Documents tagged
Marketing Does market information, marketing and consumer research have a role in business?

1. Does research and information matter to business?15/ 02/ 2014 2. In my experience - and that of many strategy practitioners… 3. “In the new era, big data will power…

Business Practicus, The Outcome Delivery Partner

1. AGENDA  About Practicus  The Practicus Approach  Service offerings  Specialisms 2. ABOUT PRACTICUS  Established as a Project Management business in March…

Internet Building World-Class Online Communities 2014 Liferay Conference

Title Goes Here Building World Class Online Communities Vanessa DiMauro CEO and Managing Director, Leader Networks @vdimauro Vanessa DiMauro is the founder and CEO of Leader…

Business Strategy Leaders Saudi 2014 Jeroen De flander & Bob Kaplan

Walid A. Fitaihi Chief Executive Officer International Medical Center FIRST TIME In THE KInGDOM: Shared-Value Theory Co-Founded by MICHAEl PORTER and JEROEn DE FlAnDER! WHAT…

Design Sunidee's ABC of innovation e-book

1. BASED ON 10 YEARS OF INNOVATION PRACTICE BY 2. A CB ABCof innovation Your starting point for innovation. Over the past 10 years we’ve gained valuable experience and…

Business Session 3 - Ignitor Bootcamp - 3 July 2015

1. Pre-selling 2. INGITE CANVAS CAN YOU FIND EARLY ADOPTERS? CAN YOU SELL EARLY ADOPTERS? CAN YOU BUILD A PRODUCT THEY LOVE? ? Can you… get lots of customers? 3. Why pre-sell?…