Documents tagged
Technology Elastic Search: Beyond Ordinary Fulltext Search (Webexpo 2011 Prague)

1.ElasticSearchBeyond Ordinary Fulltext SearchKarel Minařík2. http://karmi.czElasticSearch 3. AUDIENCE POLLDoes your application have a search feature? ElasticSearch 4.…

Technology Your Data, Your Search, ElasticSearch (EURUKO 2011)

1.Your Data,Your SearchKarel Minařík2. http://karmi.czElasticSearch 3. Your Data,Your SearchKarel Minařík and Florian Hanke 4. Search is the primary interfacefor getting…

Education Animal Farm Chapter 1-Political Systems-Allegorical Connections

1. ANIMAL FARM Chapter 1 2. Karl Marx and Communism WHO IS KARL MARX?  A German intellectual/philosopher  Many of the ideals behind the Soviet revolution were based…

Entertainment & Humor Smash hits music magazine.

1. By Anisa Ayoob. 2. FRONT PAGE. The background relates back to the colour of the masthead which appears at the top of the magazine. Mid shot of celebrity (Michael Jackson)…

Education Gangsta chapter 7 lsh 340

1. On Gangster Rap Chapter 7 by Maxime Lanman 2. Hip-Hop as a Cultural Artifact ● Hip-hop as a cultural text encompasses a variety of different texts: ○…

Documents Romantic Era 1825-1900 1828-1900 A.D. “Romantic” – subjectivity, the expression of personal...

Slide 1 Romantic Era 1825-1900 1828-1900 A.D. “Romantic” – subjectivity, the expression of personal feelings, sentimentality, the occupation with nature, the interest…

Documents The Bridge Dancers Open Court - Unit 3- Mystery to Medicine - Lesson 3 Vocabulary gorge enchained ...

Slide 1 The Bridge Dancers Open Court - Unit 3- Mystery to Medicine - Lesson 3 Vocabulary  gorge  enchained  pitches  herb medicines  poultice  lulling…

Documents GATHERING Welcome & Announcements Hymn: VU 527 “God! As with Silent Hearts” Opening Prayer...

Slide 1 GATHERING Welcome & Announcements Hymn: VU 527 “God! As with Silent Hearts” Opening Prayer SCRIPTURE & STORY - with stories of peacebuilding Sung Response:…

Documents Unit 4 A garden of poems -Integrating Skills- Greatly loved is Shilling Who stands here smiling Hey,...

Unit 4 A garden of poems -Integrating Skills- Greatly loved is Shilling Who stands here smiling Hey, feeling students are good To see if she has a nice mood Depend on her…

Documents ESL in Song Volume IIIs level 2

CANTOS PARA TODOS VOLUME IIIs Student Manual Level 2 PAGE 1 Completely revised 3rd Edition, July 1994 ©1994 Cantos Para Todos P.O. Box 657, Silver City, NM 88062 All Rights…