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Art & Photos Evaluation Question 7

1. I like my school magazinefront cover .It doesn’tfollow many conventions if Ilook back and look at it butit is colourful and looksextremely different from mymusic magazine…

Documents Evaluation Q7

1. Evaluation Q7How have you improved from the college magazine to themusic magazine? 2. Audience feedbackHow have my technical skills in Photoshop,InDesign, Illustrator,…

Art & Photos As media studies-salimjeylanisaeed1

1. AS Media StudiesCoursework EvaluationBy Salim Jeylani Saeed 2. Introduction to essay• In order to do this project, I had to undertake a lot of research, particularly…

Documents Pulse evaluation completed 27032013

1. My MusicMagazineEvaluationBy Danielle Annenberg 2. Question 1 In what ways does your media product use,develop or challenge the conventions of a real media product? 3.…

Technology Content page analysis

1. Content page analysis 2. The idea of having the front cover on the Font, Colour and content page is good because is reminds the Language reader of what they areThe fonts…

News & Politics My evaluation

1. EvaluationBy Emily Lee 2. 1. In what ways does your media product use, develop orchallenge forms and conventions of real media products?FRONT COVERFollows the rule My…

Entertainment & Humor Question 2 powerpoint

1. Representing particular social groupsthrough my media product.Wireless magazine represents the targetaudience I am aiming my magazine at in theway I see them to be. I…

Documents In what ways does your media product use, develop and challenge forms and conventions of real media....

1. In what ways does your mediaproduct use, develop or challengeforms and conventions of real mediaproducts? 2. USEI followed the convention of the artist beingin front of…

Documents In what ways does your media product use, develop and challenge forms and conventions of real media....

1. In what ways does your media product use, develop or challengeforms and conventions of real mediaproducts? 2. USEI followed the convention of the artist beingin front…

Business Question 1

1. Question 1 In what ways does your mediaproduct use, develop or challengeforms and conventions of realmedia products? By Alix Kelly 2. Contents• Conventions•…