Education SU12 Business Office_Successful Start 5 15-12-de

1. We provide quality student services, which meet the educational, personal, career, or social needs of our students.Hours of Service: Monday – Thursday: 8:00 a.m. -7:00…

Documents Université de Nantes General presentation – IMPI project - 25.05.2011.

Slide 1 Université de Nantes General presentation – IMPI project - 25.05.2011 Slide 2 Location our values our strengths internationa- lisation Nantes – Key facts …

Documents Greenwich College Australia - Go Study Work and Travel

EXXPPLOOORRE.. EXXXPERRIEENNCEE. EXPAANDD. 18 English for Special Purposes 12 International Test Preparation 08 English Language Courses 02. AAbooutt GGreeenwwwichh Enngglissh…