Documents tagged
Documents Mixing Plone and Django for explosive results

How to integrate Plone, Satchmo and Pinax to obtain a single integrated system that

Technology O Estado do Plone

O Estado do Plone Érico Andrei Interlegis - Brasília 13 de janeiro de 2012terça-feira, 17 de janeiro de 12 Apresentações, Avisos e Anúnciosterça-feira, 17 de janeiro…

Technology Plone for CMS review group at UW Oshkosh

Plone at UW Oshkosh Friday, November 15, 13 1 10 Years of Plone at UWO 2003: Plone 1.0.5 - WIDA grant project 2006: Plone 2.1 - OSA election site 2007: Plone 3.0 - COB, COEHS…

Technology Plone Web Services Panel Discussion

Plone Web Services: Panel Discussion Plone Symposium East 2010 Friday, May 28, 2010 A Brief Introduction Sally Kleinfeldt, Jazkarta Friday, May 28, 2010 Why? Friday, May…

Sports Old Dogs and New Tricks

Old Dogs & New Tricks By[ a highly opinionated talk about the future of Plone from a Framework Team member, developer, projectmanager, consultant, loud mouth, and general…

Technology Where is my content?

Geo-referencing content types in Plone withcollective.geo Where is my content? Who am I?Im senior developer and project manager with Abstract since 2011I have been working…

Technology Why the New Zealand Government and others choose Plone

A presentation for World Plone Day 2008 in Auckland, New Zealand that discusses some of the reasons that Plone should be considered for CMS deployments, and a small case-study…

Technology Darci Hanning Top Ten Ways To Get Involved With The Plone Community

This session will present ten ways (or more!) to become involved in the Plone community, from sponsoring or organizing a sprint to testing and submitting bugs to hanging…

Technology Stories from the front lines

1. Stories from the Front 5 Years of Plone in Production Stephen Bollinger Web Services Librarian, F.D. Bluford Library North Carolina A&T State University 2. About Me…

Documents Manejadores de contenidos cms

1. Manejadores de contenidos CMSBalcázar López SalvadorFlores Hernández EdsonGarcía Cortés Gloria DayanaPáez Valera Jimena IlianaPiedras Rubio GabrielRomero Durán…