Documents tagged
Business Balance of opinion is changing

A summary of recently gathered evidence shows a wide range of support in favour of positive action in response to climate change. The range of sources and the statements…

Business The Stories We Construct

How are stories constructed? // The things we buy, the decisions we make, how we spend our time— stories govern all these actions. But how are these stories constructed?…

Design History of the Button

Presentation given at SXSW on March 12, 2010. Synced with the audio! Even though technology evolved at a crazy pace the last 100 years, the humble button has stayed at the…

Design Design for Cross-Channel Experiences

Slides for the IA Summit 2012 workshop, Design for Cross-Channel Experiences, by Peter Morville and Samantha Starmer.

Design The Future of Information Architecture

Peter Morville's talk about the future(s) of information architecture at the first-ever World IA Day in Ann Arbor.

Design Ubiquitous IA: Cross-Channel Strategy

Peter Morville's closing keynote for IA Konferenz 2012.

Devices & Hardware Technology behind touch user interfaces - Limitations and Opportunities by Here is the presentation that was held by UIQ Technology at the Symbian Smartphone…

Economy & Finance The social network in your pocket

Social Networking on your mobile presentation given at PodCamp Perth 2007