Documents tagged
Entertainment & Humor Research

1. After receiving feedback from my peers I found that a majority of the peopleagreed to my set target audience of teenagers and young adults aged 15-24 as this age range…

Documents POMP Forum 2011: Wayne Holder

1.DIGITAL MAGAZINESDESIGN for SuccESS2. ‘coNSuMErS ArELookING for oNLINEMEDIA proDucTSThAT MorE cLoSELyrESEMbLE TVAND MAGAZINES’Nick Denton, Founder of Gawker Media and…

Marketing How does your media product represent particular social groups?

1. HOW DOES YOUR MEDIA PRODUCT REPRESENT PARTICULAR SOCIAL GROUPS 2. SOCIAL CLASS AND ETHNICITY My magazine was not meant for any particular social class or ethnicity, however…

Education Task 4

1. FACTUAL PAGE LAYOUT Task 4 2. LAYOUT 1 This is the first page that I created using the program InDesign, I was told to produce a page with three columns, once I had adjusted…

Education Task 4

1. FACTUAL PAGE LAYOUT Task 4 2. This is the first page that I created using the program InDesign, I was told to produce a page with three columns, once I had adjusted the…

Entertainment & Humor What have you learnt about the technologies from the process of constructing the product

What have you learnt about the technologies from the process of constructing the product? What have you learnt about the technologies from the process of constructing the…

Documents Preliminary task

1. Preliminary Task My School Magazine 2. Front Cover On my front cover, I used a red font for the title, “King’s Sport”. I decided to make it a sports magazine, to…

Entertainment & Humor Learning Outcome Two (Part Two)

1.After receiving feedback from my peers I found that a majority of the peopleagreed to my set target audience of teenagers and young adults aged 15-24 as this age range…