Documents tagged
Education Organizing Ideas

1.Organizing Ideas I’ve got this pile of note cards, so now what do I do?2. Rationale A good paper has a logical sense of flow (coherence). Imagine driving to a place that…

Technology Using general sub procedures

1. Using General Sub Procedures/Routines and functions in Applications 2. • Using General Sub procedures can help divide a complex application into more manageable units…

Documents Promoting Code Reuse Often in programming, multiple procedures will perform the same operation IN...

Slide 1 Promoting Code Reuse Often in programming, multiple procedures will perform the same operation IN OTHER WORDS – the same piece of code will do the same thing somewhere…

Documents Chapter Four

Procedures By the end of this chapter, student will be able to: Declare the (Sub) procedure. Call the (Sub) procedure. Use (Parameters) when declaring a (Sub) procedure.…