Documents tagged
Education FROG11: Parental Engagement - The benefit of harnessing an unpaid workforce

Parent Involvement The benefit of harnessing an unpaid workforce Dominic Tester @dtester Costello Technology College Iain Williams Bradley Stoke Community School 3 rd Phase…

Technology X-Media Solutions Masterclass: Richard Stephenson (CEO Yudu Media)

1. March 2014 UPLOAD/
 PUBLISH YUDU Presentation- Market Position 2. Outline of Presentation Introduction toYUDU The market from theYUDU viewpoint Competing…

Education How Printers can provide Digital Editions and Apps to their clients - Gavin Frost

1. How to Provide Digital Web and Tablet Editions to your Print Clients Quickly, Simply and Profitably 2. Overview Why provide Digital Editions to your clients ? Who is YUDU…

Technology Creating a Branded Social Media Platform doesn't have to be hard

1. BRANDED SOCIAL MEDIA PLATFORM: FACEBOOK | TWITTER | LINKEDIN | SLIDESHARE | YUDUFACEBOOKsidebar:X-Large branded Profile Image with a CTA and invitation to interact with…

Self Improvement Spring Training #2: PDF's online

1. Publications/ Brochures/PDFs online Erin MaguireFriday, 27 May 2011 2. Examples of PDFs onlineFriday, 27 May 2011 3., 27 May 2011 4. Friday,…