Documents tagged
Documents GENRE = type or category that most films fit most comfortably in. These formulas were crystallized.....

Slide 1GENRE = type or category that most films fit most comfortably in. These formulas were crystallized in the Classical Hollywood period and still define how most movies…

Education Spiderwick chronicles analysis

1.Molly sandford2. The sound at the start of the sequence is very mystical and the notes seem tointroduce the titles, this sets the tone for the scene telling us that the…

Entertainment & Humor EVALUATION

1. EVALUATIONBy Carol Asabere Boye 2. Q1:In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products? 3. CD COVERSHere is…

Documents How my rock music magazine represents people

1. How my rock musicmagazine represents people. By Josh Davey 2. Fonts-The use of fonts in my magazine help tobuild up conventional representations ofthe artists featured.…


G324 ADVANCED PORTFOLIO IN MEDIA EVALUATION By Carol Asabere Boye 1 Q1: In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media…

Education Techniques i like

1. TECHNIQUES I LIKE Isobel Bayliss 2. LOW ANGLE SHOTS The use of low angle shots in thriller films is very effective. This is because it can be used to show the more dominant…

Documents Eval qu 1 1

1. In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?Through research of artists who appeal to both genres such…

Documents Eval qu 1 1

1. In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?Through research of artists who appeal to both genres such…

Documents Media Film Noir

FILM NOIR Edited by Harrison Douglas- Gratton L.A. Confidential LA Noire L.A. CONFIDENTIAL Vs LA NOIRE Film Noir is well known for its unique visual style, which usually…