesota Cities Insurance Trust (L.M.C.I.T.) for several years, and

WHEREAS, our insurance agent recommends continuation of this policy,

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED to approve coverage with the League of

Minnesota Cities Insurance Trust (L.M.C.I.T.) for Liquor Liability Insurance coverage from June

15, 2021 to June 15, 2022, and to authorize submittal of the premium in the amount of

$3,240.00, and

BE IT ALSO RESOLVED to authorize the Assistant City Administrator to sign the

application referenced above on behalf of the City of Litchfield.

Adopted by the City Council this 19th day of July, 2021.


Attest: MAYOR

____________________________ ASSISTANT CITY ADMINISTRATOR

July 19, 2021

2. 2021-2022 Property, Casualty and Liability Insurance Renewal –




WHEREAS, the City has had satisfactory insurance coverage with the League of

Minnesota Cities Insurance Trust (L.M.C.I.T.) for several years, and

WHEREAS, our insurance agent recommends continuation of this policy,

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED to accept the Quotation Premium with the

League of Minnesota Cities Insurance Trust (L.M.C.I.T.) for renewal of Property, Casualty and

Liability Insurance coverage from June 15, 2021 to June 15, 2022, and to authorize submittal of

the premium in the amount of $309,112.00, plus Municipal Excess Liability (umbrella)

Insurance premium in the amount of $17,915.00, and

BE IT ALSO RESOLVED to authorize the Assistant City Administrator to sign the

application referenced above on behalf of the City of Litchfield.

Adopted by the City Council this 19th day of July, 2021.


Attest: MAYOR

____________________________ ASSISTANT CITY ADMINISTRATOR


1. Minutes & Reports:

a. Planning Commission Minutes – July 12, 2021

After review, it was moved by Council Member Mathwig, seconded by Council Member Allen,

to adopt the following:




WHEREAS, the Consent Agenda has been assembled and presented, and

WHEREAS, all requests to have items removed have been duly noted,

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED to approve the Consent Agenda as Resolution No. 21-

7-156– Cont’d.

July 19, 2021

Resolution No. 21-7-155– Cont’d.

presented except for items, if any, which were requested to be removed for individual


Adopted by the City Council this 19th day of July, 2021.




____________________________ MAYOR ASSISTANT CITY ADMINISTRATOR

Upon roll call vote, all members present voted aye, whereupon the resolution was declared





Dave Tysk, president of the Litchfield Opportunity Zone, Inc., addressed the

Council concerning a request for business assistance for the purpose of constructing two 30 unit

apartment complexes. He discussed the need for housing, the high construction costs, and the

availability of a workforce housing grant. He shared that he has submitted an application for

business assistance and has been waiting for a response from the City. Tysk explained that he is

looking for leadership from the Council in that he needs approval of tax abatement from the City

first and the City to apply for a workforce housing grant to support his development.

Council Member Dingmann inquired on the costs for housing without business

assistance versus with assistance. Dave Tysk responded that without business assistance rental

costs will be approximately 25% higher. He explained that after conclusion of tax abatement

assistance property rent will increase. Tysk shared that he has been dealing with the County and

reported the County has already contributed to the apartments in Eden Valley. Council Member

Allen shared that she is not disagreeing with construction costs being higher and housing needs.

She expressed concern about issues the City has experienced with other developments. Tysk

responded that there are personal guarantees in that this is an apartment development where they

(his company) maintain ownership and not a private ownership. Council Member Carlson

shared that he would like to see pictures of the proposed complexes. Mr. Tysk shared that they

have complexes in Watkins that could be viewed in which Carlson responded he has visited the

complexes twice. Council Member Carlson discussed the need for the City to work together

with the County in considering business assistance. Tysk responded that the City must act first

before the County. Council Member Dingmann followed up on the need for quality affordable

housing. He reviewed past practices concerning awarding business assistance that included the

July 19, 2021

City and County working together which involves preparation of a developer’s agreement which

is fair and acceptable to all parties. Dingmann agreed that new numbers needed to be calculated

based on new construction costs.

Council Member Kotelnicki stated that housing is critical. She stressed the need

to look at both the past and the future. She explained the need to be fair in providing business

assistance with the potential of more developers requesting assistance in the future. Kotelnicki

shared the City has run into real issues with other developers with referring to the developments

as “sell the dream, service the nightmare”. She encouraged the City to move along with

consideration of the application. Kotelnicki shared that she represents the City on the Meeker

County Housing Tax Force. She inquired as whether TIF would be another option for funding.

She discussed the negotiation process and the need to have give and take. She would like to

know all the public funding going into this development. While she understands the developer’s

agreement will come later in the process, Kotelnicki would like to see a memorandum of

understanding. David Tysk responded that the City will have the leverage since the City holds

the money.

Council Member Carlson discussed whether or not Mr. Tysk felt it was realistic to

have a meeting with both County and City representation, along with Ehlers, Inc. Tysk

responded he didn’t think it was necessary that only the calculations needed to be updated with

current construction costs. Council Member Allen echoed Council Member Carlson in trusting

that the parties can come to an agreement and that the housing is done right. Council Member

Kotelnicki encouraged a quick timeline. David Tysk said he will need a resolution to approve

tax abatement and a resolution for approving a Minnesota Housing application. Council Member

Miller agreed with concerns expressed by Council Member Kotelnicki in that the City has been

approached so many times with individuals upset with housing developments. Miller promotes a

joint meeting and pushing forward.

Dave Tysk shared that estimated costs for the two 30 unit complexes will be in

excess of $10 million. Mayor Johnson clarified that the amount of business assistance offered in

one of the terms presented to Tysk included tax abatement from the City in the amount of

$410,000 and in the amount of $325,000 from the County. David Tysk responded that tax

abatement is not cash. He explained that the Litchfield Opportunity Zone, Inc. will need to

finance $9 million. The Council discussed moving forward with establishing a committee to

review the business assistance application.

After review, it was moved by Council Member Dingmann, seconded by Council Member

Mathwig, to adopt the following:




WHEREAS, the City has received a business assistance application from developer

David Tysk, President of the Litchfield Opportunity Zone, Inc., for the purpose of constructing

two 30 unit apartment complexes; and

July 19, 2021

Resolution No. 21-7-156– Cont’d.

WHEREAS, City and County staff, along with financial consultants, have reviewed and

offered terms concerning business assistance in the form of tax abatement to David Tysk which

were not accepted; and

WHEREAS, the Council discussed that new calculations be completed for consideration

to reflect higher construction costs; and

WHEREAS, business assistance applicant David Tysk is also seeking funding through a

workforce housing grant which requires City commitment in funding in support of the project;


WHEREAS, the Council acknowledges the need for housing; and

WHEREAS, the Tax Abatement process involves partnering with the County to review

business assistance applications as past practice; and

WHEREAS, the Council recommends establishing a committee to review the business

assistance application,

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of

Litchfield hereby authorizes establishing a committee to partner in reviewing the business

assistance application from David Tysk; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that said committee consist of 3 Council Members, 1-2

County Commissioners, Meeker County EDA representative Lisa Graphenteen, City and County

Administration, Jason Aarsvold of Ehlers, Inc., and any additional financial advisor selected to

represent the County if so desired; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED Mayor Johnson, Council Members Kotelnicki and

Carlson represent the Council on said committee,

AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that Jason Aarsvold of Ehlers, Inc. be authorized

to provide updated calculations for consideration purposes.

Adopted by the City Council this 19th day of July, 2021.




____________________________ MAYOR ASSISTANT CITY ADMINISTRATOR

Upon roll call vote, all members present voted aye, whereupon the resolution was declared


July 19, 2021



1. Variance and Special Sign Permit Request – By Clark Equipment, dba

Bobcat Company at 519 Aspen Drive –

Council Member Mathwig provided the findings and recommendations of

the Planning Commission.

After review, it was moved by Council Member Mathwig, seconded by Council Member

Kotelnicki, to adopt the following:






WHEREAS, the Planning Commission held a hearing on July 12, 2021, on a request for

a variance and special sign permit by Clark Equipment Co, dba Bobcat Company, and

WHEREAS, the Litchfield Planning Commission, upon review of the findings of facts,

as follows, has recommended that the variance and special sign permit be granted and they

referred the application to the City Council for final action, and

WHEREAS, the request is for approval of four variances to allow for additional signage:

a. A variance of 99 square feet from the maximum allowable square

footage (per sign) of 100 square feet for a permanent sign.

b. A variance of 2.5 feet from the maximum allowable sign height of 25

feet for a permanent sign.

c. A variance of 264 square feet from the maximum allowable temporary

sign size of 36 square feet.

d. A variance of 23 feet from the maximum allowable temporary sign

height of 5 feet.

WHEREAS, the property is located at 519 Aspen Drive, in the I-2 General Industry

District, and

WHEREAS, additional visibility is necessary for this type of business, and

WHEREAS, the signage plan is consistent with industry standards for this type of

business, and

WHEREAS, the variance is in harmony with the general purposes and intent of the

ordinance, and

July 19, 2021

Resolution No. 21-7-153– Cont’d.

WHEREAS, the variance is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan, and

WHEREAS, the property owner proposes to use the property in a reasonable manner not

permitted by the Zoning Ordinance, and

WHEREAS, the plight of the landowner is due to circumstances unique to the property

not created by the landowner, and

WHEREAS, the variance will not alter the essential character of the locality, and

WHEREAS, the purpose of the request is not solely financial,

BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Litchfield that a variance be

granted to Clark Equipment, dba Bobcat Company at 519 Aspen Drive, to allow variances to

accommodate exterior signage, subject to the following conditions:

a. The signs shall be installed as shown in the approved plans.

b. No further signage shall be allowed on this property. (This does not

include directional or informational signage.)

NOW THEREFORE BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED by the City Council of the City

of Litchfield that a special sign permit be granted to Clark Equipment, dba Bobcat Company at

519 Aspen Drive, to allow a temporary sign to remain on the property indefinitely, subject to the

following conditions:

a. This permit shall apply only to the “Now Hiring” sign shown in

submitted plans. Additional temporary signage shall not be allowed.

b. The sign must remain in a state of good repair. If it is damaged, it

should immediately be repaired or replaced.

c. If the sign becomes damaged, it may be replaced by another temporary

“Now Hiring” sign of the same size. Copy may be updated.

d. The City Council shall review this permit in one (1) year to determine

if the permit is in good standing.

Property legally described as:

Parcel No. 27-2596000. Lot 11, Block 3, Litchfield Industrial Park South,

City of Litchfield, Meeker County, Minnesota

Adopted by the City Council this 19th day of July, 2021. Approved:

Attest: MAYOR


July 19, 2021

Upon roll call vote, all members present voted aye, whereupon the resolution was declared






City Administrator Cziok discussed the process involved in declaring a nuisance

condition on a property and enforcement of the violation. He explained that the City has given

the property owner notice of violations and compliance with the City Ordinances and the City

has to provide the property owner an opportunity to be heard. Clint Megaard addressed the

Council concerning the notification of a violation with the property not being in compliance with

City code. He explained that he was speaking for Richard Bates, the property owner, who was

unavailable. Mr. Megaard requested 2 weeks to get the wood off of a trailer in order to save the

trailer from abatement. Council Member Allen shared that based on the history she doesn’t think

it will be abated by the property owner, adding she can’t condone another 2 weeks. Mr. Megaard

shared that the property is going through the foreclosure process. City Administrator Cziok

explained that Bates has the time to do it since he has 30 days to abate the nuisance.

The Council reviewed the definition of a nuisance and determined the findings of

fact. For consideration, the Council can determine if the property is maintained in a condition

which unreasonably annoys, injures; endangers or interferes with, obstructs or renders dangerous

passage; or be declared a nuisance by law. Cziok said that the property owner has 30 days to

abate the nuisance and if not abated in that timeframe, the City is authorized to remedy the

nuisance and assess the property for costs pursuant to City Ordinance and Minnesota Statute.

After review, it was moved by Mayor Johnson, seconded by Council Member Allen, to adopt the





WHEREAS, the Litchfield City Council reviewed evidence regarding the building

located at 338-400 US Hwy 12 including a summary of the City’s efforts to inform property

owner of violations and compliance with the City Ordinances, and photographs of the conditions

of the property for the following violations:

Large pile of construction debris stored outside and on trailer

July 19, 2021

Resolution No. 21-7-154– Cont’d.

Portable sign and metal equipment stored near the debris piles

WHEREAS, the current storage conditions on the property are in violation of City

Ordinances 50.07, 91.002 and 154.129; and

WHEREAS, the Litchfield City Council also reviewed photographs of the exterior

storage located at 338-400 US Hwy 12, and the City’s communications with the property owner

discussing code violations; and

WHEREAS, the Litchfield City Council has determined the exterior storage located at

338-400 US Hwy 12 is a nuisance,

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that Mr. Richard Bates’ exterior storage

located at 338-400 US Hwy 12 is a nuisance as defined by Litchfield City Ordinance 91.002. In

addition, Mr. Richard Bates is ordered to repair the above listed violations within thirty days of

receiving written notice of this order. If Mr. Richard Bates fails to remedy the nuisance

condition, the City is authorized to remedy the condition of the nuisance and assess the property

for costs pursuant to City Ordinance and Minnesota Statute.

Adopted by the City Council this 19th day of July, 2021.




____________________________ MAYOR ASSISTANT CITY ADMINISTRATOR

Upon roll call vote, all members present voted aye, whereupon the resolution was declared



City Administrator Cziok provided an overview of the current status of the

wastewater treatment plant in responding to the increased CBOD loadings from the startup of

First District Association’s new cheese plant in June. He explained that for the last 9 days the

wastewater treatment plant has likely violated effluent standards and that the City has been

bypassing the last form of treatment in response to the loading. Cziok shared that First District

Association (FDA) has been sending the wastewater treatment plant twice the amount that the

plant is capable of treating. He reported that CBOD loadings have been between 20,000 to

50,000 pounds, adding that is equivalent to a population of 250,000 putting the City’s

wastewater treatment plant as one of the biggest in the state. Based on the information provided

from FDA to accommodate for the new cheese plant, the design capacity is between 18,800 to

24,000 pounds. Cziok stated that the filter was back online as of today.

According to City Administrator Cziok, FDA has made considerable efforts to

reduce loading, adding that the wastewater plant is still running at redline requiring the City to

July 19, 2021

complete a facility plan for the State of Minnesota. Although the City has CIP plans for solids,

the state that the wastewater treatment plant is in currently will change the scale estimating costs

between $30 and $40 million. Operations Engineer Mike Geers responded to a question from

Council Member Allen concerning the State of Minnesota’s reaction to the violations in that the

City will be afforded a grace period if there are efforts to get back in compliance. City

Administrator Cziok said the City gave a new effluent permit in which FDA agreed would be


Council Member Kotelnicki expressed concern about the issues and seeking help

to address the needs. State Representative Dean Urdahl was in the audience. Although the City

missed the deadline for submitting an application for the 2022 state appropriations for capital

improvement projects, Urdahl encouraged the City to provide a request for financial assistance to

him by tomorrow (July 20th) and he would attempt to get it added for consideration by the State.

City Engineer Chuck DeWolf discussed designing the facility accordingly. City Administrator

Cziok said that an entire team would be involved including City staff and engineers specialized

in wastewater treatment facilities.

After review, it was moved by Council Member Kotelnicki, seconded by Council Member

Dingmann, to adopt the following:






WHEREAS, under the provisions contained in Minnesota Statutes 16A.86 86 sets out

the process by which local governments and political subdivisions may request state

appropriations for capital improvement projects. The Governor and Legislature will consider

these bonding requests in the 2022 session; and,

WHEREAS, Local governments should submit their capital budget requests to

Minnesota Management & Budget (MMB) by June 15, 2022; and

WHEREAS, the City of Litchfield is currently experiencing an emergency wastewater

capacity issue; and

WHEREAS, Representative Urdahl has requested this request be submitted by July 20th,

2021; and

WHEREAS, the City of Litchfield is proposing to undertake significant infrastructure

improvements associated with the expansion of the First District facility in Litchfield, and has

identified a substantial need for State financial assistance in addition to funding from the City

and First District committed which meets or exceeds the state funding; and,

July 19, 2021

Resolution No. 21-7-157– Cont’d.

WHEREAS, the City of Litchfield has the legal authority to apply for Capital Budget

assistance, and has the financial, technical, and managerial capacity to ensure proper

construction, operation and maintenance of the project for its design life.

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of

Litchfield that the City of Litchfield is authorized to submit the necessary 2022 Capital Budget

application and information to the Minnesota Management & Budget Office.

Adopted by the City Council this 19th day of July, 2021.




____________________________ MAYOR ASSISTANT CITY ADMINISTRATOR

Upon roll call vote, all members present voted aye, whereupon the resolution was declared



Mayor Johnson shared the verbiage included in the request for appropriations the

City was awarded from the State of Minnesota bonding bill for the purpose of a

Wellness/Recreation Center. Council Member Carlson shared his support of the

Wellness/Recreation Center and moving forward. He explained that he wasn’t involved prior to

being asked to be part of the core group concerning the facility design. He said there was also a

stakeholders group. Carlson discussed the opportunity the City has in front of us. He spoke

about creating partnerships and uniting in an effort to make the Wellness/Recreation Center a


It was moved by Mayor Johnson, seconded by Council Member Miller, to allow

State Representative Dean Urdahl to address the Council concerning the guidelines for the

appropriations dedicated to the Wellness/Recreation Center. Upon roll call vote, all members

present voted aye, whereupon the motion carried. Representative Urdahl said the city doesn’t

need a survey. As shared by Mayor Johnson, Urdahl explained that the verbiage included in the

bonding bill and the local option sales tax represents the things needed and are listed in the bill.

Representative Urdahl understands the maintenance and operations are a concern but the school

is a partner. He encouraged bringing in a small group consisting of City and School

representatives to formulate a plan with the assistance of architects and engineers to present to

the public and a campaign to pass it. Urdahl encouraged the need to be united, adding this is an

opportunity with the $5 million appropriation and the local option sales tax.

Council Member Miller encouraged attendance and participation at the Town Hall

meeting scheduled for Monday, July 26, 2021 at City Hall in moving forward. Mayor Johnson

shared that he and Council Member Carlson met with school personnel concerning the

Wellness/Recreation Center and he will be providing a plan for consideration. Council Member

July 19, 2021

Kotelnicki asked that the Council see the plan that was submitted for the capital funding

appropriation. No formal action was taken.


As provided by the memo included in the agenda packet, City Administrator

Cziok reviewed the process for the CIP Town Hall meeting scheduled for Monday, July 26,

2021. He explained the primary purpose of the public feedback portion of the City’s planning

process is to ensure the City is meeting the public expectations as closely as possible. No formal

action was taken.


City Administrator Cziok discussed the request from Songs of Summer for

placement of a banner downtown across Highway 12 to advertise the community event.

After review, it was moved by Mayor Johnson, seconded by Council Member Miller, to adopt

the following:




WHEREAS, the City allows for banners to be hung downtown across Highway 12 that

advertise community events; and

WHEREAS, the City allows for banners advertising Watercade and the annual

Community Theatre production; and

WHEREAS, Songs of the Summer event holders have requested consideration of

hanging a banner advertising the event; and

WHEREAS, the event is considered a community celebration; and

WHEREAS, event holders for community celebrations provide the banners for hanging,

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of

Litchfield hereby authorizes City staff to hang the Songs of Summer banner following removal

of the banner advertising the annual Community Theatre production upon conclusion of the


July 19, 2021

Resolution No. 21-7-158– Cont’d.

Adopted by the City Council this 19th day of July, 2021.




____________________________ MAYOR ASSISTANT CITY ADMINISTRATOR

Upon roll call vote, all members present voted aye with Council Member Mathwig abstaining,

whereupon the resolution was declared adopted.




The Council held a work session for administration to provide an update

concerning the Optimist Park grandstand canopy and the dog park. Minutes of the work session

are on file. No formal action was taken.


The City Council meeting adjourned at 7:30 p.m. by unanimous consent.




____________________________ MAYOR ASSISTANT CITY ADMINISTRATOR



July 19, 2021

A Work Session of the City Council of the City of Litchfield was held in the City Council

Chambers at the City Hall on Monday, July 19, 2021, following the regularly scheduled City

Council meeting commencing at 7:35 p.m.

In attendance:

Mayor Keith Johnson Present

Council Member-at-Large Ron Dingmann Present

Council Member Ward I Eric Mathwig Excusd

Council Member Ward II Darlene Kotelnicki Present

Council Member Ward III Betty Allen Present

Council Member Ward IV John Carlson Present

Council Member Ward V Sara Miller Present

City Administrator Dave Cziok Present

Assistant City Administrator Joyce Spreiter Present

Operations Coordinator Mario Provencher Present

Operations Engineer Mike Geers Present

City Attorney Mark Wood Present

City Engineer Chuck DeWolf Present


Nick Ridgeway, representing the Litchfield Baseball Association, addressed the Council

concerning 2021 Optimist Park upgrades which include construction of a grandstand canopy. He

reminded the Council of the commitment to the canopy project with adoption of Resolution No.

20-4-77. He reported that the canopy construction has gone up with the increased cost of steel.

Administration had added a panel for under the canopy for aesthetic reasons which added to

increased cost to the project.

No formal action was taken.


City Administrator Cziok provided an update of the proposed dog park. He discussed the

proposed location to the north of the Water Treatment Plant which has been favorable to the dog

park group. At this time, it is recommended by Administration, City staff, and members of the

dog group to agree to establish a temporary dog park with fencing, a canopy, gate and mini-biff

amounting to an initial investment of $35,000. He said the City wishes to observe the use of the

dog park before committing to larger scale dog park. Cziok explained that the City is also

cautious with permanent fixtures since staff needs to maintain access to the underground

infrastructure. Janet Westrup and Vicki Rabenberg, members of the dog park group

acknowledged that the temporary dog park was meeting their needs. No formal action was


July 19, 2021


The Work Session adjourned at 8:10 p.m. by unanimous consent.





Voucher Approval Document


Printed: 07/29/2021 - 3:58PM


Batch: 00031.07.2021

Accounts Payable

DescriptionFund Amount

29,513.56General Fund100

7,211.61Water Fund602

3,002.38Electric Fund604

197.58Civic Arena611



10,603.99Golf Course623



Report Total: 152,295.83

AP-Voucher Approval Document (07/29/2021 - 3:58 PM) Page 1


Printed: 07/29/2021 - 3:58PM


Voucher Approval List

Accounts Payable

Batch: 00031.07.2021

Voucher No. Warrant Date Vendor AmountDescription Account Number

576.10 85269 7/31/2021 defoam and azone pump 614-4947-6216Anderson Chemical Company

1,474.00 85269 7/31/2021 defoam - FDA 614-4947-6220Anderson Chemical Company

Warrant Total: 2,050.10

111.20 85289 7/31/2021 multifold towels 100-4550-6220Hillyard/Hutchinson

137.16 85289 7/31/2021 toilet tissue 100-4522-6220Hillyard/Hutchinson

280.36 85289 7/31/2021 towel rolls & soap 100-4522-6220Hillyard/Hutchinson

Warrant Total: 528.72

102.36 85274 7/31/2021 uniforms and mats 614-4947-6426Cintas

377.16 85274 7/31/2021 coveralls and mats 100-4312-6400Cintas

149.52 85274 7/31/2021 mats 100-4550-6400Cintas

126.56 85274 7/31/2021 uniforms and mats 614-4947-6426Cintas

102.36 85274 7/31/2021 uniforms and mats 614-4947-6426Cintas

Warrant Total: 857.96

458.90 85290 7/31/2021 Control Shift 100-4312-6221Holt Motors, Inc.

Warrant Total: 458.90

368.88 85279 7/31/2021 87 oxy 100-4312-6212Dooley's Petroleum

-11.60 85279 7/31/2021 87 oxy 100-4312-6212Dooley's Petroleum

899.00 85279 7/31/2021 87 oxy 100-4312-6212Dooley's Petroleum

-29.00 85279 7/31/2021 87 oxy 100-4312-6212Dooley's Petroleum

1,270.06 85279 7/31/2021 red #2 100-4312-6212Dooley's Petroleum

-46.00 85279 7/31/2021 red #2 100-4312-6212Dooley's Petroleum

Warrant Total: 2,451.34

597.72 85297 7/31/2021 bedknife, screw, brush, roller, screw adjuster, shaft adjuster 623-4983-6220MTI Distributing Co.

1,229.33 85297 7/31/2021 rotor and parts 623-4983-6220MTI Distributing Co.

Warrant Total: 1,827.05

AP-Voucher Approval List (07/29/2021 - 3:58 PM) Page 1

Voucher No. Warrant Date Vendor AmountDescription Account Number

100.00 85311 7/31/2021 softener check 614-4947-6400Tri-County Water Conditioning

Warrant Total: 100.00

1,541.20 85304 7/31/2021 printed golf pencils, golf score cards, blank golf pencils 623-4983-6220Ramsey Printing & Design, Inc.

-174.00 85304 7/31/2021 #10 special window env for utility billing 100-4157-6200Ramsey Printing & Design, Inc.

Warrant Total: 1,367.20

79.90 85306 7/31/2021 2" copper mip adaptor 614-4947-6220Rick Plumbing & Heating

Warrant Total: 79.90

845.56 85309 7/31/2021 Anderson Gardens 39389 39390 39108 39118 39127 39187 39410 39450100-4522-6220Stockmen's

329.90 85309 7/31/2021 Anderson Gardens 39026 39062 39072 623-4983-6220Stockmen's

214.86 85309 7/31/2021 Cemetery Columbarium 39367 39828 629-4956-6220Stockmen's

Warrant Total: 1,390.32

3,019.00 85272 7/31/2021 engine #1 tires 100-4220-6400Binsfeld Tire, Inc.

Warrant Total: 3,019.00

188.70 85298 7/31/2021 labs 614-4947-6300MVTL Laboratories, Inc.

74.59 85298 7/31/2021 labs 614-4947-6300MVTL Laboratories, Inc.

74.59 85298 7/31/2021 labs 614-4947-6300MVTL Laboratories, Inc.

502.81 85298 7/31/2021 labs 614-4947-6300MVTL Laboratories, Inc.

74.59 85298 7/31/2021 labs 614-4947-6300MVTL Laboratories, Inc.

337.48 85298 7/31/2021 labs 614-4947-6300MVTL Laboratories, Inc.

337.48 85298 7/31/2021 labs 614-4947-6300MVTL Laboratories, Inc.

271.18 85298 7/31/2021 labs 614-4947-6300MVTL Laboratories, Inc.

94.59 85298 7/31/2021 labs 614-4947-6300MVTL Laboratories, Inc.

165.00 85298 7/31/2021 labs 602-4961-6400MVTL Laboratories, Inc.

94.59 85298 7/31/2021 labs 614-4947-6300MVTL Laboratories, Inc.

271.18 85298 7/31/2021 labs 614-4947-6300MVTL Laboratories, Inc.

94.59 85298 7/31/2021 labs 614-4947-6300MVTL Laboratories, Inc.

74.59 85298 7/31/2021 labs 614-4947-6300MVTL Laboratories, Inc.

74.59 85298 7/31/2021 labs 614-4947-6300MVTL Laboratories, Inc.

502.81 85298 7/31/2021 labs 614-4947-6300MVTL Laboratories, Inc.

298.57 85298 7/31/2021 labs 614-4947-6300MVTL Laboratories, Inc.

431.62 85298 7/31/2021 labs 602-4961-6400MVTL Laboratories, Inc.

383.14 85298 7/31/2021 labs 614-4947-6300MVTL Laboratories, Inc.

1,166.02 85298 7/31/2021 labs 614-4947-6300MVTL Laboratories, Inc.

AP-Voucher Approval List (07/29/2021 - 3:58 PM) Page 2

Voucher No. Warrant Date Vendor AmountDescription Account Number

502.81 85298 7/31/2021 labs 614-4947-6300MVTL Laboratories, Inc.

74.59 85298 7/31/2021 labs 614-4947-6300MVTL Laboratories, Inc.

94.14 85298 7/31/2021 labs 614-4947-6300MVTL Laboratories, Inc.

74.59 85298 7/31/2021 labs 614-4947-6300MVTL Laboratories, Inc.

94.59 85298 7/31/2021 labs 614-4947-6300MVTL Laboratories, Inc.

94.14 85298 7/31/2021 labs 614-4947-6300MVTL Laboratories, Inc.

167.00 85298 7/31/2021 labs 602-4961-6400MVTL Laboratories, Inc.

94.59 85298 7/31/2021 labs 614-4947-6300MVTL Laboratories, Inc.

271.18 85298 7/31/2021 labs 614-4947-6300MVTL Laboratories, Inc.

Warrant Total: 6,980.34

459.65 85276 7/31/2021 wired outlet for ice machine 623-4983-6400D & F Electric Inc.

Warrant Total: 459.65

27.98 85303 7/31/2021 time cards 100-4312-6221Quill Corporation

12.99 85303 7/31/2021 stapler 100-4157-6200Quill Corporation

66.57 85303 7/31/2021 paper, notebook, post its 620-4976-6210Quill Corporation

42.74 85303 7/31/2021 party snack assort boxes 620-4976-6210Quill Corporation

21.15 85303 7/31/2021 card stock 620-4976-6210Quill Corporation

Warrant Total: 171.43

121.90 85285 7/31/2021 fuel can 614-4947-6220Grainger, Inc.

670.02 85285 7/31/2021 filters 614-4947-6220Grainger, Inc.

296.40 85285 7/31/2021 filters 614-4947-6220Grainger, Inc.

Warrant Total: 1,088.32

47.58 85291 7/31/2021 meeting & party rooms 611-4985-6340Hutchinson Leader

Warrant Total: 47.58

68.81 85273 7/31/2021 strap, ent cap, and connector 604-4961-6221Border States Electric Supply

205.96 85273 7/31/2021 parts 604-4961-6221Border States Electric Supply

-205.96 85273 7/31/2021 credit 922217449 604-4961-6221Border States Electric Supply

1,135.81 85273 7/31/2021 CPR LFI215 15KV 200A Rotate Feedthru Insert 604-4961-6221Border States Electric Supply

Warrant Total: 1,204.62

5,525.58 85287 7/31/2021 ferric chloride 614-4947-6216Hawkins Water Treatment Group

5,904.12 85287 7/31/2021 ferric chloride 614-4947-6216Hawkins Water Treatment Group

4,100.10 85287 7/31/2021 chemicals FDA upset contingency 614-4947-6216Hawkins Water Treatment Group

AP-Voucher Approval List (07/29/2021 - 3:58 PM) Page 3

Voucher No. Warrant Date Vendor AmountDescription Account Number

2,243.99 85287 7/31/2021 chemicals - water 602-4960-6210Hawkins Water Treatment Group

4,494.17 85287 7/31/2021 chemicals - water 614-4947-6216Hawkins Water Treatment Group

3,197.70 85287 7/31/2021 sodium permanganate - chemical - water 602-4960-6210Hawkins Water Treatment Group

5,489.28 85287 7/31/2021 chemicals 614-4947-6216Hawkins Water Treatment Group

414.40 85287 7/31/2021 chemicals 100-4512-6220Hawkins Water Treatment Group

1,850.04 85287 7/31/2021 chemicals 614-4947-6216Hawkins Water Treatment Group

689.00 85287 7/31/2021 chlorine 614-4947-6216Hawkins Water Treatment Group

Warrant Total: 33,908.38

22.00 85280 7/31/2021 recycle 100-4522-6400Endurance Environmental

Warrant Total: 22.00

572.89 85267 7/31/2021 Unit #41 Altec AM855 S/N 1200BB2411 inspection 100-4524-6400ABM Equipment & Supply Inc.

636.50 85267 7/31/2021 Unit #6 Versalift VST-240 Serial #GE070123 604-4961-6400ABM Equipment & Supply Inc.

598.56 85267 7/31/2021 Unit #3 Versalift TM3045 Serial #CP9709 604-4961-6400ABM Equipment & Supply Inc.

447.90 85267 7/31/2021 IMT 7500 SN7500171028 - Boom inspection 614-4947-6400ABM Equipment & Supply Inc.

Warrant Total: 2,255.85

925.37 85295 7/31/2021 1/2" mix - retail 100-4312-6213Mid-Minnesota Hot Mix Inc.

1,274.18 85295 7/31/2021 1/2" mix - retail & fine mix 100-4312-6213Mid-Minnesota Hot Mix Inc.

Warrant Total: 2,199.55

70.58 85284 7/31/2021 FDA dosing set ups 614-4947-6220Gempler's Inc.

Warrant Total: 70.58

147.36 85314 7/31/2021 supplies 614-4947-6220United States Plastic Corp.

Warrant Total: 147.36

70.38 85288 7/31/2021 monitoring 8/1/21 - 10/31/21 623-4983-6400Heartland Security Services

Warrant Total: 70.38

260.00 85286 7/31/2021 fertilizer & weed control - Central Park 100-4522-6400Grow Rite, Inc.

Warrant Total: 260.00

205.50 85315 7/31/2021 solenoid valve 614-4947-6220Vessco, Inc.

Warrant Total: 205.50

604.80 85294 7/31/2021 judgement day weed killer 100-4522-6220Mid-American Research Chemical

AP-Voucher Approval List (07/29/2021 - 3:58 PM) Page 4

Voucher No. Warrant Date Vendor AmountDescription Account Number

Warrant Total: 604.80

606.51 85307 7/31/2021 ice machine & control board 100-4312-6400SCR Inc

829.96 85307 7/31/2021 ice machine & control board 100-4312-6221SCR Inc

300.48 85307 7/31/2021 ice machine & control board 623-4983-6400SCR Inc

174.47 85307 7/31/2021 ice machine & control board 623-4983-6220SCR Inc

300.17 85307 7/31/2021 condenser fan 100-4550-6400SCR Inc

Warrant Total: 2,211.59

199.55 85278 7/31/2021 paint 100-4312-6221Diamond Vogel Paints

Warrant Total: 199.55

13.38 85282 7/31/2021 parts 604-4961-6221Fastenal Company

73.91 85282 7/31/2021 parts 604-4961-6221Fastenal Company

11.76 85282 7/31/2021 ear plugs 604-4961-6221Fastenal Company

Warrant Total: 99.05

331.50 85299 7/31/2021 gen fire system check 614-4947-6400Nardini Fire Equipment Co. Inc

Warrant Total: 331.50

54.56 85300 7/31/2021 tank lease 614-4947-6410Oxygen Service Company

Warrant Total: 54.56

10,996.78 85293 7/31/2021 street signs and posts 100-4260-6220M - R Sign Co., Inc.

Warrant Total: 10,996.78

369.75 85281 7/31/2021 4 pair pants - Randy G 604-4961-6221Farwest Line Specialties

Warrant Total: 369.75

363.53 85312 7/31/2021 bags 620-4976-6210TriMark

Warrant Total: 363.53

172.93 85313 7/31/2021 cush tensioner 623-4983-6220Turfwerks

321.88 85313 7/31/2021 pulley 623-4983-6220Turfwerks

Warrant Total: 494.81

410.00 85292 7/31/2021 field service travel & labor 6.15.21 blower #3 & MEA9 614-4947-6220Ideal Service Company

310.00 85292 7/31/2021 field service travel 6.15.21 614-4947-6220Ideal Service Company

AP-Voucher Approval List (07/29/2021 - 3:58 PM) Page 5

Voucher No. Warrant Date Vendor AmountDescription Account Number

170.00 85292 7/31/2021 field service travel 6.15.21 adjust VFD settings 623-4983-6400Ideal Service Company

Warrant Total: 890.00

23.34 85316 7/31/2021 6.8.21-7.7.21 acct# 622245 623-4983-6220Walmart Business

83.27 85316 7/31/2021 6.8.21-7.7.21 acct# 622245 100-4522-6220Walmart Business

29.26 85316 7/31/2021 6.8.21-7.7.21 acct# 622245 100-4194-6223Walmart Business

Warrant Total: 135.87

184.61 85301 7/31/2021 air filters 614-4947-6220Parts City Auto Parts

12.40 85301 7/31/2021 parts for GM truck 629-4956-6220Parts City Auto Parts

9.99 85301 7/31/2021 truck bed coating 100-4312-6221Parts City Auto Parts

28.31 85301 7/31/2021 parts 100-4220-6220Parts City Auto Parts

135.84 85301 7/31/2021 antifreeze, blue def, and wiper fluid 100-4318-6220Parts City Auto Parts

15.97 85301 7/31/2021 brake fluid and brakleen 100-4318-6220Parts City Auto Parts

387.59 85301 7/31/2021 filters 100-4220-6220Parts City Auto Parts

4.21 85301 7/31/2021 tool 100-4318-6220Parts City Auto Parts

28.95 85301 7/31/2021 part 100-4250-6220Parts City Auto Parts

92.16 85301 7/31/2021 air filters 100-4220-6220Parts City Auto Parts

170.62 85301 7/31/2021 air filters, parts, and freight 100-4220-6220Parts City Auto Parts

29.46 85301 7/31/2021 air filters 100-4220-6220Parts City Auto Parts

93.90 85301 7/31/2021 battery 604-4961-6221Parts City Auto Parts

3.49 85301 7/31/2021 copper plug 100-4522-6220Parts City Auto Parts

8.33 85301 7/31/2021 clamps 100-4522-6220Parts City Auto Parts

142.95 85301 7/31/2021 cabin and oil filters 100-4318-6220Parts City Auto Parts

59.93 85301 7/31/2021 coolant hose 100-4312-6221Parts City Auto Parts

108.51 85301 7/31/2021 oil & fuel filter 100-4312-6221Parts City Auto Parts

160.93 85301 7/31/2021 coolant hoses 100-4312-6221Parts City Auto Parts

17.16 85301 7/31/2021 HD circuit tester 100-4318-6220Parts City Auto Parts

25.42 85301 7/31/2021 polar seal 100-4250-6220Parts City Auto Parts

Warrant Total: 1,720.73

30,348.23 85275 7/31/2021 new switch zion church for east 6th st high voltage replacement 710-4944-6213Cooper Power Systems

30,156.92 85275 7/31/2021 south davis and st paul switch replacement 710-4944-6213Cooper Power Systems

Warrant Total: 60,505.15

81.60 85296 7/31/2021 6/14/21-7/11/21 compost 100-4319-6410Mini-Biff Inc.

244.80 85296 7/31/2021 6/14/21-7/11/21 golf course 623-4983-6410Mini-Biff Inc.

122.40 85296 7/31/2021 6.20.21-7.17.21 Lake Ripley Boat Landing 100-4522-6410Mini-Biff Inc.

AP-Voucher Approval List (07/29/2021 - 3:58 PM) Page 6

Voucher No. Warrant Date Vendor AmountDescription Account Number

Warrant Total: 448.80

1,006.30 85317 7/31/2021 leak detect 602-4961-6400Water Conservation Service Inc

Warrant Total: 1,006.30

65.00 85305 7/31/2021 Holloway raider short sleeve pullovers 623-4983-6215Renee Pursley Embroidery & Design

440.00 85305 7/31/2021 Black full zip jackets with royal blue trim 620-4976-6430Renee Pursley Embroidery & Design

Warrant Total: 505.00

81.09 85308 7/31/2021 river and prairie ads 623-4983-6340Sr. Perspective

Warrant Total: 81.09

19.69 85271 7/31/2021 mats 620-4977-6400Benson Laundry

Warrant Total: 19.69

900.00 85283 7/31/2021 Payloader work 7/19-7/20/21 100-4319-6400Fortun Services, LLC

Warrant Total: 900.00

2,434.63 85270 7/31/2021 70240inter rain bird & 90052intassy open poppet 623-4983-6220Arthur Clesen Inc

539.69 85270 7/31/2021 hose adapter, nipple, swivel quick coupler 623-4983-6220Arthur Clesen Inc

Warrant Total: 2,974.32

150.00 85310 7/31/2021 talstar - civic arena 611-4985-6400Target Pest Control

Warrant Total: 150.00

237.93 85268 7/31/2021 tripods 100-4157-6220Amazon Capital Services

Warrant Total: 237.93

1,847.50 85277 7/31/2021 Mi-T-M 196cc Honda 2400 100-4522-6220Diamond Industrial Cleaning Equipment

1,847.50 85277 7/31/2021 Mi-T-M 196cc Honda 2400 623-4983-6220Diamond Industrial Cleaning Equipment

Warrant Total: 3,695.00

78.00 85302 7/31/2021 aluminum post cap powder coated green 6" 100-4522-6220Playground Plastics

Warrant Total: 78.00

AP-Voucher Approval List (07/29/2021 - 3:58 PM) Page 7


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Total

General 34,453.39 1,977.77 30,240.80 56,411.63 22,796.41 5,368.07 41,029.54 31,298.03 45,036.60 268,612.24Water 8,399.32 102.41 1,631.70 3,134.51 7,005.50 1,274.91 1,670.16 185.00 23,403.51Electric 1,238.82 628.95 11,984.95 174,188.69 7,537.96 16,651.85 16,501.17 590.59 229,322.98Arena 1,252.77 16.97 546.47 2,296.72 951.88 546.56 5,611.37Sewer 27,738.86 1,313.80 4,939.30 19,190.54 7,973.84 6,848.84 7,186.48 106.82 75,298.48Liquor 46,786.30 60.26 3,049.50 6,793.50 104,106.75 4,071.37 2,899.46 20,929.07 188,696.21Golf Course 2,788.92 83.07 3,349.60 3,529.47 2,308.38 634.17 2,996.35 217.11 15,907.07Airport 69.86 2,513.63 656.27 3,239.76Cemetery 1,321.93 178.63 2,043.24 115.00 187.10 3,845.90Auditorium 0.002004 Improvement 0.00Water Improvement 0.00Electric Improvement 13,462.41 13,462.41Sewer Improvement 0.00Ecumen/Bethany Impr 0.00FDA Improvements 0.00Liquor Store Bldg 0.00Memorial Park Playground 0.00Memorial Park Restrooms 0.002017 Improvement Project 0.002016 Storm Sewer Impr 0.002016 Columbarium 0.002018 Improvement Project 0.00MN Rubber Expansion 0.00Civic Arena Improvements 0.00East Side Trunk Sewer 0.00TH 12 Frontage Rd Imp Project 0.00TH 12 Improvements 585.00 585.00Marshall/1st St. Imp. 0.00Airport Improvements 3,600.00 3,600.00Fire/Rescue Bldg. 0.00Perm. Imp. Rev. 0.00GO CIP Bonds, 2011B 272.13 272.13GO Imp & Refund Bond - 2011C 0.00GO Sewer Sys Bond - 2011D 126.87 126.87GO Imp. Bond - 2013A 475.00 475.00GO Utility Rev Bonds - 2014A 0.00GO Cap Imp Plan, 2015A 47.33 475.00 522.33GO Bonds 2018A Tax Abatement 329.20 329.20GO Bonds 2018A Capital Notes 145.80 145.80GO Sewer - 2019A Bond 76.00 76.00Water Imp. PFA 99 0.00Wastewater Imp PFA 0.00G.O.Imp.-2004. 0.00G.O. EDA Lease-Aud. 475.00 475.00G.O. EDA Lease 0.00G.O. Wastewate Fac 0.00G.O. Imp. - 2006A 0.00G.O. Imp. - 2007A 0.00Elec Util Rev Ref Bond - 2017A 0.00Electric Rev - 2008 0.00G.O. Equip Cert - 2009A 0.00G.O. Ref Bonds - 2009B 0.00C of I 2003 0.00C of I 2006 0.00C of I 2007 0.002011 EDA Bond 0.00Cap. Equip. Rev. 0.00Hazardous Bldg. Rev. 0.00Inf. - Reinvestment Rev 0.00Inf.-Water 0.00Inf.-Electric 0.00Inf.-Streets 1,170.00 1,170.00Inf.-Sewer 0.00Inf.-Liquor 0.00TIF-7th & Donnelly(1-1) 0.00TIF-Pleasantview (1-2) 0.00TIF-Longfellow Sq (3-1) 0.00TIF-Northstar II (4-11) 0.00TIF-Aspen (4-5) 0.00TIF-Terraceview (4-4) 0.00TIF-Innovex (4-6) 0.00TIF-IRD (4-7) 0.00Ind Park Loan (4-8) 0.00TIF-Northstar (4-10) 0.00TIF-Towmaster (4-12) 0.00Ded for Reimb Exp 3,034.00 3,034.00Res. - Auditorium 0.00Library Bldg Fund 0.00Cafeteria Benefit 0.00Comm. Reinvest 0.00Res. - Dial-A-Ride 0.00Res. - GAR Hall 0.00Res.-Meter Deposits 0.00Res. - JobZ 0.00Sm. Cities Rehab Grnt 0.00Downtown/Heritage Pres 1,658.14 1,658.14Lake Ripley Imp. 0.00Hwy. 12 Beautification 0.00Other Dedicated Funds 0.00Anderson Gardens Trust 0.00Investment Trust 0.00

127,084.17 4,183.23 55,920.95 288,966.67 22,796.41 135,071.77 71,462.56 63,285.31 71,098.33 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 839,869.40

July, 2021

Voucher Approval Document


Printed: 07/07/2021 - 2:07PM


Batch: 00007.07.2021

Accounts Payable

DescriptionFund Amount

34,453.39General Fund100

8,399.32Water Fund602

1,238.82Electric Fund604

1,252.77Civic Arena611



2,788.92Golf Course623



3,034.00Dedication for Reimbursing Exp800

Report Total: 127,084.17

AP-Voucher Approval Document (07/07/2021 - 2:07 PM) Page 1


Printed: 07/07/2021 - 2:07PM


Voucher Approval List

Accounts Payable

Batch: 00007.07.2021

Voucher No. Warrant Date Vendor AmountDescription Account Number

449.76 85013 7/7/2021 4/30/21 - 7/29/21 100-4157-6404Pitney Bowes

Warrant Total: 449.76

1,250.83 84997 7/7/2021 629-4956-6212Central Counties Coop

456.38 84997 7/7/2021 604-4961-6212Central Counties Coop

73.00 84997 7/7/2021 604-4960-6212Central Counties Coop

367.86 84997 7/7/2021 100-4220-6212Central Counties Coop

105.88 84997 7/7/2021 100-4250-6212Central Counties Coop

56.91 84997 7/7/2021 602-4961-6212Central Counties Coop

2,308.21 84997 7/7/2021 100-4210-6212Central Counties Coop

Warrant Total: 4,619.07

300.00 85001 7/7/2021 Campground host 6/20/21 - 7/3/21 100-4519-6300Kathy Larson

Warrant Total: 300.00

19.43 85005 7/7/2021 8620-003 100-4270-6380Litchfield Public Utilities

21.22 85005 7/7/2021 8620-005 100-4260-6380Litchfield Public Utilities

88.76 85005 7/7/2021 8620-006 100-4312-6380Litchfield Public Utilities

38.22 85005 7/7/2021 8620-007 100-4522-6380Litchfield Public Utilities

764.22 85005 7/7/2021 8620-008 100-4550-6380Litchfield Public Utilities

107.15 85005 7/7/2021 8620-010 100-4260-6380Litchfield Public Utilities

65.53 85005 7/7/2021 8620-011 100-4260-6380Litchfield Public Utilities

257.56 85005 7/7/2021 8620-012 100-4318-6380Litchfield Public Utilities

74.04 85005 7/7/2021 8620-013 100-4318-6380Litchfield Public Utilities

403.35 85005 7/7/2021 8620-014 100-4516-6380Litchfield Public Utilities

383.22 85005 7/7/2021 8620-015 100-4522-6380Litchfield Public Utilities

1,165.22 85005 7/7/2021 8620-018 100-4511-6380Litchfield Public Utilities

452.22 85005 7/7/2021 8620-019 100-4511-6380Litchfield Public Utilities

88.86 85005 7/7/2021 8620-020 100-4511-6380Litchfield Public Utilities

1,185.71 85005 7/7/2021 8620-022 100-4511-6380Litchfield Public Utilities

18.70 85005 7/7/2021 8620-023 100-4514-6380Litchfield Public Utilities

AP-Voucher Approval List (07/07/2021 - 2:07 PM) Page 1

Voucher No. Warrant Date Vendor AmountDescription Account Number

131.46 85005 7/7/2021 8620-024 100-4514-6380Litchfield Public Utilities

18.62 85005 7/7/2021 8620-027 100-4522-6380Litchfield Public Utilities

46.09 85005 7/7/2021 8620-028 623-4983-6380Litchfield Public Utilities

624.89 85005 7/7/2021 8620-029 623-4983-6380Litchfield Public Utilities

18.62 85005 7/7/2021 8620-030 100-4522-6380Litchfield Public Utilities

71.10 85005 7/7/2021 8620-031 629-4956-6380Litchfield Public Utilities

17.72 85005 7/7/2021 8620-032 100-4522-6380Litchfield Public Utilities

2.44 85005 7/7/2021 8620-033 100-4522-6380Litchfield Public Utilities

271.40 85005 7/7/2021 8620-035 100-4522-6380Litchfield Public Utilities

1.46 85005 7/7/2021 8620-038 100-4522-6380Litchfield Public Utilities

6,243.84 85005 7/7/2021 8620-039 602-4960-6380Litchfield Public Utilities

19.59 85005 7/7/2021 8620-040 602-4960-6380Litchfield Public Utilities

0.00 85005 7/7/2021 8620-041 100-4511-6380Litchfield Public Utilities

696.54 85005 7/7/2021 8620-042 100-4194-6380Litchfield Public Utilities

10.94 85005 7/7/2021 8620-043 100-4319-6380Litchfield Public Utilities

0.65 85005 7/7/2021 8620-045 614-4945-6380Litchfield Public Utilities

53.09 85005 7/7/2021 8620-046 602-4960-6380Litchfield Public Utilities

625.77 85005 7/7/2021 8620-047 602-4960-6380Litchfield Public Utilities

1,167.39 85005 7/7/2021 8620-048 602-4960-6380Litchfield Public Utilities

2,810.30 85005 7/7/2021 8620-050 614-4947-6380Litchfield Public Utilities

16,945.80 85005 7/7/2021 8620-051 614-4947-6380Litchfield Public Utilities

95.99 85005 7/7/2021 8620-052 611-4986-6380Litchfield Public Utilities

204.88 85005 7/7/2021 8620-053 611-4985-6380Litchfield Public Utilities

330.14 85005 7/7/2021 8620-054 611-4985-6380Litchfield Public Utilities

83.43 85005 7/7/2021 8620-055 100-4515-6380Litchfield Public Utilities

61.73 85005 7/7/2021 8620-056 623-4983-6380Litchfield Public Utilities

32.32 85005 7/7/2021 8620-058 100-4522-6380Litchfield Public Utilities

139.02 85005 7/7/2021 8620-059 100-4519-6380Litchfield Public Utilities

183.60 85005 7/7/2021 8620-060 100-4519-6380Litchfield Public Utilities

152.40 85005 7/7/2021 8620-061 100-4519-6380Litchfield Public Utilities

1,069.79 85005 7/7/2021 8620-062 100-4519-6380Litchfield Public Utilities

19.27 85005 7/7/2021 8620-063 614-4945-6380Litchfield Public Utilities

7.72 85005 7/7/2021 8620-064 614-4945-6380Litchfield Public Utilities

4.23 85005 7/7/2021 8620-065 614-4945-6380Litchfield Public Utilities

18.13 85005 7/7/2021 8620-066 614-4945-6380Litchfield Public Utilities

7.07 85005 7/7/2021 8620-067 614-4945-6380Litchfield Public Utilities

14.15 85005 7/7/2021 8620-068 614-4945-6380Litchfield Public Utilities

233.01 85005 7/7/2021 8620-070 100-4514-6380Litchfield Public Utilities

8.43 85005 7/7/2021 8620-071 623-4983-6380Litchfield Public Utilities

AP-Voucher Approval List (07/07/2021 - 2:07 PM) Page 2

Voucher No. Warrant Date Vendor AmountDescription Account Number

735.17 85005 7/7/2021 8620-072 100-4220-6380Litchfield Public Utilities

33.28 85005 7/7/2021 8620-074 100-4260-6380Litchfield Public Utilities

220.79 85005 7/7/2021 8620-075 100-4517-6380Litchfield Public Utilities

714.03 85005 7/7/2021 8620-077 100-4318-6380Litchfield Public Utilities

30.73 85005 7/7/2021 8620-078 100-4514-6380Litchfield Public Utilities

1,320.53 85005 7/7/2021 8620-081 623-4983-6380Litchfield Public Utilities

326.20 85005 7/7/2021 8620-085 100-4522-6380Litchfield Public Utilities

1,576.97 85005 7/7/2021 8620-086 620-4977-6380Litchfield Public Utilities

7.64 85005 7/7/2021 8620-087 623-4983-6380Litchfield Public Utilities

68.96 85005 7/7/2021 8620-088 100-4522-6380Litchfield Public Utilities

73.59 85005 7/7/2021 8620-089 100-4316-6380Litchfield Public Utilities

5,782.06 85005 7/7/2021 8620-093 614-4945-6380Litchfield Public Utilities

60.16 85005 7/7/2021 8620-091 614-4945-6380Litchfield Public Utilities

854.42 85005 7/7/2021 8620-092 614-4945-6380Litchfield Public Utilities

0.61 85005 7/7/2021 8620-082 623-4983-6380Litchfield Public Utilities

455.85 85005 7/7/2021 8620-095 611-4985-6380Litchfield Public Utilities

259.97 85005 7/7/2021 8620-096 100-4512-6380Litchfield Public Utilities

8.13 85005 7/7/2021 8620-100 100-4514-6380Litchfield Public Utilities

21.46 85005 7/7/2021 8620-098 - CH Car Chgr 604-4962-6435Litchfield Public Utilities

0.78 85005 7/7/2021 8620-099 - Mem Pk Car Chgr 604-4962-6435Litchfield Public Utilities

41.70 85005 7/7/2021 8620-097 - C Park Car Chgr 604-4962-6435Litchfield Public Utilities

87.50 85005 7/7/2021 8620-101 - Cart Chargers 623-4983-6380Litchfield Public Utilities

60.13 85005 7/7/2021 8620-102 - Filter Bldg 614-4947-6380Litchfield Public Utilities

Warrant Total: 50,317.09

77.25 85016 7/7/2021 shipping 100-4157-6322UPS

62.62 85016 7/7/2021 shipping 602-4961-6430UPS

Warrant Total: 139.87

270.00 85012 7/7/2021 620-4975-6251Phillips Wine & Spirits

1.63 85012 7/7/2021 620-4975-6333Phillips Wine & Spirits

39.60 85012 7/7/2021 620-4975-6255Phillips Wine & Spirits

1,984.49 85012 7/7/2021 620-4975-6251Phillips Wine & Spirits

280.00 85012 7/7/2021 620-4975-6253Phillips Wine & Spirits

44.27 85012 7/7/2021 620-4975-6333Phillips Wine & Spirits

Warrant Total: 2,619.99

238.70 84996 7/7/2021 620-4975-6254C & L Distributing, Inc.

30.00 84996 7/7/2021 620-4975-6452C & L Distributing, Inc.

AP-Voucher Approval List (07/07/2021 - 2:07 PM) Page 3

Voucher No. Warrant Date Vendor AmountDescription Account Number

15,846.00 84996 7/7/2021 620-4975-6252C & L Distributing, Inc.

Warrant Total: 16,114.70

83.70 85006 7/7/2021 620-4975-6254Locher Bros. Inc.

10,082.30 85006 7/7/2021 620-4975-6252Locher Bros. Inc.

Warrant Total: 10,166.00

207.30 85000 7/7/2021 620-4975-6252Johnson Brothers Wholesale

262.70 85000 7/7/2021 620-4975-6251Johnson Brothers Wholesale

18.74 85000 7/7/2021 620-4975-6333Johnson Brothers Wholesale

70.40 85000 7/7/2021 620-4975-6255Johnson Brothers Wholesale

66.60 85000 7/7/2021 620-4975-6254Johnson Brothers Wholesale

3,971.19 85000 7/7/2021 620-4975-6251Johnson Brothers Wholesale

2,155.32 85000 7/7/2021 620-4975-6253Johnson Brothers Wholesale

186.09 85000 7/7/2021 620-4975-6333Johnson Brothers Wholesale

Warrant Total: 6,938.34

166.25 85018 7/7/2021 623-4983-6215Viking Coca-cola Bottling Co.

79.00 85018 7/7/2021 620-4975-6255Viking Coca-cola Bottling Co.

264.85 85018 7/7/2021 620-4975-6254Viking Coca-cola Bottling Co.

Warrant Total: 510.10

187.18 84994 7/7/2021 Monthly Cellphone Usage 604-4962-6320AT&T Mobility

90.65 84994 7/7/2021 Monthly Cellphone Usage 100-4312-6320AT&T Mobility

90.65 84994 7/7/2021 Monthly Cellphone Usage 623-4983-6320AT&T Mobility

44.92 84994 7/7/2021 Monthly Cellphone Usage 100-4522-6320AT&T Mobility

52.42 84994 7/7/2021 Monthly Cellphone Usage 100-4241-6430AT&T Mobility

44.92 84994 7/7/2021 Monthly Cellphone Usage 100-4132-6320AT&T Mobility

45.73 84994 7/7/2021 Monthly Cellphone Usage 100-4519-6320AT&T Mobility

44.92 84994 7/7/2021 Monthly Cellphone Usage 602-4962-6321AT&T Mobility

179.68 84994 7/7/2021 Monthly Cellphone Usage 614-4947-6321AT&T Mobility

Warrant Total: 781.07

18.77 85017 7/7/2021 620-4975-6254Viking Beverages

5,950.90 85017 7/7/2021 620-4975-6252Viking Beverages

Warrant Total: 5,969.67

12,576.00 85008 7/7/2021 2nd Qtr Assessment Services April - June 100-4155-6300Meeker County Assessor

AP-Voucher Approval List (07/07/2021 - 2:07 PM) Page 4

Voucher No. Warrant Date Vendor AmountDescription Account Number

Warrant Total: 12,576.00

336.00 85011 7/7/2021 620-4975-6251Paustis & Sons

159.00 85011 7/7/2021 620-4975-6253Paustis & Sons

10.50 85011 7/7/2021 620-4975-6333Paustis & Sons

Warrant Total: 505.50

282.83 85002 7/7/2021 TR21-04 training in Onamia, MN 6/28-6/30/21 614-4947-6331John Lindstrom

Warrant Total: 282.83

1,044.00 85019 7/7/2021 June 2021 civil services 100-4161-6304Wood & Rue, PLLP

5,104.00 85019 7/7/2021 June 2021 civil services 100-4161-6308Wood & Rue, PLLP

Warrant Total: 6,148.00

107.24 84993 7/7/2021 620-4975-6254American Bottling Company

Warrant Total: 107.24

1,275.00 85007 7/7/2021 lighting rebate 800-4967-6439Meeker County

Warrant Total: 1,275.00

865.75 85004 7/7/2021 lighting rebate 800-4967-6439Litchfield Eye Center

Warrant Total: 865.75

495.94 85010 7/7/2021 City Hall Phone & Internet 100-4194-6321Nuvera

36.96 85010 7/7/2021 Fire Dept Phone & Internet 100-4220-6321Nuvera

195.49 85010 7/7/2021 Rescue Dept Phone & Internet 100-4250-6320Nuvera

174.33 85010 7/7/2021 Streets Phone & Internet 100-4318-6320Nuvera

272.04 85010 7/7/2021 Library Phone 100-4550-6320Nuvera

458.32 85010 7/7/2021 Utilities Phone & Internet 604-4962-6320Nuvera

165.91 85010 7/7/2021 Civic Arena Phone & Internet 611-4985-6320Nuvera

692.26 85010 7/7/2021 Waste Water Phone & Internet 614-4947-6321Nuvera

345.05 85010 7/7/2021 Liquor Store Phone & Internet 620-4976-6321Nuvera

350.68 85010 7/7/2021 Golf Course Phone & Internet 623-4983-6320Nuvera

69.86 85010 7/7/2021 Airport Phone 626-4953-6320Nuvera

34.11 85010 7/7/2021 Liquor Store 620-4976-6321Nuvera

125.19 85010 7/7/2021 Utilties - Water Treatment 602-4962-6321Nuvera

Warrant Total: 3,416.14

AP-Voucher Approval List (07/07/2021 - 2:07 PM) Page 5

Voucher No. Warrant Date Vendor AmountDescription Account Number

101.16 84995 7/7/2021 620-4975-6255Breakthru Beverage MN Wine & Spirits

100.38 84995 7/7/2021 620-4975-6254Breakthru Beverage MN Wine & Spirits

851.35 84995 7/7/2021 620-4975-6251Breakthru Beverage MN Wine & Spirits

21.45 84995 7/7/2021 620-4975-6333Breakthru Beverage MN Wine & Spirits

Warrant Total: 1,074.34

160.50 85009 7/7/2021 lighting rebate 800-4967-6439Meeker County Family Services

Warrant Total: 160.50

172.00 84999 7/7/2021 620-4975-6254Dahlheimer Beverage, LLC

443.40 84999 7/7/2021 620-4975-6252Dahlheimer Beverage, LLC

Warrant Total: 615.40

375.14 85014 7/7/2021 620-4975-6255Precise Ice

Warrant Total: 375.14

42.75 85003 7/7/2021 lighting rebate 800-4967-6439Litchfield Bowling Center

Warrant Total: 42.75

23.92 84998 7/7/2021 water 623-4983-6215Brad Connor

Warrant Total: 23.92

690.00 85015 7/7/2021 lighting rebate 800-4967-6439Tibbits Ins & Financial Services Inc

Warrant Total: 690.00

AP-Voucher Approval List (07/07/2021 - 2:07 PM) Page 6

Voucher Approval Document


Printed: 07/08/2021 - 10:16AM


Batch: 00701.07.2021

Accounts Payable

DescriptionFund Amount

1,977.77General Fund100

102.41Water Fund602

628.95Electric Fund604

16.97Civic Arena611



83.07Golf Course623

Report Total: 4,183.23

AP-Voucher Approval Document (07/08/2021 - 10:16 AM) Page 1


Printed: 07/08/2021 - 10:16AM


Voucher Approval List

Accounts Payable

Batch: 00701.07.2021

Voucher No. Warrant Date Vendor AmountDescription Account Number

285.35 85049 7/9/2021 PR Batch 00701.07.2021 Additional Life Insurance 100-0000-2176Minnesota Mutual Life Ins.

2.60 85049 7/9/2021 PR Batch 00701.07.2021 Additional Life Insurance 604-0000-2176Minnesota Mutual Life Ins.

215.00 85049 7/9/2021 PR Batch 00701.07.2021 Life Insurance ER Paid 100-0000-2176Minnesota Mutual Life Ins.

12.50 85049 7/9/2021 PR Batch 00701.07.2021 Life Insurance ER Paid 602-0000-2176Minnesota Mutual Life Ins.

88.94 85049 7/9/2021 PR Batch 00701.07.2021 Life Insurance ER Paid 604-0000-2176Minnesota Mutual Life Ins.

5.00 85049 7/9/2021 PR Batch 00701.07.2021 Life Insurance ER Paid 611-0000-2176Minnesota Mutual Life Ins.

38.56 85049 7/9/2021 PR Batch 00701.07.2021 Life Insurance ER Paid 614-0000-2176Minnesota Mutual Life Ins.

20.00 85049 7/9/2021 PR Batch 00701.07.2021 Life Insurance ER Paid 620-0000-2176Minnesota Mutual Life Ins.

10.00 85049 7/9/2021 PR Batch 00701.07.2021 Life Insurance ER Paid 623-0000-2176Minnesota Mutual Life Ins.

10.00 85049 7/9/2021 Cobra Payment-Michelle Aller 100-0000-2182Minnesota Mutual Life Ins.

Warrant Total: 687.95

347.56 85048 7/9/2021 PR Batch 00701.07.2021 Union Dues-Local 70 100-0000-2177Int'l Union Of Operating Eng.

63.76 85048 7/9/2021 PR Batch 00701.07.2021 Union Dues-Local 70 602-0000-2177Int'l Union Of Operating Eng.

346.32 85048 7/9/2021 PR Batch 00701.07.2021 Union Dues-Local 70 604-0000-2177Int'l Union Of Operating Eng.

196.76 85048 7/9/2021 PR Batch 00701.07.2021 Union Dues-Local 70 614-0000-2177Int'l Union Of Operating Eng.

56.76 85048 7/9/2021 PR Batch 00701.07.2021 Union Dues-Local 70 623-0000-2177Int'l Union Of Operating Eng.

Warrant Total: 1,011.16

600.00 85050 7/9/2021 PR Batch 00701.07.2021 Teamsters Dues 100-0000-2177Minnesota Teamsters No.320

50.68 85050 7/9/2021 PR Batch 00701.07.2021 Team Legal 100-0000-2177Minnesota Teamsters No.320

Warrant Total: 650.68

1,000.00 85051 7/9/2021 PR Batch 00701.07.2021 Nationwide-Def. Comp. 614-0000-2181Nationwide Retirement Solution

Warrant Total: 1,000.00

469.18 85052 7/9/2021 PR Batch 00701.07.2021 Fortis Disability 100-0000-2176The Hartford

26.15 85052 7/9/2021 PR Batch 00701.07.2021 Fortis Disability 602-0000-2176The Hartford

191.09 85052 7/9/2021 PR Batch 00701.07.2021 Fortis Disability 604-0000-2176The Hartford

11.97 85052 7/9/2021 PR Batch 00701.07.2021 Fortis Disability 611-0000-2176The Hartford

78.48 85052 7/9/2021 PR Batch 00701.07.2021 Fortis Disability 614-0000-2176The Hartford

AP-Voucher Approval List (07/08/2021 - 10:16 AM) Page 1

Voucher No. Warrant Date Vendor AmountDescription Account Number

40.26 85052 7/9/2021 PR Batch 00701.07.2021 Fortis Disability 620-0000-2176The Hartford

16.31 85052 7/9/2021 PR Batch 00701.07.2021 Fortis Disability 623-0000-2176The Hartford

Warrant Total: 833.44

AP-Voucher Approval List (07/08/2021 - 10:16 AM) Page 2

Voucher Approval Document


Printed: 07/08/2021 - 10:27AM


Batch: 00703.07.2021

Accounts Payable

DescriptionFund Amount

30,240.80General Fund100

1,631.70Water Fund602

11,984.95Electric Fund604

546.47Civic Arena611



3,349.60Golf Course623


Report Total: 55,920.95

AP-Voucher Approval Document (07/08/2021 - 10:27 AM) Page 1


Printed: 07/08/2021 - 10:27AM


Voucher Approval List

Accounts Payable

Batch: 00703.07.2021

Voucher No. Warrant Date Vendor AmountDescription Account Number

1,553.86 0 7/9/2021 PR Batch 00701.07.2021 Orchard Trust-Def. Comp. 604-0000-2181Orchard Trust-MN State Retirement Systems

31.14 0 7/9/2021 PR Batch 00701.07.2021 Orchard Trust-Def. Comp. 614-0000-2181Orchard Trust-MN State Retirement Systems

36.95 0 7/9/2021 PR Batch 00701.07.2021 Orchard Trust-Def Comp % 602-0000-2181Orchard Trust-MN State Retirement Systems

7.39 0 7/9/2021 PR Batch 00701.07.2021 Orchard Trust-Def Comp % 604-0000-2181Orchard Trust-MN State Retirement Systems

103.46 0 7/9/2021 PR Batch 00701.07.2021 Orchard Trust-Def Comp % 614-0000-2181Orchard Trust-MN State Retirement Systems

Warrant Total: 1,732.80

480.00 0 7/9/2021 PR Batch 00701.07.2021 Health Care Savings Plan-Stree 100-0000-2179MN State Retirement System

80.00 0 7/9/2021 PR Batch 00701.07.2021 Health Care Savings Plan-Stree 602-0000-2179MN State Retirement System

145.33 0 7/9/2021 PR Batch 00701.07.2021 Health Care Savings Plan-Stree 604-0000-2179MN State Retirement System

244.67 0 7/9/2021 PR Batch 00701.07.2021 Health Care Savings Plan-Stree 614-0000-2179MN State Retirement System

Warrant Total: 950.00

5,308.69 0 7/9/2021 PR Batch 00701.07.2021 PERA 100-0000-2174Public Employees Retirement Association

206.49 0 7/9/2021 PR Batch 00701.07.2021 PERA 602-0000-2174Public Employees Retirement Association

1,588.48 0 7/9/2021 PR Batch 00701.07.2021 PERA 604-0000-2174Public Employees Retirement Association

94.54 0 7/9/2021 PR Batch 00701.07.2021 PERA 611-0000-2174Public Employees Retirement Association

668.82 0 7/9/2021 PR Batch 00701.07.2021 PERA 614-0000-2174Public Employees Retirement Association

421.19 0 7/9/2021 PR Batch 00701.07.2021 PERA 620-0000-2174Public Employees Retirement Association

221.42 0 7/9/2021 PR Batch 00701.07.2021 PERA 623-0000-2174Public Employees Retirement Association

70.00 0 7/9/2021 PR Batch 00701.07.2021 PERA-Defined 100-0000-2174Public Employees Retirement Association

6,806.94 0 7/9/2021 PR Batch 00701.07.2021 PERA-ER Share 100-0000-2174Public Employees Retirement Association

206.49 0 7/9/2021 PR Batch 00701.07.2021 PERA-ER Share 602-0000-2174Public Employees Retirement Association

1,588.48 0 7/9/2021 PR Batch 00701.07.2021 PERA-ER Share 604-0000-2174Public Employees Retirement Association

94.54 0 7/9/2021 PR Batch 00701.07.2021 PERA-ER Share 611-0000-2174Public Employees Retirement Association

668.82 0 7/9/2021 PR Batch 00701.07.2021 PERA-ER Share 614-0000-2174Public Employees Retirement Association

421.19 0 7/9/2021 PR Batch 00701.07.2021 PERA-ER Share 620-0000-2174Public Employees Retirement Association

221.42 0 7/9/2021 PR Batch 00701.07.2021 PERA-ER Share 623-0000-2174Public Employees Retirement Association

355.73 0 7/9/2021 PR Batch 00701.07.2021 PERA Additional ER 100-0000-2174Public Employees Retirement Association

31.76 0 7/9/2021 PR Batch 00701.07.2021 PERA Additional ER 602-0000-2174Public Employees Retirement Association

244.38 0 7/9/2021 PR Batch 00701.07.2021 PERA Additional ER 604-0000-2174Public Employees Retirement Association

AP-Voucher Approval List (07/08/2021 - 10:27 AM) Page 1

Voucher No. Warrant Date Vendor AmountDescription Account Number

14.54 0 7/9/2021 PR Batch 00701.07.2021 PERA Additional ER 611-0000-2174Public Employees Retirement Association

102.91 0 7/9/2021 PR Batch 00701.07.2021 PERA Additional ER 614-0000-2174Public Employees Retirement Association

64.79 0 7/9/2021 PR Batch 00701.07.2021 PERA Additional ER 620-0000-2174Public Employees Retirement Association

34.06 0 7/9/2021 PR Batch 00701.07.2021 PERA Additional ER 623-0000-2174Public Employees Retirement Association

70.00 0 7/9/2021 PR Batch 00701.07.2021 PERA-Percent ER 100-0000-2174Public Employees Retirement Association

Warrant Total: 19,505.68

1,625.00 0 7/9/2021 PR Batch 00701.07.2021 ILIAC-Def. Comp. 100-0000-2181ING LIFE INS & ANNUITY CO

150.00 0 7/9/2021 PR Batch 00701.07.2021 ILIAC-Def. Comp. 604-0000-2181ING LIFE INS & ANNUITY CO

440.00 0 7/9/2021 PR Batch 00701.07.2021 ILIAC-Def. Comp. 614-0000-2181ING LIFE INS & ANNUITY CO

Warrant Total: 2,215.00

5,576.64 0 7/9/2021 PR Batch 00701.07.2021 Federal Income Tax 100-0000-2171Federal Taxes

401.59 0 7/9/2021 PR Batch 00701.07.2021 Federal Income Tax 602-0000-2171Federal Taxes

2,197.65 0 7/9/2021 PR Batch 00701.07.2021 Federal Income Tax 604-0000-2171Federal Taxes

92.93 0 7/9/2021 PR Batch 00701.07.2021 Federal Income Tax 611-0000-2171Federal Taxes

826.15 0 7/9/2021 PR Batch 00701.07.2021 Federal Income Tax 614-0000-2171Federal Taxes

558.52 0 7/9/2021 PR Batch 00701.07.2021 Federal Income Tax 620-0000-2171Federal Taxes

816.89 0 7/9/2021 PR Batch 00701.07.2021 Federal Income Tax 623-0000-2171Federal Taxes

57.83 0 7/9/2021 PR Batch 00701.07.2021 Federal Income Tax 629-0000-2171Federal Taxes

2,654.21 0 7/9/2021 PR Batch 00701.07.2021 FICA Employee Portion 100-0000-2173Federal Taxes

209.87 0 7/9/2021 PR Batch 00701.07.2021 FICA Employee Portion 602-0000-2173Federal Taxes

1,417.97 0 7/9/2021 PR Batch 00701.07.2021 FICA Employee Portion 604-0000-2173Federal Taxes

82.63 0 7/9/2021 PR Batch 00701.07.2021 FICA Employee Portion 611-0000-2173Federal Taxes

607.67 0 7/9/2021 PR Batch 00701.07.2021 FICA Employee Portion 614-0000-2173Federal Taxes

522.25 0 7/9/2021 PR Batch 00701.07.2021 FICA Employee Portion 620-0000-2173Federal Taxes

684.29 0 7/9/2021 PR Batch 00701.07.2021 FICA Employee Portion 623-0000-2173Federal Taxes

42.22 0 7/9/2021 PR Batch 00701.07.2021 FICA Employee Portion 629-0000-2173Federal Taxes

2,654.21 0 7/9/2021 PR Batch 00701.07.2021 FICA Employer Portion 100-0000-2173Federal Taxes

209.87 0 7/9/2021 PR Batch 00701.07.2021 FICA Employer Portion 602-0000-2173Federal Taxes

1,417.97 0 7/9/2021 PR Batch 00701.07.2021 FICA Employer Portion 604-0000-2173Federal Taxes

82.63 0 7/9/2021 PR Batch 00701.07.2021 FICA Employer Portion 611-0000-2173Federal Taxes

607.67 0 7/9/2021 PR Batch 00701.07.2021 FICA Employer Portion 614-0000-2173Federal Taxes

522.25 0 7/9/2021 PR Batch 00701.07.2021 FICA Employer Portion 620-0000-2173Federal Taxes

684.29 0 7/9/2021 PR Batch 00701.07.2021 FICA Employer Portion 623-0000-2173Federal Taxes

42.22 0 7/9/2021 PR Batch 00701.07.2021 FICA Employer Portion 629-0000-2173Federal Taxes

983.55 0 7/9/2021 PR Batch 00701.07.2021 Medicare Employee Portion 100-0000-2175Federal Taxes

49.07 0 7/9/2021 PR Batch 00701.07.2021 Medicare Employee Portion 602-0000-2175Federal Taxes

331.62 0 7/9/2021 PR Batch 00701.07.2021 Medicare Employee Portion 604-0000-2175Federal Taxes

AP-Voucher Approval List (07/08/2021 - 10:27 AM) Page 2

Voucher No. Warrant Date Vendor AmountDescription Account Number

19.32 0 7/9/2021 PR Batch 00701.07.2021 Medicare Employee Portion 611-0000-2175Federal Taxes

142.12 0 7/9/2021 PR Batch 00701.07.2021 Medicare Employee Portion 614-0000-2175Federal Taxes

122.15 0 7/9/2021 PR Batch 00701.07.2021 Medicare Employee Portion 620-0000-2175Federal Taxes

160.05 0 7/9/2021 PR Batch 00701.07.2021 Medicare Employee Portion 623-0000-2175Federal Taxes

9.88 0 7/9/2021 PR Batch 00701.07.2021 Medicare Employee Portion 629-0000-2175Federal Taxes

983.55 0 7/9/2021 PR Batch 00701.07.2021 Medicare Employer Portion 100-0000-2175Federal Taxes

49.07 0 7/9/2021 PR Batch 00701.07.2021 Medicare Employer Portion 602-0000-2175Federal Taxes

331.62 0 7/9/2021 PR Batch 00701.07.2021 Medicare Employer Portion 604-0000-2175Federal Taxes

19.32 0 7/9/2021 PR Batch 00701.07.2021 Medicare Employer Portion 611-0000-2175Federal Taxes

142.12 0 7/9/2021 PR Batch 00701.07.2021 Medicare Employer Portion 614-0000-2175Federal Taxes

122.15 0 7/9/2021 PR Batch 00701.07.2021 Medicare Employer Portion 620-0000-2175Federal Taxes

160.05 0 7/9/2021 PR Batch 00701.07.2021 Medicare Employer Portion 623-0000-2175Federal Taxes

9.88 0 7/9/2021 PR Batch 00701.07.2021 Medicare Employer Portion 629-0000-2175Federal Taxes

Warrant Total: 26,605.94

2,672.28 0 7/9/2021 PR Batch 00701.07.2021 State Income Tax 100-0000-2172MN Dept of Revenue

150.54 0 7/9/2021 PR Batch 00701.07.2021 State Income Tax 602-0000-2172MN Dept of Revenue

1,010.20 0 7/9/2021 PR Batch 00701.07.2021 State Income Tax 604-0000-2172MN Dept of Revenue

46.02 0 7/9/2021 PR Batch 00701.07.2021 State Income Tax 611-0000-2172MN Dept of Revenue

353.75 0 7/9/2021 PR Batch 00701.07.2021 State Income Tax 614-0000-2172MN Dept of Revenue

295.01 0 7/9/2021 PR Batch 00701.07.2021 State Income Tax 620-0000-2172MN Dept of Revenue

367.13 0 7/9/2021 PR Batch 00701.07.2021 State Income Tax 623-0000-2172MN Dept of Revenue

16.60 0 7/9/2021 PR Batch 00701.07.2021 State Income Tax 629-0000-2172MN Dept of Revenue

Warrant Total: 4,911.53

AP-Voucher Approval List (07/08/2021 - 10:27 AM) Page 3

Voucher Approval Document


Printed: 07/13/2021 - 12:52PM


Batch: 00013.07.2021

Accounts Payable

DescriptionFund Amount

56,411.63General Fund100

13,462.41Electric Improvement407

585.00TH 12 Improvements422

3,600.00Airport Improvements425

47.33G.O. Capital Imp Plan, 2015A507

3,134.51Water Fund602

174,188.69Electric Fund604

2,296.72Civic Arena611



3,529.47Golf Course623




Report Total: 288,966.67

AP-Voucher Approval Document (07/13/2021 - 12:52 PM) Page 1


Printed: 07/13/2021 - 12:52PM


Voucher Approval List

Accounts Payable

Batch: 00013.07.2021

Voucher No. Warrant Date Vendor AmountDescription Account Number

601.68 85054 7/13/2021 June Sewer Refund 614-0000-5721Anderson Chemical Company

Warrant Total: 601.68

1,155.50 85060 7/13/2021 008620-031 629-4956-6380Litchfield Public Utilities

Warrant Total: 1,155.50

71.33 85053 7/13/2021 July, 2021 626-4953-6320Allstream

Warrant Total: 71.33

2,850.00 85056 7/13/2021 2021 General Engineering 100-4311-6300Bolton & Menk, Inc.

13,462.41 85056 7/13/2021 Phase 2 Gen Improvements 407-4987-6300Bolton & Menk, Inc.

585.00 85056 7/13/2021 TH 12 Improvements 422-4987-6300Bolton & Menk, Inc.

3,600.00 85056 7/13/2021 LJF-SRE Building 425-4987-6300Bolton & Menk, Inc.

930.00 85056 7/13/2021 North Star Processing 614-4947-6300Bolton & Menk, Inc.

1,170.00 85056 7/13/2021 2021 State Aid 711-4944-6300Bolton & Menk, Inc.

Warrant Total: 22,597.41

0.14 85055 7/13/2021 Refund Campground Reservations 100-0000-5462Maria Balbo

60.00 85055 7/13/2021 Refund Campground Reservations 100-0000-5471Maria Balbo

2.28 85055 7/13/2021 Refund Campground Reservations 100-0000-5473Maria Balbo

5.50 85055 7/13/2021 Refund Campground Reservations 100-0000-5474Maria Balbo

Warrant Total: 67.92

6,791.19 85063 7/13/2021 City Wide Cleanup 100-4926-6445WM Corporate Services Inc

Warrant Total: 6,791.19

108.87 85061 7/13/2021 7/13 - 8/12/21 100-4926-6478Mediacom LLC

Warrant Total: 108.87

153,980.51 85057 7/13/2021 June 2021 604-4965-6256Department of Energy

AP-Voucher Approval List (07/13/2021 - 12:52 PM) Page 1

Voucher No. Warrant Date Vendor AmountDescription Account Number

Warrant Total: 153,980.51

1,244.75 85059 7/13/2021 Property Insurance 100-4194-6360League of MN Cities Ins. Trust

142.50 85059 7/13/2021 Auto Insurance 100-4194-6360League of MN Cities Ins. Trust

3,532.00 85059 7/13/2021 Auto Insurance 100-4210-6360League of MN Cities Ins. Trust

55.75 85059 7/13/2021 Property Insurance 100-4210-6360League of MN Cities Ins. Trust

479.88 85059 7/13/2021 Property Insurance 100-4220-6360League of MN Cities Ins. Trust

602.50 85059 7/13/2021 Auto Insurance 100-4220-6360League of MN Cities Ins. Trust

67.25 85059 7/13/2021 Auto Insurance 100-4241-6360League of MN Cities Ins. Trust

337.25 85059 7/13/2021 Auto Insurance 100-4250-6360League of MN Cities Ins. Trust

479.88 85059 7/13/2021 Property Insurance 100-4250-6360League of MN Cities Ins. Trust

128.50 85059 7/13/2021 Property Insurance 100-4255-6360League of MN Cities Ins. Trust

128.75 85059 7/13/2021 Property Insurance 100-4260-6360League of MN Cities Ins. Trust

170.00 85059 7/13/2021 Property Insurance 100-4270-6360League of MN Cities Ins. Trust

2,285.75 85059 7/13/2021 Auto Insurance 100-4312-6360League of MN Cities Ins. Trust

769.00 85059 7/13/2021 Property Insurance 100-4312-6360League of MN Cities Ins. Trust

21.50 85059 7/13/2021 Property Insurance 100-4316-6360League of MN Cities Ins. Trust

395.50 85059 7/13/2021 Property Insurance 100-4318-6360League of MN Cities Ins. Trust

50.00 85059 7/13/2021 Property Insurance 100-4319-6360League of MN Cities Ins. Trust

3,372.75 85059 7/13/2021 Property Insurance 100-4511-6360League of MN Cities Ins. Trust

1,235.00 85059 7/13/2021 Property Insurance 100-4512-6360League of MN Cities Ins. Trust

0.00 85059 7/13/2021 Property Insurance 100-4514-6360League of MN Cities Ins. Trust

534.50 85059 7/13/2021 Property Insurance 100-4515-6360League of MN Cities Ins. Trust

894.00 85059 7/13/2021 Property Insurance 100-4517-6360League of MN Cities Ins. Trust

299.25 85059 7/13/2021 Property Insurance 100-4519-6360League of MN Cities Ins. Trust

4,512.50 85059 7/13/2021 Property Insurance 100-4522-6360League of MN Cities Ins. Trust

570.00 85059 7/13/2021 Auto Insurance 100-4522-6360League of MN Cities Ins. Trust

762.75 85059 7/13/2021 Property Insurance 100-4550-6360League of MN Cities Ins. Trust

23.67 85059 7/13/2021 Bond Insurance 100-4924-6360League of MN Cities Ins. Trust

84.25 85059 7/13/2021 Property Insurance 100-4924-6360League of MN Cities Ins. Trust

125.00 85059 7/13/2021 Data Breach Mitigation Ins 100-4924-6360League of MN Cities Ins. Trust

8,291.71 85059 7/13/2021 General Liability Insurance 100-4924-6360League of MN Cities Ins. Trust

115.50 85059 7/13/2021 Property Insurance 100-4924-6360League of MN Cities Ins. Trust

3,330.25 85059 7/13/2021 Mobile Property Insurance 100-4924-6360League of MN Cities Ins. Trust

19.50 85059 7/13/2021 Auto Insurance 100-4924-6360League of MN Cities Ins. Trust

6,376.00 85059 7/13/2021 Municipal Excess Liability 100-4924-6360League of MN Cities Ins. Trust

47.33 85059 7/13/2021 Bond Insurance 507-4801-6360League of MN Cities Ins. Trust

135.00 85059 7/13/2021 Auto Insurance 602-4962-6360League of MN Cities Ins. Trust

1,624.00 85059 7/13/2021 Property Insurance 602-4962-6360League of MN Cities Ins. Trust

AP-Voucher Approval List (07/13/2021 - 12:52 PM) Page 2

Voucher No. Warrant Date Vendor AmountDescription Account Number

305.51 85059 7/13/2021 General Liability Insurance 602-4962-6360League of MN Cities Ins. Trust

1,070.00 85059 7/13/2021 Municipal Excess Liability 602-4962-6360League of MN Cities Ins. Trust

604.50 85059 7/13/2021 Auto Insurance 604-4962-6360League of MN Cities Ins. Trust

3,490.51 85059 7/13/2021 General Liability Insurance 604-4962-6360League of MN Cities Ins. Trust

23.67 85059 7/13/2021 Bond Insurance 604-4962-6360League of MN Cities Ins. Trust

11,637.50 85059 7/13/2021 Property Insurance 604-4962-6360League of MN Cities Ins. Trust

4,452.00 85059 7/13/2021 Municipal Excess Liability 604-4962-6360League of MN Cities Ins. Trust

1,790.00 85059 7/13/2021 Property Insurance 611-4985-6360League of MN Cities Ins. Trust

137.47 85059 7/13/2021 General Liability Insurance 611-4985-6360League of MN Cities Ins. Trust

75.25 85059 7/13/2021 Auto Insurance 611-4985-6360League of MN Cities Ins. Trust

294.00 85059 7/13/2021 Municipal Excess Liability 611-4985-6360League of MN Cities Ins. Trust

2,808.36 85059 7/13/2021 General Liability Insurance 614-4947-6360League of MN Cities Ins. Trust

9,684.50 85059 7/13/2021 Property Insurance 614-4947-6360League of MN Cities Ins. Trust

683.00 85059 7/13/2021 Auto Insurance 614-4947-6360League of MN Cities Ins. Trust

4,483.00 85059 7/13/2021 Municipal Excess Liability 614-4947-6360League of MN Cities Ins. Trust

305.25 85059 7/13/2021 General Liability Insurance 620-4976-6360League of MN Cities Ins. Trust

2,497.25 85059 7/13/2021 Property Insurance 620-4976-6360League of MN Cities Ins. Trust

71.00 85059 7/13/2021 Bond Insurance 620-4976-6360League of MN Cities Ins. Trust

3,240.00 85059 7/13/2021 Liquor Liability 620-4976-6360League of MN Cities Ins. Trust

680.00 85059 7/13/2021 Municipal Excess Liability 620-4976-6360League of MN Cities Ins. Trust

240.39 85059 7/13/2021 General Liability Insurance 623-4983-6360League of MN Cities Ins. Trust

47.33 85059 7/13/2021 Bond Insurance 623-4983-6360League of MN Cities Ins. Trust

125.50 85059 7/13/2021 Auto Insurance 623-4983-6360League of MN Cities Ins. Trust

2,765.25 85059 7/13/2021 Property Insurance 623-4983-6360League of MN Cities Ins. Trust

351.00 85059 7/13/2021 Municipal Excess Liability 623-4983-6360League of MN Cities Ins. Trust

74.50 85059 7/13/2021 Auto Insurance 626-4953-6360League of MN Cities Ins. Trust

2,202.00 85059 7/13/2021 Property Insurance 626-4953-6360League of MN Cities Ins. Trust

40.80 85059 7/13/2021 General Liability Insurance 626-4953-6360League of MN Cities Ins. Trust

125.00 85059 7/13/2021 Municipal Excess Liability 626-4953-6360League of MN Cities Ins. Trust

17.24 85059 7/13/2021 General Liability Insurance 629-4956-6360League of MN Cities Ins. Trust

60.75 85059 7/13/2021 Auto Insurance 629-4956-6360League of MN Cities Ins. Trust

725.75 85059 7/13/2021 Property Insurance 629-4956-6360League of MN Cities Ins. Trust

84.00 85059 7/13/2021 Municipal Excess Liability 629-4956-6360League of MN Cities Ins. Trust

Warrant Total: 98,436.00

215.03 85058 7/13/2021 Uniform Allowance 100-4312-6217Jeremy Larson

Warrant Total: 215.03

36.23 85062 7/13/2021 June 3 - July 2, 2021 100-4250-6320Verizon Wireless

AP-Voucher Approval List (07/13/2021 - 12:52 PM) Page 3

Voucher No. Warrant Date Vendor AmountDescription Account Number

Warrant Total: 36.23

4,905.00 85064 7/13/2021 Planning Services - 5/1 - 5/31/21 100-4191-6300WSB & Associates, Inc.

Warrant Total: 4,905.00

AP-Voucher Approval List (07/13/2021 - 12:52 PM) Page 4

Voucher Approval Document


Printed: 07/14/2021 - 10:45AM


Batch: 00705.07.2021

Accounts Payable

DescriptionFund Amount

22,796.41General Fund100

Report Total: 22,796.41

AP-Voucher Approval Document (07/14/2021 - 10:45 AM) Page 1


Printed: 07/14/2021 - 10:45AM


Voucher Approval List

Accounts Payable

Batch: 00705.07.2021

Voucher No. Warrant Date Vendor AmountDescription Account Number

5,183.46 0 7/15/2021 PR Batch 00705.07.2021 PERA-Defined 100-0000-2174Public Employees Retirement Association

12,840.00 0 7/15/2021 PR Batch 00705.07.2021 PERA-Percent ER 100-0000-2174Public Employees Retirement Association

Warrant Total: 18,023.46

363.07 0 7/15/2021 PR Batch 00705.07.2021 Federal Income Tax 100-0000-2171Federal Taxes

611.46 0 7/15/2021 PR Batch 00706.07.2021 Federal Income Tax 100-0000-2171Federal Taxes

41.62 0 7/15/2021 PR Batch 00707.07.2021 Federal Income Tax 100-0000-2171Federal Taxes

1,110.05 0 7/15/2021 PR Batch 00706.07.2021 FICA Employee Portion 100-0000-2173Federal Taxes

1,110.05 0 7/15/2021 PR Batch 00706.07.2021 FICA Employer Portion 100-0000-2173Federal Taxes

58.60 0 7/15/2021 PR Batch 00707.07.2021 FICA Employee Portion 100-0000-2173Federal Taxes

58.60 0 7/15/2021 PR Batch 00707.07.2021 FICA Employer Portion 100-0000-2173Federal Taxes

186.21 0 7/15/2021 PR Batch 00705.07.2021 Medicare Employee Portion 100-0000-2175Federal Taxes

186.21 0 7/15/2021 PR Batch 00705.07.2021 Medicare Employer Portion 100-0000-2175Federal Taxes

259.61 0 7/15/2021 PR Batch 00706.07.2021 Medicare Employee Portion 100-0000-2175Federal Taxes

259.61 0 7/15/2021 PR Batch 00706.07.2021 Medicare Employer Portion 100-0000-2175Federal Taxes

13.71 0 7/15/2021 PR Batch 00707.07.2021 Medicare Employee Portion 100-0000-2175Federal Taxes

13.71 0 7/15/2021 PR Batch 00707.07.2021 Medicare Employer Portion 100-0000-2175Federal Taxes

Warrant Total: 4,272.51

179.04 0 7/15/2021 PR Batch 00705.07.2021 State Income Tax 100-0000-2172MN Dept of Revenue

299.18 0 7/15/2021 PR Batch 00706.07.2021 State Income Tax 100-0000-2172MN Dept of Revenue

22.22 0 7/15/2021 PR Batch 00707.07.2021 State Income Tax 100-0000-2172MN Dept of Revenue

Warrant Total: 500.44

AP-Voucher Approval List (07/14/2021 - 10:45 AM) Page 1

Voucher Approval Document


Printed: 07/20/2021 - 12:18PM


Batch: 00020.07.2021

Accounts Payable

DescriptionFund Amount

5,368.07General Fund100

7,005.50Water Fund602

7,537.96Electric Fund604



2,308.38Golf Course623



Report Total: 135,071.77

AP-Voucher Approval Document (07/20/2021 - 12:18 PM) Page 1


Printed: 07/20/2021 - 12:18PM


Voucher Approval List

Accounts Payable

Batch: 00020.07.2021

Voucher No. Warrant Date Vendor AmountDescription Account Number

2,263.90 85190 7/20/2021 620-4975-6251Bellboy Corporation

23.25 85190 7/20/2021 620-4975-6333Bellboy Corporation

79.60 85190 7/20/2021 620-4975-6255Bellboy Corporation

Warrant Total: 2,366.75

300.00 85202 7/20/2021 Campground Host - 7/4 - 7/17/21 100-4519-6300Kathy Larson

Warrant Total: 300.00

485.91 85194 7/20/2021 6025097-4 614-4947-6383Centerpoint Energy

509.42 85194 7/20/2021 6045946-8 604-4960-6383Centerpoint Energy

2.66 85194 7/20/2021 10453457-3 614-4947-6383Centerpoint Energy

11.57 85194 7/20/2021 11328742-9 626-4953-6383Centerpoint Energy

Warrant Total: 1,009.56

131.40 85212 7/20/2021 620-4975-6255Phillips Wine & Spirits

72.00 85212 7/20/2021 620-4975-6254Phillips Wine & Spirits

2,849.91 85212 7/20/2021 620-4975-6251Phillips Wine & Spirits

901.25 85212 7/20/2021 620-4975-6253Phillips Wine & Spirits

60.31 85212 7/20/2021 620-4975-6333Phillips Wine & Spirits

26.75 85212 7/20/2021 620-4975-6255Phillips Wine & Spirits

165.00 85212 7/20/2021 620-4975-6254Phillips Wine & Spirits

4,607.20 85212 7/20/2021 620-4975-6251Phillips Wine & Spirits

230.00 85212 7/20/2021 620-4975-6253Phillips Wine & Spirits

81.50 85212 7/20/2021 620-4975-6333Phillips Wine & Spirits

Warrant Total: 9,125.32

2,868.00 85192 7/20/2021 620-4975-6252C & L Distributing, Inc.

16,215.65 85192 7/20/2021 620-4975-6252C & L Distributing, Inc.

60.90 85192 7/20/2021 620-4975-6254C & L Distributing, Inc.

31.00 85192 7/20/2021 620-4975-6255C & L Distributing, Inc.

-33.60 85192 7/20/2021 620-4975-6252C & L Distributing, Inc.

AP-Voucher Approval List (07/20/2021 - 12:18 PM) Page 1

Voucher No. Warrant Date Vendor AmountDescription Account Number

-50.80 85192 7/20/2021 620-4975-6252C & L Distributing, Inc.

-147.57 85192 7/20/2021 620-4975-6252C & L Distributing, Inc.

6,201.00 85192 7/20/2021 620-4975-6252C & L Distributing, Inc.

144.08 85192 7/20/2021 620-4975-6255C & L Distributing, Inc.

Warrant Total: 25,288.66

270.00 85203 7/20/2021 620-4975-6252Locher Bros. Inc.

74.50 85203 7/20/2021 620-4975-6254Locher Bros. Inc.

14,275.55 85203 7/20/2021 620-4975-6252Locher Bros. Inc.

49.00 85203 7/20/2021 620-4975-6254Locher Bros. Inc.

10,481.10 85203 7/20/2021 620-4975-6252Locher Bros. Inc.

Warrant Total: 25,150.15

316.43 85201 7/20/2021 620-4975-6251Johnson Brothers Wholesale

6.52 85201 7/20/2021 620-4975-6333Johnson Brothers Wholesale

42.38 85201 7/20/2021 620-4975-6333Johnson Brothers Wholesale

35.20 85201 7/20/2021 620-4975-6255Johnson Brothers Wholesale

597.51 85201 7/20/2021 620-4975-6251Johnson Brothers Wholesale

1,332.78 85201 7/20/2021 620-4975-6253Johnson Brothers Wholesale

37.00 85201 7/20/2021 620-4975-6254Johnson Brothers Wholesale

2,513.73 85201 7/20/2021 620-4975-6251Johnson Brothers Wholesale

1,383.39 85201 7/20/2021 620-4975-6253Johnson Brothers Wholesale

76.61 85201 7/20/2021 620-4975-6333Johnson Brothers Wholesale

799.00 85201 7/20/2021 620-4975-6251Johnson Brothers Wholesale

27.71 85201 7/20/2021 620-4975-6333Johnson Brothers Wholesale

Warrant Total: 7,168.26

276.50 85219 7/20/2021 Beverages 623-4983-6215Viking Coca-cola Bottling Co.

67.90 85219 7/20/2021 620-4975-6255Viking Coca-cola Bottling Co.

230.50 85219 7/20/2021 620-4975-6254Viking Coca-cola Bottling Co.

94.80 85219 7/20/2021 620-4975-6255Viking Coca-cola Bottling Co.

65.05 85219 7/20/2021 620-4975-6254Viking Coca-cola Bottling Co.

Warrant Total: 734.75

3,939.60 85218 7/20/2021 620-4975-6252Viking Beverages

6,940.85 85218 7/20/2021 620-4975-6252Viking Beverages

22.40 85218 7/20/2021 620-4975-6254Viking Beverages

AP-Voucher Approval List (07/20/2021 - 12:18 PM) Page 2

Voucher No. Warrant Date Vendor AmountDescription Account Number

Warrant Total: 10,902.85

448.10 85205 7/20/2021 99970.02 626-4953-6380Meeker Cooperative

48.60 85205 7/20/2021 99970.03 626-4953-6380Meeker Cooperative

37.09 85205 7/20/2021 99970.05 100-4255-6380Meeker Cooperative

32.25 85205 7/20/2021 99970.06 100-4316-6380Meeker Cooperative

48.60 85205 7/20/2021 99970.08 614-4945-6380Meeker Cooperative

35.00 85205 7/20/2021 99970.09 100-4210-6380Meeker Cooperative

101.00 85205 7/20/2021 99970.11 626-4953-6380Meeker Cooperative

45.07 85205 7/20/2021 99970.12 614-4945-6380Meeker Cooperative

14.75 85205 7/20/2021 99970.13 100-4316-6380Meeker Cooperative

14.75 85205 7/20/2021 99970.14 100-4316-6380Meeker Cooperative

141.60 85205 7/20/2021 99970.15 614-4945-6380Meeker Cooperative

20.00 85205 7/20/2021 99970.16 100-4316-6380Meeker Cooperative

23.50 85205 7/20/2021 99970.17 100-4316-6380Meeker Cooperative

10.75 85205 7/20/2021 99970.18 100-4316-6380Meeker Cooperative

10.75 85205 7/20/2021 99970.19 100-4316-6380Meeker Cooperative

10.75 85205 7/20/2021 99970.20 100-4316-6380Meeker Cooperative

19.50 85205 7/20/2021 99970.21 100-4316-6380Meeker Cooperative

19.50 85205 7/20/2021 99970.22 100-4316-6380Meeker Cooperative

19.50 85205 7/20/2021 99970.23 100-4316-6380Meeker Cooperative

19.50 85205 7/20/2021 99970.24 100-4316-6380Meeker Cooperative

10.75 85205 7/20/2021 99970.26 100-4316-6380Meeker Cooperative

62.20 85205 7/20/2021 99970.27 100-4316-6380Meeker Cooperative

47.00 85205 7/20/2021 99970.28 626-4953-6380Meeker Cooperative

Warrant Total: 1,240.51

46.00 85206 7/20/2021 Record Variance @ 519 Aspen Dr 100-4241-6450Meeker County Recorder

Warrant Total: 46.00

84.00 85210 7/20/2021 620-4975-6251Paustis & Sons

435.00 85210 7/20/2021 620-4975-6253Paustis & Sons

10.50 85210 7/20/2021 620-4975-6333Paustis & Sons

Warrant Total: 529.50

136.69 85199 7/20/2021 June 2021 100-4194-6321inContact, Inc

12.84 85199 7/20/2021 June 2021 100-4318-6320inContact, Inc

8.88 85199 7/20/2021 June 2021 623-4983-6320inContact, Inc

AP-Voucher Approval List (07/20/2021 - 12:18 PM) Page 3

Voucher No. Warrant Date Vendor AmountDescription Account Number

Warrant Total: 158.41

7,000.00 85195 7/20/2021 Final Billing for 2020 Audit 602-4966-6445Conway,Deuth & Schmiesing,PLLP

7,000.00 85195 7/20/2021 Final Billing for 2020 Audit 604-4966-6445Conway,Deuth & Schmiesing,PLLP

7,000.00 85195 7/20/2021 Final Billing for 2020 Audit 614-4948-6445Conway,Deuth & Schmiesing,PLLP

4,000.00 85195 7/20/2021 Final Billing for 2020 Audit 620-4976-6445Conway,Deuth & Schmiesing,PLLP

1,000.00 85195 7/20/2021 Final Billing for 2020 Audit 100-4158-6301Conway,Deuth & Schmiesing,PLLP

Warrant Total: 26,000.00

250.00 85208 7/20/2021 Registration Fee - TR 21-05 - Mike Geers 614-4947-6331MN Rural Water Association

Warrant Total: 250.00

120.00 85220 7/20/2021 620-4975-6254Vinocopia, Inc.

1,036.00 85220 7/20/2021 620-4975-6251Vinocopia, Inc.

152.00 85220 7/20/2021 620-4975-6253Vinocopia, Inc.

24.00 85220 7/20/2021 620-4975-6333Vinocopia, Inc.

Warrant Total: 1,332.00

1,050.00 85200 7/20/2021 Labor 100-4159-6300Jamie's Service & Repair Inc.

Warrant Total: 1,050.00

74.29 85191 7/20/2021 620-4975-6255Breakthru Beverage MN Wine & Spirits

133.84 85191 7/20/2021 620-4975-6254Breakthru Beverage MN Wine & Spirits

1,320.75 85191 7/20/2021 620-4975-6251Breakthru Beverage MN Wine & Spirits

976.00 85191 7/20/2021 620-4975-6253Breakthru Beverage MN Wine & Spirits

59.68 85191 7/20/2021 620-4975-6333Breakthru Beverage MN Wine & Spirits

278.40 85191 7/20/2021 620-4975-6252Breakthru Beverage MN Wine & Spirits

88.32 85191 7/20/2021 620-4975-6255Breakthru Beverage MN Wine & Spirits

74.21 85191 7/20/2021 620-4975-6254Breakthru Beverage MN Wine & Spirits

887.00 85191 7/20/2021 620-4975-6251Breakthru Beverage MN Wine & Spirits

240.00 85191 7/20/2021 620-4975-6253Breakthru Beverage MN Wine & Spirits

35.62 85191 7/20/2021 620-4975-6333Breakthru Beverage MN Wine & Spirits

Warrant Total: 4,168.11

210.00 85204 7/20/2021 Reimbursement for Curb Replacement 100-4313-6400Jennifer McCormick

Warrant Total: 210.00

2,023.00 85214 7/20/2021 Golf Wear 623-4983-6215Renee Pursley Embroidery & Design

AP-Voucher Approval List (07/20/2021 - 12:18 PM) Page 4

Voucher No. Warrant Date Vendor AmountDescription Account Number

Warrant Total: 2,023.00

5.50 85193 7/20/2021 Flex Fee - Schmitz 604-4961-6148CDS Administrative Services, LLC

16.50 85193 7/20/2021 Flex Fee - Heck,Johns,Nels 100-4210-6148CDS Administrative Services, LLC

5.50 85193 7/20/2021 Flex Fee - Skaggs 602-4961-6148CDS Administrative Services, LLC

5.50 85193 7/20/2021 Flex Fee - Lindstrom 604-4960-6148CDS Administrative Services, LLC

5.50 85193 7/20/2021 Flex Fee - Decker 620-4976-6148CDS Administrative Services, LLC

5.50 85193 7/20/2021 Flex Fee - L Cook 100-4318-6148CDS Administrative Services, LLC

Warrant Total: 44.00

1,042.05 85188 7/20/2021 620-4975-6252Artisan Beer Company

Warrant Total: 1,042.05

270.00 85189 7/20/2021 Retired Employee Insurance 100-4926-6430Barna, Guzy & Steffen, Ltd.

Warrant Total: 270.00

53.80 85216 7/20/2021 620-4975-6251Southern Glazer's of MN

60.00 85216 7/20/2021 620-4975-6253Southern Glazer's of MN

3.10 85216 7/20/2021 620-4975-6333Southern Glazer's of MN

2,923.75 85216 7/20/2021 620-4975-6251Southern Glazer's of MN

45.72 85216 7/20/2021 620-4975-6333Southern Glazer's of MN

79.20 85216 7/20/2021 620-4975-6251Southern Glazer's of MN

1.55 85216 7/20/2021 620-4975-6333Southern Glazer's of MN

-16.53 85216 7/20/2021 620-4975-6251Southern Glazer's of MN

-8.33 85216 7/20/2021 620-4975-6251Southern Glazer's of MN

1,801.81 85216 7/20/2021 620-4975-6251Southern Glazer's of MN

504.00 85216 7/20/2021 620-4975-6253Southern Glazer's of MN

38.75 85216 7/20/2021 620-4975-6333Southern Glazer's of MN

3,835.63 85216 7/20/2021 620-4975-6251Southern Glazer's of MN

212.75 85216 7/20/2021 620-4975-6253Southern Glazer's of MN

60.45 85216 7/20/2021 620-4975-6333Southern Glazer's of MN

Warrant Total: 9,595.65

282.00 85196 7/20/2021 620-4975-6254Dahlheimer Beverage, LLC

604.80 85196 7/20/2021 620-4975-6252Dahlheimer Beverage, LLC

Warrant Total: 886.80

115.00 85207 7/20/2021 Association Annual Dues - 2021 629-4956-6430MN Association of Cemeteries

AP-Voucher Approval List (07/20/2021 - 12:18 PM) Page 5

Voucher No. Warrant Date Vendor AmountDescription Account Number

Warrant Total: 115.00

319.92 85198 7/20/2021 620-4975-6253Feisty Brood Meadery

Warrant Total: 319.92

268.32 85213 7/20/2021 620-4975-6255Precise Ice

207.10 85213 7/20/2021 620-4975-6255Precise Ice

275.88 85213 7/20/2021 620-4975-6255Precise Ice

181.10 85213 7/20/2021 620-4975-6255Precise Ice

254.08 85213 7/20/2021 620-4975-6255Precise Ice

Warrant Total: 1,186.48

580.50 85197 7/20/2021 620-4975-6252DCR Brewing Company

Warrant Total: 580.50

1,280.00 85215 7/20/2021 Refund of remaining deposit for digging in right of way - N Arms 100-0000-5444Rick Rossow

Warrant Total: 1,280.00

380.00 85209 7/20/2021 Reimbursement for Curb Replacement 100-4313-6400Mike Molina

Warrant Total: 380.00

254.00 85217 7/20/2021 Reimburse Variance Fee 100-0000-5413Garmon Tipka

46.00 85217 7/20/2021 Reimburse Variance Fee 100-0000-5429Garmon Tipka

Warrant Total: 300.00

17.54 85211 7/20/2021 Refund Check 604-0000-2020NICK PETERSON

Warrant Total: 17.54

AP-Voucher Approval List (07/20/2021 - 12:18 PM) Page 6

Voucher Approval Document


Printed: 07/21/2021 - 4:21PM


Batch: 00702.07.2021

Accounts Payable

DescriptionFund Amount

41,029.54General Fund100

1,274.91Water Fund602

16,651.85Electric Fund604

951.88Civic Arena611



634.17Golf Course623

Report Total: 71,462.56

AP-Voucher Approval Document (07/21/2021 - 4:21 PM) Page 1


Printed: 07/21/2021 - 4:21PM


Voucher Approval List

Accounts Payable

Batch: 00702.07.2021

Voucher No. Warrant Date Vendor AmountDescription Account Number

28,596.82 85246 7/23/2021 PR Batch 00702.07.2021 Medica Health ER Pd 100-0000-2176Medica Choice

2,928.25 85246 7/23/2021 PR Batch 00701.07.2021 Medica Health Insurance 100-0000-2180Medica Choice

2,928.24 85246 7/23/2021 PR Batch 00702.07.2021 Medica Health Insurance 100-0000-2180Medica Choice

703.77 85246 7/23/2021 Cobra Payment-Irv Magnuson 100-0000-2182Medica Choice

2,112.39 85246 7/23/2021 Cobra Payment-William Nygaard 100-0000-2182Medica Choice

779.67 85246 7/23/2021 Cobra Payment-Michelle Aller 100-0000-2182Medica Choice

1,057.49 85246 7/23/2021 PR Batch 00702.07.2021 Medica Health ER Pd 602-0000-2176Medica Choice

44.23 85246 7/23/2021 PR Batch 00701.07.2021 Medica Health Insurance 602-0000-2180Medica Choice

44.21 85246 7/23/2021 PR Batch 00702.07.2021 Medica Health Insurance 602-0000-2180Medica Choice

13,003.54 85246 7/23/2021 PR Batch 00702.07.2021 Medica Health ER Pd 604-0000-2176Medica Choice

1,312.52 85246 7/23/2021 PR Batch 00701.07.2021 Medica Health Insurance 604-0000-2180Medica Choice

1,312.53 85246 7/23/2021 PR Batch 00702.07.2021 Medica Health Insurance 604-0000-2180Medica Choice

707.45 85246 7/23/2021 PR Batch 00702.07.2021 Medica Health ER Pd 611-0000-2176Medica Choice

88.43 85246 7/23/2021 PR Batch 00701.07.2021 Medica Health Insurance 611-0000-2180Medica Choice

88.44 85246 7/23/2021 PR Batch 00702.07.2021 Medica Health Insurance 611-0000-2180Medica Choice

4,517.66 85246 7/23/2021 PR Batch 00702.07.2021 Medica Health ER Pd 614-0000-2176Medica Choice

480.65 85246 7/23/2021 PR Batch 00701.07.2021 Medica Health Insurance 614-0000-2180Medica Choice

480.66 85246 7/23/2021 PR Batch 00702.07.2021 Medica Health Insurance 614-0000-2180Medica Choice

3,284.75 85246 7/23/2021 PR Batch 00702.07.2021 Medica Health ER Pd 620-0000-2176Medica Choice

298.12 85246 7/23/2021 PR Batch 00701.07.2021 Medica Health Insurance 620-0000-2180Medica Choice

298.12 85246 7/23/2021 PR Batch 00702.07.2021 Medica Health Insurance 620-0000-2180Medica Choice

589.23 85246 7/23/2021 PR Batch 00702.07.2021 Medica Health ER Pd 623-0000-2176Medica Choice

Warrant Total: 65,657.17

1,000.00 85247 7/23/2021 PR Batch 00702.07.2021 Nationwide-Def. Comp. 614-0000-2181Nationwide Retirement Solution

Warrant Total: 1,000.00

2,515.07 85245 7/23/2021 PR Batch 00702.07.2021 Delta Dental ER Pd 100-0000-2176Delta Dental Plan Of MN

95.19 85245 7/23/2021 Cobra Payment-Bruce Dicke 100-0000-2182Delta Dental Plan Of MN

44.94 85245 7/23/2021 Cobra Payment-Dallas Nelson 100-0000-2182Delta Dental Plan Of MN

44.94 85245 7/23/2021 Cobra Payment-Sharon Piepenburg 100-0000-2182Delta Dental Plan Of MN

AP-Voucher Approval List (07/21/2021 - 4:21 PM) Page 1

Voucher No. Warrant Date Vendor AmountDescription Account Number

44.94 85245 7/23/2021 Cobra Payment-Dave Boll 100-0000-2182Delta Dental Plan Of MN

95.19 85245 7/23/2021 Cobra Payment-William Nygaard 100-0000-2182Delta Dental Plan Of MN

44.94 85245 7/23/2021 Cobra Payment-Michelle Aller 100-0000-2182Delta Dental Plan Of MN

95.19 85245 7/23/2021 Cobra Payment-Sandy Hickman 100-0000-2182Delta Dental Plan Of MN

128.98 85245 7/23/2021 PR Batch 00702.07.2021 Delta Dental ER Pd 602-0000-2176Delta Dental Plan Of MN

1,023.26 85245 7/23/2021 PR Batch 00702.07.2021 Delta Dental ER Pd 604-0000-2176Delta Dental Plan Of MN

67.56 85245 7/23/2021 PR Batch 00702.07.2021 Delta Dental ER Pd 611-0000-2176Delta Dental Plan Of MN

369.87 85245 7/23/2021 PR Batch 00702.07.2021 Delta Dental ER Pd 614-0000-2176Delta Dental Plan Of MN

190.38 85245 7/23/2021 PR Batch 00702.07.2021 Delta Dental ER Pd 620-0000-2176Delta Dental Plan Of MN

44.94 85245 7/23/2021 PR Batch 00702.07.2021 Delta Dental ER Pd 623-0000-2176Delta Dental Plan Of MN

Warrant Total: 4,805.39

AP-Voucher Approval List (07/21/2021 - 4:21 PM) Page 2

Voucher Approval Document


Printed: 07/21/2021 - 4:24PM


Batch: 00704.07.2021

Accounts Payable

DescriptionFund Amount

31,298.03General Fund100

1,670.16Water Fund602

16,501.17Electric Fund604

546.56Civic Arena611



2,996.35Golf Course623


Report Total: 63,285.31

AP-Voucher Approval Document (07/21/2021 - 4:24 PM) Page 1


Printed: 07/21/2021 - 4:24PM


Voucher Approval List

Accounts Payable

Batch: 00704.07.2021

Voucher No. Warrant Date Vendor AmountDescription Account Number

36.95 0 7/21/2021 PR Batch 00702.07.2021 Orchard Trust-Def Comp % 602-0000-2181Orchard Trust-MN State Retirement Systems

1,585.00 0 7/21/2021 PR Batch 00702.07.2021 Orchard Trust-Def. Comp. 604-0000-2181Orchard Trust-MN State Retirement Systems

7.39 0 7/21/2021 PR Batch 00702.07.2021 Orchard Trust-Def Comp % 604-0000-2181Orchard Trust-MN State Retirement Systems

103.46 0 7/21/2021 PR Batch 00702.07.2021 Orchard Trust-Def Comp % 614-0000-2181Orchard Trust-MN State Retirement Systems

Warrant Total: 1,732.80

480.00 0 7/21/2021 PR Batch 00702.07.2021 Health Care Savings Plan-Stree 100-0000-2179MN State Retirement System

80.00 0 7/21/2021 PR Batch 00702.07.2021 Health Care Savings Plan-Stree 602-0000-2179MN State Retirement System

150.00 0 7/21/2021 PR Batch 00702.07.2021 Health Care Savings Plan-Stree 604-0000-2179MN State Retirement System

240.00 0 7/21/2021 PR Batch 00702.07.2021 Health Care Savings Plan-Stree 614-0000-2179MN State Retirement System

Warrant Total: 950.00

5,339.94 0 7/21/2021 PR Batch 00702.07.2021 PERA 100-0000-2174Public Employees Retirement Association

6,891.91 0 7/21/2021 PR Batch 00702.07.2021 PERA-ER Share 100-0000-2174Public Employees Retirement Association

344.00 0 7/21/2021 PR Batch 00702.07.2021 PERA Additional ER 100-0000-2174Public Employees Retirement Association

290.28 0 7/21/2021 PR Batch 00703.07.2021 PERA 100-0000-2174Public Employees Retirement Association

376.55 0 7/21/2021 PR Batch 00703.07.2021 PERA-ER Share 100-0000-2174Public Employees Retirement Association

18.12 0 7/21/2021 PR Batch 00703.07.2021 PERA Additional ER 100-0000-2174Public Employees Retirement Association

211.98 0 7/21/2021 PR Batch 00702.07.2021 PERA 602-0000-2174Public Employees Retirement Association

211.98 0 7/21/2021 PR Batch 00702.07.2021 PERA-ER Share 602-0000-2174Public Employees Retirement Association

32.61 0 7/21/2021 PR Batch 00702.07.2021 PERA Additional ER 602-0000-2174Public Employees Retirement Association

1,845.82 0 7/21/2021 PR Batch 00702.07.2021 PERA 604-0000-2174Public Employees Retirement Association

1,845.82 0 7/21/2021 PR Batch 00702.07.2021 PERA-ER Share 604-0000-2174Public Employees Retirement Association

283.96 0 7/21/2021 PR Batch 00702.07.2021 PERA Additional ER 604-0000-2174Public Employees Retirement Association

317.18 0 7/21/2021 PR Batch 00703.07.2021 PERA 604-0000-2174Public Employees Retirement Association

317.18 0 7/21/2021 PR Batch 00703.07.2021 PERA-ER Share 604-0000-2174Public Employees Retirement Association

48.79 0 7/21/2021 PR Batch 00703.07.2021 PERA Additional ER 604-0000-2174Public Employees Retirement Association

94.55 0 7/21/2021 PR Batch 00702.07.2021 PERA 611-0000-2174Public Employees Retirement Association

94.55 0 7/21/2021 PR Batch 00702.07.2021 PERA-ER Share 611-0000-2174Public Employees Retirement Association

14.55 0 7/21/2021 PR Batch 00702.07.2021 PERA Additional ER 611-0000-2174Public Employees Retirement Association

695.10 0 7/21/2021 PR Batch 00702.07.2021 PERA 614-0000-2174Public Employees Retirement Association

AP-Voucher Approval List (07/21/2021 - 4:24 PM) Page 1

Voucher No. Warrant Date Vendor AmountDescription Account Number

695.10 0 7/21/2021 PR Batch 00702.07.2021 PERA-ER Share 614-0000-2174Public Employees Retirement Association

106.94 0 7/21/2021 PR Batch 00702.07.2021 PERA Additional ER 614-0000-2174Public Employees Retirement Association

294.96 0 7/21/2021 PR Batch 00703.07.2021 PERA 614-0000-2174Public Employees Retirement Association

294.96 0 7/21/2021 PR Batch 00703.07.2021 PERA-ER Share 614-0000-2174Public Employees Retirement Association

45.38 0 7/21/2021 PR Batch 00703.07.2021 PERA Additional ER 614-0000-2174Public Employees Retirement Association

430.19 0 7/21/2021 PR Batch 00702.07.2021 PERA 620-0000-2174Public Employees Retirement Association

430.19 0 7/21/2021 PR Batch 00702.07.2021 PERA-ER Share 620-0000-2174Public Employees Retirement Association

66.19 0 7/21/2021 PR Batch 00702.07.2021 PERA Additional ER 620-0000-2174Public Employees Retirement Association

229.64 0 7/21/2021 PR Batch 00702.07.2021 PERA 623-0000-2174Public Employees Retirement Association

229.64 0 7/21/2021 PR Batch 00702.07.2021 PERA-ER Share 623-0000-2174Public Employees Retirement Association

35.33 0 7/21/2021 PR Batch 00702.07.2021 PERA Additional ER 623-0000-2174Public Employees Retirement Association

Warrant Total: 22,133.39

1,625.00 0 7/21/2021 PR Batch 00702.07.2021 ILIAC-Def. Comp. 100-0000-2181ING LIFE INS & ANNUITY CO

150.00 0 7/21/2021 PR Batch 00702.07.2021 ILIAC-Def. Comp. 604-0000-2181ING LIFE INS & ANNUITY CO

440.00 0 7/21/2021 PR Batch 00702.07.2021 ILIAC-Def. Comp. 614-0000-2181ING LIFE INS & ANNUITY CO

Warrant Total: 2,215.00

5,531.16 0 7/21/2021 PR Batch 00702.07.2021 Federal Income Tax 100-0000-2171Federal Taxes

174.06 0 7/21/2021 PR Batch 00703.07.2021 Federal Income Tax 100-0000-2171Federal Taxes

2,620.26 0 7/21/2021 PR Batch 00702.07.2021 FICA Employee Portion 100-0000-2173Federal Taxes

2,620.26 0 7/21/2021 PR Batch 00702.07.2021 FICA Employer Portion 100-0000-2173Federal Taxes

112.31 0 7/21/2021 PR Batch 00703.07.2021 FICA Employee Portion 100-0000-2173Federal Taxes

112.31 0 7/21/2021 PR Batch 00703.07.2021 FICA Employer Portion 100-0000-2173Federal Taxes

970.67 0 7/21/2021 PR Batch 00702.07.2021 Medicare Employee Portion 100-0000-2175Federal Taxes

970.67 0 7/21/2021 PR Batch 00702.07.2021 Medicare Employer Portion 100-0000-2175Federal Taxes

47.47 0 7/21/2021 PR Batch 00703.07.2021 Medicare Employee Portion 100-0000-2175Federal Taxes

47.47 0 7/21/2021 PR Batch 00703.07.2021 Medicare Employer Portion 100-0000-2175Federal Taxes

411.07 0 7/21/2021 PR Batch 00702.07.2021 Federal Income Tax 602-0000-2171Federal Taxes

215.10 0 7/21/2021 PR Batch 00702.07.2021 FICA Employee Portion 602-0000-2173Federal Taxes

215.10 0 7/21/2021 PR Batch 00702.07.2021 FICA Employer Portion 602-0000-2173Federal Taxes

50.30 0 7/21/2021 PR Batch 00702.07.2021 Medicare Employee Portion 602-0000-2175Federal Taxes

50.30 0 7/21/2021 PR Batch 00702.07.2021 Medicare Employer Portion 602-0000-2175Federal Taxes

3,027.04 0 7/21/2021 PR Batch 00702.07.2021 Federal Income Tax 604-0000-2171Federal Taxes

558.85 0 7/21/2021 PR Batch 00703.07.2021 Federal Income Tax 604-0000-2171Federal Taxes

1,662.74 0 7/21/2021 PR Batch 00702.07.2021 FICA Employee Portion 604-0000-2173Federal Taxes

1,662.74 0 7/21/2021 PR Batch 00702.07.2021 FICA Employer Portion 604-0000-2173Federal Taxes

302.54 0 7/21/2021 PR Batch 00703.07.2021 FICA Employee Portion 604-0000-2173Federal Taxes

302.54 0 7/21/2021 PR Batch 00703.07.2021 FICA Employer Portion 604-0000-2173Federal Taxes

AP-Voucher Approval List (07/21/2021 - 4:24 PM) Page 2

Voucher No. Warrant Date Vendor AmountDescription Account Number

388.86 0 7/21/2021 PR Batch 00702.07.2021 Medicare Employee Portion 604-0000-2175Federal Taxes

388.86 0 7/21/2021 PR Batch 00702.07.2021 Medicare Employer Portion 604-0000-2175Federal Taxes

70.75 0 7/21/2021 PR Batch 00703.07.2021 Medicare Employee Portion 604-0000-2175Federal Taxes

70.75 0 7/21/2021 PR Batch 00703.07.2021 Medicare Employer Portion 604-0000-2175Federal Taxes

92.94 0 7/21/2021 PR Batch 00702.07.2021 Federal Income Tax 611-0000-2171Federal Taxes

82.64 0 7/21/2021 PR Batch 00702.07.2021 FICA Employee Portion 611-0000-2173Federal Taxes

82.64 0 7/21/2021 PR Batch 00702.07.2021 FICA Employer Portion 611-0000-2173Federal Taxes

19.33 0 7/21/2021 PR Batch 00702.07.2021 Medicare Employee Portion 611-0000-2175Federal Taxes

19.33 0 7/21/2021 PR Batch 00702.07.2021 Medicare Employer Portion 611-0000-2175Federal Taxes

935.59 0 7/21/2021 PR Batch 00702.07.2021 Federal Income Tax 614-0000-2171Federal Taxes

482.46 0 7/21/2021 PR Batch 00703.07.2021 Federal Income Tax 614-0000-2171Federal Taxes

633.44 0 7/21/2021 PR Batch 00702.07.2021 FICA Employee Portion 614-0000-2173Federal Taxes

633.44 0 7/21/2021 PR Batch 00702.07.2021 FICA Employer Portion 614-0000-2173Federal Taxes

281.36 0 7/21/2021 PR Batch 00703.07.2021 FICA Employee Portion 614-0000-2173Federal Taxes

281.36 0 7/21/2021 PR Batch 00703.07.2021 FICA Employer Portion 614-0000-2173Federal Taxes

148.15 0 7/21/2021 PR Batch 00702.07.2021 Medicare Employee Portion 614-0000-2175Federal Taxes

148.15 0 7/21/2021 PR Batch 00702.07.2021 Medicare Employer Portion 614-0000-2175Federal Taxes

65.80 0 7/21/2021 PR Batch 00703.07.2021 Medicare Employee Portion 614-0000-2175Federal Taxes

65.80 0 7/21/2021 PR Batch 00703.07.2021 Medicare Employer Portion 614-0000-2175Federal Taxes

507.31 0 7/21/2021 PR Batch 00702.07.2021 Federal Income Tax 620-0000-2171Federal Taxes

486.86 0 7/21/2021 PR Batch 00702.07.2021 FICA Employee Portion 620-0000-2173Federal Taxes

486.86 0 7/21/2021 PR Batch 00702.07.2021 FICA Employer Portion 620-0000-2173Federal Taxes

113.86 0 7/21/2021 PR Batch 00702.07.2021 Medicare Employee Portion 620-0000-2175Federal Taxes

113.86 0 7/21/2021 PR Batch 00702.07.2021 Medicare Employer Portion 620-0000-2175Federal Taxes

687.25 0 7/21/2021 PR Batch 00702.07.2021 Federal Income Tax 623-0000-2171Federal Taxes

610.11 0 7/21/2021 PR Batch 00702.07.2021 FICA Employee Portion 623-0000-2173Federal Taxes

610.11 0 7/21/2021 PR Batch 00702.07.2021 FICA Employer Portion 623-0000-2173Federal Taxes

142.71 0 7/21/2021 PR Batch 00702.07.2021 Medicare Employee Portion 623-0000-2175Federal Taxes

142.71 0 7/21/2021 PR Batch 00702.07.2021 Medicare Employer Portion 623-0000-2175Federal Taxes

65.33 0 7/21/2021 PR Batch 00702.07.2021 Federal Income Tax 629-0000-2171Federal Taxes

40.99 0 7/21/2021 PR Batch 00702.07.2021 FICA Employee Portion 629-0000-2173Federal Taxes

40.99 0 7/21/2021 PR Batch 00702.07.2021 FICA Employer Portion 629-0000-2173Federal Taxes

9.59 0 7/21/2021 PR Batch 00702.07.2021 Medicare Employee Portion 629-0000-2175Federal Taxes

9.59 0 7/21/2021 PR Batch 00702.07.2021 Medicare Employer Portion 629-0000-2175Federal Taxes

Warrant Total: 30,624.74

2,637.22 0 7/21/2021 PR Batch 00702.07.2021 State Income Tax 100-0000-2172MN Dept of Revenue

88.37 0 7/21/2021 PR Batch 00703.07.2021 State Income Tax 100-0000-2172MN Dept of Revenue

154.77 0 7/21/2021 PR Batch 00702.07.2021 State Income Tax 602-0000-2172MN Dept of Revenue

AP-Voucher Approval List (07/21/2021 - 4:24 PM) Page 3

Voucher No. Warrant Date Vendor AmountDescription Account Number

1,266.68 0 7/21/2021 PR Batch 00702.07.2021 State Income Tax 604-0000-2172MN Dept of Revenue

247.68 0 7/21/2021 PR Batch 00703.07.2021 State Income Tax 604-0000-2172MN Dept of Revenue

46.03 0 7/21/2021 PR Batch 00702.07.2021 State Income Tax 611-0000-2172MN Dept of Revenue

388.94 0 7/21/2021 PR Batch 00702.07.2021 State Income Tax 614-0000-2172MN Dept of Revenue

206.09 0 7/21/2021 PR Batch 00703.07.2021 State Income Tax 614-0000-2172MN Dept of Revenue

264.14 0 7/21/2021 PR Batch 00702.07.2021 State Income Tax 620-0000-2172MN Dept of Revenue

308.85 0 7/21/2021 PR Batch 00702.07.2021 State Income Tax 623-0000-2172MN Dept of Revenue

20.61 0 7/21/2021 PR Batch 00702.07.2021 State Income Tax 629-0000-2172MN Dept of Revenue

Warrant Total: 5,629.38

AP-Voucher Approval List (07/21/2021 - 4:24 PM) Page 4

Voucher Approval Document


Printed: 07/27/2021 - 10:50AM


Batch: 00027.07.2021

Accounts Payable

DescriptionFund Amount

45,036.60General Fund100

272.13GO CIP Bonds, Series 2011B502

126.87G.O. Sewer System Bonds 2011D504

475.00G.O. Improvement Bonds-2013A505

475.00G.O. Capital Imp Plan, 2015A507

329.20GO Bonds 2018A Tax Abatement508

145.80GO Bonds 2018A Capital Notes509

76.00G.O. Sewer - 2019A Bond511

475.00G.O. EDA Lease Auditorium517

185.00Water Fund602

590.59Electric Fund604



217.11Golf Course623

1,658.14Downtown/Heritage Preservation814

Report Total: 71,098.33

AP-Voucher Approval Document (07/27/2021 - 10:50 AM) Page 1


Printed: 07/27/2021 - 10:50AM


Voucher Approval List

Accounts Payable

Batch: 00027.07.2021

Voucher No. Warrant Date Vendor AmountDescription Account Number

5,165.26 85255 7/27/2021 tax abatement payment 100-4926-6461First District Association

Warrant Total: 5,165.26

25.10 85259 7/27/2021 620-4975-6254Locher Bros. Inc.

-30.00 85259 7/27/2021 620-4975-6452Locher Bros. Inc.

13,255.50 85259 7/27/2021 620-4975-6252Locher Bros. Inc.

-13.68 85259 7/27/2021 620-4975-6252Locher Bros. Inc.

Warrant Total: 13,236.92

194.00 85264 7/27/2021 623-4983-6215Viking Coca-cola Bottling Co.

Warrant Total: 194.00

3,750.00 85262 7/27/2021 maintenance 100-4210-6412Meeker County Sheriff's Dept.

375.00 85262 7/27/2021 telephone answering service 100-4210-6320Meeker County Sheriff's Dept.

29,616.05 85262 7/27/2021 dispatching & records 100-4210-6732Meeker County Sheriff's Dept.

202.83 85262 7/27/2021 misc 100-4210-6320Meeker County Sheriff's Dept.

Warrant Total: 33,943.88

266.90 85261 7/27/2021 HSD Ultra & Static IP 7.25-8.24.21 100-4309-6430Mediacom LLC

Warrant Total: 266.90

475.00 85248 7/27/2021 Agent fee 505-4801-6620Bond Trust Services Corp.

272.13 85248 7/27/2021 Agent fee 502-4801-6620Bond Trust Services Corp.

126.87 85248 7/27/2021 Agent fee 504-4801-6620Bond Trust Services Corp.

76.00 85248 7/27/2021 Agent fee 511-4801-6620Bond Trust Services Corp.

329.20 85248 7/27/2021 Agent fee 508-4801-6620Bond Trust Services Corp.

145.80 85248 7/27/2021 Agent fee 509-4801-6620Bond Trust Services Corp.

475.00 85248 7/27/2021 Agent fee 507-4801-6620Bond Trust Services Corp.

185.00 85248 7/27/2021 Agent fee 602-4966-6620Bond Trust Services Corp.

185.00 85248 7/27/2021 Agent fee 604-4966-6620Bond Trust Services Corp.

105.00 85248 7/27/2021 Agent fee 614-4948-6620Bond Trust Services Corp.

AP-Voucher Approval List (07/27/2021 - 10:50 AM) Page 1

Voucher No. Warrant Date Vendor AmountDescription Account Number

475.00 85248 7/27/2021 Agent fee 517-4801-6620Bond Trust Services Corp.

Warrant Total: 2,850.00

800.00 85266 7/27/2021 July2021 monthly retainer fee 100-4161-6319Wood & Rue, PLLP

Warrant Total: 800.00

208.00 85265 7/27/2021 620-4975-6253Vinocopia, Inc.

5.00 85265 7/27/2021 620-4975-6333Vinocopia, Inc.

Warrant Total: 213.00

57.55 85249 7/27/2021 620-4975-6255Breakthru Beverage MN Wine & Spirits

64.23 85249 7/27/2021 620-4975-6254Breakthru Beverage MN Wine & Spirits

3,976.55 85249 7/27/2021 620-4975-6251Breakthru Beverage MN Wine & Spirits

440.00 85249 7/27/2021 620-4975-6253Breakthru Beverage MN Wine & Spirits

45.65 85249 7/27/2021 620-4975-6333Breakthru Beverage MN Wine & Spirits

Warrant Total: 4,583.98

1,658.14 85256 7/27/2021 downtown facade grant 814-4987-6430G.L.O.H.A.I.

Warrant Total: 1,658.14

1,459.20 85263 7/27/2021 620-4975-6251Southern Glazer's of MN

595.80 85263 7/27/2021 620-4975-6253Southern Glazer's of MN

35.65 85263 7/27/2021 620-4975-6333Southern Glazer's of MN

Warrant Total: 2,090.65

454.60 85251 7/27/2021 620-4975-6252Dahlheimer Beverage, LLC

30.00 85251 7/27/2021 620-4975-6252Dahlheimer Beverage, LLC

Warrant Total: 484.60

319.92 85254 7/27/2021 620-4975-6253Feisty Brood Meadery

Warrant Total: 319.92

4,594.06 85258 7/27/2021 June lodging tax 100-4926-6468Litchfield Visitors Bureau

112.21 85258 7/27/2021 June lodging tax 100-4519-6443Litchfield Visitors Bureau

Warrant Total: 4,706.27

41.94 85257 7/27/2021 refund costco charges for gatorade - street crew 100-4312-6221Jeremy Linder

AP-Voucher Approval List (07/27/2021 - 10:50 AM) Page 2

Voucher No. Warrant Date Vendor AmountDescription Account Number

Warrant Total: 41.94

23.11 85250 7/27/2021 envelopes & hoses 623-4983-6220Brad Connor

Warrant Total: 23.11

8.60 85253 7/27/2021 refund campground 8.24.21-8.28.21 100-0000-5474Erica Fehlandt

3.56 85253 7/27/2021 refund campground 8.24.21-8.28.21 100-0000-5473Erica Fehlandt

0.19 85253 7/27/2021 refund campground 8.24.21-8.28.21 100-0000-5462Erica Fehlandt

100.00 85253 7/27/2021 refund campground 8.24.21-8.28.21 100-0000-5471Erica Fehlandt

Warrant Total: 112.35

92.11 85260 7/27/2021 Refund Check 604-0000-2020JOANIE LUND

1.82 85260 7/27/2021 Refund Check 614-0000-2020JOANIE LUND

Warrant Total: 93.93

313.48 85252 7/27/2021 Refund Check 604-0000-2020ROBIN DESMITH

Warrant Total: 313.48

AP-Voucher Approval List (07/27/2021 - 10:50 AM) Page 3






Term: August 7, 2021 – August 7, 2021 A. *Litchfield Fireman’s Relief Assn.

227 North Ramsey Ave – Fire/Rescue Squad Waterball Fight

*Pending Receipt of Required Documents






WHEREAS, an application for a lawful gambling license exemption was considered from

the Kiwanis Club of Litchfield,

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED to approve the application for an Exemption

from a Lawful Gambling license for Meeker County Ducks Unlimited on October 7, 2021 at

Litchfield Eagles Club Aerie 3424, 389 CSAH 34 S, Litchfield, and to direct submittal of a copy of

this resolution with their application to the State Gambling Control Division.

Adopted by the City Council this 2nd day of August, 2021.




____________________________ MAYOR ASSISTANT CITY ADMINISTRATOR







WHEREAS, the City needs employees for part-time positions, and

WHEREAS, the funds to fill these positions were approved in the 2021 Budget, and

WHEREAS, the supervisors will adjust the wage schedule for 2021 part-time employees to

fill these positions, and

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Litchfield to offer

2021 part-time employment with the City of Litchfield, to the following:

Department Re-Hires New Hires

Golf Course Dale Granlund

Liquor Store Amy Jo Brummond

Chandler Theis

Adopted by the City Council this 2nd day of August, 2021.




____________________________ MAYOR ASSISTANT CITY ADMINISTRATOR




Litchfield Public Library Board of Trustees Quarterly Meeting Minutes

July 27, 2021 5:30 PM

Attendance: Pat Hanson, Christina Kadelbach, Cathy Keller, Joan Olson, Sarah Ostvig, Tiffany Sheffey, and

Jessica VanLanduyt. Non-voting members: Librarian Beth Cronk, City Representative Betty Allen

1. Determine Quorum: 6 of 7 Voting members needed

2. Call to order: Time 5:36 PM By Jessica VanLanduyt

3. Agenda Approval: Add/Subtract?

Motion by Tiffany Sheffey 2nd Cathy Keller to approve Agenda.

Introductions as well as introduction of new board member, Sarah Ostvig done before business of meeting began.

4. Minutes: April 2021 meeting minutes notes sent to members to be read. Corrections?

Motion by Joan Olson 2nd Cathy Keller to approve April 2021 minutes as written.

5. Librarian’s Report: presented by Librarian Beth Cronk (copy of full report attached). Comment on any

motions or actions taken.

Beth does not yet know what day sessions for trustees and Friends will be offered at the MLA


Beth contacted Dave regarding potential water issues where stucco has detached and use of the

empty lot. She has not heard back. (see notes later about timeline for repair and maintenance)

6. Old Business:

A. Permission has been granted to order signage for library shelving: ACTION ITEM: Beth will

place order.

B. Community room: Next step is for Beth and Jessica to meet with Dave.

C. Library Board Vacancies: It appears that the city may have a standing newspaper ad for libraries

vacancies on an annual basis. ACTION ITEM: Jessica will check with Amanda Lund to find out if

that is correct. ACTION ITEM: Jessica will submit the form to advertise openings on digital

billboard. We can place an ad for free on the digital billboard at Hwy 12 & Sibley. Jessica will

check if it can run longer than 7 days. ACTION ITEM: Beth will advertise openings on Facebook


D. Entrance rugs: The city does not use another company besides Cintas and Betty was not able to find

out when the contract ends. Cathy found out that the clinic special ordered and purchased their

larger rugs from another company. The rugs are cleaned when the rest of the carpet is cleaned but

otherwise are regularly vacuumed ACTION ITEM: Cathy will try to find out what brand the rugs

might be. ACTION ITEM: Betty will inquire from Dave whether we can special order a more

appropriate rug for the space rather than renting the rugs that are too slender and if this is okay for

maintenance. The board agreed that we would prefer a larger area rug that fits the space better,

ideally having a new rug before winter with salt and snow traffic. If the city does not have funds

for this rug, she will inquire about the use of Foundation funds for the rug.

E. HVAC/HEPA Filter(s) & or Unit: No additional HEPA unit has been ordered for the library and we

do not have filters to replace in the current unit (filter needs to be replaced according to the display

on the unit). ACTION ITEM: Betty will talk with Dave on Thursday to see if another unit and

replacement filters can be ordered.

F. Librarian chair: Chairs were rearranged and no replacements are necessary

G. Evaluation of roof leak for a permanent fix: Betty let the board know that, according to the city’s

Capital Improvement Plans Open House, the library exterior is slated to be worked on in 2022

(~$400,000-500,000) when all exterior issues including windows would be addressed. Dave C. has

been in touch with someone to evaluate the windows. The library interior is slated to be worked on

in 2025 (~$400,000-500,000).

H. Evaluation of moisture issues: See G. above which addresses this issue

I. Front door latch: With only one working front door, there have traffic issues, especially during the

Friends book sales. Door needs to be fixed as soon as possible, especially before winter. According

to Betty, the door is slated to be fixed before next year. Multiple locksmiths have looked at the door

and have not been able to find a fix. When Beth spoke with LBC last, they did have some

recommendations for the fix, which would include removing the door entirely to fix the latch.

ACTION ITEM: Betty will mention LBC’s suggestion to Dave to see if LBC can make a more

specific recommendation and progress can be made on the door. It may need to be replaced fully.

7. New Business:

A. Walk around results & where they fall on our repair timeline: With Betty sharing information

about the 2022 and 2025 plans for exterior and interior improvements, everything on our

walkaround list would be addressed. The board would like to see the new outlet by the display case

installed immediately however. It would seem that for the time being, the hole in the wall of the

copy room could just be covered with an outlet cover. ACTION ITEM: Betty will inquire about

the outlet cover and new outlet.

B. ACTION ITEM: Beth will look to schedule a carpet cleaning.

8. Next Scheduled Meeting Date: October 26, 2021 5:30 PM @ the Library

9. Adjournment: Meeting adjourned at 6:15 PM By Jessica VanLanduyt

Submitted by Joan Olson Acting Secretary


July 26, 2021


A regular meeting of the Historic Preservation Commission on Monday, July 26, 2021,

commencing at 6:31 p.m. was called to order by Chair Kotelnicki. A quorum was established.


Commissioner (Chair) Darlene Kotelnicki Present

Commissioner Sid Willson Present

Commissioner Rick Beecroft Present

Commissioner (Plan. Comm. Rep) Mike Flaata Present

Commissioner Kevin Hovey Absent

Commissioner Dave Welker Present

Commissioner Holly Flemming Present

Ex-officio Bill Hicks Present

25, 2021 MOTION: To approve as submitted June – MINUTES TO APPROVEII.

Rick/Sid/Passed unanimously by a voice vote).


A. Bench Photos from Historic Context Report - The members of the HPC

completed the tally for photos and narratives for the benches. Information attached to the


B. FAQ Tally - Darlene presented the tally of COA requests from 2018, 2019, 2020,

and 2021 YTD. Topics were discussed and are included in the tally. Darlene read an email from

Dan Hosington about the GAR Hall nomination and that he plans to apply for both CLG grants.




A. Next meeting will be Monday, August 23, 2021 at 6:30 pm in City Hall.


____________________ DARLENE KOTELNICKI









a proposal for assistance with history benches

Hoisington Preservation ConsultantsPOST OFFICE BOX 13585ROSEVILLE, MN 55 1 13P H O N E: 6 5 1 - 4 1 5 - 1 0 3

history benches

About the Consultant

Daniel J. Hoisington will complete all aspects of this project. Hoisington is fully qualified as a historian under the Secretary of the Interior’s Professional Standards. He received a Bachelor of Arts in history from Greenville College, Greenville, Illinois, where he graduated with honors. He earned a Master of Arts in American history from the University of Virginia and completed all course work for the Ph.D. degree. For twelve years he worked as a museum director, heading institutions in Massachusetts, Minnesota, Alabama, and Virginia. For three years he served as president of the Bay State Historical League.

In 1992 Hoisington founded a firm to provide consulting services to local historical organizations and preservation commissions. He is the author of twelve books and numerous journal articles. In 1998 the Minnesota Society of Architectural Historians honored his book, Heritage: Preserving Eden Prairie’s Past, with its David Gebhard Award. His book, A German Town: A History of New Ulm, Minnesota, received an Award of Merit from the American Association for State and Local History. He researched and developed an exhibit for the Brown County Historical Society, Never Shall I Forget: Brown County and the U. S. Dakota War of 1862, recognized with 2013 Award of Merit from the AASLH. Hoisington also developed the exhibit, Loyalty & Dissent: Brown County and WWI, recognized with both an AASLH Award of Merit and a Minnesota History Award in 2018.

Hoisington has completed preservation projects in the cities of Red Wing, Frontenac, Lake City, New Ulm, Stillwater, Faribault, Winona, Henderson, and Kenyon, with more focused evaluations and surveys of commercial districts in Wadena and Willmar. He has been a team member with three recent award-winning projects as recognized by the Preservation Alliance of Minnesota: Kasson Public School, Kasson, Minnesota (2007); Grand Center for the Arts, New Ulm, Minnesota (2014); Henderson Public School (2015)

As a book publisher, Hoisington has edited manuscripts, designed books, and supervised production for nearly forty books.

A resume is attached.

history benches

Plan of Work

The primary task of the consultant for this project is to provide historical perspective to the text and images used with the benches that the Heritage Preservation Commission will place around town. The HPC will handle the research, writing, and image selection, with assistance of the consultant, and will be responsible for the manufacture and placement of the benches. We are familiar with similar benches in Faribault (Historic Commercial District, National Register expansion and additional documentation, 2021) and New Ulm (Historic Commercial District nomination, 2004).

One: Project PlanningWe will begin the project with a meeting with the Heritage Preservation Commission.

During the course of the project, we will submit monthly interim progress reports.Timeline: Within thirty days of contract award

Two: Review and Summary ReportWe will read the text and images, reviewing grammar, factual accuracy, and

readability. The consultant will provide written recommendations for any revisions or suggestions.

Timeline: September 1, 2021

Three: Final ReportThe consultant will submit written recommendations for any revisions or suggestions.

Timeline: September 21, 2021

history benches

Project Budget


One: Initial Meeting with HPC4 hours


Two: Review of the Text and Images 12 hours


Three: Final Report to HPC4 hours


Travel: 1 trip to Litchfield $91.20

Total: $991.20

Project budget is based on an hourly rate of $45. Project administration includes meetings, correspondence, and reports.

HPC Photos and Narratives for Benches

1) Transportation

Photo #26 page 47 Hand Car, date unknown The St. Paul & Pacific Railroad platted

the area north of the railroad tracks in July 1869 and an area south of the tracks in

August 1869. The Litchfield was named in honor of the three English brothers who

helped establish the village. (Source, Meeker County Courthouse, Register of Deeds)

Photo #31 page 54 In 1967 the Independent Review printed a summary of Litchfield's

truck transportation. The year before, five businesses operating out of Litchfield logged

6,300,000 miles or 11 round trips to the moon. (Source, Independent Review, 1967)

Photo #29, page 50 Brightwood Beach Resort, on the south shore of Lake Ripley, opened

in 1889. It drew people from the metro area who traveled by train and then "boarded" the

"Brightwood Bus. This horse drawn four-seater buggy traveled to the northeastern shore

of Lake Ripley where one of two steamboats took passengers across the lake. (Source,

Independent Review)

Photo #30 page 51 Abe Johnson, who started Johnson Brothers Corporation with his

father and brothers, remembers that in the 1930s roads were done with a combination of

horse-drawn units and power units. (Source: Oral History Project 1990, Abe Johnson)

2) Agriculture

Photo 34 page 59 Litchfield Shipping Yards, 1919 The Farmers Shipping Association

was formed in 1908 to ship cattle by rail. In 1912, they shipped 146 rail cars of cattle for

a profits of $171,190.57. (Source, The Farmers Club of Meeker County, Litchfield

Shipping Association, 1908, MN Historical Society)

Photo 32, page 57

James J. Hill stated he transported 2,000,000 bushels of wheat by rail. By 1895, he

shipped 67,000,000 bushels, a significant increase. (Source, History of Agriculture James

J. Hill MN Historical Society)

Photo 37 page 64 The Meeker County Co-operative Power and Light was formed on

September 13, 1936. This was the first co-operative authorized under the Federal Rural

Electrification Administration. (Source, Meeker County Extension Service, 1935)

Photo #35 page 61

In November 1920, Meeker County Dairy Farmers formed the Meeker County Creamery

Association which was the first in the sate. In March 1921 it became the Minnesota

Creamery Association with the Litchfield creamery and Unit No. 1. The initial objective

was to standardize the output of butter and ship by rail to the right markets. After a

contest in February 1924, the name was changed to Land 'O Lakes. (Source, Farm

Bureau minutes and First District Association: The First 75 Years)

3) Commerce

Photo #20 page 37 Litchfield Glove Factory 1904 west side of Sibley Ave., about 1890

127 N. Sibley Ave., upstairs

Litchfield has several businesses that made the community self-sufficient, including a

glove factory. (Source, Independent Review)

Photo #24 page 42 Cargill, 1940s Cargill purchased the Howard Elevator in 1884.

The 1888 Cargill News reported there were seven elevators and one flour mill in

Litchfield and they had "more business than they can handle." (Source, Cargill News,

February 1932)

Photo 25, page 44

In the 1960s, LaVon Grotto made a cab enclosure for his John Deere Tractor from some

cardboard boxes. As they say "the rest is history." (Source, Custom Products, 50th


Photo #24A page 42

The Litchfield Produce was one of the largest turkey producers in the world and

employed 300 people. In 1957, it was sold to Earl B. Olson and renamed it Jennie-O.

(Source, Terry Tales by Terry Shaw, 2003)

4) Downtown

Photo #10 on page 24 The building boom of 1886 to 1919 produced 24 fine structures.

The Ames brick yard was able to furnish many bricks locally. (Source, National Register

of Historic Places nomination form, 1996)

Photo #17 page 33 1964 Streetscape looking north (Bill, Dave, Sid, Mike, Darlene)

Litchfield's iconic Christmas decorations showing Sibley Avenue and the Lenhardt Hotel

In 1909, the Litchfield Independent Review newspaper moved to its current building on

North Sibley. This makes the newspaper the oldest business in the Commercial Historic

District and also the longest in any one location (Tammy Lindberg's research has a photo,

attached). (Source, Independent Review, 1909)

Photo #16 on page 30

In the 1930s, the work week was different. Telephone operators worked 54 hours a week

and earned $10. (Source, 1990 Oral History Project, Helen Evenson)

5) Education

Photo 48, page 89

In 1909, Longfellow School opened. The junior class that year took this candid photo.

(Source, Meeker County Historical Society)

Photo 49 page 91 Washington School

Litchfield's Washington High School was built in 1879. In 1883, the graduating class was

171 students. (Source, ISD 465, Historical Display, Class of 1940)

Photo 49A page 91 LHS faculty in 1882

Photo 55 page 96

The Washington High School burned on March 11, 1929. After eight referendums in ten

months, the new Washington School opened in October 1930. Today, it has been

repurposed as county offices. (Source, Independent Review)

6) Healthcare

Photo 44 page 79

The Robertson Hospital was built at 301 Sibley Avenue in 1909 by Dr. James

Robertson. It was the first building designated as a hospital. The main floor was used for

commercial purposes. The second floor had the patient rooms and an operating room.

The basement had the laundry, kitchen, and dining room. (Source, Independent Review)

Photo #46, page 83 Meeker Memorial Hospital 1952. The hospital was built with funds

from the federal Hill-Burton Act of 1946.

Photo 46 page 85

Meeker County built a new hospital which opened in May 1952. The original hospital is

still in use today after several additions. It remains an independent, county-owned

hospital. (Source, Independent Review)

7) Library

Photo 64 page 111

In 1904, the Village of Litchfield received a $10,000 grant from Andrew Carnegie for a

public library. The Village Council took a rising vote, legal in 1904. People in favor

"stood to be counted." After a closed meeting to select a site, the council and members of

the community had an oyster supper at the hotel to celebrate. (Source, Independent

Review, Village of Litchfield Council Minutes)

Photo 66 page 117

In December 2001, the "new" Litchfield Public Library opened on North Marshall

Avenue. The property was purchased with funds from the Harriet Wagner Trust Fund,

established in 1978. (Source, Library Board Minutes, City of Litchfield Minutes,

Independent Review)

8) Entertainment

Photo 74 page 129

Litchfield has had a love of bands since the village was established. Photos show an

informal band was established in 1870. A formal Litchfield Band was organized in

April 1882. Band instruments came from Chicago by train. When the opera house was

built, the Litchfield Band performed there. Interestingly, Litchfield did not have a

constable until 1872; the band came first. (Source, Independent Review)

Photo 78 page 134

The Hollywood Theater opened on November 24, 1936. It is still in use today. (Source,

Meeker County Historical files, 1990 Oral History Project, Leland Olson)

Photo 83 page 139

The Litchfield High School Band has been winning awards and recognition since the

mid-1960s. Bands toured the mid west and east coast wining grand champion honors in

numerous parades. The band trips provided many fond memories. (Source, Independent

Review, ISD 465 School Board minutes)

Photo 81 page 137

The Litchfield Opera House was remodeled in 1935 to the Community Building. The

building became the social center of the county for meetings, dances, and wedding

receptions. The 1949 photo is from a wedding reception in the basement. (Source, Terry

Tales by Terry Shaw, 2003)

9) Social Fabric

Photo 98 page 164

Litchfield's Christmas decoration, unchanged today, were first hung about 1935. In 1959,

the State of Minnesota stated tax money could not be used for Christmas decorations.

That year, volunteers as pictured, hung the decorations. The following summer there was

a referendum that stated tax dollars could be used to purchase and hang the natural

garland decorations as long as the City of Litchfield exists. (Source, A Centennial of

Light by Lois Konitezko, 1990, Christmas Remembered, Litchfield Area Writers Group,


Photo 99 page 165

The America Legion was founded in Litchfield in 1919 with 100 men in attendance.

The Auxiliary was formed in 1921 and was the fist unit in Minnesota. (Meeker County

Memories, 1987)

Photo from Meeker County Historical society Good Cheer Club

Litchfield did not have a welfare system but formed the Good Cheer Club in 1922. The

club gave food baskets, clothing, and furniture. Women in the club represented churches

in the community.

Photo attached from Meeker County Historical

Litchfield's annual summer celebration, Watercade, started in 1957. The Watercade

events in 1969 centered around Litchfield's Centennial. Today, pie and ice cream is still

served in Central Park.



Hoisington Preservation ConsultantsPOST OFFICE BOX 13585ROSEVILLE, MN 55 1 13P H O N E: 6 5 1 - 4 1 5 - 1 0 3

litchfield preservation FAQS

About the Consultant

Daniel J. Hoisington will complete all aspects of this project. Hoisington is fully qualified as a historian under the Secretary of the Interior’s Professional Standards. He received a Bachelor of Arts in history from Greenville College, Greenville, Illinois, where he graduated with honors. He earned a Master of Arts in American history from the University of Virginia and completed all course work for the Ph.D. degree. For twelve years he worked as a museum director, heading institutions in Massachusetts, Minnesota, Alabama, and Virginia. For three years he served as president of the Bay State Historical League.

In 1992 Hoisington founded a firm to provide consulting services to local historical organizations and preservation commissions. He is the author of twelve books and numerous journal articles. In 1998 the Minnesota Society of Architectural Historians honored his book, Heritage: Preserving Eden Prairie’s Past, with its David Gebhard Award. His book, A German Town: A History of New Ulm, Minnesota, received an Award of Merit from the American Association for State and Local History. He researched and developed an exhibit for the Brown County Historical Society, Never Shall I Forget: Brown County and the U. S. Dakota War of 1862, recognized with 2013 Award of Merit from the AASLH. Hoisington also developed the exhibit, Loyalty & Dissent: Brown County and WWI, recognized with both an AASLH Award of Merit and a Minnesota History Award in 2018.

Hoisington has completed preservation projects in the cities of Red Wing, Frontenac, Lake City, New Ulm, Stillwater, Faribault, Winona, Henderson, and Kenyon, with more focused evaluations and surveys of commercial districts in Wadena and Willmar. He has been a team member with three recent award-winning projects as recognized by the Preservation Alliance of Minnesota: Kasson Public School, Kasson, Minnesota (2007); Grand Center for the Arts, New Ulm, Minnesota (2014); Henderson Public School (2015).

A resume is attached.

litchfield preservation FAQS

Plan of Work

The goal of this project is to determine the key questions that local citizens ask about the Heritage Preservation Commission and the process of historic preservation, then provide answers in an accurate yet readable format.

One: ListeningWe will begin the project with a meeting with the Litchfield Heritage Preservation

Commission. During the course of the project, we will submit monthly interim progress reports. Working with the HPC, we will begin to select the fifteen topics. Although there are no known preservation FAQs in Minnesota, there are a number of excellent examples found elsewhere. The consultant will research other examples and share relevant information with the HPC.

Timeline: Within thirty days of contract award

Two: Research and WritingThis phase will focus on gathering questions from a wide array of sources. The

consultant is familar with the city’s Design Guidelines, Historic Contexts, and inventory forms. He will review the minutes of the Litchfield HPC to better understand the types of issues that have developed over the years. He will also interview key people within the community to learn what questions — or misconceptions — common.

The consultant will provide the HPC with a draft for review. Following review by the Minnesota Historical Society and the HPC, the consultant will make any necessary revisions.

Timeline: September-August 2021

Three: Distribution and Public RelationsThe project will not be a success unless the information gets out into the community.

The consultant will work with the HPC to publicize the project, including a second public meeting to distribute and discuss the FAQs. Having developed the HPC’s website, the consultant will place it on the site in an interesting and interactive format. He will then submit a final report.

Timeline: No later than November 15, 2021.

litchfield preservation FAQS

Project Budget


One: Listening30 hours


Two: Research & Writing60 hours


Three: Presentation, including website40 hours


Travel: 4 round trips @ $.575 per mile $368.00

Total: $6,218.00

Project budget is based on an hourly rate of $45. Travel is based on current federal standards. Project administration includes meetings, correspondence, and reports.

Litchfield HPC

Tally of COA Requests 2018, 2019, 2020, and YTD 2021

Request Number Comments

Doors, exterior 12 Front, rear, and side

Roof 7 Replace or repair

Transom Issues 5 Includes signs

Windows 5 Back or second story

Windows 4 Storefront

Awnings 3

Stucco work 2 Repair and/or paint

Gutters and downspouts 2

Concrete work 2

Demolition 1

Electrical box placement 1

Overhead door 1

Mailbox 1

Suggested topics for FAQ

1. What is the Heritage Preservation Commission and what do they do? (include how to get on the agenda)

2. What paperwork is involved?

3. What are administratively approved COAs and emergency COAs?

4. What about exterior doors?

5. What about a roof? (include downspouts and gutters)

6. What do I do with a transom or bulkhead?

7. What do I need to know about storefront windows and non-storefront windows?

8. What do I need to know about signs?

9. Can I have an awning?

10. How do I repair and care for stucco?

11. What do I need to know about concrete work?

12. Is demolition possible?

13. Is there information about vital services?

14. What paint colors are allowed?

15. What assistance is available for historic properties?

Daniel J. Hoisington

P. O. Box 13585Roseville, Minnesota 55113Phone (651) 415-1034E-Mail:


Hoisington Preservation ConsultantsPresident and Principal Owner, 1992-presentPrincipal in firm offering local history and historic preservation consulting services. Responsibilities include project management, historical research and writing, preparation of interpretive plans and programs, and nominations of properties under the provisions of the National Historic Preservation Act.

Ramsey County Historical Society, Saint Paul, Minnesota Executive Director, 1989-1992Responsibilities included management of Gibbs Farm Museum, supervision of publications including books and a quarterly magazine, and development of programs and exhibits at Landmark Center.

Beverly Historical Society, Beverly, Massachusetts Director, 1984-1989Responsibilities included management of three historic properties, curatorial care of extensive collections, education programs, publications and research library. President, Bay State Historical League, statewide organization for historical museums and societies, 1987-1989.

Constitution Hall Park, Huntsville, Alabama Director, 1981-1983Responsibilities included management of historic recreation of 1819 Huntsville, Alabama. Tasks included the development of an interpretive plan, property management plan, and acquisition of furnishings for sixteen buildings.

Historic Castle Hill, Charlottesville, Virginia Director, 1976-1981Responsibilities at this historic site included program management, promotion, curatorial care and site interpretation.


Greenville College, Greenville, IllinoisB. A., History and Philosophy, 1971• Enoch A. Holtwick Literary Award• Departmental Honors• Alpha Kappa Sigma Honor Society

Gordon-Conwell Theological SeminaryTheological Studies, Church History• Byington Fellowship, 1971-1973

University Of Virginia, Charlottesville VirginiaM. A., American History, 1977• Instructor in American History, 1977• M. A. Thesis: “From Whig to Union: The Collapse of the Whig Party in Georgia”• Completed all course work for the Ph.D. degree.

Preservation Projects and Publications

Professional Reports (Selected)• Historic context report, historic properties surveys, local historic designations, and nomination

of National Register Commercial Center Historic District in New Ulm, Minn., under contract with the New Ulm Heritage Preservation Commission.

• National Register Commercial Historic District Expansion in Faribault, Minn., under contract with the Faribault Heritage Preservation Commission.

• National Historic Landmark nomination for the United States Air Force Academy, Cadet Area, under contract with the Organization of American Historians, 2003.

• National Register of Historic Places nomination, Tinnes-Baker House, Bird Island, Minn., 2021.

• National Register of Historic Places nomination, District #22 School, San Francisco Township, Carver County, Minn., 2020.

• National Register of Historic Places nomination, Way of the Cross Historic District, New Ulm, Minn., 2020.

• National Register of Historic Places nomination, Faribault Furniture Company, Faribault, Minn., 2019.

• National Register of Historic Places nomination, District #50 School, Milford Township, Minn., 2016.

• National Register of Historic Places nomination, New Ulm Public High School, New Ulm, Minn., 2015.

• National Register of Historic Places nomination, Glenwood Public School, Glenwood, Minn., 2012.

• National Register of Historic Places nomination, City Waterworks, Red Wing, Minn., 2012.• National Register of Historic Places nomination, Gaylord City Park, Gaylord, Minn., 2011.• National Register of Historic Places nomination, C. Berg’s Hotel, Sleepy Eye, Minn., 2011.• National Register of Historic Places nomination, Hamline Methodist Episcopal Church, St.

Paul, Minn., 2011.• National Register of Historic Places nomination, Oakwood Cemetery, Red Wing, Minn., 2011.• National Register of Historic Places nomination, Harry Merrill House, Hutchinson, Minn.,

2011.• National Register of Historic Places nomination, Minnesota State School for Neglected and

Dependent Children Historic District, Owatonna, Minn., 2010.• National Register of Historic Places nomination, Komensky Public School, Hutchinson, Minn.,

under contract with the Minnesota Historical Society, 2009.

HoisingtonPage 2

• National Register of Historic Places nomination, Fairmont Post Office, Fairmont, Minn., 2008.• National Register of Historic Places nomination, Kasson Public School, Kasson, Minn., 2007.• National Register of Historic Places nominations for the Dr. George Christie House in Long

Prairie and the Hewitt Public School under contract with the Minnesota Historical Society, 2006.

• National Register of Historic Places nomination. Baker/Backus School, International Falls, Minn. under contract with the Minnesota Historical Society, 2003.

• National Register of Historic Places nomination. Church of St. Joseph, Elmer Township, Minn. under contract with the Minnesota Historical Society, 2001.

• National Register of Historic Places nomination. Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception, Crookston, Minn., under contract with the Minnesota Historical Society, 1998.

• HAER recordation, Strategic Air Command Headquarters, Offutt AFB, Neb. under contract with the National Park Service, 2000.

• HAER recordation, Nike Missile Site, Farmington, Minn., 2000.• Historic recordation, Titan I missile system, under contract with the Organization of American

Historians and the National Park Service, 2007.• Historic structures report, New Ulm Turner Hall, in partnership with Claybaugh Associates,

under a grant from the Minnesota Historical Society, 2008. • Historic structures report, John Hale House, Beverly, Mass., in partnership with Robert Neiley

Associates, under a grant from the Massachusetts Historical Commission, 1989. • Historic structures report, John Cabot House, Beverly, Mass., in partnership with Robert Neiley

Associates, under a grant from the Massachusetts Historical Commission, 1986. • Historic properties survey of residential areas of Lake City, Minn., and local designation, under

contract with the Lake City Heritage Preservation Commission, 2006, 2007.• Historic properties survey of Old Frontenac, Minn., under contract with the Minnesota His-

torical Society, 2004.• Historic context report, historic properties survey, and local designation for Kenyon, Minn.,

under contract with the Kenyon Heritage Preservation Commission, 2005, 2006.• Historic properties survey of residential area of Red Wing, Minn., under contract with the Red

Wing Heritage Preservation Commission, 2009.• Historic properties survey, local historic designations, and design guidelines in Henderson,

Minn., under contract with the Henderson Heritage Preservation Commission, 2001, 2007.• Local historic designations and design guidelines for Winona Heritage Preservation Commis-

sion, 2002, 2007, 2008.• Cultural resource survey of Cold War Properties and Management Plan. Offutt AFB, Neb.

Contract with Department of Defense, 1995, 1997.• Historic recordation, Baukol-Noonan Lignite Mine, North Dakota Public Service Commission,


Books (Selected)• Becoming Eagan: The Making of a Community, 1972-2010. Eagan, Minn.: City of Eagan, 2018.• Meet Us at the Fair: A History of the Brown County Fair. New Ulm: 2017.• The New Ulm Battery: A History. New Ulm: 2015.• This Cap of White: The Story of the Mounds-Midway School of Nursing. Saint Paul: Mounds-Midway

Alumni Association, 2007.• A German Town: A History of New Ulm, Minnesota. New Ulm: City of New Ulm, 2004. American

HoisingtonPage 3

Association for State and Local History, Certificate of Commendation, 2005.• The Parish of St. John the Baptist of Excelsior. Excelsior, Minn.: 2003.• Hallowed Grounds. Cedar Lake, Ind.: 2002.• Gettysburg and the Christian Commission. St. Paul, Minn.: Edinborough Press, 2002.• The Cold War at Offutt Air Force Base. Denver: National Park Service, 2002.• The Brooklyns: A History of Brooklyn Township (ed.). Brooklyn Historical Society, 2001. • A True Nurse: The Story of the Swedish Hospital School of Nursing. Minneapolis: Swedish Hospital

Alumni Association, 1999.• Chanhassen: A Centennial History. Chanhassen: City of Chanhassen, 1996.• Roseville, Minnesota: The Story of Its Growth (ed.). Roseville: Roseville Historical Society, 1998.• Heritage: Preserving Eden Prairie’s Past. Eden Prairie: Eden Prairie HPC, 1995. David Gebhard

Award, Minnesota Society of Architectural Historians.• A Splendid Little Town: A History of Faribault, Minnesota. Faribault: Faribault HPC, 1994.• Made in Beverly: A History of Beverly Industry. Beverly: Beverly Historic District Commission,


Interpretive Programs (Selected)• Exhibit planning, research, and design, “The Birthplace of Alabama,” Constitution Hall Park,

Huntsville, Ala., under a grant from the Alabama Humanities Council, 1981.• Exhibit planning, research, and design, “The Summer Estates,” Beverly Historical Society under

a grant from the Massachusetts Arts & Humanities Council, 1988.• Historic walking tour brochure, New Ulm Heritage Preservation Commission, 2007.• Historic downtown marker program, New Ulm Heritage Preservation Commission, 2008.• Interpretive plan, Friedrich Kiesling House, New Ulm Heritage Preservation Commission, under

Preserve America grant, 2008.• Video podcast historic walking tour, New Ulm Heritage Preservation Commission, 2008.• Video podcast historic walking tours, Saint Cloud Heritage Preservation Commission, 2009,

2010.• Video podcast historic walking tours, Little Falls Heritage Preservation Commission, 2010.• Exhibit planning, research, and design, Hermann Monument Interpretive Center, New Ulm

Parks Department, 2009.• Exhibit planning, research, design, and installation. “Never Shall I Forget: Brown County and the

U.S.-Dakota War of 1862.” Brown County Historical Society, 2009-2012. American Association for State and Local History, Award of Merit, 2013

• Video podcast historic walking tours, Faribault Heritage Preservation Commission, 2011. • Video podcast historic walking tours, City of Urbana, Ill., 2011, 2013.• Video podcast historic walking tours, Stillwater Heritage Preservation Commission, 2013, 2014.

Commission Excellence Award from National Alliance of Preservation Commissions (NAPC).Video podcast historic walking tours, Red Wing Heritage Preservation Commission, 2013.

• Exhibit planning, research, design, and installation, “Loyalty and Dissent: Brown County and WWI.” Brown County Historical Society, 2016-17. American Association for State and Local History, Award of Merit, 2018. Minnesota History Award, 2019.

• Documentary Film, “A Heritage Transplanted: German Bohemians in America.” 2015.• Interpretive plan, Milwaukee Road Heritage Center, Montevideo, Minn., 2016.• Documentary Film, “A Good Education: The Story of the District 50 School.” 2017.• Meeker County Heritage Tourism Plan, Meeker County, 2018.

HoisingtonPage 4

• Video podcast historic walking tour, Litchfield Heritage Preservation Commission, Litchfield, Minn., 2019.

• Website and education programs, Litchfield Heritage Preservation Commission, 2020.• “The Grand,” interpretive film for Grand Center for Arts and Culture, New Ulm, Minn.2019.• Virtual reality tour, “Edward Curtis and the North American Indian,” Grand Center for the Arts

and Culture, New Ulm, Minn. 2021.

PresentationsPresentations on interpretive programs at professional conferences, including:

• “Capitalizing on Main Street,” National Trust Main Street Conference, 2009.• West Virginia Main Street Training, 2011.• “A Museum without Walls,” Preserve America Conference, Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, 2013.• “Interpreting Main Street,” AASLH Annual Conference, 2014 • Loyalty and Dissent: Minnesota Germans and WWI• Fort Snelling Civil War Symposium• Immigration Through New Ulm Eyes, 2019





Memo to Council

Date: July 30, 2021

Meeting Date: August 2, 2021

From: Administrator Cziok

Subject: Police Officer Appointment

Discussion/Consideration As the council is aware, there is a vacancy within the police

department. Following a review of applications, testing, interviews, and

background checks the following three candidates were certified for the

mayor’s consideration:

Brett Welker

Jordan Reiner

Alex Donnay

Recommendation Following interviews, Mayor Johnson is recommending Brett Welker

for this appointment.


Memo to Council

Date: July 30, 2021

Meeting Date: August 2, 2021

From: Administrator Cziok

Subject: Optimist Park Canopy

Discussion/Consideration Following our work-session, Engineer Dewolf was able to fill in

some of the gaps to ensure a proper project in the end. In addition to the

budget presented by Litchfield Baseball Association, there are some

additional costs that will be incurred: landscaping, concrete, additional

backstop support, and some time from our city engineer. Additionally,

there is likely going to be some drainage issues that will need to be

addressed as well but we are hopeful that will be a low-cost solution.

Administration is recommending breaking this into two separate

projects (canopy and backstop) and continue to use our city engineer to

coordinate these projects. The canopy project is estimated at $168,834

which includes some hard numbers for material and labor as well as some

allowances for planning and prep work. The backstop project is

estimated at $54,300 which are estimates only at this stage.

By coordinating these projects together, we are hoping for some

savings but isn’t likely to equate to much. Administration will discuss the

impact this project has on our capital improvement plan.

Recommendation If the council wishes to keep with project on track, it is

recommended you move forward with the canopy purchase from

System’s West with Options 1 & 2 for $133,484 which includes all labor and

material associated with the canopy. The secondary backstop project

will need to be done simultaneously but doesn’t have hard numbers at

this point. In approving this, you are committing to two projects totaling

approximately $225,000.

Considering the cost overrun on this project administration would

recommend the council request an additional 2 years of annual

payments of $6,000 for a total participation from Litchfield Baseball

Association of $62,000.

Inclusions Systems West Budget Proposal highlighting what the council may

wish to approve on Monday.

The Litchfield Baseball Association’s budget previously presented to

council with administration’s notes.

24054 MN Hwy 22 Litchfield, MN 55355 P: (320) 693-8779 F: (320) 693-7841

Building for Generations

General Contractor

Pre-Engineered Buildings


New Construction/Re-Roof/Remodel

Budget Proposal July 19, 2021

Optimist Park

Litchfield, MN

51’ wide high sidewall x 100’ wide low sidewall x 30’ high at high side

Building Materials

Single Slope, .8182:12 Roof Pitch Pre-Engineered Whirlwind Steel skewed canopy

Rigid endwall frames, 1/2 load straight frames, center columns WX style

100’ low sidewall frames 4@25’, 6’ AFF due to grade at site

Endwalls 44’ wide

Red oxide primer frame color

26 Gauge Super Span X, galvalume or color selected from standard color chart $111,448.00

Labor & Equipment

Erection labor, crane, lift, supervision, clean-up to erect steel structure

Value of $21,000.00. To be Donated if materials are purchased through Systems

West and a Sign is hung at the field -$0-

Foundation (Hopefully get a portion of labor donated)

Seven 4’x4’x4’ footings/piers with anchor bolts $22,150.00

Foundation Engineering

Allowance $2,200.00

Architectural (Hopefully we don’t need)

Allowance $3,000.00

Earthwork (Hopefully get donated and/or city helps)

Allowance $8,000.00




24054 MN Hwy 22 Litchfield, MN 55355 P: (320) 693-8779 F: (320) 693-7841

Building for Generations

General Contractor

Pre-Engineered Buildings


New Construction/Re-Roof/Remodel

Option 1 – 29 Gauge White Liner Panel underside of Canopy Building Materials:

29 Gauge white Whirlwind Sturdi-Rib warranty finish panel with

necessary fasteners, trim and tax ADD: $ 9,036.12

Labor & Equipment

Erection labor, lifts, supervision, clean up to install liner panel ADD: $ 6,500.00



Option 2 – Powder Coat Structural Steel Blue Powder Coating:

Budget Pricing from Associated Finishing in Litchfield

(Hopefully get a portion donated) ADD: $ 6,500.00



, 2021



Memo to Council

Date: July 30, 2021

Meeting Date: August 2, 2021

From: Administrator Cziok

Subject: Dog Park Update

Background/Discussion Following the work-session staff worked to confirm these numbers: Box fencing = $20,000 Sign = $2,000 Gates = $4,500 Shelter = $9,000 Water = ?? A little sitework The concept remains to designate this space for a dog park and provide minimum services until we truly know the scope of the usage. Staff may be able to reuse some reclaimed fencing to save some money but it’s clear how much we have. We hope to have a map for the council to review on Monday night. Recommendations: Administration’s recommendation should the council wish to proceed with designating the water plant location as the new dog park would be to proceed with the fencing, gates, & sign at this time. In 2022 mini-biffs, garbage containers, and waste stations would be added to the park. Administration would recommend proceeding with a shelter once $4500 is raised by the group.


Memo to Council

Date: July 30, 2021

Meeting Date: August 2, 2021

From: Administrator Cziok

Subject: CIP


On Monday night administration is hoping to accomplish 3 goals:

1) Allow space for the council to discuss feedback you receivedabout our capital improvement plan.

2) Check in with the council on CIP financial calendar (attached).3) Begin discussing operational impacts of this plan.

OptimistParkCanopy StreetGarage#1 Wellness/RecCenter Wellness/RecCenter Library#2of2 GCParkingLot- - 66,287 66,287 26,515 7,954

DigesterProject StreetGarage#2 EastPleasureLooping CivicArenaFloor NRamseyAve JayceePark232,005 53,000 5,303 66,287 149,146 12,926

TennisCourtRehab WaterPlantUpgrade WaterMeterUpgrade Circuit11-2 NSwiftAve SSibleyWatermain- 165,718 66,287 39,772 169,032 26,515

DogPark ElectricMeterUpgrade BiosolidsDrying StreetGarage#3 JohnsonDrive OldFDATrunklineSewer- - 795,444 - 159,089 116,002

MemorialParkingLot Circuit3-8 CustomProjectForcemain Overlay#37,954 21,543 19,886 99,431

Overlay#1 Circuit11-1 EastDowntownAlleyway44,744 36,458 96,116



TotalValue TotalValue TotalValue TotalValue TotalValue TotalValue

NewDebtAdded NewDebtAdded NewDebtAdded NewDebtAdded NewDebtAdded NewDebtAdded

TaxLevyIncrease TaxLevyIncrease TaxLevyIncrease TaxLevyIncrease TaxLevyIncrease TaxLevyIncrease0% 5.6% 2.3% 4.5% 15% 4%

ElectricRateIncrease ElectricRateIncrease ElectricRateIncrease ElectricRateIncrease ElectricRateIncrease ElectricRateIncrease0% 0% 1% 0.5% 0% 0.6%

WaterRateIncrease WaterRateIncrease WaterRateIncrease WaterRateIncrease WaterRateIncrease WaterRateIncrease0% 0% 7.2% 0% 0.0% 2.5%

WastewaterRateIncrease WastewaterRateIncrease WastewaterRateIncrease WastewaterRateIncrease WastewaterRateIncrease WastewaterRateIncrease5.5% 0% 19% 0.5% 0% 2%

StormSewerIncrease StormSewerIncrease StormSewerIncrease StormSewerIncrease StormSewerIncrease StormSewerIncrease0% *** 0% 0% 0% 0%

TotalRevenue TotalRevenue TotalRevenue TotalRevenue TotalRevenue TotalRevenue350,000$





































232,005$ 331,074$ 991,322$ 192,232$ 503,781$ 358,944$



3,825,000.00$ 5,415,000.00$7,600,000.00$3,400,000.00$14,955,000.00$

2025 2026


60,000$ 1,000,000$ 12,000,000$


2021 2022 2023 2024
























Memo to Council

Date: July 30, 2021

Meeting Date: August 2, 2021

From: Administrator Cziok

Subject: Wellness/Rec Discussions

Inclusions: Mayor Johnson’s memo

The proposal presented to the capital bonding committee

Budget request resolution

Sales tax request resolution

To: Litchfield City Council & City Administrator Dave Cziok From: Mayor Keith Johnson Concerning: Plan to implement a Wellness/Recreation Building for 2023 Dated: July 27, 2021

1. I am asking the Litchfield City Council to be leaders in developing a plan for a future Wellness/Recreation Center.

2. As Mayor, I would like the entire Litchfield City Council to be involved in brain storming ideas of needs and wants for this complex. We need to start a proactive process developing a plan to build this project in 2023.

3. At our next two city council meetings (August 16 & September 6, 2021) either in public or workshop session, my hope is to bring ideas that will lead to building a complex that will serve all ages of our community and surrounding areas.

a. The City Council needs to get personal input from our citizens bringing a list of their ideas moving forward.

b. We need to set ground rules, a moderator, and a data processor. c. We need to share these ideas with the school board members by late September of

2021 in two joint meetings TBD. d. Goal is to come up with ideas that will develop into a plan. e. In early December, we (city council & school board members) would start sharing our

ideas and plans with public meetings, TBD. 4. In our brain storming thoughts, we need to follow the guidelines of the 2020 Minnesota Bonding

Bill grant of 5-Million Dollars in Section 21 of the Employment and Economic Development Appropriation which states

a. For a grant to the city of Litchfield to acquire land for and to predesign, design, construct, furnish, and equip a community wellness/recreation center that will include a gymnasium and general fitness spaces, a dedicated walking section, a community room and any locker rooms and mechanical equipment needed for future additions to the facility.

b. This appropriation is not available until the commissioner of employment and economic development has determined that the school district and the city have entered into an agreement that addresses the cities and school district’s relative contributions to the project and the operations and use of the facilities. The city may enter into a lease or management agreement with the school district.

5. Part b of the DEED guidelines will still have to be worked out in the future by the city council and school board concerning the site, building and management of the future Wellness/Recreation facility.

Bonding Committee Fact Sheet

October 2019

FINANCIALDETAILSRevenues = $10MState of Minnesota $5M through Capital Bonding BillLocal Option Sales Tax $5M

**Litchfield is prepared to cover contingencies and**Fundraising to cover wellness and recreational equipment

Expenditures = $10Mthe Floor $ 1.8 Mthe Hall, Pickleball, Lockers $ 5.0 MFitness, upper level $ 2.8 MSite Improvements $ 0.4 M

AquaticsThe Litchfield School is currently holding a referendum which includes $11M for an aquatics facility to be included alongside this project.


2 lanes – 14 laps per mile - second floor

Pickleball / Activity Rooms2,800 sq. ft. / one pickleball court

The Hall3,700 sq. ft. / dividable into numerous spaces

The Floor6,800 sq. ft. multipurpose sport court

Locker Roomstwo full-service locker rooms

Kitchenetteconnect to The Hall

Fitness Areaopen space – aerobics – yoga - equipment

AquaticsSchool District holding referendum

Litchfield Area Wellness/Recreation CenterCity of Litchfield

The City of Litchfield is a micro-hub - offering a wide variety of amenities that the smaller surrounding communities do not have. Our diverse hospital and health care options, shopping and dining choices, and parks and recreation opportunities enable our community to serve as a one-stop shop. Litchfield also serves as a service hub for individuals who prefer the small-town environment over larger regional centers. Rural areas across the State of Minnesota struggle to meet the workforce demands with trained and educated employees. Our workforce is strong. The City of Litchfield and Litchfield Public Schools are ready and willing to provide the services and maintenance required of a Wellness & Recreation Center with the capital investment from the State of Minnesota.

A message from The City of Litchfield, Litchfield Public Schools, Litchfield Industries, Litchfield Area Chamber of Commerce and Meeker Memorial Hospital.


PROGRAMMING/ACTIVITIESSenior Dining: The goal is to provide dining space for seniors that includes space for conversation, planned activities, as well as cards and other table games. We envision this becoming a high-use area with access to a walking track and other wellness activities under the same roof.

Walking Track: A multi-lane walking track will provide indoor space for walkers and warm-up space for other activities.

Pickleball: The City of Litchfield already has an organized pickleball community. A dedicated space will allow for an expansion of this activity in our community without competing for existing gym space.

Open or Reserved Play: The pickleball court would be available for both open and reservable play. These areas would be well suited for young children and families.

Open Gym: The Floor with its 6,800 square feet of space could be used for a wide variety of open activities. The coated concrete floor would facilitate popular activities such as basketball, volleyball, tennis, dodge ball, floor hockey, and wiffleball, among others.

Rental Space: The Hall with its 3,700 square feet of space could be configured for both small and large groups. A small kitchenette increases the potential uses. This area could be reserved along with the Floor to create an even larger space.

Organized Sports: When gym space is overcrowded, the Floor could be reserved on a limited basis to support youth sports and other organized groups.

FAQSWhat is the cost and how will we pay for this facility? The current budget for this facility is $10M. The major sources of fund-ing include the State of MN and a local sales tax.

Will this impact my property taxes? The goal at this stage is to identify funding to build this facility without the use of property taxes. The operational costs may have an impact to taxes. The City of Litchfield will provide tax impact projections ahead of a sales tax referendum.

What will I have to pay to use this facility? At this time the City of Litchfield hasn’t identified an operational budget for this facility. It is likely that certain activities or areas would necessitate a fee.

When will I be able to use this facility? While certain areas may be reserved from time-to-time, at least some portions of the facility will always be open to the public. Hours will be determined as part of the programming process.

Will seniors be welcome in this facility? Absolutely! While this facility is open to everyone, the City of Litch-field envisions the primary users of this facility, during mid-day hours, to be seniors.

Will anyone be able to reserve space? Fees have not been established yet, but many spaces will be reservable. A portion, or the entire Hall, would support meeting space and general gathering. The Floor and Activity Room would accommodate more energetic uses. These spaces may be reserved together.

Has a location been picked? At this stage the City of Litchfield and the Litchfield ISD 465 are work-ing together to find the best possible location. The location will most likely be in the vicinity of the high school and civic arena.





Serving Meeker County and the Surrounding Area

Documentation of Regional Significance

Date: January 29, 2021

To: Tax Committee Chairs

Role as a micro-hub

The City of Litchfield is a micro-hub offering a wide variety of amenities that the smaller surrounding communities do not offer. Our diverse hospital and health care options, shopping and dining choices, and parks and recreation opportunities enable our community to serve as a one-stop shop. Litchfield also serves as a service hub for individuals who prefer the small-town environment over the larger regional centers.

Partnership with School District 465

The City of Litchfield and the Litchfield Public Schools are ready and willing to provide the services and maintenance required of a wellness and recreational facility. The school district intends to support youth athletics and community education through the use of this facility. The City of Litchfield intends to support the residents of the broader Meeker County area through the use of senior amenities as well as the wellness and recreational facilities. Because the operational and maintenance burden will be carried by local levies it is important that we seek other funding sources for the capital cost of this facility.

Economic Development Tool

Rural areas across the State of Minnesota struggle to meet the workforce demands with trained and educated employees. Area employers continue to support the pursuit of this project as just another slice of the pie to aide in attracting and retaining a quality workforce. The Litchfield Area Chamber of Commerce and Visitors Bureau supports this facility for the individuals who will stay, eat, and shop. Additionally, the use of the meeting rooms will help support the businesses not just within our incorporated limits but also within the surrounding area that are unable to support their own large meeting/training spaces.

Sales Tax Importance

While primary role of this facility as a wellness and recreational facility make a partnership with the school district an obvious choice; funding this facility is more appropriate for a sales tax than a school district levy or a city tax levy. Sales tax most closely aligns with the users of this facility which will serve more than just educational means and will stretch beyond the borders of the City of Litchfield.






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