Documents tagged
Education Space mouse

1. Space MouseTECHALONE WWW.TECHALONE.COM[ Computer Engineering Seminar Topic ] | 2. Space Mouse WWW.TECHALONE.COM1.INTRODUCTIONEvery day of your computing…

Technology Cs chapter 3

1.BIT Semester 1 Computer Systems Chapter 3 Input and Output Devices2. Input Devices The devices that are use to input ‘Data’ to the computer. Most Common input devices…

Technology Tcl/Tk: An introduction D. Kim, K. Kundu, and M. Siegel

1. Tcl/Tk: An introduction D. Kim, K. Kundu, and M. Siegel November 26, 2002 CMSC 631 2. Tcl ( Tool Control Language ) history Developed in late 1980s by John Ousterhout…

Devices & Hardware Driver Programming Report

1. Programming Linux Device DriversSarthak Veggalam {[email protected]}Shivek Khurana {[email protected]}Report submitted for the partial fulfillment of the…

Education Nathan Beveridge - Bananas about STEMx - Applications of fruit and high technology in 21st century.....

PowerPoint Presentation License notice At this time this work is available to you as a friend of V2 Training under a variation of the following licence: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------…

Education Graphics devices

1. Ref: Donald Hearn & M. Pauline Baker , Computer Graphics (Chapter – 2) Foley, van Dam, Feiner & Hughes, Computer Graphics Principles & Practice Graphics-UPES…

Education iSenseStress: Assessing Stress Through Human-Smartphone Interaction Analysis

1. iSenseStress: Assessing Stress Through Human-Smartphone Interaction Analysis Matteo Ciman1, Katarzyna Wac2 and Ombretta Gaggi1 1 University of Padua Padua, Italy 2 University…

Documents Graphics devices

1. Ref: Donald Hearn & M. Pauline Baker , Computer Graphics (Chapter – 2) Foley, van Dam, Feiner & Hughes, Computer Graphics Principles & Practice Graphics-UPES…

Documents Coot Tutorial

Coot Tutorial CCP4 School APS 2010 May 20, 2010 Contents 1 Mousing 2 2 Introductory Tutorial 2 2.1 Get the files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .…

Documents Typical Program Structure: Initialize Window (GLUT) Initialize Event Handlers and Menus Set some...

Slide 1 Typical Program Structure: Initialize Window (GLUT) Initialize Event Handlers and Menus Set some initial GL states/values Pass control over to OpenGL Slide 2 Initialize…