Documents tagged
Documents Databases. The contents of databases often form the basis on which business decisions are made A...

Slide 1Databases Slide 2 The contents of databases often form the basis on which business decisions are made A considerable proportion of worldwide computer resources and…

Education Lego mindstorms intro

1.What is a Robot? 2. RobotsRobots • A machine that is able to interact with and respond to its environment in an autonomous fashion. • A robot is characterized by three…

Technology XML usage in my work, 2015

XML in work Joni Kettunen Digia 2 meaning ● One of the skill developer needs to know. Others could be HTML, SQL, programming languages ● Is used widely across the field…

Technology Tales from the Workshops

1. Copyright © 2015 Russel Winder 1 Tales from the Workshops Dr Russel Winder email: [email protected] twitter: @russel_winder Web: 2. Copyright…

Documents Report

Introduction to Visual Basic Starting visual basic: - The first thing we need to do is open a visual basic program. From the windows start menu, choose programs, Microsoft…

Documents StarLogoTNG Treasure Hunt Game Unit Lesson 1: Basic Movement.

Slide 1 StarLogoTNG Treasure Hunt Game Unit Lesson 1: Basic Movement Slide 2 Today’s Agenda Starlogo TNG basics Mini-lesson on programming movement First programming challenge…

Documents Charlyn A. Malimata. At the end of this lesson, you should be able to: 1. Define program and...

Slide 1 Charlyn A. Malimata Slide 2 Slide 3 At the end of this lesson, you should be able to: 1. Define program and programming 2. Give the meaning of algorithm, pseudocode…

Documents Unidad 5

Flow of Control, Part 1: Selection Introduction 5.1 Forming Conditions 5.1.1 Equality Operators 5.1.2 Relational Operators 5.1.3 Logical Operators 5.2 Simple Selection with…

Documents EMOOSE 2002-2003 Object-Oriented Software Evolution Dr. Tom Mens [email protected] Programming...

Slide 1 EMOOSE 2002-2003 Object-Oriented Software Evolution Dr. Tom Mens [email protected] Programming Technology Lab Vrije Universiteit Brussel Pleinlaan…

Documents Using GaCounts Data to Assist in the Development of Faculty Activity Reports for County Agents...

Using GaCounts Data to Assist in the Development of Faculty Activity Reports for County Agents Updated October 3, 2014 Marcie Simpson, Program and Staff Development Specialist…