Documents tagged
Technology Enhancing Collaborative Tagging Systems Through Synonym Control

1. 4004acm ajax collaborative enhancing animatedgifapacheapplescriptart articles awareness Backup benchmark bibliography bibtex blogbooks browser bugtracking bwl cassette…

Documents Query Modelling Problem Ruth Kidd, Ian Townend and Meena Pillai NHS Connecting for Health.

Slide 1Query Modelling Problem Ruth Kidd, Ian Townend and Meena Pillai NHS Connecting for Health Slide 2 Business Requirements Background Two users involved: General Practitioner…

Documents News Reporting and Writing Sources Gerry Doyle. You must attribute all information in your report...

Slide 1News Reporting and Writing Sources Gerry Doyle Slide 2 You must attribute all information in your report unless: it is an established fact: China has the world’s…

Education EBSCOHost Advanced Features Workshop

1.EBSCOHost Databases Advanced Features Make the Most of Your Bells & Whistles!2. Today… Searching (Beyond simple keywords) Where to search Search tips Subject guide…

Education Social recommender system

1.Tag Based Social Recommender System(RS) Project Mentor Ms Pragya Dwivedi By Aditi Gupta Anirudh kanjani Abhinav Vasu Rawat Kapil kumar Ashutosh Singh2. Agenda   …

Technology Datamining

1.This PPT is Dedicated to my inner controllerAMMA BHAGAVAN –ONENESS Founders. Developed by, S.V.G.REDDY, Associate professor,Dept.of CSE, GIT, GITAM UNIVERSITY. 2. Huge…

Technology Quick Start Guide Social Listening Keywords MutualMind

1.Keyword Setup Guide for Effective Social Listening 2. Contents  About MutualMind  Monitoring Coverage  Keyword Setup Guide a. Listening Pyramid b. Keywords Research…

Technology +magnetmobile

1.Experts in Mobile Marketing2. About us.We are MagnetMobile Media Inc. Magnet creates compelling content & experiences for mobile devices. We are innovators-mobile marketing…

Documents Power point 101 1

1. PowerPoint 101Tips for a successful PowerPoint presentationChristine Moore, [email protected] 2. Compose Slides• Do not copy/paste• Simple design – no distractors•…

Business Better presentation slide show

1. Different types of training and knowing your audience. very little • 1 on 1 training – Simple and required • Small group training – Simple tailored to several…