08-State Machines 2.,

Post on 04-Oct-2015






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  • COMP541

    State Machines 2Registers and CountersMontek Singh

    Feb 8, 2007

  • TopicsLab previewState machine specification stylesFunctional: State tables/diagrams/graphsStructural: Boolean equationsBehavioral: VerilogBuilding blocks: registers and counters

  • Lab PreviewDigital lockRecognize sequence of four 4-bit input valuesInput:Use 4 DIP switches on the boardOutput:Indicate yes/no on LED display

    Concepts learned:State machine specificationState machine synthesisGenerating/measuring time intervalsSwitch button debouncing

  • Time intervalsmodule cntr(output out, input clk);

    reg [31:0] count;

    always @ (posedge clk) count

  • Button and DebouncingButton normally highMechanical switches can bounceGo 1 and 0 a number of times

    Well want toDebounce: Any ideas?Synchronize with clock

  • Flip-Flop for pushbuttonmodule button_test( output q, input btn, input clk );

    reg q;

    always @ (posedge clk)beginif(btn == 1)q

  • Simple Module to Begin Withmodule led_on(output s6, input button, input clk);

    wire clkb; //opt

    cntr C1(clkb, clk);button_test B1(s6, ~button, clkb);

    endmodule clk to board clock, P88 button to pushbutton, P93 Why ~button? s6 to one of LED segments

  • Things to Think AboutCan I press button and not light LED?What happens if I hold button down for a long time?What effect will changing period of clkb have?On LEDOn button debouncingWhat does it mean to press the button?Think carefully about this

  • Revisit sequence detector exampleDesign a state machine to detect the pattern 1101In last class: We developed state graph for itToday: Learn how to code this in Verilog

  • Verilog Case StatementSimilar to sequence of if/then/else case (expression) case: statements; other case: statements; default: statements;// optional endcase

    Example in a moment

  • Parameter = defines constantmodule seq_rec_v(CLK, RESET, X, Z);input CLK, RESET, X;output Z;reg [1:0] state, next_state;

    parameter A = 2'b00, B = 2'b01, C = 2 'b10, D = 2'b11;

    Notice that weve assigned codes to the states more later

  • Next State specificationalways @(X or state)begincase (state) A: if (X == 1) next_state
  • On Reset or CLKalways @(posedge CLK or posedge RESET)beginif (RESET == 1)state
  • Outputalways @(X or state)begincase(state)A: Z
  • Pitfall: Beware of Unexpected Latches!You can easily specify latches unexpectedlyHangover from programming in C!

    always will try to synthesize FF:if (select) out

  • Comment on Book CodeCould shortenDont need next_state, for exampleCan just set state on clockNote that the two are a little different in functionDont need three always clausesAlthough its easier to have combinational code to set output be separateTemplate helps synthesizerCheck to see whether your state machines were recognized

  • Registers and Counters: DefinitionsRegister a set of flip-flopsMay include extensive logic to control state transitionMay allow shiftingregister also refers to fast memory for storing data in a computerCounterRegister that goes through sequence of states as it is clocked

  • Simple RegisterStore D On posedge of ClockClear signal normally highPower-up resetSymbol

  • ClockingTypically dont want to load every clockCan gate the clockBut added clock skew is a problem

  • EnableIf load H, then D is gated throughOtherwise, Q is fed backKeep same valueNo clock gating

    Did this because D FF doesnt have a no change behavior

  • CountersCounter is a register has stateAlso goes through sequence of states counts on clock or other pulsesBinary counter Counts through binary sequencen bit counter counts from 0 to 2n

  • Ripple CounterSimpleSo Q will alternate 1 and 0

    Why called ripple counter?

  • Synchronous CountersRipple counter is easyAsynchronous nature may cause problems, thoughDelay!

    Synchronous counter most common

  • Synchronous CounterDoes have sequence of gatesDelay again

  • Parallel DesignNow constant delayCan gang these to make long serial-parallel counter

  • Verilog Counter (simple)module count (CLK, EN, Q);input CLK, EN;output [3:0] Q;

    reg [3:0] Q;

    always@(posedge CLK)beginif (EN) Q

  • Verilog Counter (from book)module count_4_r_v (CLK, RESET, EN, Q, CO);input CLK, RESET, EN;output [3:0] Q;output CO;

    reg [3:0] Q;assign CO = (count == 4'b1111 && EN == 1b1) ? 1 : 0;always@(posedge CLK or posedge RESET)beginif (RESET) Q

  • Arbitrary CountOne more type of counter is usefulCount an arbitrary sequenceMaybe you need a sequence of states

  • Circuit and State Diagram

  • Shift RegistersCapability to shift bitsIn one or both directionsWhy?Part of standard CPU instruction setCheap multiplicationSerial communicationsJust a chain of flip-flops

  • Simple 4-Bit Shift RegisterClocked in commonJust serial in and serial outIs this a FIFO?

  • Parallel LoadCan provide parallel outputs from flip-flopsAnd also parallel inputs

  • SchematicDetailNext

  • Detail

  • Why is this useful?Basis for serial communicationsKeyboardSerial portInitially to connect to terminalsNow mainly for modemUSBFirewire

  • ExampleClocked 4 timesWhy do this? Maybe these are far apartCould shift data in, or parallel loadWhats on wire at each clock?

  • Table Showing Shift

  • Serial vs. Parallel TransferParallel transfer over as many wires as word (for example)Serial transfer over a single wireTrade time for wiresTakes n times longer

  • Bidirectional Shift RegisterShift either wayNow we have following possible inputsParallel loadShift from leftShift from rightAlso no changeSchematic next

  • Schematic

  • Verilog for Shift Registermodule srg_4_r (CLK, SI, Q, SO);input CLK, SI;output [3:0] Q;output SO;

    reg [3:0] Q;assign SO = Q[3];

    always@(posedge CLK)begin Q

  • Next TimeHow to generate a VGA signalMore on state machines

  • Optional Example: One ShotHelp me analyze this one

    What does it do?

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