Documents tagged
Software Scaling SolrCloud to a Large Number of Collections: Presented by Shalin Shekhar Mangar, Lucidworks

1. Scaling SolrCloud to a LargeNumber of CollectionsShalin Shekhar MangarLucidworks Inc. 2. Apache Solr has tremendous momentumSolr is both established & growing8M+ totaldownloads250,000+monthly…

Software Scaling SolrCloud to a large number of Collections

Scaling SolrCloud to a Large Number of Collections Anshum Gupta Lucidworks Anshum Gupta, Apache Lucene/Solr PMC member and committer, Lucidworks Employee. Interested in search…

Software What's new in Solr 5.0

Whatâs new in Apache Solr 5.0 Who am I? ⢠Anshum Gupta, Apache Lucene/Solr committer, Lucidworks Employee. ⢠Search and related stuff for 9+ years. ⢠Apache Lucene…