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Social Media ELO 2014 Keynote: Life Poetry Told by Sensors

1.Life poetry told by sensors Opening keynote // ELO2014: Hold the light // Milwaukee, June 18, 2014 Jill Walker Rettberg! Professor of Digital Culture, University of Bergen…

Self Improvement How to Make a Standing Desk for $18

1. Make a Standing Desk for $18 2. Ergonomics 3. Key pointYour keyboard should notbe at the same height as thescreen. 4. Things you’ll needLack side table - $7.99Ekby…

Career Walking As Work: #15ntc

Walking As Work: Donât Call It A Break Beth Kanter, Master Trainer, Author, Speaker Ritu Sharma, Co-Founder & Executive Director, Social Media for Nonprofits NTC2015…

Marketing Content Marketing For Beginners

Content Marketing For Beginners Joshua Steimle [email protected] @donloper Content Marketing For Beginners Intro CEO of MWI, Founded in 1999 Writer at Forbes and as seen in and…

Leadership & Management Tips on How to be More Productive at Work

PowerPoint Presentation Tips on How to be More Productive at Work When firms go to a finance industry recruiter to find a financial advisor for their firm, there are two…

Technology What Can't We Measure in a Quantified World? (TEDxBergen 2014)

What can’t we measure in a quantified world? Jill Walker Rettberg
 Professor of Digital Culture, University of Bergen TEDxBergen, October 4, 2014 Social media marketing…

Business Start Using Standing Desk & Get Relief From Back Pain

1. Are You FacingSitting Disorders ?Start Using Stand Up Desk …!! 2. Are You Working Long Time ..? Are you working in front ofyour Computer for Prolonged time? Do you have…

Recruiting & HR 25 Job Perks for Remote Employees

1. Job Perks for Remote Employees 2. Companies are thinking of various perks to reward and engage their remote workers while professionals have their own requests. Here are…

Business Standing desk

1. Standing Desk at No More Pain Ergonomics 2. Thank You State: Queensland Zip: 4005 Country: Australia Phone Number: (07) 3103 3746…

Health & Medicine Fatigue Infographic

1. Are You at Risk? The Dangers ofConstant Fatigue• 21 hours awake is equivalent to a blood alcohol content of 0.08 (legal limit in Canada and the US) .......................................................................................................................Less…