Documents ch05

Slide 5.1 CHAPTER 5 E-BUSINESS STRATEGY Dave Chaffey, E-Business and E-Commerce Management, 3rd Edition © Marketing Insights Ltd 2007 Slide 5.2 Learning outcomes Follow…

Documents pp05

Slide 5.1 Chapter 5 E-business strategy Dave Chaffey, E-Business and E-Commerce Management, 4th Edition, © Marketing Insights Limited 2009 Slide 5.2 Learning outcomes •…

Marketing Scalable Ecommerce Strategies 2014 - #IDF London 21.10.2013

1. Scalable Ecommerce Strategies 2014 21st November 2013Dr Dave Chaffey SmartInsights.com1 2. About Dave Chaffey About Dave Chaffey • A professional trainer in Emarketing…

Technology 3

1. Summary  Objectives  Strategy  DigitalMarketing Proposition  Mobile Marketing  Social Media & Brand Reputation  Actions  Control…

Technology Video viral

1. Video ViralsDate: July 2012 2. Companies that don’t understand digital communities will die….Source:hagel 3. Your customers have changed Source:the economist 4. Native…

Technology Video viral

1. Video ViralsDate: April 2012 2. Companies that don’t understand digital communities will die….Source:hagel 3. Your customers have changed Source:the economist 4. Native…

Technology Q&B Presentation

1. What happened to TOP OF THE POPS?Date: April 2012 2. According to the 2011 Social TV Trends Report,43% of UK adults have discussed a TV show. 3. Top of the Pops – delivery…

Documents Rethinking Online Marketing: Using Inbound Marketing to Grow Your Fundraising

NO BOUNDARIES Rethinking Online Marketing Presented by: Jono Smith October 24, 2010 #Convio10 3 © 2010 Event 360 & Convio, Inc. Session Objective & Outcome • SESSION…

Internet State of Online Marketing 2015

Digital marketing training for Arco DIGITAL MARKETING in 2015 WHERE TO FOCUS? Dr Dave Chaffey. Presented at DMX DUBLIN Download:…

Business Integrated marketing 2014

Digital marketing training for Arco Digital marketing Trends 2014 Dave Chaffey Editor Integrating digital marketing will be a key challenge for many organisations…