Business Loyalty in Social Media

1.How social media is the logical next step in loyalty. Or: How loyalty is about acts, not ads. Or: A plea for commons sense. Or: How social media isn’t about social media.©…

Business "What do you want your consumers to tell about you?" for Vrijetijdshuis Brabant

1. The most important question: What do you want your consumers to tell about you? Using technology to create stuff worth sharing.© InSites Consulting Polle de Maagt for…

Documents "Personal branding: use your unused potential. Why networking isn’t about networking." for DHL

1. Personal branding: use your unused potential. Why networking isn’t about networking.© InSites Consulting Polle de Maagt (Insites Consulting) for DHL Young Conversation…

Economy & Finance "Use your unused potential. How most (insurance) companies do great stuff, but forget to reap the...

1. Use your unused potential. How most (insurance) companies do great stuff, but forget to reap the rewards.I heard photos of cute kids work, so here’s a photo of a cute…

Business “How social technologies are changing business” for Accenture

1. “How social technologies are changing business” Haha. What a joke for a title. Let’s just say: back to basics, how to build upon the things you’re already doing.©…

Business "You’re paying the fee for being unremarkable" for Social Media Congres 2011

1. You’re paying the fee for being unremarkable. How to use conversations to drive business, new ideas and happiness.© InSites Consulting Polle de Maagt (@polledemaagt)…

Business "Casino Marketing in times of social media: from ads to acts" for Casinos Austria International...

1. Casino Marketing in times of social media. From ads to acts.© InSites Consulting Polle de Maagt for Casinos Austria International Marketing Manager ConferenceConversation…

Business "Commit acts, not ads" for InSites Consulting

1. Commit acts, not ads. How R&D, customer service and conversation-worthy products are the key success factors for the companies of the future.© InSites Consulting…

Business "Service management for conversations" for Fieldservice

1. The art of conversation management. Service management for conversations.© InSites Consulting Polle de Maagt (@polledemaagt) for Heliview Conference Service Management…

Business "What do you want your consumers to tell about you?" for Stad Antwerpen

1. What it’s all about: What do you want your consumers to tell about you? How your company benefits from creating stuff worth sharing.© InSites Consulting Polle de Maagt…