Documents tagged
Spiritual Romans 4b Abraham is spiritual father of believers

1. Abraham,physicalfather of the Jews,is thespiritual father of all men and womenwho place ourfaithinGodthroughJesus Christ . 2. Romans 411And he{Abe}received the sign of…

Spiritual Romans 12b Be Who You Are

1. 781 Salem Road, Rossville, GA 30741 3-9-11 2. Romans 121I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a…

Spiritual 02 February 12, 2012 Philippians, Chapter 3, Verse 9

1. PHILIPPIANS3:9 February 12 , 2012 FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH JACKSON, MISSISSIPPI 2. Announcements! 3. Young Professionalsages 20-39 Next Generation LeaderLunch :11:45 am- 1…

Spiritual Words of Wisdom 2

1. Ecclesiastes March 7 - May 23 Week nine “ words of wisdompart ii” 2. Ecclesiastes 7: 15 - 29 “ words of wisdom part ii” Statistics from “UnChristian” Nearly…

Spiritual Wedding Of The Lamb

1.The “Alleluias” Revelation. Chapter 19 The Four Alleluias The Two feasts: Glory Feast in Heaven Wedding -Feast of the Lamb .Gory Feast on Earth –Great Supper of God.…

Spiritual 2012.8.19 the lord's prayer part 3

1. The Lord’sPrayerForgive Us Our Debts,As We Forgive Our Debtors 2. Hebrews 12:15 See to it that no one failto obtain the grace of God; that no"root of bitterness"…

Spiritual 2012.9.2 the lord's prayer part 5

1. The Lord’sPrayerForgive Us Our Debts,As We Forgive Our Debtors 2. Hebrews 12:15 See to it that no one failto obtain the grace of God; that no"root of bitterness"…

Spiritual Deeper one substitute - jan 16, 2011

1. ‘11Rediscovering the Good Newsthat We Dare Not Forget! 2. The Heidelberg Catechism (1563)129 questions and answers52 Lord’s Day Readings 3. The Good NewsWe AlmostForgot:Rediscoveringthe…

Spiritual Jesus' humiliation & exaltation (193 201)

1. BIG QUESTIONWhy did Jesus humble himself andthen become exaltedagain? 2. KEY QUESTION How did Jesushumble himself? 3. Philippians2:7-8but made himself nothing, taking…

Documents Philemon august 19, 2012

1. CAN YOU SEE GODWORKING IN YOURLIFE? PART 1Sunday, August 19, 2012 2. The Book of Philemon (New King JamesVersion)G re e ting1Paul, a prisoner of Christ Jesus, andTimothy…