Business Consumer (re)connect: online marketing communications for Instima

1. Consumer (re)connect. Why brands should commit acts, not ads and design conversation- worthy engagement. (and some other things that don‟t sound like I took it from…

Documents "Personal branding: use your unused potential. Why networking isn’t about networking." for DHL

1. Personal branding: use your unused potential. Why networking isn’t about networking.© InSites Consulting Polle de Maagt (Insites Consulting) for DHL Young Conversation…

Economy & Finance "Use your unused potential. How most (insurance) companies do great stuff, but forget to reap the...

1. Use your unused potential. How most (insurance) companies do great stuff, but forget to reap the rewards.I heard photos of cute kids work, so here’s a photo of a cute…

Business “How social technologies are changing business” for Accenture

1. “How social technologies are changing business” Haha. What a joke for a title. Let’s just say: back to basics, how to build upon the things you’re already doing.©…