Business Sales Prospecting 101 - Module 7: Ideal Sales Process

1.How to Effectively Manage Your Sales Process Sales Training Michael Halper 2. What is a Sales Process • A set of steps and stages to take prospect through that will lead…

Business Sales Prospecting 101 - Module 5: Objections

1.Dealing with Objections Sales Training Michael Halper 2. What are Objections • A prospect’s best weapon – Mini stop signs – Used to take control of the call and…

Business Sales Prospecting 101 - Module 2: Pain

1.How to Use Prospect Pain to Generate Leads Sales Training Michael Halper 2. What is Pain • Something not working well – Causing a negative impact • Something could…

Business Sales Prospecting 101 - Module 1: Value

1.How to Build Your Value Proposition Michael Halper Founder and CEO SalesScripter, LLC 2. Traditional Messaging 3. Traditional Messaging 4. Traditional Messaging 5. Traditional…