Documents tagged
Design User experience. What is it anyway?

User Experience (UX) can be confusing, unless you are a practitioner. This introductory presentation defines user experience, shows you how to do it, how to evaluate web…

Design Information Architecture & Content Strategy

In internal presentation on Information Architecture and Content Strategy. Given at Deloitte Digital's Seattle Übermind Studio, November 11th, 2012.

Self Improvement MCN 2011 Beyond Likes and Hits

Pairing technology and evaluation is crucial to ensuring that we infuse the visitor voice into our work. While a lot of attention is being paid to existing analytics and…

Business Diseño web y_usabilidad_ arquitectura_ de_ la_ información_interlat_darcy_vergara

1. AI 2. informació ntipografíacolores hosting fotografíasdiseño maquetas programación clientes 3. 2 maneras 4. sitos completos en flash 5. no se fijan en lanecesidad…

Business Diseño web y_usabilidad_ arquitectura_ de_ la_ información_interlat_darcy_vergara

1. AI 2. informació n tipografíacolores hosting fotografíasdiseño maquetas programació n clientes 3. 2 maneras 4. sitos completos en flash 5. no se fijan en la necesidad…

Business Drupal 201: The Poster Child for Web 2.0 Community-Driven Website

1. DrupalThe poster child for web 2.0 community driven websites The CMProsSummit 26 November 2007 Copyright 2007 TL Consulting, LLC.All Rights Reserved. By:Travis Wissink…

Technology SPSBMORE14 - Taming Your Taxonomy in SharePoint

1. SharePoint Saturday Baltimore 2014 #SPSBMORE Taming Your Taxonomy in SharePoint Jonathan Ralton 2. TAMING YOUR TAXONOMY IN SHAREPOINT Jonathan…

Design Introducción al Modelo Entidad Relación

1. Modelo Entidad-Relación. Conceptos básicos. Mtro. Omar Sosa Tzec.Lic. en Diseño de Interacción. Universidad Iberoamericana Campus Puebla.…

Technology SPSRI13 - Taming Your Taxonomy in SharePoint

1. Jonathan Ralton BlueMetal ArchitectsTAMING YOUR TAXONOMY IN SHAREPOINT 2. OUTLINESetting the Stage  Orientation  InThe Nitty-Gritty  InTheory… Practice…ExerciseWrapping-Up…

Design UXSG 2014 Conference - Sponsorship Pack

1. An event for everyone to connect, share and learn from each other across different disciplines and culture, who are interested and passionate about designing great experiences…